#vegeta being an uncle
jorongbak · 2 years
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Vegeta being his age, Raditz being a good older brother, Nappa being a reluctant uncle, and all of them somehow being a small family
Saiyan trio needs more love
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chickenoptyrx · 3 months
Out of all the 3 Saiyans, who do you think is the best uncle? Raditz, Vegeta, or Nappa?
...your asking me? The uncle raditz blog who posts uncle raditz being an uncle? Your asking me like this is even a question??
Well I'll tell you
Lol ok first off, get vegeta outta here. Idc what kinda supposed character development that lil gremlin gets later, this is pre-gettin the shit beat outta him by a peaceful low class fellow saiyan vegeta. That guys a fuckin bastard and I refuse to even engage with him as a serious option... but also I've talked about it before- my impression of him is he's already accepted the inevitable extinction of the saiyans as a race, he doesnt engage w any hope for the future and only wants personal power. 'Prince of all saiyans' is a fancy title to him, not a responsibility
Nappa i think has the most experience being around kids but thats a double edged sword- hes probably the most used to watchin comrades (and kids) die and just being fine w that, and I think he knows better than to be overly attached to an easy target :T Also think he's still primarily and exclusively loyal to vegeta as the sole person he's meant to be guarding and serving under. Don't matter how nice he might act in any given moment, if vegeta told him to kill someone, imo, he would without question. Thats his boss and their hierarchy is all thats left of their people and culture. Very 'make your bed even if you know the world's ending tomorrow' attitude.
Raditz on the other hand :D
Raditz is, imo, the best because he's the worst. He's strong by saiyan standards but he's the weakest in the group, so he knows what thats like but also he's gd desperate for for any kinda socialization that won't end in him bein denigrated. He probably knew more of regular saiyan life than Vegeta ever did, but he was still a kid when they lost their home so he's.. I think adjusted in a less rigid way than Nappa. And I think because of all this he'd actually kinda enjoy teaching someone, havin someone look up to him a bit, but without the responsibility of them fully relying on him. (10/10 uncle for sure but omg do not let this bastard be a parent 😅)
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jennsterjay · 3 months
Prowler Hobie x Miles Headcanons
Normally in fanarts Prowler Hobie is taller than regular Hobie, but in this au I'd like to think this Hobs is taller than Miles but shorter than regular Hobie (because every Prowler is shorter than their Spider-Man counterpart in my mind) (laughs in short Miles G)
This Hobs is from Miles universe Earth-1610B, so he's American and his style and fashion sense is more close to Miles'
Hobs fell for Miles twice. Once on their first meeting when Spider-Man webbed him up (but he didn't know it was a crush yet), and twice when he met Miles at Brooklyn Visions Academy before he found out he was Spider-Man.
This guy has so many hoodies. Does Miles eventually steal some? Yes (More like Hobs shoves some into his hands, in the name of upping his game. Totally not to give him  boyfriend hoodies of course)
After Spider-Punk meets Hobs the first time, sometimes Hobie will randomly portal nearby wherever he is and start joking around with him / pulling him into shenanigans. I imagine their shenanigans play out like regular show episodes. Sometimes Miles gets pulled in too
The first time Hobs meets Miles G (Prowler Miles) they try to act cool / see who's the coolest in front of Miles because they both secretly have a vegeta complex and immediately start talking about tech and gear and then go to G's house to play Street Fighter and Tekken (Miles laughs and knows they're both nerds and weebs). Miles G is definitely trying to play the 'gotta make sure this guy is a good match for my bro' card here, and Hobs is like 'I can't believe Miles has rizz in every universe'
Canon event theory is flaky at best, but everyone knows every Prowler is fated to create the most god awful FL studio beats known to man. Hobs tries to impress Miles by playing some of his self produced music and it takes everything in Miles not to laugh or say its trash because Hobs has the biggest smile on his face and looks proud of himself
Them falling asleep with Miles' head on Hobs shoulder on the Metro train because they're too beat from a mission to swing / parkour back to their homes (Metrooooo)
Hobs shows Miles some of his graffiti art around the city while they're suited up, and that night Miles takes a risk and trusts him enough to lead him to his secret spraypaint mural of his uncle and the other spiders at the abandoned train station. Hobs is in awe and they have a heart to heart and Hobs helps him remaster some of the art and also add his own stuff too
Hobs starts showing up more and more around Miles, and Rio and Jeff think they're secretly dating. Rio and Jeff hit Miles with the 'Son we love you no matter who you love' and 'So you and Hobs huh?' And Miles does a record scratch in his head and says 'Wait what are we talking about right now??'
