#typically i’ll say those two are my bias and bias wrecker
weirdfishy · 3 months
my lil moon (toddler cousin) was looking through my phone’s photos after we had a mini photo shoot and she kept swiping back and eventually got to some freshly downloaded svt wallpapers— she stopped at seungkwan’s- i told her his name and she said, “she’s pretty. is he sad?” 😆
it being a photo of him smiling and looking up, I ask why she thinks that, and so in true intellectual form, she swipes again, stopping at wonwoo. to this she immediately says, “i like him.” 😌
i tell her what his name is too, and she echos back, “wonu?” before nodding to herself 🥺
so of course, i start telling her who they are as she swipes through, and my lil moon likes to sing, so when she hears they sing, she asks to hear them
i of course put on svt’s killing voice video
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I have been so curious on your tags you have for groups...... can you please tell me a few because I am genuinely curious what you have for them. They are great and hilarious. Like baby nunu boulder I can think about at 3 am and laugh over it
Lmao, yeah I have a weird brain 😂 and I’d love to tell you! Idk what groups you’re into so I’ll just go through them all haha Some have stories, some are just obvious. But I’ll just give the rundown since I talk a lot anyway 😂
UPDATE: I have to put a keep reading thingy because, oh my god I wrote so much. I’m terrible.
MJ: Happy Virus
That’s a given I think since it’s something he’s known by but he really does make me extraordinarily happy so it fits.
JinJin: Smiley Jinwoo
I love his full name and I almost always use an idols full name in any situation. I mean “JinJin” is adorable obviously, but “Jinwoo” makes me real soft. And he’s a smiley puppy and I can think about his smile anytime and it will automatically make me feel a million times better.
Eunwoo: Prince Dongmin
Again with the full/real name. And “prince” because not only is he very princely in appearance, he also has, in my opinion, some of the most important qualities a prince should have. I’m all about appreciating him for more than just his face!
Moonbin: Binnie Bug
So I have this thing where I only call specific people “bug”. Like it’s not a nickname I use lightly, it’s special to me for a reason that I’m not even able to describe. Binnie just happens to be one of those specific people. And my favorite name to call him is “Binnie” because it sounds cuddly and cute and I call him “Bin” or “Moonbin” when he’s being rude 😂
Rocky: Dancing Minhyuk
Real name again 👍 and he’s extraordinary at dancing. Nothing exciting about this tag, honestly. It doesn’t mean I love him any less!!! I would protect him with my life.
Sanha: Bbu Bbu Sanha
Sanha is captain of Astro’s boat. 👌 And he’s beyond adorable when he says “bbu bbu” so every time I tag it it makes me giggle and smile because I think about how cute he is and how much I wanna pinch his cheeks urghhhhhh I love him.
Mark: Quiet Sparkle
Mark can sometimes be super quiet and reserved and I really like that side of him. I mean I love his weird loud side too but something about quiet Mark is oddly soothing to me. And to me, he literally sparkles at any given moment.
Jaebeom: Jaememe
I genuinely think it’s impossible for him to avoid being a living, breathing, walking meme and I love it so much.
Jinyoung: Heavenly Jinyoung
Another pretty generic one. He’s just straight up heavenly. In all the way omg (he’s such a great bias wrecker 😩 aghhhh save me from himmmm).
Jackson: Wang Puppy
A given. A typical nickname of his but I just think it’s so cute and accurate. I like to think he’s mainly cute and adorable considering I qualify him as my best friend and most people want to avoid falling in love with their best friend, but I will admit that he messes with my head sometimes and thus, the tag is far from accurate in those cases…
Youngjae: Happy Sunshine
The light of my life (well one of them. MJ and Yeonjun and Youngjae are all one giant sunshine of my life). And happy is my favorite look on him. Excuse me while my heart flutters because I love him so much.
Bambam: Damn Bambam
I actually say this multiple times a day. And more than just for when he’s doing something ridiculously attractive. Sometimes it’s “damn Bambam, why are you so cute and dumb?” other times it’s “damn, Bambam is the best meme.” just to name a few 😂
Yugyeom: Brownie
I know this is also a common nickname for him, although I think people spell it Browny, but for some weird reason, when I first got into Got7, I don’t remember exactly what Yugyeom did, but it made me think of a cosmic brownie, ya know the little debbie snacks, and that’s what was in my brain when I thought up a tag for him 😂
Yeonjun: Baby Sunshine
He’s the baby out of my three sunshines, the other two as previously stated being MJ and Youngjae. He seriously makes me giddy with happiness and, like I said before, he lights up my life and makes it better.
Soobin: Cucumber Watermelon
I read somewhere when they first debuted that he has a nickname of “cucumber” because he’s tall and I thought it was cute and went with it. The “watermelon” part is because one of my favorite outfits he’s ever worn reminded me of a watermelon. I shall include a photo to illustrate my point, but also because he’s adorable.
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Beomgyu: Fluffy Sparkle
Because he’s fluffy and cuddly and cute and squishy and I just wanna squeeze him. Plus fluffy hair on him is my favorite. And he’s another natural born sparkler. Idk how he and Mark do it!
Taehyun: Doe Eyes
They were the first thing I noticed about him. They always look so gentle. Even if he’s bursting with happiness and laughing away, his eyes are still so sweetly soft. I love them.
Hueningkai: Dollbaby
I took one look at this boys face and thought he was an absolute doll. That perfect porcelain skin and those defined petite features, he’s just beautiful and a lot of the time he doesn’t even look real to me.
