#unmasked micheal
starriez-fnaf · 1 year
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Little Afton doodles ig (suggest other fnaf characters I should draw)
(allsooo I just realized I tagged my main and not this account soooo don’t mind that 😋😋😋 )
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allstarsstorymode867 · 10 months
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Inspired by @muzzleroars to do my versions of the archangels in Ultrakill. Basically spars that ends with the much more mature sibling (Gabriel or other one of the four) shouting at the two brothers to stop fighting like boys that got too into roughhousing.
Helmetless Gabriel of my version is like a sheep or a goat with the goat-yet-human eyes to boot but with wing-like long ears and a fluffy hair (But he had it cut if he wants it not go out from under the helmet itself. It sucks but he has to.)
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(This reminds me of Asriel now due the way I drew Gabe crying. 😅)
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lonesomedotmp3 · 2 years
halloween ends is so hysterically dumb. his name is white boy and he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone...
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ghostgirl101 · 2 years
how about a micheal myers dating headcannon list? i always thought he was pretty,,
Dating Michael Myers Would Be Like This:
A/N: The version of Michael Myers I'm writing for here is the younger, original 1978 Halloween, so if you want the older version or Rob Zombie's then feel free to request it (just no smut 🙃)
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🔪• Michael Myers... it's hard to know where to start with this. You may have caught his attention as a potential victim, or even as an aspiring slasher, but whatever you did, you can't undo. You're The Shape's new obsession now, and it'll be almost impossible to not carry on being so.
🔪• He doesn't know what it is he's feeling at all; maybe it's the way you stared up at him expectantly, your fear mixed with something searching and curious as you waited for impact, but Michael couldn't make himself kill you. His head told him to do it, and do it now, but, for once, his own willpower won. Michael brushed past you instead, while you watched in surprise, his knife sticky with crimson as it swung slightly as he walked away.
🔪• It won't be the last you see of him, though. Whether you notice it or not, Myers is never too far away, watching you blankly from around the corner, inside a passing beige car, or in plain sight on the road opposite. It's unnerving, his dark eyes hidden and seemingly empty behind the mask as he observes ominously, but if you could get closer, you would see the confusion, annoyance with himself, and the fond calmness he gets just from being in your presence, in his hidden expression.
🔪• You have to sort of allow him into your life and home after a while of him following you around, subtly or obviously, depending on how he feels and what's happening. If Michael wanted you dead, you'd be dead, so him being nearby whenever you look behind you is a form of protection on his part, that, for whatever reason, he wants and needs to give you.
🔪• Simple things like cooking him food and patching him up after his kills mean a lot to him. I mean, the first few times, he'll be looming and making sure you're not poisoning it, or apprehensively staring at the things you're using to fix him up with and stop the blood. But little by little, Michael trusts you more, and gets a bit more relaxed. He still only eats when he's alone because he doesn't want you to see him unmasked (yet, we'll get to that later) but he'll hang around more when you're not in any danger, like watching tv or catching up on work. He's not particularly focused on that, more on you... he stares, a lot, obviously.
🔪• Being in a proper relationship with a lover is something that Michael Myers has never really come close to experiencing, so he has to be eased and gently guided into it. If he panics when things move a little too fast, he won't hurt you or anything, but he'll disappear for an hour or so, until he's in a better state to try again. It starts with small physical touches, sitting closer together, holding hands, and even managing to lean on him or hug him a little. It fazes him at first, and he freezes up but doesn't push you off. It just takes him a bit to mirror it, like letting a strong arm go around your shoulders as he awkwardly returns it. He gets better and more comfortable with it over time.
🔪• Michael is extremely protective, no matter who you are or what you do. He hates the thought of you being scared of him too... I mean, usually, it's a great rush of a feeling, when his victim runs off to get caught by him, with looks of horror on their faces. But it feels wrong with you. You're not his victim. You matter, and you're his. Simple as that, to him. So the stalking doesn't fully stop, since he likes knowing where you are and who you're with; not necessarily in an overly toxic way, more as in him not trusting anyone but you, and making sure you're as safe as you can be. When you're at home watching TV or something, then he'll feel confident enough in you to go off to his nightly activities, before he returns in the early hours of the morning and lets you coax him to sleep.
