#thanks again to that anon for asking about how the commentary series was coming along
pyjamacryptid · 7 months
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BBC Merlin + live commentary by @macaritaville @1kitwonder and I from our Merlin watch party
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safflowerseason · 4 years
Anonymous Asked
(post #1 in my new “Tumblr ate my asks” series)
“Reusing someone else’s ask on thebookofmaev’s page: OMG What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene. !!!!!!”
Thanks so much for this ask, Anon. Very randomly, I chose this line from Chapter 2, after Amy has told Cassie that Mr. Brookheimer has died. 
“Is that why Daddy’s here? And not at work?”
Impulsively, Dan sweeps Cassie up in his arms as they start to walk back to the car. “Yeah, kiddo, I wanted to be here for you and your mom.”
Cassidy squints at him, blue eyes suspicious. “Are you sad too?”
“Uh…” Shit. “Sure, yeah, I can be sad, I’m sad.”
I don’t say this often about BMTL, but I feel like this is a line Dan might actually say on the show (during the Iannucci years, of course). At the end of the day, Dan “emotional-range-of-a-teaspoon” Egan simply doesn’t have very many feelings about Amy's dad dying. But he’s willing to pretend to have feelings about it, if that’s what the people he works for and/or loves need from him. A happy sociopath, indeed.
The foundational set-up of BMTL as a story is that you have Dan and Amy, with their different emotional limitations, clashing with the transparent emotional needs of a five-year-old. Cassie doesn’t really understand what’s happened Amy’s dad right in this moment—his absence from her everyday life isn’t a difference she can compute yet. So she’s trying to figure out what’s changed based on what is different, which is the fact that her very busy parents picked her up from school early to take her back to her grandmother’s house. And she's able to see that Amy and Dan are having very different reactions to what’s happened—that Amy is a wreck and Dan is fine, so she’s (subconsciously, because she’s five) trying to sort out which cues to take. But the sequence also works as a joke, because we can also read their interaction here as an indication that Cassie’s already begun to figure out that her father may not have the normal reaction he should to the news that Amy’s dad is dead, especially considering his attachment to Amy. 
This scene also begins Cassidy’s struggle with the idea that her mother is, in fact, very sad about the death of her father. And it’s not a sadness that can go away by Daddy making jokes. We saw this come to a head in the last chapter, when Cassidy has another meltdown to Dan in the car and demands that he bring Amy home. 
In this particular scene, Dan also refers to Amy as “your mother” to Cassidy, but I think this was back when I was still agonizing over what Amy and Dan would call one another in conversation with Cassidy. Could they call each other Mommy and Daddy? Would that feel real for the characters? I wasn’t sure. But it also didn’t feel natural that Dan, married to Amy, would exclusively refer to her as “your mom” or “Amy” when talking to Cassidy in every-day conversation. Maybe this is my middle-class American upbringing showing,  but it just felt way too stiff and distant, considering how much time they spend together, considering the fact that they are actually together. I think it works in this little scene, since Dan’s kind of explaining the situation, but for the most part in this fic Dan has referred to Amy as “Mommy” when he’s talking to Cassidy. As much resistance as they might have to being reduced to their parental identities, Cassidy is going to refer to Amy as “Mommy” to Dan and vice versa, and it’s just easier to go along with it. (Well, Amy would have some resistance to it, I feel like Dan probably kind of likes it when Amy calls him Daddy because he is unimaginative). 
I could see there being a kind of awkward…transition period, when Cassidy begins to speak in real words and can start asking Amy and Dan about where either of her parents are at any given time, and they have to get used to the reality that they are, officially, “Mommy” and “Daddy.” But I imagine it would pass quickly, simply out of necessity. 
Thanks again for the ask! At any time if people have questions/comments about BMTL scenes, you know you can write in with your thoughts 😉
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bellapasionada · 4 years
First off, my apologies
This post might not be everyone's cup of tea right now, and that's ok. I totally understand. I'm normally not one to walk on eggshells in my daily life so I don't feel the need to do so here either. I've had a number of asks in my inbox since last night - some nice and some not so nice. Rather than address each one individually and jam up the tag, I'll give my answers here along with my general feelings about Caryl and the show at this moment.
If you feel I'm a negative person or my blog is negative and it makes you uncomfortable, please block me. That's it. I'll understand. No hard feelings.
Am I worried about Crackz3kiel or D0nn*e happening? No. Let me repeat that.....NO!
Yes I complain about the crackships because I'm tired of them. Sue me.
But if you read my posts carefully, most, if not all, of my complaints regarding the crackships are about the TROLLING of our fandom and the crackship fandoms by AMC, AK, TTD, etc.
I can believe in Caryl, not care one bit about the crackships and STILL go nutters about the trolling. I hope most can understand how this is possible. I know several Carylers who feel the same.
To the Caryler asking me to tone down my negative posts....it's my blog, my outlet, my way of fangirling and expressing my likes, dislikes and general feeling about TWD (and other fandoms). So to that anon Caryler, my answer is to find the block option and use it. I wish you well. I truly do.
I will not, however, alter my presence here or in this tag. I've been around for a long time. I've weathered quite a few storms, and stood up for friends who decided to bow out of the fandom. If I can put up with years of bullshit, I'm not about to piss off now.
FUN FACT - many years ago, I co-hosted an online radio show. We were on for several years. We covered television and film. We interviewed many actors, producers and writers over the years (and, yes, we also covered TWD). We would get some "inside scoops", previews, spoilers. All of it. I'm keenly aware of what goes on when it comes to networks, show producers and what they want and don't want discussed for the benefit of the general audience. So one day before one of our shows during S5 of TWD, I told my fellow show hosts I was done. I was tired of being asked to not ask certain questions or to curtail or water down my opinions regarding the direction of the show. That was it for me. Yes, I had a job to do, but I was also a true fan. I was tired of not being able to be just a fan. So I quit. I don't regret it.
This is the most I've shared about myself here (aside from doing so privately with Carylers who are personal friends and no longer part of the fandom). Sometimes I feel I traded one bullshit situation for another.🙄
I had this blog even before I quit the radio show. It was my anonymous way of sharing my true opinions and love for all my favorite shows. This has not and will not change. So if I come off as negative to some, I apologize. I'm just being me. I was the host who provided the colorful commentary on the radio show. I suppose that personality is still alive and well here on Tumblr.
So back to TWD and Caryl....
I said I would give AK a chance this season to do what Gimple should've done years ago. She has no excuse to keep Caryl apart any longer. IMO she's got until 10x16 to make them canon. If she doesn't, then I have my answer. They will drag it out till the end of the series or even possibly the last Rick Grimes movie if MMB and NR make an appearance in it. The show has a couple of seasons left, and it will tie into those movies in one way or another. The question is will Caryl going canon be dragged out that long as well. I think we will all have that answer by the end of this season.
I'm still hopeful it will happen in 10b, but I also know that this network will jerk us around if necessary.
I remain hopeful and ever cautiously optimistic with a generous helping of side-eyeing AMC and AK.
I will try to enjoy the hiatus and steer clear of the crackshippers who are all riled up again (thanks AMC). I hope you all enjoy the next 3 months, and remain true to what makes you happy in this fandom. If I or my blog are not part of that equation, I'll understand.
Caryl on my lovelies.❤
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Hi CJ, I have a question. I'll understand if you don't want to answer it, but what are your thoughts about the fighting about Lou and Vi that keeps happening? Do you think thier routes are unequal? I keep seeing posts about ppl insisting that the devs favor Vi and ppl getting nasty towards her about it. I love Louis and sometimes I agree with the posts but they are so mean about it that it makes me feel bad. You don't have to answer but I'd like to know your thoughts on the whole thing. Thank u
Anon, I’m sorry that it’s taken me a while to get back to you, given all the things I’ve had weighing down on me recently about my blog and life outside the fandom.
