#thanks joe and kit for recreating that moment
idmnbc · 2 years
Kit and Joe knew what they were doing. They did it for us, for all queer people out there. I love them so much :'(
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toxicsquad · 4 months
Christmas special: Some gift ideas
Hello, Athe here!
I've been thinking a lot about some small gifts that I think would be perfect for the characters. Sort of like Christmas ideas for small budgets. I've tried to find some visual references and give some context for those who don't know the characters that well. It would be interesting to see what you guys would come up with, especially, for your own OCs… I'm going to leave a blank template below for anyone who wants to add some more or create their own OC version. We will reblog all your suggestions, you can also leave them in our ask which is always open. Happy holidays!
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Protective console case or gaming case: You can't go wrong with anything related to video games, especially if it's something with a cute aesthetic. Arael can't resist that kind of thing.
Ice cream maker: No more endless queues in the canteen. Arael will be able to make his own personalised ice cream with one of these machines.
Kigurumi: A warm pyjama to spend their hours in front of the computer playing or in your company.
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Fire extinguisher: It goes without saying why it's a good idea for Zihel to have a fire extinguisher on hand.
Some new clothes: The truth is that his clothes are outdated and quite torn. You would do him a favour by buying him something even if he won't thank you directly. Besides, he will accept any style you want to put on him without putting up too much of a fuss.
Survival kit: Zihel has always been interested in everything related to hunting and survival. He'll surely appreciate a kit with everything he needs for an adventurous weekend (or another kind of weekend…).
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Original teapot or tea set: Kyeran really enjoys drinking hot tea, so he would love a tea set. If you take the opportunity to give it a personalised touch in keeping with his style of decoration, you will make him very happy.
Portable hammock: You never know when you'll want to rest during a desert trek. A portable hammock can be ideal for him, but also for you to share a romantic moment.
Emotional support dolls: Anything you've made by hand will be highly valued, but these cute little dolls with motivational phrases will lift anyone's spirits.
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Portable charger: Don't ever catch Joe without a charge on one of her many devices. Without them Joe could go crazy and you will probably be her target.
Pyjamas or satin pillowcase: Inexpensive options to recreate a luxurious experience. Either is a good choice. Joe loves to feel pampered.
Massage oil: It's likely that with this you can both participate.
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Handmade candles: Since Opal discovered that he has a good sense of smell, he has also found that the smells of scented candles relax him a lot. It is easy for him to get stressed or irritable, but candles help him to calm his nerves.
Watchmaking tools: Opal has started a new trade and is comfortable repairing and making wind-up watches. But he often loses his tools or they break. A new kit is always welcome.
Work apron: Another thing he has recently discovered is that he enjoys working with the soil and could do with a work apron to keep all his gardening tools in.
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Poker cards with famous musicians: He likes to play card games, especially if gambling is involved. If you buy him some personalised cards like these, you can be sure he'll always have them with him.
Special edition vinyls: Any music fan would love something like this. You can't go wrong with an original edition of one of your favourite bands.
Skull-shaped ice bucket or whiskey set: There are quite a few objects in this shape in Ariel's house. We thought he might like something to do with alcohol.
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Pizza oven: Akane is a ramen and pizza fanatic. This time, we thought it might be nice to have a mini oven so that her pizzas are always perfect.
Car bin: Everyone knows that Akane loves driving, but not so much tidiness and cleanliness. Help her to keep it all tidy with this mini-trash bin for the car.
Exercise dice: She loves sport. We suggest you give her something more original than a pair of trainers or a bottle of water with a dice to help him choose her daily exercises.
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Ultrasonic cleaner: Anyone who owns glasses will understand Hasi's problems with keeping his glasses clean. You'd be doing him a big favour by buying him a little machine like this.
Writers' Socks: Although he wouldn't usually wear colourful, flashy clothes, socks are perfect for letting his imagination run wild. Especially if they are about a subject that interests you as much as books do.
Diorama bookmarks: Another Christmas classic are bookmarks, but I have found some that recreate mythical scenes from classic books. They are available for many works and can be a perfect complement to special editions of books.
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Pencil holder: I couldn't resist making this little inside joke. A little reminder won't hurt either.
Snack advent calendar: Why ask for one gift when you can have 24? He would love any advent calendar, but a snack calendar seems appropriate for him.
Projector: With a small projector he can watch films and series in his sorority room or invite you to join him.
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Fingerprint padlock: A secure padlock for a person who hides a lot of secrets. Maske loves tech gadgets and keeping their privacy safe.
Cup warmer: For someone who drinks a lot of coffee and has insomnia, this cup warmer will keep your cups at the perfect temperature.
Spice collection: It's no secret that Maske likes to cook, so they have a lot of utensils, so the smartest thing I could think of is to give them some kind of exotic spice kit so they can innovate in their kitchen and get out of their comfort zone a bit.
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Gothic picnic basket: A perfect basket for two to have a romantic meal in the forest with Opal.
Couples' keepsake wheel: Important dates and memories can be engraved on it. A romantic and personalised gift.
Sewing scissors: A nice pair of scissors is a must in the sewing basket of a seamstress.
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¡Hola, aquí Athe!
He estado pensando mucho en algunos pequeños regalos que creo que serían perfectos para los personajes. Algo así como ideas de navidad para presupuestos pequeños. He intentado buscar algunas referencias visuales y darle algo de contexto para aquellos que no conozcan tan bien a los personajes. Sería interesante ver qué es lo que se os ocurriría a vosotros, especialmente, sobre vuestros propios OCs... Voy a dejar abajo una plantilla en blanco para aquel que le apetezca añadir alguno más o crear su versión OC. Rebloguearemos todas vuestras propuestas, también podéis dejarlas en nuestro ask que siempre está abierto. ¡Felices fiestas!
