#the 5678’s
justbusterkeaton · 3 months
Music: Woo Hoo by The 5,6,7,8’s
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kvltklvb · 2 years
my little muck muck by the 5,6,7,8’s & bloodshot bill
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ornithorynquerouge · 8 months
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Lux and Ivy with the 5678's.
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prinzrupprecht · 4 months
funny thing is, Manjiro is born in 1990 and I’m born in 2005(guess you could say he ‘groomed’ me going by some of these peoples logic 🤣) turned 18 recently and I’ve had loved him and many characters in the series, since starting it in 2021, yet somehow I’m a nonce for thinking they’re hot 😂 make it make sense. If you look at some official arts you’ll see the fan-service on them. Heck Yuzuha had her panties out in that one panel. The word pedophile doesn’t mean shit on this website or on Twitter because it’s been watered down by idiots. Cyber tip it, get the police involved or go to the station if you came across that type of material so that minor can be saved but they won’t cause even they know deep down it’s all bullshit and just want the attention and praise, going after someone who causes real harm is too much effort so the best they got is to go after people liking anime characters. So dumb, sorry for the long ask op, just annoyed 😒.
People listen, Megumi will not thank you, Bakugou will not thank you, Yuuta will not thank you, Manjiro will not thank you, Yuji will not thank you, Nagi will not thank you…why? Because they’re not real, you could draw them dead for all I care and they’d still be just fine, why? Cause they ain’t real! They can come back from whatever shit someone draws and/or writes about them, shit I might not like myself, human being such as myself can’t.
But you still want to save the fictional anime characters? Then use this link below ⬇️
To report an incident involving the possession, distribution, receipt, or production of child exploitation file a report on the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)'s website at http://cybertipline.com, or call 1-800-843-5678.
again, my apologies for popping of on your blog again, but I just find this whole thing absurd and a waste of time. Also, why now? Why does everyone care about the anime character being sexualised now? I remember being told shit when I was back in high school and college, still am by the way, that ‘he’s not real’ ‘the anime boy won’t date you’ ‘that’s cringe go speak to real boy’s’ compared to nowadays🤔 I just don’t get it, now they’re real? And not to mention, Yuji and Megumi are born in 2002 and Yuta in 2001, they’re 3-4 years older than me and yet I’m a weirdo for them hot?! I’ll just say these boys ‘groomed’ me going by this silly logic and the police can arrest their fictional asses, it’s just so dumb 😂🤣
This is the most truest thing I’ve read all day. Beautiful, I’m in tears. I guess people will still find ways to connect reality with fiction constantly. When all it is, is just fantasies. I find 90% of the men in JJK hot asf, from Yuji all the way to Higuruma. I can’t help myself with the way Gege draws his male characters super hot. Had to limit replies, seems like all I’m getting is L takes on my argument. There’s a lot of smut with these characters, I couldn’t care less since they’re fictional. 😭💀
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ao3-feed-shadam · 1 year
30. Kelly and James, Gagging, Stockings, Breastworship and Swallowing
by Kukeluusje
After Keith got his man, it was his twin sister's turn, and ofcourse it turned into a wild encounter.
Part two of 27. Klance, Voyeurism and Wall Sex
Words: 5678, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Kinktober list 2018
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Original Female Character(s), James Griffin (Voltron), Ryan Kinkade, Ina Leifsdottir, Nadia Rizavi
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), James Griffin/ Original Female Character
Additional Tags: Bisexual Female Character, Gay Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Bisexual Shiro (Voltron), Bisexual Adam (Voltron), Lesbian Allura (Voltron), Love Confessions, Mistaken Identity, accidental punch, Making Up Date, Smut, Stockings, Teasing, Lingerie, Breast Worship, Eating out, Vaginal Fingering, Gags, Blow Jobs, Come Swallowing, Getting Together
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43670517
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aintxnoxsaint · 1 month
⚠️TW ⚠️
This blog is a fanfiction of Elvis Presley's life, following both himself and his eventual lover(s) on their life journeys. Elvis himself was a very promiscuous man, and was also known to go for younger women. He was explosive, aggressive, violent, and abusive. At the same time, Elvis, too, experiences abuse. The following mature themes will be present in this rendition of his life:
Alcohol/Drug abuse
Sexual assault/abuse
Implied sexual experiences with minors
Emotional abuse
If you are uncomfortable with any of these subjects, please do not continue on. I do not condone any of the depicted behavior.
