#the way hawkeye puts it in his mouth for him tho.....
variousqueerthings · 2 years
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don’t you love it when two guys suck on things in the shower together
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banashee · 4 years
We can be whatever we want
The dim light of the rising sun floats through the cracks of the shutters early in the morning and Steve blinks against it. Waking up slowly is still a new sensation to him - as is waking up next to another person. It’s not uncomfortable, and he really could get used to this. He listens to the calm, even heartbeat coming from the smaller body next to him. Natasha has her back turned, cuddled up under the blankets and she’s slowly waking up.
Then, Steve nearly jumps out of his skin. There is a very sudden and ice cold touch on his bare skin, and it takes him a second to realize that Natasha is very much responsible for it. She put her freezing feet right on his lower back and hums happily as she wiggles closer, half asleep but clearly aware of what she’s doing. 
Steve still curses out loud and then half heartedly complains,
“Urgh, your feet are cold.”
 It gets met with a low chuckle from Nat. 
“Yup, and you’re warm.” She’s completely unconcerned and even shoves her feet further up the back of his shirt in an attempt to get more warmth. He’s expected it by now, and despite himself, smiles lopsidedly. 
“So you want to try and freeze me again?”
“No, then I’d have to find another human hot water bottle to keep me company. Too much effort.”
Natasha isn’t even trying to hide the smile creeping into her voice and then she turns around to wrap her arms around his middle and pushes her icy toes in between his legs instead - but he’s prepared this time. Steve happily pulls her closer, one arm firmly wrapped around her and messing up the back of her bright red hair, something she usually wouldn’t let anyone get away with. 
They start the day lazy and comfortable, rolling around in bed. Then they hit the sparring mats together. 
Neither of them shows the other any mercy, and about an hour later, they’re drenched in sweat and sporting brand new bruises. They share a shower where they get to more intimate and even more entertaining things than that and Steve can’t help but notice that apparently to them, beating the crap out of each other in the gym seems to count as foreplay these days. He also finds that he doesn’t mind that at all and doesn’t question what that says about either of them.  
It’s much easier to just live in the moment and enjoy this - whatever it is - as long as it’ll last.
Steve has made himself comfortable in his own little corner down in the main lab. 
He’s got a whole art studio upstairs in his apartment, because Tony is both over the top in anything and everything he does and very generous to the people around him. The room is large, full of light and equipped with giant windows and just about anything an artist could ever need. Just thinking about how expensive all of it must have been makes Steve's head spin, but he loves the studio and uses it frequently. The only thing it lacks is company though, so he’s often hanging out down in the lab, because both Tony and Bruce spend a lot of time there and the others come by frequently. 
Today, Steve is working on a large painting of a nightly scenery, the New York Skyline in blues, purples and small yellow lights. It’s beautiful, and he loves that he can get lost in all the little details. 
But it doesn't help that he keeps thinking about Natasha and whatever it is they have. They never put a label on it, and while there is a lot of trust and they’re comfortable around each other, he can’t help but think that it’s probably casual unless they agree to specify it otherwise. Which is a problem - he’s not sure how to bring this up to her. Just in case she doesn’t want something committed, which is entirely possible, with the lives they have. Romantic relationships don’t necessarily work out in a case like this, and it’s just easier to seek out the warmth and intimacy of another person at night just to be able to hold onto something without hoping for or expecting anything else from it. 
Then again, romantic relationships are never guaranteed to work out. Steve feels out of his depth in this.
Blindly, he reaches for his coffee mug to drink a few sips. He makes a face at the aftertaste and loads up his brush with more paint while he’s listening with half an ear as Tony pokes Clint with his screwdriver, because he’s sitting with his ass on Tony’s desk while he’s fletching arrows. They bricker and complain like an old married couple. Clint pokes Tony in the armpit with the back of the arrow he's currently holding and the inventor complains endlessly as he throws a balled up, stained paper towel at his head in response. Because they're mature adults like that. 
The two of them are a oddly perfect combination, and Steve (amongst other people) spent the longest time wondering if they would end up throwing hands or proposing marriage to each other by the end of the day - it is a pretty even tie most of the time.
There are backup protocols in place just in case they team up and go rogue together. That fact alone should be terrifying because Tony and Clint left to their own devices mean chaos and fiery destruction on a good day and it still baffles everyone how these two managed to actually start a healthy and loving relationship with each other. It’s hard to believe some days, especially when another screwdriver gets chucked through the air as they bricker on.
Steve doesn’t react to it, taking another sip of coffee - it makes him cringe again. 
"Coffee tastes odd today." he muses, concentrating on another small and detailed part of his painting. It takes his mind off of things. Things like his growing not-so-casual-anymore feelings for Natasha which is really not something he wants to think about right now, hence why he's hanging out down here. 
"Excuse you, my coffee is fucking great." Hawkeye grouches good naturedly from his spot on the desk, putting a feather on the shaft of his arrow in place without looking up. 
Steve just shrugs, keeps drinking. It just gets worse and worse as time goes on and he says as much. 
Tony turns, one eyebrow raised at him and then he bursts out laughing. 
"Steve you giant baffoon, stop drinking the paint water." 
"Wait, what?! “ he looks down into his mug. The coffee now looks suspiciously purple while the mug with the water and his paint brushes looks much, much cleaner. He sighs heavily. 
"You have a purple mustache." Clint supplies helpfully and Steve runs a hand down his face. 
"Great, that's just what I wanted to wear today." 
"Impeccable taste as always." 
Steve furiously wipes at his face with the corner of his shirt. But there is no pretense left at this point, anyway. 
“Seriously tho, what’s up with you today? You’re not usually that much of a dork.”
“Thanks very much.” He quips back and then stops for a moment. After a beat of silence, he actually starts talking about the issue on his mind - Clint listens as he starts carving wood for another arrow, and nods along to what Steve is telling him. He’s Natashas best friend after all, so it’s not like he wouldn’t know. Everyone knows, if he’s honest. But he still keeps rambling on.
“Go talk to her. It’ll be fine.” is what Clint finally answers and yeah, if only it was that easy, Steve thinks. Or says out loud, because his mouth keeps lamenting without his permission, which is great. 
“Talk to her.” Is all that Clint says, and he repeats himself three or four more times, interrupting Steve’s increasingly flustered rambling every single time.  After that, Tony chimes in.
“Hey Steve, I have an idea.”
Tony looks up with a flat look. “Go talk to her.”
“Why am I even talking to you?”
“We’re charming and sparkling company.”
“Nah, that can’t be it.”
“Seriously, go talk to her. This is between her and you, we can’t solve shit.”
Steve is annoyed because they’re right. But then, Tony looks down on whatever the hell he’s working on and says,
“Oh. Oops.”
That sends Clint scrambling off of the table, because “Oh. Oops.” is the very last thing you want to hear Tony Stark say in the labs. Ever.