Cue Hobs with the "Its a pleasure to meet you Mr. And Mrs. Morales" and then when he sees the Morales' relax more, Hobs grins to himself like 'Yeah I got this in the bag'
When they're already dating and it's Miles' birthday, he takes Miles around the city to show him graffiti murals he made of Miles' face with Sunflowers and murals of Spider-Man. He ends the date with them on Miles' rooftop and Hobs takes out his Bluetooth speaker and Hobs starts rapping a song he made for Miles (and the beats he made are actually fire this time too!!) and Miles is awestruck. He was in love before, but he's even more in love with him now.
Combined team attacks (after Hobs alignment starts leaning more towards neutral/good) where Hobs throws Miles like an arrow towards enemies or Miles uses his webs to launch Hobs up in the air to do flips and attacks and stuff to defeat the villain of the week. Cue being surrounded by enemies and they're back to back in a fighting stance and when the first move is made they fight together effortlessly and so well it's almost like they're dancing. Cue the victory poses.
Hobs may have become the Prowler because he had to, or maybe he didn't have a choice, or maybe he did it because he had someone he had to protect, but ever since meeting Miles and being saved by his heroism, he's finally been given the one thing he's always ever wanted. A choice.
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flannelepicurean · 2 months
You know what I love?
The whole idea of Raditz in the role of a nurturer.
I like the idea of him having a chance to go, "You know what? I don't actually wanna fight anymore. I don't actually LIKE fighting that much. I just HAD TO." Because it was such a deep part of the culture, he didn't really have an opportunity to see anything else as an option. And then there WASN'T any other option. If he wanted to survive.
And then he didn't.
But if he came BACK, and saw the changes... maybe he'd get a chance to make some CHOICES. I mean, for fuck's sake, he might come face to face with Dadgeta, and get his whole entire worldview rearranged. And if VEGETA can do THAT, but still go off and join the fight... Well... actually... Well, shit, everybody's so far beyond Raditz at that point, he doesn't really... HAVE to go fight...?
I like the idea of him being the one the kids can go to when they're SCARED. He's not as powerful as everyone else. He's been at the bottom of the pecking order. He knows what it's like to be AFRAID, and not really able to DO anything about it. He's got a different intimacy with doubt and self-doubt than Vegeta does, and I think he'd really quickly grow into way less of a hard-ass about it, in his own way, once he gets more of an understanding of what the kids have been through, and what their present is like. And what their future could be.
I like the idea of Trunks or Goten running to Uncle Raditz when they're totally overwhelmed by literally ANYTHING that could come up, I don't care, pick a plot point or conflict. And either blabbing it all out in a rush, or just stewing on it in silence. And him just receiving it all, with the same calm attentiveness he'd give an adult, and then giving them the most Peak Uncle Response imaginable. Words of wisdom; invitation to a minor crime; invitation to a food opportunity; advice on committing a minor crime; caring insistence that they make something right or correct a course of action, etc. Uncle Raditz.
I also adore the idea of him being a joyful Daditz to an absolute HERD of kids. His, a collective pile of everyone else's, a combination, doesn't matter. Just having the opportunity to BUILD SOMETHING with a new generation, and do things differently, and give them the good parts without all the worst parts. I want the kids who are old enough for missing baby teeth to complain about him letting the toddlers win when they arm wrestle him, and him to patiently explain that the toddlers are learning FORM; the older kids are training STRENGTH and TECHNIQUE, because they're ADVANCED. Now go see if they can put the glittery stickers on Goku when he's not looking.
I... I'm just in love with the whole idea.
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fabuloustrash05 · 8 months
Things that are canon in Dragon Ball Z Abridged but NOT in actual Dragon Ball Z (Part 5)
~ Buu Saga Addition PART 2 ~
Dende has major insecurities about Gohan being with Videl.
Bababi is the one who came up with the idea of calling them Super Saiyans 2 & 3. Goku finds those names boring and prefers to call them “Super Duber Saiyan” and “Super De-Duber Saiyan”.
Piccolo refers to Gotanks as “Truten”.
Trunks sees Nappa as his uncle (looks like he’s babysat and spent time with Trunks so often that Nappa’s considered family).
