#ugh i’m the worst.
sharkieboi · 2 years
I try but I really am truly not made for the dating app world. I don’t want to date or hook up with someone I’m not already friends with in the first place, I need a person to know me before anything like that happens, and all the apps just feel so artificial at this point. like someone matches with me and I just throw my phone across the room instead of replying to them
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im-trying-guys · 4 months
Listen you can dislike any ship you want but please don’t come out here saying sonadow is a proship please tell me y’all know what cryosleep is
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cinnamonsly · 7 months
i don’t think there is anything worse in this entire world than desperately clinging onto a hyperfixation you’ve had forever that you know is slowly fading away from you
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daeyumi · 7 months
i think uh. the Announcement has ruined my night actually. the more i think abt it the worse it gets haha.. 🙃🫠 like literally i don’t think there’s a way the movie can be good. i’m gonna get off social media for tonight & go play switch or smthn,,,,,,,,
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stars-n-spice · 1 month
No actually,,
If the finale comes out and then they all somehow make it out alive and the producers and shit are like, "LOL APRIL FOOLS (a month late)" I think I will spontaneously combust.
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It’s probably not a great sign that I’m starting to again listen to the kind of music I used to use cope with feeling like an incompetent, inhuman, lonely freak.
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sarellathesphinx · 1 month
Hey did you guys know Reeve is the one who had to tell Elmyra and Marlene that Aerith died in the original game. I think about this constantly
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Whumptober day 17- collar, touch aversion, leave me alone
Smiles using all three in the prompt? Rare! Anyways I… I don’t even know how to describe this one BDMSBSKSBMS . SO REMEMBEE THAT DREAM I HAD ABOUT YUGA AND LINEBECK YES I TURNED IT INTO A PROMPT I NEEDED IDEASDBSKSBKSBSAKABK. I need y’all to bear with me here cuz this is nothing but pure chaos. Basically Linebeck meets the villain squad. There’s yuga, Ghirahim, Vaati, zant, Astor, Kogha, and Linebeck in this fic and… it’s crazy. Genuinely can’t tell if it’s actually cringey or if I’m just mean to myself 💀💀💀 so uh, yeah, it’s a long one and ends weirdly but whatevs
Warnings: kidnapping, possessive attitude, nonconsensual touching (it’s nothing serious Ghirahim and Yuga are just a little creepy) and yeah
It had been a normal day for Linebeck. He woke up, pissed off Leon, pissed off everyone else, and took a walk through the woods while they all calmed down. He kept close to camp so that if something happened, Linebeck would be close enough to them. But apparently it didn’t matter, because in the end, he was grabbed and pulled into a portal, held against his will by some… colorful characters.
Linebeck paced his cage when they left him alone, occasionally leaning up against the bars hopelessly. There was no way he was getting out of this, and there was no way that the others would even know where to find him. The people holding him hostage were weird, but they were scary. Having sharp teeth, powerful magic, and all were freakishly tall (except for two). One was a creature that he’d never seen before, having round yellow eyes, fair blue skin, and markings along his nose. Linebeck was a coward at heart, and these people did not want to make him feel brave.
Linebeck tugged at the collar that they put on him. It was to “block his ability to use magic”, but it was nothing more than a nuisance to Linebeck since he didn’t have any magic. It rubbed painfully against his neck and it occasionally felt like he was being choked. Linebeck groaned and fiddled with the collar more until the men who abducted him barged into the room, arguing about something.
“How could you screw up that bad?” A taller man with white hair that covered one eye yelled. “Open a portal to the castle, that's all you had to do!”
“Portals are a finicky magic! Only a powerful magician can safely open up a portal without any issues!” A smaller purple man who also had hair covering one eye yelled back.
“Oh! Well it seems like you’re not a very powerful magician then, Vaati!”
“Shut up Ghirahim! You know nothing about magic!”
“Can you two stop it with the yelling.” A pale man with a hood over his eyes came in, holding a strange contraption in his hand. “My head hurts.”
“Well Vaati screwed up my plan!” The one Linebeck assumed was Ghirahim practically screamed. The taller creature with the beady yellow eyes came by.
“I don’t understand why you didn’t come to me for help, I open up portals all the time!”
“You were gone with Yuga, Zant! And I needed this mission done now!”