🔪• Michael Myers finds it almost impossible to sleep, and often time he gets nightmares. He's never slept as well and deeply as he does when you're beside him, or feeling your soft weight on him, grounding him in a way. He still gets nightmares every now and then, but in the dark, he can use the opportunity to cling to you instead, in a way that's a lot more vulnerable than usual. He'll act like it never happened when you get up for the day later on, though, and gets all flustered under his mask if you bring it up.
🔪• Sometimes, after his kills, he'll bring you back little trinkets, like jewellery Michael thinks you might like, or expensive-looking things. Either that or bloody teeth. You accept his more appropriate gifts with a thankful smile and a hug, though you can't wear it out much in case someone notices it. He also likes it when you wear his stuff, like the oversized black t-shirts he wears underneath the boiler suit. It makes Michael feel a lot more possessive.
🔪• Another thing is communication. You can tell what he wants by him just standing straight behind you for you to bump into him when you turn back, whether it's food or to go somewhere else or a hug. Sometimes he'll leave brief, one or two-worded notes around your home when he's gone to tell you to 'stay home' or 'sleep soon' with a small, wobbly heart hidden on the corner of the paper. But what's surprising is that, although he's selectively mute, a part of him wants to talk to you. It's difficult after being silent for so long, but every once in a while, he'll whisper a faded, odd compliment when you're in bed, alone together, to comfort you or answer a question. Unless he can't be bothered. Then Michael's back to doing things himself and just standing in the doorway like 🧍
🔪• Eventually, eventually, Michael feels confident enough to take off his mask with you - and only you - around to see. We saw how taken aback and uncomfortable he was in the movie when the mask was yanked off him, and although his expression usually is calm and stoic underneath, when it's bare, he hates how it's a lot easier to read his feelings. But it is you, so Michael doesn't mind as much. If you slowly reach up to touch his cheek or brush his hair with your hand, he'll flinch back instinctively at first, but grows to like it. If you earnestly tell him how pretty he is, if you look closely, you can see a faint blush dusting his cheeks before he huffs and looks away.
🔪• He likes you playing with his hair, too. It's more of a reason to keep his mask off, like when you're lounging around the house or trying to sleep. Gently tugging and carding your fingers through his brown curls makes him slump onto you and let his mind wander into a place that's not full of darkness and blood. The same goes for if you pull his hair slightly when you're making out. You have to teach him how to kiss you properly first, since he's never done this before. But Michael tones down the roughness and desperate, quick moves the more you do it, and learns how to be gentle. Well, gentler. He likes the feeling of being close together and connected on a deeper level, it balances him out a bit, and he lets himself enjoy it.
🔪• Random point, but if you find the one, specific ticklish spot he has, you could catch a glimpse of his rare smiles as he forces your hands away and tries to glare at you in annoyance. If you're ticklish, watch out, cus he'll get you back until you're in a laughing crying fit. You make him laugh just by being you every so often, and his smile is heart-stopping.
🔪• Michael knows that you're his forever, and that's exactly how he wants it. It's honestly not that bad a relationship (overlooking the kills and all, obviously) if you can take his protectiveness and weird mannerisms. But in the whole world, you'll never find a loyaler person, or anyone who loves as hard and obsessively as him. No one would think it - especially not Loomis - but you treating Michael Myers as a human and not as The Shape or some evil monster keeps a special little part of him awake amongst the darkness that swarms in his head.
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matchavtea · 6 months
Do you use reference for your micheal myers drawings and others? If so where do you find them cause i can't get his face down cause I can't seem to find a reference just him in his mask
You mean references for unmasked michael? I dont have a lot but here's the main references I use. Hope this helps
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frenchfrywrites · 7 months
Lights out
Warnings: dom top amab gn reader, sub bottom Michael Myers, shower sex, piss!, unmasked mikey, spit and soap as lube, (reader has hair.. I usually try to avoid defining physical features but yeah..)
Anyone else may have assumed their power had gone out if the lights suddenly turned off while they were in the shower. Anyone else may have screamed- or worse, slipped- but for you the occurrence is a signal of sorts.
You wait with bated breath as you hear shuffling coming from the other side of the shower curtain. A dark shadow grows against the fabric as a figure nears and pauses, then suddenly the screeching of metal reverberates throughout the room as the curtain is pulled back.
