vowanboss · 2 years
Interlinking alcohol intake, mental stress, psychotic experiences and job performance of higher institutions’ graduates: A structural equation modelling
Interlinking alcohol intake, mental stress, psychotic experiences and job performance of higher institutions’ graduates: A structural equation modelling
Owan, Valentine Joseph; Duruamaku-Dim, Jennifer Uzoamaka; Okon, Abigail Edem; Akah, Levi Udochukwu; Agurokpon, Daniel Clement; Ubi, Isaac Offem; Abanyam, Victor Atah Many individuals start indulging in different behaviors (such as drinking) to cope with social pressure. However, there is ample evidence in the literature that consuming alcohol is associated with different psychological outcomes.…
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maherat · 2 years
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Salah satu bagian dari hikayat amor Dekker Gustaaf van Jansen, atau yang lebih kamu kenal sebagai Sjarief Kusumodjati Atmodikoro. Hampir lekang oleh waktu namun oh, sayang! Wujud lukisan ini bertengger dengan manis di studio.
️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️ Malam
️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️ Malam
️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️ Penyesalan
Aku masih ingat. Aku masih ingat. Sorot pandangnya yang merekat lekat menatap wajahku seperti hidangan malam. Lalu lamat-lamat ia mencoba berbincang dengan lengan yang merangkul pundak. Dan aku hanya tertawa, lekas-lekas terdiam hanya meninggalkan secarik senyum tipis di bibir. Berharap malam segera melarut dan pagi menyapa Gaia, Ibu Bumi.
“Aku bisa bicara Belanda sedikit-sedikit,”
Katanya bangga.
Kedua alisku bertaut dalam bingung. Lalu pertanyaan melayang,
“Bagaimana memang Mas?”
“Ik hou van jij!* Bagaimana? Bagaimana?”
Lalu tawanya menggelegar dengan wajah memerah mirip ubi rebus. Bangga sekali nampaknya? Memang kuakui orang mabuk hampir seluruhnya gendeng lakonnya. Seniorku ini salah satunya. Dan jika kamu pikir aku mengetahui namanya, tolong buang jauh pikiran itu.
Ia hanyut dalam lanturan; membahas langit malam yang begitu cerah dan membayangkan hujan api (entahlah, jangan tanya aku) tiba-tiba menghantam Jakarta, kemudian melompat bagaimana pertama ia melukis, lalu tipe idealnya hingga gaya bercinta yang paling ia sukai. Tidak semuanya masuk ke dalam otakku; aku hanya tertawa dan menanggapinya dengan “ohiya, mas? Lalu?” Namun nampaknya ia mengira aku antusias.
Ponselku bergetar beberapa kali. Aku tahu betul siapa yang menghubungiku tengah malam seperti ini. Satu-satunya anggota keluarga yang betul peduli dan mengetahui aku masih bernapas.
“Siapa itu Sjarief? Pacarmu?”
Sebetulnya, tanganku sudah siap melemparkan batu pada bibir yang tak henti-hentinya mengoceh. Ingin aku buat bibirnya sobek atau berubah mencong atau kujahit agar diam dalam waktu sekejap. Tapi kutanya sekarang kepadamu, apa daya seorang Junior yang baru memasuki dunia perkuliahan? Aku yakin ia hanya bisa mengemis arahan Senior dan menjilat kaki-kakinya agar diberkahi jalan menuju semester tua.
“Abangku, Mas.”
“Abangmu tampan juga seperti kamu?”
“Lebih tampan, tentu.”
Ia menggaruk kepalanya dengan wajah banyak menekuk. Sebelum akhirnya aku mengangkat panggilan masuk dari Masku, si gendeng membuka bibirnya kembali,
“Tapi tetep tipeku itu kamu.”
Jantungku hampir lompat dari sarang. Darahku berdesir-desir mengalir murka, dan aku yakini wajahku telah merah padam mengalahkan merah ubi wajahnya. Bibirku nyaris menyepah serapah. Brengsek? Apa yang baru saja dia bilang?
“Kamu nggak mau ke apartemenku? Banyak lho yang mau ke apartemenku, tapi aku larang.”
Aku sudah berada di puncak limitku: puncak komedi putar paling konyol! Aku bisa mendengar secara jelas si Eros anak Dewi Kecantikan sedang mengejek aku yang kepalang ingin ngamuk dengan tawanya. Eros bodoh, kenapa aku yang kena?
Sejak malam itu ribuan tanda tanya dilayangkan oleh teman-temanku,
“Mengapa kamu tidak mau? Aku saja mau, itu mimpiku!”
“Ah, Sjarief, kamu tolol menolak ajakan si Kakak.”
“Nyawamu ada berapa Sjarief? Kenapa tidak berdegup kencang dirayu oleh si Kakak?”
“Aku jadi kamu langsung kucumbu saat itu juga. Tidak peduli mata melhat!”
Ah, lihat apa yang kamu lakukan kepada kawan-kawanku, Eros. Mereka kesetanan, dan aku semakin percaya orang kasmaran sebetulnya sedang kesurupan. Kamu dengan badan telanjang dan senyum lebar mengutuk orang-orang atas nama cinta.
Lihat lukisan ini, kulukis hanya untukmu. Si tuyul pemanah cinta yang tak jauh lagaknya mirip Sang Ayah, Dewa Perang.
Selamat atas kemenanganmu menjangkit virus-virus konyol di antara manusia yang kamu sebut dengan asmara.
*Ik hou van jij, artinya I love you.
Original Artwork: Cupid as Victor by Caravaggio.
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validgendersonlytm · 3 years
Second round for faye/fayeir/fayem/fayeirself (I still hope I'm using them correctly lol): Hey everyone, meet my friend Jay! Faye is a very kind person! Seeing fayem posts always makes me smile! Jay deserves kindness and I hope faye will be kind to fayeirself as well because we love fayeir!
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squeaky-warrior · 3 years
🍀Favorite season: Spring! I like the smell of petrichor, and everything is very green. It's also a nice temperature, not too cold, not too hot.
