#the « Mickey police » showed up and everything
l-just-want-to-see · 3 months
I think everyone should watch the clip of doc explaining how one time he was hanging out w mindcrack guys at a Disneyland bar and some guys started calling the barman the n slur and then Bdubs the f slur so doc “German suplexed them through the freaking table”
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too-antigonish · 13 days
They come at you through what you love...Pt. 2
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Last Thursday Thursday I wrote about how “They come at you through what you love,” and the three times that phrase is used in Endeavour—starting back in S1...
*long post*
I talked a little bit about Morse and @astridcontramundam, @thewatcher98, and @fanficrocks had some great insights about about how Morse never seems to see himself as included within anyone's circle of love.
I don’t think though, that I was very clear about the last point I tried to make. I said:
“every once and a while it strikes me again that so much of this show is about a very simple premise: It explores the idea that love and connection are what make you most vulnerable to the evils of this world. At the same time, they are also the things that make life worth living and that give us strength.  So how do you live that terrible paradox—with both of these things being true at the same time?  And how do you respond when your love is used against you?”
The person I was actually thinking about most there was not Morse, but Thursday.
This is a man who at his core is a guardian. His primary mission in life is to take care of the people he’s supposed to take care of. He wants to love and protect. Especially these people...
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But from the very beginning, his love is weaponized against him. His relationship with Mickey Carter and his desire to protect his family are used initially to drive him out of London.
Oxford is hardly more safe. Everyone seems to realize that threatening Thursday himself is pointless. You have to get at him through what he loves. And so they threaten his family and they threaten Morse.
And then they secure further leverage via his loan to Charlie which places both his job and his marriage--the very foundations of his identity--at risk.
What makes it all the more difficult for him is that he is constantly navigating between worlds--often opposing worlds.
He grew up as an East End barrow boy with an alcoholic father. He was raised to watch out for his own.  Now he’s a fairly well-off suburban father in academic Oxford with a job that in some sense makes him responsible for the entire community.
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He was raised with violence, and by all accounts was involved in brutal campaigns and resistance work in WWII.  Fists were an accepted part of the game when he started policing. It’s not his first resort, but it’s a tool he uses.
Now Morse is trying to pull him away from that. Morse says he’s better than that--but he’s genuinely torn. What happens if the bad guy gets away with it because they didn’t have the nerve to “do what had to be done?”
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One of the most poignant examples to me is when Charlie asks for the loan. While Win and Fred’s marriage looks dated to contemporary eyes, it’s notable for the time to see them making decisions mutually as a couple and to see them being fairly open in talking to one another.
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But when Charlie asks for the money, there’s a sense that Fred’s immediately back in the world where he grew up—a world where consulting your wife about anything is akin to asking her “permission.”  It's also a world where saying no and refusing generosity to your brother would make you seem less of a man.
So which rules does he follow? The ones he and Win currently live with or the ones he and Charlie grew up with? Well, unfortunately, we know the answer.
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S9 is I think the hardest example. So much of it is centered around the question of who Thursday is supposed to be taking care of—the victims of crime and the people of Oxford that he’s sworn to protect as a policeman? His immediate family—Win, Sam, Joan—and now Jim? His extended family—Charlie and the rest? His...whatever Morse is?
The bad guys are using everything he cares about to manipulate him and the cruelest twist of all is that he must seemingly choose one of his worlds to save and sacrifice the others. Which will he put first?
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And then suddenly, he's not given anymore time to decide...
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
okay so i made a post (here) kind of about this a while ago, but here’s a full analysis on ian and mickey’s relationship and their struggles with abandonment and commitment issues:
as the seasons went on, one of the things made most clear about mickey milkovich, was his love language, acts of service. the way that mickey views love is that loving somebody is doing grand gestures to keep them with you. throughout the entire show, this is made clear, for example: robbing a man’s house for ian then kissing him (overcoming a huge fear of his), getting terry off of ian so that he would get more hurt than ian would, kissing ian in public, coming out for ian and getting the living shit beat out of him, (almost) murdering ian’s half-sister for calling the military police on him, snitching on a huge cartel and getting himself thrown back in prison for ian, attempting to escape prison again for ian, and eventually, faking marrying ian’s sister so that he could marry ian.
however, ian isn’t the same as mickey in that way. does ian love mickey? fuck yeah. but is ian as willing to do as much crazy shit in the name of love as mickey is? not really. it’s not that ian doesn’t love mickey or doesn’t risk a ton for mickey, because he does, he just loves mickey in a different way.
so, since mickey views love as doing grand gestures that could possibly risk everything in your life, he has a hard time understanding that people can love people in different ways that don’t involve a lot of danger. so when ian doesn’t go to mexico and doesn’t sign the marriage license, mickey feels as if ian doesn’t love him. his thought process is kind of just like i’ve done so much for ian, i’ve done everything to keep us together, but he still can’t commit, and that hurts mickey! it’s so obvious that he feels that way in 10x08 when ian says, “i wanna know how you feel!” and mickey just looks beyond pissed and hurt. and in the next episode, ian tries to explain himself, but mickey says, “no, you’re just saying that you don’t love me enough now”. to an extent, he understands that he and ian have different minds that work in very different ways, but he can’t grasp the thought of ian not signing those papers, because to him that’s a grand gesture, and a grand gesture = loving somebody.
but the reason that ian doesn’t sign the papers isn’t because he doesn’t love mickey, it’s because he’s afraid to commit. debbie tells him that he’s scared of commitment, and ian tells mickey himself that the reason he’s scared is because of his parents. and truly, it makes sense. from what we’ve seen of frank and monica, it’s been stated that they’ve been married many times; and ever since season 4 the show has made a point of showing ian’s fear of becoming his mother. and historically throughout shameless ian hasn’t had the best romantic history. he’s been with so many men that he tells a nurse that he doesn’t even know how many, we’ve seen him with men old enough to be his father- possibly even grandfather, and every single of age boyfriend (including mickey, sorry) has treated him like actual dog shit at one point. it makes sense that he’s afraid. he grew up seeing his parents fight with each other and leave each other (and their children) and then seeing his sister get into toxic relationships with men who, in ian’s words, weren’t very nice to her. his view on love is warped, and yes, he does love mickey, but loving mickey scares ian, and believe me, it scares mickey, too.
the real explanation to most of ian and mickey’s conflicts throughout the show is that ian has commitment issues and mickey has abandonment issues. they both grew up gay in abusive households on the south side, and loved each other regardless, but it was hard for them, and always will be hard.
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Rose Tyler x Sibling!reader - trying to keep you safe
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Hi! Can I request a Familial/Platonic Rose Tyler imagine where the Reader is her younger sibling, and she comforts them after Rose and the Doctor saves them from being taken by Aliens and assures them she won’t let anything happen to them, please? Love your work! - Anon💜
You knew Rose went away with the doctor quite a bit, you found it weird that was his name, and your mum and Mickey wouldn’t tell you much about him.
You wanted to join her but since you were just about to sit your GCSE’s you weren’t allowed to leave much to your sadness.
But Rose kept in contact and updated you on certain things.
Rose and your mum didn’t want you knowing anything about aliens, sometimes you talking with the doctor but he was also under strict orders not to tell you a single thing.
They thought by doing this they would be keeping you safe.
And they were.
At first.
Aliens coming to earth were always run off by the doctor, and these ones were prepared for that.
They wanted the doctor.
He had a companion he cared about deeply.
His companion had a sibling who walked to school in the morning.
So they took you.
One moment you were walking down the street, the next you were gone and trapped in some invisible box that you couldn’t get out of.
You screamed, hit it until your knuckles bled, cried, begged, but they paid you absolutely no mind, even as you sat with your head in buried in your knees out of pure terror.
