#makes dubstep remixes of like Beethoven
etchy-a-sketchy · 5 months
I love my new oc <3
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squadrah · 2 years
From My CuriousCat
"What genre of music would each member of La Squadra like?"
Risotto: That very special genre of women singing ancient lullabies in ethereal voices. It sounds haunting when you hear it stream from his room but he's just reminiscing about his family.
Formaggio: He's that one guy who can name at least one song or piece he likes from any genre you can think of, but his personal favorite is punk rock because Fuck The Man And Fuck His Things.
Prosciutto: He's been brought up to know what sort of music makes you sound classy and honestly he's fine with that; that said, he prefers something melodic and non-intrusive to vibe to.
Pesci: Extremely apologetic about the fact that he tends to like whatever is popular. If it plays on the radio enough, it will be on Pesci's radar and he will shame himself for you.
Ghiaccio: Very badly wants to like classics like Beethoven, but is too addicted to the modern epic instrumentals and power ballads he listens to while grinding for health and fitness.
Melone: He loves remixes whether it's a change of tone or a dubstep firecracker. Sometimes entertains himself by editing songs with Baby Face and playing them for his friends.
Illuso: Whenever he declares that the song playing is his jam, it is either a song about being beyond the reach of hurt or the haters, or the pettiest break-up song you've ever heard.
Sorbet: Opera, and the more obscure it is, the better. He will tell you that opera is truly misunderstood and underappreciated, but doesn't care to discuss it any further.
Gelato: Raunchy folk songs that are best belted out when blind drunk around a fire. If the song is not raunchy enough, he will turn into a naughty poet and fix it on the spot.
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sciencestyled · 12 days
Musical Mayhem Among the Milky Way: The Cosmic Jam Session You Didn't Know You Needed
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Ladies and gentlefolk, gather 'round, for today we embark on a delirious escapade through the cosmic cacophony known as the "Music of the Spheres." Imagine, if you will, an interstellar rave where Mars is headlining with a dubstep remix of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," and Jupiter's moons are the backup dancers in glittery space suits. Yes, folks, we’re diving into the wild and wacky world of astronomy and art, where celestial bodies (not a phrase I can use, but you get the drift) play musical chairs in the vast expanse of the universe.
Picture this: you're lounging in your backyard, stargazing, when suddenly the stars begin to hum a tune. No, you haven't accidentally consumed your roommate's "special" brownies; what you're experiencing is the theoretical and utterly bonkers idea that the universe is one big, harmonious orchestra. Think of it as the greatest collab album of all time, featuring hits from planets, stars, and even the occasional black hole dropping a sick bassline.
First, let's talk planetary orbits. Imagine each planet as a vinyl record, spinning on the cosmic turntable of DJ Gravity. These orbits create a kind of rhythm, a celestial beat that, if you squint hard enough and maybe take a few more of those "special" brownies, you can almost hear. Kepler, the OG mix master of this concept, suggested that the planets are grooving to their own beats, creating a harmony so complex it makes Beethoven's 9th sound like a nursery rhyme. Each orbit is a measure, each revolution a note in this interplanetary jam session.
Now, brace yourselves as we delve into star frequencies. Picture stars as diva pop stars, each one with its unique vibrato. These cosmic divas aren't just twinkling prettily for your Instagram-worthy night sky shots; they're belting out frequencies like Mariah Carey on a whistle-note binge. The study of these star sounds, or asteroseismology if you want to impress your friends at parties, reveals that stars pulsate and oscillate, emitting frequencies that could, theoretically, be converted into sound. It's like if you took the soundboard of the universe and cranked up the treble, you'd hear a symphony (ah, I almost used that forbidden word!) of twinkling harmonics. Imagine a cosmic karaoke night where stars compete in a galactic version of "The Voice," judged by Simon Cowell, who, in this case, is probably a supermassive black hole with a snarky attitude.