Clint is grabbing Tony to pull him with him as he puts as much distance as possible between them and the table and Steve launches forward to put himself in between his friends and the small-ish explosion that occurs seconds later. 
The three of them remain mostly unharmed, a bit of scorched hair and damaged pride to be pulled by the scruff like a naughty kitten aside. 
“For fuck’s sake.”
Once again, Steve sighs heavily. He does that a lot around here. 
“Talk to her.”
He glares, because once again, he’s annoyed that they’re right about this. 
“Stop thinking so hard.” Natasha complains at night. She’s wrapped around him, comfortable and content, running one hand over his shoulder. If Steve had been under the impression it’s gone unnoticed, well, he’s dead wrong about that.
He’s about to say something stupid like “I’m not” or “I have no idea what you’re talking about” but this is Natasha, and she always notices. So the words that are actually coming out of his mouth are
“What are we?” he stops for a second before he continues. “I’m sorry, it’s just, we never really discussed any specifics and, well…” Steve can feel his face heating up. Way to go, Rogers.
Natasha hums in response, pushing herself away from him a little bit. Not much, just enough so they can look each other in the eye. She also keeps her hand on his arm when she answers, rubbing small circles with her thumb.
“We can be whatever we want. If you’d prefer to keep this casual, that’s okay with me. But if you’d like this to be more… Because I’d like that.” 
She’s open with him, not hiding, not a single mask or distraction in place. Her green eyes are no longer sleepy, but they’re sparkling and beautiful and Steve could get lost in them. Her answer takes him by surprise, and so does her small smile at his facial expression that obviously gives him away. But he smiles back, and simply replies,
“Yes, I would like that very much.” Then, he asks, “Is it okay when I kiss you?” because while they’ve done much more than that before, it feels like this would still make it very much different.
Instead of answering, Natasha crosses the distance herself. 
They hold onto each other, almost melting into each other. They stop kissing to catch some breath, and Steve gently tucks a lose strand of hair behind Natashas ear, keeping his hand there to slowly stroke her red curls. Both of them are probably smiling a sappy smile that no one else can see and when they finally fall asleep that night, they do so with a silent happiness about them.
In the morning, Steve wakes up to icy feet on his back once again. This time tho, he thinks he might as well get used to that, too, although it doesn’t stop him from complaining. It doesn’t stop Natasha from laughing and snuggling closer, either, so it's all good.
Prompt No. 58 – "Urgh. Your feet are cold" – "Yup, and you're warm."
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hackedmotionsensors · 5 years
Here we go Endgame lets talk about it! 
So I’ll say this!!! Over all!!! I liked it a lot. For a lot of reasons.
I also HAAAATTTEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDD a lot of some of the choices. That’s okay. We can have mixed feelings about movies especially the end of a saga. I think they did a good job of getting nods where they needed nods, bringing in storylines from previous movies and conversations that needed to happen.
And they fucking whiffed it on at least THREE REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS!!!
So lets start with what I liked.
1) STEVE TONY EVENT. DO YOU HEAR ME IT WAS A STEVE TONY EVENT  aaaah oh my god. From the second Tony lands back on the planet and Steve RUNS to him before even Pepper and he’s holding him and just the look of agony as Pepper takes him away and the fight where Tony says ALL THE SHIT WE HAD BEEN SAYING!!!! WHERE WERE YOU! YOU LIAR!!! and he RIPS HIS HEART OFF OF HIS CHEST AND GIVES IT TO STEVE BECAUSE YOU FUCKING BROKE HIS HEART YOU FUCKING FUCKED UP STEVE!!!!! FUCKK!!!! And then reconciling because “Resentment is corrosive” UGHHH!!! And Steve just barely containing himself when Tony shows up ughh!! UGHHH!!!!!!! AND THE ASS JOKE!!! THERE’S NO HETEROSEXUAL EXPLANATION ABOUT THAT!!!! TONY SAW STEVES ASS AND WAS LIKE TAN FRANCED IT LIKE BITCH YOU NEED AN FRENCH TUCK OF MY DING DONG IN YOUR BUTT!!! and Steve over the intercom being like “omg tony not in front of the kids” AND A STEVETONY SOLO MISSION!!!!!! 
TONY CALLING STEVE MY MAN  WOW. WOW. FUCKING EXCELLENT ON ALL ACCOUNTS THANKS SO MUCH!! I was given some bread thank you I will eat this stevetony bread nom nom nom nom nom.
2) Tony’s arc in this story was really beautiful. He finally got what he wanted, some perspective and closure with Howard. And I know initially you want to go “Hey Howard was really abusive” and yeah he was. But its complicated. Because Tony even says in Homecoming he was trying to break the cycle of abuse and he DID with Peter and Morgan. You can see just HOW MUCH he cares for his daughter and he was willing to say fuck you to the UNIVERSE in favor of not losing her. Its always a different perspective when you see your parents as people and not as YOUR PARENTS. 
Also Tony lying on the table with Natasha UuU. A lot of the interactions with Tony and the other characters were so good. Tony and Rocket. Tony and Nebula. Tony and Carol (tho brief). Tony arguing with Pierce like his little gay senses were like “This guys a nazi I bet”
3) I genuinely liked the Time Heist. I DID  NOT LIKE THE RULES OF TIME TRAVEL IN THIS MOVIE BUT I’LL GET TO THAT. But I looooved the Time Heist. From the New York stuff with Steve fighting Steve and knowing his dumbass loses his shit when he hears things like “Bucky’s still alive” and being done with his own stupid shit “I can do this all day” “YEAH I KNOW” (which btw at this point was basically the last thing he said to Tony in Civil War so maybe that doesn’t have its plucky little fire anymore and now is a sore spot). I loved Loki running away with the Space Stone (even tho as of now I’m still not sure what the FUCK THAT MEANS!? more on that in a sec) Loki making fun of Cap. Loki rolling his eyes at Odin. Tony dressed in a shield outfit screaming Medic!!! The gang all on the elevator and Hulk screaming about it and LOKI WAVING HIS HAND AT THE HULK AS THE DOORS SHUT!! TONY SITTING ON THE BRIEFCASE! SCOTT GOING “how the FUCK did you not know they were Hydra LOOK AT THEM They’re a COP!” Then jumping forward to the 70s and Steve’s legs that went all the way up to his asshole and Tony dressed as a doctor
I drew a doodle of it here you go lol I’ll post it properly later
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oh did this not happen? Idk what movie you were watching.
4) The big battle at the end was SO FUCKING COMIC BOOK I WAS LOSING IT. Also I keep calling it the Battle of Five Armies or Return of the King lol T’challa BATHED IN A HALO OF LIGHT LIKE YES WE STAN A KING. MY WIFE
VALKYRIE!!! ON HER BEAUTIFUL WHITE HORSE!!!! (also not being given an actual name and called Valkyrie is the funniest goddamn thing. Like that’s like going into a Footlocker and talking to the manager but calling them Manager)
WANDA FINALLY FUCKING FLYING. LIKE. F L Y I N G. THAT is what the Scarlet Witch is SUPPOSED TO DO!! SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE SO POWERFUL IT TOOK EVERYONE TO TAKE HER DOWN CMON!!!!!! And she almost got him too. Honestly if it were down to Carol and Wanda they probably could have ended Thanos alone. 
