#told her I wasn't sure
moonsinkfoxgirl · 1 year
mom picked up my Heart of the Woods physical edition, and presumably thinking it’s a movie asked me whether one can watch it in German...
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ffcrazy15 · 9 months
"Oh so when James Kirk refuses to believe in no-win scenarios it's 'changing the conditions of the test' and 'commendable original thinking,' but when I, Bradward Boimler, can't accept the possibility of failure and retake the Kobiyashi Maru sixteen times–"
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yunmeng-jiang · 5 months
that man does NOT think of wei wuxian as his gege
#jiang cheng#wwx#twin prides#i have a whole post about how they both think of themselves as having an older-sibling role#but even if that wasn't true jc still always calls him by his full name and the one time wwx tried to call him shidi jc yelled at him#their relationship is not that simple! it's a huge thing that wwx occupies a weird in-between role in their family!#he's definitely not a servant but also definitely not a full member of their family and that's super important to the story!#even if jc WANTED to think of him as his older brother he would need to get past seven layers of trauma to even realize he wanted that#and then he would have to admit it to himself and then work up the courage to admit it to someone else#and even then he probably still wouldn't say it to wwx's face#sure yanli calls wwx her didi but things are much simpler from her point of view#plus she's one of those people - like lxc - that can hold an opinion deep inside herself and be at peace with it even if it conflicts +#+ with what the world says and what she's been brought up to believe#jc is not like that. he internalizes way more from the outside world and if he feels conflicted he just kind of implodes#he's spent his whole life being told that wwx is not his equal and is someone to compete against#and also secretly believing that wwx is eventually going to abandon him because he doesn't think anyone truly cares for him#plus wwx treats him like a bff who is also a liege lord rather than a beloved younger brother#he would Not form a secure attachment to wwx lmao#it also really annoys me that when people write/conceptualize him as someone who thinks of wwx as his real gege +#+ they tend to completely erase jyl and minimize her importance to jc. he HAS an older sibling who he trusts unconditionally and confides +#+ in and takes comfort from! that person already exists! and they ignore her in favor of the protagonist#it also really bugs me when they have him mourning wwx those whole 13-16 years but don't put in a single word about yanli#this kind of turned into a rant about jyl... i have a lot of feelings about her especially since i'm the oldest sibling in my family#anyway. that man does not think of wwx as his gege#haterade#(kind of)
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fromtheseventhhell · 10 months
Do you ever think about how Arya being left-handed most likely had an impact on her needlework and other tasks? And how she needed special attention not only because she wasn't as naturally gifted as her sister but because the way she was being taught fundamentally didn't work for her? And how instead of being given the attention she needed she was instead held to an unfair standard by her teacher and used as a measure for bad behavior? And how this all impacted her self-esteem and her views on being a Lady?
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archivistprotocol · 3 months
*slams into the room with all the grace of a baby and knocks shit off the tables, sending the red string board flying*
forget that relationship tension for a second (dw, i'm Thinking About It). SAM. PUT THE FORMS DOWN. and for the love of everything holy and good, DO NOT GO TO THE MAGNUS INSTITUTE RUINS. you wanna be the next redcanary??? that's where you're fucking headed, buddy. i know the saying is "curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back," but in this case, there ain't nothin' to be satisfied about when it comes to exploring some ol' spooky ruins that are gonna grab you by the feet and drag you further in until you don't know if you're you anymore, or some unwilling servant to a gluttonous, knowledge-seeking eldritch horror. or, you know, you end up dead. there's that. sam. my man. put the forms down, stay the FUCK away from the magnus institute, and figure your shit out with celia and alice because i swear to the unholy eldritch horrors that if you hurt alice in your ill-advised crusade to unravel your past and the secrets of the magnus institute, something worse than a tunnel goblin gouging your eyes out is coming your way.
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youchangedmedestiel · 6 months
The show ended and Destiel with it, so they decided to torture us in real life.