You exhale slowly as the figure enters the shower with you.
“Hi Michael,” you wrap your hands around his waist and he leans back into you easily. In the dark, facing away from you, is the only way that he’ll let you be around him with his mask off. You kiss his neck, taking advantage of the now exposed skin that’s normally covered.
He lets you hold him for a moment, warming up in the water before he takes your hands in his. Michael, never the one to beat around the bush, guides one of your hands to his crotch, where you find that he’s fully erect.
“Oh? Did you come find me because you want me to take care of this?” you ask teasingly, circling your hand around his length and squeezing him affectionately. Micheal nods, rubbing his ass against you. “You’re so cute,” you coo, letting go of his waist to run your hand up his slick body, and he scoffs out a soft laugh at your words.
You pause at his nipple, squeezing and pulling on it. He arches into your touch, silently telling you he wants more. He shows his appreciation by moaning when you rub your thumb along his tip. “Feels good?” Michael nods, and you reward him with a gentle nip against his neck. “So eager you couldn’t even wait for me to finish my shower,” you muse lightheartedly. He nods at that too, like it was a question.
In the bathroom, every noise echos. Though the sound of the shower water covers some of them, you’re able to hear more of Michael's soft moans and whimpers as you stroke his cock and mindlessly play with his chest.
It’s not long before he tenses against you, and you think that he’s cumming. A choked sound comes from his mouth, and your hand is coated with a liquid that’s hotter than the shower water and feels undeniably different from the cum you were expecting. You peek over his shoulder to find that Michael is pissing.
“Oh baby,” you coo, stroking him as his stream wets both your hand and his groin. Michael covers his face with his hands, and you can feel his skin heat against your body, letting you know he’s blushing.
“Fuck,” you breathe as his stream dies down, Michael whines softly behind his hands, and if you weren’t paying such close attention to him, you’d miss it.
“That feel good too?” you gently tease, but he grunts roughly, pushing you away. “Hey, woah,” you reach out, touching him gently, “I was just teasing Mikey, I’m sorry,” he looms over you in the dark, but you’re not afraid for a second. “I thought it was hot,” you tell him honestly, “I liked you…” and what you want to say is “being vulnerable” but you imagine that Michael won’t respond great to that, so instead you finish with, “letting go like that.”
Michael doesn’t move, but relaxes under your touch. “I want to continue, if you want to,” you try, giving him an out even though you’re so wound up you think you’d cry a bit if he left.
Of course, he pauses for a moment, tilting his head as he considers your words. Each second that passes feels like hours. It’s times like these where you really wish you could read Michael’s mind. Finally he nods once, then returns to your personal space, resuming the position you were in earlier.
“Feel how much I liked it?” you ask, rubbing your cock against his ass. Michael’s breath hitches, and he slowly nods, like he’s still unsure if you’re being serious or not. You return to stroking his dick, frotting yourself against him, “the way you tensed under me and got all embarrassed was so hot,” you praise, “I wanna see you do it again.” Michael lets out a heavy breath, grinding himself back against you.
“Do you want to do it again? Let me watch as you piss?” He lets out a choked sound, and once again tenses under you. This time he really does cum, dirtying the shower wall and jerking his hips roughly into your hold, chasing his pleasure. You help him through it, your dick throbbing because you know he’s clenching and fluttering around nothing, when he could be around your cock.
“Can I eat you out?” you ask breathlessly when he goes flaccid and still in your arms. He chokes, then whines, grinding back against your hard cock. You groan, sinking to your knees.
Michael steps his legs open wider, making room for you. You take his ass into your hands, pulling his cheeks apart to reveal his hole. Squeezing his flesh in your palms, Michael’s breath hitches, and he steadies himself by putting his arms on the shower wall.
You press your face forward and lick at his hole, reveling in the way that Michael moans quietly, and twitches under you. It’s hard not to dig right in, but you don’t want to overstimulate him, so you run your tongue over and circle his hole until he takes matters into his own hands– literally. Getting fed up with the teasing, Michael turns his body enough so he can press his hand against the back of your skull, and give you a not-so-subtle push.
Taking the hint, you press your tongue inside of him, wiggling it around so you can stretch him open. Michael’s grip on your head softens as he melts from the pleasure, a low rumbling groan leaving his body and echoing against the walls.