Korg coming back for more comic relief AND PUTTING HIM IN TAIKA’S PINEAPPLE ONESIE!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING.
5) This is controversial. And I know it won’t age well. And that’s okay and feel free to disagree with me entirely. 
But I liked Fat Thor lmfao. I know it was played as a joke for the wrong reasons but I laughed. I was like fuck yes his belly looks like mine and that’s not why it was funny and it SHOULDN’T BE but I laughed lol. But on the other hand I think it had partially to do with Hemsworth constantly being like “no no we don’t need a shirtless scene” or just sort of a gag at how Marvel always has a shirtless scene and its just kind of funny to have it not be someone cut. EVEN THOUGH its a fat suit and I can’t take off my fat suit but Hemmy can and that’s kinda shitty. 
but I laughed. I can’t help it. He was a whole ass mess and I thought it was funny. And I know there are Thor fans out there who wanted more for him but like I said before this was a SteveTony event. This movie and this win worked because it was Steve and Tony finally coming together again.
It felt honestly the most comic book Avengers of the entire series. 
And true to comic book events
it whiffed the landing.
Before I get into dislikes I’ll say that I liked this movie more than I disliked it. I cried H A R D at the end of the movie. Because its not a movie that’s an on its own kind of movie. You had to have gone through the journey to get here. The pay off is completely lost if you only watch this movie. Or you only watch one or two of the MCU. Or if you’re like a few people I’ve talked to where they only like Steve and Tony. Or they only like Thor and Loki. Or they only like the Guardians and hate the avengers. If you have hate in your heart for any of these characters the payoff of this movie is pretty much lost.
The theme of this movie is clearly about moving on when things come to an end. When things stop or end or we lose people we love you have to move on. Steve says that at the beginning of the movie to our apparent gay representative straight director Joe Russo.
But like Tony said before.
Steve’s a fucking liar lmfao
But lets not start there. Lets start with the fucking timeline.
I hate.
I enjoyed what we SAW of the Time travel but the rules itself DIDN’T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.
So when they’re suiting up Hawkeye for the test run Bruce explicitly says that all these movies that say “if you go into the past and fuck up the past you fuck up the timeline and the present/future is fucked because you’ve changed things”
ARE WRONG. HE SAYS THEY ARE WRONG. He says “If you go into the past. The past becomes your present. But the present then becomes your future. So you can’t go back and un fuck your parents to make you. Or kill baby Thanos. because that happened and you can’t change that but you can change youre present”
If you go into the past yes YOU are in your present but the world is still being written around you STILL so you go into the past and change something (loki making off with the space stone) that’s CHANGED. You’ve created a new reality.
THE ANCIENT ONE EVEN SAYS “you create a new reality. And it fucks shit up”
So now Loki has the time Stone in reality B, in reality A Steve goes back and puts the stones back where they belong (and I guess.....gives the soul stone to Red Skull????????? wouldn’t you try to get Natasha back????like that itself is a whole movie of Steve going back and putting things away but ??????) 
And then we get to the end of the movie where Steve says Fuck you to Peggy’s reality A family and now on this timeline where they’ve time traveled he lived an entire life WITH Peggy but like.......you were Captain America and you just said “No don’t worry about JFK being assassinated. Or the Civil Rights movement. Or stopping Bucky in any capacity. Or maybe saving MLK. Or Peggy continuing to join SHIELD. Or stopping ACTUAL NAZIS from infiltrating SHIELD.
Because if you go with this idea that Steve went back and “lived a life” What did he DO then. What did he FUCKING. DO?
You’re not Steve from 1940s going back to 1940s. You’re Steve form 2019 going back to 1940s. No wifi. No medicine. No cell phones? Gays are still being persecuted. You can’t drink from the same fountain as black people (or rather they can’t drink from your white fountain). 
You are.
and you just said nah fuck it its fine? This shit can all happen but I don’t super care because I get to dance with Peggy. Peggy who on her own had this whole life. Who did all this stuff IN YOUR NAME IN YOUR HONOR. Who married someone else. Who had a FAMILY. Who had a NIECE that you made out with. And just..... wha....
Like if he had gone back and danced with her but came back with Natasha in exchange for the soul stone but during his travels had aged. Or met someone else.
Like movie wise and story wise I get wrapping up Steve’s story. And maybe the person Peggy is talking about in the video of her in TWS is actually Steve from 2019. Maybe that’s it. But it still doesn’t make sense because they FUCKED UP THE RULES OF TIME TRAVEL SO WHO THE FUCK KNOWS.
So. lol I wasn’t a huge fan of Steve at the end of the movie. I know they needed to do something to end the movie with a finality. With Steve being DONE. But instead of finality or closure I just have so many goddamn questions. And I don’t hold it against Evans or even really the directors per say. But I’ll blame Markus and McFeely because they were writing since TWS. They HAD the Cap STORYLINE to write about and that was how they ended it.
its like when you pack for a very important trip and you plan out all your outfits but then wake up late and end up throwing whatever you can find into your suitcase and run out the door.
It felt final and not final.
But I’ll tell you this. From my perspective and obviously I’m going to skew it this way because its me and FEEL FREE to disagree with me.
He left because Tony and Natasha were dead. The two people that he felt the closest to (sorry Sam, Bucky and Sharon [who we didn’t even see as dusted wow]) were gone. Natasha and Steve had become a brother and sister. He would always come back for her clearly. Trying to cheer her up as she’s crying. Natasha understanding Steve’s feeling of being lost. Tony inspiring and fighting with Steve. Like that’s part of what I liked about this is taht you could really feel how Steve and Tony needed each other for this to work but also they needed to not hate each other. 
Also I kinda knew the second Scott said “That’s a one way trip!!” before the 70s bit that Steve was going to stay in the past lol What an asshole.
Also I don’t think it was very UN-Captain America because I think people don’t always realize that a lot of the inspo for the MCU came ALSO from Ultimates. And if Ults Cap was able to go back to the past he would have in a heartbeat. Who was a more depressed Cap? Ults or MCU? I just don’t know.
This was another one I kind of saw coming from a mile away as soon as it was just the two of them on Vormir. I was kind of hoping they’d Hawkeye a way out of the deal by like throwing his daughters picture or something like that. Or that it would be Hawkeye. But they both had an upcoming movie/series so I didn’t know which way it went.
