#thanks after laughter for introducing me to Paramore
gingerjunhan · 3 months
try hard - kwak jiseok
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☆彡 I’ve had this idea since I started this account. I’m glad it finally got to see the light. Thank you all for your patience; I hope you enjoy <3
synopsis: you’ve been head-over-heels for Gunil for a while now, but what happens when Jiseok finds an extravagant way to try and tell you how he feels?
based on 5 Seconds of Summer’s song Try Hard
word count: 2,365 | pronouns used: they/them | genre: angst | cws: one sided pining, no happy ending, member-on-member jealousy, swearing, lmk if I missed something!
Jiseok flopped down on his bed and let out a sigh. Practice today felt so much longer than usual. Maybe it was the pressure of their upcoming stage performance, or maybe it was his poor sleep schedule. Either way, Jiseok felt like he was fighting hard to keep his eyes open. All he wanted was to fall asleep right here, right now- half strewn across his bed in the clothes that he wore to the studio. The only thing that kept him awake, however, was his stomach. Hyeongjun was supposed to start making dinner once everybody got home. If Jiseok wasn’t so tired, he would’ve offered to help.
Eventually, the sound of laughter and the scent of whatever Hyeongjun was cooking danced their way into Jiseok’s room, pulling him out of his sleepy haze. There was a voice he didn’t quite recognize- it definitely wasn’t one of his bandmates. Listening through his walls wasn’t solving his mystery, so Jiseok reluctantly rose to his feet and made his way to the kitchen.
“Hey, there he is,” Seungmin announced to the group as Jiseok shuffled through the doorway. “We were just going to come get you for dinner. We thought you fell asleep.”
“Not yet,” Jiseok huffed. “Too hungry.”
“Well the food’s ready. Grab a plate.”
After serving himself, Jiseok made his way to the dinner table and found an extra seat across from his.
“Hey, Jiseok,” you greeted.
“(Y/N), hey. I didn’t know you were joining us for dinner tonight.”
You nodded happily. “Gunil told me he was feeling a little stressed about your upcoming performance, so I thought I’d stop by and try to help him relax.”
Jiseok nodded understandingly. You and Gunil had just recently started dating, and Jiseok wasn’t sure how to take it. He never told Gunil, but he had developed feelings for you a while ago. You and Jiseok had known each other for a long time; he was even the one who introduced you to Gunil. So when you and Gunil started going out, there was nothing Jiseok could do other than be happy for you. He had lost his chance fair and square, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t jealous. “What’s got you so stressed, Gunil?” He decided to ask.
“Well,” Gunil sighed. “Shortly after leaving practice, our manager called to tell us that our stage time was upped by five minutes- which is great! However, our manager thinks it would be smart to have us perform a new cover for publicity. The performance is now less than a week away and we don’t have any ideas, so start throwing some out.”
“5 Seconds of Summer!” Jooyeon suggested instantly. Jungsu rolled his eyes.
“We can’t always cover 5 Seconds of Summer just because you have a man-crush on Luke Hemmings.”
“C’mon!” He insisted. “It’s a song I’ve really been wanting to cover, and I think we would do great!”
“What’s it called?” Gunil asked.
“Try Hard. It’s an older song, but it’s so good. They never perform it, so I think it would be fun to give it a try!”
“Okay,” Gunil shook his head, sounding slightly defeated. “We can keep that one in mind- play it for us after dinner. We can keep thinking of more ideas.”
As dinner progressed, a few more ideas were tossed around for covers. Paramore, DAY6, Muse- but nothing seemed to stick. Once dinner finally ended, Jooyeon got his chance to introduce the group to the song he had in mind. His excitement was evident as everyone listened along.
Jiseok listened intently- trying to ignore the way Jooyeon was serenading the group along with the song. He glanced over at you, and you seemed to be enjoying it almost as much as Jooyeon was. At this point, you had begun to bob your head along with the song, really getting into it. Jiseok didn’t miss the way that Gunil was looking at you; his eyes twinkling a little bit as he watched you jam alongside Jooyeon.
The song has a good guitar track, that was for sure. At the very least, it would be fun to perform. Nothing about the song really struck Jiseok too deeply until the second verse rolled around.
“She’s got a rose tattoo, but she keeps it covered. I play guitar, but she’s into drummers. She’s seen my face around, but she doesn’t even know my name.”
The pain that ran through Jiseok’s chest was almost tangible, striking him like an arrow. His eyes went wide and for a second he swears he started to hold his breath.
“Let’s do it,” he spoke out loud, not thinking about the timing of his comment. Luckily, nobody really seemed to notice. Jooyeon looked over, excited that someone was hearing him out.
“You really want to?” His smile was evident.
“Yeah. It’s a good song and it seems fun to play. Plus, I know you won’t get off our asses if we pick something else.”
Jungsu chuckled, “He has a point.”
Jooyeon’s eyes lit up as he looked at Gunil. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know… haven’t we already played like, three 5 Seconds of Summer songs?”
“Oh, c’mon, Gunil. This song is good!” You coaxed. “What would one more cover hurt? Besides, Villains would love it.”
Gunil let out a sigh, clearly having been won over by your opinion. “Alright, fine. I’ll talk to our manager first thing in the morning. Tomorrow we start working on arrangements.”
Everybody nodded their heads or made some sort of verbal agreement. Jiseok, on the other hand, was lost in thought as he continued to listen. He thought about the way you giggled at everything Gunil said and the way you couldn’t see how Gunil looked at you when you spoke to someone else. It was sickening. Once the song ended, Jiseok calmly slipped away from the others and back into his bedroom, the sound of your laughter fading out as he closed the door behind him.
The next day, the practice room practically buzzed with the amount of work that was going on. Some of the guys were trying to find arrangements for the new cover, Gunil had been breaking into a new set of drumheads, and Jiseok was pretty sure Seungmin was about to break Jooyeon.
“Jooyeon if you don’t stop touching my stuff I’m gonna kick your ass!”
“I’m just grabbing my water!”
“Well then get your shit away from my shit!”
“Gunil!” Jooyeon called out like a child, “Seungmin is threatening me!” The group all looked back to their drummer, who was caught up with something on his phone. After a second, Gunil looked up at him.
“What’s wrong?”
Seungmin laughed. “Looks like somebody is too busy texting to save you,” Seungmin snuck up behind Jooyeon, grabbing his sides, causing Jooyeon to yell. It was now Gunil’s turn to laugh.
“Sorry, (Y/N) asked me a question. But, I’m good. No more distractions.”
Jiseok laughed to himself, knowing that would soon be proven to be a lie.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jungsu intervened, “They’re just messing around.”
Gunil sighed lightly. “Guys, come on. We don’t have the time to be goofing off. We’ve gotta be getting everything finalized for this stage or else management is gonna kill us.” The younger boys let out a group of collective sighs, returning to their instruments and getting back to work. Jiseok put the strap of his guitar back over his shoulders, taking a second to peak back at Gunil again, catching him as he picked up his phone again, laughing to himself and sending another text with a slight blush on his cheeks.
Jiseok scoffed quietly to himself, “What happened to no more distractions?” He shook his head with a sigh, turning back to his sheet music. Jungsu looked his way.
“You alright?”
Jiseok’s attention snapped over to Jungsu. “Yeah. I’m fine,” he responded rather unconvincingly.
“Okay,” Jungsu said with a soft smile. “You just… seem a little stressed, so I thought I’d check in.”
“Thanks.” Jiseok gave Jungsu a tight-lipped smile before turning away again.
The day of their performance had finally come around, and the guys were all backstage doing their typical pre-show rituals. Seungmin had a small set of weights in each hand, Hyeongjun was tuning his guitars, and Jiseok watched from a distance as Gunil giggled into his phone over some sort of phone call. Jiseok took a long, shaky breath to try and steady his nerves, but when Gunil got off the phone and came trotting up to him, he had to act fast to find his usual happy facade.
“Jiseok!” Gunil called cheerfully. “(Y/N) called me to say ‘good luck,’ but they wanted me to tell you good luck as well,” he smiled. Jiseok fought his hardest to return the gesture and make it look genuine.
“Thanks,” he said simply.
“They’ll be right in the front,” Gunil continued, “I think they’re on your side of the stage too. Just letting you know so you know to look out for them!” With that, Gunil skipped off to start prepping for the performance.
Jiseok sat and thought about the way this performance was going to go. The cover was right at the end, and Jiseok could feel the seed of jealousy planting itself into his stomach as a plan formed in his head. He smirked to himself at the thought. Would it be petty? Absolutely, but Jiseok couldn’t stand this feeling anymore. He sat and played with his hands, cracking his knuckles and twiddling his thumbs, which finally led to Jungsu chiming in from his seat nearby.
