#the fate of lenn
dylanmadeleyauthor · 1 year
What's in it for you? Story contents for Fate of Lenn, Prince Ewald the Brave, and Redemption of Jarek. #WritingCommunity #WritersCafe #TikTok #Booktok #fantasy #StoryContents #video
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galadae · 1 year
If you’re taking requests, 28 for calafant? 🥺
thanks meg!! hope this works :D
28. “So then I- oh, you’re already asleep.” | 476 words
(this is sometime before the end of ARR, they're just friends here)
Calantha’s visit to Camp Dragonhead has been more eventful than anyone expected. She holds a mug of tea, now lukewarm, in her left hand, and looks up at Haurchefant from her infirmary bed through half-open eyes. With her splinted hand, bandaged head and bruised face, she looks absolutely miserable. “I've fought three primals. Surely a single hunting mark should be easy.”
His face flickers between amusement and concern. Now that her injuries are tended, he has to admit it’s a little bit funny. He shakes his head. “If you needed company for this endeavor, you should have said so. I would not have refused.”
She scowls, thumbing at the rough bandages under the splint. “You're a busy man. I had it handled.”
He gives her a pointed look. “I dread to see what would have happened if you hadn’t. ‘Having it handled’ got you a broken hand and cracked skull. Here,” he says, handing her another pillow.
"How was I supposed to know it would slam me against a rock? The Echo doesn't predict the future,” she mutters. She tries to adjust the pillows with her splinted hand out of habit and winces. “Ugh.”
Haurchefant takes the mug from her, freeing her good hand. She puts the second pillow behind her neck and flops back against them. "Besides, I'll be fine if you're around to haul me back to safety."
“I would rather you not rely on me for such a purpose," Haurchefant sighs. "At least warn me next time you go after another foe like this, so I can know the place from which to haul you.”
She laughs and closes her eyes. "I suppose that’s only fair."
"Good.” He smiles. “It won’t do to leave you floundering in the wilderness every time you decide to fight something alone,” he says.
Calantha’s eyes snap open. She glares. “I wasn’t floundering.”
“Perhaps my knights lied about how they found you, then?”
She smirks and leans back onto the pillows. “Perhaps they did. Every last one of them.” She yawns, shutting her eyes and nestling into the blankets.
“I must speak with them about it,” Haurchefant chuckles, turning the mug in his hands. He stares at the dark liquid as he swirls it around. “And perhaps I could join you on your next attempt. I should be glad to see you triumph, or aid you, if need be. I don't doubt your strength in battle, but it is likely the next time will end in the same manner without allies at your side.” He looks up. “Calantha, I- oh.”
Calantha is drooped against the pillows, eyes shut, breathing softly. It was only a matter of time before she slept, with her injuries. He rises, careful not to make a sound. He leaves her to rest. Who knows when she’ll be needed for another heroic endeavor, after all?
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emwheezie · 5 months
Can I gush about OC/comic stuff for a moment? (mostly spoiler free)
The story is about fate and friendship and how sometimes soulmates can be best friends too.
Now I won't lie, none of this was intentional, but this story has a way of writing itself in the darnedest of ways. I can dissect it like an english teacher for symbolism and themes. It doesn't even feel like I'm reaching... It's there somehow and come out of nowhere.
One of our main characters, Tony calls the majority of his friends or partners by nicknames. All of his friends end up with 4 letter nicknames, (Theo, Enzo) and all of his "soulmates," end up with 3 letter nicknames, (Wil, Meg, Oli, Liv). We haven't forced this or anything, it's just the natural break in their names.
Tony's a total romantic and thinks anyone he's with at the time is "definitely his soulmate"...............but it's somehow so beautiful that his BEST FRIEND Lennon, his name can be shortened as Lenn or Len and it's the same.........because sometimes your best friend is your soulmate... :)
Am I reaching....??? It's literally 3:28am and I am so emo over this...
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months
Isn’t there more context and proof for Sellen having created the mass graven sorcerers? She’s directly got connection with the Primeval Current and the search for it, and is already more than established as having fishy motives.
But of course, I don’t mean to try and rip apart what you’re spinning either!! The golden glintsones and the presence of the lily is still very interesting too
No you're right, Sellen definitely has a stronger connection to the Graven Masses and the Primeval Current than Miquella at this point, but it doesn't mean that she was directly responsible for ALL the Graven Masses that you can find in the Lands Between, because there are quite a bit. The was I see it, with the Graven Masses description as being "another form of scientific inquiry," Sellen was likely not the only person who had dappled in the Masses creation as well as peering into the Primeval Current.
With Miquellas skills in the creation of prosthetics, unalloyed gold, the architecture of Elphael, the creation of the sacramental buds/Haligtree, and his now potential involvement with the Stars/Primeval Current; I highly consider Miquella to be a scientist at heart, hungry for knowledge with his childlike curiosity.
Miquella could have very likely been another soul who was interested in the Current in his quest to find a cure/impede the meddling of the Outer Gods. And considering that you find more Graven Masses in the Consecrated Snowfield leading up to the Albinauric Rise where you can get the talisman, it would not surprise me if Miquella had taken his research from Lenne's Rise and resumed his experiments within his own domain.