The aliens stood in front of the screen proudly as they watched the face of the doctor appear on it.
“What do you want?” He snapped.
They grinned and stepped aside to show you.
“(Y/N)!” Rose yelled.
You snapped your head up, looking at the screen through teary eyes.
You couldn’t understand what the aliens were saying, you could only hear rose and the doctor demanding that you were let go unharmed.
“I promise if any harm comes to (Y/N) you will deal with all the fury of a timelord.” The doctor snarled.
“I promise we won’t let them hurt you (Y/N).” Rose said gently.
You sniffled and shook your head, burying it in your knees again.
The aliens said something to the doctor and cut the communication from him.
They carried on going about ignoring you, but they did keep a very close eye on you in case the doctor tried to break you free.
Except it wasn’t him they should have been looking out for, it was your big sister.
They managed to get aboard the ship, and Rose stormed into the main room where you were being held, and all weapons were pointed at her.
“You shouldn’t have touched them.” She sneered.
They said something.
“They’re my sibling!” Rose yelled.
She carried on arguing with them, and you watched the doctor creeping around the place, hitting buttons and using a weird device on others.
Then he crept over to you, and he held out his hand and you looked at him in fear.
“Come on, quickly…”
You reached out and gave him your hand, letting him pull you up and you both ran over to your older sister, and you cowered behind them.
Rose hugged you tightly, and your clung to the doctors jacket, using him as some sort of shield.
“You made a big mistake, not only coming here, but threatening a human to get to me.”
The aliens chattered something back.
“You should’ve kept a closer eye on your weapons console.”
The doctor gripped your hand and Rose’s and he dragged you both after him as you ran away from the aliens now shooting at you.
He pushed you into the police box first, then rose, and then he followed.
You collapsed to your knees again, tears running down your face as you began to properly process everything.
“Oh (Y/N) im so sorry…”
Rose dropped next to you, holding you tightly.
“Im so sorry I never thought they’d come for you… I thought you were safe…” she whispered.
You cried into her.
“It’s okay.. im here.. we’re not going to let them hurt you…”
She looked up at the doctor and he walked over, crouching down on the other side of you.
“Im sorry (Y/N), it’s my fault they came after you.” He sighed.
You looked at him and he sighed.
He sat down and he wrapped his arms around his knees.
“I promise I’ll explain everything to you when you’re ready, okay?”
You nodded and clung to your older sister, and you looked up at her.
“I trust him.” She whispered.
You nodded your head, and you closed your eyes, trying to get past the horrors you saw not long ago.
Rose’s phone began to ring making you jump.
Rose looked at the doctor, and he sighed, holding his arms out, and Rose passed you over to the doctor and he held you tightly.
You froze a little, he had put your head on his chest and you could hear how strange his heart sounded.
“Do you like space…?” He asked gently.
You nodded a little bit.
“Do you want to see something?”
You shook your head and he nodded.
“Alright then, we’ll just sit here until Rose gets back.”
You nodded again, and he sighed a little bit.
He wasn’t used to teenagers, let alone teenagers who had been scared to death by aliens, and since he wasn’t sure what to do he just hugged you.
But the moment Rose came back you were back in her arms, and she looked to the doctor.
“Mums fuming, we’re both going to be getting an earful from her, and she wants (Y/N) back home now.”
“I think it’s well deserved, we did put them at risk.”
The doctor jumped up and Rose gently shushed you.
She had always wanted you to come travel with them, but seeing what had just happened, she didn’t know where would be safer for you now
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lyricailove · 4 months
The thing about Mickey being absent for three seasons is I start to imagine how things would play out if he'd been there.
The biggest is that Svetlana would've stayed at the Milkovich house because her husband was still around. This means we wouldn't have the throuple, which makes me sad because Svet, V, and Kev is one of my favorite storylines. However, with Terry out of the picture, perhaps Mickey and Svet would have gotten a divorce anyway. The throuple could still work. I have hope.
Like Mickey being there when Debbie gave birth. Would he have freaked out the way the other guys did? Probably, but it would have been funny to see.
Or Mickey being at Fiona's wedding and the aftermath with Frank on the bridge. Would he take part in that? Frank was already scared of Mickey, so it's not like he'd have been bold enough to challenge him on it when he came back.
Mickey being around when Ian was starting to pursue his EMT training and his first manic episode while on the job. Would he have seen the signs and told Ian to go to the clinic before the mania really set in?
What about season 8 after Monica passed? How would Ian's grieving process have changed if Mickey had been with him? I'm certain Gay Jesus wouldn't have been a thing. (Even if that arc had it's own iconic moments)
Or during season 9 while Fiona was having her breakdown. For one thing, if Gay Jesus never happened, Ian wouldn't be going to jail and I wonder how Mickey would react to seeing Fiona's downward spiral. He and Fiona weren't close but Mickey is good at reading people. Late show depicts him as dumb and unaware but I rebuke that characterization. Mickey spent his childhood with Terry, he knows a spiral when he sees one. Maybe this is wishful thinking on my part but I think he would have brought it up to Ian.
Here's one that's a fandom split. Would Mickey still see Yevgeny? This is just me, but I say yes. By the time Mickey, Svet, and Ian were living together in peace at the beginning of season 5, Mickey seemed bonded with Yev. He even greeted him fondly in season 6. Noted how big he was getting and everything. He also cuddled him affectionately at the police station. I think once Mickey is bonded with someone, he's caring towards them. This is really something I'd like to put in a more focused post, but I think Mickey would still be in Yev's life if he hadn't gone to prison.
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applesontheground · 10 months
thanks a lot, partner! 📞
i teased this awhile back, and as a resident mickey altieri enjoyer i once again come to you guys with an idea about him.
i feel a bit cheated his ghostface partner wasn’t a peer; it was mrs. loomis with her own separate agenda. not a bad plot point at all, just not my favorite per se.
so, i wanted to give him a real partner, and then make them get nasty. hope you guys like it. all i can say is that he’s my pick of the ghostface litter through and through, and i also want to practice writing more fleshed out smut...pun vaguely intended. let me know how i did. 🤗
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NSFW | Word Count: 3,522 | Mickey Altieri x GN Ghostface!Reader (no gendered pronouns used)
contains canon typical/mentions of murder & gore, injury/mentioned eye trauma, reader’s roommate is gn too, masochism, fluff, teasing, dirty talk, oral (m recieving), manhandling
🎼: x, x
There was no way this wasn’t going to get worse come the morning.
You had caught a glimpse of yourself unmasked in the window, left unlocked long before you had gone out that evening – and what you had just barreled through while the police hadn’t even gotten to the street where your latest party crashing had just come to a perfectly timed wrap.
Everything from the second you left to the second you returned to the dingy house that you were renting with two other students had been on the dot – but one thing that hadn’t been anticipated was the victim, well, fighting back. It had been caught in the reflection of the window at first, but now you were leaning into the dollar store mirror that had been lovingly stuck on the fridge. Sure enough, the beginnings of a red spot were forming under and around your eye socket, hot blood rushing to the surface from a decently timed elbow and turning a more stark shade of purple with every passing hour.
“Fuckin-!” You swatted the closest thing to you sitting on the counter, stress from the visible mark making panic set in along with the quiet throb that had drummed up along your cheekbone. The plastic spray bottle clattered across an otherwise bare surface, toppling over the haunting mask sitting on its edge, paling in comparison to the tiled countertop.
Your ear was pointed towards the door, anticipating that your roommate was still out for the night. When word of what you had done got out – what Ghostface had done – [he’d/she’d/they’d] be home in a heartbeat, confiding all that worry about a possible murder to you. You couldn’t blame [him/her/them], feeling like you’re standing idly by, practically waiting to be picked off, is terrifying. Isn’t it?
