#thank goodness he's repairing the damage done by trump
goldstonegolem64 · 4 years
On the planet of Olkarion Rebels,Queen slayers Mercarnies and Olkair alike were celebrating the Huge Victory they just had against the empire .But above the planet the Castle of lions , Along with several other rebel ships were being repaired by Vanguards cloud of nanobots. An as this was happening inside of the Castle of lions .Lance,Keith, Hunk, Pidge,Jay and Matt  Were all sitting around The healing pods that housed Thace and Shiro now both armless seeing as Shiro was rejected do to his metal arm being severally damaged in the fight  
“ Hey Jay can you put some music on sitting here in silence is really depressing “Matt asked 
“ Alright  “ Jay replied as he tapped on his wrist computer and let his music start play 
“ Thank you “Matt said 
“ Your welcome “ Jay said before the room return to the semi silence it was before just with music playing in the background They all sat there for a few minutes until Allura,Coran, Ezra,Shay and Kolivan walked in
“ So how's everyone doing  ?” Coran asked But no one answered” Oh that bad uh” Coran rubbed the back of  his head as Ezra and Shay walked to their respective Boyfriends 
“ Well after everything they have gone through it makes sense that they would be tried and well worried “Allura looked towards  The healing Thace and Shiro
“ So Allura what is are next move?” Keith asked
“ Well I wanted to talk to you about that. After learning Zarkon’s plan to capture your families and use them as a bargaining chip against us. I believe we should go back to your homeworld and make sure your families are alright and to well recruit Earth to the coalition along with recruiting Mars if that’s ok with you jay ”  Allura looked over to jay to see his reaction 
“ Yeah it’s fine we would  have to go there eventually” Jay said as he leaned his head on Ezra’s shoulder 
“ An the rest of you ?” Allura turned her head towards the other 
“ Yeah going home sounds nice” Lance said
“ Same here it would be nice to show Shay around my hometown   “ Hunk said  
“ I would like that” Shay add
“ I wouldn’t mind going home after a year of fighting see mom again would be a breath of fresh air.Right Katie “ Matt said as he elbow bumped his sister 
“ Yeah it would be nice to see mom again. I just hope see doesn’t loss it when she sees what happened to my leg “ Pidge said as she tapped on her right foot   
‘ Yeah that’s going to be a pain explain also she might want you to stop being a Paladin after seeing your foot” Matt replied 
“ Keith what’s your opinion on this ?” Lance asked 
“ I mean where am i going to go. I live on this ship and my brother brother in law and Nephew also live here.So where they go i go” Keith said Bluntly 
“ Alright it looks like were all in agreement So when are we heading out?” Jay asked 
“Once Adam and your kids are back on board and the repair are done will be heading out to your home system“  Allura said
“ Alright with that out of the way is there anything else we need to take about?” Lance asked 
“ Well i think K-7 could be useful he was made to be pilot so having more mech pilots on are sie would be nice.Once we start make are own V-types. As for the twins “
“ They did help us fight Zarkon” Pidge add  
“ But they almost kill us the first time we meet them” Hunk said he felt Shay’s grip around his arm tighten a bit 
“ Yeh i don’t trust them to much after that “ Shay added 
“ But they also worried us about zarkon plan to kidnap  are families “Pidge countered 
“ But they helped kill entire rebel outpost” Matt add 
“ Ok but they helped us and can pilot Robeasts and i firmly believe that they can help us in the long run and i mean if the do betray us we can just end them without a second thought “ Jay said 
“ Not to interrupt your discussion” Everyone turned to look at the speaker who was Kolivan “ but i believe the Twins should go with us seeing as they are children of are former members “ Kolivan said     
“ Well Before we make a concrete decision  let have Adam be here and see what the twins want to do.” Jay said 
“ no i think they Should go with the Blade it would get them out are hands, An they could still help us in th long run”Keith said   
“ Yeah that sounds fine but still lets wait for adam to get he so we have a full team decides “ jay replied 
“ Well you are third in command so will wait “ Lance said 
“ Well Allura’s here and her word trumps mine” Jay turned his head to look at the princess  “ So boss what do you want to do with them ?” He asked
“Lets wait til Adam is here and when Shiro wakes up “ Allura said she then turn to look towards Kolivan “ Will you being willing to wait an few more hours ?”
“ It will be fine i am not need back for a few more day.But if you don’t mind we would like to send Thace back to base with Axtok?”
“ That is fine “Allura replied 
“ Thank you “ 
[ Princess The prometheus is approaching and will be docking soon.  ] 
“ Well i looks like will get are answer soon “ Matt add 
“ So whose going to be the one to tell Adam what happened to Shiro ‘ Hunk said 
“ I will i’m a doctor intraining and i was the one who had promised to Shiro home alive” Jay got to his feet helped Erza up to their feet  ”  lets get this over with  “ Jay said as he walked out of the room followed by Ezra 
in his peranol chamber of his Capital Ship Lotor looked at The badly damaged Command center with thousands of plasma impact burneds ,Bullet holes, and a long gash that lay their like an open wound on the side of the command center. “ I wish i could have seen it. Most have been a beautiful fight “ Lotor said to himself as he starred at the carnage caused by the Rebel army. As he looked the door to his chamber.Lotor turn to see a Women with lite blue skin dark purple and blue hair. Blue eyes with yellow sclera  She also had four small horn sticking out of the side of her head and they wore the armor of his generals
“ Lord lotor we have collected the fragments of those cubes “ The woman said 
“ Good have are top researchers on in i want to know what they're made of and where they came from “ 
“ Yes my lord” 
“ Then once your done with that bring me the man named skyver followed by Contacting are spies in the rebellion and tell them to watch this Jay person closely i want any and all information on them. He is are only lead to this second Altean Colony and we must find it before my mother does .  I will not let her kill of what is left of my people. “ Lotor ordered 
“ Yes my lord” 
“ one last have we found where bandor disappeared to ?” Lotor asked 
“ Yes we have  “
“ Where “
“ Back i the first colony we was found by guard barely alive. He is currently being treated there and is said to make a full recovery in the come months. We also did a head count after the crash and found that we are now missing one other person”
“ Who is it ?” Lotor asked 
“ Bandors older sister Romelle Silva ‘ 
“ Do we any idea on her current whereabouts ?” 
“ No she has disappeared near the Void’s opening she may be dead My lord “
Lotor clenched his fists hearing that “ And what of CenterPoint labs 
Axca voice when from her normal stern and militaristic tone to more somber one “ completely destroyed and only a few members of the team survived”
“And what about the few survivors “   
“ Off world and in recovery “
“ Alright We'll hold off  on the gate project for another few year and keep me posted on the recovery. You are dismissed “Lotor order 
“ Yes my lotor “ Axca said as she left Lotors Chamber    
Lotor stood there in silence for a few minutes 
“ It was not your fault My friend sciences as it’s rises   “ Ragna said as he walked out from a shadowy corner of the room 
“ Still It was my orders that sealed  the fates of all those people “ Lotor said looking at the smokey wolf      
“ True but you now know what not to do next time “
“ Not to follow my parents notes and stop trying to tear a hole into the fabric of reality “
“Correct Now what is the next step seeing as your father failed to capture  Voltron or the Valkyrie  “
“ I still believe conniving  Voltron  to join us is are best options and to make peace with the rebellion.But i don’t think mother or most of the Generals that were under my fathers rule wouldn’t  be happy about it “
“ Then fight for it and make them listen to you”  Ragna said 
“That is the easy part the hard part is going to be talking to the Paladin in the first place”
“ The worst thing they can do is kill you and fully shatter the empire and bring peace to the universe “ Ragna said 
“  They won’t kill me hopefully when they make this new universal government.Now how is my mother doing “
“ She is in grieving still “ 
“ And of the force that influencing her.”
“ It’s still there stronger now then it was before ” 
“ Alright then it’s going to be but we most keep pushing forwards if we are to stop what is coming “  Lotor said as he walked over to a desk in his room and tapped a button on it to reveal a screen that show a crack in the fabric of reality that was slowly getting bigger and had several different energies leaking out of it
Back in the castle of lions   
Jay and Ezra walked down the hall way towards the hanger beau had told them to go to meet Adam and Jay’s kids
“So you guys going to stay with the fleet or got back to hunting down Queens?” Jay asked 
“ once the repair are done will follow you guys for a few day see what worlds your going to recruit some people then go back to bugs” Ezra replied as They  held onto Jay’s arm 
“ Good to know ‘Jay replied
“ So have you figured out what your going to tell ADam when you see him ?” ill Ezra asked 
“ I’l just tell  him the truth we won and Shiro’s in the healing pods and is missing his arm. “ Jay replied as the two entire into the Hanger. As they entered the Hanger they saw several rebel Ships parked along with Seeing the Valkyrie sitting there surrounded by dozens of rebel pilots engineers and ground troops They also saw the Prometheus parked with next to the dragon mech  
“ Looks like Val has a little fan club “Ezra said 
“ Yeah it looks like it and it looks like Adam’s already he let get this over with then ” Jay replied as the two walked towards the crowd surrounding.
As they got closer to it A female voice Yelled out to them“ Hey Silver lining do you have a moment “Jay stopped in place with Ezra stopping alongside him 
  Jay didn’t know if the person was referring to him or someone else but he turned his head towards the voice and saw a Coeihns woman with short Green hair, Blue eyes  wearing a muscl-t and a open  fleet suit with the upper half tied around her waist .she was walking towards them and the only reason he know the women’s race the moment he saw here was because she looked very similar  to bastion which made him fell a little uneasy.
“ You talking to me “ Jay said while pointing to himself as his helmet automatically pitch shifted his voice to sound like sound wave 
“ Oh my god really” erza asked as they fought back laughter at the stupid voice 
“ What i am i suppose to do it just happens “ Jay said as he pulled of his helmet and started to messing with the in working off 
“ Well that answer my first question “ The Coeilhn woman said as a carma bot float in front of Jay’s face and was about to take his picture 
But if on reflex most of Jay’s facial features disappeared leaving just as the flash when off  
‘ OK that one’s new” Ezra said starring at a now faceless jay 
The Jay mouth reappeared” Next time ask someone  if you want to take their  picture” Jay pushed the carma bot away from his face as he put his helmet back   “ Now who are you and why are you bothering me “ He said he voice dripping with annoyance and anger following that his face marking glowing brightly    
The Coeilhn women stepped back a little scared by the sudden tone shift “ I’m Rey Wellmore I’m photographer working with the Rebels. An i was hoping that i could get a few pictures you and the valkyrie along with Asking you a few question “ REy replied 
Jay’s anger faded away ‘ Next time ask a head of time because  right now i have some where to be and someone to me wi” JAy was cut off as something slammed into his back nearly knocking him to the floor. Jay’s head did a 180% and looked down to see bastion face pressed against his back followed by him  hugging Jay “ Oh hi Bastion”   
“ Your back “ BAstion said his voice muffled   
“ Yeah i am .What did you think i wasn’t going to comeback ?”
