#the story of ming city wall
cpopjukebox · 7 months
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mcu-coworkers · 11 months
Summary: Miguel can't seem to get his way and for reasons he couldn't believe.
Word count: 2k+
Warnings: None(sneaky Miguel)
A/n: here is pt.3 I hope you guys enjoy I will be giving a pt.4 which will be the final part if anyone would like to be tagged just let me know and I'll be happy to! I hope I got every one who wanted to be tagged in Pt.3 there were so many of you and I just want to sat thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving my story! I hope you guys enjoy!xx
Tags list: @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @m4zapan @luciiferian @stinygirl009 @anonymoussomebody345 @watamoteru @smolrain08 @amberpanda99 @hantheconqueror @mhm-ok-sure @chuckle-nuts. @a-helpless-romantic @witchofwhimsey @rin-matsuoka345-blog @cherripunch26 @anneliese500 @theleftkittycollection @ok-boke @nanushkka @gugggu6gvai @joestarbitch @distractionforyourthoughts @tanchosanke @lokiseason @hao-ming-8 @sport-lova @munixumai @capybaraaa . @dearrdarlingg @riddle-me-im-sirius @melovetitties @liyanahelena @bat1212 @christinesdemoness1958 @musicpookie @luujjvi @ilovejeansosomuch @m0chac0ffee @perrierbottleofproblems @zayxcc @shyshyshy-19 @futuristicpandakid @lilyevans1
Parts: One Two Three^ Four
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Credits to the owner:)^
It had been quite a few months since you removed yourself from the spider society.
You thought that in doing so you lost your friends but Pete, Hobbie, and Gwen all stuck by your side and visited you every now and then.
Not all at once, you didn't want Miguel to figure out that they were coming to you and yell at them for it or worse, come too.
In that aspect everything was great.
When it came to your healing journey, you had good days and bad days.
Or more like bad nights.
During the day you kept busy working in your world's Alchemax, and at night you dealt with spider business which was slow this time around.
This is when you found yourself thinking about him.
The silence of the city only made your thoughts louder and all they reminded you of was Miguel.
But you hadn't given up on your promise to yourself, you would move on.
And then you decided to get a dog.
He was the best choice you could have made, your sweet little milo.
May Day absolutely loved him, she wanted to bring him to her birthday party but to be honest you didn't even know if you’d be taking yourself.
Pete didn't want to hide anything from you so he told you as soon as he found out that Miguel actually agreed to not just let him throw her party at HQ but go to it as well.
Risking him speaking to you and ruining all of your growth was not in your plans.
You had to be honest with yourself, if Miguel spoke to you with the slightest warth you knew you’d break so for your own sake staying away from him was best.
So, that's where you were with all of this, sitting on a rooftop enjoying a slice of pizza thinking about whether you should show up tomorrow or not.
Deciding to call it a night on saving the city you swung home looking forward to Milo’s greeting cuddles.
Back at HQ Miguel watched as everyone scurried to put together the decorations for May Day's birthday.
The chaos was loud and he almost regretted agreeing to it.
“Ay dios.” he mumbled as he walked past Gwen and Hobbie pretending they were there.
“So you think she’ll come? May Day is her favorite spider. She wouldn't miss it, right?” he heard Gwen say.
Suddenly he froze.
“There is a chance if you ask me.  I   believe in her.” Hobbie replied webbing up the sign he was putting on the wall, much easier than tape.
Miguel began walking again hoping no one would notice how he stopped to listen in on the conversation.
Walking into his office space he called for Lyla, “Give me the list of spiders coming to this party.” he said pulling up his screens.
“But boss, that's hundreds?” she asked confused but the request.
“That's fine, just give it to me, Please.” he asked, growing impatient with his AI.
“Alright calm down here it is, Who are we looking for anyways?” she said, sliding it over to him.
“No one, just making sure its a safe list.” he said looking over his shoulder.
Bles mary janes heart for added the yes, no and maybe option it made him easier to see who was actually coming.
All the names had a yes except for one, one big red MAYBE and it was next to yours.
Shoulders dropping in slight disappointment he let out a sigh.
These past months he’d been gloomy.
The only time he perked up was at the mention of your name, but sadly that's as close he got to you these days.
He found out that Pete, Hobbie, Gwen and even fucking Miles anomaly Morales snuck off to see you.
He was jealous.
He hated that you let them into your life.
Each time they came back laughing about something you said, he was jealous.
Everytime they mentioned a fun moment you shared, he was burning in jealousy.
It made him sick. 
His blood boiled knowing someone else was making you laugh when he just wanted to have you to himself.
He liked it when you spent hours in his office “helping him” with reports.
He only ever gave you simple tasks just to keep you at his side.
To watch your face when you were focused on the footage, the way you bite your lip when you think you're getting close. 
The way you kept eye contact and showed interest in whatever it was he said made him think about other things you could do together whilst keeping eye contact.
God, you drove him insane in the best way.
But not having you close like that was driving him insane in the worst way.
Spiders voluntarily left him alone now not wanting to cross him on a bad which now was very frequent.
The only reason he stuck around at the end of team briefings was to see if he’d hear any news on you.
He didn't think anyone noticed his intent, But then there was Jess always on his six.
She knew from day one that you had fallen, but oh was he gonna fall harder and he did.
She saw the way he searched for you in a room, how he’d ask you and only you to help him on reports.
Nothing went past her.
“Did a villain sneak onto the list?” she said, creeping up behind him.
Quickly removing the screen he looked over his shoulder letting out a simple shrug to answer her.
“Just want to see who   I‘ll be dealing with for the evening.” he said trying to cover up his annoyance.
“Anyone stand out?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nope. All good.” he said standing up, “  I‘ll see you tomorrow Jess, get some rest.” he said leaving his office.
Smiling to herself, Jess knew he was slowly breaking down. 
All it would take to finish the job was see you.
She knew you had RSVP’d to come yesterday but she made Lyla change it just to confirm her suspicions further.
And he did just that.
Mentally preparing yourself for today was the hardest part.
You planned out your evening.
Go in, greet everyone, stick to Hobbie, Gwen and Miles, hold May Day, and then make the excuse that Milo had an accident and you had to get back home.
A solid plan.
Suddenly a portal opened and in walked Hobbie, “My lady.” he greeted extending an arm.
Taking his hand you stood up, “Oh, one sec.” you said as you sent a signal activating your suit.
“Woaahhh the new suit is wicked.” he said watching it go on.
“It's nano tech, you like it?” you said as it reached up to your neck before stopping. 
“Killin it, as always.” he said before walking into the portal.
Well, here goes nothing.
“Be good Milo, Mommy will be home soon.” you said, patting his sleepy head before walking in.
Deep breath, here goes nothing.
Walking in you put on your brightest smile.
“Hey! There she is and get a look at this suit, this new?  I   like it!” Peter yelled, taking your hand and spinning you.
“Hey guys! Nice to see everyone again, Miles nice to meet you.” you said laughing.
“Nice to meet you, very nice lady, thank you for not hunting me down.” he said, shaking your hand viciously.
Laughing at your inside joke you pulled him in for a hug secretly taking a peak over his shoulder.
You could feel his stare on you, you just didn't know from where.
The party went on as planned, you stayed cautious, had  a good time with your friends and held May Day until she eventually fell asleep.
Everyone told you that you had a gentle way when it came to kids so falling asleep just came to them naturally.
Taking that as your sign to leave you handed her over to Mary Jane and went to go look for Hobbie.
“Hey, has anyone seen Hobbie?” you asked not being able to find him.
“Rooftop, girly pop.” you heard Jess say as she hugged you goodbye.
“Oh great, we can open a portal there. Bye guys guess  I‘ll  see you around.” you said waving to the rest of the spiders.
Making your way up you looked around the rooftop to find it empty.
Huh. Maybe he went for a swing. You thought looking over the city.
He’d been told a couple times not to but that only made him do it more.
“He’s not here.” you heard behind you. Well shit.
“Thanks Jess.” you heard making you chuckle to yourself.
Of course.
“Well then it makes no use to stay up here.” you said turning to walk away.
“Wait, just give me a second.” he said, reaching out for you.
“One. Welp there is it and look I've given you five extra just by standing here.” you said sarcastically.
Trying to leave once more he actually Physically got in your way this time.
“Please.” he said trying to get you to look at him and you could've sworn you heard sincerity in there.
“Fine. talk.” you said crossing you arms sitting on the ledge trying to create some distance.
“ I   am sorry,” he blurted out.
“ I   don't forgive you. We done here? Great.” you said standing up ready to bee line it for the door.
Your tactics were failing you and your front could only last for so long.
“No no wait just-” he was cut off  by a beeping sound coming from your suit.
It was your alarm for Milo’s dinner time.
Gasping you stood up from where you sat.
“Oh Milo.” you said turning off the alarm.
“What? Who the fuck is Milo?” he said anger began to rise up in his chest.
“Really wish we could finish this but  I‘m late to a very important dinner with someone who does respect me, so excuse me.” you said finally getting past him.
Stunned  by your response he watched you walk past him.
Who in the actual fuck was Milo and what rights did he have over you?
Following you back into the party he watched as you asked Pete to get you back home.
“Oh yeah sure, How's Milo by the way?” he asked while opening the portal.
Again with this fucking Milo.
“Oh he's really great, miss him more every second we're apart.” you said, putting your hands on your hips.
Time was moving real slow right about now.
But for Miguel it was moving a little too fast, he didn't want you to get back to Milo. 
He wanted you here, patching things up with him.
“Gotta love Milo am  I   right? May Day sure does.” he said, quickly shutting up when he realized Miguel was still there.
“Well thanks for the portal, tell Mj the party was great, take care pete.” you said hugging him goodbye.
Just as you are about to be free Miguel grabs your hand.
“Will you come back, Please?” he asked, the desperation in his voice could be heard from miles away.
“ I   don't think so Miguel,  it took me a while to realize that there was nothing wrong with me. And Milo helped with that even if it's just been a couple of months and  I‘m still getting the hang of things. He loves me for it and he needs me.” you said, smiling at the thought of your sweet little furbaby.
Standing up straight Miguel let your arm go, “Lucky Milo.” was all he said before you took it as your queue to leave.
Defeated by the night's outcome he went back into his office and let out some frustration on the nearest machine.
There it was again, feeling sick of jealousy.
Someone else had your attention, time and love.
And all he had was your rejection.
At this point in time Miguel wished he was anybody else other than himself.
And just like that jealousy started following him wherever he went, never letting him go.
All because of some Milo.