“I don’t know what you’re thinking right now, but I advise that you stop,” Jungsu said simply, his voice steady and stern. Jiseok furrowed his eyebrows, giving him a confused look.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean.” Jungsu got up from his seat, making his way over to Jiseok, his voice low. “Ever since the two of them got together, you obviously haven’t been happy about it. Gunil may be blind to your jealousy, but I’m not.” Jiseok looked up at Jungsu with wide eyes. “I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time,” Jungsu continued, “so I advise that you get over yourself before you cause any problems.” Jungsu gave Jiseok one final side eye before a stage manager came to collect the group of men to start setting up for their performance. Jiseok watched Jungsu walk away, knowing deep down that he was right. However, the seed had been planted, the jealousy had already taken root, and Jiseok couldn’t help but seethe as he picked up his guitar, pulled a pick from his pocket, and walked onto stage.
The performance had been going as expected: bright lights, loud fans, and that same energy that Jiseok always feels while performing that he still can’t find the right words to describe. He had located you in the crowd about halfway through their opening number, your bright smile and cute outfit making you stand out against everyone else in his eyes. Upon seeing you, he smiled as well, feeling his jealousy wither away into a feeling of fondness. You waved at him from the crowd, and it took everything in him not to let go of his guitar and wave back.
Finally, their set was about to close, and Jiseok felt the dark vines of his master plan creep back into his chest again. It was simple, but he hoped it would portray the message he needed it to. From his drumkit, Gunil counts the song in, and the band takes off with their cover. Jiseok watches as you dance along in the pit, and he can feel himself fighting an internal battle with his usual stage presence to keep it together. Jooyeon carried the song with a smile, clearly in his element while singing along. As the song progressed, Jiseok’s turn at the mic was coming up, and he knew it was all or nothing. He dropped his guitar completely, putting both hands on the mic and looking at you as the verse he quickly claimed dibs on a practice a few days ago made its way to the speakers.
“She’s got a rose tattoo, but she keeps it covered. I play guitar, but she’s into drummers.” At this, Jiseok watches as you smile wide, aiming your gaze towards the back of the stage, ignoring him almost completely. “She’s seen my face around, but she doesn’t even know my name.” At that, Jiseok picks up his guitar again, performing the rest of the song on autopilot as he realizes that his attempt to grab your attention and tell you how he feels was nothing short of futile. Soon enough, the performance ends, the show is over, and Jiseok floats home- his autopilot keeping him moving.
“That performance was great!!” You squeal as you pull Gunil into a tight embrace, holding him close and kissing his cheek once the seven of you made your way back to the dorm. Of course Gunil had to invite you over, and of course Jiseok had to sit and watch as you hung all over him. This was just what he needed. Jiseok fought to keep his breathing steady when someone yelling his name caught his attention.
“Jiseok!” Seungmin yelled.
“What?!” Jiseok yelled in response, sounding a little more angry than he should have.
“I asked if you wanted a drink. Jesus, I’ve only called your name, like, three times.” Seungmin rolled his eyes. Jiseok waved him off.
“No, I’m fine,” he answered shortly. Seungmin looked over him.
“What’s got you all worked up?”
Jiseok opened his mouth to answer and then quickly snapped his mouth closed again. He could hear you and Gunil laughing together from the other side of the room. He quickly glanced over at Jungsu, who was already giving him a stern look. “Nothing,” he finally answers. “Nothing is wrong.” Jiseok stood from his chair, looking to Jungsu again. “I’m going to bed.”
For a split second, Jungsu’s eyes turned sympathetic. “Good night, Jiseok.”
He nodded slightly, his voice soft. “Good night, Jungsu.”
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , @odesonnets , @weluvjeong , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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jaydeelliottblog · 1 year
Joining The "Band" Wagon · Part 2
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I'm thankful to have an amazing boyfriend with a similar taste in music as me. Whenever we go for drives in the car, usually to the supermarket, I occasionally let him take control of my car's aux cable, and he introduces me to new music and bands that I wouldn't have thought to listen to. This was the case with Periphery. I was instantly blown away, obsessed and surprised by Spencer Sotelo's incredible voice and how it's integrated into their music, especially their song "Scarlet". Goosebumps. Actual goosebumps.
BAND THAT CHANGED MY LIFE: Breaking Benjamin ~
The moment I discover something that I know is going to be life-changing to me is almost like a religious experience. I honestly don't really know how else to describe it, but I find myself having deep emotional connections with things that I hold close to my heart. For me, Breaking Benjamin and their music had that exact feeling and connection. I think it stemmed from my overwhelming love for the Halo franchise and Halo 2 in particular. I remember listening to the soundtrack and discovering Breaking Benjamin with "Blow Me Away", which it literally did. It's also hard to express how exactly they changed my life, but all of their songs really hit home in some way and their lyrics trigger nostalgia, as well as good and bad memories with people from the past. Breaking Benjamin really led me down the path of discovering all of the rock bands and music that I love today.
I'm so sorry, but I have to admit... Nickelback has some absolute flippin' bangers. I will happily blast out "Rockstar" at full volume and sing along to it at the top of my lungs (only when I'm home alone of course and the neighbours can judge me).
Oh, how I crave to see Paramore live. Being poor sucks and I'd love to experience more gigs and festivals in general, but especially a Paramore gig. I really like the different direction Paramore has taken over the recent years and I love their album "After Laughter". I also adore Hayley Williams so much and I'm actually really into her solo stuff right now! But, having said that, you just can't beat where it all started and feel like a little badass scene kid moshing to their music. I still do... just minus the ripped skinny jeans and coontails. In other words... 🎵WOAAAAAH, I NEVER MEANT TO BRAG!🎵
Sadly I've only ever experienced two major gigs, the first being Ed Sheeran and the second of which, I was lucky enough to see Alien Ant Farm supporting P.O.D in Bristol a few years ago. I admit, I'd never really listened to much of P.O.D's music and only really went to see AAF, but of course, I love P.O.D's song "Boom" and "Alive" and was super excited to see them regardless - and since then, I've listened to more of their music. They're amazing live, very high energy, got the crowd going and involved and it was such an awesome night and a great experience.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my choices and give them a listen, if you haven't already. Let me know if you agree or disagree with me! Make sure to check out my Spotify playlist for this blog post, linked below.
Also! Please feel free to copy and paste and add in your own answers! Leave them as a comment below or share them to your own Facebook/Instagram and encourage others to add their bands (and maybe tag me @callmejelli_ so that I can have a read).
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sagehaleyofficial · 5 years
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·     Blink-182 drummer, Travis Barker, revealed in a new interview that the band have recorded a new Christmas song. Last year, he posted a photo of his drum kit on Instagram with the caption “currently recording Christmas music,” paired with a Christmas tree emoji.
·     After teasing the “most political song Palaye Royale has released to date” early last week, the trio have dropped their new song “Massacre, the New American Dream.” Proceeds made from sales will be donated to March of Our Lives and Giffords: Courage to Fight Gun Violence.
·     Creeper launched a live premiere on YouTube for their new music video of the hot single, “Born Cold.” The band will soon be supporting BABYMETAL on the UK leg of next year’s Metal Galaxy World Tour.
·     The 1975 gave fans little waring with the music video debut of recent hit, “Frail State of Mind.” The track is set to appear on the band’s upcoming album, Notes on a Conditional Form, due out February 21, 2020.
·     A Day to Remember released their latest single, “Resentment,” just two weeks after postponing their seventh studio album, You’re Welcome. The band is currently wrapping up the Degenerates Tour with I Prevail and Beartooth before teaming up with Underoath in Florida.
·     Panic! At The Disco dropped a new music video for their rendition of “Into the Unknown,” taken from Disney‘s Frozen 2 soundtrack. The song was first released with a lyric video on November 4th.
·     A year and a half after his death, XXXtentacion‘s final album Bad Vibes Forever, which features blink-182, Lil Wayne and more, has a release date. The late rapper’s team dropped the title track from the album, along with the news it will be arriving on December 7th.
·     Twenty One Pilots’ new music video for their song “Pet Cheetah” offers fans a closer look at their tour set up with a virtual reality view from the stage. The video shows them performing live offering a really close look at the fire, smoke and lights they intricately use on set.
·     Neck Deep put two of their B-side songs from their 2017 album The Peace and the Panic on streaming services for the first time. They recently took to Instagram to announce that they will be taking the rest of 2019 off, they will be back in 2020 and will be playing at Rock for People.
·     Go Radio shared their first single since 2012 with upbeat new track, “Say It Again.” In July, the band’s fans were sent into a frenzy of hope and pure panic as they released a photo sparking rumors of their return.
·     We Came as Romans revealed their plans for a 10-year anniversary tour in celebration of their album, To Plant a Seed. The band announced they’ll be hitting the road this spring in honor of the record with support from the Devil Wears Prada, Gideon and Dayseeker.