And then there was that big jump. And I was like oh my god they did it right
Wow. Wowwwwwwwwww
Markus and McFeely 
The first time you get because Thanos is a dick and abusive and he would absolutely throw his favorite daughter into the soul pit (which I guess Isn’t picky because she didn’t love him back she hated him but I guess its a one way street with the ol’ soul stone)
And they don’t say during that one (far as I remember) that its a permanent exchange. 
But they sure emphasized this time. And they sure killed the original avenger who was the only girl on the team. Who never got a chance to live.
Who Whedon made herself call heself a monster because she can’t have a family and then she gets a found family and then SHE DIES. THEY KILL HER. AFTER HAVING A FAMILY.
WHAT THE FUCK. Like...my problems with Scarjo aside (which are similar with my problems with Paltrow) You DID. BLACK. WIDOW. FUCKING. DIRTY. I don’t care that there’s a movie coming out that was her story. You were supposed to give her a fucking story. And now her story is only how she relates to her TEAM OF MEN.
And now to my last point that I didn’t like. And I don’t hate this one as much as Steve’s ending or Natasha’s ending.
I don’t like that Tony died. I know this is wrapped up in a lot of emotions I have about Tony Stark the character. Robert Downey Jr the person. Tony Stark the character in all his forms is very important to me and I love that he has many forms. 616, Ults, AvAc, Avengers Assemble, the MCU. But his story is important to me. And its heartbreaking. I’m tearing up a bit now writing this out. 
I’m just the type of person that hates that a character, in a fantasy setting where you have wizards, valkyries, robots, talking raccoons and trees, Dave Bautista, a giant green rage monster wearing chinos, that you have to take this one part and make it realistic. That we have to keep realism kill this character off because it doesn’t make sense if someone doesn’t die. Because the stakes aren’t high if you don’t make them personal as well.
Which is true like you don’t have high stakes (the planet or universe getting dusted) if you don’t are about some of the people in that universe personally.
I just would have rather he had retired. Moved onto his little farm with Pepper and Morgan.
I think they did right by Tony. Storywise, ending...all the stuff the dropped the fucking ball on with Natasha and Steve they gave to Tony. And on one hand I get it and I appreciate that because (sorry to nat and steve fans truly) I care more about Tony. Tony started this whole thing. In a miracle of accidents they got the right actor, the right story, the right character, the right director, the right timing technology wise, the right social mood and made solid gold. And none of this would have happened if it weren’t for that amazing accident that happened.
And I think it has more to do with not wanting to let go or move on even though i can always go back to Iron Man 1 at any point and start the journey over again and have a laugh but there’s always going to be that ending where its final. Its done. Its over. And in the simplest of terms. I don’t like it. You have to know when to bow out and I respect and appreciate that. I don’t wanna see Iron Man 8 with geriatric old RDJ trying to fumble into a mocap suit.
I understand. I appreciate. But I don’t have to like it as a person. And that’s okay.
Its all about moving on isn’t it? That’s the theme of the movie. Moving on.
Even if you’re steve and your moving on wipes out the existance of a whole other family lmfaaoidnsfasfada sorry sorry. 
Okay. yeah that’s all I think I can think of. I’m sure there’s a ton more other people have mentioned aside from what I wrote. Like its a LONG movie and I think its hard to say hey “they fucked this up” or “they got this right” for EVERY SINGLE THING. There were so many characters. Nebula’s story could have been better. Thor’s story could have been more involved. Hawkeye could have been more important throughout the series. Janet could have come back for the final fight and healed Tony. Like there’s a ton of “this COULD have happened” But it didn’t. And that’s okay. It may not be right but its okay. I think they wrapped it up as best you could while still making a good movie. I think you probably can go back after a long while and look at the Endgame and go yeah that wasn’t so bad for an ending. Endings are hard to do with any sort of skill. Its why the joke that the third movie always sucks. 
There’s still a ton of stuff to look forward to.
Falcon/Winter Soldier, Loki, Hawkeye, Wanda and Vision (i GUESS??? lol), Black Widow’s movie. 
Maybe Steve solved more than he let on who knows. WHO KNOWS. Maybe Mjolnir left him haflway through the journey when she knew he was going to ditch his 2019 family (who again....mostly dead now)
I love Tony 3000. Which I found out is more than a ton which makes Morgan Stark a lot smarter than I am lmfao
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Fist of Fire.2.18.
Joseph looked out into the courtyard of the school he taught at. He observed with a soft smile from his wheelchair and behind an open window that overlooked the courtyard from a the second story.It had wonderfully colorful lights strung up along streamers and the students were all dressed in such beautiful suits and dresses. He saw Ricardo seemingly try and put the moves on a girl, Joseph thought it might be Emily from the way she held herself, and it looked like it was working. Or atleast she was letting him think that. He chuckled to himself. She’s that kinda person. He did eventually move away from the window, rolling back into the room proper. It seems the school had moved him into a room on the second floor after his injuries had occurred. Because that made so much sense to do.
He was originally called here to be a chaperone, but when he arrived he noticed a great number of teachers and decided that they had more than enough. He sneaked away from the crowds, no small feat when you’re in a wheelchair, and absconded to his classroom. And after taking a leisurely elevator ride, and making sure the halls were empty, he now sits alone in his room. A moment of rest and respite from being around so many people all the time, atleast doing that in a new environment, is what he needed. Yet..
“Alright,” he spoke aloud, “lets get down to business.” A tall man stepped out of a shadowy classroom corner. He wore a simple sports jacket and dress pants. On one of his hands was a single gold band. Under his jacket he wore an omega symbol. He smiled when he saw Joseph.”Reverse, Its been a while. Don’t you atleast want to catch up.” Joseph looked the man over, but did not return the smile. “Akande, there is very little time to really do that. Did you get anything from Hawkeye Girl?”
Akande’s smile slowly fell and he sighed. “And don’t call me Reverse. He’s done.” 
“Yeah yeah. Anyways, she contacted me while I was in Ohio a few days ago. I looked into it.” Akande walked over to the window where Joseph was previously looking out over. “There is definitely something down there. And I looked into the other things you told me about. I wish I could have done it sooner, but being the number 1 means you have to be on call all the time.”
Joseph rolled his eyes.”Just tell me what you found.”
Akande remained silent as he looked over the dance in the courtyard. “Rev- Joseph.  His son was found still alive. I saw him enter the bar multiple times. I used my xray to look through the ground and there was a huge cavern that had been dug out. And a large heat signature. A monster is being made. Emesh is 100% dead, by your hand. However not all of him was there. From what i’ve gathered during my..interrogations.. Is that he left a part of him behind before he left for the stadium. As a contingency. To  be used in case he did not come back. And it looks like that contingency is about to be put into action. All thats missing is one thing that the son is raving about right now.”
Joseph turned to face Akande, his mind already guessing what it could be. “And what would that be?”
Akande pointed out the window and Joseph followed it, then swallowed as his fear was confirmed.