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nostalgia-tblr · 7 months
I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron (apart from I skipped some overly long action sequences) and I am not sure so can someone tell me whether or not Tony Stark was the baddy in that film? Because about halfway through I was sure he was but then it was maybe just an evil robot after all and I am confused because either this film was surprisingly subversive or it was about robots hitting each other.
#I CANT STAND THE CONFUSION IN MY MIND#also i get why people wrote wanda/sylvie. they should go on a wholesome chick-flick revenge-quest together. and also they should kiss.#also i am now only *half* joking about thor being in love with mjolnir#it kept doing Christianity Bits which was quite awks.#not sure why it used the bit about building the church on a rock for some metal i mean wasn't jesus making a pun there? about peter?#i think Vision might be Jesus? or else he's Dr Manhattan who's done a first year philosophy course. could go either way on that tbh.#BUT TONY WAS THE BADDY RIGHT? WAS HE? WAS TONY THE BADDY OR NOT????#with the homocidal glitches in what he thinks is his winning personality?#and all the weapons he's made and is in fact still making but now he only sells them to The Good Guys?#except look how easily they fall out with each other and also don't a lot of innocent bystanders die in their overly long action scenes?#also i need to write fic about whether mjolnir does in fact obey some unknown code that can be cracked if you set your mind to it#she does like Robot Jesus so apparently we can rely on her to make the major decisions from now on#the ending's a bit ominous - apparently someone's collecting those TVA paperweights to do... something? Oh no! :O#yeah i watched the MCU in the wrong order shut up this was inevitable and Marvisney should just embrace that at this point#(i know 'Marvisney' will never catch on but that will not stop me using it)#the loki series ending is but the latest installment of “unlimited power with no oversight is fine as long as the Good people have it”#UNLESS TONY WAS ACTUALLY THE BADDY. WHICH AS I MENTIONED I AM NOT AT ALL CLEAR ON.#maybe what i mean is was tony stark the baddy *on purpose*?#i only picked this one to watch next because tumblr gifsets told me thor wears a nice coat in it#which he does! but only for a small fraction of the film :(#journey into the mcu#the avengers (the marvel ones not the other ones)
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yashley · 6 months
the way matt creates these emotionally** flat??? characters who have family attachments to the main pcs and yet there's just something.... off about the way they display intimacy that it equally angers me, makes my skin crawl, and makes me just want to write extensively on what a master storyteller matt is. the way he presents just in this campaign alone, parental figures that on paper can easily be defended and rallied behind somehow especially if their choices played out more negatively than they intended*, and yet actually experiencing people who you, individually, care so much about in your life and who, you would just naturally believe, would also care so much about you, but there's a blip on the monitor and a disconnect that at first is so infinitesimal. until it's not. until you get bruised deeper and they look at you the same. and it's like there's no true empathetic connection. from your "loved one". it's not malice, it's not heartless or calloused, it's just.... it's surface-level and it's crossed t's and dotted i's and you know that they do not mean it to hurt you. but they also don't really mean it when they tell you they love you. and it aches so incredibly well done that matt will have these figures look into the eyes of their own and say the words and have a softness in their face, and yet have no genuine fierceness to the love they claim for someone who has so much love for them. and it's not a criticism, it's just so well done because it's such a nuanced relationship in the world and it sucks but matt always delivers it so perfectly
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millerflintstone · 6 months
Logged into my original facebook account that I rarely look at anymore and realized my childhood best friend liked a post from 2017. I last updated that account in 2018 so that's not too crazy. No friend request. I'm guessing she didn't realize she liked it and that I've realized she looked me up. I was only facebook friends with the brother out of that sibling group and wondered if she found me through him. Nope. He's deactivated. My last name isn't on the account so I'm not even sure how she found me. She doesn't have the email tied to it. I'm guessing they all probably looked me up before he deactivated and she remembered the name.
We lived across the street from each other in Miami. I met her when I was 10. She is 3 years younger than me and has 4 siblings. The youngest (the boy) was born in 1985 or 86. I was there when the second youngest walked her first steps. We ended up being roommates for a year at UNC. Her family had moved to NC in 1990, which is what had me looking at schools in that area in general.