One of your hands eventually drifts from his ass, reaching around and finding that he’s hard again already. You give him a couple good strokes before leaving him aching. Instead, your hand goes to meet your mouth, where you press a finger in his ass, alongside your tongue. Michael very nearly keens, but stops you from hearing the sound by covering his mouth.
With Michael's hand gone from your head, you’re able to pull back a bit, and get a second finger inside of him. He opens up so well for you.
“Your body is so easy for me tonight,” you muse softly; so softly that if you weren’t sure that he’d cling to any and every sound you make, you’d worry he wouldn’t hear you over the sound of the shower water. “Want more than my tongue? More than my fingers?” he nods, jerking his hips. You moan, “could fuck you right now with how loose you are, slip in with no lube, and use you,” your dirty talk has Michael clenching hard around you. “Maybe another night,” you hum, “wouldn’t want you bitching about the soreness in the morning,” he lets out a grunt at that, and you laugh.
He’s relaxed from the hot water soothing his muscles, and with the help of your spit it’s not long before you’re able to easily slip a third finger into his hole. It’s good that he’s nearly ready for you, because he’s getting worryingly impatient. Michael squeezes around your fingers, his hands curling into fists where they’re stationed on the shower wall.
You bite into the meat of his ass, and Michael moans, clenching like a vice around you. The bite mark throbs and stings, distracting him as you slip your fingers from his hole. You spit on his entrance, getting him wet again, before you rise to your feet.
Luckily, you have some scent free liquid soap that will have to pass as lube. Squirting some onto your cock, you then hold onto Michael’s hips, pressing your skin flush against him.
You kiss his shoulder lovingly as you line your dick up with his hole. You rub it against him teasingly, until he reaches back and tugs your hair roughly.
“Ow! Jesus Mikey, all you had to do was say please,” you goof, pressing your hips forward. Michael inhales sharply when your cock head pushes into his hole, his hand dropping from your head. “Oh I know darling, I know,” the mix of spit and soap are helping, but they certainly do not compare to lube. “You’re taking me so well, let me know if it hurts too much,” you don’t doubt that he won’t.
It takes some time, with you obsessively monitoring Michael’s reactions, for you to fully press your dick within him. You refuse to let him rush you, so you pause for an agonizingly long time for him to adjust to the intrusion.
It’s not until Michael tries his best to hump your dick that you start to move. “God, you’re so needy,” you coo, squeezing his hips. Michael grunts quietly, resting his forehead against the shower wall as he lets you slowly fuck into him.
You’d like to take it slow and sweet, and you do for a minute or two, but you didn’t get the release that Michael did earlier, and you’re starting to feel particularly on edge. Again, you listen and look for any sign of discomfort from him as you begin to pick up the pace. You’re rewarded with a small high pitched keen.
“Shit, feels good huh?” You murmur as you begin to fuck him deep and hard, pushing him up against the wall. “Ah, sweet thing, such a cockslut,” he clenches hard around you, one of his hands dropping down to meet where yours are holding onto his hips. He holds onto your wrist, clenching hard. You love how clingy he gets when you fuck him, it’s like he can’t get off unless he’s holding or clinging onto you.
Michael’s breathing grows ragged and heavy, echoing against the shower wall. With every soft moan that escapes his lips between his breaths, your climax gets closer and closer.
“I’m close, baby,” Michael’s breath hitches at your warning, knocking his hips back roughly against yours. “Want me to fill you up? Fu-uh-ck you full then clean you out?” he nods, squeezing around you. You let your hand move from his hip to his dick, jerking him off in time with your thrusts. “I’ll eat your sloppy hole out again, ngh, get you out of this shower and take you to the bed, make you- hah- sit on my face,” you ramble. Michael’s length throbs and twitches in your hold, and you know he’s close.
He cums first, jerking his hips violently and erratically as you abuse his prostate. You follow, nearly immediately after you hear a whisper of your name between Michael’s gasping breaths. You keep your promise, fucking his ass full of your cum as you pound him into the shower wall.
Michael’s knees nearly buckle once the adrenaline wears off, but he quickly regains his footing. You kiss his neck tenderly, giving him a moment to recollect himself, before you pull out.
