#vani does not like sweets
tklpilled · 2 years
cherry red
summary: vampires have ticklish necks. it’s a fact.
a/n: for ‘blush!’ there are some french terms but they’re mainly just various petnames
[this is a sfw tickle fic!]
“How ironic,” Vanitas hums, clearly amused. “A vampire with such a sensitive neck.”
Sensitive is certainly a way to put it. Noé can barely stand it, clenching his fists against the sheets in a desperate attempt to focus on something, anything else. Vanitas had teasingly nibbled his neck to imitate him, and really, Noé should have known what would happen from past experience with Domi. All thoughts left his mind, though, at how close Vanitas was, and he wasn’t nearly focused enough to try stifling his gasp. It led them to this very predicament.
“S-stop, stop it!” he cries. “It tickles—!”
Vanitas chuckles against his neck, making Noé flinch. “That is the point, mon cheri.” He’s scratching lightly on the other side of Noé’s neck, leaving him nowhere to squirm to get away from the feeling. “You’re just so cute, though, I don’t think I could ever stop!”
Noé tries to push the human away, but in his weakened state it does nothing to deter him. “Vani—please! I can’t t-tahake this!” he pleads, resorting to begging if he can’t use force. It’s bad enough that he’s so ticklish, but now Vanitas knows, and that’s enough to make the embarrassment ten times worse. He’s sure he’ll never live this down.
“Well, that’s too bad,” says Vanitas, clear in his tone that he’s enjoying this far too much. His free hand comes to card through his partner’s hair, and Noé is grateful for some other feeling to distract him, even if it barely does anything. “But you’ll just have to take it, mon amour, your laugh is simply intoxicating!”
Noé’s entire body feels hot. He’s not sure if it’s from laughing so much or because of the silly flirting, but he doesn’t remember ever being this flustered. Vanitas holds too much power over him.
Soon, though not nearly soon enough, Vanitas ceases his attack. Well, only somewhat; he doesn’t move from his place, replacing the nibbles with kisses peppered over Noé’s neck, along his jaw, behind his ear. The hand that isn’t caught in Noé’s hair is slowing down to trace small shapes and patterns into his neck. It’s a bit more bearable, but still, Noé’s constant laughter hardly quiets down.
“Adorable,” Vanitas mumbles, right next to his ear as if to make sure he hears it. Noé is going to kill him someday, if Vanitas doesn’t tease him to death first.
Noé bites back a whine. “Vanitas,” he giggles. “Y-you’re terrible.”
Vanitas grins against his skin. “Now, Noé, do you really think you’re in the position to be saying these things?”
It feels like hours before Vanitas finally stops for good, pulling away and smiling down at his breathless partner. Noé glares back, but between his rustled hair and his lingering smile, it doesn’t come across as menacing in any way.
Jeanne’s mark is just barely visible, and Noé finds himself staring. Vanitas follows his eyes, flushing when he realises where Noé is looking. “Don’t you dare,” he growls. “I’ll kill you.”
Noé knows this, but right now, he has no intention of biting him. Well—that isn’t entirely true. He is curious, he wants to know what someone with such sweet-smelling blood must taste like, but he knows that if he tries he won’t succeed. So instead, Noé gathers up enough strength and, in an instant, he flips their positions.
Vanitas shoves at him frantically. “Stupid vampire! Stop it, I swear I’ll—hey!”
Noé’s face is buried in the crook of his partner’s neck, but he doesn’t sink his fangs in. “Did you really think,” he murmurs, “that I’d forget you’re ticklish as well?”
Vanitas squirms as hands find their way under his coat and his shirt. “H-hey now, at least take me on a date first!” he tries as Noé drums his fingers on his bare skin, but he’s blushing furiously; Noé can both smell the blood and feel the warmth.
The vampire ignores him, digging into Vanitas’s soft sides. Vanitas squeaks, trying to hold in his laughter and ultimately failing.
“Wait, mon amour, mon petit chou—Noé, pl-ease!” The names work in their goal to soften Noé up a bit, but it’s not enough for him to have any mercy. “I’m sohohorry! Come ohon!”
Noé travels up to his ribs, causing Vanitas to let out a very undignified squeal. “You should’ve thought ahead, then. You thought I wouldn’t get you back?”
Vanitas pushes at Noé’s arms. It isn’t effective. “Please, I cahan’t!”
“What was it you said?” Noé can’t stop himself from smiling. Vanitas has a very contagious laugh. “That you’ll just have to take it? It’s only fair.”
Vanitas, for someone who can be so ruthless while tickling others, is terrible at taking what he dishes out. Despite that, he often finds a reason to tickle Noé—reasons such as I’m bored or because I felt like it—even though Noé gets his revenge every time. It’s almost as if Vanitas enjoys being tickled, or maybe he just enjoys being a pain and doesn’t care enough about the consequences to stop.
It hasn’t been very long, but Vanitas finds the strength to shove Noé off of him, blushing from the tips of his ears down to his neck. “Mon dieu, you’re ehevil!” he whines, unable to stop giggling. 
“I could say the same for you,” says Noé, hands hovering dangerously close to his waist once more. Vanitas squeaks, grabbing him by the wrists.
“You’ve gone all red,” Noé remarks, peering at the blush staining the human’s ears down to his neck.
Vanitas eyes him warily, but he doesn't move. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”
Noé can’t help the urge to reach out and brush his fingers over his flushed cheeks. It only makes Vanitas turn redder, warmer beneath Noé’s touch.
“You’re definitely blushing now.”
Vanitas turns away, pushing Noé’s hand off. “I’ll tickle you again if you keep lying like that.”
“Then I’ll have to tickle you again after that. Make you admit you’re blushing.”
They both mean it as a joke, but in the end, they follow through with their promises.
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neversetyoufree · 2 years
I've been thinking a bit about why Noé resonates so much with me as an ace person, and I'm realizing that, in addition to the depiction of his actual romantic relationships/attraction, the way that Noé fits into Vnc's erotic blood drinking symbolism is extremely familiar.
Overall, when someone in VnC gets their blood drunk consensually, it tends to be portrayed as part of a sexual relationship. Vanitas, for example, is attracted to Jeanne, and one part of that attraction is that he wants her to drink his blood. The blood drinking itself feels good, and he enjoys it, but his desire to be bit is not the entirety of their relationship, and Jeanne's eventual attraction to him is much the same. She likes drinking his blood, but she also pretty explicitly says she wants to sleep with him. It's a part of the whole.
Or, to give a non-VaniJeanne example, when Veronica starts going into detail about her "fling" with Marquis Machina, Domi refers to it as Veronica talking about "her sex life." So while we don't see everything she says about the encounter, I think the fact of the joking censorship itself implies that Veronica's describing something more graphic than the blood drinking we do see in other scenes. Beyond the blood drinking itself and how it feels, the broader context of the act is portrayed as sexual (and often part of a sexual relationship).
And then we have Noé.
Unlike almost everyone else in the series, when Noé talks about his desire to drink blood, it is completely abstracted out of its sexual context. When he gets The Blood Talk from his teacher, he says that he likes drinking blood because it tastes good, and though he's grown into an adult since that point, his reasoning doesn't seem to have changed. The implications of Louis's "sweet talk" suggestion (you have to charm/seduce someone before they'll let you do this physical thing with them) go completely over his head even in the present.
Furthermore, when he does drink Domi's blood, he does so completely without the further sexual context shown elsewhere. Mochijun does not shy away from showing us when characters are attracted to one another (even when they're not couples), and though Noé's perhaps a bit more complicated, since we know he struggles to identify/understand the feelings of attraction he does have, it is never once suggested that he finds Dominique attractive.
Noé enjoys an act that is objectively a bit sexual (given the physical acts/sensations involved), and that clearly has an erotic context for others who do it, but he enjoys it for more or less non-sexual reasons. He's interested in something erotic because he enjoys the physical act (the taste) of it, and probably also the general closeness/connection, but he shows no sexual attraction to his partner.
And let me tell you, for more sex-favorable ace people, that whole previous paragraph has to sound pretty familiar. Because while blood drinking doesn't work as a 1:1 parallel to real world sex, given that actual sex also exists as a separate but related option for Vnc characters, "engaging in sex-acts without the need for sexual attraction" is just. what ace people do. And so to people familiar with that experience, Noé's whole weirdly non-sexual relationship to blood starts to feel extremely ace-coded.