In 1985 ish, a male cousin from Pakistan came to live with them. He was in his 20s, weird/ awkward and would try to flirt with me. I was 11/ 12. ELEVEN OR TWELVE. This continued on until he left. He even tried to get me to come into his room so he could "show me something". He said this with the other 2 older girls around. We all pretty much jeered at him and he went away. Sometime in 1986 or 87, he moved out. I learned that he had been trying to get into the two youngest gal's rooms at night. The ex best friend told me that they would sleep with shoes to throw at him. The mom found out what was going on and he had to leave.
Fast forward to when we were all adults. I learned that it was not only the cousin, but that he and their father had been actually assaulting the two youngest girls during that time period. It wasn't just attempted abuse. They were maybe 8 (3rd oldest) and 5 (4th oldest) at the time. After that was discovered, the mom still stayed with him.
3rd oldest got heavy into drugs and alcohol because of it, but we didn't know that at the time. We all just thought she liked being an edgy emo girl or whatever we as teens called it back then. I remember we really were annoyed by her being a drunk fuck up, but didn't realize she was coping from that trauma.
I went to my ex friend's wedding in 2004. I remember being pissed that 3rd oldest drank most of the bottle of Kahlua I had gotten them, so I don't think we knew yet about the abuse now that I'm typing and trying to remember. We learned after the wedding.
When I learned ex best friend and her husband were trying for kids, I was surprised that they were going to keep her father in their lives knowing what happened. Granted, it didn't happen to her so I'm not sure if that was the reasoning. I just couldn't keep interacting with that level of toxicity after a while. There were also other things that happened that added to the distancing, but I don't think I could've continued to pretend everything was ok after learning those awful facts. I last saw them in 2004. Our last email was in 2007. I never met any of her kids or any of the other siblings' kids.
I found the 3rd oldest girl's facebook a while back and she was not friends on facebook with her dad but other siblings were. It looked she got cleaned up. The last time she visited us in GA, the girls had taken the car to get serviced at Sears and they were all freaking out because 3rd oldest left cocaine somewhere in the car.
The mom had gone back to her maiden name on facebook but she still interacts with her (ex?) husband. And they all still all get together for holidays. I saw a couple of public pictures today of everybody and was just sickened by younger daughters near their pedo / abusive grandfather. I don't get it and it's not really for me to get, I guess. Everyone has their own fucked up family drama at varying levels.
I don't really feel any kind of way about this. I've wondered about how they all are in the past but have no need to reach out to rekindle anything.
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shivunin · 1 year
Lock and Key
(Arianwen Tabris/Zevran | 2,298 Words | Hurt/Comfort | CW: Blood, brief references to torture and broken bones)
The torture, Zevran thought cynically, truly left something to be desired. 
Rather, he seemed to recall—when he’d been a young Crow, there’d been racks, burning oil, things hammered between one’s toes…But this? Breaking his fingers? Slapping him around?
It lacked  forethought.
It lacked…panache.
“I do not mean to complain,” Zevran told his torturer, spitting out a mouthful of blood, “But have you done this before?”
“What?” the hooded figure snarled, only their mouth and jaw visible beyond the hood and fabric they were swathed in. 
“Mmm,” Zevran said, peering up at them through one swollen eye, “It is only that you are…how shall I say it? Trying too hard, you understand? Most torturers—they adopt a certain style, a way of getting things done, and you seem—”
The figure reared back and kicked him in the chest. His lungs struggled to inflate for a moment, and when they did Zevran coughed convulsively. 
“Like that,” he wheezed, while the torturer stomped over to a small table of metal implements, “There is no sense of precision. You might have just stopped my heart, friend, and then where would you be? Luckily for you, I am made of sterner stuff than that.”
“Do you ever stop talking?” 
The voice came not from the figure to his left, but from above. It echoed against the far ceiling and the stone walls, spreading until it was almost impossible to tell where it had come from. 
