#thicc vegan
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quinnxreaper · 2 years
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Pretty in Pink 💗
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crumbys-crumbs · 2 years
thicc smoothie
** disclaimers and other info at the bottom bc i know no one likes to read anything before a recipe.
1/2 cup refrige'd coconut cream
1/2 an avocado
2 tsp lemon juice
2 cups whole frozen strawberries
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
8 slices cucumber
6 mint leaves
2 tbsp sugar *
2 tsp plant collagen (opt)
1/2 cup warm water
1) shake up the coconut cream and throw it in the blender with the avocado.
2) now throw in literally everything else in ALMOST whatever order you like, just splash the warm water in there last.
3) blend it and stir it and blend it, until it's all actually blended. if you want it less thick, add a lil more water or whatever.
** notes and everything:
- this makes ~24 oz of smoothie so do with that information what you will
** i know this recipe has annoying ingredients, and also the measurements are... close estimates. this was a freezer/fridge clean-out smoothie for me, so it was just whatever stuff i had that i thought would sound good together, and it ended up actually being really good.
* sugar is bad for you i guess and is only necessary if you're a little baby like me.
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unikenutra · 6 months
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moopsy-daisy · 9 months
Make Your Own Cosmetics, Get What You Actually Want
Once you've been in zero waste, eco friendly, solarpunk/lunarpunk circles for a while, it's easy to forget the steps you took when you started. There are lots of DIY projects I've been doing for 10+ years now, and I keep doing them because they work (for me). Yet, when I sit back and think "am I doing enough?" I always gloss over the myriad things that have become part of my everyday life.
Making these things won't save the environment, but you'll get products that meet your needs on your terms, will save you money, and you won't have to worry about a company discontinuing your favorites. Plus, it seems like a lot less packaging to just buy a brick of beeswax and toss in some kitchen stuff you already had to make makeup.
I got really lucky, I always wanted red hair and henna is a natural dye that only comes in red. Well, more of a coppery tone. But, here's the other cool thing: the henna process is anti-fungal and controls dandruff. Half the time, I remember to color my hair because my scalp starts getting itchy 6+ weeks later and I start to get flakes. Coloring my hair takes care of my scalp and I don't need dandruff shampoo to keep it healthy. It's cost-effective, buying high quality henna for a year's worth of color (for my length and thicc hair) is about $60 for 18-months' of materials. I mix it when I need it, and keep the powder in the freezer. Pro-tip, if you or your partner don't like the grassy, hay-like smell of henna, add cardamom or ginger powder to the mix. It doesn't change the color but it'll knock down the scent.
I learned everything I needed to know about Henna for Hair here: http://hennaforhair.com and buy through Catherine's store because I know I'm getting real, quality henna powder.
Oh and a cloth wrap for your hair will let you keep the henna covered without wasting plastic wrap every time you redo your roots. I've been using the same 'turbie twist' wraps for years now. I made them from old t-shirts and they're stained as fuck. Who cares? This is basically their only job.
Carmine Lip Color
No, it isn't vegan. Yes, it's made of bugs. It's also a spectacular color, the insects aren't abused in the process of gathering or raising. They're actually parasites on nopal cactus, they have a simple niche and serve it well. I learned this lip stain recipe from Humblee & Me, and have found that the anti-bacterial doesn't seem to be necessary, ymmv. A 2.5 gram sample pack of carmine from TKB has lasted me almost a year and I wear this almost daily. I find that the glycerin really helps keep my lips from drying out too badly, so I wear my lip stain even when I'm not planning on being seen by other people. I spend about $20 on lip color for a year and that's including the bottles I use to store it (tiny eyedroppers work best imo) and the glycerin. Not quite zero waste but darn close.
Note: I'm still trying to find a simple recipe for black goth lipstick that I like. So far, my attempts have had a nasty texture and aren't worth the trouble.
Eyebrow Fill
My favorite brand of eyebrow liner discontinued the best color I ever found, so I decided to make my own. Beeswax, cocoa powder, activated charcoal, and almond oil made a little pot of eyebrow fill that suits my needs beautifully. Go super light on the charcoal until you know you've got the color you want. My brows are pretty dark but not fully black, so I do a dark chocolate sort of shade. I think I made my last batch about 11 months ago and it's still half full. I use it daily, apply with an angled brush, and it's never given me breakouts or anything. I don't even wash it off, because I am lazy.