·     Post Malone revealed a second leg of his Runaway Tour, as well as that he is bringing along support from the first leg, Swae Lee and Tyla Yaweh. Posty will continue the run in support of his best-selling 2019 album Hollywood’s Bleeding.
·     The Wonder Years took to Twitter last Tuesday to announce a very special tour for the winter of 2020. The band will be performing two sets nightly, one acoustic and one electric, and will be supported by Free Throw, Spanish Love Songs and Pool Kids.
·     Coheed and Cambria are taking their progressive-rock, sci-fi hits on the high seas next fall on the S.S Neverender, and announced they are bringing Taking Back Sunday with them. The band partnered with Sixthman and Norwegian Pearl to bring fans an intimate cruise experience.
·     Post Malone and Ozzy Osbourne made their recent live debut of their newest collab “Take What You Want” on the last night of the rapper’s tour. The two also performed the Hollywood’s Bleeding track at the American Music Awards, alongside Travis Scott.
·     New Found Glory canceled the last two dates of their From the Screen to Your Stereo to Your Town Tour with Hawthorne Heights. The band tweeted that the cancellation was due to guitarist Chad Gilbert dealing with a “family emergency.”
·     Green Day celebrated 25 years of Dookie by performing “Basket Case” during the 2019 American Music Awards. “Growing up, there was no band more important to me or my brother,” Billie Eilish said while introducing the band.
·     Shania Twain gave a subtle shout out to Post Malone, Twenty One Pilots and more during her 2019 American Music Awards performance. The iconic country artist did a rendition of “Stressed Out,” “Rockstar” and more during her set.
·     Bring Me the Horizon have released a behind-the-scenes look at the making of their latest track, “Ludens.” For the majority of the video, we see Oli Sykes and keyboardist Jordan Fish in a hotel room in Ukraine, while the former states how limited of a time they had to submit the song.
·     The nominees for the 2020 Grammy Awards arrived, with Billie Eilish up for Album of the Year and the 1975 up for Best Rock Song. Bring Me the Horizon are further in the running for Best Rock Album against I Prevail, who are also up for Best Metal Performance for “Bow Down.”
·     Oh, Weatherly vocalist Blake Roses took to the band’s social media accounts to announce their breakup. The band account shared the statement with the caption, “Love you all. Thank you for this journey.”
·     In the wake of the 15-year anniversary of her debut solo album, Love. Angel. Music. Baby., Gwen Stefani addressed accusations of cultural appropriation as it relates to single “Harajuku Girls” and more. Stefani recently sat down with Billboard to address the topic.
·     A new event on Facebook called “Storm My Chemical Romance Reunion, They Can’t Stop All of Us” was created last Thursday, and the event already shows 567 going and 1.2k interested. The page information isn’t joking around, but it also slips in some great MCR puns.
·     Vans added to their Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas inspired shoe line, with a pair appropriately named “Christmas Town.” For its design, they took imagery from the scene where Jack Skellington comes across the Holiday Doors while singing “What’s This?”
·     Kevin Jonas poked fun at his own band, the Jonas Brothers, when he joined in on a trend that’s making its way through Twitter with his own blink-182-inspired meme. The punk band responded to the pop singer with the iconic lyrics from their song “What’s My Age Again?”
·     Paramore opened up about a track off their most recent album, After Laughter, with Billboard. Frontwoman Hayley Williams recently sat down with for the outlet’s essays on “100 Songs That Define the Decade,” this time discussing their hit “Hard Times.”
·     Alternative Press put Panic! at the Disco on the cover of their Poster Issue, the publication’s seasonal 68-page collection. In addition, this year’s Poster Issue sums up the last decade of AP as they ready themselves for their 35th anniversary.
·     On a new episode of Bloody Disgusting‘s “The Boo Crew” podcast, Poppy revealed she is working on an original horror movie with frequent collaborator Titanic Sinclair. The artist also discussed everything from Texas Chainsaw Massacre being her first horror movie experience.
·     While The Umbrella Academy is preparing for its upcoming second season, the cast took a moment to appreciate their smaller toy counterparts. The cast shared a photo of them holding their Funko Pops all together, as well as a video showing their reactions to receiving the toys.
·     At this year’s American Music Awards, Billie Eilish won for the Favorite Artist in the Alternative Rock category and Halsey won for Best Pop/Rock Song for her track “Without Me”. Eilish also performed “All the Good Girls Go to Hell” and Halsey with “Graveyard.”
·     Twenty One Pilots updated their Trench logo on two social media accounts, causing fans to speculate new content and the possible end of an era. The logo has gone through several makeovers since the band’s inception.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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weyesbloodgf · 4 years
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I was tagged by @amyadamsvevo​ thank you so much for tagging me!! i’ve never been tagged in anything before so 🥺 thanks :) this was a lot harder than i thought, i love so many albums. there’s a ton of honorable mentions at the end bcI just couldnt choose. also once i put in a few albums I realized they were pretty much all black and white so then I tried to go with that theme kind of? anyway all of these albums are on my perfect album playlist which means i dont skip any of the songs while listening bc theyre just that good.
boygenius by boygenius (Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus, and Julien Baker), 2018 This album is so good and I love everything phoebe bridgers and lucy dacus make (I havent really listened to Julien Baker but I really should). I love the way they harmonize on this album and I wish they would release more songs together
Is This It by The Strokes, 2001 if you look up this album in the united states it will have a different cover because the original was deemed to inappropriate. I love the strokes and their second and third albums are absolutely brilliant, too.
Fetch the Bolt Cutters by Fiona Apple, 2020 everyone say thank you fiona apple for releasing this album, right when we needed it. everything fiona apple has done is amazing and so lyrically complex and beautiful. honestly this could be replaced by any of her other albums but fetch the bolt cutters really hits home for me
Nothing Happens by Wallows, 2019 i feel like this album really sums up what its like growing older and feeling nostalgic for a youth that wasnt even necessarily that great, but maybe im reading too much into the lyrics. anyways, anything wallows makes is super catchy
Pure Heroine by Lorde, 2014 Lordeeeee where is the next album! we need it please. Similarly to nothing happens, this album is, like lorde has said, a shrine to teenage years. I have very fond memories of listening to Tennis Court when it first came out with my friend and copying the weird background yeahs. and then i listened to the full album on youtube for weeks before i convinced my mom to let me buy it on itunes. and of course i felt superior that i enjoyed the whole album while most people only knew lorde for royals.
What Do You Think About the Car? by Declan Mckenna, 2017 I burned this album onto a cd and I listened to it everyday in the car going to and from school. My friend introduced me to Brazil and then the rest of the album was just as good. once again very fond memories of carpooling with my friends and singing along to these songs. 
Titanic Rising by Weyes Blood, 2019 although this album came out last year i got really into it this past spring and summer. i would listen to it while doing chores or homework, but i think it will be forever associated with going on bike rides for me <3 super chill but like cinematic too.
honorable mentions: everything by mitski (honestly she should be up here but i could not pick a single album of hers), sawayama by rina sawayama, the mamma mia soundtrack, dirty computer by janelle monae, the empire records soundtrack, parallel lines by blondie, junk of the heart by the kooks, siamese dream by the smashing pumpkins, am by the arctic monkeys (cringe sorry), walk the moon self-titled, hozier self-titled, after laughter by paramore, and the blue album by weezer. also the amelie soundtrack!
I’ll tag @shrimpcolors @ombrogenous @dogbite2019 or whoever wants to do it!! this was a lot of fun i love talking about music <3
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chocolatemillkk · 6 years
The Only Exception (JS)
Request: Joe x The Only Exception by Paramore
I had only just gotten there and already I felt out of place. Everyone here obviously knew each other; they greet one another with big smiles and inside jokes that go over my head. My smile feels stretched thin as I eye an empty chair and head towards it.
"Y/N," Zoe stops me. "I'm so glad you actually made it!"
"I'm still in Brighton until Thursday so I thought it would be rude not to," I say politely. I'd recently landed a job with Zoe and she'd taken me under her wing, noticing how often I felt out of place. I just wasn't very good at mingling in a group setting-I was more of a one-on-one person.
"Do you want a bite? There's a lot of dessert on the dining table and I know you've got a sweet tooth like me!"
I laugh, "Zoe I've already managed to eat two donuts and at least four of the meringues you made! I'll just stick with my drink for now."
"If you say so," Zoe smiles. We chat a bit about her upcoming book and she asks me to come around tomorrow for lunch. When she spots Alfie, she leaves to check on something so I continue my journey to the chair which was miraculously still empty. I settle in with a sigh and look around the room. This was what I could tolerate at parties and the only thing I enjoyed: people watching.
I notice the flirting amongst people and try to push back the creeping loneliness. Romance wasn't going to solve that-I knew that already. I was lonely because I'd been staying in Brighton the last couple weeks while my home was in London. I missed my flatmate and nights out with my girl friends.