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Carcasa protectora para consola o funda para juegos: No se puede fallar con cualquier cosa relacionada con videojuegos, especialmente, si es algo con una estética cuqui. Arael no se puede resistir a esa clase de cosas.
Heladera: Se acabaron las colas interminables en el comedor. Arael podrá hacer sus propios helados personalizados con una máquina de éstas.
Kigurumi: Un pijama calentito para pasar sus horas delante del ordenador jugando o en tu compañía.
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Extintor: Sobra decir por qué es buena idea que Zihel tenga un extintor a mano.
Algo de ropa nueva: Lo cierto es que su ropa está anticuada y bastante rota. Le harías un favor comprándole algo aunque no vaya agradecértelo directamente. Además, aceptará cualquier estilo que quieras ponerle sin poner demasiadas pegas.
Kit de supervivencia: A Zihel siempre le ha llamado la atención todo lo relacionado con la caza y la supervivencia. Seguro agradecerá un kit con todo lo necesario para un finde de aventuras (o un finde otro tipo...).
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Tetera o juego de té original: Kyeran disfruta mucho de tomar un té calentito, así que un juego de té le encantaría. Si aprovechas para que tenga algún toque personalizado a su estilo de decoración le harás muy feliz.
Hamaca portable: Nunca se sabe cuando vas a querer descansar durante una ruta por el desierto. Una hamaca portátil puede ser ideal para él, pero también para que compartáis un momento romántico.
Muñecos de soporte emocional: Cualquier cosa que hayas hecho a mano la valorará muchísimo, pero estos tiernos muñequitos con frases motivacionales levantan el ánimo a cualquiera.
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Cargador portátil: Que nunca le pille a Joe sin carga en alguno de sus muchos dispositivos. Sin ellos Joe podría volverse loca y, seguramente, su diana seas tú.
Pijama o funda de almohada de satén: Opciones económicas para recrear una experiencia lujosa. Cualquiera de las dos es una buena opción. A Joe le encanta sentirse consentida.
Aceite para masajes: Es probable que con esto podáis participar los dos.
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Velas hechas a mano: Desde que Opal descubrió que tiene buen olfato, también se ha dado cuenta que los olores de las velas aromáticas le relajan mucho. Es fácil que se estrese o esté irritado pero las velas le ayudan a calmar sus nervios.
Herramientas de relojería: Opal ha comenzado un nuevo oficio y se siente cómodo reparando y fabricando relojes de cuerda. Pero a menudo pierde sus herramientas o se rompen. Un nuevo kit siempre será bienvenido.
Delantal de trabajo: Otra cosa que ha descubierto recientemente, es que le agrada mucho trabajar con la tierra y no le vendría mal un delantal de trabajo donde guardar todas sus herramientas de jardinería.
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Cartas de póker con músicos famosos: Le gusta jugar a juegos de cartas, sobre todo, si hay apuestas de por medio. Si le compras unas cartas personalizadas como éstas, te aseguramos que siempre las llevará encima.
Vinilos de edición especial: Cualquier fanático de la música le gustaría algo así. No se puede fallar con una edición original de una de sus bandas favoritas.
Cubitera o set de whiskey en forma de calavera: No son pocos los objetos con esta forma en su casa. Hemos pensado que le podría agradar algo relacionado con el alcohol.
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Horno de pizza: Akane es una fanática del ramen y las pizzas. Esta vez, se nos ha ocurrido que podría estar bien un mini horno para que sus pizzas queden siempre perfectas.
Basura para el coche: Todo el mundo sabe que Akane ama conducir, pero no tanto el orden, ni la limpieza. Ayúdala a que lo mantenga todo recogido con esta mini-papelera para el coche.
Dado de ejercicio: Le encanta el deporte. Te proponemos darle algo más original que unas zapatillas o una botella de agua con un dado que le ayude a elegir sus ejercicios diarios.
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Limpiador ultrasónico: Todos los que tienen gafas comprenderán bien los problemas de Hasi para mantener sus gafas limpias. Le harías un gran favor comprándole una pequeña máquina como estas.
Calcetines de Escritores: Aunque por lo general no usaría prendas coloridas, ni muy llamativas, los calcetines son perfectos para dejarse llevar por la imaginación. Sobre todo, si son de un tema que le interesa tanto como lo son los libros.
Marcapáginas en forma de diorama: Otro clásico navideño son los marcapáginas, pero he encontrado unos que recrean escenas míticas de libros clásicos. Los hay de muchas obras y pueden ser un complemento perfecto para ediciones especiales de libros.
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Portalápices: No me he podido resistir a hacer esta pequeña broma interna. Un pequeño recordatorio tampoco le vendrá mal.
Calendario de adviento de snacks: Para que pedir un regalo cuando puedes tener 24... Cualquier calendario de adviento le gustaría, pero uno de snaks parece apropiado para él.
Proyector: Con un pequeño proyector podrá ver películas y series en su cuarto de la hermandad o invitarte a acompañarle.
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Candado con huella dactilar: Un candado seguro, para una persona que oculta muchos secretos. A Maske le encantan los gadget tecnológicos y tener su intimidad a buen recaudo.
Portavasos calentador: Para alguien que toma mucho café y tiene insomnio este calentador mantendrá sus tazas a la temperatura perfecta.
Colección de especias: No es ningún secreto que a Maske le gusta cocinar, por eso tiene gran cantidad de utensilios, por eso, lo más inteligente que se me ha ocurrido es regalarle algún tipo de kit de especias exóticas para que innove en su cocina y salga un poco de su zona de confort.
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Cesta de picnic gótica: Una cesta perfecta para dos, con la que poder tener una comida romántica en el bosque acompañada de Opal.
Rueda de recuerdos para parejas: Se pueden grabar fechas importantes y recuerdos en ella. Un regalo romántico y personalizado.
Tijeras de costura: Unas bonitas tijeras nunca sobran en el cesto de arreglos de una costurera.