“ Maybe”
“ Why?” He question 
“ I don’t know when you didn’t come down with everyone. We thought maybe you had died  “
“ You could have called i bought you all phones for that reason” 
“ we may have forgotten that “ Bastion replied 
“ God you guys really are taking after me “ Jay said as he patted Bastion on his head 
“ Excuse me but who are you talking to ? “ Rey asked
Jay’s neck snapped back into place to look at the reporter “ Sorry Ms. Rey This is Bastion one of my Boy . say hi Bastion “
Bastion walked from behind Jay and looked up towards Rey and when their eyes meet Rey He felt like he was looking  mirror into a which made him felt a little uncomfortabl.So he step back behind Jay  “ Hello Ms.Rey Bastion said “ He said with a wave. and a noticeable hint of nervousness in his voice 
“ Hi Bastion “ Rey said but she sounded Distance and a little confused  
Jay notice this an made a note of this “ Alright with that out of the way. If you wish for an interview when i’m not working you can find me either living in there “ jjay pointed towards the Prometheus “ or in the med by learn from doctor Ventair or in the training deck ‘ Jay said as he, Ezra and bastion started walking towards the Prometheus 
“ Yeah talk to you later “Ray said lose in thought . She watched the three entire into the prometheus   and once she knew she would see her she pulled out a her phone and call someone “ HEy Gillmore it’s me Rey can you check check something out for me ?”
In the Prometheus 
Jay,Ezra and Bastion walked into the Living room 
“ Hey everybody i’m home  “ Jay said as he walked in the living room.
The moment his voice rang out  in the room  Molly head turned around and She scrambled out of Fitz lap crawled up the couch and throw herself at he father. Not noticing the two foot gap between the two of them. Jay with the reflexes that all people get when they become Parents. Quickly grabbed his Daughter out of the air before she even started to fall.Once she was in his hands he quickly pulled her close to him “ God you are going give me a heart attack one of this days”  Jay said
“ Papa’s home” Molly said as she wrapped her arms around Jay’s Helmeted Head 
“ Yeah i’m home Sweety daddy’s home “ He said sweetly as he hugged his daughter back 
“ Hey Jay how was the Mission?” Fitz asked as he looked up toward Jay from his seat 
“ Yeah how did the mision go and why did it take you so long to get back ?” Usamu asked
“ Well that’s a long story see ‘ Just stopped mid Sentence as something Grabbed his Leg. So he looked down and saw Clay hugging it “ Hey Clay “
“ Where you go “ She said as she looked up to him with tears in her eyes 
Jay felt like he had just been punched in the heart as he looked at his other daughter “ I’m sorry Daddy had to go save the universe “ Jay said felling really bad 
“ No leave again “ She said as her grip around Jay’s Leg tightened
“ Yeah no go away again” Moly said as she tried to wiggled out of her father’s arm.Jay didn’t want to drop her. So he place her down .Once she was on floor she grabbed onto Jay’s other leg mimicking her sister 
“YOu both know that not going to stop me right.” Jay said as he start walking  as he did molly started Giggling while Clay stayed quiet  
“ Oh god this is the adorable “ Ezra said as they watched their boyfriend and his kids just goof around as Usamu jumped onto jay back while Bastion and Fitz watched and laughed 
“ Yes it is “ Adam said as he walked out of the stairway holding onto a walke and curious Izuku 
Jay stopped in place “ Hey bub”
“ Is Shiro alive ?” Adam asked already know what jay was trying to do 
“Yes missing his arm but yes “
“ Alright Same medbay as before “
“ Yes “
“ Alright  See at lunch and thanks for for keeping your promises man “ Adam said as he patted Jay on the shoulder before walking out of the Prometheus 
“ Your welcome man “ Jay replied as he watched adam leave “ Ok tat was easy”
“ Yes it was “ Ezra said 
“ Now with that out of the way “ Jay looked to fit then Bastion seeing as the other three were still holding on to him “ Um So there is a chance that were going back to my home world and then to the home of the other Paladins  “ Jay said as Usamu jumped off of his back 
“ So were going to meet Grandpa then?” Usamu asked as he walked in front of his father with a tone of wonder in his voice 
“ Yeah along with my brothers and sister some friends of mine and my mom’s parents  an if we're lucky hopefully not my dad’s family “Jay said that last bit with a little bit of venom in his voice
“ Why not you dad’s family ?” Ezra asked 
“ it’s along story my dear and my DAd can explain it better . Now who wants hear how the mission when “ Jay said not wanting to talk about his families problems 
In what remained of Galra central command
Haggar stood looking over her comatose husband. She had been starring there for the past few hours and wonder how this could have happened . They had taken ever precaution studied every battle that the paladins were in and even equipped the titan with weapon’s tailor made to handle Voltron and the Valkyrie at the same time  but when the snap dragon self destructed on top of the Titan it sealed his fate “ Oh my love what have they done to you” She asked herself 
“ They butchered him “ A very familiar yet strange disembody voice said right behind her
She quickly turned around and slashed at the person behind her only to swipe at empty air “ Who goes there show yourself ‘ She yelled To the empty room
“ I’m hurt Honvera how could you forget me..I’m the reason that you and your husband are even alive after your little encounter that beast from the void ’ the voice said 
“ What “ Haggar thought back to when she and Zarkon had died she remembered hearing a voice talking.But she had put that up to being on death's door. ‘ So it was  you i have to thank for our revival “
“ Yes it was me” The Voice said as a faint humanoid being started to form from purple quintessons  that was powering the lazuriz chamber that Zarkon was resting in  the figure had only defining feature was the two bright soul burning yellow eye “ My name is  Deceit and despite my name i’m here to help you again. ”
“ Why “ Haggar asked  not trusting this thing but she had to be weary seeing as this thing was just sitting on her husbands healing chamber 
 “ Because  every time you  drained a world of it’s quintessens and used it to fue you and your husband.It feed me and i wish to keep that relationship on going. So i’ll help you again by keeping your husband alive. Seeing as this thing “ He tapped on the Lazarus chamber “ Is only postponing the inevitable .” Deceit    said as a jagged smile started to appeared on his avatar’s face.
“ What do i have to do for this deal to work?” Haggar asked knowing that it’s not that easy 
“ Your a smart one “ Decit pointed the newly formed finger at her “ I want you to find this ship   “ Deciet’s hand seemingly grabbed onto reality itself and opened at portal that showed of a massive ship that looked like the castle of lions mixed with her Son’s Capital ship surrounding it it was a massive ring around it “ An destroy it”
“ Why ?” 
“ It’s existence has put plans i have had in motion for a long time in jeopardy. and that is all i’m will to tell you at the moment “ Deceit said 
Haggar glared at Deceit but she really had no real choice  but to follow “ Alright then we have a deal ‘
“ Good i’ll see you in the funny pages Honvera “ Deceit said as he faded out leaving the tear in reality that show off the ship there for a few seconds before it closed up 
Haggar stood there starring at the empty space before turning back to her husband and hoped she man the right choice 
Back in the Castle of lions  
“ So right before Zarkon Die he grabbed on to the black lion’s head with his robeasts remaining arm and tried to electrocute shiro to death but his arm took most of the damage and now he’s healing for the next hour.An once he’s a wakes We’ll be deciding whether or not will be going back home along with the Fates of The twins and K-7 am i correct “ Adam said
“ Yeah that sums it up real well “Matt said
“Alright and thin else i need to know before me and Izuku have to wait another hour just so we can take to him “
“ Uh were going to need a new black paladin for a few months while Shiro new prosthetics are installed from what Jay and that spider said “ Hunk added 
“ That spiders name is  Ventair and she is one of the best Doctor in the whole rebelion so please show her some respected “Matt said 
“ Sorry what Dr.Ventair said “Hunk said  
“ Alright when will decided who the next black paladin then ?” Adam as 
“ After we decide are next course of action will pick the next Black Paladin and with Shiro still around along with Leonidas it won’t take to long i hope “ Allura said 
“ Yeah lets hope “ Lance said 
“ It would be funny if Jay was chosen to fly the black lion “ Matt said Jokingly 
“ I mean Val’s design was some what based off of the black lion so it could be possible that if we  run into  trouble we could possibly combined with the Valkyrie  to make new version of Voltron  “ Pidge added as she grabbed her laptop and started typing away at the possibilities of powers that could come from the union between the two mechs  
“ We could run that by Jay and Val before anything happens i know val was against at first but maybe she changer he mind after the fight with Zarkon. I’ll go ask him“ Lance  said as he got up.But before could full get on his feet Beau’s voice came over the P.A System
[ Alert Alert A gargantuan class dreadnaught of unknown origin as exited a wormhole  8 kilometer north east from are location ] This was followed by a screen show ff the massive ship
Everyone stood or sat there in stunned silence as the massive ship which was a weird mix between the Castle and That war ship that attacked then before they had left the battle fleet 
“ Hey guy is anyone else getting a weird case  desaviolooking at this thing  ?” Pidge asked  
“Yeah i feel it too” Shay said 
“ Same here” Hunk add 
Allura looked at the ship as she did one name came to mind “kronse” Allura said under her breath.Before hundreds and hundreds of Image flashed right in front of her mind causing her a massive and painful head that caused her to fall to the ground clutching her head 
“Princess !!” Everyone yelled in surprise 
“ What’s wrong” Coran asked worried as he helped Allura back to her feet 
“ I don’t know but something about that ship is causing me to see thin Ah “ She grabbed he head again as another set of flash happened 
[were receiving a message from the Ship ]
“Send it through”Adam said taking charge of the situation as he said that a message written in english which surprised everyone.But that’s wasn’t what caught their attention what was write on was 
Hello my old friend let us take like the old day :Signed Queen Allura of the Altean/Galrain Empire 
To be continued in Book two Time to change History 
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mxliv-oftheendless · 4 years
Writer’s Month Prompts Day 6
Day 6: Coffee Shop AU
This was an interesting one to write! Requested by @tanookiroxx <3 Enjoy!