Monsta X
Shownu: Baby Nunu Boulder
I too laugh at this on a regular basis lmao. He seriously has such a baby face though. Like it’s so cute and his eyes when he laughs I just *squeals into a pillow* “Nunu” because it’s a nickname of his and “boulder” because he’s, well, very large 😂
Wonho: Sin Axolotl
I explained this recently but I’ll just say it again since I’m on a roll lmao. He’s, a lot of the time, sinful to look at. But he’s also basically the cutest living being. And if he was an animal, I know everyone says bunny which I totally agree with, but in my brain, he’s an axolotl. I made a post about it a while back with photos side by side and, quite frankly, I cried a little about how cute I find the comparison to be. Maybe I’ll look for it, and cry again, and repost it.
Minhyuk: Soft Angel Face
I don’t mean this in a negative way so I’m not really sure how to word this without it sounding that way, but 95% of the time, I’m not wildly attracted to Minnie. It’s not that I don’t find him attractive at all, it’s just he’s more often than not extraordinarily adorable and pretty to me. There’s still that 5% of the time where he messes with my head but for the most part, he’s very soft and sweet and angelic looking to me.
Kihyun: Hamster Clam
This is one of my personal favorites 😂 This is the one I think about at 3 AM and laugh about. He’s compared to a hamster all the time and I love it so much and think it’s so accurate. But the clam part *starts laughing again* There’s this moment in some interview of MX’s, I have no idea what it was since I’ve never seen the full thing, just this clip that’s permanently ingrained in my mind, but Kihyun says something about like clam chowder or something and than Changkyun takes the mic and says “You look like a clam. Sorry.” It makes me laugh randomly and that’s why I chose it. Every Monbebe knows about that clip I’m sure. I’m still relatively new here so I don’t know everything and feel like I have to explain what I do know lmao
Hyungwon: Anime Prince
He’s so princely to me. Like he just looks regal. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a complete dork, but he looks very princely in my opinion. And to me, and probably other people, he looks like he just stepped out of an anime at any given moment of any given day. As an anime and manga lover, it makes me feel some type o’ way.
Jooheon: Joobee
Obviously known as JooHoney, I wanted to go off the beaten path and this is what my brain came up with. It’s not very creative, I’m aware of that. But I think it sounds really adorable and it fits him and I’d probably call him that if I knew him irl too.
Changkyun: Crisis Causing Boy
Curse this boy, I swear. He messes with me sooooo much. One minute he’s squishy and so so cute and I just wanna cuddle with him. The next minute he’s *string of curse words*. A demon. A demon, I tell you. He has caused me to have more crises than I can count so that’s why his tag is what it is.
As for tags for members of other groups I don’t stan yet, I only have one because I couldn’t pass up the opportunity when it presented itself in my brain. Also, I consider Ateez to be one of the groups I stan but I don’t have tags for them other than their names yet. Anyway, the one I have a tag for.
Woozi: Oojigoojigoo
I both hate myself for this and am impressed that I’m crazy enough to think of this. I just had to find out that his name is pronounced “oo-ji” and not phonetically. My exact thoughts when I discovered this are as follows: *gasp* “Ooji.” *has epiphany* *another gasp* “A baby.” *fawns over his cuteness* “Ooji - gooji - goo!” *is ashamed* “I’m a disgrace. I am the scum of the earth. I’m a genius!”
So yeah, I wrote a fucking novel I’m sorry 😂 You probably didn’t want all of this information. But now everyone knows my secrets…..? Are they secrets? Not really. Anyway, I’m sorry this is the longest post ever but I hope you at least find something of this entertaining or cute or any positive emotion really. And thank you so much for asking. I love exposing my horrible mind and terrible sense of humor to the world.
No seriously thank you. I’ve got questions about my tags before so I’m glad people are at least somewhat interested in them and what they mean/where they came from. I might update this is I think of more tags for the groups I get into in the future. This was fun. For fucks sake, I need to shut up, I’m so sorry.
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officialkmi · 6 years
“Jealousy” by Monsta X
I love Monsta X for various reasons, mainly due to their overall sound and concept. However, I am sad to admit I’ve only bought one physical album, I don’t know all the members, and I’m usually behind on watching MVs. Before starting the review, I had bought all of the songs from their newest album on iTunes but I hadn’t actually seen the video. I’m a very soft stan when it comes to this group, but I still think others shouldn’t overlook them just because I tend to.
So, I decided to make a review for “Jealousy” because I actually really like the sound of it and I bought the entire album on iTunes without listening to a single song because I can trust Monsta X to make songs I love.
Overall Sound
The sound of this song is actually what makes me like it the most. I’m not big on songs with these types of lyrics, but I really love Monsta X’s sound. It’s really catchy, especially the chorus, which makes it really hard for me to resist listening to it.
I got into Monsta X through the song “Fighter.” I began looking into their other music videos and fell in love with the story they were weaving with some of them. I haven’t watched any of the newer videos (Beautiful being the most recent I watched) but I still like the dark concept they tend to have. The videos tended to be dark while their vocals were so pleasing to the ear.
This video doesn’t have a story to it, but the editing is so beautiful and it made me really excited while watching. I especially loved the quick cuts and the split screen moments. The only part I really didn’t like was the black screen where the members were shown in black and white. While I can understand some logic for it, I found it made me a little dizzy with some of the motions because their location wasn’t that stable. Overall, though, the video did well keeping that dark aesthetic that I really love so much from Monsta X. I especially think that kind of style fits a song about jealousy, too. If you look at the lyrics, the type of jealous and description of turning into a goblin during the rap definitely fit the dark theme, too.