Nappa died of a “stroke” (RIP Nappa)
Vegeta and Nappa reunited as ghosts thanks to Gotank’s Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. Vegeta was horrified, Nappa was so happy.
Super Buu can make the people he’s absorb speak through his body, he used this fucked up trick to mock Gohan and torment him using Piccolo, Goten and Trunks’ voices, crying out to him as they suffer inside Buu.
Super Buu ate the Uber Eats delivery guy.
Also Uber Eats and Doordash exist in the abridged world.
Vegito can not psychically say “Goku”. His Vegeta side will not allow it. This becomes such a problem that Vegito puts his fight with Buu on hold just to argue with himself about this debate!
Goku doesn’t really seem to care about Dende and just sees him as the the literal dragon balls guy. If he wasn’t tied to the dragon balls, Goku would’ve most likely have let him die.
After Dende tells Mr Satan that his daughter is a “man stealing whore”, Satan agrees stating Videl is “just like her mother”. What was Videl’s mother like???
Vegeta is REALLY pissed at Goku for not saving Gohan and refuses to let it go (we are all with ya Geets!).
Goku didn’t use the sport bomb technique on Perfect Cell because he “knew it wasn’t going to work”.
“Vegeta’s stuff” = Bulma & Trunks
Mr Popo is the reason Goku’s spirit bomb was able to gain so much energy to destroy Kid Buu, and that was only Mr Popo lifting up ONE of his arms. How much power would’ve Goku been given if Mr Popo lifted up both arms???!! This also means that he could’ve easily obliterated Kid Buu but chose not to.
It’s insinuated that both versions of Broly (Z and Super) coexist in the abridged universe.
Trunks’ blue hair in Super was just a phase of him dying it before returning back to his natural lilac color by end of Z.
No one wants to talk about Jiren.
Goku is well aware of GT and what it’ll do to his granddaughter’s character.
Bulma uses her money to help provide for Uub’s family while he’s away training with Goku.
Chichi and Gohan are chill with Goku leaving them to train Uub (it’s Goku, they’re not surprised).
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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gokustits · 2 months
Turns out the dub is responsible for piccolo being black, gohan saying uncle piccolo and people not thinking vegeta is a pathetic gremlin
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bliss-wily · 2 months
Nappa! Nappa! Please head canon! :D
Nappa? Of course! Once again the though, these are just my thoughts; many of them nonsensical but I’m glad you guys are enjoying this so much. I apologise if there is any overlap with anyone else or any other forms of media.
•Based solely on this card…imagine him as a construction worker. Just him turning everything to rubble with giant storm. Starting with the crack head canons already…but yes that would be his earthling job had Vegeta not killed him.
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•A dog lover, I could see him with more than one dog. All sorts of breeds, Nappa doesn’t discriminate, all dogs are valid!
•Whilst loyal to Vegeta, if the Saiyan Prince is out of earshot or just not there, he will treat Raditz better. I think ‘baby Raditz’ is less of an insult coming from Nappa.
•I don’t think Nappa is a mindless brute, I think he’s just quick to temper. (Although, having basically raised Vegeta and probably Raditz too, one could see why…probably at each other’s throats until Vegeta asserted dominance).
•Wrestling! I think he would like it too, maybe it’s something he and Dodoria can agree on.
•John Cena fan…sorry now I’m just really getting into the crack.
•Anyway…Nappa is the talker. The Saiyan can talk for fun, I’m sure he has shared plenty of stories with Raditz and Vegeta.
•Although he would be too proud to admit it, I think he feels a sense of guardianship towards the younger two Saiyans. Vegeta especially.
•I imagine it probably hurt him a lot when Vegeta killed him, Nappa was loyal right to the end.
•And I think it also hurt Nappa when Vegeta didn’t want to revive Raditz. Yet, he wouldn’t talk out against the Saiyan Prince too much if at all.
•Had the two revived Raditz however, I think he would be keeping the man close. I think Nappa would have seen Raditz’s death as a failure more so on his part (again, probably too proud to admit it), and would feel more protective over him.
•Would have definitely became good buddies with Goku I think. Probably act as an uncle towards Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Bulla too. Of course Pan as well down the line.
•Now the moustache. Nappa takes very good care of his moustache, that’s his other pastime besides training.
•Maybe he would have liked farming? He may have been interested in Earth’s agriculture potential. I know that’s a bit far fetched but Saibamen. Plus, he did seem to care about the little creatures.