“What is Loria’s name were you trying to do?” A tall man with thick, curly red hair leaned against the bars, and a little too close to Linebeck for comfort.
“I needed Vaati to open up a portal so we could kidnap the King! He was left unsupervised and it would’ve been a perfect opportunity! Just… who even is that?” Ghirahim pointed at Linebeck, which caused the others to look at him. Linebeck stood up straight and backed away from the bars, but Ghirahim got closer. “Who are you?”
Linebeck chuckled nervously and pressed his back against the back wall of his cage, as far away from them as possible. Ghirahim scoffed and snapped his fingers, vanishing in a cloud of diamonds. Linebeck yelped when he suddenly appeared inches from his face. He grabbed his shirt and pinned him against the wall, looking down at him with murder in his eyes. Linebeck felt like he was gonna pass out right then and there, but he swallowed his nerves down and tried to glare back at him.
“I said, who are you?” Ghirahim repeated, fury in his voice.
“A—uh— I—I’m uh…” Linebeck stuttered, unable to say his own name. Ghirahim groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Well he’s completely useless to us,” Ghirahim snapped his fingers and a dagger appeared in his hand. “Might as well get rid of him.”
“W-wait! Wait!” Linebeck tried to stop him, but sudden movement at his side caused him to scream and jerk away from it. Yuga appeared and held Ghirahim’s hand that had the dagger in it.
“Let’s not be too hasty, there’s no reason to kill him.”
Ghirahim rolled his eyes at him. “Let me guess, he’s too beautiful to die?”
“Yes!” Yuga dragged Linebeck away from Ghirahim, and he found himself pressed up against Yuga’s chest. “I mean look at him, beauty like this must be preserved.” His hand gently stroked against Linebeck’s cheek which made him physically recoil.
“Don’t touch me!” Linebeck swatted his hand at Yuga, but it was grabbed effortlessly by the large man.
“So feisty too, I’d like to keep him for my collection.”
“Yuga no. You let that one doctor live, and look where that got us!”
“Oh come on! I won’t let him walk around freely,” Yuga’s fingers dug possessively into Linebeck’s shoulder causing him to squirm. “I’ll just turn him into a painting and keep him in my hall, that’s all!”
Linebeck’s heart stopped. “Wh— turn me into a painting?”
“Well of course. Only the most beautiful and powerful ones are hung up on my wall. You should consider yourself lucky,” Yuga got close to his face and Linebeck leaned back.
“Kinda hard to consider myself lucky when I’ll have to look at your ugly face for the rest of my life!”
Yuga gasped and the others snorted in response.
“Oh I think I like him actually,” the hooded man said with a chuckle.
“Oh you— shut up, Astor!” Yuga yelled, his grip on Linebeck tightening in rage. “That was a petty insult, it sure does dampen your natural beauty.”
“Yeah well at least I have natural beauty unlike you, who needs all that crap all over your face just to be bearable to look at!”
Yuga gasped more loudly and he let go of Linebeck. Ghirahim started laughing like a maniac and he grabbed onto Linebeck.
“I have to agree with Astor, I think I like him as well.”
Linebeck squirmed in his hold, trying to get away. “Yeah well the feeling’s not mutual. Get off of me!”
Ghirahim’s grip tightened around him, and Linebeck groaned. He couldn’t move.
“Well we don’t need him alive so just kill him now Ghirahim,” Yuga grumbled, suddenly turning into a painting and slipping through the bars. Linebeck watched in awe as he popped out of the wall, returning to his true self. Yuga smirked at his reaction. “Still think that I’m nothing to look at?”
“Tch, you still look like a moblin’s rear end to me.”
Yuga glared daggers into Linebeck while the others laughed hysterically.
“Oh I definitely like you,” Ghirahim wheezed, patting him on the shoulder. “Sorry Yuga but I don’t want to kill him anymore, he… amuses me.”
Yuga grumbled as Ghirahim finally let go of Linebeck and left the cell.
“Uh… w-what are you guys going to do to me?” He couldn’t help but ask even though he knew that any answer would be a bad answer.
“Don’t know yet, you weren’t our original target,” Ghirahim answered, looking upset again. Vaati leaned against the bars next to Linebeck.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head over the specifics of your fate, we’ll take care of that for you,” he said.