Body Powder/Dry shampoo
Growing up in California, I didn't need this stuff. Living in Oregon? Summer would be awful without body powder. It's also a nice way to have a fragrance on. Pour your favorite perfume (I love Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab oils) onto a cotton ball, put that ball in a jar with a bunch of corn starch. Shake. Leave it for a month. You now have scented body powder. It's a decent dry shampoo, too, I just brush it into my dark hair and it disappears.
Tooth Powder
There is NOTHING wrong with using conventional toothpaste if it meets your needs. I have particular reasons for using tooth powder. These include hating the taste of most toothpaste and needing to avoid fluoride because of my particular thyroid condition. (Fluoride isn't bad for everyone! It isn't ideal for everyone. Figure out what you need!) I make my own tooth powder, it works well enough for me and I don't hate brushing my teeth like I used to. 1 part baking soda, 1 part bentonite clay, some ground cloves. Mix it up, keep in a glass jar (metal will bond with the clay, bad things happen, this is why we use glass or plastic for storage). $20 of materials = LOADS of tooth powder.
Cutting Hair
It's way easier than you think. I cut my own hair and I do a graduated bob which is a little more complex than most at-home cuts. I taught myself. I use decent shears (don't use scissors) and a Wahl hair trimmer set. Learn this skill on yourself, and when people find out you can do hair, they'll come to you for their own needs. Great way to provide mutual aid (one of my parents is trans and getting haircuts in a salon would be extremely stressful for her, so I cut her hair and save her money and suffering). You could also do skill trades! I trade haircuts for massages from a massage therapist friend, for example.
Protip: Dust yourself with body powder before cutting hair, it makes the little shards of cut hair way less prone to sticking to you. You'll still want a shower but it'll just be less icky.
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pandorkful-art · 1 year
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Non-Canondorf #1, LOZ: TAS Ganon (1989)
I had to draw the babygirl. :3c
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theindescribable1 · 8 months
*smacks a vegan out of the way rq* Ayo Vincent THICC ok bye!
...What the h- Ok whatever.. As I was saying..
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swervestrickland · 1 year
emi is it just me or is hangman looking SO thicc and juicy lately?? I mean he always looks good but i feel like he's leveling up 🤤
I think a while ago he stopped dieting and began opening up his food options. He mentioned it in an interview, I think. And I remember him saying he was experimenting with like more vegan/vegetarian-ish options on twitter before he deleted. So, that may be part of it? Or perhaps he’s been hitting the gym more? I don’t know, but you’re so right. I really am enjoying how he looks. I love him however he chooses to be but I won’t lie I’ve been salivating a little more. Thick looks soooo good on him.
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cyansbakery · 12 days
Fluffy hotcakes
Take as many eggs as you want, depends on how much you wanna make. Separate whites from yolks. I do this by hand bc its so much easier (and satisfying) to just roll the yolks a lil bit in my palms and then wash my hands. Also they get separated so much better. I see so many baking videos and shit where theres still white on the yolks and it drives me insane.
Leave the whites for later and whisk up those yolks. Add as much vegetable oil as it will need to double the volume. Like if you got a cup of egg yolks add a cup of oil. Dont be stingy with that shit. This is for shitty and old pans. It will save your pans. It also adds moisture to the mix so like even if you got those fancy expensive non stick pans, the oil goes in anyway.
Add the same exact amount of sugar. It doesnt really matter if its white or brown sugar. Sugar is sugar in this house. If its sweet, pour it in babeyyy. (Powdered sugar dont work tho, that shit got starch in it, will fuck up the batter).
Choose your milk. Any milk works. (Yes, breastmilk too, if thats what you want). This recipe has eggs so it aint vegan but it Can be Lactose Free. I use vegetable milk or lactose free milk for everything bc i dont like shitting myself, thank you very much.
Start sifting in three times as much flour. This is a 1:1:1:3:3 ratio, folks. One cup of yolks? One cup of oil, one cup of sugar, three cups of flour, three cups of milk. Im making up the measurements as i write. I dont measure shit when i do this, this is for your convinience, not mine.
Whisk up that flour in small increments to avoid clumps and add your milk as you go. Cup of flour, whisk, cup of milk, whisk, cup of flour, you get the gist.
Leave it to rest. Get those whites back and whisk them up till they form peaks. We're making sugarless meringue. Dont do the bowl upside down trick, its the sugar that makes that not slide right off the bowl, check if it stays on the whisk. If you wack if against the bowl and some of it stays stuck youre good. If theres still some liquidy shit on the bowl keep going. Its gotta be all foamy.
Check the batter, tt should be thicc but it should fall easily from the whisk when you get it out. Kinda like glue. Imagine you're whisking up glue and how slow it wouod fall from your whisk but wouldnt be stuck in it. Thats how its gotta be babes.
