#to the fanservice and memes and shut
bioswear · 1 year
It’s always astounding to me that the series I like the best - which are usually built on incredibly dense and profound, complex subject matter and social commentaries- always have the most media illiterate fans be the loudest like
(The context is I was scrolling Reddit while taking a shit and some people truly just sometimes don’t grasp a story even if it is grabbing them by the shoulders and shaking them violently)
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yahargul · 3 months
the poly discourse rotating again and again will never go anywhere because of how larian completely half assed the halsin/poly romances as a whole. like i agree 100% that the mizora lines are irrelevant to astarion's feelings on polyamory but when the actual dialogue you get with him when it comes to halsin is "go have fun" (with no indication that he wants to be involved emotionally or physically) and that it would be a "harmless affair" (with the players own dialogue options being various forms of assuring him it's not serious/not the same kind of relationship) in direct contradiction to what halsin is specifically asking for is not conveying that at all. it puts more of a focus on the player being poly and the companion being okay with it, which is perfectly fine, but arguing back and forth about astarion being poly when the game is like "here's dialogue saying he's 100% okay with it! ....no he's never actively involved with both parties aside from the one scene where he disassociates . and no we didn't bother removing dialogue from when the character was written as monogamous why do you ask?" it's pointless bc they didn't approach this with the intention of having a well thought poly rep they were like "here's your fanservice meme scene" and called it a day & i don't see nearly enough people holding larian accountable for that
and while this part of the game would benefit from some rewrites astarion already has like 800 lines over everyone else and he really doesn't need yet ANOTHER romance scene/more lines before other things get attention. but constantly shutting others down as if the issue is that people must just have an issue with poly rs and not the fact that this was terribly written is frustrating
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dreadnoughtus · 6 months
Liveblogging after taking an edible and watching
game awards
I don't know what these games are
Oh wait assassins creed VR??
Got distracted my friend texted me.
The dress is kinda flapper ish you know not in a bad way it's fine
What did Forza just win
Oh that's cool good for them I don't drive cars
The height differences......
This would freak me out being on live TV I would hate it ohmygod
Wait huh hometlstuck
This is such strange vibes
Sign language is so sick tho
Why isn't there a general neutral version of mommy and daddy
Oh here come the names I don't know
I'm playing Sandrock while I watch this
Would it be weird if your kid immediately called you by your name like would that fuck them up or
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Was told to use beepbo
Alright I'm back
Jk gusher break
I'm fucking clappiny
Ok but this game fucks
This is about persona 3 btw
I'm absolutely freaking out over her writing
Wait is it a bit
She's in a silly goofy mood
Oh never mind I wanted more burning things in a fireplace game
Cool if you're into goo.
I'm a googetter myself
Omg remember this
Ok but I'm hype
I'm gay
Hell yea hell yea
Remember when Rocco was sitting all by himself on camera
Guys I really don't hope someone says some dumb shit on stage again
Geoffs walking out music is cracking me up
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Get you a mans who sends you two chairs and a table through the mail
Omg remember his speech last year lmao
Oh it's a bit
What is this lol
Is this a roast
My fucking boyfriendddd
Idris where you at
Idris you're missing the fanciest night in gaming
Our boyfriend won!!!
.....what is he wearing lmaoooo
Security BEEFY this year
Aww omg
He wore his armor I'm dead
I need to replay baldurs gate NOW
That's right baldurs gate!!!! You can fuck a bear!!!!
Geoff relax
Huh lol
Immediate fanservice
...I'm dying
Turned him on??????
Is he gonna fuck us????
This isn't interstellar
Damn bro
Wet Chair :/
Daddy's back
Oh free dayum ok
Geoff has the air of a man who presents this as if he himself made these games
Goose guy 2
Wait this is great
This is my kind of game
I love this
Fuck gta6 I got Big Walk
Is this fornite Lego????
What the huh
Took a break for ice cream
I just got the news Wonka will be presenting
They give them less speech time than on the Oscars
Oh wait this is the cool lady
Gonzo has good taste
Cocoon was good
Ok Sega ok!!!!!
Hold up anime game I'm awake
Oh nice ok I'm into it
Alan Wake sweep
Apparently the site you have to login into to get a steam deck for whatever is crashing crazy lol whoopsie
I liked venba!!
His boy
I'm scared that's just a video
Not the fog machine
His broach is wild
I'm so glad kojima is finally making the movie he wanted to make
Is this wrestling
This is a WILD collaboration
They have my support
Movies and games!!!!
Ohhh dinosaurs?? I'm too scared to play this
Everything is fortnite now we are all assimilating into fortnite
Monkey 👍👍👍
I cannot escape suicide squad
Nooooot a fan of the remix
Where do I aquire claws
What is Warframe sorry
Good games!! I loved tchia
This looks sick, ori vibes
So many cool looking games
Man with ponytail?????
I want to play rebirth so bad
SHUT UP STOP lol huh?????
Sea of stars was meh sorry I said it
Omg I forgot about hades 2
Cutting to ads from ads is so funny
Holy shit he almost killed the camera guy with one kick
Anthony Mackey doing crowd work lmao
He's zooted
Thank you for the meme s
Thanks for the memeorys
Steve Martin looks different
There's 3 genshins now
Hell yeah democrazy
Are these guys a big deal I just don't know
I feel like I need to have played Alan Wake I guess
Ok but they are shredding
Ok I'm ready for bed how much longer
Stop flirting on stage
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Gamer snax
We get it you're a voice actor 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ok wait the armor??? Ok nice
It's funny tho cause the last thing I liveblogged was last of us, good show
The PR glowup for no man's sky was impressive no doubt
No mans sky 2!
We're always talking about mountains
Dragons so I'm in
Can I be a wolf man
Badass title
Stretching this is what I'm always saying unironically to everyone
I love tonberry king
Omgggg monhun!!! Chocobo
Huh what modded controller???
He flutin
Gotyyyy let's goo lol
Bg3 🫡🫡🫡
I sleep 😴
I'm not reading this back
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Jim Carrey Movies That I Recommend and Have Aged Well:
The Mask ** - You get a cute movie about a shy guy wanting to date Cameron Diaz and ends up becoming a Looney Tune man cos of a Norse mask and ends up getting the police and the mafia after him. It’s pure unfiltered fun. Even if it has a bit of that 90s stink.
The Grinch *** - While it does reek of early 2000s writing, it’s a decent Xmas movie about how consumerism around Xmas sucks, learning to trust others again and getting revenge on your bully who’s ridiculed you since childhood and Carey’s hammy as fuck in this movie. Seriously he’s the only reason I’m recommending this movie at all.
Bruce Almighty - Some sexist jokes and a shitty third act misunderstanding aside, it’s a fun movie that takes advantage of its plot about a guy with literal God powers but learns a lesson in appreciating the small things in life. Which is an important lesson to learn if the main character’s a white guy with a good job, nice apartment and a hot wife.
Yes Man - it’s ultimately Liar Liar but with learning about openmindedness being the message rather than honesty. Also it’s more soft and less raunchy than its spiritual predecessor and l like that.