I answered this already and was ready to post it but then erased everything. When I reread it to make sure it was alright, I said, “Yeah, okay, that’s really nice and positive and… I don’t like it.”  So, let me try again and get what’s really on my mind off my chest. 
Basically, there’s a difference between being positive and being fake, and that answer I gave you originally was fake. 
You guys know that I like to remain mostly positive about everything on this blog. I don’t tolerate hate towards each other or towards myself. I rarely answer hate anons, if ever. I don’t start shit with other blogs because they happen to disagree with me on one little thing. 
Yeah, I get mad about things and complain and be anything but positive when it comes to topics such as Mitch’s death, Lilly’s character just in general, the flaws with ep4′s ending, ect. If you’ve been here a while, you know what I’m talking about.
When I talk about positivity, I mean it more in a way that I like to focus on the good within the fandom while also discussing things I would’ve liked within the series or things I didn’t like and would’ve changed, certain ‘what if’ scenarios. I try to do these things with a kind and optimistic outlook while also allowing myself to be truthful in how I feel. 
What I’m trying to say is I try to be a good person on here. I try to be nice, respectful and encourage you guys to create good things within the community and get invested in these characters and other topics. 
However, I also firmly believe in honesty. 
You asked for my opinion on this topic? Okay. I’ve yet to ever give a fake answer and I’m not starting now. 
If you’re new here: Hello. My name is CJ and I am a Louis/Clouis blog who loves twdg and discussing all the different characters, ships, and story elements within the game. I’m about to talk about some stuff with full honesty that it may get me some hate but y’know what? I don’t care, we’re gonna discuss it anyway. 
What are my thoughts on the constant fight between Louis/Clouis and Violet/Violentine?
It’s a waste of time. 
There are so many talented people out there who are wasting their energy on sending hate to each other, making nasty posts about the developers, shitting on the characters and the community, and then constantly wondering why this fandom is so damn negative.
I made an instagram account a long time ago for this blog where I started posting my favorite screenshots of Louis and posts from this blog. I followed the #twdglouis and #clouis tags and was seeing a lot of great things until I wasn’t anymore. 
I don’t post on instagram anymore because it’s a shitshow of hate. What’s new in the #clouis tag? Violentine hate. What’s new in the #twdglouis tag? Violet hate. 
I don’t know if y’all know this, but if I’m in any of the Louis tags, it’s because I want to see some good Louis content. OBVIOUSLY.
I swear, if these people sat down, took ALL of that energy they’re using for this nonsense and put it towards the thing they claimed to love, we would have the most amazing content of any fandom out there. I would be able to check the louis tags every day and see brand new, beautiful artwork and read amazing stories. 
But no.
 As for your second question, that’s where my honesty really comes into play.
Do I think Louis and Violet’s routes are unequal?
Yeah, I do. 
I think Violet’s romance has a few more things to offer than Louis’.
When you go fishing with Violet and Brody, you don’t get a choice- you have to hang out with Violet. 
If you go hunting with Louis and Aasim, you have to choose Louis if you want to hang out with him. 
Brody mentions that she hasn’t seen Violet warm up to someone like she has Clem in a long time. 
Not a single person mentions anything about Louis in regards to Clem coming along. 
Violet stands up for Clementine in ep2 no matter what you do. She takes on the leader position and you can imply that she and Clementine spent the most time together during the two week time skip, making their romance feel more balanced and understandable.
Louis is still on iffy terms with Clementine and you can imply that they barely speak until their talk during the archery practice, making their romance feel rushed and questionable. 
Violet’s romance has a star gazing mini-game.
Louis’ romance does not have a mini-game. 
Violet makes Clementine a pin so that they can remember that night because it was easy to retexture one of Violet’s pin and have Clementine wear it.
Louis can’t give Clementine anything because the idea of a piano key necklace was scrapped even though they could’ve made a small model for it for her to wear. 
I’m sure there are more, and yeah if I’m being completely 100% honest with you? It does bother me sometimes and it’s okay if it bothers you, Anon. What really matters is what you do with those feelings. 
Because y’know what?
Just because I can play a mini-game in Violet’s route doesn’t make me like her more Louis, but it also doesn’t make me want to spam hate posts about her. 
Complaining and whining and talking shit about the developers because so many believe Violet is favored over Louis isn’t going to do anything. 
Melissa saying she prefers violentine doesn’t make me want to drop everything clouis because “Oh Melissa said it so it’s canon even though we went over this her word doesn’t mean anything.” 
Sterling not being on the commentary while Gideon is doesn’t mean anything. 
The ending stats don’t mean anything. 
The hateful people on here and instagram don’t mean anything. 
None of it means anything. 
The only thing that means something is you and how you deal with this.
Clouis is the love of my life, as I’ve said many times. 
I love Violet. I think she’s a great character and I appreciate the happiness she and violentine have brought to many people in our community. 
All the things listed above? They may bother me sometimes, but I can and have written fanfics that have solved this problem. I’ve talked with you guys about it, talked about how I will be forever bitter about a lack of piano mini-game while also sharing cute headcanons and gushing about the wonderful clouis moments we do get in canon. I’ve read amazing clouis fanfics and admired beautiful fanart. 
I don’t pick fights, I don’t write hate posts, I don’t shit on the devs [although I will admit that I’ve thrown my fair share of shade at Kent but that was over Mitch’s death so that’s completely different right? …Right?]  or throw little baby tantrums because someone said something I don’t like or someone doesn’t like Louis or WHATEVER. 
I focus on better things, like this blog, you guys, Louis, Clouis, and many other better things. 
Anon, as I’ve said before, all this nonsense is just that: nonsense and a waste of time. It’s okay to feel the way you do but I encourage you to take those feelings a create something better with them. If you, or anyone, ever want to talk about this more, feel free to DM me. If something like this is bothering you, I am more than happy to try and help you. 
Alright, that’s enough brutal honesty for one night. 
I don’t think I’ve ever admitted to thinking that about the different routes so I’m a little nervous about that, but I’m also not going to pretend that I think they’re equal just to remain neutral and “positive.” It’s actually kind of cathartic to get it off my chest… huh. 
God, I hope this post got across everything I tried to say because I don’t want to rewrite it again.
Also, drinking game: take a shot every time I say positive or a variation of honest. 
Unless your underage. Then use apple juice or something. 
I don’t know what I’m typing anymore ignore me
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vidaflxwer · 4 years
hello! i’m the anon who sent you a message about hanako-kun so long ago! sorry i haven’t messaged earlier, i’ve been so caught up in school. anyways, i am VERY open to any suggestions you have for me! the anime i’ve watched are pretty mainstream so i hope that doesn’t put you off (naruto, fmab, tpn, kny, mob psycho, watching haikyuu right now, more i forget) but i will literally try anything. i think some must haves for me are good writing, good character development, and good OSTs are a bonus!
anon i knew you and i would have so much in common in terms of what we love in anime, i’m such a sucker for good character development and writing! and i’m the same way with good OSTs actually! oh and don’t worry about watching mainstream? i honestly respect mainstream anime a whole lot, since it’s where most of us start out, you know? my first anime was soul eater, and that’s insanely mainstream, so no worries there! 
but as for some suggestions... 
death parade is my personal favorite anime of all time, and it essentially revolves around this bar where, when two people die at the same time, they come there to play a game and have their souls be judged to either be sent to heaven (reincarnation) or hell (the void)! it has insanely interesting commentary on morality and human nature in general, but also how our lives intertwine with those of other because, more often than not, a lot of the people who died at the same time were connected in some way. or their deaths somehow paralleled each others! either way, it’s super interesting and made me cry a whole lot so fair warning there! i will say though, because this is an anime that does cover such dark topics, a whole lot of the deaths aren’t pretty and can be very painful to watch so please be wary going into it!