Even with Vanitas, I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that Noé's relationship to wanting Vani's blood also really resonates with how some ace people do experience attraction. Because again, we're never given any particular indication that Noé finds Vanitas sexually attractive, or even particularly good looking. Even accounting for the fact that queer-coding might have to be subtler or the fact that Noé's bad at recognizing his feelings, it's just not there. I'd even argue that there's better evidence of Vanitas finding Noé attractive than vice versa.
Yet, despite all that, Noé really wants Vanitas's blood. Not only that, but he wants Vanitas's blood in a way that is inextricably tied to his desire to understand him as a person. He wants him because his blood smells good, and also because he wants to see his memories, and this intense desire for physical intimacy and understanding (completely absent of sexual attraction) works really well as a metaphor for what attraction can feel like as an ace person. The metaphor, again, isn't 1:1, and it doesn't apply to every kind of ace experience, but still. Here's a character who wants to do something erotic with someone he's not sexually attracted to, and he wants to do it because 1: he thinks he'll enjoy the physical act, and 2: he thinks it'll further his relationship with/help him better understand the other person involved.
That is a really good representation of why some ace people are drawn to sex within romantic relationships.
And while in any other case I'd insist that suggesting Mochijun's queercoding is an accident is a bit insulting, I honestly have no idea what to make of this. I have no clue how known/visible asexuality is among people in Japan, but I know that in my own experience with American media, intentionally ace-coded characters are incredibly rare, so I struggle to think that I might be so lucky as to find one in shonen manga of all places. At the same time though, vnc is a series filled with a lot of different kinds of queer coding (and occasionally straight-up queerness), so if anyone was going to do it, I suppose it would be Mochijun.
But intentional or not, it's really striking to me just how well Noé's relationship to blood works as a metaphor for being interested in sexual acts as an asexual person, which I think is why so many of us end up reading him and saying "hey same." Even if you don't sit down to unpack all the symbolism, his experience is just. familiar.
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monroeknoxwrites · 11 days
i will also give you 🍕 and 🍎 and 💀 for the ask game for them! feel free to give answers for all of them or just whoever calls to you the most! <3
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
vanith- prefers food she can either sip through a straw or from a cup (smoothies, soups, etc). barring that, something easily eaten by hand
vanis- has an incurable sweet tooth. as she says herself "anything responsible for these cute curves can't be too bad for me"
vanit- no strong feelings about food, "food is food, better than starving"
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
their family situation is a bit complicated. their biological parents died due to an alien attack. in those very uncertain times, their fertilized embryo was frozen for after danger had passed and in case one parent died. flash forward 25 years and their father's younger sister, a toddler when he died, decides to carry on her brother's family as a surrogate. the girls get on well with their aunt (who told them the truth and practically has a shrine to their parents in their home) but signed themselves over to the Coalition to pay for her mounting medical bills. a neighbor takes care of her while they're gone.
vanith talks to their photos like it's a phonecall, updating them on current events, etc. vanit hates it and her parents, refuses to acknowledge their photos. vanis treats them as the strangers they are. grateful they helped her exist, doesn't feel any strong connection, one way or the other.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
vanith- being alone in the world
vanis- large crowds. one of the few ways to visibly unsettle her. she can manage just passing through or a short duration but any significant amount of time crushed amid too many bodies causes her to lose it
vanit- driving. just the thought of controlling a vehicle makes her nauseous
oc ask game
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nian-7 · 10 months
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Soyo Nagasaki x gn!reader
✧sfw alphabet (req)
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-Soyo is moderately affectionate. She's not overly affectionate yet, she doesn't mind being affectionate once in a while. Her way of showing it is quite sweet and usually done when it's just the two of you.
-She doesn't mind how you look. She thinks you look perfect the way you are. Your eyes are her favorite though, she thinks they're pretty and suit you well.
-Aromatherapy is one of her hobbies and she likes to use it to help comfort you. Of course, she'll offer kind words and gestures as well. Overall, she's a very sweet girl.
-She knows her way around chores. Anything you need help with, she probably knows how to do it. She offers to teach you as well in case she's not around or able to help you!
-Soyo tries her best to defuse any fights or arguments you both might have. She doesn't like having to argue with her lover and would rather it if you both are able to just talk it out.
-She is very gentle with everything she does. She loves you a lot and wouldn't want to hurt you with her words or physically. Every hug, kiss, whatever it might be is always soft and light.
-Again, she is a very gentle and caring person. Her hugs are always very full of love and you can tell that she really cares about you when she hugs you.
-She isn't one to judge you based on first impressions. She waits to get to know you before she makes a sort of 'verdict' on you. She does see you as a potential friend when she does first meet you though.
-Soyo doesn't get jealous. She realizes you have your own friends and she has hers. She loves you very much and you know that and so she doesn't think its necessary to get jealous over you hanging out with your friends.
-Once again, she's very gentle and sweet. Her kisses are almost tickle you a little with how softly she does it. Usually, she places them on your cheek or nose.
Little things
-She absolutely adores going on cute dates with you. She thinks it's always so fun and loves planning them out with you! She doesn't mind where you both might go, it's just about how much fun you both will have.
-She sends you a sweet message in the morning, usually she's up before you so she likes to have you wake up to a nice message from her!
-Nicknames are uncommon. She's not one to give you any sort of nickname, it's just not something she thinks about. There's no 'sweetheart' or anything like that, the closest you'll get is a nickname from your own name.
-Soyo is open about things. She doesn't share a lot but, when things do get too stressful for her she will tell you. She'd like to be there as much as you'll be there for her.
-Endlessly patient with you. She's like the mom friend and that carries over into her relationship with you. She cares about you and if you're having a bad day, she'll listen to you.
-She does have her weird habits just like everyone. She normally plays around with her or your fingers just randomly. She's not sure why she does it sometimes, she just gets the urge to.
-She's not very romantic. Occasionally, she will buy you flowers or chocolates for Valentines but, other than that she's not really sure how to be very romantic and shows her love through acts of service instead.
-Again with the jealousy, it goes hand and hand with her not being very protective. She trusts you and wants you to have friends! There's no reason she should get jealous over your friends and vise versa.
-Soyo tries her hardest, this likely being her first romantic relationship with someone, she isn't quite sure what to do at first. She really does try her best though and cares about you a lot.
-She tends to put others before herself and a lot of people rely on her. It's not really a bad habit, it's just something she does unintentionally without realizing it. She sometimes gets a bit stressed from all of it as well.
-She has a reasonable amount of concern about how she looks. She is in a band after all and wants to make sure she looks good before getting on stage or having a whole lot of people see her.
-She does feel a lot better when you are with her. She feels more at home and like she can relax more when you're around. You make her feel happy in short.
-She probably would not like a partner who's too pushy with the relationship. She'd prefer it to take it's natural pace as you both progress, taking steps together along the way.