•Nappa has certainly taken the fall for the failures of Raditz and Vegeta more than once. I don’t think he would have those boys face the wrath of Frieza or Dodoria or Zarbon.
•Has a big heart underneath his warrior exterior. He just seems like had he been given the chance to reform that he would have been friendly with most.
•Well, as soon as he learns that Earthlings have different traditions than Saiyans.
•I imagine Raditz would have probably been killed or ditched by Vegeta had Nappa not been there with the Saiyans.
•Shaved his head whilst drunk. Regrets it later.
•Or naturally lost it due to the stress of: his homeworld being blown up, working under Frieza, raising two Saiyans, aging, etc.
•Becomes incredibly shy and anxious if he develops a crush on anyone. All the confidence he exudes is gone.
•Whilst Raditz has a fight with the microwave, Nappa just quite happily eats the food frozen. I don’t think he would be as bothered. However, he finds a love for ramen.
•Texting Nappa results in him just sending a thumbs up or emoji back.
Right, sorry these aren’t as in depth. But, I hope these are okay. 💛
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
(SPOILERS FOR THE DBZ SUPER HERO MOVIE) I left some space if you haven't seen the movie, if you have, don't mind this extra space:
Hey! Idk is this is been done (you can combine requests if need be) could you do a Gohan x Baby Reader (just like your other ones) where it's Halloween and Gohan accidentally releases his beast form, but the appearance of the beast form scares his sweet pea (the reader)? Idm I just thought I'd be adorable
Gohan x Baby. Reader [Halloween Special]
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I wasn't planning on doing any Halloween one-shots, but oh well xD
Want more from me? Masterlist 2
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Cookies and Beasts (DBS)
Warning: Fluff, You making Vegeta soft
Halloween is strange...
“Hey, you, calm down,” Gohan chuckled, tickling at your side.
At the moment, you were looking at his friends in confusion.
Piccolo and 18 were the only ones who looked normal.
The one your papa addresses as Krillin had painted his face and wore a weird outfit.
Auntie Bulma (she insists to be called) had wild hair and an even wilder outfit, her eyes were different colors, too.
Uncle Vegeta (Bulma insisted simply to annoy him) was forced to wear a beard, hat, and a dress-like thing. Papa said he was a wizard, whatever that was. Vegeta would hit people randomly with a big stick he carried.
Then Trunks and uncle Goten had strange teeth and even stranger clothes.
All the confusion caused your power-level to spike.
“Isn’t this [Name]’s first Halloween?” Auntie Bulma offered a cookie, which you gladly took.
“Yeah, I don’t think they've gotten over the costumes, yet,” he bounced his leg a little to calm you.
“Well, [Name]’s is definitely the cutest!”
You were dressed as a pumpkin, the puffy costume hiding you, the pumpkin top resting on your head.
“Videl picked it out.”
“I guess that’s why you’re dressed as a farmer? Where is Videl, anyway?”
“She wasn’t feeling well, but told us to go ahead.
Your eyes trailed to your sister, who was dressed similar to how Paw Goku dressed, things Papa called fake knives were in her hands as she made weird movements.
“Hey, Gohan. I found this weird device, I can’t seem to figure out what it does, could you take a look at it?”
“Huh? Sure.”
“Great! I’ll bring it out,” she walks off.
You offer your cookie to your father, tilting your head back until he looks down.
“You’re giving me some?”
“Yes,” you give him a small smile.
“Thank you, sweet pea.”
“Oo Welca,” you watch as he takes a bite, a little irked he takes more than you expected.
“You mean, ‘You're Welcome’? Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it.”
You decide to leave, so he doesn’t practically devour your cookie with another bite.
You wobble up to Vegeta, making him turn, “Oh, it’s you. The finger crusher.”
You ignore his glare, not finding it intimidating in the least, even more so with his costume.
“Hi!” you smile.
“What is it you want?”
You grasp the dress-like costume finding you like the simple material.
“Soft. Dwess?”
“What, no. It is not a dress!”
You tilt your head.
“It’s a robe.”
“Bobe?” the ‘r’ was hard to pronounce.
“Yes, not a dress,” he scowled.
You move on to the big stick, “Stick?”
“Staff,” he corrected.
You offer your cookie, “Wan?”
“No, thank you.”
You take the last bite, “Cookie good.”
“Is it now, would you like another?” he points back to a tray full of cookies on a decorated table.
You nod, grabbing at the air until he picks you up (after being sure no one was looking to laugh for weeks about it), you quickly grab a cookie (he doesn’t say anything when you sneak another).
