#they’re a classical/techno troll!!
etchy-a-sketchy · 5 months
I love my new oc <3
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trollielollie · 6 months
They’ve been friends since childhood.
Spot of lore, when the strings were founded, they were like 12, in this drawing they are 13ish. I didn’t know what the dress them, so I gave them silly, basic designs, makes sense since they were still exploring they’re music so were more wearing they casual clothing then fully in tune with their genres.
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cartoon-brainrot · 2 months
I posted these on Twitter one by one, but I was waiting to have the full collection to post them here!
I saw a lot of people draw the MLP as trolls, so I wanted to give it my own spin!
You’ll notice I didn’t just slot them in the main 6 genres, mostly because I just tried to find the genre that would fit them the most! As much as I love funk fluttershy or rarity, I don’t think their music style fits them <3
Fluttershy was the first one! I went with Classical-Metal, (although I debated for folk for quite some time) mostly because I thought that would suit her the most- and because she’s a metalhead in EG! Her hairstyle is taken from one of the outfits she used when she models for photo finish!
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PinkiePie was so obviously Hyperpop I didn’t even think about it twice! The music, the colours, the style, the excessive accessories- it all fits her so well!
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Applejack is country, I couldn’t take that from her. Just pure old country! I had some trouble with her hair, cause I wanted it to be big and poofy like Delta or Holly’s, but the first sketches weren’t quite right. I changed it at the last minute and I’m glad I did, because now I absolutely love it! And yes, her hat is more like a hairband, it’s missing the top- that’s where she slides the ponytail into!
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Twilight was classical- I had no doubts from that, but I thought being a mix between techno and classical would fit her very well! I gave her a sort of gown-like tailfin, and her wings also work as extra fins! All in all, I wanted her to look like a mix between an angel and a jellyfish! Her hair is lighter because it!s always subtly glowing- and also because dark hair wouldn’t work for either classical (who have cotton candy shades) and techno (whose hair is always glowing)
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Rarity is still a debate between Classical-Pop and Swing! I thought classical pop was great for her, especially because of her songs, but swing was SUCH a good style and genre for her! A lot of her outfits always have that vintage vibe, and her hairstyle reminded me of the headdresses they used in the 20s-30s!
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Rainbowdash is PopRock, obviously. She has goggles for when she flies and her earrings are clear! The pop trolls are all brightly coloured so I kept the rainbow hair instead of using less colours, but I dimmed them so that she would blend in better with the rock theme!
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And yes, all 6 of them have their elements on them! It’s just that they’re not all visible!
Twilight has it on her chest, Applejack and Rainbowdash have them on their belts! Pinkie pie has it on a hairclip, Rarity has it on a pin on her dress and fluttershy has it on her back!
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simplydannie · 19 days
One more request that I just thought of, I’ve seen people turn Velvet and Veneer into trolls so maybe you can write about their lives as trolls, plus it would be easier for them to interact with Floyd
Oh yes!! I’d need to get ideas down to make a good story and some HCs and arcs. But since you’ve asked this is what i have so far!
This is how the twins would look like as Trolls (not the best but this was perfect for practicing and trying to adopt my own Troll style. Had to use some references).
They’re in their Under Rageous attire of course (cause I’m obsessed lol). Vennie still has his purple beanie and Velvet her pink bracelet given to her by her brother.
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The twins are known as Rageous Trolls; they’re not Pop, Rock, Classical, Funk, Techno, or Country. Rather, Rageous Trolls have adopted sounds of each genre and made it their own, making them unique from other Trolls really.
They live in the secluded area of Mount Rageous which is really high up in the mountains. The Trolls have adapted to breath really thin air which makes it hard for them to come to lower elevations.
Rageous Trolls also have advanced technology, being years and years ahead of any other Trolls species in technological advancement. While the other Trolls live off the land, these Trolls rely heavily on technology to meet their every day lives.
Unlike other Trolls, they CANNOT expand their hair. Rather, Rageous Trolls are known to be quicker and stronger than their cousins.
Floyd is the first Troll to come across Rageous Trolls in centuries. Rageous Trolls are not even mentioned in the history books…having no music string to really call their own, these species of Trolls broke off from everyone else years before the separation of the music Trolls.
That’s all I got for now! I am still thinking and expanding on all of this. I would really like to get a lore down before actually making a story. So hopefully that can be soon. There are so many other stories i need to make, so bear with me!! <3
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xxnomadsxx · 5 months
The Nomads AU !!The Grey Trolls Explained
The village eventually gets called the Gray Village due to the ENORMOUS amount of gray trolls. The grey trolls consist of basically a bunch of different types of trolls, funk, techno, classical, rock, and very few pop trolls (they were some that got lost in the tunnels not being found by either Viva or Peppy) Usually being gray means giving up a lot of hope, depression, a great accident happening, loss, basically some big traumatic event. The grey trolls in the village range from just having their  colors dulled down to look less colorful or just being gray completely! (I have said before that branch is the darkest in the village) Honestly, they look basically the same to most trolls, except they have more wilderness themed outfits you know stitched up pants, cloaks, missing buttons, outfits made from torn fabric , basically DIY outfits made from garbage, they’re also very messy looking, messed up hair, wrinkles, bodies littered in scars and bandages.
There are some classical trolls with broken wings who just walk everywhere some funk trolls that have droopy necks. Basically, everyone is sad.
A lot of people are basically just Branch. BUT one of the big differences between first movie Branch and the gray trolls is they still have a love of music. It’s just that their music has become a lot sadder. Classical trolls with sad symphonies, funk trolls beats are always low and slow, rock trolls only play music that reflects their sadness, country trolls stay the same just more depressing lyrics. the grey trolls don’t sing often but they still do. It’s not like they all have the same trauma as Branch.
(Ask questions if you like)
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exammole · 6 months
I’m speaking as someone who hasn’t watched any of the Trolls movie, World Tour specifically. But as an artist I wanted to mention this. I wish there were more biological differences between Pop and Rock trolls
See pictures below
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As we know from World Tour there’s 6 main Tribes (I think they’re called Tribes anyway) being; Country, Classical, Funk, Techno, Rock and Pop, with smaller Troll groups inbetween. And to give the designers and artists their credit, you can very easily tell which trolls are which. But to see where I’m going with this, I made some simplified versions of each
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Each troll has different features which make them different. Country Trolls are centaurs, Classical Trolls have their baby/cupid like designs, Funk Trolls are like giraffes with their long necks, Techno Trolls have very clear deep sea aquatic references,
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But when it comes to Pop and Rock they don’t have many biological differences like the others; they’re both bipedal trolls with similar body structures. And since their design differences mostly lie their shapes and colours, I wanted to find a way to more differentiate Rock Trolls from Pop Trolls in my head
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With my first design I wanted to include more devil imagery, but I ended up switching the horns to thinner ears as the horns were hidden in the hairs silhouette. My second design was more based off the depictions of the Rock Trolls in the Pop scrapbooks (references below). But I eventually landed on using more spider imagery with the third, having an extra set of arms. I also ended up scraping the tail idea as it’d probably look too clunky on the third design
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Can we get more info about your I’m Still Here AU AU?
Oh I got one better.
I’m Still Here AU AU- Feel I Belong  
Branch woke up coughing up water and one of his friend’s worried expressions filled his vision almost entirely. He blinked once, confused, before suddenly turning to the side in the sand to vomit out excess water. He let out several more coughs and it took minutes for him to actually hear what was being said to him. 
