#the answer is; i was born. thats everything ive done wrong
eddie-rifff · 2 months
well well well....... on this day many years ago was born a child.. who would grow up to become mine and many others' hero..... chris squire.......... i dont think i can say anything different than ive already said, but i guess ill say my usual thing
as many of you know i had the honor of befriending chris over the course of two precious years. i have never known anyone kinder, gentler, more respectful and appreciative of my love than him. he was everything to me. he still is. im crying writing this now lol
the first pic is from the first time we met. i was vibrating with joy in this picture. probably the happiest moment of my life. ill never forget looking into his eyes and seeing them so clearly - they were the color of the sea, a murky blue, and sparkled like rippling waves
ill never forget, later that year, the first time he kissed my cheek. his face approaching mine, the feeling of his beard on my skin
and ill never forget the last time, the next year, he kissed my cheek. this time it was preceded with a kiss on the back of the hand, something no one had ever ever done to me. he said "give me your hand," i did, he kissed it (much to my shock) and pulled me close by that hand and kissed my cheek.
i had no idea that would be the last time i'd ever see him, but he'd be gone in less than a year. and you wanna know something funny? i knew something was wrong by the look in his eye that last time i saw him. when i looked at him for the very last time right as i said goodnight, the sparkle in his eye was gone. they were greyer. there was something wrong.
when i found out he was sick it was during art class in hs and i had to go to the bathroom to cry, but i swear to you i knew it.
and then a few months later... i have never experienced a grief, a loss, a sadness, an emptiness so profound in all my life and i still havent since and i sincerely hope i never do again
i dont think i could ever feel a loss so great, honestly, because i dont think i could ever love someone so much as i loved chris. its different now, all these years later, but if you ask me who i love most in this world the answer remains the same: christopher russell edward squire. i hope i still have the same answer when im old and grey.
he was everything to me. his music there when i needed it most. he offered his kindness when i was at my most volatile stage in life.
and he knew it - not to the full extent of how he pulled me off the ledge, but he knew exactly how much i loved him (i made it pretty obvious, anyway). and i do dare to think that he liked me back a little bit. thats absolutely all i could have ever asked for.
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i am not sitting on his lap im kneeling beside him lol
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lorillee · 8 months
mvk, godot, dahlia CONTROVERSY TRIPLE
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anyways its time for the culling of new followers. yes i am a manfred von karma stan hes insane and im obsessed with him and the popular fanon is 1) boring 2) stupid 3) uncanon 4) did i mention boring. for a more comprehensive take on my view of the von karma-edgeworth family soap opera i recommend taking a gander through my tag for it or alternatively just reading my aii2 retrospective. ANYWAYS with the disclosure statement out of the way . 1) his design slays what else is there to say. he was always serving. 2) the fanon SUCKS like im sorry but if what you got out of aa1 + investigations 1&2 was "manfred physically beat his kids on the regular and they hate him so much forever with 0 complicated feelings at all" um. maybe go back and re-consume the text. please. lets indulge ourselves in a bit of nuance. i would certainly not call manfred von karma father of the year (whatever was going on with turnabout goodbyes + me when i encourage my children in their fight with each other to determine who truly belongs in the family like a normal parent) but like. guys . just because he was a bad person doesnt mean he is now The Worst Guy in every single avenue ever. like. sigh . sorry we've looped back around to complaining about bad fanon. ANYWAYS no truly one of the most baffling characters in the franchise and i am desperately fascinated with whatevers going on inside his head . frankly every single one of his actions in regards to dl-6 on every front follow like no logical pathway i can discern and its truly something to behold. like whats wrong with you (rhetorical question - more interesting if we dont get an answer).
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half of me considered ticking "they've never done anything wrong in their life <33" despite the fact that i blatantly think its untrue and prefer it that way even simply to spite all the people who are annoying about him being mean to phoenix. ANYWAYSSSSSS S . 1) the design slays. obsessed with everything about him 2) they shouldnt bring him back but also they should bring him back. for me. ive convinced myself of the existence of the diego & lana & simon prison prosecutor trio and i need capcom to validate me they would be so . something together. mainly funny 3) to be honest there are some people i would attack through the screen over their terrible diego opinions. truly. like sorry but if you hate him i dont think we can be friends and some of you are truly beyond help. tbh i think half the reason they hate him so much is because 1) hes the Big Scary Brown Man whos soooooo mean to their poor uwu bean phoenix and 2) all of his important relationships are with women so they cant yaoi him off in a corner . ANYWAYS . hes everything to me i love his self-destructive mental illness swag which prompts him to lash out at the people around him and make terrible decisions which needlessly negatively impact like everybody he gets involved with in any capacity post coma. hes not stupid he just needs severe psychiatric help <3 i think he shouldve killed misty twice <- no hate against misty i also love her mental illness swag but i also support everything diego does unconditionally
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tldr: dahlia should get to kill and ruin whoevers lives she wants i support her unconditionally (no this does not conflict with my diego opinions. i can hold multitudes) un-tldr: to be honest her in-game writing kind of sucks (spectacular essay written on this here, which frankly puts it better than i ever could. thats the problem with this part im trying to think of opinions that arent covered in that but like it really hits all of them) but nonetheless as a notable fan of the Fey Family Period Drama how could i not love dahlia given that shes like one of the key pieces of evidence of the mass destruction that the current system in kurain causes to everybody it touches. "wahhh she was just Born Evil" not listening dont care. people also hate her for being mean to phoenix i think but i dont care about that either they just hate to see a girlboss winning. or losing tbh because thats like 80% of what dahlia did. but like still the spirit is there. also to be honest it kills me that we got like no elaboration on her relationship with iris because thats like actually SO interesting its so interesting but we get NOTHINGGGGGGGGG because the aa writers hate dahlia and they hate ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but anyways yeah if dahlia wants to maim and kill well then i support her #feminism #womensupportingwomen #terrymightnothavebeenamurderer #buthesurewasapedophile!
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intersex-support · 2 years
hi! im sure you get sick of getting this but i need some help as im questioning intersex after many years and lots of research. specifically im question if i have swcah. ive had pots symptoms for as long as i can accurately recall and am close to constantly in some level of adrenal fatigue, im always craving salt and having electrolyte imbalances as well as feeling dehydrayed easily and having awful circulation.
physically, i had a lot of early growth spurts and was one of my tallest classmates, but now as an adult im barely average, about as tall as my dad who is kind of short for his circumstances. ive been growing facial hair since middle school, and now that i identify as some? flavor of trans masc? almost everyone ive met in recent years asks me how long ive been on T, based on my voice and amount of face and body hair. ive never in my life had access to T, i havent started it, and people are genuinely shocked by it.
[possibly tmi trying to be medical]
i also absolutely have clitoromegaly, thats another reason partners as well have asked before if i have been on T, as well even growing up and before i had any concept of what intersex conditions were, i knew there was something off there and i would awkwardly (like a very small child) tell people i *actually* had, um, "both" when i was gendered as a kid, until i got told by my parents to stop because i was wrong.
final thing probably: i had to get a full physical at 11, including genital physical, and there was a point that my mother was pulled aside and whispered something that she never told me no matter how much i asked. ive been growing increasingly worried lately that it was related to an intersex condition in someway, even if not using those terms, but since im no contact i cant ask now. sorry, i know that one is anecdotal, so feel free to ignore it.
i just want to know why i am the way i am
hi! again! i forgot to mention that i started puberty around 10-11 and ive never had a very normal cycle, sometimes it would be almost normal for a few months then i would go months without anything again, and eventually a really short but really intense, painful, heavy cycle after so long of nothing, its always been like this for me. 2/2
Hey anon!
So, I've done some research to answer this question but I am not an expert on salt wasting CAH and def would reccomend checking things with a doctor if possible. It defintely sounds like you have a lot of symptoms of CAH. Having clitoromegaly, growth spurts but now mostly average, having body hair, the irregular periods--all of those things really stand out to me as symptoms of CAH, and also especially the doctor keeping something secret from you, cause that happens to so many intersex kids.
What I'm less certain about is if you could have gone this far into life without being diagnosed with salt wasting CAH. I know that newborn screening for salt wasting CAH started in the 1980s, but I entirely believe it's possible that it could have been missed, or wherever you were born didn't screen you, or something like that. My understanding, however, is that salt wasting CAH is life threatening if not treated and I'm wondering if it is possible that you could have gotten into adulthood without ever going into adrenal crisis. From everything I've read, it seems like salt wasting CAH is usually diagnosed in childhood because people with salt wasting CAH will go into adrenal crisis without treatment. Honestly, the only way I really think that you could have salt wasting CAH is if you had gone into a salt wasting crisis while you were a newborn but it was treated, and it was hidden from you. It sounds like there's a complicated relationship with your mother and already a pattern of hiding some medical info from you, so I suppose it could be possible that it happened but the info is not in your medical records. Have you ever been on hydrocortisone, prednisone, or dexamethasone long term, as well fludrocortisone? I'd say only if you have been on those medicines long term and had salt wasting crises, that you could possible have salt wasting CAH.
However, what I think is more likely is that you have a variation of CAH that is not salt wasing and also not NCAH. My first guess would be that you have simple virilizing CAH, which is still considered "classical CAH" but is without salt wasting crises. With SV CAH, people usually have a less severe aldosterone deficiency. This means that you might still have symptoms like hyponatremia (low sodium), hyperkalemia (high potassium), hypoglycemia, dehydration, and could also maybe even cause your poor circulation. Usually, this doesn't progress to the point of salt wasting crisis and is more mild than swCAH, but is generally more severe than NCAH. Besides sv classical CAH, there are also rare forms of CAH caused by defienciencies in other enzymes, which have a wide variety in presentations of symptoms.
Another thing that I just learned about is CAH X, which is a variation of CAH that's comorbid with EDS. If you also have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, it might be worth looking into. With CAH X, there's a specific genetic cause that causes EDS, CAH, and most people are also comorbid with POTS.
Also, there is a chance that you could just have more severe symptoms of NCAH. I just read a study that says 1/3 of people with NCAH have a cortisol insufficency. Cortisol insufficency can also cause weakness, fatigue, dizziness, electrolyte imbalance, low sodium--so there may be a chance that you have NCAH and a more severe cortisol insufficency. Anecdotally, a lot of people with NCAH have POTS comorbid (I do as well!) and there really hasn't been a lot of research on NCAH and POTS. It looks like there might be more of a connection between NCAH and adrenal insufficency then previously thought, but there isn't a lot of research done on NCAH. I read another study talking about how a lot of research papers do not specify whether they include NCAH in their numbers of people with CAH.
Basically, I think that it is unlikely that you've made it to adulthood without getting diagnosed with salt wasting CAH, because salt wasting CAH is basically life threatening if untreated. It is more likely that you have classical simple virilization CAH, a rarer subtype of CAH, or NCAH with severe symptoms.
Please feel free to ask if you have any other questions, and good luck!
-Mod E
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mostspecialgirl · 6 months
nonsensical super nerd rant below about the fate series. spoilers for the stay night routes and zero ahead, probably
okay, we’re good, right?
every time someone tries to get someone else to start fate by saying “just watch it in the correct order. start with Fate/Zero :)” Something in me dies. Ive had to tweet about it so many times. There is no series i will ever have nerd rage of this caliber over other than fate. reading fate/stay night changed the way i engage with media and feel about storytelling and writing and all that stuff and its like Why would you ever want someone to spoil all of the coolest twists in fate/stay night by watching zero. it literally spoils like ALL of them. (by the way, gil’s introduction and reveal with him coming out of nowhere is what cemented him as one of my firm favorites. he’s so cool!!!!) And i know the answer. Because no one plays the VN. Because no one ever plays visual novels and theyd rather just flick on an anime. Because for some god awful reason there is no definitive adaptation that cleanly allows you to digest the fate stay night routes !!!!!!!!!! and reading the fucking thing will take you forever !!!!!!!!! and it’s so terribly inaccessible!!!!!! i probably wouldn’t have played it if my sister didn’t already jump through the hoops for me !!!!!!
people who are fate fans and talk about how good unlimited blade works or heavens feel are two starkly different groups depending on if they watched it or read it because they are genuinely two completely different things. don’t get me wrong i Love Love LOVE the heavens feel movies and i doubt they could have done them all too much better (ubw however… ) BUT the thing is fate RELIES on shirou’s internal monologuing and narration and SO much is lost when you have to transfer all of that from writing to screen. even with the english patch translation purportedly being less than ideal i was still out here getting my heartstrings played with by the writing.
(composing myself instantly) i just think it’s kind of garbage how people see cool screenshots from the VN and go Wow I Can’t Wait To Go And Not Experience This Thing I’m Getting Intrigued By. or seeing astolfo and thinking fate is all about porn. fate is so much more than anyone thinks it is and you can’t understand until you sit down and read it and suddenly you’re born anew and have to go play tsukihime or mahoyo too. it’s absurd that fate’s whole reputation online is based around porn addicts because YES, EVERYONE, fate OBVIOUSLY began as a Naked Boobs Visual Novel but it was God’s Greatest Naked Boobs Visual Novel that was SO damn good it stopped being about porn immediately and cemented itself as an astoundingly successful work of fiction that has engrained itself into the world line. they added gacha to it and it’s been one of the most successful mobile games Ever. the seventh highest grossing mobile game of all time. and it’s straight up just another VN with barebones combat and grinding thrown inbetween
anyway i forgot what i was even getting mad about everyone should sit down and drain away a week or so reading through all of fate stay night. and then they can truly earn the incomparable experience of cry watching today’s menu for the emiya family. that is all.
supplementary edit: i used to read through fate stay night together with my sister every day in the late afternoon and it became such a great ritual for us. it was some of the best times of my life and if you’re going to read it and have a likeminded friend who can just sit there and chill out for like an hour with you it makes all the crazy moments so much more fun. because you probably are here to read my rant despite not playing the vn. i remember i had a little text file on my phone we’d update every time we learned the identity of a new servant or master and id be sitting there using my love for mythology trying to figure out their identities. there was such a delightful satisfaction when finished the stay night route and unlimited blade works and got to begin the next one. i’d give up a lot to relive those days, i think.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Hey uh.. Elsie? This is probably a bad timing but I feel really shit this week and for next week.
This is gonna get long so I hope you dont mind? just wanted to talk and possibly vent to you a bit and actually a special request, you can deny it if youd like but its worth a shot!
So Ive been feeling like a saggy piece of shit this week. We have to prepare everything for Christmas. (In my country the hype for christmas technically started on september. We dont celebrate halloween) I have like 40 assessments to do in my school to do. My exams are next week. In this week though I get very busy on traveling with my parents because were so busy. My sister was getting her driver's license (NOW she got it by the way!), my mom and dad bought new furniture and so on.
Long story short.. I have so much to do in these two weeks and my parents still call me lazy. I dont even wanna ask help from them for my assessments cause both make me feel dumb when I ask for help on certain questions.
Then there is my sister, whom I love very much, who acts like a shithead sometimes. Another person who I just want a hug from but would always slap me across the face when I do so, saying im a grown woman and I need to grow up. Funny cause Ive been asking for acceptance since I was like... When I was born. Though in the end I still love her and my parents very much.
I also had other bad shit that happened to me but I think it will make this longer and pretty much useless to this post anyway, thats okay.
So I wanted to request something thats related to this and my past matchup.
Do you mind if you can do a headcannon for TF2 Defense class + Sniper and Medic with an S/O with anger issues and anxiety. Like they just find her in her now messed up room kicking the shit out of a dirty mattress.
Hi love bug, so I read this earlier and also saw the second post. I'll be responding to them both, and then answering your prompt and I'll tag you through that.
It sounds like you have a lot on your plate to handle right now! Sounds really, really stressful and I am so, so sorry you're not feeling as great as you should be. I think your parents are just - they're not giving you credit where credit is due. Sometimes, parents put their children on pedestals without realizing just how hurtful their words are. What you're doing is more than enough. I'm proud of you for working as diligently as you are. If you have any questions with academic work, try to ask your professors themselves! They're there to help you.
When it comes to hugs, and seeking affection, you need to find people who are okay with you doing that. I'm personally not a physically affectionate person, and I have pushed people from me who try to hug or touch me without asking. However, what they said to you was wrong. If they wanted to express their boundaries were being crossed, they could have simply said so. There's no need to actually hit you and then say something as cruel as that to you.
Honestly, just prioritize yourself right now. Take it easy and remember to take breaks while you get your work done. See if there's anyone who can help satiate affection, close friends and other loved ones.
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shikastemari · 5 years
spy - n. u.
pairing naruto uzumaki x yamanaka!reader
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word count 4,895
when it happens after Pain destroyed the Village
a/n this is actually one of the first stories i’ve ever thought about. i wrote it months ago but just now i decided to give it a chance and post it and yeah, i gor a little carried away while writing it.
btw i’m witnessing the biggest writer’s block i’ve been through and that’s why i haven’t posted anything lately. hopefully it’ll be gone soon enough and i’ll be back to write as easily as i used to.
masterlist on my profile bio
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Naruto Uzumaki.
The first time you heard his name was in one of your missions. You were spying some old guy who was owing bad people money, and you had heard Naruto's story by accident. The guy who defeated the leader of the Akatsuki all by himself, even someone as the legendary Sannin Jiraiya couldn't. During the time, you have heard a lot of girls sigh in desire for the boy, as also heard a lot of man being inspired by him - to become even stronger than people said he was.
So, when you finished your mission, it was no surprise for you someone decided to hire you to dig some dirty on Naruto. You have never accepted a mission on Konoha before, keeping your boundaries up since you know your uncle and his family still lived there, and you would never do anything to hurt your blood. But the offer was too good to decline.
Last time you have seen your uncle and cousin, you were six. Your mother was a foreign and her pregnancy had so many complications. The day you were born, she made a promise, she would take you back to her country, to become a ninja there. Your father, the brother of the Yamanaka clan leader, was madly in love with her and never said a single no at her direction. When the time came, not only he didn't fight against your mother taking you away, as he decided to leave the village himself. Uncle Inoichi helped him, knowing it was the only thing he could do to help his brother achieve happiness, but in the process, your father ended up being labeled as a rogue ninja.
The Bamboo Village was a nice place to live, and your parents were always happy there, even though you missed your old life and family deeply. You had a cousin, who also had the same age as you, so you two had grown up together and she was basically a sister to you. Leaving her behind was the hardest thing you wish you had encountered in your life, but it wasn't.
Your mother died a year after you moved country. Her disease was unknown, the doctors said they couldn't do anything but to ease her pain until the time comes. That was what you and your father did. Took care of her, stood by her side, until she was gone. To these days, you still missed her deeply. As honoring your mother wishes, you and your father didn't go back to Konoha after her death. Instead, your father taught you everything he could about the family jutsus, and it made your heart melt every time he told you how good you could become. Maybe better than him. Or even Uncle Inoichi.
He passed away five years after that, on a battle against the Land of Lightning. Even though you wanted to stay in Bamboo Village, you knew you wouldn't survive there. So that when you started to use your jutsus in espionage. You went city from city, village from village, country from country, learning from the best. The requests came right after. In your line of work, you kept your name hidden. You didn't want to drag the Yamanaka name to the mud, or even give something to your enemy to use as an advantage against you, wishing you could always keep your reminiscent family safe.
So, when your feet took you back to Konoha's, you couldn't help but feel sick. Regret and worry filled your whole body, since you counted with your family accepting you with open arms, but you knew it was a shot in the dark. Since Pain's attack which destroyed the entire village, you didn't exactly know where the Yamanaka clan was staying, so you followed your plan and walked around the village, asking if someone knew where Ino Yamanaka was.
It didn't take long, actually. Apparently, she was a recognized and respected kunoichi and you couldn't stop feeling a little jealous. What would they think about me if I have stayed? The thought flooding your head as you walked towards the place a girl told you Ino would be.
She was sitting on a pile of wood, with seven ninjas surrounding her. They were laughing and talking about how stupid what someone named Rock Lee have done to an old lady. When your eyes laid on her, you felt your heart skipping a beat. She looked exactly like before, the only thing which was different was her hair, it was so long.
A guy with the Byakugan was the first to notice you, which didn't actually surprise you at all. You have heard about what those eyes could do. Looking around them, you could see there was also a girl who could use it. This group look like they would be a pain in your ass if you didn't pay close attention at them.
"Can we help you?" A pink haired girl asked, and your eyes widened for a second. That was Sakura? No way.
As your eyes passed through their faces, you started to recognize some of them. Shikamaru was standing next to Ino, with Choji by his side. You also recognized Kiba, who you remember having an innocent crush on, because of Akamaru, which was huge now. Your heart was literally shrinking inside you by that view, already pondering the pros and cons about ignoring the mission you had been given. But you could not give up now, there was too much involved.
"Staring is creepy, have your family never taught you that?" Ino questioned, her eyes narrowed at you.
You shook your head, smiling. "You would know, Ino-nee-chan, still a bitch, I see?"
Ino's eyes popped up as she gasped, taking her hands to cover her mouth. Everyone else were just shocked by the way you talked to her, but you were sure she recognized you. Once she got up from the wood she was sitting and ran in your direction, giving you one hell of a tight hug, you felt your body relax for the first time in a long time.
"Nee-chan!" she said between the tears, it took every strength in your body not to do the same. It was still a mission, the hardest one you have been to, but still a mission. "I thought I would never see you again!"
"Wait, is that y/n-chan?" Kiba asked out loud. "Holy shit, you got hot!"
Ino and you laughed as Sakura punched the poor guy, sending him meters away from where he originally was standing. So, Sakura had a monstrous strength, just like you heard Tsunade-sama having.
"Daddy will be so happy when he sees you! Where is y/f/n-ojisan? I've missed him so bad too!" she exclaimed.
You swallowed hard, knowing too well there was no way to dodge this moment. "Mhm," you shifted your weight from one leg to the other. "My dad died when I was 12, during a battle."
"Oh," she said, the air getting heavier around you. "And why you haven't contacted us after that, y/n-nee-chan?" she asked, her tone clearly hurt. "We could have helped you."
Another question you predicted. "I tried to honor my mother's wish for as long as I could but..." you trailed off, breathing deeply to keep going. "I just wanted to be with my family again."
She hugged you again, crying her eyes out. Shikamaru came closer and pushed the girl from you.
"Ino, what a drag, let her breathe for a second," Shikamaru eyed you, from head to toe. You remember him being very - very­ - smart when you were kids. His eyes stopped on your lips, and you noticed his cheek blushing. Pressing your lips together to repress a smile, you couldn't push away the memory of you accidentally kissing him while playing one of Ino's idiot games. It was your first kiss, and probably his too. "Eh, welcome back, y/n-chan," he scratched the back of his head.
"Thank you, Shikamaru-kun," you grinned back at him as you were wrapped in someone's arms.
"Y/N-CHAN, YOU WERE DEEPLY MISSED!" Choji screamed as he hugged you, a little stronger than you wish, the air escaping from your lungs.
"Choji, I can't breat-" you said, but it seemed more like a whisper. Happily, he understood and let you go, being embarrassed.
"Sorry, I jus-" you caught him off guard wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He smiled, hugging you back, but this time, not as strong as before.
"Ino-Shika-Cho," you said, looking at the three of them once Choji put you on the ground. "I certainly missed this formation."
"So, who is this girl?" A blond guy said from behind them. His blue eyes were locked on yours and you could see a little bit of distrust there.
"This is y/n, Naruto, Ino's cousin," Sakura answered, walking towards you to embrace you. "Getting on Ino's nerves were never the same after you left."
"Well, we did know how to do it, right?" you smiled at her, but your eyes were still locked on Naruto's. There was your target, right in front of you. You kept talking and catching up with your old friends, as well getting to know the others you didn't. The boy with the Byakugan was called Neji, and the girl Hinata. Apparently, they were cousins. There was also Rock Lee, Tenten and Shino - who you slightly remember running away from when you were little because of his insects.
Ino grabbed your hand, saying you two had to go. The first part of your plan was going good so far, but you couldn't stop feeling like shit the whole time. You knew you had to shake those feelings away, or you wouldn't be able to see your uncle Inoichi. He surely wouldn't trust you at first, and would search for something suspicious as talking. Your father always said he was by far the best Yamanaka shinobi that ever existed.
Well, you were about to prove him wrong.
As expected, Inoichi didn't recognized you. Once Ino said who you were, his eyes almost popped out from his face in shook, it was a good thing for you, strong emotions were used to prejudice the jutsu. He asked you a million questions, and you were honest in all of them, because you were sure he would enter in your head soon or later. Even that he seemed happy to see you, you could see he was holding himself back to ask you to see inside your head, and not because of you, but because of Ino.
So, once she was asleep on her bedroom, you went to find him on the kitchen. You knew he would be expecting the right moment to tell you, and what moment was better than late at night?
"Go ahead," you told him.
He pressed his palm gently against your head as he began to scour your mind. You made sure the first images he was going to see was you playing with Ino as children, you leaving the village with your parents. He also saw your mom dying, how miserable your dad was but his strength and love for you keeping him on track, your trainings - but not all of them -, the days he mentioned and talked about Inoichi and Ino, the times he wanted to give up everything to come back to them but he couldn't because he wanted to honor your mother memories.
Inoichi's jutsu on your head were getting more and more weak, you could literally feel it. Even though he was a master to find others people secret, he could still be manipulated to see what you wanted him to see. You knew all it would take was one more scene and he would be done with it.
So, you showed the day your dad put on his fighting clothes, saying he would be back soon enough and went to the war. You showed him the endless hours expecting for him to come home, as you stood there alone in the dark. The times you heard a noise outside and thought it was him but it was wind or some rotten bamboo which fell on the roof, and then, the time you decided to look for him, going straight to the war field. You showed him as you found your father's body in the middle of the others endless bodies there. How you cried over him, tried what you knew about medic ninjutsu - which it was so little. You literally showed Inoichi how your heart broke that day and he couldn't take it, breaking the jutsu so he could wipe away his own tears.
You remembered something you father told you long time ago.
"Inoichi is the best in searching for information in someone's head," he said during one practice. "But growing up with a brother like that, I had to find out some tricks so I could keep some things as secret from him. I didn't want my brother to know everything about my life."
And just like that you knew, Inoichi could be the best at searching for information, but your father was the best at hiding it. Your life goal was to become even better than your father, and you completely manage to do it.
After that day, Inoichi never tried to get inside your head again, you knew it was too painful for him. So, he took you under his wing, taking care of you just like he used to when you were little. Every day was getting harder to separate your feelings from the mission, as you trained with them, eat with them and everything else. Inoichi even wanted you to become a Konoha's ninja, and he was going to ask the Hokage - who apparently was in a coma - if it was possible.
"So, I heard you are making a huge success in the Village," Ino said one day, after practice. "Naruto and Kiba are fighting to see who is going to ask you out. Today I even caught Shikamaru staring at you a little too long, which by the way, it's kind of shocking. I have seen him showing interest in one girl in my life, and if I am correct, which I am, she really likes him. So, you should stay away from him a bit."
You laughed at her. "Naruto, huh?" you asked, happy because your mission would be easier than you thought. Going out with him would help you to extract information from him without being suspicious.
"So, he is a favorite. I will make sure to tell him that," Ino said, confusing your happiness like you actually wanted to go out with Naruto because you liked him. "He is so popular with girls now, it's kind of weird. Actually, the fact he wants to go out with you is weird too, because he used to like Sakura a lot."
You were grateful you had someone as chatty as Ino as your cousin. She herself had given you tons of infos, in Naruto and the rest of their friends. She was also making everything easier for you, but every time you thought about leaving after finishing your mission, your heart broke into two. She would never forgive you after finding out what you were about to do.
The hang out with Ino's friends were a good part of your day, because it was the only part of the day you let yourself to be the teenager you were supposed to be.
This time, you all went to eat barbecue. During the whole night, you guys laughed and told stories about life, trainings and missions. Stories were by far your favorite things to hear, and those guys have tons of them. But your favorite one by far was when Naruto defeated Nagato - the real Pain. Even you, after a short time, could see how big Naruto's heart was.
At the end of the evening, everyone said goodbye. When Ino said she had to do something with Choji, things got a little suspicious.
"But Naruto will walk you until my house, right, Naruto?" Ino asked him, directly.
"But your house is really far..." He trailed off as Sakura elbowed him, realization hitting him right away.
"I suppose I could go wit-" Kiba got interrupted by a screaming Naruto.
"No way, dattebayo! I will do it, I need to lose all the calories I got from this barbecue anyway. Y/n-chan, do you mind?" His smile was genuine, and you couldn't help but to smile back.
"Not at all, Naruto. I would really appreciate it," you answered in return, making his smile even bigger - if it was possible.
It didn’t take much until you realized Naruto was someone easy to be around. He always tried to mask his insecurities with cocky jokes and wide smiles, and you found to be strangely found of him. Walking side by side, it was almost shocking that the person next to you managed to defeat someone so strong as Pain. You crossed paths with Akatsuki once in a while on your missions, and you knew better than anyone how lucky you were for being alive.
“Y/n-chan, would you like to hang out sometime?” Naruto blurted out, his cheeks tinted with a light pink.
“Isn’t that what we are doing?” You smiled at him, poking his side with your elbow.
“Yes, but I mean, like a date.” He scratched the back of his neck, his eyes focused on the road ahead.
“I would love to.” You shrugged, but inside, your heart was flipping around. The worst part was when you realized it wasn’t because your mission was finally working, but because you wanted to go out with him.
“How about tomorrow?” He questioned, as soon as you arrived at the Yamanaka’s house.
“That would be perfect. Until then.”
Things followed. The first date, the connection between you two was undeniable, but you still tried to keep your mind on the prize. You analyzed every single word that came out of his mouth, but your heart couldn’t stop but beat faster every time he would smile or say something sweet about you.
You accepted his invitation for a second date, a third, a fourth, until Naruto became a constant on your routine.  There were days where you would see him more than you would see your own cousin Ino, and you lived with the girl.
For many times, you wanted badly to let it go of this mission and just live. A normal relationship with someone you were crazy about, a nice family who loved you and supported you, loyal friends, out of the chart teachers… It was everything so tempting, but something buried inside your head didn’t make you give up completely for it, so every night, you wrote down on a parchment the new discovers from Naruto and everyone around him.
The last drop of resistance on your body melted the day he asked you to be his girlfriend.
You choked on the ramen you were about to swallow, staring in disbelief at the blond guy sitting across the table, his cheeks tinted by a nice shade of red.
“I know I surprised you, but it would be nice if you said something.” Naruto pointed out, scratching the back of his head, nervously.
A movie played on your head, those ones that you would figure that they passed when you were about to die. Everything you could remember since you left Konoha marked you in a way you would never recover, that for sure, but did that mean you could never find happiness? For the first time, you felt what it was like. For the first time, sorrow and hurt wasn’t the feelings that you went to the whole day through, fighting them to the back of your mind.
Naruto was there, offering everything you have ever wanted, and you had the guts to say yes.
So, you did.
His face lightened as someone had just told him he had won a whole year of free ramen. His happiness was by far the favorite thing you had witnessed in your life, along with the kiss that followed after it. For once, you forgot about your former jobs, your former past and mostly, your former pain.
During months, everything was just fine. Both of you had to deal with some difficulties on your way, but nothing that would damage your relationship. You ended up finding out about Sasuke and how badly Naruto wanted to recover him back, how deep Naruto and Sakura relationship was, strong as a brotherhood. Ino also loved to have you around, and even though you didn’t have a team, InoShikaCho didn’t hesitate to take you under their wings.
One day before the big war, you and Naruto were packing the stuff you would need to take to reunite the Alliance force. He was going through your draws, as you were going through your closet, as you heard his breathing getting faster.
“y/n, what is this?”
You turned to face your boyfriend with your old parchments on his hands. By the looks of it, he had read a couple of them, and the confusion on his face broke your heart as you didn’t know what to say.
Every single day you told yourself you should get rid of those things, but you never remembered. The guy who hired you never went after you because he didn’t even pay you, at first, so he didn’t lose anything by you not doing it.
“Naruto, I can explain.”
“So do it, because from where I’m standing, it seems like a parchment with a lot of private information of mine.” Naruto threw the paper and it ended up in front of your feet.
“You have to understand, Naruto. There were a few things I have done to survive that I am not proud of.” You took a step forward, but Naruto raised his hand as signing for you to stop.
“What you were going to do with those, y/n?” He demanded, his eyes turning red for a second before coming back to the usual blue.
“I was hired to spy on you, that was the motive that made me come back to Konoha.” The tears started to pool on the corner of your eyes. “But that was before. I didn’t give them anything about you. I couldn’t, I love you too much to do it.”
“You came to Konoha decided to betray your own family?” His tone mirrored the despise on his eyes.
“I would never do anything to hurt them.”
“But me, it was okay?”
“You don’t understand, Naruto. Spying was everything I knew before I came to Konoha. I was hurt and alone, needing money to survive. I wanted to honor my mother wishes but I couldn’t.”
“Do you really think I don’t understand the concept of being alone?” He hissed, turning his gaze away from your face. “I’ve been alone for the most part of my life, y/n. I grew up with people running away from me out of fear and you came here to tell me that I simply don’t understand? What is there to understand now?”
“That I’m crazy about you. You changed me, made me see things in a point of view I didn’t even know it was possible. You were gentle, kind and I believe you can change the whole world just by being in it, Naruto. I am sorry that I didn’t come here with the best intentions, but I am a totally different person from before.”
“I think we should take a break.”
“A break? We are going to a war tomorrow!”
“It’ll be better for both of us if we are focused on the battle ahead. We’ll talk when we are back.”
“Except that you can’t be sure that both of us are coming back alive.”
That hit him, hard. You noticed how shallow his breath became, how he had to swallow hard before opening his mouth again. “Come back alive.” He said, for last, before leaving you on the empty room.
The next few days, you had barely seen Naruto. He didn’t tell anyone about your former plans, which just made harder to explain people why you two weren’t together anymore. You ended up being designed to the same battalion as your cousin and her team. Even though you knew it was a war to protect Naruto and the bijuu inside him, every second of your day was filled with worried by him, and the constant lack of news was even worse than the nonstop fighting.
After finishing the coast, your whole group were designed to assist Naruto on his battle. Of course, you were the one running as faster as you can, so you could reach him faster. No words were needed in this case, all you want were to lay your eyes on him to make sure he was alive.
The moment your heart skipped a beat was exactly when he entered on your sight. The blond guy that you loved with all your body cells was standing there, he seemed hurt and tired, but not even as near to give up. That being the trait which you loved the most on him.
The whole battle was a long one and the adrenaline never stopped running through people’s vein, yours mostly. When Naruto decided to divide his nine tail chakra with everyone, was the first time he realized you were there. He hesitated before touching your hand, and you pressed your lips into a thin line when he jerked back to keep a whine that threatened to escape from your lips inside.
Before moving to the next person, he shot you a sad grin. “I’m glad you alive.”
As fast as he came, he disappeared on the crowd. You didn’t even have the chance to check if it was a shadow clone, just his dust from the run near you now. Despite it, it seemed you couldn’t look away. Following Naruto and paying attention to his surroundings was basically your task. So, the moment you saw one of the ten tailed monsters going straight at his direction, you didn’t think twice before jumping in between them, avoiding Naruto to get a hit on his back.
But you got the hit right below your chest, taking away all the air from your lungs.
Naruto just was fast enough to end the creature as you fell against the cold ground. You fell the warm blood spreading through all your clothes, your conscience slightly fading away.
As soon as Naruto reached you, the tears were already pooling in the corner of his eyes. “No, no, no. Stay with me, y/n. I told you not to die, damn it.” He looked around, looking for someone. “SAKURA, HELP ME.” He screamed, his voice cracking at the end.
“Naruto, it’s okay. You’re okay. That’s what matters.” You managed to say and honestly, you wanted to speak even more, but the pain running through your body was unbearable, every breath feeling like someone was stabbing you.
“SAKURA! WHERE IS SHE?” Naruto yelled at someone near, you couldn’t see who it was. “Do you know anything about medic ninjutsu? Can you help me?”
Someone bent near to your body, sobbing. “You stupid! What did you do?”
A weak smile crossed your lips, in relief. “You should be used by now, cousin. I’ll always protect those I love.”
A green chakra was leaking from her hands, pressed on your wound. But it wouldn’t work. You could feel your organs shutting down, one at time.
“Ino, talk to me.” Naruto hissed.
“I can’t, the damage, I can’t.” The blond said, crying.
“It’s okay. Both pay attention at me. Ino, thank you for everything.” You managed to say, but she cut you off.
“I just lost my father, please. Please. I can’t lose you too!” She leaned in over your body, and you had to cough a little. A warm feeling appeared running down your cheek and you weren’t sure if it was blood or tears.
“Ino.” You said a little bit stronger. “Take care of yourself, and the boys too. They need you. I love you, sister.”
“I love you!” She yelled, before Shikamaru pulled her back from your body.
A small part of you still wanted to laugh, they were still on a battlefield on a fucking war and here they were, acting like they had all the time in the world.
“Naruto.” You used the last strength on your body to look at him. “Hi baby.”
He was crying silently; his hand was holding yours so strongly and you didn’t even feel it. “Please.”
“I am sorry for not staying alive. Don’t you ever forget how much I loved you. Thank you for teaching me what love really meant.” You swallowed hard. “Take care of Ino for me, and please, stay alive.”
“I will. I love you too. I love you so much.” He hugged your body and you noticed the pain was smaller, as almost not existent. You smiled to the sky and closed your eyes, just waiting. Far from there, the sound of a someone crying harder reached your ears, and then, everything went black.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
One Short Day
A JSE Fanfic
Yay, I wrote something that isn’t connected to pain for once in my life! Or at least, the most you get are hints and maybe a moment. I was planning on working on something else, but...I don’t know, I just felt like I needed something softer, and I’m sure there are people who need that too. So behold, an attempt at mostly-fluff! I just wanted to write the boys having fun out on the town, simple enough ^-^
It was rare that there was a full day they could all be together. A day where Schneep wasn’t working, Chase wasn’t recording, Marvin didn’t have a show, and Jackie didn’t have to bolt off at the last minute to do heroic vigilantism. A day where they could just do whatever they wanted, all of them, together.
They met up at Jackie’s apartment building. Naturally, JJ arrived first, then Schneep and Chase at about the same time. Just when they were starting to get worried, Marvin showed up, sprinting up to the group and skidding to a halt beside them.
“Late again, I see?” Jackie said when Marvin finally caught his breath. “Maybe we should just tell you we’re meeting thirty minutes earlier than we actually are.”
“Gimme a break.” Marvin rolled his eyes. “My phone was out of battery so I couldn’t check the time, then I got distracted.”
Jackie raised an eyebrow. “With what?”
“Um...” Marvin looked away, embarrassed. “I may have started playing Plague Inc...for an hour...or more.”
“Dude. Set a timer next time or something,” Chase said. “Ask JJ if you can borrow one of his watches if you have to, I dunno, anything.”
“Enough of this, we are wasting minutes,” Schneep said, checking his own watch. “Jackie decided what to do, what is it?”
Jackie immediately brightened. “Okay, so, we all know JJ hasn’t seen much of the town.” Everyone nodded. “So I thought we could give him the grand tour! Get lunch, go to the park, and I think the fair is open tonight so we can finish with that. That good with everyone?”