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Aaall of the pictures and the videos involving the heartstopper cast from the London Pride Parade is just soooooo wholesome!!!!!❤️
I wish I was there too
Thank you, Alice for creating heartstopper universe :)
Thank you, Joe and Kit for recreating the parade moment <3
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 29
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 29 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 29/? SUMMARY:  The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every  day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret,  because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
Amy, Rory, the Doctor, and Elise stepped out of the TARDIS into what looked to be a hotel.
“Let's go to Ravan-Skala, he says. The people are six hundred feet tall. You have to talk to them in hot air balloons and the Tourist Information Center is made of one of their hats, he says. I'm sorry, but I don't see any huge hats,” Amy told him.
“Amy, Beaky, this could be the most exciting thing I have ever seen.”
“You're kidding,” Rory said as the Doctor ran up the staircase.
“How can you be excited about a rubbish hotel on a rubbish bit of Earth?” Amy asked.
“Because, assembled Ponds and Elise, this is not Earth. This has just been made to look like Earth. The craftsmanship involved. Can you imagine?”
Elise loved her father, but she had to admit he had some weird interests.
They made their way back to the reception area where the TARDIS parked.
“What? Then where are we?” Amy asked.
“I don't know,” the Doctor said, “Something must have yanked us off course. Look at the detail on that cheese plant!” He walked over to the plant and sniffed the leaf.
“Right, but who would mock up an Earth hotel?” Rory asked.
The Doctor picked an apple from a bowl sitting on a table and tossed it in the air. “Colonists maybe, recreating a bit of home, like when ex-pats open English pubs in Majorca.” The Doctor took a bite of the apple.
“Thought you didn’t like apples?” Elise asked him, a smirk on her face.
“Oi. Hush you! Whoever did this, I am shaking his/her hand/tentacle.”
Rory walked over to a wall of pictures. “Have you seen these? Look at the labels underneath. Commander Halke, defeat. Tim Heath, having his photo taken. Lady Silver-Tear, Daleks.”
Amy joined him. “Bruce Barnes, other people's socks. Tim Nelson, balloons. Novice Prin, sabrewolves. Royston Luke Gold, Plymouth? Lucy Hayward, that brutal gorilla. Doctor, what does it mean?”
“I don't know. Let's find out.” He rang the bell on the desk and three people appeared.
One was a woman holding a chair leg, another was a man holding a lamp, and the third was some type of alien holding a white flag.
“Blimey, that was a bit quick,” the Doctor said.
“We surrender!” the alien said.
“No, it's okay, we're not…” Rory told him.
“We surrender!”
“We're nice.”
“She's threatening me with a chair leg!” the Doctor said, pointing at the woman in scrubs.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“Oh god, we're back in reception,” the man said.
“We surrender!” the alien repeated.
“I've never been threatened with a chair leg before. No, hang on, I tell a lie,” the Doctor told them.
“Did you just say, it's okay, we're nice?” Amy asked Rory.
“Okay, I need everyone to shut up, now,” the woman said.
“Rita, be careful, yeah?” the man said.
“Their pupils are dilated. They're as surprised as we are. Besides which, if it's a trick, it'll tell us something,” Rita rattled off.
The Doctor smiled. “Oh, you're good. Oh, she's good. Amy, with regret, you're fired.”
“What?” Amy snapped.
“I'm kidding.” He turned to Rita and made a telephone gesture, mouthing, “We'll talk.” The Doctor turned to the alien. “I take it from the pathological compulsion to surrender, you're from Tivoli.”
“Yes. The most invaded planet in the galaxy. Our anthem is called Glory To Insert Name Here. I’m Gibbis, by the way.”
“You with the face, Howie, you said you were surprised to be back in reception.”
“The walls move. Everything changes,” Howie explained.
“You, clever one. What's he talking about?”
“The corridors twist and stretch. Rooms vanish and pop up somewhere else. It's like the hotel's alive,” Rita told him.
The Doctor walked over to the radio and turned the music off. “That's quite enough of that.”
“Yeah, and it's huge, with, like, no way out,” Howie said.
“Have you tried the front door?” Rory asked.
“No. In two days it never occurred to us to try the front door. Thank God you're here,” Rita deadpanned, causing Amy to laugh.
The Doctor soniced the doors before opening them. “They're not doors, they're walls. Walls that look like doors. Door-walls, if you like, or dwalls. Woors even, though you'd probably got it when you said they're not doors. I mean, the windows are…” He pulled back the curtain to reveal more bricks. “Right, big day if you're a fan of walls.”
“It's not just that. The rooms have…things in them,” Rita said.
“Things? Hello! What kind of things?” the Doctor asked, “Interesting things? I love things, ask anyone.”
“Bad dreams.”
“Well, that killed the mood. How did you get here?”
“I don't know. I'd just started my shift. I must have passed out, because suddenly I was here.”
“I was blogging. Next thing, this,” Howie said.
“Oh, I was at work. I'm in Town Planning. We're lining all the highways with trees so invading forces can march in the shade,” Gibbis explained, “Which is nice for them.”
“So, what have we got? People snatched from their lives and dropped into an endless, shifting maze that looks like a 1980s hotel with bad dreams in the bedrooms.” The Doctor took a Rubik’s cube from his pocket and tossed it. “Well, apart from anything else, that's just rude.”
They made their back down to the first floor landing.
“We'll pop back to the TARDIS, I'll do a planet-wide diagnostic sweep, and then we'll have a sing song,” the Doctor told them.
They stopped when they realized the TARDIS was gone.
“Where's the TARDIS? You parked it there, didn't you?” Amy asked.
“What's a TARDIS?” Howie asked.
“Our way out. And it's gone,” Rory said.
Elise opened her mouth to say something, but the Doctor hushed her again.
Suddenly, the radio started up again.
“Okay, this is bad. At the moment, I don't know how bad, but certainly we're three buses, a long walk and eight quid in a taxi from good,” the Doctor said pacing, “Are there any more of you?”