I didn't really believe in love-not after the childhood I'd had. As a child, I'd watched the two people I thought would be together for eternity crumble right in front of my eyes. Teary fights followed my cold silence had stripped me of any notion that true love existed. I watched my dad cry over a broken heart and my mom swear that she would never forget how love wasn't real. That was when I'd decided that, deep in my soul, love never lasts. Strings of dates and temporary, selfish boyfriends just proved it.
I learned I would just have to find other ways to make it alone, and keep a straight face. Comfortably distant from any boy who tried to get to know me, I was content with my loneliness-I had my best friends to keep me company. The only time that failed was when one of them did get into a relationship. But it always ended, like I knew they would.
"Hey Y/N," Zoe's boyfriend Alfie stops by my chair. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," I nod politely. "Just taking a break from socialising."
"Alright," he accepts the excuse. "I can get another drink for you if you want? Just let me know if you need anything."
"Thanks I'm still working on this one," I say. Alfie was sweet and I had to admit he and Zoe were cute together. But of course, it wouldn't last. Eventually they'd split. It would just be tragic when it happened and I hoped children weren't in the picture.
I'm minding my own business, watching Zoe's guests interact when a pair of blue eyes catch my own. When you're a silent observer, you forget that people can see you too and apparently I'd just been caught by Zoe's brother.
Joe gives me a warm smile, the corner of his eyes crinkling and I smile back involuntarily. His smile was captivating.
He squeezes between a group and walks towards me. "Y/N right?" He asks when he reaches me.
"Yeah," I respond. I'd only met Joe once on shoot and the only interaction I had was giving him a change of clothing. We hadn't gotten the chance to talk and now that we were, I felt myself clamming up.
"You were at last week's shoot weren't you?" Joe leans again the wall beside the armchair. I lean back in my seat so I don't have to crane my neck to see him.
"I was yeah. Didn't get a chance to be introduced though."
"Zoe's talked about you," he shakes his head. "She talks like you're her literal guardian angel."
I laugh, "Glad I'm doing my job well then."
"Oh you know Zo," he says with affection. "Anyone she works with is immediately her friend-it's not even about the job."
"Well thanks for making me feel better about myself," I laugh and so does he. My tongue loosens up and I relax a little. "Your sister's lovely."
"Unfortunately it doesn't run in the genes," Joe jokes.
"It doesn't?" I ask. "I don't think I've ever heard a bad word about you!"
"Keeping tabs on me then?" Joe smirks.
"I've followed the Suggs long before working for one." I feel the blood rushing to my face. "I know your reputations."
"Are you blushing?" Joe leans down to squint at my face. The dim lighting was making it hard to see but his blue eyes are as clear as day in front of me.
"I'm not blushing!" I push his shoulder away playfully and he laughs. Suddenly, a loud voice carries over the crowds and our attention is drawn to Alfie who's saying something in the middle.
"Do you mind scooching over?" Joe asks and I do as he asks. He balances on the arm of the chair and holds onto the back of it. I'm hyperaware of how close we are and I feel the attraction. There was no denying how handsome Joe Sugg was and the fact that he'd come over here to talk to me was kind of him. But was he worth the risk, I wonder? Knowing the sort of guy he was from his vlogs-probably not. We'd get bored of one another.
"-bonfire in the back." Alfie's voice carries over. "Zoe and I are really thankful to have all of you in our lives and we want to thank you for clearing your schedules and making it out tonight. I know Zoe's worked really hard on her book and I'm really proud of her. Now let's roast some marshmellows."
We hoot and holler and people begin heading outdoors.
"Alfie sure knows how to give a speech," Joe comments.
"He is quite good with words," I agree as we stand and join the group moving out. "If I ever have a scandal, I know who to hire."
"As if somebody like you would have a scandal," Joe scoffs.
"Somebody like me?" I arch an eyebrow. "You know me now?!"
"I know you enough," Joe says mysteriously but before I can ask for an explanation he's called by someone as outside and he leaves my side to greet them. It feels like the temperature drops with his departure but I shake my head and make my way to a spot alone.
"Sorry about that," Joe makes his way back to me a half hour later. I'd given up roasting marshmellows-burning all of them-and was content just sitting by the fire as it was keeping me warm.
"It's fine," I shake my head. "You don't have to babysit me if you want to hang out with a friend-go ahead."
"Nah," I feel something being wrapped around me and realise Joe had been unfolding a blanket behind me. "Most of the people here are Zoe's friends anyway."
"I thought I was her friend too?" I tease.
"Well you're my friend now and it's too bad for Zoe." Joe bumps his shoulder into mine.
"There's enough to go around," I bump his shoulder back and we smile, sharing a silence as we observe the party around us together.
"Don't you want this?" I ask about the blanket when I spot the goosebumps on Joe's arms.
"I'm alright, you looked cold." Joe says but he hesitates so I open up my arm and he grabs the other end to wrap around him. "You didn't want marshmellows?" Joe asks once he's in.
"Do you see that pile?" I point out to a section of the bonfire near us. "I burned every one I tried-that's my marshmellow cemetry."
Joe shakes with laughter at my comment and being in the same blanket as him, I can't help but join in.
"Marshmellow Cemetry sounds like a band name." Joe wipes his tears. "I like that."
"They probably don't like it," I point to the burning pile which gets us laughing again. Joe decides to hunt down marshmellows and joins me with the remainder of a bag. He toasts them perfectly and then hands me the stick and we enjoy them, getting to know each other better. As the party wears down and someone in the crowd calls him over, he leaves with the promise of picking up our conversation later. It doesn't bother me too much-it's not like I had any expectations.
The next time I see Joe is when I'm back in London. I'm out with my friends and I spot him in the club. He's chatting up another girl-typical. I decide not to interrupt his romancing and dance with my girls instead but stop when I feel a hand on my waist. I stop the roaming hand with my own and turn to those blue eyes.
"Joe," I pretend to act more surprised than I was. I note that his hand remains on my waist so I stop swaying.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here!" Joe shouts. I wonder whether I should mention I'd seen him but decide not to. Instead I introduce him to my friends who greet him politely and then give us space. Two of his friends come by and he introduces me too. I smile and pretend to hear what they're saying but the club is so loud.
"Me and Y/N are starting a band!" Joe says to his friends. He glances at me and I raise an eyebrow.
"Don't you already have one?" One of them shouts-I already forget his name.
"No this one's got a good name!" Joe looks at me with a look like I'm in on his joke. And then I realise I was; here amongst strangers, I had somebody to share an inside joke with. The thought makes me feel giddy and it's dangerously hopeful so I try to fan out the flame. Instead I watch Joe explain to his friends the name but they soon lose interest and wander elsewhere leaving us together again.
"You look good by the way!" Joe shouts and I notice that he was indeed slightly drunk.
"Thanks," I say. "You're drunk!"
"Thanks!" He says and I realise he hadn't heard me properly which sends me into a fit of laughter. He laughs with me without knowing what was happening and uses the opportunity to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me towards him. His breath brushes against my neck and I feel my heart quicken its pace. I couldn't deny I wanted him and the way his eyes glance at my lips and his hands tighten on my waist I knew I wasn't the only one.
So it's a matter of seconds before our lips connect. His mouth is hot on mine and I press my body closer to his in the already crowded space. It's the usual: we get out into the cool air and find our way back to his. He's gentle, asking me if I was alright with everything he did. It feels more tender than most one-night stands felt but to me, that's all this was. I wasn't going to fool myself and extend anything with Joe. It would end eventually and the longer it went on the stickier the breakup-especially when I worked with his sister.
The morning makes it harder though. Joe has one arm thrown over me when I wake in the strange room but his face reminds me I was in a safe place. His features are relaxed and his face loses the sexiness from last night. He looks boyish and vulnerable in the morning light but despite my heart turning to mush, I keep my grip on reality and slip out from under his arm. He shifts in his sleep but I manage to sneak out, only looking back once.
I'm sat at the meeting with Zoe and our small team a couple weeks later. She touches my arm lightly and asks if I wanted tea and since I'd taken the early train with no breakfast, I agree. Right before she exits the room, her phone vibrates and I glance at it as I'm the closest to it.
"Is that my brother," Zoe can see her phone from the doorway. "Do you mind picking that up? He just has questions about when he can release info about the merch-I said to call when you were around."
"Oh right," I stumble over my words. I hadn't talked to Joe since that night and I didn't feel up to it at the moment. "Hello?" I say. The others two at the meeting are discussing something on the tablet so I swivel in my chair for a sense of privacy.
"No," I take a breath. "It's Y/N-she's just stepped out of the meeting for-"
"Y/N?" Joe repeats. "Oh. Hey."