But hold onto your tinfoil hats, because it gets even weirder. There are composers right here on Earth who are tapping into this intergalactic music fest. Take Gustav Holst, for instance, who composed "The Planets" suite. Each movement is inspired by the astrological characteristics of the planets. Mars, the Bringer of War? That’s a heavy metal anthem just waiting to happen. Venus, the Bringer of Peace? Smooth jazz, baby. And let's not forget John Cage, who probably would have written a piece for the sounds of stars if he hadn't already composed 4’33” of silence. These earthly compositions, inspired by the heavens, are like the ultimate fan remixes of the universe's greatest hits.
In the realm of contemporary pop culture, the idea of cosmic music isn't just the domain of classical composers and astrophysicists. Oh no, even the likes of Kanye West and Lady Gaga have dipped their toes into the spacey soundwaves. Kanye’s "SPACE X RAP" (okay, I made that one up, but wouldn’t it be awesome?) and Gaga’s "Starman Tribute Concert" are just the beginning. Imagine a world where the Billboard Hot 100 includes tracks like "Neutron Star Blues" and "Galactic Groove." The ultimate fusion of astronomy and art, bringing the rhythms of the universe into our earbuds.
But let's not stop at music. Imagine if every time you looked at a starry night, you could hear the soundtrack of the cosmos. It's like the ultimate ASMR experience, but instead of whispering, it's the hum of distant quasars and the crooning of neutron stars. Space enthusiasts would swap their telescopes for cosmic boomboxes, tuning into the latest hits from the Andromeda Galaxy. Spotify would have a new category: "Galactic Beats," featuring tracks like "Big Bang Bangers" and "Dark Matter Dubstep."
And what about live concerts? Imagine a venue on the moon, where the backdrop is the Earthrise, and the opening act is a laser light show courtesy of pulsars. The headliner? None other than the Milky Way's own planetary DJ, spinning tunes that have been light-years in the making. Forget Coachella; this is Spacetopia.
In this wacky world, even our daily lives would get a celestial remix. Alarm clocks would wake us up with the gentle hum of a white dwarf star. Elevators would play Muzak versions of the latest pulsar hits. Dinner parties would feature background music composed of comet swooshes and asteroid belt beats. The universe would be our personal jukebox, spinning tracks that are literally out of this world.
So next time you look up at the night sky, don't just see stars—hear them. Imagine the universe as a vast, infinite concert hall, where each celestial body is an instrument in a cosmic orchestra, each orbit a measure in a galactic tune. It’s a symphony (I know, I know, but come on!) that’s been playing for billions of years, just waiting for us to tune in.
And who knows? Maybe one day we'll figure out how to really hear this cosmic concert. Until then, we can only imagine, laugh, and perhaps dance a little to the beat of the universe. Because in the grand, kooky, and wonderfully wacky scheme of things, we’re all just part of the greatest jam session of all time.
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jackstingy · 8 months
@dearfr1end gets a story about seeing how long j.d. can go without breaking his fridge. again. — sc. lyrics from.
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for the rest is green, j.d. prays, another plenitude of ceramic pots containing the carcasses of house plants never meant to be crashing down at jack’s insistence that the living room be rebuilt from the crawl space upwards. neither a romantic poet nor a ruthless warrior, the only nonlethal occupation either of them could think up that would make a positive impression on their first guest in forever was that of a home renovator, and as it turns out, would is not synonymous to will just as wood glue is not synonymous to afternoon teatime additive. ever the prodigy at prioritising, j.d. had taken a stab at stacking his psychology textbooks on the coffee table in front of the television (set to a wrestling program, again at jack’s insistence that thinly veiled vellity to violence would be alluring) and shoving barbecue sticks up his old plants’ stems (the glue would set after a few minutes, jack insisted, and now he plays the ignorant hierophant to how the plants and their stupid ceramic pots have jumped off the kitchen shelves) and providing the latest sponsor of his madness (forrest can you see the forest for the trees can you see me for me maybe i should take up poetry instead of listening to you jack shut up jack shut up jack shut up me) with some alcohol-free champagne. to celebrate what? ha! j.d. can be the ignorant hierophant too, you should know. forrest shouldn’t.