Paul was stressed out. Like, not the usual good, healthy kind of stressed out that kept your mind focused on the tasks at hand so you could get them done. It was more of the “I am going to actually have a meltdown if one more thing is added to the already enormous pile of things happening to me” kind of stressed out. If one more thing went wrong he was going to scream. Or cry. Or both. Probably both.
It didn’t help that his car was in the shop for repairs after being rear-ended by someone who had applied the breaks too late. At least it hadn’t gotten too banged up, enough that the person’s insurance would pay for damages. But it still sucked that he was reduced to taking the bus to work. Nothing was going the way it should, he seemed to be plagued by bad luck, and at this point he was just hoping and praying that this dark cloud over him would clear up soon.
At least he still had Rock ‘N Brews, the coffee shop by the university. He liked to go there when his classes were done, grab a coffee, and sit and work on his laptop for a couple hours to destress. It was his one safe haven; the dark cloud over him seemed to be chased away whenever he went into the building.
Today had been an okay enough day. Sure, he’d been caught in a little bit of rain on his way inside the faculty office building, but only a little bit. Everything had gone… well as smoothly as they would get during this period of bad luck. He was actually smiling a bit as he opened the door to Rock ‘N Brews, and although he bumped into someone he didn’t mind much.
In the back of his mind, he was wondering when the other shoe would drop and he would be swamped by more bad luck. But he was willing to shove that aside and enjoy this little reprieve as he ordered and waited for his coffee. He picked up his cup of iced coffee and turned to find an open booth…
… and crashed right into another man, popping open the lid and spilling iced coffee all over his front.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” the man said remorsefully, trying to move past him to grab napkins. Paul was silent, staring at the incredibly huge stain on his front. “I wasn’t looking where I was going and—”
“God… fucking dammit!” Tears pricked at his eyes and he covered his face with his hand, willing himself not to cry. But his shoulders shook anyway, letting the man know that he probably was about to cry.
He handed him the napkins. “I am so sorry,” he apologized.
“It’s fine,” Paul’s voice shook as he wiped at his shirt. “It’s fine, I just—ah!” His messenger bag that contained his laptop began to slide down his shoulder, and for a split-second Paul panicked that it was going to drop and break on the floor. But the man swooped in and grabbed the strap. Paul swallowed roughly and kept scrubbing at his shirt. “Thanks.”
“No problem, I just—I should’ve been looking where I was going. I can pay for a new one…”
“It’s fine,” Paul insisted, even if he still felt like he was going to cry. “I can just order another one myself…”
“No, I’m serious, I will. It’s not your fault. What was your order?”
He really was serious. Well, with how Paul was failing to hold back tears, he probably wouldn’t be able to get it out to the barista himself. So instead of arguing, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve under the pretense of pushing hair out of his face and mumbled, “Iced caramel latte, medium,”
The man nodded. “You got it. What’s your name?”
“I’ll be right back, okay?”
He went off to get back into line, while Paul immediately headed for the bathroom to try and clean off his shirt the best he could. The universe decided to give him a bit of a break and not have anyone in the bathroom when he knocked.
To his dismay, he was unable to clean off his shirt. So he was forced to take off his shirt and stuff it in his bag and button up the cardigan he was wearing. He just wanted to get his coffee and go home. Before he went back outside, he splashed cold water on his face and wiped his eyes, and blew out a shaky breath before leaving.
The man was sitting at a table waiting for him with his replacement drink, and perked up when he saw him approach. “There you are.” He held up the order. “Here’s your drink.”
Paul wasn’t sure what compelled him to do it, but he pulled out the chair across from him and sat down. He slid the drink over and said a quiet “Thank you,”
“I’m Tommy, by the way,” the man held out a hand for him to shake.
He shook it. “Paul,”
“I know, you already told me,”
“Right.” He took a sip, letting the caramel taste soothe his nerves. There seemed to be more caramel flavor than usual; maybe the baristas felt bad for him. That wasn’t what he was hoping for, though; the last thing he wanted was people giving him pitying looks.
Tommy looked at him in slight concern. “Sorry for asking, but… are you okay? You seem a little… I don’t know, frazzled.”
Frazzled… what a word. It was the right word, along with tightly-wound and stressed. “Hella stressed”, as he’d heard a student say once. He sighed. “You’re right… You ever have one of those periods where everything seems to be going wrong?”
“Yeah, sometimes,”
“Well, I’m going through one myself right now.” Why was he admitting this to a stranger he’d just met? Why didn’t he just dodge the question, thank him, and leave?
He was nice enough to buy you a replacement coffee, his mind whispered. The least you can do is tell him why.
Tommy gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry… Stuff with work?”
“Part of it… My car got rear-ended too. And my basement got flooded last week when we had all that rain.” Not to mention some asshole had graffitied the “Anyone But Trump” sign he had put up in his front yard. But politics were a touchy subject, so he would leave that bit out.
Tommy winced. “Oh jeez… I’m sorry.”
Why did he keep apologizing? “It’s fine. It can’t last forever.”
“That’s true. But it’s always terrible when you’re going through those periods. Is there anything I can do to help, or…?”
A brief smile flitted onto Paul’s face. “No, you don’t have to do anything. Buying me a replacement coffee was enough. Thank you.”
“My pleasure,” Tommy smiled back. “So do you work nearby here?”
“I teach art history at the university…”
They ended up sitting there for quite a while, talking about their respective jobs and other interests. Paul hadn’t expected to do that, but he certainly didn’t mind. For perhaps the first time in two weeks, he’d been blessed with a little bit of good luck; he was going to take this and enjoy it while he could.
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imagitory · 4 years
*exhales heavily*
Okay...I don’t usually go off the deep end in political essays that often. If it’s a quick thing like “f**k Neo-Nazis,” then sure, fine, that’s easy. I don’t have to explain why Neo-Nazis -- especially the cowardly ones that try to label themselves as the “alt-right” in a vain attempt to seem more acceptable to modern society -- can go screw themselves. Everyone already knows they’re awful -- or at least, everyone should already know they’re awful. If you’re the sort of person that wants to try to “teach” me about how the alt-right are not Neo-Nazis, then this post isn’t for you, so kindly don’t interact and keep scrolling.
This post is instead for my Democratic followers, whether you support Bernie, Biden, Warren, whatever. Please feel free to skip over it, though, my dear followers -- I know this whole political season has been very draining, and I have a lot more positive posts on my blog that you can consult instead. If you do want to read my thoughts, though, here’s a cut.
Hi, guys. How’s it going? We really dodged a bullet with Bloomberg dropping out of the race, didn’t we? At least now no one should be able to say Democrats and Republicans are alike, right? The Democrats kicked their racist, sexist, obnoxious, out-of-touch billionaire accused of multiple sexual assaults to the curb, while the Republicans made theirs president.
On that note, though...we still have the Republican version of Michael Bloomberg -- the one and only Donald Trump -- in office. We all remember how he got there...Hillary won the popular vote, but thanks to the ridiculously outdated electoral college rules and Russian interference, the electoral votes went Trump’s way. We could conjure up multiple reasons for Hillary’s loss, but at least in my opinion, I would say we learned a few lessons from the 2016 election that I think we should keep in mind. (Alongside making sure Russians butt the hell out of our elections and fact-checking all the rampant misinformation from our media outlets.)
1) We Democrats have more things in common than we might think, sometimes.
Clinton was infinitely closer to Bernie, politics-wise, than Bernie was to Trump or Gary Johnson. Yet there were those who were so upset about Hillary’s nomination and the role Democratic Party officials had in coaxing  delegates to support her that they protest-voted against Hillary, even if that vote wasn’t in their best interest. We don’t have a system that lets us rank who we want for office from most to least, so sometimes we have to accept a bird in the hand rather than reach for two in the bush. You might feel good about voting your conscience in the short term, but you probably won’t when it results in your vote being a drop in the bucket that doesn’t prevent someone like Donald Trump from winning. We’ve already seen this happen not just in the Trump-Clinton election of 2016, but in the Bush-Gore election of 2000.
2) Despite that first point, if we want unity, our Democratic candidate must be aware of how diverse our party is.
Even if we do end up having to settle for a less liberal candidate in order to win an election, that candidate MUST acknowledge that we are not like the Republican Party. We will not march lock-step with people we don’t agree with just because they’re in our party or we agree with some things, and we will certainly not be satisfied with simple pacifism. The Republican Party has been tilting farther and farther to the right over the last three decades, to the point that their policies now involve mass internment of Mexican immigrants and family separation, directly paralleling plans carried out by the THIRD EFFIN’ REICH. We cannot keep begging for civility and peace and trying to reach a compromise -- you cannot compromise with this kind of extremism without sacrificing all of your principles, because those kinds of people do not make concessions.
I remain convinced even after four years that Hillary should’ve chosen Bernie to be her running mate -- if she had, the rift between the centrist and more liberal branches of the Democratic Party might have been healed enough that we could’ve looked at our ticket with excitement and hope, as we had for Obama and Biden back in 2008. Instead Hillary chose Tim Kaine, an inoffensive centrist Democrat who added absolutely nothing to her presidential bid. He couldn’t even help Hillary out by boosting the campaign with youthful energy or natural charm -- Bernie would’ve both boosted morale among younger and/or more liberal voters and lit a fire under those who were anxious about what a Trump presidency could lead to. The same could’ve been true if Bernie had been chosen to be president -- if he’d chosen Hillary, she could’ve better appealed to moderate voters intimidated by the thought of voting for a Democratic Socialist and run on her international experience as Secretary of State.
3) In order to make any difference at all, we must vote, and we must win.