Batman Forever - yeah he was in this. Riddler has never had such an ideal casting choice until Wally Wingert came along. The movies just jam with bats on it, you’ll love it
Horton Hears a Who - Its a shame Blue Sky Studios shut down cos this is the most accurate adaptation of a Dr Seuss book and it also knows how to have fun with being a kids film. Also it’s meme-tastic.
Mr Popper’s Penguins - no seriously it’s a wacky kids movie. It’s not the end of the world. I love how Carrey only took on this movie just to tap dance with a bunch of penguins like Dick Van Dyke, who is his hero. That’s really sweet.
Sonic movies - the only time Jim Carrey has been funny in recent years. I don’t really watch his content anymore cos of obvious reasons. (anti vaxxer) but it’s nice he’s returned to his silly roots.
Liar Liar * - it’s an inherently sweet movie about a dad trying to learn a lesson in honesty to save his relationship with his son. Although Fletcher winning back his wife as well is a bit of a stretch. Has this movie never heard of exes that are amicable to each other?
* - Liar Liar is really into men being SA’d for a joke and it’s really uncomfortable to see Fletcher get roped into sex by a senior executive and him getting fondled and forcibly kissed by his female client. Wasn’t the 90s all about stopping workplace harassment?
** - There was one scene in the Mask where he seduces Cameron Diaz and it reeks of Pepe LePew vibes. Although things didn’t go too far apart, the fact we didn’t have a scene of Stanley immediately regretting that or at least have him and Cameron Diaz’s character bring that up during the jail scene later on really bugs me. Also Stanley’s sleazy friend pisses me off.
*** - Someone on the crew was really horny for Martha May Whovier (mostly cos she’s played by Christina Baranski) cos she’s clearly only there for fanservice. Seriously she wears slutty Christmas dresses, there’s a scene where Grinch’s face gets plastered into Martha’s cleavage, the mayor simping for her is played by Jeffrey Tambor is just creepy. What’s even worse is that during a flashback scene we see a younger Martha May suggestively licking a lollipop at a young Grinch during class… YIKES. I don’t care if that was meant to be a joke it’s still fucking creepy.
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ladypeonies · 2 years
MileApo and the soap opera part 2.
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It’s a law of physics, every time Mile and Apo aren’t physically in the same city, a soap opera will occur.
You can mark my words and trust me on that lol. Next time Mile or Apo is away BAM, soap opera part 3. The intensity of said soap opera may vary of course. You’re now aware of the previous soap opera, now episode 2.
Kalasin man went home for family matters and business, he attended an event celebrating mothers, and there gave a speech. In that speech he found it important to highlight that he didn’t have a partner yet. Why? Who knows what prompted that, all the speculation about his hypothetical GF? Those speculations occur every other week.
What ensued was predictable and funny fans all over the world saw an opportunity. And they trended a hashtag #daugtherinlawofRamsaithong celebrating single Mile and made their desire to become his partner. Marriage proposals started pouring. Fans were ready to pack their bags, swim across oceans, leave their significant others, and hilarious memes were created. Kalasin was ready to have twice more visitors than usual.
Kalasin man finally caught the hashtag and was confused. Apo had posted coincidentally a picture of him telling everyone he was still alive and his perfectly handsome self was the one to explain. Fans wants to be daughter in law in your family, please tell mum.
‘Please tell mum.’ And translators started losing it again. Not tell “your mum”. As if the mum wasn’t interesting enough what follows was even more interesting. Mile didn’t even reply to Apo’s tweet he went straight to the hashtag and what did he do? If I’m not mistaken, he liked one tweet about him cradling an Apo cat and  a tweet saying no need for the queue, the place is already reserved, by one Apo.
Some said it’s fanservice. Are you kidding me? Where? He did nothing.  He has to cater to several fans, remember? Good fanservice would have been to reply to Apo with something like, ‘so cute, I’m flattered, I would be honoured, but I’m afraid Porsche would curse at me.’ See, he would have killed five birds with one stone, everyone wins, shippers, fans drooling over him, etc.Then he would have interacted with hundreds of tweets, liking, sharing like he did for the first soap opera. But NO, he shot the whole thing down, tons of proposals and he shut it ALL down. He said don’t unpack, cancel your flight tickets, I’m not available and I don’t want to be. LOL.
I didn’t see this one coming. But I’m impressed. I don’t like it when Mile becomes unpredictable, so annoying lol. Many possibilities here and variables, of course.
But what I get from this is Mile acknowledging and rewarding MileApo partnership. It doesn’t necessarily mean a romantic one, but they’re in this together. And the fact that he doesn’t have a significant other means that his time and energy are in the only relationship which matters at the moment MileApo, bond and brand. This is what takes precedence right now, no distractions. And I respect that. It’s practical and logical and very Mile.
He may also be afraid of his mother, maybe she told him, no crazy fan as in law in my house lol. And perhaps Mile as well doesn’t want to be chased. Was he afraid of Apo? Perhaps, but it doesn’t mean in a romantic way. They both share values and I’m sure also a code of conduct. Mile could have wanted to respect that code of conduct when it comes to fans and their hopes. Or he’s just an infatuated fool, lol.
The thing is it was a great opportunity for fanservice and having fun with Fans but he didn’t take it, which tells you that he has his boundaries and he doesn’t want anything messing up with the MileApo bond and brand. Later he was liking tweets about MileApo destiny and being soulmates. This man.
And Mile not having a partner doesn’t mean he’s emotionally available, same for Apo. And it’s something we tend to forget.
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goddamnwebcomics · 3 months
Monster Girl Academy: The Second Beatdown (Issues 11-14)
Monster Girl Academy remains the worst webcomic I've ever riffed. I've been holding off from riffing rest of the chapters because I wanted to save them for July 2024, which will be a special flashback month in honour of the 10th Anniversary of this blog.
However, picking the right issues to riff for that period, it's difficult. I've read so many issues of this shit, and all of them are terrible.
So, I originally wanted to riff those issues in old school way of posting the pages one by one to spite Kraw, but I don't think it matters since my blog is niche. So instead, I am going to do an issue by issue beatdown of remaining MGA chapters, and highlight everything that is wrong with them. However, I will still be posting the full pages that, if they were to be riffed normally, would receive Crappiest of Crappy Crap tags, and those pages will carry on this counter.
Let us begin with the Issue I skipped, Issue 11.
Issue 11: Nurse Rapist Returns
Zack is on grocery store, when he spots a child crying in the aisles. The child belongs to Nurse Rapist, who I didn't recognize at first because she looks so different in her civil form. Why does she have a child? Who fucking knows.
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And we IMMEDIATELY see the thing that I fucking hate most about MGA. Zack's stupid fucking horny monologue. It's a shame Vincent's mom is a rapist. Maybe one day he will join Dullahan's little sister and flee this cursed city.
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We're back to "Everyone's eyes are always wide shut" mode which takes this look way lewdier than it should. We conventiently learn that Nurse Rapist is a single mother and HER LIFE IS HARD.
Also, we're in page 3 and Zack has already fantasized multiple times. And they're just as ridiculous as his inner monologue.
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How fucking convenient she said that, then again she is a rapist and probably taking advantage of Zack. I would feel bad for him if he wasn't such a fucking piece of shit.
Anyways, Zack asked Nurse Rapist on a date and this gets him excited.
