hubizon · 3 months
pov: typowy post na fb - randomowy 5-minutowy clip z jakiegoś filmu (z 2018, więc zdecydowanie nie 2024season i nie akcja) i 10 różnych tagów ze wszystkimi możliwymi tytułami filmów, tylko nie tym, który jest pokazany xddd Nawet Toma Cruise'a nie oszczędzili, choć nie gra tam żadnej roli :epic: Choć ostatni tag prawie się udał, bo film to Green Book, więc ig podobnie brzmi co The Green Mile - jedno i drugie zielone
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negreabsolut · 8 months
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jameseiji · 9 months
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Trol - 12 Hours To Live (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1366782751-trol-12-hours-to-live?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Eiji692&wp_originator=qjhVoZPsujcSlH%2BMCsh5Db%2FL1ysV%2FNcftdVNgvBAEOvq46iUJ1eZ0Fz5w%2BTOpz6UdH1KuUGeisvTOr43TmlNFxrVXsDnVWnrTsPyLuHM0nBJFI0oTolqe0E3kIrnCSUP It is a norwegian movie about a trol that wakes up an causes mayhem and destruction in the city. So a scientist has to come to fix the issue.
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hijab-proudness · 1 year
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amyriadfthings · 1 year
Sara with the Wille dig, lol
At least he doesn´t need to be rescued all the time
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gtaradi · 24 days
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fenixeyes · 2 months
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iahaber · 4 months
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İA HABER AJANSI Bu meslekler ağzınızı açık bırakacak! Çok az kişinin yaptığı dünyanın en tufah 10 mesleği… https://bbcturk.com/bu-meslekler-agzinizi-acik-birakacak-cok-az-kisinin-yaptigi-dunyanin-en-tufah-10-meslegi/24729/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr https://iahaber.com
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morkedisblog · 10 months
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Tele1 tv'ye 7 günlük kapatma cezası gelmiş Türk adaleti adına utanç verici,Türk medyası için üzücü bir karar! Şimdi kimse şikayet afiyet demesin bizbize konuşuyoruz akılsızca ve acemice bir toplum mühendisliği yapılmaya çalışılıyor iletişim balkanlığı diye gereksiz bir oluşum kurulmuş en az 100 bin trol ve yöneticilerine boşuna para akıtılıyor hani böyle zartzurt işlete verilen işçi ve emekliden esirgenen para oysa trol ne yapar övgü sövgü değmez hakim/savcı/polis/medya senin elinde istediğini dövdürüp-sürdürüp-mahkum ettirebiliyorsun istediğin haksızlığı adaletli gösterebiliyorsun ( adaylık mümkün değil denirken tekrar aday olabilir kararı gibi) trol dış kapının direğidir böyle bir ortamda birkaç başörtülü heidi ve sakallı peter lüx yaşayacaklar diye milyarca dolar ödemeye trol saltanatı yaratmaya gerek yok halk trol yazımlarına inanmıyor ki aksine ters etki yapıyor meselâ:cıa-pentagon -ingiliz-alman aptallığıyla ATATÜRK bu topluma unutturulmak istendi,ne oldu?herkes hatta aklı başında olan düşünebilen gerçek dindarlar; papuçumun bademci cemaât-tarikât-din insanlarına kanmayacak zekâsı olanlar da ATATÜRKÇÜ oldular❤Sonra gine aynı odakların emriyle halk dindar ve osmanlıcı yapılmak istendi İmam hatip liselerine yönlendirilen geçler ateist/deist/agnostik oldular osmanlıya saygı duymamaya vahdetine korkak demeye başladılar abdülhamit tek karış toprak vermedi diyenlere güldüler çünkü tarihin yazdığı değiştirilemez yaşanmış yaşanmıştır!Türkiye gine cıa-mı6 vs tarafından araplaştırılmak istendi olmadı bu defa sidik tutamayan sahte doktor raporlarıyla sağlıklı gösterilen ben gibi beyni buruşmuş biden aracılığıyla Türkiye afgan ve pakileştirilmek istendi gine olmadı insanlara birşeyi dikte ederek kabûlendirme siztemi çöktü artık 1950'lerde kaldı bakın kabine değişti kilit noktadaki 3-4 bakanın kadrosu dağıtılmaya başlandı fark edilir bir rahatlama oluştu toplumda kendi çıkarları için kutuplaştırmayı ateşleyen halkı birbirine düşmanlaştırma Kürt-Türk kavgasını hortlatma mültecileri tetikçi olarak kullanma hep bu bakanlar yüzündenmiş başka medeni