comic girls is another one of my personal favorites and i know, by the title, you’d probably laugh at it like me and my sister did when we found it on the first day that it started airing, but it’s so much more than the synopsis or the title might imply. it’s a slice of life about a girl named kaourko moeta, or kaos who is a struggling manga artist that has very low self-esteem and is about to give up on manga all together, thanks to the constant lack-luster reviews she gets on any of her works! however, her editor suggests that instead of giving up, she joins a female manga artist dorm! and it’s there she becomes friends with three (eventually four) other girls who each draw different types of manga! now what seriously surprised me about comic girls was truly how much character development each of the main four girls went through. comic girls didn’t shy away from showing how painful it can be to have your work shot down time and time again, to struggle to pull yourself back together enough to continue working despite that constant agony of failure, and i connected really deeply to kaos’ struggles. but there’s so much more they cover than just that in the twelve episodes and honestly, it deserves so much more credit. i wish it had been more popular back when it first aired, but i’m thankful that i, at least, had the pleasure of watching it in real time. (by the way: please look up the translations for the opening and ending after you finish the series because they will make you cry, especially the ending, they’re such good lyrics and i connected to even them so deeply so that’s another thing!)
if you haven’t watched carole and tuesday yet, that’s another one i’d highly recommend! carole and tuesday seriously surprised me in the character development department, specifically with one character whose growth brought so many tears to my eyes and i still can’t believe they actually managed to make me feel so empathetic towards her when i absolutely hated her in the beginning! but essentially, carole and tuesday is about these two girls who meet one day when tuesday’s decided to run away from home on a bridge where carole is singing along to the tune she’s playing on her piano. from there they basically become best friends and decide that they’re gonna be the next big thing in music, essentially, in a world where most music is written by artificial intelligence based on the knowledge of what we, as humans, gravitate towards in terms of music! the songs are all in english and they’re beyond stunning, i cried almost every episode whenever one of them would come on because there’s so much soul and emotion put into every single one of carole and tuesday’s songs, and it really does differentiate them from everyone else! it’s absolutely amazing and i can’t praise it enough!
dusk maiden of amnesia is probably another insanely underrated series that i still cry whenever i think about because there’s truly no other word to describe it than beautiful. it’s about this boy named teiichi who, one day, meets a ghost named yuuko! only she has absolutely no memories of her life before she became a ghost, hence why it’s called dusk maiden of amnesia, and she asks him to help her find out what her life used to be like! thus he decides to become the founder of the paranormal investigations club, where a few other girls join him in his quest to find out what exactly happened at their school, all those years ago when yuuko died! what’s interesting about dusk maiden is that it’s considered a horror series, though i don’t really think it’s honestly that scary in my personal opinion, especially if you’re already used to the promised neverland. it’s more like death parade in the sense that it’s dark and more of an exploration of yuuko’s character and the darkness within her, which i really enjoy! there is some romance though so fair warning, but it’s actually a romance i can stand because it’s a rather sad romance instead of over-the-top romantic comedy style stuff so yeah!
a few more i’m just gonna mention are yuru camp, new game!, and possibly kuzu no honkai (or scum’s wish, is the english translation) because this post is getting way too long but those are also very good! please be warned that scum’s wish is very sexual but it’s actually one of the most depressing anime i’ve ever seen in my entire life and i more like it despite the sexual content! the other two are just slice of life series so no worries there with anything i need to warn you of, i think! 
god i am so sorry i didn’t mean for this to be this long but i really wanted to give you more a more specific synopsis of each and what aspects they really shine through in since, like i said with comic girls, these series are kind of? very misleading? and i think that might be the fault of slice of life and horror as genres not really accounting for the different facets of said genres so i hope my descriptions are able to help!
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jasntodds · 5 years
Okay. Read the chapter here is: The longest series of asks ever feat. DYTM Ch 13 Commentary (happening as I read). 1. I love when you have her sleep in his bed with him. Always adorable and makes me soft. 2. I knew she was going to be asleep but I hoped anyway. This is why we don’t get our hopes up in life 3. Except you KEEP mentioning it so apparently I haven’t completely crushed my hopes yet. Poor Tom and me both like “okay okay but when we chatting about the I love you?” -Rambley Anon 1/?
4. THE CAMERA STRAP 😍 5. The mugs awww why am I not a part of this friend group?? 6. What kind of job was she photographing? Do you know? Just curious.. 7. Jenny’s call?! Oh shit. And Y/N finding a cop-out method for him. I let out a breath with Tom. Phew. 8. Who breaks up with somebody and then moves to a different state the NEXT DAY???? And who doesn’t even try to tell somebody who is/used to be their friend?!?! Wtf with this Jenny person. - Rambley Anon 2/?
9. Ohhhhhhh shit. Tom can’t say it but Jenny ain’t throwing no punches. Dude. AND SHE KNOWS ABOUT Y/N telling Tom?!?! 10. “Time is just a concept” lmao if that ain’t me 11. I still don’t like that jenny just up and ran away but I do like that Y/N has somebody besides Haz to vent to about Tom now. Or at least gush over stuff with. I do like that for her 12. The cheek and forehead kisses and blushing. Love. That is not friends with benefits kids but it is absolutely adorable. - Rambley Anon 3/? 13. Sitting with Tom while he plays the keyboard sounds so relaxing. Man. 14. Jenny is stirring up the pot BIG TIME yikes 15. Barnes and Noble is such a good place to go to distract yourself excellent choice 16. I wish Harrison would tell her but at the same time I don’t want him to break toms trust and just oh boy. She’s so sad good luck trying to convince her man 17. I want to go to Barnes and Noble now. I can practically smell it.... EXCEPT - Rambley Anon 4/? 18. If you kill these children I’m going to be so upset. Also now I’m going to think of this every time I go into a bookstore. Why why why. You did say in the A/N “don’t let your minds go there” SO I will be hoping and praying that means everybody survives. But also so many other possibilities. - Rambley Anon 5/? I’m guessing this means hospital scene... but there’s so many horrible things that could happen ASIDE from death? Comas. One of them could be paraplegic. Long term smoke inhalation problems. Shit. Shit. Shit. Kaylee!!! We were strolling along and doing so well and then BAM. Should’ve prepared myself better honestly. And WHERE IS TOM??? What if he was in the building to meet them???? They texted him! What if he doesn’t know about it until too late?!?! - Rambley Anon 6/? Why did you have to get dental surgery this week. 😩 (I’m joking tho like update as late as you want. I’ll just be panicking until then. It’s fine. Don’t mind me.) but honestly such a good chapter. And while not a lot “happened” until the end I feel like we learned a lot of valuable info from Miss Jenny there. Now I just want to know what else she was saying to Tom. That girl keeps no secrets and holds no punches. - Rambley Anon 7/? And finally, I wanted to let you know that Tumblr thought I was spamming you so I had to wait like 45 minutes to finish this chain. Lmao. Worth it. PS on my drive home snow like came in through my vents??? And I tried to get it off my inner windshield and then it FROZE so there was a sheet of ice in front of where I look out. Basically, it was the most dangerous and dramatic drive home I’ve ever experienced. 😮 - Rambley Anon 7/7
1) Awww thanks!! I love when they share a bed, mostly his. It’s just soft.2) I legit fucking cacked lmao making y’all give up hope on life jasgfl3) You truthfully never know about me4) I wish I had actual images of how I picture them cause they’re cool in my head lmao5) Right??? I want this friend group lmao6) It was actually one for junior football team and that was part of why she wanted to never work with kids again lmao parents and coaches and kids in one place just had her patience GONE7) Reader is only out here looking out for Tom when it comes to Jenny!!8) Jenny lmao No one said she was smart kjjsaghfle9) Jenny gives no fucks lmao AND SHE DOES JENNY KNOWS ALL 10) That was lowkey me straightening out my timeline lmao11) Yeah, no same. Reader needs someone to talk to but Jenny still fucked up so it’s like, sleep with one eye open12) They’re literally stupid for thinking that’s how friends with benefits works but I love my idiots anyway lol13) Right though? What a need14) Jenny still gives no fucks AT ALL lmao15) Big mood16) Harrison is like the ultimate friend in that he will keep a secret even if he should probably just spill but instead, he just tries to make the other one feel better. We all need a Harrison17) I hope you go to Barnes and Noble soon!!!!18) lmao guess you’ll have to see!! And iwaehfilsh OH I meant like it’s an accident, like the explosion and not like......someone actually set it up. We’re not going that dark here kjwehflI
I fucking LOVE hospital scenes though lmao and I do love a good permanent injury so you never know, man you never know with me lmao Imagine Tom like walking into the building and then the explosion happens, that poor boy man. Jenny might be telling Tom everything or she might be fucking with him. Who knows?(I do for once lmao) And honestly, I’m hoping I can’t go for whatever reason cause I don’t wanna lmao And thanks dude!!!! It really means a lot!! It’s alright though, I was sleeping when you sent the messages so I didn’t even know Tumblr was being annoying lmao
I HAD THAT SHIT HAPPEN BEFORE!!! I was driving home and then bam, sheet of fucking ice over my damn windshield. And my mom gave my brother the scraper so I literally sat at my pharmacy like “What the fuck do I do?” because NOTHING was working, including my defrosters. Like nothing. I had to WAIT until soeone pulled up and had a scraper to help me. Ice is fucking stupid and it should all just melt lmao But I’m really happy you were able to make it home though!!!! That shit is scary and not fun!!