-Soyo is an easy sleeper. She can fall asleep easily if she wants to and wakes up to any noise (that is loud enough). She sometimes mumbles in her sleep as well but, it's never loud enough to tell what she's saying.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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💬 - A private correspondence
6/21, 1:27 AM: rMessage Log with Cheri🍒
hey!! i am. so sorry about earlier. absolutely mortified. however. your dad does make an excellent paella. send me his recipe :3 You're asking me to commit a crime worse than treason here, Cher. If I got found out for that I think I'd be officially un-adopted. really??? not the forming a vow with a legendary pokémon thing. the paella??? He takes his cooking seriously. damn. you'd think he'd share it with his future daughter in law of all people~ ghfgjkfdsdfgkjl stop. I am not becoming a mew-haul lesbian. you can't stop it, vani, i already met your parents <3 Kill me. no <3 Then at least be serious... It's not even a month. and 13 ambiguous years of longing!!! Yeah. That. I am so serious, what about that made you decide to... long? vanilla. sweet. you forget how formative it is to have a cute, mysterious criminal(???) jump in through your window and say they need you as a twelve year old. it was just like in those tween romance novels!!! EVEN DOWN TO THE ZORUA EARS!!! Okay, so, a lot of romanticization there. I remember pretty clearly I faceplanted straight onto some dollhouse, and then promptly forgot half of the Unovan I know. Also, you don't even know what I was doing. listen. it's the gap moe!!! terrifying zorua hybrid assassin. incapable of eating with a fork and knife Wait wait wait wait wait. You can get back to clowning on me in a second. Assassin? um. was that supposed to. not be my assumption. i didn't think normal thieves have bloodstains on their clothes or get tracked down by a group of grown men ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...So you met somebody you thought was an assassin. Decided to keep them and their Zorua in your closet for a week while your parents had no idea. And then, once they run away again. You decide. "Yeah, that seems like a reasonable person to seek out again." you're de-romanticizing it! all of the 2AM conversations about hybrids! you trying mac and cheese for the first time and trying to grab it with your hands! and hearing that my family pokémon actually loves me! hearing that i was the only good human you'd ever met! i was swooning! also. you were way way way more normal this time I try. Really really hard. Anyways. For legal purposes. Not an assassin. Never was an assassin. aww you wouldnt kill someone for me 🥺 I wouldn't even know where to start. Ignore the sword and the legendary Pokémon known for fighting in wars. ur so right!! anyways i have. actual research shit to do tomorrow. :((( so no more netflittle and crashing your parents' dinner That's fine. I should probably... actually watch those episodes again. Kind of missed the plot. why??? ur just gonna miss it again next time ^^ ...Night. noooo give me reactions D: night <3
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Vanifinwë Character Sheet
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Fics & Art
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AO3 : Tumblr
Fan Art:
Vanifinwe and Maedhros | Oradhon and Vanifinwe | Vanifinwë and Lúthriel
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Ataresse: Vanifinwë                          - q. Beautiful Finwë
Amilesse: Anamartindë                           - q. Long Fate Female Reason: Given to her by Nerdanel after a vision she had of Vanifinwë after her birth. Fëanor tried to get Nerdanel to change it, but Nerdanel wouldn’t budge this time. 
Epesse: Failendis                         - q. Fair/Just Female  Reason: Given to her by Maedhros and Maglor as she tried to intervene and butt in on almost every fight and try to find a way to stop it. It stuck.
Sindarin: Eluneth                         - s. Light Blue Female Reason: Given to her by Turgon to help her separate herself from her brothers. 
Nicknames: Vani
Birth Place: Tirion, Valinor
Birth Order: 8th Child
Visual Age: 25
Social Class: Wealthy, Princess in Tirion and Valinor. Artist in Gondolin to King Turgon. Eventual diplomat in the 2nd and 3rd Ages.
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Height: 6’5
Build: Lean, Lithe
Race/Ethnicity: Noldor
Hair Color: Black, blue tint
Hair Style: Half up, Half down, left long
Eye Color: Blue
Eye Shape: Almond
Distinguishing Marks: Freckles all over her face and body
Skin: Fair, sensitive
Hands: Long, slim fingers, round nails
Scars: One long scar across her forearm, it’s hyperpigmented. She acquired it through the 3rd Kinslaying from Maglor.
Types of Clothes: Gowns mostly made of velvet, but does have an affinity for trousers and pretty blouses
How do they wear their clothes: Neatly and very put together
What are their feet like: Always wearing clean slippers or boots, very rarely barefoot.
Mannerisms: Scrunches nose when angry, wrinkling all her freckles.
Important/Usual Accessories: Usually wears bright reds in Valinor, lots of velvets too with a pendant of the Feanorian star, post flight she finds an affinity for blue. Ditches her Feanorian star necklace.
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Alignment: Lawful Good
Occupation: Princess, but later on Artist in King Turgon’s House, and eventually a diplomat
Love Interest(s): Glorfindel,
RP Love Interest: Oradhon
Multiship: Yes
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: Art, reading, writing, spending time with her brothers, walking through gardens and spending time on beaches if she can. 
Dislikes: Fighting, arguments, injustices, rudeness, mean spirited people
Fears: Giant spiders and orcs
Favorite Color and Why: It used to be red, proudly wearing the colors of her House. But eventually it shifts to blue, associating it with her Uncles house and rather being associated with him than her brothers and father.
Literature: Romance books
Favored Expletives: Fuck , Oh Stars!
Manner of Transportation: On foot or on horse back
Hobbies: Arts of all kinds - Sculpture work, painting, sketching, dancing, singing, playing instruments of any kind
Favorite Childhood Memory: Spending time Arafinwe on the beaches in Alqualonde when she was little combing for shells and playing in the ocean waves with Angarato. 
Least Favorite Childhood Memory: This one traumatized her, but she walked in on seeing Caranthir break Celegorms nose when she was really little. It absolutely terrified her and she would go near him for weeks. 
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Personal Triggers: Unnecessarily drawn weapons, screaming,
What words or phrases do they over use: “Oh fuck” and “Oh sweet merciful Eru”
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic in Valinor, progressively pessimistic in Beleriand, and optimistic again by the end of the 2nd Age.
What makes them laugh out loud: Vanifinwe loves flirtatious jokes, which most are intimidated to do towards her considering who her father is.
How do they display affection: Physical Touch and Acts of Service
Strongest Character Trait: Compassion , Independence
Weakest Character Trait: Grand Self Independence , Compassion, Stubborn
Greatest Fear: The Enemy winning
What do they consider an overrated virtue: Prudence
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be: Her lineage
Song: Blessed Be and Circle With Me by Spiritbox best reflect Vanifinwe and her time through Beleriand and Middle Earth.
Smell: She prefers to wear a rose perfume
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Extra Notes: 
-  Vanifinwë almost dies on the Grinding Ice by hypothermia, twice.  - After the Crossing, Vanifinwë is very sensitive to the cold and cold environments are physically uncomfortable and painful for her.  - She wears lots of layers and if she visits Himring she stays for long periods of time due to not wanting to travel out in the cold. Meaning she also rarely leaves the castle.  - Vanifinwë stys so stressed that she gets silver stripes on her temples by the end of the First Age - At the end of the First Age she cuts her hair up to her shoulders. - Her father disowns her due to her refusing to take the Oath.  - Curufin diowns her too and their relationship sours when she doesn’t mourn Feanors death and openly hopes that Mandos will punish him. - They fight every time they are near each other. - Curufin tries to kill  Vanifinwë but stops before she loses consciousness with a warning that he won’t be so merciful next time. - A few of Curufin’s most loyal followers have also attacked  Vanifinwë - She keeps all of the instances a secret from her brothers -  Vanifinwë used to be scared of Caranthir when she was little because of his temper - Vanifinwë has seen Celegorm be attacked numerous times by birds- wild and domesticated- due to his lack of caution.  - When Finwe was killed by Morgoth, Vanifinwë was present but hiding from Morgoth. She heard the crushing blow and found him in the foyer afterwards. - Maedhros discovered her holding his lifeless body that wasn’t crushed, in complete and total shock. 
Family and Relationships
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Feanor - Father - Growing up Vanifinwë had a very strong and loving relationship with Feanor. She loved herAtya deeply and Feanor doted on her often and encouraged her artistic talents. Though as Melkor corrupted Feanor their relationship fell apart and he became considerably harder on Vanifinwë. Pushing her to her limits when it came to her crafts and etiquettes. Eventually she would join him in Formenos though, where she found Finwe crushed in the foyer. In the end because of her refusal to take the Oath he disowned her. 
Nerdanel - Mother - Nerdanel and Vanifinwë were extremely close and had an unbreakable bond. Nerdanel tutored her in the arts that Nerdanel was skilled in. She greatly encouraged Vanifinwë ‘s independence and mental and emotional strenghth. Nerdanel knew of the long fate Vanifinwë was to have. 
Maedhros - Brother - She had a very strong and close relationship with him and viewed him very much as her second father. She looked up to him and admired the things he did. But grew gravely disappointed with him very quickly as the Flight of the Noldor transpired before devastated for what he had been through. 
Maglor - Brother - In Valinor, Maglor to Vanifinwë was her tutor and emotional safe space. As she got bigger they played lots of music together and spoke to another philosophically. In Beleriand he welcomes her openly after the Crossing and mends his relationship with her. Vanifinwë keeps in contact with him until the end, unable to give up the relationship. In the 3rd Age she brings him to Rivendell to recover and sail home with her. 