I expected the frigid response but it stings a little more than it should have. "Hey yeah...she said you wanted the dates for the merch."
"Right, yeah." Joe responds.
I give him the dates and the phone goes silent. "Okay, if that was it then-"
"Wait." Joe stops me. "Did you leave because-are you not interested or were you scared? Was it too fast? Or-"
"Maybe it's best not to discuss this now." I say just as Zoe reurns with a kettle. "Zoe's back did you want to speak with her?"
"No I'm alright." Joe says in a clipped voice. "It's all good." I put the phone down and fake a smile, telling Zoe I'd answered all his questions. But it's a lie as I hadn't. Joe wasn't like other guys I'd gone out with. His infectious smile and gentle hands and caring nature left me feeling guilty about how I'd left him. But no, I try to hold onto reality. Nothing worthwhile would come from us getting together. It wasn't worth the risk.
But maybe he was the exception, a side in me I didn't know existed whispers. It sounds hopeful again. I squash it down.
"My brother was asking for your number," Zoe says after the meeting. "I thought you two already exchanged them?"
"I've only had contact with him through you," I say, hoping it wasn't obvious to her that it was a white lie.
"I'll send your number to him." Zoe says. "That way he'll stop annoying me with a million questions. I'll tell him this week and he'll ask me the same one next week."
I chuckle at her annoyance and look back to my screen to finish writing up the descriptions for the project we were working on. Joe was leaving a bittersweet taste in my mouth.
On my train ride home from Brighton, I get a call from an unknown number.
"Hello?" I hesitate.
"Y/N. It's Joe. Zoe gave me your number."
"Right," I shift in my seat. "Did you need something?"
"Yeah," Joe says. "I don't mean to sound clingy or whatever but i just-I feel like we had something. Between us. And you left so quickly the next morning and I just want to make sure you're alright. That I didn't pressure you too much or anything?"
"Oh no nothing like that." I reply quickly. I thought it was endearing that Joe cared enough to check in even though weeks had gone by.
"So maybe I could ask if you want to go out sometime?"
"Oh," I pause, unsure where to step in order to avoid any explosions. "About that. I'm just a bit...busy? At the moment."
"I hope I'm not the type of guy you have to make excuses to." Joe's voice gains an edge. "I made sure to ask Zoe she said your team's basically done the work. I'm a big boy, Y/N. If you're not interested in me you can just say."
"I am interested in you!" I blurt and immediately regret it. A middle aged man turns to glance at me and I turn to the window. "It's just I don't think this is going to go anywhere. Nothing good is gonna come from us getting together."
"Where'd you get that from?" Joe asks, his words laced with annoyance. "You know what? It's fine. Forget it. I'll see you around Y/N."
Before I could say goodbye, he's hung up and I feel like crying. I didn't mean to hurt him like that. I flash back to my own parents, the sadness in my father's eyes and the bitterness in my mother's. Was I turning into them without even having my heart broken? But maybe, the new side in me says, maybe they're the ones that broke your heart.
That's how I find myself getting off at a different tube station and walking towards Joe's flat. When he opens the door, he's surprised to see me but widens the door to let me in.
We don't pick up from the other night. Not at first. First, Joe pours me a glass of wine and we talk. I open up for the first time, explaining that I'd grown comfortable with the loneliness, that I didn't believe in love after everything I'd witnessed. Just saying it all erases the comfortable silence I'd cushioned every relationship I'd ever had as a way to protect myself.
After I've exhausted myself with words and cried every tear within me, Joe cups my face and kisses both eyelids. He then holds me, telling me his own version-his promise to never hurt me.
"I promise," he says. "I'll help unbreak your heart. And you can bury me in the marshmellow cemetry if I ever do anything otherwise."
I laugh, which feels weird after the emotions of the day. He laughs with me and then pulls me up, both of us walking to his bedroom, lingering along the way to undress the other. Joe leaves promises all over me as we continue where we left off a couple weeks ago and snuggles me into his arms after. Joe was the only exception, and I was on my way to believing; in hope, in togetherness, in love. I pray I wouldn't wake up to have this just be a dream. But the next morning, when I open my eyes to a room that was getting more familiar, I turn to spot Joe watching me. If eyes were the window to the soul, he was giving me a glimpse of his and it looked pure and promising and full of a gentle love.
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harryisntstraight · 6 years
Hey bethan please could I have some music recs? I really like hozier and Florence and the machiner and 80's stuff and khalid ha so I'll basically listen to anything
I am so bad at music recs my music taste is all over the place but I will give u some albums I’ve been really enjoying lately!
love is dead by chvrces - i listened to nothing but this album for like three weeks straight so full of bops and her voice is so unique and slightly scottish and every song gets stuck in your head for ages and makes u either wanna dance or sit in a dark room with neon lights and stare into space. great album to listen to in the shower
chaleur humaine by christine and the queens - ugh iconic album full of lgbt bangers and sexi french singing her voice is gorgeous and its one of those albums u just wanna listen to whilst staring out a window to fully take in and appreciate the lyrics
dirty computer by janelle monae - honestly album of the year janelle is so wonderful and talented and every single song is amazing and she manages to have these like really politically driven lyrics without ever being like idk corny and still managing to make bop after bop another really good shower album
blonde by frank ocean - so ik this came out in 2016 but i had a moment where i was driving at sunset and listening to this again and it was like a religious experience and really made me appreciate how gorg this album is like it is truly art and everyone should listen to frank ocean he’s a genuis
golden hour by kacey musgraves - my yeehaw QUEEN! thank u harry for introducing me to this legend dont be put off by the fact that its ‘country’ bc it really isnt country like u know its just a super fun super uplifting album with honestly great lyrics and some genuinely like….moving songs i love it so much and is another good shower album
lovely little lonely by the maine - the maine are truly one of the most underrated bands in the world they get better with every album and this one is no exception its got the perfect mix of upbeat fun jams and emo anthems that make u involuntarily get all in ur feelings. johns voice is so sexi and his lyrics are so #relatable without it feeling like he’s trying to be 
after laughter by paramore - whilst we’re in emo territory this album is SO fucking good like i cant. erase every preconception u may have about paramore if u havent listened to them before bc after laughter is an experience. again full of relatable lyrics without being cringe and hayleys voice is so unique and powerful and this album is the definition of like upbeat happy jams with actually really sad and depressing lyrics. another great shower album
1950 by king princess - if u havent listened yet get on it!!!! its an ep so theres only 5 songs which is sad but they’re all wonderful which is fab. just really easy listening catchy songs that you’ll end up having on repeat for days probably. thank u harry for my life
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28gucci · 6 years
the love of my life @louis-sott tagged me to share my top 10 songs im listening to at the moment (ilysm thank u again 💕)
1. Sober II (Melodrama) // Lorde (ive been in love with Lorde since like 9th grade and nothing has changed)
2.  REDMERCEDES // Aminé (a freaking bop and the video is incredible)
3. Familiar // Liam Payne , J Balvin (IM SO PROUD OF LIAM AND THIS SONG IS SO GOOD IT DESERVES MORE RECOGNITION (sorry 4 yelling but not really))
4. Fine Line // Mabel (okay mabel is so freaking talented thank u harry for introducing me to this queen I am in love)
5. Talia // King Princess (uhh thanks again harry for introducing us to another queen, link ur spotify so I can listen to every song u know) 
6. bellyache // Billie Ellish ( I would literally list every billie ellish song if I could I love her so much)
8. Hard Times // Paramore (I will literally never get tired or this song or the entirety of the After Laughter album)
9. FRIENDS // Marshmello , Anne-Marie (okay so i hear the same 12 songs everyday at work bc the radio station sucks and this is the only song that doesn't infuriate me every time it comes on) 
10. Not Ready to Make Nice // Dixie Chicks (this is my go to karaoke song and its honestly such a bop still to this day (ps fuck u george w bush))
these are in no particular order btw I love them all equally as you can probably tell since I gave personal thoughts on all of them lmao 
I tag @softhipspuffynips @florallads @thatonefruitsong @ot4tat @laurastudiesrainbows @homevevo and @thefirstfloralsuit to do this (if u want to!!!) and if anyone else wants to do this just say I tagged you ✨💕
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themousai · 5 years
Gig Review: Ding Dong Lounge: Band Competition - Heat 1 [06/09/19]
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Auckland’s finest Rock bar, Ding Dong Lounge, hosted the first heat of their incredible band competition on Friday night. With 5 bands jamming out upstairs and $6 shots down stairs, the night was full of laughter, talent and plenty of good tunes. We were treated to some incredible kiwi bands who battled it out on stage to win some sweet recording time with award winning engineer, Dave Rhodes, cash prizes, Real Groovy vouchers and more! It was great to see the varying genres and styles be performed up on stage with such passion and talent. Heat 1 consisted of Kiri and the Badchili, Valiant, Bad Sport, Aventador and Thunderground! 