In the end, you don’t eat him out, and instead finger your cum out of him, getting him properly clean in the– surprisingly– still warm shower water.
Once he’s squeaky clean, Michael covers your eyes aggressively, and pushes his lips against yours sloppily, his best try at a kiss. And then without a word he’s gone. He leaves the shower, and you can hear him drying off before you’re left with silence. Smiling, you give him a head start, and then follow him out of the shower. Your water bill is going to be abysmal this month, but you can’t find it within yourself to care when the reward is a kiss from Haddonfield’s Boogeyman.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Omg i hate so much when people take Micheal Myers for example and write fic about him AND GIVE HIM DIALOGUE😭😭😭 PLS HE DIDJT SAY A WORD IN ANY MOVIE WHY WOULD YOU THINK ITS A GOOD IDEA TO MAKE HIM VERBAL. And im not talking about Myers only, what's with people and taking non verbal character and magical giving them ability to do whole monologues/normal conversations?? Like just like that?? Without any idk opening up about their traumas or just simply having broken voice/stuttering due to NOT TALKING FOR YEARS IF NOT MOST OF LIFE😰😰😰 pls miguel did talk bcs hes nonverbal not bcs he was waiting for the only the one y/n that magically unblocked his ability of speech😰 (also I hate when somone takes masked killer and makes them unmasked for sake of fic but that's just my silly preference)
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walkiingcandle · 2 years
Hiii i saw that your request were open so i would like to make a request if thats alright. (: ok ok Micheal Myers (OG) but he's really close to the reader and is nice 🖐😭 basically soft Micheal because i feel like there isn't enough of that which i understand cause well... He's Micheal Myers... 😐 but.. But its fine. He's just my comfort character which ik is weird but im mentally ill he's... Mentally ill so its ok and i just want to be loved 🖐😭. Anyway i understand if you dont want to write for this, ty and stay safe out there (: ciao 💝💛💖💕🔮💞🪐💫
so here it is ! :)
Soft! Michael Myers(og) x Reader
if you and Michael are close to probably met at child age, so for this Michael and Reader met during childhood and got really close then !
when you met the young myers boy years ago you never would have believed anyone if they told you that he would become the 'bogeyman' or 'The shape of Haddonfield' you would've called them crazy then go back to whatever game you and the blonde child was playing.
Growing up you and Michael loved across the street from one another, never having a conversation until you ran into him on the sidewalk, apologizing profusely and that is how your relationship with the quiet man had started.
Michael is definitely protective, he cherishes you eternally, the one good thing he has and he doesn't plan to let that go.
If loomis ever finds out and he starts questioning you or harassing you. Michael will be absolutely livid.
His favorite thing to do, and kinda a routine with the two is sitting on the couch, cartoon pajamas, some sort if sugary cereal, and Saturday morning cartoons on the TV. Saturdays are you and Michael days, no work, murder, just the two of you and any pet you have :)
He cherishes these days, knowing he wouldn't be able to live a normal life.
If you and him are close you probably have reached the unmasked Michael checkpoint! therefore if you are doing anything and he is feeling the need for attention he will give you kisses on the face/any exposed skin until you give you're 100% attention to him.
Definitely not a huge cuddler but likes remoders that you are there, so a hand or his foot touching you during the night. Also a light sleeper, so if you have to get up, he will be awake and alert for any danger
he is not opposed to you cuddling up to him tho :)
in conclusion, Michael loves you very much, he tries his hardest, give him time and he will come around !
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I hope you enjoyed! it has been awhile since I've watched og!Halloween so I hope I conveyed Michael as the softest I can :) I am happy to provide you with more soft Michael and if you want anymore feel free to ask 💗 remember have a great spooky season and stay safe <3
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
I have the sudden image of Izuku in the Snipe’s Little Cowgirl AU out on cousin Micheal’s farm. It’s after she’s come out as a girl and they’re in Canada for the family gathering that happens every two years. She’s wearing a pair of jeans that Snipe embroidered with little flowers cause he learned how to stitch from Big Mama who is big on that sort of thing. Her shirt is a cotton one she stole from Snipe earlier that day cause it has a cartoon cow on it and it’s cute.