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wanou-dorm · 3 months
DAC Fandorm : Stay Knights
Welcome to Stay knights dorm 
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Specializes in Summoning 
Founded by: The teachings of the various Magus who’ve Saved various Timeline from destruction and Disorder  .
Stay Nights was a dorm Made to keep order through out Various Timelines  and Histories in DAC. The Dorms member are Especially good at Summoning as well the complex Magic Craft . 
The Dorm is Based on the Fate Series  and Thier Colors are Royal blue and Gold 
Dorm info:
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The Dorm on the Outside looks a like  College city  with A Giant Clocktower in the Middle , main Dorm is Located Around this Giant  Clocktower . While the Dorm may look old on the outside , the Inside is actually an Advanced Facility  with White Tiled Floors and panels walls, Various Rooms for Training ,a Cafeteria and Library. 
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The Clocktower is  basically Mission Control containing Technology to sent Students and Their Familiars to  various Timelines and Places . Though There's Still often a Magical oddity from Time to time.
Summoned Spirits 
Speaking of Which When a Student or Staff First Arrives in Stay Knights they are Paired with a Summoned Spirit by Summoning  on a Mystical object called a Holy Grail . This summoned spirit is bound to the Student for Life though can act Independently of Their Master so are Basically counted as Students as most are Human in some way . Most Students only have One , but some Acquire some as Allies during Missions . Summon Spirits can Freely change or add Masters . Their also Independent Summoned Spirits around the Dorm and around DAC.
Student Making 
Every student and Staff must be Paired with aleast 1 Summon Spirit partner.
You can make Independent Summoned Spirits as Students  but not Human Students.
Variations of Servants and other Characters count as separate Inspos , aka you can Do Saber Artoria but not Lancer 
If You choose to any Of Sakura clones ( ex.Bb, Passionlip, Sakura herself) Twst Meltlilth is Thier brother.
Ask if you want to partner up with a stray Summoned Spirits oc.
Taken Inspos
Nero Draco/Merlin&Fou( dorm Supervisor)
Gray from El Melloi Case Files/ Artoria Lancer
Meltlilth /Taisui Xingjun
Waver/ Iskander
Where to find inspiration
Dorm Uniform 
The Colors are not Exclusive to Gender ,infact the only requirement for Colors is that the Uniforms Blacks are kept
You must wear a Shawl ,Jacket or Cardigan even if it Tied around your waist .
The pants and Skirt can be Changed
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Dorm  Supervisors
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 Narkos Drago,Twisted  off of Nero Draco
The Ever Flamboyant and Eccentric , Supervisor of the Stay Knights Dorm. Narkos is a pompous annoyance to most of the DAC’s Staff.Unfortunately Narkos  has the Skills to back up his  boasts besides shutting his Mouth . 
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Merrill, Twisted off of  Merlin/Fou
Merrill is a mysterious entity as a Summoned Spirit ? We don’t know what Merrill,he says he’s the Spawn of an Incubus and a human ,he is  seemingly Perpetually happy and has an alien aura about him . It’s like he doesn't Completely understand Humanity . But he does seem like a  nice Person who likes His Students and Enjoys seeing Summoned spirits Gaining Partners 
Dorm Members
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Mani Grayson/ Lawrence Dragoon Twisted off Of Gray and Artoria Lancer
Mani(Ma-knee) is the Dorm Leader of Stay Knights , he may look cold  but in Actuality Mani is a timid and gloomy fellow that  really hates his own face to point that People not liking his face provides comfort , see Manis was part face was different before but that's  long story just know that Manis face now is Face of a king of knight.
Lawrence , was in fact a same  king  Mani has as  face but from Timeline where he wielded a different Weapon and was allowed to Age into Adulthood rather than being stuck as a Teen. Lawrence is a rather Proud individual, almost as pompous as Narakos but you'd be wrong he's  A lot more Composed and rational than he Lets on . He likes to flirt to be funny and very interesting 
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Melt/Ming Twisted of Meltlilth and Taisui Xingjun also Thier my Fate Grand ocs
Melt is a cold and Arrogant guy who enjoys the spotlight being one of Many Brothers he was often lost in the hustle  . Often coming off as Better than everyone else and seeing everyone else as Lesser than him .
 Unfortunately,  Melt has the wily Ming as a summon spirit Partner , And Ming is more  mischievous and Temperamental  sort. Ming is often seen as an Annoyance to Melt though he wouldn’t admit that he actually likes Ming’s unpredictability  and coarser rebellious attitude. Ming says he’s Part of a god of chaos.
@deaths-academy-of-combat by @rookvonhunt
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liberty-or-death · 1 year
Wei Wuxian's Spell - "Her shy charming eyes" (Beauty of Nanyuan 南苑逢美人”written by He Sicheng 何思澄)
Let’s talk about the first spell that Wei Wuxian uses in the Yi City. 
In Chapter 36, he choses to animate two female effigies.   The two female effigies seemed like identical twins - they had the same clothes, appearance and makeup.  The effigies appeared to be smiling and one could almost hear their laughter.  The doll’s hair was tied in a shuanghuan updo, wore red pearl earrings, a gold bracelet and embroidery shoes.  Wei Wuxian also thinks they look like servants of a rich household.
(Shuanghuan was a double bun updo favoured by unmarried ladies.  They were popular in the Warring States and are commonly described in Tang poetry.)
This poem has also appeared in both the donghua and CQL!
The spell’s from the poem “Beauty of Nanyuan 南苑逢美人” written by He Sicheng 何思澄 (502-557) in the Southern Dynasty.  南苑 Nanyuan is located just south of Beijing. It was an imperial hunting ground during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The current Beijing Nanyuan Airport is named after this and it’s the oldest airport in China.
洛浦疑回雪 巫山似旦云
Just like the Luo Shen (The Goddess of the River Luo) with skin as white as snow, and like the goddess of Mount Wu with skin as clear as the clouds. 
倾城今始见, 倾国昔曾闻
Her smile today destroys a city, and I heard it can even destroy a country. 
T/N: 倾城 and 倾国 are used in poetry to describe someone who’s incredibly beautiful
媚眼随羞合 丹唇逐笑分
her shy charming eyes, and her red lips are parted lightly
(This is the line used in the spell)
风卷蒲萄带 日照石榴裙
The wind blows the belt adorned with grapes, and the sun shies on the pomegranate skirt
T/N: 蒲萄带 is directly translated as belt with grapes, but it’s believed that the “grapes” refer to green jade and from a distance they look like shining ‘grapes.’   This is the pomegranate skirt.
自有狂夫在 空持劳使君
As long as the crazy husband’s around, emptiness awaits the gentleman.
T/N: There is a similar theme in another text 陌上桑 The Mulberry Tree field road, whereby a woman rejects the emperor’s advances because she’s already married.  The same idea applies here, that this beautiful woman is someone that the author cannot get. 
Personally, I think this is a very common poem used to describe a woman's beauty. I even find soft porn sites tagged with this line lol. 😂 So hmm, I don't think MXTX would have intended to mean too much?
Let’s talk about the second part.  This is split into the phrase “do not question goodness or evil,  (I) draw your eyes and summon thee.” So let’s break it down.
“不问善与恶 do not question goodness or evil” - There is a concept of goodness and evil 善与恶 in Buddhism. It's a complicated doctrine and I won't be going into it so y'all can read about it in the link.
"点睛召将来 (I) draw your eyes and summon thee" - This phrase comes from the the idiom “drawing a dragon and adding the eyes 画龙点睛”.  There is a famous story behind this idiom.  Zhang Shenhao was a famous painter during the Liang Dynasty.  He was known for his vivid drawing.  One day, he painted four dragons on the walls of a temple in Jinling and someone asked him why he didn’t paint the eyes.  He then remarked, “The eyes are the essence of the dragon.  If I paint the eyes, they’ll fly away.”  Everyone laughed at him when he said that.  Zhang Shenhao then added the eyes to two dragons and unexpectedly, they came to life and flew away.  Hence, this term was used to describe a situation whereby one’s finishing touch would bring a piece of art to come to life.  MXTX probably used it in this case as well, Wei Wuxian did draw the eyes of the dolls and made them come alive lol.
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inventedfangirling · 11 months
thinking of how thailand is over 513000 square km and Bangkok the capital city is over 1500 square km and yet dissaya decided to move into a house within a 0 km radius of the house ming lived in. or she decided to not move out when ming moved in next door.
im putting dissaya in the driving seat here because we know that ming doesn't exactly know that dissaya knew that he took her scholarship opportunity away so he was under the impression she drifted apart randomly and continued to nurse an unreasonable amount of hatred for a person who left a friendship with no explanations
whichever it is, its wild to me that she took so much efforts to ensure that pran stay away from pat and yet she didn't think of not even putting them in the same vicinity in the first place? tempting fate much?
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and also the fact that the houses are literally attached together, the parts between pat and pran's rooms not even separated by a proper wall?? like come onnnn who decided upon this? why would sworn enemies buy such attached houses!??
OR were ming and dissaya neighbours from childhood, so they grew up in these houses and that's how they became friends too? and now pat and pran grew up in the same house their parents grew up in? oh dissaya, you should have known that wouldn't have worked.
while on that note if her decision to stay neighbours was intentional then i think it would have been even more diabolical if she egged on pran to be friends with pat only to betray him like ming did to her, but i guess even she has her limits lol (or ofc she might be so traumatized from the betrayal that she can't even imagine putting somebody else through that AND the possibility that somehow pran could still end up getting hurt in the process too might have stopped her) eitherways its interesting to think about the choices that led the story to where it went.
ooh found this excellent and very plausible explanation that ties up this loose end here , all thanks to the brilliant @telomeke-bbs ✨️
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mariolandavid · 2 years
Everyone kept saying how Vietnam was their favourite country. Spoiler alert, it has become our favourite country so far too.
My main gripe with Vietnam is this: it’s too hot and humid. It’s unbelievably sweaty. You’re sweating, all the other tourists you see are sweaty, and even Vietnamese people are sweating. There’s fans haphazardly hanging from roof beams, fans on top of tables, fans strewn all over the sidewalk. There’s plugs and cables and ropes all up and down the street to power the only thing separating us from being feral creatures; the precious fans. Up and down the country, people grab tiny tables and chairs and plop themselves down on the floor (road or pavement), huddled closer to these gods of air. They huddle on those tiny plastic seats, day in, day out. Pho for breakfast, beers and snacks for dinner. We noticed that there’s more folks eating either first thing in the morning or last thing at night, due to what I imagine is the unbearable heat that makes being up and about in the middle of the day almost impossible.