Lyrics Meaning
Now, I usually don’t like songs about jealousy. It’s not something I can relate to on a romantic level because I’ve never been jealous (ignorance is bliss). However, looking at the lyrics of the song makes it a bit more interesting. It’s not just any kind of jealousy - it’s jealousy between members. One of Wonho’s lines is actually “Why are you talking about Shownu?” and one of I.M.’s lines is “I got it, the last out of the seven. Think these guys are better than me?” I think this is actually really good for a song about jealousy because it’s not the typical type of jealousy you hear about in songs - the jealousy where they’re jealous over an unnamed guy. This is them being jealous because the one they like is more interested in the other members. (And I say “one” because they don’t actually say “girl” in the song like in other songs. I know some fans have their beliefs about some members’ sexual orientations and, as a non-female fan, I like it when the songs don’t say “girl” in them because I can relate more).
I will be honest, I sometimes read “imagines” on this website. One trend I’ve noticed is actually people requesting “member of this group being jealous of you biasing another member” or “member of this group being jealous of you being extremely close to the other members.” So this song should appeal to people who request those scenarios if they take the time to look at the lyrics.
To really look at the choreography, I decided to watch the VLive dance practice. That was a bad idea. Let me tell you...they’re not wearing shirts. I’m not a chest person, but I think that, if done right, the blazer and no shirt look can do wonders. Monsta X does it with vests included for some and it just looks so good since they’re known for their dark concept (versus S.Coups in SEVENTEEN for CLAP. It didn’t quite suit the bright video since he looked so dark in that setup. Take that opinion with a grain of salt, though, since SEVENTEEN is one of my two ult groups).
There are parts of the choreography I really like and parts I dislike. I didn’t really like the swaying during the slow parts, but I loved the general sharpness of the choreography and the unison. The dance works so that it can be performed as a cover by someone without needed a group. I really liked the fact that they had Wonho and Shownu facing different ways with Wonho’s hand on Shownu’s shoulder as he said, “Why are you talking about Shownu?” (In case you can’t tell, that’s my favorite line because Shownu is my bias and Wonho is my bias wrecker)
There are small touches like that which I really love. The only part that really didn’t click, though, was them bringing their wrists to their faces at the end. I don’t quite get what that was supposed to signify. If anyone does, please let me know and I’ll post an update + credit you.
I’d listen to this song if I was...
This is one of my before work songs simply because I love the sound of it. The chorus is so catchy. However, it’s not a song I want stuck in my head because I only know a few lines (versus “Dramarama,” which I don’t mind having stuck in my head during work because it’s fun to sing the “dramamamama mamama hey” part). As such, it’d certainly be on the playlist for the drive to work, but I’d make sure there’s a cushion of two or three songs before I head in. It’s not uncommon that the cushion actually involves a Monsta X song, as well.
You might like this song if you like...
This was actually the hardest part of this post. I don’t have any songs I can really compare to “Jealousy” in sense of theme. So, I took the situation which I’d typically listen to the song and came up with this list.
“New Heroes” by NCT’s Ten. This is a song I really want to dance to, much like “Jealousy.” It can help get me pumped to do something or even be the perfect song to clean with because of the music.
“Yayaya” by Stray Kids. This shouldn’t be a shocker because I am always talking about how much I love the similar aesthetics of Monsta X and Stray Kids. While the songs don’t necessarily have the same meaning, they both are songs I listen to together when driving to work because they get me pumped to go in. Usually “Yayaya” will be one of the songs I listen to after “Jealousy” so that “Jealousy” isn’t stuck in my head.
Finally, I’ll say a GOT7 song. Because GOT7 is another group which releases song I really like to listen to before work. It’s not uncommon for me to listen to either “No Jam” or “Boom x3″ before work after “Jealousy.” Usually one of the two will be listened to before “Yayaya” and after “Jealousy.”.
Again, it’s really hard for me to pick songs for this because “Jealousy” isn’t really a song that I can easily compare to others. Additionally, I don’t know many songs that fit the theme. Please feel free to let me know of any others you know that may fit it better and tell me why.
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siranghae · 7 years
Encounter (m)
Word count: 3,242
Content: Jimin smut - thigh grinding, blowjob, sub!Jimin
A/N: To celebrate 3,000 followers (and the release of the new album), I wanted to write something special dedicated to my bias wrecker... Enjoy ._. (Sometimes, Park Jimin gets to me)
It was a Saturday evening: nothing more, nothing less. The same girls in stiletto heels that wore drunk smiles, surrounded by the same boys in suits wearing too much cologne, and the same loud music that drowned out all their conversations that meant nothing at all - like every other time. It was almost like deja vu, with those familiar faces, those scenarios that played out the same way every time. The people would one day change, just like the music would, yet somehow everything would be the exact same way it was that very night. It was a world in a bubble that would forever exist, staying the way it had always been.
How could a night like that become so strange?
You were staring at your bare knees, the fabric of your dress creeping up every time you even so much as breathed. It felt too tight, squeezed the air out of you so that you went light-headed. This wasn’t your crowd, this wasn’t your music, this wasn’t your night - but that wasn't a surprise. You forced yourself to the same club time after time, never entirely sure why you’d come. Maybe you were looking for something more than everyday life, or something more specific - you’d forgotten a long time ago. Now it was a habit you couldn’t drop, repeating the same old thing over and over. Sometimes you wondered if you’d even be able to stop going here - it would probably be harder than pushing yourself into the crowds for the millionth time.
He was standing in front of you all of a sudden. You didn’t even realise he was there at first. He wasn’t really a person, more of a shadow on your feet that moved in the flickering light. You tried to ignore it, hoping it would go away, because you know how it worked. Shadows towering over girls, swallowing them whole before a single word had been spoken. Shadows wrapping themselves around them and dragging them away into the darkness. He was there just to do that, you knew that. Yet his shadow stayed right where it was, right where it had been when you first noticed it. It didn't want to hurt you. It was almost a friend, comforting your anxious mind as your heart beat faster than it ever had. The only thing you knew was that it was so familiar.