And fun fact actually! At the Waypoint Ruins where you find Sellen there is a sorcerers corpse that is holding onto a Trinas Lily. And while this might be a stretch, it could signify that Sellen had contact with Trina/Miquella, and also, being a reviled apostate witch with the academy and Jeren hunting her down, having a very powerful Demigod cover your back could explain why she managed to spilt her soul from her body/stay in hiding for so long. Especially since Miquella too has spilt his soul from his own body.
Not to mention that she knows that Radahn holds the fate in the stars. Perhaps she made this discovery alongside Miquella. 🤔
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lennjamin-o7 · 2 months
Sprinting in here just to tell you that I’m going insane about your latest fic. Literally already such a banger. I am rattling the bars of my enclosure over this bro I love meanza!
The end of the chapter though?? Ohhh I’m in love with it. I love the way you’ve written Phil for this he’s so fun I can’t wait for him to get even worse! Technos gonna have such a bad time when he figures stuff out. Love that for him.
Also this could be history in the making, we could potentially all be seeing the first successful 3 chapter Lenn fic in the works. It’s like watching the moon landing. A once in a generation opportunity. /j
Philza is very VERY meanza in this and I am surper excited for that. He his a grade A very bad person and it is so fun to write. I adore the evil evil crow so much.
And the last part of the chapter was so much fun to write. Mr. Craft is so dignified and well spoken. The Crow is a greedy greedy bird that literally doesn't even see people as PEOPLE, only as things like "Inconvenient" or "little powerhouse". It's so so much fun to write.
And this WILL be history in the making. I swear! Only 3 chapters! Yes yes yes yes yes (this is a threat to fate)
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faythsang · 1 year
The first thing that goes when Lenneth is about to disappear is her voice, maybe it's a cruel twist of fate that a songstress be silenced or maybe it's fitting that even the fayth can't dream of a world where Lenne's final words are heard.
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sronti · 1 year
"Over the past 12 months, the US spent 0.21 per cent of GDP on military support for Ukraine. That is slightly less than it spent in an average year on in its ill-fated Afghanistan intervention. In Iraq the spend was three times larger. The Korean war cost the US 13 times as much. Lend-Lease aid for the British empire in the second world war ran to 15 times as much in proportional terms. To see the Europeans doing more, you only need to go back to 1991. To support the American-led operation to oust Saddam Hussein from the oilfields of Kuwait, Germany gave three times as much as it is offering to Ukraine in bilateral aid."
(Adam Tooze, FT guglin kell rákeresni az idézetre, hogy ingyen legyen, érdemes.)
Nem csak fegyverre nem dob össze eleget a Nyugat, hanem amúgy a civilek és a gazdaság támogatására se, pedig nevetséges összegekről lenne szó.
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thesternest · 5 days
A common thing between chained echoes and fear and hunger is how they approach the concept of fate
While in general those two rpgs both have dark tones but they are still mostly very distinct from each other with fear and hunger being a gritty dark fantasy and chained echoes being a more epic fantasy vibe
They both have the concept that prophecy and fate are not set in stone but are more like plans
In fear and hunger Le'garde was prophesized to ascend into a new god and bring a new dawn upon humanity
In chained echoes we don't know the full extent of Lenne's fate
But the fact that she is destined for something does not mean she can't die
Because she did die and even her guardians (whatever the three guardians are) initially acknowledge that the world is now doomed even if they reverse time until they notice Glenn can move
I don't have a great analysis to make her just thought it was neat
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dylanmadeleyauthor · 1 year
If I could have a table at that literary conference and you could visit me once again, what would I have to show you? And where in Toronto can you find it today?
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galadae · 1 year
to drive the cold winter away
rating: G pairing: calantha lenn/haurchefant greystone words: 1205 notes: occurs between the last arr patch and the start of hw. post arr and hw spoilers! sprout friends (who are sproutier than me) beware ao3 link
Calantha shivers and pulls her collar closer to her face. Wind gusts around her, blowing little swirls of snow off nearby drifts. She sits on a rocky outcrop looking over Witchdrop, Camp Dragonhead and the mountains beyond. She brought her lance as a precaution, but now it sits beside her in the snow, unused.
The sounds of creaking trees and distant creatures surround her. It’s better than the silence of her room at night, but still not enough to drown out her thoughts. She had hoped a walk would clear her mind. It hasn't. She watches the wind carry the white mist of her breath into the air.
In the few days since their harried arrival, Haurchefant has been kinder than she ever could have asked. She trusts him when he tells her she's safe. She knows he'll do everything in his power to help them. So she's tried to rest. But every time she closes her eyes she can see them, shouting for her to go on. Her friends, the hope in their eyes when they look at her changing to grim resolve as they turn to meet their fate. How can I sit here when they stayed behind? Did any of them escape? How could I have left them there? Her thoughts briefly shift to anger with Alphinaud, but she shoves them away. She shouldn't have trusted him so thoroughly. He’s so young. She should have expected things to go wrong. She should have been more careful. Should have–
The crunch of boots in the snow startles her. She leaps up, her lance pointed at the source of the sound.