You turned away from the window, backside pressed into the edge of the counter as you took both the physical and the mental load off your mind for a second. It was as short as the deep breath passing through, staring at the ceiling through the good eye. A harsh scratch of one of the trees against the side of the house made you freeze, then leap to act from pure reflex. You dove for the mask and the cloak it sat with, throwing it under the sink behind the trash bags without a second thought.
For good measure, you even began stuffing more mundane bottles and cans around it in a haphazard fortress. No one cleans this dump unless the landlord shows up, anyways.
“You really gotta be a little sick to do it like that,” He spoke as he stepped through the back door, halfway through the conversation before it had started. Black gloves and the jagged ribs of a hunting knife are still in his hands. The cloak was under an arm, but somehow, he was being careful not to smear any dirt or blood on the terribly plain T-shirt he had worn underneath.
It had started as a study buddy situation, then it got so screwed up as you two started seeing each other outside of school, becoming partners in more ways than just a means to survive classes. From sophomore to senior year, you were ending the collegiate cord with the beginning of a whole new type of work. Carnage, dismemberment, and the drama of being picture perfect copycat killers. It was like touching a stove when you knew very well it would hurt you, and there was something so utterly frayed within both you and your partner that loved to feel it despite this knowledge.
Mickey Altieri looked at you just as eagerly as he had been admiring the path which he came from, but you had turned away before he could catch an eyeful of your face. Gathering the cleaner you had just slapped into oblivion, you spat, “So fucking nuts, I need to take a breather before you congratulate me, Mick-“
“Well, first of all, let’s run back the blueprint. I’m the one that’s primed to fly off the handle in this equation, [Y/N], so why are you going nuts?” He cornered you fast, making your swimming vision slow to a wade, peripherals noting his arms had come out to brace the counter. He had boxed you in, hip to hip with you in a brief shuffle. Nudging you to face him and seeing what had gotten you so worked up, his voice returned to something more casual – maddeningly casual considering the scene before him – and gasped, “Oh my god, look at baby’s shiner.”
“I fucked up, Mickey.” You hissed, hands anxiously gripping and releasing the counter behind you, “He got a fucking whack on me, I didn’t-“
“Excuse me, I thought we were going to take a breath. Can you manage that before anything else?” He pulled his gloves off, tucking them and the knife under his arm along with the cloak. His bare, clammy hands went instinctively for your neck, then smoothed along your collarbone when he saw it had snapped you to reality, settling on your shoulders as he repeated himself, “Relax. He’s already on the fast track to old news, [Y/N]. Who’s gonna know he got a hit in before being fucking slaughtered?”
You closed your eyes – closed one eye to mirror the swelling counterpart. Deep inhale through the nostrils, you whimpered with a pang of uncertainty, “No one.”
“There [he/she is / they are]. Nobody knows but you, and nobody knows but me. Just like the last two we strung out, right?” You looked hard into his eyes again, a realization you were one of the few people that knew precisely what urges and thoughts lay behind them settling in place of the spiraling. Sure, other people could see that Mickey was a bit squirrely underneath the façade he liked to play, a quick moving dude with the camera that was a little too smirky to not tip others off that he was hiding something in his hand.
Although, being the Woodsboro copycat was like an ace up the sleeve, and you? The royal suit that he was keeping in his back pocket. His Stu Macher, but he hated it when you made that comparison.
Mickey then nodded to the floor, eyes cast at your muddy shoes, “Very nice job, by the way. Perfectly severed the lungs from his chest. Didn’t have to do that, but we’ve got a lot of work to outshine. Huh, stud?” You felt a lump in your throat fighting to be swallowed as you merely choked, “Learned from the best.”
The chuckle from him was low and thoroughly pleased at that thought; chin tipped down to give you another good look over now that he had moved past the black eye, gauging what was happening in your head as his eyes trailed back to your face. When he couldn’t quite crack it, though, he caved through the motion of leaning in.
You took the kiss without a second thought all the same, the only sign you were torn being a crumpled brow. He then held your face in his hands, the light scent of hand soap and copper filling your nose as you tried to get some fresh air from the window that was still cracked.
“If it means anything, baby cakes, I still think you’re gorgeous.” He crooned in an almost overtly sweet tone, but you were overwhelmed by the corny nature and responded by blowing a raspberry in his face.
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First order of business, prepare the alibi.
Mickey hadn’t been seen at the parties that had been going on tonight (Well, he was seen, but not as Mickey), and neither had you. Maybe that person you had gutted caught a glimpse of a wrist from under the cloak in all the scuffle. Ashes to ashes, severed organs to severed organs. You had put even more cleaning supplies around your stash under the sink for good measure. Your mind was wading the water still, almost falling to something closer to TV static as your roommate spoke on the other end of the phone, ready to hear the hysterics.
“No, no. You’re still out by the campus? What rager’s going on…when it’s…” It was dawning on you as they kept giggling, and the commotion of some party game continued in the background.  Your jaw released, and you began staring at another warped reflection of yourself in the house, this time it had been through a shitty doorknob leading to the garage. All of it seemed to fall to a lull as you realized the news hadn’t even broken out yet, and you had enough wiggle room to keep the mood light.
You looked over at Mickey, who was washing up in the sink, listening along to your phone call. You piped up in reply, “No, it’s quiet out here tonight. Usually, the frat up the street puts on those loud ass parties, but I guess they’re too hungover from the last one.” You laughed, eyeing the chrome flash of the hunting knife coming out of the suds and steam. It was carefully dried with a paper towel and both articles slid into the depths of a pocket kept on the cloak he would wear. Two costumes make two blood trails. Two culprits, and twice the confusion trying to figure out where the masked murderer is. An old trick from the book of Woodsboro, sure – but damn, was it effective.
You took a deep breath and mentioned, “Oh yeah. Mickey’s been with me at the house for the last couple of hours. That’s cool that he’s staying over, right?” Looking at you from over his shoulder now, that fluffed up smile gracing his lips as he mockingly waited for the answer from the other line, you then laughed. “Cool, I assumed it was fine since you weren’t gonna be home until late, so-“
You were cut off, and then you gasped, “Shut up, why the hell do you think he’s here when you aren’t?” He now looked over his shoulder with sharp curiosity, running cold water over the warm pink suds to wash the remnants of what the two of you had done down the drain, out of sight and hard to catch with such a solid head start. You then huffed, “Alright, bye. I’ll remember to wear a condom.”
Hanging up the phone and trailing its cord back to where it sat on a side table in the living room, he quickly turned from the sink to follow close behind. “So, just to be clear, absolutely no truth to that little story?” You rose your eyebrows at the voice coming from over your shoulder, and you answered, “None. Gotta cover our tracks, cut all the ties that might drag us back down the block, but-“
You stopped yourself, feeling his hand start to slide over your hip in a lazy slither, tracing the seam of your jeans. You then ran the lie back in your head, barely able to catch up as he mocked you, “Ooh, why the hell do you think my lovely boyfriend's here when the nosy little roomies aren’t, huh?” Turning to look at him with a raised brow, he then hummed, “You know I’d still screw you with the black eye, right?” You couldn’t help the laugh that took from you despite your attitude growing horns, a hand coming up and clamping around his jaw.
Giving him a playful shake, you hummed, “Glad to hear it, but who says we’re screwing? I didn’t say anything like that on the phone.” He took your hand still around his face, making your grip go soft as he turned into your palm, pressing his lips to the inner pads of your fingers. “Aw, any way I can change your mind?” He asked, “Sure got you under my thumb with the whole…Woodsboro thing. Put me back in the game, coach. Bet I can do it again – better yet, I’ll do you one better.”