And we already have the first CoCC page on our hands
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Not only are we posting yet another shitty meme, we're also BRUTALLY besmirching the good name of David Bowie, let him rest in peace. Also god, does ANYONE have ANY public decency in this universe?
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And we get an implication Nurse Rapist wasn't always a futa. So uh, does this mean the cock was caused by a late blooming? So girls with dicks ARE monsters in this world, good job Kraw. I'll be sure to tell that to my 7 transgirl friends.
Zack gets a latte for Nurse Rapist as he does more of his shitty inner monologue, I swear there's more of it in this chapter than EVER before.
We learn Nurse Rapist is also a researcher for an organization, which is kind of suspicious, and we learn her first name is something I won't remember so I'm gonna keep calling her Nurse Rapist.
Zack then makes Nurse Rapist cry when he suggests doing something about his succubus transformation instead of...having sex?
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Something tells me this has happened with every NORMAL woman Zack has known during his life.
Zack then kisses Nurse Rapist and Nurse Rapist gets a boner, if what happened earlier was supposed to be an emotional scene then good god it's even worse than this comic's last attempt at being emotional. Also their date lasted like 1 page.
They go in their apartment and strip and start doing the hey nanny nanny, we also get a Kraw making a random ass reference to Food Wars?
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Food Wars for those who don't know is an anime where food is treated like ecchi fanservice. I don't know why this is necessary, Zack mentions drinking ice cold beer in a hot tub with Nurse Rapist, he has mentioned food before. Dude, you sat down to watch Food Wars and forced a reference to it, that's why you did this reference.
Also, no way Zack will EVER drink beer of any kind. Pepsi is probably too intense for this moron.
After that we get this CLASSY line.
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So women with penises aren't women? Maybe Kraw locked this comic behind a paywall so he can protect himself from people who rightfully want his head on a plate. Seriously, the day he writes Spinnerette to have trans representation he is fucking doomed.
Even worse than that, Zack's response to that is
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Shut the fuck up, seriously.
The hey nanny nanny begins for reals and Nurse's cock is slamming against him, and then arguably the highlight of this arc happens.
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Zack licks Nurse Rapist's cock, yes, your boy Zack is now OFFICIALLY homosexual. And in the next issue he fucks Minotaur's brother. If this comic actually had any guts, Zack would have a bisexual harem. Not gonna say it would make this comic any better though.
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Also we get this masterpiece, Nurse Rapist officially is the first harem girl in this comic to get her own off-model cumming face. Turning it upside down will not make me not notice it, Kraw
Nurse Rapist then suggests they'd have fun with Zack's succubussy form and they kiss. Blah.
Alright I will start rating these issues from 1 to 5 stars. 1 star means, it was better than expected, 2 stars mean, it was mediocre which is still a stepup from this comic's average quality, 3 stars mean it was average shit, 4 stars mean it was shittier than average shit, and 5 stars means it's the worst issue in MGA history. For this chapter I'm gonna give it
It would've been 3 stars if it wasn't for the terrible dialogue about Nurse Rapist wanting to feel like a woman and Zack's terrible inner monologues being more frequent than usual. Also Kraw needs to keep David Bowie's name out of his damn mouth.
Issue 13: Zack's Double Date Part 2
This is the first time in MGA history we directly follow from the events of previous issue, as Zack is still in his festival outfit and coming to Cheenotaur's apartment after pleasuring her brother all night. Zack then spots her lifting weights because gyms bro Kraw loves gyms bro that's why he has the build of a fat chipmunk.
Zack thinks Cheenotaur is mad at him for leaving, but she isn't, she is embarrassed for being so sweaty though, but of course Zack's inner monologue tells a different story.
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I'm starting to think the reason Zack never says these out loud is because the girls aren't stupid enough to take his fucking simptalk.
Anyways, we see the proud Kraw tradition of Cheenotaur having ridiculous muscles, because she has to exercise or else she gets stressed. Gurl, you don't get muscles like that unless you're bodybuilding 24/7. Kraw thinks routine exercises make you a fucking bodybuilder, apparently.
They go inside to get a shower and we get an update on Cheenotaur's fish, because that was necessary. Fuck it, Dullahan's sister will never appear again, so the fish is the new best character.
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Free him.
Turns out Cheenotaur built a fucking JAPANESE BATH HOUSE to his room, completely with a picture of Mount fucking Fuji on the wall, even Zack finds it ridiculous.
And Chee asks Zack to do a backrub and of fucking course this happens.
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My god, you're aroused over the back of a woman. What bodypart hasn't Zack complimented yet? Teeth? Ears? Nostrils? Navel? Armpits? Fingernails? Elbows? Rectum?
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Oh, hands. Zack also compliments hands. God this comic is godawful
Anyways Chee now rubs the back of Zack and Zack doesn't wanna show his boner because he fears Chee considers him a creep. HAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA
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I keep forgetting other characters aren't exempted from dogshit dialogue.
She then massages Zack's cock, and then THIS HAPPENS
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PFFFFTHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I guess Zack's eye is pregnant now, who am I kidding, nobody ever gets pregnant in this shit.
So will Zack praise his eye for being so sexy? I mean, he did cum on it. This is funny, I hope that happens to him anytime he does an inner monologue from now on.
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PFFFFT THIS GETS EVEN BETTER. Though I think him being shot in the eye with cum is funnier, I think getting sperm in your eye would be painful. And who the fuck is Osha?
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Then Chee does a sexy pose and...I have to say she doesn't look THAT bad. I mean, she looks way better without those ridiculous fucking poms and the lipstick. She is still not a fucking minotaur though.
Of course we can't have a sex scene without inner monologue
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And then Zack gets crushed by thighs, and we get another amazing visual of Zack's HEADLESS BLOODY CORPSE ON THE GROUND.
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If I knew any better I'd say Kraw wrote this chapter to please me, but nah, I only accept permanent deaths.
And then they have back sex. Yes, seriously, fucking BACK SEX.
There are times I feel Kraw is playing too safe, and then he throws this thing into the mix which is so overly specific I don't think anyone but him likes it. And then Zack's dick breaks.
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And then we end on this note, I have no clue what this means. I guess Zack died, I wish that was true.
Yes, this chapter was probably the best chapter in the entire comic thus far. The amount of Zack abuse we got actually made it kind of funny. Maybe this will become a running gag and reading this comic will become easier!
Sadly, next chapter proved me wrong, hard.
Issue 14: Tongue of the Fat Cat
Zack hears that a new coffee shop has opened which is ran by a cat girl.
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Haha, everyone knows Worky Zark can't draw furries, or Kraw doesn't allow him to.
Zack is of course excited as once again his inner monologue takes over. He even calls catgirls NE Plus Ultra of catgirls, what the fuck does that mean?
Oh wow, that is an actual statement, not a reference to anything. I don't get Zack's excitement over catgirls, he has banged minotaurs, eldritch horrors, dullahans, centaurs and dickgirls. Catgirls are just girls with EARS AND A TAIL. At least the other girls I mentioned have some specific traits to them.
Zack goes to investigate and oh no, she is fat!
