#this is your pilot speaking
mypilot-fr · 2 years
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This is Khufu!! I just finished him up and I am SO SO excited with how he turned out, I am definitely gonna lore this kiddo immediately
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oddlylonelyflights · 1 year
Rewatching The Hunger Games series and I have so many thought I will not be sharing
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the-kitten69 · 7 months
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In need of a vacation 🏖
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ohmystarrynight · 2 months
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Redraw time! With closeups uwu. The second pic was from last June :0
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p1-f1 · 8 months
Candy Queen is so fucking real I’d put his ass into a blender too
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nicolos · 2 years
help!!! i have just discovered that wookieepedia lists day-lengths and year-lengths for a bunch of planets and that alderaan and tatooine are, of course, included. and that these day lengths and year lengths vary rather wildly from the galactic standard (aka 24 hrs / 365 days).
tatooine has a really long day - 34 hours. they have 2 suns. nights are short. it sounds like pure hell, but it makes sense. it’s also close to its suns and makes a full revolution every 304 days. checks out.
so. alderaan has a rly short day, only 18 hours. sure, i buy it. it’s got a standard year - 364 days. fine.
except the thing is that because of the way years are measured on those planets, despite luke and leia having been born literal minutes apart and being 19 standard years of age... leia is considered 25 years old on alderaan... and luke is... on tatooine... 16..................
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moonshynecybin · 8 months
benjamin tallmadge is such a genuinely neurotic control freak it’s awesome
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Lieutenant Rogers Universe
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This is the masterlist for the ‘Lt. Rogers’ Unvierse! Here should be able to find everything about Star and her found families!
pairings: romantic!neil ‘omaha’ vikander x rogers!reader, platonic!dagger squad x rogers!reader, plantonic!sam wilson x rogers!reader, platonic!bucky barnes x rogers!reader
series summary: 13 pilots were called back to Top Gun in 2023. at the same time, Lieutenant Rogers learns that her father’s shield was passed down to John Walker.
sources: Top Gun: Maverick (2022) , The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
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Call Sign: ‘Star’
13 pilots were called back to Top Gun in 2023. at the same time, Lieutenant Rogers learns that her father’s shield was passed down to John Walker.
Push Your Limits
after learning of the shield’s new owner, star must press on with her duties as a naval aviator and start her training with her new team.
Holding Onto the Past; Letting Go of the Future
after a pretty rough start, maverick takes the aviators to the beach for a team building exercise. star and omaha invite the squad over for the night. after a quick heart-to-heart with rooster, star has to watch the world forget her father.
Earn It
sam and bucky finally meet john in person. so does star. neither interactions were in john’s favor.
Birds and Promises
while we all know what happens in the air, we don’t know what happens with the aviators on the ground when three nearly die during a training exercise. how do hangman, rooster, and star react to their best friends nearly dying? will it change things between star and omaha?
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Your Lover Savior Speaking
the mission is here. and once again while we know what happens in the sky and in the control room, what’s going through star’s mind as her friends fight for their lives and might not come home?
Shield of Injustice
while star and her friends fly the mission of a lifetime, sam and bucky are on a mission to find karli before john does. but they all get way more than the barganed for...
Safe Places
in the wake of the publicized murder of a flag smasher, star has to wrestle with herself as she comes to terms with everything that has happened and anticipate what will happen in the fall out -- all the while omaha tries not to let his feelings overshadow hers
The Lieutenant Rogers Moodboard Collection
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if you would liked to be tagged in this series, please comment or reblog here!! it’ll just help me to keep up with everyone to have a central hub for tags
lt rogers tags <33: @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @malindacath @twsssmlmaa​ 
love each of you little starlights <33
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daily-linkclick · 8 months
im gonna miss xixi every day until forever, lowkey want the og timeline to be restored so that she can live
oughgh... sometimes i delude myself into thinking she can still be alive through qiao ling NOT in the sense that her powers transferred to ql (i actually hate that idea) but in the sense that her soul transferred to ql but not in the intrusive way it's like now ql has a little tianxi ai who she can talk to . for fun
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storeboughtbrand · 2 years
Top Gun Country Dancing AU! Part 3
*a glimpse of how each of the class of 86’ dances with Maverick w/ bonus Rooster*
Goose style: Has the most knowledge when it comes to Country Swing, though Ice is close behind and closing fast. Has a full shelf of 1st place ribbons and trophies to back it up. A combination of tricks and spins. Lots of weird funky tricks. Tries to show off Mav's ability to defy gravity as much as possible. Many moves fighter pilot based ...somehow. Very Unorthodox.