They’re in the truck heading out with cousin Brandon, Big Mama, cousin Candice and Cousin Annie. Annie’s driving and the radio is playing country blasting away. Big Mama is in the cab of the truck while Snipe, Candice and the kids are in the bed of it, holding onto the sides with a big old golden retriever along side them. Snipe’s unmasked and he’s drinking a beer from Candice’s brewery that she made special for him. Snipe’s Shot it’s called. The kids are drinking fancy sodas that Candice made to. Candice is smoking as she cracks open the rear view window to listen to the music playing.
They’re heading out to the shooting range they set up on the property. Mostly cans and some targets. Sometimes they’ll go out and shoot gophers to, keep the holes down so the cows don’t trip. They’re the ones usually going out. Cousin Micheal doesn’t like guns after his daddy threatened him a few times with one. Cousin Jeff is a bit to young. The Gems are busy, while Cousin Steven is busy to. Cousin Mabel’s in town but she’s out harassing some idiot who decided to comment about the fact Snipe’s dating Mandalay back in Japan.
They get to the range and it’s one of the first times Izuku gets to shoot her own gun without support from Snipe. She lines it up nice and easy, the cowboy hat she stole from him on her head. She takes aim and BANG!
“Bullseye!” Cheers Big Mama, the woman laughing. “You’re gonna be as good as your pa, sugar!”
Snipe laughs and ruffles Izuku’s hair. It’s not long enough to be put into pigtails yet but it’s floppy and soft.
“Course she is! She’s my kid!”
Izuku beams up at them, a missing tooth in her smile.
It’s the best.
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maxisgonnanotdotax · 1 year
A character analysis;
WHY MIACHEL FROM THE GOOD PLACE IS AUTISTIC-CODED! Written by person who very likely is on the autism spectrum and is currently on the waiting list for a diagnosis of autism!
From the very first season of the Good Place episode one (Everything Is Fine), we are introduced to Eleanor Shellstrop, a very much dead person sent to ‘the good place’ as we the audience gradually watch the episode further we realise that she, Eleanor, was not a good person, Miachel introduces her to the Good Place, clarifying that she deserves to be here, and he goes very explicitly into detail of the things she did on earth without showing or displaying any signs of slowing down for her to process this information, this continues on throughout the series, and can often be approached at times in which he is being pretentious about the fact Eleanor is in the bad place, but it’s overall seemingly false, Micheal represents this specific trait for the entirety of the season, he doesn’t attempt at trying to help others process information better but focuses on getting the message out there and directly assert the message that he wants to bring out.
This continues, emphasising my point even further that this is relevant to autistic traits, from the first season he goes in extremely explicit detail, because what? He’s torturing them? But he does it FAR LATER ON AS WELL, EVEN WHEN HE ISN’T, therefore this is internalised behaviour of his, which is very relevant to having autism-coded traits.
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Miachel elaborates on her cause of death, acknowledging many of the details given to him to tell her, may I add Miachel is VERY descriptive within the curriculums of his vocabulary, we see this in a variety of other episodes, gradually we the audience begin to realise that Miachel is a demon and Eleanor is in the bad place (Tahani,Jason- including Chidi are also introduced) Miachel clearly begins to form a bond with the four, projecting his insecurities on the fact he had to reboot the experiment so many times as Eleanor found out she was in the bad place, he wants the best for them and is highly-empathetic and very willing to do ANYTHING for them. He is very self unaware of his obliviousness towards his impulsivity when it comes to protecting them, and focuses on the rest of the group. This is literally a huge fucking trait! this occurs in a variety of other episodes where Miachel is willing to risk anything for the four even though he is very obviously a demon, he does not experience the same emotions that other demons have and lack which are abilities of being able to be emphatic and be HIGHLY emotionally driven, he also collects a variety of items in his office (likely these items represent his special interest for humanly constructed items) , a whole pot of paper-clips. he’s clearly very interested in learning about humans even to the extent of mimicking their body language/social features to fit in with them, (he shows clear indications of having difficulty with social skills as he is a demon and has adapted to the environment of low empathy and is finally being introduced to ways of displaying his empathy by the Cockroaches (aka the crew, Tahani, Jason, and Eleanor) being able to finally unmask certain traits of his and being able to talk about his interests- BECAUSE HE FEELS COMFORTABLE AROUND THEM!