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Fat??? FAT??? Godfuckingdamn it Kraw you did it AGAIN. Yeah this page gets another CoCC tag. How the fuck has Kraw forgotten what HYPER is? Or maybe Worky Zark can't draw fat chicks, nah, you know this was 100% asked and detailed and refined by Kraw.
And this doesn't look anything like a cat. It looks more like a fox or squirrel, what with that poofy tail and that weird orange shade that doesn't match any cat aside cartoon ones like Garfield. You're fucking a human female Garfield, Zack. I hope you're proud.
Of course, she is a stranger and she shows her ass to this boy and of course Zack goes nuts.
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Her name is "Fatcat", although she ISN'T FUCKING FAT and of course Zack thinks basic self-awareness is sexy.
So Zack is now working for Fat Cat, and they have a little bit of sexual tension which is expected.
And then of course, Fat Cat gets stuck somehow and Zack has to grab her booty so she can shove her. So typical. You know, some of you may think that I am complaining about porn comic having porn comic situations, but this situation is so fucking forced even by porn comic standards. "As a boss, I am ordering to shove my booty!" In any other porn comic instead of her getting stuck she would've just asked Zack to grab her ass because you know she fucking hired Zack despite Zack having no work experience, of course she's gonna fuck him.
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You know, like this. Yeah, after Zack gets her out of the frame, she asks for belly rubs. This is not cat behaviour, cats objectively HATE bellyrubs. I know because I have a cat, and giving her a bullyrub is like a death sentence!
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She is not fucking fat. Nurse Rapist is a woman, Cheenotaur might be moe, Hua might be modest but she is not fucking fat.
And then of course, Fatcat reveals her massive granny panties which she throws at Zack's face. Maybe it's me but I just don't fucking find panties to be sexy and I don't know why anyone else does.
She is now naked and Zack bangs that Female Human Garfield ass as expected. The End.
This was the usual MGA trite, we have the fat girl whose boobs and ass are only fat and she finds Zack hot and they bang. That's it. She doesn't look like a cat, I think Kraw just finds female human Garfield hot. I am not going to kinkshame that but least you could do is ask Worky Zark to learn how to draw fat chicks before you call her fat. Oy vey...
Anyways, this was gonna go on for a lot longer but tumblr image limit crashed my plans. I will continue anytime I am in a bad mood.
0 notes
hugeresolve · 1 year
DR ask meme: 7. 8, 9, and 14 (give me your opinions (grabby hands))
(hands you my opinions on a waiter's platter) here you are
This will have spoilers for all three games, so I'll put it under the cut
7. Favourite class trial from all the games?
The chapter 5 trial in DanganronpaV3 went HARD. It was the perfect setup, holy... A trial where even the mastermind didn't know the culprit, nor the victim... Like is that not completely wild. And then Kaito goes and fucking dies DURING the execution before Monokuma gets the chance to even actually finish him off. Kaito and Kokichi collabing to create the most insane fucking trial was everything we ever needed. My only gripe is that I think the mastermind should have default lost just solely for the fact that they had no idea who was actually alive. Or, the cast should have made better use of the mastermind faltering. I think this trial was the most clever, but as for most impactful trial story-wise... The last trial of SDR2 is the best trial in my eyes.
8. Least favourite character?
...Mikan Tsumiki. I hate her so much LMAO
Her being a fanservice generator is so awkward. It's very much a "I cant show this otherwise amazing media to any of my friends" moment. Her despair personality during the third trial is her saving grace. I also think her complex is underutilized in the story. In her freetimes she says she likes being ridiculed by people because that means they're paying attention to her, and with that logic I feel like the writers could have done a lot more with her dynamic with Saionji, and shown that Mikan actually wants to spend time with Saionji. One of the worst flaws of the game (in my opinion) is that Saionji mercilessly bullies Mikan but LITERALLY NO ONE DOES ANYTHING. Especially Mahiru???? The person I'm supposed to believe is the most responsible in the cast??? That is just so unrealistic. I'm sorry. SOMEONE would come to her defense if the writers werent suspending belief to make the situation with Mikan and Saionji a slapstick bit. Hajime, Byakuya, Mahiru, Chiaki, Peko, maybe even Fuyuhiko... I could see all of them being like "hey, saionji, shut the fuck up." And the problem with committing to this bit is that it makes the entire cast look entirely morally bankrupt, all the time. 💀 Likely for the purpose of giving a reason for Mikan snapping at the third trial, but she would have snapped anyway due to the memories before her school life and her fall to despair with Junko. anyway sorry mikan enjoyers
9. Least favourite class trial?
Chapter 3 trial in danganronpa 1. Celeste's terrible acting is absolutely inexcusible for her being the ultimate gambler lmfao.
thanks for the ask anon!
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familyfriendlyweed · 3 years
makeup sessions (karl jacobs x fem reader)
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a/n : hi! this is my first tumblr post. i have written stuff on wattpad in the past, but it’s still quite new to me, so please be nice :]] i accept positive critism and advice, as that most definitely will help me grow as a writer!
 Y/n let out something between a squeal and a scream at the same time when she saw Karl's tweet. her face was beat red and her lips couldn't help but curl into the stupidest grin ever.
the tweet read :
hey @) y/nhasursocks wanna do my makeup at my stream today :]]
 it was the simplest tweet, yet it meant so much to the girl. Karl and Y/n were always really good friends, they often streamed minecraft together, but never in a million years did he yet ask her to be in his stream in real life.
 Y/n picked up the phone with trembling hands, already seeing a bunch of likes, comments and retweets to Karl's tweet. before answering, she got curious to know what the people say. cautiously opening the comments section, the girl scanned it through with her eyes. a bunch of "awwwwws" and hearts could be seen, which worsened her already red cheeks.
With her heart thumping hard against her ribs, she started writing her reply :
sounds great! <3
 for a moment Y/n hesitated to press the "reply" button with the "<3" emoticon in the comment, but then she figured she and Karl sent lovey dovey emojis/emoticons in the past to each other anyways, so, she pressed the "reply" button at last.
 in an instant, her reply started gaining more and more likes, comments and retweets. Y/n was never really popular, having her clout was only because of Karl being her friend, so seeing this much attention was weird to her. but she didn't care about that right now. all that Y/n cared about at the moment was the fact that Karl appreciated her enough to actually invite her over.
 a little bit later in the day, Y/n received a private message from Karl, which said :
hey Y/n! I'm really glad you're up to stream together <3 i planned on starting the stream at 4 pm, but you can change the time if you're busy :] here is my address (don't tell anyone! :D) - (random address lol)
 Y/n answered :
 thanks for inviting me bestie!! 4 pm is cool, I'll be there! <33
 she set the phone down, unable to remove the blissful smile from her face. she has never felt this way before - it was really weird, but the constant butterflies in her tummy reminded her that it's a good feeling. taking a few deep breaths, Y/n reminded to herself that all she has to do is to go to Karl's house and have a good time AS FRIENDS - no romantic stuff is needed.