“Yeah that’s kind of why this pretty little head of mine is worrying,” Linebeck rebutted. “Can you at least take off this collar? I don’t have any magic so it’s completely useless.”
“We’re not taking any chances with you,” Astor said in a low voice.
“Besides, if you ever escape, then people will know that you belong to us,” Vaati said with a grin.
Linebeck gulped and the group left the room, leaving him alone once again. He let out a big sigh and sunk to the floor, hoping that they wouldn’t return any time soon. Though he wanted to escape, the memory of Ghirahim and Yuga holding onto him so strongly made his skin crawl. Even if he could escape, he was not strong enough to fight against them. Ghirahim’s teleportation, Yuga’s weird painting magic, he didn’t even want to think about what the others were able to do. Not to mention, they all seemed so… sadistic. And that was what scared Linebeck the most.
Linebeck rested his head against hands, suddenly feeling very exhausted. He prayed that by some miracle, the others would find him. He just didn’t know how.
Linebeck jolted awake at the sound of crashing and yelling. He looked over at the door beyond his cage, his heart beating a mile a minute. The yelling continued, sounding like it was getting louder. Linebeck stood up and backed up in a corner, watching the door with dread.
“Just get what they stole from me, alright?” He heard someone shout from the other side. “We’ll be in and out before they even know we’re here!”
“Sure thing.”
There was inaudible grumbling and shifting around, with one proud cheer after a while of shuffling. Eventually the noises were right outside the door, and Linebeck held his breath. A regular looking Hylian in a red jumpsuit peaked his head into the room, and he locked eyes with Linebeck.
“Uh, Kogha?” The Hylian yelled out.
“What?” A gruff sounding man yelled back.
“There’s a guy here.”
“Huh? What?”
Another Hylian poked his head through, and then a tall, heavy man with a weird eye mask appeared. Linebeck pressed himself further into the corner, glaring at the three.
“Listen, unless you’re here to break me out, leave me alone!” He shouted with as much strength as he could.
The men all glanced at each others confused.
“Are you a hostage?” The first Hylian asked.
“I’m in a cage, of course I’m a hostage!”
The tallest one who Linebeck assumed was Kogha entered the room arrogantly.
“Well it’s your lucky day, sir. We’re gonna break you out.”
Linebeck raised an eyebrow. “And why should I trust you?”
Kogha leaned against the bars, gesturing to the whole room. “You know the guys that I assumed abducted you?”
“Yes, well, we don’t get along. One of them tried to sacrifice me to his malice god. Can you believe that? Sacrifice me?”
“I don’t care.”
“Yeah well, the yiga clan don’t take kindly to sacrificing me. So anytime we can piss them off or inconvenience them, I’ll take it.”
Linebeck narrowed his eyes. “Yiga clan? You wouldn’t happen to be connected to that Yuga guy would you?”
Kogha scoffed. “Just because our names are similar doesn’t mean that we’re connected.”
Linebeck narrowed his eyes even more, and Kogha shrugged.
“Oh whatever, boys, come tear down this door for me.”
Linebeck gasped as the two Hylians grabbed the cage door and pried it open with their weapons. Kogha gestured for Linebeck to join them.
“C’mon, let’s get you home.”
Linebeck looked down. “I don’t think you can get me home.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…. I… I’m not from here—“
There was a loud banging sound, and the Hylians snapped their heads at something behind him.
“Ok well you can explain later, now come on,” Kogha sputtered, trying to grab Linebeck.
“Hey, don’t touch me! I still don’t know if I trust you or not—“
A loud shout came from beyond the door. “Kogha we need to leave now!” The second Hylian yelled, and Kogha grabbed Linebeck and threw him over his shoulder.
“Ah— HEY!” Linebeck yelled, but he was carried away as the three ran for it. Linebeck watched behind the three, seeing Astor and Zant appear. “Ah! Kogha!” Linebeck yelled as they noticed the group running away. Kogha slightly turned around and groaned.
“Ugh! Not that guy!” Kogha set down Linebeck while running, causing him to nearly fall over. “Make sure he gets out safely.”
“Wait, what are you doing, Kogha?” the first hylian asked.