🚩 What country am I from: Unfortunately the USA
✈️ Have I ever been out of the country: Yup! I've been to Mexico, Sweden, Canada very briefly, and technically Iceland but only the airport. (couldn't find the exact emoji whoops)
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cubeflag · 5 years
Actually the Fictosexual flag you made is the Fictoromantic flag. The Fictosexual flag has a purple stripe, the -romantic one got a green stripe. ^^
Oh thanks for telling me!! I’ll queue the fictosexual flag and correct the flag name! :) (I also have just realise that I need to correct the definition, as the original definition I copied isn’t quite right :p)
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bumblebeemoodboards · 5 years
Buddy I love your stuff, it's so cool!
this is so sweet, tysm!! 💕💕💕
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stimmy-queer · 5 years
Howdy, could I request a Pride Silhouette? I'd like one of Eevee from Pokemon with either the Abrosexual flag or the polyamory flag. If you don't want to do these then that's totally fine. Thank you!
I made both! They’re in the queue, but I can’t seem to tag you in it… it should post by tomorrow night though
-Mod J
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ubcs-dump · 4 years
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I keep forgetting to post my UBCS art here lol. This pic is a bit older and based on a dream I once had. Mikhail has always been a comfort character for me (coughandalsoacrushcough) so he keeps appearing in my dreams, with hugs and encouraging words. Weird, isn’t it lol. This was also a color palette challenge to experiment a little.
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grbizm · 2 years
Former UBI top executives acquitted in governance trial
Former UBI top executives acquitted in governance trial
An Italian court acquitted the former top executives of UBI Banca in a trial over alleged governance irregularities at the regional bank. Former UBI CEO Victor Massiah and Intesa Sanpaolo’s Honorary Chairman Giovanni Bazoli were both acquitted together with another 27 people on trial. Bazoli stated that he deeply appreciates the professional qualities and independence shown by the Bergamo court.…
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doctordiscord123 · 2 years
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Commission of Ahperikaar and Zariphyr done by @uby-victor :D they turned out beautiful!!!
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the-starryknight · 3 years
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It’s Try Something Tuesday!
This is the follow up to my Tuesday post - the Tuesday TLC Zone, with a little rec list of all the wonderful morsels you all shared. (My original plan was to send the tag game out on Tuesdays, and the rec lists on the weekends, but we’ve had such wonderful responses, so I think we’ll alternate!)
Didn’t get a chance to share? Look out next week! I’ll be sending the game around again to collect some more recs.
I haven’t read most of these yet, so mind the tags and please enjoy :D
[ETA: I’m updating the graphics so they’re consistent!]
Where it Began (Drarry) by @primavera-cerezos { T | 2020 | 700 } tw: drug use
Draco finds Harry at a house party.
I’ll Be Good (Drarry) by @not-his-glass-of-tea / ThisClassIsRiddikulus { NR | 2020 | 2k }
Harry had never been good with words… maybe that’s why he did what he did next. Because suddenly he couldn’t see any way to stop Malfoy from jumping.
Based on the song "I'll Be Good" by Jaymes Young.
Just For You (Drarry) by @slytherinnbitch { M | 2020 | 28k }
It's Draco and Harry's fifth marriage anniversary. But something drastic happens which makes Harry rethinks his career choice. Find how this accident makes them take one of the best decisions of their lives....... Idk if that still holds true, I mean I have no idea what i did with this fic.
Too much mystery on what they do and what happens?
This is the first Drarry Fanfic I'm writing, where there are no boundaries, no limitations and I'm trying out my wildest imagination on this. Hope you all like it
Forever Yours/Yours Forever (Wolfstar) by @onbeinganangel { M | 2020 | 3k }
It all starts with Sirius stuck in Grimmauld Place watching the love of his life fall in love with his cousin. He's... what is it the kids say these days? Ah, yes, straight up not having a good time.
Beauty (Gen - Draco-centric) by @skeptiquexx { T | 2020 | 2k }
The walls of Draco Malfoy's Muggle apartment were bare and he needed to fix it.
like father, like son (Dralbus/Drarry) by @glittering-git { E | 2019 | 8k }
Draco had moved to Paris to escape the post-War scrutiny. He’d been living a quiet life until a certain Mr Potter showed up.
Sleepy Smiles (Linny) by @phenomenalasterisk { G | 2020 | 550 }
“You missed the movie, love.” Ginny says quietly, pressing her lips against her hair in a brief kiss.
Luna tucks her head further into Ginny’s neck and murmurs back, “I woke up for the best part.”
OR Ginny carries Luna to bed. Soft, sweet, and short bit of domestic fluff.
In the Midnight Blue (Drarry) by @xanthippe74 { T | 2020 | 5k }
On a Christmas Eve broom ride over Hogwarts, Harry shows Draco that he’s braver than he thinks.
Some Assembly Required (Drarry) by @peachpety { E | 2020 | 7k }
A relationship must occasionally endure a test of strength, be it confronting an ex, or meeting the in-laws. Sometimes, however, an inanimate object can make or break a couple. Harry and Draco’s relationship is put to the test when they attempt to assemble a piece of IKEA furniture.
La Lune (Drarry) by @thesleepiesthufflepuff / Bluefay { T | 2020 | 7k }
When Harry and Draco's neighbors start dropping like flies, the last thing they expect is to be hunted down themselves.
Four Years and a Day (Drarry) by @elvenwinters { T | 2021 | 1.5k }
What's happening to Draco Malfoy?
A Forever Kind of Love (Drarry) by @curlyy-hair-dont-care { G | 2021 | 1.5k }
The one where Harry and Draco are in a secret relationship. And Arthur Weasley is more observant than everyone else.
Invitation Microfic (Drarry) by @placate-flakeout { 2021 | 150 }
“Are you going to invite me in?” Harry leans against the door frame. His mouth tugs up almost indiscernibly so. “You look good.”  [adding the first line as summary --Starry]
Love is a Banquet on Which We Feed (Wolfstar) by @samunderthelights { G | 2020 | 3k }
Sirius sneaks his record player into Hogwarts, and after learning that Remus doesn't know any of his Muggle music, he decides to share all of his favourite songs with him.