Leaning away, you groaned, “Oh, good god. For a killer, you sure like to lay it on thick.” Squinting at him with your good eye, he once again was in sync with your movement, leaning along with you and now peppering the softest but somehow still obnoxious kisses close to the bruise on your face. “Stop squirming already,” He teased, and when you couldn’t lean too much further, he cupped his hand around the back of your neck and went in for a much deeper kiss against your cheek, pulling you back towards him in the process. You naturally found his lips with your own, the dancing around them being too much to act so callous towards.
“Ooh, I bet it hurts.” He mocked you, but your jaw still fell open when he pressed his lips right underneath the bruise again, enjoying the annoyed groan it stirred and knowing it was confused, wanting to be hurt but unable to keep from melting back into a familiar, crawling ecstasy as he started to trail down to your neck, and you started to direct him towards the couch in the living room.
Nearly falling onto the furniture, you turned back towards him with the same blind urgency, hands quivering as they began running over his chest, and the fabric was as soft as it had looked. He gave one final glance towards the door, the heel of his shoe nudging his costume further under the couch, somewhere he would hide it when he stayed over after a rendezvous with your knives. Just like the deeds themselves, it was an intricate and intimate ritual at this point, something you found so much love in despite being so loathsome.
“Whoa, whoa-“ You tried to slow him, but he merely teased you back in a husky puff against your neck, “Whoa, whoa. Please, you’re all over this.” Grinning, you stuck your elbow up and into his chest, making him gasp against your throat but immediately take hold of your wrist. You immediately careened back first into the couch, and shoving the offending hand beside your ear, he shook his head at you, eyes growing cold but on the brink of something rabid. “Fuck, you’re quite the killer yourself tonight. Ghostface, the mood killer.” He gritted, and you only laughed as you finally fell limp under his hold.
Some fires had been stirred up, especially as he now guided your other arm over your head and secured both wrists together. It made it easy for him to free up, holding both in place as his other hand now went down your stomach and slipped under your shirt. It immediately got you groaning a little, his fingertips finding every pressure point and sweet spot and a familiar, worn warmth with his hands still wet from the cleanup job.
Between hand soap and remnants of the dirt – better yet, the blood – was making you press your hips against his, lining up while both of you still had clothes on. It did him in, and he had to let your hands go in certainty they’d fly to the hem of your shirt. He trusted you enough to manage that.
As you rolled the fabric over your head, throwing it behind you to drape over the phone you had just gotten off of, he was feeling all over your torso and chest like he hadn’t seen it before. Like it had been something he was holding out for after such a gruesome night. You whimpered into his ear, knowing the pathetic noises of someone just as capable as he was made him rabid. Sure enough, his movements suddenly grew rougher, nails being involved in his fondling.
“Calm down,” You demanded with a lack of backbone in your words, and he only responded by planting his mouth on your neck, nipping a few times before starting to add another mark to your itinerary. It shut you up; replacing your demands with shivering along your shoulders and breathy whines. He was giving it back, and when you couldn’t take it anymore as he released your neck, the splotch left on your skin glistening with saliva and as ribbed as the knife from teeth marks, you pushed him back and started pulling at his shirt, pushing it up.
“You gotta be a little sick to do it like this,” You murmured, both of you upright on the couch. You wasted no time slipping down his body, being sure to start pressing your own kisses against his skin as you got to his hips. He groaned, half because of the feelings that were spilling like the precum was starting to soak into the fabric of your shirt and half from hearing his own goddamn words slapping him in the face. You weren’t one to waste time unlike him, not necessarily here to ravish and enjoy the leadup to it – a murder, an orgasm, whatever it was – but rather get to what needed to happen, to live in the main event.
It was something you approached with nothing but anticipating confidence, starting from the shaft and licking up along the bottom of his cock. He almost whimpered, for once his hands not wandering too far from where they were settled with one on the back of the couch to keep upright and one on the back of your head. He wasn’t even guiding, rather serving as a marker to keep your mouth where he wanted it.
Mickey let you do the work, hands pressed into his thighs as you focused on doing it well. If it got messy, you’d deal with it afterwards. Spit was running down your jaw, and trickled down your neck as you only focused on the heat against your tongue, the prodding of your throat that was making him need to hold the back of the couch to stay steady.
“[Y/N], you keep it up and I’m gonna be done before we've even started.” He warned, half serious and half holding out to see how you’d respond. You merely groaned against him, a nonchalant sound as you kept going, tilting your head so he could see what you were doing a little better. It was already making you unbelievably hot underneath your clothes, and you were already so deep in the act.
You had to finish it, then figure out where to go after the fact. Just like you had with the guy who punched you while you tore him apart.
The fire suddenly roared alive and broke apart, spreading in all directions as soon as it had sparked. Once again, his hands became rigid as he stopped moving everywhere except in how he snapped his hips against your mouth, fluid in the motion. He almost wondered if he had even cum, because you were already taking care of it. Just like the shiner, you were handling things as they practically hit you in the face. In this case, the back of your twitching throat.
You pulled off of him, the last of it hitting you along the tip of your nose and bottom lip. You rolled your head up, and he chuckled at the sight. “Oh my god, can you knock it off?” He asked, catching his breath as you asked, “What do you mean?”
“Being a stand-up partner, you know what I mean. It’s like you fell from the sky just for me to deal with,” He lamented, but he was still grinning at you. Straightening your back, you glanced at the clock. Figuring you still had time, you didn’t rush to find your shirt quite yet, shifting a little closer to him so you could see the beginnings of him starting to sweat from the exertion. Even his hair was starting to look even more wild, but he cut your train of thought with finding his own shirt.
“How’s this for an alibi-” He hummed, using it to wipe the remnants of spit from your mouth, “I elbowed you in the face because your mouth was go god damn good, you’re so accident prone already.” He bared his teeth in an amused smile as you gasped, a silent motion as you then used your hand to help in cleaning yourself up. He then took your chin between two fingers, wagging your head and making your unfocused stare come back to Earth as he added, “Let’s even play it up, act all embarrassed about it. They’ll eat it up.”
“…For the partner who flies off the handle, you’re still good at thinking fast.” You croaked, both of you smiling at each other. He threw the shirt over the cloak peeking from underneath the couch. “Gotta be when you’re living up to some pretty sick shit.” He murmured, and as you pulled yourself to stand with your hands on his thighs, he was sure to take your shirt and hold you in a half crouch to get another kiss.
Sick, sick fuck, you thought as he hummed into your mouth, realizing he was tasting himself along with you. Better yet, he was relishing it.
I’m in love with a sick fuck.
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crazycoke-addict · 6 months
Christina Carpertner is gonna be a red herring.
Since we don't have that much information about Scream 7. We do know that it is possible that we will meet Sam and Tara's mother, Christina. Christina has been mentioned since Scream 5 and the more we get to hear about her. It's a question on how she going play out. Whenever I see fans talk about her, theories have gone around into believing that she is going be ghostface. However I don't think she is going to be a ghostface but rather a red herring.
My question for the fans that believe in this theory. You gotta ask yourself, what makes you so sure that Christina is gonna Scream 7 ghostface killer and what her motive would be? Every ghostface killer's motive tend to be mixture of revenge, fame and even love. Billy wants revenge on Sidney because she is reminder of the woman that destroyed his family. Mrs Loomis wants revenge on Sidney for the death of Billy. Roman wants revenge on Sidney for having everything that he never got to have, Jill's desire is to have fame and everything that Sidney got to have. Richie's love for the Stab movie and the hatred for the latest one. Detective Bailey, Ethan and Quinn want revenge on Sam for the death of Richie. However we don't know about the motive until they reveal themselves. You could say that Christina's motive is her vendetta towards Sam and she believes that Sam broke her family. But that's not a good motive. Which is why I don't believe she is going to be Scream 7 ghostface killer.
