#the brain juices are flowing
yawningclan · 2 months
More art/writing for the next couple moons will be coming out soon, I'm just spending way too much time on interaction art and drawing/writing about One Particular Cat, so it might be a bit. Stuff's coming though! :P
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snail-noodle · 16 days
a king's tragedy
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i wanna see this guy suffer (lovingly saying this)
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nounaarts · 9 months
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Art block is killing me. So it's just this loser
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necromosss · 4 months
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YEAHAA I've updated Mira's Notion!!
Guess who has been spending her whole weekend to write up Mira's story line and dialogue af if she became a companion in bg3.... (help me i am dying... of fun)
Now you can read on how her story goes as if she's a Companion in BG3, along with possible dialogue options and stuff! (I forgot to the romance scenes in ACT 2 and 3, will add to that later) a few sneak peeks on how it looks like:
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I hadn't finished her ENDINGs section since i have not reached epilogue yet (YEAH I KNOW)
Also got galleries, filled with ones i drew and some from other artists too! (GO CHECK EM OUT WAAGH)
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heres a lonk if any of you are curious of Mira's stories :3 Mira as a bg3 companion
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viksacryptid · 3 months
Can I please request Vox x Female Reader who is so clumsy and get hurts easily like Reader just came in the meeting room bruised and even have a freaking cast on there right leg and celebrating saying "BABE! I FINALLY CROSSED THE ROAD WITH NO ONE HELPING ME!" (Reader crossed a highway road on the way to the Vee's Tower)
Yep!! I'm gonna change it to Gender neutral, jst so yk. ^_^ btw sorry if my rules are hard to find lolz, I'm working on making it easier to find.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ Vox x clumsy reader ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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~ oml you worry Vox to death. 😭
~ Vox will get nervous about letting you be around when he's working. (especially since he works around alot of devices....)
~ If you get hurt AGAIN, he'll probably keep an eye on you while your recovering
"Hey I just got hit by a truck."
~ Vox probably gets spooked by you randomly showing up hurt.
~ you're not allowed in the kitchen.
~ Vox is overall just worried all the time by you. 😭
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Thinking about Normal who so badly needs validation and to be loved but struggles to seek it in a manner that is honest. Thinking about Lincoln who loves all his friends deeply but has developed a strong aversion to lying after being lied to all his life. Thinking about Lincoln and Normal's hearts being in the same place but never at the same time. Thinking about Lincoln's attention constantly being divided and pulled apart in the struggle to care for all of his friends at once, and Normal needing the surefire but infinitely distant reassurance of being someone's one and only. Thinking about their current relationships with their dads being the most similar in the group, and what they both saw in Wrath. Thinking about them never actually having time to talk with each other without something or someone getting in the way. Thinking about a cleric and a paladin who really have so much in common and could be such good friends, but whose circumstances leave their trajectories perpetually misaligned and their relationship one of the weakest in the group.
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tigerani · 15 days
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Back in 2019 when I watched voltron for the very first time I remember being so confused by the fact that there were ancient lion markings in the cave where they found the blue lion. Cue my 14 year old dumb ass wondering HOW TF DID THEY GET THERE?? Did they just appear out nowhere? Did Blue somehow make them with her magical lion powers? Did some lion-obsessed asshole try to commit cave vandalism?? It wasn't until later I realized... Blue was on earth for 10,000 years. And that cave men existed. And that it was probably their talented asses that made those markings. Yeah.
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normalbirb · 5 months
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shopping for clothes
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rodolfoparra · 2 months
soaproach snow mission but they're sharing the snowmobile
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mold-soda · 6 months
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i drew this like two years ago in my chem class but here ye go
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witchkittypersonal · 10 months
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pccyouthleader · 8 months
Hedgehog Hodgepodge: A Story of Espionage, Confusion, and an Evil Plan Gone Haywire
Chapter 17: Stricken
“Have you seen the news this evening?” Amy asked Sonic as he returned from a long run on the beach. She was sitting in bed with a multitude of fluffy pillows behind her back. “I’m beginning to get worried.”
It hadn’t even been a whole day since Aurora left with Shadow, and the whole village was coming apart. 
Sonic sat on the edge of the bed unlacing his shoes. “You know I hate watching the news.” The main reason for that was Soar the Eagle. That bird-brained reporter was years past his prime, and needed to hang up his press badge. 
“This is serious, though,” Amy chided. “People all over the village have become ill, and nobody knows why! Just this afternoon, the receptionist at the museum had to leave early.”
