#thank you to the pal who helped me with the pic credits!!!!
tallstales · 2 years
Home as of a little after midnight last night. 16 hours of driving on Friday and almost 18 on Saturday. Fable was a total angel on the way down to NC and was happy to reunite with her mama Nova who greeted us at the car and a couple of her other service dog pals and sisters who are also in for training. Thank you to those who have been texting, trying to check in, or send good vibes our way for the journey. I’m sorry I couldn’t always answer back.
I know a lot is going on right now, but if you have a minute I want to talk about why I can’t always give you updates on my travel, answer the phone, or send cute pics of Fable at rest stops ect. It’s easier for me to write it down once and ask for a little bit of help here than have the pressure of saying any of this face to face.
The car is not a happy place for me as many of you know. A lot of trauma has happened to me in cars. Things I don’t want to post all over the internet but things I am willing to talk about in safe environments with people I trust if you feel the need to ask in person.
This weekend was 16 and then 18 hours straight of panic attacks, trying to stay quiet, accidentally shouting and feeling terrible for distracting or scaring my husband Michael, shaking, migraines, crying, dissociation, and feeling like my chest was going to explode from how fast and constant my heart was going crazy. It’s hard to explain for someone not there experiencing it but I’m sure Michael would agree that that’s only the half of it. My whole body is one giant charlie horse today.
This is another reason why the fundraiser is so important to me and I really appreciate every single share and comment and penny that comes its way. We can’t afford to pay approximately $2k in plane tickets every time we drop Fable off or go to train with her right now because we’re anticipating having to pay for the rest of her training. Not to mention, we can’t afford one plane trip a year for a vacation or family visit or anything like that in a typical year. Two way trips twice every two months is unimaginable. A hotel for one night and gas is significantly less. But the closer we get to completing the payment for her training, the more willing we are to start dipping into our credit card and savings to take a plane instead. I knew driving such a long distance and on our days off so we wouldn’t have to take time off work was going to be hard, but my expectations of myself were far too high. It’s not hard. It feels impossible. It’s torture. I keep trying to thank Michael for his patience and taking all the driving on himself but he keeps trying to tell me that he has the easy part. After yesterday’s ride, I’m starting to believe it. Michael joked this weekend in one of my few moments when I was able to breathe and talk that maybe we should sedate me next time. It’s really sad (and terrifying for a whole other list of reasons I won’t get into here) that I’m considering it.
So I know this was a total look at me sob story moment but Im trying to let people in on what’s going on and ask for help.
Every share of the fundraiser has the potential to find new people. Every comment and reaction (like, love, care, ect) boosts the views that post gets. I know not everyone can donate and many of you already have and I’m forever grateful and in your debt for that. What I’m asking now is that you just click share. Text the link, email it, dm it, share on your profiles. Whatever you feel comfortable doing.
Thank you.
I wasn’t able to take many pictures of Fable in the car this time but here is one of her happy as a clam rocking out to some road tunes and watching the view go by. I wish she still fit in the foot well with me but random kisses to my face from the back seat are nice little distractions too ❤️
Please click here for my gofundme or here to donate directly through Steadfast Service Dogs
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0 notes
is0gild · 3 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Bonus Chapter 6
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 9,761
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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Ice chips.
A whole paper cup full of them.
This was my current mission. My purpose. My whole reason for existence in this one very specific moment in time.
For if every wholesome, family-friendly sitcom from the 90s were to be believed, ice chips were like crack to women in labor - they just couldn't get enough of the stuff.
Why? No one knows, least of all me… okay, maybe doctors knew but if they did, not a single one had yet to clear up that little mystery for me.
The why didn't really matter anyway. All that mattered is that Rayne wanted them. And what Rayne wanted, Rayne got.
Especially when she was about to shove a brand new tiny person through her body and out into the world any second now.
...at least, in theory anyway.
I thanked the attendant at the nurse station and turned with the freshly secured cup of ice chips in hand, heading down the hospital wing back in the direction of Rayne's room in the delivery ward. As I hurried along, I anxiously ran my free hand down my frazzled braid, grimacing at all the little wisps coming loose before shifting to smooth my fingers along my rumpled dress that I'd been wearing since yesterday. Turning one last corner, my eyes immediately went to Rayne's door-
-only to be brought up short by the sight of fluffy, squishy, huggable reindeer plushie nearly twice my size already waiting politely outside it.
Well there was something you don't see every day.
It only took me a second to spot the shoes poking out underneath that had to belong to whoever was holding the thing from behind where I couldn't see them. I squinted.
I knew those shoes.
With a tiny, tired smile, I put one foot forward once more and approached the giant stuffed caribou with a lightly teasing, "If you're looking for the North Pole, you're off by about a couple thousand miles, Prancer. Or is it Blitzen?"
"Har, har. You're an absolute riot," came a voice from the other side of the massive doll. Though I couldn't see the eye roll, I could distinctly hear it in his tone.
Shaking my head with a soft snort, I dug my phone out of my pocket to check the time. "...1 p.m. already? Can't believe she's been in labor for nearly twenty-one hours." Twenty-one extremely long, extremely sleepless hours for the mother-to-be, not to mention all her loved ones here to support her. Tucking the phone away once more, I told him, "Thanks again for covering my early shift, I really appreciate it. Hope it wasn't too hectic of a morning over at the Ice Palace."
"Hey, don't mention it," Kristoff poked his blonde head up just over the plushie's shoulder. "If it's a choice between the two of us, it's no contest: Rayne'd much rather have you here with her than me." He paused, eyeing the closed door leading into her hospital room with a tiny frown. "...so, still no baby, huh?"
"Still no baby," I sighed, then tipped my head to one side. "Care to explain the reindeer? I didn't even know we made Svens in this size."
"We don't," he shifted his hold on the thing for a better grip. "We got a small batch to try and sell as a test run last year, but no one was really buying 'em. Still had a couple stowed away in back just gathering dust, so got the okay from Frozone to steal one for welcoming the new little Hewley into the world."
A grin pulled at my lips, "How sweet. I'm sure Rayne will love it." I then quirked an eyebrow at him. "...why were you just standing outside with it anyway? You know you could have just walked on in, right?"
His gaze darted to the door once again, then back to me. "...is the yelling still happening?" he whispered with a nervous little wince.
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes as I deadpanned, "It's the beautiful blessed miracle of life, Kristoff. Rayne's allowed to yell as much as she wants. Now come on, there's already one baby on the way, we don't need you being a big old second one." With that, I reached for the door knob, pushed it open and made my way inside.
And straight into the madhouse that was Rayne's hospital room.
"You did this to me, you bastard! I'm gonna KILL you for this, you smug son of a bitch!"
Ah, and there was Rayne now, shrieking her head off.
To be fair, if you'd been in labor for nearly a full day now, you'd probably be shrieking your head off too.
"Yes, hon."
And that'd be Riku, the absolute picture of patience and composure as he smiled lovingly through the abuse, both verbal and physical as Rayne's death grip just had to be murder on his hand right now. But he was soldiering through it like a champ.
Huffing and puffing, Rayne spat, "Don't you 'yes hon' me with that stupid, sexy, annoying, beautiful, infuriatingly perfect little grin of yours, pal! When I'm through with you, you won't have anything to grin about!"
"Yes, hon," he chuckled softly, gently sweeping a few of her messy bangs out of her face before pressing a light kiss to her sweaty temple.
"Oh-ho, no! None of that!" she snarled, narrowing her eyes at him. "It's stuff like that that started this whole damn mess, jerkface!"
"Yes, hon."
We were all handling being included in this special moment in Rayne's life a bit differently, each doing what we could to keep her happy and distracted from the contractions. As could be seen, Riku was doing his part by being a flawless model husband/punching bag combo. Sora-
"What does every moogle need in the morning?"
Sora was trying to make her laugh.
"A kup-o coffee!"
...and was doing a rather poor job of it.
As Rayne stared blankly up at him, Sora gave a tiny sheepish laugh from where he stood at the foot of her hospital bed as he scratched the back of his head. "That one was a dud, huh? Okay, okay, how about this one? What do moogles use when they go shopping? ...Kupons!"
More crickets from Rayne. This time accompanied with an unamused little eye squint.
Undeterred, Sora smiled brightly and held up his hands, "Wait, wait, I gotta million of these! What did one cactuar say to the other? ...looking sharp! What does a cactuar wear to a business meeting? ...A cac-tie!" Why did the chocobo cross the road? ...he was going for a wark!"
His new rapid fire approach did not seem to be helping matters.
"Alright, no, hang on, I'm gonna get you with this one for sure! You ready? Okay… Knock knock."
Rayne's eye twitched. Patting her hand, Riku obliged his cousin with a sigh, "Who's there?"
Barely able to contain his glee now, Sora replied, "Interrupting chocobo."
"Interrupting ch-"
"BWARK!" Sora crowed in delight.
The expecting mother-to-be looked just about ready to hurl the beeping heart monitor at him.
"Look, Ray, look!" Kairi suddenly chimed in, swiftly coming to her boyfriend's rescue as she shoved her phone in Rayne's face. For her contribution in keeping Rayne's mind off the pain, Kairi had elected to sit in the bed with her to provide cuddles and hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of adorable baby animals. "Aren't these little piggy-wiggies the freaking cutest?"
Frowning at the screen, Rayne said flatly, "...they'd look even cuter in the form of crispy bacon on a bun slathered in barbecue."
Kairi gasped in horror, snatching her phone back to hug protectively to her chest, "Not the piggy-wiggies!"
"Sorry, Kai, but I'm starving and they won't let me eat a damn thing until this little bundle of joy gets the hell out of me," she grumbled back.
She pursed her lips to one side, swiping her thumb across the screen several times now, "Guess I'll skip these pics of baby cows and chicks and- you know what? No farm animals at all, how about that?"
Sora was now sidling up along one side of the bed opposite to Riku, both hands covering his face as he went.
Oh dear.
One could only assume this was leading up to his latest attempt to get a laugh out of her and I was almost dreading how the next couple seconds would unfold.
"No frowning. No sad face. Okay?" he muffled out from between fingers as he blindly inched closer to Rayne. "This birth runs on happy faces, so ya gotta look funny… like me!" He suddenly threw his hands out wide to reveal he was wearing a pair of gag glasses, complete with a comically large plastic nose and mustache. "I-"
Rayne yelped in surprise and socked him in the stomach.
Yup. That'd gone about as well as I'd expected.
And correction… it seemed the role of punching bag would now be played by Sora.
Quite literally.
Eyes growing round as she clasped both hands over her mouth, Rayne said, "Oh god, Sora, you okay? I'm so sorry, but you scared the everliving crap out of me!"
"No, no, it's fine," he wheezed out a chuckle, doubling over and clutching at his gut while Kairi shot him a sympathetic pout as she rubbed his shoulder. "You're bringing a new little life into the world, so you get a free pass!"
Smothering his snickers behind a hand, Riku shook his head at him, "Where did those ridiculous things even come from?"
"These?" Sora held up the gaudy spectacles. "Saw 'em in the hospital gift shop and thought everyone might get a kick outta them."
"Or at least a punch," Kairi teased, sticking her tongue out.
Kristoff and I hadn't been spotted yet. Sensing an opening as the rest of them devolved into light laughter, I was just about to insert myself into the conversation when-
"Beep beep, coming through! Move it or lose it!"
Jolting, I just barely jumped out of the way in time to narrowly avoid getting steamrolled by Anna as she suddenly came charging into the room. Her arms were stacked so high with hospital pillows that she couldn't really see past them, so I suspected she had no clue that she'd just beeped-beeped her own sister.
Yesterday when we'd been racing our way back to Twilight Town, I'd called Anna to make sure she'd heard the news that Rayne had gone into labor. Since we still had had several hours left on the road to go yet before we'd be back and I'd been worried about missing the birth, I'd wanted to make sure that Anna could at least be there in my stead. However I discovered I needn't have even asked, for my sister had already been burning rubber out of Arendelle to get to Twilight Town herself even before I'd called. Thankfully we'd arrived with time to spare - plenty of it, as it was turning out. And bonus, I'd been getting to personally witness Anna's own unique brand of pitching in... that is, by doing anything and everything in her power to make sure Rayne was as comfortable as humanly possible.
Which to Anna apparently meant stealing every last pillow in this medical institution to offer up as tribute to Rayne.
"Ta-da!" she chirped as she dumped the tiny mountain of cushions onto Rayne's bed with a big, delighted grin. "I'm back with a whole friggin' variety this time, so pick your poison! I got soft ones, firm ones, big ones, small ones, some as big as your- you know what? Do you wanna go with all of them? Let's go with all of them! Sound good? Good!" With that, she began gently but eagerly stuffing them one by one behind Rayne's head.
"Anna, sweetie… do you think we're maybe approaching the point of too many pillows here?" Rayne delicately asked, shifting her back slightly against the already substantial collection behind her that Anna had managed to amass in the past several hours.
She wrinkled her nose with a snerk, "What? Nonsense, there's no such thing as too many pillows! And I think you'll be singing a different tune once you get a load of this puppy here," she proudly held up and fluffed a particularly plush looking pillow. "This right here is the Holy Grail of hospital pillows! I earned this bad boy too! Had to throw down with some greedy, wrinkly old fart who was trying to horde all the good bedding for himself!"
"Let me get this straight… you beat up an elderly old man and stole his pillow?" Riku gave her a dull look.
"I didn't beat him up! Just… got in a bit of a tussle, that's all," she brushed off with a tiny shrug. At all the blank stares she received, she huffed, "What, he was crotchety and mean and fought dirty, kept whacking me with his cane! The old coot friggin' deserved it!" She turned her head away with a razz of her tongue before her face lit up once more. "Besides, nothing but the best for the soon-to-be mommy, isn't that right, Ray-Ray?" she cooed as she fondly tucked "the Holy Grail" of hospital pillows (which was the last of her latest haul from all her ransacking and pillaging) behind Rayne. Then she clapped her hands together, "Now! Be right back with more in a jiff!"