In the scene where he admits the situation of what position he should be in, is helpless, he is truthful to Eleanor about his feelings around the situation and doesn’t bother to try to mask because he clearly feels comfortable around her. He clearly masks his other attributes when he’s with his boss, Shawn, and feels as though he can never portray his emotions to him, showing he is having struggles with social cues, (meaning he has difficulty with fitting in with the rest of the demons) INCLUDING HUMANS he has BOTH difficulties within the social cues of both areas, very obvious indications of a character who is very obviously autism-coded, may I add in the paper-clip scene Eleanor has to practically DRAG Michael away from the paper clips to prevent him from being so strongly-absorbed in them, HE’S SO AUTISM CODED ITS INSANE.
Another autism trait may I add, is how insecure this demon/human is, whenever he is having difficulties expressing his emotions (ANOTHER AUTISM TRAIT?!) he expresses it through saying in *very*explicit ways of what he is to do with himself.
Michael also has a VERY black and white thinking in the introduction of the show, and it later on shows that he still in some form has this way of thinking, he has to learn philosophy (as a demon) from Chidi to better himself in the group and relate himself more to the Cockroaches, to literally understand humans emotions better, and he gets so strongly absorbed in this topic that he confronts THE FUCKING COURT OF EARTH THAT CONSISTS OF SUPER-NATURAL ENTITIES TO HELP HIS *HUMAN* FRIENDS GET IN THE GOOD PLACE?! *thats* how interested he is and appreciative he is of the nature of humans, he’s the most knowledgable super-natural entity of human nature in the entire universe, second (?) in comparison to all the Janets there are. He shows many traits of being overly emotionally intelligent when it comes to his friends, completely putting himself in danger for the crew when the crew are trying to find out ways to go to the court, (to help them go to the good place!)
He risks getting ‘retired’ a process which involves his molecules being torn apart, very similar to having your molecules being torn when entering a black hole- practically getting spaghettified- anyway that’s not the point, I’m getting off topic. Micheal risks *this* for humans he has a very strong emotional bond for, and he is COMPLETELY IRRITATED by anything that alters his focus on the crew, he has a special interest on them at this extent.
He refuses to listen to his ex co-workers establishing a fine line of what he thinks of them, whilst also trying to understand emotions better.
He communicates them in many what would be considered *human* ways, he mimics their behaviours, but still shows difficulty with understanding them, STILL, he tries to, because he is trying to desperately understand humans and emotions.
He also very routinely dresses in the same clothes- even in the scene where he was meant to terrorise Eleanor with tiger-themed colours he wore a bow tie, he wears bow ties nearly in all the seasons and episodes (usually the introduction) but he wears them so often and is hurt when Janet acknowledges that she hates them, may I add, he also eats frozen yoghurt very routinely- and also devoted to trying to help his friends, this gradually forms into more of an established routine within the show. (he also recognises inconsistencies when there is no established routine- autism trait)
In another scene (in around season 3?) Michael begins to display a new side of him to the crew, he literally isolates himself and shuts down when he’s overwhelmed and goes non-verbal within communication, this is a very common way in which autistics process emotions when overwhelmed, he makes references to shows (which humans have created) to express his feelings, because he clearly has difficulty with processing his emotions- (autism trait) these are genuinely all autistic traits- which Michael CLEARLY has, Eleanor who is also aware of this, comforts him in a way that would be very different to how other humans are comforted by letting him process the emotions he has, by not overwhelming him with a long rant of advice and support but being very patient and quiet so he doesn’t isolate himself further and overwhelm himself by processing what Eleanor is saying; she’s observant of him and tries to do the best for him as well; she’s aware he isn’t like the others at all and uses different mechanisms to comfort him, Michael is autistic-coded. cased closed.
Michael can also be inappropriately honest in many scenarios when unmasking his traits, he doesn’t mean to be rude, but he’s trying to show how he doesn’t feel comfortable in said scenarios and is comfortable in the environment of the crew. He’s notorious for this, and he’s in so many memes when he confronts his worries it’s beyond satirical how autistic-coded he is.