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1dicta · 7 years
dicta do you have any larry fic recs? nothing specific but just any fic that you loved a lot? thank you, your opinion on fics means a lot to me, and i feel like you'd probably know the really good ones!
Oh my gosh anon I love the wording of this ask so much. I’ve been meaning to make a larry rec list for going on a year but it just feels so official/overwhelming? But this, fic I loved a lot??? I can absolutely do that!!! and aaaaah there are SO MANY!!! I am not as organized about larry fic as drarry fic so this is, basically, like, a list of fics that stuck in my brain and/or heart and that are all so so good. SO GOOD! (and tbh there’s a whole other list of stuff that i’d rec but would want to reread before attempting commentary, and I have so many things marked for later and like….yeah….there’s a lot of good fic out there) And really, what better rec is there than “this is a fic that stuck in my brain and/or heart”?? Everyone should read them all!!
an act of faith against the night by @elianefics​ - M, 65k - It’s a clear path, drawing itself in Harry’s mind – where they began, how they ended up here. It’s not hard to convey all the events that led them to this very moment, with all of their twists and turns, not when Harry has been going through them again and again every night, albeit searching for something else.  “Did you know?” When Harry replies, it’s a question, not an answer. “Did you know, that it would end like this?”[Harry and Louis had never imagined that, when they would finally go back to New York, it would be as spies.] (part two of the landscapes of war series)
The war from ‘a prayer for which no words exist’ (recced below!) is over, or at least as over as war can be for the people who were there, which is to say….not all that over, just taking different shape. I have endless love for the way this fic treats that aftermath, the way it shows how deeply and irreversibly harry and Louis were shaped by being fighters, and it is a stunning mix of beautiful prose and important ethical questions. It also does some really fascinating meta work with Simon Cowell, the Azoffs, and the Cordens taking on central roles in the post-war nation-building project. It’s a lot for one fic to do, and this one manages it beautifully, and throws in some more beautiful NYC cityscapes, heartaching and conflicted nostalgia, and taut but unwavering H/L love, you know, just for good measure.
another hazy may by deLILAh - M, 41k - louis is a terrible poet and harry lives in the now and they have six weeks to fall in love but, really, it only takes six seconds. bookshop meets military meets summer romance au ft. marlboros, the backstreet boys, and underrated literary devices.
It’s been over a year since I’ve properly read this all the way and I can still see parts of it as vividly as if it had been last night. Harry’s hair, cigarette smoke curling upwards, hardwood floors, the rhythm of Harry’s feet as he runs to stay in shape for the job that will take him away from Louis, the feeling of seconds slipping away, and each of them more precious for being so few in number. This is one of those fics that made me nostalgic for somewhere I’d never been - except who hasn’t felt as though time was moving simultaneously quickly and too slowly, as though there is something precious that could fall apart at any second? And that’s one of many things this fic does beautifully: gives us the universality of their story, and reminding us of our own.
Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart by @conscious–ramblings​ - M, 19k - Louis and Harry had been childhood best friends, but had been separated by evacuation as the city they grew up in was destroyed around them. Now, twelve years later, they are both back in London, and through chance they meet again. In a time when you can’t admit to being gay, for fear of arrest, admitting to your best friend that you love them seems like an insurmountable obstacle.Featuring boxer Harry and mechanic Louis, much pining, and a lot of post war Britain
There’s often a moment in fic where they’re trying to figure out if the other one is gay and/or available, that’s full of a certain kind of tentative hope because there’s some kind of attraction there and what if, what if it was everything they think it might be? This fic takes that to 11 in the most meaningful way, because it’s the 40s, and being gay is a crime, and it’s not a question of whether they’re reading the right signals - neither of them can afford to send any - but of trying to accept that it could never, can never be. Set against absolutely simmering chemistry (the moment Louis first sees Harry in the ring is a thing I’m still not over) and wonderful research and settings (loved the feel of it, the way it all came to life, how present the remnants of the war were as they went about their lives) and fab secondary characters (Niall is a gem, and Liam is so how I think of him, and really everyone was just perfect) and this incredible click where you can feel the ease and understanding between them, feel the sense that they are destined and absolutely belong together…it takes that tension and longing, already at an 11, to a 12, and the ending is cathartic and beautiful and means so much more for knowing how rare and lucky and precious that moment is, and how much they’re willing to risk, and how it’s kinds of risk that are sometimes very specific to being queer in a moment when it’s illegal and how many of them are universal, and how incredible and enormous and moving a thing it is when both kinds of risk pay off.
Don’t Look Down by zarah5 - M, 92k - AU. In which Louis is a solicitor at one of London’s most prestigious law firms and Harry happens to apply for the position as his trainee. And everyone else is around, too.
Harry is unbelievably charming here, and it makes total sense that Louis falls for him, and as the story unfolds the clarity and meaningfulness of their connection gets more and more apparent even as Louis is fighting it tooth and nail. But it’s not miscommunication and it’s not self-loathing, it’s that Louis’ reasons are genuinely thoughtful and important (professional ethics!!!!!! With real implications!!!!) and that they’re genuinely in a difficult position and can’t be together without betraying things that mean a lot to both of them, which made me love this version of him even more and root for them that much harder. And I was already rooting for them pretty damn hard. They fit together beautifully from the first, understand each other on so many levels, are drawn together just magically…and then there are these beautiful moments (Venice omg) and heart-wrenching moments (after that dinner and that one morning and then that other one omg) and hold-your-breath moments (what is Louis gonna dooooo) and heart-pounding momebts, and I could not put it down.