"Calantha?" Haurchefant stands a few feet away. She hadn't heard him approach amid the clamor of her thoughts.
She lowers her lance. "Oh, it’s you. I thought the krakuls had come for me," she laughs. "What are you doing out here?"
"I might ask you the same," he says, a wry grin on his face. "This is a bitter cold place to spend the night," He walks over, silver hair tossed in the wind. "Or perhaps you find cold stone more to your liking than a warm fire?"
Calantha shakes her head and sits back down. She should have known he’d look for her. "I couldn't sleep. I thought a walk might help." It comes out sharper than she’d like. She hangs her head.
He nods. "And has it?"
Calantha doesn't meet his eyes. She stares over the ravine in the distance, watching krakuls wander along the edge. "Still finding that out."
Haurchefant sits down beside her. He looks out towards Camp Dragonhead. He rests his gloved hand on the snow covered stone, inches from hers. "If you have need of anything, Calantha, you have but to ask." His voice is low, and she knows him well enough to guess that his face contains barely concealed concern.
She stares ahead. She wants to tell him everything, but she doesn’t know how to start. She chews her lip, fingers drumming against her lance haft. He certainly never asked for her tortured midnight thoughts. Perhaps she should act as if this isn't happening and bid him goodnight.
"Calantha." He faces her again with a smile that turns to worry the longer she avoids looking at him. "Is there aught I can do? If you’d rather be alone, at least come out of the cold."
She opens her mouth to speak, but the words are stuck in her throat. She closes her eyes.
She feels his hand touch hers. She clutches it suddenly, dearly, as if it will vanish any moment. "Haurchefant — I—don’t go. Please. I’m sorry."
His eyes search her face, noting the darkness under her eyes, her furrowed brow. "It is no matter. You have nothing to be sorry for."
"If only that were true," she says, bitterly.
"What do you mean?"
Calantha grits her teeth. Saying it out loud makes the truth worse. "They're gone, Haurchefant. Yda, Papalymo, Y’shtola. Thancred. Minfilia. They might all be dead. They stayed behind so I could get out. And I just…left them. I—"
He's silent, waiting for her to continue.
"I’m supposed to be their hero. I should have done something. Tried harder."
She stops as he grabs her other hand. "And what would you have done?" He says. "I have no doubt that you did everything you could, to the utmost of your strength, and beyond. As if you've ever done anything less."
"It doesn’t matter. It wasn’t enough.” Angry tears well up in her eyes. She looks away, blinking. "Surely there was something I could have done."
"No," he says. "Calantha. Do not let your thoughts go on like this. You are not at fault."
She wrenches her hand from his grasp. "No. What’s the use of people’s trust, if I can’t do what they need me to?" Her lance clatters to the ground as she stands up, her voice rising. “You expect me to simply move on from this? I could do nothing to save them. The fact that they needed to save me means that I failed."
Her words tear from her lips. She turns her back on him as tears spill onto her cheeks. She can’t make herself look at him.
"Calantha. You must believe me.” He stands. His voice is gentle, but firm. "They had hope for you to fight another day, even if they might not live to see it themselves. You trusted their choice. It is foolhardy to blame yourself for that."
"Then what should I do?" She laughs, but it comes out half a sob. She dashes her tears away on her sleeve. The wind stings her cheeks and whips her violet hair around her face.
Haurchefant steps toward her. He holds his hand out. She looks at him for a moment, torn. "Would they want you to mourn them so? Full of guilt and regret?"
She sniffs and shakes her head. She reaches for his hand. "No."
Haurchefant smiles and takes both her hands. He holds them in front of him, at his chest. His touch steadies her. The wind blows around them, but he stands close enough to shield her from it. She can no longer feel the chill. "Take heart, for them. All is not lost. They may yet be alive. And for now, you have Alphinaud, and Tataru. And...and myself."
Calantha lets out a long breath. His warmth draws her and she leans into him, touching her forehead against his cheek. He smiles and rests his head against hers. Her whirling thoughts are quiet now. A moment passes. She knows nothing but the sound of their breath, the wind in the trees above, and the warmth of his face against her own.
Haurchefant shifts, looking up at the stars. "Come, we should return. The cold will only worsen with time. Unless you still want to spend the night alone on this frigid rock?"
Calantha chuckles softly. "Tempting, but no." She leans down to pick up her lance. They say little on the way back. He doesn’t release her hand, and she doesn’t want him to. And despite the cold wind on the road, she feels warmer than she has in days.
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reallifesultanas · 3 years
Portrait of Osman II's consorts / II. Oszmán ágyasainak portréja
Haseki Ayşe Sultan
Ayşe appears in the harem records in 1619 as the Haseki Sultan of Osman II. We don't know anything about her age or origin. We don't know if she had any children. Some consider her the mother of Şehzade Ömer, but it was probably not her but another concubine who gave birth to the only son of Osman. After the death of Osman Ayşe moved to the Old Palace and lived the rest of her life there. Her last mentioning in the harem records is from 1640, so we can assume that she died in the second half of her thirties, in 1640 or 1641.
