dudejaxon · 1 year
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I am so good at looking fake happy its scary. Like suicide looks like this, if you had never read my online stuff a person could really think I was living such a happy life. What a crazy thought.
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blueraspberrycoke · 6 months
Best college research is in USA cost vs degree use which has a list of schools, this gives you the best loan for degree cost of the degree is the goal. Look at that and the subject then online at the best cross matches. Unless you want a social experience mostly then whatever vibes. Listen you know anti-trans bigotry like in your about has NO ethical point in feminism, it's just bigotry.
Thank you for the advice on college :)
I'm not a bigot. I'm not anti-trans. I don't think trans people are inherently evil. But I do not believe you can change your biological sex. I do not believe allowing trans women into women's sports, changing rooms, sexualities (lesbians being pressured to date trans women), etc. is good for women and girls. It's not just a belief I have, it's factually proven to be dangerous to put TW in women's prisons (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and in bathrooms (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 [5 is written by a trans woman]).
I'm not saying I hate trans people or that I don't trust them or that teens/children who identify as transgender are "broken" or "wrong" like people have said I do. I think we have manipulated an entire generation of lesbians and homosexual boys (though not all trans-identified people are homosexual/bisexual) into believing they have to be the opposite sex. We've lied to dysphoric teens and told them they're going to die if they don't recieve gender-affirming care (see all the posts on the protecttranskids, transgenocide, transrights etc. hashtags).
This is also evident in that anytime you question someone who says trans people are experiencing a genocide, especially a younger person (like a teenager who gets all their information from Instagram and TikTok) they actually can't come up with a single example. Even when they bring up the so-called "anti-trans legislature" being passed in the United States, they can't name any specific bans, because that actually does not exist. What I linked for you is HB1276, which, if you read it, allows minors who underwent sexual reassignment surgery to sue their doctors up to 30 years after they turn 18 for malpractice if they regret surgery. Trans Legislation Tracker labels this an "anti-trans" bill.
They have reason to regret it, too. Lupron, the drug administered in FtM transition to dysphoric females, has painful and sometimes deadly side effects that gender-affirming medical clinics will not disclose with you in full. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Also, a disproportionate amount of FtM females are autistic, homosexual, and depressed. I care especially about these women because I'm eighteen, autistic, and a lesbian, so I really resonate with their pain and struggle. I'm not disgusted by transgender individuals and I'm not angry with them. I feel terrible for them. And I want to help.
What I think we have in the world now is an extreme lack of education. It's harming girls and women my age, when there are more affordable and better options. We've known for a long time doctors will push medicines that don't work/shouldn't be as expensive as they are in order to make money (I'm talking about things like selling insulin for $500 a vial. I'm not talking about things like vaccines.).
If you want to change your name and use other pronouns, cool, fine, whatever. I don't care what you do with your life, your money, and your time. But don't call yourself male or female when you're not. See my pinned post for why doing so harms women and men.
Transgenderism is motivated by misogyny. Go to any of the subreddits created for TW (r/Egg_irl, r/MtF, r/transgender [though that one contains trans men also]) and you'll see in every "How I knew I was trans" post that these people consider being female synonymous with being feminine, and it isn't. I'm not feminine. Does that make me a man? No. It just makes me a nonfeminine woman.
I'm not denying the existence of gender dysphoria. Many of my mutuals are desisted females who still struggle with it. But hormone therapy/SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) are very clearly not the answer. I hope this helps you understand my position better. I also hope I've not come across as condescending or patronizing in any way.