“Found you.”
You looked up, hearing a voice that was lower than you remembered it being, but you already knew it was his. Of course you couldn't forget the way he sounded. Those same eyes, that same soft smile that made you nauseous, the same pastel shirt he wore in every picture you'd ever taken with him. He was staring at you sweetly, like he’d done for the last time two years ago.
He couldn’t really have been there. It was too much of a coincidence, too far from something plausible. Two years. It should’ve been over. But he was there, in front of you - breathing, smiling, looking at you. His blonde hair looked straight out of your anniversary picture, with that familiar, mellow glow and the slight curliness that was so typical for him. You’d messed with those locks so many times, and despite that you’d forgotten how they felt. How they looked. How it hurt to look at them now. To look at him now. “Why are you here?”
He wanted to say something, his eyes burning with melancholy. Even though he opened his mouth, all you heard was silence. He smiled, showing signs of agony when he realised he couldn't say it. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered.
You smiled crookedly, knowing that that was true. “Yeah, I’ve missed you too.” So much that it hurt, you wanted to add, yet you didn’t. It was too late to say things like that. It would change nothing, no matter how much you wanted things to. Why had things turned out this way? Why couldn’t it have stayed the way it was? Had fate been in your hands, it would’ve never turned out this way. You would’ve held onto that moment forever, kept it safe from time and space. Not that you could.
Jimin grabbed your hand - his tender fingers pressing against yours. Again. The same way he'd done that last time, his hands trembling against yours. “I don’t have a lot of time. They already know I’m gone.” He chuckled. “This might be the last chance I get. Maybe I’ll never return to this city after tonight.”
You rubbed your thumb against the back of his hand, the way you always had. “Won’t you get into trouble?” The wrong question left your mouth, but you knew you'd never ask. Never ask why he'd come to find you.
“I don’t care,” he said, and he meant it - you knew when he meant things. He wasn’t hard to read anymore, after all of those years. “Hell, they could kick me out of the group and I still wouldn’t care. I only care about you.”
That's when you knew. He was the same naive boy that had loved you back then. The boy that thought of marrying you in a few years. The boy that said he loved you more than anything, more than he loved the world. The boy that would kiss you in the rain and made you think that love was all that existed. He was still the same, unchanged after all that had happened - you were someone else entirely. You’d been forced to change, he’d been forced to stay the same -to never show any side of him but the happy one, the one he was known for. Always smiling, always positive. They all loved him for that bubbly personality, but you loved him for more than that.
“I wish I’d see you more often,” you mumbled, pulling him closer. “I’ve missed you. This. Everything.”
He wrapped his hand around you. “Let’s go somewhere more quiet.”
The shadow wrapped itself around you.
The same bed. The same walls. The same floor. The only thing that had changed in his room was the liveliness it had always breathed. There were no books on his desk, no clothes on the floor, no pictures on the walls. His jacket was draped over the chair in the corner, his bag tucked into a corner. It was empty but nostalgic - reminding you of better days.
He pressed you against the wall, grinning childishly. His eyes shone like stars in the dark, admiring your face in the same way he'd always done. You smiled, tilting your head to the side and kissing him like you'd never done something like that before. It was slow and careful, tasting like it always had: of dreams and hopes that would one day come true. With your fingers, you traced his collarbone through his shirt, down to his chest. His chest moved in sync with your breathing - up and down, up and down. You couldn’t believe he was there despite that, kissing him again and again to prove yourself wrong.
His hands were underneath your dress, on your back, holding you as close as he could so he would never lose you. “You’re even prettier than I remember,” he muttered. He was calmer than he’d been a few years ago, yet it was clear that he’d been waiting too long. Separation hadn't made you stronger, it had made you weaker than you'd ever been. It had made you impatient for love, had made you long for the day when the emptiness would be filled by him again.
You placed your lips on his neck, feeling his hands around you that were a shield to protect you from the world. It wouldn’t last, yet it was the first time in so long that you felt safe - that you felt loved. Even as he was holding you, you missed him, missed talking to him through the night, missed his smile, missed his touch. No matter how close he was now, he’d be gone tomorrow - in a different city, in a different country. He wasn’t your Jimin - he belonged to the world.
He undressed you in the same manner he always had - a little embarrassed, as though he’d never undressed you before. You always teased him about it, which made him stutter in denial. But now, you said nothing, pretending not to notice his shaking hands or his flustered smile. You could barely breathe when you felt his hands on you, touching you so sweetly. His eyes met yours. When he looked at you, he looked at you in awe - as though you were divine, shaped into perfection. As though he was not. Though he didn’t say a word, you knew exactly what he was thinking, which was enough to make you smile.
You pushed him into his desk chair. He remembered this and smiled. Sitting down on top of his thigh, you noticed that his legs had more muscle to them. He was skinnier, too. You realised he looked more like the version of him on television than the one you remembered. For some reason, that was so strange to you. It made you stop to look at him, observing the little ways in which he’d changed yet also stayed the same.
“I saw your concert yesterday,” you said, grinding against the raw fabric of his pants. Despite the fabric, his muscles were prominent, hitting you just right.
He placed his hands on your hips, helping you grind into him. He was hesitant and slow, but that was exactly what you loved about him. “You were at the concert? I wish I’d known.”
You groaned as his hand reached down to your clit and started massaging you. “Why would you want to know?” Finding a tempo, you bit your lip at the way pleasure spread everywhere, making it hard to focus on his response.
“Because I could’ve looked for you in the crowd,” he said, tightening his muscles to make the sensation even more intense.