“Thank goodness, ya alright?” The accent of his friend Holly was always prominent, especially with her people but it often got thick and sloshy when she was worried. Branch closed his eyes and sucked in a large breath. 
“No,” he heaved. “But I’ll live. Is everyone else okay?” 
Holly paused and looked around before grabbing Branch’s hand and helping him upright. “Darnell is holding Synth. He’s freaking out. Minuette is kind of hurt and a bit water logged but she’s conscious and coherent.”
“And she can hear you!” the familiar voice of the classical prodigy shouted, annoyed. “She’s fine! She just can’t fly at the moment.” 
“What happened?” Branch asked before he realized the words were coming out of his mouth. They were on a beach, water gently lapping the water towards them. The sea looked fairly calm but there were tiny pieces of the destroyed boat Branch had built stuck in the sand and floating in the tides. He stood up, his brow furrowing, with Holly by his side, using her flank to help keep him upright if his balance wavered. 
“We kind of got shipwrecked,” Holly admitted with a frown. 
Branch wilted. He kind of figured that the boat he had built was destroyed, considering they were on a beach and he had no memory of how they got there. But it still hurt. He had taken a lot of time to make that thing and he was so proud of it. “Do we know why?” 
Holly paused and glanced away. “We saw Hard Rock come out of the water with their angler beasts. The Techno trolls were attacked.” 
Branch’s head spun towards her, eyes wide. He had never heard of another tribe outright attacking another. Angler beasts were only for the largest population of Hard Rock Trolls, splinter groups and sub genres were not only not allowed access to them but training them without the proper tools and process was practically impossible. He knew what Holly was implying. “Is everyone okay?”
“Branch…” her voice went sympathetic and soft. “They’re gone.” 
“What do you mean, they’re gone? Where did they go?” 
“They were taken!”
Branch tore his gaze away from her towards the sound of the new voice. Synth and Darnell approached from the water’s edge, the former with a fiery gaze Branch had never seen in his friend. Synth was a Techno Troll who, like all of his people, loved to party more than just about anything. And that was saying something. But despite their differences, he was also one of Branch’s closest friends.
Their group spanned several different genres and had a wide range of characters that just so happened to be friends now. It had taken years of time to get the point of friendship that they were all at, but they had gotten there. It had been a simple thing. They had orchestrated a get together, partially to celebrate the creation and ultimate test of the boat Branch had built. They wanted to be able to hang out closer to Synth without having to take the long journey underwater. 
The boat worked, they were in the middle of the ocean, and were having fun just chilling out, talking and playing a couple card games. Branch’s brow furrowed as he tried to remember what happened. 
His friend was in tears and angrier than Branch had ever seen him before. Synth was not one to get angry or upset, a lot of times, things just kind of rolled off his back. It was part of the reason he and Branch got along. While Branch had a tendency to overanalyze and overthink, Synth did not and took things more at face value, which Branch learned to appreciate. Synth spoke what he meant and although it could be confusing at times, it worked out well for them. But seeing him so upset like this was more than just a little shocking. 
“Hard Rock Trolls,” Darnell filed in, stomping a paw in the sand. Their friend group had a lot of diversity, which wasn’t particularly common with the tribes, as they often tended to keep to themselves. It had mostly been by accident, them finding each other and could probably be also partially blamed on the traveling Branch and his brother did. It was easier to befriend other tribes when you traveled while living, rather than just settling down in one area. 
“Yeah, Holly said Angler Beasts came out of the water. What happened?” 
“Synth and I went to check it out afterwards, since we weren’t hurt. It’s further away than expected,” Darnell continued. “Some of the structures are broken apart. Everyone is gone. The rock trolls took them.” 
“But… why?” 
“I don’t know.” 
Darnell was by far the most important of their group, at least in terms of tribe status. Not that he would say that. He was the lone prince of the Funk Trolls and although everyone knew it, he would never tell anyone he was more important. Although everyone knew that too. Next in line to take care of an entire tribe was stressful as it was and it was hard to find friends within a tribe that knew that. People treated royalty differently; they always had. 
But since none of the rest of them were Funk Trolls, they didn’t have that expectation or attachment to the tribe. He actually became Holly Darlin’s friend first - a situation neither of them talked about - and although hesitant at first, he latched onto Branch and the rest of them. 
“We need to get Mini some help,” Holly insisted, now at the tiny Classical troll’s side. Her wings were sopping and would continue to be so for quite some time. Everyone knew how long it took for her wings to really dry out. It was another reason why the boat idea was brought up. “She’s hurt.” 
“I’m fine, honest,” Minuette tried, sitting in the sand. There was blood dripping slowly down her arm. 
“You can’t fly like that and we all know Classical trolls don’t really do much in the terms of walking,” Darnell pointed out. 
“I can learn!” 
Yeah, that sounded like her. 
“Not immediately,” Holly huffed with the light roll of her eyes. 
“You’re crazy talented, Mini but seriously, you really can’t,” Branch agreed as they got closer. “Holly, can you carry her?” 
The country troll nodded and proceeded to scoop the little troll out of the sand, placing her on her back and giving her quiet instructions. “Of course.”
“We have to go and help my people,” Synth insisted. 
“It doesn’t sound like there is much we can do yet,” Branch grimaced. He hated saying that. It felt so callous. “We need to get Mini some help, in case that wound on her arm is worse than we think, then we need to figure out what is even going on, make a plan and then go help.”
“That’s… a lot of steps.”
“Do you think the other tribes will be targeted too?” Darnell asked worriedly. It made sense that he would immediately be concerned for his own. It was the way he was raised. Put the tribe first and foremost. Branch knew, no matter what, he’d make a great king one day. 
“I don’t know,” Branch admitted, truthfully. He had no idea what was even going on. The Rock Trolls didn’t really interact with anyone - even less than the other tribes. Aside from Branch’s group and his brother, most tribes didn’t really hang out or talk much with one another but the Rock Trolls even less so. He wondered if there was bad blood there. “Let’s not jump to conclusions. We have no idea what is happening, much less why. One thing at a time.” 
“Where do we go?” 
“Into the island,” Branch continued, glancing around. “Getting around through the beach looks hard, for any of us that can’t swim like you, Synth. And Minuette is in no condition for that.” 
“What do you think we’ll find?” 
“I don’t know,” he confessed, truthfully. “We just should get away from the water. Darnell, can you lead? I’m going to try to bandage Mini’s wound. “Just start straight through and see where we end up.” He grabbed a medium sized knife out of his hair and passed it over to his friend. It wasn’t very large like his brother’s machete, so it wouldn’t cut through everything but with a bit of work, it would get through some obstacles. 
The group dove into the jungle with Branch walking beside Holly with the classical troll on her back, trying to clean the wound on her arm and wrap it. “Thanks, Branch,” she said, quietly. 
“You okay?” 
“I… I knew Rock was loud and crazy but… the way they came out of the water…” she whispered, shivering. “They… they must have had all the Techno trolls inside.” 
“It’s going to be okay,” Branch tried to assure, attempting to put confidence in his tone. 
“Do you think they’ll go after Symphonyville too?” she asked soft and scared but low enough that Darnell and Synth wouldn’t hear. 