Pivotal (Drarry) by @stripedsilverfeline / tigersilver { T | 2018 | 18k }
Unspeakables use the Pensieve Protocol often, routinely. But Draco Malfoy may be using it a little more than is advisable.
Announcements & Bets (Drarry) by @devilrising { T | 2020 | 5k }
Harry’s life in his Eighth Year is bullshit, in his opinion. He doesn’t want to waste his life away at Hogwarts any longer than necessary. But does Malfoy have anything to do with that?
Trans (Male) Gay Flag (Art) by @diamondpride { 2020 }
Diamondpride’s custom pride flag design! [adding a description as summary --Starry]
The Bachelors & Bachelorettes of Stardew Valley as Cats (Art - Elliott/Sam) by @uby-victor { 2021 }
Sweet sunset fanart! [adding a description as summary --Starry]
Dirty Dueling (Dralbus) by @veelawings { E | 2020 | 6k }
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
(Or — fucked up Dirty Dancing with wand fights)
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So to start off, here are some mini-bios of people who I’ll be talking about! This is going to be a long post, but it will make it easier to understand my future posts if you don’t know some of these people. I’m covering: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Francis Kinloch, Lois Manoël de Vègobre, Johannes Von Müller, Charles Victor de Bonstetten, Alleyne Fitzherbert 1st Baron, St. Helens, and Thomas Gray.
John Laurens: You might’ve heard of him if you listen to Hamilton. John Laurens was born in Charleston, South Carolina. His father was Henry Laurens, a prominent South Carolinian who co-owned the largest slave trading house in North America, “Austin and Laurens.” Yeah. He pretty much was a terrible father and a terrible person. He would later become president of the congressional congress. His mother was named Eleanor Laurens. Her death when John was 16 marked a significantly traumatic event in his life, however in general, John Laurens was very well acquainted with death. He was the fourth child born in his family, but he was the oldest by the time he was four years old, his older siblings all dying at young ages. One can only speculate how these early losses affected young John, or Jack, as his family called him.
John was most likely tutored at a young age. He grew up in very privileged circumstances certainly, as his father was one of the most well-known and rich South Carolinians of the time. 
As John grew up, he became very studious and serious. His father viewed him as the most promising child of the Laurens children, and prayed he would not fall prey to gambling or women. At nearly thirteen, we find our first piece of evidence suggesting John Laurens might be gay. His father Henry Laurens writes, “Master Jack is too closely wedded to his studies to think about any of the Miss Nannies I would not have such a sound in his Ear for a Crown…” In other words, Henry Laurens noticed his son’s unusual lack of interest in girls. Of course, one could read it as a passing comment on how studious his son was, or just thankfulness that Henry’s ‘best’ son didn’t seem to be ‘tempted’ in any way, but this does still confirm that as a young teenager, (and some point out that this is the time when many boys go through puberty, and therefore discover their sexual interests,) John was NOT interested in ladies. 
As John grew even older, his father decided the time was ripe for some education in Europe. Some speculation has occurred that right before John left for Europe he painted a collection known as Pope Brown Collection of South Carolina Natural History. It contains 32 paintings of natural organisms, including many types of birds and plants. This is not confirmed, but it is of interest to many that John Laurens was a very good artist, and probably quite interested in art. Many have heard of the (in)famous turtle drawings John did. In truth, though John did draw the soft-shelled turtle for naturalist Alexander Garden, he most likely did not have an uncommon affection for that particular animal.
So, John soon found himself on a boat to Europe with his younger brothers, Henry jr. and James, known as Jemmy. They eventually settled in Geneva, staying with a family friend. 
But before we even get to Geneva, it is worth noting a passage from a letter by Henry Laurens. This was written while John was briefly enrolled in a school in London. While complaining about the many crimes and indulgences of the city, he mentions “…and every black and execrable Crime had gain’d in the City is equally astonishing and shocking.” Now this simply could be another thrown in crime in the long list that precedes this, but in those those days ‘black crime’ was sometimes a code for homosexuality. So was John exposed to homosexuality in London the way Hamilton was at Nevis? This could provide some context for his later relationship with Francis Kinloch.
In 1772, the Laurens boys arrived in Geneva. John studied a multitude of subjects, and polished up his French. While he fretted about finding his brothers proper schools, his Uncle James Laurens was concerned about a different aspect of his time. Geneva, which had been a theocracy at one point, was now very open to new, more secular ways of thinking. John assured his Uncle that he was not influenced by any of his teachers not being ‘classically’ Christian. But it may not be a coincidence that the place where John most likely had his first homosexual relationship was a place more open to new types of thinking and concepts, especially in terms of religion.
What exactly was this first relationship? To establish some context, we must return briefly to Charlestown, South Carolina. The Kinloch family lived there and did know the Laurens’s. The name ‘Kinloch’ appears in some of Henry Laurens’s papers, and apparently Francis Kinloch’s sister made John ruffles for his travels to Europe. But in 1774, as John was dutifully studying in Geneva, his father wrote to him “From a hint which Waag dropped at Bath tis expected by the freinds of the young Eatonian that he will find a freind in you at Genevé, tho none of ‘em have Said a word to me on the Subject.” This “freind” is in fact Francis Kinloch, so it may be that he and John had met before. 
John and Francis became very good friends along with one of Laurens’s tutors, Luis de Manoel de Vegobre. There is little documentation of the Kinloch-Laurens relationship whilst the latter was in Geneva, but once they were separated many letters were exchanged, several quite romantic sounding. What is quite possibly the most passionate line Laurens ever wrote to a lover is contained at the end of a letter to Francis. “We may differ in our political sentiments my dear Kinloch but I shall always love you for the knowledge I have of your Heart.” Kinloch was a loyalist, influenced by his guardian Thomas Boone, while John Laurens was obviously a patriot and the two debated hotly via letters. 