bir ülke olsa bu şahıslara davalar açılır ama ülkemizde adalet-yargı-ordu-emniyet-haberalma hepsi tasfiye edilip bir ailenin keyfiyetine bağlandığından mümkün değil bu dediğim şimdi şu iletişim başkanlığının sınırını daraltsalar trolleri kovsalar başkanı da değiştirseler eminim toplum daha rahatlar ister beni assınlar kessinler sürsünler ama onca para dağıtma yanlış algı iftira tehdit şantaj yandaş finansörler gizli yabancı servis ve oluşumlar katakulliler "euro yükseldi ben kazanayım bana ne Türkiyeden" düşüncesindeki kansız hain utanmaz gurbetçiler ve vatandaşlık dağıtılan 4 milyon kişi ki bunların çoğunu hem bizim akıllılar hem yabancı ülkeler silahlandırdılar şimdilik truva atları ama birkaç ay mı yıl mı canlı bomba olup kendilerini besleyen bizden üstün görenlerin ellerinde patlayacaklar hepsine rağmen aradaki fark 2 milyon 300 bin oy oranıysa bunu negatif pozitif algısıyla açıklayamazsın kazanmalarına rağmen aslında oyları düştü demektir bu inişin sebebi o bakanlar ve trollerdir aklı olan böyle düşünür yani!
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purgetrooper77 · 10 months
Star Wars: Trails of Red Episode 9: The Mission
Rated: T
tw: mentions of suicide, important character death
Inonok, Bezz, Mokor, Zentii, and Galzi were in the space station. They were fixing two small freighter ships that were empty. Bezz's BD unit droid was now active and decided to help Mokor. All was going well with their lives. Inonok was the first to finish the starfighter he was working on and decided to take a breather. As he was taking a break he found the Violeta-class shuttle heading towards the station. The shuttle entered the hangar bay and landed on the ground to the left side. "Were you expecting visitors?" Inonok asked Bezz. "No, were you?" Bezz asked. The shuttle opened its doors to reveal Golizaa, Aajnya, and Porkos. The three Trol members walked downstairs and headed towards the group. "Mokor Vorbash, is Mokor Vorbash here?" Golizaa asked. "Yes, I am here." Mokor said, revealing himself. Porkos made eye contact with Mokor. "Porkos? Is that you?" Mokor asked him. "It has been a long time, old friend." he answered. "You know this Dowutin?" Zentii asked. "I do, he is a friend I met long ago." Zentii said. "How did you find us?" Bezz asked. "I searched your name. You are not hard to find." Porkos explained. "I assume you need help from Mokor?" Galzi asked. "Actually, I need the entire group. It's easier to show you than to tell you." Porkos said. Aajnya pulled out a holo-projector and shot out the image of the Red Destroyer in front of the five friends. "This is a Red Destroyer, the Empire's new superweapon. Powerful enough to destroy entire fleets." Golizaa said. "We found this while helping out friends who wanted to make a small protest against the Empire. Sadly none of them are alive now." Porkos added on. "We came here because we thought you could help us fight the Empire and save lives." Aajnya said. "This is a lot to take in." Mokor said. "I'm not doing it." Inonok said. "Wha- why not?" Zentii asked. "Inonok, it is the Galactic Empire, you know how dangerous this is." Bezz told him. "I won't go into a superweapon and blow it up. It's a suicide mission." Inonok said. "Inonok, this superweapon could be powerful enough to destroy planets. If we allow the Empire to do that people will lose homes." Galzi said. "Saving Twi'leks from gangsters is one thing, fighting the Empire is something else." Inonok said. "How is the Empire something else? What is the difference?" Mokor asked. "Those bounty hunters and assassins we killed are nothing like Stormtroopers. I know what the Empire is capable of, I won't risk them killing my friends." Inonok answered honestly. Both Golizaa and Aajnya were confused on what the group was talking about. "You all fought assassins?" Porkos asked. "Yes, but we were only saving Twi'leks. Nothing major." Mokor said. "Mokor, that is something major in my book. If you all can kill assassins and survive you can fight the Empire." Porkos said, encouraging the group. "Would you excuse me and Inonok?" Galzi asked.