Celegorm - Brother- Vanifinwë always found elegorm fun to be around and play with when she was a little girl. But as she got older she thought of him to be annoying and antagonistc. Even chopping off part of his hair once in his sleep as revenged (which she was never caught for.). In Beleriand he grows protective of Vanifinwë and teaches her how to wield a weapon. Eventually she disowns Celegorm for what he did to Beren, Luthien and Finrod. 
Caranthir - Brother - Vanifinwë, as a child, found Caranthir to be scary when angry. Witnessing him punch Celegorm in the face once, scaring her terribly. But eventually she relaxed and enjoyed his company, appreciating him fully and better. She is very proud of his accomplishments in Beleriand. She tries to sway him from participating in the 2nd Kinslaying but it falls on deaf ears. 
Curufin - Brother - Vanifinwë always found Curufin’s presence to be a nuisance as after h had Celebrimbor he fathered her too. Though she hated it, Vanifinwë still loved him. The relationship sours when she doesn’t take the Oath. They despise each other to the point Curufin tries to kill her. They don’t speak after that. 
Ambarussa - Brothers - Vanifinwë viewed Ambarussa a extensions of herself. She loved them deeply. They always viewed her as their equals and never bossed her around. Losing Amrod was devastating to both Amras and Vanifinwë. He was the glue between them and eventually they fell out of contact. 
Celebrimbor - Nephew - She loved and adored him growing up, he was like Ambarussa in that he never pushed or bossed her around. In Beleriand they lose contact- partially because of Curufin- but they reconnect in Gondolin. She goes on to be his diplomat in Eregion in the 2nd Age. Trying to sway him from speaking with the Lord of Gifts before she finally leaves before Eregion’s fall. 
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
8, 9, 11, 12, 21, and 34 for Naka
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8. What is a smell that makes them feel at home?
The smell of flowers.. apple pie and oak. It's such a weird combination. However, living where he does. It makes sense. Flowers all around his house, Oak trees and the occasional fire from all those sticks and weeds.. and who can resist Jae and Vani's apple pie?
9. How would they react if a person they love (friends and family included) gave them a flower bouquet unexpectedly?
Firstly... Nakaou would be surprised.. Eyes wide.. secondly.. hes instantly looking at what flowers are in that bouquet. Perhaps there's another meaning they were trying to convey that he needs to be aware of? Or maybe not? Perhaps it's just a color combo that he should look at? In the end, he gives a soft smile and looks up at them,
"Really? For Me? Hehe thank you! That's so sWeet! I'll Make sure ta' keep eM around for a While!"
Depending on who theyre from.. a certain someone might help keep them alive.. permanently.
11. What is an item of clothing/an accessory that completes them/makes them feel safe?
Either his tags or coat.
For his dog tags- its been something he's had since he was a kid. Given to him by Masayo, they've given him the security that in case something bad happens.. At least someone can get him some kinda help.. or maybe recognize him and help him up on his feet
His coat is something that makes him feel protected. Even if it's not actually protecting him from anything. It reminds him of how he felt when his Lusus was around.. and he doesn't know it- How safe he felt when Revolution was around. Protected and safe. As if nothing mattered and he could be a kid.
12. What is their safe place? And what does “safe place” mean to them?
A safe place is somewhere he can let the walls down and *feel* what he's too scared to show to others or perhaps doesn't allow himself to do freely. Literally a safe- safe space. He usually finds himself on someone's couch.. in someone's arms or in some shitty back alley when he allows himself these moments.
34. Do they have any guilty pleasures? How guilty do they feel about it?
Sometimes Nakaou just really craves a late morning run for some fast food.. like.. late late. Usually drinkers or the occasional day walker crowd.. or even fleet out during the day don't constitute places being open.. But he does know a place that does stay open at all hours! Satisfying all their clients.. they have the greasiest burgers and shit.. It's a little guilty since he does kinda grill others for eating out a little too much.. when they have him!!! to make it.. sometimes you can't beat what the house makes...
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the-void-writes · 2 years
The Androids of Eternity
Thank you @bloodlessheirbyjacques​ for making me realize I never properly introduced these guys 😅
The art was all done by Artflow
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Proteus Costello - The first successful android Dante ever built. He was toying around with Paradise’s new magic-enhanced technology, got a little tipsy and miserable, and woke up with a half-completed replica of Vani. Dante hated himself for it, but didn’t have the heart to scrap his own creation, so he tweaked it in a few places, dyed its hair, and now Proteus is here. Lucky for Dante, Proteus isn’t a chaos-loving vigilante; he’s just an airhead 🤣 Someone please teach him the difference between a chicken egg and an easter egg.
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Roxie Lin - The second android, modeled after an old movie actress that Dante and Vani loved. Roxie actually loves dancing, she just hates how everyone drools over her and then gets mad when she isn’t interested. She thought Proteus would be the same way, but he’s just in awe of how strong and talented she is. He makes her feel safe and appreciated, and she’s patient with him and doesn’t brush him off as an idiot.
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Denisha Barkley - Third android, a jazz musician who plays live music for Eternity. She’s fun enough just to talk to, she livens up the crowd, and she gets her girlfriend, Carlotta, to sing with her for karaoke. Patrons consider Deni a comforting shoulder to cry on, because she loves listening to people and making them happy.
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Carlotta Ellsworth - Fourth android, though she and Finn argue about the technicalities a lot. Dante built them both at the same time, so they consider each other siblings. Lottie is a sweet Southern lady with lots of party-girl energy. She adores singing for her girlfriend, Deni, and Proteus likes to tease her because she does goofy dances the whole time.
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Finn Ellsworth - Fifth android, a title he only takes to make Lottie happy. Many patrons actually prefer him over Proteus and Roxie. He has an infectious and flirtatious country-boy energy, but he cuts back on the flirting after he realizes Takeshi has been admiring him.
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Ando Takeshi - Sixth android, formerly head of security at Eternity. Dante decided to build a stronger security system so Takeshi could dance with the other androids, which had become his new passion ever since he started watching Finn. He’s very soft-spoken and gentle, so everyone is always surprised to see that he’s got some muscle. Despite this, Takeshi doesn’t believe that he’s good enough for a heartthrob like Finn.
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Quincy Kingsley - Seventh android, Eternity’s bartender and Joe’s wonderful spouse. They love going crazy with drink mixtures and designs. They and Joe spend most of their home-time making new recipes, and the rest of that time flirting in the park. The other androids love both of them and are always eager to try their new stuff.
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tasteofantasy · 1 year
5, 6, 8, and 21 with your platonic of your choice? :3 (Yearnin-cryptid)
I'm gonna do a double combo and use Ven and Vani cause hoo boy!
5. Does your p!f/o act as your wing man in romantic situations?
Ven is the actual wingman in the relationship. Vanitas can be one too if he's in the mood, but when he's done with me and Terra's pining bs he'd be like "Just f*ck already!". But when it has a chance to embarrass anyone, Vani joins no questions asked.
6. Who eats the cherries off the other's shake?
You know the common headcanon that Vanitas has a sweet tooth? Yeah, long story short, he eats the cherries. Might take the shake too if you're not careful (Poor Vem this happened more than once)
8. How often do you guys tease each other, if at all?
Tbh, they tease each other more than they tease me? But in terms of teasing, Ven is more playful while Vani is kind of like a bully until the moment I almost blast him with a Firaga.
21. Have any specific head canons about your p!/f/o?
We're like a PG13 version of the Hayakawa Family (Chainsaw Man). Vani is Denji, I'm Power and Ven is Aki. In which Me and Vani are the ones who get in trouble (whether intentional or not) and Ven has to bail us out when Aqua and Terra aren't available LOL
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Ven: *calling Aqua thru Gummy phone* Aqua we need an adult
Aqua: Isn't Percy with you?
Ven: ... We need a better adult
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digital-dhampirs · 7 years
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Happy St Patrick’s Day!