“Joe. But he's tied up right now,” Rita said.
“Doing what?”
“No, I mean he's tied up right now.”
Rita, Gibbs, and Howie led them to the restaurant.
The man in question, Joe, was tied to a chair. The room was filled with dummies that stopped laughing as soon as they entered the room. Their heads turned towards the group and Elise grabbed onto to Rory’s arm.
“It’s okay,” he told her.
The Doctor walked up to Joe. “Hello. I'm the Doctor.”
“We're going to die here.”
“Well, they certainly didn't mention that in the brochure. Is Joe there? Can I have a quick word?” The Doctor grabbed an empty chair and sat down in it at Joe’s table.
“Oh, it's still me, Doctor, but I've seen the light. I lived a blasphemous life, but he has forgiven my inconstancy, and soon he shall feast.”
“Well, you've been here two days. What's he waiting for?”
“We weren't ready. We were still raw.”
“But now you're what? Cooked?”
“If you like. Soon you will be, too. Be patient. First, find your room.”
“My room.”
“There's a room here for everyone, Doctor. Even you.”
“You said you'd seen the light now.”
“Nothing else matters anymore. Only him. It's like these things. I used to hate them. They make me laugh now.” Joe started laughing. “Gottle o' geer. Gottle o' geer!”
The dummies joined Joe in laughing.
“You should go. He'll be here soon,” Joe told him.
“I think you should come with me.” He grabbed a luggage trolley and used it to wheel Joe back to the reception area. “Why you four? That's what I don't understand. Aside from all the other things I don't understand,” the Doctor said. He turned off the radio again.
“What does it matter? Sooner or later, someone will come along and rescue us. Or enslave us,” Gibbis said.
Elise thought the alien was rather pathetic. Living your life in constant fear? No thanks, she’d already done that in her first few years of life.
“First, we find the TARDIS. Quick thing before we go. If you feel drawn to a particular room, do not go in, and make sure someone else can see you at all times,” the Doctor told them.
“Joe said, he will feast. Is there something here with us?” Rita asked.
Joe started laughing again.
“Something to add, Joe?” the Doctor asked him.
“Here comes a candle to light you to bed. Here comes a chopper to chop off your head. Chop, chop, chop, chop.”
“Can we do something about him?” Howie asked.
Soon, they were wandering around the hotel.
Gibbis was wheeling Joe, who had his mouth taped shut. “Personally, I think you've got the right idea. Times like this, I think of my old school motto. Resistance Is Exhausting,” Gibbis said.
A man in his underwear with a whistle around his neck stepped out of room 158.
“Hello,” the Doctor said.
“Have you forgotten your PE kit again? Right, that's it, you're doing it in your pants!” the teacher yelled and then went back inside the room.
Behind them, Howie was staring at a door.
“Hey! Don't!” the Doctor yelled, but it was too late.
Howie opened the door to reveal several girls.
“Oh, look, girls, it's H-H-H-Howie!” the blonde said.
“What's loser in K-K-K-Klingon?” a brunette asked.
“Shut the-the-the d-d-d-the door!” Howie stuttered.
The Doctor closed the door as Howie looked embarrassed.
“This is just some m-m-messed up CIA stuff. I'm…I'm…I'm telling you.”
The Doctor put an arm around his shoulder. “You're right. Keep telling yourself that. It's a CIA thing, nothing more.” They ventured up the staircase to the next floor.
Amy knelt down and picked up a couple of pieces of paper. “Look.”
There was a loud roaring noise.
“Okay, whatever that is, it's not real, yeah?” Amy asked.
“No. No, I'm sure it isn't, but just in case, let's run away and hide anyway. In here,” the Doctor said.
Gibbis, Amy, Elise, Howie and the Doctor ducked into one of the rooms.
“Where’s Rory?” Elise asked.
The Doctor ran out of the room. “Rory, come on!”
“There was a…”
“Come on!”
Elise turned around and gasped.
There were Weeping Angels.
Elise backed away from them, not blinking, until she bumped into her father. Their last encounter had been less than pleasant. At least River at had been there.
“Don't blink,” Amy said.
“What?” Howie asked.
The lights flickered and the angels moved closer.
Elise whimpered. The Doctor could feel her shaking as she tried to press herself closer to him.
“Amy, get back!” the Doctor said, grabbing them.
The lights kept flickering, but the angels didn’t move.
“Why haven't they got us yet?” the Doctor asked. He stepped out behind Elise and walked towards them. He reached out, but his hand went through the angel.
“Amy, Elise, they're not real,” he said.
“What?” Amy asked.
“They should have got us by now. Amy, look at me. Focus on me. It's your bad dream, that's all.”
“I don't even think they're for us,” Rory said.
They all looked and saw Gibbis hiding in the wardrobe as something stomped slowly down the hallway.
The Doctor walked towards the door.
“Doctor, what are you doing?” Amy asked.
“I'm sorry, I just have to see what it is. I just have to see.” He looked through the peep hole. “Oh, look at you. Oh, you are beautiful. Oh, dear. I think it's going after Joe.” The Doctor opened the door and went out into the hallway. “Leave him alone!” He took off running.
Elise started to go after him, but Rory grabbed her. “I have to help him!” she told him.
“We can’t afford to get separated in this place.”
“The Doctor will be fine. Just like he always is.”
Rory and older Amy’s words echoed in her head.
The Doctor and his ever faithful daughter.
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The Wedding
Part Three (The reception)
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Prompt: 17 and 18
“God you are acting more dramatic than Rog in the man on fire video.”
“Calm down! We are getting married today!”
“Shit! You aren’t supposed to see me! You doomed us!”
The Reception
You and Ben decided to stay in the room you got ready in for a few minutes before joining your friends and family back outside. You both just wanted some piece and quiet for a minute.