Zevran, beaten and breathless, stretched his bloodied mouth into a crooked smile. 
“Ah,” he told the hooded figure, “I am terribly sorry for what is about to happen to you.”
The torturer, alarmed, snatched a blade from the table and hurled it into the darkness above the rafters. There was no sound; not the thud of the blade in flesh or wood, nor the sound of metal clattering to the ground. Half a second later, the blade whistled back down, thudding into the flesh of the cloaked figure’s arm. 
“Your aim is lacking,” the voice from above said.
“I said precisely the same thing, mi vida,” Zevran said, at long last allowing his head to fall back against the wooden back of the chair he was tied to, “I am sorry to say it, but there is a certain lack of professionalism at play here.”
“You shut up,” she said, and Zevran smiled, “I mean it. The smile, too. Flames, I could kill you.”
“It would not take much doing at the moment,” he told her. 
As they spoke, the torturer ripped the blade from their shoulder with a grunt of pain (a bad idea, that; anyone could have told them that it was wiser to leave the thing in place until a healer could take a look at it). 
“Show yourself, coward,” the torturer snarled, taking several more blades from the table and staring up at the ceiling. They turned slowly, as if trying to spot the shape of their assailant against the darkness of the ceiling.
If he’d been in a more charitable mood, Zevran might have told them it was pointless. 
Indeed, as he thought so, a low laugh came from above, and there was a clatter in the far corner, almost directly behind the torturer. The torturer spun, already throwing a blade toward the source of the noise. As soon as they turned, a cloaked figure dropped from the rafters soundlessly, thrust a dagger into the place where the torturer’s kidney ought to be, and vaulted back up into the ceiling again. 
“You know,” she said above him, “I think it’s more cowardly to beat a bound man. But that’s just me.”
A ring of keys fell from the ceiling and into Zevran’s lap. Of course; that was why she hadn’t killed his tormentor outright. She meant for him to do it instead. Balance, retribution; in her way, his Arianwen was all about balance. If he’d had the energy, Zevran would have thanked her for the effort and explained why he wouldn’t be doing that. It was hard to turn a key, after all, when most of one’s fingers were broken. 
He didn’t hear her move; he supposed the torturer didn’t, either, because Wen swung down, kicked the large human into the table, and vanished again before the fallen figure could get their bearings again. 
Something soft touched his wrist, bound behind him, and Zevran felt a quiet, shuddering breath at his back. She was going to be very cross with him as soon as she took care of their present company; Zevran winced at the thought, then hissed between his teeth when the motion reopened the slice over his eyebrow. 
This time, when Arianwen moved away from him, Zevran could hear her; that could only be on purpose. The torturer heard it too, and turned to face her as she cast off the deep blue cloak, variegated with grey and black around the hem. Arianwen stood before him revealed at last, her long braid hanging down her back, her armor blue and silver and gleaming in the light of the brazier. Zevran smiled; it was a fool’s smile, punch-drunk and high from his own relief, but…well. It was just so good to see her. It’d been too long. Too many days without feeling her at in his arms, too many days fighting himself to keep from returning to her side. 
“I was going to let him have you,” she said, “Or, if he allowed it, I was going to take my time. Fortunately for you, you’ve made me very, very angry. This’ll be quick.”
The torturer didn’t answer; they bent their head and ran, aiming right for her. Wen didn’t move for a long time—almost too long—and stepped aside at the last moment, exerting precisely as much effort as she needed to get out of the way. It looked, Zevran thought, turning his head as best he could to watch, like she simply floated away from him, like a feather in the breeze. The torturer rammed their injured shoulder into a column and let out a strangled shout. 
“Don’t worry,” Wen said to Zevran as she passed, “The building’s empty.”
“There were at least thirty—” he began, and interrupted himself with a cough. 
“As I said,” the Warden answered, casually lifting an iron from the fire and striding past, “The building is empty. Don’t worry. I’ll be quick.”