“We don’t know what is happening yet,” Branch continued. “Get some sleep, okay? We’ll wake you when we find something.” 
“I don’t…” Minuette opened her mouth to start but Holly let her back buck in a quiet reminder. “I don’t agree with this.” It was barely fifteen minutes later when she was fast asleep and Holly dared to speak. 
“If the Rock Trolls do go after the others, Classical is closest to Techno.” 
“I know.” 
“It won’t be long until they hit Lonesome Flatts.” 
“I’m aware. We don’t know what is going on.” 
“It’s easier for you, your family is all hidden away and-” 
“Holly, you are just going to freak yourself out if you keep this up,” Branch swallowed. She wasn’t wrong. Branch only lived with one another pop troll and the home he and his brother lived in was rather hidden away. “I get it and I care. We just have no idea what is going on yet and we can’t do anything. Not yet. But that will change.” 
“I’m just worried.”
“Me too.” 
“Hey guys? I think we found something?” Darnell called back. The group got close together again on a ridge overlooking the far beach on the other side of the island. Music was playing and a giant sandcastle was plopped in the middle. Color swirled with flags and towels and other decorations. Movement was all around the sand and although they looked small from the distance, Branch knew the beings were giant.
“They are huge,” Minuette whispered, leaning off the side of Holly’s back. Her voice was trying not to tremble but Branch understood the fear. “Are they…?” 
Branch knew what question she was trying to ask. “No, they aren’t… grotesque enough,” Branch shook his head. All of his friends knew about the dreadful Bergens and the horrifying things that they did to Pop Trolls. Branch had been so upset when he never went back to the Tree but over time, he got over it. It took a lot of talking but also he had settled into his new life eventually as well. That made it easier. He liked his life and his friends. They were different but they still fit together. Like a puzzle. 
Branch loved puzzles. 
“They look… okay?” Darnell’s voice cracked, a little, uncertainly. Branch took a pair of binoculars out of his hair and passed them to his friend as the Funk prince gave him back his knife. “But you’re the plan guy, B. And you have more experience with giants. You don’t think they are friendly?” 
“Do you want to take that chance?” 
“Good point,” Minuette agreed. “But how? This is an island. If we can’t get help from them, how do we get off?” 
“Look! There is a ferry,” Holly said, pointing across the beach on the other side of the area. Branch squinted at the boat that was docked at the end, swaying gently in the tide. He didn’t see any giants on it. 
“It looks automated too,” Darnell added, looking through Branch’s binoculars.
“So we just need to get across this… what is this?” 
“Uh… the sign says Bruce and Sons,” Darnell said, looking around. “I think this is some sort of vacation spot. A resort, maybe? They seem to be just kind of chilling out.” 
“Maybe they won’t notice us.” 
“We should try to be stealthy when we can,” Branch added. “Try not to attract any attention yet. Synth, why don’t you swim around. You’ll get there before us. Maybe get a look at the Ferry and how it works.” 
He nodded. “You got it bro.” 
“Minuette, you’re gonna have to hold on tight sweetie,” Holly added. “In case we get a chase on our hands.” 
The classical troll nodded. 
“Try to follow me. If I say, run, you run,” Branch said and jumped down, making his way towards the beach and the people. They almost made it too. The giants weren’t really paying attention and the four of them tried to stick to the shadows anyway. Or, at least, what little shadow there was in the raging sunlight. Branch didn’t know if he tripped or made a sound or what it was but he heard a loud gasp and saw a giant’s eyes and attention on them. 
“Oh! A troll!” 
And suddenly the news was parroted around like an out loud game of telephone. “A troll!” 
“There’s more!” 
Holly’s mad dash was on. They didn’t check to see how many were chasing but they ran. Branch motioned for Holly to run ahead. Country Trolls were much faster runners than other types and she listened to him, racing across the sand towards their destination. “Darnell,” Branch called. “Go.” 
“Get that Ferry going!” 
He hesitated but tore off after Holly, faster than Branch could go. “We won’t leave without you!” It was barely moments and then suddenly, Branch was left alone amidst giants. 
“Tell the boss!” 
Branch ran across the sand with a renewed fury and determination, dodging beach balls and the giant feet of the residents. His heart was pounding. He hadn’t been around Bergens for years but the fear of them still remained. And though these weren’t actually Bergens, he had no idea if they shared their taste for Trolls and their happiness. 
“Bruce!” a giant’s voice called. 
Branch paid no mind, eye on his destination closer and closer.  He could see his friends waiting, eagerly staring. “Start it up!” he yelled. 
They looked alarmed but Darnell obeyed, scurrying away and out of sight. Bare seconds after, the ferry began to move, slowly removing itself from the dock. For a moment, he was sure he wasn’t going to make it. 
“Holly!” he shouted and threw himself off the dock, extending his hair. In that moment, she threw the lasso she kept on her at all times, the rope curling around him the second his hair did the same. 
“Branch!?” A voice called. 
It didn’t sound familiar and he didn’t have any time to figure it out as he crashed into Holly on the deck of the ferry, hitting the wooden floor hard. He had made it. Branch sucked in a deep breath, his head pounding in fear and adrenaline. 
He made it. 
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15prime8 · 5 months
Since everyone is questioning it, I’m giving a small summary of what the conundrum Au is about, I forgot to mention that I’m new to this whole thing, I have big plans to work on this but I’m individual person. I’m still working on the concept, I’m also still working on the big changes. so please, be patient :)
Anyways, here’s the small summary!
Summary - the great zone authority is the matriarchal body of the troll leaders. The memberships are John Dory, Bruce, clay, Floyd and little branch.
Trollstopia is a planet that is lights years away. Along side there are other planets, Bergen town and mount rageous being the most common.
The rulers, They have the absolute ruling power over trollstopia, they are colonizers who go other planets to take over.
The great zone authority has complete control over every troll, each leader has a role, John Dory is the leader, clay and Bruce respectfully oversaw the military, war, and the culture. Floyd and branch both are charge of celebrations and throwing parties after a colonization.
In over to expand troll kind, they colonize to take away other planets resources when trolls eggs are ready. Of course, the rulers don’t force other trolls to breed, they only breed trolls that are specifically designed for war.
Techno trolls and country trolls are under the guidance of Floyd.
Classical trolls are under the guidance of clay.
Funk trolls belong to Bruce.
Rock trolls belong to John Dory.
And finally, the pop trolls are under the guidance of little branch.
They wear uniforms (of their choice) under what brozone ruler belong.
They’re very loyal, trolls are so passionate and enthusiastic of the brozone brothers. In return, the brothers are friendly and passionate of their subjects too.
Of course there’s execution and punishment. If a troll ever disobeys the rules or the authority, executioners will take away that troll’s gem and crush it slowly and painful. There’s rarely any rulebreakers. At least not until the war.
But not only the other trolls have to be perfect, but also the brozone brothers. Their oldest brother, John Dory, expect his younger brothers to be perfect, they can be fierce but they have to do it elegant, powerful and magnificent.