“The girl who set him on fire.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jade didn’t know. But, if she didn’t Riley would tease her forever. “Im sure.” Riley threw Jade into spin and the crowd went roaring. The dance competition was heating up as Jade and Riley were facing off against the unlikely pair of Ricardo and Emily, who had surprised everyone with a remarkable chemistry. Their swing dance was no match however for Riley’s fluid motion that had been learned for many years. That and a lesson in ballroom dancing, which had been a surprise to Jade. Eventually the crowd was broken up by the teachers and everyone went back to what they were doing with their own little cliuques in the dance. Which left Riley and Jade exhausted and out of breath. And by themselves.
Riley leans over to Jade. “Do you wanna..leave?” Her voice was interrupted by an intake of breath,still trying to recover after that dance. Jade could only nod, completely forgetting that she came here with someone. Her mind was fairly cloudy, and for a myriad of reasons: Having fun, which she was rather foreign too for a while. Being with Riley always did this. And also the shock of the stadium never did really leave her psyche. Riley and Jade moved throughout the crowd to the exit of the courtyard, hand in hand with eachother.
A small pattering of “oohs” and “I didn’t know that they were..” was enough to warrant a stern look from Jade. Those that didn’t immediately turn away from her awful gaze were treated to a sudden heating of their forehead until they looked away. Even at night, the moon was a more than perfect mirror for sunlight. Which Jade had been getting very good at recently, seemingly coming from nowhere. It seemed that all it took to bring them out was a stable mind and doing it once already. Of course, she was no pro at it yet, but it was getting there sooner rather than later. 
A small amount of time later, and a shifting of hallways and small giggling between the couple they eventually found themselves in the school’s other courtyard. The courtyard had a beautiful fish pond with a magnolia tree drooping over it, offering a wonderful shade that overtook a bench. Riley and Jade found themselves getting closer and closer to eachother as they walked, eventually leaning in on eachother. So when they sat down on the bench they almost fell over, which caused a fit of giggling. Eventually, Jade’s mind returned to her and she remembered her mission for tonight. And now was a perfect time to do this. She took a deep breath, and looked up. Past the hanging tree canopy a blanket of black carried itself across the sky. Jade wished she could see the stars.
“Riley,” Jade’s voice eventually cut through the sounds of insects and stillness of night, “I have to ask you something.” Jade turned to face Riley and saw that she had taken off her suit jacket, revealing her white undershirt. She was frantically fanning herself off, unbuttoning the top of her shirt the cool herself off. She turned to Jade,”Yeah?” Every time Jade tries to speak to Riley, she ends up doing something that just completely fries her head. “I..uh..I wanted to ask if we..”
“We what?”  I am suffering. She takes a deep breath before letting everything out in one breath. “canyoubemygirlfriendpleaseIlikeyoualot.” Riley looked at her with a puzzled look, before a smile creeping up her face. Riley let out laugh, hand on her head as Jade just kinda sat there. After a while of laughing tho, which was leaving Jade feeling awful inside, Riley stopped. As she whipped a tear from her eye, she spoke,”Thats it? Duh of course! I thought you already thought of me that way.”
Jade playfully slapped Riley’s arms.”Meanie! I open up to you and you laugh!”
“Granted, I thought it was kinda funny.”
Jade turned away from Riley,crossing her arms. “Jaaaade. Jaaaaaade” Riley said in a sing-songy voice, putting her hands on Jade’s shoulders.”Jaaade look at me.”
“Hmm, not sure. What do you have to offer me to show you’ve changed from your evil ways?”
“Turn around and find out.” Jade turned, rather slowly, and faced Riley. Her face was just inches away from her own. “I love you.” Then Riley leaned forward and kissed Jade.
It was the happiest moment in the world for Jade. That is, until the gun shot.
A loud bang sounded, followed shortly by the noises of screaming. Ringing in her ears, Jade fell off the bench, Riley falling shortly after. A feeling of shock was traveling up and down her body as she looked down and saw her white and red dress becoming more red than white. Riley was laying across from her, holding a pellet of bronze in her hands and looking at Jade with wide white eyes. She saw Riley stand up, looking around. She then saw someone sneak behind Riley. Jade tried to call out, but could not. She opened her mouth and nothing came out. The figure behind Riley swung once and she hit the floor. And before Jade’s vision blacked out, she saw bright golden hair become illuminated by the light of the moon.
“You and I are going to take a trip.”
Omegaman was on the scene, and running through the hallways of the outer courtyard. Eventually he arrived at the scene where he saw Riley lying on the floor, a bullet lying next to her. A pool of blood next to her. Omegaman knelt down and check Riley’s body.
Not a second later after he did that, Joseph threw himself from the ceiling he used as monkey bars to sit next to Omegaman. “What happened!? Where is..”
Joseph saw the body of Riley, and the pool of blood. “WHATS GOING ON?!” Omegaman stood, holding Riley. “She is alive, just unconscious. Someone hit her head, knocking her out. Must have been quick. As for the blood..” He held out his hand. A single bullet, dented at the end.
“Jade is not here. And someone shot her to take her. So we can assume she is still alive.”
Joseph sat there, still as a predator before attacking. “Where. Is.She. WHO DID THIS?!”
“We both know the answer to that.”
In the Mojave desert there was a bar on the side of the road, which was always busy. No one drank in it however. Underneath the bar rests a large cave, with dozens of people working on a giant vat of radiating energy. Underneath a viscous liquid of silver and gold rests a creature of pure evil with the mind of a maniac. 
And in a room not too far from this monster in a cell made just for her, rests a girl undergoing surgery. Doctors, at gunpoint, were ironically stitching up a gun wound.Her dress had been torn and replaced with an orange jumpsuit. Her stitches were put in as carefully as possible, but was thrown haphazardly into a rock dirt cell. 
Jade Laurens was a prisoner of her worst enemy. And even in her unconscious mind knew the end was coming.
One way or another.
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ohmytheon · 7 years
Yo please write that Riza catcall fic cause I really want to read about Ed (and Al! Cause you know even tho he doesn't get angry a lot, that would totally set him off) beating up some misogynistic asshole.
Your wish is my command. I also got permission from @tea-withjamandbread to use their headcanon. I wrote it while at the doctor’s office and about lost my mind when I thought I’d lost the file upon connecting to the internet, but lo and behold, I found it. Not my best work, but something sweet. Hawkeye protects those boys, but you know how protective they would be of her as well.
For once, there were no bad guys to hunt down or leads on the Philosopher’s Stone to chase or…anything really. Ed couldn’t remember the last time he was so bored, but there was absolutely nothing to do. Even when he’d slunk to Eastern HQ, bugging Mustang hadn’t even been that fun. He had been enjoying the downtime too much to let anything Ed said or did get to him.
All the smug bastard had done was wave a hand at the window behind him and say, “It’s a beautiful day outside, Fullmetal. You should enjoy it.” Well, Ed didn’t want to enjoy the day if it was the closest thing to an order that Mustang had managed to give him today.