Red Herring has been a biggest part in murder mystery movies, it's a way to mislead the audience into believing that this character who doesn’t have a good reputation nor good relationship with other character is the killer. Scream is known for their red herring. However it's safe to say that the red herring will never be the killer but rather a parallel or even foreshadowing of the one or two killers. The character who have been red herring are Niel Prescott from Scream 1, Cotton Weary from Scream 2, John Milton from Scream 3, Trevor Sheldon from Scream 4 and Vince Schnieder from Scream (2022). While Niel Prescott isn't in the movie that much, he is however mentioned throughout the movie. Since the police can track him down and they find out the calls that Casey and Sidney are coming from his phone that we know Billy and Stu cloned, which ends growing suspicion since his motive would the anniversary of his wife's death triggered him.
Cotton already has a bad reputation due to him having an affair with a married woman but also in the first movie it was believe that he killed Maureen Prescott. When he is turned out to be innocent, Cotton appears to love the fame that he is even that his desire for it matches with Mickey's motive. However since he does have a complicated relationship with Sidney and she did put him in jail. This could be seen as him wanting revenge like how Mrs Loomis want revenge. In the end, Cotton becomes the hero of the story. John Milton has limited screentime in Scream 3, but as Gale, Dewey and Jennifer get more detailed about Maureen and her time in Hollywood. The path leads them to John Milton whom directed three movies that Maureen Starred in. John is a powerful man who abused his power by taking advantage on young inexperienced actresses like Maureen. Since he keeps making movies that capitalised the tragedy of Sidney, it shown he has an obsession towards her.
While we don't see Trevor until Jill is at school. He is mentioned a few times. Trevor's reputation that despite being in love with Jill, he still cheats on her and in one part where Jill reveals herself to be the killer, it sounds like Jenny wasn't the only girl whom Trevor cheated on Jill with. During the movie, Trevor is believe to play the role of Billy Loomis whom also had a complicated relationship with his girlfriend. In Scream (2022), Vince isn't in that long since he ends up being the first victim, but his screentime shows a lot about his character. Personally I think they should've extended this character. Vince's reputation is that he is the nephew of Stu Macher but also how he act towards Liv whom is high school student while he is an adult. This can be be seen as a foreshadowing that one of the ghostface killer isn't in high school but rather dating a high school student.
So, if we look into what we know about Christina Carpertner, she fits into the red herring trope. Let's start with the fact that Christina cheated on her boyfriend with somebody else whom was in relationship as well. When she got pregnant, she passed the baby off as her boyfriend's. Sam finds out about her real father through her mother's diary. The father hears this and he ends up leaving the family. Instead of talking to Sam about it and find away to fix this. She turns to alcohol and put the blame on Sam for tearing the family apart and even believe that she is the reason for what happened to Tara. Scream VI, Sam says that she was cut off by her mother while Tara cut her off in response. Her negative tone and how she is towards her daughters especially with Sam makes me believe that she is going to a red herring and may even be a plan for the killers to framed for the murders.
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callivich · 11 months
my dear, my brother is being an asshole, so i'm going around collectong any gallavich plus Gallagher sibling headcanons you got 💕💕💕 thank u in advance
Cam! I’m sorry you’re brother is being an asshole 😤 ok here are some sibling headcanons 💖
- I always headcanon Lip is a little jealous and he doesn’t know if he’s jealous of Ian and Mickey’s relationship in comparison to his and Tami’s? Or if it’s because it’s so clear that Mickey is Ian’s best friend now. He doesn’t dislike Mickey like he used to but he does get disappointed when brotherly hangout time turns into him third wheeling Ian and Mickey. I like to think Mickey notices this and subtly starts to say he’s bored or tired or whatever just so the brothers can hang out together. Lip is grateful to Mickey for this, even if Ian does still bring up Mickey all the damn time anyway.
- Fiona comes back to Chicago sometime post-s11 and she’s sorry she missed the wedding. She wants to make it up to them so she decides to cook them a meal at the Gallagher house. And she’s cooking but everything just keeps.going.wrong 😩 and she’s fucking fed up because she was supposed to be making them a nice meal and not some crap. Ian notices Fiona and Mickey are still kinda awkward around each other? So he offers Mickey’s help to Fiona. And Mickey is like 😠 because he wants to drink his beer not be Fiona’s assistant. But whatever, he’ll help out. And they end up laughing after awhile, maybe they bond a bit with some very very light teasing of Ian and Ian’s like ok, I get it, you two are BFFS now, where’s the food?
- Mickey’s sick of hearing Sandy bitch about Debbie. It’s obvious they both want to try again. They just need a little help. Ian is unsure on the one hand….awww they’re in love but on the other, he’s not sure he wants to deal with the fallout if they’re wrong and Debbie and Sandy get angry. Mickey’s like…nah, it’ll be fine. So Mickey invites Sandy out for a drink and Ian does the same with Debbie. But! When Debbie and Sandy show up, Ian and Mickey are nowhere to be seen. And….sparks fly!
- There’s a field trip Liam is supposed to go on but when Frank dies, it’s all a bit chaotic and it turns out no one signs the permission slip so he can’t go. When Ian and Mickey hear about this, they take Liam to the museum/art gallery/historical place for his own personal field trip. Ian and Mickey spend some time googling the basic stuff Liam needs to learn and they provide commentary as they take Liam around. Of course with their own Ian and Mickey style of ‘teaching’. There’s a paper based on the field trip and Liam gets an A+.
- Tipping buys the Alibi and gets Carl to manage it. But he’s in debt and has a load of other secret problems, and now Carl is working for him….they seem to be Carl’s problems too. When loan sharks descend on the Alibi, Carl realises calling the police won’t work because….come on, they are the police. He tells them to go get their money from Tipping. BUT….turns out he’s done a runner and has left Carl to deal with all this shit. Ian and Mickey happen to stop buy for a drink and they sense tension in the air. Carl tries to be brave and tells them it’s fine and they should go. But…oh FUCK no…they’re not leaving and Mickey manages to scare the shit out of the loan sharks while Ian comes up with a ‘deal’ to get them off Carl’s back and leave the Alibi alone (e.g. they’ll pay a small amount and go or Ian will let Mickey do whatever the fuck he wants.)
I have no idea if this was the kinda thing you were looking for🙈…but I hoped you enjoyed the silly headcanons 💖
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mickyaltierisgf · 1 year
I saw you said that you might write for Roman and Mickey so could you write some shippy Romickey head canons please? I'm obsessed and theres nothing😭😭
i'm dissociating from this reality and living primarily in the romickey timeline now
ROMICKEY headcanons
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They have completely messed up sleep schedules. Mickey is more of a night owl. He prefers to do literally everything at night. Filming, editing, killing, etc. He usually sleeps in past noon if he can get away with it.
Roman isn’t exactly an early bird himself, but he leans more towards this. He’s used to super late/early shooting schedules.
Mickey will purposely disable Roman’s alarm when he’s not looking so it won’t disturb him in the morning. Roman has multiple alarms and he knows Mickey knows this, so he has decoys of the decoys.
Mickey loves showing up on set to bother "help" Roman. If he has to be up early, he might as well stop in. Roman gets him thrown off set most times, but Mickey just sneaks back in and hides in his trailer.
Mickey also really likes going to the movie theater, but Roman doesn’t care too much, so if he wants Roman to come with him, he usually has to let him pick what they’ll watch.
In return, Roman will let Mickey pick what to watch at home, but if he doesn’t like it, he’ll talk over it and nitpick everything. Mickey doesn’t care too much if it’s just a generic movie, but he’ll get very pissy if it’s one he actually likes. So the next night, he’ll deliberately pick something stupid he’s sure will actively piss Roman off.
They both like popcorn, but Mikcey enjoys throwing it around more than eating it half the time. Roman will invariably have to find a way to distract him from doing it, especially if they’re at the cinema. They’re both very aware of this, so Mickey acts out on purpose to give Roman an excuse to distract him.