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manjiroro · 2 years
okay so uh i came up with this idea yes yes<3
could i please have a shinichiro, hanma, izana and mikey request where they spend your first valentine day as an actual couple?<3 like what would they do etc!! tysm for taking in my request, ilysm hun~ take your time on doing this pls~
first valentines as a couple
characters: shinichiro, hanma, izana, mikey
content: fluff, gn reader
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s h i n i c h i r o
he’s gonna be super anxious about it
he wants everything to be perfect for your first valentines together so he researches and buys the things that you like
he’ll reach your place first thing in the morning, waiting for you to open the door 
and when he sees you still half awake he lightly giggles 
you on the other hand are too confused to remember what day it was that day
but in his hands are a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate 
and when he explains to you what day it was he couldn’t help but laugh at your flustered expression 
he waits for you to get ready. he likes to see what outfit you had picked out for the day 
he’s the one to come up with a whole plan 
first he’ll take you to your favourite restaurant, then your favourite place, then he’ll take you on a ride
all in all, the perfect date plan 
ive said this before but shin will definitely take notes on your favourite things 
this comes in handy for him when it comes to getting gifts for you 
he’ll shower you with all sorts of gifts 
but despite his well thought plan, he’s panicking, wondering if you’ll like his date plan and his gifts 
also the type to constantly ask if you’re alright during the whole date
and on valentines day, he’s gonna be even more affectionate than usual
his hands will never leave yours and he’s constantly placing kisses on your cheek, lips and head 
i do think that at the end of the day, he’ll opt to drive you to a secluded area to have a picnic 
he thinks that’s romantic and a good way to end the day, with just the both of you 
“did you have fun today?”
“of course i did shin! thank you so much for today!”
and he melts at the sight of your pretty smile and how could he resist the urge to kiss you right there and then 
h a n m a
mans might look like he doesn’t give a shit about valentines day, but he does care just not a lot 
on your first valentines, he’ll get you flowers and maybe some gifts that he may or may not have stolen 
he doesn’t really have a plan so he goes with whatever you wanna do 
but if you don’t know what to do, he’ll give you a ride and maybe cause crime with you 
because thats his definition of fun 
but if you’re someone who doesn’t like causing crime then he’ll stay away from it for that day
because he wants it to be all about you, so he’ll do everything and anything you wanna do or what makes you happy
valentines day is the day where he’ll try his best to not make you angry
because usually, hanma will be teasing you and riling you up since his favourite thing to do is to see how far he can push you
but for today, he’s gonna be a sweet boyfriend, going around being lovey dovey with you
be prepared for lots of hand holding, his hand on your waist or around your shoulders
ofc he’ll tease you a little during the whole date
but after everything, you’re gonna witness a really soft hanma, something that you’ve never seen before with your many months of dating
ooooh he’s so soft, telling you how grateful he is to have you even though he’s a delinquent and tells you how much he loves you
he feels embarrassed after that but with you smiling at him and telling him how much you love him too, he thinks its very much worth it
i z a n a
poor boy is also anxious for valentines day 
he actually forgot but the day before he saw some flowers on sale with the sign, ’valentines day special’ 
and he kinda panics because he had no idea what to do 
he really wants your first valentines day to be special, because it was his way of showing thanks to you
showing you his love and appreciation for sticking by him 
izana to me is someone who doesn’t really know how to express his feelings well so he wants to be able to show just how thankful he really is to have you by his side
he’ll probably ask kakucho what to do, but he didn’t help much other than telling him to give you flowers and chocolates 
he did some planning beforehand like researching on best date spots to bring you and thinking about the places you like to go to
but he’s not gonna be super detailed just a few places he thinks might fit your interests
the kind to show up at your place with flowers and chocolates since kakucho said so
and he’s gonna be super flustered
he really has no idea what to do and say since again, he isnt very vocal with his emotions
so the whole time he’s either quiet or stuttering
you have to tell him to relax the moment you felt his shaking hands on yours
in the end, you’re gonna have to be the one to guide the date since izana is a confused nervous wreck
at the end of the day, he worries if the date wasn’t that good or if he messed up halfway
he instantly forgets all his worries the moment you press your lips on his
tell him how much you love him and he’ll smile a cute genuine smile for you
m i k e y
sigh- this boy completely forgot 
he remembered on the day of valentines day when he saw draken at his door, holding onto flowers 
he asked ken what the occasion was and his friend could only stare at him in disbelief 
“what- it’s valentines day-”
mikey just stood there in shock, remembering that today was his first valentines day with you
“ken-chin what do i do??”
“i dont know?? go get them some flowers-”
he’ll rush over to your house because it was already afternoon, since he sleeps late 
he really has no idea what to do other than to wish you a happy valentines day 
he gets upset the moment he sees the excitement in your eyes fade to disappointment, but yet you still had a small smile while you thank him 
oohhh mikey feels bad, so he takes you on a ride and treats you to whatever snacks you want 
i feel for the entirety of the date, yall would be on his bike
he feels most familiar with it and honestly, he feels that it’s quite intimate with you clinging onto him tight and being able to spend time with just the both of you 
but i do see him stopping at an empty field and pulls you ontop of him as you both lay together and cloud watch 
he’ll probably start dosing off halfway but listening to his steady heartbeats make you start feeling sleepy as well
so there you both are, on an empty field, with a nice breeze blowing, holding onto each other tight, sleeping
when the both of you eventually wake up, he tells you how sorry he is for forgetting valentines day
and he tells you his genuine feelings towards you which was hard for him to do
so expect a lot of stuttering and mumbling from him
kiss him and tell him that you still had fun nonetheless and he’ll hug you so tight
he makes it up to you by letting you bring him wherever you wanna go without whining
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reblogs are highly appreciated!!
❥ masterlist
requests are closed!!
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from-a-distant-end · 2 years
Vani and Noé for the domesticity meme. Thanks. ALSO. SHARD AND BRECCAN.
if you can think of a ship, i will answer either of these sets of questions for them:
favorite non-sexual activity: ........s-shopping for those trinkets Noé likes? Going around Paris together, sightseeing.
who uses all the hot water: Noé probably
who does most of the cleaning: VANITAS, when he’s home.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: IT DOESN'T EXIST IN THIS TIME PERIOD.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Originally, I was going to say Noé but I feel like Vanitas would/might if  Noé neglected it for such a long amount of time that it annoyed Vanitas lol 
who steals the blankets: Noé LOL CANONLY
who leaves their stuff around: Noé, canonly 
who remembers to buy the milk: Probably Noé because Vanitas isn't around often enough?? To know they're low?? But Vanitas could too after he starts sticking around longer and he knows Noé will just accidentally drink the rotten milk and think he doesn’t feel well or something lol
who remembers anniversaries: I think they would both remember but it would mean different things to them?
who cooks normally?: Am I wrong when I say I thought I saw a meme that stated Noé could not cook???
how often do they fight?: OFTEN but not I hate you fights
what do they do when they’re away from each other?: Well, I know Noé gets a job? And Vanitas just does... Vanitas things...
nicknames for each other?: Vampire. Human. Technically, Vanitas sort of already is a nickname. And Noé too-?
who is more likely to pay for dinner?: Noé. Vanitas spends all his cash on Dante, and Noé has been called Vanitas' sugar daddy for a reason....
who steals the covers at night?: Noé
what would they get each other for gifts?: Vanitas probably knows Noé likes those trinket things but as for him buying him anything, that wouldn't probably be his first place to spend money... It would be a sweet gesture, though! Noé likes everything Parisian, I’m sure Vanitas could get Noé a napkin from a local café and Noé be over the moon, and I think if Noé got Vanitas anything, it would be like all tsundere wth do you want me to do with this
who kissed who first?: NO ONE KISSED ANYONE YET
who made the first move?: THEY BOTH HAVE ISSUES
who remembers things?: I think it's safe to say they'd both remember different things, and in different ways
who started the relationship?: I mean, they're not canonly in one, but they both are kind of responsible for... what they have... lasting and becoming what it is
who cusses more?: ...do either of them curse at all? I feel like Vanitas WOULD curse more, and Noé would if he was pushed to it lol
what would they do if the other one was hurt?: ............Did they hurt each other?