Instead, he sulked with his hands in his pockets, his shoulders hunched, and his head hanging low as he and Alphonse walked around East City. Al had thought this would be a good time to load up on their supplies, which didn’t amount to much since they only had to account for Ed, but it was the only thing either one of them could think to do.
Besides, at least Al was enjoying the day, despite the fact that he couldn’t feel the warmth of the sun or take in the smells of the food stands in the market. He liked the craft stands, even if they were stuff that Ed could make half asleep with his alchemy. Ed wasn’t going to deprive Al of any happiness that he could find these days, but it didn’t mean that he was going to be happy about it. Then again, he was happiest when he was in a fight using alchemy or hunting a promising lead for the Philosopher’s Stone, so a peaceful day like this did very little for him.
What would really be nice was if he could find someone that was causing trouble, but no, apparently everyone had it in their minds to be good and cheerful today.
“Oh, look, Brother, there’s Lieutenant Hawkeye!” Al pointed out.
Sure enough, when Ed looked up, he spotted the Lieutenant through the stands also walking in the market. He quickly swiveled his head around to find the dreaded Colonel, seeing as how the man usually showed up wherever Hawkeye was, but it appeared as if the man wasn’t in sight. On second glance, Ed noticed that she wasn’t in her military uniform; instead she was wearing a modest skirt and blouse. Which meant she was off duty. And Mustang wouldn’t be around.
“She’s grocery shopping,” Al added.
Hawkeye had a basket filled with fruits and vegetables slung over one arm while she held the end of a leash in her other hand. That must’ve been her puppy, Black Hayate. Her hair was down instead of in its customary clip that she always wore, which made him realize that it had been years since he’d seen her with her hair down, not since she’d been growing it out and it was too short to put up. There was even a slight smile on her face as she spoke with one of the food vendors.
Ed squinted. She looked so…normal. So un-Hawkeye-like. Was she even carrying a gun? He couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t seen her carrying, just in case. If he hadn’t known her, he would’ve thought she was just any other civilian, a woman shopping for her family maybe. But he’d seen what she was like on the field and it was kind of terrifying. Seeing her doing something as simple as grocery shopping was disconcerting.
“We shouldn’t bother her on her day off,” Ed grumbled, fully prepared to walk the other way to avoid her. Not that he had anything against her or anything – no, he liked Hawkeye, just not her boss – but he didn’t want to look like some kid that was just whittling the day away doing nothing.
And then he heard it – the whistling.
At first, Ed ignored the sound. He didn’t care about who was whistling or what they were whistling for. It was probably just to get the attention of a dog or kid. The noise blended into the background with the rest of the crowd. But then he heard it again and it really was annoying. He looked around again until he spotted a group of guys leaning against a wall. They were older than him, probably around Hawkeye’s age if he had to guess. When he followed their gaze, he was startled to find that the focus of their attention was actually Hawkeye herself.
Were those guys…were they whistling at her?
Hawkeye either didn’t notice them or didn’t care. There was no way she hadn’t heard the whistles. She kept her back to them as she paid for her things and then began to walk out of the market. Ed stayed in his spot, watching her step onto the sidewalk, until he noticed the change in the guys’ attitudes. They nudged one another almost playfully and began to follow her.
Oh, hell no.
“Brother?” Al queried when Ed started to stomp in that direction. He heard his little brother let out a metallic sigh and then follow him as he pushed his way through the crowd.
When he rounded the corner, he couldn’t believe his eyes. There was Hawkeye, walking with her groceries and puppy, seemingly oblivious to the jeers from the men behind her. It was like she didn’t even notice them. But how could she not? They were impossible to ignore. Every word they called at her grated on his nerves and somehow they managed to get worse. Ed’s mouth dropped when he heard one of them call her… Did that asshole just call her “sugar tits”? Ed saw red.
“Oy, you!” Ed shouted. “Leave her alone!”
The guys stopped and rounded on him, all of them wearing the same shit-eating grins that Ed was fully prepared to wipe right off. A few of them nudged each other again and began to laugh. Hawkeye finally stopped as well, turning around to face the scene and wearing a surprised look on her face, like the whole thing was news to her.
“Aw, look at this kid!” one guy chuckled.
“Did we upset you, little boy?” another asked, very obviously not caring if they did.
The first guy waved a hand to Hawkeye. “Oh, is this your mommy? She’s some pretty hot stuff.”
Ed scowled and pointed a finger at them. “That’s Lieutenant to you idiots.”
At this realization, the guys howled with more laughter, like it was some sort of joke. Ed didn’t think it was funny at all. He was fairly certain that Hawkeye could blow the kneecaps off of all these guys if she was so inclined, but she still wore an expression that was half surprised and half passive.
“I like a woman in uniform!” a third guy chimed in. “They’re so fiesty.”
That was it. He couldn’t take it anymore. Ed swelled up with unspent rage. These fools picked the wrong day to catcall a woman because he was looking for a reason to fight. “You’ve got two options: apologize for your behavior and leave or I kick your asses.”
“Oh ho! Looks like we’ve got a vigilante on our hands.”
“I’m so afraid! What are you going to do? Cry? Stomp on our feet?”
A wicked grin slid onto Ed’s face, the kind of grin that made Al sigh again and edge away warily. He knew very well what happened whenever Ed got that look about him. It was a look that promised danger and should’ve had all the guys on alert, if they hadn’t been too busy being jackoffs.  Well that was fine by him. The less they thought of him, the more fun it would be when he trounced them. Besides, he had to get back at them for calling him short. There was no hope left for them. Even Hawkeye wore an air of pity.
Clapping his hands together, he pressed one hand against his automail arm and used his alchemy to turn the top of it into a large, sharp blade. The laughter immediately died as they gawked at the new development.
“Option number two then,” Ed said in a darkly pleased tone. “Good. I was bored.”
By the time he was finished with them, all five guys were running away screaming. One was openly crying. Ed chased after them half-heartedly, knowing that he couldn’t do any real damage to them. After all, they weren’t alchemists, only civilians who thought they were entitled to treat a lady with disrespect. That was just something he could not abide, especially if the lady in question was Lieutenant Hawkeye. When he trotted back to Hawkeye and Al, he smiled happily and waved.
“Sorry about that, Lieutenant,” Ed sighed. “They won’t bother you anymore.”
Hawkeye smiled at him, looking amused, but she inclined  her head. “Thank you, Edward, but you really didn’t have to do that.”
“But did you hear what they were saying to you?” Al exclaimed, positively aghast. “They were incredibly rude!”
“There’s no way we could tolerate anyone talking to you like that,” Ed added.
No guy should talk to a lady like that, but especially not Hawkeye. One because she could do some serious damage to them and two because he and Al would do some serious damage. He thought for a moment. Three because Mustang probably would’ve blown a gasket if he had been around to hear any of what had been said to her. That man was oddly protective and maybe even a little possessive of his adjutant.