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Kicking off the first heat we had the incredibly talented, Kiri and the Badchili. Their music reminded me of a classic kiwi summer as the set began with songs like Panic Stations, Devils Into Details and Break A Girls Harp. At one point during the bands set, the lead vocalist whipped out some incredible Lap Tapping on her acoustic guitar while entrancing us with smooth vocals. With support from a brilliant bassist, guitarist and drummer, Kiri and the Badchili were strong competition! 
The drummer even whipped out a bongo during the end of their set which added a really fun element to their sound. If you’re into music from artists like Aldous Harding, Julia Jacklin or Goldenhorse, be sure to check out Kiri and the Badchili at their upcoming gigs! They will be playing at Thirsty Dog Tavern on the 18th of October along with Yoko, Echo Children and Buuda! Some of my favourite songs that were performed were Break A Girls Harp, Geronimo and Drop Down Softly. 
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The night got a bit heavier as the second band to play were 3 piece Rock band, Valiant. These guys were full of energy, enthusiasm and were engaging to watch up on the stage. Their set was off to a great start as the bassist introduced an upbeat, crowd participation track, fittingly titled Fuck You. “This one's a crowd participation song so we wanna hear you sing ‘Fuck You’ with us during this song!” This track had similar energy to Rock Classic, We Will Rock You from Queen. In a similar style, Valiant’s, Fuck You, had the crowd singing and grooving along which was mad fun to watch. 
Later in their set, lead vocalist shared a few party tricks with the crowd as he played guitar both behind his head and with his teeth, at separate times of course, but nevertheless it was impressive! A few tracks which followed were You Got Me and Secrets which were both fantastic tunes. Each band member put insane amounts of energy into their show which made for an enjoyable set and fun crowd to be a part of. If you’re into high energy rock, definitely be sure to head along to Valiant’s upcoming gig at Thirsty Dog Tavern next Friday! 
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Following in Valiants groove was all girl band, Bad Sport, with their smooth Grunge and Alt Rock sounds. It was wicked to have an all girl band on the bill as these babes are bad ass and killed it up on stage! They shared a few great tracks throughout their set including, Party, Asylum and Anxiety. After one of their more popular tracks, Anxiety, Lead Vocalist, Mandy, introduced a new track with the crowd titled Succubus. Mandy explained it was the first time Bad Sport have played this track live so it was a great surprise for people in the crowd who have seen Bad Sport live before.
They definitely kept the energy up as Mandy danced around on stage and belted out super strong vocals. Bassist, Alex and Guitarist, Ashlee shredded their strings with some incredible melodies while drummer, Summah, kept the crowd moving along with her beat. If you haven’t checked Bad Sport’s out, but are into bands that pack a punch like Paramore or Evanescence be sure to check out their next live show! They regular Auckland venues such as Anthology Lounge, Thirsty Dog and Ding Dong Lounge so be sure to keep an eye out!
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The night continued in full force with Aventador’s Alt Rock set up next. They got the crowd engaged with their heavy guitars and strong vocals from both Jake and Andrew. Paired with Drums and Bass from Jamie and Cosy, these guys put on a damn good show! The crowd were going wild during tracks like Commit and a classic cover of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Readymade. 
It was great to see the bands personality and passion reflected throughout their set. They worked together so effortlessly making for a super enjoyable show. Be sure to keep an eye on these guys as I am sure they will have a few gigs coming up in the future, and you won’t want to miss out! If you like bands similar to Foo Fighters or Audioslave, Aventador will be right up your alley
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Thunderground’s high energy Punk Rock followed as the last band to play for the first heat of Ding Dong’s band competition. Their set was definitely a stand out with lead vocalist, Richard jumping around the stage while band mates, Rob, Tom and James shredded their guitars and went hard on the drums. Crowd members were even rocking the bands merch, it was great to see so much support around the venue! With banter, laughter and good music, they had the crowd moshing and jamming out within moments of the first track. Thunderground even showcased a new song, titled 11:11. These guys will also be playing at Thirsty Dog next weekend, so if you can’t make it to Valiant’s show on Friday, be sure to check out Thunderground on Saturday!
As predicted, the first heat of Ding Dong Lounge’s band competition was a damn good one. Each band were ridiculously good and I’m sure if they could have all been sent through to the semi-finals, there's no doubt they would be! After a quick drink and dance downstairs, everyone made it back up to the venue to find out who was going to go have a chance to win that sweet recording time with award winning engineer, Dave Rhodes, cash prizes, Real Groovy vouchers and more. After MC, Swizl Jager introduced Andrew to the stage, the winners were welcomed up for a photo and a moment of sweet, sweet victory. The 2 bands who had the honour to grace the stage alongside Andrew and Swizl Jager were Kiri and the BadChili and Thunderground! Huge congratulations to both winners and to Valiant, Bad Sport and Aventador for putting on a really great show! Be sure to head down to Ding Dong Lounge on the 20th of September to check out who will be joining both Kiri and the BadChili and Thunderground!
Get Tickets! Heat 2 | Heat 3 | Heat 4 | Semi Final 1 | Semi Final 2 Grand Final!
Thank you to the sponsors! Dave Rhodes Production | Real Groovy | The Mousai
PHOTOS Kiri and the Badchili | Valiant | Bad Sport | Aventador | Thunderground
Photography and Review by Helena Barnett
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gillotto · 7 years
i just wanted to say thank you for reintroducing me to paramore. I loved them when i was younger and with the band au i listened to your ranma sings and then all of after laughter and fell in love all over again. bless you tbh
I'm so happy to hear I was able to rekindle your love for Paramore again!! I've had a couple people approach me saying that Band AU is what rekindled their old love for Paramore (perhaps they loved it during their "scene kid" days in the Riot era), or people even tell me Band AU is what introduced them to the band in the first place!! Which is amazing, I'm so glad this AU has been reaching so many people in so many different ways, it's beyond cool.
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lovinisaces · 7 years
Long af thank you letter to Paramore
I saw Paramore live last Sunday. This was my first time seeing them and I was quite emotional before and during the show. Even right now while I’m writing this I’m swallowing my tears.
I got into their music when Riot came out. That was in 2007 and I was just 11 years old. Just a kid. I still remember like it was yesterday when I saw the music video of Crushcrushcrush for the first time and thought “Wow I really dig this song and this band.” I was immediately impressed by their music, that video, and that young red-haired female singer, whose name I didn’t know back then. She later became my biggest role model right after my mom.
Back in 2007, I wasn’t into music at all. I didn’t know let alone appreciate the beauty of music back then. Sure, I occasionally watched MTV or The Voice (Finnish equivalent to MTV) in the mornings before school. It wasn’t until I discovered Paramore that I really got into music. I remember The Voice had this playlist that was played at 8 am. They had That’s What You Get on that playlist at 8:53 am or something. I spent every morning watching TWYG video before school. Back then I lived 5 minutes from my school so I had to run to school so I wouldn't be late on 9 am mornings. Yes, I was that dedicated to seeing and hearing TWYG every morning but NEVER later to school. About 8 months later in 2008, Paramore came to Finland but I wasn’t allowed to go.
In 2007 or 2008 I also met this girl who turned out to be a fan of Paramore as well. We clicked right away and have been close friends ever since.
Later in life things got more complicated. I was bullied for a couple of years in secondary school between the years 2009-2012. I feared to go to school and didn't tell anyone. Around the same time, Brand New Eyes came out. I've spent countless of nights listening to that album and crying quietly alone in my room. Even though I had a few close friends, I felt alone and hopeless. I remember having thoughts like “What if I vanished right now? Would anyone miss me?” and “What would be the least painful way to die?” I wasn’t suicidal or wanted to hurt myself but I sure was miserable. This is my first time sharing this part of my story with anyone. Mostly because I’m still dealing with the aftermath (questions, guilt, shame, loneliness etc.) of being bullied. During those dark times, Brand New Eyes gave me a lot of strength to get through a day after a day after a day. Back then every single day was a survival. Songs such as Turn It Off, Playing God and Ignorance from BNE and later I Caught Myself and In The Mourning helped me to channel my thoughts and feelings - the anger, the loneliness, the guilt, the hopelessness, everything that came with being bullied. Even today when I’m going through hard times, I turn to these songs for comfort and they hold such a special place in my heart.
Things got better for a short while when I went to upper secondary school. I started to discover new artists and bands such as Alt-J, mewithoutyou and many others because I was introduced to them by Paramore. Things were good again and around the same time The Self-Titled album came out. Self-titled was the album I needed at that time. It gave me a spark of hope that eventually I would get over my past and be happy. I sure became happier and more confident. Now was my anthem and I listened to it when I felt insecure. Daydreaming was my go-to song for running. That uphill didn’t last long because my dad got sick. I won’t go much into details cause even though he has hurt me more than anyone else in my life and I’ve had to cut him away from my life for my own mental health, he’s still my dad and I love him. I hate the fact that he was one of the reasons why I started to have panic attacks and got social anxiety but he is still my dad and I love him.