“Fuck,” you moaned, his hand still calmly circling around your clit and making you heat up even more. The fabric was now wet, a little sticky even, and it made everything a little smoother. Thrusting your hips into his thigh, you felt blood pulse through your fingers down to your legs, where everything seemed to be in flames. “This is so good…”
Jimin chuckled. “You’ve always loved my thighs, huh?” And with that, he tightened his muscles to the fullest, making the next thrust so intense that it made you come. “I missed looking at you this way. You look so sexy when you grind on me.”
You leaned into him and gasped, distractedly kissing his jaw as you wrapped your hands around his neck. “And I missed grinding on your thighs,” you said, sliding down his knee to the floor. Your fingers found the zip of his pants, pulling it down quietly, and then sliding his jeans down to his knees. You remembered nights like this one. His strong hands that held you so softly, the loving smiles that were exchanged. Your clothes on the floor, as you snuck into one of his t-shirts that was too big for you. Him tickling you, making you stop breathing, then his lips on yours. Falling asleep, waking up to him making breakfast for you. Talking about everything, anything. Similar actions that could still feel so new every time - that was what you and him were together. Without each other, you were only half of yourself, one part of a whole.
You wrapped your hand around his part, biting your lip at the familiar sight. Your heart feels heavy with desire for his taste, the way he feels in your mouth. His cock more pink than ever, already hard from seeing that familiar sight on top of him. You remember him telling you that he could get hard just looking at his jeans, thinking what you'd do to him if you saw him wearing them.
“You could visit me,” he said, changing his position so it was easier for you to reach him. “I don’t know if I can do this without you for so long again.”
Fingers wrapped around his base, tugging at him distractedly. “I don’t know if the other members will like me giving you blowjobs in your lunch breaks.” You’d forgotten how big his cock was, even how pretty it was. Eagerly, you put your lips on his erection, which in turn makes him moan like a tortured animal.
“I’ve waited so long to feel that pretty mouth of yours again… Do you know how many times I’ve jerked off just to the thought of you? I could get off just imagining that naughty mouth of yours, babe.” He thrusted his pelvis up, filling your mouth with his dick. “Or your ass grinding against me, or your legs around my waist. I sometimes thought of sneaking out just to fuck you.”
You would have smiled at his heated speech if it wasn’t for his cock in your mouth. It was the same for you. Any time you saw him on television, those strong thighs thrusting towards the camera, you ached so bad for him to be inside you again. You hadn’t had sex in so long, seeing him again made you feel things you hadn’t in so long.
You sucked him eagerly until his dick filled your whole mouth. He was so big that you almost choked, not used to this feeling anymore. He whimpered, grabbing you by your hair. “Fuck, babe…” he groaned, “You’re so hot like that.”
You looked up at him, pushing just a little further until your lips touched his base. Your throat felt raw after just so little, but it felt so good. He yelped when your throat tightened around him, the taste of precum filling your mouth. “Yes, like that, baby.” His hands tugged at your hair. You were too much for him. “Fuck-” He froze, unable to deal with the overdose of pleasure that your mouth gave him.
He went limp when you pulled your mouth off  a minute later. Just a little more and he would’ve came- every muscle in his face strained, waiting for the climax. He groans disappointedly when you don’t do it again. “Don’t stop, please,” he begged, lifting his thighs so his cock is almost on your lips again, but you shook your head.
“We don’t have time for the full routine,” you muttered, climbing on top of him before he responded. You couldn’t wait any longer with the heat between your legs killing you like that. “I’m getting impatient, too.”
His hands cupped your ass automatically. “The boys can wait, babe. We can do this all night.”
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t help but smile at the same time. “You’re such an idiot. You know they’ll be here real soon.”
“We won’t open the door for them, then.” He kissed your neck delicately, distracting you for a moment. “We need to make up for all the time we weren’t together. God, I missed fucking you.”
“Sheesh, you’re so optimistic,” you laughed, taking off his shirt so that you were equally naked. “But that’s exactly what I love about you.”
He kissed your breasts as he lined your entrance up with his erection. “I wish I could fuck you all night. Your nice little ass on my lap… damn, I’d like that so much. I’d fuck you just right, baby…”
“Oh~” you moaned, lowering your ass. “Please, Jimin, don’t say that… you’re tempting me…”
He bit his lip. “You’d like that, huh?”
“Yes…” You felt his tip against your entrance, and you gasped. “Yes, Jimin…”
“What was that?”
“Jimin, please…”
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me…” you moaned.
His cock went inside, filling you up so nicely. You felt a stretching sensation, but you were so wet that it barely hurt. You hummed, clenching your walls around him. He swore, too sensitive to handle you going all out.
“Sorry,” you groaned, “It’s been so long… and you feel so nice.”
He moaned in approval as you sink down on him, soon choking on the words he was trying to say. He thrusted the last inch into you. You went dizzy, clenching down on him to stop him from moving.
“F-f…” he huffed, his hands squeezing your ass tightly. “Stop that, please-”
You didn’t listen, twisting your hips as you relished every little bit of it. “I forgot how good this was,” you said, lifting yourself up again before dropping down again. You gasped, your body jolting forward with electricity.
“Oh yes, baby~” Jimin growled, a smirk taking form on his lips. His voice was so husky, so strained, it made you tighten down even more instinctively - which made him gasp with pleasure. “Fuck, you are so hot and wet…”
He growled again before he started fucking you for real - lifting you up as far as possible before lowering you so fast that it made every inch of your body tense up and writhe against his cock filling you up like that. It didn’t take long for you to lose all control, tightening at random around him - which only made him weaker, and finally, made him climax only two thrusts after you.
When you finally regained your senses, you noticed that he was still hard inside you, waiting for another round. You cocked your head up and looked at him. His eyes were staring right into yours, intensely, almost a different person. Only when his lips curled up into a soft smile did it seem like him again.