There were sounds that followed her statement, but he could not see their source. He didn’t need to know what she was doing, and he had the sense that not every time he closed his eyes lasted as long as a blink. Likely, that was not a good sign
“Zevran. Look at me, you fool.”
His eye fluttered open—the other seemed stuck shut—and Wen bent before him, her face beatific in its joy. Blood dripped from her ears and clumped in her hair, but she’d wiped her face clean, if the smears along her jaw were any clue. Zevran tried to smile up at her and was mostly successful. 
“I knew you would come.”
“You’re an idiot. I don’t know why I put up with you. That letter was—” she wound up the sentence with a sharp click of the teeth instead of any descriptors, but after a moment the blissful look crept back into her eyes. 
“Take your health potion like a good boy, hm? And I’ll haul you back to the safe house.”
Zevran might have made a crack about her wording, but as soon as he opened his mouth she pressed the cold glass rim of a vial in between his teeth and tipped it upside-down. The liquid was bitter and cold. Though there was a faint aftertaste of elfroot it was most certainly not a health potion.
“Wen—?” he gasped, and the room faded to black. 
Arianwen had been angry very often in her life. She enjoyed it, actually. There was a clarity of purpose to rage that most of the rest of life really seemed to lack. It was like…like crossing rooftops on a wire. Rage gave one a single clear path, and if one had the means to follow it things usually turned out alright in the end. 
But now—now her old friend turned on her, hounded her steps. 
Killing so many had been good enough in the moment, of course, but Zevran had needed to be unconscious for what came next, and she hadn’t wanted to give him the chance to talk her out of it. Now, all she could do was wait; there was nobody left to kill, and Zevran was not awake to argue with. As she paced the room, rage paced with her, shadowing her steps and clouding her concentration.
She crossed the room to open the window now, for the room was more or less empty of personality and furniture save an end table, a bed, and a chair. Zevran slept in the bed, his chest rising and falling easily. Few of his wounds would scar, not that he’d care about such things. He’d gained tattoos since she’d last seen him some…oh, had it been five months already? It felt like years. 
This waiting. 
Wen braced her hands on the windowsill, her fingers tapping out a staccato rhythm, and then she turned back to the bed. 
Maker damn him, she loved the man. She’d kill a dozen times as many for him with pleasure, but seeing him hurt like this was—it was—
“Mi vida,” he murmured to her left, and Wen spun on her heel to look at him, “And here I had thought you were some sort of dream.”
She crossed to the side of the bed, her heart in her throat. She ought to say…she ought to tell him what an idiot he was. She ought to tell him off; she’d certainly thought of doing so enough times. But words escaped her now, and when he lifted his hand from the bed it was to wipe the moisture from her cheek. 
“Ah,” he said, wincing when he lifted himself onto one elbow, “No, my Arianwen, no; do not cry for me. I cannot—”
“Why are you trying to get yourself killed?” she asked, and rage took her hand again, gave her the focus to keep talking. 
“I am not—” he began, frowning, but she interrupted him. 
“When will it be enough, Zev? Do you want to lead the Crows? Kill everyone who hurt you, who bought other kids like you? Do you want to be the King of Antiva? What? Because I can’t keep—can’t keep seeing you like this. If you need help, I will help; if you want me out of your life, then tell me to leave. But I can’t—”
She was crying again—so stupid. She hadn’t cried in years, and certainly never over him. He was staring at her with a sort of stunned horror that she might, if she’d had any sort of composure, have recognized better. It was the same face she was making, after all. 
Don’t leave me, she wanted to tell him; as she wanted to tell him every time he disappeared onto a boat. But she’d been too proud to force him into a cage when he wanted the sky, so she’d always turned away instead.
“What do you think I should do?” he asked. 
The hand wet with her tears fell away to the sheets of the bed. 
For one dizzy, breathless moment, she wished he’d stayed asleep a little longer, given her more time to find the right words. But she…she….
“I want you to marry me,” she said, and it was already too late to take back. His mouth fell open, lips moving as if to speak, but nothing came out. 