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Meyl-i Şah Hatun
Meyl-i Şah or Meleksima was also the concubine of Osman II, but did not have the rank of Haseki. She was probably the mother of Prince Ömer. Based on this, the only thing we know about her was that when Osman returned to the empire from his campaign in early 1622, he invited Meyl-i-Şah to Edirne along with the young Prince Ömer. In Edirne, Osman held a huge ceremony in which dressed soldiers played some details of his victorious (nope) campaign. The young couple also took the barely a few months old baby to the ceremony. It is not known exactly what happened, but Prince Ömer lost his life during the ceremony. Some say a stray bullet hit the prince, others said the prince had a heart attack from the sound of firing cannons. And Osman, of course, blamed the child's mother for the events, depriving her of all her titles and exiling her. Some believe that Meyl-i Şah could not even return to Istanbul with Osman, but remained in Edirne for the rest of her life. Others say she lived the rest of her life in the Old Palace and died around 1638. However, the latter is quite unlikely that while Ayşe is mentioned in the harem records, Meyl-i Şah is never mentioned by anyone. With the death of Prince Ömer, she completely disappeared from history.
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Akile Hatun
Akile Hatun was the daughter of Seyhülislam Esad Efendi and was born around 1607. Her mother was the daughter of the mufti of Murad III and Mehmed III, so she came from an influential family. One of Akile’s brothers, Ebusaid Mehmed Efendi, also became Seyhülislam during his lifetime.
Osman II and Seyhülislam Esad Efendi did not really like each other. First, Seyhülislam after the death of Ahmed I did not support the accession of Osman II but Mustafa I so that the fratricide could be finally ended. Later, he regularly disagreed with the Sultan's decisions, which were otherwise almost without exception terrible decisions. One special case of this was when he refused to release a fetwa for the execution of Osman's half-brother, Prince Mehmed. Osman wanted to make the rebellious Seyhülislam surrender by marrying his daughter. Osman expected that Seyhülislam would not dare to oppose him anymore, as the fate of his daughter depended on the sultan. The Seyhülislam did not want to give his daughter to the Sultan, but Osman eventually forced him until the Seyhülislam accepted Osman's offer and allowed the marriage. By the way, almost everyone in Osman’s divan was against marriage, especially knowing that Osman forced it out from Seyhülislam.
Osman gave 600,000 golds as dowry. The wedding took place in March 1622 amid huge celebrations. According to the Venetian ambassador, after three days of celebration and fireworks, Akile was taken to the Old Palace, where the wedding was consummated. The next day, Osman greeted his pashas and let them kiss his hands to congratulate him. Other historians say Akile never entered the harem of Topkapi Palace or Old Palace, as it would have been a huge humiliation for a free-born Muslim woman to do so. According to those the marriage has not been consummated either. However, knowing the nature of Osman, it would not be surprising if the former was true. Some think Akile Hatun had two children with Osman, Zeynep, and Mehmed. However, it is not very likely that Akile would have been the mother of the two children who otherwise died in infancy.
After Osman's death, Akile remarried. This time, Ganizade Nadiri Efendi, a poet, became her husband. The exact date of the wedding is unknown, but this marriage did not last long either, for the poet died in 1627 after half a year of dying. From then on, we don't know anything about Akile.
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Anonymous concubine or second wife who may never existed
While Osman's marriage to Akile Hatun is unquestionable, it is not so with his second marriage. According to some, Osman also married Pertev Pasa's granddaughter in February 1622. According to the date, by the way, she would be the first wife, not Akile... Pertev Pasa's granddaughter, in addition to being a descendant of an influential pasha, could also be linked to the dynasty, as Pertev Pasa married Aya Hatun, Şehzade Mehmed's (1521 -1543) concubine. Aya Hatun was the mother of Hümaşah Sultan, and thus Hümaşah was actually the aunt of Pertev Pasa and the granddaughter of Aya Hatun. Historians don't agree if the marriage ever happened or not. Maybe Osman just wanted it but never succeeded. Anyhow, we know nothing about this woman.
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Used sources:  F. Çeçik - An Examination of Daily Politics and Factionalism at the Ottoman Imperial Court in Relation to the Regicide of Osman II (r.1618-22); G. Piterberg - An Ottoman Tragedy: History and Historiography at Play; N. Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları; C. Finkel - Osman’s Dream: the History of the Ottoman Empire; Y. Öztuna - Sultan Genç Osman ve Sultan IV. Murad; L. Peirce - The imperial harem; G. Börekçi - Factions and favourites at the courts of Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors
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Haseki Ayşe Sultan
Ayşe 1619-ben tűnik fel a hárem jegyzőkönyvekben, mint Oszmán Haszeki szultánája. Nem tudunk semmit koráról, származásáról. Nem tudjuk, hogy voltak e gyermekei. Egyesek őt tartják Şehzade Ömer édesanyjának, ám valószínűleg nem ő, hanem egy másik ágyas adott életet Oszmán egyetlen fiának. Ayşe Oszmán halála után a Régi Palotába költözött és ott élte le hátralévő életét. 1640-ben szerepel utoljára a hárem jegyzőkönyvben, így feltételezhetjük, hogy harmincas éveinek második felében, 1640-ben vagy 1641-ben hunyt el.