“Dank you, Geta!”
“Yeah, yeah. Move along now.”
You notice Paw Goku arriving with Mam Chi-Chi.
You giggle, dashing over to them as fast as your short legs would allow.
“Our little [Name]! You look so cute!” Chi-Chi titters picking you up.
You give her a kiss, which makes her notice the cookie crumbs and two uneaten cookies.
“How many cookies have you eaten? Have you eaten any food yet?”
You lift the cookies, “Yes.”
“That’s not food! Gohan should let you…” then you tune her out, you always do when she goes into her rambles.
“What cookies you got there?”
“Paw Goku, cookies!”
“I see. Can I try one?”
You get transferred over to him as Mam Chi-Chi looks for Papa.
“Yes,” he offer him one while eating the other.
“Yum! They are pretty good, huh?”
You brush a pinky against his green face, “Why?”
“It’s paint! I’m a Frankenstein!”
“Flank—hm,” you decided it was too hard to say.
“Mwahaha,” he tickles your neck making you giggle with a death grip on your cookie.
“Paw Goku, staph—” you screeched in laughter.
“Let’s go find, Gohan, hm?”
You sit on his shoulders as you look for your father, when you do, he seems to looked annoyed as Mam Chi- Chi chews into him.
“Mom, I know what to do with [Name].”
“But…” she rants some more.
“I’ll come back later,” Bulma looks in between them.
Gohan sighs, “No, you asked for my help. Let me see.”
“Gohan!” Mam Chi-Chi scolds.
He observes the device before turning it on, it didn’t do anything.
She reached for the device, “Don’t ignore your mother!”
Suddenly Papa’s power-level spiked and he transformed.
The power startled you, never having seen or felt anything like that before.
He growled, in irritation, “Stop telling me how to parent my child. If I want help, I’ll ask, mom.”
You cry at the scene, never seeing your Papa so upset.
“I see, it’s an emotion amplifier,” Auntie Bulma observed.
Gohan frowned at your crying, his expression dropping more when you nervously grip Paw Goku’s hair.
“Sweet Pea, it’s me,” he powered down, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you…”
You quieted, sniffing before you climbed down your grandfather, wobbling to your Pa to hug his legs.
“Hm, let’s go play some of the games, okay? Will that cheer you up?”
You nod.
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
I see the rarity of virgin vegeta fics and raise you the following that seem few and far between that I have either never seen or rarely see regardless of the ship
jealous broly (dbs)
angry/exasperated goku
bardock fluff (im sure this is out there but I always see more kinky, breed-heavy bardock than anything else)
flustered fusions
raditz doing human activities (shopping, cooking, GETTING A DRIVERS LICENSE, being an uncle, etc)
and any saiyan crying
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plasticclipboard · 4 months
Older! Pan, Bulla, and Marron redesigns. The GT designs are genuinely the most insane, criminal, cookie cut designs I've ever seen (Bulla especially they need to be locked up for that expeditiously) Excluding SSJ4, The Tuffles, Giru, Super Android 17, and both Nova Shenron and Omega Shenron, that whole show was a hot fuckin mess with no other redeeming aspects
Anyways, details on the designs are below
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Pan: her design was actually the best of the 3 in GT imo, I decided to keep the general idea of her design but give her a punk/hardcore look to it, based off my own day to day wardrobe (the shirt says Midori, which was an insanely popular Jazz/Punk band that broke up in 2010), she dyes the underside of her hair and has a 3rd piercing in her ear. In my head, she's part of the scene. I also gave her the saiyan tail (she wasn't born with it, but got it when she hit puberty and kept it). She trains with Piccolo, Videl, and Goten, and sometimes at Tien's Dojo if he allows it. Yeah, she's in her rebellious phase against her Dad (I think Gohan should kinda act like how ChiChi did with him about training and being a respectable person cuz that'd be interesting; while Videl is not against her training, she does have a problem with her 'delinquent' behavior)
Bulla: Complete revamp (actually made her look her age). The intent was to make her features a blend of Bulma and Vegeta instead of having her a Bulma clone (They say is DBS that she looks like Vegeta when she's angry? But how??). Anyways, her hair and eyes I kept. She has Vegeta's eyebrows and widows peak which she hides using her hair or headbands/hats. Gave her a casual girly look. I intentionally did not make her design flashy (The Briefs are billionaires and the smartest family in the DB world, they are not drawing attention to themselves much to Vegeta's continued confusion). She still is a spoiled Daddy's Girl, who takes after her mother's intelligence. Vegeta makes her train as to not get rusty, but isn't super anal about it. She was born with a tail but it was removed, and when she had a growth spurt she decided to remove it