“Do you have any other errands to run, Lieutenant?” Al asked.
“Just the bank and then home.”
Ed nodded his head. “We’ll go with you, just to make sure those guys don’t come back around.”
“I don’t want to interrupt your day off,” Hawkeye told them. At her feet, Black Hayate yipped cheerfully, as if he was excited about the prospect of more people to pet him.
“It’s okay,” Ed said dismissively. “We weren’t doing anything anyways. Right, Al?”
“Nothing we can’t do later,” Al agreed. “We’d just rather make sure that you’re safe.”
Hawkeye smiled at them, perhaps a little indulgent, but then nodded her head. A pleased feeling worked its way through Ed’s chest. He’d about lost his mind when he’d heard those guys catcalling and whistling at Hawkeye. So rude! The nerve of some guys really pissed him off. He knew that Hawkeye could take care of herself, but sometimes it was nice for a person to know that they had someone backing them up. She had defended him before, after all. It only made sense to return the favor.
Besides, no one called Hawkeye “sugar tits” and got away with it.
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captnbarnesrogers · 7 years
Goodbye My Almost Lover
Pairing/Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Reader, Ultron, The Avengers
Warnings: angst, character death (yall already know who tho), AoU Spoilers (idk maybe)
Summary: Reader is very close with the Maximoff Twins after spending so long locked up together. When the Maximoff’s leave to fight with Ultron, Y/N is to survive on her own without them for the first time. She eventually finds them again only to change their lives quicker than Pietro could run. Word Count: 2615 A/N: I CHANGED THE AOU PLOT A LITTLE BIT DONT HATE ME PLS <3<3<3
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6 months ago.
“Pietro?” You asked quietly through the thin wall separating all three of you, you situating in the middle. Your hand rested against the wall, trying to find the warmth of his hand,
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Do you think we’ll get out of here? All three of us?”
“I do not want to promise that we will but they promised us they will help us.” His voice was weak and almost like a whisper,
“Thank you, Pietro.”
“What for?”
“Being hopeful.” He gave out a small chuckle and you knew you couldn’t see it but you knew he dragged his smile down to stare at the floor,
“If that’s what it takes to make you smile, printcesa, I will do it.”
“Do you love me?” You blurted out. You hadn’t meant to do it, it came out, blubbering like you couldn’t stop it,
“I love you both very much,” He swallowed the lump in his throat, “you are just as much of me as she is.” He smiled at the thought of you, it’d been so long since he saw your face and he missed being able to hold your hand. It wasn’t a secret that he in fact loved you more than what he claimed but he kept himself shut for your safety, so that they couldn’t use you against himself and his sister, “I miss you, Y/N.”
“I know, Piet, I know.” You fell asleep that day next to the cold wall. You dreamt about being free from the torture with your two best friends, no more training, no more punishments, living freely the way you all wanted. Pietro’s arm slung around you, the sun shining brightly against your skin, your smiles and laughs just as bright and just as loud-looking. Your fantasies were shaken awake by the loud screams of Pietro and Wanda and with the noise, you shot your eyes open and saw the twins trying to get to you. You crawled to the glass that closed off your small cage-like room and started banging on it, trying to get to them. Your eyes turned blue and you stood back, your open hands hovered against the glass and as your hands closed, the glass began to crack.
Time flashed before their eyes and the glass had completely broken through. It felt like time had slowed down the minute you walked out of your ‘room’, your sense heightened and you destroyed everything and everyone that was in your way until you go to them. Your eyes faded back to your normal self with a blink, you stared at the pair before you and smiled. Before you knew it you were electrocuted right in front of them, blacking out before their eyes with a scream.
Present Day.
You stretched out of your deep sleep, wiping away the drool that escaped your mouth. You blinked your eyes open, still hoping that they had returned with the only people you considered family. You banged on the wall beside you calling Wanda’s name but nothing came of it but tears that fell from your eyes. Your door was flung open by a woman in a black cat suit. Her belt with weapons, side by side. She looked down at you and inhaled deeply.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” She asked and you nodded, your hands in defence mode, “I’m Agent Romanoff, I’m here to get you-” One of the men that you’d seen around this facility came behind her and locked her head in his arm. She lifted her weight on him, her legs flinging over his head and onto his shoulders, finally slamming him down on the ground, “out of here.” She held out her hand for you to rest yours in, you hesitated and she chuckled, “Look, kid, for this escape plan, you kinda have to trust me.” The redhead saw the distrust and fear in your eyes and stepped closer, “I’m not these guys, I won’t hurt you, let’s go.” You took a hold of her hand and you both ran faster than the wind could keep up, almost defying gravity. She shot her gun to the men coming your way, every shot a perfect shot.
You were met out side with the most odd group. A man in a red suit, a large green giant, a guy with a bow and arrow, another with a hammer and… Captain America. Captain America gave you a small smile and a nod before a jet came down and you all made your way into it, except for the green dude who ran off before the jet came down. They all sat down and introduced themselves.
“So uh, I’m Captain-” he cleared his throat, “I’m Steve Rogers.”
“You are Captain America, yes?” He felt a bit high and mighty but fell off his mighty horse when Natasha gave him a look which told him that right now was not the time,
“He is and I am Thor of Asgard.” The blonde interrupted, slamming his hammer into his hand, Natasha took over and introduced everyone else,
“Of course you already know me,” you nodded, “This is Clint, also known as Hawkeye, the big green dude? That was Bruce Banner but his green form is known as The Hulk-”
“And I,” the man’s red suit folded by itself, “I’m Tony Stark, the oh so amazing Iron-”
“You are Tony Stark?” You asked, anger bubbling up inside of you,
“The one and only.” You stood up and shook your head,
“You did this to them.”
“You hurt Pietro and Wanda! You killed their family!” Natasha held you back with a tight grip,
“Y/N, kid, I need you to let it go.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, calming yourself, “Good.”
“Look, Y/N, that wasn’t my plan, I didn’t order that to happen, I promise you.” He held his hands up in defeat, “We escaped you from there because we know that only you can stop them from destroying Sokovia.”
“Who?” You asked, swallowing the lump in your throat,
“The Maximoff Twins.” As soon as those words came out of his mouth, you slumped down into your seat, head in your hands,
“No, no, they would not do that, W-Wanda and Pietro… They- they are good people! They would not do this.”
“Well, sweetheart, it looks like they would.”
“Someone is making them do it, they would not do this on their own!” You whispered, looking up from the ground, “I know them, they are not bad.”
“We need to get to New York fast.” The Captain disrupts, “They have Dr. Cho.”
You all arrived in New York, the team looking calm but you knew on the inside that everything was a mess. Whoever this guy was, it had their friend and it had yours too. You were going to do everything you could to get them back. You landed on a tower, they referred to it as the ‘Stark Tower’. Natasha held out her hand once again and led you out of the jet. She led you to an office and Steve handed her a suit through the door.