I’m the first person to acknowledge that I hate voting against my convictions. If the Democrats had chosen Michael Bloomberg, I would’ve probably been ready for whole-scale revolution, right then and there. But let’s be frank here -- in 2016, we got complacent. We assumed that Trump would lose. We assumed that America wouldn’t choose racism, or Islamaphobia, or sexism, or Nazism. BUT WE DID. In the end, our country -- like many other countries before us were -- is more afraid of the promise of social change than we are of the threat of fascism. Yes, I called Trump’s vision of the country fascism, and I stand by it. Fascism is defined as far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial authority, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy and often supplemented with government-sanctioned racism -- and yeah, given that Trump clearly wants to do whatever he wants whenever he wants without facing any consequences for his actions, persecute any so-called “enemies,” make money for himself while in office (even using his office and political power to achieve that end), and scapegoat minorities, I think my point is made. And so I will state it again -- America is more afraid of the future and the progress that could come with it than it is of the cruelty, bigotry, and tyranny of our past. It’s an absolute tragedy, but it’s true. Americans were absolutely terrified of Obamacare until it actually became law and people saw how cool it was, not to be booted off your care for preexisting conditions and stuff. Once that happened, Americans were ready to bite off the hand of any Republican who made any move toward repealing it. If it’s something we’ve never done before, it’s beaten back like the plague, but once it’s something we’ve become accustomed to, you can tear it from our cold, dead hands.
In the 1930′s, Germany had a choice between three political parties -- the Communists, the Democratic Socialists, and the Nazis -- and in the end, the reason the Nazis got power was because the Communists and the Socialists could not band together to stop that greater threat. The Nazis were able to paint a pretty picture to the German people of returning their country to its supposedly long lost, mythic greatness, and they won power, even if they were still not the majority when Hitler got into office. And as soon as the Nazis got power, they never let it go and went out of their way to destroy both Communists and Socialists, just like they did with Jewish people, the Romani, and the rest. We are at such a crossroads now. I am deathly afraid that the Republicans will try to find some way to keep power even if Trump were to lose, but we cannot let that happen. We must stand together, strong and united.
The more liberal of us must acknowledge that radical change cannot be put into place quickly. Our system is broken and falling apart thanks to the Republicans’ on-going sabotage, and we cannot hope to remodel our house until our foundation is secure. Even the Republicans were not able to destroy our country in so many ways these last four years without dismantling a lot of other things first -- corrupting our elections with money thanks to the Citizens United ruling -- sparking two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that drained us of money and added to the backlog of veterans that have yet to receive their deserved financial support -- intimidating political officials away from substantive gun control legislation -- chipping away at abortion rights nation-wide -- stacking the courts, both local and Supreme, with unqualified, strongly right-leaning candidates -- gerrymandering districts like crazy so as to split Democratic-leaning areas and puff up Republican-leaning ones -- even spreading misinformation through shows on their own private so-called “News” network. It will take time to repair all of the damage the Republicans have wrought, but we must first win if we are even to have the chance to try.
On the flip side, the more centrist of us must acknowledge that we cannot go back to the way we were because the way we were was WRONG. We might have nostalgic visions of it being more civil and peaceful, but the tremors of war were still rippling under our feet. The Neo-Nazi rats that elected Trump were gathering under us, and we let them. We let them gain enough confidence to come out into the light in large numbers and we stood by, assuming that they wouldn’t succeed in their goals. We ignored the rampant spread of anti-immigrant rhetoric and Islamaphobia -- we downplayed the racism, the homophobia, and the sexism. Sometimes it was due to arrogance, and sometimes it was due to flat-out indifference, because those things didn’t directly affect us. We should know by now that that rosy view of our past was not how things were -- just as many of our Founding Fathers were still slave owners, and America interned our own citizens in camps during World War II, and the supposedly great Ronald Reagan turned a blind eye while thousands of Americans died of AIDS, our country saw the signs of racism, xenophobia, and ultranationalism coming out in full again and didn’t fight back. And now that racist, xenophobic ultranationalism is in control of the Oval Office. If we have any chance of stopping them, we can’t simply go backwards -- we must charge ahead. We can’t simply pretend like everything can go back to normal -- we must accept responsibility for what we’ve done and pursue justice in making things right. We must fight back against these far-right, tyrannical policies and we must pay restitution to those our country has hurt. I do not want the Mexican families we have destroyed to be treated the way our Japanese American brethren were after they were released from the internment camps in the 40′s -- dismissed and forgotten, with our flag figuratively slapping them in the face every time some stupid guy crowed his head off about America being the greatest country on earth. I may have hated Trump’s immigration policy -- I might not have voted for him -- but he still represents my country, and therefore me, to the rest of the world, and even if he’ll never apologize for a single damn thing that he’s done, I want my country to make things right.
Maybe once a Democrat -- even if it’s a centrist like Biden -- is in the White House again, we’ll have the chance for real change -- good change. We certainly won’t get it as long as we’re stuck on the outside looking in.
Now of course, even when this whole presidential thing is done, we can’t rest on our laurels. We must get out in force for local elections too -- we must take back the Senate and keep control of the House. We must pressure our lawmakers to get the money out of politics, and fix gerrymandering, and restore environmental protections, and hold corporations accountable, and tax the rich, and abolish the Electoral College, and put term limits on Congresspeople, and impeach Brett Kavanaugh, and fund dismantling the backlog on VA benefits, and cancel student loan debt, and implement universal health care, and pass gun control legislation, and do all the other things we need done.
I really hope that whichever candidate we end up with -- whether it’s Biden (*sighs begrudgingly*), Bernie (*smiles*), or Warren (*wiggles in glee*) -- that candidate will strongly consider choosing a Vice President who is either more centrist (if they’re more liberal) or more liberal (if they’re more centrist) and filling their Cabinet with those other ex-presidential hopefuls who still have something to offer. Kamala Harris was Attorney General of California -- why not have her become Attorney General of the United States next? How about Tom Steyer as Head of the EPA, or Cory Booker as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development?
Here’s the thing about us being more diverse in thought than the Republicans -- it means we have a great swath of very different members with very different skill sets, as well as the ability to learn, critique, rationalize, change, and improve. And if we are to defeat an institution like Trump’s that demands lock-step, mindless obedience and praise, it seems to me that’s something we should use to our advantage.
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berniesrevolution · 5 years
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Brothers and Sisters–
I am writing to let you know I have decided to run for president of the United States. I am asking you today to join me as part of an unprecedented and historic grassroots campaign that will begin with at least a million people from across the country.
Please join our campaign for president on day one and commit to doing what it takes to win this election.
Our campaign is not only about defeating Donald Trump, the most dangerous president in modern American history. It is not only about winning the Democratic nomination and the general election.
Our campaign is about transforming our country and creating a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice.
Our campaign is about taking on the powerful special interests that dominate our economic and political life. I’m talking about Wall Street, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the fossil fuel industry, the military-industrial complex, the private-prison industry and the large multi-national corporations that exert such an enormous influence over our lives.
Our campaign is about redoubling our efforts to end racism, sexism, homophobia, religious bigotry and all forms of discrimination.
Our campaign is about creating a vibrant democracy with the highest voter turnout of any major country while we end voter suppression, Citizens United and outrageous levels of gerrymandering.
Our campaign is about creating a government and economy that works for the many, not just the few. We are the wealthiest nation in the history of the world. We should not have grotesque levels of wealth inequality in which three billionaires own more wealth than the bottom half of the country.
We should not have 30 million Americans without any health insurance, even more who are under-insured and a nation in which life expectancy is actually in decline.
We should not have an economy in which tens of millions of workers earn starvation wages and half of older workers have no savings as they face retirement.
We should not have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country on Earth and a dysfunctional childcare system which is unfair to both working parents and their children.
We should not have a regressive tax system in which large, profitable corporations like Amazon pay nothing in federal income taxes.
Make no mistake about it. The powerful special interests in this country have unbelievable power and they want to maintain the status quo. They have unlimited amounts of money to spend on campaigns and lobbying and have huge influence over the media and political parties.
The only way we will win this election and create a government and economy that works for all is with a grassroots movement – the likes of which has never been seen in American history.
They may have the money and power. We have the people. That is why we need one million Americans who will commit themselves to this campaign.
Stand with me as we fight to win the Democratic nomination and the general election. Add your name to join this campaign and say you are willing to do the hard work necessary to transform our country.
You know as well as I do that we are living in a pivotal and dangerous moment in American history. We are running against a president who is a pathological liar, a fraud, a racist, a sexist, a xenophobe and someone who is undermining American democracy as he leads us in an authoritarian direction.
I’m running for president because, now more than ever, we need leadership that brings us together – not divides us up. Women and men, black, white, Latino, Native American, Asian American, gay and straight, young and old, native born and immigrant. Now is the time for us to stand together.
I’m running for president because we need leadership that will fight for working families and the shrinking middle class, not just the 1 percent. We need a president who understands that we can create millions of good-paying jobs, rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and construct the affordable housing we desperately need.
I’m running for president because we need trade policies that reflect the interests of workers and not multi-national corporations. We need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, provide pay equity for women and guarantee all workers paid family and medical leave.
I’m running for president because we need to understand that artificial intelligence and robotics must benefit the needs of workers, not just corporate America and those who own that technology.
I’m running for president because a great nation is judged not by how many billionaires and nuclear weapons it has, but by how it treats the most vulnerable – the elderly, the children, our veterans, the sick and the poor.
I’m running for president because we need to make policy decisions based on science, not politics. We need a president who understands that climate change is real, is an existential threat to our country and the entire planet, and that we can generate massive job creation by transforming our energy system away from fossil fuels to energy efficiency and sustainable energy.
I’m running for president because the time is long overdue for the United States to join every other major country on Earth and guarantee health care to all people as a right, not a privilege, through a Medicare-for-all program.
I’m running for president because we need to take on the outrageous level of greed of the pharmaceutical industry and lower prescription drug prices in this country.
I’m running for president because we need to have the best educated workforce in the world. It is totally counter-productive for our future that millions of Americans are carrying outrageous levels of student debt, while many others cannot afford the high cost of higher education. That is why we need to make public colleges and universities tuition free and lower student debt.
I’m running for president because we must defend a woman’s right to control her own body against massive political attacks taking place at the local state and federal level.
I’m running for president because we need real criminal justice reform. We need to invest in jobs and education for our kids, not more jails and incarceration. We need to end the destructive “war on drugs,” eliminate private prisons and cash bail and bring about major police department reform.
I’m running for president because we need to end the demonization of undocumented immigrants in this country and move to comprehensive immigration reform. We need to provide immediate legal status for the young people eligible for the DACA program and develop a humane policy for those at the border who seek asylum.