In 2016 I moved out. I had been accepted to study chemistry. My original plan was to go there for a year or two while trying to prepare and get into medical school to study dentistry. Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. I’m soon starting my second year at the university, chemistry being my major and environmental law minor. I’ve found my passion in finding solutions to stop climate change and to prevent oceans from plastic pollution. I don’t know exactly what I’ll end up doing for a living but I trust that I’ll figure that out eventually. I’m only 21 and I’ve realized that I don’t need to know right now what to do in the future. Mostly, living on my own has been a dream come true. The past year has been the best one so far. Since moving out I’ve grown up so much, discovered new passions and gained more confidence. I’ve started to call myself publicly a feminist, got more into politics (a proud member of the Green party woop woop) and stand up more for what I think is right.
After Laughter is probably going to be the Paramore album to me. It’s kinda weird how Paramore has always come out with an album that has felt so relatable to me at the time of it coming out. Although I’m doing much better right now, I’m still dealing with the ghosts from my past. I get panic attacks every now and then and sometimes my social anxiety stops me from going to an event. I’ve learned to listen to my needs and have cut a toxic person out of my life for my own wellbeing. Because of my past and the current circumstances, I feel every single song on After Laughter so hard it’s sometimes hard for me to breathe:
Fake Happy, Rose-Colored Boy and Hard Times are the stories of my life.
Tell Me How pretty much sums up how things are between me and my dad.
I can’t listen to Forgiveness or 26 without crying.
Pool. I just love that song for no any deep reason. I just like its sound, its vibe and the line “This time you won't leave me sinking.”
Music has given me so much: tools to process feelings and thoughts, friends all over the world (you know who you are <3) experiences and pure joy. I’ve gotten into music because of Paramore. I’ve found so many other bands and singers to listen to just because I happened to discover Paramore back in 2007. Because of Hayley, I feel comfortable calling myself a feminist, doing things I’m passionate about, experiencing with my style and being open about my anxiety and mental health issues. She’s done all of these and helped me to find myself. I’m proud of this band, I’m proud of its members and I’m proud of myself. We’ve grown up together and we keep growing up together now and in the future.
From being bullied to having panic attacks to dealing with an abusive parent and the current feeling of being a bit lost in life - Paramore has always been there for me. I know that they will always be there for me through no matter what. It took me 10 years to finally see them live and I’ll remember that night forever.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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Lottie Hunt - BIMM and Finch fanclub owner BIMM
Deaf Havana - All These Countless Nights- The album we were all waiting for, with added 'extra' - absolute banger of an album. Uplifiting, emotional and sheer brilliance. 
Paramore - After Laughter- Every album they create grows with the band. They manage to recreate their own sound with each record, without isolating existing fans and still managing to sound, 'like Paramore'. Amazing fun packed album, all the chorus' and happiness! 
Julien Baker - Turn Out The Lights- I was looking for a new heart breaker - INCREDIBLE vocal, raw - bursting with emotion. I feel on the edge of tears (in a good way), whilst listening to her. You feel everything she does. Such a talent. 
Code Orange - Forever- Bringing it up 20 level's, this band know how to demand your attention. Some of these songs give me the same fear I used to get, when playing the very first Silent Hill game on Playstation... the bit when you're walking through the mist and have no idea whats about to happen to you. Isolating, fearful and angry - this record and band are incredible.
Knucklepuck - Shapeshifter- Fun, catchy chorus' and well written, this record has the quintessential essence of pop-punk, combined with clever lyrics and a welcomed lack of paint-by-numbers song structure. 
Bonobo - Migration- A headfirst dive into more electronic music than what I would normally listen to, but what a stunningly beautiful record. Immersive and overwhelming, this epic invites you into Bonobo's world, where it's peaceful, calming and allow's goosebumps to creep over you, when you least expect them. Thy Art Is Murder - Dear Desolation- Every time these guys release a record, I don't think they can top the last one - and every time the latest becomes my new favourite. SO HEAVY. These guys know how to write a riff, make your heart roar AND give you the chills at the same time. Manchester Orchestra - Black Mile To The Surface- One of the most incredible live bands - Andy Hull's voice cuts right into your heart and pulls on each, individual heartstring... hook, line and sinker. This record is another beauty - I mean everything they release, for me, is a cherished piece of art and BMTTS is no exception. A Will Away - Here Again- A newer band, but bloody brilliant. It's light and fun to listen to - summery and chilled out, but with a point to get across. Beautiful lyrics and poignant - A Will Away are there to lift your spirits. Sampha - Process- Well - what can I say about Sampha, according to Spotify, my most played track of the year is 'Plastic (100)', and I have my brother to thank for introducing me to him, as a featured artist on a SBTRKT record. He is so, incredibly talented. His voice is as soft as melting butter, and '(No One Knows Me) Like The Piano', has one of my favourite lyrics of all time... 'No one knows me like the piano in my mothers home, you would show me I had something, some people call it soul'. 10/10 record. Doesn't matter what genre of music you like, you can't not appreciate everything he does. Listen to it.
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nitemice · 7 years
Hey, here's my latest post over on my main blog:
For an album by Paramore, After Laughter is severely lacking in many of the trademark features we’ve come to know and love from the band. Their new album manages to feel wildly unlike them, and yet inextricably linked to them.
Paramore is one of my all-time favourite bands, along with Garbage, They Might Be Giants, The Little Stevies and a few others, so I was super excited for a new album. That anticipation only grew when I heard the first single Hard Times, which felt funky, and fresh; different from Paramore’s previous stuff, but awesome.
My anticipation was further exasperated by the fact I didn’t listen to the album initially when it came out on May 12, because I was in the middle of my review of Sumo Cyco’s Opus Mar and I wanted to be able to go in fresh.
That said, despite all my hype, I couldn’t bring myself to buy After Laughter without hearing it in full. And what a shock I got!
As with last album, Paramore’s lineup has changed for this album. This time they have lost Jeremy Davis, but have gained one of the original Farro brother, Zac Farro, leaving the band with Hayley Williams, Taylor York and Zac Farro. This turns out to be just another chapter in Paramore’s tumultuous history, of which I wasn’t fully aware until recently.
As much as some would like to put that history out of mind, it has actually formed an important element of Paramore, as it’s given them something to sing about album after album. In fact, I can’t think of another band whose lyrics comment on the state of said band as much as Paramore, and this continues to be true on this latest album.
As with my other album reviews, I’ve listed previous Paramore songs each track reminds me of (with the album they come from), a rank for each track on this album, as well as a comment about each track. Plus there’s an overview of the album as a whole at the bottom.
1. Hard Times
Reminds me of: Turn It Off [Brand New Eyes], Fast In My Car [Paramore] Rank on this album: 1 Being the first single, Hard Times was the first thing I heard from this album, and what a powerful way to open! It bursts through the door with a tropical energy, thanks to bongo beats and light guitar riffs. The lyrics are a clear comment on the band history, as well as Hayley’s personal struggles, presented in relatable language. The upbeat nature of the tune sharply contrasts with these lyrics, but it’s all about overcoming and getting through the “hard times”, so it feel like a victory dance in musical form.
2. Rose-Colored Boy
Reminds me of: Be Alone [Paramore], Still Into You [Paramore], Looking Up [Brand New Eyes] Rank on this album: 5 Rose-Colored Boy uses its upbeat, 80’s-inspired sound to tell the story of a relationship between the titular optimist and a pessimistic narrator, who’s struggling with the encouraging influence of the boy. Like the songs that surround it, the lyrics here feel somewhat counter to the boppy, fun feel of the music.
3. Told You So
Reminds me of: Hard Times [After Laughter], Ain’t It Fun [Paramore], Let The Flames Begin [Riot!] Rank on this album: 3 Told You So has a boppy, light feel, with tropical undertones and lyrics that contrast with the tone of the song, similar to Hard Times. Distortion is also used to interesting effect, to symbolically distort certain lyrics, making it feel surprisingly natural and fitting. An interesting mixture of riffs also appear, playing across guitar, synth, and pitched percussion.
4. Forgiveness
Reminds me of: Grow Up [Paramore], My Heart [All We Know Is Falling] Rank on this album: 11 Forgiveness is a laid-back tune with a great syncopated rhythm which transforms into a full-on swing during the choruses. The backing guitar riff is very choppy, leaving space for a set of vulnerable vocals, which don’t pack much power, but totally work in the context.