Both Inonok and Galzi went to a private room that was connected to the hangar bay. "Inonok, what is the matter? You have been acting up since the visitors show up." "Galzi, we are rich. But we have weaknesses. The Empire can exploit the weakness faster than anyone else. I lost a droid trying to fight the Empire, I won't risk people like you fighting them and dying." "But Inonok, we have fought battles together. The Empire is a big empire, but they have many gaps that they cannot fill. Please, these people are friends of our friends. We cannot leave them in the dark." Galzi pleaded as she put her hand on his right cheek. Inonok took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. He couldn't risk saying no to Galzi's beautiful blue eyes. "Alright fine, but the droid is staying here." Inonok said, referring to the BD unit droid. "Thank you, I am sure other people would be happy." Galzi replied.The two friends went out to the private room and approached the rest of the group. "We're in, where do we go?" Inonok asked. "We are going to the planet Ravar, which is located in the Gaulus Sector. Ravar is a desert planet that has an Imperial Base." Golizaa said. "This base is one of those bases that creates Star Destroyers and other transport vessels. It is where the Red Destroyer currently is. Our plan is to find bombs, move them towards the destroyer, and blow it up." Aajnya added on. "Will there be bombs inside the base?" Zentii asked. "Yes, they are located in the lower floors of the basement. When we find the bombs, we immediately go to the Red Destroyer and blow it up before it could launch." Golizaa answered. "How many troopers are there?" Inonok asked. "No more than seven thousand." Porkos replied. "There is something I must add." Aajnya announced. Everyone looked at Aajnya. "These Stormtroopers, they're not what you expect them to be. They are... different." "How different?" Bezz questioned. "It is hard to explain. All I could say is they are more advanced than the average Stormtrooper you see." Aajnya vaguely explained. "How advanced?" Galzi asked. "Imagine a Stormtrooper with bulkier armor and make it two times faster than the Stormtrooper we all know. That is how advanced they are." Aajnya answered. "Nothing we can't handle." Zentii confidently said. "As long as we don't encounter those Stormtroopers, we will be fine." Golizaa said. "How do we get into the base without getting spotted?" Inonok asked. "Ravar is a planet with a large twi'lek population. Bezz and Aajnya will be disguised as locals while the rest of us sneak in from behind." Golizaa responded. "We need to sneak in quietly since some of us stand out too much." Porkos added on. "What about the security cameras?" Galzi asked. "I will disable the security cameras. I know a trick that will throw them off." Golizaa said, volunteering herself. "Then it is settled, let's go take down an Imperial Superweapon." Inonok said.The large group of heroes got into their starships, left the space station, and jumped to hyperspace to go to the Ravar System. As they were going to the Ravar System, there was a Trandoshan that snuck into the hangar bay. He looked around suspiciously, hoping to steal a valuable item that belonged to Inonok. Three hours later the large friend group made it to Ravar and landed far away from the base. The area was a mesa biome which contained a small Twi'lek village. Bezz, Galzi, and Inonok got out of their ship while Golizaa and Aajnya got out of their shuttle. "Let's get to work." Golizaa said. Aajnya and Bezz both got their disguises while the rest of the group banded together to take a speeder towards the base. It took them ten minutes to reach the Imperial Area. Once they got there, Aajnya and Bezz got out of the speeder to distract the frontal security while Golizaa and the rest of the group snuck out and went around the base. Golizaa drew out a circular object and stuck it into the wall. She pressed the object on the wall which made the security cameras go static. As the