I’m running for president because we must end the epidemic of gun violence in this country. We need to take on the NRA, expand background checks, end the gun show loophole and ban the sale and distribution of assault weapons.
I’m running for president because we need a foreign policy which focuses on democracy, human rights, diplomacy and world peace. The United States must lead the world in improving international cooperation in the fight against climate change, militarism, authoritarianism and global wealth inequality.
That is why we need at least a million people to join our campaign and help lead the movement that can accomplish these goals. Add your name to say we’re in this together.
Needless to say, there is a lot of frightening and bad news in this world. Now, let me give you some very good news.
Three years ago, during our 2016 campaign, when we brought forth our progressive agenda we were told that our ideas were “radical,” and “extreme.” We were told that Medicare for All, a $15 an hour minimum wage, free tuition at public colleges and universities, aggressively combating climate change, demanding that the wealthy start paying their fair share of taxes, were all of concepts that the American people would never accept.
Well, three years have come and gone. And, as result of millions of Americans standing up and fighting back, all of these policies and more are now supported by a majority of Americans.
Together, you and I and our 2016 campaign began the political revolution. Now, it is time to complete that revolution and implement the vision that we fought for.
So here is my question for you:
Will you stand with me as part of a million person grassroots movement which can not only win the Democratic primary, not only win the general election but most importantly help transform this country so that, finally, we have a government that works for all of us and not just the few? Add your name to say you will.
Together we can create a nation that leads the world in the struggle for peace and for economic, racial, social and environmental justice.
And together we can defeat Donald Trump and repair the damage he has done to our country.
Brothers and sisters, if we stand together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.
I hope you will join me.
Thank you very much.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders
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graythereaper · 4 years
Allies ABANDON US as Trump Unhinged on Iran
When even Saudi Arabia and Israel don't support you, you are fairly well rotated and screwed, Mr. President. Thanks for dragging us regular citizens into it.
From The Guardian article on this: "...the response of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was particularly striking, as he has been one of Trump’s staunchest supporters on the world stage.
He told a meeting of his security cabinet on Monday: “The assassination of Suleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it.”
The Saudi deputy defense minister, Khalid bin Salman, who is also the younger brother of the kingdom’s crown prince, was in Washington on Monday to urge restraint, joining a growing international chorus.
No surprise...I don't blame them at all. We dragged them into Iraq and Trump has been systematically destroying our relationship with our former allies. He prefers to side with dictators. The damage Trump has done will take decades to repair if it's even possible. Remember, it not just Trump, it’s all the good men that stand by and do nothing about him. America in general can’t be trusted.
"The President will definitely attack Iran in some way to win reelection." - Trump on Obama
The fact that “getting the troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq” got him elected in 2016 (the general notion, I mean) and now a probable war with Iran, the entire region, or WW3 gets him re-elected? Where’s the logic? Trump and his supporters never had any.
The US has lost all credibility just by canceling the Iran nuclear deal with all its pro and cons unilaterally ... why working on a deal when the next administration just cancels it ? The deal worked no matter what American conservatives think and the hypocrisy that Iran is bad but Saudi Arabia is our partner, even as Trump has been lending our military to massacre entire major cities and millions of civilians with them, Al-Qaeda, and countless other terrorists that fight us just as much as they except help.
Trump essentially said "Here have nukes you losers. I don't even care. If the Democrats are better at diplomacy then we might as well all die". Now by starting a war Trump is ASKING them to nuke us just for personal gain.
We the People have a part , and a say, in this: We need to raise the Voice of the People by calling our reps, along with our, "reps," to convey our support for impeachment and removal. We make our Voice relentless  by sheer number when we ask our friends and families to do the same. US Senate 202-225-3121, US House 202-224-3121.
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cottonwren · 5 years
A Well Dressed Woman | Chapter 9
Summary: some things can’t be repaired, but Jamie is doing her best
A/N: Sorry for the delay! <3
“How’s your hip?” Tommy asked as he kept his eyes on the road, worried about the effect the cobbled streets would be having on her still bleeding hip. He’d have to make sure she had dressing and appropriate equipment for treating it, and he’d have to ask her sister if she knew how to do it. If he lost his only business competitor to an infected gunshot wound he’d be pissed. Pissed and heartbroken.
“Only feels like I’ve been shot” Jamie replied with a cocky smirk, her hand clasping her hip anyway, aware of the speed that blood could stain through bandaging. This was a good suit that she didn’t need to ruin.
“Do you need me to go slower?” He looked over at her and spotted the way she was holding her left hip. Bloody cobbles. Tommy wanted to take her to London, to Birmingham, anywhere that the ride would be a lot smoother than that of the one they were on.
“No, just don’t drive over a dead body and I’ll be fine” She teased, sensing his anxiety. Jamie herself was worried, but not for herself or the state of her hip. No, for her sister and the business, for Samson’s family, for everything she had worked for.
“It is your town that we’re going in to, the kids throw themselves under your cars here” Tommy reminded her, starting to drive through the little town. The last time he had visited, he had nearly ran over a cocky eight year old who was playing chicken in the street.
“If they live, you give them money to be quiet, if they die, they have no need money. Smart business module, in all honesty” Jamie explained, her hands moving as she explained - she herself had done it in dire times.
“Knew you were fucking insane” He jibed, giving her a grin to assure her he really was joking - Tommy admired the girl’s brains, but sometimes…
“And here I was thinking that your common sense had left your head” She sighed softly, a smirk playing on her face as she admired his face. God, how was he so pretty? Jamie was ready to self destruct - he was funny, fucking gorgeous, and he had a beautiful baby boy. The only downside was the murder, capitalism and general violence. Then again, who was she to talk? She had more guns than she had friends - the bar was set pretty low to be honest.
“Says the woman running a business to rival mine out of this hell hole” Tommy snarked, looking across the scene set out before him - kids by the ragged school, smoke from the foundries. It was no place to run England’s cocaine supply from.
“But what a beautiful hell hole it is. This whole town knows me, Tommy.” Looking across the same scene, Jamie saw an entirely different situation. She saw lives, she saw a community that worked hard to get what it got and didn’t ask for more, a community that had done its best for her and her sister.
“Everyone knows me in England - your point?” Tommy asked, not understanding how or why she looked out upon the street with as much love and adoration that he would a horse.
“You wouldn’t get it. They look after me, Tommy, because I look after them.” Jamie reminded him - even though her business was on an international scale, she was very much still a small town girl.
“Aight bab? There’s a royce outside your house, you in trouble again? The kids ‘aven’t broken into it, but it’s only a matter a time” Came a voice, loud and burly from the doorstep of one of the back to backs. Jamie recognised it instantly and gave Tommy a look to tell him not to pull away and throw money at her out of fear.
“I’m alright, I’ll get them to move it, thank you. Tell Molly I said ‘Good luck with the baby’” She smiled, running a hand through her hair and nodding at the neighbour.  Being polite to the woman was essential - her four kids were rampant and eager for work, and she ran the gossip of Cradley. Least she needed was rumors about her or Linn going around.
“Will do” She nodded with a yellowed smile and headed back into the house, slamming the door behind her and leaving Jamie and Tommy parked outside the house. Tommy started to drive again, probably fearing that if he was parked too long that the ragged children would come tear his car apart.
“Who was that?” He asked out of interest, recognising the type from around Small Heath when he was a lad.
“Maevis. So, your brothers have left a car unattended outside my offices. Have to ask - are they insane?” Jamie laughed, wincing and grasping her hip. She looked over at him with a hum, waiting for the answer.
“Your sister let them” He pointed out, thinking that he had trumped her statement about his brothers - alas, like most times in his life, he was wrong.
“My sister is a sly devil when she wants to be. That’s her idea of a joke” Jamie told him, sighing softly as they drove towards the row of back to backs. It wasn’t on fire.
“Would have thought that was more your type of joke” He told her, driving through the tiny alleyway that she had instructed him to.
“Nah” Jamie shook her head, opening the car door as Tommy got out himself, gently grasping her hip as she tried to step out.
“Come on” Tommy hummed, offering a hand. He knew she’d struggle, and if she just accepted his help it would make the whole process go so much faster.
“I can get out on my own, Tommy, I’ve got a bad hip - I’m not senile!” Jamie told him, batting at his hand and then trying to get down again to no avail.
“Mhm, come on.” That fucking smirk.
“Fine.” Jamie took his hand begrudgingly, letting him gently lift her down with an arm around her waist and one holding her hand. She dropped his hand to close the car door and subtly turned out of his hold.
“If your brothers have turned my offices into a brummy shit tip already I’ll wring your neck, Thomas” Jamie told him sternly, walking around the back of the offices with him, taking his wrist gently to stop him from wandering.
“Pity, I’m not adverse to choking” Tommy sighed dramatically, adjusting her hold so that they were holding hands. God, he was so desperate for human touch.
“You, Thomas Shelby, are a mess. Can’t believe I’m going to knock on the door of my own fucking offices” She rolled her eyes, linking her fingers with his and knocking on the smal, concealed door. His hands were warm, and Cradley Heath was definitely not.
“When you were dying, it wasn’t a priority to get your keys and your handbag” He snarked, waiting with her happily - Jamie Leanne Pine was willingly holding his hand.
“I don’t have a handbag” Jamie told him with a hiss, the anxiety building up in her. Why wasn’t the fucking door opening?
“Jamie!” The door swung open to reveal the redhead in one of her favourite baby blue dresses, instantly throwing herself at her sister. Linn’s arms wrapped around her neck, holding her close.
“Oh, fucks sake, Linn. You’re alive” Jamie gasped, wrapping her arms around Linn’s waist, holding her close. The scent of her perfume brought her back into herself, making her stand back with a grin and walk in.
“Of course I am - come in, come in. Welcome again Thomas.” Linn smiled, noticing the change in her sister’s persona. Her mum, no, sister was well and truly back.
“You alright Linn?” Finn asked from the backroom, walking through, his cap on the hook in the cloakroom. He would be lying if he said working with Linn wasn’t the easiest thing in the world - she had been his best friend, sympathetic of his illiticism, and one of the smartest in their year.