Another aspect that must be looked at when considering the Laurens-Kinloch relationship is the amount of trust in the relationship. The level of trust is apparent when we see John first express his abolitionist views in a letter to Kinloch,  “I could talk much with you my Dear Friend upon this Subject,” says John, referring to slavery. “and I know your generous Soul would despise and sacrifice Interest to establish the Happiness of so large a Part of the inhabitants of our Soil_  if as some pretend, but I am persuaded more thro’ interest, than from Conviction, the Culture of the Ground with us cannot be carried on without African Slaves, Let us fly it as a hateful Country_ and say ubi Libertas ibi Patria…” Kinloch responded that he supported the ideas, but did not see how fellow Southerners would adopt them. This only illustrates more clearly that though there were serious conflicts, theirs was a loving and trusting relationship. 
When John was forced to leave Geneva, (and he did want to stay… one wonders if Kinloch had something to do with this. It may have been other reasons, like that John felt freer from his father or enjoyed his rich social life.) he wrote a plaintive letter to Kinloch, telling him, “If my Letter is a little confused, dont be surprised at it, for I am quite like a creature in [a] new world…” 
  However, as if John hadn’t lost enough family in his mere nineteen years, his brother Jemmy lost his life that summer. The boy had apparently tried to jump to John’s window and had fractured his skull. John was with his brother through the horrible night. He wrote to his uncle James, “At some Intervals he had his Senses, so far as to be able to answer singe Questions, to beckon me, to form his Lips to kiss me, but for the most part he was delirious and frequently unable to articulate. Puking, Convulsions near very violent, and latterly so gentle as to be scarcely perceived, or deserve the Name, ensued, and Nature yielded.” It is notable that soon after this, John Laurens sent a letter to Francis Kinloch, whom he hadn’t corresponded with since late the year before, 1774. This again illustrates that though the relationship was not flawless or without conflict, Laurens trusted and confided in his friend/lover.
Now studying law at Middle Temple, John received an extremely upsetting letter from Francis Kinloch. Apparently Kinloch was ready to move on from their romance. He starts the letter with an almost deceptively affectionate opening, “Whatever may be your idea of my manner of thinking in political affairs, don’t let that hinder you from telling me yours, and I promise to be as free with you: we hold too fast by one anothers hearts, my dear Laurens, to be afraid of exposing our several opinions to each other.” But Kinloch signs the letter “be certain I shall never forget you.” Apparently John  saw this as Kinloch being done with him, and as a result did something that would change his life forever.
One of Henry Laurens’s business partners, William Manning, was in London the same time as John, and apparently young Laurens came to call occasionally and enjoyed the company of Manning’s children. This is where he met Martha Manning. There is one piece of evidence to suggest that they were courting for a time, however all we know for sure is that Martha became pregnant around the time the last Kinloch letter reached John, and John Laurens was forced to marry the woman, certainly not because he loved her. “Pity has obliged me to marry.” John  wrote to his uncle. It could be that if they were courting prior to the pregnancy, the relationship was one-sided, or was an attempt for John be seen as straight. 
Though John was now married, he was yearning to leave his unhappy marriage and fight for America. An ardent patriot and abolitionist, he longed to go overseas and join the army. Henry Laurens tried his best to hinder his son’s want, but found that John was no longer a child he could bend to his will. So, John boarded a ship to America, not knowing, and possibly not caring, that he was leaving his wife behind. 
Henry Laurens, being a very prominent Carolinian and future president of the Continental Congress, managed to get his son an excellent position as Aide-de-Camp to general George Washington, though John was not officially appointed the position until October 6th or 7th. He joined the staff in August 1777, and met Alexander Hamilton, a man who would change his life forever.
Alexander Hamilton:
In quite a contrast to John Laurens’s privileged, if morbid childhood, future Founding Father Alexander Hamilton was born out of wedlock on the tiny island of St Croix to Rachel Facuette and James Hamilton in either the year 1755 or 1757. (There is great debate over his birth year. Hamilton himself used 1757, but a large amount of evidence from his childhood points to 1755. For time’s sake, we will use 1755.) Hamilton adored books and writing, but was hindered in his intellectual dreams by the grim circumstances he was brought up in. 
Hamilton had a single brother, James, also born out of wedlock. When Hamilton was 12 his mother died of smallpox, quite common at the time. Alexander was also sick, however he recovered, albeit he always had health problems most likely connected to the early brush with mortality.
Where Alexander grew up, blacks outnumbered whites by a ratio of nearly 8:1, so there was existential tension in the air, a constant fear of sugar plantation owners that the slaves would revolt. Indeed, the slave owners were so cruel to their slaves that things Hamilton witnessed as a child appear to have given him a permanent pessimism about human nature. In addition to the rich white landowners and enslaved blacks, there was a population of poor whites and criminals. St. Croix was a place where outcasts in society at the time were sent as well. This included people accused of sodomy (homosexuality). Ron Chernow writes in his biography of Alexander Hamilton, “Hamilton had certainly been exposed to homosexuality as a boy, since many ‘sodomites’ were transported to the Caribbean along with thieves, pickpockets, and others deemed undesirable.” This may explain why Hamilton seemed more at ease with his sexuality than Laurens, who grew up in a more strict, to say the least, household.
After his mother’s untimely death, Alexander and his brother lived with their cousin Peter Lytton. Unfortunately, very soon after the arrangement began, Peter took his own life, leaving the boys with practically no place to go. 
Alexander managed to get a job clerking for a prominent businessman. It is no stretch to assume that this is where Hamilton began his economic studies. While Alexander managed to get a good job, his brother was stuck being a carpenter and competing with others for work. Ron Chernow points out that this is again an example of Hamilton’s superior intellect pulling him out of ditches.
When Alexander was seventeen, a horrible storm shook the island of St. Croix. Hamilton wrote a beautiful and moving account of the hurricane, and this led to people raising enough money for him to enroll in King’s College in New York City. 