Wash your whisk and put it away you dont need it anymore. With a laddle nudge the whites into the batter and softy fold it in.
Once mixed youre ready to start laddling up into your pan. Dont move that shit, let it fluff up and once it stops bubbling use a spatula to flip it over.
Bone apple teeth
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kiddoovanilla · 3 months
👁️ Regard de star : Mes péripéties mascara 👁️ p.1
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🌟👁️ On ne m'a rien demandé mais ... On va parler d'une étape importante du makeup qui fait toute la différence : le mascara (elles le sont toutes non ? 😂) ! Vous savez, je prends tellement de plaisir à maquiller mes yeux, et trouver le mascara parfait, c'est un peu comme chercher une licorne dans une forêt enchantée, vous voyez ce que je veux dire ? Mes cils sont pas spécialement longs, je n'ai jamais tenté les extensions ou le réhaussement, et le mascara waterproof et moi, c'est pas encore le grand amour. Mais bon, on ne désespère pas, n'est-ce pas ?
Ce que je cherche avant tout dans un mascara ? De la longueur et de la définition, et si ça peut se faire sans agresser ma muqueuse, c'est encore mieux ! Alors, je vous emmène avec moi dans une série de revues sur les mascaras que j'ai testés récemment, dans l'espoir de vous aider à trouver votre perle rare. Allez, c'est parti pour un voyage au pays des cils de rêve ! 👁️🌟
Mascara Magic extension - MAC :
Son prix varie entre 30 et 40€ ce qui, on va pas se mentir, est cher pour un mascara... 🙄 Je trouve qu'il enrobe bien les cils et les allonge bien. Les petites fibres qu'il contient sont censé accentuées cet effet mais pour etre honnete je trouve plus un coté génant à ces fibres .. elles viennent chatouiller les muqueuses en permanence tout en long de la journée en chutant, j'en retrouve parfois sur mes lunettes en les nettoyants même une fois qu'il est sec ! La brosse est très chargée en matière qui est, elle-même, bien épaisse à cause de ces fibres. L'effet pattes d'araignée peut très vite arrivé, ce n'est pas ce que je préfère ... Par contre je trouve qu'il tient vraiment bien la courbure de mes cils 😊
Sur la photo, on voit bien les petites fibres qui m’enquiquinent 😂
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Mascara Sensational - Maybeline :
Un mascara de grande surface auquel je reviendrais sans aucun doute ! J'aime sa brosse courbée qui définit mes cils un à un et les allonge et ne fait pas mal aux muqueuses, on a un résultat bien noir et sans paquet car les picots attrapent bien tout les cils ! Il sèche assez rapidement sur les cils, on peut donc rajouter couches rapidement. Toutefois, il ne tient pas la courbure des cils si on les recourbe au préalable ... mais pour son prix on ne va pas trop en demander : entre 6 et 13€ 🙃 La brosse est chargée juste ce qu'il faut en matière, il ne faut donc pas hésiter à repasser plusieurs fois si vous voulez plus !
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Mascara Hella thicc volumizing- Fenty :
Rihanna nous promet un mascara qui apporterai volume, densité, qui attrape chaque cil, et ce n'est pas du bullshit ! Après une couche, je voyais déjà beaucoup de longueur et une définition cil à cil, à la deuxième couche, j'avais accentué les effets sans paquets ! Sa brosse ressemble beaucoup à celle du Magic extension de Mac (les petites fibres gênantes de la formule en moins), bien chargée en matière avec des poils synthétiques et les effet sont similaires. A choisir, entre le Mac et lui, je choisi Riri sans hésiter 😎 c'est donc un grand oui pour moi, et son prix de 19.9€ n'est pas excessif pour le résultat qu'il apporte
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BONUS : Pour le démaquillage du mascara, je suis tombé sur un mascara démaquillant (dupe du ISEHAN sur YesStyle) sur Shein pour 2.9€ : le Clean Queen. Il démaquille en 1 clin d'œil sans piqué les yeux (formule sans alcool, sans parfum et vegan) : Il me permet de parfaire le démaquillage sans effort et sans douleur. il ne coule pas dans les yeux et la brosse reste propre (en tout cas c'est mon cas). Je l'apprécie tant que j'ai du restock !