Fake you’re full and feel tomorrow by theglitterbee - NC-17, 21k - Louis is a high class prostitute and the best at what he does. Harry is a hard to please 17 year old who wants to give himself completely to another man. [It contains prostitution, d/s, daddy kink, silly banter and two idiots in love.](The one with the text messages.)
listen this is gonna sound like a weird rec but bear with me. this fic was one of the first 1d fics I read, and on face is almost entirely made of things i don’t like, and yet, here it is. It did that alchemical thing where it just worked and it did all these things really well - like daddy kink was 100% squick for me before this and it’s still like 80% squick but this fic explained it in such a way that i got it and could understand it and see why it worked for them and what it meant for them and that psychology made it work (and made me get why it was hot? which is pretty massive for something in the squick category). and i was hesitant about their ages but it wound up being (i think not unrealistically) part of a fundamental kind of self-discovery that was part of why things between them felt so critical and important. and i was v skeptical about social media stuff in fic but this one did it so well that i got it and felt like it really enriched the story and showed a particular kind of progress and dynamic in their interactions that needed to be done that way (and wound up being really cool and impressive). and i was nervous about the potential for the dynamics to not work but they are both full people who needed each other in this very specific way and fit together beautifully and it did some of the best stuff kink fics do imo, where the kink reveals something about who they are and what they need and why they work and who they are individually and together, and so here we are, a fic with tags i wouldn’t usually touch, reccing away and considering a reread. this kind of rec can be kind of ~, i know, but the tl;dr is that this fic is so good it overcame every hesitation and left me totally engaged and impressed and invested.
Hold Me Closer by balanceds - NC-17, 36.5k - Louis Tomlinson is one of the most promising dancers of the English National Ballet, on track to become the youngest principal dancer in the company’s history. That is, until forces conspire to significantly complicate his life, including: a surprise ballet, an unfairly attractive guest choreographer, and being pushed into a rivalry with his best mate. Featuring lots of wine, dancing, pining, and a happy ending.
I was so surprised when I looked up the word count for this bc I would have sworn it was at least twice as longc there is so much story, and so much development, and so many moments that stick that. Watching Louis come to terms with who he was as a dancer and and person was this beautiful process that was so rewarding to read, and it was unusual and fresh in this way I really want to talk about but really don’t want to spoil. Along the way there is spectacular chemistry, zayn and Louis taking on gay swan lake, so much yearning and despair and happiness and reckoning and growth, an amazing and deeply satisfying Simon moment, and one of those h/l relationships where they make each other strong.
like a boomerang by @youwilll​ - M, 52k - AU in which Harry gets trapped in a lift, Louis gets stuck in a Wednesday, and it’s always February 2nd. Until it isn’t.
This fic is so so utterly charming in like nine different ways. Harry and Louis slot together so beautifully you can practically hear the click, and then they do it again and again and somehow every time feels fresh and important, and through it all the stakes get bigger as Louis contemplates the meaning of their repeated day and all of these deep questions sneak in, and a bit of a mystery, and a bunch of self-discovery, and a bunch of personal growth as Louis learns and thinks, really thinks, about what he needs to do, and realizes how willing he is to do it. It was so perfectly balanced between being gentle and exciting, between destiny and action, between grand gestures and quiet moments, and it settled like a warm blanket and I looked forward to every chapter so much.  And then, at the end…it was one of those stories that made me want to add and place to my travel list because the relevant moments are so well located and satisfying that you just want to be there, and it captured this particular instant - the way it wound sound and smell and how the air would feel and the electricity of it - so vividly. Lovely through and through.
Love Is A Human Right by @conscious–ramblings​ - M, 41k - The one where Louis has spent years getting over his ex, Harry Styles, and was almost successful. That is until Harry is elected as an MP, and Louis is given the task of getting him to support an Act of Parliament. Through tears and arguments and a heavy dose of LGBTQ+ politics, their lives finally line up. Will Louis be able to forgive? Will they still want the same thing? It’s difficult to let go of five years of hurt, but even more difficult to be close to the love of your life and let them walk away again.
This fic is basically everything I want in a fic, but together so amazingly well that I would never be able to put into a prompt because it’s the *how* that makes it so perfect. I mean, politics, check, LGBTQ politics, check, larry, check, vivid settings, check, emotional stakes, check, pining, check, everything, check. But the kicker is the beautiful complexity to all of it, that the story really truly understands the complexity of coming out and why people  do and why they don’t and what it mean and how it works and the ways it plays out in queer communities, and these gay leads aren’t incidentally gay, but engaged in identity and politics in a way that feels true and resonant, and that manages to both say really important things about queer communities and tell a beautiful love story about coming to terms with who you are and what you stand for and how love shapes (but doesn’t always determine, and I love that about this fic too) your priorities. Then add some simmering UST and simmering RST (hot damn i mean really) and viscerally, deliciously painful pining and hilarious side plots (SGIL!! Ziam!! Nick’s guessing games!!) and a background story that had my heart twisting for them from the first and settings that felt so real they were popping back into my head for weeks and just…superb. Superb.
a prayer for which no words exist by @elianefics​ - M, 65k - “Louis is a few seconds away from blowing up a rather important section of the New York subway when he sees Harry for the first time.” (part one of the landscapes of war series)
War!AU in NYC! Another one that I will admit fit my interests beautifully but it’s the execution that makes it work so beautifully. From the second they meet, there’s an urgency and fragility to Harry and Louis’ relationship that is a perfect fit for the politics and the newness of it all. At the same time, their connection is so certain and solid, and whether they’re waking up in the Brooklyn penthouse loft that I am still not over or getting ready to run into battle, their love casts everything else into relief and brings out some of he human consequences to why people fight and what they have to gain or lose, and shows what all they’re risking. Left me breathless in the best ways, and so glad to have gone on this journey.
Pull Me Under by zarah5 - NC-17, 140k - AU. As the first British footballer to come out at the prime of his career,  it helps that Louis Tomlinson is in a long-term, committed  relationship. Even if that relationship is fake. (Featuring Niall as Louis’ favourite teammate, Liam as Louis’ agent, and Zayn as Liam’s boyfriend, who just happens to be good friends with one Harry Styles.)
This was the fic that tipped me right over the precipice and properly into the fandom; how could I not rec it? Even if I wasn’t personally attached, how could I not rec it? It’s so bloody beautiful, watching Louis come to terms with the idea of being out, and to take steps towards it, and to see how his interactions with Harry change that and what develops between them. The pacing is amazing, the depiction of internalized homophobia is chest-tightening in the good illustrative moving way, the world is so immersive (like I went to get the link and 20 minutes later I was still reading and totally entranced), and their relationship 100% made my heart sing, in both the big triumphant moments and the little ones.
things have gotten closer to the sun by starseas - M, 49k - it’s strange, making the choice to face his past—it almost feels like he’s heading for the sun straight on, like he’s screaming come on and burn me, i deserve it.-when a solar flare is announced to end the world in twelve days, harry reunites with the people that he used to know better than the back of his own hand.
I’m not even entirely sure what to say about this fic that won’t give it away or send people running because here’s the thing: it is heartbreaking. It is worth it. It is sad, yes. It is also exhilarating and beautiful and about why love, platonic and romantic, makes the risks worthwhile, and how we know, viscerally know what is important to us. Real talk pt. 1: read it because I had terrible pms and really needed to cry. Real talk pt. 2: it worked, in that very particular way thar also made me sit and think about who and what is really important and had me sobbing in the best, most cathartic way. That lasting, deep way that’s making my chest a little tight just thinking about it, but that also means that I can smell the snow and feel the frost and see the brilliance of the sun and feel the boys’ love as - more - constant than the sun, and what the heck else could you ask for?