Louis Manoël de Vegobre:
A Swiss lawyer who met Francis Kinloch and John Laurens while in Geneva. His early life is pretty elusive, as he does not even have a wikipedia page. He was a math teacher, and John Laurens’s math tutor. John Laurens taught him English, and both Kinloch and Laurens seem to have taught Vegobre to love America, as he grew despairing when he heard about the challenges of the war in America. The book, Evolution of a Federalist: William Loughton Smith of Charleston (1758-1812) says of Vegobre, “When the first rumblings reached Europe, de Vegobre wrote Laurens: ‘Poor America!—you cannot believe how much me heart is moved on its account; you, and after you Kinloch have raised in my mind such a concern for your native country! I am as much affected for what happens to it, as if I were an American…. English friends, I will, I will see you in your country, before I die!’”
Vegobre was likely in a romantic relationship with Kinloch. He wrote to John Laurens in December 1774: “Let me tell you what are these pleasures whose you are the first cause.  I began to understand speaken; I read Spectator, Clarissa, Milton and Shakespear, besides some philophical books.  Never, never in my life I have been so well entertained as I am when I read Milton; and why?  First, for Poet’s excellency, and secondly and chiefly because I read it with Kinloch.  My beloved, my dearest friend is Kinloch; how happy am I, when I teach him some part of natural Philosophy, when I read with him both English and French Poets, when I talk with him about various matters plainly and heartily as with a friend!  Let me say again: Kinloch is my beloved, my dearest friend.”
Charles Victor de Bonstetten (Karl Victor von Bonstetten in German):
A writer from Switzerland, he was educated partly in Geneva, where he would develop the liberal beliefs that alarmed his father enough to make him return to Bern, where Bonstetten was born. He introduced the people of the Ticino Valley to potatoes.
He appears to have had a romance with Johannes Von Müller and Thomas Gray (I will be posting about the Gray- Bonstetten relationship very soon)
Johannes Von Müller:
A historian who’s life goal was to compile a giant master history book on Switzerland. He was a teacher of Greek, and later appointed office by Napoleon himself. He wrote many history books, and traveled throughout Europe throughout his life. 
Letter from Müller to Bonstetten: “Any mistakes I may make in the future will be your fault; that is only if you neglect your letter-writing – your friendship can never grow cold – might I let myself be surprised by a passion. Tell me why I love you more as time passes. You are now incessantly in me and around me. My dearest friend, how much better it is to think of you than to live with the others! How is it possible to desecrate a heart that is consecrated to you? I need you more than ever; over and above these immutable, laudable plans for a useful life and an immortal name I have forsworn everything that is considered to be pleasant and delightful – not only pleasure but love, not only revels, but good living, not only greed, but ambition. B. is everything to me, you make all my battles easy and all abstinence sweet. Thus you live in my mind and especially in my heart. You write to me often, but it does not seem enough to me; you often address only the historian, and do not embrace your friend often enough.” 
Thomas Gray:
I stumbled upon this man while researching Bonstetten and Müller. I came upon the book My Dear Boy: Gay Love Letters Through the Centuries. I saw that one of the essays in the book was entitled Thomas Gray & Charles- Victor de Bonstetten. Intrigued, I clicked on the essay, and then from there I somehow managed to find the archive of a full biography of Gray. Thomas Gray was an English poet. He was/is pretty famous, but not super well-known, partially because he did not publish much in his lifetime. Thomas Gray’s childhood was marred with sadness. He had nearly a dozen siblings, but none except him lived past babyhood. He stayed with his mother once he had left his father, who was abusive. He was born in 1716 and died in 1771.
Francis Kinloch: 
John Laurens’s first boyfriend. He was also born in Charleston (then Charles Town) and educated at Eton College. After this he went to Geneva, where he met John Laurens. He later hosted what I call Kinloch’s Gay Retreat, in which he had Johannes Von Müller, Charles Victor de Bonstetten, and Alleyne Fitzherbert, 1st Baron, St. Helens stay with him.
Alleyne Fitzherbert, 1st Baron, St. Helens:
I haven’t been able to find anything gay about him except he was apparently lord of the bedchamber for George III, and find words.info says this about lord of the bedchamber: “A Lord of the Bedchamber's duties consisted of assisting the King with his dressing, waiting on him when he ate in private, guarding access to him in his bedchamber and closet and providing companionship.” So… possible? Maybe, but King George III also had like 20 other Lords of the Bedchamber. Also fun fact: Mt. St. Helens is named after him!
Hope this was informative!
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idanit · 4 years
Yuletide 2019 recs
Yuletide 2020 is upon us, so what better way to get into the spirit than to finally finish that rec post I started compiling months and months ago? For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Yuletide is an annual exchange centred around small fandoms and I love it fiercely. If you have canons you love, but which don’t have much of a fandom, there’s no better way to get some content for them than to participate.
Yuletide 2019 was the first edition I took part in and I read around 60 stories from the collection. These are my favourites, loosely grouped by canons or themes. There’s some experimental stuff, some crack treated seriously, some fluff, some character studies, and lots of excellent writing and cool concepts inside. The fics are mostly very short and most of them are inspired by book canons because I’m me.
Girls from past centuries, now older
A niveous vignette, or a snow story Anne of Green Gables | T (F/F) | 1K Cozy winter fluff you can wrap around yourself like a blanket. Anne and Diana live together and Rachel Lynde makes sure the rest of Avonlea doesn’t whisper a single bad word about it.
A teacher’s work is never done Anne of Green Gables | G (F/F) | 0.3K ...and this is what Anne’s teaching life could be like if she lived with Diana. I loved this little glimpse into how an older queer person might support a stray younger one.
Altogether Too Queenly Anne of Green Gables | T (F/F) | 2K  Katherine Brooke longs for Anne Shirley despite herself. It was a really nice character study and Katherine is sometimes altogether too relatable.
Discipulae A Little Princess | G (F&F) | 6K Sara uses her fortune to learn new things and encourages Becky, who remains faithfully at her side, to also acquire new skills. They make sure that those who might be less fortunate have good lives, as they always did. It was a lovely and a wholly believable extension of the canon.
Secrets You Keep Alice in Wonderland | G | 0.1K And, at last, a little 100-word snack. Alice from Wonderland, grown up. I love the first sentence.