5. Fake Happy
Reminds me of: Interlude: Holiday [Paramore], Fences [Riot!], Tell Me It’s Okay [Paramore] Rank on this album: 7 Fake Happy opens with an intro thankfully different from the rest of the song. In fact, there’s an edited version on Spotify that does away with it altogether. It’s a drab, slow and depressing lament that sounds like it was recorded underwater. From here, the song pivots into a boppy, soft rock with a slight 80’s vibe, which just continues to open up as it goes. The lyrics comment on the pressure to always act happy and make out that everything is good. My favourite part (possibly on the whole album) would have to be when the choir chimes in with their riff, because it sounds so much like the Bob-Omb tune from Mario 64. I love it; it’s hilarious and I laugh every time I hear it.
6. 26
Reminds me of: Rose-Colored Boy [After Laughter], Last Hope [Paramore], Misguided Ghosts [Brand New Eyes] Rank on this album: 12 The most vulnerable-sounding track on this album, 26 is a semi-acoustic song, dominated by restrained vocals and plinking guitar. These are joined by some classic Paramore violins in the latter half, which fill out the sound beautifully with a lullaby-like quality. The lyrics here are more hopeful than most other songs on the album, about overcoming the pessimism of others and yourself.
7. Pool
Reminds me of: Decode [Brand New Eyes], Still Into You [Paramore] Rank on this album: 6 Apart from a very familiar sounding riff that opens and remains in the background of the song, Poolis a mellow, contemplative-pop style track that heats up slowly. The sound has watery quality to it, which match the song’s title and the lyrics where water is used as a metaphor for the various elements of a dubious relationship.
8. Grudges
Reminds me of: Where The Lines Overlap [Brand New Eyes], Part II [Paramore] Rank on this album: 4 Grudges opens with springy, synthy riff that heavily reminds me of Crying. From here, the song moves back to a light pop-rock flow with an interesting, shifting rhythm. The lyrics are about recovering a friendship and making up for lost time, and opportunities.
9. Caught in the Middle
Reminds me of: Daydreaming [Paramore] Rank on this album: 8 Caught in the Middle‘s biggest strengths is its catchy bridge, which is a total earworm, and ever-driving beat, which keeps the song moving. Shifting between a sparse but solid 80’s guitar riff in the verses and a funky reggae feel in the choruses makes for a widely varied song that never overstays its welcome, stylistically.
10. Idle Worship
Reminds me of: Fake Happy [After Laughter], That’s What You Get [Riot!], Conspiracy [All We Know Is Falling] Rank on this album: 2 Idle Worship is the track that finally made me “get” this album. It’s an electronic new age track, with an ethereal vibe. I read this song as a regretful plea from Hayley, to the fans who look to her as a beacon of guidance and “salvation”, to understand her situation. She’s just human, with as many mistakes as any of us, and holding her up as a “superhero” or “saviour” puts an unreasonable amount of pressure on her. The verses can get a bit shouty and breathless, but it feels right in the context. The “la la” refrain sounds phoned in, but again it seems to fit. The chorus is catchy and sort of fun, which helps disguise the true bite of the song.
11. No Friend
Reminds me of: Idle Worship [After Laughter], Future [Paramore] Rank on this album: 10 Picking up where the last track left off, No Friends is a very unusual sort of track. It mainly consists of drums and a variety of guitars, playing a hypnotically repetitive melody. Underneath, the voice of Aaron Weiss of mewithoutYou delivers a poetry-like medley of somewhat surreal lyrics in a Nick Cave-like muttering. It starts off too quiet to decipher, getting louder and clearer as the track progresses. The lyrics again comment on Paramore’s turbulent history and their relationship with their fans, echoing thoughts from Idle Worship, as well as eluding to various previous tracks from Paramore’s body of work.
12. Tell Me How
Reminds me of: Forgiveness [After Laughter], (One Of Those) Crazy Girls [Paramore], Hate To See Your Heart Break [Paramore] Rank on this album: 9 As the last track of the album, Tell Me How is a bit of an anti-climax. It’s a Nerina Pallot-style contemplative-pop track, which starts out calm, yet emotive with mainly piano, vocals and percussion. As the song goes on, the guitar and drums get louder and rockier, introducing a tropical, marimba-like riff. The lyrics echo many of the themes of Forgiveness.
At first blush, the most obvious thing about After Laughter is that it feels so totally different from Paramore’s previous albums. It’s a much more contemplative and measured collection of thoughts and tunes. With this, it lacks many of the hallmarks that we’ve come to take for granted from Paramore: the roaring vocals, the shredding guitars, the punchy, punky rock. Instead, many of the tracks have an 80’s or tropical Caribbean feel, with some more adventurous drumming and instrumentation thrown in. Overall though, they have swapped the rage and despair of previous albums for a mostly jolly, middling, ho-hum sound that often doesn’t really match the lyrics it accompanies. To my ear, the lyrics are also much more coherent and easy to follow.
As a whole, the album doesn’t flow super-well. Nearly every track is totally stand alone, providing no interaction with its neighbours. That said, thematically, the songs seem to come in pairs: something that could have been highlighted by ordering the songs differently.
Some songwriters write fictional stories in their lyrics. Others like to borrow from the stories of those around them. With Hayley, you really believe that everything she says and sings about is something she has personally experienced, and that’s never been more true than on this album. Each song feels like a letter to a specific person or group, ranging from different (current and/or former) band members, to the band’s critics, to its fans. Each packs a considered and sometimes surprising message that makes the album both easier and harder to fully grasp.
It may take a while (I know it did for me), but if you really focus in on the lyrics of the songs, you’re able to get a sense of Williams’ headspace. From there, you start to understand where this album comes from, as opposed to the surface impression of everything that’s missing or different about it. After I understood that, and the sentiments behind the songs, I also started to like more of the tracks for what they are, rather than despite it.
Once I really started to understand this album, it became hard to review because I felt like I was contributing to the problems covered by the album. I don’t want to misrepresent Paramore or contribute to their anxiety. There are things that I love about Paramore that just aren’t here, but I feel bad to have a crack at them for that. Everyone changes, and we have to accept that. It’s an affront, but Paramore may argue that that’s what their fans need.
Much like Paramore’s last album Paramore, After Laughter feels quite different from everything that’s come before. When I first heard that last album, I didn’t like it much. However, despite that initial take, Paramore eventually became probably my favourite of Paramore’s albums, because of its mixture of emotion and fury. And with time, I think that will be true, to some extent, of this album too. I doubt it will ever be my favourite, but I can say I’ve already begun to like it.
RATING: 7.5/10 – ★★★★★★★✬☆☆
But you don’t have to take my word for it…Listen to the album for yourself, and make up your own mind. Then you can let me know what you think of Paramore’s After Laughter.
So, are you a fan of Paramore? What’s your favourite songs of theirs? Did you pre-order After Laughter? What do you think? Did it live up to your expectations? Have I said anything you disagree with? Tell me & everyone else who passes through here what you think in the comment below.
To Infinity and Beyond,
Filed under: Leisure & Hobbies, Music, Reviews
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chopsticksinthewind · 7 years
Paramore has been my absolute favourite band since I was in the 6th grade, which was like 2009 or 2010. I can't remember, but I was introduced to them by a friend who had given me their first three CDs for my birthday. They were "All We Know Is Falling", Brand New Eyes and Riot! and I fell in love with this band that would soon become a favourite of mine. Franklin has been a favourite of mine since the beginning, because it's such a beautifully written song about a city in my home state of Tennessee. Franklin, TN is an absolutely beautiful town. Now, when I discovered Paramore, they already had three albums out, as stated above. In 2013 when their self-titled album came out, it was the first new music from Paramore that I had experienced. The album was great and I love it, but it's not a favourite. I love about half the album and the other half is kinda meh. In 2015, they came to Beale Street Music Festival and I was ready to do anything in my power to be able to go see them. My stepdad even said he'd take me, but when it got closer to time to get tickets, he decided he didn't want to take me just because he didn't want to go, and I couldn't find anyone to take me. So that sucked. Since then, I've been anxiously awaiting new music. When "Hard Times" came out, I was excited. It was very different, but it was really good. I instantly fell in love. When they released "Told You So", however, it was a different story. I didn't have a lot of time to listen to it because it was released in the middle of finals week so I didn't get to REALLY listen to it until the album actually came out and let me tell you. I have s o m a n y f e e l i n g s about After Laughter. Like, I'm obsessed. The whole album is artistic genius. There's maybe one or two songs I'm kinda "meh" about, but that's because I've been spending all my time listening to my favourite songs instead of truly appreciating the entire album. I have this thing where I can usually tell by looking at the title of a song that I'm gonna love it and that's how I felt about Fake Happy and 26. They're my favourites on the album and I identify so much with both of them. Thank you so much, Hayley Williams and the rest of Paramore for blessing us with such a beautiful and meaningful album. I was already a fan for life, but this album just reaffirmed that.
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