These Inconvenient Fireworks by mdasch and everydayslike - NC-17, 190k - Future AU in which nobody tries out for X Factor but the boys end up finding one other eventually anyway. Louis is a jaded bastard who owns a cat named Duchess and teaches drama to teenagers, Harry is an idealistic aspiring photographer/part-time footy coach, Zayn teaches English lit and wears leather jackets, Liam saves people from burning buildings, and Niall is Niall.
this is one of the top ten most affecting things i have ever read in my life. i don’t know how. i don’t know why. i do know that i couldn’t put it down for days and wound up finishing it in a blanket fort on a friend’s couch at 4am, literally doing that feet-kicking thing where you’re so full of feelings you can’t actually physically contain it but have to be quiet and still because the rest of the world is asleep during your emotional revelation. it restored my faith in love and hope. i am still not recovered from the thing on the soccer field at night before the train or the star tattoo or harry taking picture after picture or basically anything about it. clear your calendar if you have to but read this fic and then pls come talk to me about it because like i said i am deeply affected and possibly forever changed.
walk my days on a wire by sunshiner - M, 38.5k - Harry hums, staring at his hands in his lap, and Louis can still feel their smoothness, how solid they were in between his own. “Do you think it’s the same for us? Are we here only because of the likeliness of our jobs? Of our lives?”“We’re here because we have inventive managers,” Louis says, giving Harry’s leg a little nudge with his knee, but all that’s going around in his head is, I think I’d be in the same spot in every possible universe.  or, when actor Louis Tomlinson used to daydream about dating Harry Styles, this is not what he had in mind.
There’s this one moment in Cannes when they kiss and I both really want to talk about it bc it is amazing and really would not dream of talking about bc you have to go read it yourself. So like the summary suggests, they’re in a fake relationship, and they know that that’s what it’s supposed to be, but of course - of course - there’s more to it than that. Like instantly more in this way that you can feel rolling off the screen, that is about sexual chemistry but also a certain kind of very precious fitting together. Watching them see themselves through each others eyes is beautiful, as is seeing how much it means to them to have someone else who understands the pressured of this rarefied, panopticonic world of celebrity, and who loves and validates the ott celeb performer and the human underneath the facade. It’s interesting to read in the context of this fandom, and entirely universal at the same time - who doesn’t want a partner who can love them at their most extreme and most mundane, most accomplished and most afraid, right in the middle of a stadium or right in the middle of taking up the whole damn bed?
whispering of fields half-sown by @elianefics​ - PG-13, 7k - “And how ironic is it that even now, at the end of all things, Louis’ mere presence makes Harry want to believe that anything is possible again. That the earth isn’t close to collapsing on itself, that the tomorrows are bright and shining and full of promises. Harry hates Louis for giving him something to look forward to when the sky only keeps getting darker. Harry loves Louis for it. ”[All of his boys come back to him in the end, but it’s Louis, Harry has been waiting for all this time.]
heartbreaking, lush, moving apocalypse!fic wherein it is absolutely the case that through fire and water and earthquakes and ice, there is one person Harry needs by his side. There’s Liam and Niall and Zayn, too, and what it would mean for all of them to say goodbye, really goodbye, who they all are and what those friendships mean. And Louis. Oh, Louis. My eyes got mysteriously damp in the really good way, and it made me want to sit down and write just to make words like this. The conversation at the end of this stayed with me like whoa, and my chest is getting a little tight thinking about it again. That may make some people want to X it off the list; think twice before you do. This is worth it.
Young & Beautiful by velvetoscar - M, 227.5k - Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn’t stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
absolutely beautiful. so vivid i dreamt about it and then went and got a whole bunch of flowers and spent a while wandering around in fancy clothes just because it felt as though i was already living in the story so why not? And how could you not want to be part of this world that is complex and nuanced and subtle and gorgeous (which is not a way i expected to feel about a fic about rich kids btw but this fic makes them so full and the story so engaging that it happened and not only a little). Dimensional characters, wonderful tension, simmering slow burn, complexity, believable and complex psychological motivations,  theme parties, a falcon named cleopatrick, long nights, loaded touches, meaningful subplots, love, resilience. The only possible complaint is it made me want a champagne fountain, and that is not any sort of complaint at all. (lmk if you have a champagne fountain though, it’s been a few weeks and i am really still about wanting to live inside this fic, and also champagne)
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fangirlingabout · 7 years
Since you are a big fan of cartoons what are your top 10 favorite cartoons of all time? Honorable mentions can be included
Oh! Oh, cool! You seriously don’t know how cool it is that someone would care to ask, thank you!
Also, sorry for the wait. Seriously, that was excessively sucky. Life likes to get busy at inconvenient times, you know?
But dang, that’s such a hard question… 
Only one way to do this right.
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Dammit, Anon, This is Hard
I’m not the type of person to decide on ranks (or anything) very easily, so I’ll say this: some choices were easier than others.
I should also mention a lot of these choices are very personal, and if this were a more objective list of the best shows out there, it would be totally different. I also don’t pretend to always have the best taste, these really are just my favourites that I’ve seen. Sometimes I can recognize that one show is probably objectively better than one I like, but that won’t necessarily stop me from liking something. Basically, my list, my bias. 
Still, I’ll do my best to explain my choices for those of you who didn’t have the same experiences with these shows that I did. I assume you don’t live in my brain.
Honourable Mentions
Is it hard to believe that the honourable mentions section was harder to decide than the actual list?
There’s just so many shows I’ve enjoyed and I think deserve to be lauded. If you ask me, “Well, what about ____?! Where the hell was ____?!” it would probably fall in this category.
I’ll try to keep it short, though:
The Fairly Odd Parents - I don’t think you could’ve grown up in the early 2000s without encountering this show in some capacity, but I absolutely loved it growing up; I played FOP video games, I watched it every day after school, I even remember catching all the movies on TV whenever I could. It’s always had such a great sense of humour, combined with the jazzy stylistic choices that gave it that extra punch. More recent seasons aside, this one is a 2000s classic.
Over the Garden Wall - I watch this every October now. It’s absolutely spectacular. I think the only thing holding it back is sadly that it’s a miniseries—and it’s not like I would change that, the story needed to be told the way it was. But it’s become seasonal for me, so it’s a favourite but… only briefly.
Rick and Morty - Damn, I love this show. Just give it one more season and let the plot really start to kick in, it may start to climb this list
There are also plenty of shows that I think could be on here had I gotten to watch more of them, and some of those include:
Batman: The Animated Series
Danny Phantom
Sym-Bionic Titan 
And here are shows I once had a bit of an obsession with that in hindsight… was a bit unwarranted (again, I never claimed to have great taste):
Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi
Yin Yang Yo!
Total Drama Island/Action
With that out of the way, onto the list!
#10. South Park
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What can I say about a comedy that’s antagonized censorship on TV 20 seasons? Well, for one, there are moments that genuinely reward you for caring about these characters for so long. For example, there’s a gut-punch of a two-parter, You’re Getting Old/Ass-Burgers that legitimately made fans question if the show was in danger of ending, with just how fatalistic it’s tone is.
They’ve even since made the transition from episodic to serialized season-long stories—to varying degrees of success, admittedly, but I don’t know if a show, especially one this well-established (this happened in season 18) has ever done that.
In a strange way, South Park’s a show that innovates. It quickly surpassed any other show on at the time for most edgy/boundary-pushing—to the point that its offensive humour wouldn’t be acceptable coming from anyone else but South Park (which isn’t to say I don’t understand when/if people have an issue with it, but… more on that in a sec)!
I’d also like to give special shoutout to the South Park Movie, and the recent South Park video games, the Stick of Truth and Fractured, but Whole—all three of which are jam-packed with South Park goodness.