If you are struggling, please contact these hotlines: National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) Exploitation of Children 1-800-843-5678 Drug Abuse National Helpline 1-800-662-4357 Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) Sex Addicts Anonymous 1-800-477-8191 S.A.F.E. (Self Abuse Finally Ends) 1-800-DONT-CUT Compulsive Gambling Hotline 1-410-332-0402 National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE
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bitchencrafter · 3 months
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immobilier · 3 months
A VENDRE S+2 - AIN ZAGHOUAN NORD - TEL 53672333 - FB.5678
Prix de vente : 400000 DT Superficie : 118m² Type : S+2 Adresse : Ain Zaghouan Nord Contacter notre conseiller en immobilier au 53672333 / 56096179 / 70727279 A vendre un joli appartement à Ain Zaghouan Nord. Composé d’une salon 2 Chambers a couchers avec dressing une salle de bain une cuisine bien équipée avec hotte four et plaque avec séchoir un balcon il est équipé aussi par chauffage central…
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remenar · 1 year
[TILT] Dunbar's Number kao orijentir veličine timova
Koji broj ljudi je idealan za jedan tim? Kada kažemo da je tim prevelik i da je potrebno razdvojiti ga na manje entitete? Ako vjerujemo brojnim studijama i preporukama - idealan tim ima između 5 i 9 članova. Idealno 7. Od kuda te brojke? Temeljen je na dva često vezana pojma: Dunbar's Number i Miller's Law. Ta dva pojma često su nit vodilja prilikom organizacije tima tj. prilikom donošenja odluke o dodavanju članova u tim ili odluci o razdvajanju tima u dva manja. Dodavanje novog člana u tim vodi k smanjenju efikasnosti tima. U kraćem roku uvijek. Ako je i ovako velik broj članova tima - onda i trajno. Uzrok tome je nekoliko razloga: - novi član tima zahtijeva vrijeme za učenje i privikavanje na tim. Na tu aktivnost potrebno je potrošiti vrijeme najmanje jednog člana tima, često i više članova. To oduzima vrijeme od rada na produktu tog tima - svaki član tima unosi određenu entropiju u postojeću organizaciju. Ne postoji savršen sustav niti savršena osoba. Priroda ne predvidivosti tih elemenata povećava entropiju cijelog sustava - svaki član tima kreira neki oblik "komunikacijske veze" prema ostalim članovima tima. Dodavanje novog člana u tim eksponencijalno povećava broj komunikacijskih veza između članova tima
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Dunbar's Number
Maksimalan broj prijatelja s kojima smo sposobni održavati stabilnu društvenu vezu je 150. To je broj do kojeg je došao u svojim istraživanjima britanski antropolog Robin Dunbar. Istraživanje je objavljeno u časopisu Journal of Human Evolution, 1992 godine . Teorija kaže da je broj društvenih veza koje možemo održavati direktna korelacija s veličinom našeg mozga - konkretno neocortexa. To je kognitivna granica ljudskog mozga kod većine osoba. Istraživanja su pokušala opovrgnuti tu teoriju . Međutim, bezuspješno. Teorija je i dalje validna obzirom na greške u istraživanjima . Taj broj, Dunbar je pronašao u mnogim organizacijama kao gornju granicu. U selima i naseljima, veličinama vojnih jedinica, itd. Isti efekt primijetile su i brojne u trenu kada su prešle 150 zaposlenih (Quartz, Gore, Facebook, itd) . Malcom Gladwell u kultnoj knjizi The Tipping Point opisuje društvene probleme koji se pojavljuju kada organizacija pređe 150 zaposlenih . Uz 150 što je naziva Dunbar's Number, Robin Dunbar je definirao još nekoliko veličina : - 1500 - broj osoba koje možemo prepoznati - 500 - broj osoba koje poznajemo - poznanici - 150 - broj prijatelja s kojima možemo održavati stabilnu društvenu vezu - 50 (nekada se navodi i 35) - bliski prijatelji - 15 - najuži krug prijatelja s kojima redovno komuniciramo - 5 - uža obitelj - 1 - ego (ja)
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Dunbar's number nije broj iz uvoda - broj 7. Miller's Law preciznije definira tu vrijednost.