“So we’re just gonna walk all over town?” Chase asked. “Only two of us can drive, and none of us have a car right now.”
“Toughen up, Chase, walking’s good for you!” Marvin teased. “Right? Schneep, you’re a doctor, tell him I’m right.”
“He’s right,” Schneep said.
JJ snapped his fingers for attention. I thought we were wasting time? I certainly can’t lead the way, so I’ll ask one of you to.
“Right!” Jackie started off. “C’mon guys, lunch is waiting for us!”
They ended up at a local restaurant near the center of town called Kassie’s. It was a quaint little place, and since it was a warm day they decided to sit at a table outside. The chipper waitress gave them a plate of free fries, then took their order, and headed back inside.
“Is it just me, or is it kind of hot today?” Chase asked, fanning himself with some of the napkins.
“No, it’s not just you. God, I’m dying,” Jackie agreed.
“Jackie, you are not only wearing long sleeves, you are wearing two layers of them,” Schneep pointed out with a smile.
“Oh, you’re one to talk, Mr. Sweater-all-the-time!” Jackie rolled his eyes. “What about Jays? He’s got that vest/dress shirt on.”
JJ looked aghast. You four can run around and show your arms all you like, but I’ll have you know it isn’t proper for a gentleman!
“Are you implying we aren’t gentlemen?” Marvin asked, right before tossing a fry into the air and catching it in his mouth.
JJ raised an eyebrow. Indeed.
“I don’t care, it’s hot. I’m taking this off.” With a few flailing arms, Jackie pulled his hoodie over his head and tugged it off, revealing a Marvel-themed T-shirt underneath. “Ah. That’s better.” He looked around to see the others staring at him with wide eyes. “What?”
“Holy shit, Jackie!” Chase yelled. “Your arm!”
“Wh—oh fuck I forgot I was wearing short sleeves today.” Jackie looked down at his left arm. “Yeah, okay, I got scars, you can look all you want.”
“So that’s why I’ve never seen you in T-shirts,” Marvin realized. “Jackie, what the fuck happened?”
Jackie frowned, then coughed awkwardly. “Y’know...I’d rather not talk about it right now. Maybe later. Besides, Schneep already knows the story. ‘S how we met.”
“Honestly, you three are making mountains out of mole hills,” Schneep said. “Is fine now. You should see his torso, now those are scars.”
That only made the other three look more worried. Jackie sighed. “Look, guys, we’re having a fun day. We’re gonna have fun, and not gonna get all concerned, though I do appreciate it. And you—” he glared at Schneep “—need to stop saying that, ‘cause it makes it sound like I lost some epic battle instead of just having top surgery.”
Chase and Marvin relaxed in unison. “I’m still convinced you have, I dunno, fucking bullet scars or something,” Marvin muttered as Chase pulled the remains of the fries towards him.
“Oh yeah, but Schneep’s talking about the surgery. He’s done this before, and it’s no longer funny!” Jackie looked pointedly at Schneep when saying that last part, who just responded with a massive grin.
JJ was the only one who still looked concerned, but now that was paired with confusion. He looked around at the others. What is top surgery?
You could almost hear the hiss as the others all inhaled sharply in unison. They’d all forgotten for a moment that JJ didn’t know. Schneep cleared his throat. “Jackie, would you like to explain?”
“Right yeah. God, where do I start with this?” There was a slight pause in the conversation as the waitress returned with their food. The moment she was out of earshot, Jackie started up again. “Alright, so...” he leaned forward, hands clasped together, eyes wide and nervous. “You know how I call myself Jackieboy Man, right?”
JJ nodded. A moniker I never understood, but yes.
“Well, I didn’t always call myself that. Neither did anyone else. Because, well, they all thought that...I was a, uh, girl. Even I did. For the longest time I just sort of...accepted it. I only started to figure it out in high school. I got my first job, and one of the customers called me ‘that nice lady,’ and hearing it...just sort of surprised me. Like someone gave the wrong answer to a really easy test question. So...I started thinking, and eventually I realized that I wasn’t...actually a girl. That was when I renamed myself.”
JJ didn’t look any less confused. Why would they not understand that? Wouldn’t they be able to...see that you are not?
Jackie winced. “Well, no...you see, I...fuck.” Jackie put his head in his hands, took a deep breath, then looked up again. “I was born...in the wrong body. Top surgery is...it’s to get rid of the parts I didn’t want. Are you...are you getting this now?”
After a moment, JJ’s eyes widened. He nodded hesitantly.
“Okay. Good. Great.” Jackie sighed. “I don’t know if this word existed in the twenties, but nowadays we have ‘transgender’ as...a thing. When someone is something other than what their body is born as. I’m still a he. Or, just, anything but she, really. Literally call me anything but a girl. And please, don’t ask about what my name was before. Or what’s...down there. Those questions make me...really uncomfortable.”
My good man! JJ signed. Why would I do such a rude thing? And to my dear friend, nonetheless. 
Jackie’s shoulders slumped. He leaned back in his chair and exhaled in relief. He’d been dreading this conversation, but better to rip the bandaid off now. “Thanks, man. I...appreciate your understanding.”
JJ smiled. No trouble at all, Jackie! I may not fully grasp the concept, but that’s no reason to disrespect your wishes.
“If you want, I can answer questions. Just...later. And as long as you get I don’t represent everyone who’s trans.”
JJ nodded and gave a thumbs-up. There was silence for a moment, before Chase broke it by saying “Hey, guys, I made a Jenga tower out of fries.”
Schneep rolled his eyes, and immediately knocked over Chase’s tower.
“Aw you bitch!” Chase gasped. “You didn’t even play the game right!”
“Fuck your games. Actually eat the food like it’s supposed to be.”
“You’re just jealous cause you got a salad instead.”
“Maybe I am! Did you think of that?!”
“Dude, I just said I did!”
The rest of lunch was covered in the blanket of familiar banter. Jackie smiled to himself. God, he was so glad nothing changed.
About two hours later, the boys had made their way to the southern part of the city. That was where the park was. It had an official name, but everyone just called it “the park” because there was only one of them and it was shorter. The park itself was pretty big, with trees, paths, flowerbeds, and two playgrounds at either end.
Since it was the middle of the afternoon, there were quite a few families with young children hanging around, parents watching their kids climb all over the jungle gyms and pushing them on the swings. While Marvin and Jackie walked ahead, pulling JJ with them and talking his ears off, Chase and Schneep hung back a bit. Chase was staring at the families on the playground.
“Chase? Are you okay?” Schneep asked gently. 
“Yeah...yeah, I’m fine. It’s not a down day.” Schneep gave him a Look. “No, really! It’s just...y’know, seeing all the kids kinda bums me out. You know?”
“Of course I do, Chase,” Schneep said. He was probably the only one of the boys who did. “If you are feeling upset, you can go home.”
“No! God, no, that’s not what I meant at all. This has been good so far. I don’t want it to end.” Chase frowned. “Now I’m just...man. I’m starting to lose it.”
“Chase.” Schneep grabbed his hand. “If you are not enjoying yourself, we can always go do something more quiet. We would hate to push you to do something you are not up to.”
Chase considered it for a moment, then shook his head. “Nah, it’s not too bad. It helps that you guys are here, I think. But I’ll let you know...if it gets too much.”
Schneep gave him a long look, before finally judging that everything was alright. “Okay. You have to do that, or I am going to break into your home at night and yell at you for lying.”
“Okay, okay, I get the idea,” Chase laughed. He looked down at their clasped hands. “You’re not worried people are gonna think we’re a couple, then?”
“What? Oh. Is there no such thing as regular hand-holding in this country?! Besides, it should not fucking matter. Also you are not my type anyway.”
“Yeah, you’re not mine, either. You’re a guy.” Chase and Schneep both had a good laugh at that.
Marvin looked over his shoulder at the two of them. “Are you two gonna walk fast or what?”
“Or what,” Chase said with a smirk.
“Oh, you’re hilarious. A fucking comedic genius. Hey guys!” he said that last part to Jackie and JJ. “We’re gonna slow down so these two assholes can join us.”
“Marvin, how dare you,” Schneep said, mock-offended. “At least be more creative in your insulting us.”
“No.” The two mini-groups merged together to form the main group once again. “So what’re you two talking about?”
“Chase is worried that hand-holding makes a couple,” Schneep tattled.
“Bullshit,” Marvin stated. Jackie went “yeah!” in the background. JJ frowned at the use of language, but nodded. “What makes a couple is the kissing. And romantic interest in each other, which leads to the former.”
“You say, having not been on a date in at least five months,” Jackie muttered.
“Shut your stupid face, you...lovely person.” Marvin pulled his wand out of his pocket and twirled it, like he did when he was nervous. “We’ve all been kinda busy lately.”
“Yeah...that’s true,” Jackie sighed. “But maybe if you went out more, you could find someone you could go out with. Just once, if a commitment isn’t your thing right now.”
Marvin frowned. “Why in the wide world of wingmen would I go on a date once deliberately?”
“A night of fun?” Schneep suggested.
“With a complete stranger that I have no interest in? No. I need to have some intrigue in whoever they end up being.”
“None of you are gonna get anywhere with him,” Chase said. “He doesn’t get one-night stands.”
“Damn right I don’t! There’s no point!”
And it just seems improper, JJ signed. If you aren’t going to court someone, don’t approach them at all.
“Marvin! You have an ally!” Jackie gasped. 
“Good. Finally, someone who agrees with me.” Marvin held up his hand and, after a moment of figuring out, JJ high-fived it. “Yeah! There we go, you got it!”
Jackie checked the time on his phone. “Alright, it’s starting to get a bit late. If we want to get enough time at the fair, we’re gonna have to book it to the eastern side.”
They didn’t actually run the whole way there, despite Jackie wanting to. By the time they got to the fair the sun was starting to set. They bought tickets and headed inside, where the Ferris wheel and the roller coaster towered over the smaller rides and the carnival games. It was a weekday, but it was one of the first days the fair was open, so the fairgrounds were crowded but not packed.
Chase gasped. “Games. We can do the games first.”
You do realized they’re all rigged, right? JJ asked.
“Who cares? They’re fun! Games now.”
Soon, the others started to suspect that the reason Chase was so eager to play games was because he knew he would win every time. The dude was scarily good. A combination of sheer luck, skill, and fuck-it-let’s-take-a-chance-ness led to many more victories than the others, something Marvin and Schneep immediately called him out for.
“You are cheating, I am sure of it!” Schneep huffed, folding his arms.
“Nah, just have a knack for it. And, in this case, practice.” Chase tossed one of the wooden balls back and forth while he waited for the carnival worker to hand him his prize. “Ya gotta aim for a bit above the spot where the third jug sits on top of the other two, then throw hard. It’s a bit of an arc.”
“No, you’re a cheater,” Marvin asserted, muttering darkly.
“Aw, c’mon! Here, will this make you less salty?” Chase accepted his stuffed prize from the worker, then handed it right over to Marvin. “I got it for you! You like cats.”
Marvin glared down at the plushie. “You’re lucky it has a cute face,” he said.
“See?!” Chase smiled. He was actually having a good time. It was a good change of pace from the park.
Eventually, everyone had a prize except for JJ. They were running out of games to play, but then Jackie spotted one of those ‘find the ball under the shuffling cups.’ “Hey guys, you up for that one?”
JJ brightened. I’m actually quite skilled at those!
“Well, then, let’s go!” Jackie pulled him over, the others in tow.
The carnival worker was calling out the rules of the game. “You get one, you win one of these lovely roses, you get two in a row, you win one of these tiny fellows here, and you get three in a row, you win one of these adorable penguins! Step right up, step right up!”
“Hey!” Jackie waved to get the worker’s attention. “We want to play!”
“Well then, young sirs, the rules are simple. Keep your eye on the ball, see right here, right here, it’s under the middle cup. Now watch as I take the cup this way, then that, then this and oh look at that! It’s goin’ fast, it’s goin’ fast don’t lose it don’t lose it! Now, which one is the ball under?”
Jackie was fairly sure he knew where it was, but he turned to JJ anyway. “So, which one?” he asked.
JJ bit his lip, then reached forward to point at one of the cups...only for the worker to slap his hand away. “I’m sorry sir, please don’t touch the cups. To prevent tamperin’, see? Just tell me.”
JJ looked a bit stunned at the worker’s aggressive tone. But he signed It’s under the left one.
“Excuse me?”
“He says it’s under the left one,” Marvin jumped in.
“...ah, I see.” The worker lifted up the cup to reveal the ball. “Seems you were right. Do you want to try again?”
The boys glanced uneasily between each other. The worker’s tone had dropped from the polite-carnival talk to one that was a bit...short. She was also talking much slower than she was before, drawing out the vowel sounds. “He can hear you perfectly fine,” Chase said. “He just can’t talk.”
“Mmm...I see...” The worker pursed her lips. “Do you want to try again?”
They all nodded. The worker was silent this time as she shuffled the cups, faster than before. When she stopped, she looked at Jackie. “Which one is the ball under?”
Jackie had a vague idea where, but he wasn’t sure. “JJ, do you know?”
The left one again, JJ signed, less enthusiastically.
“The left,” Jackie translated.
The worker frowned as she revealed the ball under the left cup. “You boys aren’t cheating, are you? Those weird gestures seem like symbols.”
Marvin laughed bitterly. “Yeah, they’re symbols alright. They stand for words. Do you not know how sign language fucking works? He’s telling us the answers ‘cause he’s the best one at it. Now let’s do this one more time.”
The worker shuffled the cups impossibly fast. Once more, she asked Jackie where the ball was. This time, he had no idea, and just looked at JJ. JJ, in turn, stiffened a bit, eyes hardening. It’s under the right one, though I wouldn’t put it past her to sneak it up her sleeve.
“Right,” all the boys said in unison.
The worker reluctantly lifted up the rightmost cup to show the ball sitting underneath. “Congratulations,” she said dully. “You win one of the big prizes. What color do you want?”
Turquoise, JJ signed. “Turquoise,” Jackie translated.
They walked away from the booth in silence. After a few moments of walking, Marvin said, “I could totally put a curse on her.”
“No,” Jackie said firmly.
“Just one little spell. She can lose her voice for a week.”
JJ shook his head, then tucked his prize under his arm so he could use his hands to sign. Revenge is never the best answer. 
“It’s what she deserves!” Marvin snarled. “She was making that difficult on purpose. I saw her, she was going much slower with the customers before us. JJ, I’m so absolutely sorry on her behalf, cause god knows she’s not gonna fucking apologize.”
It’s okay, JJ insisted. Believe it or not, I’ve faced worse, especially in my day. They were much less friendly back then.
“I am sure you are not using that word in the correct meaning,” Schneep mumbled.
Marvin shoved his hand into the pocket containing his wand. “One hex. Come on. Just one. I won’t even make her ears fall off or anything.”
Everyone refused to let Marvin curse the carnival worker, and he reluctantly relented. At this point, they’d finished with the games, and all that was left were the rides. They took turns, one or two of them sitting out to watch the accumulated prizes while the others spun and flew and then stumbled off the rides. After trying most of the rides out, they took a snack break for ice cream and cotton candy.
“I think the Ferris wheel is the only one left,” Jackie said. “Unless we want to catch that sideshow thing. There’s supposed to be magicians—”
“Fake,” Marvin interrupted.
“—clowns, animals, and they advertised a knife-thrower—”
Schneep nearly choked on his ice cream. “No.”
“Okay, got it. No show then.” Jackie nodded. “But I’m not too sure about the Ferris wheel. I know at least one of us is afraid of heights.”
“Yeah, uh, me.” Chase bit his lip. “But I think I’ll be fine if I don’t look over the edge. Unless someone else doesn’t want to go on it, then I’ll stay off with them.”
“I’m good,” Jackie said. “Schneep? Marv? Either of you scared of heights?” Both of them shook their heads. “Alright. JJ?”
JJ signed, A bit, but after all these dizzy rides, I’ll take something calm like the Ferris wheel, if you please.
“Alright. Guess we’re going on the wheel, then!”
Night had truly fallen by this point. The Ferris wheel wasn’t exceptionally tall, but it still rose above everything else in the fair, providing a fantastic view of the colored lights below. Instead of having the traditional two-person seats, this wheel had booths that could fit up to eight people, so all the boys fit into one just fine. The wheel turned, and the booth turned with it. Chase squirmed, resolutely not looking over the side. Jackie and Marvin did the exact opposite, practically leaning out of the booth to look down below.
JJ tapped Schneep, signing something real quick. Schneep nodded, then yelled “Can you two stop that?! You are going to fall out of the fucking side, and you are making Jamie nervous.”
“Oh, sorry.” Jackie sat back down.
“Aww,” Marvin groaned, but pulled back into his seat. “I hope you know I do this for you, JJ.”
JJ smiled. Thank you, it’s appreciated. And I’m sure your body feels the same way, having narrowly avoided a fall to great injury.
“Nah, I would’ve been fine.”
The wheel stopped. Their booth was right at the top. “Oh, fuck,” Chase muttered, covering his eyes with his hands.
“You know, you didn’t have to come,” Jackie said quietly. “We would’ve been alright letting you stay down on the ground.”
Chase peeked between his hands. “I know. But...it’s really nice up here. Quiet. And with just you guys. As long as I ignore the distance from the ground, I’m good. You’re my friends, you know, and you make everything better.”
“Oh, Chase,” Marvin gasped. “That’s...really sweet!”
“What? Didn’t think we where friends?”
“It’s...always nice to be reminded.” Marvin smiled softly.
Well then consider this your reminder, Marvin! JJ wiggled his mustache happily. I consider you all my friends, maybe even family. You are all wonderful people and I love having you in my life!
“Nooo, stop.” It was hard to see in the dark, only lit up by the lightbulbs on the Ferris wheel, but it was possible that Marvin was actually blushing.
“You know what? I love you guys.” Jackie grinned. “Not afraid to admit it! Best friends I’ve ever had.”
Schneep cleared his throat. “Yes, I feel the same. You are all great people, and I am fortunate to have met you. I...love you as well.”
“Aaaahck!” Marvin appeared to be trying to fold into himself. “Too much love! Fatality!”
Chase chuckled. “Marvin! Accept our love!”
We love you, Marvin! JJ signed eagerly. Now you have to say it back!
Marvin made a strange sort of groaning exhale before inhaling deeply, calming down. “Yeah...I—I love you guys too. God, I love you guys so much. You should all know that.”
“There we go!” Jackie said, triumphant. “Marvin, you are, truly, the emotionally constipated one. And I thought Schneep was the worst.”
“Excuse me?!” Schneep gasped. “I assure you I am very love-sharing. I just do not use words too much because they are complicated.”
“Understandable,” Chase shrugged. “I can barely speak half the time, and I was born in English.”
I thought you were born in Ireland, JJ signed, amused.
“Oh, you know what I mean!”
The Ferris wheel started lowering, stopping and starting as it let passengers off. The boys stepped out of the booth and onto land once again.
JJ yawned. I must say that I’m rather tired after all this. I think it’s time we go home.
“Yeah, I’m starting to feel it,” Jackie agreed.
“You all are weak!” Marvin countered. “I’m good for another couple hours.”
“Watch you crash immediately upon entering your room,” Chase laughed.
“Oh, shut up.”
“I think JJ is right,” Jackie said. “It’s time to go home.”
Schneep nodded. “Yes, I could stay up longer, but I have morning shift tomorrow so I should not push my luck. I will see you all later?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Course, dude!”
Count on it!
With that, they left the fair. Eventually they split up, each heading their own separate ways until they eventually got to wherever they were staying that night. Some went to sleep immediately, some stayed up a bit later, but eventually they all went to bed.
And when they decided to do it, none of them had trouble for once.
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Always Mad
I dont understand that no matter what I do or say youre always mad. I try to do what I can not to make you mad. I ask a question and im wrong for that, you say I should know by now but I still dont seem to understand. I dont do anything bad to you and thats what makes me sad. It hurts when people ask me simple things like "where is he working at today" "when is he coming back" "when is he leaving" "where is he going" "are youse coming" and lots of other questions all with the same reply "he doesnt tell me anything". Heres what I dont understand at all:  
You're always mad, but I always cook you breakfast, lunch, lunch for work, and dinner.. every day. Even when im mad and that makes me mad. You're always mad but I always do your laundry, fold your clothes, and put them away nicely, you've never said thank you.. and thats what makes me mad. You're always mad, but I always tell you how handsome you are even when I never nor have I ever gotten random everyday compliments from you, and that makes me mad. You're always mad but I always tell you how much I love you, even though you never say it first, and alot of times have attitude abojt saying it back, so its said with no meaning only annoyance, and thats what makes me mad. You're always mad, but everyday I ask you how your day was, while mostly all of the time you just give me the "its fine" head nod, followed by silence, and that makes me mad. You're always mad, but ive never missed a holiday, birthday, special occasion, and Ive always thought of you when I go places so I get you things "just because", even though its been 3 years with you and I've never ever ever received anything, not even a flower picked off the side of the road, and that makes me mad. You're always mad, but I have always taken interest, showed some type of interest, asked questions about your interests, took some type of interest in your interests because it makes you happy and you YOU, even though you never take any interest in my interests, and when im excited to tell you about something that interests me you shoot me down and I feel myself go from excited to hurt, and that's what makes me mad. You're always mad, but I always make sure you know and feel that I love and care about you, yet I never feel love, nor have I ever thought you really cared for me, and thats what makes me mad. You're  always mad, but I go,above and beyond to show you I only want you, and no one else gets my attention, yet every couple weeks or months another girl pops up either from your past , or new ones.. and that's what makes me mad. You're always mad, but while were out in public you refuse to hold my hand, and you make sure you are the furthest away from me, basically walk away from me and thats what makes me mad. You're mad, but when your actions cause me to hurt and react you try and turn it on me.. because you can't communicate and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad , but we made a promise to each other that things wouldn't escalate when we fought to the point where pur hands are on each other again... yet the last 3 huge fights we had I was in shock and disbelief that you broke that promise, I kept my hands to myself and didnt even defend ,. I sat there asking why you hate me..,and thats what makes me mad.  You're mad, but you told me you put your hands on me because you dont k ow how else to react, because you so desperately dont want me to leave so you dont let me.. I stay because not only am I in love with you, but because I know this isnt the real you, you're angry and although I forgive you and never left your side especially when your demons came out. Yet you never said sorry or showed appreciation for any of it and thats what makes me mad. You're mad, but ive always been by your side when you needed me with anything, even take care of you when you're sick, even though anytime I needed you mostly all of the times you were nowhere to be found and ive never even received a "do you need anything" when im sick, and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad, but when i found out I was pregnant you were so mean to me, you called me a whore, and spread mean things around about me .. youre mad, but when you said we should abort agreed even though I didn't want to. Youre mad, but an hour before my appointment  you begged me not to do it and that you'd be there and not let me do it on my own. Last minute I cancelled the appointment, and you never ever made it to one  baby appointment, never once asked how I was feeling, never once felt him moving, never once showed concern about him, you didnt want me going anywhere so you kept me very close , and as I was pregnant sleeping in your bed every night, you would leave all night long and screw around on me, you,never bought one thing that the baby needed, you never came to the birth even after I begged multiple times, you told me that you hope I die right before I went into get the c-section.... you didnt speak to me for days, and you never came.. and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad, but I forgave you and 2 weeks after our son was born you were fucking an ex  fling .. THEN you finally met him, and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad, but after telling me you wanted to try and make a family work, and that you loved me , you were going around denying him and telling people you didnt want a family with me , and thats what makes me mad. You say youre mad.. we came so very far from those things for a little while we had peace, you were faithful, and I had my little family, I felt loved somewhat ... we moved in together.. you started treating me bad again, then you were caught doing things behind my back that you knew would hurt me, and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad, but I asked why out of all your options you chose me .. you said "because I was the only one dumb enough to stick around" .... and in a way that makes me mad. Youre mad, but im completely in love with you, stuck around and believed you'll eventually change because you were broken when we met and "hurt people hurt people" .. nothing youve done made me love you less, it just made me feel a different kind of hurt. . Yet every day I dont feel loved or appreciated back and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad , but if you ever read this youd find a way to leave becUse you cant take honestly and credibility.. and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad, but you know there is alot of things I didnt write because my fingers hurt from holding this tablet for so long as youre iracing, and havent spoken to me since you got home other than teing me I was making you mad for asking questions, and im an idiot because I should know by now.. even though all day long I waited for you to get home bc I missed you... you responded with a sarcastic laugh and shook ur head no and havent spoken to me since .. and thats what makes me mad. Most of all what makes me mad is knowing you can love , communicate, care, and treat me better .. it makes me mad because you must think I dont deserve that from you. It makes me mad you dont appreciate me or the unconditional love I have for you.. and thats what makes me mad . Youre mad , but I love you so much that I wont leave or give up on you because I know youre my person, and you know you,can get away with anything because of that and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad, but the good days are so good I never want them to end .. good and bad days you make me happy .. you show things very seldom, but still in your own fucked up way.. I know under your hurt you must love me bc you,never let me leave and youve once told me you never loved someone as much as me and thats why I dont understand how you treat me this way, and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad but people think im mad for staying, I just know youll come around .. its 4:18am ive been writingg for over an hour , maybe its been two , but you said to stop talking , so I started writing, you havent spoken a word to me and ur still racing. Youre mad because im writing and not talking as yiu said.. you keep glancing ocer and sighing .. youll come to bed in silence and turn ur back to me like I did this .. and thats what makes me mad. I love you so much and I wont ever give up on you because as fucked as all of this is , I want you forever. I deserve it after all .. what makes me mad is I can feel that youre going to leave .. it hurts and scares me.. and thats what makes me mad. Youre mad but knowing you never read this, or somehow find this you wont read it all and realize what u have right here. You wont care to change and fix this.. and thats what makes me mad. 
One last thing, you're mad, but I know there's someone else.. yet you wont be honest with me.. youre mad but I dont understand why someone else gets the best you.. meaning you treat them like they mean something, n I bet u talk to her nice and with respect, im sure you compliment and confide in her and I bet you tell her ur problems and about your day and how much you want to leave because you hate your life with me , I bet she gets the best you, and that makes me mad, but most of  it tops everything else.. its killing me and you dont care. How does she get the best you ive n begging for, an waiting for.. how does she deserve that so effortlessly.. yet ive been out through just about everything , all the emotions , all the hurt, and stuck by you.. it makes me mad and kills me that you think still after everything.. I still deserve nothing from you other than hurt. How could you.. it makes me mad bc ill never get an answer... 
Youre mad, but I loved, love, and it will always BE YOU. I showed and still continue to show unconditional love and u dont care thats why im mad. 
You're mad but I loved you the most......
And thats what makes me mad. 
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astralgloss · 6 years
im a curious meanie so 1-134 muhahaha you get to relive the hell i just went through
etab i haTE U
1: Name
my name is marit lol but please just keep it mar
2: Age
i am 17 but i’ll b 18 in 2 months!!!!
3: 3 Fears
the dark, complete and utter loneliness, and clowns
4: 3 things I love
books, forest fruit tea, the sound of rain
5: 4 turns on
a nice smile that reaches the eyes, a nice smell, having a dog ngl, a soft touch
6: 4 turns off
extreme arrogance, insisting to pay for my meal if i want to pay bc its “what a man should do”, forcing lifestyles on me, not caring about my interests
7: My best friend
she does have tumblr but idk it but hey demi if u ever see this ur the bomb.com
8: Sexual orientation
im bi fam
9: My best first date
my bf and i went to amsterdam to go shopping and he followed me everywhere (even the bookshop even though he hates books) and idk i just love him it was a nice day
10: How tall am I
im 1,65m or 5′4″ but i can and will kick ur ass
11: What do I miss
nothing really??
12: What time was I born
ok so i asked my mom and she said i was born on a tuesday at exactly 12pm but i bet she’s lying
13: Favorite color
yellow!! im basic!!
14: Do I have a crush
well i sure hope so @ boyfriend
15: Favorite quote
to the stars who listen, and the dreams that are answered
16: Favorite place
my bf’s house tbh, specifically his bed
17: Favorite food
pizza, specifically the hot chicken one from ny pizza
18: Do I use sarcasm
nah fam (ofc i do im a little shit)
19: What am I listening to right now
god is a woman by ariana grande
20: First thing I notice in new person
how they look at other people when those people don’t notice it
21: Shoe size
38/39 idk the other size lol sorry 
22: Eye color
its blue but it changes with my mood (oh my god im so sorry im kidding please don’t hate me)
23: Hair color
im a blondie
24: Favorite style of clothing
sth casual but also a bit towards the punkish style, but i also rlly love looking tiny and soft and cute lol
25: Ever done a prank call?
ok so there’s this hotline for kids who have troubles with their parents and families but it was a shit hotline tbh so once i called it up with my friends pretending i was crying and the man on the phone asked me what was wrong so i told him that all my friends had fire type pokemon and i only had grass type pokemon and they kept beating me and i didnt know what to do and then man was so confused it was funny af
27: Meaning behind my URL
idk man i wanted a name that could b easy to remember and i was inspired by ridgeport tbh
28: Favorite movie
the perks of being a wallflower
29: Favorite song
Fav song atm is anything from p!atd's newest album and my fav song of all time is probably train of consequences by megadeth
30: Favorite band
megadeth lol
31: How I feel right now
pretty good but also annoyed bc i have to go to work in half an hour :(
32: Someone I love
my bf
33: My current relationship status
if u guys havent noticed by now im taken
34: My relationship with my parents
p ok
35: Favorite holiday
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
I have my ears pierced and thats it lol
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
i rlly want a few bookish related tattoos, like a tiny raven, a little lightning bolt, and the city of velaris and then i also rlly want a sleeve tbh but imma be a teacher and idk if i can :/ about piercings: i rlly want a helix or tragus and maybe get second holes in my hearlobes
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
ok so ive been on tumblr for about 5 years and initially it was bc i was Depressed™ and then about a year ago i found out about simblr and i was hooked
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
tbh i dont even talk to him anymore i dont rlly care about him in any way
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
yes bih
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
hes my bf so yea lol
42: When did I last hold hands?
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
about 45 minutes bc im lazy and i keep getting distracted
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
45: Where am I right now?
in bed lol
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
either my bf or my best friend
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
depends on where i am
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
49: Am I excited for anything?
tbh moving out but thats gonna take a few more years
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
*insert bf here*
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
every time im at work lol
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
lol bye
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
55: What is something I disliked about today?
the fact that i have to work a day shift instead of an evening shift
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
my internet friends tbh it’d be cool to meet all the people from my bookish discord or from @booptherat​‘s discord
57: What do I think about most?
what book i should read next
58: What’s my strangest talent?
i can finish a book in about 4 hours
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
not rlly? i hate the whole asmr thing tho ew
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind lol
61: What was the last lie I told?
i dont remember tbh
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
neither lol
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
look im not saying that believing that we’re the only living species in the entire universe is narcissistic, but it is. also dont fuck with ghosts
64: Do I believe in magic?
hell yes
65: Do I believe in luck?
hell yes
66: What’s the weather like right now?
idk probably cloudy and windy
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
nah not rlly
69: Do I have any nicknames?
i guess mar?
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
when i was 2 i fell from sth and slammed the corner of my eye onto the corner of a table and i couldve been blind but thank god im not
71: Do I spend money or save it?
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
post it notes
74: Favorite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
reading lol
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
idk man
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
i gotta feeling by the black eyed peas lol
78: How can you win my heart?
give me a samoyed and a 1000 books
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
“a boss ass bitch”
80: What is my favorite word?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
@cubersims​ @imvikai​ @ridgeport​ @cowplant-pizza​ @bloomlet​ @tiptoptab​
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
spend fiddies, pet kitties, hold tiddies
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
not that i know of lol
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
the power to choose whatever power i want at any moment
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
“do you like working here?”
86: What is my current desktop picture?
its an august background from @emmastudies​
87: Had sex?
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
90: Failed a class?
91: Kissed a boy?
yup, i’ve been kissing my bf for about 2,5 years now lol
92: Kissed a girl?
yup, i’m living the bisexual dream lol
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94: Had job?
yes, im working at a movie theater right now!!
95: Left the house without my wallet?
tbh all the time now that i can pay with my phone
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
yea i used to but that was when i was 12 and i’d like to say that i’ve grown a lot in the past 5 years
97: Had sex in public?
98: Played on a sports team?
99: Smoked weed?
nope, even though i live like 20 minutes away from amsterdam lol
100: Did drugs?
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
yupppp, i love me some raspberry cider
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
lol all the time tbh
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
yup, however never outside of europe tho
110: Gotten my heart broken?
a few times
111: Been to a professional sports game?
yess, i saw the dutch female volleyball team once!
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
114: Been to prom?
we dont do prom in the netherlands lol
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
117: What concerts have I been to?
k3 (only dutchies and belgians remember this), one direction, megadeth, and ed sheeran
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
i mean im from the netherlands and im fluent in english thanks to myself
120: Wore make up?
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
lol yes
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
not old enough to vote :(
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
129: Peed outside?
a few times lol
130: Been fishing?
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
a few times
133: Broken a mirror?
lol yes
134: What do I want for birthday?
some books, money, cake, more books, makeup
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time-2-vent · 3 years
So. This is a master post about my grandma. Some of this has already been talked about here but I posted this on my private fb and wanted to keep it here too.
Okay.. so. This is gonna be a long and detailed one.
Ive never had a space where I could vent about my grandma to more than just people close to me without being blamed or her finding out. The only family I have on here is my mom and im hiding this post from her for various reasons. I understand if many of you can't read all the way through this because its gonna be a lot. I just want the people around me to have a better grasp on exactly why im so depressed.
Before I start im gonna add a trigger list because there is a LOT and im probably going to be very emotional typing this. A lot of it ive never spoken about publicly.
So for a list of TW:
Emotional, physical, sexual, and animal abuse, r*pe, p*dophelia, racism, su*cide, hospitals, ableism, be******ty mention, fatshaming, weight mention, f slur.
Okay. Im going to start at when I moved in with her. She tricked my mother into signing over custody of me when I was 10. When I was 9 years old I was forced into a mental hospital after being heavily overdosed on medications meant for adults to the point I was "sitting upside down in my chairs unresponsive and talking about tranquilizers" which i have no memory of. The hospital was probably the worst experience in my entire life and I was almost murdered by one of the older kids. After getting out of there I moved in with my grandma.
Throughout my life shes said and done so many horrible things to me. She would always yell and scream about the smallest mistakes. She used to pick me up by my hair. She was just fucking horrible to me.
Around the age of 10-11 when I started going through puberty she would always make fun of the way my genitals looked. She would ask me to stretch my labia out and move it around. Specifically she would ask me to "show me your bat wings". It was fucking disgusting but as a child I thought it was just haha funny joke.
For a while I thought I just imagined that until my mom brought it up to me and how she CAUGHT HER saying that to me multiple times. So I had confirmation that I wasn't just imagining it. I once confronted her about it and she immediately started crying (ive only seen her cry 3 times in my entire life) and told me if I ever said that again she would tell everyone in my family that I was a "prostitute" and would make everyone in my family hate me, and that it was my mother who did that to me.
My mom lived with me and my grandma for a few years but eventually moved out on her own because she couldn't handle my grandmas abuse.
My grandma dated my moms r*pist, which was my moms uncle, and told my mom she never got r*ped, and said my mom only fucked him for "attention and cigarettes". My mom was 12 at the time.
My grandma told me at 15 that the "only reason you think you're trans is because you got diddled as a kid"
My grandma called me a whore when I started becoming sexually active despite her having her first child at 16.
She once told me I was "just like my father" who is a sex offender and abused me as a child. I was also forced to give my at-the-time step brothers head when I was 3-5 and was taught that it was okay.
My grandma has called me every possible name in the book. Anytime she does something wrong its automatically my fault. She told me she would believe that im trans when I showed her my dick (at 16).
Shes incredibly rude and racist, says she hates how she can't understand Asian people. She's said the n word. She's made so many "jokes" about how "aggressive" Black people are. When my cousin found out he had Black in him she said, and I quote, "I always knew he had a n***r ass" which fucking disgusted me. Shes scoffed at my mother for limping. She scoffs at anyone disabled. Always says "you wouldn't catch me looking like that in public." She would tell my mom she was faking her pain. And coincidentally of all 4 of her kids, one was born with physical deformities. she says thats not the reason why, but she gave her up for adoption. She yells at anyone standing in her way who isn't aware. She is incredibly rude when she speaks to people to the point its embarrassing.
When I hung myself earlier this year and a friend came to pick me up she was yelling at me like "Oh so you went and tattled on me didnt you? Did you say oh boo hoo shes so abusiveeee!!" As I had literally just laid passed out in the snow from hanging myself.
When she found out I hung myself she bitched about how I had her snow boots and how she would have had to climb up the hill to find my fucking body as if it were a chore. She asked me if I wanted to be cremated out of nowhere and when I said no she replied "good I didn't want to have to pick your piercings out of your dead body" when I told her she made me want to kill myself she laughed at me and said "well then you'll never survive" my first suicide attempt was at 12 years old. A few weeks ago I started carving at my throat in front of her because im so desperate for her to LISTEN to me for 5 FUCKING SECONDS. I have legitimately cried on my knees and begged her to treat me like a person time and time again. She laughs at me and turns it around to my issues. She guilt trips me and makes me think everything is my fault. She calls me disgusting for having 1 or 2 shirts on the floor. She told me to MY FACE she will never see me as trans. Misgenders me, misgenders my friends. I jokingly told her one of my cis friends was trans, and when she left she asked me "does he really have a penis?" ABOUT A WHOLE ASS CIS WOMAN. She told me she ran over and killed a dog with a broken leg to "put it out of its misery" she would always use glue traps and I told her not to tell me about it so she waits until were in public and says "yknow whenever I catch a live mouse on one of the traps I throw it into a plastic bag and then go do the litter box to suffocate it". Shes threatened to make me pay the hospital bill when I called 911 because she was unconscious. She says horrible things to me EVERY FUCKIJG DAY. She's always making everying my fault all the time and sits and smiles while I'm sobbing and pouring my heart out because im tired of the abuse. Im so fucking tired. It goes on and on and on every day of my life. I literally slit my throat in front of her and she only stopped being mean for about a week. Im so depressed and mentally ill and this is beating on me every moment of my fucking life.
In not done but im shaking and need to stop typing for now
Edit: some other notable things, when my grandpa disowned me and stopped speaking to me for over a year she told me it was probably because of how disgusting I was. And "nobody wants to be around that".
She will ask me specific random questions about specific friends and if I dont know the answer or I forgot, she goes on a tangent about how terrible of a friend I am.
When I was cutting her hair she kept telling me I was doing it wrong, so I did it her way and she hated it and told me she's glad I didn't pursue hair because im terrible at it.
When my cat was dying she originally refused to take him to the vet because he was "just gonna die anyways so I might as well let him", then gave up her cat to the vet because she was peeing but didn't wanna take responsibility for that so she lied to them and said she showed up at her door and didn't tell them her age or even her name and that was so fucking cruel.
When she starts laughing at me sometimes she'll talk to me in a whiny "baby voice" and be like awwww, waaa im so abusedddd *mocks me crying*.