“Why can’t we do this all night, again?” he said, kissing your forehead like he routinely did every time. You were surprised that he wasn’t as exhausted as you, until you remembered he probably did things more exhausting than this on a daily basis. “Or, for that matter, every day?”
“You’re forgetting something very important, Jimin,” you muttered, placing yourself against his chest. “Which is that you’ll be gone again tomorrow.”
He sighed, his hand drawing signs on your back like he was trying to tell you a secret. “I don’t care. I can just… leave.”
“Really? I don’t believe you’d do that. You wouldn’t just leave the others behind like that.” And that was true - you knew that better than anyone else. Though it hurt, you knew that it had to be that way. That it made more sense.
Jimin was quiet for a moment. His hands caressed you, though it wasn’t with full attention. “I still love you.”
“And I love you, too. But that doesn’t mean you have to leave everything behind just for some physical closeness.”
He chuckled. “Are you saying you’d rather not have had slept with me?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I don’t want to know, though.” He sighed. “I wish it could stay this way. Like this. I wish we could be like this forever, together.”
The same words he’d said the day he said goodbye - though he hadn’t meant that goodbye. You hadn’t meant your goodbye, either. You’d both hoped for a moment like this, one encounter. One last encounter.
“I guess this is it,” you said, kissing his lips shortly but sweetly. “You have to leave soon.”
He swallowed. “...Yeah. I’ll… miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too.”
It was a Saturday night: nothing more, nothing less.
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thecheekybrunette · 7 years
Honestly, I actually like having a lot of information about something before I really get into it. So please, hit me with everything you've got, I really don't mind giant walls of text. :) BTS fandom introduction anon
tOkay, kid, well I guess I’ll give you a run down on each of my babies (MY BABIES). I am just gonna give a quick run down, but like... these are my perceptions, so some people might see them differently. And I am sure they see themselves somewhat differently. So. Take everything with a grain of salt. 
Seokjin/Jin: Seokjin is the oldest member of the group. At his most basic level, he’s known for liking the color pink, telling dad jokes, and being bad at dancing (though he’s gotten much better!). Fans of Seokjin tend to really love and support Seokjin, almost aggressively so, because he isn’t given many lines. And by many lines, I mean any lines. So it’s really hard to be a Jin fan, which is unfair because he’s great. Like, he’s head visual, so he’s the most objectively hot (lately people have been calling him “Mr. Worldwide Handsome” because of a response to an interview question about all the attention he got at the Magenta Carpet). He does a really good job caring for the younger members. He’s the one who drove Jungkook to high school in the mornings, and Jimin has called him “mom” on multiple occasions. Also, he loves food. Like, first, he makes videos called “Eat Jin” where he just records himself eating. But also he’s a great cook. And like... he’s the kind of cook where it’s really intuition based. I feel like most Asian cooking isn’t really about recipes and more about feeling it out? But I’m still impressed during the rare opportunity I get to see him cook. He’s often shipped with Namjoon? And it’s like probably the most mutually agreed on ship, like I don’t know if it’s the most popular, but I don’t think anyone adamantly has ever disagreed with it. 
Yoongi/Suga: Okay, so Yoongi used to be my bias wrecker, and if anyone knows me, they know I’m loyal as hell to my biases, but like... I keep going back and forth between Yoongi and Namjoon because they’re both so great. But okay, so the thing about Yoongi is first, he’s an amazing rapper. I think Namjoon is more lyrically gifted, but I think Yoongi has a much better delivery if I’m being honest. You don’t have to understand what he’s saying to know how he’s feeling. His mixtape is straight bars, like fuck. Which is wild because Yoongi typically isn’t very expressive? He usually looks tired or bored, and he sounds tired or bored, all while giving these impressive one-liners. He’s got a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, that I’m obsessed with. He also is one of those people who acts grumpy when they’re secretly having a great time? So, like, a good moment of this was once the boys were all in Malaysia, and Yoongi was alone with the camera talking about the trip, saying all these good things like, “I really like it here. Did you know Malaysia doesn’t have any natural disasters? I think I will take my parents here.” And then as soon as other people shows up, he’s like, “Ugh, I guess it’s okay here, it’s not any better than any other resort I’ve been to.” LIKE WE ALL KNOW YOU’RE FULL OF BULLSHIT, YOONGI. He also cheats really blatantly during games. But he’s also super responsible? Like he watches over the money in the first Bon Voyage series. And he’s had to suffer a lot for his music. And he’s secretly the cutest little peanut ever, and you should love him, he deserves it.Also, he ships himself with Hoseok, so you should support their wonderful romance (I’m being a dweeb, but Yoongi really does make a big deal about it.)
Namjoon/Rap Monster/RM: My current bias wrecker. The love of my life. The leader of BTS. Namjoon is really lyrically gifted. He plays a big role in making most of BTS’s music. He has a baller mixtape. But I’m not here to talk about the musical genius that is Kim Namjoon (because I could go on for days). No. I need to talk about how big of a dork, Namjoon is. Because first, this kid is unbelievably klutzy. recently, he wasn’t able to dance in a concert because he stubbed his toe on a piece of hotel furniture and ripped off his pinkie toenail. Idiot. Also, I once watched him attempt to put on sunglasses and break them on his face. Just shattered them apart in his hands. He breaks everything he picks up. He breaks everything he leaves alone. He breaks the world. Once, he tried to cut an onion and did such a bad job that as a segment on a variety show, they asked him to cut an onion for the camera. Jin and Jimin had to step in to make sure he didn’t cut his fingers off. God bless. Also, okay, as the leader, he is so sweet about trying his best for the other members. He’s also not well known for dancing, but just like Jin, he’s doing much better! He and Jin usually get teased for having a relationship similar to a married couple. Also he was an underground rapper (so was Yoongi!) before BTS. Also he’s really obsessed with Ryan from Kakao! 