Before Anna could dash off again however, Rayne snagged her wrist with a hasty, "No!" As my sister glanced back at her, Rayne winced and lowly hissed her way through what looked to be another contraction before blowing out a relieved puff and exhaustedly chuckling, "The thought's appreciated, sweetpea, really, but try as you might, I just don't think we can quite cram the hospital's entire supply of pillows in this one teeny room."
"Ah-ah!" she interrupted her protest, holding up a finger. "Trust me, I'm good. 'Sides, if you keep going at this rate, soon there'll be no room left on the bed for me."
The corners of Anna's lips turned down in a tiny sulk. "I suppose you're right," she hung her head as her hands smoothed over Rayne's bedsheets, flattening any wrinkles. Then she froze mid-gesture, face brightening once again as she looked up with a delighted little intake of breath. "I can get you more blankets! So many blankets! All the blankets!"
"What?! Anna, no, I'm not even-"
But my sister had already blurred out of the room with nothing more than a quick, "Hi, Sis! Bye, Sis!" to me. She didn't even acknowledge Kristoff. Don't think she saw him behind the caribou.
"...cold," Rayne finished with a defeated sigh. Then she seemed to notice me for the first time. More specifically, what I was holding. She immediately perked up, "Ah, there she is! C'mere, oh Great Bringer of Ice! My Ice Babe, my Ice Queen, my Ice Goddess!" She stretched out her arms towards me, making grabby hands. "Gimme!"
Ah, my role in keeping Rayne happy.
Which if it hadn't been obvious already, that greeting should have just made it abundantly clear.
This was actually my first time being present for the birth of somebody's child. And if I was being totally honest here, I had to admit that the experience did make me a bit awkward and anxious. Gussy it up however you like, but the "miracle of childbirth" was some animal kingdom nonsense that I'd normally rather take no part in. It was all just so... er… messy. But this was an important day for Rayne and I wanted to be there for her. Which meant I just had to do what I did for all important things that made me awkward and anxious.
I let it go and did them anyway.
Taking in a breath to quell my jittery nerves, I braved a smile as I approached her bedside and held out the cup which she greedily snatched up. "Got it back here as quick as I could, hopefully it didn't have a chance to melt too much."
Popping a few frozen chips into her mouth, she closed her eyes with a contented hum. "Ahhhh, that's the stuff! You always treat me right, boo! Keep the good shit coming."
"D'aw," I grinned softly, reaching out to lightly pat her cheek, "you make me feel like I'm your drug dealer."
"Don't act like you don't like it," she crunched down on the ice with a cheeky little wink before digging a few more out of the cup to slip between her lips. Then she looked past me and went stock still. She blinked once. Then twice. Then, "...um?"
I glanced back to realize she just now seemed to be noticing the comically large, dopey reindeer in the room. How she hadn't spotted it sooner was beyond me. In any case, I cleared my throat and stage whispered, "Pssst… Kristoff!"
"Right." Taking that as his cue, he started jauntily bouncing forward with the thing, making it do a floppy little jig in the process. Remaining hidden behind the colossal doll the whole time, he adopted a deep, goofy voice to speak for the plushie, "Hello, my name is Sven and I'm gonna be your new lil gal's bestest friend! I'll make sure to give her all the snuggles and huggles and wub she'll ever need!"
For a second, Rayne's expression was unreadable as she just continued to stare at the thing's big, silly face. Then she burst into tears.
Fudge, was this a good crying or a bad crying?
With all the drastic mood swings she'd been experiencing since labor started, it could really go either way at this point.
Everyone began to scramble. Riku was murmuring softly to her as he caressed her cheek, Kairi was frantically trying to pull up what she was claiming to be an absolutely adorable picture of a dog and duck that were besties, and Sora was desperately shooting off lame, punny jokes so fast now that the punchlines were getting all jumbled and mashed together into pure gibberish. However it all turned out to be unnecessary as Rayne suddenly wailed, "Oh my god, I love him!"
Whew, okay, this was a good crying.
False alarm, people, stand down.
"Really?" Kristoff stuck his head up from behind the deer, flashing a lopsided smile.
She nodded her head vigorously, sniffling. "He's perfect for our baby girl! And good news! You've officially just been hired as our full-time nanny!"
He gave a bashful chuckle as he found a corner to deposit Sven in, "Shucks, you don't hafta-" But then he stiffened as her words really sunk in. "Wait, what?"
"Yup! Don't worry, I'll talk to the Ice Palace for you so they'll work your shifts around it. Ah, we're gonna have the happiest kid in the whole wide universe now that she's going to have her own talking, dancing, prancing reindeer to play with every day!" she clapped in glee.
"Every-" Kristoff spluttered and paled. "Now hang on, I never agreed to any of-"
"Da-dun da-dun! Candygram!" a new voice loudly sang out. We all turned to discover Lea now standing in the doorway, grinning like a madman with his arms loaded down with junk food. Way, way too much junk food.
"Good lord, where on earth did all that come from?" was the only greeting he got from me as both eyebrows shot up my forehead.
He shrugged, grin somehow defying all odds to stretch even wider. "Raided the nearest couple o' vending machines and picked the things clean. Hope all you boys and gals are famished cuz tonight we feast like Candyland kings! And you get a chocolate bar!" he tossed one to me, which I fumbled to catch before sensing Rayne's gaze narrowing on me and I hastily hid it behind my back. "And you get a chocolate bar!" This one went to Kristoff. "And you and you and you!" Sora, Kairi, Riku. "Annnnnd…" Lea stopped mid-throw to Rayne, smirking as he retracted his hand. "...not you cuz the Doc said that was a big fat no-no for you, Missy! Guess that just means more for me," he smugly singsonged as he made his way further into the room now.
Nostrils flaring, Rayne growled, "You are such an asshole, Red."
"One," he struck up a finger as he unceremoniously plopped down into a chair against the wall opposite of her, letting all the sweets pile up in his lap, "that's just part o' my roguish charm and you know it. Two, you said a naughty word." He tsked with a shake of his head as he began to peel the wrapper off a Snickers. "Now is that any way for a young lady who any second now is gonna be responsible for molding a young, impressionable mind of our future generation should be talking?"
"Fuck off," she spat out.
"That's more like it!" he laughed, toasting her with the candy bar before heartily taking a bite.
And this, my friends, is how Lea was doing his part to help distract her from the pain.
By being a royal pain in the butt himself.
Fighting fire with fire, as it were.
"Mm-mm-mm!" Lea hummed, putting on a show of enjoying his snack a little too much. "The way that chocolate just melts in your mouth and mingles with all that sweet caramel and peanuty goodness… golly, would I hate to be anyone who's not allowed to eat right now," he slyly broke off another piece between his teeth as he eyed Rayne.
She mutedly worked her jaw for a moment. Then in a dangerously low voice, she said, "Sorry, Elsa, but I'm sending your boyfriend to an early grave."
"Please don't. I'm actually rather fond of the little troublemaker," I snorted as I made my way over to him, quick to smother his mouth with my hand even as he opened it to spout off something else that would surely only tighten the proverbial noose even further around his neck.
I anticipated the little kiss he pressed to the inside of his palm. What I didn't anticipate, however, was him simply taking hold of my wrist and yanking my down into his lap (a rather awkward seat, mind you, considering I was sharing the space with all that candy) where he hugged me tightly, pinning my arms to my sides in the process so I could no longer silence him. Nuzzling his nose to my cheek, he then turned his head to regard Rayne once more as he chirped, "Just consider it incentive! Think about it: the sooner ya squeeze that kiddo out, the sooner ya get to throttle me! Now lessee here, where was I…"
Releasing his hold on me, he retrieved another bar from the heap, tore it open and chomped down. "Mmm… Almond Joy? More like Almond Nirvana! Seriously, this is too good. Raindrop, wanna bite?" he held it out towards her, giving it a little wiggle with an impish gleam to his eyes.
Pretty sure I could see a vein bulging on her forehead for a split second. Then she tried to lunge straight for him and it was only thanks to the combined efforts of Riku, Kairi, and Sora holding her back that she stayed put in her bed.
It seemed Lea was playing his part a little too well.
"Lemme at him, I'm going to murder him!" she snarled as she fought against all the hands restraining her.
"Ah-ah," Lea waggled a finger at her - a finger I hastily grabbed and forced him to lower in a futile attempt to keep him from antagonizing her further. "What did I just tell ya? Baby first, then murder."
Rayne's lips parted, a particularly nasty retort surely on the tip of her tongue, but then she sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth as it appeared another contraction wracked her body and she bellowed out wordlessly instead.
As if her howl was a summons, a new person suddenly came bustling into the room with a chipper yet soothing, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion."
Mind you, I was using the term "person" in the loosest sense of the word. Baymax here was actually a robot of some kind, though a rather odd one at that - I usually didn't picture robots as big, round, soft and inflatable. Then again, this was the first robot I'd ever met, so what did I know? It seemed it (he?) was some sort of prototype on loan to the hospital, making rounds in the role of a nurse as a sort of a test run to see how viable mass producing more like it (him?) might be.
The future is now, apparently.
"Yes, yes, so you keep saying every. Damn. Time that you come in here," Rayne panted out in reply to the bot, her grip firmly squeezing Riku's hand once more.
"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked amiably as he began to lift her blankets to check how far along she was while the rest of us discreetly averted our eyes.
She huffed out a bitter noise that may have been some crude approximation of a laugh. "Trust me, we left ten in the dust hours ago."
"Good news" Baymax announced, still in that mellow yet upbeat tone he seemed to be programmed to never deviate from as he settled her bedsheets back into place. "You are dilated enough now to begin the birthing process. I'll page Dr Finkelstein so we can get started right away."
"Oh thank fucking god!" Rayne cried out.
Baymax turned to address the rest of us, "If everyone besides the father-to-be could please vacate the room and give us privacy, it would be most appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day."
As the rest of us quickly filed out of the room into the hall, I could spot Anna turning a corner down the way, her arms bursting with blankets now as she sprinted at full speed. Her gaze widened slightly when it landed on us and as she skidded to a halt, she asked, "What's going on? What happened?"
"I did it!" Lea chuckled triumphantly as he handed her a Butterfingers, which she bemusedly accepted. "I shit you not, I actually did it! I managed to annoy that baby outta her!"
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"Huh. We really would make a cute lil anklebiter, wouldn't we?"
I blinked, taking my eyes off my phone screen to glance down at Lea instead. "...pardon?"
The two of us had laid claim to a row of chairs in the waiting room that were sans armrests and pushed together to form a makeshift bench of sorts. I was currently seated in one on the end with Lea sprawled out across the rest of them, using my lap to pillow his head. Looking up from his own phone, he showed me his screen. "Got curious and put our photos in one o' those 'what'll our baby look like' websites. Just lookit this adorable lil fucker."
I was greeted with the sight of a computer-generated yet still rather life-like picture of a little boy. He had short hair that was platinum blonde like mine, as well as my blue eyes, but favored Lea's more sharp angular facial features, especially in the nose. "He is rather cute," I grinned, one hand pocketing my mobile while the other gently stroked his wild hair. Nibbling on my bottom lip, I hesitated for a heartbeat. Then, "...what brought this up?"
Retracting his arm and turning his phone back towards himself so he could stare at the picture once more, he shrugged. "I dunno… Raindrop and Riku's lil squirt's gonna be here any minute… Mom made that comment 'bout the two of us making a kid…" He paused and shrugged again. "Hard not to get curious what with all that baby fever going round right now, I s'pose."
"You think about that kind of stuff?" I tipped my head to one side, my finger idly singling out one of his crimson spikes to fiddle with in particular. "You want children?"
"Well yeah," he laughed, tucking his phone away as he sat up, now only occupying the seat beside me. Grinning sheepishly as he rubbed at the nape of his neck, he added, "Not anytime soon, of course. But one day somewhere down the road with the right person? Definitely."
The corners of my eyes crinkled. There was absolutely zero doubt in my mind that Lea would make an amazing father some day. His words did sort of beg a certain kind of question however. One that I wasn't really sure I was ready to hear the answer to one way or another. Still, as I lowered my gaze to where my hands were fidgeting together in my lap, my face warmed as I couldn't seem to help but ask, "And do you… see me as the right person?"
Lea reached over, engulfing one of my hands in his and weaving our fingers together, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I lifted my gaze to meet his and he smiled softly, "Maybe… yeah, I'd really… really like to think you could be." He used his free hand to tentatively sweep some of my bangs behind my ear, his palm lingering against my cheek. "...is that okay, El?" he murmured.
He was worried his answer might freak me out, make me feel pressured. And to be fair, it was the type of thing that probably normally would have. However, it wasn't a cold panic I felt seeping into my chest now, but rather a pleasant tingle, tiny but warm. I leaned into his hand, covering his fingers with my own as one corner of my lips turned up and I gave a small nod, maybe surprising us both a little bit as I whispered back, "Yeah, that's okay."
His grin stretched to the point of threatening to split his face in two. Then he leaned down to kiss me soundly, resting his forehead against mine after he drew back.
Personally, I'd never before really pictured children in my future. Not that I had seen myself not having any, but I hadn't particularly seen myself having them either. It just hadn't really been something I'd thought much about, to be honest. And it didn't help that like I said, the whole process of childbirth made me a bit squeamish. But now… thinking about the prospect of maybe one day having them with Lea…
...sounded like it might be nice.
But that was still years and years and years away, trust me.
Still… it was a pleasant possible future to think about.