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The first thing we did once we landed in Hanoi and dropped our bags off at our hotel (Media Hotel & Spa - would recommend, great location and comfortable, cool rooms), was get a Banh Mi. These crispy French baguettes with marinated pork, fresh vegetables and a tasty sauce, are everywhere. You can go to the best places or you can go to a random stall in the street and they will all be delicious. We had a lot of banh mi during our 18 days in Vietnam.
We had two full days in Hanoi, and our first port of call was to walk around the Hoàn Kiếm Lake. This is a famous landmark of Hanoi: story goes that a magical golden turtle had lent Emperor Lê Lợi a sword to defeat the Ming army, which had been occupying Vietnam. The emperor then returned the sword to the lake, which even now still has turtles in it (And I saw one!). It’s a pleasant stroll around, made quite amusing by the children and adults who kept stopping David to chat and practice their English every 5 minutes. It was sweet and made us feel quite privileged, so we stopped everytime.
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After a shopping mall break so I wouldn’t murder someone due to feeling extremely sweaty and uncomfortable, we popped our noses around the French district and went to see the Opera. Seeing how the old quarter of Hanoi is a swarm of motorbikes and ramshackle buildings clobbered together selling the best food of your life or knock-off ‘ North Face’ gear, going to the French quarter feels weird. There’s western designer brands all over the place (which barely anyone living here could afford), beautifully embellished hotels, and very expensive cars that could not even fit width-wise in the streets of the old quarter. The opera is crazy though, built to copy the building in Paris. But bizarre.
For lunch, we had Bun Cha which was recommended by one of the adults who had stopped us for a chat to practice her English. Apparently, disclaimer alert, there’s a scam that they ask you to practice their English and then take you to a coffee shop and then make you pay and or rob you. Please don’t follow strangers anywhere, no matter how nice they are.
Anyway, we ate sat down on impossibly low chairs in the middle of an alleyway between two buildings. Fans screwed onto the walls. They only serve one thing here, Bun Cha, so you nod at the man and say if you want 1 or 2, and they appear at your table. It was absolutely delicious and we were positively giggling with how mental and incredible this was already. We were also very sweaty.
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After more walking around and a shower, we went on a food and fresh beer tour we’d booked on AirBnb. Thanh was our guide, a 36 year old who loved Korean and South Asian movies, and who had moved to Hanoi from Saigón a few years ago with his wife and child (“most people don’t call it Ho Chinh Minh city”) . Our first stop in this tour was, bizarrely, a sports centre for retired Vietnamese people where they could play tennis, swim, and exercise for free. And between the hours of 4 and 6pm, served authentic fresh beer to any of those who knew about its existence. It was packed full of older Vietnamese men, carrying jugs from the bar to their wobbly plastic tables, then coming back for an array of snacks that they could munch on as a reward for (I guess?) all that sport they had been doing. We were able to grab a table in the covered outside area when it started to rain so hard that I thought the ceiling would collapse on itself. Water was coming down strongly, and it started to flood - but folks just moved their tables and chairs to a dry spot and continued drinking. Thanh also told us that it wasn’t unusual to see veterans of the Vietnam/American war here, drinking a beer and nibbling on a sesame cracker, but they were few and far in between. The oldest he'd seen? 101. They gave him his beer in his own sippy cup. What a country .
Once the rain abated (after numerous glasses of the fresh beer, which is mostly a Hanoi thing, beer that is unpasteurised, brought about when the french banned Rice Wine and the Vietnamese figured out how to make their own beer), we moved to the next place. We hopped from bar to bar, hearing more about Thanh’s life and about Vietnam and drinking and snacking non stop. The last place, once we got close to 9pm, was the bar where he’d met his now wife. There, apart from beer and spring rolls, we were offered a bottle of plum rice wine, served from a repurposed coke bottle. Kinda tough.
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We stumbled home, strategically stopping at Circle K’s or Highland Coffees on the way to cool down with the AC (this will become a regular occurrence during our time in Vietnam) and purchase some water or just have a sit. After a refreshing shower, it was time for bed.
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We were going to have to get used to this weather… Spoiler alert: I never did.
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strongelliott15 · 3 months
Have A Huge Vacation With Vietnam Tours
The inspection of the attic was humming right along. The Wall of China can be known for a paradise for photographers. The Cullinan diamond decorates the brow of the Imperial State Crown of Great Britain about 100 years. The Cullinan diamond was presented for the reigning British monarch, King Edward VII, in 1907. It's interesting that diamond represents a splinter (about 1/3 part) of larger diamond, however, it haven't found till at the present. View More: topthuathienhueaz.com - Top Thua Thien Hue AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Thua Thien Hue AZ: Võ Tá Thành Minh - Vo Ta Thanh Minh You are then able to travel to Hue by air, railway, tour bus or even rent a car. Top Thừa Thiên Huế AZ 24h Hue is ad units imperial hub. Here ou can look at the tombs among the former emperors, such as the Thien Mu Pagoda, going back to 1602 and walk through its graceful gardens. Vung Tau - The beaches at Vung Tau aren't that great, being near Saigon (80 miles) it attracts many Vietnamese weekenders as well as tourists. Vung Tau is centred on 80 miles from Saigon and can be reached by hydrofoil for about US$10 round trip.
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View More: topthuathienhueaz.com - Top Thua Thien Hue AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Thua Thien Hue AZ: Võ Tá Thành Minh - Vo Ta Thanh Minh For those who have decided to visit Europe in June, July or August, invariably a very powerful question all of them is: "What are the best places in Europe for summer summer vacations?" It's a very good, not really challenging inquiry. The reason of course is that often there a large number of extraordinary likelihood. Europe is rich with history, scenery, art, architecture, and well, just fun. Let us take a quick tour of a few places have got sure to captivate the actual visitor to Europe. Designing this room has gotten many hours to anything exactly approach I wanted it. At a mirror on top of the sink on the candles all over the tub, all of it fits together like a glove. Probably the most exhausting thing decorating venture was seeking the wall layer. I had my heart set on wallpaper but was reluctant since I'd been told that moisture and humidity might lead to the wallpaper to peel.
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The drum tower was built in 1272 during the reign of Kublai Khan, at which era it stood at cardiovascular system of the Yuan dynasty capital Dadu. The Drum Tower used various instruments to keep time for the entire city. You can see the bronze clepsydras (water clocks) and drums they beat to mark the hours back you must. The tower stands at fouthy-six.7 meters tall, with magnificent views of area on a large story. Drum performance is staged every half hour, so please stay and relish the performance. Also check out the Hall of Drums notice some ingenious designs. Tin Top Thua Thien Hue AZ 247 That time is springtime, specifically an interval from the final of March to early April when cherry trees come into full flourish. Wherever you get Hue City in Viet Nam Japan obtained in this time, are not able to avoid seeing cherry blooms. All the flowers are pretty, but cherry flowers are unique. Cherry flowers possess a light pink color will be almost vivid. When they blossom fully, the trees have flowers, but no gives. There are some popular places to see cherry flowers in full bloom. Vung Tau - Beaches at Vung Tau aren't that great, being near Saigon (80 miles) it attracts many Vietnamese weekenders as well as vacationers. Vung Tau is around 80 miles from Saigon and can be reached by hydrofoil for approximately US$10 round trip. The Forbidden City was built regarding Ming Empire. The central part of the Forbidden City is the imperial palace. Starting from the moat in the southern end is the mighty Meridian Gate. Then your landscaped Golden Stream runs in front of the Gate of Highest A good relationship. The next AC will be the Sith Knight. The Sith Warrior is divided into two, Sith Juggernaut or a Sith Marauder. Both have the capability of close range damage, but the first kind is dealer and tanker while the latter is a dealer purely.
China can be a country moving home. Peasant farmers are moving to the cities in vast numbers and developing a huge increase in production and demand of resources. In this push in creating contemporary China Hopefully the ingredients which have made China great in fat loss products . are not forgotten. China is so huge as there are so much to check this out list is nearly impossible to limit to 7, but I'll experiment with. If most likely mesmerised by the royal wedding you should probably visit Buckingham Palace to look after the changing of the guards. The guard change happens day-after-day at 19.30am but it is better to obtain there at 11.15 so its possible to see the guards arriving with mp3s. Tin tức Top Thua Thien Hue AZ You can actually visit Westminster Abbey and check out where all of the action took place. Anh Sang alley's Hue traditional noodle is plus a must there are several bad traveler. Purchasing price is around 15,000 VND per sink. Quite cheap again, is it? Don't forget to try a sumptuous Vietnamese snack called "banh beo" entire 10,000 VND per acting. The place is usually crowded with guests that makes it advisable to acquire everything you want at since. Here in Da Lat they refer to it as "banh beo" number 4 of Milliseconds. Huong because it lies at number 4 at the intersection of la Son Phu Tu and Hai Ba Trung . The place is closed during vegetarian days on 14th, 15th, 30th, 1st of every (Lunar calendar). Da Nang. During the Vietnam War, American soldiers headed to Da Nang for R&R. The beaches were pristine then, they are still clean and dazzling today. Da Nang is home to some within the most stunning beaches on world. As it does see its share of visitors, it largely remains a low profile treasure may know of its most memorable spots are tucked away, waiting to get discovered. Da Nang isn't tourist-friendly in this particular its attractions are spread out and its best are unadvertised. Check out the Cham Museum, Cham Island, Ba Hill Na Station, and the Marble Mountains, and the wondrous My Son Sanctuary, which is called really best spot to visit in Da Nang. This city can be less expensive than neighboring Hoi An and Ho Chi Min City. The spherical altar has 3 superimposed patios with white pebble. At the time of Ming and Qing Dynasties, the emperors would submitted surrender to Heaven when of the cold winter months Solstice each and every year. This ritual was to thank Heaven and trust everything would be excellent Hue City in Viet Nam the future. The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest is a massive palace which has 28 huge posts. The Hall functions base of 3 layers of white marble and possess an altitude of 6 yards. Another significant building in the Temple of Heaven is the Imperial Vault of Tropical. The tomb was utilized to place memorial tablets of Gods. White marble rails enfold the burial container. In ancient China three walls or screens were made that showed nine dragons playing in atmosphere. These walls are comprised of glazed tiles of seven different colours. Another two walls are on the Forbidden City and in Datong City (Shanxi Province). Tin Top Thua Thien Hue AZ News The wall was integrated 1756 especially made of 424 on the glazed tiles. Unlike the other two walls, the Beihai Park wall has nine dragons on each party not one side. Mt Fuji is the most effective mountain in Japan, having a beautifully symmetrical volcanic spool. It goes without saying that majestic Fuji Mountain is a must see Place to go to in Japan. Mt Fuji area is worth visiting too, with Fuji five lakes and Hakone which famous for your hot spgs. The are the perfect reflecting pools for the mountain's attractiveness. To develop a long story short: That we got married in 1997 in Milano, Italy and the program to exist in sunny Goa. One of the first things we did was to modify my bike into a rainbow colored chopper. Finally I arrived at know her name: Berta. In 1999 our son Valentino was born. Although many things have changed in Goa recently, after 15 happy years we still love to live below. Mt Fuji is the greatest mountain in Japan, having a beautifully symmetrical volcanic spool. It goes without saying that majestic Fuji Mountain is worth visiting Place to go to in The japanese. Tin Top Thừa Thiên Huế AZ 24h Mt Fuji area is worth visiting too, from Fuji five lakes and Hakone can be famous as a result of hot comes. The are the perfect reflecting pools for the mountain's amazing. The Vietnam climate permits light travelling particularly each and every necessary clothing can be bought locally and cheaply. As Vietnam stretches some 1000 miles (1,600km) so the temperature and rainfall varies from north to south and from lowland to highland. View More: topthuathienhueaz.com - Top Thua Thien Hue AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Thua Thien Hue AZ: Võ Tá Thành Minh - Vo Ta Thanh Minh Written By Author in topthuathienhueaz.com: Tôn Thất Nhật Bình - Ton That Nhat Binh Written By Author in topthuathienhueaz.com: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh - Nguyen Thi Lan Anh
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shammah8 · 5 months
"…but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
James 1:14-15
One of the touristic highlights of visiting China is to walk on the Great Wall. Six thousand kilometres of wall with ten thousand strategically placed towers stretch across the north of China, reportedly the only man-made object observable from space. Construction of various sections began back in 770 B.C. when rival feudal kingdoms built walls around their territories to keep out invading nomadic tribes from the north. These were eventually joined into one wall. The wall averages eight to ten meters in height and five meters wide.