"I can't believe I can finally call you my wife." Ben was glowing with love and pride. You were sat on the couch while he was in the bathroom, looking at you through the mirror as he reapplied his aftershave.
"I prefer Mrs. Jones over just wife. Gives it more meaning. Gives me your name." you said smiling. He started to walk over to you and he leaned down and kissed you. He plopped down on the couch next to you and cupped your face with his hands.
"God, you are just so beautiful." he said before he kissed you again.
"Sorry, Mrs. JONES you are so beautiful." he pulled away smiling.
"We should probably go and say hi to our guests. Hear the speeches. You know all the fun jazz. Get piss drunk." you giggled. He stood up and held his hand out for you to grab.
"Shall we then?" he smiled.
"Then, we shall." you spoke dramatically.
You started out towards the door. He laced your hand in his as you opened the door and headed downstairs. Everyone was outside and it looked like Joe and Jonathan were doing some weird dance routine. You opened the door and everyone started clapping.
You walked over to your table next to your bridesmaids and his groomsmen. You sat down in the middle next to him. Joe picked up the microphone.
"So, Mr. and Mrs. Jones Hardy everyone!" everyone started clapping again. Jonathan also grabbed a microphone and you knew this was about to embarrass both of you.
"So as you all know, Ben has been my best friend since we were in 2nd grade. So now that he is finally here, looking at Y/N, I am here to say I have been preparing this speech since 2nd grade and Joe is going to help me." Jonathan started.
"GOOD GOD PLEASE DON'T." Ben shouted at him.
"Too late mate, I'm doing it." Jonathan spoke.
"So in second grade, it was the second week of school, I had just moved and was new, Ben decided to come up to me and I thought, GOOD A FRIEND TO MAKE, but no. He slapped me. He grabbed my pencil and walked away. And I just stood there with my mouth open in shock. What I'm trying to say Y/N, is when he met you, he didn't slap you or steal your pencil so BEN WHAT THE FUCK?" Jonathan looked at you and at Ben.
"Anyway after day we became friends because I figured keep friends close and enemies closer but I actually fell for him, in the friend way. You, Y/N, I remember him telling me you literally fell for him. Off a 3 step ladder. Luckily he was there you catch you. But when I jumped off a house and broke my leg, he just laughed." He continued.
"I also remember in high school Ben could've gotten any girl he wanted. But he never did. He said 'I want to wait for a girl who truly falls for me. Not one who has some little crush.' Well you really did. Hard. I heard you twisted your ankle. Did it hurt? When you fell into his arms? I wouldn't know, Ben never caught me."
"Okay fine. He caught... Up to me when we would race around the block. I remember the day he met you Y/N. He spoke about how funny it was when you fell but he said you had the most beautiful eyes. Then when he walked into your work just to see if he could catch you again. He asked your number and then immediately called me. He took you to dinner and told me 'That was the worst first date I've ever been on. She probably hates me. But I really like her.' Then you called him, asked him when the next day he was free was. I saw him go from sad and fearful to the happiest he'd ever been. Up until that point of course. I think seeing him cry like a baby today beats that."
"I thought he was crying because he knew that he had blown it with me." Joe chimed in.
"ANYWAY. Y/N What we are saying is if you would like to return him. You are gonna need a receipt, and I dont think the marriage license counts, so instead I printed a picture of his texts to me about when he stalked you at your job." He grabbed a picture off the table next to him and sat it down in front of you. You read it, laughed, and thanked him. Now it was Joe's turn.
"Okay, I haven't known Ben nearly as long as he has or even as long as Y/N. But I do know that He loves her. I know that he loves me, gwyl, and Rami more. But he does love her, Despite how it may seem in the media. I remember it was one of our first weeks on set and Y/N came to see us. We were all gathered, the cast, Y/N, and Queen. And I remember we did karaoke and he sang Faithfully by Journey to her. So, because I'm an actor, I'm going to recreate the faces I made that night." Joe started making faces at Y/N. They were mostly disgusted faces and also him sticking his tongue at Y/N.
"Then I sang him Purple Rain by Prince and somehow I won his affections for a few minutes, but Ben, Since you decided my love isn't enough for you anymore, I brought a date with me tonight."
"No. Joe... Please don't pull out-" Ben started. Joe pulled out Cardboard Ben from behind the stage.
"CARDBOARD BEN. AND YES HE CAN DIP ME BETTER THAN YOU CAN. GOODNIGHT!" Joe screamed as he grabbed onto cardboard Ben harder and went to sit down
Lucy, your sister, and your best friend got up.
"please no." you whispered.
"So instead of a speech we prepared a song." Your sister started.
"A song, that defines the essence of their relationship." your best friend said next.
"And her favorite song as well." Lucy said.
"NO!" you shouted.
"YES." Ben shouted.
The music started and it was too late. All three of them walked up to Ben as started singing Wannabe by the Spice Girls.
After they were done. You both stood up, and made your way towards the cake.
"Ben, I swear I will let you shove the cake in my face on video once we get home, but I have makeup on right now and I swear on everything you better not." you told him seriously.
"You should do it, man." Roger came up and patted him on the back.
"He will get you both killed. Try me." you said looking Roger in the eye.
"Okay, but you have to promise that there will be a video." Ben spoke up.
"I promise." you both cut the cake and fed eachother each a piece. You started to make your way to the dance floor.
"Any requests?" Roger said next to Brian and Adam Lambert.
"You guys are guests you don't have to play." you told them.
"Nonsense. We wanna play your first dance song. We will join the party after that one." Brian smiled.
"Well then, Faithfully by Journey. You know our song." Ben said.
The rock stars made their way up to the stage when a curtain fell and revealed a drum kit, gitaur, and mic stand. Everyone started to cheer and they started the song.