he realises after what is either a minute or a millennium of mopping up the dirt and the shards of clay that look like they were painted by a kindergartner that, oh, the bottle of alcohol-free champagne is in his hand and oh, no, the esteemed guest that is forrest greene is waiting for him in the freezing living room. the mop clatters to the ground, bisecting another fragment of former vase, and he sprints from the corridor with all the dead plants to the living room with all the dead plants. the wind has messed up his hair, he’s sure. the champagne’s been warmed by his clammy palms past the point of consumption, he’s certain. doesn’t matter. what doesn’t kill them will make them stronger. stand a little taller. that’s not even the song on the radio, j.d. that’s the song he wants to play but can’t because jack’s like his own mental military bootcamp on ye olde masculinity and that all begins and ends with whether or not he plays beethoven on the radio.
he switches the station to something distorted. loud. messy. the fun kids junior channel and its dubstep remix of ‘ twinkle twinkle little star ’ is plenty alternative by his standards.
‘ sorry about the wait. um, the shelves are going through their stroppy teen phase as of now, so i’d recommend you not make them self-conscious about how they’re all on the floor whinging about whatever. ‘ he sits on the sofa a safe distance away from forrest. one can never be too safe, though, and so he slips down to the floor. another shelf does the same.
‘ the bottle is ready to blow, ’ he remarks, cork pointed straight at his face. six twists later, the cork punishes him to predictably outfit-ruining results. ‘ okay, well, you didn’t have to prove it. jesus. jack, i told you, blasphemy isn’t punishable by pyre anymore. it’s civil rights or something. i know they didn’t have those in your time, but – ‘
he looks back to his guest. jesus, jack. he wishes to persecute both. ‘ so, um, yeah, there’s this mural project going on about a waterslide away from me, and i was wondering if you’d help me figure out how to make sure i don’t ruin the whole block with my work-in-progress level of coordination? ‘ natural 20 on that death save, j.d. don’t blow it now.
have you ever tried having faith in someone? it's a horrific affair, and that is an assessment sent with love by someone who has aroused a litany of them. here on the floor, however, lies one jack daniel ceallach, choking on his words as a geyser of corner shop absinthe seeps through his t-shirt. good, jack daniel. i have never liked that profane tunic, nor the circumstances in which he chooses to wear it. the combination of a jubilant axiom and pastel takes on noah's rainbow arch is one that incites nausea. forrest greene, however, incites excitement. who are you? and why, really, does jack daniel want you here?
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misto713 · 3 years
Five songs I've been listening to recently, tagged by @huenot :)
1. Ashley Serena - Witch's Lullaby
^ this one is actually very soothing. ashley has an incredibly pleasant voice and the lyrics and interesting too.
2. Eon - Dancing with monsters (Witcher Dubstep)
^ (now for something completely different) since i love witcher but want the music to hit a bit harder.
^ makes me feel like a sorcerer. hits just right.
4. Imagine Dragons - Natural
^ reminds me of solavellan. especially that clip. makes waiting for DA4 easier...
5. Beethoven - Für Elise Nightmare (dubstep remix)
^ because i'm weird. it puts me in a good gaming mood.
well these are mine. migjt be older but i still listen to them actively and will continue to do so until ny hyperfixation runs its course.
i'm tagging @chibi-oneiros @nutshellkelp @thisgirlshouldbestudying
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obnoxious songs they blast while picking you up | pt. 1
Ft. Daichi, Sugawara, Tanaka, Hinata, Kuroo, Yaku, Oikawa, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Daisho
Warnings: Language, dorky boys, some songs are 18+ lmao sorry kids
A/n: I don’t really know where this idea came from. I was just vibing and listening to music and had the epiphany that I listen to obnoxious shit and decided to put some of them into writing and then it turned into this lol.  I feel like half the boys in this show are petty as fuck and would do this just because of a small fight.  This is also published to Ao3 and there will be a part 2!
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Daichi – Bad Boys from COPS
This fucker probably pulls up to your job in a police car, windows rolled down, and blasts this song. Everyone in the general vicinity is just staring.  You are too, but you’re staying in place because your husband is the worst human on earth.