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bokuwaamdalla · 2 months
Coralqueer (🐚🌈🪸)
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Coralqueer or Conqueer/Consciousqueer is blankqueer term, which describes someone between radinclus and radqueer, where you support sys/lgbtq+ identities in good faith, pro-paraphilias, and pro/neutral radqueer, and understand that the radqueer community has some harmful parts, but isn't harmful at all
Coralqueer supports:
Mspec mono ids
Gaybians, straigh lesbian, straight gays, etc
Aspec micro-labels
Lesboys and turigirl/gaygirls
Xenogenders and neopronouns
Amab transboys/transmasc and afab transgirls/transfem
Any system/alter origen
Any type of non-human/alterhuman ids
Paraphilias, that involve contact or not
Anti-contact for any paraphilia
Pro-contact for non-disorded paraphilic
Neutral/complex contact for disorded paraphilic (this doesn't include nepio, pedo, hebe and zoo)
Literally all good faith identities
Problematic fiction, if the person knows how to separate fiction and reality
Coralqueer don't supports:
Pro-contact for nepio, pedo, hebe and zoo
Transition for transharmful ids
AAM (-16 yo) 4 MAA
Any harassment
Any exclusionism
Coralqueer understands that it can be harmful:
Pro-contact for disorded paraphilias
Neutral/complex contact for nepio, pedo, hebe and zoo
Pro/neutral/complex contact for ephebe (if it's -16yo)
Transrace/trace if people of this race/ethnicity feel disrespected
Transids like transnazi, transgenocide, etc (not for the labsl itself, but for the safety of the person using it)
Some transabled like transautistic, transbpd, etc (this doesn't include any transplural id)
Transition for physical transabled
Other variations of the flag:
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Simplified version:
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No-symbol version:
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Symbol png:
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(We will probably add more things to the average as we remember)
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antiradqueer · 5 months
TW - genocide
hello, sorry to bother u again, but i think this has gone way too far as the user "radical-queer" has literally posted smth about being transgenocidal.
that is extremely dangerous. ofc please don't harass them, but idk what to do about this.
Yikes. That's awful, block and report if you can.
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alittlemxchievous · 1 year
CW Ranting about transphobia and the transgenocide in the USA
This week is so fucking exhausting. I'm stuck home from work on bed rest and of course the trans genocide just keeps getting worse. I feel like everywhere I turn I'm reminded of all of the people who would see me forcibly detransitioned or dead. I just want to live. I feel like I finally found my purpose since coming out, making original music, and starting sex work. I just want to be left alone.
(I am in a very safe state as a trans person. I am not in immediate danger in the same way as some of my trans siblings across the country.)
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werewolfetone · 1 year
that reblog on the gifted kid post you shared is by someone called transgenocider + they are a definite fash
Ah okay I'll delete it. thanks for telling me I was in a hurry + didn't look at the url
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alex-dontknow · 1 year
I can't believe we even have to do this.
Collectively, our name is The Crow Club, X, or Crow.
My name is Alex, or X. I am transgender FtNB / masc. I am a British-Mexican artist and writer who loves to draw and write our OCs and for fandoms. I also like acting, and I aspire to be an author, illustrator and potential voice actor.
I like FnF, Miitopia, Six of Crows, Pokémon, Gacha World, DMC5 and other fandoms.
We are on our way to get an autism diagnosis, and are a possible system discovered in August 2022.
We have two older sisters. We have friends that we hold dearly to our hearts, some of which may see this.
We do not live in the US. This does not make hearing every anti-trans speech or hateful word hurt any less. We have been harassed and hurt for our identity, and I document this here in the chance that our fears come true and so we could be remembered. The UK has been turning against us.
We are 15 years old.
We are terrified.
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eefsmells · 3 years
me, to my sister in law: so qrows a trans guy
her: yeah obs
me: and after he said he wanted to kill james... that makes his gender...
me: transgenocide
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dudejaxon · 11 months
I wrote this within two or so weeks. Still not sure if it's to my liking.
The transgenocide is a brutal reality,
For those like me, without any family or support systemality.
The system is designed to be impossible to navigate,
Leaving us in a sea of confusion, drowning in our fate.
Hope sometimes seems unattainable,
But we cling to it nonetheless, hoping for someone capable,
Of seeing us, hearing our cries, feeling our pain,
Of helping us find a path out of this shame.
Each morning starts with tears,
As we wake up to another day filled with fears.
We don't want to wake up, we're so exhausted,
Depressed, homeless, and always under-stressed.
PTSD is just another piece of the puzzle,
The trauma we've endured leaves us in a muzzle.
Dying quicker becomes a harsh reality,
And no one seems to care about us in their prosperity.
Money is the great divider,
Leaving us to suffer, and our hearts a little bit wider.
We've been in survival mode since we came out of the womb,
It's time for society to open their eyes and see our gloom.
We can't promise that we'll be here forever,
For our world is so often cruel and so very clever.
Forever is NOT forever when you're in our shoes,
So we must fight hard, and never give in to the blues.
The transgenocide is a battle, a war we must face,
And it's up to all of us to give it the proper space,
To raise awareness, to be there for each other,
To let those in pain know they have a sister, a brother.
We're all deserving of a life that's full,
Of love, kindness, and acceptance, so we can be cool,
So let's come together, let's lift each other up,
And show the world that all lives matter, no matter what.
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