You pulled Ben close and started to slow dance as he sang the lyrics in your ear. You could have stayed in this moment for forever. This was your favorite part besides the I do's. Because even though there were so many people watching you, it was just you and him. You were both so caught up in the moment of just the two of you, that the building could have burned down next to you and you wouldn't have noticed or cared. You were just focused on eachother. All that mattered was you and him in that moment.
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puddygeeks · 5 years
Another month, another favourites post! Is it me or is this year just flying past already! I keep getting lost about which month we’re on. I’ll take that as a positive, as they say time flies when you’re having fun. So let’s get into what I’ve enjoyed this month!
Urban Decay Naked Cherry Palette
It’s hardly a surprise to me that I’m impressed with this as a long term fan of Urban Decay palettes. I knew from the moment I saw it announced on their Instagram page that I wanted this desperately. It was a pretty big deal for me to buy a new palette, as let’s be honest they’re not particularly cheap and I’ve been more onto Makeup Revolutions palettes for £8 for the last few years. I decided that since I hadn’t bought myself a luxury palette in ten years and I hadn’t been able to source the one I wanted whilst in the States as planned, it was about time to invest in another. As per usual, the pigment in this is fantastic and the colour selection is charming. It helps that the colours perfectly fit my aesthetic, and they’ve allowed me to recreate many of the looks that I’ve had saved on my Pinterest for years but not had the right colours for. This palette gets a massive thumbs up from me and I have to be honest, I’m in love.
TRESemmé Colour Revitalise Colour Fade Protection Shampoo & Conditioner
I’ve been a long term user of Kallos products from Notino, especially because of the size bottles that you can get for very reasonable prices. However this time I decided to try something I could just pick up quick and easy from boots, and these huge bottles of Tresemme were half price. I’d had a little test of them as Hollie bought them first and I was pretty impressed. I recently recoloured my hair, and so it’s important for me to keep that colour looking fresh for as long as possible. After using these for the month, I must admit I’m very happy with the condition of my hair. It’s smooth and silky, easy to style and nowhere near as knotty. My colour is also still looking fabulous and at least to me, it doesn’t look like it’s faded at all. If you’d like to give it a go, it’s still only £3 a bottle at Boots which is a total bargain!
So…? Bali Breeze body mist
I originally bought a mini bottle of this in the travel minis section of Boots before my trip to Florida. I wanted something summery and fresh that I could keep in my park bag. I didn’t end up using it as I was gifted a cute little Ted Baker set for my birthday, and so ended up taking that instead. Recently, I decided to change up my daily fragrance and found this hanging out in one of my drawers and I am obsessed. As far as I remember, when I bought it, it was only £1 for a 50ml bottle, which will last me a while. To me at least, it smells like holidays and the beach, and gives me a little smile every morning when I spray it on. In my opinion, it’s well worth a pound for your own holiday feeling every morning. And much cheaper than the Orangasm by Soap and Glory that was my previous summer scent.
Schwarzkopf LIVE Colour Ultra Brights – 094 Purple Punk
If you any of you remember my multicoloured barnett from just before Florida, you’ll probably be quite surprised to see that I’ve gone back to dying my hair at home. To be perfectly honest, it was my absolute favourite hair colour that I’ve ever had, but at a pricy £115 it’s just not within my budget at the moment. I probably will continue going to the salon for a bleach now and then, as from previous attempts I’m not crazy enough to do that at home any more. For now though, I’ll stick to Live XL for my colour and try out a few different looks! This time I’ve gone with Purple Punk, as I wanted to return to my original Cadbury’s purple shade and I love it. It’s so vibrant, it’s stayed fantastically bright and left my hair still in lovely condition. When I bought it, it was reduced to £4.50 in both Asda and Boots, and although I used two bottles, I feel like £9 is much more my speed than £115.
Beanies Coffee
As part of living within a tighter budget, I’ve been trying my best to cut down on my excessive Costa purchases. That doesn’t mean to say that I’ve miraculously stopped living off coffee though! As a compromise, I’ve been trying some of the Beanies coffee flavours. So far I’ve got Chocolate Orange, Coconut and Gingerbread in my drawer at work for emergency use. You can find these occassionally in Aldi on special buy for a bargain price! Otherwise there’s just about every flavour available on Ebay.
Yorkshire Tea: Breakfast Brew
As you’ll remember in my December favourites, I started experimenting with some of the Yorkshire Tea flavours after seeing Brogan Tate rave about the Biscuit Brew, which I quickly became hooked on. Occassionally Sainsburys runs a half price offer on flavoured Yorkshire Tea’s, and so I also picked up the Breakfast Brew. This is basically just very strong tea, which is exactly what I need when I’m leaving the house at 7:15am for work. This is yet another step in slowing down my Costa abuse.
Movies and TV
Okay so I started this back in December, but I took a long break before coming back to finish the last two episodes at the beginning of this month as I was working like a crazy person. I am so glad that I found the time to finish this. I know pretty much everyone is talking about this show, so I wont waste too much time repeating everyone. I really enjoyed this show, it was so unique and gave a perspective that I had never seen before. Hearing Joe’s reasoning for his actions was absolutely fascinating and Penn Badgley did an incredible job of playing the character. Joe scared life out of me, but I’m thankful to him for introducing me to Penn because god is he lovely haha!
Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
I know that all of the Ted Bundy content is a hot topic at the moment so I don’t want to get into it. I will however say that I absolutely live for True Crime documentaries so I was always going to watch this, whether it had blown up on social or not. I found this such a fascinating show, and Bundy’s story was almost unbelievable. Although I knew his name, I didn’t know much about the case beforehand and it was so unpredictable that it kept me hooked. I especially liked that it was only 4 episodes as it didn’t feel like a huge commitment to watch.
I don’t want to discuss this too much as we’re only about 4 episodes into this, and I definitely would appreciate no spoilers please! We put this on randomly last weekend in desperation of finding something to watch together and were immediately hooked. Again this show has such an original concept, and is tense to watch. The strange thing with this show is that I don’t feel like I really like it, but I’m definitely hooked and feel like I need to know what happens next. More on this when we finish it!