Roman's a casual drinker, Mickey not so much. So occasionally Roman will fake getting drunk to watch Mickey get smashed for real. Makes him easier to exploit/influence/control. Jokes on him though, cause Mickey’s into it.
They secretly (not so secretly on Mickey’s part) film each other often and threaten to use it as blackmail. A few clips have made it onto the web, but never anything with their faces showing.
Mickey has definitely used Roman’s ai voice changer to make prank calls. Used it so much that Roman had to fix it multiple times and ended up just hiding it until Mickey lost interest. This is a ploy; Mickey never loses interest in chaos.
If he’s losing an argument, Roman will just pretend not to understand what Mickey’s saying. "I don’t even know what that means!" It drives Mickey crazy.
Mickey doesn’t lose arguments. He’s never wrong, and even if he is, he’s going to twist it around until he's right. Roman's used to it, so he just tunes him out atp.
Mickey has absolutely used the "if you had a mom" line on Roman when he was particularly pissed about something.
Roman flies off the handle. Despite appearances, he’s the first one to escalate things. Knives are thrown. Honestly, everything gets thrown; they’re both pretty good at improvising.
Mickey is unpredictable and reckless. Depending on his mood and/or the severity of the fight, he’ll either get turned on and start treating it like foreplay or go batshit and treat it like it's a wwe no disqualifications match. And he will not hesitate to fuck anyone up, including himself.
Then it’s up to Roman to control himself and rein Mickey back in before he does anything too crazy.
But not all their fights are quite that intense. Sometimes Roman just casually makes bomb threats, which Mickey laughs off until he finds out Roman actually has blown someone up before and probably could figure out how to build his own explosives.
Mickey fucking loves that, though. He wants to blow shit up too! Of course, Roman won’t show him how to make them. Mickey has to concede that this is probably for the best.
That doesn’t stop him from making a phone call or two to the police about fake bomb threats to the studio Roman works at. Using Roman’s voice.
In retaliation, Mickey’s computer suddenly gets a lot of pesky viruses, and he can no longer login to most of his online accounts.
They call a temporary truce, but Mickey’s an opportunist, always looking for the right time to strike again, and you can bet Roman’s already anticipated this.
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bracketsoffear · 11 months
Ashes propaganda:
According to their origin song, "Lucky Sevens," they started out as an orphan whose arson apparently impressed mob boss Smooth Mickey enough that he became Ashes’ “Uncle” and recruited them into his gang, the Lucky Sevens:
“Well, the name’s Smooth Mickey, I been watchin’ your work / An’ I like the way that it burns”
“Uncle Mickey will show ya the way / We can use your pyromaniacal talents”.
Ashes rose up to become a mob elite helping the Sevens rule the planet Malone with extensive use of matches and gasoline:
“The fire burns bright / In the heat of the night / ‘Cause the Sevens are in luck”.
However, when Ashes confronted Smooth Mickey about collaborating with the Sevens’ enemies, the Aces, Mickey framed Ashes and had the Sevens burn Ashes alive:
“Your dice may be loaded, but they melt in the heat / The fire burns bright / Under you tonight / ‘Cause Ashes, you’re outta luck”
“Oh, the fire scorches your flesh / An’ the smoke fills your lungs / Looks like ya rolled snake-eyes / Ashes O’Reilly / I guess your game is done”.
Dr. Carmilla gave Ashes mechanical lungs and made them immortal, and Ashes came back to take revenge. Mickey revealed that the Sevens, the Aces, and the police were all working together to control the whole of Malone…so Ashes somehow mustered up enough gasoline to BURN DOWN THE ENTIRE PLANET:
“Loaded dice don’t help when your world’s aflame / The fire burns bright / Everywhere tonight”.
They then joined The Mechanisms, a band of immortal space pirate musicians just as likely to perform for hapless mortals as they are to destroy a world for shits and giggles.
The most relevant case of this for Ashes is The City—Ashes decided to become Hades and rule over the Acheron (which, as previously discussed, was a source of immense eternal suffering for billions of people) just for the heck of it, with Jonny even saying that The City is “‘Ashes’ playground’” and the brains in the Acheron are their “‘toys’”. As described in the short story "Eskhatos," after arranging Ulysses’ death, Ashes burns down the Acheron to kill yet another planet, again for their own gratification: “‘Ulysses was pretty much the last thing on this planet worth playing with, and not good for much at that. From here on it’s just stagnation. Or at least, it would be. The Acheron controls everything: water, power, even the automated farms. When it burns…’”
Ashes' actions in The City aren't just Desolation because they burned down the computer network keeping The City alive, dooming everyone on the planet to a slow and painful death. They also enacted Desolation by destroying the potential of The City. They had the means to work their way into the Olympians' ranks and take control of the lifeblood of their world, not to mention knowledge of the tree Ulysses once wanted to use to inspire a rebellion. They and The Mechanisms could easily have overthrown the Olympians--it wouldn't even be that out-of-character for them to incite or assist a rebellion of that nature, as seen in Once Upon A Time, because it would be entertaining/funny/good material for their songs. Instead, they decided to make things worse by enforcing the stagnant oppression of The Olympians until it got boring for them, stringing Heracles and Orpheus along by promising them what they wanted in exchange for the heist that got both of them killed (and almost certainly was just a setup anyway), then burning down the whole thing so nobody else could "play" with their "toys" (despite the reason it's not worth "playing with" anymore being partially them).
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buttercupsim411 · 29 days
Escaping Dungeons and Deception
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Meanwhile, Aunt Sharon has not been staying with a sick friend as Riley had been lead to believe… but held captive in a dirty basement. After weeks of suffering and refusing to bend to her captor’s demands, she uses her old army training to finally escape.
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She goes straight to the police and reveals her story. The man that did this to her will not get away with it and the even more ominous plan he revealed to her will not be kept quiet.
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While Sharon hides upstairs and waits for the cops to come, Dylan returns home and is infuriated to find she is no longer trapped in his basement. Consumed by anger, he guns it to her house hoping he still has time before she goes to the police. Unbeknownst to him they’re already on their way…
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He shows up only to find Riley having just arrived home from work and making her way up to the front door. And Sharon nowhere in sight. He then explodes, kicking over things, screaming and ranting that Sharon and her have cost him everything. Riley is confused.. what is he raving about?
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She then starts to feel actual fear as he storms toward her, the look on his face something she has never witnessed. Before he can lunge for her, the sounds of sirens fill the air and a police car whips around the corner. Sharon promptly exits exclaiming “That’s him officer! That’s the man that kidnapped me!!”
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The cop holds Dylan at gunpoint upon seeing his clear to intent to harm Riley and the murderous glint in his eyes. He alerts Dylan to back away and put his hands up. Sharon cries to Riley that Dylan had tricked her into getting a large life insurance policy and then trapped her in his basement.
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Riley can’t believe her eyes. The cop apprehends Dylan, informs him he is under arrest and that they will be looking into his accomplice. Riley finds herself in shock and struggling to hold back sobs. How could she have been so blind?
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Her aunt and her embrace, and Riley feels immense relief that her aunt seems relatively unharmed. She goes on to tell Riley that she is okay and she will give her the whole story once they get inside. As the cop ushers Dylan into the backseat and drives off, the two women enter the house.
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At the kitchen table, Sharon breaks it down that once Dylan tricked her into getting a large life insurance policy, he tried to force her to declare him as her beneficiary. When she wouldn’t budge, he locked her in his basement and chose to focus on who would be next in line for the money… Riley. He planned to marry her, then do away with the both of them and keep the money for him and his accomplice. She describes the accomplice as a woman and someone that seemed to have something personal against Riley as well…
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Shaking from the information her aunt just revealed, Riley’s gut can’t help but tell her that the woman MUST be Agora, she just knew something felt off with her. She rushes to the phone to call Fiona to determine when the wedding is and if she has time to warn Mickey. Upon discovering it’s currently happening, will she even have a chance at making it in time?