Miller's Law
Da li ste se ikada zapitali zašto su telefonski brojevi, većinom, ograničeni na 7 znamenki? Te ih vrlo često pišemo u "grupama" od 3 do 4 znamenke? Primjerice 091-2345-678 ili 091-234-5678. To je Miller's Law u primjeni. George Miller je u svojim istraživanjima došao do spoznaje da je broj objekata koje prosječna osoba može pohraniti u kratkoročnom pamćenju 7 (plus minus 2, od 5 do 9). Taj rad je jedan od najcitiranijih znanstvenih radova u području psihologije. Neću vas gnjaviti detaljima istraživanja. Za one koji žele saznati više, mogu pronaći rad na .
I što sad s tim brojevima
Amazon ima pravilo "dvije pizze". Jeff Bezos je rekao da tim može imati maksimalno članova koji se mogu nahraniti s dvije pizze . Jeff Sutherland, ko-kreator Scrum metodologije, kaže da broj članova u Scrum timu ne prelazi 7 . Quartz i Gore ograničavaju sektor organizacije na 150 djelatnika . Gore ide toliko daleko da u jednoj zgradi može biti maksimalno 150 djelatnika. U hijerarhijskim organizacijama ovo bi mogli smatrati smjernicama definiranja veličine timova: - sektor - 150 djelatnika - direkcija - 50 djelatnika - odjel - 15 djelatnika - tim - 7 djelatnika Također, tim se odnosi i na podređene i linijske suradnike. Vođeni tim brojem 7, broj podređenih ne bi trebao prelaziti 6 (ja i 6 podređenih u "stablu" - ukupno 7). Idealno bi bilo 5 podređenih ako se u kalkulaciju uzme i 1 nadređeni (ja, 5 podređenih, 1 nadređeni). Isto tako, broj linijskih suradnika ne bi trebao prelaziti 6 (ja i 6 suradnika u "liniji" - ukupno 7). Jednako idealno bi bilo da je 5 suradnika ako se uzme i nadređeni (ja, 5 suradnika, 1 nadređeni). U agilnoj organizaciji je vrlo jednostavno: produktni tim ne prelazi 7 djelatnika u timu. Naoružani ovim znanjem, razmislite kada poželite dodati novog člana u tim. Pogotovo kad prelazi granice Dunbar's Number i Miller's Law teorija.
Za one koji žele znati više
Neocortex size as a constraint on group size in primates, R.I.M. Dunbar, Journal of Human Evolution, 1992, Elsevier, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/004724849290081J?viaihub ‘Dunbar's number’ deconstructed, Patrik Lindenfors, Andreas Wartel and Johan Lind, Biology Letters, 2021, The Royal Society Publishing, https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsbl.2021.0158 Dunbar’s number: why my theory that humans can only maintain 150 friendships has withstood 30 years of scrutiny, Robin Dunbar, 2021, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/dunbars-number-why-my-theory-that-humans-can-only-maintain-150-friendships-has-withstood-30-years-of-scrutiny-160676 Something weird happens to companies when they hit 150 people, https://qz.com/846530/something-weird-happens-to-companies-when-they-hit-150-people Connecting the Next Billion, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpCGNiKKGd4&t=329s The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Malcolm Gladwell, 2000, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2612.The_Tipping_Point Gossip in Evolutionary Perspective, Dunbar, R. I. M, Review of General Psychology, 2004, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1037/1089-2680.8.2.100 The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information, Miller, G. A., Psychological Review, 1956, https://doi.org/10.1037/h0043158 Two-Pizza Teams, Amazon, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/introduction-devops-aws/two-pizza-teams.html   Read the full article
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Who is Little Miss X (1958)?