When you walk on the wall, two history lessons make the visit somewhat sombre. First, the wall was built at great cost. Prisoners of war, convicts, soldiers, civilians and farmers provided the labour. Some estimates say “millions died for this cause”. Their bodies were buried in the very foundations of the wall or used to make up its thickness. You walk on top of a cemetery.
The second lesson is that the wall was reportedly breached by Mongol soldiers disguised as peasants pretending to be gathering firewood and leaving behind pieces of fruit when they left the area. The guards decided to go out and retrieve the tempting fruit. This was repeated over time. Eventually the guards were compromised and overpowered and the Mongol army streamed through that tower thereby breaching the Great Wall. So after all the effort to build such an amazing structure for protection, it was rendered useless through simple deceit.
One of Satan’s favourite tactics against believers is deceit. Here’s an example from China. Brother Chen arrived one spring day in 1996 at a small rural Chinese house church group. Some said he was “sent straight from God.” He said so too. He said he had known Wang Ming Dao and he spoke with a loud booming voice. His large eyes held their attention closely, and his whole body shook with vigour at the points he was making. The believers were just so impressed with the way he talked. He quoted lots of Scripture and wove it into a thrilling story.
After a few months, he began to talk about heaven being a city of gold, and that to enter that city they would have to demonstrate that they had given Jesus their gold in their lifetime. Brother Chen said, “Jesus needs your gold to build your mansion in heaven and the more gold you give him now, the bigger your mansion will be.”
Because they were poor, the idea of having a golden mansion in the afterlife was very tempting. They handed over all they owned: family heirlooms, money, some expensive textiles from a distant ancestor. One in the group even gave his motorcycle.
After all the “gold” had been collected, Brother Chen said he had to go and “open the gate of Heaven for them.” He left, on the donated motorcycle. He took most of their savings and he hasn’t been back.
Be aware today of Satan’s subtle tactics of deceit and intimidation.
Pray for new house church believers in China who are easily deceived by false prophets.
© 2013 Open Doors International. Used by permission.
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belasay · 1 year
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明代, 绘画, 艺术类
此《岁华纪胜图》册由中国明代吴彬绘。画册共十二幅,分写一年中各月份的节庆活动。幅中景物,多着意变形,饶有奇趣。如画人物,外形肖似陶偶;画树则矮圆,且枝干转折灵动。故通体结构虽不尽真实,但分物细看却处处变化,诚属吴彬极精之作。此册现藏于台北故���博物院。吴彬(约活动于 1573-1620)字文中,又字文仲,别字质先,别称文中父、文中子,自号壶谷山樵、遵道生、织履生、一枝栖、枝隐生、枝隐居士、朱湖太生洞天居士、枝隐庵主、枝庵发僧、枝隐头陀、枝隐庵头陀和 “金粟如来” 等,兴化府(今福建省莆田市)黄石人。流寓金陵(今江苏省南京市)。以书画擅名,佛像人物形状奇异,迥别前人。自立门户,白描尤佳,山水布置绝不摹古,极为新奇。画中景物细腻生动,山林造型奇特、设色淡雅,显出纤丽巧态。以时序活动为主题,构景多描绘江南景观。如元夜景中有城墙、门楼、鳌山灯等,与南京城景关系密切;登高景中有山形奇特,学者推测为南京近郊牛首山。另如寺院浴佛、宅院置冰、玩月、阅操、赏月等,皆能与明人生活逸事呼应。画中讲究远景配置,凸显辽阔景致,全册兼具月令岁时与佳景记胜特色。
The age of China Ji Sheng Atlas
From the Ming Dynasty, painting, art
This "Age of China Ji Sheng Map" book by China's Ming Dynasty Wu Bin. The album consists of 12 pictures, which depict the festivals of each month of the year. The scene in the picture, much attention to deformation, interesting. Picturesque figures, shape Xiao like pottery; The tree is short and round, and the branches turn cleverly. Therefore, although the whole body structure is not real, but the matter is changed everywhere, which belongs to Wu Bin very fine. This volume is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Wu Bin (around 1573-1620), also known as Wenzhong, another character is the first character, also known as Wenzhong Father and Wenzhong son, from the title Hugushanqiao, Zundaosheng, Weizhu, Zhiyinsheng, Zhixinshi, Zhuhu Taisheng Dongtian Lay, Zhiyin Nunge, Zhiyin Fa monk, Zhiyin Toutuo, Zhiyin Nunge Toutuo and "Golden Millet Buddha", etc., Xinghuafu (now Putian City, Fujian Province) Huangshi people. He lived in Jinling (now Nanjing, Jiangsu Province). To be good at painting and calligraphy, Buddha figures shape strange, separate predecessors. Independent portal, sketch is better, landscape layout never copy ancient, very novel. In the painting, the scenery is delicate and vivid, the forest is strange in shape, and the color is simple and elegant, showing the delicate and clever state. With time sequence activities as the theme, the construction landscape depicts Jiangnan landscape. For example, there are city walls, gatehouses and Aoshan lanterns in the night scene of Yuan Dynasty, which are closely related to Nanjing City scene. There is a peculiar mountain shape in the climbing view, scholars speculated that the outskirts of Nanjing Niushou Mountain. For example, temple bath Buddha, house ice, playing on the moon, reading exercises, appreciating the moon, etc., all can echo the life story of Ming people. The painting pays attention to the prospect configuration, highlighting the vast landscape, and the whole book has the characteristics of the month and the best scenery.
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terrahillshowflat · 1 year
Memorable Travel Experiences in China
The scene and magnificence of the 2008 Beijing Olympics are presently recollections, yet there is something else entirely to this antiquated country. China is a place that is known for design, noteworthy and normal miracles found no place else.
The Incomparable Mass of China An Unesco World Legacy Site, the Incomparable Mass of China remains as a demonstration of man's backbone. When extending north of 4163 miles, it twists across scenes as different as mountains and fields. Despite the fact that development started as free walls to shield against adversaries, it just turned into the "Incomparable Wall" during the Qin Administration (221 - 206BC) as a large number of these walls were joined. Nonetheless, the majority of the work as we are aware of today happened the Ming Administration (1388 - 1644). Albeit worked to give a protection against their foes, today the Incomparable Wall addresses quite a lot more. The compositional plan; the social and verifiable importance; and above all the way in which it addresses the assurance of the Chinese public make the Incomparable Mass of China a remarkable encounter.
terra hill showflat
Qin Earthenware Champions Situated in the city of Xian, this archeological find isn't just amazing with regards to its expansiveness yet additionally its importance to Chinese history. In 1975, a gallery was laid out on the site to propagate and impart these disclosures to the world. Since its disclosure in 1974, removal and work progresses forward with site as at present north of 7000 earthenware champions, ponies, chariots, and weapons have been found and reestablished. What most recollect is the genuinely extraordinary site of more than 6000 champions and ponies in "Pit #1" lined in fight development. For some, the frightfully life like appearance of these figures give a story to be advised for a long time into the future.
Li Stream Voyage Much has been composed on which man has constructed, yet the Li Waterway journey among Guilin and Yangshuo will blow your mind. For some it helps us to remember the view that we so frequently find in Chinese works of art. Albeit a lot of this 40 mile venture is soaks with changing scenes and picture potential open doors, those that I addressed referenced a few features which are not to be missed. In the first place, as you travel among Guilin and Yangdi, you will see a few slopes and pinnacles, one which is named Elephant Slope for its likeness of an elephant with its trunk in the water. Then, among Yangdi and Xingping, the perspectives are amazing however you should make sure to search for the Painting Slope of Nine Ponies. Legend says that it looks like nine ponies in different stances. Close by, you will find the Upset Picture of the Yellow Material Sandbar. Many have said that the reversed picture of the seven pinnacles look like pixie women. The symbolism of this joined with the completely clear waters and encompass green mountainside just helps us to remember the significance of our general surroundings.
Like the legends in the Aykroyd and Ramus screenplay, the Land Petra bunch is focused on laying out a shielded living environment liberated from unfortunate, vague, and perhaps heartbreaking parts. Land Petra, a characteristic planning firm, has commonsense involvement with methane gas help and remediation, soil gas issues including landfill and Brownfield, and waterproofing and water interference confirmations.
Various Los Angeles tenants are awful of unsteady gases including methane, especially following the September 2010 San Bruno combustible gas impact that killed eight people and destroyed 37 homes. In light of everything, the essential piece of vaporous petroleum is methane. Avery acknowledges that an educated public is the best insurance against fear and idyllic embellishment.