  ~~~~~time skip~~~~~
  Y/n got off from the bus at 15:50, but she still had about 5 minutes to reach Karl's house. in what felt like forever, the girl felt a sting of what was unmistakably fear and guilt - what if she was late? and what if Karl would be annoyed with her for that?
 slowly she broke into a panicky run. passing careless citizens, who all looked at her fear-stricken face curiously, she finally made it to the front door of Karl's home. Y/n pulled out her phone and found the code that she was supposed to enter next the main door. she quickly dialed it, a beep beep beep was heard and she entered.  
 finally making it to Karl's apartment, Y/n stopped to smooth her hair and straighten her clothes so she doesn't look too shabby. her body seemed to be moving on its own - her finger pressed the doorbell automatically.
 Karl opened the door almost in an instant - he wore a warm smile and before Y/n could stutter a "hello", he pulled the girl into a big welcoming hug.
 "hey Y/n! it's so cool you made it!" Karl exclaimed, still holding her close.
Y/n's head was spinning, she needed more time to process what was happening. but nevertheless, she finally lifted her own arms and hugged the guy. burying her face into his sweater, she inhaled Karl's scent deeply - he smelled something like honey and warm days.
"hello, Karl." she mumbled with a grin on her face.
"come on, do you want to eat something before the stream?" Karl asked, letting go of the girl and taking her hand into his instead, leading Y/n into the house.
"oh no, I'm full. let's get straight to business." she answered, the blissful smile and content blush never leaving her face.
"alrighty! you already know, but we'll have an eventful makeup session, and then I thought maybe play some minecraft so the stream isn't too short?" the guy asked, opening his bedroom door.
"sounds great!"
Karl smiled and went to his computer :
"you ready? I'll start the stream now."
the girl quickly fixed her hair again and gave him thumbs up :
Karl started the stream with facecam on and as soon as the chat saw Y/n, it went absolutely wild.
"guys, give her a rest, poor girl just came!" he laughed, drawing her a chair. Y/n thanked quietly and sat, waving to the chat timidly. in the corner of her eye, she saw comments like "she's so adorable" and "look at Karl being a gentleman" in the chat and her cheeks grew more red, but this time from satisfaction.
"well, as you guys know, Y/n agreed to be in my stream today, and since some of you don't really know her, she's a really good friend of mine who also streams and does youtube videos - so go support her!"
from that moment Y/n relaxed more and more with each minute. it was fifteen minutes into the stream when she already felt as if at home.
"Karl, you have a hell lot of lipsticks, where did that come from?"
"uhhhh, I only bought them for the stream today!"
"oh really? why are they all used, then?" Y/n asked giggling and showing them to the stream.
"hey- don't expose me like that!"
"chat, clip it, CLIP IT!"
all was going really well, Y/n was having a really good time with Karl AS FRIENDS. it was really nice. but all hell broke loose when the time to put eyeliner came.
"alright, I have no idea why, but you have four eyeliners."
"they're my sister's."
"haha, yeah, yeah, alright. Which one do you want big man?"
"hmmm, the one in your left hand!"
Y/n set the other eyeliners on the table, quickly glancing at the chat. her cheeks grew very very red…
  a/n: if anyone is confused, this is an example of the meme i’m talking about :
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the girl tried to act as if she hadn't seen the comments, but Karl was already by her side, reading them with her.
"meme… what meme?" he wondered out loud. Y/n got the impression that he was genuinely confused.
'chat, shut the fuck up, please shut the fuck up.' thought Y/n, but of course chat was just being chat.
Y/n hid her face in her hands, unable to control her blushing. Karl just chuckled sweetly :
"chat, calm down, she's going to die from blushing."
he put on the "please stand by" screen and scooted over Y/n :
"hey, it's fine. we won't do it if you don't want to," Karl then leaned closer and whispered, "I'd be pretty glad if you agreed, though."
Y/n lowered her hands, showing off the big red hue on her cheeks. for a split second Karl's eyes widened -  she looked really adorable.
"I'd also be glad." the girl said, almost not believing her own words.
Karl's adorable smile came back and he leaned back:
"well then, come here."
Y/n stood up shyly and straddled his legs, grabbing the eyeliner in the process.
"do you want me to turn on the facecam?" Karl asked quietly.
the girl nodded :
"I don't mind."
he turned it on and put his hands onto Y/n's hips. even without looking at it, Y/n knew the chat was blowing up at the moment.
"you guys better subscribe, because we're providing very good fanservice." said Karl jokingly and Y/n laughed. turning to him, she opened the eyeliner and put it next to his eye, only to find him staring at her in an awe. the girl blushed as a strong urge to kiss him kicked in. it looked as if Karl wanted the same thing.
at the precise same time, they both leaned in and pressed their lips together, Y/n putting her hands onto Karl's cheeks to hide the view from the chat. the kiss was very short and with no tongue included - but it was the most sweet kiss Y/n has ever shared with someone. she pulled away, an identical grin to Karl's on her face and hugged him very tight - they almost fell off the chair.
laughing, she continued to do Karl's makeup as if nothing happened and everyone watching the stream wasn't fainting and clipping the kiss. this will be talked about for a long time, but as before, Y/n didn't care about that, and nor did Karl.
a/n : anddddd cut! it’s quite wonky, but i believe it’s pretty swell for my first mcyt fanfic :]] let me know what you think of it and if you have any tips or advice on how to make my future stories more enjoyable! thanks for reading and i hope to see you around <3
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wshyunsoo · 2 years
(   Hello, it’s Sera again and I would like to introduce you to the lead vocal of BLUE.M, Lee Hyunsoo! With him, I would love to fill in the gaps with people I have not yet gotten the chance to thread/plot with; especially if you think that he could have an interaction with your muse! He’s a bit of an interesting character with quite a few eccentricities, so please feel free to check out the TLDR about him underneath the cut!   )
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>   𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆  __  𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒓  __  𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔
Came into this cursed world October 1st, 2000.
Born in Honolulu, but moved to Incheon with his family when he was 6 years old.
His mother, Hwang Jiyoon, is a traditional Korean singer, and his father, Lee Minjae, is a renowned piano prodigy. He also has a few other family members who are very involved in music.
Has an older brother that’s a professional composer and violinist and a younger sister that’s studying fashion.
He is the forgotten middle child.
He initially wanted to be a computer science major but his parents pushed him to sing from a young age and he just ran with it after a while to passively please them.
Went to Hanlim out of obligation to his parents but ended up not minding it ( especially since he ended up meeting some friends there! ), and it was a lot better than just being forced to do piano recitals.
Somewhat neutral in his view of being an idol. Doesn’t mind Blue.M’s concept, doesn’t think it’s the best thing ever either. ( Though he has his own theories about the music videos thanks to his imagination concerning aliens. ( ie. The UFO in Bloom Bloom) and won’t shut up about it. )
Thinks he doesn't deserve to be an idol because he's convinced his parents used their money to help him debut. ( Despite it not being true. )
Major imposter syndrome alert.
Often buys things for his friends and members without much question; however, he keeps a very detailed list of those who owe him and how much.
Although he puts on more of an act on stage, he finds value in being sincere in who he is and not changing his personality, even if he comes across as a bit cold at first.
Diagnosed with a panic disorder and will often self-isolate when things are not going well for him.
Wears glasses and can’t see that well without them. He can technically afford Lasik but he thinks the glasses give him a certain charm.
Afraid of heights; will basically physically shut down and cry if he has to go up somewhere too high.