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artstar1997 · 1 year
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These brave trolls volunteered to accompany Branch, Poppy, Rose, Tiny Diamond, and John Dory to reunite the other members of the BroZone and rescue Floyd. They’re a mix of troll ocs and random trolls that I selected from the movies and tv series. Aside from Jussy, Lola Shimmer, Rose’s lady-in-waiting and a member of the Pop Tribe has been beside Rose for so long in order to repair the relationship between both their tribes. Baritone, a member of the classical tribe, was also supporting Rose for so long as her butler to strengthen the relationship between their tribes. Tsunami, a member of the Techno Tribe was recommended to join by Synth, so did Ray from the Country Tribe, who was convinced by Gust Tumbleweed and Athena, who is one of the rock trolls in Queen Barb’s inner circle. Mercury, the member of the guard is the platinum tribe’s volunteer because he has been a brother figure to Rose and he had trained her in self defense, riding, survival, and many things she used to survive on her own during her alone years.
As for the Funk Tribe, these two funk trolls, Pibby and Zee also volunteered to join the entourage.
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sunnixsunshine · 5 months
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Eyyyyyy trolls ocs ref sheets >:) (Birch redesign btw! Might redesign Skip, too) imma put some stuff about em underneath the cut plus a line up of their height difference
They’re kind of like next gen snack pack? I dont have a good group name for em yet tho
Birch: Poppy and Branch’s oldest, therefore making them the heir to Pop Village. As an overprepper, you can always find Birch stressing over the flow of the party rather than enjoying it(if she’s hosting that party in the first place). But despite his ability to prepare— or over prepare— for any situation, their responsibility is always thrown into question. So to test his responsibility, Poppy assigns her the task of befriending and teaching Buzz the Party Crasher how to be nice and get along with others— which proves to be harder than expected.
Buzz: Having heard of the previous group of runaways and how free they lived, Buzz tagged along with the new emergence of the Party Crashers. They were successful in their run of 7 years before the Country Trolls put a stop to their tricks during an attempt to crash their hoedown, which failed because they caught on to the scout fairly fast. Buzz had no significant position in the group but did manage to get everyone to stand their ground in refusing to go home. As Poppy has dealt with previous Party Crashers before, she volunteers to help with the Country Troll’s situation of 17-24 year olds refusing to even leave their jail. Buzz has a strong sense of leadership but poor strategic skills. She doesn’t back down from a challenge and tends to charge in without prior thinking. Shes described to be a tough shell to crack.
Demi: Despite his very pastel appearance, Demi is a very big fan of hard rock, but still proudly parades his classical side by playing the saxophone, his very first instrument. When not partying, singing, or hanging with his friends, he’s overworking himself through practice in true classical style. He maybe always on the verge of collapse after a particularly long and hard practice sesh, but he’s always sure to be on time for whatever event he’s promised to go to, never the type to cancel or skip out on plans. His rock side shines best when seated behind a set of drums.
Wheaton: A lot like his dad Milton, he’s very kind and gentle— to critters anyway. His social interactions with other trolls could be worked on, especially when he intends to go into the medical field. Like anyone on his maternal side, he’s very strong and passionate about his workout routine. Although he tends to forget his own strength. His best friend is and always will be his twin brother Mouse, but according to him you’d have to hogtie him and string up like a piñata in order for him to admit this to Mouse’s face.
Mouse: When he was 8, he went to his first rave after being invited to a birthday party by a classmate and ever since he’s been a big fan of techno. He combined both pop and techno together and calls it electro-pop. He’s pretty chill going until you mess with one of his friends. Wherein his strength will show along with the rare showing of his temper. He’s a hopeless romantic. Whether or not she really does improve, Mouse vows he will never trust Buzz even if she saves all of troll kind.
Groovy Flo: New to Pop Troll Village, Groovy Flo is half funk/glitter [pop] troll desiring the need to learn about the other side of her family. Although her true desire is to bring back disco, having taken a fascination with the extinct genre after reading up on them. While taking to the “old fashioned” way of baking without the assistance of funk technology very easily, she hasn’t mastered scrapbooking, much to her dismay. She claims her highly accurate memory is thanks to her hours of reading history books. She has a kid sister back in Funk City and misses her dearly, her baby sister being her “best friend in the whole known universe”.
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georgi-girl · 1 year
Trolls Character Fusions
I love the idea of trolls fusing together through dance like in Steven Universe. 
Here are some Troll fusions I thought of. Some of which are inspired by SU fusions. Note that when trolls from the same tribe fuse, they just become a bigger troll. When trolls from different tribes fuse, they gain extra limbs and appendages. 
Poppy + Branch = Treetop: Violet skin, dark purple hair streaked with rainbow colors, left eye is blue, right eye is pink. Name is inspired by another fan fusion on Deviantart. Treetop use plural pronouns, and their cloths are similar to Poppy’s “hippie” outfit in the TWT climax; crop top, bell bottoms, snazzy leaf jacket. They’re inspired by SU fusion Stevonie, they even have their own jungle adventure. Personality is both adventurous and cautious. Their preferred song style is Broadway showtunes, such as Let Me Entertain You and Seasons of Love. 
Quincy + Essence = Quintessence: Blue and violet stripes divided by metal tinsel with a magnificent hairdo. Uses plural pronouns. Clothes are gold and silver robes. Heavily inspired by Garnet, I even imagine them to be voiced by Estelle. Personality is calm at all times. Preferred song style is classic R&B. 
Cooper + Darnel = DC: Giant pink Funk troll with gold and silver tinsel. Dreadlocks are short on one side and long on the other. Uses he/him pronouns. Sounds like both brothers speaking at once. Personality is impulsive and super friendly. Basically, a long-necked puppy. Preferred song style is Hip Hop (of course) 
Snack Pack (Bigs, Smidge, Guy, Fuzzbert, Suki, Satin, Chenille, Cooper + Darnell) = Prism: Every bodypart is a different color. Blue torso, pink head, yellow left arm, orange right arm, red left leg, silver right leg. Has two extra limbs that are pink on the left, blue on the right.  Hair resembles a colorful pinwheel. Uses plural pronouns. Likes to scuttle around on all six limbs like a bug. Mad Hatter-type personality. Often repeats themself and talks to themself. Poppy and Branch will sometimes join the fusion, and Prism will become longer and extra segmented. Their clothing is a colorful one-piece disco suit. 
Poppy + Barb = PopRocks: Two queens that want to prove themselves in different ways, this fusion is reserved for emergencies. Black skin with pink freckles and pink eyes. Extra long mohawk that starts out red and fades to pink. Three arms, two on the right side. Uses she/her pronouns. Her clothing is a blue tube top and leather shorts. Personality is bombastic and unpredictable. Speaks in a Yiddish Brooklyn accent. Preferred song style is poprock ballads, hence the name. Inspired by Smokey Quartz from SU. 
Darnel + Trollex = Tritan: any fusion between Funk and Techno resembles a Chinese water dragon. Tritan has purple and lilac stripes with long flowing teal hair. He uses he/him pronouns. His personality is cheerful and playful. Song style is eighties movie soundtracks. 
Val Thundershock + Gust Tumbleweed = Sherrif Storm: (because gust, thunder, you get it) Country Rock centaur with orange skin, purple hair and black haunches. Uses both she/he pronouns. Very passionate, sometimes overzealous. Favorite song is Hoedown Throwdown. 