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By understanding the properties and lead of methane gas, following commands and building guidelines, and saving solid areas for a culture Los Angelinos will hinder harming gasses from releasing obliteration and metropolitan improvement can continue safely.
Properties and Direct of Methane Gas
Methane is a dreary, scentless gas that is burnable in mixes of 5 to 15 percent in air. It is unavoidable in the Los Angeles locale on account of the centralization of oilfields. Methane is moreover made in landfills, delivered from plant and animal waste, and found with various hydrocarbons in geologic stores. According to the U.S. Normal Security Association (EPA), Landfills are the greatest wellspring of U.S. methane surges.
In Los Angeles, regardless, methane is in a general sense associated with oil wells-abandoned, making, and recovered. The Land Sciences Division at California State School, Long Sea side keeps a record of 30,000 wells exhausted in Southern California before 1980. Additionally, the 2009 report of the California State Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) alludes to 3,338 conveying and 1,459 loner wells in Los Angeles Region alone. Clearly, oil wells are any place in Los Angeles and occupants need to take fitting safeguards.
Petrol gas, the substance obligated for the San Bruno fire, is a dry, regularly unscented, sensitive gas. Vaporous petroleum spilling from an underground pipeline caused a 1937 school impact in East Texas that killed a normal 300 students and teachers. Following the crushing, the Texas overseeing body directed adding an odorant (thiols or mercaptans) to combustible gas to work with spill recognizable proof. Adding odorants transformed into a general standard practice for freeing shaky risks in the scattering from combustible gas through pipelines. Without such control, metropolitan districts couldn't safely include combustible gas as an energy source. The odorant obscures in specific circumstances and fragrance obscure has been refered to as a possible contributing component in the San Bruno impact.
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thybocheng87 · 10 months
Part two: probably the most haunted places in Bangkok
Bangkok’s most haunted places embody the capital’s primary airport and a few off-the-grid spots that have locals in concern of visiting. From deserted houses harbouring spirits to buildings built on high of graveyards, the city’s paranormal scene is all but bolstered by Thailand’s cultural beliefs in ghosts. Don’t overlook to verify out essentially the most haunted locations in Bangkok part one! Soi Sai Yood Bus Cemetery An previous car graveyard houses a number of buses that had been concerned in big accidents. The wrecked buses are stated to now host many tormented souls of individuals that died in highway accidents. Locals report that cars passing by late at evening see headlights obvious at midnight from the graveyard and ghostly hitchhikers walking round. Others say they have seen ghosts dashing in front of their automobiles after which disappearing into thin air. Taxi drivers have additionally reported being referred to as to the world to choose up a passenger, solely to have the passenger vanish from the taxi seat after coming into. Suvarnabhumi Airport Known as one of many city’s most haunted websites, the airport was constructed on a former burial floor. Many locals imagine that the souls of the dead lurk across the airport regardless of a big exorcism ceremony having been carried out after its construction. Moreover, a member of the bottom crew in the course of the airport’s development was reportedly possessed by the graveyard’s former caretaker named Poo Ming. Baiyoke Sky Hotel As it was as soon as Bangkok’s tallest resort, poor construction practices saw three employees plummet to their deaths when a supporting cable broke. Now, visitors at the lodge typically complain about weird experiences, including objects disappearing, eerie noises and darkish shadows. Ramkamhaeng Soi 32 This supposedly haunted residence has been deserted for over 20 years with locals saying they still hear screams and cries for help from the home’s walls. The story of the home’s haunting considerations the old proprietor going away, whereas a burglar brutally murdered the maid. Needless to say, this home most likely isn’t on Airbnb. Wat Mahabut A memorial to the well-known ghost from the world is situated contained in the temple’s Mae Nak Shrine. Tales say Mae Nak was a lady who died throughout childbirth while her husband was away at struggle. When he returned, locals tried to tell him that he was residing with the ghost of his wife, and had been met with unfortunate circumstances upon disclosing the information to him. Bargain realised that his wife was a ghost and fled to the temple for security. But Mae Nak released her fury on the encircling village, causing injuries, accidents and horrible luck to those living there. Her spirit is said to be lurking around the temple grounds but locals attempt to appease her by leaving choices on the shrine..
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theodorecanaryhood · 2 years
The Outlaws and the Bat
Part 6: New Outlaw fic cause I live for this series!
Jason Todd x Silver Canary/Male reader x Batman
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That’s all that was written across the wall in spray paint, with a green smile underneath.
You knew what this meant, Bruce knew it too as the news reporter spoke about the outbreak in Arkham. That a few big names had escaped.
‘Jason hasn’t seen this, has he?’ You asked your Father in law, who stood in his suit watching the news.
‘I hope not’ was all he said, not daring take his eyes off the screen as he watched the story before him.
You knew that once Jason found out he would have an outburst, his rage that he’d kept at bay for so long would come back out.
‘Go to him, keep him safe’ Bruce said to you as you looked a little flushed. You nodded as you grabbed your jacket from the back of the seat and rushed home.
The apartment felt empty as it fell to a torturing silence, a silence that never broke.
‘Jason?’ You called out quietly in case he was asleep, not hearing a response and wandering over to the bedroom.
Nothing was out of place and the bed was how you left it this morning, seemingly like no one had come home. You panicked as you dialled Bruce’s number.
‘Bruce, Jason isn’t here has he stopped by the manor?’ You asked in a rushed tone, your heart sank when Bruce told you he hadn’t seen him.
‘Oh my God, he’s out there somewhere’ you nearly cried with a wave of panic as you realised Jason must have found out about the outbreak. He must’ve seen the text on the wall.
You drove all around Gotham City trying to find a hint of your Husband, but it was no use. Jason is good at hiding, he was taught by Bruce.
‘Bruce’ you thought out loud, calling him again, even though it was nearly 3am you knew he would still be up.
‘Hello?’ He sounded gravelly on the other end, like he’d been swallowing nails.
‘I can’t find him B, I need help’ you cried down the phone, Bruce didn’t make a sound. He just hummed in response.
‘I’m coming to you now, where are you y/n?’ He asked you, you hit the brakes and turned off your engine.
‘China Town, outside Ming’ You sighed, Jason had to be close by, but you weren’t an expert like the Bat boys.
It didn’t seem long before Bruce was walking to you, one good thing from the outbreak is the Police weren’t fussed about speeding. Not right now.
‘You need to rest y/n, it’s late’ Bruce said as you stood running your hand through your hair.
‘I need to find my Husband first’ you deadpanned, Bruce understood why you couldn’t walk away. You needed to be with him, with Jason.
There was a text near by on a wall with a smile underneath, like the one you saw on the news. You could’ve sworn you heard the maniac’s laughter in your head as you saw it.
‘Fuck, Jason is gonna kill him’ you spoke with shock in your voice, Bruce shooting his face to yours.
‘Jason, he’s gonna find the Joker and kill him’ you grabbed Bruce’s arm as you pulled him to your car.
‘We have to find him first, Jason isn’t dumb enough to do it in the street. He’ll take Joker somewhere secluded’ Bruce said as you began to speed down the road.
Out of all the villains in Gotham City and of all the ones in Arkham, Joker was the worst. Jason had a valid reason to hate him after all, he killed Jason. Tortured and murdered him.
Jason was a villain himself for a little while after his resurrection, but seeing the evil bastard on the street again. It just turned Jason red with rage.
You saw him from your drivers seat walking Joker up a cliff, holding him at gun point. You slammed on the brakes and ran out the car.
‘Jason’ you called as Bruce ran behind you, trying to get to him before he goes over the edge again.
‘Jason, Jason’ the Joker spoke with his humorous voice and evil smile, grabbing Jason’s attention.
‘They’re coming for you, don’t do something you’ll regret’ Joker said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.
‘Shut up’ Jason growled as you and Bruce were running as fast as you could up the steep hill.
‘Go ahead of you think it’ll change anything’ Joker laughed, Jason gripped the gun tight in his hand.
‘No, don’t’ you said as you grabbed Jason’s arm, pulling his attention towards you.
‘Jason, you are better than this’ Bruce said as he watched his son holding the gun to the Joker’s head.
Joker laughing hard as you looked into Jason’s eyes pleadingly, kissing his cheek.
‘Please babe, don’t be like him’ you said, Jason looking back to the Joker.
‘I’ve killed before, what’s one more person?’ Jason answered as he never blinked once while staring at his murderer.
‘It’s not worth it’ you repeated, you pleaded and never let go of Jason’s arm. Knowing somehow he might listen to you.
Joker stood and laughed hard as Jason lowered his gun, Bruce looking at Joker. Jason looking angry, tears in his eyes.
‘Stop it’ Jason whispered softly in pain as he took your hand after dropping his gun to the floor.
Joker still stood and laughed never failing to smile evilly the whole time. You stepped forward, took a breath and let out your canary cry, knocking Joker over and throwing a punch to his face.
You wrapped your arms around your husband before he broke into tears, he grabbed you as the emotions fell out of him. Seeing his former murderer brought back the trauma.
Bruce had Joker in handcuffs while he lay unconscious on the ground, looking at you holding Jason.
Patrol hit different that night as Jason wasn’t by your side, giving him the night to stay in bed and rest. Instead, Batman helped you.
Riddler, Two Face, Penguin…there wasn’t a rogue or a greedy, insane criminal you didn’t take down with your Father in law. The Bat and the Canary were a force that night.
Coming up to 6am you hadn’t slept since the night before the outbreak, exhaustion hadn’t kicked in yet but your vision was getting spotted.
‘Canary’ Batman growled as you let your guard down, not being on your guard. Concentration seemed hard to obtain.
You hit the ground with a dreaded thud as your head hit the concrete, a sudden pound in your head and ringing in your ears.
Batman took the last enemy down before he could deliver another blow, a blow that would’ve done more damage to you.
‘Y/n?’ Batman said concerned as he rushed in his knees to your side, you looked at him through slit eyes as the sunlight coming up hurt. You couldn’t focus on anything except the pain in your head.
You couldn’t remember much from that moment nor could you focus. You weren’t sure if you blacked out or passed out. Sleep seemed like a distant memory.
Bruce picked you up and drove you back to your apartment, placing you in bed next to your deeply sleeping husband, Jason.
‘Y/n, babe’ Jason’s sweet voice woke you up as you saw him playing with your hair, as you became more alert to where you were.
‘How’d I get here?’ You asked confused as you brushed Jason’s cheek.
‘Bruce’ was all he replied with a charming yet sleepy smile.
A greeted kiss as you woke up a bit more, you held onto Jason’s arm and waist as he pulled you into his arms.
‘Stay in my arms’ Jason whispered lovingly to you as he held you tightly, it in a hurry to let go.