Personal Reasons: When I was growing up this was the pinnacle in shows my mom didn’t want me to watch. And with what little of a rebellious streak I had, I took that to mean it needed my attention. 
I remember watching it late at night (which just made it more scandalous!) with my brother, and separately with my best friend at the time, Daniel. We loved that kind of raunchy, crude humour! And in hindsight, like I said, I know there’s been plenty of times when they’ve made jokes in poor taste, but I don’t know. Sometimes when you make fun of everyone equally, there can be room for some less tasteful jokes. Especially when being a boundry-pusher is a big part of your identity.
As the old saying goes, “It’s South Park: what did you expect?”
#9. Clone High
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One of the more obscure choices on this list, but I’ve mentioned it from time to time for sure. Coming from the writing/directing team behind Lego: Batman, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and 21 Jump Street, Clone High was a short-lived 13-episode MTV comedy.
The premise was simple: clones of famous historical figures all go to high school together.
Done, simple as that. 
But what makes it so funny is how it parodies the high school drama genre while still existing as it’s own story with it’s own characters. Like, every episode is always announced as a “very special episode” and even in their short run, they managed to do the Drug episode, the holiday episode, the natural disaster episode, the dramatic Death episode, the class election episode—it just doesn’t let up.
Oh, and I’d like to mention Pan Pzza/Rebel Taxi did a stellar review that goes into the history surrounding the show along with some analysis of its content, so if I piqued you’re interest at all, you can find a more in-depth review over here.
Personal Reasons: This s a show my brother introduced me to. Watching videos or playing video games with my cool older brother was always awesome, so watching a show with him as tons of fun.
#8. Moral Orel
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My god… this show is the absolute most brutal show I’ve ever loved. You can tell by my lists that I tend towards shows that deal with darker subjects in soft, even light-hearted ways, but this isn’t that kind of show.
Or, at least, the season that made it my 8th favourite show isn’t.
I should explain. Moral Orel was a show on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim that had a total of 3 seasons (with a prequel special that came out years after the fact), and for most of the first two seasons, it’s a vastly different show than in its third season.
From the second season’s finale onward, Moral Orel becomes one of the most bleak, bitter, heart-wrenchingly real shows on TV. It’s breath-takingly bitter.
The first two seasons largely center around the main character Orel Puppington and his religious adventures in his hometown of Moralton. It started as a parody of Christian cartoons, in particular the stop-motion/claymation Davey and Goliath. 
Basically, Orel would learn a lesson from an authority figure in town and misinterpret it to the extreme. It could make for some funny commentary now and again, but in truth it was nothing special.There were a few early episodes worth watching, like the Lord’s Prayer and The Best Christmas Ever, but if that’s all it had to offer, its charm would wear thin.
This, on the other hand, is no regular series.
The fact that it started out the way it did makes the reveal even more powerful. You see, those more upbeat first two seasons, where the morals are skewed and everything’s just a bit cheerier than it should be come crashing down when Orel’s father’s alcoholism is taken devastatingly seriously during a hunting trip in the two-part season finale “Nature” parts 1&2.
Nature marks a drastic turn in the series tonally. From there, the series shifts focus from just being about Orel to chronicling the lives of several members of the town in the aftermath and the days surrounding that infamous hunting trip. The third season even starts counting down each episode (Numb, for instance is 1 out of 13). 
And the reason for this is that as Orel lost faith in his father in that season finale, we, along with Orel, start to see all the people in his life in a different, sometimes disturbing light.
If I’m making it out to sound a bit on the unwatchable side, I understand, you don’t always want to watch something that will bring you down like that. But to sing its praises just a bit more, the reason it struck such a chord with me is because there’s such a humanity to it. There is hope somehow, and goodness in all this messed up stuff. 
Personal Reasons: I used to stay up late watching Adult Swim, or use the TV to fall asleep to. I managed to catch episodes now and again, so it hit me hard the first time I saw some of the darker or more bittersweet episodes. 
#7. Steven Universe
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We jump from one of the harshest shows to one of the sweetest! And yeah, I was surprised this wasn’t higher, too
And maybe it could change as the series goes on, but in the meantime, wow is this a fantastic show! We’ve talked about it a number of times on FGA, but I don’t think that’s any reason to not sing it’s praises some more!
Premiering in 2013 on Cartoon Network, Steven Universe, as you probably know (because this is Tumblr), follows the titular Steven and his emotionally-driven life with the Crystal Gems, alien rebels from a far-off Homeworld. 
Properly referred to as “singing and crying,” Steven Universe slowly runs the gambit from gorgeously heartbreaking to sweetly uplifting, all the while feeling like a mellow, safe, and warm place to be.
Like many people have said in many different ways, it’s a show that explores relationships. All kinds of relationships. It’s made massive strides in LGBT+ representation in kids’ shows, presenting it without the pomp and circumstance of a “very special episode.”
The gradually unfolding plot has fans like me hooked, even if the slower pace and hiatus plague can leave us hanging for quite some time.
Personal Reasons: This is yet another show that I’ve gotten watch and talk about with my girlfriend, so I think I’ll always remember it fondly for that. Fangirling.
#6. Avatar: The Last Airbender
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It’s what I consider to be the greatest show of all time… and it’s this far down on the list. There really is no justice in Bias Town.
One of the best purely serialized shows out on this list, Avatar is a perfect example of a simple three act story-structure. It tells a complete, satisfying story that needed no more and no less.
And in that time, it managed to find the perfect balance for everything. Rich, interesting world-building reflecting real-life cultures? Check. Fun plots that moved forward the overall story? Check. Likable complex characters that humanize the world so no one side is undeniably in the wrong? Check.
The only thing that took a while to grow on me was Avatar’s humour. Can’t explain why, but once I warmed up to it, there were episodes and moments that made me lose my shit.
It’s such a well-crafted story, and I could probably just go on and on about how well everything was developed, but sufficed to say, it would probably top my list for what’s objectively the best cartoon out there.
Personal Reasons: I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before, but I actually missed out on Avatar’s original run. I vaguely remember being interested by it, but never catching an episode in full.
Years later, I somehow stumbled across it by chance, and oh my god. Oh my god, you guys. I watched most of the second and third season in one weekend. I couldn’t stop.
#5. Spongebob Squarepants
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In last year’s Nostalgia Month, I fangirled a little bit about Spongegbob, and if you read any of that, you’ll know I’ve always been a huge fan. It’s one of the cornerstone series of my generation (just take a look at the Ocean Man meme that was a thing for a while—that song is buried in the credits of the Spongebob Movie, so you would have had to sit through the credits to get that reference), along with Pokemon and Fairly Odd Parents, so again, I couldn’t not have some experience with it, but I was pretty much a super fan.
And there’s kind of a reason for that. I can’t say what it’s like now, but in its early seasons, it’s humour was surprisingly intelligent and stupidly funny. There’s definitely a difference between stupid characters and a stupid show, and so long as you can see that, you’ll find a charming undersea comedy that became a household name for a reason (at least initially).
Personal Reasons: God, where to start. For one, I have a fear of fish, but I love swimming and the sea. That fear developed in second grade, ironically around the time I would’ve been the deepest in my Spongebob phase. I think it helped, actually. There’s a reason I have a random anchor as a logo. 
And you know, there’s some shows that you love so much that they come to represent a part of your life. All my elementary school days and even into middle school, Spongebob was something I was an expert in. I had as much merch as I could afford to get, I watched it religiously (even the DVD boxsets), I made my first best friend that way— it just ruled my world for a long while there.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way. The nostalgia goggles are strapped on hard for this choice, but I couldn’t honestly tell you I don’t have a sincere place in my heart for it. And always will.