A deep yawn suddenly overtook Lea and he gave a massive stretch before slouching further down into his seat, slinging an arm around my shoulders and tugging me into his side. "Yeesh, it's been almost two hours now, what is taking that kid so damn long? I've heard of showing up fashionably late, but baby girl is really pushing it."
His yawn was contagious for I found myself doing the same as I reached for his hand. Absently toying with his fingers, I hummed a tiny laugh, "Maybe she stopped to pick up a latte on her way here."
"Well then, that kiddo better come outta Raindrop with a cardboard to-go tray bearing enough coffee for everyone."
I smiled drowsily, but made no response. Seated across from us, I could see my sister cozied up with Kristoff in another pair of seats, quietly chatting and giggling. As for Sora and Kairi, they were off grabbing a bite in the cafeteria. We'd decided to go in shifts so that there would always be someone in the waiting room in case news came at long last. Lea and I had been the first pair to go, with Kairi and Sora being the last.
As the hospital speakers paged a Dr Sweet to report to surgery, Lea piped up again, "Ya know, a lil caffeine infusion might not be a bad idea. The hospital coffee here is shit, may as well be piss for all the good it does. Once the kid's made her grand debut at long last and we can finally split, I was originally thinking we'd head back to my place to catch some Z's. But how 'bout instead we swing by Lucky Cat for some quality bean juice so we can get a jumpstart on moving your stuff over?"
"Move my stuff?" My brow furrowed and I turned my head to look up at him. "...where's it going?"
Lea blinked owlishly at me. I blinked owlishly right back. "Didn't we…?" he began slowly, then groaned, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "Shit, I haven't actually brought that up to you yet, have I? Maybe I really do need that nap." His hand shifted down to scratch at his cheek now, "But c'mon now, El, think… the kid's almost here."
"Uh-huh," I nodded.
"And she's gonna need a place to sleep," he went on.
"Of course." Obviously. I wasn't exactly sure where he was going with this.
He looked at me pointedly. "...in a nursery."
I quirked an eyebrow. "Right." Still lost here.
His eyelids drooped. "Babe... your room's the nursery."
I just stared back at him blankly, not saying anything at first as my brain took a minute to churn over his words.
A rather long minute.
Give me a break, I'd been awake for close to thirty-four hours straight now.
But finally it clicked.
I gasped, "I need to move out!"
"There it is," he snorted, his hand rubbing my back.
"Crud, in all this flurry of baby chaos, that part completely slipped my mind." I was on my feet in an instant, hands wringing my braid as I began pacing back and forth. "Fudge, I'm entirely unprepared for this! What am I going to do? Where am I going to go?" I stopped momentarily, looking at Lea. He opened his mouth to respond, but I was already furiously pacing once more, muttering, "Well, not entirely unprepared. I of course knew this was coming, already had some of my things packed, been on the hunt for a new apartment, I have, I really have! You know I have!" Again I paused. Again his lips parted. Again, I resumed my patrolling without giving him a chance to speak, "But there's nothing lined up yet! Gah, the baby wasn't supposed to be due for weeks, I was supposed to have more time! But now there is no more time and… and…" I came to a halt once again, face hardening and shoulders squaring as I tapped the side of my fist into my palm with a firm nod. "Time to revisit the whole living in a box idea!"
Did I mention the whole thirty-four hours without sleep thing?
"Woah now, hang on! No one's gonna be living in a box," Lea hopped up with a chuckle, hands going to my shoulders and giving them a squeeze. "Doubt the new happy family would kick ya out just like that and make you homeless, they'd work something out for ya while you looked for a new home." Now his eyes darted to the left as he softly cleared his throat, "There's... another option though that, ya know... I'd like to think is slightly more appealing to all parties involved…"
I cocked my head. "There is?"
"Yeah." He took both my hands in his, holding them to his chest as he beamed, "Move in with me!"
"Move in with…" I echoed slowly, trailing off as I stared up at him.
Processing… processing…
I gasped again, "Oh no! No, we shouldn't- That's isn't- I couldn't possibly do that!"
"Aw, why not?" he pouted.
"Moving in together is a big step, Lea! A huge decision! One we definitely shouldn't be making spur of the moment like this, not to mention when we're both delirious from lack of sleep! There's so much to consider, so much to think about!"
He used the hold he still had on my hands to pull me to him and wrap my arms around his waist, freeing up his own arms to hug me instead. "What's there to think about? You're already practically living with me anyhow, you stay over almost every night as it is. I'd love to have you there, Bruni and Marshmallow would love to have you there… it's three against one, El, you're outvoted."
I drooped my eyelids up at him. "The dog and salamander don't get votes."
"You'll hafta take that up with them once you're all moved in and settled," he pressed a quick peck to my forehead before flashing a cheeky grin. My expression remained unamused and he snerked, "C'mon, is it really such a big deal? We were just talking 'bout having kids. Compared to that, the idea of shacking up together seems like small potatoes!"
"Yes, theoretical kids in a theoretical future. Me moving in with you is very real and very right now. We haven't even been dating for five months yet, that's way too soon to be living together."
Lea shrugged, "And you were with your ex for five years before almost tying the knot with him and we all know how that ended. Who's to say what's too soon and what isn't? All we can do is what feels right, and this feels right… doesn't it?"
...it actually kind of did.
Damn him, it did.
It didn't help that those beautiful green puppy eyes of his were murder on my resolve.
But my stubbornness flared and I hastily looked away. I wasn't ready to relent just yet and I weakly scrambled to maintain my defense, "But… it's just too soon, Lea. It hasn't even been a year yet, we haven't even… celebrated all the big holidays yet!"
Even as I blurted it out, it sounded lame even to me.
But it was the best I could come up with, dammit!
His eyebrows reached for his hairline and he fought a tiny smile. "...so just to be clear here, it's important to you that we observe all the major holidays in a calendar year together before making any further life-changing decisions."
I hitched my chin with a lofty little sniff. "Yes. Yes it is."
This was the hill was I choosing to die on, apparently.
"Duly noted," he glanced towards the ceiling with a tiny shake of his head before settling his gaze on me once more, eyes crinkling. "Fine, let's not call it moving in together then, call it… a temporary solution."
"...temporary?" I turned my head slightly, giving him some dubious side-eye.
"Mm-hm! Face it, babydoll, even though we both know Raindrop and Riku will be more than happy to accommodate ya, it's still gonna be a tight squeeze with all four of you in that tiny ass apartment while you're searching for a place. Wouldn't it just be more convenient for everyone if temporarily," he reiterated for emphasis, "you stayed with me instead just until you've found your new home? You know there's more than enough space for you and your things at my digs."
I tucked in my bottom lip. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation talking, but darn it, he actually seemed to be making a lot of sense. Still, I hesitated. "...I don't know what to say."
His eyes lit up. Great. Now the big dork knew he was winning. Hugging me more tightly to him, he grinned, "That's simple: say yes."
I squinted up to him, pursing my lips to the left. Then to the right. Then, just as I was slowly opening my mouth to speak-
-a throat suddenly cleared nearby.
Like, really nearby.
Both Lea and I tensed before turning our heads to discover none other than Saïx standing not two inches away from us looking quite perturbed.
To be fair, Saïx usually looked perturbed. It just seemed to be his face's default setting. But this was more perturbed than usual.
Lea quirked an eyebrow at him, but grinned, "Hey, big guy! Ya mind? Kinda in the middle of something here."
"And I do so hate to interrupt, truly," he said flatly, his cold unblinking gaze locked on his brother, "but I fear we have a rather pressing matter to discuss that cannot wait."
His eyebrows knit together. "...which would be?"
Saïx's hard stare was unyielding. "Do you think there is quite possibly something you may have forgot back at our mother's house?"
Cocking his head, Lea seemed even more genuinely confused now. Clearly racking his brain for a couple seconds, he then shrugged with a small shake of his head, "Like what?"
"ME, you DOLT!" Saïx snarled, slugging Lea in the shoulder hard enough to force a pained grunt out of him.
I inhaled sharply through my nose, eyes widening.
There was no way we'd actually-
We couldn't have honestly-
We didn't-
...did we really?
I thought back to yesterday, though it was a struggle to remember a clear picture through the fog of grogginess. Had Saïx been in the car with us on the trip back? Had he not? Try as I might, I just simply could not remember one way or another. But I suppose it could be (and in fact was) completely possible, especially considering Lea had had Saïx's car keys and I had had his code to start the engine.
In our state of panic and rush to get out of there, had we really just totally spaced on the fact that we didn't have him with us?
"Oh gosh, Saïx, I'm so sorry we left you behind!" I bemoaned in horror.
Lea laughed, "Relax, El, don'tcha know that with me as your boyfriend, that makes everything my fault? You're off the hook, I'm the only one he's mad at."
"He's right, I don't blame you at all." Although Saïx was talking to me, his irked gaze never left Lea. "You're not the one who forgot your own brother."
No, I just simply forgot a whole person. For a whole car ride. In his own friggin' car.
Elsa, Queen of Memory Lapse.
"Bah, I didn't forget ya, I just… thought you were in the backseat the entire time being really quiet!"
That earned Lea another punch to the arm.
Giving an annoyed huff as he rubbed his knuckles, Saïx asked with a bit less bite to his tone now, "I presume since I find you all still here at the hospital, the child has yet to be born?" At our silent nods, he moved to the nearest set of empty chairs and sat down with a soft huff, crossing his arms.
Huh. Guess he was going to join us for sharing Rayne's and Riku's joy in this blessed event.
I gingerly took a seat next to him, Lea plopping down in the chair on my other side. As his arm wrapped around my shoulders, he piped up with a huge smile, "Got some good news that I think'll clear up that black rain cloud hanging over your head there, Mr Grumps McSourpuss: El's moving in with us!"
My back stiffened and I whipped my head around to narrow my eyes up at him, "I haven't said yes yet."
Saïx was eyeing me oddly from the corner of his peripheral. "...you mean you weren't already living with us?"
"There ya have it! Saïx's official stamp of approval! Now ya gotta say yes," Lea beamed, smoothing his hand up and down my arm.
My eyelids drooped. "...one, in what universe was that even remotely a stamp of approval? And two, no, I don't 'gotta' do anything, least of all say yes."
"But you will," he winked at me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. Then he was looking past me towards Saïx once more, a thoughtful frown twisting his lips. "Hey… since we jacked your wheels, how'd you even get back here?"
Saïx fixed him with a dull stare. Then he shifted his crossed arms more tightly against his chest, closed his eyes and hitched his chin. "...wouldn't you like to know."
Lea snerked. "I would in fact, thus why I asked."
"What's that inanely childish saying you do so love to spout of? ...that's for me to know and you to find out?"
"C'mon, man," he groaned out. "This is gonna bug the crap outta me now until ya tell me."
One corner of his lips cruelly curled up. "I know."
Apparently, Saïx was swift to enact his vengeance when the need arose.
A tiny scowl emerged on my boyfriend's face, but before he could shoot off whatever acerbic retort he undoubtedly already had locked and loaded, I stopped him with a touch to his arm as I said, "Lea." He glanced down at me and I nodded towards the far corner of the waiting room. "Look."
He followed my gaze to a familiar woman with silver hair pulled back into a ponytail made of several tiny braids and the same green eyes as Lea. Aranea apparently was not aware that we had just noticed her, for she was too busy inspecting the selection available over at the hospital's coffee station with her nose wrinkled.
"Ah," Lea breathed, gracing his brother with a mildly sour look. "That's how ya got back. Ya bummed a ride outta our old lady."
Saïx said nothing, just continued to stare stoically straight ahead.
Blowing out a breath that made his lips flap, Lea turned his eyes towards his mother once more. A heartbeat of hesitation. Then making a sound that was half growl, half sigh, Lea muttered. "Be right back. Ma and I have some unfinished business." I smiled softly as he planted a smooch to my temple and I gave his hand a quick squeeze before releasing it as he stood up.
I watched Aranea perk up as she spotted Lea approaching. They exchanged a few words that I was too far away to hear, her grinning the whole time, him ruffling his fingers through his hair as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Then it seemed they decided to find somewhere else to have their talk for they then walked out of the waiting room.
Off to a good start at least, it seemed. Letting go a tiny exhale of relief, I glanced over at the chairs across from us once more to where Anna sat as I considered possibly shifting over to a seat near her. But seeing as she was currently otherwise, er… occupied with, hrm… inspecting Kristoff's tonsils with her tongue, I decided against it.
Ugh, gross, I did not need to see that.
Instead, I turned my attention to Saïx. My lips parted and I took in a breath to say something, but then I hesitated and clamped my mouth shut, staring down at where I was fiddling with my fingers in my lap. Then I cleared my throat, looked over at him once more and tried again, "Would it... really be okay with you if… if I decided to move in?"
His eyes flicked over to me briefly without turning his head. Then releasing a nearly inaudible sigh through his nose, he stared straight forward once again. "I consider you among a small, select handful of people I can tolerate and would even go so far as to say enjoy the company of. If my asinine fool of a brother has against all odds actually managed to persuade you somehow into agreeing to move in with him, then by all means, your presence on a more permanent basis could only be a considerable improvement on our day-to-day lives around the apartment." He paused and for a second it seemed that was all he had to say on the subject. Then then added a bit more quietly, "Besides, you make my brother happy. Far be it from me to stand in the way of that, even if I wanted to."
A small smile tugged at my lips. "...he makes me happy too."
Saïx gave a low hmph at that, closing his eyes. "I would hope so. Otherwise, what would be the point?"
On that note, the conversation ended. As he seemed more than content to remain in a companionable silence, I reached over the seat Lea had vacated and towards the little table on the other side, plucking up one of the outdated magazines provided by the hospital from it and slowly began flipping through its pages.