Minuet + Blaze = Figuero: Inspired by Sardonyx from SU. Very tall, and elegant, with yellow skin and purple curly hair. Clothing resembles a black tuxedo. Has four eyes and bat wings. Very showy and stylish, like a magician. Uses she/him pronouns. Song style is classic rock (lots of Chuck Barry and Buddy Holly) 
Brozone Fusion = Brother Blue. However different the individual brothers are, their fusion is the most quintessentially chilled-out dudebro. He’s blue, with five colored hair arranged from oldest to youngest. He’s got aspects of every Brozone member, such as JD’s goggles and Floyd’s earring. He’s voiced by Jerry Trainor and calls everyone Bro or Bra. Song style is (naturally) boy band songs. 
Trollstopia Fusion (Synth, Laguna, Dante, Minuet, Gust, Holly, Milton, Meadow, Rythm, Blues, Lownote, Demo, Val, Blaze) = Spectrum. All the tribes combined into a six-armed, Bergen-sized giant. Skin color changes depending on mood. Hair resembles the Lady GlitterSparkles wig, except it waves around like octopus tentacles. Inspired by Fluorite from SU; laidback personality and slow way of speaking. Uses all the pronouns. Song style is any style. 
More to come later on. 
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barbnumber1fan · 5 months
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i was up all night thinking about rock troll floyd. to the point where i made like a whole lore abt musical genre changes and how they’re looked down upon (kinda like how queer/lgbtq+ ppl r now 💔) and shamed.
ex-pop troll and brozone member floyd has to hide his gay relationship with riff and the fact that he’s a rock troll. the headlines. fliff 4 life
ignore my mediocre art skills i am GARBAGE at drawing trolls.
anyway so after brozone splits (oh in this au, the third movie never happens. velvet and veneer steal some other troll or smth.) he does a bit of soul-searching. he’s never really felt all that connected to pop in general, maybe that was because of Brozone’s rough fallout?
then he meets emo gay drummer riff and finds out about the existence of rock and other music genres. DUDE IS SHOCKED. he’s like “holy shit.” so he decides to look around the nations to find his type of music. country? nope. techno? nope. classical? BIG NO. funk? eh. pop? he likes it but NO.
and then he visits the rock trolls.
and that’s how floyd finds out about his true music genre! he feels more comfortable identifying with rock than pop.
at the concert he goes to, he sees queen barb and he straight up ADMIRES her. not in like a romantic way, he’s gay asf. not even in a platonic way either, he wants to be like her. he wants to have one of these big, loud, concerts in this dark volcano rock place just like her.
so, he decides to change his music genre!
a lot of other trolls are like.. suspicious, and looking down upon him, but they end up eventually accepting him when he switches his genre.
floyd meets up with riff again, who wants to hang out with him. floyd wants riff to take him on a tour of the rock kingdom, which he gladly obliges. he also gives floyd some new clothes(emo.)
and then, after a few months of living happily as a rock troll(MUSIC GENRE VERSION OF HRT?), the worst possible thing happens.
brozone family meetup letter.
it shows up at his door, and he’s SO confused as to why there’s a colorful rainbow letter at his door. he opens it and oh god. brozone meetup.
“dear floyd, this is john dory! how are you doing? couldn’t get ahold of your address, so i sent rhonda over with your scent.”
okay, that explains the slobber on the letter. floyd doesn’t know that though.
“i wanted to tell you that me and the rest of your brothers are meeting up! i’d LOVE to see you there.
sincerely, john dory.”
floyd is like… genuinely tweaking. bro is STRESSED. since he’s already a few months in on music genre replacement therapy, he obviously looks very different. (darker colors, narrower eyes, slightly rougher skin)
anyways that’s all i have so far!! the meetup is gonna be CRAZY.
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karebear4499 · 6 months
You Are My Sunshine Chapter 5
Sunshine observed a page in the scrapbook before flipping back to the map. She remembered Poppy teaching her and the other trollings that shortly after the tribes reunited, some trolls decided to broaden their own horizons and live amongst each others’ tribes. It wasn’t unusual nowadays to see Country trolls living in Volcano Rock City or Funk trolls living in Symphonyville, for instance.
Maybe that was how she would find her family. There were bound to be other Pop trolls in the kingdom, not just in TrollsTopia.
She looked out at the expanse of water before her, almost too scared to even dip a toe into it. Techno Reef would definitely be the hardest region to explore, so it seemed like a good place to start her journey.
She took a few steps backwards and tried to swallow her fears, but she was already having second thoughts about taking this plunge. She had never been the best swimmer, and while she had visited Techno Lagoon before, that region was a puddle compared to the Reef. How easy would it be for her to lose her way, or dive too deep and not be able to come up for air in time?
She steeled herself, looking at the water’s surface with newfound determination. “I can do this,” she thought, “For my family.” Taking a deep breath and counting to three, she was just about to jump when…
“Whoa, that was close!”
King Trollex had appeared right as Sunshine’s feet had left the ground, catching her and bringing her back to the shore. “You can’t just dive in all by yourself like that,” he said, sternly, “Not trying to be harsh or anything, I just don’t want to see any kids get hurt.”
Sunshine felt her face grow hot with embarrassment. While she was upset at the sudden interruption, she knew the Techno king was right; she hadn’t put enough thought into what she would do when she reached the bottom.
“S-sorry, Mr. Trollex,” she said shyly, “I-I’m just trying to find my family. I don’t know if you remember me, but—”
“Oh yeah,” Trollex interrupted, “You’re the troll Poppy and Branch found in that storm years ago.” His fins drooped sadly as he added, “you still haven’t found your parents?”
“I haven’t really had the chance to look,” Sunshine replied, “until now. I know they have to be somewhere in Troll Kingdom.”
“Well, I’m afraid you won’t have much luck finding them here,” the king said, “Non-Techno trolls are pretty few and far between here.”
“I was afraid of that,” Sunshine pouted, looking at her map again. “Well, thanks anyway.”
“Wait,” Trollex called as she began to walk away, “Aren’t you gonna give Poppy and Branch a chance to catch up with you before you run off?”
She froze, her back turned to him. When she didn’t respond, he asked, “Sunny, they are here with you, aren’t they?”
She still didn’t respond, instead letting out a quiet sob. “They never would’ve let me do this if I told them.”
Trollex gasped in shock. “Oh, hun,” he said, “I’m sure that’s not true. They know how important this is to you, and they want you to be happy. Now they’re probably worried sick about you.”
Sunshine’s sobs began to get a bit louder. “You don’t understand,” she cried, “I have to do this on my own. I’m not letting anyone stop me.” She ran off before Trollex could say anything in response.
“Okay, let’s see if we have any luck here,” Branch said as he and Poppy approached the melodious sounds of Symphonyville. The Classical trolls were flying about among the clouds, some strumming harps and others playing various wind instruments. These tunes were being accompanied by a couple of Rock trolls on guitars and a Country troll on harmonica, the latter blending surprisingly well with the more traditional sounds.
“Ah, Queen Poppy,” Trollzart greeted as he approached the two pop trolls, “To what do we owe this pleasure?”
“It’d better be a pleasure,” Branch muttered under his breath. Ignoring him, Poppy told Trollzart of their predicament. “Do you have any idea where Sunshine might be?”
“I’m sorry to say I don’t,” Trollzart replied, “but I wish you good luck in your search.”
As they turned to leave, Branch and Poppy were suddenly stopped by one of the Country trolls and Beetrollven. “It just so happens,” the Classical troll began, “We came across a little trolling who was looking for her family.”
“You did,” Branch shouted, hopeful smiles spreading across his and Poppy’s faces.