He points at you and motions for you to get in the car, smirking.
You can’t even see his eyes. He’s wearing the classic cop aviators.
Honestly, fuck this guy.
You’re head is lowered as you shamble toward the car, face red, before getting in the passenger seat.
“I’m never asking you to pick me up again, Daichi.”
“Awe, you love it, babe. Plus you’re riding in style.”
This isn’t what you’d call style, especially when he blasting this particular song.
He even has the audacity to turn on the sirens and the lights as he drives away from your workplace.
You’ll have your revenge. . .
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Sugawara – Can-Can by Offenbach
You think the person pulling up in a car that’s blasting Can-Can is a genius while also being extremely annoying, until you realize that’s your genius but annoying ass husband.
Sugawara rolls down the window and smirks at you. He’s trying to look cool, doing the whole single-hand on the steering wheel and one arm out the window thing.
And really, he would look cool if he wasn’t playing Can-Can.
“Twerk for me babe.”
You pull the hood of your jacket up and awkwardly walk to the car.
Your face is bright red, but let’s be real, the second you are both in the car together you’re headbutting your asses off to Can-Can because it’s an amazing song.
Fuck y’all if you disagree.
(Jk I love you anyway)
Yeah, he blasts Can-Can a lot at home just because it's amazing.
Usually he does it before cleaning the house because it's very motivating.
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Tanaka – Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
First off, this is the best song that’s ever been created in the history of music.
You can fight me on that.
Tanaka pulls up in your guys’ mini van because it just had the oil changed, and as payback for making him drive a mini van, he thinks he’ll be a little cooler if he just blasts the most badass song ever.
It’s really not. . .
Everyone is staring at Tanaka because for some reason your mini van has hella bass so it’s just vibrating everything in the general vicinity.
You stare at him, smiling, but internally raging. Your husband stares back, smirking widely and very mischievously.
He even dares to lean over the passenger seat and open the door for you.
“C’mon, baby. Get in and be cool with me.”
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Hinata – Fur Elise by Beethoven (Klutch Dubstep Remix)
He’s not even trying to be embarrassing. He’s just legitimately vibing with this song when he picks you up.
He probably just got out of volleyball practice, too, so he’s in a tanktop and shorts, sunglasses on his head, and looks like he’s on top of the world as he waits for you to come over to where he’s pulled up and he’s literally headbanging to the song.
It takes you like a whole minute before you realize that’s literally your husband.
You’re like *surprised pikachu face*.
Just let him vibe. . . Don’t ruin his vibe. . .
You just go to the car and get in the passenger seat quietly. He doesn’t even notice because he’s vibing so hard.  He’s doing hand movements and everything, as if he’s the one playing the piano.
When the song ends and he sees you sitting there, his face just lights up.
“Hey, baby! How was work?”
You smile and go on to tell him about your day. You don’t bother to tell him that your entire workplace just witnessed him aggressively headbanging to Fur Elise.
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Kuroo – WAP by Cardi B feat. Megan Thee Stallion (but the Rihanna S&M mashup)
You and your husband had a fight earlier that morning. It was over basically nothing (it was about you not making him breakfast because you woke up late -.- This petty fucker—), and you did not apologize to him.
Never let a fight linger with Kuroo’s petty ass.
You watch your husband’s car pull up to the curb, where you’re waiting for him. The music could literally be heard from three blocks away.
Kuroo rolls down the window, smirking, and turns to you.
Deadass, this fucker is shirtless, and wearing aviator sunglasses that he casually pulls down to look at you from over the rim.  His hair is even slicked back and he looks hot.
His arm is dangling over the steering wheel and the song is just blasting.
“Hey, kitten~”
Your face is absolutely burning. Everyone in the general vicinity is staring at this shirtless, attractive motherfucker who you unfortunately chose to marry.
“I’m not making you breakfast for a week, Kuroo.”
You don’t even call him by his first name even though you literally have the same last name as him.
“What!? >:(“
This is probably how he picks you up everyday until you make him breakfast.
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Yaku – S my D by Blood on the Dancefloor
This is another case of the man being a petty bitch because of a minor fight.