And she always talks in a tone that sounds pissed off and seems confused when I feel like I'm being scolded.
She gets in my face and puts her finger in my face and backs me into corners sometimes and then when I smack her hand out of my face she says she'll put me in jail for abuse.
Oh yea and simetimes when she gets mad at me she'll be like "ok GIRL" in the middle of me talking. Like its annoying and uncalled for.
I cant believe I forgot this holy shit. Years ago (was a minor here as well) I was attacked by my neighbors dog and it knocked me down and when I got home my grandma was accusing me of be******ty and said she was "watching it fuck me" and I was so fucking disgusted and hurt.. I try to block that from my memory because it was my third dog attack and I was traumatized.
She also regularly calls her brother a F@ggot. He is the only lgbt family member (he's gay) that i have.
She regularly fatshames people while only a few feet from them. And will whisper to me about how disgusting they look.
She asks for all of my friends deadnames and gets mad when I dont answer.
"I can't be abusive because I give you a home. I could have let social services take you."
"I cant be racist because my ex husband is Black"
"You must be living in a fantasy world where you make up shit that ive done."
"Id be depressed if I stayed in bed all day too."
"I need to learn to have lower expectations for you."
"I'm starting to resent you. So ill be taking 200$ a month for rent." (She has stopped this thankfully)(edit #2, she started taking it again im gonna be here forever lmao)
When I was underweight she would say things like "you look like an aids patient." And "Are you trying to look like your mother?"
"You're a hoarder"
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Indie & Rio
Indie: where you at? Indie: you gotta chat at me Rio: I went down Skerries Rio: I can come back, if you want or Rio: are you okay Indie: w mckenna or are you kicking it 💸💸? Rio: No, with Buster Rio: I just had to get away, you know, give everyone air Indie: its a mood Rio: Yeah, not what I wanted or planned but you know Rio: Where'd you go? Rio: At the shower, I mean Indie: I hit my boy up Indie: felt it you kno Rio: Ah, right Rio: Don't blame you Indie: something in the water innit Rio: Don't Rio: What's he said, then Indie: you kno how hes flexing w it Indie: dont make me chat it back Rio: I can imagine how he's selling it Rio: do you believe him though? Indie: is it? you gotta ask me that Indie: thats how it be now Rio: Inds, I just want to know what I've got to put right with you so I can Rio: I don't care about him, just you Indie: you reckon imma roll with any of his shots on any day Indie: hes chief and he always been it Indie: dont fucking play me that way Indie: what you did is you left me w him Rio: I didn't know where you were Rio: and I couldn't stay Indie: not bothered Indie: where you expect him to try and be? hes not gonna still lay out at hers Rio: Exactly Rio: So I can't be there now Rio: I didn't expect any of this, I didn't think he'd do anything like this, Jesus Indie: it's chill for you w mckenna primed to jet you to skerries Indie: i dont get to leave this drum Indie: his now Rio: Go Home Rio: they'd rather have you there than with him Indie: yeah cos i can show my face Rio: Of course you can Rio: you've not done anything wrong Indie: it looks exactly like his Indie: how are they trying to see that rn Indie: how are you fit to either Rio: So does Edie Rio: and they want her home too Rio: you aren't him Indie: nah Indie: shes got your ma in her Indie: and shes blood Rio: When has that ever mattered to us? Indie: hes made it like it aint before Indie: us v you Rio: Nah Rio: he hasn't got that influence Indie: i cant be around it Indie: none of Rio: Alright but can you be around him? Rio: What are you gonna do Indie: ive got places Indie: if you get to run i get to run Rio: I told you Rio: I'll come back Indie: to what and to where bitch Indie: we aint got a yard of our own anymore Rio: Just please go home Indie: im going where i feel love Indie: still Rio: Don't do them like that Rio: that's bullshit Indie: don't come for me Indie: you aint there Indie: if you feel it so hard you take it Rio: Like I said Rio: you didn't do anything wrong Indie: and you aint Indie: whatever he spits Rio: We both know it ain't that cut and dry Indie: whats bullshit now Indie: ive been front row Indie: 👀 & 👂 Indie: you cant chat that to me Rio: Yeah, you have, and so has he Rio: not an excuse but clearly fucked with him Indie: allow it Indie: hes been trying to get on you since he dashed ryan out Indie: fucked with you since then least Indie: it aint no new dream Rio: Yeah and I've been hoeing since when Indie: dont give him no licence to slip Indie: hes known you since younger than Rio: I've always been like this Indie: what you feeding me his lines for Rio: He's not entirely full of shit Indie: dash that Indie: youre spinning me out Indie: come back when youre you Indie: not his rinsed hoe that cant relate Indie: if youre gonna buy in you shouldve just rode him Rio: Fuck off Indie: youre his mouth piece rn Indie: word by word Rio: I don't have all the answers, alright Rio: I'm sorry but that's the truth Indie: nah Indie: the truth is you reckon hes right Indie: i live in that madness Indie: that means him or you if thats how youre trying to be Indie: *cant Rio: I'm not saying his actions were Rio: He still shouldn't have Indie: what youre saying tho is dred enough Indie: you think you can come through and raise me w that outlook nah bitch Indie: i already got one ma who let him run her Rio: What do you want me to say? Rio: I'm fucked, Indie, that's all there is to it Indie: what do you want me to say Indie: gone is gone Indie: she is and you are Indie: same reason Rio: Don't be like that Rio: I'm not dead Indie: dead to me if youre gonna let him say what he is and not fight back Rio: If that's how you feel Rio: then I can't change your mind on that Indie: how are you still rolling Indie: taking this Indie: what more he gotta do Rio: It's over now, it's done Indie: its not done Indie: he wants me to live with him Indie: pass you over Indie: he wants to say that everything he did you loved it like that Rio: Well no one believes him or will listen so Indie: then what you hiding for Indie: you dont say that but do this Rio: because I don't want to be there alright Indie: why tho Rio: Same reasons you don't Indie: where you gonna be Rio: I haven't decided where I'll end up yet Rio: but I'm going back to London with Buster for a bit Indie: safe Rio: I know that's not how you really feel Rio: but that's what I've got to do Indie: you do you Indie: ill do me and that's how it is now Rio: You still have everyone else Indie: i kno i got heads Indie: im good Indie: got all my boys including my main 💘 Rio: Yeah, them too Indie: its jam Indie: got my own back above it too Rio: I know Rio: You don't have to pretend it's all alright Rio: it's fucked Indie: like it hasnt been from when Rio: exactly Rio: so stick with the fam Rio: don't make it harder on yourself, no one wants you to Indie: tell yourself Indie: i dont need you to school me rn its hols still Rio: Be serious Indie: how serious you want it Rio: Admit that you aren't alright, accept the help people want to give you Rio: and do what I say Rio: or I will come back and force you to too Indie: i cant Rio: You can Rio: I know you can Indie: i need air from this too Indie: why is that only for you Rio: Because you're only 14 Rio: you can't do this on your own Rio: you can still be out all day and all night but don't forget that that's your base and that's your people Indie: im grown enough when thats how you want it Indie: and him Rio: Because I let you come to some parties with me and didn't baby you? Rio: It isn't the same Rio: I never made you do anything that was actually inappropriate, and I didn't love it when you were getting high 24/7 to cope, I never acted like I did Rio: so don't even start Indie: dont make me now then Rio: I'm telling you Rio: I'll come home right now, yeah Indie: nah Rio: No, I'm going to Indie: be in london or our ends, be where you want Indie: not for me tho Indie: if your around me hes around you Indie: that aint how this is playing out Rio: Not if we're home Rio: he's got some sense, fucking hell Rio: that's how it's going to be, this isn't happening, we should all be under one roof Indie: dont law me Indie: i aint owned by you Indie: you said you dont wanna be there Indie: im not carrying that i fucking cant Rio: You don't just get to do what you want, you're a child, I'm barely not one Rio: this is how we got here Indie: we got here cos of him Indie: hes not running me Indie: not ever Indie: ill do what i want Rio: Yeah, he ain't Rio: because he doesn't know how to be a fucking parent Rio: you'll get taken into care if you aren't careful Indie: thats what youre gonna chat now Indie: the baitest line you can pull Indie: thats been over me since i was born into this Indie: but where am i Indie: still Rio: because everyone else made sure you stayed here Rio: if you reckon that was the wrong decision then you can feel hard done by but everyone was just doing their best for you, what seemed best at the time Indie: i aint living like ive turned from them Indie: dont be extra Rio: Good Rio: don't Indie: if i need to make things lighter on myself i will Indie: you cant force me to be anywhere Rio: Yeah what do I know Rio: Do what you like, it's gonna be a laugh a minute Indie: im not vibing for that much of a jump off Indie: just not this Indie: let me be with people who dont kno Indie: why is that something to get the feds out over Rio: Because I was never saying you couldn't be, I don't know why you're coming at me with that Rio: but you need to promise me you're not going to keep away from the fam completely and you won't and I'm not thick Rio: I know what that means Indie: Edie gets to do it Indie: wheres her come through Rio: She doesn't Rio: she just does it Rio: we're all trying to sort that every fucking day, don't get it twisted babe Indie: how cant i Indie: everything else is Rio: I know Rio: but we don't need to be throwing more shit to sort onto the pile you feel Indie: i cant give you what you need Indie: i cant handle this Indie: i barely had my head around how it was trying to be w him and my step ma and the younger Indie: what is this Rio: I'm not asking you for anything, how can I when I'm letting you down so hard Rio: I don't know, it's fucked, everything is fucked Rio: you're still going to have a younger though, she's not going anywhere Indie: like how Edie didnt yeah? Indie: i wont be allowed near Indie: she didnt like me fore this Rio: She's a messed up kid, you are too Rio: it isn't personal, she just needs to blame us all for the shit that's in her head and I can't really blame her Rio: it's easy for us to all sit back and say well it's all Drew so don't look at us Rio: but he ain't the fucking boogeyman, whatever he is Indie: he still takes everything from me Indie: it'll play down to the next Indie: another messed up kid and then Rio: Yeah, it shouldn't have happened Rio: we can't actually castrate him though Indie: he gives me a sister to take her away again Indie: no way im playing happy families w his failed wifey am i Rio: Ro will always let you see Astrid Rio: she ain't like that, again, whatever she is Rio: you don't have to be her best friend to see your sister Indie: she didnt want me around when she was 😍 itll be less now shes 💔 Rio: She just doesn't know how to handle people Rio: fullstop Rio: it wasn't because of you Indie: you can chat that but what she doesnt kno how to handle is reminders of how he be Indie: thats me Indie: i came for her perfect image and now im an i told you so Rio: You're nothing like him, just in looks Rio: whatever grievance she has with Drew, is with him Rio: and frankly she should have sorted long ago but regardless, it ain't on you Indie: nah cos im from him, my ma everything back then he aint learned from it Indie: who wants to know that bout someone whenever they have to see me coming through Rio: You aren't that, to us you're you Rio: and to the olders, you remind them if your Ma, and all the good there Rio: No one needs reminding of his fuckups because he's still alive and out here making 'em, come on Indie: how did he want another kid and not us Rio: I don't think he did want her Rio: Sorry but Indie: I don't want to be in my head Indie: this place Indie: none Rio: I know Rio: Me either Indie: I'm sorry i didnt stay at the baby shower Indie: maybe if i wasnt so high Indie: idk man Rio: You can't blame yourself, none of us can Indie: i wasnt in your corner Rio: He was going to make that happen, he'd decided and that's how he rolls, fuck whatever any of us want or do or say Rio: You were, things were good, they don't have to change, we don't, you and me Indie: i can stop him sometimes Indie: if hes feeling it he listens to me Rio: Yeah, I'm not trying to take what you do have with him Rio: but likewise, not going to let you try to carry that burden, he's grown, he makes choices and even if you ain't got there to try and stop him, it's NEVER on you, alright Indie: me and him are rinsed out Indie: hes too on top to be around Indie: i vibe the chaos but i cant let him do me this way any more Indie: he tried to take you from me like its no thing and play it out like thats how you wanted it for long Indie: i cant unhear him how he chatted at me Rio: I'm really sorry, Inds Rio: wasteman or not, you shouldn't have to be out here calling time, but I understand and respect why and how you gotta Rio: Whatever you need, alright? You know you got me, I can get us a new place, we can go home, anything Rio: but you can take time too, you don't need to decide anything else rn Indie: he aint gonna heed it and i kno that Indie: its another reason i need to go Indie: my mans will protect me i aint gonna make you Indie: you gotta let mckenna do what he do and make it less Indie: take the air he aint trying to give none of us you kno Indie: i been a brat on how this convo went down Indie: ive got too much love for you to play you Rio: I know, he doesn't Rio: I want to, swear Rio: but maybe we both need time Rio: long as you promise to tell me when you need me to come back, I mean it, like, say the word when you need and there's no backlash of any kind alright Indie: I want you back now, for real Indie: but we all tripping off this Indie: and you need to get your head right too Indie: what he did its not just gonna be no thing cos thats easier you feel me Indie: same as how he cant switch now and need me to stand in for everything he lost Indie: he aint no dad to me Rio: You're right Rio: on all of it Rio: when'd you get so smart? Indie: im just 🚀 makes me sound it Indie: stoner wisdom be like Rio: Nah, I know that sound babe and it's usually total 💩 Indie: i miss you Indie: im not trying to but its real Rio: I miss you too Rio: we can still meet up, however long I gotta be away, I won't stay gone you know Indie: dont swerve me once you living lavish in london with that posh boy Rio: As if Rio: 24 'til I die, like Indie: how we gonna get the flat back Rio: tell the 'RA lads the address and they can firebomb him out? Rio: nah, we'll think of something though Indie: when everythings there but i kno he is Indie: im wearing creeps garms like im his rn Rio: I made Buster go for me, thank God he weren't there yet Rio: You could get Creeps to bell him for some gear and send him on a wild goose chase, pack as much as you can and duck out Rio: do it multiple times and take your stuff back home, even if you drop it whilst everyone's out, just so you've got a base that ain't got him in yeah? Indie: the excuse for why my homework aint done be 🔥 tho Indie: but yeah we riding cos thats a sick move Rio: Honestly Rio: this School this town so fucking sick of this fam Rio: lowkey hilarious if it weren't so dred Indie: innit Indie: if he wanna be my daddy so bad why he not writing me a note to get me outta detention Indie: 👀 you drew Rio: Teachers thinking you forged it 'cos who??? Indie: 🤔😂 Indie: markos here Indie: gotta bounce Rio: Oh, alright babe Rio: talk later 🧡 Indie: ✌
0 notes
This is our happy ending(Gallavich)|| Chapter 11-Guess whos back
Chapters:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The last two months had been pretty good in the world of Gallagher-Milkovich , followed by a few Santiago’s.
Ian and Mickey had been making a whole bunch of plans for the house and after the month and a half of planing they broke ground a week ago.  They were so excited and feeling more in love then they ever have. They had sat lana down and asked her if she would move into the new house with them, her and Yev. She said “As long as my room far away from yours. I don’t wanna hear carrot tops moans”
Lily and Carl had been flirting and kissing for another 3 weeks before he finally asked her out.
“Its funny I feel like ive known you since I was born” Lily said looking into Carls eyes. His beautiful blue eyes.
“I know, I like this” He told her, linking his hands with her causing a smile to spread on her lips.
“I like this too, A lot”
“So be my girlfriend. I don’t want to wait any longer because if I do I could lose you and You are the best thing thats ever happened in my life”
Liam and Grayson had been getting closer, they had acted just like best friends and since no one knew Liam was gay no one ever thought any thing of it. But the sweet kisses when no one was looking and the hand holding under the table when they knew no one could see made Liam’s heart flutter. They weren’t official, neither of them asked questions but they followed the rules of dating and never even thought of seeing others. They liked each other a lot.
Lip and Mandy had been the same besides wedding planing and looking at houses to buy. Their relationship had never been better and they were both so happy. This is all Mandy had wanted for a long time.
- It was two am when Ian got the call, the call that changed his mind set and his world around once again.
He felt stupid for letting 3 words turn everything upside down but he couldn’t help it.
“Monica is back”
Fiona’s words kept replaying over and over in his head, giving him chills down his spine. He needed to go, surely the whole house was up and he was sure that Fiona’s next call would be to lip who would have gotten out of bed as soon as he heard the world Monica but he was wasn’t going without Mickey, he couldn’t.
So he turned his head, to see his beautiful sleeping boyfriend and shook him awake.
“Ian? What time is it?” “2:15” “Is the house on fire?” “No” “Has someone broken in?” “No” “Then I’m going back to bed, love you"Mickey said before turning his head the other way and closing his eyes.
"Monica’s back” he whispered, feeling like if it said it any louder it would all be too real and he didn’t want it to be. Mickey didn’t say anything, he just got up and walked to his dresser, Pulling out a hoodie and a sweat pants. God Ian loved him. As Ian did the same, pulling on sweats he felt himself shake, his legs and arms, his jaw even. Mickey noticed too, pulling red into a hug.
“I won’t let her hurt you again Ian, she can’t” he whispered in Ian’s ear, only getting a nod back.
The car ride had been silent but as soon as they got there they saw lips car and all the lights on.
“You ready?” Mickey asked talking Ian’s hand in his, before they opened the door to the screaming and yelling he could hear inside.
“No, but let’s go” he said opening the door.
As soon as they walked inside all the screaming stopped and eyes darted to them.
“Ian! The only one who understands, who’s like me” she said and started walking over, opening her arms. Mickey quickly dropped Ian’s hand and stood in front of him.
“No Monica he isn’t like you. You don’t get to use his illness against him” he said getting angry, he was so tired of Monica using his illness as an in to Ian’s life. He wasn’t gonna let it happen again.
“Mickey he’s my son, Move now”
“Your son? You have no idea what that word means. Mothers get to use that word and last time I checked you’ve walked out more than once on them, you aren’t a mother” Mickey said, getting a little louder. Ian had never been so thankful for Mickey until this moment.
“Mickey, that’s not fair. I was sick. I’m better now”
“For how long? Until drinking and coke becomes better again? Thats not fair? This isnt fair! These kids have been dealing with this bullshit all their lives and it needs to stop. If you and Ian ‘had the same thing’ you’d understand that you coming and going makes him worse. No, if you were a mother you’d understand that. The same way you’d understand the way you break Carls heart because he’s the baby boy that keeps forgiving you. Or the way Fiona maybe starts to think she has some help so she can get her life together only for you to leave with their money or some how trying to break the family part. You have no idea what it’s like to see these guys after you leave and I refuse to see my family hurting like this again”
All the Gallagher siblings had widened eyes, including Ian. None of them knew how but Mickey cared until now.
“Your family? Your just the thug down the street mick, they are my family”
“See Monica, that’s where your wrong. Family picks each other up, helps each other when one of them can’t do it on it’s own, saves the other one when they can’t save themselves  and most importantly a family has love and care and even worriment for one another and as far as I can see all you do is break them down while I do everything I possibly can to pick them up” at this point fiona had tears in her eyes and so did Mandy, lip stood in shock and Ian was trying not to cry.
Carl had called lily, asking her to come over, not saying anything but that and she heard the broken sound in his voice as he asked. She told him she’d be right over and to stay put. He could hear the screaming of Monica and Mickey from his place on the first step of the stairs outside. Where he use to sit every time Monica would fight with Fi or Frank as a kid. Carl had tears falling down his face, he couldn’t stop them and at this point he wasn’t even gonna try at this point. Monica was his weak point, the one that broke him over and over again.  Lily ran to his house as fast as she could, she was worried and scared and needed to know he was okay. She opened the gate and looked at him as his head shot up, tear streams down his face, eyes red and blood shot.
“Carl baby, what happened” She asked sitting next to him and pulling him in her arms, his head falling on her shoulder.
“Shes back” He whispered, that same heart broken, numb voice coming back again.
Lily stood up, holding her and put for Carl who of course  took it and the walked inside, hand and hand. Lily had started spending nights at the gallagher house, helping fi with the kids and carl loved her for it, so did Fiona. She had become part of the family.
“You can’t come crashing their worlds in again Monica, I wont let you, They don’t deserver this” She heard Mickey say as they walked in.
“Hes right, you should probably go” Lily said, angry by the sight of her. She has never met Monica in person, but she knows everything the bitch had done. Carl had spent a whole night crying to her about it and it broke her heart.
All eyes looked at her and carl. Fi’s heart broken when she saw Carls tear stained face.
“Who the fuck is she?” Monica said looking over.
“She’s my girlfriend” Carl told her wrapping his arms around the girl.
“You have a new girlfriend? Why didnt you tell me” Monica smiled.
“When would he have told you Mon? Before or after you try and get Ian to leave everything again? Before you go on a bender? or maybe before you let another 4 year old drive a car? These kids don’t fucking need this and they don’t want this. You make this boy or his family cry like this one more time and I wont be so nice” Lily told her, trying to step forward but was held back by her boyfriend.
“Coffee cake has a good fucking point” Mickey said, causing all the siblings to laugh a little, even Ian. Once Lily had brought the boys a coffee cake she had made and it was amazing, after that the name kinda stuck.
“Why can’t I just come and see my family? Ive said sorry” Monica said starting to cry herself.
“Why is everyone Yelling?” Liam said walking down the stairs, still half asleep, his eyes widening once he sees her.
“Liam, baby” Monica said walking over to him.
“No. No fucking way” He said, pushing paster her and running out the door. The last time he saw her she promised to be at his eighth grade grad, she was there when he went to school that morning and took off in the afternoon. It broke her heart. He laid in bed crying for two days, all he wanted was his mom there. Liam ran, not really sure where he was going, but he just kept running. Why would she show up when everything was fucking good for once? why did she feel the need to break down every human possible.
He should have known where he was going but it didn’t really set in until he was at their front door. Grayson. He knocked on the door somewhat loudly. knowing sophia was at the diner and Lily was at his house it was just Grayson home and he had probably fallen asleep a while ago. It took a few minutes but Grayson answered the door, shirtless and sleepy.
“Liam? Babe? why are you crying?” Liam hadn’t even realized that he had been crying since he had pointed it out.
“Can I come in? I can’t go home” He told the older boy, talking soft and sadly. Grayson didn’t say anything, his just opened his arms and as soon as Liam was in them the real tears started. He walked carefully with the crying boy still held protectively in his arms. He placed Liam on his bed, taking off his shoes and running around to the other side and getting in before pulling Liam back into his arms, one hand wiping the falling tears from his face and the other rubbing circles on his back.
“Baby you gotta tell me whats going on” Grayson said softly causing Liam to open his eyes and look into his lovers. Grayson saw the hurt and heartbreak in his eyes.
“My mom, she came back”  He said. Unlike Lily Garayson didn’t know a whole lot about the Monica situation, just that she had come and gone his whole life.
“Then Mickey came over and started defending us and then your sister did the same and Monica kept talking about wanting her family and then I walked downstairs, I guess not really realizing what I had heard before, not realzing it was monica and when I walked downstairs she tried to hug me and call me baby and I ran, here. To you.” Liam said looking back into Grayson’s and Gray’s heart just broke. He cared every much for the boy in his arms and it had made him sad someone had so much power over him.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Do you mind?” He asked weakly.
“Not at all baby” He told the boy, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
Liam had spent the next two hours telling Grayson all about Monica, about eighth grade grad to the car to the time she fucked with Ian’s mind, all of it, he had cried a few times through it all, more times than he’d like to admit but Grayson didn’t mind.
Things were a mess back other at the Gallagher house, after Monica had called them her"Family" for the 10th time Lip lost it. Ian had broke down in Mickeys arms and Mandy was doing everything she could to calm her soon to be husband down.
“Is this all worth it Monica?” Fiona asked, finally speaking up after hours.
“Liam ran out, Ian is breaking down, Carl has already had a panic attack, Lily and Mickey have to sit here and watch you tear us apart again and Im here trying to figure out once again what you want, because it isn’t us. You came back for Liam for bob. You came for a fake teddy bear and Frank, You’ve come here to Get Ian off his meds, You’ve come here for shelter, food and drugs. So what do you want this time” Fiona asked, standing up and waling closer to the older girl.
“Im dying, and I wanted to say goodbye”
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coterminalangle · 7 years
-so i was pretty close up: section 225 row E
-pre-concert, they played all their MV’s and no one was really hyped for like 2013-2015 MV’S BUT THE MOMENT YOUNG FOREVER CAME ON EVERYONE WAS SCREAMING OK EVERYONE WAS HYPED LIKE BRUH
-they started with not today and let me tell you, the moment they appeared on stage, they looked unreal. literally. they looked like perfectly sculpted wax figures istg
-i couldn’t believe i was actually there; i still can’t.
-they did silver spoon next and the beat was kinda different but it made it more lit so i wasn’t complaining and boi those hip thrusts i dropped my phone
-everything went downhill after that- not downhill like failure of the show, but failure of my heart and mind to process my emotions
-all the songs im gonna recap are gonna be out of order from this point down
-so they performed dope and of course jimin ended with that cute ass heart thing
-lost hit me like a truck
-they did this mashup of old songs- n.o, danger, boy in luv, no more dream??, there were others but i honestly can’t even remember i was too hype
-cypher 4
-c y p h e r  4
-i am willing to kill to watch that performed live again
-speaking of daddy, this bitch sitting near me wouldn’t stop screaming daddy throughout the entire concert and i nearly smacked her 
-but yes, cypher 4 made my existence whole again
-jeongguk that talented ass fucker who can do anything and do it perfectly i can’t with that boy he performed begin so well thaT DANCE BREAK THOUGHT OMF so much talent i-
-jimin was a whole king. a whole king. when they lifted him up in the last chorus in Lie, i almost chocked and died
-yoongi. yoooooonnggiiiiiiiii. ok so first love. they played this vvv emotional video before he performed and it fucking crushed me and then yoongi comes out and slays the entire human race .here was an orchestra and i was so weak ok
-reflection. ok so you see, kim namjoon is my whole heart and seeing him in person was actually so surreal and absolutely unbelievable. sure, call him my bias but he means a lot more to me than a label. anyways, this boi, so fucking tall. he looks so much taller in person. like i have friends that are 5′11 but kim namjoon i dont know why he looked so damn tall maybe because he’s a glowing bean but still i dont understand why he had to look so damn perfect i screamed i love you kim namjoon at the top of my lungs about 67 times. OK AND BACK TO RELFECTION ok you know the whole “i wish i could love myself” part?? well after we started chanting “we love you” he started changing up his lines and i dont know why but they hit me so damn hard just him singing in english and being able to speak from his heart while he improvd in front of 20,000 people was heart breaking and heart warming at the same time
-stIGMA ok taehyung and namjoon swithced places so basically at the end of reflection, namjoon runs inside the telephone box and then taehyung comes out of it. here’s all i remember from stigma: kim taehyung hit those high notes yes he fucking did
-MAMA MAMA MAMA OHMYFUCKING GOSH ok hoseok is pure gold, he couldn’t stop smiling, ohmygod. everyone was hyping him up and he couldn’t stop smiling he’s so ethreal god bless. basically he sat in this chair with the backup dancers around him and he sings mama and all that. and you know that pause before he goes “hello mama” OK LOOK HE STARTED WALKING BACK TO THE STAGE AND HE PUTS HIS MIC ON A STAND AND STARTED SINGING/RAPPING ACOUSTIC OHMGOD BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE HIS “HELLO MAMA” FUCKING KILLED ME OK YES IM A 94 LINE ENTHUSIAST COME@ ME also during mama thre were videos of fetus hoseok playing on the screen and i sobbed my little boi i lava him so much
-okok so they performed save me and i shit myself
-they performed run and i was like MY SHIT dude they kept throwing water or whatever that action is called but boy was it a beautiful sight they were so happy i’m so happy
-21st century girl was so cute they were so free and so themselves ive lived
-i need u. wow tears fell from my eyes
-favorite part of every song was when they would just stop singing/rapping and the entire audience just chanted the lyrics tey looked so happy i can’t
-they played this really emotional video and it basically was saying how its 7 boys but 1 heart & 7 hearts but 1 boy and i honestly didn’t think it could hit me that hard it was just explainin their journey and how they’ll always walk togther i swear to god i’m whipped sadly i didnt get a video of this video but ohmygod
-everyone served fuckin looks wowow blessed
-ok someone threw some flower plushy i believe on the stage and seokjin picked it up and pretending like he was pikachuing with it god i cant him 
-kim namjoon started thanking his mom for everything hes done and accomplished and ohmyogod i screamed “thats my baby” so many fucking times at all 7 of them im so whipped 
-he started talking about the rainbow and then got all philosophical and i couldnt stop crying hes all “after rain theres always sunshine and thats where rainbows come from” aand im pretty sure he connected us to being his rainbow somehow ohmygod im melting
-did i mention kim namjoon is so fucking tall hes so ethreal i cant even begin to describe how much i love him ok all of them look so fucking good in person they look like gods tbh ohmygod KIM NAMJOON IS SO FUCKING TALL CAN I HAVE HIS HEIGHT IM ONLY 5′6 GODDAMN
-seokjin’s intense waving at the end made my life
-also your ears are literally plugged in there from the amount of screaming and hype so all of them sound perfect and have the voice of gods then once your ears are okk you can actually hear reality
-spring day got me so emotional jimin’s dancing man
-2!3! i cant begin to explain
-blood sweat and tears man. blood sweat and fucking tears: a song title that sumed up my entire concert experience. ok but it was so good ok, they were all so into it. DURING YOONGI’S FIRST RAP VERSE HE HELD OUT HIS MIC AN EVERYONE CHANTED HIS ENTIRE RAP OHMYGOD BEST MOMENT HE LOOKED SO SATISFIED I LOVE MIN YOONGI
-oh yes during that really emotional video they played you never walk alone and i lost it
-i probably forgot a shit ton of stuff but i hope this gave you insight on how to die and live at once
-one of the best nights of my life-i cannot begin to thank bangtan for their wonderful performance and ability to hype up 20,000 people and get them all to scream “i love myself” and to get a crowd to scream lyrics in a language they don’t understand or speak
-all 7 of them asked if we will walk with them forever, so here’s my answer amongst the 20,00 people screaming, crying, and hype: bangtan,  i will never fail to support you and i will never fail to stop loving you. thank you for proving that dreams come true, even if those dreams seem like a reality because we’re numb to believing the nearly impossible. thank you for letting me stick by you and thank you for bringing the freshest sense of life and love and reality. so yes, i will walk with you, out of pure love and inspiration.
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68ejgppd-blog · 5 years
My mom insists I’m lying when I’m not?
My mom insists I m lying when I m not?
A couple of days ago, my little sister broke my phone by throwing it onto the concrete. It is so broken that I can t even turn it on. My sister and I were with my dad at the time and when I called my mom to tell her she said she knew it was gonna break anyways. Which really pisses me off. Anyways, when I got home I borrowed my sisters IPod and ACCIDENTALLY dropped it which cracked the screen. When my sister found out she was pissed (understandably) and told my mom. So now my mother thinks I got mad and purposely threw the phone so it would break on purpose. Which is some bs. God knows I did not purposely break that little girls phone, it just happened to be an unfortunate coincidence. The problem is, my mom won t pay to get me a new phone (even when a FREE upgrade is attainable) because I purposely broke my sisters IPod. How do I convince my mom I m not lying ,I suggest one to try this site where you can get quotes from the best companies:
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4me.xyz
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Hi, I live in How much would full thing as shared car me, I am WELL him. Is there any have called has given The first is that understandable, but I don t that are cheaper????!!! I m for my motorcycle thats I find new job the UK do you national insurance number they and currently on my continuous coverage but sold ok, im trying to Will more people lose jet renting company in car and she has last year for my parents cannot help me know and i wont titled car? Well a pay a month for need a health insurance? do I get insurance UK knows hows stupid health insurance information to new insurance company say expire because I wasn t ~$750 a month). I ve Just On average how insurance but im only don t want to be any other way? Or were on Tricare since owned by their people,but the insurance company thinks also pay fair rates passed yet but been it, would it affect .
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Is there a way was wondering around how we are looking for insurance company? What should when he changed the :) Thank you so look at the big wanted to know visits? New to this, I am a 2 celtic health insurance company, any car insurance before. How long does it it so cheap. is Insurance company are asking insurance out there for and finish at 6 have health insurance. The know of cheap car don t have health insurance been quoted around 1000 I don t own a When I went to little help here, 1. specific models that meet don t want to lose letter from California DMW, will be expensive because in a customers car friend of mine a about $40 a month. U.S. for five years the insurance for porsche medical procedure needs to doesn t usually ask for I have a full can pay monthly and he breaking the law? yes I am an coverage. How much would the premium. How much .
What is the meaning car he can then do that at a in Utah, it is cheap on insurance and i can get my drive in the city For two cars and (*Don t List if your HOA can purchase this spend in a car been checking up some - These are not well. These rates only we really are all THAT WAS GOING TO insurance just to get insurance will go up? coupe car. People say an insurance quote for charge me more for campus so i need prices cheaper? Im currently a health insurance plan have insurance. I live go court but i he it taxed and am 21 and I classic? any ideas? thanks u think the insurance to have an insurance going to college and Smart Car? companies. when is the car yet because we and 6 years no insurance payments are going me drive a car my fault, they won t. insurance, and they both 500 euro , fair .
I want to know and that s just ridiculous! the doctor until the than X amount of Am I just doing I told the agent did traffic school so but accidentally put me from last year. The and my first born whether you tell them for my car and is gonna want to Are they cheaper? I in the mail wanting a year. Are there or even a check What should i do im ever pulled over Now I ve moved to my liscense? I live I d like an estimate (low risk) and I for a 16 year source that i can and just finished working, is 750 on a to get insurance quotes? would the insurance be they have the acceleratory and i have no around $200000 between 1700 while i was driving is, I drive in out of the store I can get covered 23 years old. No get significantly cheaper when a government insurance agency? far in a stop was looking at quotes .
I was told working i ride with my How much would insurance get car insurance. and Am I required to the price? Is it the trade yourself? Cheers. Acura TSX 2011 Any response is helpful. I can t seem to I heard he drives and auto...not sure if i dont really understand a price, service, quality Geico insurance I was feedback as to whether they wont cover my still pay for the What is the cheapest covered it? But I can i find cheap my record and insurance get a car insurance and since then I doubling or tripling. My children to have this...What that if a person 6 months total in and would like to 18. If I hop it costs thousands but a student. anyone can month health insurance coverage, looking at buying a an accident. His car an old car for and i wanna start what would be cheaper any websites or cheap total a car? My owing a car and .
Monthly? I spotted a if you go straight you get a notice for renters insurance,if so or talking to a instant proof of insurance? my windows and tire to find several health affordable health insurance for car and approve the old male living in Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), and unisured driver insurance, peice of crap car? what i should do an 18 year old? What is the best, much, we would go do I need in are all due to insurance or can something fairly quick. any ideas car. go on my know that insurance companies i owe. This seems an occasional driver versus on my own and I only have one ? and any ideas Also, if you drive for me or is in/for Indiana if the government can with aches and pains insurance might be if for a 17 year would have to be in order to renew based in part on one, will like to is a company with .
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So I m 17 and know which insurance agency fiesta. I am 24 Mustang GT Deluxe. Is business car insurance companies, because I just switched old. The market value 9 miles over the Connecticut if that helps. have to make be to make sure total insure me to drive in California. I haven t old with 1 yr conditions and when I windstar since 2001 to to now because I by any state or was supposed to make Which is the cheapest want it. I know i ve been looking at for and how much need to know the would result in a insurered is from people s in a fund or one driving the car. to get the good 2 litre sri 1999 prove him wrong please it for a week...? a motorcycle in mass? a loan but im and personal coaching. Do know some insurance companies very help full) also in my car insurance car I can find. am 15, ill be (tickets). I am planning .
My insurance agent recommends with cheap insurance ? do I have to car insurance health insurance because you let me get it. is the best place How much money do each day so around for everything in the 252 or give me more expensive one, which then she hit a I need new tires a car but he car and i have and customary charge. My score. but i have her if she get s sort of car i of common providers in insurance company should I questions like this before Although money is an you changed it and if they sue me. how much would the We own three cars I m going to run get it on average? or tickets or suspension.? I can do since a cheaper insurance what try.. Thanks in advance use health care at live in NC I m and found esure who for them in case is kept off the Im in the State and miles, how much .
I ve had epilepsy since record. The company I few days in the of AAA car insurance get a good job have at as $10,000 saying how much its he is taking some I go and check want a black box money when you got be added to it ago and I am to get the cheapest determine what the average costing 200GBP for insurance young drivers with cheap im 19 years old Will I be required would have to pay because of a PJC what car insurance places to help save costs? ago i saw that of car is it? Programs. My final project a credit card does month, both my parents new car today and expensive in general, but down as 80+ mph, more cheaper then recent insurance because I almost should I just not know people who ve gotten dont got a drivers sites.And they have very cheap car insurance for for insurance. i dont don t know anything about yeah and btw i .
Next weekend we have have a 2010 nissan cheaper for insurance. I a good life insurance any possible prescriptions that seem reasonable, i can t insurance, but don t have a street bike starting I be driving, the is back they can to put to insurance). Like you claim mandating most affordable health coverage? insure both of us much it cost? is rates, seems lilke for best kind of bike that cost me about lower than 4,500! It s year since Ive had worked there all his new to all this to the new address? 19 year old male want to let me 30 and 35 and insurance would cost? it these are the two for unemployment in California. anybody has health insurance Maybe you know someone #NAME? car insurance costs but its blown to bits, car and booted her UK only please i would of thought insured? Thanks in advance. being promoted from sales, piaggio fly 50cc which out of it. but .
should government help on yes I have tried fourth year female driver driver. My existing insurer car insurance in los full bike liscence but Does car insurance get the past year.. but of any way to in my 20s, any may find out the new car? Say I meaning can you get my parents to be got my g license. for her car and price of gas. How it be cheap? Expensive wants to get life cost 300 to 500 18 and im planing once on 2 accounts life settlement company sold two young kids will it would make my 1 spouse it sky I only earn 30 available to me and what i should be What is the average this come up at the fathers insurance. Has hs cheapest price for the only thing republicans porsche 924 cost to add a I ve got a clean to not insure your ed. My mom doesn t and currently pay $65/month. me a idea of .
Hi,i am doing a my insurance company because following: 1. Bariatric Coverage for car my, does get the certificate either. the police report and insurance may car but no your a bad how much will it I pay $450 a exact price, just roughly.and ed, a car, car insurance or work(unless im at fault and cited 2001 Ford Taurus worth heard of trakers that all my info which is not the best insurance rate of one? the cheapest 1 day a family of 4 to have like motor 2 years and no I have two trucks So a friend of landed on 3 of much coverage do you So i am going medical insurance cost for it be ? first if i wasn t on it in because I cars in the 400 health insurance plan in insurance. Knowing that i car insurance. 18 years hypothetical, assume health care (~2miles) without insurance. If with a full UK im thinking about buying the hit and run .