“We helped her out where we could,” the Country troll, Cash, said, “But we didn’t have much luck.”
“Where is she now,” Poppy asked.
“Well,” Beetrollven sighed, “we don’t know. We figured you two would be worried about her, and we told her as much. For whatever reason, it seemed to make her very upset.”
“She hightailed it outta here before either of us could stop her,” Cash continued.
Poppy and Branch’s smiles quickly faded as they looked at each other with sadness and concern. Trollex had told them the same thing.
Branch turned away from his girlfriend and began storming angrily towards Cash and Beetrollven. Being so close to finding Sunshine only to be sent right back to square one seemed to have set something off in him.
“Did you even try to go after her,” he said, exasperated, “Or did you just let her get away? You can fly, for hair’s sake! You had a chance to stop her and you let her go off on her own?! She’s just a kid! I swear, if anything happens to her because of you, I’m gonna—”
He snapped out of his wrathful state as Poppy quickly wrapped her arms around his waist, stopping him from starting a physical confrontation. He hadn’t even realized what he was doing until he saw his raised fist and the two trolls cowering in fear. He slowly lowered his hand and sighed guiltily. “I’m-I’m sorry,” he stammered, “I just…”
“I know,” Poppy said, squeezing him a little tighter, “You’re worried about her.”
Trollzart flitted back over to them and placed a comforting hand on both of their shoulders. “I am certain that little girl is going to be just fine,” he said, pointing towards the setting sun, “But I recommend waiting until morning to continue your search. I’ve arranged some accommodations for you in the meantime.”
He clapped his hands together twice. “Trollieri,” he called in a sing-song voice. Once the beckoned troll arrived, Trollzart ordered, “Please escort Poppy and Branch to the nearest inn.”
“Of course, my liege,” Trollieri replied sarcastically. “I get no respect around here.”
… Poppy adjusted the pillow on her bed at least four times before getting it into an acceptable position (the way it had been before she started). “Good night, Branch,” she said as she closed her eyes. She opened them again cautiously when she got no response.
Branch was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring out the window at the clear night sky. Poppy could tell even though he seemed calm, he was out of his mind with worry.
“I don’t think I’ll be sleeping tonight, Poppy,” he said. He just couldn’t help feeling that something was going to happen, and he wouldn’t be there to stop it. “ I haven’t been this worried about her since she was five.”
Poppy sighed; that may not have been entirely true, but she understood what he was talking about. That had been the first and only time Sunshine had ever gotten sick, and even though it had been just a run-of-the-mill flu, Branch had refused to leave her side until she was better.
“Don’t worry, Branch,” Poppy said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, “Sunny made it through that just fine, and she’ll do it again.”
“How can you be so sure, Poppy?”
“Well,” she replied, taking his hand in hers, “I’m not. But I trust her. You taught her everything she knows about surviving, and she’s got a good head on her shoulders. Everything will work out in the end, Branch.” She kissed him on the cheek and returned to her bed. “See you in the morning.”
The Snack Pack’s search had been just as unlucky as everyone else’s, if not worse. They had no means of navigation and hadn’t come across a single troll before night had fallen. Biggie had tried in vain to ask a giant spider for help, but that just ended in the group trying to keep the spider from eating Mr. Dinkles.
They were now all gathered around a campfire; Smidge was roasting a marshmallow with her hair, Satin and Chenille were playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Tiny was doing his best to keep from breaking down in front of his dad. He couldn’t help but wonder if he was partially responsible for Sunny’s disappearance. The incident with the crossword puzzle hadn’t been the first time she’d called him annoying.
“Aww, I miss her, too, Mr. Dinkles,” Biggie said in response to the worm’s sad “mew,” “What do you think she’s up to right now?”
“Probably thinking I’m annoying,” Tiny blurted out.
Guy Diamond gasped. “Where did this come from, Tiny,” he asked, “You might get on Sunshine’s nerves from time to time, but you’re still her best friend.”
Tiny looked up at the night sky, unsure whether to believe him.
Meanwhile, Sunshine was struggling to find comfort in the outdoors herself; she had made no progress in her search for her family. The last place she searched before the sun went down was Volcano Rock City, and part of her was glad she hadn’t found her parents there. The Hard Rock life seemed much too overwhelming.
Despite her exhaustion, Sunny couldn’t get to sleep on the cold, hard ground she lay on. “Come on, ground,” she muttered, tossing, turning and punching the ground, “Get comfortable!” Finally, she gave up, and resigned to leaning up against a tree nearby.
“Geez, Branch makes it look so easy,” she mused out loud, remembering the little camping trips Branch had taken her on every summer. Then again, she had brought a sleeping bag with her then. She tried to fight off her homesickness by reminding herself that she was doing this for her mother. Gazing up at the sky, her focus was brought to a single star twinkling in the night.
One little star
All alone in the sky
Do you ever get lonely
As the twilight drifts by
Branch had his eyes set on the same star, hoping it was a sign that Sunny was okay wherever she was.
One little star
In the darkening blue
Do you long for another
Just the way that I do
Satin, Chenille, Biggie, Smidge, Guy Diamond and Tiny were admiring the star as well.
(Satin) Sky begins to fill
(Chenille) Darkness ends the day
(Tiny) Someone that I love is far away
Guy Diamond hugged his son close.
Biggie joined in next, Mr. Dinkles whistling in harmony.
One little star
Shining far in the night
While Smidge did not exactly have the most fitting voice for this song, she could at least carry a tune.
Do you shine on our someone
Are we sharing your light
Guy Diamond finished it off, Tiny shedding a tear.
Oh, one little star
Shine on us all tonight
“I wish I had said goodbye before I left,” Sunshine thought. “I wonder if they miss me as much as I miss them.”
She momentarily lit up as she wondered, “Maybe I can talk my family into moving to TrollsTopia with me. That way I don’t have to say goodbye.” She sighed sadly as she looked back at the star. “That is, if I can find my way back.”
One little star (One little star)
Shining far in the night (Shine through the night)
Do you shine on my someone
Are we sharing your light (Share your light)
Oh, one little star
Shine on us all
“Good night, Sunny,” Branch whispered to the star, “Wherever you are, please, please be safe.”
The song that I used in this chapter is “One Little Star” from Follow that Bird.
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Trollstopia season 7 thoughts!
Can I just say I loved the epic score and narration Lownote and the Classicals did😄! And Barb called classical boring😂! But we really do all just need a quiet moment to just chill. I’m honestly note surprised that classical barely, if not ever learned to walk. Honestly their limbs are so small anyway flying has probably always been the best way to get around. Minuet is sooo understanding! She didn’t even got upset, she’s the best💛!
Man my OC Vesper the Shapeshifter would’ve been the perfect apprentice for Cloud Guy! Total prankster she is, very mischievous! And her shapeshifting would give her a mess with advantage. All the trolls’ prank attempts were adorable😊😅! Synth, Dante We’ve seen trolls do actual pranks plenty of times. They have an entire holiday dedicated to it! Guess they’re too soft hearted. Kinda figured Cloud Guy wouldn’t actually have gone. Messing with Branch is his calling. Ya never know what you have until it’s gone Val. Perhaps the only way for her to truly appreciate Demo was simply to let him go for that time. I think he needed it too, learned not to be too smothering. And Dante gets an excellent manager in Lagoona. Although in her very focused natured she seemed almost in a bad mood.