SHARD & BRECCAN ..... shreccan. brecc...ard..... HUSBANDS.
big spoon/little spoon: Shard is the big spoon because he’s taller than Breccan, but I’m sure Breccan tries to spoon Shard when he’s having a bad day at work or something lol
favorite non-sexual activity: Anything and everything!! Cooking/baking, chilling, shopping, laundry, they make everything a good time lol
who uses all the hot water: considering they usually shower together... both of them!
most trivial thing they fight over: Do they really even fight?! Not really!!! Maybe Breccan gets a little annoyed that Shard still struggles to take his own initiative to clean and will join Breccan when he is, but never really starts on his own unless its REALLY BAD.
who does most of the cleaning: Breccan!
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: I don’t... I think it’s safe to say that they don’t have time for netflix nor are they interested in that?? If they wanna see something, they’ll figure it out, but being a Horseman of the Apocalypse is sort of time consuming...
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: They own their home so thEY’RE SCREWED. Shard would probably make most of the phone calls though - Breccan still stutters sometimes and he’d be nervous.
who steals the blankets: I don’t even KNOW OMG. Probably Shard because he’s the tol and there’s more of him to cover lol
who leaves their stuff around: I’d say they’re both pretty vigilant about cleaning up after themselves, but Shard probably will lay his coat on the couch and Breccan will hang it up lol
who remembers to buy the milk: Shard, cuz he’s a momma bear, but Breccan uses it in baking sometimes...They probably just remind each other if need be lol
who remembers anniversaries: They’re both pretty good at that stuff lol
who cooks normally?: Breccan, because he enjoys it, but Shard can cook and definitely will sometimes
how often do they fight?: Not often! If ever!
what do they do when they’re away from each other?: Work, mostly. Breccan will clean, Shard is usually studying...
nicknames for each other?: Babe. Lol. Breccan will call Shard, Xander or even Alexander if he feels like it
who is more likely to pay for dinner?: I actually don’t know if they have different bank accounts but if so, they probably split things pretty easily down the middle.
who steals the covers at night?: Shard I guess???
what would they get each other for gifts?: A kiss would suffice lol but anything from Breccan getting Shard sheet music, to a new set of pots and pans work, they don’t mind lol
who kissed who first?: UH OH GOD. SHARD KISSED BRECCAN?? They were on the couch...
who made the first move?: I think it was mutual??
who remembers things?: Together, they can remember parts of everything lol
who started the relationship?: Mutual! But Shard asked Breccan to marry him first.
who cusses more?: They’re not very cuss-y people, but they will be for different reasons!
what would they do if the other one was hurt?: Shard = Murder. Breccan = cry, and then murder if need be.
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kittycatchan16 · 2 years
Any hc for Vanitas, Noe, Domi or Jeanne?
Hmmm...From big ones; I headcanon that Vani has insomnia (it may be even canon, given how we rarely see him in his bed).
I guess you could say that I hc characters' ages. Like in my previous post where I said that Louis died when he was 14yo. And in similair pattern I'd say Vani met Dante when he was 14 yo (and from that age he started to cure vampires).
And from silly/sweet ones:
-Domi has totally dressed Noe as a girl when they were children (on more than one ocassion)
-Luna has totally done the same to Vani but only once cause he refused to talk to her even a whole day after (he was too embarassed)
-Luna taught Vani how to play chess
-Vani & Domi would have an awesome frienship-they would bond over Noe getting lost and then got I-hate-you-but-actually-like-and-care-about-you kind of dynamic (they would roast eo at every opportunity but the moment the other needs help they would rash in headfirst- of course they would deny that later; say they did for Noe or sth)
-Actually pls Jun give us Vani & Domi friendship 🥺
-If Vani and Jeanne won't start being an official pair (for some reason), they would be struggling at first but ultimately they'll be good friends
-Vanitas's sometime cat-like behaviour doesn't go unnoticed for long and to mess with him Domi starts calling him "little kitten" (Vani tried to argue with her about it but seeing it's fruitless-she still continues to call him that- he lets it go but mutters under his breath every time)
-Jeanne thinks it's a cute nickname
-Noe thinks it's funny cause Vanitas does a "cranky face" every time
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lit-in-thy-heart · 3 years
It was a sunny day and Lancelot was fighting the urge to hurl himself into the lake.
A walk to the nearby park, that was meant to have lasted no longer than twenty minutes, had quickly transformed into a completely unnecessary rescue mission and Lancelot was watching with growing despair as Gwaine waded into the water. Despite being told that the ducklings would be able to get up onto the grass by themselves, Gwaine had complained about the bad parenting from the two ducks serenely looking on as their offspring drifted aimlessly along an invisible path and had promptly decided to intervene himself. Merlin had gone to get coffee, so was no help whatsoever, and Gwaine was attracting stares that were not the usual stunned and admiring ones always shot his way.
Struggling in silence for several moments more, Lancelot took a breath and, casting a glance towards the coats they'd left strewn across the bench, advanced towards Gwaine. When Lancelot approached, Gwaine turned around, his hair obscuring one eye but not quite concealing his grin. In his palms was a duckling and Lancelot felt his internal tension melting away at the beauty of the image before him, fingers itching for something to sketch with. Instead, he fumbled with his phone and captured Gwaine with his camera just as a flower of blossom stumbled down from an overhead branch and dusted Gwaine's hair. It adorned his head like a statue of a deity from antiquity and Lancelot lowered his phone, soft smile flickering on the corners of his mouth.
The duckling had started to make noises and Gwaine tore his eyes away from Lancelot to address the small creature, bringing his hands closer to his face. 'What is it that you want, buddy? Because if it's love that you're after, I can give you endless supplies. I'm sure Lance and Merl won't mind me drawing some stores from theirs because you are absolutely adorable.'
'They probably want to be put down, Gwaine,' Merlin chipped in, picking his way through the grass with his eyes fixed on three levitating cups. 'Poor things haven't learnt how to fly yet; this is probably the most terrifying experience that they've had.'
Taking the closest coffee cup to him, Lancelot removed the lid, took a sniff, and hastily put it back on again. 'I believe that's yours, Merlin,' he said, holding it out to them.
Merlin, dropping the spell and catching the other two cups in their hands, delicately frowned as he snatched a sample of the scents issuing from the slots in the remaining cups. Then, deciphering the caffeinated code, they passed one drink to Lancelot and accepted the one that Lancelot had been so offended by. 'What is Gwaine doing?' asked Merlin lowly, taking a sip of his black coffee.
'Rescue mission. Ducklings couldn't get up onto the bank and Gwaine thought they were going to drown.' Lancelot ignored the burning sensation in his mouth -- it would be the perfect injury for Merlin and Gwaine to kiss better later -- and pulled an impressed face. 'This isn't half bad. Though what syrup did you get?'
'Take a guess.'
Wrinkling his nose, Lancelot took another sip. Then, for good measure, he pressed a kiss to Merlin’s skin with a frown, pulling away. 'Well, it's not cinnamon.' He took another sip. 'Vani--No, caramel?'
With a grin, Merlin nodded. 'Soft and sweet, like you.'
'And what did Gwaine get?'
'Gwaine got a mocha with two espresso shots.'
Thinking for a moment, Lancelot smiled. 'Richly warm and sweet with a bit of a kick? Perfect.' Then he glanced over at Gwaine, who now seemed to be berating the two ducks who were doing absolutely nothing. 'I mean, proof right there.'
Laughter sharply reverberating through the air, Merlin raised their own cup to his lips. 'So what does that make me, then?'
Gently, Lancelot wrapped an arm around Merlin to draw them close, kissing the nose that wrinkled at him. 'That makes you a shot of pure energy and undiluted strength. Now, are you going to help me entice Gwaine away from the ducks?'
'As long as I don't have to get in the water,' murmured Merlin. 'This skirt is vintage, I'll have you know.'
As Lancelot caught part of the material between his fingers, tracing the flowers printed across Merlin's legs, he smiled again. 'I won't make you get in the water, my light, don't worry. I might make you take my coffee again, though.'
'That raises no qualms with me,' Merlin said, eyes transforming into the familiar shade of gold Lancelot was accustomed to as he took the third cup and retreated to the bench that had been abandoned with a muttered: 'Good luck'.
Watching them pick a path through the dying daffodils, Lancelot turned around to observe his second significant other. 'Gwaine. Gwaine.'