“All good. Come meet my sister, Jamie” Linn called, turning into the hallway to call Finn through, giving Jamie and Tommy some space to breathe for a second. She heard Jamie close the door, and smiled as Finn stood by her side, instantly confronted by Jamie. Oh, no.
“Nice to meet you - surely Linn has warned you against even thinking about doing anything with the stock?” Jamie asked, shaking his hand with a nod. She had put on her big scary face for the new boy, and it seemed to have worked. She could practically see the piss running down his leg.
“Jamie, I have, so don’t threaten them. They’re okay.” Linn warned her quietly, silently begging Jamie not to do anything drastic.
“Yeah, Jamie, we’re okay” Tommy whispered in her ear with a smirk, having taken the opportunity when it arose.
“You’re on thin fucking ice, Thomas” Jamie told him, turning to him, her face only inches from his, staring him down.
“And she’s back” Linn commented, drawing them out of the situation and draining the uncomfortable levels of sexual tension.
After Jamie had settled back in and Tommy had left - not before he made sure that both Linn and Jamie could sufficiently dress wounds - the two sisters knew that there was something they would have to do. Which is how they ended up knocking on Samson’s door, ready for the ground to swallow them whole.
“Auntie Jamie! Auntie Linnie!” Anna’s voice called, hugging Jamie’s legs and then Linn’s. Linn hoisted her up onto her hip, saving Jamie explaining the wound - this wasn’t about their damages.
“Hello bab. Where’s your mum, eh?”
“In the kitchen! She’s making shepherds pie.” Anna pulled a sour face, resting her head on Linn’s shoulder, her blonde hair clashing against the fiery red that Linn wore so incredibly proudly.
“Alright. Are we allowed in?” Jamie asked softly, running a hand through her hair nervously. It wasn’t often that she was nervous, but Samson and his beautiful family? Yes. She would make sure that the children were looked after sufficiently.
“Yeah! Come on! Linnie, I wanna show you my dolls! One has red hair like you!” Anna beamed, letting Linn carry her through, Jamie walking behind them and closing the door.
“Aaliyah?” Jamie called softly, Linn and Anna going into the living room to play with the dolls so that the child was sufficiently distracted, enough not to hear Jamie and her mum talking about her father.
“Jamie, it’s nice of you to drop by, did I hear Linn as well?” Aaliyah appeared from the kitchen, daffodil print apron tied around her waist in a big bow. Light streamed through the doorway from the kitchen window, making her look ethereal. “I guess we need to talk, don’t we? Mr Shelby, he came to my doorstep, told me he was close to you and was holding my husband’s body in an appropriate funeral home until I decided what I wanted to happen with him. Your business is your business, Jamie, and don’t think I don’t’ respect you, because I do - but please be careful around such a charming man,”
“Mr Shelby hasn’t made me aware that he did that, though he has done everything in his power to help me in my time of vulnerability. I’ll be careful, thank you, Liyah. I know Samson is your only source of income at the minute, and so I’d like to continue that. We will continue to pay his wage in your name so that Anna and yourself can live as you would. I have already taken him from you, to take anything more would be… well, you understand. I hope there’s no bad blood between us?” Jamie asked, sitting at the kitchen table with Aaliyah.
“You have already done more than enough. You warned him this may happen, and God does work in mysterious ways, though this has left me wondering who God favours… to take such a wonderful man away at the hand of merciless killers…” Aaliyah trailed off, looking at the vase on the windowsill, the sunflowers not wilted yet.
“You know my perspective on it all, so I won’t unload it on you. What I will say is that you are still here, and Anna, she is still here. Look after eachother - obviously it will be a little one sided, because Anna is still just a starry eyed babe, but she will return it” Jamie told her “When I was a little younger than Linn, I took her as my own, and although it’s been hard, I do not regret a crust of bread that she had instead of I. You have us, you won’t ever have to worry about putting a roof over her head or food on the table. Let me know when you’ve decided what you want to do with Samson’s body, and we will fulfill it.”
“Of course I will look after her, she is my daughter - you know the feeling. If that’s all…” Aaliyah hummed, eyes watery. Her voice was wavering and Jamie knew when her leave was appreciated.
“It is. You know where we are if you should ever need or want anything. I have a feeling that Anna will have roped Linn into a complex game about killing the monarchy again,” Jamie laughed softly, lightening the mood with Anna’s tendency to fantasize about manslaughter.
“God knows where she gets that from, eh? Wants to be just like her aunties.” Aaliyah groaned jovially, standing and walking through to the living room.
“Well, you remind her that her Aunties only drink on occasion and never do any narcotics.” Jamie chided, following her through the hallway.
“Somehow I doubt she’ll believe that.”
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jewrocker · 3 years
Why Can’t A Sitting President Be Indicted? - A Concerned Citizen
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If I had a dime for every time a cable news pundit’s used the 1973 memo sent by the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) as the excuse for why a shamelessly corrupt president like Donald Trump can’t be indicted, I’d have a lot of dimes.  Even more, if you add the amount of attorneys, including Special Counsel Mueller’s deputy, Andrew Weissman, who claimed they used the memo as the sole reason for why charging Trump wasn’t directly recommended in Mueller’s Report.
Yet, in spite of everything we’ve seen, in spite of all the crimes against The Constitution committed by this president, so far, he’s been proven right.  He is above the law.  Thanks, solely, to the above mentioned memo.  Yet, the memo, itself, isn’t even a law.  Nor does it appear to be an official DOJ mandate.  In fact, no one seems to be sure what is.  One things for sure, whatever it is, it certainly appears to be a paper tiger.  Fake news.  A faux premise, given more weight/credence over the years every time it’s mentioned in print.  
As Harvard’s SCOTUS expert Walter Dellinger points out in his brilliant 2018 article, Indicting a President Is Not Foreclosed, the memo, sent by OLC head, Robert Dixon, is a procedural anomaly, rife with inconsistencies.  Not only was the memo not addressed to anyone specific, or refer to any specific situation, and most likely not even made public, it wasn’t even mentioned by any of the attorneys during the Watergate hearings. Even though those hearings took place just two weeks after the memo was written.  Nor does The Constitution ever mention anything remotely resembling conferring immunity upon the president.  
Add to that the small fact that Nixon, himself, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator, a charge upheld by a federal judge and defended by United States attorneys, and there’s no basis not to indict this president.  Or any other.  Yet, Bill Barr’s epically inappropriate and misleading framing notwithstanding, the reason a good portion of the American People think president Trump was innocent is due in no small part to the fact, after years of investigating, the special counsel did not recommend an indictment. 
Moments after Trump pardoned confessed traitor, Gen. Mike Flynn, Joe Scarborough exclaimed, “Why can’t a president be indicted?”  Well, why can’t he?  Why do we keep referring to a memorandum as if it’s the final word?  It’s just an opinion.  It wasn’t written by the founding fathers, it’s not a Constitutional amendment, it’s not included in any historical document.  At best, it’s just a well-worded suggestion.  A suggestion offered up by one guy in 1973 - a time when the world was unrecognizable compared to today.  
How different were the times back then?  Republicans actually chose country over party.  Yet, here we are, fifty years later, and this mysteriously vague, unsubstantiated memo is still being referred to and revered by lawyers, government officials, and talking heads on both sides as the End All, Be All in Constitutional Guidance.  Seriously, WTF is wrong with us?  You’d think if this was such an important subject, which it is, there’d at least be congressional hearings debating its merits/legality.  Instead, we take it as gospel.  
We appear to have the same dilemma re: Trump’s desperate quest to pardon himself.  A Constitutional crisis is most likely just around the corner with this president, yet, thanks to the fact there’s nothing in our most sacred of documents specifically addressing this matter, either, we’re left to once again twist in the wind as we try to interpret what our forefathers meant.
Like crack addicts hoping to find that last bit of rock in the rug, here we sit.  A confused, lost nation, desperately searching for anything resembling an official document in the hopes it will guide us through these uncharted waters.  No matter how flimsy, flawed or minuscule the 'rock’ might be, we’ll take it.  “If it was written by a lawyer, has a lot of pages, and cites a lot of examples, it must be true.”  If the greatest country in the world basing some of its most important/Democracy-defining decisions on the equivalent of laws/policies written on the back of a cocktail napkin weren’t so tragic, it’d be funny. 
What’s not funny is a criminal president laying waste to our longstanding norms and policies like a prehistoric monster trashing the countryside.  As we scramble about trying to stop the thing with our tiny bullets, it crushes everything in sight.  
One can’t help but wonder what would happen if a current, sitting DOJ attorney simply sat down and wrote another memo stating a sitting president can be indicted?  More importantly, why hasn’t one done so, or at least challenged it, in the nearly fifty years since the original?  Why couldn’t Mueller have indicted Trump and, when asked about the conflict that might arise given the 1973 memo, said, “I’m basing my recommendation on the actual law.  Or, the lack thereof.”
But, who are we kidding?  From what we’ve seen the past four-plus years, even if Congress were to put fourth an amendment updating the inexplicably absent, undefined guidelines relating to such an important part of our Democracy, our spineless Republican leaders wouldn’t even put it up for a vote. 
As we now know, a Democracy isn’t good at preparing for something that hasn’t happened yet.  Be it Watergate, 9/11, or a Russian asset POTUS.  Now that we’ve experienced, firsthand, the damage an unhinged, unchallenged president can do to the fabric of our Democracy, including scaring the very people investigating him into not investigating him too much, perhaps our new president, along with a surprisingly repentant, suddenly patriotic Congress, will make it a priority to update our Constitution to back up the obviously inaccurate claim, “No one is above the Law,” with muscle.  However, given our obvious propensity for ignoring sections of our Constitution in dire need of repair, i.e. the obsolete mess that is the Electoral College, I wouldn’t hold my breath.  
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ppdoddy · 3 years
Michael Moore
AN OPEN LETTER TO JOE BIDEN Dear President-Elect Biden:
First of all, congratulations! YOU did it. WE did it! You stopped the madness. A grateful nation - and myself - are in a state of joy, hope and relief. Thank you for that! We are all eager to join with you to repair the damage done to our country — and to eliminate that about our society and our politics which gave us Donald Trump in the first place.