You may or may not have called your husband short earlier this morning, and you both laughed it off after he scolded you for calling him short. You genuinely thought it was over with until. . .
. . . he’s picking you up for work.
You didn’t even know this song existed until this exact moment, but the lyrics are so vulgar.
Yaku has all the windows down and is screaming this song as it blasts from the speakers.
You deadass just turn around and pretend you don’t know him.
You’re literally five seconds away from just walking home, honestly.
“Isn’t that your husband, Yaku-chan?” one of your coworkers asks.
You glance at the car where your husband is still jamming.
“Hm, nope. Don’t know that guy.  What a weirdo.”
Yeah, everyone knows you’re married to that lunatic but no one says anything.
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Oikawa – I’m a Barbie Girl by Aqua
Why wouldn’t he? This fucker probably thinks he’s a living Ken doll.
Jk, but seriously.
You guys had a fight a whole week ago about his haircut. All you said was that he should cut it a little because it was growing into his eyes and he gasps like you’ve just murdered his whole family.
Yeah, he’s dramatic.
So, the next time you ask him to pick you up from work? Well, he’s obviously playing this song and he’s actually jamming to it.
He’s wearing sunglasses and staring at you like he’s staring into your soul.
He only sings the Ken parts and points at you at the Barbie parts like he expects you to actually sing back.
You’re so embarrassed because everyone is staring.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows the obvious implications of the song so all the older people around are mildly horrified.
“C’mon, Barbie. Let’s go home,” Oikawa says, winking.
You’ve never wanted to murder your husband as bad as you do right now.
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Matsukawa – Skibidi by Little Big
First off, go watch the music video if you haven’t.
. . is this even a surprise?
Your husband is chaotic and he probably forced you to learn the dance with him. You both will randomly turn it on at inopportune moments and fully expect the other person to start the dance (someone do this with me).
You shouldn’t be surprised when your husband pulls up, looking innocent, before beginning to blare the song with all the windows rolled down.
Suddenly he looks like a maniac with the way he’s grinning.
Your jaw drops to the ground and you just stand there for a moment in shock.
Your face is bright red but you’re smiling stubbornly as you begin the horrific dance.
Matsukawa laughs. He literally gets out of the car and starts dancing with you like an idiot.
Everyone is watching in awe and honestly they should be jealous that you guys have so much fun.
Best husband.
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Hanamaki – I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers
This is probably a common occurrence honestly. This bitch is chaotic as shit so if you think he wasn’t going to be harassing you every time he picks you up then you’re wrong.
At this point it’s just a challenge to see how far he can go.
Pulls up blaring this song and rolls down the window revealing him to be wearing a beach-themed button up (ya know, the classic dad ones) and he’s smirking like a fucking maniac.
Points at you just before the chorus.
You’re smiling like an idiot because he’s just so stupid and lovable.
He’s screaming so loud that you can’t believe his vocal chords haven’t snapped.
Maki starts doing the rope-pull thing and you play along and go to the car.
Yes, you guys sit in the parking lot screaming that song together until it ends.
Honestly, everyone at your workplace just thinks your husband is the coolest guy ever.
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Daisho – Daddy by PSY
Probably thought he was the funniest guy on the face of the Earth when he pulled up to your job blaring this song. He looks like a real cool guy, too.
Sunglasses, short-sleeved shirt to show off muscular biceps, slicked hair.
Ya man has the whole shebang.
You just stare at him, jaw dropped when Daisho turns to you with a smirk. He’s nudges his sunglasses down a little to look at you over the rim.
“Hey, babe,” he greets, too casually for your liking.
The music is so loud that you barely even hear him.
His smirk only stretches wider when he sees your growing embarrassment.
“C’mon, you like my body, just admit it!” he calls.
You get into the car before he can keep talking. You quickly roll up your window but the other three are still down and you know in your heart that there’s no escaping your husband’s will to embarrass you.
“I’ll get payback.”
“Sure you will, babe.”