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rat-nitty · 2 years
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 Decided to make this my official ref-layout for my AU designs (heres raph plus some more info) so here’s Leo - the eldest son and the leader of the group
Info about the Blue boi under the cut
Hamato Leonardo, also known as Leo (or Nardo, blue guy, Hero boy and Fun-police) is the eldest son of Splinter and the most traditional of his brothers, taking both his training and the prophecy very seriously, studying his families history in detail to please his father and ancestors, to become the ultimate warrior. Due to being the eldest and resembling Splinters younger self, Leo is the golden child and despite him denying it, it’s very clear that Splinter favorites Leo, often training with him, teaching moves and wisdom he would never show his other sons. Due to this, Leo has developed quite the denial and perfectionist complex, in his eyes he always has to be good at everything no matter what while both Splinter and his ancestors teachings/the prophecy can never do anything wrong and should always be followed no matter how wrong they sound - even if it means to hurt those close. 
As the eldest, Leo is also destined to become the deity of the body, gaining powers that strengthen his body and give him abilities like super strength or lightning speed which he has a hard time controlling at first, which frustrates him a lot. While he is very skilled with his swords, the bow and arguably the best fighter on the team when it comes to weaponry, Leo isnt as coordinated when it comes to fighting with only his fists which is a bit unfortunate considering his powers.
Being Leader, Leo is the calm and responsible one, taking missions very seriously and always prepared with a plan though he can get really irritated when his brothers dont immidiatly follow his lead, question his plans (especially Raph whom he gets into fights a lot) and goof around as he really never allows himself to be a kid. However, he is very much a nerd, specifically he’s really into old, awful cartoons and anime even writing self-insert fanfiction about him and his cartoon heroes, whom he tries to imitate a lot, going on adventures (and dates) among other things. Literature was always one of his interests, spending hours reading not only comics but thick books, mostly about space, autobiographies or japanese myths/legends while also occasionally writing poems he comes up with when he meditates. Just like Donnie, Leo is fluent in japanese and watches a lot of his shows in its original language while getting writing lessons from Splinter. Leo’s music taste is also very much influenced by his father, listening to japanese folk songs - though he does have a soft spot for j-pop and Vocaloid.
A few other fun facts about the boy in blue:
He only wears the scarf because the texture of it makes him very comfortable and also because it makes a good cape
Very sensitive tongue, any food texure his tongue doesnt like makes him immidiatly gag
Stims by flapping his hands and sometimes does a happy little jig when he gets excited - he is however very embarressed by it, even telling his brothers to stop doing their own thing (like Raph tapping his feet/ drumming)
Can absolutly not interact with people he’s crushing on, like his brain will enter gay-panic-mode and shut down, thats why he prefers to crush on cartoon characters instead
Really tries to avoid April because she’s nothing but trouble, however she is the first person Leo will go to when he has a problem/secret he cant tell Splinter about
Leo’s favorite brother is Donnie, they often hang out and talk about literature and plans while listening to hyperpop Vocaloid songs, Mickey is his second favorite and while they dont activly hang out together they do occasionally talk about cartoons and Leo does appreciate the hug attacks his younger borther is known to do, Raph and Leo often fight due to their different views on the prophecy, Raph’s overall attidute and disrespect towards his leadership and the family tradition - though when they do get a long its mostly over movies and which fictional character is cooler
Also, once Karai gets recruited into the family, Leo and her hang out constantly, training together and confide in each other - she would definitly help him be less serious and probably give him some dating advice from one gay to the other while talking about the latest shows and whatever horrible anime Karai found on the internet that they will definitly not be obsessed with for at least a week.
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reefrick · 1 year
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| | ➻ ( matthew lillard, twenty-six, he/him ) did you hear all the drama from rick’s party ? yeah apparently ( rick lipton ) was there. i think someone said they work at ( local band promoter ) and their favourite song is ( i wanna skate by rat boy ) and that they tend to be ( intelligent, independent ) but also seemed quite ( sarcastic, rebellious ). everyone says they remind them of ( blue mohawk that sticks out long, leather jacket with punk rock bands scatteredly sewn over it, chipped painted fingernails, and skateboarding away from a police officer. ) …. i guess i could see that too. | |
statistics & integrated biographical headcanons.
full name:    richard john lipton. (nobody is allowed to call him richard.)
aka:    rick, reefer rick, rj, sunshine, punk, screwhead, fist magnet, orphan boy, blue-haired robot, demonic killer, and witch.
age & d.o.b:    twenty-five. birthdate tbd.
pronouns:    he / him.
orientation:    bisexual.
occupation:    local diy band promoter.
tattoos:    fuck u-up. (the tattoo mickey milkovich has on his knuckles)
face claim:    matthew lillard.
positive & negative traits:    rick is a man of few words. when he explains something, he's brief, expressing what he wants to say concisely. if something doesn't make sense to him, it's disregarded. he is a anarchist who rebels against authority, the government, organized religion, and most social constructions. he has a tendency to go on rants about what is true punk rock anarchy versus being a poser is, along with spends much of his time fighting with members of other subcultures, particularly rednecks and jocks. he is quite logical and usually catches on to things fairly quickly, but lacks the ambition and drive to use his brain for anything constructive. he dislikes the idea of being a responsible adult, and, even though he has potential, especially where his grades were concerned since harvard law school was interested in him, he prefers his carefree stoner lifestyle. he's intelligent, with a quick wit that typically manifests in the form of sarcasm and insult-based humor. common sense comes naturally to rick, who often makes fun of people for missing the obvious. he is highly independent and rarely relies on other people for anything, likely as a result of being neglected by both of his parents.
drug use:    frequently.
alcohol use:    occasionally.
cigarettes:    not a fan.
birth place:    los angeles, california.
parents:    rick was born into a high-class family, but his relationship with his parents is strained due to rick being revolted by what he perceives as them selling out by becoming affluent republicans, along with this white picket fence charade they have been pretending to have for years. soon as the press show up to give them attention, the family would all get in their places/play their roles as if everything is scripted once they are seen by others (who are not members of their family) in order to prevent them from being the imperfect/flawed family that they are, with rick's father having an affair on his mother, and his mother being an alcoholic due to this. it's no wonder why rick became an anarchist in the first place, even if this led to them kicking him out of the house when he was just fourteen. not like they gave him any attention before anyway. his father works as a lawyer for the governor while his mother is a weather woman.
pets.    has a four-year-old black lab named tali.
education:    graduated from high school then went to a community college, where all he really did was party and cause chaos by rebelling.
wanted connections
ex friends with benefits - while rick understood that his relationship with this person was casual, he was enraged when he discovered them having sex with someone else then proceeded to savagely beat the person they were having sex with up, later loathing himself since his actions contradicted his own belief in anarchism of love being for posers.
former childhood friends - i imagine that these would be the people that rick was friends with before getting kicked out of his parents house at the age of fourteen. once rick got kicked out of the house, he pushed away everyone that had rich parents.
friends - they can be people that he only sees at parties but usually has a good time with, someone who he promotes their local band for, people that he became friends with later in life, etc. there are plenty of options for this.
turning back - people who were friends with rick prior to the party where jordan got murdered. maybe they backed away from him due to the fact that he's making a joke out of current events, how people believe that he has some dark powers, which they think is distasteful. maybe they believe that rick actually killed jordan. maybe they also believe he knows dark magic.
