#to about 4x
front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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kualticrypt · 7 months
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Hey hey, made another tshirt :3
Reblog to grow the mothman fan club. Please I love this little freak so much and I want other people to appreciate him too. He's so sweet and handsome look at him confess his love for LAMP LAMP LAMP L-
Sorry that was weird. Purchase for your nearest forest-dwelling cryptid. (yes you count. I promise. we know.) Pre-order ends November 6th, don't forget!
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coal-inks · 9 months
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Hello Scott Ess Major Community
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lhoandbehold · 6 months
When literally any book gets a live action adaptation you can look behind you and I'll be in a corner, mouthing "it would work better as animation," and that's a promise
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tealares-art · 5 months
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gravitywonagain · 9 months
400 words on a’yuan’s first time cursing in front of his dad
Lan Yuan freezes. He feels the hair on his arms prickle, rising on end. He’s standing on one foot, holding the smallest toe of his other tightly in his fist. It hurts. Even with his whole body frozen stiff, it hurts. A sharp throb that had ricocheted up to his knee and back down to his toenail, but had somehow come out through his mouth.
He turns slowly, his own words ringing loudly in his ears.
Hanguang Jun looks similarly frozen in place. Shocked still like the rabbits in the meadow when Jingyi forgets not to shout.
“Where did you learn that phrase, A’Yuan?” he asks, voice low and gentle.
Lan Yuan looks down at the leg of the table. It appears entirely unconcerned with the drama it has caused. Not even a scuff mark for his trouble.
He looks back up to the man he privately considers to be his father. The man who has been with him for the past four years. The man he’d do anything not to disappoint.
Hanguang Jun doesn’t look mad, though Lan Yuan gets the feeling that anger might just slide off his face, unable to stick, like ink on waxed paper.
“I don’t know,” Lan Yuan answers honestly. In his mind the cadence is rough like untilled soil and the words are the color of fresh cinnabar. But he doesn’t know why. There isn’t a memory to call up so much as an emotion, an instinctual vocal response to pain. “I think I heard it somewhere.”
It’s unlikely he heard the phrase in the Cloud Recesses. Profanity is forbidden. But it doesn’t sound like it would fit into the tongue-tripping Gusu dialect he hears on their day trips down to the Caiyi markets either.
Hanguang Jun still hasn’t moved. His posture is rigid and strange. His eyes are aimed toward Lan Yuan, but they’re not looking at him. Not seeing him. Hazy and far away and… wet?
A small smile lifts the corner of Hanguang Jun’s mouth. He hums.
Then his eyes seem to focus back on Lan Yuan. He says, soft but stern, “Profanity is forbidden. You will copy Conduct.”
Lan Yuan drops his foot to the floor, the pain already forgotten, and bows his apology.
When he rises, the smile is still there.
Then Hanguang Jun adds, “On your hands,” and Lan Yuan fights not to say the phrase again.
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thedisablednaturalist · 5 months
$100 dollars. An endangered species only got $100 fucking dollars out of the $1.2 billion dollars allocated towards saving endangered species. Why such a low amount? Why aren't people raising money and storming the streets in anger at such an insulting amount?
Because it's a snail. The Virginia fringed mountain snail, Polygyriscus virginianus, to be exact. And it's considered lucky for getting something
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Invertebrates are so low on everyone's list that even an article detailing the absurd inequality in spending goes on to focus on plants only gaining 2% after briefly mentioning insects getting so much less, allocating only 0.5% of the budget. Many inverts like a species of stoneflies (lednian stonefly, Lednia tumana) didn't get any funding at all.
67% of the money goes towards TWO species. Pandas? No way (Those aren't American species anyways guys!!)
If you guessed Salmon and steelhead trout, you win a big seafood dinner! (Or would steak be better?)
I'm not saying that they don't deserve the money. But if that much of the budget needs to go towards two species, that means the budget is way too small. The Biden administration last year put forth millions of dollars to aid the long declining EPA and give it more staff in order to update decades old environmental reviews, as well as allocate more money to species that have been neglected, such as endangered species in Hawaii and desert fish in the southwestern U.S. Which is great, but it's not nearly enough.
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louisegluckpdf · 6 months
i would be suchhhh a good monk i'm great at depriving myself and sitting completely still and enduring moderate physical discomfort
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bfdifan26 · 1 year
i love 4x and the biggest reason out of all them for that? how mutually down horrendous they are for eachother
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they’ve been by eachothers side for like billions of years, they’ve seen everything the universe has to offer and they still both completely crumble the second they lose the other. there’s just something so beautiful about that, they are so in love in every way
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htylmg · 10 months
still can’t believe nico having catholic guilt is canon. like. i mean yeah but did u really have to confirm it let the boy rest
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
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daily-hanamura · 8 months
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to pair with the ‘your house is there’ post, these panels from the mange imply (a teeny bit) that souji going to yosuke’s house might be a regular occurrence ♥
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starryguykai · 1 month
hey if anyone's interested in checking out rain world but has been waiting for a sale, the base game is now on sale for 8.74 USD!