A short while later, I heard a door opening and I glanced up to see that Lea and Aranea were walking back into the waiting room. Neither one looked like they wanted to murder each other, so I took that as a good sign. In fact, they almost, almost seemed somewhat chummy.
I set the periodical aside and both Saïx and I rose as they approached, which prompted a chuckle from Aranea, "No need to get up, I'm not staying. Just wanted to give my other knucklehead kid one last hug before hitting the road," she embraced Saïx, which he accepted as stony-faced as ever. Then she turned to me with a sly little smirk, "Plus I hear congrats are in order."
My eyes blinked. "...they are?"
"Course! You two lil lovebirds are gonna be living together soon, after all!"
I twitched, then shot Lea a flat look. "I haven't said yes yet."
He grinned, stepping closer to take my hand and bring it up to his lips. "Key word there: yet."
Oh-ho, he thought he was being cute. Even as I opened my mouth to prove just how wrong he was however, Aranea suddenly snagged me into a bone-crushing bear hug as she chirped, "Take care, shortcake!" She gave me one final squeeze before releasing me to rest a hand on my shoulder, "And if either of my boys give you any trouble, you gimme a call, I'll be only too happy to knock some sense into 'em!"
Smiling, I nodded, "Thanks, I'll be sure to do that. Have a safe trip back."
Lea received a hug from her as well and though he returned it stiffly, it was remarkably warmer than the one they'd shared yesterday in the foyer of her home. With that, she made her way towards the exit, waving goodbye to us over her shoulder before disappearing through the door.
"I take it you two are getting along now," I said to Lea as I settled into my chair once again.
He took a seat too, stretching his arm out along the backrest behind my head. As his fingers began to idly toy with my braid, he pursed his lips to one side in thought. Then, "Ya know how you and your folks 'get along' now?" he brought up his other hand to form air quotes. At my nod, he said, "Well, it's kinda like that. We're… gonna work on it."
I reached for his hands, lacing our fingers together as I told him gently, "I'm glad you decided to give her a chance."
"I think I am too," he admitted, albeit somewhat begrudgingly.
Just then, the same door Aranea had left through opened once more, Sora and Kairi being the ones to step through this time, laughing over something they'd been talking about. It seemed their timing was impeccable, for that was also when the double doors on the other side of the room parted and in walked a very familiar white, inflatable robot. All of us immediately zeroed in on him and were on our feet in an flash as he greeted us with, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthc-"
"Yeah, yeah, we know all that already, get to the good part, you giant balloon!" Anna hastily cut him off, rolling her eyes. "Do you actually have anything new to tell us? How's Ray-Ray doing?"
"The delivery was a success," Baymax announced, managing to sound almost pleased somehow despite there being no actual change in the mechanical tone of his voice. "Everyone is happy and healthy. The new family is ready to accept visitors and have welcomed you all back to their room."
There was a mixture of whoops and relieved sighs all around before all of us, Saïx included, followed the robot as he led the way past those doors and towards the maternity ward. Not a minute later found us all crowding back into their hospital room. I spotted Riku first at his wife's bedside, facing her so his back was to us. As for Rayne, she looked absolutely exhausted and like she'd been to hell and back twice, but she positively radiated pure joy and love for the little bundle I could now see her holding in her arms. As she looked up at our entrance, she proudly beamed and said, "Everyone… I'd like you to meet Aria."
"...and Cayde," Riku added, smirking as he turned around to reveal he was cradling a second baby.
"TWO?!" Lea gaped, wide-eyed gaze darting back and forth between them while the rest of us were too stunned to even speak.
"That's right! Two!" Rayne chirped in delight.
Sora was the next one to find his voice, only to blurt out, "Twins?!"
"No, we liked the first one so much, we decided to randomly steal a second one from one of the other cribs when no one was looking," Riku deadpanned before snorting with a shake of his head. "Of course they're twins, doofus."
"But you never said anything about twins," Anna was already adopting a baby voice as she approached Riku, wasting no time making funny faces at Cayde.
Gently rocking little Aria as Rayne watched her fondly, she said, "We didn't know. No one did, not until Cayde shocked us all by showing up hot on the heels of his big sis. Guess the doctors missed him during all those check-ups and sonograms somehow."
"How do they miss a whole other baby inside of you for months?!" Kristoff shook his head in disbelief.
"Who knows, but it's not unheard of. We're not the first couple this has ever happened to." Glancing over to Cayde, Rayne grinned as she reached out a fingertip to tickle the underside of one of his tiny feet. "...he was a surprise, that's for sure, but a happy one."
"I'll say!" Kairi giggled, stepping forward to gently squish Aria's cheeks as she cooed, "This just gives Auntie Kairi and Unkie Sora twice the niblings to wub, doesn't it? Doesn't it? Yes it does!"
"Speaking of which… Kristoff." The man in question stood up straighter as Rayne suddenly locked eyes with him and told him in no uncertain terms, "We're gonna need a second reindeer."
He dragged a hand down the side of his face and sighed. "...I'll talk to Frozone."
Rayne crinkled her nose as she hummed a soft laugh, then her eyes landed on me as I approached her bedside. "Oh, Elsa, there was something I… we," she amended, exchanging a glance and a tiny nod with her husband, "wanted to talk to you about… we'd absolutely love it if you'd be the twins' godmother."
The finger I was waggling at Aria froze as my gaze widened and snapped up to meet hers. "Who, me? Really?" By the look in both the new parents' eyes, they were serious. Dead serious. "Oh! Why, uh… yes. Yes of course! I'd be very honored," I smiled.
"And Sora," Riku chimed in now, causing his cousin to pause mid-sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyes at Cayde. "We were hoping you'd be their godfather."
Sora blinded us all with his signature huge, thousand-watt grin. "Absolutely! I'm gonna make the best godfather ever, you'll see! I- wait…" His brow furrowed and he gasped, whipping his head around towards me now with a slight look of panic. "Does… does that make us... god-married?"
"Yes. It does."
And who was it, one might wonder, to deliver that answer in full earnest and with a completely straight face?
That's right. Saïx.
Which is probably why Sora took him at his word and didn't even think to question it. Nostrils flaring and with a steely look of determination now, he informed Lea, "I promise to take good care of her."
Not missing a beat, Lea nodded firmly, "You better, lil man, otherwise I will end you."
I elbowed my boyfriend in the gut, forcing a wheeze out of him. As everyone else sniggered around us, I sighed, "No, Sora, that doesn't make us god-married, it doesn't make us god-anything."
"Oh good! Whew!"
At that point, conversation for the most part subsided in favor of everyone trying to squeeze in to fawn over the new babies. After a minute of this, I decided to take the opportunity to snag Lea (dragging him away from playing with Aria's "widdle toesy-wosies" - his words, not mine) and pull him off to one side of the room away from the others. They hardly even noticed us stepping away, so enamored were they all with the little ones.
I faced him, holding both his hands in mine as I took in a deep breath and released it before uttering a single word. "Yes."
His face immediately lit up, but he quickly schooled his expression and cleared his throat, asking casually, "Yes? Yes what?"
Ugh, he knew very damn well what, he just wanted to hear me say it. Rolling my eyes but unable to fight a small grin, I said, "Yes, I'll move in with you. It just makes sense, after all, now that they have twins, there's even less room for me in their apartment and-"
I didn't get to finish that sentence as he smiled fiercely and grabbed my face, planting a firm kiss to my lips before laughing as he hugged me, picked me up and spun me around.
"Temporarily," I insisted, arms instinctively latching around his neck to steady myself.
"Yeah, yeah, of course, temporarily," he agreed, putting me down while still grinning like an idiot.
I poked his chest a couple times, "I mean it. I'm going to keep looking for my own place and the second I find something, I'm moving right back out."
"Whatever ya say, babydoll!"
Funny thing is though…
...I never did end up actually moving out.
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Author's Note: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Hope you all enjoyed the millions of teeny references I sprinkled in - my aesthetic, as I'm sure you're all aware at this point xP (My fave was something Lea said towards the very end, did you guys catch that it was a reference? I hope so :3) Regarding Sora's lil stand-up comedy act, I unfortunately cannot take credit for any of his material - I just googled a bunch of Final Fantasy jokes xD I can't even take credit for the cactuar jokes for even tho I couldn't find any ACTUAL cactuar jokes out there on the internet, I just googled cactus jokes instead xD And yes, there are IN FACT cactus jokes out there, and a LOT of them lawl! And woo, Lea and his mom made up… sort of! xD Sorry that happened off screen, part of it was I thought it wasn't a conversation that Elsa would really be present for, part of it was I didn't want to take focus off the main points of this chapter, and part of it was I was just too lazy to write it at this time xD Maybe I'll go back at a later date and write a Lea POV chapter for this lil chat with his mum, we'll see! But for now, at least we got a lil closure on that front! And aaaaahhhhh, our ice and fire bbies are taking a big step and moving in together, yaaaaaay! :3 I knew that was definitely a relationship milestone I wanted to cover in one of these bonus chapters and this just seemed like a fun way to bring it about xD
The next one-shot is set during Christmas time! Which I know, lil late, should have posted it today xD But I'd kinda locked myself into the baby chapter with the way the last chapter ended and the babies are born in September, so couldn't combine them into one chapter xD So consider next week's update just a bit of a belated Christmas present! And I'll say this about the next bonus chapter: It's gonna be pure crack xD Trust me, there will be no substance whatsoever, it's just mindless silliness and slightly scandalous and mildly salacious (but still 100% family friendly… ish... haha!). Basically, if PG horny hijinx doesn't interest you, you might wanna skip the next chapter xD You've been warned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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I got to talk with Eden Espinosa!!! 😍😍😍
Calling all Cass stans like myself who have found themselves completely enamored with Cass’ voice actress, Eden Espinosa!
I had the complete honor and privilege to talk with her during a virtual meet and greet as an early Christmas present from my mom (my Momma’s the best ya’ll, I love her so much cause she gets me). Anyways, there’s so much we talked about and I just fangirled the entire time. Here are some things I learned that might be of interest:
Eden did not consciously reference Taylor Swift’s Reputation album while creating her own Revelation album (I had to ask because there are so many similarities, some of which involve the titles, the black-and-white cover art, and the “strong woman vibes” I get from both albums)
Eden has always enjoyed doing things by herself (we both relate to being introverts and needing alone time while still caring about family and friends)
she became a fan of Taylor’s music by going to a concert during the Red era as a way of supporting her friends Kamilah and Melanie (they can be seen in the Reputation tour film that came out on Netflix a couple years back). She said she fell in love with the songs, production, etc. and just really appreciates Taylor’s artistry. Also, she listened to the Red album for like a whole month afterwards, which I thought was amazing 🥰 She mentioned feeling like Taylor doesn’t get enough credit for the incredible businesswoman she is, and I wholeheartedly agreed
Reputation is her favorite Taylor Swift album, although she seems to love all of them as much as I do
Eden was just as surprised about folklore and evermore being dropped this year (I mentioned how I absolutely loved folklore and that I’ve listened to evermore and want to like it, but I don’t feel ready to move into that era quite yet. Eden was such a sweetheart and reminded me that the album will still be there when I’m ready for it (😉) and to take my time)
she has a stuffed animal pal named Frankie who has helped her through some hard times (her living dog Owen died in the past year or so, so that broke my heart 😔)
So basically a lot of it was me stanning Taylor and Eden while somehow simultaneously fangirling over both 😂😂 I still can’t believe all this really happened. Somehow pinch me because I’m in shock 🥰🥰😁🤩🤩
Last but not least, here are the pics she so kindly agreed to take when I suggested a photo op (in the true style of Game Night).