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eternivex-a · 1 year
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation? ✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it? 🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation? 💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them! 💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them. 💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
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Time to get so autistic [huh_squidward]
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
Fairly simple actually, my dad had a copy of Saints Row 2 since I was a little kid and when I was like 5? 6? I started playing it, then as the years went on I played more and more of it, beat the story several times, started playing the other games and I beat most of them. Besides Saints Row 1, right up until last year in the summer. I beat SR1 and 2, then in December I beat 3, 4 and Gat Out Of Hell in a week long streak.
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
Honestly, I'm not 100% sure. Anything with violence and crime seems to attract me, but the world and characters definitely play a big part in it all. Maybe it's why I don't enjoy the later games as much, since they were pretty lacking in both departments. The combat is what kept me going back to the later games, since its objectively better than the mechanics in the first two. Overall I'm not really sure, I've just grown really attached to everything with these games over the years.
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
A few! Julius' death in the second game is definitely one, seeing the final climax to what had been built up from the ending of the first game and the events of the second. The entire House Party scene in Saints Row 2 is another one, seeing Gat and the boss fight off the Ronin right after an impactful death is just fuckin awesome.
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
Troy is actually one of my favorites, he's a bit more complex in the sense that he grew genuinely close to the Saints despite being an undercover cop. He saved the playas life twice, once in the beginning of the series and the second time was just by keeping them alive in their coma. Refusing to pull the plug no matter how much he was told to, because he cared about the playa. He still shows loyalty to them even after he becomes chief of police, and is willing to get on the bosses payroll by the third. He should've gotten more screentime honestly, he's one of the most interesting and important characters in the series.
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
It's a tie between Angel and Julius, Angel because he's just a very weak character in terms of, y'know, character. And Julius because of what he did to the boss. But the thing is, Julius actually had a good character and some development, where Angel was just a bad character altogether. I found him to be really annoying and the fact that he refuses to talk to you if you don't kill Killbane at the end of the game is also irritating! Angels just terrible, plain and simple.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia you'd like to share?
Dex was going to be killed in an Xbox arcade game called moneyshot! You would've sniped him at a dinner party. Julius was never meant to be the villain, the ending to Saints Row 1 was completely altered because some animators didn't do what they were told to. Originally he was supposed to be running out of an alleyway bruised and bloody, but the animators kinda just... Didn't feel like doing that, so they made him stand there looking at his watch which set him up as the bad guy. The playas name was originally Mickey, and they did speak in the trailer. I do prefer the fully customizable direction they went with the game, instead of just having the playa be a set character. Also, there's a direct reference to Dead Rising in the form of a "I've covered wars y'know" line from a male news reporter if you taunt him.
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Movie Review | Year of the Dragon (Cimino, 1985)
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There’s a difference between a movie being racist and a character being racist, and I think a scene here between Mickey Rourke and Ariane that illustrates the distinction. Rourke tells Ariane he’s been reading up on the history of Chinese people in America, and shows an awareness of the discriminatory laws they were subject to. He refers to a picture celebrating the completion of a railroad, noting the demographic groups who were present, and points out that the Chinese labourers who did the actual backbreaking work of building them were not in the photo. One might think he’s developed an understanding of their marginalization, but his next line reveals the opposite, as he speculates that it was due to their secretive nature. Rourke’s character, a highly decorated police captain who takes over the precinct in New York’s Chinatown, spews an endless stream of bigotry as he wages his war on the local triads, yet scenes like that illustrate his limited understanding. His Vietnam service is a critical detail, showing that he conflates the Chinese with the Vietnamese as he tries to essentially re-fight the war on his own terms, disgusted by the defeatist, corrupt cops that populate his precinct and try to constrain him.
And while Rourke is our protagonist and much of the film is filtered through his perspective, the movie devotes a sizable amount of screentime to upstart gangster John Lone, who plays the movie in silky smooth drip king mode. And while Lone’s charisma is undeniable, it isn’t eager to either glibly worship him or play up his villainy, but instead drops us into his world, showing his role in the community (offering his help to people whose options are limited in mainstream society), with his peers (maneuvering to oust an elder, more risk-averse triad leader) and running his criminal enterprise (a trip to Thailand to give us supply contacts a bloody surprise). These are not positive images of Chinese Americans, but like William Friedkin’s Cruising, which attracted similar controversy for making a cynical thriller about the gay leather bar scene when LGBTQ representation in Hollywood movies was extremely limited, there’s too much detail and genuine fascination in the portrayal for it to be dismissed as bigotry. Was any other Hollywood movie of this time and with this level of budget even acknowledging that there are multiple Chinese languages (going so far as to reference the Hakka dialect)? I am not of the group being depicted and as a result may not share the same sensitivities, but I can’t agree with the claims that this movie is racist. (It’s worth noting that Victor Wong and Dennis Dun, who have important parts in this, also starred in the following year’s Big Trouble in Little China, another movie about a clueless white guy in Chinatown, although that movie is more overtly satirical in this respect. I also should note that as a Torontonian, I chuckled whenever the villains mentioned the rival triad from Toronto.)
This is also a moody, forcefully directed crime thriller, powered by a electric performance by Rourke, who hurtles through the movie like a natural disaster, leaving everything and everyone he comes across in ruins. (If there’s one issue with Rourke’s role, it’s the weird dye they put on his hair to make him look like a grizzled veteran. Rourke was at the peak of his sex appeal at this point, so the bad dye job clashes extra hard with his good looks.) I just got finished defending the movie for distinguishing its perspective from its hero’s, yet there’s no denying that Rourke’s immense magnetism pulls us into his orbit, and in its most thrilling sequences locks onto his feverish intensity. Look at the scene where a pair of assassins kills his wife, and he takes frantically takes them out, the second one being dispatched with a gruesome headshot and subsequent explosion. Or  the scene where he accosts Lone in a garishly lit nightclub, barging into multiple bathroom stalls where people are doing cocaine (an unexpectedly comedic touch), and then chases after two gunwomen with new wave hairdos, recklessly exchanging gunfire through traffic. Or the showdown with its mixture of car chase and gunplay on train tracks. The movie may be messy (there’s a subplot about an undercover agent that seems forgotten about for much of the runtime, although it too gets a bloody, forceful denouement), but as a fan of Michael Cimino’s Heaven’s Gate, I don’t think neatness is always and asset, and scenes like these are bracingly visceral in their impact.
I do think the movie suffers in its portrayal of its female characters, with Rourke’s wife and Ariane coming off less like fully formed people than as plot devices and extensions of Rourke’s psyche. The idea of the long suffering wife seems more important than who the wife really is. And the idea of Ariane, with her cultural identity and her fancy apartment with a view to die for (which Rourke transforms into a police clubhouse of sorts in one of the movie’s funnier scenes) seems more important than how she really thinks and feels. I understand Ariane’s performance was frequently cited as one of the movie’s weaknesses, but I think the writing lets her down more than actual deficiencies in her acting, and the last line of the movie concludes their relationship on a completely wrong note. (I understand that Cimino was forced to put this in at the studio’s request after they didn’t like the original closing line: “Well, I guess if you fight a war long enough, you end up marrying the enemy.” In my opinion, the original line would have been clumsy but still greatly preferable to what we get in the finished film.) But I suppose the fact that these characters don’t feel like three dimensional characters is true to how Rourke sees them, being so caught up in his crusade that it’s withered away his empathy.
In short, this is undeniably messy, but also very good.
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forget-about-me2 · 1 year
Rewatching Boom Town and the explanation of the TARDIS exterior to Mickey, who as established in Aliens of London/World War Three spend time looking up everything he could about the Doctor.
In the explanation, Mickey asks whether police boxes were a real thing, and shows surprise that they are. But do you really think in the hours of time he spent researching the Doctor you really think he'd never come across a reference to the police boxes of the past with a reference of what they were?
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