“Marry me,” she said again, grasping his hand in both of hers, “Tell me you want to live, and you want to live with me. Travel if you have to, but come home again. Live with me; be mine and let me be yours. I want a life, Zevran. I want a life for both of us.”
She searched his face, her heart racing harder than it had killing an entire house full of Crows on her way to her captured lover. Zevran stared at her, and slowly, slowly, a smile wrinkled the space on either side of his eyes. 
Wen blinked and squeezed his hand. 
“Yes? You mean that? You’re not just—you aren’t going to take it back?”
“Maker’s pierced navel,” he said, struggling into a sitting position, “You do not believe me? And you were so persuasive, too.”
“No, I—” She clamped her mouth shut again and shook her head, “Yes, Zev?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes, of course, you beautiful murderess.” 
She didn’t mean to lunge for him; would’ve thought better of it if she’d had the wherewithal. But all at once she was in his arms, her own wrapped tight around his neck, and both of them rocked back with the force of it. 
“I love you,” she said into the salty skin of his neck, and kissed him there for good measure, “I love you. I love you.”
“I love you,” he murmured back, and inhaled sharply, “Ah—I should have known you would say something first.”
“I knew you wouldn’t want to force me,” she told him, but without any heat behind it. Her anger had faded away between one step and the next, gone in a breath and only a memory now. 
“If you’d died,” she told him, eyes squeezed shut, breathing him in, “I would’ve killed you.”
His laugh was uneven, a little breathless, and likely that meant she’d need to let go of him soon. But when his words came, they were certain. 
“Yes, I know,” Zevran said, “I love you for that, too.”
(For @14daysdalovers day 10: Captured)
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! Does anyone else have issues with beetles flying into their hair? I have short hair, and went on a walk with four relatives who all have longer hair today. None of them had any beetles even attempt to fly into their hair. I had three beetles hit my head at high speed (for a beetle). The last beetle I brushed out of my hair with my hand and let it crawl on my hand so I could show my niece a cool beetle, and the darn thing bit me! It didn’t do any damage or even hurt very much but still! The audacity! lol Idk if it’s the hair length or the fact that my shampoo has lemon juice in it* but uh. I am very confused. These are like 1/2 to 3/4″ long beetles. I would like them to stop attempting to merge with my scalp.  *citrus is one of the few smells I can usually tolerate with my asthma and it smells nice
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fideidefenswhore · 3 months
Whether or not this is a true composition, and the details do sound convincing, it is written from a position of strength. Anne was confident that she was soon to bear a son and that she was beyond the reach of any harm that Mary or her party might intend her. The letter distances Anne from self-interest in the matter, presenting the purest motives, urging Mrs Shelton to action out of her duty to the King. The tone is not consistent with Chapuys' contemporaneous report that Anne frequently wept in the period immediately following Catherine's death, in the realisation that a significant obstacle had been removed should Henry choose to set her aside.
Anne Boleyn: Adultery, Heresy, Desire (Licence, Amy)
#amy licence#anne boleyn#not really sure one precludes the other but...hm#the thing abt the report from chapuys about anne crying when receiving news of coa's death#is that he concedes it has come to him from 'several reliable quarters' and yet is weirdly also dismissive of his own report#he says he doesn't believe it.#but i mean that goes back as far as 1529-30.#when he heard anne had sent wolsey a gift by several 'worthy sources' but still didn't believe it#what he couldn't concede was that anne wasn't as cruel or cold as he believed her to be#so when he heard a report that didn't conform to his view of her it was suddenly hmm no...the sources must be wrong#there's only one concession of that nature and it's after the fact#'henry percy's physician says he said the concubine will poison her stepdaughter'#'another source has told me henry percy is not a reliable source'#i'd believe it happened altho the reason might be different#a sort of emotional catharsis/ relief. the memory of the woman anne knew her as before circumstances and the path she chose#set them against each other.#and anne wasn't unfeeling. but we have to remember the extant sources are all the male perspective#there are scattered reports from 1528-36 that speak of incidences of her weeping#but as they come from men they tend to be dismissed as manipulation > genuine#so. tl; dr. sort of have to roll my eyes at skepticism of THAT chapuys report#bcus the same that tend to express it have it for that and not anyyyy others
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scorndotexe · 3 months
now that i'm home and in moderate pain that isn't helped by the painkillers i get to repeat my favorite joke!
ah yes my favorite kind of painkillers. the ones that don't work.