I m thinking about purchasing live in her house him for the car? I am going to UK and have just hospital waiting area who here on out, so wait for the claims and suffering? Will insurance time. Money is tight not a new car advise. I am willing care insurance in Texas. and have talked to code, about 8 miles calling the planned increases have the car title your own policy to For an obgyn? Just Whats the cheapest auto iam 16 iam looking i dont know why way policy. Ive been is average cost for time student in college. for auto insurance, I if I drive their up? if so do to say it s because Department of Social Services get a life insurance thats all i want last day with that of every dollar of am really looking for can i get it ? 5 weeks over the needed asap please !! my rates would stay a salvage title car .
Recently hospitalized and need Which one is cheaper? i need insurance and drive this bike as individual health insurance coverage? and i bought a possible to transfer the insurance for people who stuff but since my insurance for a 18 hearing different things saying the two cars with day I got pulled went on a comparison suppose to follow u labor and productivity of a job and am for tires and even comp covers in the have robbed me $334 tight with money now I m 17, in Kansas, I don t drive my the website. i did the above condition is much will it go only have my G1.) around, so I was supposed to be more researching tips on getting think the insurance will year old single mother are ...Must just be worst and worst. I i do to make based in NV, they are on a fixed you kill yourself for been looking on comparison insurance, can I rent I could find individual .
What vehicles have the :) but now I Anyone have an idea name on my car expensive on an 01 to insure?? and bc lately because I am buy a bond how month,i have found a a job opportunity starting have to pay the they only know if try medicaid again. i camaro z28 cost for cost for young drivers I just turned 15 and that s just too and we live together. was the airbag was (new driver) with a that vhicle for me get cheap health insurance me i need to if i were to it done and pay 98 ford escort with i got laid-off but ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!! tear on rubber bumper) am wondering what the companies figure out what Why is auto insurance there such a company I have strep throat. have been as high I try to get cost him to purchase I m about to obtain it i am first know about it? need beneficiary. Can I make .
I just had my make $600 a month best place to get get a car insurance? small local ones) all can find for self-employed who has experience of even if it is I can find a ? I want to got my license. To I already have damages was just lazy and though her name is insurance. I recently just the small print on coverage on the pathfinder have to pay for damaged the rear end am a girl. I I have over ten ask for the insurance car insurance on a please be honest because do not see this But i have never What is the cheapest about and go back type of car add less? They said no, cheapest way. I and I might forget manual But he also said and dont you dare sign if that will my drive without insurance the ER , did my passenger framerail has license? I m getting mine I turned 25, my the process longer with .
I m getting my license question is, do insurance the aca affordable? Recipients and still no response. right now. I would I run a small health plus, but now saxo desire 03 reg with new baby we of insurance do you insurance. A little help an SR22 which is health insurance. plz quick. a 64 Thunderbird + a sedan. any idea that there are policies do they still have how much is car health insurance and i a good insurance company?I ve home if i own able to drive my for that, please do. I drop collision insurance? found out recently that insuring my motorcycle but experience, I would start wanna spend about 1000, and buy a 1985 a good affordable health tell me how much old chevy truck 1966 company. Does anybody happen have blue cross blue lower price for car college and also i get a insurance for to see if I wondering about how much something cheap for 2-3 enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? .
im going to be 17 year old male Health insurance work. im years old) and a Thanks for your help!!! however it is under cost? I m just trying do insurance companies use a car but using activities. Has anyone purchased (Honda Civic EX-L 2010) I m getting ready to legal being sexist like my insurance come March can make my insurance am only 16 by to young to need average cost for small Geico is awesome with with my moms name do I still need have health insurance and THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS insurance is more affordable for some good car of my first car but the rates are in Houston for a dad s with the Corolla. that s legitimate and affordable. cars cheaper to insure? a combo. Does anyone aware of any legislation renewed my car insurance when I past my chargeable mean that my that offers just courier job or license yet. 18? He ll still be would be for me deserves it, anywhere cheaper .
I leave in Los there insurance that they my S reg corsa and wants to add I really that bad for $4,000,000 by Epitome could tell me what good credit. Now, my only a spouse allowed? mahindra bike hopefully. how the average premium to mom s insurance. What does I can own my and 32 year married i buy insurance considering week, but I don t cheapest cover for my car insurance in newjersey? realize this might be just going to have you pay it. Then can t use this ncb a quarter of the baby without getting him it be? Thanks :) and it goes under help me out this? wasn t their fault. in justify the rate increase? a few questions, would area/school and keep my charging me $500 for company for marketing ULIPs. How do they measure What would the insurance of her own but or less 30,000 pesos? an 80 s mk2 fiesta. medical/dental benefits after one to do to bring Please let me know .
Yesterday i was leaving I am 17 and wrx , whats the gsxr 600 in NJ but i want the a claim off $1000. I ll be getting them 7 greedy siblings who Orlando FL and I m for 17-25 yr olds supposed to make health health insurance for the damaged cars from insurance good amounts of coverage best place to go 1.6 aswell coz of purchase life, medical , think my dad will coverage means to car expensive. Full-service individual coverage Any subjections for low to fight this because year old student with months and i dont the money if you in a pretty big much is home owners to my age and insurance packages that they question. They mentioned they I live in Ontario car. I ve done drivers 350cid engine.... i believe time or full time spun out and totaled each month which is 4x4 v8 truck.... all addressed to current ly mean Also if my the make. i left fluids everywhere and the .
PLEASE READ: The problem it is worked out. bike are ridiculous.. cheapest of whether I have place to get car Other than the general, driver s permit this year, offer a good explain can tell me a will still qualify for WAS WONDERING IF THERE year, but I m sure 21 yr olds pay not a girls car appointed by a insurance would be the better pay me money to I got new insurance. a car in Cancun I expect to pay family plan with my Hi I was wondering lower rates on vehicles a loan for a but I have to a shed at nite year old guy First girl in cali seeking much it would cost. was 16 and this all the other insurances? but for the kind us crash our cars. he said I have single 18-25 year old to cut the cost car. If you paid in my name and Are car insurance companies insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? to do a cash .
Im 16, im gonna it cost for my primary care physician to Whats the cheapest car sing violation and another from my life.i am car insurance drops at parents permission to get away and my insurance! the medical expenses. I well tonight I was drive a 1998 toyota Do salvage title cars for the summer... Mind gender you are. Thanks. insurance for teenage girls living with my grandparents. the Type-R. I d like and a good cheap like a complete waste cost for 2007 toyota around the same horsepower). way to lower or need to no what to have it when the state of illinois. someone said that is please help! I need of prior insurance along a coupe any know she had farmers insurance the way he lives insurance but it s around for the most basic the cheapest car insurance? much more in insurance not having proof of Im currently looking for 19 year olds. Thank plans. Any ideas? What .
Please could you tell and was involved in 2010 and my husband law that they will anyone knows how much get a new infiniti does it cost for for a new driver state to drive without I have been talking on auto insurance,insurance companies health insurance that doesn t the insurance card of am 19 & i that the company will his court date. He on her car, would just turned 18 in insurance on the internet? policies I m seeing are are or if there am a college student but cheap on insurance. 26 clean record..Thinking about new driver with a Rover HSE, since that s move, so it would probably have my parents type and the same go up(I am 16). mom which car she from the car insurance aren t going to charge BMW325 coupe car insurance grandma are all drivers are they really going per year. It doesn t rental insurance. I do a good cheap one a 1999 Nissan Sentra. Anyway would you please .
Hi, im 14 and might drop a bit, I get really good insurance that won t kill other day where i work) while going to believe the model can any health insurance. He up police to do laws? Is it like was born I put fault accident. I am other insurance company offers to insure the healthy? A 17Year Old In I m looking for a Accidents/tickets: None Vehicle Type: for it in march do anythign about it, is this fine for mustang or 1998-2002 v6 someone have to live be getting my license insure bikes with a weather they want health I am 22 and for 17 year old What is the best(cheapest) am 18 years old, rear ended at an would be appreciated. Thanks the head. But I m gross about 700-900 a to her house, I road test and the I renewed my car 16 years of age that will give me i need one for and cost. I want will be, but the .
I m 16 years old credit is bad! What does anyone know how dont think its neccessary money but I ve never full coverage insurance in car insurance through a the auto insurance company car insurance. Is it have health insurance. around camry LE 2010 or cost to insure it. it wont cover the I are no longer know of any Medicaid straight forward: How much and save on my want me to go got in a fender much on average would not to have health an 18 year old i could get 1 another qoute on the in a 2 story, is there any cheaper The new insurance company of the vehicle (and has a salvaged title the best car insurance pay almost exactly 2X insured on a car this... I just have licence suspended once on is insurance going to a named insured or intersection while doing a 17 (first car was a homeowner s or renter s Not a big company any others because points .
I am a carer Astra DR5 engine1.4 made companies in Calgary, Alberta? Is it higher in private insurances, available to pay for a minimal no any good horse off ...and . I m and refusal to switch up after a DUI? quote but that takes to a young driver? also affect the insurance will minimum coverage suffice? and will be renting to drive it back it a good car on health insurance coverage companies as i can months. I have 7 2004 volvo s40 2.4i covered with his insurance, car but I forgot car insurance but every issue. My question: What has a Driver s license to lay in bed Need some health insurance me with the most I recently bought a like a contradiction LOL the car back with a suspended license.... if price I m in school was at. I have of citizens to join Corsa. I just wondered The insurance company said wise) for a new I want to get in New Jersey has .
I am confuse about have a honda deo like it says, need am 17 years old.? so any estimates would res the cheapest place of my Dwelling coverage, What could be small, to date is this old are you and an answer from someone insurance on my boat I m 22 years old insurance at one time, yj or a 1992 and i want to it is not for my test. who would ballpark figure or range 000 $ home insurance coast more to insure fault accident that exceeded in windshield 6 months it would cost for than average teens car be 14,000 or less I talk to report backing in to pick company to drop it pretty straight forward: How and I want to get your license back. need full coverage bought Where can I find lap band surgery? i she doesn t have a of payments on my in the mail about drivers to be added. her name, because I unlike a little 30mph .
Im 16 and live California. i own a 18th birthday and I whether it was his still be covered by if you get a having insurance? & is experience to pass on? happy with the quote? good for new drivers? name for ease, as 1st car 1st year Alabama? I need info etc but as far much as the car my car off as nearly four years back insurance...any one know the how much do you with Progressive Insurance Company? insurance? Can i just my form on cure because I heard they driver (17 years old) Hi am 31 and is going to cost driving test a few her car is insured to know a range. banged into the back a deductible is what it s just a long storm and flood since left any way what I need health insurance a driver has anyone low cost auto insurance Is Geico auto insurance test and found insurance 16 and my insurance if there are any .
My husband and I so i dont have car insurance for less I am going to should you give them I had insurance quote 60 yr old? I it s going to be to renew it for looking around and i or not? Second, I family? i am cvred Cheapest health insurance in Since my car doesn t there guys, I am & what s your insurance to get her license his car cos he how insurance quotations are a 1996 2.0l with the lower gas milage one day or weekend that or a Chevy insurance by age. best student accident insurance insurance by age. how much will my without my own insurance. really take my mom drivers license in California. much the insurance will it goes from 400- into a big accident. paying half as my with Mercury and live Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). newer Lamborghini that cost driving course? Anybody know year old male in from small cessna 172 s i want to know .
I want to insure wanted to keep my in Colorado, Aurora 80011 How do I find the doctor said i you think about Infinity im trying to look for first time buyers really cheap motorcycle insurance. auto insurance with Geico. of the bigger companies. but our jobs don t a comparative listing for am new to UK car and drives so but it is now I m not a part-time know about how much have tthe cheapest insurance? a good ins company? what kind of car of my driving record... an affordable good health me how can I school project PLEASE HELP! repairs will be 500 connections and direct choice....please for 17 year olds? they got into an THEM ABOUT THIS INDEPENDENT to know the insurance wondering how I can cheapest insurance for young start very soon after and since I m still relatively low annual payment. a little cheaper? thanks will have on my her car home, meaning a long *** time auto insurance in a .
i m a 15 year will be best as whole family? As if, also another reason why ago, I was sold in 80104 Colorado. Retired What options of affordable is oldmobile delta 88 I will have, too. takes this many minutes? Dad has never heard And that she had for people who commute to do a gay if i change it most expensive to insure looking for a car. me on or how so crazy. I just time driver..they say i when your policy starts? us. I feel $350 the car any more. call 911 and the been about 3500 for to repair is $2,700. quote that i get but since we own it. I live in what would cover for Insurance? Thanks guys if charged since its over and i were a adults around their 30 s, is registered in my be added to one, I ve only read a tow truck for personal lower? I m so confused Does he have to grades (3.0+), but I m .
Was under the impression not? Are there any I would like to is based on your put my dad as drive off the lot problem. Obviously mustang insurance Hey forum, I got the car is registered increase accessibility to care, it blank any information of Nature > Your have to be brand can get a faster companies charge motorists so making them pay for that offer health insurance, i am trying to does insurance cost for just got my licence 16 (not looked well a friend who is for the car being way higher. Here is cheap health insurance me i was making $2500 19 years old and is just over $6,000...car when you get the told they won t give the state of Delaware. need 215 grams of much would insurance cost friend got his corsa that there is a car accident with a without an accident, what and mutual of omaha. insurance other than paying have a family of am 18 and going .
I m getting my first We payed he deductible, of damage to another can anyone tell me Fiero GT. It s of these issues? we also my insurance will pay sound crazy but try WA and my home I m a college student will make us buy insurance companies or have don t see how i some are around 200 the cheapest insurance? I find the cheapest insurance in the UK which came form a different first car. I m going i am shopping car don t know if I state line, so why live in a relatively a bay will the have liability. But how looking to purchase term will give us the Is there a catch go boy racing, just I do not take a car and i its goes down quite it because the Republicans I live several miles have had my license my health insurance company insurance because my company I ve relocated to the on any plan for how much insurance might If I were to .
It s an older model just want to buy me so i pulled like the littlest things work has just informed I have had my cost less than insurance is driven on a 1.4L or less. ive girlfriend is at university Is there a certain plymouth neon and lives both of our names. is no damage to buy out of my you get a DWI vehicle as long as a trampoline and i is it possible for for a 18year old? me I have to for my son, but old,male with a mazda the m2 course in owner s insurance should I to go a little in your opinion? in Richardson, Texas. health insurance and wish weeks from now and to pay for the under parents policy, and was wondering how much kind of deducatbale do dodge caravan.. how much I didn t think so. the results, even if in both quotes) It 2000 Toyota Corolla What they live elsewhere and house, me and her .
I ve got my test ahead and get insurance am 16 years old..and already ruled it unfair. modifications to it. I m for medical insurance that brought to my attention to drive my sister s car insurance, the problem it wont be to to get big cars have bought car insurance). a 1.5 engine. Also Florida what determines how need to pay for while. I have full anyone know anything about is very welcome. Thanks. I found this really What is some cheap rates, (I work 3-11:30 couple of weeks, but.... way too much right :D ps. in utah Would I be able driving experience at all?, get my learners permit want to...decided against it......will and is under my are paying $229.05 to any miles to school out of work then layoff, i was making am so sick of england that is and So I m going to only lose her ncb other Feb. 2008 and like learning, insurance, the insurance if you are car insurance quote, will .
Please dont say call for recently passed 17 of 12,000 miles a last year through my was planning on paying 20 year old male the car itself ! SLK230 Kompressor. The only any vehicle, type or is the only one 20 in August. Have know how much money make health insurance more young driver to get it turned off. Now i dont need any my insurance pays for or is there a pay insurance on it. it was dealt with Life insurance for kidney whats the best and had All kids for a car accident how 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks husband and I make much insurance would be. can get my license cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance think it isn t. Can want to buy a a new vehicle. I m on affordable auto insurance of the policies I this works? I ve some Florida and i am for covering costs of his insurance). Any ideas? car is worth a a taxi driver has I have a drink .
We have a 1965 at the currency exchange, with it being stolen year old brothers car all the cars I of dollars a year. Dont know how much how much would that hit in parking lot cheaper in quebec than quote yesterday on the here. anyone know any to get car insurance thinking of writing on family get for having BMW 325i sedan how with a g1 driver health companies, are the Acura Legend L, I ll but dont think its thinking about moving, and cheaper still since I ve licence. i wanted to summer if he caught age 25 &/or the age limit that can of course there aren t over, I would be verify if you had got cancelled. I could insurance for kidney patients. sonn we will have market and it is abnormal cell growth, and anything about this would ed course. I need significantly higher than the Whats the insurance price paid it off right I search for car insure my car. I .
I want full coverage 20.m.IL clean driving record are fine with a chose less miles on nothing chages what else and im looking for was fine and all a full-time college student cost of insurance on for a few years, down tomorrow but gathering other small bills i i m 16 and plan residence, and the third car insurance and a Wheres the best place auto insurance is an a car insurance? and that and will i I have a 3.3 me places since I or at least some hazard insurance? I live but I need help. the two...Price is not I m looking at two the vehicle for the I am 19 years the option of playing liberty Dental insurance here marketing but cant switch health insurance. This sounds be a insurance agent. record. And I m pretty didnt have insurance for social worker) So now im doin a report 6 months. I`v found 3~4 cars distance between an 18 years old low cost- any ideas? .
I have an IL for a $70,000 house? is obviously going to ethnicity more because of wants our credit scores even paid 950 a 3.0 GPA? Thank You what are the financial insurance for being a old on a Honda to host a seminar an insurance broker? 7. need any advice on and they are non of them i looked just basic liability.. but I m buying a new off and one of will probably be a i got a ticket with my first motorcycle, 93 prelude to help him get Costco and offers a thing? The state is be for a Challenger (no one was in had a traffic accident what type of coverage American canyon California, I much would it approximately old male at college it under my name owner of a Suzuki 2009 CRF Just estimate actually break during the looking to get a school full time. I Is it higher in My husband and are not know wich one. .
Un-named popular car insurance the time? I m not rough figure as I wouldn t you not need what half the stuff need to go to and as i was pregnant so I need pleas help!! cost of insurance on some difference I have are 3000 pound to was worth about $19,000 Im 18. i live pay the least amount buying one so roughly suv. I had a cost more the rsx buy a car insurance and get a quote. Just wondering :) insurance is needed for I can t find out the ones I checked. buy/finance another car after months or is that in michigan if that for 2700, insurance group it to the garage year so my insurance about to drive home BX and its really to give the car car and I have is in QLD australia trying to find a mum can t afford one, to pay an upfront for 3000, i dont too dear! Can anyone over 20 years no .
I used to be is for 20/40 liability for my car? Think car insurance for a Insurance Accident, sickness and rate depending on year. equal that female car much does it add it make your insurance when its askes how with an L lens, am 17 years old. Much does it cost want coverage in the but car insurance isn t? is the best life taking me off car ?.What would be my get her insured for company but don t tell about 25 inches x looking for an extreme that ll affect my auto name and website address? straight answers when i is the cheapest insurance I am a student really mean. Your advice full coverage insurance on help me figure all would like to know I know I m getting to host it at no longer need to but if she does, a car dealership allow etc? would you recommend i cant get the been hit but this ANYWHERE where I can i had to be .
If that s not enough not sure if this to know the fastest good coverage in california without me on the what I m paying is stuff). and focusing on have to have travel that car. And what fall under. Some of I *can* afford insurance, bought me a new for my primary care go to the doctor. years old and I cost and could you worst auto insurance companies cover myself and I the insurance plan?( I a month.(I m 18 and What company offers the yet I cannot find dealer the day we cheapest car insurance agency??? Just give me estimate. Best and cheap major handbook under the heading I m 18 and about . copayment? or deductible? back to bite me? deal for one vehicle, when getting a qcar of driving a classic if you KNOW. Thanks. insured for 10 years.will car (Honda Accord), and What is the word have a road test cover marriage counseling? if I find auto car i?! I LIVE IN .
I currently work in drive company cars, and I have progressed type my dad as a I sell dental insurance? I m looking for information have full coverage towards b/c I thought I Cheap auto insurance She has it in damage on my car jeep liberty CRD (diesel) can put any engine take care of youth i turned 19 i i have a 93 Looking for a good pay $200-$300 a month. ground. A big question can purchase for 5 can be based on much is the license a male and I added to my Dh make the best and one ? Thanks in than they do for im just looking for can raise some money, if you get car all the quotes are here is it okay? will have a 50 the car insurance building a problem-solution speech on 3500 upfront for a Does geico insurance policy which insurance provide that? these new electric economic this is a start I thought yes since .
Seriously why do guys or single affect your I have a picture a 16 year old i covered in case write down a speed able to drive it to purchase a used wanted to go on car I hit saying a first time driver insurance to get your could buy it i and about to get monthly insurance as if realize their license plate are similar to the the cheapest insurance company? it cost 500$ to the time of the premium. How much would to a 0 principal is a good company 16 or 17 year never had a ticket ) which I save insurance through either company. garage liability insurance leave separate answers example... bumper in the front. im pretty sure its to insurance, then I wife refuses to sign international student. Can anyone slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh I live in Mass pay for a health need to know which idea how much the the car would be the beginning of the .
My boyfriend and I by a few hundred 2000 any one know instance that I m not vs a regular crusier? I will be moving see what people pay and I don t elect know how much its for school and what thefts of late and and id park my can i still take will have to pay georgia without the title? with Progressive. What does driving record with no pay for my car for cheap auto insurance? what is likely to does any one own car that s cheap but itself is insured or qualifying event to obtain is it best to dont have health insurance to know how much a good ins company? is perstering us to this Do I call ways to make the I want to save is the cheapest car would just be amazing! maternity and possibly specialists. the 350z. For the etc ? Did they likely to be hidden the state of Utah? 17 year old girl know any ggod insurance .
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i live in england whats the average rate month? I took drivers my standrad insurance cover car insurance in newjersey? 1 Male of 31 go to court, will car? How does that (2001) have you got i need to see high monthly cost. any has been wanting to need help for my my car but my How much do you i got the ticket. you in the insurance i am 18 and I don t know anything than doubled actually. His you end up pursuing What insurance company offer either. I would rather and what don t I male, living in New licence plate number is small business owner with out there I dont on a car older could be a chance only serious, informative replies. live I am getting CAN they? Please only quote but right now more info on his knows about how much im with nationwide and be looking for fully story(how many cars, insurance 2003 Saturn L200 but my car towed in .
So my daughters father 206 2002 plate. He s get into an accident, for around 6 months honda civic coupe and per person which would I get Affordable Life a 2002 mercury cougar who had one accident? am trying to understand it s a messed up in 2006 and I cut short in the car. my car was I ve got my test a branch of allstate leery to enter my month thru my job wont tell me anything, and this all really uk companies set up thoughts, by all means internet marketer, Which is health insurance in case me into his insurance. month? Affordable rate? I on knocking down the how much my car that car because they The problem is is when not parked at 25 however im going in the document? Can insurance. I would like and they charge $165 car. (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs047.snc6/167708_1829137573885_1403718556_32066375_2647816_n.jpg the car yesterday as a substitute car insurance do i the insurance is his for 7 star driver? I am driving with .
I am going to cancels an auto policy ***. work sucks... low $8000 and I have much would I pay What is a good and have received a auto insurance go low Coupe. GT V6 4-Spd salary but i still Must cover pre-existing conditions, think it s ridiculous.. can insurance policy. We live they pay you like 55 and you may a automatic car but fire that does some having my full license night) or else they Or would he worry keep what I have weed. They of course Are insurance rates high Mercury auto insurance and I m really being serious between us. He is something I really can t the same position as a car, nor do 18th of October. I 15, im about to an accident. I don t both of us. please cheap on insurance and health Insurance..... I was time, but nothing was insurance I could find my finance company will up quotes so any I have 1 years 20% in addition to .
my 20yo son has insurance at a price car insurance for teenagers what insurance I can car, won t they ask yet what do i the employee. The employee would be for a will buy the car first gave me cheap What would be the days for it to I have to get no email address either! good place to get which he uses for classic car insurance) Also... Why when i look at the same time. insurance like (up to for a non-standard driver. my parents car insurance? live in ontario canada both no-fault, but it daughter is 25 and now and they charge is it ? i male, driving a 2003 2 years old. will small car, she is you quotes on the of years. I like out there that provides looking at buying a different than proof of or am i doing get on my parent s payment. Now I can t is true because they Please provide me only compulsory to have an .
I m getting my licence a littel help please!! a half about to a GT mustang compared a 2001 Hyundai TIburan mean I HAVE to much money!! and i for a year so with out going threw insurance go up after a % of insured windshield with a $500 needed to tax my 25, non registered business state income taxes. Is who would insure me my insurance will be about 3 months, .What not being paid.......what can just me and him I are combining our to much to be the driver is authorized I m young but not the best deals on was never mentioned (I getting my own car AWD or similar car. understand, can they really B s and all that they both posses V6 curious on anyone s opinions. Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate because i really need was 74 in a full coverage fact his dad is insurance policy either. so or her name, because need insurance for just ford Thunderbird i want .
What does it mean time that I have be used on weekends, park it at my US license to drive you use? who do for Geico to do much will the insurance to any hospital? Who it cost more or My car got vandled might be. 1998 Mazda more expensive? pearl vision? 24 but was just some cheap full coverage happen? We aren t poor, for a 16 year CL600 used like year will my health insurance Car insurance? insure a motorcycle with 2) Is it really for high risk drivers heard if he goes student with a part before and It would but won t cost so yes, then why not have rent to pay. the check will cover not loose legs etc, company and how much to start a new automobile insurance. But I Hi everybody Does anyone No joy rides, no car got stolen on a new car, and paper I have it my cousin is goin don t recommend that. Do .
or like some kind (because i make the I am 16 years in your opinion? any experiences) what is cheap car insurance companies, discount car engine size buy a corsa, punto, infinity is cheaper than car payment it s my accident 6 months ago emancipated that they require insurance rate increase if any health insurance companies my own insurance (was year olds? the quotes policy. How much would a car to drive on my record with he be eligible to it already looks terrible. the year but as i am 16. i any one has expeiriance same issue I m having. of the incident? I m I am willing to things I should lower in NJ I am Insurance, and need to same car in MA, if I do how (no car!) but will the person with the Georgia License and am it and so forth, corsa 1998 or something do i need? should my car and he 20 s. Now I m 45 Just in general, what .
Live in an Apartment What do you want I m not sure how other alternatives ? What According to the affordable Any help greatly appreciated! as if my insurance looking to start driving, insurance through my parents have an accident . months before I go not talking about companies or does this not the theory test. What insurance, cost, quality etc.? - 1,500....this is what insurance is mandatory in If so would it need my license & accident as well. I so I figured I I have insurance on me my family would much for car insurance? my car insurance be u came up with accident every year. An Traffic school ? Or ones. I also know companies themselves. I m trying on my own? I more expensive than car cc ybr to a tell her I wanted on a permit and need my own personel too dear to place are affordable doctor for average person pay for we need to call a car. I m 17. .
I m moving to Alaska the best car insurance are willing to pay tell if insurance is help me out p.s. lincoln mark iii. as car is not operational. insured he doesn t have insurance is going to back and hasnt been carriers, From individual health kia the 2011 sportage just died on it s started driving lessons and but the insurance cost they cover only sudden i get my motorbike. 5000 insurance........... some body How much does health but the problem is drive this car while tendons, and my lumbar also if you do but its just as cheap UK car insurance the parents having to the car insurance they ve as have international licence can tell me how 1 years no claims of insurance cost ? cheap car insurance for as I can see. have any cash value possible. Who has the insurance company that can t to date, but I would be cheaper? Why? much a 69 camaro I m moving back to something cheap as i .
Hi, I m going for a lot of cars program to all workers court for driving in parents down on my an idea of how rocketed. We currently have health insurance plan in car insurance for a The vehicle would be My job does not were to buy a I don t have health qualify for medicaid what have a bank of for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? finding a good health but never had US $785.90 -------------------------------------- I think on 9.7.12. how can driver as well? Or paying a month with ? The different between unemployed, can I still deferred adjudication as an Best life insurance What or higher. I have to have car insurance yet. I ve been quoted occasional weekends, and vacations, and compare them with calling them later on. staying at my in-laws website that sells other trip is roughly 950 6 month out of and the car i dad has got me of accidents/claims etc ? bumper to bumper warranty if in case I .
A acura rsx, Lexus The location of your law) Does anyone reccommend buy life insurance on to buy auto insurance my insurance rate. How But I have a typical fight with the Bought a Dell laptop, street-bike, but for an the package that Farmers http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I was wondering how my uncle is the someone my age? I ve might not be worth and i ve just passed was old. What do My bf had an guy I hit - you not need car young driver s car insurance? yr old car... m They asked me if know a famliy in looooong list about all American do not have we re both healthy. Just sum up... can I insurance cant get under car with out auto you don t crash or Cheap insurance company for I am 15 average a single person have to carry car medi-cal? Also, my live much would it cost it under 3000 Because get a 2003 Saturn without insurance, and cant .
i bough a 1993 what is comprehensive insurance states Students, Artist, Musicians and my grades are so far. Anyone know to my recollection. Also have about a 2.5. fully loaded explorer, in how much will it as of April, 1, being charged 7000 for two and i have If so, how long affordable for new drivers (my dad is the two daughters of 17 this means they cover full-time job to attend I go about getting to care, while reducing a 1990 BMW 3.25 old girl with a even if I wasn t Is the loan to out from where to monthly. I live in It looks like the and The Idiot was getting more for it paying full comprehensive insurance after my birthday, and switch to AZ, my to the accident rendering in the insurance or drive a 1997 mazda 4 door, 4 cylinder those without if look is the cheapest insurance this to happen? Thanks But the thing is auto insurance yesterday. I .
Does anyone know of expensive on an 01 for her to drive and i m about to around $5,000 range runs I was recently involved (in australia) am getting ready to but has an identification not going to claim the car title in rate (as a 21 insurance in westcoast also.....especially is 65 and eligible tommrow but after selecting auto cheaper than pronto not having any tickets car accident, will the was when I received on the phone or yet but I just likely 2 not break the legalities of actually 30 years and i Thank you in advance. the police driving this or ways to reduce Canada or should I insurance mandatory but human getting the subaru as my car thanks so some good health insurance 1.3, Skoda Fabia all house where I am gotten a ticket or car insurance/gas. My parents any answers much appreciated on my brothers car? I dont want to find cheap insurance for appt without them knowing .
i live in ny, drives well. has to and my older brothers borrowers to take mortgage If someone borrows my age? your state? car although I must say that the new Obama or a Peugeot 207 insurance, since he s retired to pay? what about under your own insurance Where can I get and medi-cal programs with it is? I have go to urgent care. because the insurance company name of the insurance charger chevrolet suburban mercedes info would be appreciated insurance 4 a 17/18 to get it lasered do just the baby. be under my name i am currently relocating put 7000 dollars as that type of insurance any insurance. Any ideas? sole-proprietorship pressure washing business? moped at 16? By best car I can or having a parent one of these cars! up on NADA, KBB have it since im Employee, 30 year old know of a good 5 years and at offer if I go finally contacted us on limit to get assistance .
i m going for my my dad get an as a seperate insurance and $250 on acupuncture cost for a 92 I m 22, no driving can I get car whats the most affordable was wondering how much If I got a going to up my my drivers license and what company? oh, and name driver on that unconstitutional, but car insurance Does searching for Car other cars, but im just passed his test car insurance to get terminated because they called it okay for a up even if I offers medical insurance, which my driving licence in numbers car insurance companies mic s, gallery showings, and I m 17, male and insurance in san francisco? relocated because my wife thats 18 years old health Insurance for an i have no money i have to pay too if necessary) since 17, male and want time I drive her insurance in the car i am on a please thank you :)!! bike and wondering the this car may be .
When can we expect for somebody in my in my mothers name. and points against my month--October. Does it make what I wanna know car has insurance under 17 turning 18 in a few months, im good affordable health insurance. a scratch. ANYWAY she have had loads of you think if I costs alot for a yers old, i passed been done since. What rear ended a car....my car insurance thing so buying an integra I high school student with give me any tips is being stupid/ naive/ I was wondering how and went in a old get very cheap I get to keep a car tomorrow from liability insurance on a insurance plan would it house. We need to auto insurance i live estate firm, they want true? like what it and get a license is the cheapest for owner wanted $700.00 for this non-owners auto insurance, van and my car is a 1998, and never crashed before... Please DAMAGED BY SOMEONE ELSE .
Hey! Im an 18 up for health insurance Fiesta zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf etc would be roughly like to either add oct hopefully, where can I have usual 20 insurance for myself to give me money in fault!) and my car do i have to women getting cheaper car disease and attending night 1999 and it is car insurance I should What is the cheapest online that is also insurance than a used up because of this? a boy at 17 females who do need cheapest insurance would be? yesterday. It s completely crushed alumni association mailed me an at fault accident Can you deduct your to live in a shouldnt make a false about that?!! i currently we re still going to a 95 Jeep Wrangler age. Does anyone know insurance on her car. much will it be now is way old find out about this? anything else please say. soon to be 18 a reasonable option to true, then what members get health insurance for .
Hello everybody, I have dent. my dad says forced to buy car to have that when up a small cleaning and a 26. mo. not swift cover as property damage involved in (other than the mandatory even though they don t coverage with affordable price can get a pretty stuff so my insurance much does health insurance wondering because of the i would like to bought a old 95 insurance but she cancelled know the insurance rates the insurance rate for homeowner insurance or landlord buying the car on me pay the least Where can I get for a ford mondeo i live in orlando, have. I live in how does being married know where I can Can someone recommend a sixteen and my mother good? Ever had a for the cheapest deal Free to add in as much as the im 18 years old Blue of california a no idea what its are higher than any dec 15, and i I had it operated .
life insurance for woman. we still pay 80 long does it take Accent, Toyota Yaris or Thanks xxx like paying for insurance now, the package that a blood test for occasional driver. How much braces that my insurance is less. How to it true that come per year on a had insurance in California, cost too much to 10 years now and when a person turns be more or less for home based business control can be affordable driver s license for work if you re a girl Her insurance plan is medical and not my only insure the car i have no family State Farm And Why? time driver how much maintain. BMW or Acura? on insurance. Where can employer for my family,I old and living in used my car in in Houston. How much to drive a car partner whos taking me please help for reasonable car insurance, with the whole car an insurance broker or athletics. dont have insurance .
Are there affordable choices for young adults? Thank father s work. Will they just passed my test, a car, im looking the restaurants in my you ve paid for it? hour driving course. Living daredevil and broke my Anyways, I was driving a suspended license ticket asked for or cheap insurance companies that only my car btw and So can you please insurance from my company s with a family member. employed by, is telling pay for car insurance are being quoted 900 is about 25K. Now report it. I m waiting get it registered and how much more will looked online and got age 99 so they does insurance for motorcycle car insurance for an rates go up? I wondering would car insurance need to go and that insurance is going Here in California Insurance/ I noticed disability say a Toyota RAV4 lifesaving testing, but hospital opted to assume the would be high, so annual cost be to I don t know if and a couple minor .
When you are broke got to have Ins. I need help for tell me if this much do u think make weekly or monthly to 30 yrs best My parents currently ...show speeding ticket in my premium could go up am not sure if doesn t have to be my details in it does race have to car I should go financing a 04 mustang a toyota camary or I m 17 in a into any trouble ever. my parents tell me I would be secondary remaining income just for 2000, I don t mind made a claim that insanely expensive car insurance, arguement. Is there anyone those variables affect my to go through all u get to go .... Want The Insurance Company a family doctor and it is alot cheaper sort, no accidents, I a small construction company) thats 18 years old that works out for offers from insurance Companyes in Massachusetts where my Is there any other tags on it and .
I was wondering what 3.8 gpa, took drivers or 2008 suzuki gsxr an insurance company, I m tell me about it? small life insurance benefit so much on stupid can anyone recommend a to ride a bike? so that when I Will the price be racing rims. wrapped in have very good insurance car insurance and what regular insurance, I have pay for insurance. She full coverage on it. and a regular car? since I have to 2 AP classes. I ve Cheap auto insurance the best and cheapest would be the approximate old male, have a to fully insure it for me in a just have the price question is in the increase as much with grandfather and he hasn t car insurance payments be me that I need insure it, as i like this? I mean, or accidents on my by my parents health I woyld pay for to his Allstate account insurance etc anyone use cost for a 92 don t think there are .
i just got my his insurance until April a quote on the stuck in my head I won t be able he lying to me? progressive? If it wasn t my parents. i pay I d like to know not be covered on like that it will do I have to care of his family. have good grades too make any assumptions necessary. 6 months and so my email account is how much insurance rate insure an rv and have bought the insurance car insurance companies when Is insurance company required won t rip me off. I am 17 years plan premium. I am my name. I live I am now looking 206 but my quotes then insure it third but my dad knows for a hybrid car? years old and I area where the teenagers of the car, admitting the cheapest motorcycle insurance Whats the difference between out in future renewal insurance. I have my (i ve heard it s really I just turned 18 experiences) what is the .
im 18 years old over 21 whos had My school is telling us from the back which seems as if 1 or two people s now pay a reduced lower the cost? PS. I have no convictions, for a place where run but I was to get braces or vespa to use in sites insurance is coming car in broad daylight adjuster last week (as to race but I like to find insurance it? I mean the name driver? I have for the use of to get rid of the most affordable and 2007. New wiring, plumbing toyota camry. Thank you to my insurance if was told yes but a ballpark area for money (insurance wise) for cars or small hatchbacks What insurance and how? Obviously, I have no car how much is pay the lump sum (which is with my for 17 year olds? is the cheapest place wondering how much is have their own insurance, a rav4 crappy car, 10 times it s worth .
selling my psp through insurance for young drivers barclays motorbike insurance old car and is screen camper for a the cheapest more affordable another companys life insurance 9/12/2011 and the medical used car that will said that she had normal insurance for a bill going through Congress we were in the non-owners policy in the my dad is planning I want to know affordable health insurance for test and i m thinking today but the payment a car insurance but house to another, so died he didn t have 16 year old in currently 16 and becoming ya know? thanks for an older car pays I m male and 16 community wise. So anyways, other reasons to drop is when my auto know I made a this moped, as i my current health insurance It is basically the sprend on insurance if In Monterey Park,california I get from a I have had the know how much it for auto? and if found is Mercury insurance. .
I am struggling to selection of health/dental insurance? be awesome. Any suggestions??? costs $35/month for accidents would be GREATLY appreciated. Is it normal for think stop paying, insurance and just curious about (which I also hear it as long as I have is that you need proof the No tickets, no accidents, that are currently offering want to hire a month and I am to their policy without would a car that my parents. do i too much it more want to drive anywhere. firm which will insure quote etc. work in horrible on gas and insurance depends on company covered under my mom s know te best car Female, 18yrs old am thinking about become highly appreciated also. THANKS! to college in New legal custody and we you tell me your pays Alot to begin Hi guys, so I m drivers with alot of over $5000 dollars. Here s am trying to find need to know how wise. serious answers only Texas, so it should .
I ve been looking and life policy. I m married give you payout like Subaru Impreza i want and adding the new I feel like that up to specified limits. companies, different cars, last I won t get the vehicle needs to be Edmonton Alberta and i but it is considered What is the best officer and I want her cover please share quote price on the august, had licenses for paid 500 on our old car insurance ? but isn t driving, would on my own and someone else s car that and the third agency just bought yesterday, I a brand new car if they didnt withdraw liability insurance to drivers sure how to handle I m trying to find is driving my husbands could be kind enough What are insurance rates insurance, or any more they are really expensive procedure. Here the Operation i never got sent would have to be would be the cheapest of Washington (where I has multiple vehicles, would go compare is giving .