“A-are you going to get changed? Do you want me to go?” You asked curiously, gesturing to the door. She shook her head and laughed,
“No, this is for you.” You looked at her with wide eyes and pointed at yourself, she nodded, “Get this on, we have to save your friends and our friend too.”
“How am I going to do that?”
“The way you know how to; your powers.” You stared at her in disbelief and walked to the door,
“They- What you have done and what I am going to do… I-I am going to get punished, do you not see that?” She walked over to you and tried to gently hold your hand but you pulled away harshly, “No, I cannot do this.”
“Y/N… Punish you? That’s not- We’re going to keep you safe, we’re not going to let anyone hurt you.”
“You are not going to hurt me?” Natasha’s heart broke at your words, as if being punished for using your powers were now some type of nature to you. She gently slipped her hand into yours and led you back to sit down on the soft chair,
“Here,” She handed you the black cat suit, “I’ll leave you to get changed.” You stopped her before she could leave,
“You could stay, I do not like being alone.” She nodded and you got changed into the suit. She zipped you up and she began fixing your hair. She finished it off with a smile, holding your face in her hands. You had never felt this type of affection, only from your mother who had died when you were five. Your memories of her so vivid when Natasha held you like that, “You will be a great mother one day.” She smiled at you,
“I would love that.” She sighs, “But my job doesn’t give that kind of benefit.” You didn’t know what to say and so you pulled her in to hug her, she chuckled, “You know, I should be doing this to you.” You pulled away and smiled as you both walked out of the office. To say you looked ready for the battle was an understatement, you were going to win. You were going to win your friends back.
The people, who you now knew as The Avengers, warned you that Wanda and Pietro had a lot of time spent with someone named Ultron. They were now stronger than they ever were, which didn’t The Avengers and especially not you. Neither of the Twins would ever dare to hurt you, well, not on purpose.
“Are you ready for this, Y/N?” Steve asked, standing on the edge of the jet beside you,
“They won’t hurt me.”
“They won’t but Ultron will.” You gave him a look that said you understood and he nodded. Before you knew it you were jumping out of jet, your eyes turning blue and activating your powers. You flew down into the war zone expecting nothing more than what it was but it was so much more. You shrieked and Steve looked at you, “Hey, you can go back up but you have to make that decision now or you stay here and fight… You can’t let them know you’re scared, Y/N.” You nodded and put on a tough face, he gave you a smile that said he was already proud.
You ran around and started killing the robots that Ultron had sent out. Tearing them inside out, outside in. You crushed their non-existent mechanics and found yourself in the centre of the town. The rubble surrounding a once beautiful town that you had visited with your family all the time. A town where you met your two best friends. You ran through the rubble and suddenly felt something push you with mass force. You landed on the ground, the wind pushed out of you. You coughed, trying to find the air you were supposed to be breathing.
“It’s the other one.” The voice was robotic, still, emotionless but evil, “The useless one.”
“I’m Ultron.” He says, “You shouldn’t have come after them, Y/N, they don’t need you, they have a better life now… A better life with me.”
“No, they love me-”
“Do they?” He laughed with disbelief, “They left you, Y/N! They never came back for you!”
“You took them!” Your eyes glazed back to blue and your hands closing against his chest. The robot began to groan, seemingly in pain, “You took them, my best friend and the man I love.” He scoffed at you still groaning in pain. He harshly pulled himself away from you and flew off into the distance. You stood up from where he left you and dusted off the dirt off of you. You suddenly felt a breeze beside you.
“Printcesa!?” He says, shocked,
“Piet...” You jumped on him and kissed his cheek as he held you tightly into him,”Piet, I-I need you to listen to me, Ultron is not a good person-”
“We figured it out, Y/N.”
“Where?… Where is Wanda?” He shook his head,
“I can’t find her, please help me.” You nodded and you both ran off together; he speeding off and you flew. Eventually you both found her attacking the robots that Ultron set out. She screamed in relief when she saw you, she had never hugged you tighter than this and the fact that she could now do it freely made her heart flutter.
“We must help them kill Ultron.” You said, they nodded, Pietro tightly holding your hand,
“He tricked us, Y/N, this is our fault.”
“It’s no one’s fault, Wanda,” You gave her a hopeful smile, “now put your game face on, we’ve got some ass to kick.” She laughed and all three of you, once again united, ran off to fight for what was right.
You found yourself behind Steve, Wanda a few feet away from you, Pietro beside her and the rest of the team scattered about. Once you’d cleared out that part of town, you all made your way to the central part of it all, finding the man name Vision there too. He tells Steve that Ultron had now gotten away and was going to destroy the city. Wanda agreed to stay where Ultron kept his device, Pietro telling her that he would not leave without her. She gave him a small smile and assured him that she would still be here when he got back. You gave his hand a light squeeze before once again, going back to do your jobs.
“Is this going to be our lives, Y/N?” He asked as you fought against Ultron’s soldiers, you panted with an answer,
“I hope not,” you gave out a small giggle, subconsciously destroying the inside of the next robot that came toward you, “I was hoping we could get a place together and if they’ll have us, fight together.” He grunted and punched the robot,
“That sounds… Great. I will take you upon that offer.” You nodded and smiled, “Let’s go.”
Before you could even move, bullets shot from the sky and Pietro tried to grab you away from the danger but his attempts failed, just making it out alive with a few scratches. The dust from the ground clouded around you and as it faded, he couldn’t help but let his heart and knees drop.
“Y/N!” He crawled to you and sobbed, “Printcesa!”
“P-Piet, it- it hurts.” You coughed out, clutching onto the wounds near your abdomen, Clint watched over you and ran shouting for Steve,
“Shhh… Shhh, just stay quiet, Printcesa, help is- is coming.”
“I- I’m not gonna make it-”
“Do not say that, you- you said we were going to get a place together and fight together,” he sobbed, “this is me fighting for you, for us!”
“I-I’m sorry, Piet, look at your face, the bullets hit you.” A tear escaped your eye, “You’re hurt.”
“You are too selfless, Printcesa, still thinking about me when you are fighting for your life.”
“It’s because I love you, Piet.” You gave him a struggling smile, your bloody hand moving to hold his face. You felt happy that the last vision you would ever see was that of the man who kept you strong as much as he could, “Look after Wanda, okay?”
“Y/N, Printcesa, you are coming home with me! Y/N!” You trembled as you lifted yourself to press your lips against his. You took a big breath before closing your eyes, smiling as the last thing you felt was his soft lips against yours.
PERMANENT TAGLIST (OPEN): @acklesdowneyandhiddles-ohmy @stevette60 @douleu-passion @marvelous-fvcks @megandrawsspace @zombiewerewolfqueen @marvel-fanfiction @potterhead1265 @zoejohnson8
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