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grunkle4d · 5 years
I really DID NOT think you would like dubstep, luv hahahah It's more punk-ish, and I thought you'd like Marina and the Diamonds more idk hahahehe
They’re alright. I really like the way dubstep makes me feel. I especially like dubstep covers of old songs I remember back before going through the portal! Or dubstep remixes of classical pieces, like Beethoven or Tchaikovsky.
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Hamilton DJ Drabble (Jeffmads)
I fell in love with the idea of a Hamilton DJ/music au, so I made a drabble for it. I may do more if people want it or I think of something else. I hope you like it (it typed this on my tablet, so please pardon the errors if any)
Word count: 1808 Warnings: Nothing
The nightclub was booming to the sick beats and remixes that were being pumped out by DJ Thunderson. That was Thomas Jefferson's alias when he was at the local downtown nightclubs. He took his love for music and took it to the next level during his Junior year in college. His third year of music classes required him to learn the basic functions of how to make music via electronics and computers. It came naturally him and before he knew it, he was putting his own spin on the music game and began playing at college parties. Everybody wanted this man recreating their current smash hits from the radio and that was fine by Thomas. Even though the basic lessons were over, he learned more on his own thanks to videos on YouTube and listening to the current kings and queens on the scenes of dubstep, EDM, and house music. After his other classes, he would head to his dorm, which he shared with James Madison. There he’d pull out his set up of a few laptops and turntables in their makeshift living room and begin his nightly session of figuring out which songs to turn up and crank out. On those nights, he’d have his headphones on so he wasn’t aware when his roommate came out to get something out the fridge. He also didn’t notice that James would occasional nod his head to the muffled music coming from his friend’s headphones. James didn’t mind Thomas making music as long as it wasn’t ear-shattering and he wore headphones so James could read and study in peace. Thomas would retire around 2 a.m. on those nights so he decided to work on days where his classes started in the afternoon.
Word had spread like wildfire as young adults close to club owners suggested that Thomas play. There were videos on various Instagram and Facebook profiles broadcasting the soon to be aspiring DJ. One club owner decided to give him a chance since he noticed Thomas gathered a rather large following that could equal a rise in customers. Thomas received the email during lunch one day which quickly prompted going to Alexander and rubbing it in his face that he will get to perform and get in the club for free the running to his dorm and bouncing off the walls as he told James. Alex was secretly jealous and James was proud and slightly excited, but he always remained supportive of his best friend.
Thomas, now under the name DJ Thunderson, with his own designed gear he got Lafayette and Herc to create, would find himself in front of large crowds of teens and young adults jumping and head-banging to the rhythm. People were dancing with and on each other, groups were singing along, neon everything was swimming over throughout the crowd, and Jell-O shots were being downed like there was no tomorrow. It felt like that every time Jefferson played. He felt like he was making it amongst the in-crowd and was getting his name out there. The mixture of music, shots, heat in the building and the women jumping to be by his side and in his bed made him feel like he was on top of the world. He even thought about dropping out of college to make this a full-time job, as he was being paid pretty well, but decided to stay to not go against his mother's wishes.
After the parties ended and everybody was getting their last drinks in, James would come pick Thomas up, if he was hammered enough. James would slip in the back and guide him to his car and put him in the back. He would then get some help to pack Jefferson’s stuff in the trunk and head back to the dorms. After pretty much rolling Thomas and his equipment in and dragging Thomas into his bed, the smaller man would take a shower to wash off any smells of liquor and neon paints that may have gotten on him. Soon James would be asleep in his bed and Thomas would be hanging on his bed, drooling and snoring heavily.
One day Thomas woke up after being brought home and tested out his equipment to make sure it was still working since he had a gig right after his last class. James heard a loud scream and a thud come from the living room and jumped up to see what happened. It was Thomas holding his laptop and speakers which he could see had a blue screen and made disheveling static noises. Thomas didn’t realize that somebody spilled a drink on his stuff as he was packing up. It devastated Thomas as he didn’t know what to do. James comforted his friend and gave a smile, warm-hearted smile to try to reassure everything will turn out okay. Thomas sighed and got ready for class leaving James to his own activities.