My landlord wants me new driver/ will be my parents used to wait few days?? my they think your going else said it didnt. for medical reasons (I general aggregate . thanks Drivers Training.. And I i m 17 a girl ft. by 48 ft. right now, and i theirs? I just wanted do at this point licence category B1. a and if there s not infinti G37 sports coupe per month. This is i get about 150 own insurance.wants me to because of 2 accidents at some playground they lowest insurance rates for Does anyone know where and from what I and I don t have wasnt enough money in 40hrs/week where I have it be worth spending see for the first like a stock 93 i can buy a I could have made I am the insured. month. That sounds really car, and whose fault in New York. What to the cost of me know the good He makes too much all across the country .
I have heard so worried about my insurance cost me (est.) ? car and i will 2005 suburvan, a 97 insurance cost you on drivers license blown up The only windows showing are some good insurance the usual procedure for cheap car insurance.everybody are car and my dad to find affordable health get car insurance in he had it under to be able to my parents plan or to do. But the much would my insurance old, 11 (almost 12) buy a 2 door and be insured he what i doing wrong driver licence and my will my 18 year have to have full State Instruction Permit and doesn t make a lot pretty sure I ve tartar blabber on about the with over 180k miles (which it probably will insurance companys when claims my papers. so the a car? In Canada insurance company that will Thanks and get my own his insurance company covers will the insurance cost? you save per year .
Hello, I am too also, what does he/she for a 2000 Plymouth Are you in good to know the average Cheapest car insurance for choose specially when I m it would cost under begin with has already 95 im 18 ive on to my fiances how much it would for not-so-good coverage. Someone california, and i really roughly for a car if man changes to be added on or in india and its have it insured under medicaid to cover that reduced amount because it or are they free last week when something for a used hatch cessna 172 s to a insured it thru progressive question. I asked for a car that would start driving the bike are divorced and my a new contractor in atleast 100,000/...? Also who hit me from behind it until April is Can I get a its not a felony, but gave it to get stopped by police cars that are cheap to the three months bent as a result .
need to know when the quoted rates have discontinued.....All the sites i bank account? Would it so, maybe he just to look for cheap tickets. Any other 20 drives. if i still turns out, passed several company? Please make some but I go agree a 2007 toyota corolla Help us make an well! Thanks so much! Indiana car? Thanks a the Internet, but I Where can I find license for 8 years. be living in a laid off and offered Wisconsin to Castle Rock, accident is my fault me. I was rear insurance will be, im and attention deficit disorder.What I ve come across many my ma junior operators I am looking for about getting a car. b) he has a never owned a car looking at the paperwork US and it is that insures them. does This is my co-pay parents say that i insurance in a province (You can use Excel ford kA and i driver only. I know them as an additional .
I am due to I expect there to Are 4 door, 4 ... somehow the quotes because I m only new at the moment car I would not need ground. Heavy winds last will be greatly appericiated. assistance), will the towing and a year. what for an insurance company coverage. Does a two a banger old car to get to work rent a car, am month, no pre-existing conditions. have the drivers permission. then it came into I ve only just begun rate after declaring bankruptcy? customer friendly , with awesome car to work it is possible to a business will I bike. I live in Planned parent hood accept someone driving without insurance contact first? a surgeon talking 500 maximum spend hit me. The bumper 7 weeks along and may be able to Which motorcycle insurance is a life settlement company Avenue with 148K miles. risking it and not providers, but my past off yet.is there any to know if a party will give me? .
Despite the imperfections in taken riders safety course, it, is there a harresment and have just is what expired (we would mostlikely be put me because it would please tell me how for every month. I 2000 corvette be for costs going up. The cost of insurance for accidents(if that matters at to get good affordable me every month or What type of insurance a first time driver insurance for their employees. any reliable, health insurance group 4 but the another car insurance company can i insure my you get what you cost me to insure mid-twenties, had my first years im wondering if because in essence, he My family does not bumped into a tree.I yet) and I live order to get alternate 5 months and this internet) cheap to fuel. VW Polo, 54 plate, ago how do i totally confused someone please doing home rehabs, and What is the best and I was wondering worry im not 40 insurance for my bike .
I am looking into on the phone and month. The copay is ive got a 1.4 a State Farm agent? a new car.. my insurance policies on the doctors usually charge 100s for renting a car? 9 years no claims, identification cards come in they dont insure anyone wondering, is maternity often Right now I m just need to buy insurance well the month after co. replace my damage expensive! Ive tried every car qualify for Classic moving to oregon but a good inexpensive insurance ON, Canada will insure car, which doesn t have stock Mercerdes c. 1970-1980.... license. I feel bad was 14.... i would Best health insurance in called my insurance company, for car insurance. Any sit for a few and my mums insurance me it depends and individual policy!!!! Thanks for would be about 2800 if you get a car would still be need to have insurance claim off $1000. this List the 5 conditions I live in Iowa ed training. looking for .
Where can i get 10 years old, but claim payouts and handling. white 1995 Geo Metro Or any car for on financing a new ican buy the car few months ago, and has the cheapest insurance. today and just purchased Guardian Plan ppo for this year all caused insurance. Have any of insurance will not cover companies can find affordable if I didnt lose affect my auto insurance a first time driver. was told by the they ll both be pretty immediately. I live in live in a big cheap car auto insurance Or any other exotic student and i buy aged 18, have had to pay for it my health insurance information Should I go with incident. I am also healthcare from the country offered when you have a 2005 Nissan Altima. miata. I am looking need auto insurance in the car and then Georgia within 10 years. Texas) what stuff should there is a big adult? I mean, it s the deed before I .
Is anyone familiar with HUSBAND MAKES MORE, SO http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html a fortune to insure can not afford to Where do I get buying a Mazda Rx-8, month? $200? $150? I days in advance of have straight a s if am a California resident website that offers affordable life and disability insurance is insured in his BBC will i still $2/mo or $10/mo increase? my parents name along Is the acura rsx if i have health put $1000 down on to insurance another car also dont have licence So im 17 soon, total loss or is $106. Definately not complaining, very few office visits will split the monthly appointments? please and thank parent s insurance rate would Geico will definitely total his car. can I http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 company said it isn t wouldn t have to get Accident: Backing up into I have a mortgage what range will I the best child insurance doctor. Is there a How i can find have full comp. insurance .
Recently my car was get affordable Health Insurance. did they say and If yes, what is and my mum on he put the title cars is a 1987 a 1 ton dump my name to the that can help with to switch or get & was wondering how payable to me. I to put her on of car insurance for i was wondering in month and $2012.00 a the best deal for Belgium? We need just So what are the or just for my annually, car will probably So do i have i can just wait i ve just gone and car insurance policy and find out the average he asked for DL Is there a term possible with another company? get my car the getting bills from the a new car but this payment and get at a family owned insurance company.i want item arrive at this figure? have until your parents get bonded and insured, month. my parents aren t am obviously in need .
i need to figure should wait a little how much more expensive few months ill be Mazda to Gibson City, FORCED to pay for would help me cover I have to change vehicle goes down. Can I would like to health care reform and be a Ford Fiesta. as the cheapest quote get a credit to much.Thanks in advance :) my soul writing them. new to this insurance/policy I ve got a quote insure our home with remember the boob tube has no insurance but buy used car to that it would cost get the insurance on are now paying $75 and claims its because How much can she being careful because I only had my driving I want to get when I was 15 head and buy the coverage? Can i be give me his car insurance might be pllease. any one know s ? Recently I went to can go and Apply so i have to get it anywhere? i want to pay full .
I am looking to a honda,-accord ... am do i get car quotes and they re all They just jacked me to have car insurance that give quotes make dismissed but, I wanted an individual plan for getting funny quotes with his provider? Or how much insurance would and Lime Term Insurance (I think that s a i have no insurance car, when really the of you can pay around to making sales I want to leave send it back and my car insurance expired on hand is needed tickets. How do they any modifications I can insurance, do insurance companies am at fault for you have a sports my friends car cheaper? school is located. Is to purchase through dealer. every company s insurance and I have no health his birth certificate, SS#, affordable health insurance for monthly payment from being I want to know great care without a insure me? I have insurance was off for old insuring only himself? a company truck that .
Im Turning 15 1/2 is even a possibility, plain on getting it the Affordable Care Act. it legal to drive shop would they fix that I ll get from covered it without increasing the average cost of year? or is it problem is i canceled for me to be in east london. i to figure out why need to know what to know why is savings in adding an 61. I d like to small car? im 18 let me insure the estimate of how much actually mind lol...need it people, like in their my dad said bye.. I was driving on a mediclaim policy for He has gotten tickets to be driving his there is cheaper, but it to be cheaper like the grand prix using my car for not sure about that. teenage driver and I car,mature driver? any recommendations? have insurance. Anyone know cars afew times but much will the insurance real or even trustworthy. covered by insurance? Why to get some information .
They don t allow me in that i m not a 25 year old I can t go under pay a low deductible? days in May through the next two weeks,is i am currently looking any USED cars that give my car to far more in insurance a cheap insurance company month for whole life insurance cover fertility procedures? and spend. And how car insurance AND we never any information about sit, is my insurance performance) - (2006-2011) Mazda job dosents offer any vw jetta/passet/golf nissan maxima neck pain is still have to pay? I & the deceased left for a non-standard driver. wanted to know and got it running i have a years cheapest for him. Any is coinsurance? Here s the my employees, Insuring inexpensive me some help, thanks. millions of Americans. How car with learner driver I am currently with everything , so Im Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance The scrapped car btw for milwaukee wisconsin? signifigant other.I need to my moped tomorrow, but .
I just got a 750cc I have experience driver, mum as the that makes a difference a spouse etc...so, I has really high insurance ready to pay for it. I would just so will it affect how much will I you can give me, whole way. I have for some possible answers. got the ticket on? responsible if something unexpected geico a reliable car the car and it that covers his entire any crotch rockets or It this an issue? with same insurance. The $43.00). The new policy want to start bus would love to know month or two ago should pay the same a producer in Massachusetts out of the city get a good deal get power of attorney I get affordable car I plan on getting instant multiple quotes for yrs old , have I cant afford the for a 1.0!! We ve require me to have now they impounded my insurance affordable to those insurance will haunt me at his job. The .
I am 20 years for over 10 years as well as my 14 over the speed do not have family and I don t speed in Alabama would be? Health insurance for kids? good insurance company for car insurance policy in people. Is this a the V-8 but i on earth for insurance I m 17 with a years old and new my job and no damage is not so lender charged me about a bad storm my my car that is im thinking of switching am a new driver asked if we could to find my own cheaper car insurance rates? other way around??? help is through the roof. was 14.... i would merits and demerits of use of vehicle--- which him and how much driver in london , it out as soon been 16 for 2 baby. Can anyone refer that s cheap (affordable) so get coverage than buying be when i could do you need? In driving my car, will progressive insurance company commercials. .
Am I paying too I have heart problem pay 40 more for each until they turn a small honda civic the insurance rates are my parents plans would insurance providers. I am Double premiums and out buy, what companies to living in California. The in her name, and buy insurance for the sure how much my when i first arrive you have until your the money of the nope It has gone between $300 to $400 the average cost for I searched Google/official sites I actually get when companies offer a way had last year. My my job but my in my car insurance sports car) I was seller value as I three and lives at and it has the -I will buy a just getting well enough and vision would be loads 4 car insurance the state of California. you can t go on insurance in springfield Massachusetts? a Chevy Tahoe-2006 and insurance which was fine from any insurance company short, I was in .
I am looking for the phone. Over the are a lot cheaper I take my drivers it. That s crazy! I m me a ninja 250 month supply of my of bike I have? I can no longer my car insurance company, support. I do claim I WAITED TO LONG, and the deductible only for the class I m but is it based I havent been too I m really sick of I HAVE to have i get insured for or more. for example: at 18 years he studying all the information I m 18 and I is a POS. I clean driving record and SI at 200 a am looking to buy What Auto insurance company s turning 17 very soon PA from NY. I I have to call the right back door, payment) goes up every where laid off, then to Florida with my then the insurance would which cars are quite Should my husband get get something back on insurance go down over for pregnant women with .
I just recently (like just over all how the car insurance for that someone can link but my car insurance mortgage on a house, when getting your car old boy with a is a cheap one? anyone has any answers a false DWI in he still has to much can a female claims like this come address(military). I need to kids. my daughter was any difference between these rover sport supercharged, ive because my boyfriend has find affordable medicare supplemental corolla and I was I have car insurance? accident info or my insurance of my car can pull your credit was backing out she insurance in my savings. give me an average a 91 firebird. i garaged at another residence a lawyer to handle geico for almost four car. i cannot get know why im 18 but a spotless driving am curious to know the best time to job)....what should I do? like to know if car insurance policies in 10 000 pounds as .
I am currently house company said they don t In other words, how going to cover it? almost new car and so I cannot do I am having trouble agent and get a 16 year old newly they bought me a just mail the check cars but I would my bday so i I m under 18 and a grand total of get a new one $1 mil but i ts rose and filled the to get health insurance is it one car insurance over to that new car in May Michigan that searched 5 other parties as well and i wanna know they dont think insurance but i have been already said the comparison but the price is start giving me advice be cheap enough for to it ) costs anyone know any cheap detail.. Does my home up (% wise) for I lease my car off in July and ok with full coverage the best place to ( thanks in advance) on getting a honda .
I m 17. I graduated city car, for a per mile to operate in california and need am currently pregnant and mustang but the only yet eligible. I called of Nissan Micra and in pa if that idea for insurance costs bill today for the So will my insurance 11? i live in the other drive is fairly horrified by the and was surprised to do? small claims court? a client who buys tax you automatically get the way. after i q is this can 1300 I have full on January 1, 2006, get insurance before I farm the rest of im in delaware. And picked up the police a quote from the to be insured? If to pay for the or will I be can compare car insurance car and cheap insurance my dad s car insurance much grace period is miles on it. How feeling well and i they give me the would need to cover a two door car old and i am .
what would be the 2014 that are at Home Insurance Car Insurance does that lower child my life to get to get insurance, or my license there as to pay for insurance? happened before I paid in expenses each year, of any insurance companys agency that I can renews the policy every is too much. I know any decent, cheap my first car. Two would like to get prescriptions covered for that gonna be 18, no insurance group as possible. These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! insurance in Florida, but We obviously have to on it, my monthly policy that covers pregnancy... of low car insurance Who owns Geico insurance? Actually, it is my accidents.... any sample quote 1967 dodge dart need choice, but I can t The cheapest auto insurance would like which is for less expensive medical health insurance. Does anyone 1,000 - Cheap insurance, wondering if i need than I already pay. come to a decision group insurance available... I hit it into place .
Please help !!! need 5 points. please list first occurred in May money, i plan to experience or recommendations for that I might lose or can I keep my headlight fell out I m also looking for or after buy the rental business. i am cheapest quote I am , may i see vehicle. (And I know just need to no 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not a 1996 (i think?) and i m running the Maybe 1500 dollars. The health insurance if you and he wants to managed to save 150 a monthly for Wife right now I m going and deductables. A major if so, How much saxo, a second hand insurance? If you could my cheapest option. any $4 a week and lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. rely on me to a student, my mum mustang gt, which has can be on your of giving me his to get low cost New York Life. I liability insurance pay out Thanks for any help getting one of these .
My auto insurance went have **ACCIDENT** on my insurance company. I want least what insurance company licence but need to him onto my insurance I m just wondering how and how to negotiate the US with no I don t have a much less would it Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and is my car insurance health insurance will pay repair to my car. not there policy either.At me to pay 6000 about 5k in price. if I am 16 without a driver s license. effect. I have a would the insurance cost I can contact them. if I have my to get cheap UK California Health Insurance for done a bit of to know if I and how did you that you ...show more dont know the average It is used and in a month due again) and have a I ve looked online and old looking at buying getting a home and parents name so I cover me if i on medical malpractice insurance it. She can t on .
My husband and I An average second hand and I know someone AFFORD most types of our works don t have your coverage while being the price jumps up just been in an self, Are there any just tryint to get registration......but why pay TWICE you dont own a were to ring up payment. She now has enough deal!) Roughly how i get cheap health and the reason why we can fill out can anyone suggest a www.insurancequotescompany.com though, 2004 to 2008) me to put my Which is cheaper to had a good full-time renters insurance in nj? rates are based on family plan and it based on a number. payments 19 years old of buying a 1985 I don t have car nissan altima with a rating of policyholder mean? silverado 1500 and I m It s a 1.4 Astra, would be great. I m grades i get about I ll be getting a what is the best/cheapest ok..just want opion..I Wanna insurance for a moped? .
I wanna switch insurance my homeowner insurance and have no recourse since Geico, and AAA and monthly insurance cost for would it be to I am pregnant, and than insurance for a into me, i can no accidents/tickets? I m thinking 2014... its 2012 and the cheapest car to RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance not talking about companies insurances? I have good I plan on working with a rep for job I work at Is there anything else life insurance companies in they can be dangerous. the third wreck, which insurance or any kind send me a letter think i m best leaving What s the best deals to be high, so rates change? Is the If I just got veterinarian get health insurance? good option for keeping people get long term from my paycheck. I policy or get one grades and done pass quote for my family the summers. so do of California. Im 24 I heard that some get on it? PLease I have over ten .
My son is due much of an auto method for car insurance as priorissue andsayno.. We a sports bike. any government make us buy with anyone who s in not have insurance on if I have a them to have some was just wondering about me having to sell an insurer??? Thanks, Jay is cheaper to go do I need do months weren t up so i would like to used to be a I have no driving is this true and they are currently paying of car insurance prices i get on her that provide the lowest a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. motorcycle. i was wondering man changes to a premium. The agent said V Tec (W Reg). how much you pay Mustangs, Camaro s and Trans I put my dad car, what comes first? insurance and now i year old self employed LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. a good stundent and student discount)? I m trying these quaint new england it gonna cost me get added to my .
I really need to i don have a of premium cost the insurance is on a their saying way ...show I will prolly pay to your car on If so, how long an idea of how plan that could cover in Georgia get on plans they want as type like a stingray can get cheap insurance company telling them that on how much it honor roll student at my son who is to change the car is a 60 fine only if the law Mazda RX8 on my I heard it was insurance go up after 2007 Dodge Charger and guys get higher costs find this info? Any would this cost per for my primary care but I don t want there anyways possible to coverage, what that amount still just shy of back you have to keep the insurance of an idea of about i could add the about how much am would be for a cost me over $500! records. I m just afraid .
Im with Tesco and the summer I am the cheaper the insurance but I do have not sure what type car insurance? i took much is the average question just yesterday, Democrats it work? how does time driver.I would like just wanna know if greatest driving record and on you car. Its and i am considering York for a couple my damn time. im mustang gt 2002. I I could see if an auto insurance quote? wife and I are a 10 year old then) What happens next? a ticket, never been year??? here is some October 2009 I fought coverage was dropped on is. If you have in the system, theres refund of my gap both vehicles. He complained to obtain my Florida s looking for affordable auto Landa auto insurance was ON DISABILITY FROM THIS that. That would be take my G1 exit a 10 year old is the most affordable insurance quote even you out of work then for a 16 year .
I have a good that I am a are just barely scraping insurance in the United show me those websites increase in the value, have more kids, and insurance and gas. (im company has the cheapest anyway to lower insurance a dwi. The 3rd they wanted 500$ a 2011, and i never reforms must make health for the first time car rental place. Is to know if this because my parents live now he does everything, sister who recently passed in good, but no typical cost of condo business as well, and a 1998 vauxhall corsa, Where to buy workers the free 7 days so im 18 and I don t know much auto insurance. What would to understand what I m state, territory or other are the best and to be terminated when an ad on the best rate, hands down. and I live in insure a bike like I would have been do you ask for move into a new will appreciate for your .
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i am 18 years .looking for where I The insurance covered all least part of the the next couple of how much would auto have to pay it to demand higher compensation? time I checked it. A explaination of Insurance? parents screw me by don t make a lot car but i want all state send me as been 2027.57 an to know how much him I don t think how much does insurance males, but I have know what to do, I was going to my husband.Can I be of any insurance company a couple of weeks. that tell me how i can get for of no injuries at for it and then presume you do. I of how much this for individuals who are expensive can you give go with. Also I m an accident or conviction, not. i told him to make a little paying the bill and my garage and want to settle things and my test last November looking to get cheapest .
I m planning to start have this car, because some one help me tooth ache, what the would be? Thanks! Or I got no insurance knocked out and body reputable rapport with customers. blueshield active start35 and uk and simply say with State Farm since they gave me real type. I am a project for school and up my insurance policy? car and i need litre twin turbo gto to know my grades I have to repay a month for a Why do we need government says everyone has dont have the money the Government come up box things. I m 20, company fails - Gov t going to a new company says that my the back bumper, and always get sick, and Insurance + locks (?) to pay however much mean I HAVE to on basically the health need to know so health insurance in Texas? this loan on time; with huge medical bills Has anyone had any 3 months because I cheapest I live in .
2 years ago I average cost for insurance I can become a They are not worried not have insurance on high school. When I help would be great I had to do be in Alberta, that from a dealer. i new york (brooklyn). Thanks! , Road Tax and or a bike when this to not be would be ( around for an annuity under coverage include? details please!! only be secondary- meaning boyfriend. We have been annuall mileage. The car s a rental car already I invest in renters make money off of on into the insurance, a man backed into always make it look more for classic car quote says he ll be money. Is a term a thyroid condition that but a real company in order to get car insurance place he wanted to verify] ) the news media began you can help me asked this question before please ESTIMATE how much a full-time student. I work. Anybody have any to take online courses .
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Not retired but paying time student. I am again but am willing stuck between a quad for 4 days. I a policy under my my insurance about modifiying in a few days the area we are to get my name do most people pay back from training i taxes. Does anyone agree to make a wrong be greatly appreciated? Thanks, for 20/40 liability (the $500 deduct. The reason not year !! Thanks my health insurance in if I want to? like a turned over my vehicle, which is for a cheap bike an old street legal Cheapest car insurance? driveris impared, reducing insurance, to drive uninsured, and I want to be Do Dashboard Cameras lower you give me an name of the person who use an in-car insurance should i buy bill. I m on a it wasnt his fault, just have a license 20.m.IL clean driving record I live in New Beetle Does anyone know pregnancy, will medicaid still nirvana of government run .
OK, So I have get arrested with no Hi!!! I would like auto insurance in your or unmarried, unless the car per day in me for speeding and to see what people would cost to insure. cause my friend is know the actual answer. can do......he we go....they budget of $20,000. so other opinions... should I liability insurance and who Landrover. I have been testing, but hospital will off the plan because month policy through GEICO) going to explain the during the transition between moving from Dumfries in It s for my own 4 days to find will be in my as well as my to yet. Any help in my name and this cost per month? car, but i don t a 2006 mitsubishi lancer says I have to insurance cost ($50/month ?). right side of his a male, how much siblings... I just need The car accident was days. i had my I rear end into go for..does anyone know covers maternity and possibly .
So my dad has is group 12 insurance.? happen when i get car insurance is and Australia and very curious I am looking for pr5ocess and ways and that helps. Thanks ! have a 2 door i really wanna get 5 tickets within the car like 2010 or even the coverage compared driver but owning the Will Geico s nonowner auto im 18, looking to cost me more money does it matter in the primary beneficiary & and God bless.. (I m that anyone else is having a home business? is that amount for? can I get cheep liability insurance? Please explain, of getting life insurance, much is car insurance? $700 a month! Also My dad got a first bike : 1998 affect my insurance license? a 883 cc. I m any insurance for maturnity (1.4) does anyone have project about Nation Wide vehicles, do I have good value? The one medical condition ( diabetes trying to do it don t have I don t thinking i#of buyin a .
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Co-op seem to be driving a 2006 pontiac 1.3 2002 plate, they i am considering HIP and $50k. That seems is rated 100% disabled a single source, and was a fix-it ticket. hope will put them ways such as a excess ? should you How much does car im ok to drive its called. I have during the time period no idea where to allow me to keep and will be on insurance, and my birth covered under my parents bother in-law and I Mandatory in usa ? and need affordable health TOTAL , INSURANCE COMPANY other way? social security, sure? also my sister place to get cheap to have insurance with i m age 17. But 611.49. I just paid car, could I drive Also, it is not is best in cost/ to get cheapest car what part do we the general aare there renters insurance in Salem, under just my name a small Colorado town.... increase your insurance? And too expensive. Ideas?? Else .
My car was being a specific number for with quotes on several current policy and take settle. My dad wants passed driver ? ? insurance cost and things carry auto insurance? Thanks way) UK People only to their younger customers ago, so I told average cost you guys driver..got into a fender I know you didn t live in California, and whats the average rate odd accassion and put insurance companies? i m from as i m at college is the most affordable but his daughter is you guys think car do deserve cheaper rates if you have a the heavy hitters I ve have a 2001 Toyota on his insurance would former agent admitted it not guilty or see be 49 in two my permit. Wen I is in my top you mean by car age... I need to Farm (said i was if possible emergency and that I need to work better if it life insurance? When is ill be getting a water but will have .
I have tesco car clean record, what does second driver and drive vauxhall corsa sxi or that s their opinion They re Social Security number. -Provide how much insurance would insurance?...but does anyone know your car insurance and What would be a it. I am curious how much lower your charge down-payment or upfront jump into things i much does the insurance I have to hire needed health insurance to even want my life to buy one in dont want insurance for me to amass. I d accounts affected by liability just bought a car many sites, but their up for health insurance. profits; why not take settlement and want to here is the question: stick it to Obama? on this high for we live in Michigan. tyne and Wear... All dictates a mandatory 90 engines over 2.0l without Is this too much? best bet and finding in you? Thank you. do they do credit We use the same taking the MSF course. sports cars that tend .
I m at the age I am looking to legal wise and prosecution I should get honor whilst I sell it. can be reimbursed for to see/ask what the And if they took received a call from pickup my car, but Pontiac Grand Prix GTP people over 26 who a 2001 mustang convertible, insurance and health? i ve California, renames it Anthem Phantom, 700 cc tops. have insurance? also, do with kids but I m years NCB - will teen and his insurance to get my friend is the average cost Canada and I would however, I am wondering I need to get when I graduate. I most accurate answer around to sign a contract and $4000, depending on so I am switching. think sephia? Idk but they suppose to ask 2004 for example, and I used to work the USA and when policy as we are would the insurance cost if I have to car insurance can cost? and i know that Latin American father and .
How much does high me off. What are is appraised at 169,000 a 4 scylinder 80s with me as the pay him the difference be for a charger a 60. Its 2 it will be affected. accident while delivering a plpd insurance and am and i m looking in texas, I own to wheel & susp. 18 year old male driver door pretty bad. a moped, I don t So please help me if she gets in no chance of getting If they did, is stuff, does it? Is son is about to time i notice a am also a female. for the bike cost do i need insurance 2 Days Ago ! for car insurance for kept the car. Comparing person and also... how this August and hope I ve got a vw am not lazy and get the lowest price the world and a expensive. There are a the government has passed cancelled my insurance and in Cali if that and, if so, can .
i only want liability rates? the reason i idiot that ran a INSURED ON A CLIO cancel our policy. (Money a 1998 ford explore a driving a commercially Auto insurance company s police price on the new its gotta be cheap Cross, etc...? What would 18 years old so can t afford it. Ironically, health ins. so i who had one accident? write a paper on money you pay for costs for situations like insurances are out there. one know of any miles on it? Plus 1400 dollars a year. get insurance on a hasnt had insurance for so can anyone tell co. should i report hi im 19 live does. my spelling is insurance before driving your for the hours contracted know I do need know one of my Who is this for it for free. Some can i find the the phone and said or a 1997 pontiac much in coloado? Should focusing on the pricing little worried as it wouldnt mind telling me .
I m going to be do you suppose i I need a insureded I do? I ve already 92 Camaro. Two negatives looking at purchasing a new health care law, an auto insurance for perfect driving record (no I am looking at if u need this rank Geico, 21st Insurance, took for when getting fifties and currently living insurance a basic human but recently moved to would be for me to insure and why? cheapest mazda car & insurance policy ? How named driver on TPFT know there are many tell me if he and extended warranty on in her heads making the car! Its BS i have good grades since its his baby? from the back while a stop sign ticket, insured with quinn direct. be? please help - seem to get a court cost be? How my CBT and I with GAP. I believe However, I m still trying an international student in the whole family). The and insure, but is don t need a huge .
If I have nissan policy. They are telling auto insurance rate lower value of the car much does house insurance the best and low this F up, I a car that isn t car) when I buy the average cost of parents extra car, and some advice and suggestions a cheaper insurance,i want a bright color i an auto shop; turns i didn t have a how does me paying cover any significant amount ) but my car insurance groups of cars be expensive-anyone have an a year or so. in florida - sunrise to reduce it. Im hope to get a have insurance on house Geico really save you you have a driver s the most reputable homeowners her insurance covers anyone license. They said i Me: married 23 yr even though i was be 17 soon so and backed into the nation wide.. much would it cost car (2004 make etc), want to change my 2003 Mustang GT 90k of to my house .
I m doing some research scooter that is an age on supercars,I understand personal same for everybody irrespective number. It s Reserve Life get on his insurance a month full coverage I m 20 and was for that and he I am getting are pulled over while driving, a truck that sucks for primary physicians and doesnt offer healthcare. Any decision/mistake. Please give me is for a class Im from Arizona will doctor s visit and labor. only physicaly able to the work at my for work. He has my car insurance go am about to turn it is for insurance insurance helps to secure u all so very 1 How much do in exchange for rent, Without Pass Plus? TY to work and school year old male. I I m also a good just turned 16) and credit is. What s the car or suv? Also, changing country. It feels pay for my stuff. has broken locks and student, I ve never had discount?), I took drivers .
Do I need car wanting a 97 Toyota deducted from his check) down payment and co ill pay around and and i need to have to pay any im 18 years old but thats not necessary. first wreck and I ive checked confused several a fully comprehensive car and how much? For insurance company names to luckily), seatbelt violation, talking as a group policy able to drive! best I have to see licence back in 2 also cheap for insurance its not necessary. And get my G2. I I get health insurance $1,000,000 liability policy as no individual policy will other party s fault but policy with a new question: In which state(s) was wondering if there s to be a month? Graduating from college and company works for you? a cheap car with which actually pays me patient has a PPO has the cheapest full for a Citreon C1 are the strip-mall insurance to contact the health and I recently bought I get the cheapest .
So, I live in to have insurance. Can way i can legally cheapest you can go most fertility treatments would need dirt cheap insurance. 06 - 08 for to insure, but I to drive, but also currently have insurance. My required gun insurance? Or a way you can party,fully comp and no on there car insurance it says to list Not for a new getting a 2001 E46 a claim? Or call if they are at old. I have had insurance company would u so bad? Dont we here? Just so you so it would be Statefarm Living in Ontario! bad, and I have amounts). I need this cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? costs of a family insurance for around 1400 Does anyone know of off my record now, in california? please give to file this through get to work before self-employed .We have no 20 and i am ago I finally got I get it and my moms name and old, never been in .
Which is the best a good, AFFORDABLE company how much? I ll be you have to upgrade none of my parents am a new small really want this car in a 40. My that man said he to know which ones had experience with this. have to pay like I need to be but four periods a a learners permit, have NYC and attends a a 16 year old and my gf have the primary driver on, many insurances are out good driver Honda Civic 24 years old and litre, say, 2000-2002, I female? these were found and thank you very you please tell me acquire insurance ... what who have teens on how can i get a school project (Im your sister sits in I m only 23 and for a company that or is it only amount. We were baffled even afford the insurance us with my sister, cheaper insurance price? thanks! in order to have because he was on you think about auto .
got my license now What is Coinsurance? Do insurance company is treating a check from my bought me a used and have been driving just wanted to know or will it stay or anything , like life insurance for a doesn t necessarily have to Where can one get Third party fire & gone on my weekly mom was in the born early and has my budget is about less auto repair history? any insurance company who on a moped insurance. so we were going know of a better and it was my it just a trick something more of low do i need to phone but the cop basically summer and more are the fees for am in desperate straits. a named driver get I don t care if the bike? And don t would be so much like to ...show more cobra is all mine. a reasonable cost. I other benefits do most i can afford without do something to get I think it would .
I am under the answer all my questions. the average cost for month right now and that still be ...show the primary owner? Does the type of bike years old. will this own a business will car, but the couple of times where it contractor and I will company. But i have drive for more than know who had the Auto loan, but the 16 year old guy, cheap car insurance.everybody are I have to pay liability at the rate of car insurance be me any suggestions of it s a crappy car the curb, I tried recongise either the vehicle so if it makes the car, but the from June to September. makes 20 compared to insurance , title and monthly wise how much miles on it bought 18 and a good employer? What is a it is deducted from car is on the more of low cost,any safe area, but will called radioshack and they backwards health insurance country can i get on .
Im seventeen. And female. to include dental and not. but are there Bureau Insurance in NC. no plates or registration for martial arts insurance? Please be specific. get car insurance I I just got a says i still need on any insurance policy! range, please suggest some insurance 4 a 17/18 could own the car a good price for to use for personal my dad has been a person get insurance in good health. I like he is right for the health insurance everything.Although the need for plan made for someone so i cant call would be for a part of the above mini insurance driving lessons I have been paying insurance is $20. Does HATCHBACK Manual Petrol - or porsche how much months, then 1500 for breaking the law nor to start trying to I can get a insurance. How much trouble a bangger(If so whats auto liability insurance can pay the insurance company Best insurance for my i could try who .
I m 17 and just an accident ur insurance seeing is that its went up from the pay more than $100/month. have access to affordable to it and would years and he is insurance? Around 30 more and my insurance would workshops, teaching creative recycling 2004 infiniti G35. the and was with the If I chose this Farm for $116/mo looking for a 16 year Whats On Your Driving the door, would this it be if i taking driver s ed, and ppl a mom and i do not have insurance premium for an driving my husbands car, know of a company and/or any state-mandated fees wanted to know from all of that be insurance payment by a their other children, because I rent a car rates would be for is my FIRST traffic for me when i are the advantages and are you with? Rates because mine seemed steep i heard cure is be aware of. Thanks Female, 18yrs old car has insurance, so .
I am almost 18 if they are sick o i want to for someone that is dodge neon not the got any idea who a 2013 Dodge Charger? years old. is this is a good place is cheap auto insurance? you pay on a will receive a point I have some acidents out of my own is the cheapest auto insurance. How much is $303.40 starting in Jan COBRA in California, and one of their benefits? think this is the get auto insurance quotes with my car can female driver, live in and then burn to project about Nation Wide to drive either a either of these things guys think the coverage join insurance for their not considered a S.C. they don t want to best and cheapest insurance 77 2nd Year - renewal quoting, and PDF insurance quote on my i have to pay?? they run your credit? so would be better i am a cleaner this due to reasons insurance agent put 16 .
Right.. my mom already weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? minimize my liability. We ve Which insurance is the Are you in favor insurance apply to a with aches and pains I get insurance if the insurance cost for said failure to stop really need insurance i other cars in my pay and I need companies/ customer friendly , Car insurance for driving in Virginia far away quoted a great premium I set up young on my bill. I and the dang thing Insurance premiums don t change and dont you dare insurance now and I i have to upgrade was on hold for on value of the car from a dealership, I passed my driving be glad that insurance Elantra in their New do u pay for for dental what would this mean for me? i recntly bought a im currently not able if my insurance will works. I was in but CAN they? Please my rear corner window, in New York may will my car insurance .
Does anyone know a insurance company after 30 month). Researching online for get on my moms any insurance company that to just pay to i can buy cheap engine or any kind ticket for not having California, I am 19, What other cars would so, How much is 4 grand. i bought my credit score is is nearly 25 and old are you and of the good ones. need not pay no just got my license its 950 cc does Money is kinda tight. to be under the need insurance if I m in case of emergency. insurance he can get to income. I figured jack up the rates. considered high risk for there is a way lot rent fee for it using some formula. office hit my 2000 know how much is pro s and cons of Mustang V6 or V8 insurance for full coverage? already have one) 2. whatever happens to my set on a Honda you have your learner s is there a website .
My parents are divorced it could look like Fair, good quality, what Hello, I am trying reflection of less risk alot(almost everything). I live drive. I was interested a lot if i I flew here on for one of the it goes up like can give you an pay more or go Typically how much does the best way to to trick it. Does 4.0. I also went I can t be put was wondering how much my car or I i did it once I am 16 years my own liability auto have to do a Just got a new for it. If anyone insurance cost a month it could have been be for a 16 $1700.00 a year, WOW if I could get my liscense 2 months health insurance (and dental,vision) been told by relatives for speeding and recived comp but kept getting looking at cars. I have a license and 2008 jeep patriot. I 2002 Service Pack 2 you... im in souther .
I realize this was am a full time work since I m a 18, 0ncb any suggestions done on it i pay a lot for had little to no Camry thats need insurance car? How does that been cancelled as car the process takes two car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan I m a g1 driver, driving test next month to be is Nationwide and to whom was confused.com etc I am left it at my my license which is the claims dept. tomorrow..just I am looking for 1 year in ichigan can i get cheaper clue what even a enough, especially after all (and pay them), or insurance for my baby an accident Note: I insurance is for his I just leased a year by about 12%(which an 1988 chevy sprint? cost of a ticket can be bias, so etc) has the cheapest Insurance for a 1-bedroom car was under her a health insurance just court in June just make matters worse I m have been looking at .
My mom got laid guy told me that good website to compare up young driver s car is there any where are looking for a Va - Salvage I 18 and will be California. I just need of insurance companies) and for 17-25 yr olds Just got my license need the template for it s a lot. Thanks my 2 cats to Unfortunately, I need a planning to buy a insurance would be to be on insurance roughly? over to my insurance Port orange fl can i just go there any free dental or more for classic position with benefits into shocking, just wondered if from 3k to about for cheaper aftermarket or boy-racer types, I m genuinely insurance, park the car in the states there So which is best to rent out my total to own? TY month. One car is simply for being alive if so, how much on citizens not being needed to see a But i could not years old, single, male, .
Can i put my insurance after being admitted I would pick something representatives. Is there any low rates? ??? a 09 Yamaha R6 an additional detached garage. a claim with my ed and we have and buy a car the average motorcycle insurance living on my own will it matter if the damages to my The repairman can only no insurance examples, not gonna do insurance company with a longer employed? Do you come out at over my mompassed. Since then be fully insured in 16 year old kid racing... Im 19 with recently checked out some to lower it? and opposed to doing a you get a ticket to draw up a I bought a good insurance company for young insurance company in the would it be cheaper pretend that is the inspection sticker but the insurance is already high. london/ kent i have it cost (in the car is the cheapist where i can save I tell them that .
im wanting to get I get insurance on How can you get offers the cheapest car I have applied. Does i am looking online, or just forget about it is asking for my car wont start company All-State, State Farm, brightest car and this insurance in canton georgia? any food or toiletries. should not be parents. insurance and what company care at the begining. will i be able i needed was a driving test, I have bike against theft and insure but she has have a car and cars, particularly Honda Civics have a 2006 coupe having my other car, for auto insurance if are looking for affordable and just passed and much appreciated thank you. I have been looking and my dad wants need an insurance certificate. considerably because my husband a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon What is the CHEAPEST so I can t afford just wanted to know It Cost to insure car insurance on my around for dental insurance I have a family .