Stretched Too Thin His Dark Materials | G | 1K This was a fic with some of my favourite things from this canon: Lyra’s Oxford years, rulebreaking, rooftopping, shapeshifting, and a focus on the relationship between her and Pan. Very nice.
Free To The People. A Series of Unfortunate Events | G | 1K An excellent Snicket voice. The Baudelaires in a library.
Iconic male duos of classic literature
Ubi sunt gaudia Raffles | G (M/M) | 5K  Raffles and Bunny and Christmas in the countryside, quite atmospheric.
Relics Frankenstein | G (M/M) | 5K Written like the novel is written—serious, heavy, slow and so good. Victor is dead, but Robert can’t move on just yet. The necessary conclusion of this one made something in me want to protest, which just goes to show that the fic made me feel things.
The Vast Unknown Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea | G | 3K Aronnax doesn’t leave and things have to change. It reads like Verne, in a very good way, and contains some linguistic tidbits I really enjoyed.
beautiful meanings in ugly things The Strange Case of Mr. Hyde (Comics), The Picture of Dorian Gray | T (M/M) | 5K What delightful writing and characters. The investigation runs parallel to the romance, one complementing the other.
Full House 221B Baker Towers | NR | 9K A casefic made all the more interesting by the setting and the characterizations of John and Sherlock. I wish there was more of this to read.
beneath closed eyelids I do not cease to guard this  A Study in Emerald | T (M/M) | 2K A character study of Watson. I really liked the loving, desperate arms this fic extends towards the canon, once-removed (the Arthur Conan Doyle’s one) at the end.
Ancient times
New Under Heaven Akkadian Empire RPF | G | 0.3K Enheduanna was the first poet we know the name of. This is an intriguing triple drabble, a glimpse into what she might have been like.
Easy to Love Tanakh | G (M/F, M/M) | 1K This one has an extremely unusual narrative voice for a fic—one of an experienced, loud, oral, old-timey storyteller. It’s short, it’s chilling, it has an interesting idea, it reminds me of what fanfic can do as a piece of transformative writing.
Aliens, magic, ghosts and sentient vehicles
Strange Fandom Strange Planet | T | 0.1K A bite-sized explanation of what fics are, Strange Planet-style. 
Ain Humans Are Space Orcs (meme) | G | 1K Blessed be confusion! Two species meet on a planet that has been saved from a supernova blast. A fascinating glimpse into what feels like a rich world.
The Bargain 19th Century CE German Literature RPF | G | 4K There’s music and magic and deals made with folk creatures. I really enjoyed the main character—rational, but still a child with a childlike imagination—and the place art has in this world.
Rotten Heart Behind You (webcomic) | T | 5K  This one has a very fun protagonist for a ghost story and some enjoyable trope subversions. I called it a student gothic, the giftee called it an academic thriller.
12foot4 11Foot8 Bridge (anthropomorphic) | G | 2K An adorable story (very nicely) written for a cracky prompt. Cars and bridges are sentient and surprisingly relatable.
The Author of the Acacia Seeds
An Orchid Keeps Its Secrets G | 1K Art can sometimes transcend species. Orchids write fanfiction. I loved this so much—a worthy fic to a great canon.
Mother Bonesplitter's Children G | 2K This one is just as worthy. It’s a fictional academic paper related to a paradigm-shifting fictional conference about some fascinating ideas and hyenas.
Portable 4′33″ G | 0K For starters: the experience of the piece, presented as an app/game for our modern sensibilities.
273 Moments of Silence. G (F/F, F/M) | 2K Sentences full of silence that IMO could work as guided meditation.
John Cage Collaborates with the Archive's Terms of Service G | 0K Socratic dialogue. Is 4'33" music? Is this a fanfic?
The Sound Of A Yuletide Fic Not Being Written. G | 1K And a fun meta thing to finish it off. If you’ve ever struggled with your Yuletide assignment, you will probably relate.
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validgendersonlytm · 3 years
Some fay/fayr/faym/fayrself validation for you (I hope I'm using them correctly): Hey everyone, meet my friend Jay! Fay is a very kind person! Seeing faym posts always makes me smile! Jay deserves kindness and I hope fay will be kind to fayrself as well because we love fayr!
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sunboundprometheu · 4 years
Hello, @wastelandhistorian, I am your @langblrsecretsanta this year! You said you’re interested in “any ancient language” and in history, so I constructed your gift around two passages about deserts from ancient historians. One passage is from the Roman historian Sallust’s monograph Bellum Jugurthinum (The Jugurthine War), which describes a war between Rome and King Jugurtha of Numidia in North Africa; the other is from the Greek historian Herodotus and describes implausibly large ants in the north of India. I’ve translated each passage and then made a short vocabulary list with desert-related terms. I hope you enjoy this gift!