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Ice: The best at performing aerial flips and shoulder tricks out of the boys. Was not satisfied with just being Top Gun (and Mav's top). He also NEEDED to be Top Swinger. Has a binder full of research complete with pictures, notations, and sheet protectors that he is not ashamed to show off (Mav finds it adorable that his hubby put in so much effort). Only the best for his tiny rebel.
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Slider Style: Also unorthodox, but 1000x more fueled with testosterone and yelling (bellowing?)......roaring, definitely roaring. Honestly, no one can tell if it's an intimation tactic or if he just has an addiction. Wields Mav like he's a lightsaber, and he's a Sith Lord. Yes, Officer, He is armed and is dangerous. So whenever he and Mav make their way to the dance floor, stay out of the splash zone. B/c Shamu's going ballistic.
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Wolfman Style: Has the most sensual dance style. A lot of hip movement, dear god there's so much hip. Have the time, Mav's thighs are just around his waist. His style raises the most wolf whistles (which he makes sure does not go anywhere, and the man who did it knows he will be mauled without hesitation). Somehow, his signature hat never falls off while dancing, the guys are convinced he's got an invisible string that ties it under his chin.
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Hollywood Style: Very flashy, loves to showboat, he didn't get the callsign "Hollywood" for nothing. Every dance is a movie premiere, and the reviews are in..... it's a 10/10 would watch it again. Loves to dip and lift Mav up so he can strike a pose. Every time, the poses are picture perfect every damn time, and Goose has the polaroids to prove it. Definitely has a giant frame picture front and center on the living room wall of his and Wolf's house. Every time their daughters bring a new friend over, they are so confused cause that's their dad, but who the hell is the other guy. And without missing a beat, without looking at the photos, the girls are just like, "Oh, that's just dad and Mav." Who the hell is Mav????
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Sundown Style: has the most tempered style, does the occasional dips, spins, and flips, but prefers dipping and handholding spins. Dances for the sake of just dancing. To Ice's exasperation, some people confuse Sundown for Mav's husband, given that every time they dance they have huge smiles on their faces and talk the entire time. People think it makes Ice jealous but he's not. He knows that just Sundown's style.
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Chipper Style: Treats country dancing like ballroom dancing. Has previous experience in said style and applies it to Country swing with the precision of a naval aviator. A complete gentleman. Also does ballroom dancing with Mav after Mav asks him to teach him. It's so wholesome and suave, that you can't help but swoon.
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Merlin Style: If Chipper and Sundown are both wholesome, Merlin and Mav are just adorable. When they dance, it's like they've somehow turned paddy-cake into dancing. Merlin is the twirl n' spin master. He's so good at it that it's honestly terrifying. Man, he's just here for that good time, fun time.
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Baby Goose with his cousins (Hollywood and Wolf's daughters)
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Rooster and Mavdad :
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Rooster cuts loose, footloose, and makes sure to kick off his Sunday shoes. When he dances, every part of his body moves somehow independently from each other but in perfect harmony. Lots of arm waving, lots of kicks, and especially lots of hips. When he and Mav dance, they feed off each other's energy and tear the dance floor a new asshole. Unlike his uncles and Icedad, he just does a two-step with all the expected swings and turns with Mav.
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hii covey!
im a recent follower and i've just got to say omg omg omg this blog concept and theme and the actual blog itself is a MASTER PIECE like wowowow its actually amazing!!
to my dearest girl, emma,
well let me be the first to say WELCOMEEEEE
anyways! this blog is my pride and joy and im really really excited to see it start to take off. can't wait to see it actually improve my other blogs too, lord willing!!
all my love,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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oddlylonelyflights · 1 year
babygirl-ify that man
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ohmystarrynight · 2 months
I am so happy you're back into this show and specifically your human AU I love it smmmmm-- M-might I request Kitt and Karr being Siblings plez 🥺🥺🥺
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I’ll do u one better and get the whole fam in there :)
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p1-f1 · 8 months
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steveharrington · 5 months
stevie should I go get sausage egg and cheese croissant or kbbq
i’m literally never gonna tell someone Not to get a sausage egg and cheese croissant it’s kind of my brand so i’d have to vote that ❤️
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becoach-a · 8 months
I do think beard has a habit of telling people false things about himself just so everybody has mixmatched information abt him
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