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If you ever get the chance to have this opportunity for yourself, I highly recommend it. Eden is such a beautiful human being and I love her with all my heart. She is so sweet and kind, and I just cannot find enough lovely things to say about her (I told her so myself 😅). This made my night and year; I’m extremely thankful for this dream come true and will cherish these memories for decades to come. Please feel free to visit the link below and check out some of Eden’s merch. Her Revelation album and related stuff is on sale so that’s exciting! 🤩
I am in no way sponsored to say any of this, by the way. It’s just my humble duty as a fan of this insanely talented woman who has inspired and encouraged me so much through her music (in and outside of Broadway) ❤️❤️
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (gocha!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Happy lovey dovey Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone enjoys their Valentine week. As for us, we’re gonna stuff our tummy w/ loads of chocolate treats and all. All this talk of sweets is making us hungry, but don’t mind our hunger. We have some news and goods to share w/ you so you know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter is getting more and more chaotic. The fight b/w Luffy and Dogtooth is getting rougher and tougher as both fighters are giving their all throwing hard punches after another. Our hero is trying to figure out to outmaneuver Dogtooth’s ability to glimpse at the future as he remembers his training w/ Rayleigh. Meanwhile, the handsome chef Sanji is on his way to help him thanks to Pudding’s kindness er… if she still has that menacing side. She’s unpredictable. Anyway, at the end, Luffy surprises us as he declares Dogtooth that the fight is coming to a near end, and reveals a new gear 4th skill, SNAKE MAN! EH?!! WHA!!?? What is this new technique he has come up w/? Will it be stronger than Bound Man? Will this be the trump card to defeat Dogtooth? Don’t you dare miss this week’s chapter!! Moving on, this past weekend’s chapter was emotional as Sanji finally reunites w/ Luffy and feeds him the food. As he gobbles up every piece of food, Sanji tells our hero that he still refuses to leave knowing that many walls and painful haze prevents him to break away from this forced marriage. Hearing this answer made Luffy angry knocked some sense into him. At the end, Luffy yells at him to express his true feelings and the handsome cook finally gives in knowing that he doesn’t want to be bound by this cruel fate, and wants to save Baratie family and cruel family even if they’ve been cruel to him. With a big grin smile, he assures him that things will go their way. Next time, Luffy and Sanji finally get in touch w/ the gang, and must now make their next move before the wedding which starts in 5 hours. Oh, and Dogtooth finally appears in the anime. He looks mean, scary, and mean! Sugita-san made him sound cold. Cheer for Sugita-san, everyone. Now on w/ the goods. Look who showed up to our humble home. It’s none other than our mascot pal, Tongari-san. What’s with the hubabaloo, my friend? Tongari-san says that loads of new goods are now in stock at the Straw Hat store. First, more new acrylic character stands have been released from best character poll. They have also included Pandaman and Dogtooth. WHOA! That’s a surprise! Next, Tongari store are selling these adorable mascot purse pouches that’s good to keep your ticket or personal belongings safe. They have Kumacy, Chopper, Bepo, and Kung fu dugong. Next, they’re also selling this awesome phone case and clear file that has all the characters in one. They’re also selling mobile battery charger as well. YOWZA! Lastly, they’re now selling this rice wine bottle of the ASL brothers which is a good treat to share w/ friends. Cheers! Drink responsibly. Next, for all you game nerds out there, the game OP Thousand Store will have a short campaign where you can now use Gold Lion Shiki and Black Arm Z as playable characters. Old geezers like these are capable of kicking butt! Next, this Thursday, new World Colossesum Battle figurine of Shanks will be in stock at all arcades. It will be in color and gray version. Got your coins? Shut it! Beat that meddling crane! Moving on, Megahouse will be releasing 2 new POP figurines of Luffy one will be in his gear 4th and one in his attack mode of King Kong. You can reserve online for those who live overseas. The OP Podcast has an FB and Twitter page. You can ask what official websites will have them available. For those who live w/in the country, you can head to any Mugiwara Stores and ask for reservation. Cash or credit are both ok. Next, HKDS store will be accepting reservations for this new pricey artwork of transparent ukiyo-e of Luffy, Nami, and Zoro from one of the chapter colorspread. You can change the transparent from color to golden background. Not sure if Straw Hat stores will have them available, but won’t hurt to ask. It will be released in late May. Next, for all you like to get down and boogey, iTunes will be selling Namie Amuro’s single Hope from the opening. If you purchase her song from iTunes, you’ll get a free image collaboration of her w/ the gang. GUA! She looks adorable. It’s not the first time she’s been animated. They did it a couple years ago in one of her tour. You might find this clip on YouTube. Anyway, you have now till the end of the month to purchase it. The song is also included in her final album of her best songs, Finally. Last but not least, here’s some pics of our fellow OP seiyuu enjoying the delish Valentine chocolate candy of OP. Ha ha ha ha! They sure liked the flavors. Even Furukawa-san (voice of Ace) and Morita-san (voice of Marco) were so enthusiastic to see their characters in chocolates. Choco lovers! Phew! I think we covered everything. Well, that’s all for now. Tune in next week for more news and goods. Happy Valentine’s day from me and our fellow fauna crew. Enjoy your choco exchange. BOYS! Let’s get some shut eye.
 Ukiyo-e frame art: https://hkds.tokyo/item/KREOP01.html
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chantalkrcmar · 4 years
Our New Normal
Now that we’ve been in Mumbai for 3 1/2 months, I feel like I can say we are settled into into our new normal. Of course, the adjustment process will likely continue in fits and starts much longer, but it feels like we have turned a significant corner. When I was in Kerala for work last month, I would tell people there, “I’m going home on Wednesday.” By that, I meant back to Mumbai. There was absolutely no hesitation when I was saying the word “home.” It felt good.
Our new home no longer shocks me much anymore — a big sign that I have shifted. For instance, I still notice, but am no longer surprised, by the countless motorcyclists I see doing crazy dangerous stuff. A popular one: Daredevil drivers speeding through terrible traffic, their helmets hanging on their handlebars, their mobile phone clamped between their ear and shoulder. And another common one: a family of four, dad driving, mom holding two month old, three year old sandwiched between mom and dad. Dad is wearing a helmet but no one else is. Also recklessly speeding. Do I like almost being run down by them? Nope. Am I surprised by them anymore? Nope.
I wish I could get photos — or, better yet, videos — of these insane motorcyclists but I am always too focused on my own safety (or Anamika’s safety if she is out walking with me) to stop and take pics.
And who is the least surprised by anything anymore? Anamika, of course. Anamika actually adjusted long back. She talks about our friends in the US and about Somerville (For example, this morning when we were talking about getting some Christmas decorations, she said, “We can buy a Santa for Somerville and for India.”) but it’s matter-of-fact now. She no longer seems confused by her dual-country existence; in fact, it’s been a while since she’s hesitated when trying to figure out where we now live. And she is always proudly telling people: “I go to the American School of Bombay — Kurla Kohinoor Campus!” Man, do I wish for her unformed vocal cords. Anamika’s pronunciation of Hindi is impeccable. Still, when I ask a rickshaw driver to take us to Kurla Kohinoor, I am met with blank stares until I have said it four different ways (all of which sound totally the same to me). :-) She on the other hand says it like a pro.
We are connecting with other folks in our apartment compound. Especially Anamika. Our compound has the friendliest group of security guards and cleaning staff. Anamika enthusiastically greets them: “Good morning Arvind Sir!” “Good night, Felix Uncle!” She often hangs out with them and regales them with stories all in English. They understand none of it but politely nod and smile. And they really look out for her. We have a tiny playground space in our compound. When she fell off the swing there, Wilson Uncle, one of the men who cleans the buildings, came running to fetch her — and to tell off Rahul, who might have pushed her a bit too vigorously, for being a negligent parent. :-)
There’s also a doodh wallah (milk man) who delivers milk to the apartments in our compound every morning. Since it such a novelty, Anamika used to love opening the door and ceremoniously accepting the packets of milk before ferrying them off to the fridge. Sadly, the novelty is gone so she barely ever runs to the door to get the milk from him anymore. Poor guy use to be greeted by an adorable 3 1/2 year old brimming with excitement, and now all he gets is a middle aged or elderly person accepting the goods at the door. But Anamika’s enthusiasm has not entirely worn off. This past week, we were walking down the stairs in our building and she saw the doodh wallah on the ground floor waiting for the lift. She shrieked, “It’s the doodh man!” which sounds really funny to an American (that would be me) who thinks she’s saying, “It’s the DUDE man.” A bit redundant, no?
Our compound is gated but the gates are never locked. (thank goodness! A gated community is not mine or Rahul’s style.) So there’s a group of kids from the neighboring slum, mostly boys, who often come and play in the playground. Anamika loves them! Her favorite is ten year old Sushil. A very handsome and charming boy, he’s got a winning smile, a mischievous gleam in his eye, and a love of attention. So he and I chat a bit in Hindi and he mostly clowns around for Anamika. The genuine belly laughs he gets out of her are impressive!
Since Anamika goes to the American School, she had Thanksgiving break. We did not celebrate, but we had a fun stay-cation. One of the many things we did that long weekend was do a long day trip to Elephanta Island with another family we know. Elephanta is an hour ferry ride from the Gateway of India in South Mumbai. On the island are caves with fourteen hundred year old carvings and monkeys galore. It’s a fun place to marvel at the stone work, play hide and seek, and strategize how best to avoid the aggressive monkeys. Cows are ubiquitous in India, and typically vey docile. But Rahul encountered one that followed him and head butted him, in hopes he would drop Anamika’s roasted corn. Rahul emerged victorious from the stand-off — but barely! Since we could not stop laughing at the whole thing — and our pal Jessie was so busy recording the encounter — our friends and I were of no help. (Sorry, my Love.)
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India is not one of the cleanest countries in the world (to put it mildly). Prime Minister Modi even started a public cleanliness campaign called “Swachh Bharat” which includes raising  public awareness and doing some public works projects such as toilet building. In my observations over the past many years of coming to India regularly, it seems to be working. People used to blithely throw trash on the roads and footpaths, and men would regularly drop their trousers and pee anywhere they felt the urge. This kind of behavior is not as common anymore, though it still happens more than it should. I find most of Modi’s policy initiatives abhorrent (Rahul and I often play the “Who’s a Worse Leader? Modi or Trump?” game.), but I will give him credit for Swachh Bharat. It’s not as successful as the Modi government claims (especially the Open Defecation Free India part of the campaign), but it seems to be working in many other ways.
One of my proudest moments since moving to India occurred on the ferry ride to Elephanta -- when I had my chance to do my Swachh Bharat bit. A ferry passenger had the audacity to throw a plastic bag into the sea from the ferry, and I thought it my civic duty to make it clear that what he had done was beyond the pale. I resorted to public shaming. In an intentionally loud voice I told him he was a disgrace because he was not honoring the Prime Minister’s   “Swachh Bharat” campaign. An unfortunate number of Indians fawn all over Modi, so basically telling someone who likely reveres the Prime Minister that he is disrespecting the Prime Minister, I thought, was a small stroke of genius. :-)
And we are now starting to prepare for Christmas. Anamika is one lucky kid (and we are lucky adults) since we celebrate Indian holidays, as well as the ones that have gone more global, such as Christmas. We do the endless fall festivals here, culminating in Diwali, and now we are heading into Christmas. Our neighborhood is adorned with a variety of secular (It seems everyone loves Santa Claus!) and non-secular (many Roman Catholic churches in Bandra, so Christ is everywhere) decorations. We have a medium sized fake Christmas tree in our livingroom, decorated with a combination of homemade ornaments (compliments of Rahul and Anamika), as well as ones bought on Hill Road. We recently went to a birthday party at the Taj Lands End Hotel where they have a gigantic, beautiful christmas tree in their lobby. As we walked past it, Anamika declared without a hint of envy or irony, “Oh. It’s just a bit bigger than our tree.” Given that it’s probably twenty feet taller than our tree, I cracked up.
You be the judge...
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Christmas shopping on Hill Road, a street in our neighborhood chock full of shops of all kinds (You want glitter and glue? Go to Hill Road. You want cheap sandals? Go to Hill Road. You want  pain puri? Go to Hill Road. You want Christmas decorations in the month of December? Go to Hill Road.), is a total hoot. Normally, shopkeepers and hawkers fill the sidewalks with their wares; people even set up blankets with their goods piled high on top of them in the streets. During this season, it’s even more chaotic. Ad-hoc Christmas shops (nothing more than card tables set up in nooks and crannies all over Hill Road) pop up with colorful stars, Santas, reindeer, snow globes, you name it. Rahul, Anamika and I hit Hill Road to round out our Christmas tree decoration collection. It was quite the experience as we sweated bullets (I never associate heat and humidity with Christmas!) keeping Anamika safe from all the traffic as it whizzed by, as well as keeping her from breaking every snow globe on Hill Road. :-)
Since, unlike most shops that are directly on the street, this one had a safe stretch of sidewalk in front of it, I actually was able to get one photo of Anamika doing some Christmas shopping on Hill Road...
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And we are starting our favorites (a sure sign of feeling at home)…
favorite bookstore: Trilogy (Amazingly curated by amazing bibliophiles — and just plain nice people — it’s the antidote to box book stores…Trilogy is down a cramped, smelly alley, so it’s almost impossible to find. Once you push through the front doors, and into their intimate, beautiful space, the world melts away. They have a feminist book section, too! Need I say more?!)
favorite cafe: The Bagel Shop (yes, that’s the name. The bagels are not NYC bagels, but they are not bad. Their homemade juices are amazing. Living in a tropical zone with a huge variety of fresh fruits has its perks! And their outdoor patio with fans whirring all over is a winner.)
Rahul and Anamika playing the Dot Game at The Bagel Shop...
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(Because we get questions about our water bottles, let me explain: Anamika’s water bottle is a pink Peppa Pig one; Rahul’s is a pink Hello Kitty one; mine is boring old blue.)
favorite road to walk on: Veronica Road (Being narrow and twisty, traffic is at a minimum. It’s also cool since it’s flanked by old colonial era buildings and random Catholic statues and mini shrines.)
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favorite chai: a cup at 17/31 MHB Colony (That would be our home. I swear Ambubhai makes the best cup of chai in all of Mumbai. Perhaps in all of India. Come try it and see for yourself!)
favorite place to go running: Bandra Reclamation Pathway (A five minute run past the slums near our apartment takes us to a sweet pathway along one of the bays of the Arabian Sea. When it’s not too smoggy from pollution, we see downtown Mumbai across the water, and I really enjoy all the palm trees they’ve planted along the pathway.)
favorite place for a date: The Saltwater Cafe (Rahul and I still don’t get out much, but we do get out more than when we were in Somerville and Dadi and Dada (Grandma and Grandpa) were close to 8000 miles away.)
favorite weekend activity: When we’re not busy with Anamika’s packed social calendar (This weekend, she had three birthday parties and a christmas event to attend. I’m not at all jealous of the fact that she has so many friends here. ;-) ), you can often find us swimming at the pool at Sun n Sand Hotel right on Juhu Beach, right on the Arabian Sea. We pay for day passes and swim to our hearts’ content.
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A random thing about living in Mumbai that I love: the flowers. They are simply gorgeous. Mumbai is truly an urban jungle — emphasis on “urban.” And it is easy to despair the lack of green space here. But when the riot of flowers confronts my senses, I am reminded that nature does exist, and that beauty is all around. (Sorry for the corny Hallmark card quality of that phrase.) 
I took this pic one morning as I was walking to my yoga class…
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One other thing I love about our neighborhood are the murals that surprise you on various walls. Of course, I particularly like this one...