Mr. President-Elect, I first met you at the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004. It was clear to me from our talk that day that you were not the politician I remembered from the 1990s. On that day in Boston, we were by then over a year into the Iraq War, a war you voted for. My “Fahrenheit 9/11“ had just come out and you wanted to let me know that you were aware of the folly you had been sucked into. It seemed to me that you were doing a lot of soul searching and you wanted to hear my thoughts. To be honest, I was distracted by how perfect your teeth were, and I wondered, could you really be from the working class? By the end of our talk I was convinced there was something that was quite real and very good about you, though perhaps somewhat buried inside. Would it ever come out so the public could see it? As I reflect today on it - and you - I am sincerely hoping that you will indeed govern as a president who’s from the working class. You - one of us - in the White House. That’s how it should feel. Your actions, if bold, and brave, will make that true.
You are also our second Catholic president. I believe you are a person of faith. You and I were taught the same lessons in Catholic school: to love our neighbor, even our enemy; to create a world where everyone regardless of status or station has a seat at the table, and everyone gets a slice of the pie; a world where “the rich man will have a harder time getting into heaven than a camel will have getting through the eye of the needle.” We were taught that we will be judged by how we treat the least amongst us. Do I have that right? Are these not the moral, foundational principles of the coming Biden presidency?
I was so moved by your victory speech Saturday night when you told the immigrants and the children of immigrants that the Dreamers no longer had to live in fear. That Muslims were once again welcomed into our country. That the world could breathe a sigh of relief because we were going to let the planet Earth itself breathe and have some relief. And you told the teachers of America that starting January 20th, “one of your own will be living in the White House.” That just felt instantly good.
So if I may, I’d like to suggest a few things that might make your presidency one of the best this country has ever had. You and I may have our political differences (you like Amtrak trains, I’d like to ride a bullet train from New York to LA in 10 hours!😎), but I know that you and I - and tens of millions of others - all want and believe in the same basic things: • Health Care is a human right and every American must be covered; • Everyone must be paid a living wage and all of us must work to eliminate poverty and rebuild our broken middle class; • The massive and growing gulf between the ultra rich and everyone else must be narrowed — and the wealthy must go back to paying the taxes they should pay; • Women must be paid the same as men, and no man or government has the right to tell them what they can do or not do with their bodies.
So here’s my two cents:
1. You are right to make containing Covid-19 Job #1. Had Trump won, I’m guessing up to a million people in the next year or so would have died from him ignoring this virus. Yesterday you named your Covid task force of doctors and scientists and you are putting them to work. We don’t have a second to lose. Thank you for this.
2. As soon as you can, please provide much more unemployment relief for the jobless, stimulus checks for all, help for small businesses, and the creation of jobs we desperately need.
3. Millions have lost their health insurance because our system ties one’s health coverage to their employer. What happens when the employer, like now, is suddenly gone, or the boss wakes up one morning and decides these employees’ health benefits are too costly and must be cut? BOOM! Millions of families suddenly have no health insurance. This is nuts.
You MUST create a health system like every other industrial democracy — one backed by the government, not by the whims of the boss where you work or the pandemic that has shut him or her down. This is just plain common sense.
4. I see various people trying to take credit for your victory — and using their personal agendas to push you away from the progressive Left and toward the cowardly center which believes that the best way to beat Republicans is to just be a more easily-digestible version of Republicans. They think because Trump got 70 million votes the Democrats should reject Black Lives Matter, AOC, and anything that vaguely sounds like socialism — at a time when the majority of our citizens under the age of 35, according to most polls, prefer the idea of democratic socialism over the greed of modern-day capitalism. Why risk losing them? We need to listen to and understand why they feel this way. They’ve been saddled with crushing student debt and we’ve handed them a planet In the middle of its 6th extinction event as their future. You and Barack introduced them to the benefits of democratic socialism by letting them stay on their parents health insurance until they’re 26! The result: They just set a record by coming out and voting for you in the largest youth numbers ever.
But you know all this. And you also know how you won these razor-thin victories in the final five states as we nervously watched the final ballots come in from Black Philly, Black Detroit, Black Atlanta, Black Flint. Out west, it was Latinx and Navajo voters who delivered Nevada and Arizona to you. In your speech on Saturday you acknowledged it. And never in our history have I heard a President-elect single out the Black community and thank them “for having my back. And I promise you, I will have your back!” Black and brown and indigenous peoples, plus a landslide of women and young adult voters made this happen. Wow. I absolutely know you’ll keep that promise.
5. Please do not make the same mistake an otherwise well-meaning President Obama made in his first two years. He wanted everyone to get along. He was willing to compromise on anything. Kumbaya. The Republicans had already decided they were going to block EVERYTHING Obama proposed and that’s exactly what they did for eight long years with a discipline and a ruthlessness we should probably envy.
Don’t let this happen to you. Charge in on January 20th like FDR on steroids. You have no choice. People are dying! You need to sign executive orders and cajole, demand and shame Congress into action. And GO BIG! Eliminate the Electoral College through the National Popular Vote Act! DONE! Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment for women! Just one more state needed! DONE! Send in the Army Corps of Engineers to Flint to replace the poisoned water pipes! DONE!!
And none of the above needs a single vote of the United States Senate! In fact, this past summer, your “Biden-Bernie” unity joint task force identified a whopping 277 policies and decisions of Trump’s that you have the legal authority to immediately reverse by executive order or presidential policy decision https://prospect.org/…/277-policies-biden-need-not-ask-per…/. Find that big fat black marker of his and do it!
But, yes, we also desperately need those two Georgia Senate seats to get the Biden/Harris years off to a blazing start. So let’s make that happen! All hands on deck between now and January 5th!! We will all do whatever is needed.
Friends of mine on the Left who are more cynical than I am are probably wondering why I’m sending you this letter. Haha! Well, because I saw you kiss the head of that young grieving man at the Parkland, Florida memorial for the shooting victims of Stoneman Douglas High School. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyMa96yOel0
And because I saw you in New Hampshire this year while we were there working for Bernie, and you were doing a campaign stop and there was a restless five-year boy in the front row. His parents were trying to get him to settle down. You stopped and spoke to the boy. “Hey buddy,” you said in a kind but parental way, “if you can hang on and be a good boy for just a little bit, I’ll buy ya an ice cream!” The boy quieted down, you wrapped up and afterward you went over to the boy and his parents and you gave the kid five bucks so his mom and dad could go get him an ice cream cone. And I thought to myself, this is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen — and then I started to cry because I wanted so much for that piece of America to come back — goofy, kind, and focusing on what’s truly important: a goddamned ice cream cone!
I think that’s why you won. People saw what I saw with you there in New Hampshire and back in Boston on that day 16 years ago — they knew that maybe, just maybe, their lives might just get a bit better - hopefully a LOT better - with you in the White House. Maybe less of them will die from the virus, this preventable horror. Trump, of whom we knew many despicable things and thought we’d already seen how low the bar could possibly go for one human being — but we never considered him under the moniker of mass killer, terrorist or superspreader. Then you, Joe, came along and offered us a respite, a break from the insanity — “Mr. Biden, we’ll be happy if you just give us four years of ‘Not Trump!’”
But I think you can give us much more than that. What could our lives be like in four years or eight years (with a Democratic Senate to boot)? How ‘bout no one ever goes bankrupt again because they got sick? How ‘bout no one is sitting in a prison cell for possessing marijuana or actual drugs? How ‘bout every child gets to go to a great school and every neighborhood has an expanded free library open seven days a week? How ‘bout paid family medical leave so you can take care of your elderly parents and not lose your job? How ‘bout my bullet train! You and we can make all this happen. It’s not rocket science. 30+ other countries already do it. (https://www.amazon.com/Where-Invade-Next-Micha…/…/B01EGW9EOU) They’re happier. Why not us? Our founders promised it to us in their second sentence: “the pursuit of Happiness.“ They said that’s what America would be — and it’s been a rare day when we’ve actually had a glimpse of it.
Joe, you’re the guy to fulfill the promise. I’ll help. So will my neighbors on the floor where I live. As will the woman who delivers my mail, the workers who stock the shelves of my neighborhood market, the nurse who just wrote me in tears because yesterday she watched her 22nd patient die, alone, no family allowed, from Covid. Not to mention the millions upon millions of Americans who are ready to be foot soldiers in your army of justice, equality and love. We’re all in! We don’t want to go back to the old “normal.” We want a new normal!
We want ice cream.
All my best, Michael Moore
P.S. You know why I think you can and will do this? You picked Kamala Harris to run with you! Ranked as the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate. A woman. A Black woman! I saw the first debate, the one where she challenged you and threw shade on your younger self. Most people (including me), if that had happened to us, we probably wouldn’t have gotten over it. You did. I’m guessing your conscience whispered to you, “well, dang, maybe she has a point.” You hold no grudges. You are a forgiving soul. But then you didn’t just forgive her — you put her on the Big Ticket! Who would do that? You did! That’s why my cautious, hopeful bet is on the good hands we’re now in — both your hands, Kamala’s hands, and the hands of the mass millions who voted for you and will continue to rise up and fight for this new, better, post-Trump, post-pandemic America.
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sheepbutthead · 6 years
Do them all?
Hey thank you, Anon.
65 Questions You Aren’t Used To
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
All the time. I’ve been grappling with the thought that this is just a big simulation and I’m just a brain floating in a jar.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
I’m actually fine with the dark. Sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me though. So like a 2? 3?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Everyone’s favorite walking, talking orange: Donald Trump.
4. What is your favorite word?
That’s tough, there are a lot of good words. Salubrious is good. Gentle is good. Cro-magnon makes me think of crunchy cereal.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
The Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“Dear god what a fucking fuck.” and “There’s cat hair all over my sweater and it’s killing me.”
7. What shirt are you wearing?
I’m wearing one of my favorite sweaters. It’s burgundy and has a stitched squares pattern.
8. What do you label yourself as?
Jewish (barely), white dude, awkward, sensitive in the worst way someone could be sensitive, somehow still apathetic to the point of concern, (very) amateur musician. 
9. Bright room or dark room?
It depends on what I’m doing. If I’m working or eating I like a bright room. But typically I like soft yellow light or just natural window light.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Forcing myself to sleep so I wouldn’t overthink anymore.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
Probably 5. Being 19 feels weird.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
My mom. I just took her to the doctor for a evaluation type thing.
13. Your worst enemy?
Tangling things. Like blankets, string, messy rooms, jackets, drama, emotions. Also needles.