“Buyin’ you some time,” Kogha said with a grin in his voice. Astor held up the strange contraption in his hand, and a red substance poured out of it, heading straight to the group. Linebeck gasped when it came close, but it was stopped by a strange blue shield put up by Kogha. Someone grabbed Linebeck’s hand and he was pulled along, which he quickly tried to pull away.
“I can run on my own! Let go!” He shouted, and the hylian holding his hand grumbled, letting go. The three ran for a long while after they made it outside, and when they were far enough, they all collapsed. Linebeck leaned against a tree and sighed with relief. Well at least actual escape wasn’t an issue anymore... Except this stupid collar was still on him.
“Kogha…” One of the hylians muttered, staring at the building they just escaped from.
“Did he make it out?” The other one asked, and they both watched intently. But there was nothing.
“I knew we shouldn’t have left him alone! They might’ve gotten to him this time!” The first Hylian said frantically, “they probably captured him, and now he’s gonna die! And the yiga clan will be without their leader!”
Linebeck felt guilt creep up on him. It didn’t matter what he thought about the men that saved him, they saved him. And Kogha… he must’ve given up everything just for them… just for him…
“Oh goddesses,” he mumbled, “he saved my life, and I didn’t even get to say thank you… heck I didn’t even show that I was grateful…. Goddesses… he didn’t deserve this.”
“Aw, how nice of you to care about me.”
Linebeck flinched at the sudden presence of another person next to him, and he nearly tripped into the other Hylians who stared at Kogha in awe.
“You’re ok!”
Kogha puffed out his chest and pointed at them dramatically. “Of course I’m alright! I may not be able to beat those lunatics down there, but I sure as heck can escape them!”
The Hylians both gave relieved sighs while Linebeck caught his breath. If one more person snuck up on him like that one more time…
“Oh come on now,” Kogha leaned towards Linebeck, “where’s that gratitude you wanted to show me?”
Linebeck groaned and stood up straight. “Thanks or… whatever,” he mumbled.
“Well, that was better than nothing I suppose,” Kogha scoffed, and the Hylians stood beside Kogha who had his finger resting on the chin of his mask. “I suppose I’m not done rescuing you yet, where’s your home? I can take you there.”
“Uh–” Linebeck looked down, gnawing his lower lip. There was no way that Kogha was going to get him out of here, he doubted he was in the same era that he was in before. Kogha tilted his head at him when he didn’t say anything.
“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
Linebeck glared at him. “No. I just… I don’t think you can get me home. Unless you can open up a portal across eras–”
“Wait– you’re from a different era?” One of the Hylians stepped up, looking surprised. Linebeck sighed.
“Yes, I am, and I need to get back to where I was,” though Linebeck could return to his beloved ship, he didn’t want to. He couldn’t abandon his friends, and he couldn’t abandon Link. Kogha let out a laugh and relaxed his posture.
“Hey buddy, I can open up a portal across eras,” Kogha wrapped his arm around Linebeck, making him squirm. “Though it’s not easy to do. I’ve been alive for so long that I was able to learn how to do it but Sheikah magic can’t normally do portals, and it’s just super hard to do in general–”
“Well for it being hard to do, it sure does happen a lot!” Linebeck yelled, and Kogha backed up with his hands up defensively.
“Calm down, let me just see where you once were and I can send you back.” Kogha leaned forward and stared at Linebeck for much longer than he’d like. Finally, Kogha hummed and stepped back. “I see,” he said softly, amused.
“Once I open up the portal I want you to waste no time getting in, alright? I can’t keep it open for a long time.”
“Wait, you know where to take me? How?”
“Oh, uh, Sheikah magic, now get ready!” Kogha lightly shoved Linebeck, then got low, swinging his arms in a weird pattern, and right behind Linebeck, a portal opened up.
“Woah!” He stared at the red portal in front of him, trying to see if he could see the other side.
Linebeck swung around at Kogha, surprised at how he knew his name, and he saw the Hylians gather around their leader.
“Tell Ammon I said hi, alright?” Kogha said in a strained voice, and Linebeck blinked. Did he… know Ammon? Kogha gestured to Linebeck with his head and the Hylians stepped forward, pushing Linebeck into the portal.
“W-wait! The collar–” was all Linebeck was able to say before he was pushed into the portal, and he landed on his back harshly in tall grass. He laid there for a moment, thinking about everything that happened to him when he heard yelling from far away.