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Artist reconstruction of Little Miss X (1958) by NCMEC (The Doe Network)
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Sketches of Little Miss X (1958) circa 1970 (The Doe Network)
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Image of Little Miss X (1958)’s personal effects (The Doe Network & NamUs)
Little Miss X (1958)
Physical Description
Age Approximation: 11 - 17
Race/Ethnicity: White/Caucasian or Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Female
Height Approximation: 5′0″ - 5′3″ (60 inches - 63 inches) (152.4 cm - 160.02 cm)
Weight Approximation: 105 lbs - 110 lbs (47.62 kg - 49.89 kg)
Hair Color: Reddish/brown hair dyed to a lighter brown color.
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Characteristics
Hair is wavy but may not be natural
Excellent dental health
Seven fillings
Case Information
Date of Discovery: October 31, 1958
Location of Discovery: Grand Canyon, Coconino County, Arizona, USA
Location of Discovery on Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B003'16.0%22N+112%C2%B008'24.4%22W/@36.0544445,-112.1401108,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d36.0544445!4d-112.1401108
Estimated Date of Death: 9 months - 18 months prior
Inventory of Remains: All parts recovered
Condition of Remains: Near complete or complete skeleton
Dentals: Available
Fingerprints: Not Available
DNA: Available
Clothing/Personal Effects
On the Body
18-inch, 10-carat solid gold neck chain with tiny curb-style links.
Near the Body
White wool cardigan short sleeve sweater
Brown plaid with green and red pattern capri (pedal pusher) pants with the label "World Gamons GRAFF California Wear
White rayon underpants
Small size elastic top and bottom, Maidenform "Alloette" white cotton brassiere, size 34C.
Small jar of Ponds cold cream
Nylon white comb
Small white powder puff with traces of sun-tan-colored powder
Small blue plastic nail file case with the indentation of the capital letter "P" written in script, followed by the indentation of a hand-printed capital letter "R"
Circumstances of Discovery
Little Miss X (1958)’s skeletal remain was found about 10 miles southeast of the Grand Canyon.
Missing Person Exclusions (The Doe Network)
Misc. Info
The clothing found near Little Miss X (1958) appeared to be too big for the victim
She was buried in the Citizens Cemetery at an unknown location and was later possibly located in the summer of 2018.
The nail file case was speculated to have possibly belonged to Donnis “Pinky” Redman” who disappeared from California in March 1958 alongside her boyfriend. Donnis was later excluded.
Investigating Agencies/Contact Agencies
Coconino County Medical Examiner's Office 
Agency Case Number: 12-064
Agency Contact Personals: Medicolegal Death Investigator Elizabeth Ross
Agency Phone Numbers:
Coconino County Sheriff's Department
Agency Case Number: 509-01397 
Agency Phone Number: 928-226-5012
Agency Case Number: #UP9859
Agency Contact Personal: Regional Program Specialist Justin Endicott
Agency Phone Number: 817-223-1318
Agency Email Address: [email protected]
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
Agency Case Number: 1137582
Agency Phone Number: 800-843-5678 (1-800-The-Lost)
Sources/Further Information/Places of Interest
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
Bryyyyyyian Or Skylore
prayer of david star, not covid
scared, only says say red
and sacred, says red
and seriously thats literally the entire panic everyone has
go play rome and marbles
ticks and tacts
🙏🏽 🧡🧡
36 or
or power
willow tree
protect toga party!!
power hamlet art thor
do not play Yahtzee
do not play scrabble
mixed not mixed
athamaay, dagger
spell shield
cast sword
bazooka or
candle wick
hoyt, archery
bow, archery
mars not moon
red not blue
Ali Ala May Ik Ba Silver May
which which?