Sed quoniam in eas regiones per Leptitanorum negotia venimus, non indignum videtur egregium atque mirabile facinus duorum Carthaginiensium memorare; eam rem nos locus admonuit. Qua tempestate Carthaginienses pleraque Africa imperitabant, Cyrenenses quoque magni atque opulenti fuere. Ager in medio harenosus, una specie; neque flumen neque mons erat, qui finis eorum discerneret. Quae res eos in magno diuturnoque bello inter se habuit. Postquam utrimque legiones, item classes saepe fusae fugataeque et alteri alteros aliquantum attriueret. veriti, ne mox victos victoresque defessos alius aggrederetur, per indutias sponsionem faciunt, uti certo die legati domo proficiscerentur: quo in loco inter se obvii fuissent, is communis utriusque populi finis haberetur. Igitur Carthagine duo fratres missi, quibus nomen Philaenis erat, maturauere iter pergere, Cyrenenses tardius iere. Id socordiane an casu acciderit, parum cognovi. Ceterum solet in illis locis tempestas haud secus atque in mari retinere. Nam ubi per loca aequalia et nuda gignentium ventus coortus harenam humo excitauit, ea magna vi agitata ora oculosque implere solet: ita prospectu impedito morari iter. Postquam Cyrenenses aliquanto posteriores se esse vident et ob rem corruptam domi poenas metuont, criminari Carthaginiensis ante tempus domo digressos, conturbare rem, denique omnia malle quam victi abire. Sed cum Poeni aliam condicionem, tantummodo aequam, peterent, Graeci optionem Carthaginiensium faciunt, ut vel illi, quos finis populo suo peterent, ibi viui obruerentur, vel eadem condicione sese quem in locum vellent processuros. Philaeni condicione probata seque vitamque suam rei publicae condonauere: ita viui obruti. Carthaginienses in eo loco Philaenis fratribus aras consecrauere, aliique illis domi honores instituti. Nunc ad rem redeo. (Sallust, Bellum Jugurthinum 79)
But since I have come to talk about this region because of the affairs of the Leptitans, it does not seem inappropriate to recall a famous, incredible deed done by two Carthaginians; the place has suggested this matter to me. During the period when the Carthaginians' empire extended over most of Africa, the Cyrenians were also powerful and rich. Between them was a sandy, featureless field, with neither rivers nor mountains to demarcate their borders. This fact kept them in a great and protracted war with each other; both sides' armies and navies often conquered, often were routed, and each country had inflicted great losses on the other. Fearing that a third party would attack when the near-victors and nearly defeated were exhausted, they entered into a peace agreement stipulating that on a certain day deputies would leave home and that the place where they met would be considered the border between the two peoples. So two brothers named Philaeni were sent from Carthage and moved with haste along their way. The Cyrenians moved more slowly. Whether this happened due to laziness or chance, I don't really know. In any case, in these areas, storms not unlike those at sea tend to inhibit travel, since when wind blows throughout flat and barren places and then lifts sand from the ground, that sand, whipped up by a powerful force, tends to fill one's face and eyes: and so, with one's vision impeded, travel becomes delayed. After the Cyrenians saw that they were somewhat behind and became afraid of being punished at home for their mistake, they accused the Carthaginians of leaving early and confused the matter, preferring anything over leaving as the losers. But when the Phonecians sought another deal (as long as it would be fair), the Greeks let the Carthaginians choose between either those brothers being buried alive at the border they wanted for their people or going themselves on the same condition to whatever place they wanted. The Philaeni accepted the deal and sacrificed themselves and their lives to their country: so they were buried alive. The Carthaginians consecrated temples at that place to the brothers, and other honors were established for them at home. Now I will return to my topic.
harena, -ae, f. sand
harenosus, -a, -um sandy
ager, -gri, m. field
flumen, -inis, n. river
mons, -tis, m. mountain
tempestas, -atis, f. storm, time
aequalis, -e equal, level
nudus, -a, -um nude, barren
gignentia, -um, n. plants
ventus, -i, m. wind
humus, -i, f. ground
ἄλλοι δὲ τῶν Ἰνδῶν Κασπατύρῳ τε πόλι καὶ τῇ Πακτυϊκῇ χώρῃ εἰσὶ πρόσουροι, πρὸς ἄρκτου τε καὶ βορέω ἀνέμου κατοικημένοι τῶν ἄλλων Ἰνδῶν, οἳ Βακτρίοισι παραπλησίην ἔχουσι δίαιταν. οὗτοι καὶ μαχιμώτατοι εἰσὶ Ἰνδῶν καὶ οἱ ἐπὶ τὸν χρυσὸν στελλόμενοι εἰσὶ οὗτοι: κατὰ γὰρ τοῦτο ἐστὶ ἐρημίη διὰ τὴν ψάμμον. ἐν δὴ ὦν τῇ ἐρημίῃ ταύτῃ καὶ τῇ ψάμμῳ γίνονται μύρμηκες μεγάθεα ἔχοντες κυνῶν μὲν ἐλάσσονα ἀλωπέκων δὲ μέζονα: εἰσὶ γὰρ αὐτῶν καὶ παρὰ βασιλέι τῷ Περσέων ἐνθεῦτεν θηρευθέντες. οὗτοι ὦν οἱ μύρμηκες ποιεύμενοι οἴκησιν ὑπὸ γῆν ἀναφορέουσι τὴν ψάμμον κατά περ οἱ ἐν τοῖσι Ἕλλησι μύρμηκες κατὰ τὸν αὐτὸν τρόπον, εἰσὶ δὲ καὶ αὐτοὶ τὸ εἶδος ὁμοιότατοι: ἡ δὲ ψάμμος ἡ ἀναφερομένη ἐστὶ χρυσῖτις. ἐπὶ δὴ ταύτην τὴν ψάμμον στέλλονται ἐς τὴν ἔρημον οἱ Ἰνδοί, ζευξάμενος ἕκαστος καμήλους τρεῖς, σειρηφόρον μὲν ἑκατέρωθεν ἔρσενα παρέλκειν, θήλεαν δὲ ἐς μέσον: ἐπὶ ταύτην δὴ αὐτὸς ἀναβαίνει, ἐπιτηδεύσας ὅκως ἀπὸ τέκνων ὡς νεωτάτων ἀποσπάσας ζεύξει. αἱ γάρ σφι κάμηλοι ἵππων οὐκ ἥσσονες ἐς ταχυτῆτα εἰσί, χωρὶς δὲ ἄχθεα δυνατώτεραι πολλὸν φέρειν.