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Meyl-i Şah Hatun
Meyl-i Şah vagy Meleksima szintén II. Oszmán ágyasa volt, azonban nem viselte a Haszeki rangot. Valószínűleg ő volt Ömer herceg édesanyja. Ez alapján az egyetlen amit tudunk róla, hogy amikor Oszmán 1622 elején visszatért a birodalomba hadjáratáról, Edirnébe hívatta Meyl-i-Şaht az ifú Ömer herceggel együtt. Edirnében Oszmán hatalmas ünnepséget rendezett, melyen beöltözött katonák játszották el győzedelmes (nem) hadjáratának néhány részletét. Az ünnepségre a fiatal pár magával vitte az alig néhány hónapos csecsemőt is. Nem tudni, hogy pontosan mi történt, de Ömer herceg az ünnepség során életét vesztette. Egyesek szerint egy eltévedt golyó találta el a herceget, mások szerint a dördülő ágyúk hangjától kapott szívrohamot a herceg. Oszmán pedig természetesen a gyermek anyját hibáztatta az eseményekért, így minden rangjától megfosztotta és száműzte. Néhányan úgy vélik, Meyl-i Şah nem is térhetett vissza Isztambulba Oszmánnal, hanem élete végéig Edirnében maradt. Mások szerint a Régi Palotában élte le élete hátralévő éveit és 1638 körül halt meg. Utóbbit azonban meglehetősen valószínűtleníti, hogy míg Ayşe szerepel a hárem jegyzőkönyvekben, addig Meyl-i Şaht senki sem említi sosem. Ömer herceg halálával teljesen eltűnt a történelemből.
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Akile Hatun
Akile Hatun a Seyhülislam Esad Efendi lánya volt és 1607 körül született. Édesanyja III. Murad és III. Mehmed müftijének lánya volt, tehát befolyásos családból származott. Akile egyik bátyja, Ebusaid Mehmed Efendi szintén Seyhülislam lett élete során.
Oszmán szultán és a Seyhülislam nem igazán kedvelték egymást. Először is a Seyhülislam I. Ahmed halála után nem II. Oszmán, hanem I. Muszafa trónralépését támogatta, hogy a testvérgyilkosságot végérvényesen befejezhessék. Később pedig rendszeresen nem értett egyet a szultán - egyébként szinte kivétel nélkül hibás - döntéseivel. Egyik speciális ilyen eset volt, mikor megtagadta, hogy fetwát adjon ki Oszmán féltestvére, Mehmed herceg életének kioltására. Oszmán a rebellis Seyhülislamot úgy kívánta megregulázni, hogy feleségül veszi a lányát. Oszmán azt várhatta a násztól, hogy a Seyhülislam majd nem mer vele ellenkezni, hiszen tudni fogja, hogy lánya sorsa a szultántól függ. A Seyhülislam nem akarta odaadni lányát a szultánnak, azonban Oszmán végül addig erőszakoskodott, míg a Seyhülislam elfogadta Oszmán ajánlatát és kénytelen-kelletlen engedélyezte a frigyet. Egyébként Oszmán divanjában szinte mindenki a házasság ellen volt, különösen tudva, hogy Oszmán csak kierőszakolta azt a Seyhülislamból.
Oszmán 600 000 aranyat adott hozományként. Az esküvőre 1622 márciusában került sor hatalmas ünnepségek közepette. A velencei követ szerint három napos ünneplés és tűzijáték után Akilét a Régi Palotába vitték, ahol elhálták a nászt. Másnap pedig Oszmán fogadta a pasáit, hogy azok gratuláljanak neki. Más történészek szerint Akile sosem lépett be a Topkapi Palota vagy Régi Palota háremébe, hiszen ez egy szabad születésű muszlim nőnek hatalmas megalázás lett volna. Azok szerint akik ezen a véleményen vannak, a házasságot el sem hálták. Ismerve azonban Oszmán természetét nem lenne meglepő, ha előbbi lenne igaz. Néhányan Akile Hatunnak tulajdonítják Oszmán két gyerekét, Zeynepet és Mehmedet. Azonban nem túl valószínű, hogy Akile lett volna az édesanyja a két gyermeknek, akik egyébként csecsemőkorukban meghaltak.
Oszmán halála után Akile újraházasodott. Ezúttal Ganizade Nadiri Efendi, költő lett a férje. A frigy pontos dátuma nem ismert, azonban ez a házasság sem tartott sokáig, a költő ugyanis 1627-ben fél év haldoklás után elhunyt. Innentől nem tudunk Akiléről semmit.