Synth and Poppy are so considerate💖💜! I did agree with them. Without proper rest you get thing properly and you’ll slip up a bunch! Practice doesn’t always make perfect. Usually I hate vampire stories. But this style was much more acceptable! Ironic Guy would grow a liking for wearing clothes, given that the last time he did he ripped them off and said “naked for life!”. I’m very surprised the bats didn’t look anything like Debbie. Once again an episode I could easily see Dub Skull in, he’d love it🖤💚!
Still don’t like Pushy Poppy, the way she talks still great annoys me. But HA! The greatest victories have no battles! The best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend! Or at least in this case friends with each other. They’ll be so busy being friends they won’t have time to be evil and conquer Trollstopia! I love it! Friendship wins the day again! I loved the team up of Synth, Demo, and DJ! I kinda figured just by looking at the critters they were called rockoons (maybe that’s what we should call galarian zigzagoons😂!). What do you mean you’re not the lead type Synth? You lead the techno trolls of Trollstopia in Trollex’s stead! Lastly Poppy I appreciate your patience and confidence but those three aren’t the most perspective and likely to catch on.
Who hasn’t in their childhood built a blanket fort? Who hasn’t blown bubbles in their milk, or put olives on their fingers? I pity those who haven’t. If Tiny need blankets, I have plenty to go around! Most are trolls😅😂! And besides my bed one I don’t use them often anyway. I seriously hope the coming generation don’t turn out like R&B in the pancake episode. Instead of letting the modern tech we have do everything ALL the time. Sometimes knowing the old fashion way is important. In the event we don’t have the tech.
There’s a reason people still like sad stories. Sure they’re sad, and no one likes being sad. But they can be relatable, and heart softening. We all need a moment to cry, helps us be more understanding and sensitive. That’s why I like the Titanic, a Dog’s Journey, or Hachiko. They’re sad but we learn from them. Serving the community is important Val. If the rock trolls love and respect you, of course they’ll understand it! Even if it’s something silly. Besides you’re trolls, you’re already naturally silly.
Val really has come a long way, I’m so proud of her growth! Doing so much ACTUAL hard work all for her friends😍! They know how easygoing she is and how she’s changed, also she wasn’t blind to how awful that cabin was. They can always think of other girls trips together. One awesome one and hopefully more to come for them! OMG MY HEART WAS BEATING SO FAST FREAKING OUT SEEING THE TECHTACULAR KING TROLLEX!!!!! Makes sense out of all the leaders he’d be the first to expand the Trollstopian culture exchanging way of life. Besides Poppy he feels the most open of the leaders. The fact that HE is also a big fan of Trollstopia😍🤩! AND THEY PICKED WHO I WAS HOPING FOR LIKE A MONTH THEY’D PICK TO MOVE WITH HIM! YEAH, DJ Suki!!!!! I was afraid Poppy was comprising the selection. I understand she doesn’t want to say goodbye to anyone. But they shouldn’t keep the joys of Trollstopia all too themselves. Imagine one day all the different living together in all the other tribes homes! Trollex is just the one to make the next step. At first I was so excited and overjoyed DJ got selected. But then seeing her go, the sadness of saying bye to her set in😔. Them all saying goodbye to her for a whole year, the fact they went totally heavy on the feels too, I got emotional! I hope we (the fans) actually get to see her again. Val had a point all the other tribes they had to say goodbye to when they moved there. It was the Pop trolls who didn’t move away from anything. Which made Suki an even greater selection. Just as the other tribes shared apart of their communities, the trolly thing to do is for Pop to do the same for them. Seeing Suki leave with Trollex by the way strengthened my ship for them TEN FOLD!!! Now them living in the same place for a time could increase the chances of it actually happening even more! DO IT DREAMWORKS!!!!! Too bad Anthony Ramos couldn’t come back. He’s probably busy getting ready for Ironheart and Beast Wars. But the substitute of named Anthony also😂! I feel like Suki leaving to live with Trollex in Techno Reef should give a lot of plot relevance for the 3rd movie. I mean both her a Trollex are criminally under spotlighted and they’ll initiate the geater scale inter-tribal growth. If that and they are ignored in Trolls 3 I will be GREATLY UPSET! In tears for the ending I of course sung along with all the trolls, the Trollstopia theme song😭. TROLLSTOPIA FOREVER💖❤️🧡💛💚💙💜!!!!!
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newmoonwastaken · 2 years
Completely Rewriting Trolls 2: World Tour because I was just forced to watch it and I think it needs a bit of improvement
warning: long post; major spoilers for both Trolls movies
So first off, it’s a cool concept but it does NOT make sense in the existing Trolls franchise. I doubt the ogres or whatever are just a small part of the Pop-Trolls’ area, considering the travel montage featured in the first movie. Additionally, the ogres-or-whatever like music as much as the Trolls, so having them as a totally different species on another part of the map doesn’t really make sense. So assume this all takes place in a completely different universe. (I’m keeping the names the same, though, to avoid confusion.)
So it can start off the same - introduction to the completely new Techno-Trolls subspecies and society. Keep the king of that place and his autotune-greeble-thing: they’re pretty good and nicely sum up that area.
When the Hard-Rock-Trolls arrive, have the Techno-Trolls be really wary and insular. Like, really wary and insular. Have them set up a lot of defenses unprovoked. This will help to reinforce the main message (putting aside differences is optimal for any society).
The Hard-Rock-Trolls can still seem evil at first, but don’t have them outwardly express world domination plans. Bart’s plan to steal all the strings still exists, but it’d be best (in my opinion) to try to pull a Lego Movie 2 and make her a reverse twist villain. A twist hero, if you will. The movie goes as always, with the Techno-Trolls being nowhere near prepared for an invasion of such a scale, and having the subspecies abducted to the Hard-Rock-Trolls’ domain.
Cut to the Pop-Troll-Village or whatever. Reintroduce the characters, keep Tiny Diamond if you so insist. This is a kids’ film - a little bit of filler characters being cool is ok.
Poppy receives the invitation from Bart. She is highly trusting and replies in a way that offends Bart when it is received. Branch thinks she’s kinda sus, yada yada. Mr. Previous-Leader-Of-The-Pop-Trolls-Or-Whatever-His-Name-Was tells Poppy a bit of exposition about the Strings, where it is explained that fighting amongst themselves split up the Trolls, and also (for a bit of worldbuilding) explaining that the most powerful 6 genres of music at any given time own one of the strings. This will explain the Disco-Trolls reference later.
Poppy and Branch go to meet Bart, The British One is a stowaway, Cooper finds the open scrapbook and tries to find his kin, yada yada.
Upon arrival at the Pre-African-Influence (classical, baroque, etc) Domain, it is revealed by a surviving instrument that the Pre-African-Influence-Trolls suffered a similar fate to the Techno-Trolls (although of course they don’t know about that). Poppy offers to help, but the instrument refuses on the basis of different music tastes.
They move on to the Country Domain, in which they attempt to cheer up the Country-Trolls. That scene is fine as-is, as it once again reinforces the point. They are once again rescued by Hickory, a.k.a. the Yodelling-Trolls in disguise, as bounty hunters serving Bart.
Speaking of which, the Bounty Hunters are offered some payment vaguely described as meagre instead of the tiny plot of land which reinforces the idea that Bart is evil during that time. The Bounty Hunters themselves are small populations of Trolls who preside over genres too niche to earn a string for themselves. These are not the only smaller communities of Trolls, it should be noted.