#4. Gravity Falls
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You know how the 2010s starting kicking a lot of ass for animation? I think more than anything—more than even Adventure Time (which I do love)—this is the show that represents that to me. Not because it’s dated, but in fact the opposite: because it’s a modern classic that will forever feel timeless. Something truly spectacular that we’ll always look back on and remember as ours.
Gravity Falls takes influences from all the best stuff, but makes itself unique by being incredibly inventive. Like, it really does remind me of any Matt Groening show because of it’s sense of humour and even a bit of the world-building, but the mystery and heart are so magnificently its own. These things are the backbone that take the the already stellar comedy to a whole other level.
The best word for it is just as I said: magnificent.
From beginning to end, it’s undeniably so. It rewards close-viewings and theory-makers ten-fold, and that detail-orientated approach makes the experience that much richer and more, well, rewarding.
You knew it was coming, but hell, I can’t deny a show that succeeds in doing so many things I love so, so well. 
Personal Reasons: I’ll never forget the experience of watching Not What He Seems for the first few times, or really, a lot of the episodes. Watching the fandom come up with theories about the Stan twins a season in advance, and then seeing those theories made reality in the most spectacular, theatrical episode of the television I’ve ever watched blew me the fuck away.
And getting to talk about it here and with LittleNightwing just made it more of an interactive experience, which is exactly the kind of thing Alex Hirsch wanted.
I know I’ve said this too many times by now, but I even wrote part of an episode for Gravity Falls: Deep Woods (a storyboarded fan-series inspired by the show). When episode three eventually comes out, if they haven’t cut it out for time constraints, my name will be in the credits. And having my name associated with anything related to this show is just an honour.
#3. Futurama
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I don’t even know what I can say about Futurama that hasn’t already been said, but whatever, I’m gonna try because I have to include it.
It started airing back in 1999, which was appropriate, because the series starts us out by travelling to the year 2999 on New Years, entering into the new millennium as we enter into this new series. And from there, this lovable portrayal of a future that somehow seems not too far from our present day becomes awesome.
Everything is a little crappy. That’s not a diss on the show, it’s just the reality of the year 3000. It’s not some dystopia, but it’s no utopia, either. It comes with all the problems and foibles of modern day, just with different technology, space travel, and alien races.
And don’t get me started on how inventive it can be. The writers staff behind that show is one of the most educated on television—quite literally, with “three Ph.D.s, seven masters degrees, and cumulatively had more than 50 years at Harvard.”
And they put all that to use to make sure the science behind that sci-fi could work. In fact, they not only created their own alien language for the show, but writer Ken Keeler devised an entirely new math equation to resolve a plot point for the episode “Prisoner of Benda.” In the field, it’s referred to as the Futurama theorem or the Keeler theorem, and has since inspired research.
So when I say next level nerdy, I mean next level nerdy.
Futurama uses this incredible scientific and mathematical power to parody the sci-fi genre with a great sense of humour and a Simpsonian sense of heart. Pretty much all of the main cast has at least one tear-jerker episode, but none so powerful as the infamous Jurrasic Bark, an episode dedicated to telling the story of our main character, Phillip J. Fry, and his dog Seymour. It will tear you apart. 
Personal Reasons: This is yet another series I grew up with, and I think it taught me a lot about storytelling. Episodes like Luck of the Fryrish, The Sting, or the aforementioned Jurrasic Bark end on a incredibly bittersweet note, and to really earn that, the writers build it up expertly.
There’s also episodes like the Emmy-winning Roswell that Ends Well that take these wacky sci-fi concept to insane new levels. Whether or not I can execute on that, it taught me to always push an idea further.
Plus, I followed the series from it’s original run to it’s first cancellation to the four straight-to-DVD movies (that I ADORED renting from Blockbuster) to it’s return and final ending in 2013. It’s been one hell of a ride.
#2. The Simpsons
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And at this point, you probably know the whole list. But let’s go through it anyway.
The Simpsons, for me, really is one of the most brilliantly stupid comedies out there. It seems there are a number of comedies on this list that could be written off as just brainless, but I think there’s a charm to that for me. Something that clearly doesn’t take itself too seriously when it doesn’t have to. The Simpsons, in that way, has always been rather inviting to me. 
Despite it’s now nearly 30 year run, it never seems to have an ego about itself, even when some consider it the greatest comedy of all time (me).
There’s an endless amount of hilariously quotable episodes, and like any good comedy, it doesn’t skimp out of the character development or sentimentality. It’s certainly lost it’s touch for the most part, as is the case with a lot of running series, but every now and again, even in the later seasons, it still manages to surprise. 
I couldn’t explain it’s legacy if I tried. It’s currently the longest running animated series, and at this point, seems to have outlived the entire era it was so adept at parodying, but it’s still so legendary I can’t fault it! Even the impossible finally does happen and the show takes its final bow, I know this funny family will keep me laughing for years to come.
Personal Reasons: This started as another show my mom didn’t want me to want, but the reason I got to watch it so much and maybe the reason I love it so much is because my dad loved it.
From that point on, I started collecting the DVD boxsets of every season I could, and enjoying all the early seasons I was too young to watch when they originally aired.
And watching Simpsons reruns in whatever capacity I could became tradition. I still do to this day, even if it’s just online now. It’s become sort of a comfort show, it’s that familiar to me.
Plus, there’s the Movie, and games (The Simpsons Hit and Run is so much better than it has any right to be)—I even wrote an essay on The Simpsons back in high school. 
It’s just been the huge, life-long love for me that will never truly end because of how much it shaped me as a person (as silly as that sounds).
#1. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
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Shock! Awe! Everyone is stunned! People never would’ve seen this coming if they know me… 
Alright, so I’m predictable (I prefer the term “reliable” but considering how long it took to get this list out…), but it’s strangely so well-suited to everything I love. This entire section is full of personal reasons.
There’s fantastic characters to love (and obsess over); a heart-warming, light-hearted, cute, and ultimately loving tone that’s inexplicably never too saccharine even when it by all means should be; a fascinating fantasy world to dive into; a remarkable at times Disney-esque musical element; an eye-pleasingly soft animation style; an unashamed love of puns—I mean I could actually go on about this for a full year.
I really, really could… over on my main blog (sorry for the self-promo, but it’s relevant).
Year of the Pony, MLP Editorials (which are a big part of YotP)
I’ve dedicated this entire year to talking about My Little Pony in an event I’m calling Year of the Pony. There’s so far been something pretty much every week, themes for every month—I love this show a lot you guys. I really, really do.
That really is the reason I’m doing this event. I’ve been a fan of this show for five, going on six years, and it somehow became my favourite show of all time, even when there are shows out there that I think are objectively better. I’m trying to dissect why that is bit by bit.
For instance, here’s an upcoming two-parter:
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These two characters are sisters, and long story short, one was forced to send the other to the moon. This was a story that introduced the series in the first two episodes, and has since been explored by the fandom in every way imaginable. So I have to ask questions that’ll give me a way to talk about how much and why I love this particular story element.
It’s not the greatest tragedy out there, sure, but I’ve seriously gotta figure out why this has struck such a chord with me, you know? 
Obnoxious self-promos aside, I really did fall and fall hard for this series I think because it was still unassuming by the time I got to it. The was a fandom, sure, but I didn’t know what to expect (whether these “bronies” were just using it for memes and liking it ironically or what), and that made it a genuine discovery for me. 
And it’s that very unassuming, unpretentious sweetness that continues to make me love it, even though it’s made a few mistakes along the way. I don’t think it’s a perfect series, but it’s definitely perfect for me. And what more could I ask for in a favourite show?
But that’s just my list. Feel free to tell my some of your favourites or take up the challenge to put out your own list and send it my way! Show me how much better your taste is than mine!
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