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Névtelen ágyas avagy a második feleség, aki talán sosem létezett
Míg Oszmán házassága Akile Hatunnal megkérdőjelezhetetlen, nem így van második házasságával. Egyesek szerint Oszmán feleségül vette Pertev Pasa unokáját is 1622 februárjában. A dátum szerint egyébként akkor ő lenne az első feleség, nem Akile... Pertev Pasa unokája azon túl, hogy befolyásos pasa leszármazottja volt, a dinasztiához is köthető volt, hiszen Pertev Pasa azt az Aya Hatunt vette feleségül, aki Şehzade Mehmed herceg (1521-1543) ágyasa volt. Aya Hatun volt Hümaşah szultána édesanyja, és így tulajdonképpen Hümaşah a nagynénje volt Pertev Pasa és Aya Hatun unokájának. A történészek nem értenek egyet abban, hogy valóban megtörtént e a frigy vagy sem. Lehetséges, hogy Oszmán csupán akarta azt, de nem sikerült elérnie. Akárhogy is, nem tudunk semmit a nő életéről.
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Felhasznált források: F. Çeçik - An Examination of Daily Politics and Factionalism at the Ottoman Imperial Court in Relation to the Regicide of Osman II (r.1618-22); G. Piterberg - An Ottoman Tragedy: History and Historiography at Play; N. Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları; C. Finkel - Osman’s Dream: the History of the Ottoman Empire; Y. Öztuna - Sultan Genç Osman ve Sultan IV. Murad; L. Peirce - The imperial harem; G. Börekçi - Factions and favourites at the courts of Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors
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oracleffxiv · 3 years
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My active characters for this year’s FFXIVWRITE! FFXIVWRITE | 2019 Entries | 2020 Entries 
Rikyo Takahashi
A private investigator operating out of Kugane. As her newest case crumbles around her, so too does her life. Finding herself at rock bottom, the only way left to go is up; and shadowy forces align to see her there.
“The time for justice is done. The time for judgement is nigh.”
Rikyo’s story will conclude in Endwalker. In Endwalker, Rikyo will claw her way back through the mire of her life with the shadow of Judgement on her shoulder, and work to solve her final case: who killed Rikyo Takahashi?
Hayzell Darwall
Born X’rahna Lenn, Hayzell is a captain of the Ala Mhigan Resistance and a master of the Fists of Rhalgr. As she finds her foes of flesh and steel are supplanted by those of horror and malice, Hayzell decides she, too, must look to powers beyond mortal limits to give her and her people a fighting chance. “For I am become death, destroyer of worlds.”
Hayzell’s story will conclude in Endwalker. In Endwalker, Hayzell will find herself standing side by side with her former blood enemies, walking the path that will lead her to her fate, the fate of those who walked before, and the fate of those who walk after: single combat against Destroyer himself.
Cordalia Darwall
The adoptive sister of Hayzell, Cordalia is a Sky Pirate and the captain of the Shiva-class carrier Brannvinge. She is feared, loved, hated, and respected by many and more, but despite her reputation- and, indeed, her own actions- she has but a simple dream: freedom. “The skies belong to no man.”
Suriko Saito
A former under-archon now on the run from Sharlayan. Suriko is a non-vocal illusionist and trickster, and carries with her a forbidden knowledge that has Sharlayan hot on her heels. She is slick, manipulative, and ruthless when threatened, but largely just likes to mess with people for giggles.
“... :]”
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Unlike a lot of other players, I kind of loathe Alderaan. It’s exceptionally beautiful, but the feudal system, the snotty aristocrats and the Kiliks all make me dislike playing through that planet.
However, as much as Alderaan can be the land of snotty and often absolutely creepy nobles, I’ve noticed there are also several extremely sweet men. This seems to be one of the planets where the player’s character can sometimes make an actual friend.
Urtel (Sith Inquisitor)
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This guy. Suvia was suspicious when he wanted to talk to her, and stunned when it turned out that...he actually was interested in talking, rather than setting her up to stab her in the back. I was disappointed by his fate and wish he could have been taken along as a companion.
Caption: Urtel: I do have some very comfortable rooms nearby. I could order us some food, some wine.
Lenn Teraan (Smuggler)
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Both Lenn and his sister (whose name escapes me ATM) are kind to the smuggler, and they truly seem to appreciate all the help they are given. Lenn Teraan not only gives you a private dinner with musicians and food from a celebrated chef, but he gives you his house’s technology to build an anti-radiation shield for your ship. I mean, can you think of a more thoughtful gift for the smuggler than something to protect her ship? Well done, Lenn.
Caption: Lenn: That was a celebration I’ll never forget. You truly are the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever known. So beautiful...so dangerous...
FimmRess (Sith Warrior)
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Fimm refuses to attack you when Kendoh the Scumbag orders it and refuses to defy you when you tell him that Lady Renata will NOT be abducted. He patches Baras through to the Sith Warrior on the holo so he can inform the SW that Kendoh is talking trash about her. He calls Kendoh out when he lies to the Sith Warrior, and then he’s happy when Kendoh’s dead. I really wish I could have taken him along as a companion.
Caption: FimmRess: We consider you an ally, friend.
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faythsang · 1 year
❛  what if something happens to you ?  ❜
🐝  *  ―  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒  𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒.  // @spiras-summoner
"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? If something happens to you then it's all over, isn't it?"
There's a small smile on her face, though she can't quite bring herself to look at the summoner's face. She can't imagine a kinder person with a crueller fate. Fate's funny that way, isn't it? Perhaps there are other summoners who wouldn't be missed, but someone like Yuna...