“Linebeck! Come on, I’m sorry I yelled at you!” He heard Ammon shout.
“I swear if that man is in danger and we have to save him I will throw him into the lake!” He heard Leon grumble, and Linebeck couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Classic Leon.
“Hey, we’re supposed to be looking for him to make sure he’s alright, not threatening him,” Rusl spoke up, and Linebeck heard Leon groan. He would’ve called for them, but after being pushed into that portal, he was feeling pretty dizzy, and his ribs hurt from falling onto the ground. The three were silent for a while, until Linebeck heard their footsteps right next to him, and Leon accidentally kicked his head as he tripped over him.
“OW!” Linebeck sat up and rubbed his temple painfully as Leon laid sprawled out on the ground. “Watch where you’re going, Leon!”
Leon scrambled to his feet and glared at Linebeck. “You– You watch where you’re laying!” He retorted and Linebeck heard the other two groan.
“Leon for Din’s sake,” Ammon muttered, and he kneeled down next to Linebeck. “Are you alright? We got pretty worried about you.”
“Yeah, what’s that on your neck?” Rusl pointed at the collar that stayed around Linebeck’s neck.
“Oh, you know, I got abducted by a bunch of weirdos and they put this stupid collar on me so I wouldn’t use magic or whatever,” Linebeck said nonchalantly. The others gasped.
“You got kidnapped?”
“Who took you?”
“Are they still near?”
Linebeck shook his head. “No, they were from a different era. I’m lucky this weird red guy was able to open up a portal for me to return.”
“Goddesses Linebeck,” Leon groaned, “how do you always get yourself into these situations?”
“I don’t know but I do,” Linebeck looked over at Ammon and pursed his lips. “Um, the red guy…. His name was Kogha and he told me to tell you hi, for some reason.”
Ammon’s eyes widened in surprise. “K-Kogha? You saw him? I–” He looked down, a smile teasing the corners of his mouth, but it quickly went away. “Were you in my era?”
“I don’t know, do you normally deal with the weirdos called Yuga, Ghirahim, Astor, Zant, Vaati–”
Linebeck stared at the others in surprise. So they all knew them? Or at least some of them. Ammon looked confused, Rusl looked shocked, while Leon looked furious.
“Well, seems like I have a lot to tell you guys,” Linebeck said with an awkward chuckle. He tugged at the collar and stood up. “You think you could get this stupid thing off of me while I tell you the details?”
The three of them snapped out of their reactions and nodded, standing up as well.
“Don’t worry Linebeck,” Rusl started, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, “I have the right tools to get that off of you.”
“But I am very curious about your encounter with Kogha and Astor. You know Astor died in the calamity a long time ago.”
Linebeck shrugged. “Ok, well I did see him and all the others together. But uh, I wouldn’t recommend meeting them.” The others chuckled, and they all escorted the sailor back to camp.
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tinky-dinky · 23 days
I’m going to write a Jango fic where he tells the Jedi to go fuck themselves for slaughtering his people and isn’t treated like an asshole for blaming the Jedi for them massacring his people.
It will definitely not be Jangobi.
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darlingfreddie · 5 months
How are we expected to even live anymore like seriously. Jobs aren’t hiring, minimum wage is not enough, we’re still in the middle of a deadly pandemic, a weeks worth of groceries is worth more than a weeks worth of minimum wage, the fucking earth is on fire, like what the fuck are we even doing anymore
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chenfordspiral · 5 days
If my most trusted coping mechanism could come back to me now, that’d be great.
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kavehater · 22 days
Hearing some lady on tiktok saying alhaitham staying up late at night thinking about how he fumbled so hard and should’ve kept his mouth shut cause canonically both kavehs parents had admirers and that meant that kaveh “was getting them hoes” WAS NOT SOMETHING I THOUGHT ID HEAR REGARDING MY WIFE HELP 😭
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mivolasvivi · 2 months
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sanchoyoscribbles · 22 days
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daily may day 14: frame
Yes........this is a meme redraw 😗✌️ (original here)
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gwendyworm · 3 days
Guys i love being several years late to a fandom- it’s my favorite thing.
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smilesrobotlover · 26 days
Well, I didn’t fail my psychology test, but I didn’t do good either
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