Uses alcohol to cope with his panic. We don’t talk about it.
When he’s not doing schedules, he’s playing games, especially on the computer he built and customized himself; and sometimes plays DnD with an online group who have no idea who he is.
If he wasn’t a singer, he would be in a field that deals with computer science and technology.
The song he auditioned with was a ballad version of Ladybug’s Every Night.
He did not know how to dance when he was accepted into the company.
A notable and open fan of multiple girl groups; especially Twice and Dandelion.
He often posts meme images he makes and saves online for fans to see.
Though one of the youngest in the group, he takes on a co-leader position sometimes by default, and he’s looked at as the “laissez-faire dad” of the group.
Already known for his ~real~ personality, giving very genuine reactions to things fans say that are unexpected of an idol.
Claims he intends to friend-zone his fans.
Fans often defend him by saying he’s “sassy” though he has already drawn netizen criticism for how he acts.
Obviously not comfortable with some of the stuff idols have to do. He doesn’t seem to like acting so close to actual strangers, and the crowding some fans do make him pretty anxious.
Believes aliens are real.
His favorite fanservice is making finger hearts in creative ways.
He hates doing aegyo and also doesn't like it when the others do it.
Obsessed ( and I mean obsessed ) with Soulsborne games and DOOM. Good luck trying to get him away from ER.
His behavior with some fans can be summed up in this video.
QUICK PLOT IDEAS !! ( while i come up with an actual plots page )
People that went to Hanlim from 2016 to 2019. He was a relatively quiet student that kept to himself. However, he often helped others do homework and made a small business for himself writing papers for people.
A fellow Gamer (tm). Hyunsoo is a bit pretentious when it comes to games, however, and exclusively plays certain games. Good luck getting him to play anything else other than Elden Ring right now without annoying complaint.
Trainees at Yuseong from 2017 - 2021. Again, he was pretty much always keeping to himself as a trainee and had trouble asking anyone else for help at all, even when he was obviously struggling with things like dance. Unfortunately, he doesn’t really look up to anyone.
Exes. Probably never ends well. One of which he definitely broke up with before Blue.M debuted because of “the rules”, at the very latest. Another he probably got broken up with because he is not overly attentive in relationships and tends to keep to himself too much because he’s shy and extremely introverted; either way, he lowkey hates you for it.
A rival. Playfully so. He’s competitive but doesn’t take himself too seriously. Someone in another idol group who is also a vocal or has a similar image to him. If the other person took it more seriously though, that would probably be most realistic!
Actual friends. People who are actually into who he is, despite him being a lowkey blunt jerk who spends most of his time in his room. Will be made with good chemistry. He’s really overly picky with friends, because he’s concerned people will use him or his money for some sort of gain.
Alternatively, someone actually trying to use him for his money by being his friend after he buys them a whole meal one day. But the only people he’ll ever be a glucose guardian to are Blue.M and his close good friends.
Someone who constantly has technical issues and he is always fixing it for them. Alternatively, someone who has “technical issues” as a bid to try and talk to him more.
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bloodiedbiotic · 2 years
for the bingo meme: morinth, udina and brooks
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I could go ON about Morinth and how BioWare wasted the potential they could have with her. All the other loyalty missions, they give you something to ponder about and make you really think about your decision. Samara's loyalty mission, unless you're intentionally doing a pure Renegade playthrough, I feel that they never gave the player enough justification to really sit and think about their decision and whether they want to save Morinth over Samara. Part of that may come from the fact that she has one of the hardest Morality checks in the game and so if you don't pass it, you won't have the option.
This is from a conversation I had back in 2018:
...I had enough points to make the final Intimidation check with Morinth and I actually took the time to see what happens if you kill Samara and have Morinth on the team. I kind of wish the game at least tried to provide a reason with keeping Morinth alive. Maybe Shepard discovers that Morinth is an extremely powerful biotic, far more than Samara, and that she'd be a powerful asset against the Collectors but Samara forbids that. Give the player a reason why they'd choose Morinth over Samara, at least for narrative purposes. Only reasons I can think of saving Morinth is for renegade points (which you potentially have enough of given you have to make that last check to even be able to save Morinth) and the Dominate ability (which isn't all that great compared to Reave); only narrative reason to have Morinth is if your Shepard is an utter backstabber, (Renegade) Shepard doesn't like the thought of Samara hunting them down after they deal with the Collectors (assuming they survive), or they have an issue with Samara declaring a death penalty on Morinth simply because she wants to have an actual life and not be cloistered away from civilization.
Anyways, I'll shut up, this is getting longer than anticipated.
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Hello? BioWare? Can you give us a reason why Udina sided with Cerberus and tried to get the Council killed? Like, we as the player understand why it'd happen; the other Council members don't want to help Earth when it was the first hit by the Reapers and Udina sees Cerberus, a humans-first organization, as a way to get Earth the help it needs, albeit he doesn't understand the ramifications of his actions, he's so blinded by fear for humanity? But nah, you couldn't even give us that explanation in-game.
My favorite scene is when he gets decked by Anderson, but I don't see that scene more than I like to because I prefer when Anderson overrides the controls because that scene? Just shows how fucking BADASS Anderson is.
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It's really weird to talk about Brooks. She's in a DLC that's full of fanservice, and running gags. That, and you won't know as much about her unless you read the comics. I do like that when she reveals her true intentions in the DLC, she tells Shepard that she wrote the dossiers for the suicide mission. It's a nice touch that I didn't expect from BioWare, given my notes on the prior two characters. She also does have a really nice quote in that scene, too.
"He's indoctrinated, whereas I prefer the whispers in my head to be my own."
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years
Hey guys, I was having thoughts on the meta-side of the Dream SMP. Okay, so we know that Technoblade has done much of the scripting for this present arc, Tommy, Dream and Quackity have also done some in collaboration, presumably doing each of their own characters and motivations, and Tubbo and Fundy have also been involved too. Uh, this will be rambly as it’s a lot of unsorted observations.
Obviously these are my thoughts, and ideas purely based on my observations as a viewer but you can definitely tell that they’re all very aware of the fanbase and are likely very influenced by them. I could see this even in the Pogtopia arc where Tommy started reusing phrases before when debating ethics with Wilbur, eg ‘let’s lose as winners, not win as losers.’ or something along those lines and how Techno made a callback to his only universal language is violence speech in his wither monologue. 
But wow, the scripting is definitely becoming a lot more obvious in this new season of the SMP. Not a bad thing at all, by the way, it’s just a difference. Clearly they’ve gotten more detailed plans and are more ambitious with what they convey in minecraft, with more players taking inspiration from Wilbur after how well he executed it. It’s also the difference in how the various people write, I’m sure. 
Tommy and Tubbo have streamed the SMP for the longest and have very gradually evolved into the roleplaying and their respective approaches to it are very interesting. Tubbo’s streams are typically chill and usually involve him working on some sort of project - he’s very chaotic when with other people but is usually very reactionary when it comes to the roleplaying - doing most of his best stuff when bouncing off Tommy, or occasionally Quackity. On his own he doesn’t like to lead bits but is among the best at making other people’s bits work. Same with the RP! His character’s in a weird spot right now as the other writer’s seem to be writing him in quite an unflattering way and he doesn’t do solo, emotional performances all that much meaning he’s less sympathetic right now then he really should be. Like, Tommy garnered loads of sympathy during his exile as he gave a very expressive performance where Tubbo’s character also presumably feels very isolated and alone and he’s being manipulated by the people around him but he gives a lot less. This has made it easier for the audience to start siding more with Technoblade, the literal mass-murderer, over the traumatised kid who was manipulated into exiling his best friend and continues to face terrible choices with no good options.