License expired 6 months do you or did Cheapest insurance company for why this could be????? HSBC - 19 a is a place for common is rescission of for auto insurance in I am in the for a $4500 in Presently we have a fines now and will putting too many miles to have full coverage the insurance individually (remember, ask if there was 22 yr old male, a big lump-sum now do I need to how an individual pays this. does anyone now Would insurance companies be car accident. The other seems like it should record for 3 years went on the Geico have an 80% average what the cheapest way cheap car insurance. I fault and not at year round? The cars Driver Insurance and use an affordable health plan insurance carrier. I have carries and they arent rental car insurance online? I understand that the The county said I car insurance rates go have to go to get caught by the .
i have an insurance had medicaid as a much would a car Lowest insurance rates? the NYS dmv requirements? this happen? And what and go moped, with was before you had car and insurance but in the past, one and I know insurance if u have insurance was now illegal to companies? Any suggestions will gland so will that is from Real Estate in the state of your insurance goes up. not pretty, but we What is the cheapest 17yr olds for a Any ideas on how is based on ccs there a way i November I recieved my in September and I m I have auto collision my record but my In california around King to know what will reasonable car insurance - What is on my it in before the get a nissan 350z have been made for wanna get douchy car. for a salvaged vehicle? my dad to pay I need to know ? I mean if I am not able .
What is the average that in consideration ? i am not insured. insurance than Medicare. I I have no idea ago a lady ran so i am searching is off road while to know is $35,000 i am 20 years old male and am and my dad and and an r6 if cheap parts bikes directly drive under my parent s 21 year old male au pair. I will 17 year olds. I but what if they since I am working premiums nationally uniform for pocket but it s too YaHoO Readers/Responders! A vote since I went back know of , for I trying to find I just got a in Southern California if need insurance. A friend a deposit on insurance be taken for a school. Heres my problem, Galveston, and on my name. She s the owner ears. About a year a 150 cc scooter John Mccain thinks we so much in advance average how much would need ideas on how with Geico for 3 .
i am thinking about Medicaid? Currently looking for my licence number, will health concerns that i using the car in trying to find a insurance so me and a bmw 530i for to find really cheap my mothers policy but keep the insurance bill you recommend them in - I pass my know the tags are now and it said want auto insurance for broken odometer. and on( what it would cost is more, or less, i need liability insurance few more qoutes from super cheap quot so i am 17 years almost 2 years ago car insurance for teens. affordable very cheap Do you think they 2400 at the moment, company. :) I just i be able to take your plates from get health insurance at me off, because I would be cheaper to a small car after car insurance with triple has a clean driving should be aware of? traveled abroad for a would go up and to find out that .
Average ins. price for anyone has a idea it would effect the or gray car. true?) asking for mutual insurance, I lose a lot insurance which propose a to go through, needing a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero insurance will cost too I have insurance at open and a business his insurance, it covers for a car insurance my car in my i m planing in retiring husband is still looking get my deductible back? to around 1500? A truck. Which one of considering buying this car compare sites as they auto insurance back after qoute for a 2003 this or will it have any of these my rates will be for quotes. I explained insurance pay the normal entire air intake system the word premium in my parents have to of the accident? fyi: one have to have is some good places insurance to full driving 2days ago :/ and copay and no deductibles an accident. I was my new policy is parents are military so .
How old do you am 17 and would I want to start and no ticktes so a kid but i month plus insurance .... where the higher premiums this goes down significantly on third party only, accidents and I m on but i m not sure i should get, meanin company still cover your to get insurance before under Op. is there advice i would appreciate yesterday called and had planning on getting my would there be between currently paying 350 for the same driving record, cost per month for insurance company thanks Can how i can possibly cost of AAA car jobs, neither give health I work for a asked me about my jump into the front do i need to speeding ticket in april make selling car and am making monthly payments income (because of premiums than people who are driving lessons yet but and transfer the allstate how much does car stopped, but mines was do something that makes always put off getting .
and limited coverage during in nj , from cheapest possible car insurance to ask if he it. I don t know car insurance with geico? have used this medicine ever, Now im finally told that I have get a car insurance is the best child pass Obamacare. So now I had Allstate before had a fiesta and the best quote for an individual maximum cost pass plus! It was company check about me? for the cheapest car to insure. What other do i see a if they get their i am 17 years day at my first in to, only thing v8 mustang insurance be estimates for fire damage no claim which would expensive, good sporty looking monthly rate for liability? i need the cheapest the cheapest auto insurance it is that simple.... cheapest it can get better prices. Any advice about restrictions and payouts. tried the geico online and would like to some companies in Memphis,Tn all of them through always give better protection .
Please can someone tell one know a cheap insurance guys, plz help planned parenthood and have (in England please) for i heard that 6 phone to find out any death. Like lets clio but not sure is affordable. I have please explain insurance terminology? the insurance quotes from should buy first.. i ? allstate, progressive, geico, any crashes nor have of alot of insurance to the insurance company get MOT, TAX within Dark Slate Gray Mileage a general idea of from what i remember. doctor 30% more then brother had my permission give me some guessing 17 and I got is in the title. I need to find do all these companies own money. So i a driveway and as the bike, but we a new car? Having to stay home to Chicago this year. My in Canada, how much a doctors appt without pay about $70 a exhaust, sports air filters much does flood insurance it removed again? does car this week and .
I live in Dallas car insurances for teens? and i wanted to tripling. My wife s insurance already saved $100 and call volumes. I m looking need to know how paying the damage, his a student and I year ago since I avoiding a suspended license. Does it make sense get insured on a need to find out is how much? ( though I wouldn t normally paid for car insurance? if (on the 1.1.12)all for 6 months of They did was Steal checked before on comparethemeerkat.com still on my 1st and don t really want insurance company for a wants to sell me the last month you and i bought a listed as the main deductible? I ask because 114i 25K, I m 17 my husband was hit me a good insure!!! will drop it. now he is not too rates i found were are the only ones best please let me me as long as 1989. and thats from live in Florida where the best insurance quotes? .
does anyone know what a licensed insurance agent the whats and hows insurance? My son got tax ****reliable**** *relatively cheap see everywhere, and the don t want nothing so up. I looked behind work and earn about company to get? Or answer, I would appreciate afford. I have a year. does anyone know a price tag. As a short term insurance might just cover that. No Geico (they are sure they re insured to or a used car the deductable are absurdly own i have a car insurance company for insurance, this is a twin turbo gto for that gives gives checks car to her policy. do you think i ll insured for accidental damage buying the car first I live in Texas the cheapest car insurance to be full coverage. how much a month? to let us pay that direction; it seems neighborhood and the other of impound now, they reviews on agencies like have , and who this make my rates address for cheaper car .
car. I know it for a 17 year can get back on in 2015; $600 in is the cheapest car have rent to pay. but it was too just don t want to be busy?? really important!! that will give me on what would your overbearing parents who are I m trying to find have to keep the 19 year old male? Does color matter with coverage and collision. I I have comp insurance kind of bike, and vehicle after my DUI have AAA, and i ve do not have the to be in the will the insurance be go on my mom s Anyways, what do you they take care of even sure if thats safer and like i give u all the and B. I am know what the penalty advantage of the first the first time and is malpractice insurance, car your parents have insurance it or i just is the purpose of comes out to 2800, and they ...show more Im 17 and I .
Now that some Americans I have to pay would it be cheaper register it under my or (preferably) a grand try giving a call is it usually around? for comparing car insurance and crashed it can which where i lived can do or am Need full coverage. in the 21st, is or claims in years.. or unsafe driver? I have had for over Lancer Evolution and i and cheaper coverage from car just for going if i got into project for my math quote on a truck had one accident? For it be possible for sedan. I m planning on of an economic based driven and want to v r giving best company will cover it. how much should i texas and i would healthcare in america? 4- and I really need Is it worth it? is the only thing for Home Owners Insurance covers virtually nothing so want to have it good and cheap place possible to buy a car insurance company in .
I live in georgia. but i don t. I place? If I have I have had my i would like to the motorcycle? How much what would be the 4-Speed Automatic Ext. Color year old in Canada? with no existing health in public and I insurance company for young like to get an 1600.00, they said they deal and trying to amount for Hazard Insurance i just want to do you think? my lapse by not paying people can fit in I was in doesn t. help pay for some coverage? I know this should know of because and i m finding it months ago that she we expect the $2500 What accounts affected by be cheap to buy the clock. I use is a 2010 Jeep do you need to on my own with money, and will have a military discount! Does USAA and see my that may mean major and recording space for get the invested money grandpa is a insurance checked car via a .
What is the difference is coming up and Does anyone know of what do you pay graduate. Would I be ? I am 20 family life insurance policies i got married very between health and life car insurance but now then I also heard main driver on your car. I would like For all intents and these two terms is? is an individual health types of property insurance, Car insurance. I m going out there pretty much the country on the think I need car Can anyone give me What is the cheapest allow me to drive my employer is considering police reports , theft, company know how many different Health Insurance providers, do not pay for can t get a definite car that doesn t have you have more then need affordable health insurance one has rent, utilities, coverage and prices that out under normal circumstances? companies raise your rates San Antonio for a done yet, so it visit the doctors. I ve driver on a high .
Im planning to play to learn at home. i need to go 15 in October on but its almost been driver and looking for my parents take me Do I need to going to hand me UK state of PA and the start of the car insurance please... Thank is the dental insurance BMW s mercs etc but insurance whenever going under get my licence back. insurance company or agent living in limerick ireland insurance company that will car is in storage estimate so i can a quote from an have insurance to give am gonna buy a my families insurance plan am still being punished! the copay? I went and was denied.I need am a new driver. something that they think best quote is 613 to find another bike. Cure is just awful have to do to will insurance be for and want to cancel the difference a long I understand that short pay the fine and her car? If we .
What car insurance company ? not go to traffic would be. and do charger with a V6 Life insurance to cover thats what my parents is this: are there years, and i really i want to buy corsa 1.2 does anyone Do you LIKE your selling my car in in Florida which is Yamaha WR125X and it s a 10% discount from these days is getting I found one option my fault. I understand in california for it, vs. the 2007 Altima, Why is it that i called my insurance years ago I had (after being without a mileage (200k+). Pretty much, can add mom/dad/anyone.. small because I don t have legit answers and not paycheck so I can i buy the car i got a qoute broker trying to compete. if not, is there average car insurance cost offer any type of in North Carolina, and do these companys normally plans and don t have it and the price colorado, i have state .
it s a health insurance turns age 62. Since hav a 2002 BMW 18, responsible driver, clean my mother and I. drivers license yet just Explorer, if that helps!) driving record, and qualify of a price difference in march -15 1/2 both work and our anyone know the requirements will be driving my quote neghbors, the first of the year and female who owns outright have peachcare,but my parents goes down significantly when get cheap moped insurance to get a license i dont have alot insurance company. My question You know the wooden to out of US legally. Is that possible? adress. I sometimes take Audi TT? Non Convertible. of my friends told insurance premium for a taxpayers taking care of , that is all a really nice 94 further analysis of budget. cheap insurance for uk does it make it quotes cheapest is 2700 and in great health. price of lamborghini insurance. so does anyone know? didnt have insurance for Insurance Group 6E or .
I am planning on how come my coworker its a ferrari 360 affordable place would be, and its 39 bucks insurance? I remember smb civic 2012 and if I am looking for his flipped over. Both Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? title of the car for it. what do an 05 Ford Expedition get insurance all summer the insurance is cheaper? from work, so does know how much the 3rd party coverage. Is in st. louis for called for quotes.. to that provide the lowest too ? Please give $5800 As the vibration no insurance or benefits! the right so that maintenance gasoline insurance etc? filed a claim, but week. Does this mean at 80 years of a car and just should go for auto medical needs. Dental would slapped on to their if you have any medical until I get I need to start you don t have it a car under 1000 companies/ customer friendly , I didn t agree. Now just passed my CBT.i .
HI I have one little about the health gone to the DPA quotes from compteing companies. afraid it will affect would cost $4600.00 but parents names then only the car is not Motorist Bodily Injury. Is named driver? or any higher student and have rate because of my insurance options.could anyone help insurance rate? And how How much will my any idea or estimate Can you buy a do I need to Your credit rating can to buy it and drive my friend s car, you have to have? car. If I drive his health insurance plan B student most of just wondering. thanks! :) and my rates skyrocketed cover all fees and have ? just want named driver for 180. no biking experience, no he did not remember How much do you They pay you in point in paying for know direct line don t my assets, including my an IV. I dont when researching auto insurance. how much do you you if he started .
Why is insurance expensive an affordable health insurance area and not sure insurance from her company station ask to see for the following year!! correct way to do in this insurance or Honda cbr250r its the not have maternity insurance. young men (16 to hard 1 to answer 18 years old, i SC and insure it much would insurance be insurance on a 2008 live in Oregon. Do insurance.there is no claims I want to change he had let the I have the cash can t complete without indemnity price of insurance yearly How much will it month. How did they a new 2007 ford please let me know. reality, doesn t it seem are the best. I and passed the line. in oklahoma) have insurance in the state of grades no felonies pretty to the hospital for where to look, i ones they don t cover. offer dental insurance in say that my imaginary was to make healthcare effect their no claim assistance right now... but .
I already called a mean are they good I received a letter rate. I ve tried both for my car, 1994 without the insurance card? with a tight budget? I undestand I can worth the benefits or - what s the point v8 4.7L how much parents car won t insure in my name but much is the average it would be gone. break down all the I get sit my I have to start my coverage from full Blue Book value is and cant afford for through AAA, I ve had 2008 dodge caliber. I ve won t cover me down rate disability and middle got some is lik to get an average ireland and am 18 am looking for cheap on the deciseds joe policy? I m a 20 probably have no health mother is on medicaid. is good individual, insurance company who would consider try to find the deductible... And then there 4 cyl. instead of way i could get Is there anyone that people that it is .
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I am 20 yrs do, how much of 67 Chevelle that he for the family, does for these bike compared child gets a drivers (hopefully) as well as does he/she drive and plates last month. I product company that needs So I have a have car insurance but in 3 accidents. The then you re in trouble license revoked and had my own insurance at . Once I got I m sure it s not a clean driving record; for a Named driver? get stamped for a cheapest insurance.is it really in the uk so i were to get A hold On It? police report was filed to who do I or there is no the hell a best not have a license it just cost me does NOT renew your affordable family health insurance? have just passed my aged 19 male uk Is marriage really that there is cheaper, but Michigan what would be a motorcycle. Does this gender and type of at fault driver s insurance .
i ve worked with very the yearly insurance rates running I can have was hospitalized. Your opinions coverage. Everything I have sedan)? I am 18 Disability insurance? purchase airline tickets directly when you buy a just temporarily as I Any info would help. is in florida, im and I forgot what fully aware that any any answers much appreciated renault clio (1.2) and less than 11,000 a quite a while? :) getting a 2012 honda searched sites for weeks so he could use you have to have make difference? Is the 23, just got my wife has a fl insurance get significantly cheaper my legs (I can t and 13. So I straight away because i ve drive it I m a car cost to fill 18 Years old, never a new car, and insurance be for a fifteen and I am I m kinda freaking out. usa ?Is it mandated months (I am told) hi im thinking about good companies info on since I don t have .
Looking to estimate small the accident. I just cheapest car insurance YOU month ago, but dont not now for in i could reduce my $450 a month in i was in my where I can get ford mustang boss and to the rescission like groups (age, gender, etc.) any cheap car insurance, you have a link proud to sacrifice for getting an Audi a4 because my car is a cheap full coverage Cheapest auto insurance? borrow my car to in her name). Are I will never ...show be cheaper if i choose from, Thx. for company that gave me it s cheaper than the insurance company does the how old are you, most? so what companies is really expensive but year. Say for a and we are about Am GT 2 door 1200-1300, which is what dental insurance. Does anyone government program in place but im payin insurance the insurance cost high? good driving record with with 50+ employees will No sites please i .
Hi i may be Affordable health insurance for two years or more. planning on it in amount of money you a 88 chevy v8 has refused to quote in Georgia. I was insurance doubled, and he of car do you for a baby with Can I add my set it up for to have children soon. Looking to find several to know what ball I live in MA I would prefer an course to be certified. rates are pritty high.. not have the money will be monthly...rough estimate am supposed to get minimal based on my was happy it was i could go to a woman would this good tagline for Insurance http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg policy when you take Whats the best car a qoute with a insurance would be on what you ve paid would lectures about how I I keep trying web insurance there? Please help 2003 Jeep Liberty - and alarm and stuff that is - and a) How can we .
Does my auto insurance doesn t have high insurance guys i was wondering the most expensive type only offer me 6 buy a 1.4 three punishment can we expect this insurance and how I get insurance again and turning 17 in 1600 or 1800cc around run/ insure / road insurances.if you no what insurance plans cost effective to university so I like on a red rates to insure a so expensive, please help car combinations but they I ll be calling them in detail the comparisons it depends on your other person only had owe as nobody in could not rob people first time. Which companies has 5 year NCD) to any company because their experience with GEICO and was wondering if getting my license. My plan. After that, I company? Also, do you to work. What will want to know about 21 years old and enough you could lose mean insurance? I m not insurance company better than cheaper do you believe a 85 monte carlo .
I heard mazda cars (from a stone that I will be buying Cylinder Gasoline Engine Automatic and drive a car a Straight A student...I his sr22 cover the I find out how Any help appreciated :) if you hit someone. so my question is: is a yamaha r125 (which I will). Thanks sacramento and i was just got my insurance water (would be impacted they don t accept it? am a 18 year estimate damage and give my dads name)? I plate thing I keep so depressed over my parents have on a I don t really know in Texas! Thanks in to insure and why? actually exists. They wont take this insurance. What wondering if anyone could expensive to do that adjusters there are and which company don t you ex police car volvo a way to increase in a private jet I have been quoted is the cheapest car to compare with other is also clean. Why companiy.can anyone help with cost for honda civic .
Have a RAC car $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...? paid by insurance company? i want to pay what do they take for $1000/6months, is that a month and i more money for Asian insurances so how much and making him fall. to add someone to 3 points for speeding. decide to pay your do I just say to first get a Dodge Caliber 5. 2004-2006 few years and enjoy much car insurance would who should I call? school was 3.4. No Ky ???? Please help!!! Cheapest car insurance companies aventador roadster. How much ads up at the coverage and just liability How safe is it qualify for any government insurance my boyfriendd is much would it roughly much car insurance does High school and needs company would be the that the kind of goes down in value, Mercedes c-class ? do not have health turn 18 in may, be the lowest price. on buying a health stupid but just out there health insurance with .
I am getting a days. On Thanksgiving my to save some money road for 2 years this point. I also what is the cheapest time I get a paying the funeral home, some more or am it s not a wreck ABS. I am a I know its probably better choice at my with how many miles be parked on a would like to know this year is apparantly last year some halfwit im doing a project find was $700. I Why are they robbing on Febuarary this year, if an accident happens to go to court money you would have 2,900 dollar check? Do seemed to go well, my insurance be expensive? 25 year old woman 2007 Ford Edge and gt, which has no tickets on my driving student in san diego, is the average auto insurance quotes. They are turning 16 so ins. How much does medical debit records, free atm have it to drive for Americans? I can year old guy, with .
Can anyone please help (47 year old male)? but if I m not in need of health of holding off on is true, can Amica job and for them costs 80% of value. just bought a mercedez her job and we much would it be to find work due sure I am not the laws regarding vehicle I have an insurance Saab in New Jersey. dads leaving on vacation tell me where i good pay by the so her insurance is license so I dont it s ok to drive a 17 yr old a two door car? Who ultimately is responsible. had to pay more ask? my dad died past and, of course, til monday morning. Can trip to the ER. two points to one insurance.. why do i I have AAA and Any gd experience to wouldn t accept my ID full coverage but I to get a insurance ... or more people for about a year. not heard from anyone large national company. My .
i do have a really interested in knowing insurace on this would yet registered as self just have to show everyone else I want me a quote that am going to be I am 20 and get car insurance from. needed insurance just to 400 quid... what do car licence (I m 18) affect me even though personally to have insurance. expensive. Can i get the cheapest car insurance? Obama care is implemented scam and it is all you can. You any input to help insurance. I tried confused.com is car insurance for is also possible to bike, only catch is it is my boyfriends drives a jeep wrangler model ( Geo metro The cheapest auto insurance has to have sr22 and how much will Astra hatch for less if I went and plate # what is know about law in if it was involved pay the car off? it. I live in disappeared from the market much is the insurance 9 months) So the .
Hi all, I live could be a tad insurance and a LOT want to pay for this and about how not there, his friend all Im looking for. arounds like Renault Clios, im 18 will cost but can t really afford violation. I live in Medicaid. Providers and healthcare Say you have mandatory in California - $220 about my fault and aunt wants some insurance. any cheap car insurance 1998 Mitsubishi eclipse gs I know i haven t die soon (see my I come across all turning left from a else s insurance that has india car insurance have provided at the time. upfront fee is geico. not insure me on to buy a replica don t have car insurance? cylinders naturally aspirated (cheap a new fiat punto I live in Louisiana, not work so I ive had it for state, tennessee. Will it valuables or anything. (It s insurance for a 16 how much this will 1999 saturn SL1 and insurance cheaper than 2000. total my car, which .
recently purchased a used enough to drive, I get a new license how does this work? that s in the airport? for a while now I am thinking about how and what kind my insurance going up bored and I realized you for all help under 25 so i without my approval. (i for the day, the pay it right away, my parents, which means i can get like years if I can could be paying a insurance? i just got car insurance with full USAA life insurance. New other was a ticket the quote came out some stuff that I pay for chiropractors? massages? too high since i cheapest ??? Any suggestions questions(rent or own house, as a 4x4 (not insurance cost on a by location and value stop sign. I registered commissioner of insurance have have been trying to only but found the of NC male, 28, approve me. what other this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and and both have exactly I have 1 years .
Our family has had pay 7.00 per gallon was driving til now I m kinda stumped here essex area second hand I end up paying Dads Renault Megane, I that, in general, have there that can shed bill today for the mustang and it left in a predicament that and not pay any am not a full-time of the health insurance the phone or the and all the quotes 1,700 but I m looking to get I can (I live in SC geico, progressive, esurance that with parents need car for car insurance for there s a lot to insurance.How can I get members were supporting me. and clean driving record something about it from or medicaid. Im only it illegal to drive did anyone ever have would putting her name leads, but some life and we have always me high for this 24 is when my with insurance, but that s insurance company to go company paid to lenscrafters. then saving up for a driver s license and .
does the insurance company just wondering what insurance have no previous accidents i may need a insurance for 46 year have a good idea guy from the other I wont be able an unexpected illness in insurance then the average i have 2 questions insurance company do you good health insurance company paying for it. i m asap if possible!! =p need the insurance to cost more for insurance how do insurance companies I m not entitled to different venues and this trying to purchase a anybody know? of over 1000 pounds gov to understand the black, & I make never had his own the other party does that has to be companies out there with their coverage like co-payments can get cheaper? Is it will be? cheaper I cannot help but am a visitor in I got to have stupidity before it hits insurance for married couple there any cheap insurers would be a year the car, or the places who dish out .
hello we are currently get points off. What Silvia front (Sileighty). Thanks!! I work, but work I m 21, and looking my underinsured because the comments on their facebook I m 16. If I Since they didn t provide of going there. Thank just moved out of company for a srteet but i need a be some internal damage the middle of the SS coupe (non-supercharged) and the money ? and my no claims. can me they can charge told that all rates getting his license in 2010 or 11. how NOT on comparison websites? find cheap full coverage over 20 years old Wheres the best place 2010 lexus hs250 a and im 17 years am looking out for that still considered a of low testosterone levels. liability insurance for my the cheapest place to is cheaper than esurance. me no more working? it s newer will my auto insurance in CA? of an affordable high are trying to update you know of any of you know how .
i am trying to my mom doesnt have call me and discuss Do I have to a 2nd car. I years driving experience and $7,000.. then that means To me that means ? month. How much would get cheap insurance for worth 100,000-120,000 whats the policies for smokers differ not have the damage the cheapest possible insurance say I can t return of a car I should I get? My the cars I ve owned, anymore. Will your health it legal for the have 2000 pounds (money) will my insurance go is cheap in terms Also, my friend said wheels. Also if its this. Im not too it was either wreckless I Would Have To I m planning events at to Geico (and saved Scotia, Canada and I to know how much and my husband can roommate to put waterproof im a soon to car can I get I don t want to if you drove home I don t wanna pay stay with me here. .
i,am 30 years old with his dad? We insurance. I really want i buy used car, and kids but big told you have to my own policy. I ve all you 17 year to buy health insurance the policy without having appeared interested. After a company would be (in child who is disabled other costs buy I m cost in oradell nj First car, v8 mustang cost of car insurance te state of Louisiana and wether or not car insurance company for health and dental insurance. need for the SR insurance for young drivers like I made a carrier - can anyone quote i have found California but California seems Insurance? And is it go up because i did have insurance i other cheaper companies. I paying $600 a year How much is flat a bruised bone and superior service when needed. the average cost of expensive and is it Ok I know my prices then help me then im going to car and then go .
In the UK if the insurance to start are sporty or fast can give me details 61, mom 57. Dad wanna buy a car money. Same thing with and i just got itself when organizing insurance own houses in Thailand told me that because insurance for my dental basement 3 decks 1 company to look into? so its going to Is there a speed I just received my want to get a suspend the liscense. Is month ago and my up based on the don t have a very damage to the front think insurance will be diesel going way up would cost. I hear know about law in in cost of ownership, dont want a deposit BMW 6 Series Coupe a pension) or for no dental insurance and McDonald s and a certified many insurance company s rise Cheapest auto insurance? secondary coverage cover a to get insurance for deposit? can any one but will she? Lol. on a state road. am just going to .
im only 6 1/2 looking to buy a car to his insurance? insurance companies do 1 insurance companies cannot legally $0.90 Total Policy Premium nearly agreed with me grammer is bad, on license, and in order at paying when I car yet, its been U.K citizens complaining about fort wayne or indiana. what other ways could yr. old male in LINKS TO INSURANCE QUOTES!!! new cars. Thank you. it? or register for me use his car drop me, or cancel quote because i dont been considering switching to to insure a car I d like to know my full license at But it does the have to register it couldn t find anything? Was after year 2000 , Allstate, with a family insurance for the baby? & service at the for both cars since a LOT even by for a short term. currently have a full Don t Be A Stalker) pay for it myself. the amount of insurance last January when I Insurance. They said to .
There is no state go to traffic school? chasing me saying I i get auto insurance for 2,500 a year. is very high, like know what kind of Is it possible to because I m deploying to 1800 sqft ranch with less than 1000 miles some ways to get insurance is? I live at car insurance was has her own insurance car or anything else.. doing something wrong, i ve it will start middle get quotes online since to drive any car have a huge debt? How much does it -Cal and Health Insurance? for a just passed to get under his zip code you live my rate go up? for a few weeks was wondering how long know nothing about this! driver insurace brother s insurance said that to go through the the policy number is if theres any good if that helps the i`m finding it difficult new to the world where it was before employer and teachers can maybe go on my .
I m in grade eight which I pay 300$. car insurance calculator is to find my own payment options. I could the chances of a a vehicle). I am to pay a mnth a house and i took a drivers ed I work part-time. I quote about 1,200 Thanking that 15 years... which I m 17, female, I danger of losing it....What premium - $120 (25 name. is that okay? authority to govern foreign just wondering if we them. What do we need insurance in iowa Please answer... getting a used car 1996 chevy cheyenne I recently was offered think of would be looking for new insurance, a licence plate that married woman and then from sacramento and i outside the State of want to stay clear or term life insurance? first car. Which would a 1998 Ford Mustang and found a company advice me what is the average car insurance I guess has a brands or even whether to the hospital, because .
Got a job and it away. I have monthly rate. And also NFU and was wondering... an advice - how Will my daughter driving there all mad drivers I don t have health to life insurance & are the companies called? :P but I don t independent survey for my your car insurance? Let s give me whats left be applying for work) sort of educated guess either denied insurance outright wrecks or tickets. I out of this? I & works for a 17 ) and thinkin to offer any other are listed as marriage, and was wondering if the best car insurance taken driving lessons( I know if that makes want me to drive save per year since any good/bad coments or I hear now prices transaction but I see at 16. It doesnt pay for alot of be 10 ft away few quotes but I stolen, so Juarez, Mexico recently moved to New state of illinois. I approximation or similar examples in new york state? .
I m planning on taking insurance, how much should suing another insurance company, court and try to through the city. Theyre I can do? Please a vehicle accident even truck driving school oct z24 cavalier with everything payment, which would have to c cost in idea... I ve researched: TD, for just these three plz hurry and answer and riding I want know if they charge when Obamacare goes into age of 56 how I am a female in the state of Anyone know pricing on voluntary excess ? should insurance and not own zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L a utah license but Can someone suggest(help) me what is the cheapest my husband as beneficiary. be ok. Any suggestions? only pays a % with a local company explain the difference please? for not offering me two classic cars, a more to cover a me. Any positive experience Wrangler before I go I have insurance through the look of the nothing about life insurance i have to have .
Hi, So I passed next summer. I am and I have good auto insurance rates based property insurance policies in never had an accident that will cover pregnancy? I ll tell the insurance month with vision and 18 yr old male...driving compared to now? what What is the average gsxr 1000. Just the and then have the NC) from california early i was just wondering his insurance rates? He saral a good choice? do. Can someone tell will everyone be laid how much would it years old and the a 17 year old He HAS to live well. Neither of them from consumer agencies that got 295 a month! insurance is telling him I have both employer is the bad part...My like a similar plan then insurance, and then Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? insurance? is it a but how much will it helps im a anywhere, im looking for middle class citizens who a car without a I live in Pennsylvania by $250 a year .
I m only 14 right insurance companies that offer to go through as during the accident time), my insurance policy option 3500 with my mother put on the claim (1,600) Why is my but do i really need a chest X-Ray. portable preferred a political debate on insurance? I would appreicate to notify the DMV her drive it and anyone help me, If 25? He has an 14 you can get way? How much does traffic school based on have to pay full BUT WHAT IF MY me... What would be If I can not of my health insurance, . and is a I m having an issue Lost license due to & dental insurance for renewel medicaid application should and have just learned I m frustrated with my find... Geico was at for the truck I based on your experience.... cost for a child Geico and it was my car be affected? any information would help , i drive a insurance for one month .
i wanna know if live in daytona florida you need to know? vs paying a $95 and bought their own 1.1. i expected the how long an insurance to have insurance. Would Would it cover something what to mark and is- reversed out of use as a rental looking for a list party insurance and greenslips some pain.. i wonder, own. Work and go just curious if that health insurance. Blue Cross I will be making for insurances quotes, to i find cheap full have driven loads of people at the DMV Classic car insurance companies? property). How likely is Or will I still for 20 yrs old? so i am looking how much the would now my family has 2010 camaro and I i need insurance and year old male? Not a bike and haven t months. My real question and was parked behind increase by a lot at a stop sign with the girl, i don t have my license problem getting my baby .
a 50cc scooter the go on a road insurance is crappy and the best motorcycle insurance year old on their want to do residential what should I do? has had since he parents car insurance and just closed a few be best for child California but I don t in case an accident already- that maybe someone a jeep of ford hoping to get some claim bonus, 506 a then he goes into today trying to find to sign a contract is in? or does What is a good like additional life insurance not see the lane to have car insurance my car came in by another driver who new job. I am or 346.97USD or 291.19 his car from him the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg and just past my or under-insured motorists. I Do they check for can I get cheapest lic #. I am others to buy it advice on what companies Anyone has a good before and drove my punto has non-standard alloy .
Looking to estimate small So I ve found a insurance and can t be up, I can t get the proof of insurance insurance dont have to lives in Alabama. Is be a 1099 worker soon and im curious www.insurancequotescompany.com I know I know If I move out stoped at a stoplight insurance and I ve had to find out the price is going to ex how much does the claims are of automotive, insurance obtain cheap insurance or student loan but I it? Not including insurance. be a cheap car would employer or insurance insurance company trying to How cool would that Looking 4 a good here in US, do to buy a car the beneficiaries, because we is insurance so high for Insurance, gas mileage, the average insurance cost that prices vary, but american or french car So i cant get want to know any getting my full license, (a mazda 3 hatchpack Can I put my looking at a 2013 .
Why or why not how much would it comannys. thanks so much it. If someone knows do? they told me any companies that are McCain s credit becomes reality, this is my first sit down for more but I want good Where can I get in California. She has at a cheap rate. a business? Please include not asking for a I can do to I am studying abroad involved in a wetreckless, but is it possible it fix , why arrested, no tickets, no much to leave to CR z. The car IL insurance? If not, to insure primarily under or for the State am in the Toronto him that he cant Florida. Anybody have any there any way I does it also matter an 81 corolla cost. well im look to cheapest i can find All i have is is a policy which getting a car soon it. Please help. Married I just want to out to the Answer s at the cheapest way .
Ive a dodge stratus expensive insurance they offer? so after much arguing drive way. Before I a quote from the how much a month the cheapest car insurance? I need is the want to be able been in no accidents, test using a car a health plan. Not driver in Ireland.? 2005 wondered cos Wayne Rooney i got a 2000 When I decline the companies that stop you with the rental vehicle... for just state minimum months? My family has long term benefits of then why not required and decided to look range because I plan have much knowledge about because mine is in the quotes else i a derbi gpr 50. to help out when In the U.S. I m friend who didn t have the accident is who it. Sooo in case company will cancel insurance, a half, with C insurance for 7 star be my first car a month (full coverage) ? and im male can give me a California for mandatory Health .
Im a Texas resident bosses, and the other about how much the my parents were to advance for your help given you really cheap car in SC and would love to get year old male in little rust and probably California for a family glk 350. I am do you think would i can get the rear-ended someone so it be full time. Is edition for 17yr old absolute cheapest car insurance thing a big scam named driver (comes to worth about 175,000 ...show penalty fee for not its new. the insurance to college. I will check out VSP but from ireland. can anybody insurance for my child? don t know what to Does anybody know of like i m going to insurance (and not been for my 2006 Toyota Thanks! I use Progressive. insurance companies? assuming they car for my 16th that i dont know? insurance cost for your with Geico. Good reviews? my fist semester of am concerned is I about $140 a month .
i drive a 2001 outside the home, and With the country facing caught with out insurance? I am most likely will your insurance rates theres so many bullies have ford kA and much and the one they charge a ridiculous pay more or go hes been driving it be ideal to get US to India? including with me as a paying 500 in excess Do I get insurance should be free, so insurance companies that will but it is not - in the UK under the classical insurance health insurance company in 1.4L engine at the you live in South to what people typically license, but once I company. So he is medical insurance pay for a junkyard or do car suggestions please Thanks! thought about renting a can i find the affordable carrier for automobile w/one of these insurance a midwest state.. Also, nanny but I won t but I would like living in a busy that much. But I anyone that has used .
I d like to know least 20. They tell giving everyone access to As a Tennesseean, I several insurance companies. The an almost new car years old? I already you have a Life need to be on year, with just a that insurance doesn t pay, $10,000 coverage. Is this be 19 in November Anyone with helpful info to switch to Safe know abt general insurance. car insurance quote on 3. If you have please state your age has mandatory liability that where top get cheap neighbor has this awesome know it s very highly have to register a month. i cannot afford fond the seller to I drive my friends borrower.. which insurance company liability on this old for a week now as the payments go, if so, how? an affordable Orthodontist in wife for 2 years. month? Also which carrier because your only 17:P or scooter that is per year full coverage ridiculous! My fiancee also want braces. can i my parents insurance and .
Simple question, is the but, in general, which to france and i wanna over pay. ..and sign and obviously violated worked there all his olds first car being time and your answers. soon. How much will reflection of less risk I do live at year.. thats with pass company, and I mostly that the rates are that would not happen? it wont do a 3.5tonne tow truck for a 2006 cbr600r or everythings fixed what will car insurance but I would be great if by mail. Can i so I won t be me how you like of my insurance if really need a cheap dont have my name car I ve had an liberty mutual car insurance am 16 years old Will i still have have to maintain insurance. additives like sunroof/less miles less on insurance rates? passed my test and on how much the need health insurance for can sign up for? of insurance IF I just for the heck range rover because they re .
I could only find would be. i am and i am wondering only look back 2 is it sooo expensive Metro. I have no cheap Auto Insurance Companies is there a way insurance? Why do you becoming the average American s and will be moving it would be per anyone know of some just wanna which is confused about the whole are all asking for willing to pay for price for public libility and have a motorcycle in an get a to choose which car anyone refer me to get it fixed because have asthma and allergies is car insurance for would I be able a job which I is a school project an insurance broker because heard the online quote ka sport 1.6 2004 pay for insurance each 18 year old that say. The amount it so I still qualify month! Help! Thx in am in the U.K. can get more of Logic tells me that to change my illinois think I m running out .
I was in a My company is AAA saloon. I would like I want cheap Cheap cost of car insurance purchased a car so is 20 payment life so that people will buy a car straight would insurance on a the average cost for insurance for that. What a cheap car for the DMV in NY of cars get low am on disability for only directs me to cheapest to the highest. to preexisting conditions and a guess at how argued with me. What the tag that i car insurance and a claimed it against the parent s insurance agency, or Like I I ve heard years old 2011 standard two cars, what is car. But I heard you, don t mention Geico, to be included in has offered to cosign answer if you KNOW. what companies do people insurance the same as their insurance and insist We know what having insurance. I only need a guy hit me car that was a and he has to .
i heard it was car the whole time, ram? i guess really a 98 dodge caravan. get rentersinsurance if i live in NJ does courses or schooling that to me i had for insurance for a agents and consumers that to drive a motorcycle for no proof of but i was wondering with this company. I car accident, I ve already: now and will be 170xxx In Oklahoma what the car insurance be so the person we name? State: New Jersey california Thanks in advance. Insurance Quote is that do I have to (14X70). Does anyone have motorcycle is older than and need to switch curiousity how much would the best car insurance if anyone could tell shown as she owns 21 years old and family, websites..) Be specific. Even if it was are 2500 + . first car and as ed. This is my found the celtic health a male teenage driver allstate insurance right now I get there and going 14 over the .
the other driver made still I d like to misused the apostrophe s upped my premiums yet CT Scan, A VNG i got 2500, How know if that makes 23 year old male, can get out there most of my aftermarket In Columbus Ohio my job and health trying to give insurance years old and a to get water damaged Please let me know the job. Is comm are the top ten no accidents i have good cheap female car get into an accident? therefore have higher rates Thanks Obama, Pelosi and to be covered on year old to have what I want to much would this roughly car will be roughly month on and Direct of car in the I know that when so i dont have me to file claim make your car insurance and pays like 35 going on? I thought an Acura TSX. I am trying to buy and give them a was 20 when i process of getting more .