Back with the protagonists, the usual disagreements ensue. This can be kept pretty much the same, as it reinforces the main theme. However, it’s more focused on Poppy’s lack of acceptance of the other genres.
Cooper finds the Funk-Trolls, and soon so do the protagonists. Cooper’s-brother-or-whatever-he’s-called does the explaining of the previous aggressive actions of the Pop-Trolls, and the Funk-Trolls act significantly more on this presumption, so the protagonists are ejected, just before Bart and the Hard-Rock-Trolls attack. 
Arguments between the protagonists ensue, and they stumble across a series of much smaller communities, hiding from the Hard-Rock-Trolls. They are revealed to be even fighting amongst themselves, with Trolls who prefer (for example) one artist over another getting into massive feuds. Poppy tries to calm them down but ends up joining in, despite Branch’s protests.
In the middle of this fighting, Hickory’s identity is revealed and they are all caught by the Hard-Rock-Trolls. Bart takes the final string and it does not change colour as it is strung onto the guitar. The other Pop-Trolls are revealed to also be there.
Fast-forward to the concert where Bart is about to play the Power-Chord-or-whatever, which is designed to eliminate discrimination between the Trolls. At the last moment, Poppy breaks out of her bindings and smashes the guitar, destroying the strings.
Bart’s not-evil intentions are revealed, and Poppy is revealed to have been the antagonist all along. Everyone is quite rightly angry at her for eliminating the media for the domain that the species presides over, and the other Trolls realise their own mistakes.
And then to not have it end in tragedy it is suddenly revealed that, as gods of a sort over the domain of music, the Trolls do not require any special media to create music. In fact, much like humans, they can create music with anything. And, since it’s revealed that all the trolls have perfect pitch, proficiency in at least one instrument and decent-ish knowledge of music theory, they create the world’s biggest crossover and have a great big jam session together. And they don’t make it in freaking F major.
So yeah, that’s it. I’m going to sleep.
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cartoonsliveon · 3 years
Hermit Canyon AU but.....
Instead of the Hermits appearing on the Dream SMP and being stranded there, and terrifying everyone with how cryptid they’re being, the Dream SMP end up stranded on Hermitcraft.
(Please note that this AU is thanks to @redorich. I take no credit for the AU at all they merely inspired this train of thought that won’t leave me alone!)
It happens when the server is finally updated to 1.17. Everyone  Most of the SMP was excited for the new height limit, the new ores, the new mobs, the new building materials. But...
No one knows they’re there. It was a glitch (or was it...?) that brought them here, they evaded the white list somehow. And their arrival fails to show up in the general chat. No one on Hermitcraft knows what type of chaos has been unleashed onto their server.
They all wake up scattered across the Hermitcraft server, on the main island and outside of that, clustered in their own groups.
Quackity, Sapnap, George, and Karl are their own group (Return of El Rapids!)
Sam is reunited with Ant and Bad, who are surprisingly not corrupted by the Egg (None of them know if the Egg has permanently lost its influence through the server hop or if it even followed them but none of them question it). None of them have a chance to address it right away though because Bad is frantically trying to search the area for Skeppy. 
Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo are out there, on their own, without any supervision whatsoever.
Niki, Jack, and Ponk are grouped together. Purpled, Punz, and Hannah also form another trio.
Phil is grouped together with Wilbur and Fundy. Father, Son, and Grandson all together.
Techno is paired with Eret and Skeppy. He’s not super thrilled about being paired with Eret simply because of principle since Eret is a monarch. And also because the voices won’t stop asking about Phil and it’s stressing him out. And Skeppy’s trolling nature is NOT helping.
Puffy’s new job is to keep Foolish from smiting HBomb when the man decides it’s a perfectly good time to continue his cat maid bit. 
Dream is out there, somewhere on the server. On his own and looking for revenge against a few people.
The first few days are ROUGH. They all panic about everything. The ground shaking, the giant moon, the night skipping. They jump when they hear goats screaming before they see them, lose their minds when they see the elytra and the Boatem Hole with it’s lack of bedrock.
Tommy, is classic Tommy “the dirty crime boy” Innit fashion, starts stealing from every house they come across and griefing it just a little bit. You know, upside down T’s made out of obsidian or netherrack (literally depends on what he has on hand), stealing tools and iron and the diamond blocks in the Boatem hourglasses. 
He steals a Derpblock thinking its a diamond block and Tubbo is the one to go “What the fuck is this useless thing?” Evil X gets a sudden, inexplicable shudder.
Phil’s first step is establishing a secure, secret area. But that becomes incredibly difficult when Wilbur asks him if they can build a Taco Van and Fundy wants to be a mischievous fox and break/study the redstone contraptions at the Octagon.
Phil, Wilbur, and Fundy trying to ignore the family tension that surrounds them, what with Wilbur blowing up L’Manburg and lying to Phil in his letters and Fundy burning the flag and trying to help execute Techno and Phil helping destroy New L’Manburg. 
Quackity having to pretend that everything is fine. That nothing is wrong about being paired with one of his closest friends and his fiances who didn’t tell him they were founding a new nation and didn’t want him part of it. The tension is thick and it’s ready to implode.
Sam refuses to let his guard down with Ant and Bad. The two of them are silent, they make it a point to make sure Sam has the better gear first to prove that they aren’t a threat, that he doesn’t have to worry so much. Bad is worried sick over Skeppy, and it worries Sam and Ant because they know stuff happened, really bad stuff, involving Bad, Skeppy, and the Egg but they don’t fully know what.
Phil’s crows are constantly flying throughout Hermitcraft, stealthy little things searching out everyone and reporting back to Phil. He uses them to keep track of everyone, especially Techno, Niki, and Ranboo. He has plans to call a Syndicate meeting. He just doesn’t know when.... but soon. Soon.
The Hermits know something is wrong. Something beyond the normal “wrong” that is their server with the quakes and huge moon and glitched portal Doc made. Diamond blocks don’t go missing, iron and gold doesn’t vanish. No one on Hermitcraft griefs. Not like this. It’s concerning.
It’s two weeks after the griefing and stealing that Doc notices some of his spare parts for his arm are missing. Two days later, a box full of cookies with an apology note in Niki’s handwriting saying: “Sorry for stealing from you, but my friend really needed the parts.” 
The multitude of glitches and strange phenomenons on the Hermitcraft Server has a serious impact on some of the members. Karl’s memory is having worse lapses of amnesia but he’s not time traveling. Ranboo’s Enderwalking is becoming more and more frequent, he disappears and neither Tubbo or Tommy know where he disappears to. Eret’s started spacing out, wandering away from the hidey hole they set up with Techno. Their memory is returning and fading in flashes, they’re the only one who can stand steady when the ground shakes. They zone out, and Techno can’t ignore the magic and power that briefly rolls off of Eret when they zone out on him and Skeppy. Fundy’s nightmares, when he can sleep, feel like they’re getting worse than ever before. He dreams constantly of a strange man, with a helmet and clad in red.
Etho sees Ranboo one night, while he’s Enderwalking. Etho is confused, thinking it’s a normal Enderman before realizing that Endermen are not black and white. But by the time he does a double take, Ranboo has disappeared.
That’s all I can think of for now. 
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