 While I can of course make less meta theories on why Tubbo should be appreciated more and what it says he’s got no real support and is compartmentalising his problems, in the end it’s how his streams work. Tubbo does plot related streams, and he does streams where he simply vibes - and even in the serious streams, he can joke around and cheerfully lampshade the goofiness by doing things like joking about wanting a good review from Techno while kidnapping him - that stuff is priceless and does not fit into the melodramtic scripts but it adds so much to the SMP and why it is so much fun to watch. Tubbo’s really good at making content better! He’s not afraid to look ridiculous, he will also unapologetically avoid engaging in too much melodrama himself when he doesn’t feel like it. I consider his character highly underrated in the plot right now.
Tommy knows what he’s doing. Even before the roleplaying really took off, Tommy liked to play a character and lead bits and the SMP shifting in a more scripted direction suited him exceptionally well. Tommy focuses heavily on streams with lots of content, only rarely doing more chill stuff - especially more recently. He has always approached streams with a plan - but usually their extremely loose and he has said that he’d sometimes just come up with an idea 10 minutes before the stream and improvise from there. Tommy’s good at improvising and seems to work best with a very loose plan. Where I think Techno likely came up with the plan for Tommy to get exiled from L’Manburg and then join forces with him, Tommy likely filled in how to play his character and - wow.
Tommy’s writing seems to be incredibly simple - each exile stream had no major plot points or anything and the plans that are there don’t even make logical sense (let’s throw a party in one day and let’s invite everyone but have Dream not send out the invitations so no one shows up - and I’m going to do this even with Philza and Fundy literally in the call.) but Tommy pulled every one of them off very well and proved to be compelling enough that no one cared at all whether the plot made sense nor did Tommy make much effort to justify that sort of thing - ‘cause he knows how the SMP works and how much the audience will go along with it. And instead, Tommy focused entirely on his characterisation and spent all his time exploring it. That’s how Tommy works - very simple plans, then improv in character into an engaging bit. He’s managed to pull off the most ridiculous things like that, and has confidence that the other streamers will support it - that’s how he’s prepared to try insane things like pretending to be Clarencio the llama. And, like Tubbo, he’s always willing to throw for content. 
Then there’s Technoblade. He’s streamed the SMP a lot less - though he’s done so much more recently - but he’s spent a lot more time playing on the SMP, doing tons of grinding. He here for the RP but is also committed to playing the game itself very optimally. He seems to have a much larger view, taking in the bigger picture, of the story where Tommy has a very personal view. His approach to content is all about the fanservice. 
He’s always trying to create big epic, moments, that both look and sound awesome. Like the butcher’s army plotline which let him both seem like an underdog, a victim against a mean group, and also an incredible badass figure who outplayed them all and came out as victorious. The butcher’s army were really given an antagonists role there, and were really made to seem unlikeable. Then he met up with fan-favourite Tommy and suggested a team-up with him. (This is also leading to the ultimate fanservice that is the Sleepybois team-up.) Techno’s got a very, dry self-aware sens of humour too and he’ll often make simple meta observations about the SMP - like noting that the pacing’s fast or teasing in the chat in the middle of wars. He’s also made himself into a bit of a meme what with logging just to say his name and leave. 
I don’t know how much it’s just Techno of course, but the plot really seems to be heading in a direction that suggesting that Technoblade was Right. L’Manburg’s seeming corrupt, and Tommy is being seen as Theseus. At the time Techno first made the Theseus speech, I felt like the comparison seemed unfair - but now it’s like the plot itself has bent over to make the comparison make sense, and Techno’s one of the writers of the script. Techno also of course, prepared a vault to show Tommy so he could say ‘welcome home Theseus dramatically - total fanservice as fans were indeed talking about how cool saying a line would be, and then he absolutely did. The way Techno calls his viewers chatting as the voices in his head is also fanservice. It’s not like actually true, as Techno ignores the chat if they tell him information his character doesn’t know and meanwhile all the streamers interact with their chat too - so all chats have always been a part of the story and calling them canon is absolutely meaningless. Not a bad thing though - it is nice and makes the fans happy and makes them feel included. I don’t know if this sounds critical by the way - it’s not meant as such at all - all the streamers love engaging with the fandom, and Techno’s approach to giving lots of fanservice by providing so many epic moments is great. I just wanted to highlight it. 
And those were some meta thoughts on the SMP right now and its writing. I don’t really think I had a point or argument. I just wanting to make some observations and my impressions. If you’re curious I am course a Tommy fan first. I love how he’s evolved with the SMP most of all and I appreciate his character-driven storytelling. His main weakness is probably getting too into bits and going too far and it’s so nice that the SMP is a place where even his weaker ideas are supported rather than shut down. I like how he’s able to improv so well and simply how he streams. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I love Tubbo best when he’s with Tommy as they bring the best performances out of each other. I find Techno interesting as a contrast to both of them, as he approaches so many things in such a different way. 
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
The apologists are always so angry for no reason. I just look at their discussion in complete shock and fear. It's always cursing, incoherent screeching and criticism of characters, story and writers (why are you watching??? Go find a scripted tv show or something askskdlks). Like no- it's not bad writing or fanservice, your fav is just being recognized as the shitty human being they are by the narrative and other characters. Telling me to shut the fuck up with that shitty meme a dozen times only makes me want to repeat it just to see your reaction.
Oh, the meltdowns we'll witness if c! or cc! Technoblade actually confirm that the character is a villain.
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hiislegacy · 4 years
Anonymous said:                                                                
Sefikura for the ship meme?
Meme | (Always Accepting!)
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when I started shipping it if I did:  The literal second I saw the two of them, years ago, when Kingdom Hearts first came out. Then after seeing Advent Children, with still no knowledge on what the Original Game was about. TALL BOY. SHORT BOY. BOTH GOOD LOOKING. BOTH FIGHTING ONE ANOTHER. HOW COULD I NOT?
my thoughts:  I think it’s a great ship. It can be whatever the person wants to interpret it as; platonic, romantic, toxic, anything... After all, Sephiroth is destined to become the villain. I, personally, love it to be a little bit toxic, for my twisted tastes. In my head, Sephiroth is absolutely OBSESSED with Cloud to a very unhealthy degree. LOOKS AT THE REMAKE. And Idk that idea is just more fun to me!
What makes me happy about them:  That Sephiroth will never leave Cloud alone.
What makes me sad about them: That Cloud will probably NEVER TAKE HIS HAND! (If you wanted a serious answer, I don’t know LOL)
things done in fanfic that annoys me:  I don’t really know? I try to not read something if I end up being annoyed by it. I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.
things I look for in fanfic:  >_> smut. angst. fear... Yeah, I’m trash LOL!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Well, since it’s absolutely never going to be a thing in CANON, and I’m not sure in what direction they’re going to go for in the Remake / What they do in the original? Then it’s up to whatever the creators want! Hell, Cloud probably doesn’t even get with anyone, in the end, so... Correct me if I’m wrong, tho! This is just purely fanservice for me, this ship!