Gwaine, who had moved onto lecturing about the importance of families staying together and had seemingly forgotten the alleged fact he'd recited earlier about ducks only being able to count to four, spun around at the call of his name. 'Yeah?'
'Merlin has coffee.'
Gwaine's eyes momentarily lit up. 'Are they going to bring it here then?'
'Not when you're stood in the middle of a lake--'
'I'm not in the middle, I'm right by the bank--'
'Gwaine, the fate of your coffee is in my hands. You do not want to argue with me,' threatened Lancelot. 'Now put the duckling down and carefully get out.'
Holding Lancelot’s gaze for several moments, Gwaine blew the hair out of his face and twisted back towards the ducks. Gently setting the duckling down on the bank, he made an aggressive motion towards the parents that made it clear he would be watching them and began to wade across to meet Lancelot. As he approached the bank, he stretched out a hand and Lancelot took it to help haul him up.
Gwaine, however, was not hauled up. Lancelot was dragged down.
The world blurred as he plunged into the water, Merlin's laughter becoming muffled as Lancelot struggled to find his feet. Spluttering, he emerged from the depths and stumbled slightly before standing upright, completely drenched. Heart in his mouth, his hand jumped to his back pocket. 'My phone. I had my phone in my pocket--'
As Lancelot ducked beneath the water's surface, Gwaine glanced over at Merlin, who had started to stand in concern, having realised that Lancelot was panicked. Gwaine’s hand fumbled for Lancelot’s arm and he pulled him up, pushing the hair from his face with one hand as the other displayed the artist's phone.
'You absolute bastard, Gwaine.'
'Hey, now, would you prefer that I did actually put it in the water?' asked Gwaine, adjusting his grip so the device dangled precariously from his fingers.
Lancelot moved closer. 'If you fucking dare--'
'And I think I'd better take that,' Merlin interrupted, the phone bobbing from Gwaine's grip to his own. 'I was going to ask how on earth you managed to get it so smoothly from Lance's back pocket, Gwaine, but then I remembered that you know Lancelot’s buttocks like the back of your hand and that you are very good at being subtle with your hands when it comes to that region.'
Gwaine threw the warlock a wink. 'I know your buttocks like the back of my hand as well.'
'Oh, yes, I am very much aware,' smirked Merlin. 'Are you actually going to get out this time, or am I going to have to drink three coffees and bounce off the walls for the rest of the day?'
Sparing Gwaine a glare, Lancelot extracted himself from the lake and gave Merlin a gentle smile as they threw a spell in his direction and began to tease the water from his clothing. With a leap, Gwaine followed, taking his drink and scuffing the ground with his feet. 'I'm sorry if I upset you, Lance,' he mumbled. 'It was just too much of a good opportunity to miss.'
Jaw setting, Lancelot faced Gwaine, saying nothing for several seconds, and swept his legs out from underneath him, one hand expertly catching the liberated coffee as Gwaine collapsed to the ground. 'Now we're even,' he announced, taking a sip of his latte, as Gwaine groaned.
'I'll say.' Struggling to sit up, Gwaine groped the air with his hands. 'Pass me my coffee, would you?'
Not wanting to take any chances, Lancelot carefully sat down beside him and passed over the cup, sparing a second to kiss the corner of Gwaine’s mouth. 'It might have been a nasty shock for me, but it made Merlin laugh, so I'm not that mad.'
Grinning, Gwaine returned to Lancelot’s mouth with his lips. 'You taste of lake.'
'And whose fault is that?' remarked Lancelot as Merlin settled between their outstretched legs.
Summoning the coats, Merlin set his coffee down amidst the grass and draped all three of the garments over Lancelot’s shoulders. 'Honestly, I don't understand why either of you are complaining. You spent 1500 years in a lake, you'd think it would be your natural habitat by now.'
'No,' Lancelot said, glancing towards Gwaine, who completed the sentiment.
'Our natural habitat is with you.'
Beaming, Merlin knocked their ankles against the knights' thighs and the rest of the day melted into skittish touches and tentative sunshine.
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vanifinwe-feanorian · 3 years
Vanifinwë Character Sheet
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Blogs, Fics & Art:
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Follow From: TheLadyVanya
Other Blogs: Mírë : Caladeth : Loréwen
AU/Canon Divergence Friendly
If there’s a thread you want to do or have an idea I’m really friendly so please don’t be afraid to reach out!
AO3: Nan i’aear ar in elin! : Chase : Marital Bliss
Tumblr: Reunions in Arda : Oath and Consequences AU :  Gone Too Far : Midnight Confessions : Babysitting Gone Wrong : Make You Pretty : Enhanced Beauty
Fan Art: Vanifinwe and Maedhros | Oradhon and Vanifinwe
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Ataresse: Vanifinwë                          - q. Beautiful Finwë
Amilesse: Anamartindë                           - q. Long Fate Female Reason: Given to her by Nerdanel after a vision she had of Vanifinwë after her birth. Fëanor tried to get Nerdanel to change it, but Nerdanel wouldn’t budge this time. 
Epesse: Failendis                         - q. Fair/Just Female  Reason: Given to her by Maedhros and Maglor as she tried to intervene and butt in on almost every fight and try to find a way to stop it. It stuck.
Sindarin: Eluneth                         - s. Light Blue Female Reason: Given to her by Turgon to help her separate herself from her brothers. 
Nicknames: Vani
Birth Place: Tirion, Valinor
Birth Order: 8th Child
Visual Age: 25
Social Class: Wealthy, Princess in Tirion and Valinor. Artist in Gondolin to King Turgon. Eventual diplomat in the 2nd and 3rd Ages.
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Height: 6’5
Build: Lean, Lithe
Race/Ethnicity: Noldor
Hair Color: Black, blue tint
Hair Style: Half up, Half down, left long
Eye Color: Blue
Eye Shape: Almond
Distinguishing Marks: Freckles all over her face and body
Skin: Fair, sensitive
Hands: Long, slim fingers, round nails
Scars: One long scar across her forearm, it’s hyperpigmented. She acquired it through the 3rd Kinslaying from Maglor.
Types of Clothes: Gowns mostly made of velvet, but does have an affinity for trousers and pretty blouses
How do they wear their clothes: Neatly and very put together
What are their feet like: Always wearing clean slippers or boots, very rarely barefoot.
Mannerisms: Scrunches nose when angry, wrinkling all her freckles.
Important/Usual Accessories: Usually wears bright reds in Valinor, lots of velvets too with a pendant of the Feanorian star, post flight she finds an affinity for blue. Ditches her Feanorian star necklace.
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Alignment: Lawful Good
Occupation: Princess, but later on Artist in King Turgon’s House, and eventually a diplomat
Love Interest(s): Glorfindel,
RP Love Interest: Oradhon
Multiship: Yes
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: Art, reading, writing, spending time with her brothers, walking through gardens and spending time on beaches if she can. 
Dislikes: Fighting, arguments, injustices, rudeness, mean spirited people
Fears: Giant spiders and orcs
Favorite Color and Why: It used to be red, proudly wearing the colors of her House. But eventually it shifts to blue, associating it with her Uncles house and rather being associated with him than her brothers and father.
Literature: Romance books
Favored Expletives: Fuck , Oh Stars!
Manner of Transportation: On foot or on horse back
Hobbies: Arts of all kinds - Sculpture work, painting, sketching, dancing, singing, playing instruments of any kind
Favorite Childhood Memory: Spending time Arafinwe on the beaches in Alqualonde when she was little combing for shells and playing in the ocean waves with Angarato. 
Least Favorite Childhood Memory: This one traumatized her, but she walked in on seeing Caranthir break Celegorms nose when she was really little. It absolutely terrified her and she would go near him for weeks. 
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Personal Triggers: Unnecessarily drawn weapons, screaming,
What words or phrases do they over use: “Oh fuck” and “Oh sweet merciful Eru”
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic in Valinor, progressively pessimistic in Beleriand, and optimistic again by the end of the 2nd Age.
What makes them laugh out loud: Vanifinwe loves flirtatious jokes, which most are intimidated to do towards her considering who her father is.