Marron: Another total revamp, I like this the most out of the 3 I made; I was struggling a bit with her, then I watched a LeanBeefPatty vid and everything clicked. I kept her features similar to her younger design, but her eyes would be blue like her mother (seriously, they didnt even make her look more like Android 18, they were so fuckin lazy with her). She was a student athlete (Volleyball then Wushu), but loves sparring and training, often asking her parents, Master Roshi, and even her Uncle to teach her (she trains with the saiyans at one point, but the innate differences are obvious, which pisses her off and fuels her spite). After graduating high school, she trains under Tien and Chiaotzu in their dojo. Her attitude is similar to Krillin if a bit more blunt, and is not afraid to get someone to cough up money (her mom taught her well). She gets along with all the Z fighters, her and Trunks were never the closest, reconnecting when they're adults. Goten and her use to be pretty close when they were younger (obligatory hang out with Parents) but drifted when Goten went to high school. Pan and Bulla do see her as an older cousin. She's just all around a pretty cool person (wouldn't it be cool if she had a technique she developed on her own, like Ki blocking or something)
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tigirl-and-co · 4 months
I am so very close to writing some snapshots of bra and pan having Cousin Moments. Cousin Moments are very very important and personal to me okay
I've definitely talking about this before but my cousins and I were raised very close, often getting picked up from school together and staying at each other's houses and stuff.
And after seeing Pan call Vegeta 'uncle vegeta' I wanna express that.
Panchy teaching them to bake family recipe cookies. Bugging Trunks while he's on the computer until he shows them how to play Zoo Tycoon. Bra being over at Gohan and Videl's place when Goten stops by and he ends up teaching them some fun Ki tricks even though he really only came over to drop something off that Chi-Chi thought they should have.
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secretsofdbz · 1 year
Goten for the ask 👀
Color me surprised!
Why I like them: his carefree playful attitude is so refreshing!
Why I don’t: perpetual blank state of a child in canon...
Favorite episode (scene if movie): When he rides the Kintoun for the first time and follows Gohan to tell him how cool he thinks Saiyaman arc is.
Favorite season/movie: DBGT Goten with Palace (Paris) is so cute ngl...
Favorite line: When he starts yelling at Vegeta about knocking Trunks out. "Uncle why did you do that to Trunks-kun?" (paraphrasing)
Favorite outfit: End of Z gi.
OTP: I'm a sucker for good TruTen, but I will read him dating everyone <3 (MarTen needs faaaar more content)
Brotp: with Trunks too! If they're not together, they're together.
Head Canon: Once 13-14, he becomes the cool sporty kid at school. GTO vibe lol
Unpopular opinion: He shouldn't have gotten SSJ pre-Saiyaman arc. He should've gotten it during the Buu saga
A wish: That @okanra gets legal rights to adopt him and write him as he deserves to be written.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: uuhhh him being shown as not knowing martial arts at all in canon i guess
5 words to best describe them: thoughtful, cute, observant, generous, carefree.
My nickname for them: Baby!
Give me a character and I will answer
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nirvanox182 · 10 months
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Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Original Drawing Date: December 28 2022.
Zuko is the most developed character in the whole series, and he is one of the best developed characters in all history, he is on that list of best developed characters along with Kuzco and Vegeta.
The trajectory of this character is very impressive! He goes from having a life in royalty being a prince, to then be exiled by his own father, then to be a fugitive, then going back to the royalty, then back again to being a fugitive and finally he becomes the Fire Lord, King of the Fire Nation.
He has a devastating backstory, his mother sacrificed her well being in order to save Zuko's life, she was his only support after that his own father scarred his face by burning it and exiled him out of his own home. Because of this Zuko spent a good amount of his life looking for his father's approval, luckily he wasn't alone, he always had Iroh on his side to support him and teach him the good things in life, he stood with him during his exile and also while he was a fugitive and little by little Zuko started to learn what he really needed in life. When he was a fugitive the first time he learnt that he is not the only one who has scars created by the Fire Nation, and he learnt that he shares painful stories with others too, he slowly realises that he should not feel ashamed of his scars.