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if you've ever wanted to explore its broken but beautiful biomechanical ecosystem, Now Is Your Chance
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xfohvpilled · 4 months
XFOVH (mainly four,x,two and Infinity) headcanon backstory (goes into canon later on)
Two and four are siblings (headcanon of mine) got along really well (two takes care of four considering they are younger ALSO A HEADCANON) Infinity comes in when twos around the age of 7 (four would be 5) and it gets all messed up since that. Fours jealous of Infinity and twos bond and four knows Infinity has smth against them so they favorite two and teach her things (reason why she's so powerful compared to the rest of the algebralians because a goddess (Infinity) took care of her and taught her). Four takes their anger out on two knowing Infinity is bigger and stronger and twos vulnerable (four does things to two HORRIBLE THINGS but she still loves them) they get older and x gets brought into the story. Four and x get along and than four brings x over and cuz two is such a friendly person they also get along which angers four because they have a mindset that two steals everything good from them and I have to hate her for it. Fours neglected in attention while two isn't, four develops BPD (SO FUCKING CANON TWO THE SHOW FOUR PLEASSEEE BELIEVE ME 😭😭) they age and whatever uhh on fours 15th birthday two does smth special for four (bakes a cake and all that) but four is hiding in their room so two waits but she gets sad and ends up going to Xs place for some support (Some ship 2x stuff happens because I NEEDED TO ADD THAT!!) two comes back and four asks where they were and they have a argument because fours jealousy problems and two says without thinking she hates four and she hopes they die in a hole. Four stomps into their room and slams the door and twos left there and she just starts crying than she goes to her room and than I might rewrite this part because I put alot of self problems into it blah blahh. Next day two reads a note four wrote of them saying not to contact them anymore and two gets insanely depressed and lonely but atleast she has Infinity right? (Infinity disappears on twos 18th birthday and two is left alone in their home) two stops going out. Years later Four starts a show called bfb (starting to get into canon) two sees this and watches it and she gets inspired to do the same thing maybe it would help four and two bond considering they haven't spoken in years goes into canon and yeaaa. Four and two still don't get along Four hates two but two would always be a big sister for four if they ever needed it even after all this shit happend Two and gaty do talk in the show and gaty mentions smth along the lines of being away from four has helped two. Twos iffy but agrees in a way (implied ig)
(You'll see in this)
Two pushes four to get along with them again (I'll repost this with another video of it showing that)
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icantalk710 · 9 months
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It's been 84 years*
*two weeks
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gravitywonagain · 9 months
another 400 word “drabble” on new information
He knew. He’d known. He’s very good at his job -- gathering gossip and keeping the Jianghu rumor mills grinding and in check. Moreover, he’s not blind, and Da-ge has all the subtlety of a bear yaoguai crashing through an autumn-dry forest. So of course Nie Huaisang had been aware, in the abstract way of gleaned knowledge, that Da-ge and Lan Xichen were more than “close friends,” “strengthening sect ties” with frequent visits and joint nighthunts.
But, while Nie Huaisang would call himself a connoisseur of erotic works, written and illustrated, he had never -- never -- wanted to see his own brother sweaty and flushed and pounding away into their “closest ally.”
Nie Huaisang slams the door shut, more grateful than he’s ever been for anything in his life when the silencing talisman reactivates, cutting off Lan Xichen’s voice mid throaty moan. He whips his fan out from his belt, waving it furiously, attempting to redirect his mind elsewhere.
He’d had a question when he sought out his brother, he’s sure of it. Something important.
He turns on his heel only to find Lan Wangji standing there, still as a stone carving.
The younger Jade’s face is as unreadable as ever. No creases or tightness to be found. His gold eyes continue staring impassively into the middle distance like nothing in this world could possibly interest him. Like he hasn’t just witnessed his brother being absolutely railed by the heir to the Nie Sect.
For a moment Nie Huaisang considers the possibility that he hasn’t. That the door had shut quickly enough to spare him, or even that he simply doesn’t understand what it is he might have seen.
But there, just there, at the tips of Lan Wangji’s ears, Nie Huasiang spots a touch of color. A camellia petal pink that deepens with every passing second until it is as red as a fairy crane’s crown. Nie Huaisang watches the blush seep down the curve of his ears to the bottoms of his lobes.
He hides a grin behind the leaves of his fan -- though Lan Wangji’s eyes are still distant and unfocused, and Nie Huaisang is starting to think that might be entirely on purpose.
Nie Huaisang lets his eyes flick between the jade-carved features of Lan Wangji’s face and the now virulent color painting his ears -- only his ears -- and thinks, perhaps, he’s learned something new today after all.
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