Hoseok/J-Hope/Hobi: I personally feel like Hoseok might be the most underrated member of BTS. Like... Jin doesn’t get recognition by the company, but I don’t feel like Hoseok gets recognition from the fans? But it’s more quiet. Idk. BOTH DESERVE MORE LOVE AND ATTENTION. ALL OF THEM DESERVE MORE LOVE AND ATTENTION. But okay, so that being said, Hoseok is the head dancer in BTS. He makes a lot of choreography decisions, and he’s also known as the “mood maker” of BTS, which is probably true. Like, Hoseok visibly cheers up the other members and he’s really vocal about supporting them, which is so cute. But when he’s mad, his mouth makes a triangle, and everyone is on edge. But because he’s usually pretty upbeat, he’s part of what’s called the “Sunshine Line” which is like... Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin, and it’s just the most smiley members of BTS. He’s also just like... so nice. And so funny. And I can’t emphasize how upbeat he is. Like fall in love with him, it’s easy. Also!!! He is same-age friends with Namjoon!!! And I just! Love! Their friendship! Please! Appreciate it! 
Jimin: Okay, the most precious wonderful, amazing boy in this world. Like, he has the cutest little baby hands, and the cutest little smile eyes, and the cutest little face. He’s short and he used to have super chubby cheeks, and he’s just an angel sent to us from above. (But also, don’t let him fool you, he’s kind of quick to be snappy or grumpy, and also he’s fast to make an innuendo or naughty joke, God bless. A demon in disguise.) Jimin used to be really insecure, and he’s still hard on himself. He also seems extroverted? And he talks a lot with the members, so I think it seems like he’s really outgoing, but you’ll see in interview and even on stage sometimes, he’s much shyer. He’s very nervous about performing, but does a bomb ass job, and like you’ll be surprised by how sexy this boy can be. Also he’s a phenomenal dancer and vocalist! 10/10 on both fronts.Also so you know in advance: Jimin used to love bothering Jungkook, and calling his name, and babying him, and being annoying. So a lot of people ship them together. But Jimin and Taehyung are also really close and same-age friends, so people ship them together. And people ship Taehyung and Jungkook together, so that’s a hot mess, and sometimes fans can get really angry about it. My advice if you want to ship within BTS is to ship everything, be impartial, and avoid the drama because it’s not worth it, especially when they’re all obviously close and best friends and none of them are actually dating. Also Yoongi/Jimin is a very popular pairing. It’s everywhere, but I don’t see it as much as some other people do? (But like I said, I multi-ship everything, so I’m not here to tell you it’s not a good ship. They all are. They’re all close, they’re all best friends, this is just for fun, and anything works.) 
Taehyung/V: THE VERY REASON I BREATHE. I THINK ABOUT HIM WHEN I’M AWAKE. WHEN I’M ASLEEP. ALL OF THE TIME. ALL OF THE TIME FOREVER. FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER. Okay, so Taehyung is the best, but he’s often gets distracted. When he’s talking or listening, you can literally see him stop paying attention and losing his place in the conversation. He makes weird comparisons. He finds weird things and carries them around. He’s a little out there, but in a really... eccentric, eclectic way? His style is super indicative of that. He’s into loud florals and cutting edge men’s fashion (but also he sometimes comes to events having just rolled out of bed in inside-out pants, so there’s that). Also he’s funny. Also he’s nice. Also he’s a cute little muffin, a muffin, a muffin, my baby. He’s really into jazz (he likes Chet Baker), and art (specifically Vincent Van Gogh and photography), and he’s learning to draw, and he’s a great actor who recently had a role in a K-Drama!I find myself having a difficult even talking about him because I’m too obsessed with him, so I’m just going to move on. But he’s really social, he makes lots of friends, and he’s both quiet and loud, like he has different personalities. Also if Taehyung starts crying, Jungkook will start crying, so watch out for that. (And Taehyung is kind of a crier, but to be fair, he’s having a crazy year.)
Jungkook: Head vocalist. Golden maknae. He’s the youngest of the group, and he’s bizarrely good at everything? Like once he had to take up archery for like... this little K-Pop olympics thing, and he got two bullseyes and one just outside the middle ring, like it was insane. He just picks up crap and is immediately good at it. He might be the youngest in the group, but he really likes acting older. Like, his favorite thing in the world (I CAN SEE IT IN HIS EYES) is when he beats the older boys at something and gets to give them a punishment, like I see you, Jungkook, I know you. I’m not sure if you follow me because you know BTS, but like... I think of him as Oikawa. Super talented. Super annoying. But even as I say that, he’s just... really objectively attractive. He’s also really adorable. He’s got little bunny teeth everyone says? So they’ll call him a bunny. He’s also usually everyone’s first favorite in BTS because he’s so good looking, and so good at everything, and has so many lines. But! It won’t take you long to realize he is a massive dweeb. He is really shy. He’s a muscle pig, he’s so strong. But like he’s dumb. Ugh. And he loves bowling? Like what a loser. I hate him. (But that’s a lie and I love him, I just refuse to admit it.) (But actually he says the cutest little things. Like once in this bon voyage episode, he was just like “I like this sweatshirt” and “I like hamburgers” and he just had all these happy things to say and he was holding hands with everyone, and like... a happy Jungkook is unreasonably adorable.) 
Okay, I need to stop talking, I hope this was in some way useful. 
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freigaeist · 7 years
hiii bea! 🌱 2 + 10 + 14
omg arden!!! hi hello hey omg hallo : D!!!!