cameras went static, Inonok, Zentii, Mokor, Porkos, and Golizaa finally entered the base. Galzi stayed with Bezz and Aajnya in case things didn't go right.The five heroes were in the top level of the base. The Red Destroyer is located on the bottom level while the bombs are in the middle level. Inside the base were Imperial ARC medics, Covert Ops Stormtroopers, GEO Ops Stormtroopers, and Imperial Hovertank pilots along with officers, a mix of droids, and other staff. Thankfully none of them saw the intruders. "We have to go in quickly and quietly." Golizaa said in a soft voice. The five aliens carefully strutted downstairs and went to the room where the bombs were located. Golizaa used the codes to open the doors and found where the weapons storage were. "How did you know which codes to activate?" Inonok asked her. "Aajnya and I studied them years ago." Golizaa answered. Porkos were inspecting the crates. After thirty seconds of inspecting the crates he opened them. They didn't find any bombs, they instead found more blasters. "I don't understand, the file said there were bombs here." Porkos said. "Maybe we went the wrong way." Zentii said. "No, the map clearly said the bombs were here unless... we were given outdated information." Porkos said in a slow, unsure tone. Porkos opened the crates only to confirm his theory. All the crates contained blasters, not bombs. There was an Imperial Officer that spotted the intruding group. "You there! What do you think you're doing?" he asked. Mokor fired his blaster at the officer and killed him. "Mokor!" Zentii yelled. "What? It's not like they heard us." Mokor replied. Three Covert Ops Stormtroopers showed up and pointed their blasters at the rebels. Zentii shot down and killed all three Stormtroopers. "Now I get what Aajnya means by advanced Stormtroopers." Mokor said. "We are screwed, so screwed." Porkos reacted. "There is another way to blow up the destroyer, follow me." Golizaa encouraged them. The five heroes went away from the room and went downstairs only to encounter some GEO Stormtroopers. "Freeze, right there!" yelled one of the Stormtroopers. Golizaa fired her blaster and killed two GEO Stormtroopers. Mokor shot down and killed three GEO Stormtroopers. Porkos shot down and killed two GEO Stormtroopers. An Imperial Hovertank pilot fired his blaster at the rebels. One of the blaster bolts hit Zentii's right leg which caused him to fall to the ground. Inonok fired his blaster and killed the pilot. "Zentii!" Mokor yelled. "I can't feel it. My leg." he whined. Mokor moved his body towards the wall. Porkos fired his blaster only to kill an Imperial Technician. "How bad is it?" Golizaa asked. "Bad enough that he can't walk. Another hit like this and he is done for." Mokor answered. Inonok shot down and killed two GEO Stormtroopers that were getting near the two brothers. "Can he get up?" Porkos questioned. "He cannot walk!" Mokor yelled. "We have to move now!" Golizaa replied. Inonok shot down and killed three more Stormtroopers as the rest of the group were talking. "The entire garrison will be here if we don't do something." Porkos told Mokor. "Go, leave me. I am done for." Zentii said. "No, you are my brother. I won't leave you." Mokor said. He grabbed Zentii and pulled him up. He dragged him while Inonok shot down two Hovertank pilots. Meanwhile on the top level, there was an Imperial Commander with blonde hair and blue eyes walking inside the base. "What is going on?" he asked when he approached two Covert Ops Stormtroopers. "Sir, our cameras are down and we lost a squad." answered one of the two troopers. "We are trying to restore the situation." said the other trooper. "It is most likely our cameras have been sabotaged. Bring in the engineers!" the commander said. "Yes Commander Idogan!" the Stormtroopers responded.The rebels made it to the bottom level while Golizaa killed six GEO Stormtroopers. Porkos shot down and killed two Covert Ops Stormtroopers. Inonok jumped forward and shot down an Imperial R2 