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He also has sensory issues, you may be asking ‘in what episode/ season?’ But he talks about texture ALOT to the point where it’s acknowledged in EVERY SEASON and goes highly in depth when mentioning torture-instruments, and acknowledges details that anyone would find difficult to detect, he talks about brightness, colourful items, and emphasises on types of textures which he emphasises that he HEAVILY dislikes, Michael is autistic, and I will die on that hill.
another thing is; people can find it confusing differentiating whether he is autistic within demon curriculums/social cues, or is he autistic as a human because he is a human later on and also finds it difficult to communicate to his demon co-workers (autism codeeeddddd)
To that I say; no, he’s autistic in both areas, in the last scenes of the show (spoilers) as I said he becomes/decides to become a human, he is shown to be comforting one of his friends when they’re sad, he’s silent and he drapes his hand around their shoulder in an awkward position, while glancing down at the floor, he finds it difficult to comfort people and uses philosophical studies/ human nature studies to try and understand/grasp emotions more, this is also evident in other seasons and Ill link all my sources and quotes in a different post conjoining this one.
Thank you for reading my character analysis!
photo references:
He’s just like me frfr 😩
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coolrpblog · 2 months
@dethdvncer replied to your post “unmasked!!! oh no!!!”:
baby you looks like baby micheal myers and i say this with utmost endearment //
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paxeireen · 1 year
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another self-indulge post!! are we surprised?? anyway here is my OC Pax with Micheal
plus the unmasked version of him hehe
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takunwilliams · 1 year
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Unmasked Batman
Micheal Keaton 1991
portrait by Technodrome1 
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siachenstudios · 2 years
Who Played Michael Myers Characters?
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Do you wanna know who played the character of Michael Myers? You are at the right place. You know what there are several actors who played Michael Myers. Michael Myers is the main character or I would say the antagonist of the Halloween franchise. It appeared first in John Carpenter’s movie Halloween(1978). He is an evil person who killed his sister. In other movies, he also killed several teenagers on Halloween day.
The fictional character Michael wears a white painted mask. It also appeared in novels, comic books, and games. He appeared in all Halloween films except Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Michael is an evil, cold-hearted serial killer who ruthlessly murders people on every year Halloween day.
Actors who played Michael Myer’s character
Now, we are going to consider the actors who played the role of Michael on Halloween. From Nick Castle to Brad Loree, there have been different actors who portrayed the role. It’s not easy to play an enthralling role of a ruthless serial killer. Are you ready to know? Let’s go.
Nick Castle
Nick Castle played the role of Michael Myers in the 1978 Halloween film. In the Halloween movie 2018, Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends(Upcoming) Nick Castle also made his appearance as Michael.
Tony Moran
Tony Moran portrayed the unmasked Michael Myers while Nick Castle played the masked Michael in the first installment of the movie series.
Dick Warlock
The director Rick Rosenthal made his directorial debut with the film Halloween II in 1981. Well, in this movie, Dick Warlock played the role of Michael.
George P. Wilbur
George P. Wilbur made his appearance as Michael Myers in the 1988 and 1995 Halloween films. Dwight H. Little was the director of Halloween 4: The Return of Micheal Myers. Joe Chappelle was the director of Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers.
Don Shanks
Don Shanks played the role of Michael in the fifth installment of the Halloween franchise. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers was released in the year 1989.
Chris Durand
Chris Durand appeared in the 1998 film Halloween H20: 20 Years Later. It was the seventh installment of the film series. He played a commendable role as Michael Myers.
Brad Loree
Brad Loree made his appearance as Michael in the sequel of Halloween H20. Rick Rosenthal directed the 2002 movie Halloween: Resurrection.
Tyler Mane
Halloween 2007 is a remake of the 1978 Halloween movie. Tyler Mane portrayed the role of Michael Myers in Halloween (2007)and Halloween II (2009).
James Jude Courtney
Halloween 2018 is the sequel of the 1978 film of the same name. James Jude Courtney appeared as Michael Myers in Halloween (2018), Halloween Kills, and Halloween Ends. Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends are the twelfth and thirteenth installments of the film.
Which of the above actors has better played the role of Michael Myers? Tell us your opinion. Moreover, Hope you’d like the article. If this post was helpful then like and share it. Stay tuned to get some more amazing posts.
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randomnerd-art-blog · 3 years
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BAH Hi take a unmasked micheal myers and Laurie strode!
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jesphnie · 3 years
*breathes heavily*
Michael Michael Mi-m... Mike Mikey Michael Mike M-M-Michael Myers 🤤
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