14. What is your current desktop picture?
A very old picture of the square in Jacksonville.
15. Do you like someone?
Yes, I’d say so.
16. The last song you listened to?
Whale by Yellow Ostrich. I’ve been getting into them lately.
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
I don’t know, I’m generally against killing people. I’d hate to be responsible for anyone’s death. Unless maybe it was someone who did horrible horrible things to people. Like a serial killer or a Hitler situation.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Now THIS I’m kinda ok with. I’m still usually not cool with violence but I’m also human. Probably Trump if I wouldn’t go to jail for the rest of my life. So maybe just one of or both of the Paul brothers.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
I’m not sure of the moral implications for this one either. I guess maybe Gordon Ramsay so he can teach me how to cook or just cook for me all day. I’d be happy with one of the Chris actors from the Marvel movies because they all seem like fun, cool people and they’re also very hot. I guess we’d just hang out all day and do stuff. I would stare a lot.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
I don’t know. I’ve been told my eyes are nice. Maybe my ears?
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I think I would be a pretty hot girl actually. Of course I would take that genitalia for a spin. I can’t really think of much else to do as a girl that I couldn’t technically just do as a guy. Maybe experience a period?
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I play trumpet, I guess. That’s not much of a secret. Or a talent. I can drive stick. I can whistle pretty well. I’m good at not only destroying property but also relationships.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Rabbits. I hate them. Yet I dated someone who loved them. Electricity makes me nervous.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Fuck dude, I don’t know. That’s a lot of different combinations. I’ve been enjoying egg sandwiches lately.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
I’d probably put it into my bike for repairs and stuff. Anything left over would just be saved for gas.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
I’d love to go to Santorini but definitely not how I’m dressed now. Iceland would be cool to go to. Also Quebec for the Winter Festival.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
I haven’t had enough alcoholic drinks to really make a good decision here. I will, however, take a lifetime supply of Buffalo Rock Ginger Ale. 
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Jesus, imagine the pressure and responsibility. We settle our arguments with whoever can rip the phattest vape cloud. Or maybe just rock, paper, scissors. No need for a fair and educated trial when you can just leave everything to chance and get fucked by fate. But seriously, probably like a vow of honesty. Everyone’s super honest to the point of destroying relationships but we all at least have our shit out there. And we all understand and don’t judge. Pretty much a giant safe space for my bitch ass.
29. What is your favorite expletive?
Fuck nugget, fucking fuck, or motherfucker. Basically just fuck. Or panty waste.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
I hate this scenario and I think about it all the time. I still don’t know what I would grab. I think maybe my homecoming crown, diploma, or maybe my keyboard. I don’t know. I could list so many things that I would also choose. I hate this question.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Easy, cheating on someone. Fucking stupidest, most hurtful, self centered, damaging thing I’ve ever done. I’ll regret it until I’m dead and I can never make up for it.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
What a life I live. I’m cool with Canada, Iceland, or maybe Denmark.
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My sister.
34. What was your last dream about?
Trying to talk to someone I used to know and being having a developing “hates me then doesn’t” buddy buddy relationship with their dad?
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
I am a good space heater. That’s about it.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
When I was little I had to go to the hospital because of dehydration. One of the doctors thought my appendix was about to burst and they almost sent me in for surgery before another doctor came in and corrected them. Mom was pissed.
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Oh yeah, several times. Although we don’t get many opportunities in the south.
38. What is the color of your socks?
Red and black.
39. What type of music do you like?
All kinds. I think my main genre is either some sort of electronic music or alternative rock and similar variations.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunsets definitely. Because when it’s done you can watch the stars.
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
I’m a fan of whatever has the most chocolate. I like peanut butter ones too.
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I don’t care about sports that much, friend.
43. Do you have any scars?
I have one on my finger that I don’t know where it came from, one on my nose (that I also do not know the origin), another one on the same finger because I was young and held the knife the wrong way so that it closed on my finger, and a lot of self inflicted stuff.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I have graduated and I’m not entirely sure. I used to know. Some kind of creative. It’d be cool to work in the movies. Maybe a concept artist or something like that.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Maybe my personality. Just generally not such a fuck. I wish I was more driven. 
46. Are you reliable?
I think I am 75% reliable. Maybe 85%.
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Do I end up like Dad? 
48. Do you hold grudges?
I can hold them for a little bit but I usually drop it or find a way that made it my fault.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
A horse and a some kind of dinosaur. So we could ride big lizards that like apples and sugar cubes. Or maybe a dog and an elephant so we could have really big dogs with really big ears.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
I’ve had a lot. I had a conversation on using the wendigo that lives near my house as a last resort for affection.
51. Are you a good liar?
I’m pretty good. Not great. But I can lie kind of ok. Maybe I’m not that great a liar.
52. How long could you go without talking?
Probably a week.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
My old bowl haircut from when I was young or when I had really long hair. The long hair wasn’t that bad really. I just didn’t take care of it.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Yes, several times.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
I can do the typical crappy English accent and maybe Scottish.
56. What do you like on your toast?
Usually just butter.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
God knows. Probably a willy.
58. What would be you dream car?
I actually use to drive my dream car. I love old Volkswagen Beetles. I’d love to put an electric engine in it like that one company does. I think they’re called Zelectrics.
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I sing occasionally. Only when no ones around. I don’t do much else besides maybe style my hair with the shampoo.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
Yes, definitely. I think it’d be against logic to believe otherwise.
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
More than I’d like to admit. I don’t really believe it; it’s more of a casual thing. But also, I can’t help but be pulled into it.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
J, K, W, G, Y, and maybe Q.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
I’m tempted to say dragons because they’re basically like flying dinosaurs with fire breath and cool lore. But on the other hand, dinosaurs ACTUALLY existed and that’s amazing in and of itself.
64. What do you think about babies?
I think they’re cute and they smell weird. Never hand me your baby, I will be very nervous. They’re also loud and you don’t know if they’ll turn out to be good people no matter how hard you try. They’re also amazing and they blow my mind. I do not want one. Probably ever.
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
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swan2swan · 7 years
Why do you hate Sanders so much? It seems like all the hardcore Hillary supporters just can't get over the fact that someone had the audacity to try and run against her in the primary.
I really don’t hate him. 
I just don’t see him as someone who is ultimately capable of pulling through and becoming the President we need. He’s too much of an idealist, and a lot of his promises are based on idealism--he’s sort of the anti-Trump. He’s a great person, has a lot of heart, and is a good man. He would be a vastly superior President...but he’s never going to get there. I know we said that about Trump, but Trump’s fantasy playbook was based on fear and paranoia--two things that have a much easier time trumping reason than hope and idealism.
If someone says “It’s dangerous to go outside”, you’re going to go out and be cautious. Then, if something was right, you say, “Gee, the warning person was right!” And if you don’t get attacked, then you say “Nothing went wrong!”, and the crier either says “Because I told you to be careful” or “THIS time, you should be thankful!” 
If someone says “You’re going to have a great time!”, you’re going to go out excited. Then if nothing goes wrong, yeah, you had a great time! But if something goes wrong, then you say “You were wrong!” and you’re angry at the person who promised that you were going to have a great time. In other words, when Bernie’s promises don’t manifest themselves, people will blame him quickly and turn elsewhere (kind of like what happened to a lot of people under Obama). Granted, it can’t really get much worse than this, but if Bernie proposes something like a healthcare bill with a trillion-dollar price tag that requires us to tax the rich, then the rich say “We don’t want that!” and the poor say “Aren’t we already spending enough?” and the people who are currently happy with their healthcare say “Is it worth the risk?”, then Donald Trump can use that against Bernie.
It’s crucial to note that Hillary never promised that everything would be perfect. She knew she couldn’t counter “Make America Great Again” by saying “America Is Already Great!” because healthcare was still going through unstable growing pains, North Korea was pursuing nukes, black people were being shot by cops, people were branding “Black Lives Matter” a terrorist organization, economic disparity was extreme, mass shootings were taking place every month, and the United States was still causing death and destruction in Syria and Afghanistan.
Her strategy was simple: she wouldn’t promise too much, only continuing stability and a reminder that America could get through anything, and that she wanted to work with America. She talks about how she had a purple outfit set for her outfit to wear on the day after she won the election, and a white outfit for when she won, as a clear message to show America that we could all work together--yes, White Working Class, she still likes white (and to the women, remember the Suffrage!). The next day, purple is the mix of red and blue--she wanted to be a President for all Americans. She was being as moderate as she could be, as mellow as she could be, because she knew that she would have to repair the damage Donald Trump had done, and that it meant that she couldn’t be as left and liberal as she wanted.
As we know, the plan didn’t work. Moderation wasn’t enough for the Electoral College, because the country had already been polarized.
I’ve strayed from Bernie, though, so let’s bring it back to him: Bernie Sanders, again, is a great man. He’s honest and blunt and very clear about what he wants, and honestly, him setting down the standards for his healthcare bill is a smart move because it lets us see the flaws. It turns it from a vague fantasy into a solid fantasy (a fantasy that could still use more numbers). But the man’s honesty and bluntness can be a killer in a debate, because if someone starts challenging him to say “How are you going to accoplish this?” and vehemently making arguments about the problem of numbers in idealism, it’s going to make more “rational” people doubt him.
Again: it worked for Trump. It worked so well for Trump. But that was because he relied on emotion and anger--the powerful, negative emotions. Bernie can use anger, too--but it just doesn’t mesh as well with idealism, because once idealism starts to work out, anger dissipates, and then turns into a new form of resentment. The danger with Trump’s America is that as things don’t get fixed, he can continue to blame the Democrats, the obstructionists, the “others” who keep delaying and fighting--and his base is far more unhinged, and the weaponry is in his hands.
Bernie Sanders is a great leader, but we need someone else. You don’t send Batman to run the Gotham police department. Batman’s a good man, but he’s an extreme edge. Sanders needs to run support. And he needed to run support for Clinton sooner--him as a primary opponent was fine, but waiting until late spring to finally concede was a huge problem...especially with the mudslinging campaign that Donald Trump gleefully picked up. I only hope he supports a great candidate in 2020, because we need that. Bernie Sanders shouldn’t have to run for President, because he’s the kind of man so many people should strive to be.
TLDR: Idealists make for pretty bad leaders, but great people, and we need more people like Bernie Sanders.
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