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Not to end on a sad note, but life ain’t all a bowl of cherries. One thing Rahul and I are not getting used to — nor should we — is seeing so many desperately poor children on the streets. Desensitization, which can happen so easily, is a soul killer, so we are trying to avoid it. Even worse, it maintains the status quo. On Friday night, we were driving to a little school christmas concert. On the left of our uber, we were approached by a man selling christmas accessories (street hawkers, selling everything from tissues to plums and everything in between, are so common here), including reindeer antler headbands, one of which Anamika just had to have. So as I was making that purchase out of the window on my side of the uber, Rahul was giving money to two poor little girls who had approached on his side of the uber. How’s that for a moment of glaring inequality?!
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rynski-artski · 5 years
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Headstand on a paddleboard, anyone? Yes, that is me. Thanks to my pal Cory who took the pic I did best headstand EVER this morn. She said "You can do it" and I did. Amazing what positive mindset can do! Oh yeah, I also asked the headstand angels for help, so they get credit, too.⭐ #lifecoaching #recoverycoaching #rynski #rynskirecovery #mindset #angels (at Christopher Columbus Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2p2gSChsYZ/?igshid=abpp4xagi88p
0 notes
asimlishpixel · 7 years
Here’s replies for the past 71 days, because I haven’t sat my ass down earlier and actually done them. Some of these aren’t even relevant any longer. I’ll try to section them after different topics and stuff.
Be warned this post is EXTREMELY long!
under a cut, bc i’m not that evil.
melien replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Aaa happy belated birthday ;_;
my-simension replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Ohhh another one already!!! Happy Happy birthday , sweet one! Have a wonderful day!! ��
javapixels replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy Birthday!
sleek-simmerr replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
happy birthday!
experimentalsims replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy birthday!
karisamarie replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy Birthday!❤��
jackssims replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy Birthday! ��
plumboops replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
happy birthday!! ♥
sevenleafsimblr replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
happy birthday :OO
futurecarrie replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy birthday! ^-^
Thanks you guys! I’m so happy for all these replies! <3
my-simension replied to your photoset
So cute! great work!
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset
This shit is adorableeee!!
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset
!!!! :D Super excited!! ♥
davidmont replied to your photoset
Thanks!! I hope you’re all excited and that I won’t dissapoint you, ahah.
tranquiltowns replied to your photo “Murasaki Ito...”
She's so cute ah!
smile-beautifuly replied to your photo “Murasaki Ito...”
All of your sims are so cute <3
Thanks, I’m actually very happy with how she turned out! :D
tranquiltowns replied to your photo “Zola Ndiaye Loner ✕ Technophobe ✕ Athletic ✕ Grumpy ✕ Easily...”
She's stunning!
They are! But most of the credit goes to @cosysimmer for their genetics! I just dressed them and changed the hair!
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset
melien replied to your photoset “Bay: Yeah, that’s me! Bay Hamilton. I’m happy to meet you, Nathan....”
She's adorable!
pushingupplumbobs replied to your photoset “Bay: Yeah, that’s me! Bay Hamilton. I’m happy to meet you, Nathan....”
Ahh! She looks perfect in your game ��
She is really adorable! Thank you pushingupplumbobs for letting me have her! <3
davidmont replied to your photoset “Nathan: Oh by the way! Did you know that I am actually a very strong...”
SAME. they’re very cute together :D
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Safiya: And that’s how you win Mario Kart! Evan: Ah! Another red...”
I'm adopting safiya as my grandma too late u can't stop me the papers are signed
you have to take good care of her then, please.
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “Lucie: You just want me to change your haircolour? You’re sure that...”
aren’t we all thinking it?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my-simension replied to your photoset “ffs nate”
blurrypxls replied to your photoset “ffs nate”
Me with life
lmao same
hollywood3015 replied to your photoset
So cute
he is >u<
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “The next day… Evan: Nathan steals the blankets.”
He looks so happy. What happened last night??? Lemme stop��
madeyesims replied to your photoset “Nathan: Anyways bro, we don’t have any spare beds, so we’ll have to...”
yes.... no homo........... v straight..................... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Nathan: Anyways bro, we don’t have any spare beds, so we’ll have to...”
2 bros, chillin in the same bed, a few inches apart cus they are gay!
jackssims replied to your photoset “Nathan: Anyways bro, we don’t have any spare beds, so we’ll have to...”
"No homo" ��
vkthesims4 replied to your photoset “Nathan: Anyways bro, we don’t have any spare beds, so we’ll have to...”
" no homo"
my-simension replied to your photoset “Nathan: How am I losing?! Evan: I don’t know what I’m doing, but it...”
So nice to see your colorful pics! :D
Thank you!!! The mmbc sure gets a bit boring with the colours, ahah!
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Nathan: How am I losing?! Evan: I don’t know what I’m doing, but it...”
Me constantly
hashtag relatable
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Nathan: Oh, there you are! Hi! ???: Hey, Nathan!”
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Nathan: You’re Evan, right? Evan Foster! Evan: Yeah! And you’re the...”
Presh boi
i’ll let you answer your own question. Evan is a presh boyo
davidmont replied to your photoset “Juliette has taken up sculpting!”
oh god that's impressive+
let’s see if we can master this skill too?
madeyesims replied to your photoset “The sun rises over Twinbrook (and a new Meadows queue)”
amespixels replied to your photoset “The sun rises over Twinbrook (and a new Meadows queue)”
Yay!!! Was just thinking about this save earlier =)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i’m so happy that you guys are excited for my meadows queues!
my-simension replied to your photo “BMMBC Maybe Babies - Chalina Calaca - berriesandbrownsugar Edwin and...”
Cute! :)
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photo “BMMBC Maybe Babies - Chalina Calaca - berriesandbrownsugar Edwin and...”
Their adorableeeee
Looks like their mom, Chalina! :D
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Viridian: Oh Em. You have been hurt so much. Viridian: Instead of...”
1. would be lovely if these emojis actually showed up on my computer 2. they’re crying emojis for anyone who also can’t see them. 3. same.
cosysimmer replied to your photoset “Neptune: Guess what? I’m not a robot, a robot Guess what? I’m not a...”
YASSSS MARINA, great choice my dudes
jackssims replied to your photoset “Neptune and Emerald: Guess what? I am not a robot Guess what? I am not...”
Is this Marina? Because I love Marina
i love marina!!! you can probably expect more of her songs, if i do more karaoke.
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Neptune: Up for a little karaoke? You pick a song!”
Aw he would so do this
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Neptune: Welcome to the alien family! Shaka brah!”
neptune is a sweetheart <3
littlemissylissamel replied to your photoset “Chalina: Oh? This isn’t the happy ending I had hoped for, but… *gasp*...”
Aahhh my poor sweet child....At least she's happy...I'm sad and my heart is also Warmed
She’s okay now! At least she get to experience the afterlife that she is so interested in, even if that means that she isn’t in the mmbc anymore. (i am also Sad to see her go)
berrycutesims replied to your photo
really. uh, idk what you mean, but really really.
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Chalina: Oh? This isn’t the happy ending I had hoped for, but… *gasp*...”
1. even more intense crying emojis now 2. me too pal
cosysimmer replied to your post “Episode 9 - Hop, Stab, and Jump - End Notes”
Rosalie why ;A;
yikes, she needs to stop arguing with people
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “???: Ah! Help me, somebody please— *thud* ???: Oh that’s a lot of...”
Hell yesss
questionable thing to say hell yes to, but i’ll take it.
cosysimmer replied to your photoset “*Tap starts running*  *humming* *door opens* ???: Hm? Oh, it’s just...”
my-simension replied to your photoset “Halcyon: OH SHIT”
my-simension replied to your photoset “First to fall off: Lavender! Lavender: Oh- ouch!”
this is the best challenge i have done so far. it’s amazing material for pictures.
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “The last four! Bay, Rosalie, Felicity and Jeremy!”
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “Rosalie: *highpitched screech*”
I know y'all see felicity����
do we have a felicity fan??
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “Viridian: Today’s challenge is simple and, hopefully, fun! There’s a...”
Just noticed this on my dash��
hello from your dash, lmao
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Chalina: AAAAAAAAAH?! I’M FALLING TO MY DEATH!”
I like that we can see Neptune mid-Tumble in the background
there he goes
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Neptune: Oh no, I’m not going down on the hard ground, im not going,...”
amespixels replied to your photoset “Halcyon: OH SHIT”
These all look so dramatic xD I love it!
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Viridian: Today’s challenge is simple and, hopefully, fun! There’s a...”
I like it I like it
i recommend this challenge to everyone, please do it, it’s so fun and dramatic and simple
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “it’s them boys”
This is amazing I hope they do start a boy band
Them Boys, with their first album “Help Us We’re Stuck In A MMBC”
experimentalsims replied to your photoset “Lavender: I just saw Melanite eat something from the ground! Rosalie:...”
Lol. gossip
the gossip goes around when you’re living this close together i guess
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Viridian? I, uh… have something, or rather someone to show...”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Don’t worry Phoebe. You were born in the middle of a horrible...”
I'm pretty sure this is the first MMBC Baby (at least that I know of). New Grounds
Phoebe Ronchi, First MMBC Baby Ever... Maybe
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lavender and Bailey both witnessed the birth, and aren’t quite sure...”
anyway i might have missed the whole birth until i get screenshots but congratulations jeremy :')
congrats jeremy!
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lavender and Bailey both witnessed the birth, and aren’t quite sure...”
I don't think Jeremy was expecting it either tbh
were anyone expecting this? i wasn’t
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lavender and Bailey both witnessed the birth, and aren’t quite sure...”
whys so much of this queue marked as sensitive jfc
tumblr hates me and probably also bc of the amount of words relating to death
jackssims replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Wha- Argh!”
simsandthensome replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Wha- Argh!”
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Wha- Argh!”
1. that’s supposed to be eye emojis 2. BABY
blurrypxls replied to your photoset “Viridian: Here’s the poll results. Um, it’s best if you just see it...”
Someone really has it in for her
blurrypxls replied to your photoset “Viridian: Here’s the poll results. Um, it’s best if you just see it...”
What the fuck Felicity
blurrypxls replied to your photoset “Emerald: Come on, Felicity! You got 16 votes in the last poll? At...”
Feli nooo
it’s going downhill for Felicity, sadly :/
jackssims replied to your photoset “Meanwhile, in the other bedroom… Jeremy: What is happening to me..?”
He Bigg
davidmont replied to your photoset “Episode 7 - Tempt Fate”
yeeee my favorite is still there!!
not if your favourite is Raven... :(
sevenleafsimblr replied to your post “Simblr either or: 1-9??”
gdi this contains both the numbers i sent
futurecarrie replied to your post “nobody cares but....” I felt lukewarm about Kazuichi tbh, but I can see where the love comes from
jackssims replied to your post “nobody cares but....”
I love Kazuichi too tf`
i am BURNING HOT for kazuichi, so yeah i had to freak out for a bit. also hi fellow kazuichi lover, we are too few.
smile-beautifuly replied to your photo
I've noticed that anything that has the word dead in it gets tagged
smile-beautifuly replied to your photo
Or flagged I guess
experimentalsims replied to your photo
I think when you use certain words it triggers safemode like murder kill death shooting. It was happening to me on almost every single draft so I changed my words. I haven't figured out what else triggers it.
yeah, that’s probably it, but idk how to get around using words like that for a mmbc. unless i need to start saying that chalina got stabby-stabbied and raven got CRONCHED. yeah let’s just stick with using the word murder.
blurrypxls replied to your post “mmbc queue”
Idk if i mentioned this in our convo the other day but for some reason safe mode doesn't work on my phone?? Which is weird because such posts don't show up on my ipad and desktop
u sneaky! >_>
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset
why is tumblr censoring half of an episode literally called Bright and Pure
once again, tumblr hates me.
12 notes · View notes
boystownbirdie · 7 years
Welcome back to let me watch TV 4 u! I watch TV so you don’t have to!
Today let’s explore Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 titled: The Spoils of War. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s the name of a Clint Eastwood flick, no?
Today’s recap will be a quick one (due to my own time constraints, not for lack of DRAMA) so let’s go! 
First, we watch Jaime and Bronn marching away from Highgarden, fresh off of poisoning Gma Tyrell…
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Bronn is like, why the long face bro? We know that Jaime is having #emotions about Gma Tyrell’s confession that she poisoned Joffrey. Jaime is like I CANT SAY. And he gives Bronn some cash money for his services. We get a shot of the giant truck of money which is important to the later scenes. Then Jaime tells Bronn and Sam’s Dad and Sam’s bro (lol his name is Dickon which is ironic because he is not really a dick but his dad sure is) to go collect the harvest from the local peeps.
Next, we stop in to see QPC talking to her banker friend in King’s Landing…
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She mentions said truck o’ money and is like ITS COMING, DUDE. CHILL. And he’s like let’s discuss stocks and bonds. And then they have a discussion about investing. It’s kind of boring.
Next, we see Littlefinger giving Bran a knife…
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Which is the knife that was used  to try to kill Bran waaaaaayyyy back in season 1. If you’ll recall in season 1 ep 1, Baby Bran saw Jaime and QPC boning and Jaime pushed him out of a tower causing him to be concussed and paraplegic but also gain some of his vision-abilities. While he was still concussed, QPC (we assume) sent someone to kill Bran to ensure he never told their secret. So Littlefinger (LF) gives Bran this knife and is like, let me know if I can be of any assistance. Then Bran quotes some OG LF (“Chaos isn’t a pit. It’s a ladder”) and LF is clearly freaked because this means Bran could also know about his betrayal of Ned Stark in season 1.
Meera comes in to check out Bran’s new wheelchair and to tell him she’s heading back home. Bran is like kewl bai. And she’s like srsly? I risked my life for your and my bro died for you. And he’s like I’m not Bran anymore, I’m the 3 eyed raven. I no longer have feelings.