St. Benard
Turnban 👳🏽‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
hijab 👳🏽‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Wales Highlander 🇮🇪
ireland highlander india 🇮🇳
spawns, not pawns
kk ttyl
tower keep
56 privacy
57 if yes
59 if no
cinnamon sticks izheal wild
stiletto high heels in Israel is HEAL
drink ale 🍺
wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
ireland 🇮🇪
ace a+
just say they all want to feel like their little rex
beez with lazer beams
bliss temple bats
Gwenith and Olga
Freya and Skylore
ritual or destroy speed
run through rainbow doors!!
withdraw lab microscopes
Protect Bridget's Law
Protect Strawberry London
Red Bull
Hamlet Art Thor
‘london bridge strawberry’
protect Bridget’s law
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah and babedaywabedy
throw onions 🧅
keep garlic 🧄
snnnnnnEYEpurrrrrrs in baby botzalz
upsidedown mushroom bomb, rabbit bit ears
Paige and Skylore sight
Cassy vs Megan
Protect Bridget’s Law
London Steinhauszen
just keep, bridget’s law
tree house tapestry
and say
red bull, et rodeo hahahahahahahaha
wowzers! :)~~
ions at toys r us
séance at Toys "R" Us
jewish toys at Toys "R" Us
sandwich anyone?
red bull, et rodeo hahahahahahahaha
zits, arm pits
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah
London bridge strawberry
protect bridget's law
1234, I declare a thumb war :)
5678, Im still gay :)
just keep stylist abstinence Frankenstein Palestine sty sty sty sty sty sty stylist
Protect Bridget’s Law
London Steinhauszen
ions at toys r us
séance at Toys "R" Us
jewish toys at Toys "R" Us
sandwich anyone?
red bull, et rodeo hahahahahahahaha
zits, arm pits
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah
London bridge strawberry
protect bridget's law
1234, I declare a thumb war :)
5678, Im still gay :)
just keep stylist abstinence Frankenstein Palestine sty sty sty sty sty sty stylist
banter flag twirl
louder and prouder
Protect Bridget’s Law
London Steinhauszen
London bridge strawberry
protect bridget's law
Paige and Skylore
Brandon Wayne Burdett’s Diligent World Work
technique 9
murder in america rum bomb mckinney texas, port Angelo's
soda roma
root beer soda
big red soda
fanta soda
Corky’s Mart
Mars Not Moon
Sim Bat Eye Call Bomb Qui
Quill Bird
wake up with broken rib cages,
adom and vil metal dong jokes
inexcusable deaths in America
flesh murders,
zero psyche kiwi act tickseeds
physical murders
zero psy kicks
zero 3
zero 4
5 star
6 summon death Mon
6 summon death Nor
america sights, covered with 'pet ra'
Blood Palestine
Blood Temple
70’s Hippy Rabbit
Go Go Canvas
brandon says Go Go Baby Pow!
brandon says Que Cupid Flys Nye
Cupid with girls,
power puff girls
Barbie and Ken
rainbow chum hummingbirds
beez and batz.
bird foundation bomb code
bird fountain abstinence, Frankenstein stylist
#news #baby
Turn Ur Cap Backwards,
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rockinenockyclub · 1 year
1/21(土) 岡山@TIKI BARヘッドハンター
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💫Rockin' Enocky
1990年に結成され、The 5678'sやGuitar Wolf、Mad3等と共にガレージシーンを牽引してきた、日本が世界に誇るサーフインストバンドJackie & The Cedricsのギタリストが、ソロとしては初の岡山LIVE!超絶ギターと軽快なMCをお楽しみください!
✨Masudaddy & Lonesome Rhythm
2019年結成。Vo.gマスダディ(香川) 、G ケンジ (岡山)、Wb ヒロ(広島)のメンバーからなる「outlaw hillbilly 」を課題とした中四国連合隊バンド、遂に岡山初登場!
✨Krazy Crawlers
✨Tiki Bar Head Hunter
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