Big Mouth
Again I’m still in the process of watching this, I’m about half way through season two and am aware they just released a third season, so would appreciate no spoilers please! I love this show, it definitely feels like one of those guilty pleasures. It’s cringy as hell and sometimes really weird (ie pillow babies?), but mostly I feel like it hits the nail on the head for all the weirdness of puberty. If I’m really honest, the main reason I love this show is for the hormone monstress and the goddess that is her voice actor Maya Rudolph. My only criticism of this show is that I feel like it focuses a little too much on the boys, and although it’s very funny, I’d a love little less dick jokes and a lot more Maya being a queen. Now, if you need me I’ll be in the bubble bath….
I’ve been lucky enough this month to join a family spotify membership, and so I’d definitely say my music collection has gotten much more varied than just the same limited music I have on my very old iPod! These are the tracks I’ve most been enjoying this month:
That’s My Girl – Fifth Harmony
Him & I – G-Eazy & Halsey
Let You Down – Perception
IDOL – BTS, Nicki Minaj
Back & Forth (Acoustic) – Becky Hill
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) – Natalie Cole (this one is a bit random but I’m just loving it recently!)
And that’s a wrap for February! As always, I hope this post has given you some inspiration on things to try for the next month.
What have your favourites been for February?
Kit xx
February Favourites Another month, another favourites post! Is it me or is this year just flying past already! I keep getting lost about which month we're on.
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itsworn · 6 years
Miss Golden Shifter, Linda Vaughn, Highlights the Second Annual Carlisle Hurst Nationals
Car and Driver magazine once referred to her as Racing’s Earth Mother, back when the Aquarian philosophy impacted pop culture. For many male race fans, she was the ultimate trophy girl. To the sponsors and sanctioning bodies, she remains a valuable spokesperson. For the attendees at the Second Annual Hurst Nationals, Linda Vaughn’s popularity stood the test of time as she again took to the rear platform of a Hurst-themed car featuring a huge Hurst shifter display.
The 2018 event, held on the same weekend as the Carlisle Chrysler Nationals, goes into the books as one of the most interesting in Carlisle Productions’ history. The annual Chrysler show is one of the largest in the world; more than 2,700 vehicles were in attendance this summer, with tens of thousands of attendees during the three beautiful days of Mopar celebrations. However, the event managers all admitted that nobody before at any Carlisle event had garnered the attention Linda did on her parade lap.
Last year, the Carlisle crew and Performance West Group manager Larry Weiner took the plunge to cohost a special event for enthusiasts of the legendary shifter manufacturer. Weiner is responsible for late-model vehicle conversions to Hurst-themed packages and a longtime manager for the Mr. Norm Krause franchise under the Grand Spaulding Sport logo; he knows the Hurst mystique well. Ms. Vaughn is best known as the brand’s timeless spokeswoman. She and her original Hurstettes were a fixture at many events in their heyday. However, health issues kept her from making an appearance at the inaugural event. This year she headlined a list of celebrities that included Bob Riggle of Hemi Under Glass fame, Hurst employees like Howard Marsales and Don Glover, and others.
It was 50 years ago, in 1968, that the Hurst brand seriously branched out to do vehicle conversions. While some of this was related to taxicabs and vans, best known to muscle car fans are the first 455-inch Hurst/Olds packages and the notorious A-Body Hemi Darts and Barracudas. With the Chrysler event close by, those cars were a focus, and a number of them were inside on display in the Carlisle Expo Center, which is located only a block from the formal fairgrounds show location.
Thursday kicked off the event with a huge cruise-in and barbeque in the outdoor parking lot. On Friday a non-stop gathering of people trekked through the cavernous hall to see the cars, meet noteworthy former Hurst engineers and employees, and pore through albums of rare photos, old blueprints, and glass cabinets full of prototype parts and rare promotional items. Meanwhile, several seminars were given by experts on both Friday and Saturday, the two days the event is formally held.
But the big moment was on Saturday just before lunch, when a vibrant Linda, again dressed as Miss Hurst Golden Shifter, climbed upon the platform on the original Hurst/Olds convertible pace car from the 1972 Indy 500. Owner Joe Spagnoli then drove her slowly through the fairgrounds to a planned luncheon. This had not been announced until moments beforehand. Thousands of fans poured out from the show fields to see The First Lady of Motorsports recreate history. Always gracious, Linda was thronged by people for the entire route, and had massive lines for her autograph as well.
As part of the celebration of Hurst’s heritage this year, the featured cars were the Darts and Barracudas that were built under contract 50 years ago, in 1968, for NHRA Super Stock racing. There were 10 of the original cars on display in the Carlisle Expo Center, plus others at the associated Carlisle Chrysler Nationals.
The return of Miss Hurst Golden Shifter, Linda Vaughn, was highlighted by this parade lap within the Carlisle Fairgrounds, where she was followed by a huge crowd. The car is the original pace car for the 1972 Indy 500, and the original platform was given as a gift to car owner Joe Spagnoli by the late Jack Watson.
Of course, the Hemi Mopars were not the only thing Hurst did. The 1969 SC/Rambler package came in this colorful scheme as well as a more vanilla version (seen behind) and helped establish the reputation of the AMC product line thanks to colorful period advertising and a good street reputation.
This 1968 Hurst/Olds Cutlass was from the first of the H/O programs. Engineers had originally designed an operable spoiler that would have gone on the rear edge and lifted from the surface under acceleration. The images of that prototype were among the photo albums on display. This example, owned by Glen Katterson, is number 45 of the 515-unit run produced that first year.
Howard Marsales served as the Hurst “shifty doctor” at many events during the 1970s, but he was also employed by Hurst as a fabricator when the Hurst Hemi cars were constructed in 1968. He is seen here with Clayton Wright’s “Slo-Motion” Barracuda, whose last national event pass down the track was in 1987.