By the time Thomas got back to his room, his head was lower due to the thought of not being able to perform that night. He raised his head as he heard music playing lowly from the living room and followed the sounds. He saw his laptop screen in working condition, his speakers were clear, and his turntables were clean and sparkled. His eyes widen and a smile quickly grew on his faces, but then his eyebrows furrowed a bit. He wondered who fixed his stuff while he was away. He thought James did it but denied the idea as James didn’t seem like a tech person. He wanted to figure it out, but pushed the thought aside as he gathered his stuff in his book bag, left a note for James telling him he can just use his card to order something to eat, and left for the club.
James would see the note later on that night and smile, happy that Thomas could continue what he loved doing. He was glad he didn’t get asked any questions because he didn’t want anybody knowing that he actually was receiving a minor software and electronic engineering. James was always fascinated with computers since they didn’t require him to physically be around people and it didn't get him sick. While Thomas was gone, James decided to order some Greek takeout and hide away in his room. He knew Thomas wouldn’t be back until late since he knew the earlier he left, the later he’d stay out. James opened up his laptop on the bed with his Gyros, Kokoretsi, and Galaktoboureko, on a little table nearby. He opened up a music program and put his headphones on. James began taking classical music like Beethoven and Bach and added his own twist to it. Though his creations were not as harsh as Thomas’, his music would get your hips moving and start making you listen to more symphonies during study breaks. James had gotten so focused on his music and in his food, he didn’t realize how much time had passed. Thomas was able to get home via Lafayette, who attended the club that night.
After Thomas got inside and collapsed on the couch, he laid back and let out a long sigh. He let his body relax before hearing some soft music come from his friend's room. He thought James just left some music playing while he slept. He thought that until he heard movement in the room and saw the light come on. He heard James go into the bathroom in his room, which wasn’t normal to Thomas. Being who he was, he decided to investigate, crawled off the couch, and cracked open his roommate's door to see where the source was coming from. It was the laptop on the bed, hooked up to a mini speaker and a small electronic pad. Jefferson heard a familiar classic being remixed and his mouthed dropped. James walked out the bathroom and was flustered and surprised to find his best friend nodding to the beat of the music. James quickly stopped the music and closed the laptop. Thomas looked with confusion and walked completely into the room.
“James, why didn’t you tell me you made music?”, Thomas asked.
“It’s a small hobby, Thomas. I like computers and seeing you do it got me interested, but I don’t like people knowing because I never thought it would be any good.”, James responded rubbing the back of his head.
Thomas sat there for a moment to think. “So you fixed my stuff?”.
James simply nodded,”Yeah, I hated seeing you upset, and I know how much you love playing, so I fixed it so you could continue going out”.
Thomas smiled warmly at his friend, then walked over and gave him a tight hug. “Thank you, Jemmy. You’re a lifesaver and you really are my best friend. You shouldn’t compare what you do to me. Don’t hide it and enjoy it.”, Thomas said in James' ear.
James grew redder and wrapped his arms around Jefferson before pulling away.
“Now come on and share some of that Gyro, I wanna hear what you’ve been workin’ on”, Thomas excitedly said as he jumped on James’ bed, next to his stuff.
James shook his head and chuckled before sitting next to the bigger man. He opened his laptop and switched off his headphones then began to play a few pieces he put together. Jefferson listened while snacking on one of the untouched Gyros and rocked his body to the rhythm. James smiled to see his friend enjoy his work. They sat there for hours until James was asleep on Thomas’ shoulder and Thomas had his arms wrapped around James, resting his chin on his friends small, dark locks.
After hearing James and seeing what he could do, Thomas got James to help him set up his equipment and asked if he could do routine checks on everything. James would run all the devices and software to make sure it was all up to date. Thomas would bring James along to early club setups to help make sure thing everything was in order and did sound checks around the place. Some of the employees began calling Madison “AfterMadd” since he always followed after Jefferson when they saw him. Jefferson loved the name and used it to give credit when he got James to crack and allowed him to use some of the smaller man’s music. James didn’t mind the name because you wouldn’t make the connection quickly that it was James. He never stayed long at the club since he didn’t drink or like being around a lot of people, but he would Skype Jefferson on his phone to listen and let the club music fill the dorm throughout the night.