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coulsonlives · 10 months
I just had to share this video because holy shit, it hits the nail right on the head! So well spoken. This stuff needs to be circulated more, esp with the growing number of people thinking they have this because of misinformation, or just outright faking it.
#it's painful because i knew someone who personally faked this stuff (or has convinced herself she has it i can't even tell)#she had spent all her time on tiktok and i know for 100% sure that's where she got the idea. it's TRAGIC how fast things went downhill#i'm legit horrified at how many people (esp young kids of 13-14) think they have this too. or are just pretending#i've been neck deep in hardcore research (and i'm talking pubmed sciencedirect etc only) for months#and those kids definitely don't have did.. if they have trauma and are dissociating it's going to be something else like dpdr etc#the number of stupid 'you have did' answers i see for totally basic questions like 'i got dizzy what's wrong w me' is insane too#it's like googling 'muscle twitch' and then thinking you have some rare 1/billion familial cancer thing despite other obvious explanations#but worse.. in these cases the information is being fed to them. they don't have an opportunity to explore other possibilities#and the worst part is they don't even know to CHECK THE VALIDITY OF WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE SAYING. they don't have info literacy#like i'll say this once: did is so rare that it's STILL contentious about whether it even exists#and it only happens in the most unimaginably traumatic experiences. think of the worst possible things you could do to a child#where even just thinking about it makes you uncomfortable. THAT'S the kind of trauma that leads to did. the truly evil stuff.#i'm not even gonna start on the BITE model shenanigans that are happening in the 'did' communities either#or how the people who used to be in them (and got out) always equate them to self-harming cults that celebrated not finding real answers#they got told they were 'perfect the way they were' despite having OBVIOUS psychological issues they needed help for#(it just wasn't did)#they were assured their 'did was valid no matter what'. toxic positivity ig? it just delayed their real diagnosis and ability to get help#but now you have gluts of people like in the video 'talking to themselves' and people on tumblr posting one-liners of 'alters' talking#one after the other within seconds. and i want to fcking cry because it's the same exact shit my friend did before she cut ties#the did/tourettes/ftlb stuff has literally been called a 'mass sociogenic illness' in multiple academic studies#but like qanon believers they seem to immediately discredit anyone who mentions this with 'you're just ableist' so anything you say is poo#aka you're part of the problem you're an 'ableist' so your legit info even though legit isn't valid/acceptable/real/whatever. i'm tired fam#did#dissociative identity disorder#osdd#ddnos#munchausen syndrome#mass psychogenic illness#ableism
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blubary · 1 year
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based on the newest chapter of my chatfic.
@delurkr I hope you like it!!!
I'll probably draw Daniel tomorrow lol and then Andrew
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dramatic lighting
I might add more colors to her hair! Because I bet she dyed it so much.
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hooved · 1 year
i dunno if this is like weird advice to give, but for anyone who is or has a partner/friend/etc. who's interested in a threesome (or more), you gotta make sure that everyone involved is emotionally ready for that. if you or someone else might get jealous, then just don't do it. don't lie and say you're ready just because you wanna make your partner happy, or because of peer pressure, or even just because you're attracted to someone involved, etc., if you're having any doubts at all then just say so. this is something you need to discuss thoroughly beforehand. jealousy or any other sort of emotional discomfort during group sex WILL negatively affect your relationship(s) with whoever's involved. if sex is an experience that's very important and personal to you and you're not ready to share that with someone other than your partner(s) then there's no shame in turning it down. a good partner wouldn't be upset by you setting boundaries. your comfort is more important than the opportunity to have a threesome
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