Astromech droid. "We're running out of time!" Inonok yelled. "How do we blow this up?" Zentii asked. "There is a large crystal inside the ship. If we destroy the crystal, it can set up a chain reaction, ergo it will destroy the destroyer." Golizaa answered. "How can we see the crystal?" Inonok asked. "Wait a minute... we looked at the map wrong." Porkos said. "What are you talking about?" Inonok asked. "The soldiers themselves were carrying thermal detonators, not the storage rooms. We need to find a Stormtrooper that carries a thermal detonator." Porkos explained. "I'm on it." Mokor said. Mokor ran away only to be shot in the chest by a Covert Stormtrooper. Mokor looked at the Stormtrooper. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Inonok yelled as he fell to the ground. Golizaa shot down and killed three Covert Ops Stormtroopers. Inonok found an Imperial mouse droid and shot it down in his anger. Porkos shot down and killed two Covert Ops Stormtroopers. Golizaa moved to the right and shot down four Covert Stormtroopers. Inonok rushed towards Mokor. "Inonok, find the detonators, blow up the destroyer, finish the mission," he said. "I can't, I was afraid this would happen. I should have stayed home." Inonok said. "Inonok, you know damn well that is not true. I know you volunteered because deep down you found something to fight for. You believed you were in poverty for all your life but deep down you knew that wasn't true. You lost money because of the bad decisions you made in life. You wanted money because that is the only reason why people will love you. Money won't solve anything, the only weapon you have is the strongest of them all, your heart. A Kiffar's heart is stronger than most hearts in the galaxy. You are your own being, do not let others tell you the wrong things." Mokor said. Inonok grabbed Mokor's hand as Golizaa killed three Covert Troopers. Porkos shot down and killed two Imperial Officers that were running downstairs. "Inonok, never forget this. You're fighting for the best cause. I will always respect that." Mokor said. Three seconds later Mokor Vorbash breathed his last breath and died. Inonok closed Mokor's eyes and killed two Covert Stormtroopers in his anger. He grabbed one of the helmets off a corpse of a Stormtrooper and destroyed it by throwing it at a wall. Inonok looked to the right and killed three more Covert Ops Stormtroopers. Golizaa searched the corpse of a Covert Stormtrooper and found a thermal detonator in his pocket. She grabbed the detonator, activated it, and threw it into the cannon of the Red Destroyer. "Everybody run!" she yelled. Porkos grabbed Zentii Vorbash and ran away like there was going to be no tomorrow. The detonator exploded and the cannon of the Red Destroyer was obliterated. The four remaining rebels rushed upstairs and found the quickest exit and more parts of the Red Destroyer turned to scraps and piles of ash. Everyone in a mile radius heard the explosion. "What the hell was that?" Commander Idogan asked. "Unknown sir, we are going to check it out." an Imperial Technician said. Aajnya, Galzi, and Bezz heard the explosion. They all went back into the speeder and went towards the back of the base as all Imperial Troopers went inside the base to check out what caused the massive destruction. They arrived at the backyard of the base and picked up the four heroes. "Where is Mokor?" Bezz asked, noticing he was missing. "Mokor didn't make it. I'm sorry." Inonok sadly announced. Bezz made a small reaction and allowed the rest of the group on the speeder. The speeder moved away from the base as a squad of Covert Ops Stormtroopers got out of the base in an attempt to catch the rebels. Everyone who served the Galactic Empire filed to protect the Red Destroyer. Mokor's death was heavily remembered by every rebel that destroyed the Red Destroyer. They marked the day of his death so that they wouldn't forget it. Inonok didn't blame himself for Mokor's death because he knew that was not what Mokor wanted