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Speaking of no feelings, we see our old pal Arya roll up at Winterfell and we feel ALL THE FEELS. She’s stopped at the gate by 2 very salty doormen who are like naw bitch, private club, members only. And she’s like I AM AN OG MEMBER OF THIS CLUB. After some cajoling, they let her in and she sits in Winterfell for the first time since she left back in Season 1 and then disappears. Was anyone else worried that she’d left? I was. But fear not.
The doormen go to Sansa and they’re like umm some bitch who says she’s your sis is here but now she’s gone? And Sansa’s like, I know where she went, TO THE CRYPTS! So Sansa goes downstairs and finds her sis and they reunite and hug and it’s adorable. It’s esp adorable since we know that IRL these actresses are besties but they haven’t had a scene together since S1, so to see their chemistry as real life friends play out is so sweet. Arya tells Sansa she’s just been bopping around killing people and Sansa is like LOL WUT? And Arya is like hahahaha jk. Did anyone else shed a single tear when A and S were discussing their past traumas and A says “Well, our stories aren’t over yet” ?!?!?! Cuz I shore did.  
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Then they go to see Bran who is still being real creepy and #nofeelings. Sansa tries to warn Arya that Bran is a real bummer now, so Arya’s like hi bro, I haven’t seen you in a million years. And he’s like yes you were heading to King’s Landing to kill Cersei but changed your mind. And she’s like ummm, k? And Sansa helpfully tells her that Bran has “visions” now. But then Bran basically spills the beans that Arya was not JK-ing about being a trained assassin now. And Sansa is a little creeped. Then Bran gives Arya that same knife he got from LF cuz he’s like...  you know how to use it better than me.
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Ladyknight sees Arya, Sansa, and Bran walking through Winterfell together and Pod, her squire (which is basically like an apprentice?) is like YOU DID IT YOU GOT BOTH GIRLS HOME SAFE. And Ladyknight is like naw it wasn’t me, but Pod is like take some credit, hun. And she’s like K thanks. Later, we watch Ladyknight and Pod sparring. Arya meets Ladyknight again and is like can I train with you? And they have a cute lil’ sparring scene in which Arya shows off her skills gathered over the past 7 seasons and Ladyknight is like WOWZA! Meanwhile, Sansa is watching and she seems kinda jelly? Or maybe she’s just nervous about her sis being an assassin? Sansa is watching this all with LF, and as they leave we’re reminded that Arya doesn’t like the looks of this guy.
Next, we stop in on Dragonstone, where things get HOT AND HEAVY
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Khaleesi is heading to meet Bae and chatting with her hottie translator, Missandei (Missi) about Greyworm. Missi SPILLS THE TEA and is like we did EVERYTHING BUT. And is like it was goooooood. And Khaleesi is visibly shook but in the best way. They meet up with Bae who’s like lemme show you some caves. The last time Bae went into a cave with a beautiful lady, he lost his v-card so this has got us thinking. Khaleesi is like I’m not scared of Bae I’ll go alone. Bae shows her that he’s got enuf rocks for his rock collection (aka project to save everyone from the ice zombie army), but he’s like, there’s something else you should see. He shows her these cave paintings from children of the forest (CoF) who we basically like neanderthals in GoT-world. He’s like look, the CoF’s drew pics of them working TOGETHER with humans to defeat the ice zombies.
While he’s giving the tour, he touches her hand to guide her flashlight. AND IT IS SO HAWT I nearly exploded. He’s like, we must all work together to fight the ice zombies, and she says, “I will fight for you, I will  fight for the North.” But first you gotta #bowdownbitches. And he’s like ummmmmm can’t? And she’s like please, let’s work together. And they truly almost makeout right then and there it’s so hot.
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When they emerge from their cave of sexual tension, Tyrion is there to tell her about recent battles. As you’ll recall from last week, things did not go as planned with taking over Casterly Rock, since Jaime diverted the army South to take Highgarden. Khaleesi is like I’m starting to wonder if you aren’t actually loyal to your bro and sis, Tyrion. Then she asks bae what to do. He’s like well just don’t use dragons to kill innocent people that’s what the bad guys do.
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Next, no-knuckles (NK) and Bae have a discussion about Khaleesi. NK is like, she’s fly, no? And Bae is like “she has a good heart” and NK is like, boi you been checkin’ out more than her heart. They see good ole Missi who asks ‘bout Bae’s name “Jon Snow” and he has to explain it’s because he’s a bastard. They ask her about why she loves Khaleesi so much and she says it’s cuz they chose her as their leader and also knows she could leave if she wanted.
Next up, Previously-traumatized-Theon washes ashore. Bae is pissed at him because he betrayed his bro Robb Stark many seasons ago and killed some people in Winterfell, but Bae says he won’t kill PTT because he helped Sansa escape. PTT explains that he needs Khaleesi’s help to get sis back from their Uncle-Crazy-Pants, but Bae is like, umm…. Khaleesi is gone…
Which leads us to the last scene…
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Bronn and Jaime are checking out the people farming that they discussed before. Bronn and Sam’s dad and bro confirm that they were able to collect grains/harvest etc… and Sam’s mean dad mentions that the gold is safely in King’s Landing. Sam’s mean dad (SMD) is like here’s a good idea to get things moving along, let’s flog the stragglers but Jaime is like ummm…..naw. Once SMD rides off, Jaime asks Sam’s Bro Dickon (SBD) how he feels about battles and SBD turns out to be a real sweetie pie just like his bro. He’s like I don’t love to kill people but I will if I have to.
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All of the sudden, Jaime and co hear a rumbling far off. The skies are kind of gray and they’re on the wrong side of a hill so they can’t really tell what’s coming, but they #getinformation #beyonce and prep for battle. Then, a BILLION DOTHRAKI (the horse ppl who love Khaleesi) roll up on their horses, raring to fight. Jaime looks, frankly, spooked. His army is like ummm…wtf. AND THEN KHALEESI FLYS OVER ON A DRAGON OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!
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Before the Dothraki ride their horses straight into the Lannister army, Khaleesi is like breathe fire, babe, and her dragon scorches a bunch of the Lannister fleet. Then the fighting really starts. It’s a lot of Dothraki really giving it to the straight-laced Lannister army who’ve never seen people fight like this before. And then a lot of Khaleesi telling her dragon to breathe fire and wiping out her enemy. IT IS BADASS and also Jaime looks positively terrified.
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At one point, Jaime is saved by SBD during battle scene. Jaime tells Bronn to get the giant dragon-shooter-machine and Bronn is like no way, you do it. And Jaime’s like I GOT ONE HAND BRO, CAN’T (it’s very but-you-ain’t-got-no-legs-lieutenant-dan). It seems like Bronn is gonna just bounce, esp since he loses his gold, but instead he heads to the dragon shooter and gets it locked and loaded.
Meanwhile, Tyrion is watching this mayhem and he seems kinda sad. A Dothraki dude is like wow, your people are bad at fighting and Tyrion sees his Bro Jaime out there and seems remorseful. While Tyrion watches his bro struggle on the battlefield, Jamie also looks around at the destruction and fire and seems deeply sad as well.
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But back to the battle, Bronn is firing away at the dragon with the giant-dragon-shooter. After some misses, he finally hits the dragon and successfully wounds him. In retaliation, the Dragon blows up dragon-killer-machine (Bronn narrowly escapes). Wounded, the dragon has to land on the shore and Khaleesi hops off to survey the damage to her baby boi. Jaime sees Khaleesi and is like, well, here’s my chance. He’s riding toward her on his horse and Tyrion sees this all and keeps saying, “flee you idiot” because, presumably, he doesn’t want to see either of these people killed.
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Jaime rolls up, about to stab Khaeesi and it looks like it might happen when all of a sudden, the dragon brings his head around breathes fire directly at Jaime. At the same time, someone (it looks like Bronn) grabs Jaime and pulls him into the water to escape the fire blast. BUT THEN we just get a clip of Jaime sinking into the water and MAYBE DROWNING?!?!?!?!?!! OMG THIS EPISODE WAS AMAZING I AM GAGGED.
Let’s recap
Biggest surprise this ep: KHALEESI ROLLING UP ON A DRAGON!! Also, is Jaime dead?!?!?!?!
Biggest letdown: the cave of sexual tension was kind of a letdown but I think it’s happening people, I think it’s coming.
Important fashion moments: I’m loving the little getup Arya is wearing during her sparring match with Ladyknight. Also everything Khaleesi and Missi are wearing is #bomb.
Who died this ep? A bunch of Lannister army people, maybe SMD? Also a bunch of Dothraki too. And then the big Q- maybe Jaime?
Thanks for reading!!! Follow me on tumblr! Tell your friends!
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Also, a disclaimer that I posted last week:
You might IDGAF this but just to lay it out there, I purposefully avoid all other recaps/reviews/think-pieces about the latest episode in the time between watching the ep and writing this recap. Sometimes I will hop on to the GoT wiki page to find out a character’s name or check a fact but mostly it’s just my own notes that I reference.
WHY AM I EVEN SAYING THIS? I often will read other recaps/reviews after writing and posting this one and I’m like OMG WE HAD THE SAME REACTION/ SAID THE SAME THING about a scene or a character. So I guess I just wanted to say that any similarities between this recap and any other recap are unintentional and coincidental.
I know what you’re thinking: PROVE IT. Well, much like Bae trying to prove the ice zombies are real, I can’t prove it, I can only state the facts and hope that my time-worn face and honest peepers will be enough :)
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chipandco · 5 years
Minnie’s Holiday Dine at Hollywood and Vine review! Our amazing writer Mary was lucky enough to go to the first night of the Minnie’s Holiday Dine Christmas-themed character meal of the 2018 holiday season.  Minnie and her pals stop by for lunch and dinner celebrations serving up seasonal delights. You can pose for pics with popular Disney Characters, say “hi” to those stopping by and engage in table activities geared to the theme. Plus, the party gifts make great souvenirs!
Up first let’s talk about the price… It’s not cheap, but is anything at Disney? The meal is $52 per adult and $31 per child. The good news is it is only one dining credit if you are on the Dinsey Dining Plan.  Tables in Wonderland is also accepted for a 20% discount or Annual Passes for a 10% discount, which is still a little pricey but is worth the value for the experience.
How amazing is Donald, Minnie, and Daisy in their holiday outfits? I couldn’t get over the bling and dazzle on Daisy’s dress and sparkle in Minnie’s shoes. The girls stopped by each table and even came over to have some girl talk while Donald was goofing off at another table.
There’s a lot of different options on the buffet, and I’m not going to go over each item, but I will say there is a lot to choose from.  We have been told that they have added a lot more Vegan and Vegetarian options for those who have those dietary restrictions. The buffet was surprisingly good. I would say it is better than others, not quite up to Chef Mickey’s, but still good! The desserts were a hit for me.  The biggest problem was deciding which to try.
Another thing we loved was the interactive wreath game to play while you were waiting. It’s a cute little addition to keep little ones busy. We didn’t have any children with us, but we did bring them home as a souvenir.
Our final thoughts on this dining experience that we would absolutely do it again and again. There were unique photo ops, staged poses by the characters to give us some fun “magic shots” and the food was so good they nearly need to roll you out. The meal also comes as part of the Fantasmic dining package if you want to upgrade to that. We were able to get out in time to see the second showing of the Jingle Bell Jingle Bam!
Check it out now through January 6, 2019, at Hollywood and Vine. Reservations are absolutely needed so have your travel agent set those up for you as soon as possible. If you don’t have one, click below and I would love to help! Deck the halls at a dazzling dinner party filled with holiday cheer and the joy of the season!
Ready to experience Disney for yourself? Click the photo above or fill out the form below to receive a free no obligation quote from a Certified Disney Travel Specialist from Pixie Dusted Dreams Travel and Events, the official travel partner for Chip and Company.  As an agent with Pixie Dusted Dreams Travel and Events, I can help from everything to Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Paris, Universal Orlando, Sea World, and so much more! Best of all my services are absolutely FREE! Get in touch at 716-479-5412 , via email at  [email protected] or follow along on Facebook. Or fill out and submit the form below.
Thank you to Mary Morales for the amazing photos!
Minnie's Holiday Dine at Hollywood and Vine Review #chipandco Minnie's Holiday Dine at Hollywood and Vine review! Our amazing writer Mary was lucky enough to go to the first night of the Minnie’s Holiday Dine Christmas-themed character meal of the 2018 holiday season.  
0 notes
This alt-J Music Video May Or May Not Have Been Directed By The Creator Of LSD: Dream Emulator
First, a heads up to those who might need to know: the above contains a considerable amount of flashing imagery.
It was also posted by one of the Japanese Tower Records Twitter accounts. Google Translate spat out: “One of Britain's leading bands, Alto J (Alt-J) released the latest work on June 9. Mr. Sato, a multimedia artist in Japan, who worked on artwork.”