‘Stay in my arms’ Jason repeated as he kissed the top of your head and cheek.
‘I thought you said state of my arms’ you chuckled, your head still not quite clear from your hit earlier.
‘Yeah, state of them they’re huge’ Jason joked as his grip on you felt like a warm day full of love and comfort.
‘Meh, seen bigger’ you joked in return as Jason mocked offence and tickled your waist.
‘No you haven’t, never had any bigger than me’
‘Why do I feel like you’re not talking about your arms anymore?’ You laughed as Jason raised his eyebrows at you.
‘Well’ he kissed you deeply, you pulled away with a sweet smile. Sleep still present on your face.
‘Jason, we gonna talk about it?’ You addressed the elephant in the room, Jason loosened his grip on you a little as he looked away to the ceiling.
‘What is there to talk about?’ Jason asked deadpanned and monotone.
‘What happened back there, with Joker’
Jason scratched his neck while you adjusted to sit up a little to look at him.
‘I didn’t want anyone to go through what I did, never will anyone go through that’ Jason started, looking in your eyes, ‘he also threatened you’.
You sighed as you held onto Jason’s face and kissed him deeply.
‘You will never lose me’
Jason smiled but still had sadness in his eyes as he held you tight again, not wanting to get out of bed. You placed a hand on his stomach, feeling his abs against you, you began to kiss his chest.
‘Babe’ he whispered, adoration in his voice, adoration to you.
Your lips were the best thing in the world to him, as he could never go a day without kissing them. Your hands, his favourite thing for you to run over him. Your legs entangled with his.
‘My God, I love you y/n’ Jason said as he rolled you onto your back and lay on top of you, devouring you with kisses.
‘I love you so much’ you replied as you held onto his back.
His sweet and loving kisses never came at a bad time, he never failed to make you feel better or loved.
‘Y/n’ Jason breathed into your skin as he kissed down your neck and chest, his tongue appearing every so often to greet you too.
His head disappeared suddenly under the covers as he crept his way, to greet you a different way.
‘Jason babe, what you doing?’ You panted as Jason popped his face briefly out of the covers.
‘Gonna suck your dick, lay back and enjoy’ Jason smiled as he wrapped his mouth around your length, you enjoying the feel of his lips around you.
Memories flashing through your mind as the pleasure grew stronger for the minutes that passed, memories of Jason’s body on yours. The way he moans, calls your name. The way he leaves trails of bites on you, marking you. The love in his eyes when he looks at you.
‘Oh God, oh’ you breathed out as you felt yourself being free of a build up of pleasure. A build up that came strong.
Jason’s mouth worked you out like he was an expert in arts, expert in how to make you moan for him.
‘Feel better baby?’ Jason asked you as his face came to yours, you smiled brightly as you pulled him in for a kiss.
‘I’m starving’ Jason muffled as he buried his face into your neck, laying flat on top of you.
‘Me too, also you’re suffocating me’ you laughed as Jason lifted his head.
Sitting at the breakfast bar next to your Husband eating, you looked over at him in the comfortable silence, placing a free hand on his thigh. Your hand felt like a warm sunny day shining on him.
His smile that he left for you warmed your heart and sent shivers down your spine, you never thought possible. Each day, you both fell deeper in love with one another.
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nopefun · 3 years
Interview #495: Quince Pan
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q: Give a short introduction of yourself: a: I am Quince Pan, a documentary photographer born in 2000, currently based in Singapore. I am now waiting to enter university to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
q: What is your series "JBM" about? What was the process of making the series? a: “JBM”, my family’s abbreviation of “Jalan Bukit Merah”, is a documentary photo project centred on my maternal grandmother, Lau Giok Niu, her cultural heritage and her HDB flat where I spent my childhood under her care. It is my first exhibited series and also my first serious long-term documentary project.
In 2015, I followed my grandmother to visit her hometown in Fengwei, Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian, China. Bringing my camera along on the trip, I noticed that instead of shooting purely for fun or beauty, I would include certain objects (for example, a calendar on the wall) in my frames because they had historical significance. I submitted those Fengwei photos as my portfolio for the 2016 Noise Art Mentorship (Photography and Moving Images). I got selected, and my mentor, Jean Qingwen Loo, urged me to pursue a project which I could speak authentically about. Through her criticism, I learnt to further prioritise meaning over style. My grandmother and my childhood were topics close to my heart, especially as she cared for me during my childhood and gave me the gift of the 头北 Thâu-pak dialect, a unique variant of Hokkien from the Quangang District. Eventually, “JBM” was born as my mentorship capstone, and was exhibited at the “Between Home and Home” Noise Art Mentorship Showcase at Objectifs in 2017. I haven’t stopped shooting; that’s why it’s an ongoing long-term project!
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“JBM” contains a range of visual styles, ranging from photojournalistic fly-on-the-wall documentations of heated family discussions and visits by distant relatives from China to more tender images of sunlight at the void deck where my late grandfather’s wake was held in 2006. Rituals and festivities are anthropologically significant, so I pay particular attention to Chinese New Year, the Qing Ming Festival and the Winter Solstice, which my family celebrates. I also look at how other photographers document their families: Bob Lee, Nicky Loh, Bernice Wong, Brian Teo and Nancy Borowick.
More broadly, “JBM'' extends beyond photography and is a family history project. Since 2013, I have been researching the Quangang district, 头北 Thâu-pak dialect and my grandmother’s clan. I discovered that other descendants from her clan established an ancestral temple in Singapore, which initially stood on Craig Road but is now housed in a flat in Telok Blangah. I already did some fieldwork, interviews and preliminary documentation, which led to an article I published in April 2021 in Daojia: Revista Eletrônica de Taoismo e Cultura Chinesa. Maybe I will explore this in greater depth in future photo projects!
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q: How did you get into photography? a: When I was around seven years old, I loved to play with my father’s Fujifilm compact. As a young student, I hadn’t heard of terms such as “light painting”, “Dutch angle” and “rule of thirds”, but those were the techniques I subconsciously used in my photographs. 
I entered the Noise Art Mentorship, as previously mentioned. During the school holidays, I worked as a media intern at Logue and as an assistant at Objectifs for the “Passing Time” exhibition and book by Lui Hock Seng. Through these work experiences, I learnt so much from Jean Loo, Yang Huiwen, Ryan Chua, Lim Mingrui and Chris Yap: news angles, editorial writing, scanning and touching up negatives and slides, colour management for print, liaising with clients and issuing invoices, among other skills. As part of the Noise Art Mentorship, I was given a copy of “+50” by the PLATFORM collective, which opened my eyes to diverse approaches within the documentary genre. I started to regularly attend talks at Objectifs and DECK, where I got to know people in the local photography scene, particularly in the documentary tradition.
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q: You also do videography. How do you see it in relation to your photography? a: Videography requires a different way of seeing and thinking compared to photography, because video has additional temporal and auditory dimensions. With photography, I don’t have to think about how long I want a scene to be, what foley and B-roll I want to overlay, or have a storyboard in my head before heading out to shoot. In that sense, photography is more reactive to and receptive of situational contingencies because it requires less pre-planning. 
Also, photography can be a solitary endeavour, but it is quite difficult to make films alone, and the schoolmates I used to make films with have since embarked on separate paths in life. However, photography and videography share the same basics as visual media: composition and sequencing.
Fundamentally, I see myself as a documentarian, and this applies to any medium I work in, be it photography or videography, or even writing. The end goal is to record and share history by telling stories from lesser-known perspectives. Thus, the topics of my video projects are similar to the topics of my photo projects; sometimes I do both side by side! The films I made were all documentary shorts of places which do not exist anymore, such as the Hup Lee coffee shop at 114 Jalan Besar and the old Sembawang Hot Spring before NParks took over the site from MINDEF and redeveloped it. 
Currently, I am working as a videographer for Sing Lit Station’s poetry.sg archive. Thankfully, this job can be done solo!
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q: What or who is inspiring you right now? a: Bob Lee, for being an amazing father and spreading hope and joy to others through his images. Alex and Rebecca Webb, for pairing literature with photography. Tom Brenner, for approaching photojournalism like street photography. Sim Chi Yin, for her international achievements and being both an academic and a practitioner. Brian Teo, for being an eminent contemporary. Last but not least, Kevin WY Lee’s advice, “CPR: Craft, Point, Rigour”, which I try to benchmark my work against.
q: Upcoming projects or ideas? a: Nothing concrete on my mind so far. I am just going to see where life takes me and what topics life makes me want to explore or talk about.
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q: Any music to recommend? a: First and foremost, my fight song: “倔强 Stubborn” by Mayday. A close second, Queen’s 1986 “Under Pressure” live performance at Wembley is a transformative experience. The catchy “他夏了夏天 He Summered Summer” by Sodagreen brings out the grandeur in the mundane. “Silhouette” by KANA-BOON and “Everybody’s Changing” by Keane remind me of the fragility of life and time. I also like The Fray, Kings of Leon, Last Dinosaurs, Stephanie Sun, Tanya Chua, and the Taiwanese indie band DSPS.
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his website.
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
Hi besties - here is part 6! We are officially halfway through this fic! Part 6 sees friendships blossom, situationships struggle, and cheeky intercontinental facetime chats! I hope you all are enjoying it as much as i am! I love hearing from you after you've read it! Love always, Steph xx
Part 6 | parte sesta
warnings; a couple of tugs on the heartstrings (in both the best and worst ways)
word count; 2301
writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter.
next update; Friday 06/08 5pm AEST. Updates are three times/week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)!
Tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven
link to fic masterlist here
Amelia had been back in Turin for a week or so, settling back into her city apartment had been more difficult than she anticipated as she was now alone for the first time in more than 2.5 months. It wasn’t very often, but sometimes she did miss the companionship of having a boyfriend. She missed someone to have breakfast with, to watch movies under the covers, to bring to official events. She still did all of these things, with a date, that was a friend, that sometimes maybe crept beyond the friendship zone and into the we shouldn’t be doing this but it feels so good zone.
Fede was someone that hung around Amelia like a fly to sugar. She enjoyed the attention most of the time. She appreciated his friendship, wisdom, talent and intellect. He could hold a conversation, talk to her about the arts, sell her the dream. She even didn’t mind it when they did cross that line a few times. Long afternoons and even longer nights spent wrapped up together in his bed sheets, her bathtub, his kitchen, her lounge room...you get the point. It was almost as though the two were in a committed relationship - committed being the operable word.