Bob Riggle of Hemi Under Glass fame was reunited with the “infamy” car, the 1968 Barracuda that put him and Jay Leno on their heads during a TV show taping at Irwindale. Now repaired, the car was sold by owner Bill Sefton to prolific collector Joe Spagnoli before the weekend concluded. We’re not sure if Riggle will be giving him flying lessons.
This 2017 Mustang owned by Andy Jacko was among the cars modified in more recent years by Performance West Group under approval from Hurst. We do not know the extent of the modifications from stock beyond paints and spoilers, but would imagine horsepower is not an issue for this ponycar.
How cool is this? It’s a 22,000-mile unrestored Rebel Machine from 1970 done in Bayshore Blue with the 340ci engine, four-speed, E60-15 tires, dual-speaker AM/FM radio, and more. List was $4,136.15 discounted to $2,700 in December 1970. It is owned by Darrin and Nash Boeckel.
Bruce Smith owns this 1973 model Hurst/Olds. Built in the first year of the Colonnade design, it has some interesting options, foremost the rotating front bucket seats. Indeed, if the Firebird was carrying on the ponycar legacy, the Hurst/Olds was doing likewise for the luxury performance market.
The optional bucket seats in the 1973 model rotated a full 90 degrees.
The following year, the model again was selected to pace the Indy 500. This example received the W-30 455ci engine, pace car lettering, and Indy Firehawk raised-white-letter tires. Jack Hooks owns it today.
The 48 Dodge Darts built by Mr. Norm for 1968 are rare today, possibly due to the attrition from foolish ownership. Hurst created these Mr. Norm–exclusive cars under contract, and later Grand Spaulding sales manager Al Smith submitted a list of owner’s names to NHRA for legality. Larry Weiner believes Norm ordered all of them, with a selection of colors and options, in one fell swoop, allowing customers to take immediate delivery. This example is owned by Rick Simpson of Canada.
Collector Glen Kattering had this prototype of the stillborn 1977 Hurst/Olds program on display. Beautiful with many one-off components, it would have used the 403ci engine. Olds built only six examples of that.
For its 15th anniversary, there was a special release of the 1983 Hurst/Olds, which had taken on a far more formal appearance than its 1968 elder. This unrestored example, one of 3,001 built, shows 6,900 miles and is owned by Ed and Sharon Pienta.
Seen through the open hood of a 1970 model Hurst-Chrysler 300H is another one of the late-models modified by Performance West Group under the GSS name. The original car is powered by a 440 TNT engine and owned by Rikk Morris. The 2017 model is a limited-edition conversion done by PWG’s Grand Spaulding Sport and is available on any 2008-2018 model.
This car was raced back in the 1970s by the Carpinet brothers, who still own it. It was one of many that were resold through the Sox & Martin racing team after the 1968 season. Buddy Martin took these cars in on trade or simply to resell. Though not stock mechanically, it is a beautiful survivor from the second generation of changes to the Super Stock rules.
This was the 1988 20th Anniversary package. Only four actual H/O cars were built, but several dozen kits were sold to upgrade the Cutlass model. Those installed on a pre-1988 model were considered Aero Coupe conversions, not 20th Anniversary cars. This 1986 example, owned by Rick and Sharon Tice, was number 57 of the fewer than 100 kits believed sold.
The 1969 model year saw the debut of the H/O’s white/gold paint scheme as well as the hoodscoop design that would lead to the forward-edge production fiberglass versions for 1970. This matched-numbers car with A/C and cruise control is owned by Carl Sherwood and is one of 912 built that year.
Among the items on display was this shadow box showing the E-Body prototype handles for the Hurst Pistol Grip shifter.
T-tops were part of this 1976 edition Hurst/Olds, owned by Rick and Sharon Tice. This was a factory test mule for several years, but production challenges led Olds to cancel plan for these cars before they went into production. The car was discovered in 2004 after being missing since the late 1970s.
This 1979 version has been appreciated since new, showing only 1,965 total miles since delivery. Rick Clark is the owner of this black-on-black combination.
It is very rare to see one 1968 documented authentic Mr. Norm 440ci Dart; two were here this weekend. Bill Sefton owns the one in front. There are only 14 of these cars presently known to exist.
Mark Janacky (shown) and Dell Jones maintain an extensive collection of 1968 Hemi Dart and Barracuda research materials and shared info with interested people on Saturday morning.
Seen outside in the show field were more cars, including this 1979 version owned by Eugene Miller.
One more look at the 1972 convertible of Joe Spagnoli, whose giant shifter needed to be disassembled to move in and out of the building.
Got Chrysler? Oh, Yeah! Oh, that Chrysler deal? Here are a few images from the 2018 Chrysler Nationals, with a record 2,749 cars in attendance and tens of thousands of spectators.
This view represents about a third of the fairgrounds the show was held on. The event covers Mopars of every era.
Old and new thoroughbreds meet when Bill Woesnner’s 1970 Charger RT/SE and a new 2019 Hellcat Charger owned by Dodge posed in an open area on Thursday.
In addition to tributes to the Road Runner and Super Bee, there was this great display for the 50th anniversary of the 340 engine, which also arrived for the 1968 model year.
This vendor had the eye candy with this display of mainly boxed OE components.
Saturday night’s Hall of Fame banquet is a favorite tradition, as many of the people who made Chrysler’s history are on hand. Hosted by Mopar Collectors Guide, the event had a number of slide presentations. Ron McDaniel was accepting Hall of Fame honors for his late father, Bob.
The post Miss Golden Shifter, Linda Vaughn, Highlights the Second Annual Carlisle Hurst Nationals appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/miss-golden-shifter-linda-vaughn-highlights-second-annual-carlisle-hurst-nationals/ via IFTTT
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