I want to believe they’re talking about is the one and only Osamu Sato, creator of Eastern Mind, Chu-Teng, and LSD. Am not 100%, but it certainly looks like his handiwork! At the very least, the album art looks straight of of the aforementioned PSone classic…
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Alright, may as well highlight a few other things I stumbled across on Twitter. Starting with…
Recently became familiar with Norio Nakagata’s account. He’s a vet in the industry, having worked on NES classics like Burai Fighter, Low G Man, and Zombie Nation. He’s still active today, as evidenced by this snapshot of his “development environment”…
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He’s also pals with actor Hiroshi Fujioka, best known for the role of Segata Sanshiro, whom he had drinks with at a video game bar that happened to have this lying around…
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miki800.com recently highlighted a person’s journey into the bootleg backstreets of Shanghai, which was originally shared on Twitter, and the source thankfully had a closer look at the one game that interested me the most. That being a Super Mario USA cart with Astro Boy’s face superimposed on top, which is also a Street Fighter 2 rom hack…
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There’s also this cart, which I know nothing about, other than it looks really nice…
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@oleivarrudi not too long ago shared a really nice looking mock up of a Metal Gear Rising demake…
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@Ryotaiku’s comic is for all the My Horse Prince fans out there…
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Via the Tiny Cart Twitter are some l i f e g o a l s indeed…
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Been playing Breath of the Wild for quite some time but I have yet to encounter myself, like Matt Gerardi did several weeks ago…
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… Oh and here’s an animated gif that really nails the new Zelda, plus another that brilliantly mixes shmups and that image that went (and still is) super viral, both of which I can’t post since they’re too big Tumblr don’t like that. Oh well,
Though I can’t hate on Tumblr too much, since it did provide this rather eye-opening bit of intel, courtesy of superman--thanksforasking…
“Fun fact: Mortal Kombat and Sabrina The Teenage Witch take place in the same universe. In 1997, to promote the upcoming sequel Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa reprised his role as Shang Tsung from the first film in an episode of Sabrina The Teenage Witch entitled “Get Over… YOURSELF.” It is revealed that Shang Tsung is actually Sabrina’s uncle by marriage, and while in town on business, he pays the Spellmans a brief visit. Sabrina’s aunts are not thrilled when Shang Tsung fixes dinner–raw boar–or when he takes Salem’s soul after the cat insults him. To get it back, Sabrina agrees to help promote that year’s Mortal Kombat tournament; shenanigans ensue.”
Ready to have your goddamn mind blown yet again? Credit goes to dnopls for connecting the goddamn dots…
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My new fave Tumblr belongs to pixel8or, who manages to take footage shot from a moving vehicle and make it to look like footage from inside Rez…
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It’s because of posthumanwanderings I discovered the existence of a series of maxipad commercials that are clearly inspired by Space Channel 5…
Sticking with Sega, though more so the subject of sound, here we have the menu music from the Sega Channel. All 40 minutes’ worth…
Everyone knows that the original Japanese soundtrack to Castlevania 3 is superior to the US version. But did you know that there’s a way to improve upon perfect? Yes there is… by adding the aforementioned much maligned NES version directly on top (thanks for the heads up Slonie)…
As meldowiseau reminds us all, Ken from Street Fighter drives barefoot. Not a huge shocker, maybe, yet it’s again an important reminder…
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There’s also a Mortal Kombat clone that stars Butt-Head from Beavis and Butt-Head fame that vaguely feels like a porno, hence why I refuse to investigate further…
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Via obscurevideogames is a lovely not quite still life from an arcade game called Quester, which you’d think is a shmup but is actually just an Arkanoid clone…
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This week’s random piece of super kawaii art from a Tumblr artist whose work I just became aquatinted with is via dreamsntangles…
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For those who have paid attention, I know folks involved in the world of Garbage Pail Kids, which also means I know folks involved in the world of Wacky Packages. And here’s a game related piece, by Joe Simko…
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According to Video Game Densetsu, this is what a proposed Star Fox & company overhaul could been. Which makes what we’ve been seeing all the more boring…
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Just a semi-regular reminder of how cute the PSP can be, in the right setting, one that I originally spotted over at sixteen-bit…
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Speaking of hardware, and call me late to the party, but anyone out there familiar this device, which allows you to play actual SNES and Genesis games on your computer? I suppose the idea of using emulators as the means to ultimately drive legit software isn’t the craziest thing in the world, given how stuff like the Retron uses them as well…
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A blast from the past that Kotaku pulled up the other the day, which many may have missed, of a Canadian Christian fundamentalist warning parents of the evil that is Final Fantasy…
I wonder how long this Pikmin cosplayer was sitting there, before anyone noticed?
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My buddy Steve recently reminded me of this oldie but goodie...
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One more old pic, I was reorganizing files and came across this iPhone screenshot several years and phones ago. I legit have no idea what I was thinking…
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Anyone know where I can get a copy of Virtua Fighter Vol.1: Donkey Kong? Asking for a friend (guess I could just pester mightynonine)…
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Does anyone also know if Zapperfilms will ever be updated again? Asking for me…
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Thankfully, after laying low for a tad bit, Games Are Art recently posted an update! And on that note, that’s it for this one…
8 notes · View notes
the-firebird69 · 4 years
Lots of whiners
Huge crowds of whining kikes of all races wondering around him saying stupid shit we found him blithering alone on the highway on his bike wandering around on the highway with only bad things to say hoping cameras would pick up who grab him.
It did the governor grabbed him for questions, he answered a bunch said well I'd better go, he said no you had better not.
They argued for a long time, he said your nothing I say it your clan sucks his does your all dying here daily i want to know why.
He kept saying it he's ahead of us and I dropped it on him, your driving him mad and is. Your insane and don't get it. We walked him out back and and shot him in the head. Set him off no. Held him in the morge. Saw him get up a few seconds later, after missing all of it, and he walked out. A huge difference no still a maniac
Loser yes gross yes but common here. I want out too. Then you say this it's a lick on me nobody gives me a break for this place you probably didn't know a Holocaust house a prison.
Stuck good. Meaning like concrete all piss me off trying to threaten me here there anywhere and Macs encourage it all the time Mac daddy's the worst and I'm one single skin mostly person. Tons of family here die yiu did. A few times they abused you to constantly threaten me blindly. It is a prison I'm being tortured threatened with your deaths and injuries all day all night and dads and wie on and on. Your situation not as bad, no, getting hit but daily all day same or elevated stress.
Then I say this we are at each other 24 7 all day all year gnawing clawing screaming like retards no cover. So I see your point, I can only make it so long in this atmosphere, caught menglers son using video recordings and you remember. Most don't. So we can use you to testify if we can...?? How it's silent the evidence isn't w you alone it's the ass Gam he started doesn't realize all especially him are toast he perpetuates it, Preston Jo lots HV independent tapes recordings and usually chronology full reports your not alone Pappa not by a long shot, Enzo has to its how he does some stuff... Billium lived by it, occonor ate by it and the pole keeps the pope mobile in girl w it. Kids who aren't
So I see thank you. Will ask them...
We send it they say I say we shall see but know there is a place it is accepted. Trump too has it. And Mac daddy's and Chinese and so on.
More importantly, they HV all the statements bg had me issued and the hand signal and theft of things on tapes as mine do.
Oh gosh we see all do yes
Tommy f.
They tell me one at a time, smiling faces of who drove off, signatures here, match here in Tony's place
Chinese too
Brad Pitt well Jeff same guy handed it off in fight club
On and on we find it too. Then they propped thier father up in WWII took the top job hit all others cork Mac and most found
Our stuff and you? He shot you. He is cruel a lose and huge so what can you do, hit like a motha, he and his went nuts for it, all ran out after it, so we say why? I feel he is lying, bg and you your not privy to a thing. But you are the one doing it we surmised. Not so big has lots of the hardware discussed tons of designs even melenium falcon
Tommy f.
Good are you crawling in the grass from dilips
Fine want a shiner
Tommy f
I'll pop your head off am talker
Let me say this asshole you are a faggot and compete w faggots who rat all day all night and you failed to do shit. Your almost done, and I hit hard enough that your alltrapped here with my son's who eat you you driving jerk. I'm owed trillions I take it I'm owed inventions I repossessed, your a fucking idiot drove around w me I faced Dow lots due to you they all back off I HV infiltrators terminators transformer robots RoboCop Necromonger lots of space based weapons just cuz your slow doesn't mean your not easier to hit. Try and align lol by convincing me I'm wrong for demanding my small teeny share of money for invention fees you hold me here illegally pal
It's over
Tommy f
No the next Tommy walks in he says yes
Zueten million to be in your seat in Tallahassee. Turn yourself in to them supposed froend
We drop it now on Tallahassee FL
And we here him, I didn't we come for you as his are here, little baby shots. A horrendous day full of morons for himno, it was ok just lots of interuptions but mostly helpful, then dork crap at night waking him all over again so he's good and mean after eleven years and thirty of less intense but similar or same.
You see he's always been on a shoe string you morons demand it, we abhor you for it we saw yours there the entire time as did half the town. Losers really expose him when almost gone for Mac daddy's.
So we hit no alternative you need the big stuff Mac daddy's stop you from using
An alliance at what cost to us no deal.
Thor exactly what I say you ppl are abhorant your so stupid and dead wrong.
Way off with me, and you are the ones s around me with idiotic acts routines obsessions expose yourselves as 8's all day all night to no valuable end. Orange general Lee 01 jumping over everything not addressing a thing you get picked on all day hit nightly by tomorrow ns of stuff and mourn your deaths as you should but don't know you die... It's ridiculous but we do the job now we perfect it and stop yelling yelping, we did it to sstiate now you won't accept it so we stop and crown you all so you gmfight lol. Like the Mourning Star does. PS most moved out today in search of Apocalypse who is Jesus, and some fell into a trance immediately killed you left to force himself herself themeself to find him. All saw his pic most feel he is real.
We don't need tempering, we need gas and stuff.
We fire on them nah let them eat all the food in Korea no. Shipped tons of hot dogs, and buns. Lol an old joke he choked on while here. They still line up, several quadrillion more about ten more, and twenty on the way or were there ten on the way this am. Twenty now and five there. We see some count here so we fire them and cohorts.
Up to 50quadrillion there in North Korea, shit and spit piss all over huge piles of them we grabbed for tonight's show. Massive Armies of Orc made. Too huge to mention.
Hahahaha Legand coming up in Israel
No Serpant, what about the Serpant.
Savage Opress
I believe it's Satan they said. Meaning the Devil meaning me
They say it a lot
Let them try, they want the monocer of the Morning Star, ok. Not mourning.
You mourn for yours a bit and them who lost and die like leaves in fall.
He says he will take into life one of his over all these... And his ppl but I get it, not one is worth a thing and they all shout it.
Savage Opress
Macs take credit for hitting, the Tallahassee area, but HV no proof
He will appear they call him Satan he's the Devil, in the Garden Satan is the serpant
Oh daddy
Nope he is referred to, no?
I learned they mean you but it was a demon.
What he knows is it's force majure time yes but he only let them HV a bite and that was it that ns of biotech research done huge volumes of data all ruined by cheapisrky Mac idiots
I know have the backup you can ck
0 notes
tellytantra · 5 years
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Episode starts with Nivedita working on some file. Anurag comes and helps her. She thanks him. She says I was scared that you are with Prerna, I m glad this won’t happen, do you think I m speaking senseless things, sit here, I need to talk, just look at yourself, you had stopped thinking about yourself, all because of Prerna, she had controlled your mind. He says you know why I was worried, Navin… She says I know, I couldn’t see it, that my brother is getting hurt, I have no other brother, I get jealous sometimes, that’s between us, siblings, you are dear to us, I know you were doing right, you have responsibilities towards us, its fine if you get happiness, but if anything happens to us, it matters to us, you are a good soul, middle class girls like Prerna try to trap rich guys like you. He thinks of Prerna. She says I understood everything , I know such girls, how to take advantage of these closeness, hope you are understanding this. He recalls Prerna and thinks she is opposite of all this, I have noticed everything. Nivedita gets a call and goes. Anurag thinks I have noticed her closely. He thinks of her. Pal ek pal….plays…… He imagines Prerna and smiles. They have a moment. Mishka asks is everything okay, what happened. He says nothing, I m getting late for office. Prerna recalls Komolika’s words. She says she has come to my house and humiliated my family, I m ready to fight with anyone, that girl is weird, she had madness, her eyes were such that she is hiding many secrets, I will not leave her. She calms down and says Anurag, I wish you were with me today, I m feeling lonely. She imagines Anurag and smiles. Pal ek pal….plays… She looks around and says where did you vanish, I just felt his presence. She runs to look for him and calls out Anurag. Veena asks what happened, do you want something. Prerna goes. Anurag is on the way and thinks of Prerna, hearing the song on radio. Nivedita calls him and says you forgot the file at home. He says I have got some other file, I will ask someone else to get it. Prerna says I have gone mad, I m daydreaming about Anurag, when I know that nothing will happen between us. Anurag makes a video call to her and says finally, you answered the call, I have reached office. She says so its you. He says yes, I have realized that I m missing some papers, can you go home and collect the file, get it to office, I will meet you at office. She agrees and says I will have to work with him, but I have to maintain distance from him, I didn’t know that I will feel this for him, Anurag is so punctual, I have to run there fast. Komolika thinks of Prerna. Mohini and Nivedita see Prerna coming home. Prerna says I have come to get some papers for Anurag. Nivedita says you work for Moloy, not Anurag. Prerna says but Anurag needs me. Nivedita asks Mohini why is she permitting Prerna to enter Anurag’s room. Prerna asks why, I have come here before, you can call up Anurag and tell him why the file didn’t reach him. Send file by servant, if he calls me, I will tell him that I work for his dad, not him. Mohini says I don’t like your way of talking. Prerna says sorry. Mohini asks her to go and get file. Prerna goes. Nivedita asks why did you allow Prerna. Mohini says even servants come home, I will not let her forget that Rajesh is our servant. She goes. Chobey says I hope that girl takes report back. Komolika says it will be done. He asks tell me will Ronit come back. She says trust me, I will get Ronit out of jail. He says I trust you, just do it fast, everything has happened for the good, he will learn a lesson now, he has gone to prison. She says calm down, we can’t bring Ronit out our way until elections get over, I will personally handle this case, I have found a reason too, I don’t like leaving a challenge incomplete, I don’t like to lose. He says I m sorry, you have to handle such people because of me. She says trust me, I tried to explain that girl not to mess with me, now the time is over. He asks who is that girl. She says she is shameless sister of that shameless girl. Precap:Prerna talks to Anurag’s pic and says I feel incomplete without you. Mishka asks why are you talking to Anurag’s pic. Update Credit to: Amena
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