Fede wanted Amelia all to himself, and she was just that - available to him and for him whenever he wished, which was often. That’s what confused Amelia most, he didn’t want to label their situationship. He was happy to be ‘friends’ outside the four walls of their respective homes, but lovers when the curtains were drawn. She would maybe understand if he was elusive, always going out and on his phone but he wasn’t. He spent all of his time with her, there wouldn't have been enough hours left in the day if he separated those he spent with her from those he spent alone.
The Juventus players noticed this behaviour early on, seeing a noticeable difference in the way their number 33 paid attention to their tactical sessions. How he was turning up to the training centre early, with an extra piccolo for the english member of their coaching staff. Federico claimed he was helping Amelia brush up on her Italian, but having an Italian-born mother who insisted on sharing her culture with her kids, meant she was pretty much fluent in the language before arriving in Turin. His teammates weren’t stupid and neither was she.
This was the one area of her life where Amelia felt comfortable to go with the flow, she didn’t need to prepare or overthink anything to do with the charming Italian boy from Firenze. She let him take it at his own pace, she was in no need to rush. She let him take her home to meet his Nonna, she spent quality alone time with his dogs when he’s running late from training, and that’s a rare occasion being that it’s normally her there after him and he hangs back to drive them both home.
Everything was progressing at his pace, and the moment Amelia just asks for some clarification on the situation, he would get visibly stressed. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too. And for a long time he could, he had Amelia's attention and affection at Juve, he even had it during their european campaign. At the end of the tournament, when they all broke up for their summer breaks, Fede conveniently waited until their final round in the shower, if you know what i mean, before pulling her into bed and having a heart to heart with her.
Amelia thought that she was finally getting the clarification that she was after, which in a way she did. Fede spoke whimsical words about how she makes him feel wanted and understood, and in turn he told her about the affects he knew he had on her. It was a conversation that would turn Shakespeare to a pile of rose petals. In the end, he told her that he wanted to continue what they had just how they had been doing it. And so, that's exactly how they left it. No labels. Friends outside of the four walls of their apartments. That was all Amelia needed to be able to enjoy her family holiday in Mykonos, guilt free, not missing the man that became the equivalent of her shadow.
The constant company she had in Mykonos compared to what she was experiencing in Turin made her more eager to return to work than she had previously. Of course, there are group chats and facetimes and phone calls throughout the days that kept her occupied, but she was missing the boys and her brother. Her friendship with Kyle was back to its old ways, memes being shared across the european continent, long phone calls to talk about their problems. Kyle knew all about the Fede x Amelia situation, Amelia having given him the sparknotes version over a wine filled zoom session one evening that same week. Their pre-seasons hadn’t gone back yet so they were able to indulge in a bit of vino, guilt free.
She was surprised about the constant contact, or lack thereof, that some of the boys had maintained with her. Ben Chilwell hadn’t once messaged or instagrammed the girl, despite being active in their group chats and liking her holiday pictures on instagram. He even made the rookie error of liking a picture so far down on her instagram, there was no way to explain his need for being there. She messaged him a couple times, assuming he just got busy with whatever he was doing, but there was radio silence on the other end.
A friendship she was surprised had blossomed so well, considering their flirtatious start to life, was with that of Jack Grealish and Tyrone Mings. There had been more facetimes than she could count between herself and the two villa boys. Whether it was Tyrone telling her about a book he had finished that he thought she would enjoy, or Jack asking her how to cook dinner, maybe even them both cooking dinner together - of course she had to have a later dinner to be able to do so, with the time difference and all...and there was no way Jack was going to be having dinner an hour early “athlete’s schedule an all tha ya’know” he would smirk down the camera, brummie accent on full display.
She met Tyrone through Jack, he facetimed the girl for outfit advice one night before going out with the tall defender and the pair hit it off. Both giving Jack the fashion advice he needed but didn’t want to hear (a Gucci two piece tracksuit set is never the answer). Tyrone immediately noticed a certain attention to detail being applied by his fellow number 10, to the tactics that were being put forward by the girl that was far too good at her job. His training was improving, his set pieces having a certain amount of flare. There was also a lack of attention being paid from Jack to other girls. Instead, much preferring to spend the evening at home watching the same netflix series as Amelia so that he could discuss it with her the next day, or better yet, at the same time.
As pre-season had commenced, Amelia had been applying the same tactics that she developed (and that obviously worked) throughout the European campaign to her Juventus club level. Having faith in the four men that were with her and the Azzurri to ensure that their other teammates were completing them accurately. It appears that her skill was widely recognised, having a few missed calls and voice messages left from English telephone numbers that she was yet to listen to. In all seriousness, she was nervous to listen to them. Worried that they would make her an offer she couldn’t refuse. A wise person once told her that you shouldn’t make any decisions whilst you're at the top of your happy, or the bottom of your sad. You should make important decisions when your life is at its constant. It's very easy to accept things that you wouldn’t normally when you're at the peak of your mood, just as easy as it is to forget the bigger picture when you're down. Who knew Kyle Walker was so wise.
“So, i’ve got a bit of a dilemma” She spoke down to her facetime camera one evening in early August.
“Hit me with it darlin’” Jack spoke back to her, getting his dinner utensils out so that they could cook together again. He didn’t like not being prepared for her tutorial, he got stressed if she added pepper and his pepper was still in his pantry. Each afternoon, when it was agreed upon what they would be cooking together that evening, she sent him a list of what he would need out on his bench to complete the meal.
“I’ve missed a few calls from English teleco numbers this last week or so”
“Ok? Do you think they’re scams? You’re beautiful Amelia but I don't think it's actually an Egyptian prince on the other end that wants to offer you 250k in exchange for your paypal info…”
“Ha ha very funny - that was one time ok and he wasn’t a Prince, he was claiming to be an investment banker and wanted to help me start up my portfolio-ANYWAY JACK I WAS 16! God just forget I even told you that story” Amelia barked down facetime, now pausing what she was doing to point at the British boy with her wooden spoon, the same way her mother would to her when she was being cheeky. All she was met with was boisterous laughter.
“Nah i’m only joking, continue with your story.”
“I began to listen to the start of one and it was a talent acquisition manager for one of the premier league clubs, offering me a job” Amelia said as she continued to stir her pasta. Tonight they were making penne arrabiata. She received no reply from the boy. Looking down to her camera to check the call was still active, she saw him looking at the camera with a serious expression.
“Are you going to tell me what the problem is before I start to get excited that you’re going to be living within driving distance from me? Oh god i’ve just realised - was it from Villa? You could be even closer than I imagined” Jack started to ramble, getting over excited with the prospect of being so close to the girl that he could physically hang out with her, instead of virtually.
“Jack calm down, I didn't listen long enough to find out what club he was from. I have 5 more just like it waiting in my inbox.”
“What's the problem then Mils?” Jack could see the girl had apprehension written all over her face.
“I’m just nervous that they're going to tell me everything I've always wanted to hear. That they’re going to make me an offer I can't refuse and I have to leave my life here.” Their pasta was ready to be dished up now, so the girl poured herself a glass of red wine and got herself comfy on her couch.
“Come on, play the messages and i’ll listen to them with you, be your voice of reason,” Jack offered the girl.
“I should probably call Tyrone, you’re just going to reject every club that isn’t Villa.” she laughed before switching facetime to her laptop, moving to the floor of her lounge room and resting her elbows on her coffee table. With the phone near the screen of her mac, she began to play the messages.
“Hi Amelia, Shaun here from Newcastle United-” “As if you’d waste your talents at Newcastle”
“Jack! That's horrible! At least i know i already look good in the black and white striped kit”
“No, not happening. Next”
“Amelia, Hope you don’t mind but I got your number off of one of my players who knows you. Long story short, we have a position here are Arsenal” “Bloody Bukayo, needs to keep his silky mitts off ya”
“Jack, give it a rest or i’m calling Tyrone”
“Amelia White, Greg here from Aston Villa Football Club” “Get in Greggles!! That's it, stop listening, you’re taking this one”
“I need to listen to them all Jack”
“So, you’ll consider Villa?”
“I’ll consider all of them”
“You’d really go to Arsenal? Aren’t you a Spurs supporter? Shocking stuff”
“Ok maybe not all of them”
“Ciao Amelia, Mario here from Chelsea Football Club - I’ve heard nothing but good things about you. We could really use you here at Chelsea next season. Give me a call when you get a spare moment to discuss the opportunity”
“What? Nothing to say to this one, Jack?”
“Nah, sounds ok. You deserve to showcase your skills at a big club like Chelsea. And besides, you’ll have Jorginho there to look after you. Come on, next one”
“It’s the last one actually”
“Amelia, we’ve got a fantastic opportunity here at Manchester City for someone with your skill set. It would be a massive advantage to have your tactical insight to the game coupled alongside the fantastic leadership we’ve already got at the club”. “Holy shit, Pep called you himself? Kyle Walker really knows how to pull strings when he wants something”
“I am overwhelmed”
“Hey, you don’t need to make any decisions right now. Sleep on it, talk it over with your family. Speak to Jorgi, I know you’re close with him. And just let me know when you decide to pick Villa so i can start house huntin’ for ya”
“Night Jack, speak soon”
“Sleep tight darlin’, speak to ya tomorrow”
Part 7. | settima parte
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engelspolitics · 3 years
History of Chinese Emperors
Chinese emperors existed for 4000 years; 49 dynasties, the longest of which lasted 289 years and the shortest lasted less than a year
About half of all emperors died in office/abdicated by choice; the rest was assassinated, forced to abdicate or commit suicide
Some emperors were very powerful absolute rulers; others basically gilded prisoners
Qin became first emperor of unified China in 221 BC through Total War and killing of his enemies, including brothers and sisters
Tang dynasty (618-907 CE) is widely regarded as the greatest of China's dynasties but their system of succession was so unstable that 12 direct heirs to the throne didn't survive long enough
Murdering happened into the last Quing dynasty (1644-1911)
Even unified China fell apart every now and then
As the Jin dynasty collapsed (266-420 CE) in the fourth and fifth centuries, China fragmented into multiple competing kingdoms.
Only one emperor in Chinese history was monogamous (Hongzhi)
Some emperors were insane
Fu Sheng → "one-eyed tyrant," half-blind; forbade the words like "missing" or "without," killing anyone who said them in his presence. He was deposed and killed in just two years for drunkenness, idiocy, and needless cruelty.