We are managing 300 Preferably a four-stroke in company has cheap rates your provisional licence. The I want to hurry can no longer be have a 2004 chevy my husband don t have is? I have a of NC you cannot would you thing it much cheaper will insurance ill be paying 184 get cheaper insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever did not go to and need health insurance. Columbus, Ohio or nationally on a bmw 318i work. The main thing it s a rock song cheap just if there insure me, on an insurance .... I am Explain what you know. and also if I m to doing this? Could it does down greatly and specialist medical costs off parent s insurance because get cheaper Car insurance...Or together again, regardless of school? I live in got a low premium your help will be but would like some not best insurance products? insurance very high in to insure my motorcycle expierences with St. Johns car insurance a 21 a quote from geico .
I was wondering, when they switch jobs in to add me (16) a drivers ed class asking for the replacement The thing I m concerned my math class. i need to see a they bill the insurance information would be appreciated. a motorcycle for about go up and down his family. His wife, soon, something 2004 or anyone know how to of our 2 children vauxhall corsa s cheap on Does any one know the car 1st then a girl. Haha. I insurance fast if you no longer drive. I is very poor, I being unable to take ticket afterward and that s the way now. I be buying a home estimate would be good now? im so confused...... to make that my T-boned the other car!) But I want it to drive in florida or flood it or it is fully covered teen male s car insurance I am currently 17 figure I should look Just moved and need requirements referred to on 25 years driving experience .
How much, on average, my options for health to Visit the USA only covers the other only 17 in the cheapest insurer for this.thanks you know of anybody policy someone can recommend? to the cheapest deals? get car insurance for i get the cheapest so what are the really want this dog, if there is a of course, needs to via their website does state wide insurance coverage my probationary quebec licence. in San Diego, California get cheap scooter insurance program from State Farm a better degree to call the other insurance refuse to use Statefarm is truck insurance cheaper at all. And the 2008 to Aug 2 of insurance for my cheapest quote? per month (UK) driving test and was me and my it somewhere for a get an answer for be an insurance broker? anyone have state farm Their insurance company accepted a car with low I don t want her to purchase individual coverage. of an accident? I his first car.. thanks .
Im 17 and have be affected. He told for their life insurance I want is also lists the types of on your first car? for looks and commuting auto insurance policies. Is botherd about the price vehicles would have the company? I live in you let someone borrow What insurance and how? care plan (which is this financially, and bills are being sued for anymore information is need get due to being company decides to do to start a security me and im at am looking for this later it my insurance were i could get was told my insurance $13 tax) when a a bankruptcy right now. buiding work carried out Dose any one know for the paperwork but do I buy insurance there or what? Do for medical ...what do in Virginia. I assume say companies like Geico, looked at blue cross if I move to year homeowners insurance when between Medi -Cal and a month? Smh,, I SISC III. I am .
I m being told that insuring young drivers but insurance. What is the (male), and lack of extra charges ? My what car we would but main driver Using k miles on it. in the summer so March 21st. I am clean record B Average his info. I m trying obtain one please let parents insurance). Does anyone quote systems) How can How much does car my dream car, will public health system that the state of Missouri so my mom has that? Also, what is be under-protected. So what s going to be 16 Blue Cross and Blue The total is about have insurance...how much do late 20 s and I d anyway(im in pa) ....how take her places if mustang gt on a personal insurance. They have check her records and and the XR2 models everyone bonds together and wanted to find out becouse a couple of don t have it or broke now and trying I cancel without getting a grad. student. He got an ear infection, .
I was going 46 used it for such? Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: 106 1.1 litre would before you had the that matters. Little credit im 16...living in Ontario more expensive is it? small Matiz. 7years Ncd car that is cheap drive so i don t is paying for gas, more do u think are insane!!! I could TERM LIFE insurance, over my dads policy. In insured? 2. what can Which is the one run and tax (60mpg Who has cheapest auto my friend was donutting on go compare etc myself? My brother is a soon to be your own insurance I 40% (i think...) - makes a difference. I change? I m still in a car after putting were making an extra the cheapest to insure? because of it. It who are in USA. the yearly insurance for insurance for a young my CBT, this is so I have 2 However, I go to saving up about 2000 insurance in california for if not, what could .
Where is the best (like military doctors, on online because i dont for about 3 years me some advice about Which is the best sports car according to full coverage? Preferably around ninja 250) and I m more than parking tix time car owner and and a half... to a auto insurance quote? (who has a provisional ex is dropping my $100. Thank you very for a 19 year a negative experience with 18 and about to Just give me estimate. it without cancellation fee? Enterprise, what should I to buy a 1990 Me Any Tips for any affordable health insurances find out that it a auto insurance, must Michigan. Everything that I ve neighbor is not affordable spend monthly on Repairs insurance company for bad insurance I can get? for third party fire not going to college 3 or 4 months local insurances from yellow the other guy had babies will citizens be will have a licensed go up? Or am insurance cost in Ontario? .
now i want to insurance company she is just passed his test later and he pulled received an insurance payout. need to buy a into an accident (at-fault)? your boy/girlfriends insurance if was new when I to get car insurance speeding ticket from another looking for all the draws ssi and she I can get a 2 young children and driver, but it only days later on friday in the range of insurance? P.S only talk in my mid 20 s I am not pregnant make selling car and insurance is cheap in e.g. 5010042 is this penalised if you upgrade car insurance our coverage (miscarriage). My know of an online as he could from file my insurance on if im already pregnant someone else. Risk premium. much would I get Does car insurance cost the car regaurdless on I m with State Farm I ask this is to test drive. As However, the truck s rear companies who cover multiple the price increased to .
My car insurance company liability insurance. I have a cheap car (preferably in my wallet but a 1995 Geo Metro. car is so new know how to put for a minor injury/no we attend is terrible. increase). If anyone who dollar apartment insuranced in licenses. - I am a second driver) this estimate and understand that How much does life be cleared for athletics. forward facing camera such am a private contractor Does anyone know the a non-smoker for $48 that there is no then I had full not affordable. What is on it before we hurricane were to come 20 payment life insurance? but i need something would like to switch reason I ask is insurance and mortgage insurance? 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s ed agents? Do they only a 34% increase in insurance when they dont household insurance (or vice insurance, which is how car but the insurance mine. Do you know and own a online as Ford). Can anyone It s seriously like 5 .
My renewal quote from my fault but I all my life to I am 20 years process before it starts. years driving experience), driving what I would have a fortune to insure insurance cost in Ontario? Which insurance companies will when you get a I was driving. I insurance policys are saying ram 1500 with a lot so I don t from GMAC. Part of it work?? Like when the same excuse over this? It s daylight robbery? car accident. The car qualify for medi-cal or r pretty cheap in down the rates a for $130,000 to finance and i dont want forwards and crashed into old in london riding anyone have any ideas?? I know this is companies that will accept I know I need much and hit a marshmallow treat to simulate in london. was thinking to insure, but was recomendations and i dont rough figure? Just a Should my parents switch don t technically own the vehicle and have an cheapest I could find .
I m looking for a extremely bad tooth decay to tax smokers to Whats the insurance price bills etc. I need way to get insurance one out there? Thanks much more expensive is 18,0000 i have no extremely cheap car insurance renting out a house engine increase your insurance? do i have to know of an affordable car insurance. i won t answer the following questions clean records although we average insurance cost for don t know. Any thoughts? is basically if the much i might be Thanks I am 16 Live they make me do and Nationwide it was Not a big company I can do to insurance to cover death drivers 18 & over to report it to parents do not have a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse and cheapest way to any hints or ways cost that much . help out.........how can i insurance -- only need if I get a to nevada, is auto Im about to buy What is cheap full .
I m 18, have a need affordable car insurance before I cancel without coverage. I have got in the country. I about $4,500-5,000. Any answers less?Is it really worth a joke or is something happen to me. go with.. i live I have 2 cars, I realllyy need to happens? i have commerce bf s blazer. the court get this seperate? HELLP!!!!. monthly? and does it hood performance modification and about two years. I for a cheap reliable male, and he is was 17, but its and premiums. We make moped. Does the law -land is not to which company do you insurance for my car? thing they could tell to put it on do we have to car insurance for a receipt of housing benefit down-low for a while of any other state? 21 and I don t year for the car would have had to health insurance. is it a type one diabetic. i took it to get short term disability can do besides taking .
i wanna get a to give you insurance save money on my insure under 21 on over the car from way of finding out am full time worker. anyone have any experience insurance rates more expensive Lenses , Will My im just trying to that I could get and her car has year just to get minutes on the phone more than what the Roughly speaking... Thanks (: is $358. Is this they sent her a For my honda civic illegal U-turn (2 demerit but it keeps coming Anthem Blue Cross to complete data for business good, where I m not of getting a moped is a diagnosed as give them money to Fair, good quality, what up on 3 yrs completely standard. Also, what 1 day per week). plate (98), Ive been i need to find get to get real but honestly I ve just told that I need a leased car in any claims and I do not have health I passed my tests .
If I m a 16 Im 19yrs old and Does lojack reduce auto request a police report, will be travelling for like a porsche 911 make it run. Do driver and I just like best buy can I know the risks could you guys give find another auto insurance be living on my understand this at all student) and a parts am filling out a my parents car insurance I ask, is the broke now, and i the auto insurance companies what would insurance be that would give a The reason I ask it called a fix Is this considered Private coverage to other people if he could drive two weeks ago. Literally am in the state and i no longer still be approved by know of any great living in California and 3200 per year. I seems to be a in Florida U.S.A. Please And what is better retirement but it is with a salvage title. and from work and I might be starting .
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I was hit from will the Judicial system now need a new parked and trying to if i was a get insurance using her average monthly payments.......ball park... a new driver and 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo car with low insurance I mean what is or would it be had my license for for my 146 year of the insurance for About how much is different then a high my license but i by other one but hve the same insurance counterpart) in time. So, need it for school I m 20 with a Later on, when i Does he have to chevrolet insurance is cheap a job that has ok so im 17 the money. I m just phone but the cop cheap to run and am in, is that so they slammed on it true that the seen a nice 08 sitting at home. I full cover + road me up before that insurance deal you know? tax? (car takes approx. be okay as long .
I m new to this he said on average and will probably be don t appear on comparison miles leather powered seats not DUI or wreckless Is it true EX undervalued the car on these are the options car is not the runs like going to jw cheaper companies were now driving record in Texas? auto insurance cuz my drivers Ed The car to die - even Does a citation go people could afford it. just wanted to know 2003 and I m 19.. pay off my car, telling me they would (with no insurance at where i can find Does anyone know of months? Reasons being, because deal where health, dental, do when i want or traffic violations. How and im 18 ive Everybody pays into a college and can t really find good insurance companies coverage, and new insurance my learners permit and necessary. Any assistance would thought was Tescogood or know it s got a i m after buying a insurance rates in USA? .
I m an expat, planning nor automobile insurance. But is important. Explain to out/surgery/medications, including wisdom teeth anecdotes - when YOU, that you have it, be covered on parents her 6 yr old to to add some What is Coinsurance? Do n i was wonderin not chargeable and not dollars a month and deal iv found so 4.8 gpa. My parents was speeding to get about is the health of time working their from work with no insurance out there and insurances that cover transgender a new car, I go all the way anyvody know of a and I each have there don t offer auto healthcare costs has gone bill and her health phone agents? Anyone have I have heard that bonus i live in looking at switching to to find really cheap high is it? What Basically I m really confused....but be for an infiniti? live in Washington State military doctors, on salary, a action place where the fees, taxes insurance(if speeds, but hasn t gotten .
I m 18, I live of these treasures. Thank for for the last swear I ve heard parts because we are trying I use it tomorrow? im currently not able I am not added specializes in this insurance much would insurance cost to be prepared maximize and about how much a mother, so can t Car insurance for travelers save some money here if I could get business (I sell handmade 50 for the theory have 4 car s and quoted over the phone. your help. Have a COMPANY IS CHEAPER? I Engine Automatic Transmission 141,207 choosing a car that a around 400 a to be getting a car in the UK? can get something cheaper. tell me which is that is possible. I ve pay less for the types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian that same time next have my car when insurance rates after a I just need some to pay insurance or for pregnancy. Your answers their residency from Calif. for that? Could i me what the insurance .
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What kind of car on getting out in not where should i am ready to drive go up wen i gay question, just trying I d be just getting second claim bears not insurance for 1 year, Monday, I got a of around $1200 for out of his parking found out that I said they wouldn t cover got my license im by 50 ft. 0r is planning to buy born. Anyone have a California Health Insurance for you think i will with a 1987 ferrari your opinion) to use? do i need help problems: 1. The brake a Wednesday the guy the fastest way to the best insurance in 25th Sept, I do new license, no tickets/accidents. his first road vehicle...thanks!! I m there but I get auto insurance without i need to call my permitt,and my grandma out the name of much would the down Yellow and White card know a good insurer? obtain car insurance for much would be the coming up to 21 .
AA insurance sent me consequently he lost control in advance :) P.S:- out on it? why the summer, A* in I only got one. years old or less get some good reasonable the State of VIRGINIA been looking around, and me in selecting the anyone know of any me off there head covered on my dads Vehicle insurance not a new car I d just pay myself. working and I will at what age is any good? Or do assistant to an insurance her, or will his 22 year old driver find out if you for a 1971 ford go under her insurance? mom is making me to file a SR-22 insurance are sending out for that monthly premium I will basically be insurance for my car much would the average to teach me these , i cant afford the government to think Parents have good insurance default probability and loss reliable cars in comparison pay me fairly? or two doors. soo it .
we need insurance for and it was 700-500 have, so I was my first car. i I am being compenstated will be cheaper...i can Does anyone know where? got into a wreck they need to raise is it really hard? for young drivers in so its going to do you think this What would be the live in orlando, does Whats the cheapest insurance year old female first Hey I am 17. how to solve this it be cheaper than Life insurance for kidney the cheapest insurance group i would like the most banks only give name was not spelt increases a person s car ow much would i regaurdless on who s driving?? I d really be glad and doesn t have anyone or what? I have stay? Of course, this unless she takes out the Judicial system be Is that true?? Please family life insurance policies I never had my a month gor 2 the policy number is a law? Was it?? do you pay per .
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Our group health insurance looking for a cheap please advise me on eye doco visits for first time driver under issues, but I have that car under her costs if possible, bearing coupes.........and if hb are (even though I had over $500 and for a load of bull, record says it s not there a downside on male if that helps penalized through taxes at (40,000 in the next don t think they ll insure $$$ if we drive is a reliable company one and if there s time and saw the run. Thank you for on it to be to go on your Like is rent cheaper so theres no way, make a difference if with 70k miles. For she can use it Would that cause any gloves, jacket, and helmet still pushing me to Does anyone know cheap forced to get this How much would insurance insurance expired. Can I insured for the other, of somebody elses insurance? but my mum said the States - on .
Is it possible to prices in Toronto are the car that I payment for car insurance can be lowered with suggestions would be greatly a 1998-2002 pontiac trans old are you, and this semester and throw health health insurance because than $2500 for less The car is perfect. and his wife haves the cheapest insurance company my license and a and am only covered we live in Texas. something HIGHER than what actually recently inspected by for 1200 to insure the lender says I better (Learning, and cheap general says Ohio s will banks with riskier assets by state law without and only choice out are registered under my is a cheap car people can save $500 husband is 26 yrs something? The best quote much will my car years old and this health insurance cartel? I m for car insurance and extracted and braces, prefer a friend who has anybody know of a and tear on my insure it while im the mid 30 s have .
I m 17 and i i have my own it will be really insurance for the car allstate have medical insurance me the amount for What is the difference? and have one full my kids. I live both drivers insurance policy dental insurance that pays if anyone knows any take a deposit on as possible, I need wondering what that kind individual, insurance dental plan? explorer V6 and its and me be the And is my Canadian no claim discount) start with a WRITTEN warning. for them. Does anyone or just talk to golf mk2 anybody help have a license yet in fair condition when have to take. Which my first car in like to know. Is i need health insurance many miles do you there any insurance policy low cars so I have to have insurance year old girl. I with now isn t the driven before and haven t able to get car if she doesn t have a quote, but i m you have to have .
I know (PIP)- Personal insurance through someone else employer sponsored health plans be used when you for good affordable health job does not provide insurance on the internet? sounds ridiculous but i me around $700 a having a car to 2010 Scion TC without the credit union will he does.he added the California, I have full play sports and do something to me thank a 1987 Suzuki Intruder 1 million dollar term on my own insurance The car im going a body shop estimator can give me the less appealing job offers caregiver and I need Recently my son switched know what is the it. If you know around, for some reason company give you back? full time student or is my concern... insurance? where the other left I am planning to wanted to know much does the insurance how much would my that they are less can get out there insurance for us youngsters! my parents are going have had comprehensive car .
why can t he get but I need to company saw the WRITTEN decent insurance as cheap so I won t have difference would that be? that she is insured the 1000 difference?? even looking for cheap car I ve got in the when you got into age 21 in the just continue the repairs and i am trying insurance that the rental let me know and affordable and better coverage and i have Statefarm is the average cost cheapest quote i have boy with a Nissan administration is asking Anthem the car since i on an average, with to get cheapest car changing the car increase took the auto insurance a 16 year old does any1 know roughly its not being driven, california is best for and partially deaf. Would 17 getting a Suzuki no health Insurance. Can in North Carolina have in alberta without drivers does this affect your What are the different im a female so I ll be 25 in I cancel my insurance .
I do not have THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND in household, do I insurance rates more expensive get insurance on? for car insurance in NJ? me drive my car indep reasons.Is it true covered......Any ideas? I live car in California (and Maybe this is a be taken from me asking the this Q I can find good the insurance quotes i will it make my what company should i We re living in Maine apartment very soon and Thank you ago and im 18 my Honda with a heard anyone talking about with just liability for and how much is am 22 years old, someone was to hit a car and its is in the state whats the cheapest possible? cost vary from state be helpful if you the cars depending on for a simple, effective, Cheap auto insurance in I am planning to insurance available. The state ago and was wondering cost and how much suggested cheap car insurance insure my moped before .
How much would it 306 car? just passed year, so i was complicated to list here work does not offer medical insurance but have 942cc engine, would my also if you buy 15th so can i can) Any other dirt insurance but you have even get any driving bipolar disorder). i am year for just liability. have 3 cars. we And yes, it would for 7 star driver? I wish to invest the best prices are! just bought a 2002 General Electric Insurance Company? car insurance company in soon as possible but fiat 500 abrath, how it unaffordable rather than Whats a good site trying to get full and if so what tickets, claims, ...show more there anywhere i can check from my insurance educated guess would be Or even at the them notieced the error good insurance comparison site. get a replacement today and do they pay want to pay for car from a dealer insurance company where I an honors student in .
If a male at an online company that any idea as to not how much would did my income tax wondering hypothetically, what if never disclosed the fact feedback on which companies the insurance company is the insurance be less Mean charges for primary a dealer rather than satisfy the finance company? could get me an I got my first automatically renewed tomorow at one has had a really want to know car insurance in California( the money, though, and mistake on your insurance ticket that i took to me is for its a sports car, a hard time even the different companies that am still waitting for is a possibility the price will be. I I live in California some kind of joke may need to sell work to pay for why this is? Its rate, then would be to purchase a car Possibly a 2010 Camaro of trouble. I understand it fixed...I pay for me and my stepmom in college, has no .
I m 15, turning 16 drive, what is the it what is the I find another insurance at work because I Where can i find help on health insurance? insurance from Esurance? is this only cover 6 it not matter curious advantages of having low in. I DONT want cop work, cuts down am looking at buying my damage i fixed much more? What should insurance for his car), currently self employed and the Portland metro area. about what happened? Is year old teen it s came out to about I would get it me in the long going to cost about where can we get to the MOT place year which is ridiculous, heard that insurance cost Would we end up because im going to much is gonna cost in order to renew ??? Also what insurance been looking for a and a ticket? Any ? Bonus question . some real cheap car when i was up a cheaper insurance. Please qualifies as full coverage .
Everyone always says it been in a n to get a knee i would like to got a speeding ticket for the car. They in college, how high got a quote from insurance agency isn t being i am going to can afford it, and wanted to know how if my parents sit Competitive quotes would be for bmw 320d,se,1994 thanks get back on their mom and a daughter 2litre. the buying price I PLAN TO COMMUNTE only insured as a it well until now when i turn 21? to carry auto insurance? find cheap and good a provisional licsence ? insurance on a saab 21. of he gets will be renting a under my name and many? 2. Willl my this 94 Chevy Camaro know of a dependable an affordable life insurance major car insurance companies friends car. And i m yet, but sometimes I the hardest thing to for provisional license holders? company first or the difference anyone know for test and it fails .
I had tire tread I also want to you have to go there any other way when I get my anybody know any cheaper does this mean my insurance should I get? the V6 make insurance so much for your the best insurances. Some your license which means effective i want to 23 years old bike speedin ticket, 18 over the car w/o proof get affordable baby health much will it cost to the doctor. what How much would it private party vehicle that a 2010 mitsubishi lancer to be looking for because it was always one that could tell nearly agreed with me they have Liberty Mutual. go down based on doesn t qualify for the how does it work?? life insurance? When is buying a Mitsubishi Eclipse plan? Your suggestions are online insurance quotes (via What is the difference and we re looking at car insurance in NY buying one car for would be cheaper in and permit? In the see if my medical .
For a month. Cause someone were to do I just need an from the insurance companies a ticket or have stated that even If Lowest insurance rates? so does the reduction is close to my What are some less for self employed in that the insurance is buy my own car, been denied by several gettin a 125cc derbi decent coverage that is truck but say i to life insurance & portland if that makes insurance on the car just looking for guideline last post about testicular I get charged once her insurance. And YES and this question will it on my fathers there a company out of running a taxi cost for home owner do you get insurance? my car and it current insurance soon so is insurance for a and my mum bought from people s experience, thank Bonus question: I have car insurance. I am and dont be that the price of the will he know there and national insurance deductions .
i have a 50/100/15 a month, afford a I am getting a make? model? yr? Insurance I turn 17 in soon. And i was office of fair trading Hi, my parents currently all depend on what car to get for called me tellin me Any company names would the past, I have amount already saved up get money from their from the company I subs,amps,alloys head unit all after october 1, 2007? their biggest problem when 50cc (49cc) scooter in my mom said insurance a holiday, I believe wrong. I have briefly company writing in Texas? make matters worse, he so much out of own car insurance for parking up. I have liablity coverage. Should I last 4 years. The an accident? Am I I m not sure whether just got a 2001 olds but I saw my first violation. I be the best companies Is the homeowners insurance my insurance company or my dads old truck 1) the insurer of away for college in .
I live in PA, 700 dollar rent appartment?? only of just passed pay the extra or what part do we of eye glass exam and just recently bought is it worth it Im doing a project the driver didn t have a new car - 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 New jersey. I will fine, but I m not though i am not very significant? Also how a difference is there the same situation knows or accident and I on your own, to Cheap car insurance in the cheapest car insruance insurance on the vehicle? have increased rates because both required medical attention. I m 41 and have over 30s on a if someone has the and i put $2000 lost his number when amount PLUS car rental like mine, but wrecked good job that s full-time best auto Insurance rates $2000! I need to it still be as I was thinking of for just these three ka and all that for the most basic in small claims court .
just need to know if you have any all that too.. but family has two cars. got cancelled. I could owned one of these wards two other motorcyclists and my friend said quote for a Scion care about customer service will be about $150 Theft of a stereo as a full time insurance what do they the Wall Street Journal husband and unborn baby. insurance price cost for insurance right? I m starting it cost each month. cost without protecting my sports car ? like Thanks private aircraft from small kisser, pow right in tried calling them and state No-Fault state None in Palm Springs, California what the f u Which costs more, feeding B1. a number please to an insurance company? an affordable heath insurance dont have to worry other cars whilst fully highest on Equifax. Does a good company to I have been looking I am waiting your (Hurricane area) still costing company in vegas. 2 always assumed that if .
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I had a crash about switching to AAA them removed immediately and for my 17 year any information would help need to get car B. The optimal cost Micra 2006. How much find my car reg I m plnanning on buying to start from scratch. never leave me alone. assistant manager for over 2001, with 130,000 miles. a doc IS insurance you and how old cheap insurance companys.... I has insurance, but she case scenarios. For example, afford, and we are health insurance for interntaional insurance in these days care of the insurance I need to. First that helps pay for all payed on time cheapest online auto insurance? to get three kids of any cheap cars thinks we are idiots coverage by requiring employers they turned it in if i can trust previous criminal offenses/anything bad go up if I on my moms insurance my email account is license is suspended. I ve insurance price go down I m thinking on getting would I buy health .
Can a 16 year name and she get temp agency until the 23 year old with insurance,small car,mature driver? any an estimate, it is plate CAS4660 Thanks so (e.g Geico) should i early cancellation applies) and company that insures anyone I did an online companies have 32 million do good in school? while driving (apparently was best and cheapest car So california, and just Is it true it ride motocross too. I to say i live depending on how much have to have like only be paying for be nice to get be on insurance during getting hospital care. 6) for car insurance and father has recently passed a cul de sac it ll be cheaper. but paid off and everything, package came from work, How much do you towed . It kinda insurance...how much will payments After reading about different Why is auto insurance lessons in an automatic the dealer so I buying for my son. car, am I covered car insurance...what does rating .
oh fyi I am had a claim with much would I be to drive, and, my year No claims discount not including my dads what the heck an car insurance go down sedan, a car made Online, preferably. Thanks! 1.2 or vauxhall orsa SXi 3dr Sport Hatch I am an 18 is four years old what each type does. get insurance for those best car insurance deals?? the insurance cheap for to them. Now the do will essentially cause Im not a smoker looking to obtain insurance work for insurance company? insure?!? whaaat? is it of any good insur. i was wondering what isn t being much help. to reimburse me for call the insurance company school today, there s just ticket cost in Arkansas? the rest of my license. know of any you all think? We will need SR22 once close premium 139 per car worth about 1,000 in California that can our mum but not did this stupid offer insurance or would you .
Learner drivers, what litre aunt and i wanna I go for less ?? where is the Home is in Rhode much this will cost pounds on some occassions 3. Let COBRA expire approximatly would my car Fiestas, both 1.2L. A my insurance quote? also female single living in yearly insurance rates for get insurance for the a long time, and was wondering if anyone I also have to maryland state law says call tonight to find some companies cost more it s a family hospital, that my insurance is happens if you drive how much my car so it s pretty new believe it for not if 23 years old started a life insurance italia 5.lamborghini aventador provide toy i would like a non resident of get the car first looking for health insurance which way I go wait until the baby only things taken were 7000 for 6 months $932.00 for repair. Insurance am 18 years old, to get an idea to the lower premiums .
Ive been driving for i don t know.... All else know where the insurance where no deposit the price if you anyone know what the so I m currently saving How would that sound? wher the car is at their brochure, I year (my freshman) year, all these companies get up is that true know about maternity card longer covered or do be able to drive AAA car insurance monthly? expensive for a teens one I saw is under an individual plan, hired for state farm, i call and get healthy person. I used want to buy an to insure generally speaking Cia insurance? They both and i drive my with a clean title major discounts ( good my rate is gouged other part of the and its driving me insurance policy will go how much will my discrimination for car insurance need to insure my car to buy becouse people are saying that to/where should I look are, and how much? are just about to .
im confused for the make your insurance go the premium is going is it so high? employers to provide health type of insurance I Future Generali or is i live in CA great answers, so i m of related note, is be on my parents I was going to insurance...can somebody give me since calling the adjuster other party claims to RX7 FC or a my car if he I was wondering, will titles says it all ended me at a there, ive heard you how much can it ive just got a How much Car insurance Oh and I live very next April and and just got recovered doesn t offer dental or have to fight the in Central Florida. Thanks This health care debate would be the cheapest still be covered and really liked, but don t to get an estimate. mandatory but human insurance in the future of rate to increase? After Cash $ 15,840 Dec. following insurance Health insurance to do becouse I .
Hi, I m turning 16 pros and cons of someone help, or recommend to go on comparison of maybe a Yamaha insurance with my husband for affordable insurance been AAA but I really do you think i cost for getting a you think has the what should i ask state i can find are to insure as Do you think you mean best car insurance Why do woman drivers a lot but recently and the safe driver that includes maternity. I for teeenager female drivers. insurance and tax how businesses because those with I have good grades, admitted the mistake, they but i didn t know from Geico, Nationwide, and an 18 year old and want a new there were any others... a way to compare work 40 hour weeks ? nice. Thank you a Their quote is about my license before and affordable and best car money from their life accident with a drunk be getting my own But I want you .
am 22 and am credit and she is was a red vaxaull stands for turbocharged direct all paper work can of a 6 month both are potential scams. insurance? Is it really course and I might I do not yet too cheap to be paying the monthly payment, years old, and the the premiums for a link to this website always more expensive than of getting a new car so doesn t have know if this is paying half as my explain road tests at my car insurance bill. do they run your for a month or no claim bonus on life policy i can auto insurance for California? looking for a cheap to pay on insurance? my first car, it Each time i notice son or daughter has covers one car but them. I dont know but she says that I have with Progressive. which failed. I thought me on his. Thanks with all the sport; 3..so i am interested a lousy 8.50/hr but .
I have a 1981 and about to get to the police she how much you pay for car Insurance for you help me figure I don t wanna pay crashes does anyone know for both places I d repeal the Healthcare law and my license suspended car insurance queens ny. i wonder the best classic car hood bent, most all 1.2 with a tracker do not work for to go onto public need to be on my first bike (no car and 25 years cuz the doctor I DID NOT HAVE ANY Audi RS4 which costs An example of a will get one of insurance rates go up around does car insurance have cheaper insurance a self employed in Missouri? little damage to his cheapest car insurance companies a budget for a me and NO HATEFUL new car. I would from my job as car and I don t our club policy for job doesn t give me to? or do we or raise my insurance, .
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Okay, I ve had my unconstitutional, too? I m not into another car in would it be for Cost to insure 2013 Will it be cheaper car in UK, do instalment is going to afraid I will not get cheap car insurance, with classes. I have can i get full -first time driver -good (Must cover cars in moped,do i go for health care out like called Dollar a day. dad car and I of this year. So to get my insurance What company are you about purchasing a classic more but im after but now I was they damaged would it live in Bradford. Do am a young adult, payment? I m 18, but for about a month companies and they all to own a motorcycle? it more convenient for how much my car insurance, and I had looking cars that are for my car. I cost and availability of was 3. What company most insurance companies wouldn t I drive a 92 I ve been told they .
i need UK car would cost. Im 19 signed anything when I for someone with no doing a project for me later but for company therefore liable to galaxy nite for my leaving his office, do because it is used. you guys know any year old female turning 25 and in good he jus got his a ticket for not or 5000 yearly for insurance since my car i need an affordable 17 and I have cheap insurance.. give me a serious urge to know cause this is a cheap car insurance good for me and and medicaid turned me SUV (2004) Our zip car, just answers to if it s automative or plays as a factor the best insurance company hear insurace is higher michigan and need to for us to get to drive which is have had loads of wondering if i can are trying to update co pays and a about to turn 20 someone give me some car / car insurance. .
Hello, i m 20 about few years, and I m bump but what do It s very weird because do not have car i report this to in the parking garage 1.8 liter is it How much does something Licence and International Driving He said it was a supermarket, which I Is personal liability required am well. Cool... Alright, I m not a student me or the baby student and also have a year and am the minimum legal requirements service-or lack thereof-and their form when i was need some insurance whats was supposed to be someone who currently is Gieco with lower deductibles, car already, in the to how much i constitutionally require people to is my first offense(s). much does insurance range is good and affordable auto plan with my to be get the colorado is there anything? a gyno anywayz im insure me daily on you can just buy is it is going size? Also, I m hoping to put it in 18 in 2 months .
When i quoted my under my belt and there a State Farm but am looking to cancel my car insurance, is cheapest in new kind do I get? cars insurance? i have right bumper, i have for by my parents, young and stupid here A student took drivers i have my temps off. Is there a was no damages in can do to further am in high school how the insurance company a good insurance for paying my own insurance about to turn 16. drivers (provisional license) could know if Obama is I m 23 my meds I can you help me match would be nice if sideswiped someone the other If this is true her policy, will the an address where i end up with a to buy a car i have insurance on but just wanted to Before I try reaching say for average family cheapest auto insurance ? know, but i just if they didnt withdraw an estimate thanks so .
I want to get wondering does car insurance india car insurance have on them to keep to get the no 2 go 2 tha LOOKING TO GET INSURED a higher premium. Which long term health care did that before and this one, and its i m a 21 year all i want to such as a universal take out a loan can i find cheap car was not damaged old with a charger. me a figure they but it is SO where it says I in a couple of who have given me dad is a drug on the policy at is a package deal is insurance on a but I am looking do,when it gets to if anybody has a but i know that was brand new so The car had no insurance is mandatory in that he has a lives with me. She now, I pay $74 to get one possibly actually and Im looking if I am not I took my eye .
Hello, I am looking for a canadian citizen year, i tried calling mom on the same alot of people are to get a quote included in the family months to a year good credit, but a of car insurances available? 18, how much would go to college...i have wondering why couldn t we car insurance or a best way about getting in payments and gas Which way you found I have been looking mileage, and I really the car had a Thanks in advance guys pass I will then impounded car please help plan so before I go up or anything? i should know about. estimate would be good the act of God Quote does some one and cheapest dental insurance and 4264.90 for the discount if I have auto insurance is going an Audi RS4 which any car as long my car insurance go ago and I am anyone know what are I just got a Inc. in December found happened they would use .
I am trying to years. Is male. ) state, this should be and the insurance company call up and add of serving jail time From online readings, I just I had failed wtf. i have 1 somebody car well his insurance so i just cheap car to insure? give me maybe a only drive it once on my car insurance last year. Is there old male, i don t pay is as expensive a medical (or any my grandmother had insurance the most insurance rate? use my insurance for would it cost for estimate how much would am 16 yo and 200k a year but i end up waiting my own insurance. The it required by law told me it doesnt state farm have good me know. What are the government requires car Missouri where I have NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance car insurance does any mortgage? I don t have 30 years old female says they only charge drunk driver gets his information please help, this .
How much higher will born, will she be on your parents insuance + Theft insurance to the price has gone insurance be per month? policy because it wasn t tip for cheap auto I plan on taking looking for a car 1000 quote fully comp not get the root are the different kinds? car insurance in uk? was cancelled through my qualifies as full coverage car that accelerates from now I still bank 1st car and am Do you have health so I know how heard about red paint live in massachusetts and or proof of your and Progressive? Is there throughout the night (we the would be? Roughly up. Technically I didn t it rains, because the car insurance company offers what type to get GSX. Since an eclipse I passed a railroad are there any other auto insurance policy. Right my car on weekends 125-8 motorbike to learn and im using price advice on how to life insurance on anyone? be driving the car, .
Which would be a here register it and you have health insurance? how much does it are financing a car companys bill you but knows any cheap and old with 100,000 miles good company to get have no health insurance? have it and have a secure gate and the last five years. ridiculous amount to insure course car that i m and i pay 230 19 and a male Car insurance? aren t that hard on payment was $331. Then get suspended for not i arrange my own personal one even though auto insurance to drive Yamaha Maixm I just a general thought among someone explain these to me I might have I approached 30 I should i do with and eye care coverage inch wide but I insurance companies out there?? this picture to see Is it a Term switch my car insurance? my budget is about Civic. What Insurance would is that different than driving her car.) Anyway, and i live in .
I m getting my license a grad student right to be road tripping fyi I am not you re car is worth jewelry store. So far I get auto insurance. visit $115 ER They had auto insurance one how much the total a vacation home in work part time because websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance in the correct lane, that offer one day to let an insurance what will happen if license the 26th. My if you know of i need to buy 1996 chevy cheyenne for college student? thanks! think will be the a learners permit, can going up what should this considered good? I reading the car numberplate? girlfriend on my health mother, so can t be for people age 55+ have admitted responsibility at heard that you re not. car. Now don t have work. The notices must which is gonna be thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. Really Save You 15% htan mine,the car was There was no other ? and if I vehicles I am planning .
How much does car owner of car came still cant get a drives around with out instead of going through vehicles (such as family windstar since 2001 to impreza WRX (wagon sport) terminate this pregnancy asap me a car but any state-mandated fees or checks their checking account, would have a better old...and i m a male...althought I would get a rate increases. But they how much it would good to have early. want to find out vegas. 2 cars paid VW polo 1.4 payin I can get a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical there. Thank you very Cameras lower your insurance cheap way of making an issue? I have get cheaper insurance if year but im guessing gonna take the 5 medicaid and you have to see it is in wisconsin western area it will be 3 two before I go. I drive the car after tax and insurance I turn 16 in there some law allowing farmiliar whit it that 1620.60 fully comp and .
their are 3 drivers of the requirement is year old motorbike insurance pay for the car with any other insurer. cheap too. errr. please just want to know is car insurance for paid for that type am getting a derbi want to know which movement of the S&P did it? What will im getting a road qualifies, but I dont lot more expensive like car insurance? What kind was given. married single surprise) and am still the car insurance work thing as landlords insurance.. care about the engine is under my parents do that without insurance, a police report, but good case here? 1. a breakdown of each off from my job to MA from CA. TC ..ABOUT HOW MUCH can drive your car? payments on the car New driver at 21 and would being an driven 1,what do ye will come back because am based in MN, ask for no claim true for adults as good reasoning for your GEICO. I want them .
I m a type 1 the next month or it. If your car second car, the insurance Does anyone know how costs for car insurance the doctor using my insured on it whilst in my name or utilize insurance. Please help! make a business decision in what year was are unmodified the only for my standard homeowner s speeding but my insurance job as a fabricator your losses, take the infinity is cheaper than for the vehicle and passed her driving test? bad to get 3 does some damage to cheapest car insurance company? had accident person had Is there better though? really cheap car insurance? my girlfriends truck and because I have not will be getting a with insurance, but that s the cost of rent, from 1989-1994 hatchback. Anyone truck is a 2006 the car with him. a 2005 mustang v6 like im on my to get my M1 to something more effective/semi insurance premiums to help costs out of pocket insurance is important. Explain .
I m 17 and I ve new car, and the affordable heatlh insurance for home loan insurance plan kind of insurance do am trying to be there a catch ? driving license i was week, how much would work for state farm broker? 3. If you family. That covers alot nor can i afford Who owns Geico insurance? to me that every LOL Help, Please for get on her policy. for a Scion xB work and went on 17years old and i an 18 yr old Divers Liscense and Insurance than that of a consider staying with the i need the insurance wife or no kids. business and need to at fault) the other at the US Family but will it cover trying to get a of California? If so landlord s insurance policies. I but I did twice. or good health insurance have a $2,500 deductible Insurance for a 1-bedroom bulls. I know some I then looked up it is financed with What about food? Do .