him to do. Instead he worked on trying to find a way to fix Zentii's leg. Aajnya, Porkos, and Golizaa decided it would be best to stay with Inonok's remaining group so that they wouldn't grieve alone. Everything became depressing in a few short days. The Galactic Empire was notified of the incident the day after the Red Destroyer was obliterated by a single thermal detonator. Commander Idogan went to his office. He closed the door behind him and activated the hologram. He didn't want to be disturbed since he had to make a very important call. There was a small holographic image of Darth Vader staring at Commander Idogan. Vader did not look happy at all. "Commander Idogan, I expect an explanation." Vader said. "Lord Vader, the superweapon known as Red Destroyer has been sadly... destroyed." "How is this possible?" Vader asked. "Well.... you see. There was a thermal detonator that somehow ended up on the cannon of the destroyer, hence the whole destruction of the superweapon." "You are lucky the Red Destroyer was only a prototype. If the entire base was destroyed, including the destroyer, that will be a different story." "I know that, but it is not like the other superweapons the Emperor is trying to make. Like the Death Star, for example. That thing hasn't been completed yet. You should be happy the rebels didn't find that Star Destroyer." Idogan said. "Yes, I should." Vader said as he raised his arm slowly towards Idogan. Idogan started to fall into his knees while choking to death. "Lord V-Vader please. S-Spare my life. I'll d-do anything." Idogan begged. "You have done enough, Commander Idogan. Your failure cost the Empire millions of credits. Luckily, it was a small percentage of your inability to guard a condemned prototype." Vader said. Idogan opened his eyes, not believing what Darth Vader said. Darth Vader closed his hand into a fist which made Idogan fall on his chest and die. The hologram disappeared as the door opened. Two Imperial Medic staff picked up the dead body and moved it out of the room, thinking Idogan comitted suicide.
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meltswizards · 1 year
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¡Gigantes diabólicos! ⛰️ #hogwartslegacy #trol #troll #hogwarts (en Hogwarts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdyucAvVbC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cemakkilic · 1 year
Oyları hızla düşen saray panikliyor... Yeni bir trol ordusu kurdular... ''Ebabil Kuşları'' isimli bu maaşlı troller 6 ay sonra ''paket'' olacaklar!.. Çünkü hepsinin TC numaraları sarayın çekmecesinde duruyor... Vatansever savcılar seçim sonrası bu ''kuşları'' teker teker avlayacaklar...
Silivri bu kuşlarla dolacak!..
CEM AKKILIÇ Denizci eskisi, blog yazarı, bostan korkuluğu
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negreabsolut · 8 months
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jameseiji · 10 months
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Trol - René (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1355294577-trol-ren%C3%A9?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Eiji692&wp_originator=S%2FM20l%2Fj1ZQbC0NL8RtYTiW1QOBfM27dwXkgITK4W0bBaUgfioXmiXnEDFLBu%2FlnUQTL%2Bh%2FrqpIXVpgvghsj7ecURpUQh%2FUjqHtwGd5FogbOYI%2BkiUfUL3khn0ySeKrQ It is a norwegian movie about a trol that wakes up an causes mayhem and destruction in the city. So a scientist has to come to fix the issue.
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uncatolicoperplejo · 2 years
QUÉ ES UN SÁTIRO, PAYASO O JOKER. Es un masón/jugador (Actor de Crisis) que participa siguiendo una agenda,en el Teatro de Calle de nuestras vidas.​
QUÉ ES UN SÁTIRO, PAYASO O JOKER. Es un masón/jugador (Actor de Crisis) que participa siguiendo una agenda,en el Teatro de Calle de nuestras vidas.​
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inkyynki · 3 months
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Flowers for Algernon
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