How do they display affection: Physical Touch and Acts of Service
Strongest Character Trait: Compassion , Independence
Weakest Character Trait: Grand Self Independence , Compassion, Stubborn
Greatest Fear: The Enemy winning
What do they consider an overrated virtue: Prudence
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be: Her lineage
Song: Blessed Be and Circle With Me by Spiritbox best reflect Vanifinwe and her time through Beleriand and Middle Earth.
Smell: She prefers to wear a rose perfume
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Extra Notes: 
-  Vanifinwë almost dies on the Grinding Ice by hypothermia, twice.  - After the Crossing, Vanifinwë is very sensitive to the cold and cold environments are physically uncomfortable and painful for her.  - She wears lots of layers and if she visits Himring she stays for long periods of time due to not wanting to travel out in the cold. Meaning she also rarely leaves the castle.  - Vanifinwë stys so stressed that she gets silver stripes on her temples by the end of the First Age - At the end of the First Age she cuts her hair up to her shoulders. - Her father disowns her due to her refusing to take the Oath.  - Curufin diowns her too and their relationship sours when she doesn’t mourn Feanors death and openly hopes that Mandos will punish him. - They fight every time they are near each other. - Curufin tries to kill  Vanifinwë but stops before she loses consciousness with a warning that he won’t be so merciful next time. - A few of Curufin’s most loyal followers have also attacked  Vanifinwë - She keeps all of the instances a secret from her brothers -  Vanifinwë used to be scared of Caranthir when she was little because of his temper - Vanifinwë has seen Celegorm be attacked numerous times by birds- wild and domesticated- due to his lack of caution.  - When Finwe was killed by Morgoth, Vanifinwë was present but hiding from Morgoth. She heard the crushing blow and found him in the foyer afterwards. - Maedhros discovered her holding his lifeless body that wasn’t crushed, in complete and total shock. 
Family and Relationships
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Feanor - Father - Growing up Vanifinwë had a very strong and loving relationship with Feanor. She loved herAtya deeply and Feanor doted on her often and encouraged her artistic talents. Though as Melkor corrupted Feanor their relationship fell apart and he became considerably harder on Vanifinwë. Pushing her to her limits when it came to her crafts and etiquettes. Eventually she would join him in Formenos though, where she found Finwe crushed in the foyer. In the end because of her refusal to take the Oath he disowned her. 
Nerdanel - Mother - Nerdanel and Vanifinwë were extremely close and had an unbreakable bond. Nerdanel tutored her in the arts that Nerdanel was skilled in. She greatly encouraged Vanifinwë ‘s independence and mental and emotional strenghth. Nerdanel knew of the long fate Vanifinwë was to have. 
Maedhros - Brother - She had a very strong and close relationship with him and viewed him very much as her second father. She looked up to him and admired the things he did. But grew gravely disappointed with him very quickly as the Flight of the Noldor transpired before devastated for what he had been through. 
Maglor - Brother - In Valinor, Maglor to Vanifinwë was her tutor and emotional safe space. As she got bigger they played lots of music together and spoke to another philosophically. In Beleriand he welcomes her openly after the Crossing and mends his relationship with her. Vanifinwë keeps in contact with him until the end, unable to give up the relationship. In the 3rd Age she brings him to Rivendell to recover and sail home with her. 
Celegorm - Brother- Vanifinwë always found elegorm fun to be around and play with when she was a little girl. But as she got older she thought of him to be annoying and antagonistc. Even chopping off part of his hair once in his sleep as revenged (which she was never caught for.). In Beleriand he grows protective of Vanifinwë and teaches her how to wield a weapon. Eventually she disowns Celegorm for what he did to Beren, Luthien and Finrod. 
Caranthir - Brother - Vanifinwë, as a child, found Caranthir to be scary when angry. Witnessing him punch Celegorm in the face once, scaring her terribly. But eventually she relaxed and enjoyed his company, appreciating him fully and better. She is very proud of his accomplishments in Beleriand. She tries to sway him from participating in the 2nd Kinslaying but it falls on deaf ears. 
Curufin - Brother - Vanifinwë always found Curufin’s presence to be a nuisance as after h had Celebrimbor he fathered her too. Though she hated it, Vanifinwë still loved him. The relationship sours when she doesn’t take the Oath. They despise each other to the point Curufin tries to kill her. They don’t speak after that. 
Ambarussa - Brothers - Vanifinwë viewed Ambarussa a extensions of herself. She loved them deeply. They always viewed her as their equals and never bossed her around. Losing Amrod was devastating to both Amras and Vanifinwë. He was the glue between them and eventually they fell out of contact. 
Celebrimbor - Nephew - She loved and adored him growing up, he was like Ambarussa in that he never pushed or bossed her around. In Beleriand they lose contact- partially because of Curufin- but they reconnect in Gondolin. She goes on to be his diplomat in Eregion in the 2nd Age. Trying to sway him from speaking with the Lord of Gifts before she finally leaves before Eregion’s fall. 
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the-void-writes · 2 years
For those pipping hot OC asks-
I have fallen for Dante - I'm so sorry 🙈
I'm sorry there's so many things I want to know about him - SO: 🥵💪👀🧠😍💐 for Dante xD
Thank you 😏❤️
@bloodlessheirbyjacques ✨(:
@bloodlessheirbyjacques 🤣🤣🤣 Don’t be sorry, I’m so glad you love him!
So I got carried away by the end of this 😅 Sorry for the length.
🥵 : Is your OC perceived as physically attractive to others? Is it at first glance or is it something that takes more time to reach fruition?
It’s funny because it depends on what time the people in Paradise came from. If they lived more recently, they absolutely think Dante’s hot. Everyone from the more historical side just ignores him and runs straight into King Gazali’s arms (it’s the Sweet Himbo King energy 😂) They start to change their minds after Dante opens up more and shows his kinder nature.
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute?
That million-dollar-smile. He flashes that once and everyone just forgets what they’re doing. Those golden eyes are also pretty deadly, when they catch the light just right, and he kind of hates it, because it’s part of how the Infection is mutating him. (Vesely’s disease is color-coded, how fun 🤣)
🧠 : What is your OC’s most mentally attractive attribute?
His creativity and mechanical intelligence. Dante’s stepfather was an ass, but at least his money got him a good education in robotics and engineering. Dude went from making voice-activated toys for the poor kids in his old neighborhood to building six lifelike android dancers because he didn’t want to hire any real people and make them uncomfortable. He doesn’t let anyone touch his bots in a demeaning way.
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
Oh, he knows he’s hot stuff, and he’s proud of it. He doesn’t really use it, though, except maybe on Will the first time they meet because they both kind of got sidelined while the others fought Vesely’s army, and Dante’s sitting there like “well the only thing I can think of is making out until the war’s over.” But Will is fed up with people deciding he’s too useless to fight and asks Dante to help him sneak into the new facility because they were both Infected and deserve their justice against Vesely. That’s when Dante knows that there’s something interesting about this new guy, something worth sticking around for.
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
Mystery. His powers let him see people’s emotions and sometimes change them, so he can usually read people like a book, but Will shows up with all his repressed memories, and Dante is excited to get to know him without immediately sensing everything about him. Dante also can’t resist someone he can be playful around. He knows he’s hot, but he wants his relationship to be about more than that. He wants someone he can sit with at the back of the palace so they can roast people together, someone who’s up for sliding down the hill in a shopping cart like the good old days.
And as mentioned above, Dante loves when someone takes charge and fights for what’s right. He fell in love with Vani after seeing how hard he worked to make their city a better place to live, but Vani wasn’t always the nicest person. Will, on the other hand, risks life and limb to save people that weren’t even that nice to him because he won’t let anyone suffer the way he and his family did. Dante almost proposed to him right then and there 😂
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Back in the day, he would have just done the old “movie theater date” routine, but after he sees what Will’s been through, he takes things real slow. Nothing explicitly romantic at first, like a walk around the market or hanging out at one of Gazali’s parties. Then, when he’s sure Will is open to it, it’s stargazing in the observatory or out in the forest. And then, he’ll actually ask him to a royal dance. It’s the patience that does it for Will, but he has to admit that he loves the attention, as well.
Thank you for letting me ramble about them, I love them so much ☺️
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