My happily ever after for them:  Cloud taking Sephiroth’s hand. Remake how DARE you with such a tease! (BUT WHAT WOULD THEY DO, AFTER? WHAT??? I’LL NEVER KNOW!)
who is the big spoon/little spoon:  uhhh....................... I mean. Do you SEE how tall Sephiroth IS?!
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:  Staring at each other, longingly. Cloud vc: LIKE HELL I WOULD EVER DO THAT!!!! me: SHUT UP, CLOUD!
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emblemxeno · 4 years
Idc bout M*ngs tbh, he's become a meme at this point. I don't really watch FEtubers anymore bc most of them reek of elitism and gatekeeping, and will make fun of you if you like SS/Awakening bc "Sacred Stones/Awakening aren't real Fire emblem games, they are just open world grid rpgs!and also grinding destroys the experience, stop being a noob!!" Dude, just let ppl enjoy the series/games as they like, my god.
M*ngs is just insufferable because he's incredibly elitist, he's said plenty of slurs over the years, and he's just gross; he hates how FE fans are degenerate weebs that only care about wanting to fuck anime characters, but is notorious about never shutting up about how hot Louise is (and others like her).
The gatekeeping is exactly why I don't watch many FE youtubers either.
I don't know why having the freedom to grind and do whatever you want is so hated, and why games that allow that are deemed not as good. If people want to break the game in half that's their perogative, it doesn't make the game lesser imo.
Either that or some people get kind of snobby because "Fire Emblem used to be a sophisticated and respectable series, how dare it be anime, meehhhh" like who cares? You're gonna play the damn game anyway, it doesn't matter if there's fanservice and whatever.
It's why I don't care for the "Nobody Hates Fire Emblem More Than Fire Emblem Fans" meme, it's literally because there's so much gatekeeping in the community. That and people hate how "problematic" the games are. 
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thegospelofnagisa · 4 years
I’m sorry but I will always believe Nagisa’s story is about the little girl that wished to have cheesecake with her mom and became Charlotte when Kyubey asked her why she just didn’t wish for her mother to be cured. Subtle, makes sense why she’s be a witch at the hospital, and shows the cruelty of Kyubey’s methods in a short straight to the point manner. Doesn’t even make sense why she wouldn’t shut up about cheese in Rebellion if she hated it...
Same here, it is a much better story.
Althought you know? And I am gonna put my thinfoil hat here because, I think I have a theory on to why Inu Curry did this.
It’s clear that by this point there is an increase in rejection toward Rebellion, one of the biggest complains about Rebellion is the presene ofg Nagisa, who let’s face it, it’s just there for fanservice with the whole Charlotte thing with Mami, that’s about it, her entire existance is to reference a shitty meme, which is a shame because Nagisa as a character shows potential.
I think Inu Curry might have had good intentions here and tried to “Reinvent” Nagisa by cutting anythign Rebellion related out of her, thus she went from little girl who wished for cheesecake into a little girl version of Francisco Goya on his Shadow the Hedgehog Fan phase, he is trying to make a different Nagisa that resembles nothing the Rebellion Nagisa.
The problem is that they misunderstood what the complain was, the problem was not Nagisa herself...the problem is the reason WHY Nagisa is there, that is all, What they needed to do was simply take Nagisa out of the proximity with Mami, put her on her own adventures and Boom, she would have picked up steam by herself, she didn’t need all this edgy drama to make her “Interesting” .
I don’t know if this is true, it’s just my especulation.
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ladyimaginarium · 4 years
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SPEED:  it depends on the day and what i’m doing, but for the most part i’m average leaning on the slower side. depending on the size of a thread, for example, i’ll take longer on certain threads than others because of muse(s) and just how many I have tbh LMAO and inspiration for said thread and all that. i can literally range from being a cryptid to a cheetah LOL
REPLIES:  usually multi - paragraph depending on my inspiration for said thread. i don’t mind one liners and short shit if the thread is meant to be short, though.
STARTERS:  starter calls  +  plotted is preferable when i can manage it, i’d prefer that more than winging it, honestly, because it feels like it’s actually going somewhere, if that makes sense. however, once contact with a mun has been established and we’re both comfortable with each other that’s usually when i won’t shut the fuck up and you get 1000000 starters, asks and memes from me. please politely tell me if it annoys the shit out of you, though, because manners ain’t dead and subtlety   ??   idk her man.
INBOX:  inbox is always open for memes,  unprompted asks and whatnot, depending on the muse and their category. anon’s on but if i get like a fuckton of hate or whatever i’m shutting that shit off because people can be fucking cowards. :))))))))))))))
SELECTIVITY:  mutuals only.  some mutuals have been with me since literally forever while others are new. i’m very selective w/ who i interact with, honestly.
WISHLIST:  whatever the fuck is in that tag really. for your information, it’s THIS.
HONEST NOTE:  i’m a mess and we all fucking know it. i also realize im kinda strict when it comes to my rules but that’s just because people either didn’t care to read them or abided by them in the past. im also like ..... really protective of my muses and i realize that maybe sometimes i sound bitchy but that’s because i’m... tired and done with so much shit that goes on in the rpc bc as fun as it can be, there’s a lotta issues w/ it and if u think that it doesnt ur living under a rock lmaooooo. i don’t like it when muses of color, especially native muses are ignored in the rpc especially when everyone preaches about being diverse but hardly anyone practices what they preach, i just ... i don’t like fake woke people. i really fucking don’t. i also have a thing where i say what i think and sometimes i come off as a bit too blunt even when i try not to be an ass. anyway i also don’t like it when my muses are silenced, ignored, treated like shit, not taken seriously, when they’re always getting called babies or infants or people acting like they aren’t adults and like they can do no wrong or when they’re always reduced to fanservice or shipping ie infantilized and oversexualized bc .......... honestly fuck off and miss me w/ that bullshit.  my muses are people. the majority of my muses are grown adults. they have sex, sometimes they have addictions, they are traumatized, they are emotional, they are flawed. i work very very hard to breathe dimension into them and having them reduced to petnames and doting makes me wanna tear out my eyes. even if you think you’re being nice. even if you think it’s just a joke. i know a lot of you don’t realize this but it gets really aggravating after a while. it just ... it just makes my skin crawl bc so many of them are lgbtqia2+ or muses of color or both, so many are neurodivergent or autistic, so many are mentally ill or disabled or abused, so many are native, indigenous, black or asian, so many of them are marginalized and i never liked the idea of putting my muses into stereotypical boxes, either, because that’s boring and lame and just ..... wrong, man.
TAGGED BY: stolen from @zagubionywilk lmaoooo TAGGING: uh idk @undeadrphub @gciltyascharged @warpaved @bloodbrews @angclstrumpct @keptmanners @rhaelluna @historias-multorum​ @moraldestitute​ @atropashe @riffrcffed​ and literally whoever else wants to do this LMAOOOOOO
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