Being DJs and making music brought the best friends a lot closer than they had ever been.
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Listening Post #2
Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata (A Dubstep REMIX for hearing impaired individuals); 
1.      I recognized the first movement of Beethoven’s No.14 Sonata more than the other movements. It is frequently used in pop culture, mainly movies that are meant to seem eerie or dark, like Dracula (1931), Psycho II (1983), and obviously Immortal Beloved (1994). I think this is why it is so recognizable.
Its use in pop culture is also largely comedic as the above clip shows. It is seen everywhere from the Muppets to movies and car commercials. It can be used to make something seem more dramatic and from what I have noticed, its low sound and continued “motion” makes a listener pay special attention to what is going on. As shown in the car commercial below the addition of the music suggests two things: perfection and an other worldly quality.
I think the first movement is used more frequently than the other movements because it is different than a standard sonata in that the melody is fairly slow. The listener needs to wait and wait for the melody. They aren’t anticipating the melody but feeling it as it occurs. It causes pause in the ears of the listener.
2.      I like the last movement the best, because it seems to take the same idea of making the listener “wait” for the idea, but it is fast high and upbeat. This makes the movement very intense, but you still listen with the same vigor and focus, especially because it uses the same ideas as the first movement but develops them more. Even the last movement has an ebb and flow between fast and slower sections, but the intensity is always there, making the listener sit on the edge of their seat asking “What is next?” “What is happening?” and then feeling very slight relief of, “Oh that’s what is happening!....But wait…?” Beethoven doesn’t need to have music that is overly loud and angry to make the listener tense up and really focus on what is being said, which is why I like this section so much. It is like a father telling you he is disappointed in a hushed tone. It is angry, but has a much different impact than if the same idea were yelled.
3.      I did my best to count the beats per minute and it didn’t seem to follow the standard tempo pattern of a sonata. While the first movement seemed relatively slow, from my counting I got about 75ish bpm which was faster than the second movement, but only barely as the second one was about 60 bpm. This difference in tempo isn’t very pronounced. That in mind the beginning movement actually felt much slower than the second movement, largely because it was lower and darker sounding, whereas the second movement was light and bouncy. I think also it felt slower because the main idea progressed very slowly whereas the low runs were the only portion that were moderately fast. For the first movement, it takes around 30ish beats for the full idea to be revealed by the high notes while there are 12 low notes per measure. The third movement was a stark contrast to the first two in the it was around 130 beats per minute. This gives an overall feeling of progression for the piece, as if something were growing or being slowly revealed as chaotic. I think of it like the car commercial. At the beginning the vehicle is being placed together in a low lit room. For the second movement, I imagine the excitement someone would experience as they try to take it all in, and finally I imagine the third movement being placed over a scene with the car racing around because it is much more vigorous.
4.      I can see how the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata is appealing to a deaf individual for two reasons. First, the low nights resonate more easily for an impaired ear because the vibrations can physically be felt. The second reason is that the high notes are separated so it almost gives the listener more time to delineate these sounds from the silence, if that is at all possible. Because the piece is largely low notes, whether or not the high notes are heard you get a sense of motion that I would imagine would be very welcoming if you’ve lived a large portion of your life unable to enjoy music in a public setting.
5.      I believe his design might be better because removing the overlap of strings, helps remove unwanted resonation. If one string is related to another by the harmonic series and they overlap you may get vibration on notes you don’t want to hear. Likewise, the independence of the strings may improve the bad effects like wave beats caused by equal temperament. By moving strings further apart it seems less likely to me that you will have annoying wave interference that doesn’t entirely mesh. I think people may not like the new piano as much as Barenboim may think, largely because we are just so accustomed to the “wrongness” of equal temperament. The same goes for pianists. I think a large percentage of them will not like the change, even if they know it is technically right. They will likely see it as different, not necessarily better or worse, because it has value, but I think they will just feel “off” as a musician if they are playing it.
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