Liu Shan, abdicated in 263, was so incompetent his name is now idiom for idiot
Being related to an emperor was dangerous → long-standing Chinese tradition to execute entire generations of your enemy's family
Uprisings and rebellions were usually led by people eager to cull the imperial herd
Not safe in own home; concubines often murdered emperor or family members
Lives of concubines
As early as the Jin dynasty (266-420 CE) concubines were conscripts, chosen according to the particular criteria of that dynasty or emperor. For over fifteen hundred years, women and girls were kidnapped from or given away by their families
Foot binding was mandatory
Harems were full of jealousy and rivalry, and attacks/murders were common
Concubines belonged to emperor, who could kill him if he wanted
As part of the royal household concubines were often subject to purges as well and could be killed by competing sons or warlords
Well-performing concubines could be buried with the emperor upon his death
Four beauties → most beautiful women of ancient China (one may have been fictional)
Their stories come from four different dynasties and epitomized Chinese ideals of beauty
Xi Shi was sent by a rival king as revenge; so beautiful that fish would forget how to swim and sink below the surface upon seeing her reflection in the water
Bao Si was of surpassing beauty but never smiled apart from when the king repeatedly lighted the signal towers warning the kingdom of invasion. This aggravated his allies and when an invasion did happen he was left to his fate.
Wang Zhaojun sent away on accident
Diaochan so beautiful the moon would shy away when she looked at it
Foreign invaders ended many dynasties.
Qin Shi Huang began construction of the Great Wall to keep out the Xiongnu, who only vanquished after over 200 years of war
It took Genghis and Kublai 60 years to complete invasion and takeover of China
The Yuan dynasty they established lasted over 200 years.
The last Qing Dynasty, ended partially after a century of aggression and meddling by other imperial powers and is now known as the "Century of humiliation."
However also internal powers also brought down dynasties
without even counting events of 20th century, 4of the 10 bloodiest wars in human history were Chinese civil wars.
Most Chinese dynasties dealt with too many rebellions and revolutions to count
Especially uprisings of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 CE) The Han (206 BCE-220 CE) and Qing (1636-1911 CE) dynasties
Song dynasty (960-1279 CE) is known by historians as economically prosperous and culturally dynamic but not politically stable
Six rebellions occurred in the Song's first 80 years, the country split in two by 1127, and was overwhelmed by internal unrest for decades on end before finally succumbing to the Mongols.
China's emperors were beset by religious and ethnic independence movements simmering for centuries before boiling over
The Han put down the Red Eyebrow rebellion, faced the Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion, and was then taken down by the Yellow Turbans.
The White Lotus, a political and religious group started during the Song dynasty, helped weaken the Qing before the anti-foreign, anti-imperialist Boxer rebellion ultimately exposed incompetence and the empire fell forever in 1911.
The Tang dynasty's (618-097 CE) Empress Wu Zetian was the only outright female monarch in Chinese history
Became a royal concubine at 14, finagled her way into the position of first consort, then empress consort, then empress dowager, before ruling openly as emperor.
Accomplished this by murdering her own infant daughter and blaming the emperor's wife who she then had killed too
After China was defeated in the First Sino-Japanese War the emperor pursued the Hundred Days of Reform to modernize the country and reshape the government.
The Empress Dowager Cixi disagreed with this and supported a coup against her own son, reversed the reform policies, and took power, ruling from behind a literal screen) until her death in 1908.
Reformist Emperor Wang Bang, only emperor of the ill-fated Xin dynasty (9-23 CE) was killed by a peasant uprising for his efforts.
China's emperors were anointed to lead as the literal Son of Heaven.
Anyone approaching, or approached by, the emperor had to kowtow → prostrate on their knees with their forehead touching the ground.
Emperor had fleet of custom-carriages and personal roads no one else could use
Emperor had own unique first-person pronoun.
The colour yellow had been associated with nobility since the Han but the Ming and Qing made it illegal for anyone else to wear.
Forbidden City consisted of 98 separate buildings, thousands of staff, and was a city functioning on its own
The Mandate of Heaven bestowed on all China's emperors was not a birthright but was earned and could be revoked → if emperors let country fall into poverty and chaos or lose face they were removed by force, frequently by their own generals.
Song dynasty was started by a military coup, then neglected the military and focussed on art but after centuries of fragile peace the empire fell to the Mongols.
There were massive coups involving millions of people and going on for years, like the one led by general An Lushan against the Tang dynasty which lasted eight years and cost up to 36 million lives.
A failed coup against Qin Shi Huang solidified his position as King of Qin, allowing him strength to become the first emperor of a unified China.
Gift-giving (guanxi, meaning relationships/connections) has been widespread in Chinese politics and business
Illicit income in the Ming and Qing dynasties was calculated by University of Missouri to be 14 to 20 times as much as official income.
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Amalgam: Shi-Yi [Mandarin X Kevin 11]
Shi-Yi(十益; “Benefits of Ten”), or Wang Shen Yin(”Wall of the Dark Deities”), is Chinese criminal lord who is also descendant of Osmosian (subspecies of human those can absorb energy, mass, power, or DNA). Shen believes he is the first of direct descendants who meant to restore the Mongol empire & bring it beyond. Not only his Osmosian power that makes him a great threat, but also the set of magical rings known as ‘Decanitrix’.
Shen Yin was born in the northern region of China, near the Mongolia border, where he started as a son of an unknown Osmosian father & opium den ‘service lady’ mother. Shen Yin suffered from being called & treated as an orphan & son of a ‘dirty’ woman. The bitterness pushed him so hard that he swore to himself that he would take revenge on his neglecting father.
When he was 13, when he stole some money from the market to take him & his mother away from the cruelty of the village, he was caught by one of wenders, and was chased by lots of older boys who were armed with sticks. Shen Yin was cornered & scared of being beaten again, but his genetic power awakened just before a stick could hit him. He automatically drained the electricity from nearby dumbed stereo, and shocked them with the electric force shot from his palms. Shen Yin not only scared most of them away, but killed one of them, and one of the fleeing young men may have witnessed it.
When he arrived home, he found his mother being poisoned by the den owner, for he heard that Shen Yin was the child of a ‘demon’. Shen Yin escaped from the village as soon as he realized he would not likely be spared, as he took the train of the nearest city to Beijing.
7 years later, Shen Yin, under the different alias as ‘Kevin’ started his new life in Taiwan, as the librarian & being one of the librarians of the local archaeology college. He had read the paper written by the professor there, which was about Genghis Khan’s story in his birth town, a story about the magical rings.
The folklore was about Genghis Khan’s raiding over the village that once was the great city governed by the Taoist immortal. The duel between the general & the demigod swordmaster lasted for days, as Genghis Khan was severely injured, but the demigod was killed. The so-called immortal had ten rings with him, which it meant to be given to the living direct descendant of his firstborn.
Shen Yin remembered his mother telling him about her father being called by the famous Tibetan Monk to be the children of the second Emperor of Ming Dynasty. He decided to go back to the village, after stealing all the clues that guided him to the place where the rings had been hidden, which is under the den where his mother was murdered.
Returning to his birth town, Shen Yin kept his profile low, and called himself ‘Kevin Yang’. He found that the den he once lived with his mother had turned into a museum, as the den’s owner was still alive & being the governor of the village. Shen Yin decided to go to his mother’s former bedroom first, to greet her soul & pay respect for her after several years.
Shen Yin, reached the room, found the clue to the tomb of the ‘immortal of ten rings’, which was hidden from him all along. It was a letter about his father’s death sent from the United States, where he was caught for being a dark market trader & executed there. In addition, the letter told his mother to tell him about the rings hidden under the old plum tree when he had come of age.
As soon as he knew the place, Shen Yin immediately went to the garden of the den owner. He found the old man who killed his mother praying to Buddha & Bodhisattvas. He slowly sneaked to him, as he didn’t believe the deities had, and wouldn't, be on his side anyway, but someone more worthy of their attention. Shen Yin drained the fire from the tea boiling stove, before burning the old man alive in front of the statues. He walked to the plum tea behind the statue of Guan Yin, as he threw the statue away & found the wooden box with the symbol of ten rings on it.
Opening it, he found ten rings with symbols of a mysterious beast on each of them. As soon as he wore them, he could feel the power of beasts beyond the earth themselves. Outworldly abilities were granted to him by the rings of the immortal. Shen Yin left the den, letting it burn to ruin & ashes.
The villagers & police encircled the burning den, preparing to put down the man who burned the governor’s museum. Just to be attacked by the immortal himself, or the child of the Khan’s firstborn. Shen Yin was no more, as he made it look like Shen Yin had been deceased, and became crime master; Shi-Yi instead.
His nemesis is the American Millionaire who plays global peacekeeper, Ten-tanium Man(Anthony Tennyson), who worked for P.L.U.M.B.E.R.(Plantery League of Underground Military Barriacasion, and Economy Restoration), along with his relative; Lucky Cat(Gwendalia Tennyson). He was defeated that he studied deeper to find who created the rings, and turned out Ten-tanium’s Shifting Armor & the Ten Rings are made by the older pair of nemesis; Esmuthri (Eitri + Asmuth) & Vilegorr the Beasts Grinder(Gorr the Gods Butcher + Vilgax).
Power of The Ten Rings of Decanitrix
Enchanter (Remaker + Upgrade): Granted the bearer ability to alter the physical & molecular components temporarily by touching it. This doesn’t apply on living beings, or objects with a great amount of chi/life force.
Photonic (Influence + XLR8): Shooting beam that crashes & damages anything on its way. Lighter, and much faster than average bullets, means more momentum.
Wind of Hell (Spin + Stinkfly): Generate discs of acidic gases that may knock off people, or even kill them if inhaling too much of it.
Destructor (Spectral + Four Arms); Create the pure destructive force in four directions of choice, which is like adding entropy into whatever they touch. For example, liquify ice, or break walls into crumbles.
Ghostly Monster (Nightbringer + Benwolf): Summoning minions made of darkness(both lack of light & evil itself), which are strong, but sensitive to light & pure-hearted people.
Brightest Mind (Daimonic + Grey Matter): Increasing IQ, Senses Sharpness, and Fast Learning for temporary. In addition, making the bearer;s eyes able to shoot photonic beams.
Pyromaniac (Incandescence + Heatblast): Generate fire that doesn’t require oxygen to burn, but still able to be extinguished with a fire extinguisher, beside water.
Puppeteer (The Liar + Ghostfreak): Making a target who has a weak mind become his puppet mentally, which could not be more than 10 average people per time, and efficiency is decreased by more people under control.
Sky-Beast (Lightning + Wildmutt): Summoning an electricity-made hound from the sky, which last for a minute, but being quick & having great damage.
Winter Mirror (Zero + Diamondhead):Generating crystal clear ice in the shape the bearer desired, which also has mirror-like components.
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