“What are the symptoms?” Sonic asked, becoming only mildly interested.
“Feeling drained, loss of appetite, pale appearance,” Amy read from a news crawler on the TV screen. “Some people are complaining of a strange rash.”
“Well, I feel fine,” he said, doing a turn for her benefit. “How about you?”
Amy shrugged. “I’m feeling the drained part, but I think that has more to do with the baby than this mysterious sickness that’s going around. Apparently it started a couple of weeks ago, but now it’s spread all across the village!”
Sonic stared at her in disbelief. How were they just now getting this news? “I’d better check in with Tails,” he said, pressing a few buttons on his wrist communicator. “Hey, Tails!” he said aloud into the receiver. “You doing okay?” There was some garbled noise over the tiny speaker, then the staticky voice of his best friend came through.
“Sonic! I…” *kkkrrrrrrrtttt* “…trying to reach y…” *kkkkrrrrzzzzz* “…not what…”
“Tails! You’re breaking up! Are you okay?” Sonic yelled.
“…fine!…” *kkzzzzzzrrtt* “…weird that it’s not…” *kkkkrrrttt* Then the signal went out.
“He sounded okay, didn’t he?” Sonic asked, his brows knit together in concern. “He’s fine,” he finally determined. 
As he stared at his silent communicator, Amy had another idea. “Why don’t you try Knuckles and Rouge?” 
“Good thinking!” Sonic pressed a few more buttons, then started calling for Knuckles. “Hey Knux! Can you hear me?” But he was greeted with nothing but silence.
After a few minutes of waiting, Amy spoke up. “Well, they did go on a cruise. Maybe they aren’t within a signal range or something.”
“Yeah…,” was all Sonic could say. He didn’t particularly have a terrible feeling concerning his friends; it just would have been nice to know something for sure. But his hands were tied - he didn’t know their exact locations, and he couldn’t risk leaving Amy alone to go track them down. He finally resolved that they must be doing fine and could take good care of themselves. 
After washing up, Sonic joined Amy in the bed to watch the coverage. He had a nagging feeling that everything was connected, but couldn’t begin to determine how.
Suddenly Amy sat up, another look of concern washing over her face. “Has anyone checked on Sticks?”
Sonic yawned and stretched as he prepared to trek over to Sticks’ burrow. At least Amy had acquiesced the night before when he explained that it was too late to barge in on someone. But she was anxious for him to check on their friend, and had nearly shoved him out of the bed at daybreak.
“We really should have checked on Sticks before now,” Amy fretted as she readied herself for the day. 
“You know, if she’d wear her communicator, we could have checked on her before now,” Sonic grumbled.
Amy gave Sonic a withering look before continuing. “I can’t even remember the last time we laid eyes on her! What kind of friend ignores another when the outside world is in utter chaos?!”
“It’ll be okay, Ames,” Sonic reassured her. “Sticks is a loner anyway. I can’t imagine her even getting close enough to someone to catch something.”
Amy nodded. “I guess you’re right. I’ll just feel better when you’ve had a chance to talk to her.”
Sonic knew that was his cue, so he brushed Amy’s cheek with a kiss and gently patted her tummy. Then he took off at top speed, going over the placement of Sticks’ booby traps in his mind. The absolute last thing he wanted on this journey was to become a hedgehog kabob.
Upon arrival, Sonic thought Sticks’ burrow had been deserted. Leaves had blown against the door, and weeds had grown up around the various trinkets she had collected and placed in her front yard. There were no birds chirping or insects buzzing.
This is weird, Sonic thought as he moved quickly towards the door. He just missed being impaled by a wooden pole covered in slime.
“Sticks!” he called, rapping loudly at the round wooden door. For a long time, all Sonic heard was silence. Then something fell and clattered within the burrow. 
Sonic immediately spin-dashed and exploded through the door, surveying the mess within. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he searched the rooms of the small home. There in the kitchen lay Sticks, crumpled on the floor by the table.
Sonic wasted no time. He sped over to Sticks, scooping her up in his arms and gently placing her on the sofa. He zipped back to the kitchen to grab a rag and wet it with some cold water to lightly sponge over her forehead. After what seemed like ages, Sticks’ eyes finally fluttered open.
“Sonic?” she croaked, barely above a whisper. Her face was pale and thin, and her hair hung limply on her shoulders. 
“Sticks, what happened to you?” he asked, bewildered. 