🌟 Et voilà pour cette plongée dans l'univers envoûtant des mascaras ! À travers ces revues, j'ai partagé avec vous mes aventures, mes découvertes et parfois même mes petits tracas avec certains produits. Mais au-delà des péripéties, rappelez-vous que le maquillage, c'est avant tout une question de plaisir et d'exploration. N'hésitez pas à partager vos propres expériences et découvertes, car c'est en échangeant que l'on s'enrichit mutuellement dans ce vaste monde de la beauté ! 🌟👁️
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deannedunn · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Womens Ankle Bootie Urban Moto Combat Boots: All Seasons Eur 38 / US 7.5 NEW.
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diaryofasugarfiend · 4 months
Fiend Watched The Little Mermaid
-I haven't seen this since I was a kid
-watched the series sometimes tho
-Ursula is a thicc bitch queen
-as always with hot villains, she did nothing wrong
-seriously Triton is such an angry fucker she probably got banished for looking at him wrong
-or maybe he's bigoted against octopus people
-yeah I'd rather have Ursula as queen but no one can really top Calypso as best sea ruler
-I too like to collect random joy-sparking garbage
-Grimsby's kinda cute and if that grosses you out wait till you find about what I think of Frollo
-no one in this movie should be shocked by the concept of eating things that live in the ocean
-maybe Ursula was banished because the other merpeople are all militant vegans
-Grimsby and the maid should hook up
-those eels didn't deserve that
-favorite song: Fathoms Below
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yogurtstress · 4 months
This morning though I had another vegan skyr from siggis (skyr keeps autocorrecting to slur help)
Ummmm, not crazy for their dairy stuff but the vegan stuff is not the worst
You definitely taste the pea protein but the texture is nice and thicc
3/5 authenticity
Again, the taste is mainly a pleasant raspberry flavor with that pea protein aftertaste
Not ideal but I have had much worse vegan yogurts
7/10 taste wise
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bluepoodle7 · 10 months
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#Househunted2 #heimbaile #MyThoughtsAndQuestions
I wonder if it's still canon that Realtors can't have jobs.
If so then how can Heim Baile afford these burgers?
Unless the dater ending with him made it canon that the buyer is paying for the burgers.
I wonder if Heim Baile would eat a vegan burger?
Also my realm jumping oc Zable Fable would totally do a burger review with Heim.
I wonder since some of the uncanny resident's can't leave the island but only a few can.
Can John Doe leave the island?
Also does Heim get the burgers from the trash and how did he figure out realtors don't need to eat humans to survive?
What happens internally to a realtor when they eat something other than humans?
Why is the water dangerous in the uncanny valley?
Did Heim originally eat buyers or humans but couldn't catch them due to the housebody making the lure a thicc guy?
I wonder if realtor's have pictures of their housebodies framed with their lure bodies?
I wonder in the realtor species that the house can't produce a lure body or just makes a wonky humanoid lure like the eyes are in a weird place.
Or looks like it is not finished?
Realtor's are just animal crossing human villagers since they are connected to their houses.
I know fans already drew John Doe and Maison Talo as animal crossing villagers but what about Heim Baile?
What would Heim's animal crossing animal be?
My guesses are a bear, anteater, or pig villager.
I noticed that a self aware buyer is like the Roadrunner and Maison Talo is like Wile E Coyote.
I mean both are smug smart guys and have business cards.
Wile E Coyote's says he is a super genius while Maison Talo says he's the number 1 realtor in the uncanny valley.
They both try to trick you into capture and hide behind things to watch their prey.
Burger image not mine but link is there.
Burger Clip Art Images - Free Download on Freepik
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maximuswolf · 1 year
Found a great way of making "Vegan" whip cream for my
Found a great way of making "Vegan" whip cream for my ☕ I have struggled with Vegan whip creams, as they are sometimes a bit too sweet or have "unique" flavor profiles (most often coconut 🥥)The almond milk whip cream aerosol can seems to taste fine, though it is sometimes hard to find in my area.There is now new a "vegan heavy cream" (courtesy of Country Crock) which has solved this problem for me!Link: https://ift.tt/MreqEGv have a little hand blender which I can whip it 😩 fairly fast, or if I am not feeling it that day I'll just stir it for 30 seconds (though it is not nearly as Thicc 🍑)There is no added sugar, but using powdered sugar seems to help make it (I have a "sugar free" powdered sugar I use).Overall I am just glad to see 🙈 more dairy free alternatives (and not just those "non-dairy" product "scams" 🙃)It is a nice addition for me when creating frilly coffee drinks at home! 🌈🏳️‍⚧️Note: I am not a paid advertiser, but dear country crock marketing team, if your algorithm finds this, please let me Simp for you M'beloved🌹 Submitted April 13, 2023 at 06:10AM by ModeThis https://ift.tt/aKwETgY via /r/Coffee
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