Lenne can't help but sigh, trying her best not to frown. It's not fair to be so upset about the fate of another, or rather, it's not fair to show or voice such unhapiness.
"If something happens to me, just keep going. It isn't fair for me to ask anything else of you."
In a way, it's almost refreshing, to not be an individual of much consequence. Not that she could ever say that out loud.
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nanakibh · 4 years
FF7R & Spirals
Beware of big spoilers.
(Reposting this now that it’s not the dead of night. lol)
I just got done reading the translation of the FF7R prequel novel, The Investigation Unit Within the Painting, and oh boy. I have knowledge to share.
During chapter 12, the narrator (…Does he have a name? Did I miss it somewhere? lol) talks about a time when he was a young boy who would play with Aerith while she was being held in the Shinra research department. One day, his mother told Aerith a made-up story about how he was chased by a monster rat. To differentiate it from any old rat, they told her that it had a reeeally long, coiled tail. Aerith didn’t understand what “coiled” meant, so he told her that it was like a spiral and began to draw a spiral on a piece of paper to show her.
Seeing the shape, Aerith seemed to snap and suddenly started drawing things frantically. Hojo remarked that she had “awakened.” This is what resulted in the mural of the Ancients on the wall seen in the Shinra Building during FF7R.
Learning about what coils and spirals are, Aerith was able to see a vision of the past clearly enough to draw it.
The people in her painting of the ancient past are dressed in a strangely familiar way.
In Type-0′s world of Orience, a Spiral is a repeating cycle of the world. As prophesied by the Nameless Tome, when the world ends at the destined time of Tempus Finis, the World Clock is reset and the world begins again in a new Spiral. The souls (phantoma) of all of the people are gathered up and used to recreate the world. Each time, things are a little different. Over time, small changes become bigger. Cater misinterprets memories of past Spirals as simple deja vu and brushes them off, and Jack jokingly predicts future events, such as there being a traitor among them. During the normal events of the game, Jack is a member of Class Zero who fights with a katana. In an alternate ending that can only be seen in a second playthrough, the world begins anew and Jack is a musician in the school’s band club instead.
The purpose of the Spiral is to one day bring about the savior, Agito, who can break through to the Unseen Realm. In order to determine whether Agito has been created, the Rursus Crystal chooses an Arbiter who will test them to decide the fate of the world. During various Spirals, different people are chosen as the Arbiter, including members of Class Zero. Dr. Arecia Al-Rashia chooses 14 students who represent different virtues, believing that their combined traits will create Agito. This seems similar to the Foretellers of the Kingdom Hearts mobile game who are 7 who represent deadly sins. They’re led by the Master of Masters, an enigmatic man in a black coat who has eyes that look like Sephiroth’s.
It might be worth my while to mention that Cater looks exactly like Shelke from Dirge of Cerberus who can traverse through data, and Jack looks and acts like Demyx and fights like Roche. The new specimens found beneath the slums look like Unversed and move like Nobodies. The strange behemoth there is called a “Type-0 Behemoth.” The Harbinger looks like a Darkside and uses the same attacks and even tears up the Midgar highway the same way the Darkside tore up Destiny Islands when Sora received the keyblade instead of Riku. Leslie Kyle also resembles Yozora, and it seems like he lost his fiancee like how Yozora lost his love interest. I don’t quite understand what’s going on here, but… It’s something. It seems to be a connection between Kingdom Hearts, FF7R, and the games of the Fabula Nova Crystallis series, particularly Versus XIII and Type-0 (Agito XIII.) Are they all connected through Spirals? …Maybe.
I think FFX is also related to this. Tidus and Shuyin… Yuna and Lenne… All that jazz. Years ago, we found out that the world of FFX was supposedly from the past of the FFVII universe. Mako, pyreflies, phantoma, and lux could all be the same thing.
Anyhow. If you haven’t played Type-0 before… You might want to do that. It’s good. The gameplay is similar to FF7R’s. You’ll have a good time.
No, I don’t have any answers. You thought I’d have answers? All I have are questions. Goddammit, Nomura. I love you. You cheeky boy.
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fantasyresident · 5 years
My Favorite Final Fantasy Themes Across The Franchise
Final Fantasy games tend to have a history of expressing powerful themes to the player regarding a variety of topics including love, life, death, brotherhood, family, and more. I wanted to reflect on the themes that impacted me the most, highlighting the defining moment of each theme and why I treasure its presentation so much.
Final Fantasy 4: Light, Darkness, and Repentence
Final Fantasy 4 is one of my favorite FF titles to date, which is no surprise to me considering it has one of my favorite themes in video game history. Final Fantasy 4 harbors 3 characters in particular who contribute to this virtuous message, being Cecil, Kain, and Golbez. Each of these characters struggle with light and darkness, but from first glance, Golbez just seems like an evil guy in armor with no limits to his barbarism. Kain becomes wrapped up in his web, making him seem as if he’s gone down the same path. Meanwhile, Cecil seems to have all but forgotten his dark past stepping fully into the light after his journey to Mt. Ordeals. But the way the game shakes up these positions is staggering and why I revere this game’s storytelling to the extent that I do. We learn that Kain and Golbez were both pawns of their own inner darkness, controlled by Zemus. 