Sticks lay silent for a long time, just laboring to breathe. Then she spoke in a raspy voice. “It’s the black smudge.”
“What?” Sonic asked. “You’re going to have to be more clear.” He was well-versed in Sticks’ strange ideas and conspiracy theories.
Sticks mumbled something incoherent. After taking another ragged breath, she clearly said, “Shadow,” before passing out again.
Fear crept over Sonic. Could Shadow have done something to hurt Sticks? He thought of Aurora, alone with him and with no way to contact her family. As his mind began to run wild with the memories he had of Shadow’s early attempts to destroy him and his friends, panic surged through his veins.
Sticks began to stir once again. She tried to speak, but her words dissolved into a coughing fit. Sonic ran to the kitchen for water, then helped her sit up to sip out of a mug. 
“If Shadow’s done something terrible to you, I’ll-” Sonic began, but his words were cut off when Sticks shook her head. After several more body-wracking coughs, she was finally able to explain in a scratchy voice.
“Not Shadow… the black smudge… the trees…” *cough* “Shadow saw it.” 
She then lifted her arm to show Sonic a bubbling black rash. It appeared as if the skin there was in a state of necrosis. He stared in horror at the breakout, then slowly lifted his hand. 
“Don’t touch it!” she screeched, pulling her arm away.
“Sticks…” Sonic began, lost for words. “How long have you been like this?” 
Sticks attempted to shrug her shoulders, but it took too much effort. “A month?” she responded, barely above a whisper. Her energy completely spent, Sticks lay back down and fell asleep.
Guilt ripped through Sonic as he remembered Amy’s words: “What kind of friend ignores another when the outside world is in utter chaos?!” If only she could see Sticks now.
“I’m sorry,” Sonic said with a catch in his voice. Tears began to flood his vision. “I’m going to figure out what’s going on and get you some help.” 
Pushing up from the side of the couch, he took one long, last look at Sticks’ sleeping form before walking out the door. As he headed away from the burrow, his brain was awash with different scenarios, and he breathed a sigh of relief that Shadow wasn’t the miscreant he feared.
Picking his way through the wooded jungle, Sonic went over in his head what Sticks had said. How he wished he could contact Shadow to find out more! What had she even meant by “the trees”? 
Suddenly he stopped. He didn’t want to, but Sonic lifted his face to look at the jungle around him. There, smeared on every tree in sight, was a black substance that looked like liquid metal. The dread that had floated just out of reach since he had found Sticks began to surface. Looking up, Sonic was able to move just before a big blob of the sticky goo dripped onto his head. With great haste, Sonic darted out of the jungle, anxious to tell Amy what he had discovered. 
Bolting through the door, he ran into the house shouting for her, but there was no answer. Sonic sat heavily in a chair at the dining room table and rested his head in his hands. It was just too much to absorb all at once.
An hour later, Sonic barely heard Amy come in the front door. She approached him to give him a big hug from behind, but stopped, a curious look on her face.
“Sonic?” she asked.
“Yeah, Ames,” he answered flatly.
“What’s that black stuff on your shoulder?”
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navarice · 4 months
We’re talking about the golden trio’s dynamic but let’s talk about lore expansion!! Monsters sense where you are weakest and that depends on the monster. No demigod will be hit the same way, therefore this reflects on how the original mythic quests were undertaken in the first place: always a lesson, a test of faith, an individual undertaking facing your own flaws and destiny. The show is heavily reinforcing what we’ve been told the whole time. Quests are not simple fetching errands or a revels for glory. Quests, as far back as mythic Greece and the dawn of time, has always been about fighting one’s fate. So what does this mean for the gods? At least heroes have a purpose. Who are gods if not victims of their own design?
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oh-katsuki · 5 months
are y'all ever in a writing slump and you just think to yourself "man, it's about time i read a book" because for some reason it just feels like that's what you need to find your voice again? like man i gotta read someone who actually did it before me and capture a little bit of their mojo that lives in the pages.
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reikunrei · 1 year
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“Will felt rather than heard the horrified scream that tore painfully through his chest...”
a bit of an experimental piece! inspiration taken from chapter 10 of @henrysglock ‘s fic Paper Faces. i had this visual stuck in my head all week and had to get it down somewhere :p
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vind3miat0r · 5 months
hihi give redacted couples pls (ill tag u when im done) (and dw i havent forgotten the “draw 6 redacted characters”! it should be done by this tuesday 👍)
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