τὸ μὲν δὴ εἶδος ὁκοῖόν τι ἔχει ἡ κάμηλος, ἐπισταμένοισι τοῖσι Ἕλλησι οὐ συγγράφω: τὸ δὲ μὴ ἐπιστέαται αὐτῆς, τοῦτο φράσω: κάμηλος ἐν τοῖσι ὀπισθίοισι σκέλεσι ἔχει τέσσερας μηροὺς καὶ γούνατα τέσσερα, τά τε αἰδοῖα διὰ τῶν ὀπισθίων σκελέων πρὸς τὴν οὐρὴν τετραμμένα. οἱ δὲ δὴ Ἰνδοὶ τρόπῳ τοιούτῳ καὶ ζεύξι τοιαύτῃ χρεώμενοι ἐλαύνουσι ἐπὶ τὸν χρυσὸν λελογισμένως ὅκως καυμάτων τῶν θερμοτάτων ἐόντων ἔσονται ἐν τῇ ἁρπαγῇ: ὑπὸ γὰρ τοῦ καύματος οἱ μύρμηκες ἀφανέες γίνονται ὑπὸ γῆν. θερμότατος δὲ ἐστὶ ὁ ἥλιος τούτοισι τοῖσι ἀνθρώποισι τὸ ἑωθινόν, οὐ κατά περ τοῖσι ἄλλοισι μεσαμβρίης, ἀλλ᾽ ὑπερτείλας μέχρι οὗ ἀγορῆς διαλύσιος. τοῦτον δὲ τὸν χρόνον καίει πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἢ τῇ μεσαμβρίῃ τὴν Ἑλλάδα, οὕτω ὥστ᾽ ἐν ὕδατι λόγος αὐτούς ἐστι βρέχεσθαι τηνικαῦτα. μεσοῦσα δὲ ἡ ἡμέρη σχεδὸν παραπλησίως καίει τούς τε ἄλλους ��νθρώπους καὶ τοὺς Ἰνδούς. ἀποκλινομένης δὲ τῆς μεσαμβρίης γίνεταί σφι ὁ ἥλιος κατά περ τοῖσι ἄλλοισι ὁ ἑωθινός, καὶ τὸ ἀπὸ τούτου ἀπιὼν ἐπὶ μᾶλλον ψύχει, ἐς ὃ ἐπὶ δυσμῇσι ἐὼν καὶ τὸ κάρτα ψύχει.
ἐπεὰν δὲ ἔλθωσι ἐς τὸν χῶρον οἱ Ἰνδοὶ ἔχοντες θυλάκια, ἐμπλήσαντες ταῦτα τῆς ψάμμου τὴν ταχίστην ἐλαύνουσι ὀπίσω: αὐτίκα γὰρ οἱ μύρμηκες ὀδμῇ, ὡς δὴ λέγεται ὑπὸ Περσέων, μαθόντες διώκουσι. εἶναι δὲ ταχυτῆτα οὐδενὶ ἑτέρῳ ὅμοιον, οὕτω ὥστε, εἰ μὴ προλαμβάνειν τοὺς Ἰνδοὺς τῆς ὁδοῦ ἐν ᾧ τοὺς μύρμηκας συλλέγεσθαι, οὐδένα ἂν σφέων ἀποσώζεσθαι. τοὺς μέν νυν ἔρσενας τῶν καμήλων, εἶναι γὰρ ἥσσονας θέειν τῶν θηλέων, παραλύεσθαι ἐπελκομένους, οὐκ ὁμοῦ ἀμφοτέρους: τὰς δὲ θηλέας ἀναμιμνησκομένας τῶν ἔλιπον τέκνων ἐνδιδόναι μαλακὸν οὐδέν. τὸν μὲν δὴ πλέω τοῦ χρυσοῦ οὕτω οἱ Ἰνδοὶ κτῶνται, ὡς Πέρσαι φασί: ἄλλος δὲ σπανιώτερος ἐστι ἐν τῇ χώρῃ ὀρυσσόμενος. (Herodotus 3.102-105)
Other Indians live in the city of Caspatyrus, bordering on the Pactyic country, having settled farther toward the north than the other Indians; they have a lifestyle similar to the Bactrians'. They are the most warlike Indians, and they made expeditions for gold, because this region is desolate throughout due to its sand. In this desert and its sands, there live ants smaller than dogs but larger than foxes; some of them have been hunted for the King of Persia. These ants make their shelters underground by digging up sand in the same way as ants in Greece, and they are very similar in shape to those ants: but the sand they dig up contains gold. The Indians travel to this desert precisely for that sand: each man yokes together three camels, a male on either side to draw by the trace, and a female in the middle. The female is mounted, having been deliberately separated from her offspring at the earliest time possible. These camels are no slower than horses and moreover are more capable of bearing significant burdens.
I will not describe how camels look, because Greeks already know; but I will mention this, which is not known about them: in its back legs, a camel has four thighs and three knees, and its genitals are turned toward the tail between the back legs. The Indians, in this way and with this manner of yoking, ride out to plunder the gold when, according to their calculations, the heat will be at its greatest and the ants are therefore hiding underground from the heat. (The sun is hottest in these people's land in the morning, not at midday as is the case elsewhere, but from sunrise until the markets close. At this time, it is so much hotter than at noon in Greece that supposedly people drench themselves then; at midday, the day is just about as hot in India as elsewhere; and the sun after high noon becomes like it is in the morning in other places, then becomes rather cold as it sets, until at sunset it is very cold.)
Now, when the Indians reach this region, they fill the little sacks they carry with the sand and ride back as quickly as possible, because once the ants perceive their scent, they chase the men (so the Persians say). Supposedly, the ants' speed is so singular that, unless the Indians have a headstart while the ants are gathering, none of them will escape. Then they unharness the male camels as they lag behind, because the males run more slowly than the females, one at a time; but the females, remembering the offspring they have left behind, do not give in at all. This is how the Indians acquire the majority of their gold, according to the Persians; the rest is mined in their country but is more scarce.
ψάμμος, -ου, ἡ sand
ἔρημος, -ον desolate
ἐρημία, -ας, ἡ desert, wasteland
μύρμηξ, -ηκος, ὁ ant
γῆ, γῆς, ἡ earth
κάμηλος, -ου, ὁ/ἡ camel
θερμός, -ή, -όν hot
καίω, καύσω, ἔκαυσα, κέκαυκα, κέκαυμαι, ἐκαύθην burn, kindle
καῦμα, -ατος, τό burning heat
ἥλιος, -ου, ὁ sun
Happy holidays!
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cubeflag · 5 years
Fictosexual and/or Parosexual flag plz? :3
I already have a fictosexual flag here! The parosexual flag is queued :p
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