2 describe in detail the moment where you fell in love with your bias(es)?
ok you said detail i will DO detail [takes a sip of vodka and flinches] i actually went through the individual kim bros tag to find out WHEN it was bc some might know i started as a taehyung stan; he was the first i was drawn to since i thought he was cute and when i heard his voice i thought he was hot and as i got to know them more and comments abt him being 4D/alien and him not rly understanding/liking that i just felt very connected and oddly moved? it made me sentimental smh? i don’t have a problem with my ways of doing things and since i’m surrounded by ppl who love me nobody else has a problem with my ways either but i had hard times accepting that my normal wasn’t everybodies normal and that i’m sometimes too much and not rly.. it’s hard to describe but sometimes i feel like i’m floating 3m above while everybody else is standing with both feet on the ground or talking jibberish to others while it’s crystal clear to myself? i feel connected to him. he’s that kind of person to me, someone i relate to, someone i want to protect like an older sister or i imagine twins care for each other? i fell head over heels and that feeling didn’t change though jin and joon also grew on me. kim taehyung still is the heart, my heart in this triple
for jin, who was the 2nd (yes pat yourself on the broad ass shoulders here mr. kim senior), it was the 12th march when i reblogged a gif of jin tagging it#shit this got me #in bts you may have a steady bias & a 2nd one #but each day there comes another 3 and 4#like one day i’ll point at namjoon being like ‘you’re todays 3’ #and on anther days i’ll be like ‘seokjin be my 2 for 2day ok?’ #bts is just a big bias  anD I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN HOW ACCURATE THIS WAS!!!! on the 20th of june 2016 i used his sidetag for the first time and 3 days later i told yoongi (who was my 2nd bias back then) to “watch out” bc jin was growing on me. i remember getting more into bts and being like ?? when i realized that jin was one of the “less popular” members and not understanding? it wasn’t even about his looks but i found him to be super funny and endearing, i thought his suave comments and cutting the atmosphere was hilarious and i was always finger guns towards him and pointing at my dirty computer screen where jin said or did smth relatable (isn’t he always relatable be honest) and saying “me” and he just grew on me not like a disease or a shroom but more like how flowers break through the cracks in asphalt blooming and blossoming even when there’s barely any sunlight or rain just breaking through and being there anyways like “fuck you i grow here now!” jin was like that. he said “excuse me is that seat taken? no? what do you me a throne is for one person only no i think- taehyung move- yes see? now you’ve two biases!” and. he just was there. i love him so very much never underestimate me being a huge loser for this huge loser i love him more than my weak, poor, cold assy existence
FOR NAMJOON. EHEM. WELL. it was the typical route of he cute > no he ain’t i hate him who’s lim nimjeon?? > sHIT SHIT FUCK FISH HSHIS THIT MAYDAY MAYDAY WE’RE CRASHING I REPEAT WE’RE FUCK WE’RE FUCKED > happily(?) biased 
it started with me commenting stuff like #i blame my flatmate but he kinda grows on me #doesn’t help that he has a good choice in everything and is educating himself abt homans PLUS likes tae very much and honestly i still blame @grumpytth bc she can actually see the future. it may just be odd shapes and shadows but she KNOWS &she just had to say smth like “u would say that” whilst we would watch bts vids and joon suddenly turns into the pope or the philosophy prof and i couldn’t even say NOO bc she was right?? also whenever we would go out shopping i’d just LOOK at smth or TOUCH it and she’d give me That Look and mutter “that’s so namjoon” under her breath. sometimes i’d start a random convo and her brows would disappear under her hairline and the only answer i’d get was “idk why don’t you ask joon” aND I SGUADKJHDUIGAHSD FUCK SHE KNEW AND DAMN SHE RIGHT i have nothing to say or add, it was fate. meant to be. this loser owns my soul with all his soft, warm, big heart, sharp, witty and open mind, his child-like curiosity and movements, his fire spitting rapping and his soft, raspy, unsure singing and honestly i’m just his. this loser owns me ughhh 
10 when did you realise that you’re in too deep?
isn’t when you dream abt them? i had this one dream where sope were my older brothers and i forgot their bday (which was on the same day for some reason) and i just crashed into my flat (in which miraculously my wHOLE FAM LIVED like my two actual younger siblings, mom and stepfather AND flatmate) and i run into their room and jumped onto their matress that was lying on the floor and apologised non-stop for forgetting their birthdays….. yoongi was super grumpy and just kicked me and hobi made really loud groaning noises and said he’d never forgive me. it’s because i abandoned yoongi and can’t admit hobi is my bias wrecker sadhuashsa
also i think whenever you’re reaaally into something they become the “home” of your thoughts so whenever my thoughts would trail off it’d always come back to “but what would bts do/imagine this scenario with bts” randomly, it’s embarrassing but it’s true :^/ so that’s how that happened……….
14 top 5 ‘you’re lame but i love you anyways’ moments
the whole ahl ok no 1 taes cypher cover &this little ppap I LOVE HIM AND SUPPORT HIM AND HES ADORABLE!!!! it may seem lame to people and I acknowledge that but I don’t find it embarrassing there’s just pure love in me for that child 🙈💓2 that one time rapmon said smth along the lines “and I look like a pornstar” I cANNOT AND WILL NOT REMEMBER 3 when hobi danced to ice cream cake and had his beanie covering his face and his whole lower body was doing smth utterly inappropriate….4 this is harder than I thought I’m good with 2nd hand embarrassment I bliev……. I just don’t like those pranks things…. 5 this shall be it they’re too relatable and I love them too much to actually feel ashamed or be even slightly embarrassed. it has come to that point /crosses self Thank you so much for asking!!! Sorry it took a while 🙏😸have a good one Arden 🌺💕
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