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These characters were truly good at heart, yet struggled with their own dark emotions that made them so vulnerable to the grips of darkness. Kain’s jealousy of Cecil having the love of Rosa, while Golbez was devastated about his mother’s passing due to the birth of Cecil. The shame these two felt for their actions stemmed from these emotions, causing a deep sense of shame within them. Both Kain and Golbez assumed a new identity to hide this shame, (Hooded Man and Man In Black) not desiring any attention or respect for the acts of repentance they would take part in to try to heal the world they tore apart. Meawhile, Cecil who the player is convinced has already gotten over his ordeal (no ff4 Mt. Ordeals pun intended) actually ends up being the last one saved from his darkness, while both Kain and Golbez are giving their all to make up for what they have done. FF4 teaches us that no matter how deep we end up in our own darkness, for whatever reason we fall to it, there’s always the light of forgiveness waiting for us if we’re not expecting it of others. To do acts of kindness like Kain was doing for Ceodore, Cecil’s son, without the want or need to be recognized, that is true heroism. If one does an act of kindness expecting a public eye to witness it, they are not doing an act of good for the world, they are only doing it for themselves.
Final Fantasy 6- Loving Your Enemies and Renewal
In Final Fantasy 6, we witness the world become ravaged by the game’s villain, Kefka Palazzo who desires to become a god. Terra on the other hand, refuses to accept this as the world’s fate. While she is obviously an opposing force to Kefka, she does not express hatred towards him, even after all he done to her as a Magitek Knight. This as a player impacted me greatly and its one of the reasons I love Terra so much. She can look into the eyes of someone like Kefka, who anyone else would label irredeemably evil, and see humanity’s struggle in them. Terra sees a bit of herself in Kefka, a man who like her, was trapped in the clutches of Magitek energy, an energy that can warp the mind and personality of the user. Terra alone teaches the player that love is the true essence of life, even if sometimes its buried deep within us.
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 Her ability to finally understand love for herself despite being half esper and mind controlled for much of her life is truly inspiring. After the world is ravaged by Kefka, the characters of Final Fantasy 6 express hope in the world being built anew. Once something is destroyed or gone, it always comes back in another form, sometimes unrecognizable to the naked eye. That is the true message of FF6. Nothing is ever truly gone when you appreciate the underlying value of life itself.
Final Fantasy 9- Our Days Are Numbered
The ending of Final Fantasy 9 hit me like a truck full of tin bricks, and for good reason. This game throughout its entirety leads up to FF9′s main theme: we don’t live forever. But at the same time, while our lives are limited in number, they are not limited in the way we live them. By helping others (regardless of whether if we have a reason to help them or not), we make our lives worth the limit. By impacting someone with a kind deed, like Zidane trying to save Kuja, his mortal enemy prior to this, you make a chain of impacts that changes the world for the better. No matter how sour the villain, like Queen Brahnne or Kuja, everyone deep down just wants to feel the essence of kindness. Those who lack that experience tend to be more prone to the darker path in life, but if we light a candle for these people in our lives, we can truly make a difference from selfless acts of good. This is why no matter how many times I see Zidane go back for Kuja in the end of FF9, it always makes the tears flow. 
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The kind of mortal greatness that Zidane holds as a character makes me truly believe in the goodness of our hearts, especially when he could have ended up just like his beloved brother. My favorite lesson of them all.
Final Fantasy X/X-2- The Bounds Of Love and Sacrifice
Final Fantasy X and its sequel have very powerful narratives regarding love and the meaning of sacrifice. X teaches us that everything must eventually come to an end, and really gives us a front row seat to the grief that our losses causes us. In X, characters like Yuna were bound by Yevon, a belief that many of the characters believed they must follow to the ends of the earth regardless of the consequences. But as Yuna learns, this isn’t the right solution. In the end of X, sacrifices are made and the loss is felt especially when Tidus must disappear right before Yuna’s eyes. This encourages Yuna to go through a major change in X-2, deciding that she wouldn’t be bound by the rules and expectations of others no more, given that Yevon was the cause of much pain, a relgiion that made everyone lose sight of what was truly precious to them. Yuna dedicates her newfound freedom to helping others and bettering the world, while she looks for Tidus who, due to a special sphere recording, she believes is possibly still alive. Through the introduction of the characters Lenne and Shuyin, the player witnesses the endless bounds of time and space that love can transcend through the 1000 words scene, and their spiritual reunion at the end of the game. Yuna, however, still doesn’t have the love she has been looking for, but in the “bad” ending, she realizes that maybe this is for a reason. Perhaps this journey of hers filled with heartbreaks and laughs was a lesson, that maybe love isn’t always a material feeling, it doesn’t require the one you cherish to be standing there in the flesh. As long as they are in your heart, there is no distance that those 1000 words cannot travel.
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What was your favorite lesson or moment in Final Fantasy history? Reblog and share your own favorites! :)
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