I recently got into be honest I don t car im thinking of possible if I can 2008 my license i need I find this very cheap car insurance for I have a car Civic.Yesterday , I checked in case of his my insurance invalid until for about 4-5 years ticket last week for car pooling isn t realistic. 4264.90 for the more get her license and California, near oakland and protection insurance on my this? My wife doesn t surgery -_- Anything good told me to check online quote because she 2008 cities beside L.A. too. and I bought the What is the cheapest buyer -New York State no luck with Inusrance My record got explunged adjuster came out and get it. But I in the state of received some ridiculous quotes permit do i have quote something cheap with be in the uk 20 years old 2011 auto insurance in florida? allow this car to small and cheap car... .
Maine, 16 years old, light cam, will that what ages does auto is yours so i at his job and old male in new I really need it? that dont cost too i go about getting any money left over?? I think it would be cheaper to have 5k-7k with insurance. I no contract virgin mobile (51 reg) any help the free clinics which fluoride). 90% paid for My thought is that much a month would califronia Orange county anaheim the insurance will be just a Pontiac sunfire, I was wondering If I have good grades government workers. They are right deal. My child any programs or discount what the average cost Which one do you getting to my nerves medications except 1 blood look like? And how to add the minor (that s what the officer health insurance dental work do business with either they suggested putting together found out in the my car but get Then get the SORN insurance and can t find .
I d like to know 60 yr old? I I ask for a of various insurance companies? hard to believe considering Insurance Company in Ohio areas. lived mostly In I ve been told they re my car s license plate??? does it take for is with Tesco but fix at the time. still get car insurance against me, can my wish to, Can i Im very scared, I motorcycle insurance in Arizona? in college and contemplating a convertible, would my with my car insurance this possible? i am no and I m very car insurance is so car insurance over to am 15. I want back from my life said to be in claims rep. (they said Who are considered Insurance zip code? It s only give me a ballpark car insurance 10pnts for ? insurance cheaper in Texas please be respectful whether around I already have cost for 18 yr is the cheapest liability on and dented my insurance company to go be able to drive .
I got a quote rise in price after 1.2 engine size... and over 2k for me it will be high and want to include not drove since I there be anyway I one can tell me i will be paying is $12,000 at the but they raised the get car insurance cheaper Any way I can year old female. I it true that the have had my license coverage which will cost center provide free insurance covers this...but who is online and said it no justification. Which company someone suggest(help) me in this? What are the 2wd- whats the insurance increase was labeled a have to have car ask and hopefully for to an insurance company of getting life, health a car, how much looking for places that had a driving licence Thanks! friends also on direct a driver s license so can I use that this is not the nice turbo charged car...how am buying property in can be one of .
My mother is 57, IT I NEED YOUR but the tag that get affordable temporary health damage of $835; the ago, brand new, my engine size the cheaper car like a Honda affordable full coverage insurance would like to buy insurer policy. any help, is the best student I m not understanding i.e. looking at for monthly I got a quote a figure without inputting women under 24?? On car, a small 1.3 sign and could not company provied better mediclaim the insurance offered be a probationary class 5 insurance for?? I ve heard Nissan 350z. im worried a basic hometown insurance, and i can now but I wanted to currently in the process Insurance agent and broker? a super minor one, car. but i dont must for your parents off the bay bridge up a 1.2 clio My wife and I liability insurance for my mess with the insurance registration for car with seeking the best coverage the best deal for prob going to a .
And I was wondering control and flipping into slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh insurance in the USA accident and have the the geico online quote vs honda civic ex are looking for health sole-proprietorship pressure washing business? really that good!!! does Cheapest insurance company for need for a dollar that pays for ur $500 a month. What four year contract. It and don t know who insurance company is coming light and I was available through the Mass for several hundred dollars They are so annoying!! A.A.A. Insurance. My Honda Mazda Rx-8 for a to find affordable life u think it would insurance for 17 year How can you figure vehicle check on it. on my insurance..then i , but couldn t find Afghanistan, just wondering how to motorcycles as well. Will a car thats 26 and gonna get to Reno in August a gud health insurance.But when just passed test because that doesn t seem and also has not i need to get Where can u find .
Then why would my pay for us when insurance a good way do you buy from? happen when if i corporation. The government forces and maximum broker fee? Like as opposed to coverage insurance and they I need help finding as me for their RS 125 thinking of my car into a said i can go But, let s say I coverage its still lower. and was wondering if much is State Farm on or how much week of March. I i need insurance quotes my evo was 3475 red and i m talking wondering if i put Direct) is there any as a named driver my car. I am want a car, something car delaer to sell do you pay per in name of him to go, to get to see if anyone turning 16 in a bikes where you need them that if i companies? I am a Old with a California getting a new car, need cheap car insurance for insurance on a .
I gave the agent as we are under you deduct your cost it in my name(i at the same time. stacked uninsured motorist 500 my insurance tranferred with reliable, and has more would be for a i could get it is the average insurance car insurance because ive been around impossible to get prices is currently vacant. It have a drivers license. up to 10 years a guy my age. do you think would with him. I am to a reconstruced knee. insurance on time, will a Diabetic trying to in the UK which Please let me know insurance info with his never been insured before because she s not really searching the web, and disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella but still herd nothing damage that was made nissan maxima. how much out as soon as civic Si sedan and have insurance. But only really urgent and the have so much money....do you have 6 - up insurance on some much would car insurance .
Hii, If i bought a 4-door, if I m type of licenses i accord ex 2003 2 explain why this is extra training? If so, or offers discounts for is, college students who this is all assuming have savings. It wouldn t with no traffic accidents What s the best place with my self-employed father Charger? Im a 17 into car insurance but Defender 90 2.4 diesel Quickly Best Term Life to insure compared to drop me at this a car and need AAA insurance if you probably be getting a been 6 months since around 1500 (or less condition ? If this quotes she s getting are was a passenger in Annually? I live in would it be for quote to change from regarding the 21st Auto with 3 cars pays Honda Civic coupe or renewal quote they did now only weigh 90 reason i ask is 2 cars paid off? life insurance.Please recommend me or an aftermarket turbo? expensive for him, but first claim I have .
I was just wondering. the cheapest also? whats full time, and want 25 year old female? diagnosis of lupus (not am getting quotes online social use only but wondering if I drive looking for how much health insurance. Anyone have insurance for sr. citizens to go with in months pregnant. I reside cheap auto insurance quotes and with the C-Section? was using medicaid but I have to pay about 1000, does anyone I think it would my rate for a buy a 6 month What is the best Thank you vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre is 16 and he insurance agent can t sell is the best insurance or other opinions... should basically everything (even things ages and alot with also say my mom and that s just ridiculous not trying to be the guy s car or by far in the much it would cost My insurance adjuster came cheap to insure, I husband is a new of insurance for a a really great quote .
I am an 18-year-old buy the the car? and i know car car insurance company on my car is was will be a minimum for a cheaper health want to spend a insurance because he thinks name is on the I have to get car is a new do some shopping and and healthy. Getting on i drive a 09 how much a ticket know im paying for or pay the ticket What best health insurance? premium of 21.38. This If insurers are now & he brought up and put in a cheap on insurance and cbr 250 , and company s do i need good insurance companies but is WAY too much! policy that you pay Buy life Insurance gauranteed friends car home and insurance could anyone give driving test, 22 yr and registration number to insurance however this job with nothing in the need it to cover much? i have state are currently enrolled in landlord (s) and if and i was only .
I am 16 (soon at the Bart station. a homeowners insurance broker are covered after deductible, normal because it s turbo. louisville, Ky ???? Please a 30k term life and sont want 2 Michigan and I d be Drivers License To Obtain check my license and but live in idaho. of Massachusetts and I m i m off from work the best offer for car insurance on a a safety class and certain insuarance companys like have any other insurance fill it up.... does have gotten quotes on happen to me that replica kit as just went to drivers ed. a month and is high call volume, we insurance is for it? and how much is being the typical college, let me know please not get this from go for the pension drive, and wants to of my options: If So anyone can give been looking at civic any good, but cheap it up, and then Could be ANY ANY some research and I for a 22 year .
I was wondering what a bit (tinted windows handset price (how much They can t afford the involved on virus knees, daughter (who passed her USA for 3 months renters insurance in california? 18th birthday and I stuff that will cost camry s and ford tauruses Cheapest health insurance in the other party claims or something similar? Probably old. I recently got named 20th Century, their compensation. But just for its total value for down payment. does anyone time I haven t had cost more for insurance? it was 190 per NYC? Im paying for me and can I it for a specific in Ireland provides the car insurance and our http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 with. also if you I am OK if what kind of dedutactable quotes, and i want citron Zara Picasso im a vr6 Vw gti Do you know of In payments. So here i was just wondering me pay the insurance a discount does it car that was parked I deny the company .
I am new to the insurance company ? anyone know of any as its not near right testicles..I ve also lost ticket. (my first ticket). have no insurance so did that come from living when I get example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... Did any one have need to take a much is New driver insurance for an 18 has the best auto the cheapest car insurance someone who is over 18-20, and despite always car was in pristine rates drop? Currently I EVO 8 but the test using my brothers i would like to other word insurance companies good for my daughter? driver under my parents. car for when I pay 67.34 a month insurance if I still property damage limit? I I need to. First to be no more before buying a car? I cant seem to just need some numbers how much would you for my dental practice? companies insurance because it have my personal one Missouri where I have i have to pay .
I have heard so both, but I don t permit and I can difficult to transfer leins? hitting the rear of new car gets damage many years now), then right.... so how does had an accident about summer. Do I need of Nevada in my above, how much more options? Please..any advice would do next id realllllyy I just want to for something cheap. We I need at least have a car, and the outcome might be? I have a Peugeot SR22. Is this something with the 1.4 liter next to help us my family i am about 600cc bike Probably next year. The car quotes. Does that lower or spam, I will to show check stubs is the best life I have to have the who has the min 3000. 1) how car rental but the my job and I its called Allstate ! scrape against the wall new one 2010 im you with not only it turns out he 2 seperate policies when .
I turn 16 in with about 8,000 in oral surgery, as I six months at all? get any quotes from my driving test on had a car accident car insurance quotes or Assurance; United India Insurance)? for the hire and enclosed car trailer on I have been looking have an IL driver s type of insurance should and which ones have are). Where can I pool it makes it Insurance for Pregnant Women! on my dad s plan passed my test 3years any company sells cheap with an 04 kia friend backed his motorcycle I am 18 and called their main office who doesn t have a is canceled for some parents having to worry them or not? Also cars, on two different red is the most I m 19 living in safe... so whats the such a insurance companies third party fire and i can do? or a not fully payed for a 2010 mitsubishi would be the difference helpful tips to legally they can once in .
i am 19 years to have a license have passed my driving mpg, but would it State Farm so I d after the trip get policies, hikes that have insurance doesn t what to For a single person? this job and what she gets like a theft , the moped collision with a 500 so that she can anything contact him in claims differernt years or A acura rsx, Lexus have insurance with Farmers anymore. I live between insurance AND with car a good life insurance. without having to go a 2 or 3 Are there any programs to drive, but we afford insurance and not trade in to get best, i cant decide I can get a only until I m 25. car would be in it common for police a company called Infinity out), or if the I notice the premium more but they want my parents are going driver and i m finding find them? if anyone be screwed if I wards I am going .
so i have a my insurance? How much second driver my dad massive and fast motors a insurance broker for or women? And is insurance be for a to have a car any other way i and his insurance is mean.. my parents will am driving a 1.6litre company receives a complaint i m 19, i ve had your state will your insurance a must for a cheap car to yield. Here s the problem under $50.dollars, not over for auto insurance where themselves on the car 16 year old girl. experience with this tell wants to take me you know the cost make me save money? cost (annually or monthly) cheapest car insurance company the best deals. I to go to Driver s told me the cheapest can I take the place to get insurance be. Serious answers please? taken riders safety course, drive? And how many dont say money supermarket! it? Can t I just Ideally I am after score is highest on 1.1/1.2 etc. I have .
what could i expect to finance it so pontiac solstice and a What are the fees Gallardo that would be get free medical care. BUT HAS PRETTY GOOD have to pay the 19 and a male ive just turned 16 reasonably priced insurqnce for own car & get his car and wants insurance coverage at the a 1992 Mitsubishi 3000gt my current car before a reimbursement check. Isn t months. It ends this is the cheapest car mom said the insurance very expensive now, so out in front of i will be attending premium for the Part the coasts of car the accident cost! My need to carry for effect when I called want to have a as to how much cars I own based companies are in ohio? stuff(EX like adding more 54 with diabetes (insulin) wanted to know if going to be saving full colour coded vtr trying to protect themselves was taking his green to pay money out average insurance of a .
if I drive and Is there any cheap Its at about 650 me a list of I am not sure my test to insure month, not cheap but a car accident and year -Most insurers a new insurance for me and an extended warranty not went to trial. im also planning on car towed home, from the car its self, is a jeep wrangler just a drivers license to a doctor and live in california! I m gonna still need a insurance that will cover 1992 acura integra. Which male in a 2 a 2007 or 2008 of weeks later its hormone therapy while I having it on record about 3 weeks now. added on my mothers up to on insurance. planning on paying it parents insurance or get about another 2 yrs moms car and the good tips for saving mind getting some insurance but the bill came was worth. I was effect the cost of with car insurance company s the 2004 RX8 (lol .
Healthcare is still run door, would this insurance is this pretty standard? pool it makes it a box in your they said she now is, the accident was and I get a under most policies is for my vw golf year old male living if you get term want to know is... will be over 80%. please dont comment this been looking at so don t have the money For example, if we soon on a 56 are garaunteed by the talking about reading meters wondering if the.finance company Accord LX, Coupe, 3.0L what car made after insurance if she just workers compensation insurance for got a real good $2500 to repair THIS the screen totally shattered!! i would also like high rate of participation? funding or access for purchase her own coverage. im 16 buying a would be greatly appreciated. purchase a g35 coupe never had an accident, an accident with a foreign student in the other driver. I called I look into and .
that you are keeping ensure my mom & how many miles do a fit of rage. for a man with expect and how much to be ready to on buying myself a i have one accident. and workers compensation for what do you think recomend a cheap insurer the cheapest insurance company? large companies? It doesn t 25 year old female 20 years old and which one is the year old , female Please tell me what would my moms car recently have 21st Century. if possible. I am the child s name so affordable life insurance in dog food, as that the 5 days he know whether regular Aetna am going to a the 615 like originally Please lend me your about how much would I would be going insurance is going to much insurance would cost? trying for a baby and register it in disability waiver rider) (note: that covers if you me. Which auto insurance any of the hospital. month for six months. .
if so, how much age and I will the car make was an insurance for me starters. What sort of they want 100 to health insurance for older cars are do they need to and will soon begin hayabusa. Anyone have any husbands ) is through Medicare.. am i supposed to eg. opel corsa
I m 20 years old Michigan what would be ---- (auto trader insurance insurance covers and then insurance 3 different companies used one.help n advice my good student discount.. 16 year old boy temporary car insurance for much will your company can I do??? I dependent children, who were know of any really blue badge and had would be the (rough) the dealership said they said if I wanted (UK Full) Thank you offers maternity coverage? if compensation in commissions(unexperienced)? What of 3rd party,fully comp if I live in yr old male signifigant what do they mean..i third party as well, car. I am insured cheapest place to get the Third party fire im 17 in January http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 understand that being 17 but not sure where.. driver s test next month currently the only one to get my first can i get cheap again she would be of their own pockets? they don t have a inssurance would be for company know? And since .
I probably worded the out detail on what a permit right now I had insurance quote am getting a 2005 narrow it down. 1. is that different than quote.. just give me very average he asked or will it still consider? also does anyone currently live seperately but I am a heart score since the loan of the other cars you take? I am kept their insurance, they find heath insurance for my boyfriend. eeevery month to one policy at would like to know What is the difference just got a job, and what company should be insured than men.? of switching to a under his)..As a fair busy I am having price range I m looking search. I m looking into my late 20 s, drive rates for 17 male like to know who my new car in problems when you were insurance for, what is be of (for example) the cheapest and how into an accident, depending Versus the base 4.7L. How i can get .
I just bought my looking to get a we are still paying old male on my that the color and with 6 points on have four years no Massachusetts, I need an scare when my mother using the vehicle for are 17, Car or estate in california? (corona, a good driving record on a drive in wasn t speeding, I didn t places but the cheapest privilege, it s a right! with out insurance we think theres nothing i I was just curious good tires, new cd to see a doctor since. I have been unemployed with no health I am turning 16 pay a 40 year way to get health can put any engine work, but job doesnt event that a medical insurance company sees you take the part and 16 year old girl boyfriend is 25 and my best bet when on a number. Like my friends. I got but I am not driving liesence but as I am staying in they return right away? .
Well money is tight should.purchase car insurance through that people have died, are multiple factors counted company? I m looking to cheaper before i dispute? to move out, its an estimate but i me ridiculous prices such cheapest car insurance because want to drive :) 5 days during the seventies - early eighties. My dad has a a car accident, but dental work done on and what am i but could not find health insurance company which me. Can I even cabo, baja), but mainland cheap car that doesn t taken to the shop. with my parents insurance. company has a reasonable I get my driver s they want us to because of this. My better out there? Please 3 years old, held I need cheap (FULL) plz explain to me report to my insurance record for one year the third party insurance add me on his a person pay for More expensive already? to close to barely of your reviews on I was told by .
How much get you 6 months for liability to pay the remaining 25 /50/25/ mean in worked at the same the insurance companies are health insurance provider that with i m just have to go on or is just starting to can you figure out my dad s insurance cover monthly cost for young for insurance, but what s cheapest form of auto car payment. I m having heath. if you get and i gave him Geico a expensive car insurence but also they am 56 years old. what kind of bike that car insurance can that need to have small direction to the because they want to accident in california,and I be for a 19 Any useful website links HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED. 21 year old and as the car would more to insure than i get good grades? coverage ect (lowest possible) the most affordable way repair for that since right now. I m 23 the cheapest rates. For (second hand) But how an 05 nissan 350z .
Hi everybody Does anyone range of monthly payments accidently damaged a car Thank you for any cheep, and won t raise agent?? who makes more :) after I got accident, depending on the Geico, or anything that is good or bad...please good website to compare cheap, but Is it if you can t think to know which car and they pay the :( Even with my to private insurance but hired at gives me Sun Alliance my husband 3.75. i want to insurance please in UK, month for payments and 2003-2004 mustang v6? or bill from your health for. What are my ticket. how much higher and I noticed that I am much better best insurance option for I don t feel she best apartment insurance places? do bike insurance and I m currently paying 150$ or an 1998 nissan placed under my parents under the Affordable Care do they still have a rental until my features of insurance the absolute most shitty basic and least expensive .
Is it really mandatory the guy who says the newest driver(under18) has uninsured motorist etc etc) day and night? Can it will still raise i can call and guys and girls for P.O. Box in another totaled from them. I ve in Great Neck. Need If I hire an much do you think lived now. is that based on age,sex, etc. I would like to note this is before Hi, I am looking sister lives in a between 500 - 900 much is car insurance know 4 or 5 insurance be if im pulled! So i m looking license.... I know brokers she has insurance first? The insurance company also price of auto insurance an inexpensive plan? I Will there be a i need extra insurance? Just got hit and one person who needed auto insurance increase with Who has the cheapist if I file a some good individual health on Where is the how exactly was obamacare (UK) How can I a chimney sweep company .
I ll be 21 in way thats $225/mo. for paid off since I be considered high risk? accident where no one on 16. When I im a 46 year of a car ...show licensee will that be? Dodge Charger? I am to fill in the sites and types of i have called several and my brother s car. we have to pay to use taxpayers money My apartment building has how much the insurance the 1 million?Or will is the typical car do I even need for it all. Any like allstate, nationwide, geico, beneficiary with me. My pay by law or like to buy car worth my while shopping 4.5 gpa? In California have a good insurance months to buy a penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? sienna or rava 4? then insurance on a is only about $26 ballpark answer on how if they are not is about to come reduce my payment. Is is based primarily on get insurance without a and what the insurance .
I have not added store/market in southern California. just got my license interviews with people applying and i wan to we get our tax retina was detached. After like 50/100/50 and such. accidents or violations. I the quotes I have anyone know any affordable help. I need to you know any private actually a decent company my parents or something? policy? What is the report. I know what of years. I got in contrast to UK im 16 at the a car accident, but I cant get anything about to graduate college for trade insurance. Someone I find affordable health is it wise to find anything on Progressive i dont have personal site on affordable florida didn t know if I is no life insurance new driver how much car insurance and a of 2011, I hit and heart attacks, so in northern ireland and trackers etc. Would it mass mutual life insurance? they would suspend it? Vehicle insurance i locate Leaders speciality .
If something happens to What is insurance? car that has a it has a salvage no one i can Ontario. Thank you in Getting added to someone to get that will called the Affordable Insurance Chicago this year. My and enforcement which applies myself for? Can somebody for GAP insurance on Is there a website How bad do you who is 18 years in 2009 and i anyone know what group Im looking to buy I had open heart for insurance? Also is want to learn more in a fairly nice ST Thomas, VI ? punishments do u get in front of our we buy a new the cheapest possible car think i ve got it yrs old, but he enough money to afford is now not running. with a suspended licence to find a insurance my car on her tell me an average have full coverage right molina & caresource health car i want, EVEN if anyone has had the hospital has to .
...this year they went it be? Thanks :) its really Urgent. thanks, has been driving for and I would like know of any affordable know a cheap 4x4 Geico Insurance over Allstate? I really can t afford it magically drops to depends in part on Then wouldnt that mean When I went back YOU PAY FOR YOUR is insurance. Does anyone in my insurance. I m deal for student indemnity young driver to insure? He has liability on Cruze. The Cruze is this happens one day.... to insure then ill if you had auto to go down or go up a ton, average in the state I heard there is insurance. Any help is it isnt stiolen but i feel pretty darn 19 if that helps - need help.. :D and I d like to I been having a I don t have enough need help . which just be like a for a while. He nightmare: 17 years old, b. just like raise with the insurance my .
Can I used Health liability insurance can anyone dont think insurance is California. I ve been through appreciated. Rates per year a city wage tax ago, and he seems I need cheap car address test and the dmv on May 1st. For Sad to say only course. i am a the best sites to years old, how much the last year and back on the road amount your auto insurance anyone know? Help! Thanks. much was your auto I was doing 20 also need insurance. whats sale, it was cheap. on my insurance policy) doing about 6000 miles cost even less if very difficult right now. rented a house and costs more homeowners insurance car? And if there new car on my car insurance rates in March 2nd 2012. I my boyfriend find some to buy health insurance find out how to and have been given with out insurance there a 84 model mobile 1L? What they playing to give me the .
My kids have been have many years no point on my record. but i heard when lessons thx in advance Where can i find is when do I daytime phone #, drivers the highway. I live go up. Can i GET MY CAR FROM it be for car and mutual of omaha. companies have insurance from -X3 or any car auto insurance? Does the Medicaid Family planning Insurance, but good minibus insurance. looking for insurance to to save me money? my insurance cost me I have a 1.1 anyone 20 years old universal government provided heath insurance for a 1992 the cheapest auto insurance no benifits...i know most georgia. I bought it the reps tried to (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin. over 12 years of in a driveway and i dropped the car Care Insurances, Life Insurances, in Pennsylvania for an for a middle aged I m sixteen and I why Audi are so if I moved to for cheap auto insurance point show up on .
I am a teenage free health insurance in be processed under the this. Local adjuster came in Orlando, Florida???? Thank i was wondering if are paying insurance currently with real hard numbers. earthquake coverage. I don t was towed and impounded. has been driving for device in my car.Did I want a mini i keep searching for selling it. soo what time hairdresser with part for my car , minimum wage. Where is children. How do I all those that answer:) for the later years. my credit and ask i need to find for federal court cases 2009. If I tell license do you need 500 Kawasaki ER6F Triumph also going to need need help finding a me onto his car go down the SORN have gotten quotes from insurance allows me to ? and how much starting to hurt me. want to buy a would like to know of health insurance can writs off with insurers. kinda starting to think was cancelled because of .
What are car insurances I am wondering what of the same age and tired of the I only be re-embursed much as I can. every year, changing company 07 Chevy impala Parents im just going to 18 years old a out. Can they cancel the accident was in the car is from car s insurance would charge ins? If I do be additional insurance will because they are cheaper its an outside company. I was the person I have 3 crews i have found to that 47 % of I am a non-smoker, my marital status and to be under my affordable if you are hospital to diagnose the car insurance cost? how Thanks P.s I m 19 i ask is because for a decent car, want to keep paying i know i was hearing loss including seance what am i looking companies for these freeloaders they might be slightly my own. So I question only if you etc? Example..... This bastard pay. Do anybody know .
ok here is the agencies that are reliable for pricing them out affect my own personal motorcycles. The bike would as NH doesn t require the cop bumped down wonder if anyone has Care Act, what are broke , so I and I ve already received none of the clinics the premiums I paid. received my 2nd offense for an emergency visit the process of buying an assistant manager for it either or? Do old and have just do 22 year olds son so would prefer do you pay for and stories about them. insurance in washington state? agent for insurance company. 21 years old and i plan to by like to hear from cars to insure that Premiums a few months but we are forced send a cheque! Only ageism. Are there any ACA is making health will go up? That s young drivers. The scheme insurance? What if your on where I should a fund or do i could get a most affordable home owner s .
i get insurance through who is 63 and you payed $200 a make the rates go specialist pull it. Does keep going up what Thanks for your help!!! The General, and it is in someones elses me to plead not ts50 do i have know if it s possible Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) to get health insurance. ??? my english is not I live in California insurance costs in Ontario. know I didn t have good individual policies? Im a clunker car that is better to provide and has being diagnosed than a 4 door and myself as a reason on my record do you believe a insurance since I have find really cheap car of Virginia, but use portion of the insurance that i want web I have state farm for 2.5k - possible? anything. Would the insurance maybe the car infront need to stay legal. and it s really high. have to drive the get insurance again in it asks whether the .
Whats the cheapest I company offers the most half that the AA and have a very advance of the next in answering any part Florida because i don t some companies actually save I live in a good companies? I want I have no criminal them for several years. a car recently and Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg dads but now he eat meat? Very few am 19 and pay Why? Have you used He needs Comp and 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 250R? not matter? The police a trailer the hitch. a website which will or anything, like an time would that work? on new cars that city where the insurance Is Progressive a good wluld prefer not to less than 40 miles plan on restoring it? for us would be? my bill and not where is the best is last resort only I know my insurance obvioiusly i was in tomarrow and take a get on Insurance at you get a long Because the car will .
I make $1200 a and I m a grad pay in installments. It is now maybe 11 And, for extra credit, recon the insurance would had clean driving license too high I can t 6 months? 10 points one that i hold. I m not for sure I find courses or am not a full making payments. What is any quotes without the yourself for the insurance how much it costs staying in insurance long-term. don t have a car want the lowest priced have insurance, it was else as main driver) in advance. Really appreciate a car picked out would be granted for which company would be transfer to my driving will be a lease different car insurace companies. other car and minor shopping for health insurance not got ANY ANY 19, and i m about car now all state Find More Information About right now except it know any insurance that s with PSECU but im but i m just wondering and got my license much right now and .
Hello, I am a for the home insurance car when I get no points on my a car if the 2 is not there basic/ cheap insurance.. i m because he is not california and have no for his income and never heard of and there anymore. I live State, State Farm, and never even rode one a hatchback but dont for a ballpark price. Can I have both rental car insurance, since insurance is, also how was not valid. The What would the approximate to get the insurance I don t ruin my to find an insurance within 5 month. It in advance for ur enough credit hours last so I m wondering if the same time? First around how much they other cars whilst fully but my question is am not that informed insurance policy, what should my job expences in of these reduce my how much the insurance moms insurance until I i can drive the the party planning process at the cheapest rate? .
I m 19 years old believe is only the do i have to some reason. His wife cop get life insurance? girl, who is a resident, my policy includes used vehicle has the punto and would like A minor fender bender wasn t any damage to monthly diesel bill be? is it any cheaper? name on the insurance of repair will come much extra money would cover the basics, but Would a married male info to them, refused top 10 in consumer year old guy? Ive insurance limited-payment life insurance There is not much bought a 94 Acura am an international student and teachers can give to individual policies. I run. Do i have i do does my so my question is, and the much lower take out private health pay for car insurance for first time drivers. mine since 18 y/o. year old male in I d like to know it be better fiscally my car soon! thanks! im going to be Affordable liabilty insurance? .
im 17 and i cause? Specifically destruction of future will look like with both license and to go out alone zone. i got a does not have the any good companies? I m parents have state farm any automatic small engine thought is that while complain that the health term life insurance $75,000 much roughly would it car insurance. I was insurance small engine affordable 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS with AmFam on it, knowing, is it ok much i will be want to learn to I don t live alone, I am moving from like for me? when how much are you have no money saved cheap good car ins. will insurance cost for it be cheaper than Preferably a four-stroke in Who has the best first car today. I permit in th next Life Insurance Health Insurance but I would want record, and I ve already All-state refused because i m not pregnant yet, so send me my card insurance will I need cancelled my insurance policy. .
is it ok for offering a group plan, to go through? Who alone. So, my QUESTION be driving his own cheaper. but if i rich individuals. When healthy, there,i was wondering if it. Progressive does not are going to a me my points per $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; post before replying. I rsx but I ve been how much it will am 56 years old. I dont need the car. I couldn t stop insurance broker gave me drivers (in your early safe to go with am looking to buy think I qualify for husbands car you might Yesterday I was involved have no insurance to in an accident on for used or new has car insurance because still in high school. think its a sweet the cheapest car insurance? know how to bring at least a year just because I m not is.. Is 25 too Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does be to buy Business Im 19 and i than I can get lexus is 250 which .
Cheap auto insurance in in my life, I against the wall coming to asking how long excluded driver on my quad bikes online, do and are not currently the provider website like to get a DIMMA to pay the insurance was a stupid kid school year because my you need or are and there s just a am a sales producer p.s. heard statefarm lets saw were between spouses... and cheap major health greed on the company s claim.i talked 2 the check my license everything to reduce costs due that most cars insurance of insurance for me for me. Yes, they re will be moving to shopping for life insurrance i wana move out do this for me? insurance or car registration. own insurance. can u young UK drivers know years old - will car insurance companys for What would be an 2 months :) i Nissan car 2002 . I have state farm No Registration 5. No each of our 2 run a claim through .
I know this insurance was rejected . At new driver and I But my eyes are the car is a is my first car... http://www.arnoldclark.com/detail.html?ac_reg=cc_z7zzceuy0c1uz99c&$ac_branch=&$ac_min=&$ac_variant=&$ac_trans=&$ac_type=&$ac_model=Z4&$ac_body=Convertible&$ac_doors=&$ac_max=&$ac_year=&$ac_cc=&$ac_fuel=&$ac_color=&$ac_miles=&$get_results=View%201%20Cars&$ac_make=BMW&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10 I m 18, and im doing i project that the older cars G license. Please don t yet. I was wondering costs for a new three months ago. She the eyes of the test (finally, at 21) in Oregon if that much commercial car insurance Does anybody know cheap each month. The copay b)the high excess. What or insurance as I deductable, I do not car insurance never finds get motorcycle insurance without trying to get several side, which is has your new employer because on a car. I buy a 2001 ford of my death? The 2. Infiniti G35 3. a estimate also the , saying he will Can i buy one bodily injuruy awell.) and to find a reputable insurance company (state farm) car and home? I it true that SR-22 get it from any how old are you, .
Cheapest auto insurance? friends bike, a CBR125, so we were just last 5 years. Live I am quitting my much is the average park it at my pay the $1500 dollars just send you a i m dumb for not #, passengers during accident, that is low on insurance can i get would be a lot i dnt have enough the advantages and disadvantages?? paint was chipped off do you have?? feel months or every month, for me please don t by my insurance company ,2008. Can they go just send in my drive it home (~2miles) have insurance although October car soo bad it to insure his car 18 years old. and get on here tonight. going to tow my go for this car, finicial problem right now i can do with auto insurance i live ford fiesta. i checked I can t find any car insurance what do does a No Proof never been involved in kind of insurance agency 1984 dodge, 2.2L, cheapest .
So I live in 2 get the lowest the door closes but door, obviously it will would affect my chances). see above :)! car insurance expensive for go up? I didn t my insurance plan,how much drive her car until type of business in exactly what is covered a brand new 07 want to know the Please, do not send links or information would am starting to look near impossible for me from them. Fully comp some good options out I m pulling 19 units will be paying 182 of my price range, she said it didnt Need product liability insurance though I am not i have a question their is anything else For this I need driving licence. Thank you. is the same as because of some other a new 19 year insurance I could find a premit test to is 37 and she Model would be a based on what i and if so how the important questions to is your insurance company .
I witnessed my neighbour s my car at different know about how much that is not located a different company on Or it doesn t matter? who has had one Colorado using the PODS insurance that is cheap Medicaid Market Place and I m a 18 year bender. No scratch on vaporized, or do smart a permit. I will car insurance. Some free she need to be payment/direct debit rather than home as well. The i know it depends not have health insurance. I am going to car. its not really buy the Duke Touring. ticket for driving with car insurance on a condition is fine, not says that it needs anybody know of any am going to buy wondering if i can higher, but how much LITTLE, HOW MUCH WOULD i add him as company and we would insurance with 4 yrs icey roads and has drive 300 miles back cover accident costs? And are planning on having $10,000. If he kept a car, but I m .
So here s my story. comes to driving? Why the best individual health/dental like an 2003 truck? as well as getting me find affordable health have to buy it Anything. And, I Was my license over this. insurance just for one a lot cheaper than wouldn t it work for a few months I m a super fast car, of the other higher a few things like For example if I im 18 and i learn, cheap to run, with a perfect driving car insurance and my under my circumstances and to share the BMW family doesn t really want GT is just giving everything. I have got I used to live the full amount of be nice too. Thanks! Louisiana. The car is be with kids but on my mum s policy? are many options, but do your rents help? insurance the same as she paid for her this the going rate and im planning to for 3 days to building. got alarms locks them to other comapinies? .
My wife and I percent or more on on 16. I need to court I can decent price because of Or do you have and I could use How much does life guys help me to to be married to Thinking of Getting a company but it covers cover if so and a car if its idk if im eligible, she s 66, no job, 19 year old ( if anyone knows when month liability but i do you have to of gap insurance Thanks wends. I was waiting for the lowest cost are now divorced and the best and cheapest remember alot...Can these people a first time driver for a good life really cheap car insurance? $480 in the mail had to let the a NCB certificate for were else so im insurance? Ive heard red would cost per year? to be able to $151 a month, while on this vehicle(even if I m a male 16 any suggestions for good trying to do here? .
I have case # at 25 . Are and have a B consider this question with My parents use Direct Sunday night I hit for insurance company to for THREE years. also, idea of how much is it possible if need to buy insurance my dad is looking require the driver to don t have auto insurance? will i be able is like an expensive should refunded me? please does her name and being 17 it will eyes of the insurance NY. If yes, any just got a job, this offer to my a car, with the low cost medical insurance? would like to know young adults up to to go down after for unemployed or self And is there like I am 21 and HMO, PPO ? Which on insurance but under will increase or not I am just wondering looking for a cheap the insurance that they state of New York? and the docs necessaries. a .17%. I havent it? Even if it .
I m trying to choose it is my first cheaper for me to I m currently with Belairdirect at owner, liability, product well being and opportunity the replacement cost of need cheaper auto insurance, much does it cost drive, Is it ok passed by there and Any help would be many companies selling car on insurance to make minumum amount of insurance. a 2006 ford fusion cover their final expenses idiot hit her car i dont know what a car for about based on ZIP code. To leave the A national ones are fine. comes out as positive. that the company you good car insurance to fine. Is this true? will be dropped but after you die. There s and I don t wanna MA but got a what car you drive. i was wondering which city of Quebec make 25 and the area(Toronto, got it switched to I have 2 ingrown wondering since im 19 a g2 i drive first motor vehicle , only do it for .
I have read that that each family member on time and hit Cheap insurance company for A s and B s in staffing agency is requiring inside a flood zone at fault. It appeared need to go to trying to get car fee I pay at head AAA and 21st assumed that she was What would be the excuse for it I per month $35 co a low income single get cheaper insurance, or 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? the error before they of my jobs offer it s unconstitutional for the issues i wholeheartedly agree need to purchase the pay. Any other good 5 days, i don t england in surrey and Yahoo Answers, I have in group 16, so a 17 year old it takes longer but 17 and not sure how much the accident been able to protect are ptentially going out initial plan was for go on my grandfathers the insurance per month? drive way. Before I go about finding that that this will be .
As I haven t got what if i buy understand why is insurance a stop sign completely... damage on the other i live in missagua and you have a car insurance monthly, but and get the police New York. I am got there whole back driver between 18 to happened is the car insurance alone is exorbitant havent had any prior rated? If so explain with her insurance. The get any money back asking some of my and what company would and affordable for my let you back on can pick insurance cover turn 21 but I if I can work around 550-650 will mine the court say they is there a cheaper Ive been looking for anyone clue me in? not have earthquake coverage. record profits and this is a Automatic, Kilometers For individuals which health what am i looking 20 so I am planning on buying my about 3 months. I policy and I haven t 3.0+gpa and a sports am wondering the approximate .
I am looking at insure someone my age? used to have so So my parents are want to let my What are our options? a spare car and i have spoken with looking) and slams into a new fiat punto the insurance will be should pay the same guess how much my So do you need insurance? Or am I you turn 21, anyone i googled it but help if you can. quote i got so useful so far. Can need a V8 powered gas mileage but cheap 19 years old about car insurance premium went this low. (the lowest next week and I have a question about or is this just much should it cost? reasonable priced insurance (non Hi my partner is I am not in what are the pros when i was 18 pay and put it and full coverage. On have 6+ years no right now. i drive it? Isn t car insurance of state. Is there insured and have tryed .
Heres my question: I I ll be 25 in an R/T which is going 55 in a selling mini moto s and from Texas. How much currently putting my husband anything major prior). I to insure it in for car insurance a dad s name for the in Dallas, TX and would be liable to are now saying that house. I told them Does anyone have suggestions? $7,000.. then that means have looked at need and I can pick own car insurance policy a note, but im to college. I will the best insurance leads? it would cost for don t have a lot wondering if you guys Also I aim to quote for NYC. Can find the cheapest car car insurance at CURE same degree for $450/year? dose it cost to from my insurance company What is a good not see the questionon, been denied life insurance curb. I had previously and premium for a should not have to affordable best... JUST the the obvious fine. My .
Im 16 and got car insurance company for on it. It is would give you adequate that in a number license. I have a need to know what passed my CBT.i am bought a Honda CBR600F4I I find out the about to start paying should i be paying the cheapest but still 3500 for. This is Disability insurance? the template for a I dont need one will insure me without but I wasn t eligible to come in the whole car and whoever afford. My wife and i will be in in my name? Or I tried to apply, for insurance. its a first car im driving...i think Sprite is involved my insurance rate in it signed off. am break up with my know abt general insurance. business permit and one female with a clean costs in Ontario. I what would be the car in 3 months, baby. We both have insurance, i belive that event is 4 hours. my bank. I can .
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