One tough moment in Zuko's life was when he betrayed Uncle Iroh, he finally got everything he wished for, the approval of his father, his return to the Fire Nation, but when he finally got what he wanted he did not felt happy, he still felt disappointed in life and angry at himself. His betrayal to his uncle was destiny, it was because of that that Zuko stood along his father while he was planning to commit a second genocide, prompting Zuko to tell Aang about Ozai's plans so that Aang could stop him on the day of Sozin's Comet.
In the end, Zuko obtained the humility por everything that happened, the good and the bad, and it was because of this that he was the only one who could restore the honor to the Fire Nation. Everything that happens is part of our destiny. The humiliations and pains that we go through, the mistakes we make, we may lose our way sometimes, but the important thing is to learn from our experiences y find our way back again y fulfil our destiny.
Zuko went from being humiliated by his father to repair all the disaster that Ozai and his forefathers made for about 100 years.
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flannelepicurean · 4 months
Just sittin' here having a thought about Teen Gohan sneaking off to do some training with Uncle Raditz for Incredibly Complicated AU Reasons, and putting a little too much WHAM on the ol' KA-BLAM one good time, and then he's having a panic attack because Uncle Raditz is concussed as all goddamn fuck.
And he calls Bulma, because she'll know what to do, right? She's used to patching up Saiyans, she's been doing it for years. And more importantly, when Uncle Raditz stops slurring that it's gonna be fine, calm down, and goes, "Oh, hey 🥴😵‍💫," and Gohan goes, "Please don't tell my mom...🥺" Bulma puts her game face on and starts handling things.
And when Bulma tells Gohan it's gonna be fine, and he can calm down, he believes her. But when she says his dad's coming over to help keep an eye on Uncle Raditz, Gohan un-calms a little bit. It's Incredibly Complicated.
But Bulma impresses on him that somebody's gotta watch Raditz and make sure he's okay until he quits being loopy and all manner of other stuff they gotta watch out for, and she can't do it 24/7, and neither can he. And since Vegeta and Nappa are elsewhere, dealing with A Different Plot Point, their options for people who are going to respect Gohan's privacy are a little thin. And it might not be a bad idea to have a very mature reflection on the whole idea of secrets and consequences and fallout on other people? Maybe? At some point? Regardless of how he feels about his dad.
And Gohan has to Deal With Some Things. And when Uncle Raditz is less loopy, Gohan tries to apologize, but Raditz is having none of it. He's kinda proud of Gohan, although he understands how uncomfortable Gohan is about the whole combat thing. And he says something he probably shouldn't, about how he had it coming anyway. Reaching back on a long implication about how they came into each other's lives.
And Gohan is having none of it. He doesn't care about that anymore. This is Uncle Raditz; don't say dumb shit like that, Uncle Raditz. Gohan has a big ol' wrangle with his feelings and says he couldn't live with himself if he REALLY hurt Raditz. And they both sit there, kinda floored and heartbroken about it for Incredibly Complicated Reasons.
And Uncle Raditz tells Gohan he's gonna have to go back to his dad to train, and keep it up regular, if he wants to keep going. They both know he's way too powerful for Raditz to really teach him what he needs. Vegeta might could, but he's back and forth a lot. And if Gohan wants the control, and the discipline, to go with all that power, he's gotta make it up with his old man.
Gohan thinks about what Bulma said, about secrets, and consequences. He thinks about asking Uncle Raditz if he knew. But he doesn't. It doesn't matter. He knows the truth, if he thinks about it, and it doesn't matter anyway. Besides, he's got to make some important choices, and he needs a clear head. Or as much of one as he can get, these days.
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dynamite-derek · 2 months
RIP Akira Toriyama
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It was the summer of 1996. A younger version of myself waltzed into a rip-off blockbuster, one of those family owned joints that often gets conflated with Hollywood Video, and was struck by the cover artwork of one game in particular. Chrono Trigger. It drew me in like a siren's song. It just looked so cool. I had experience with Earthbound, Super Mario RPG and Final Fantasy III at this point so I wasn't unfamiliar with the Japanese role playing game genre, but that isn't what brought me to the dance. It was the art.
Chrono Trigger would go on to become a major part of my personality as a youth. There was about a week straight where I would go around talking to nobody in particular using old English, like my favorite character Frog did. Thank you Ted Woolsey for that. CT would go on to form the basis for a lot of my video game opinions.
I remember getting Chrono Trigger for Christmas randomly in 1997. It had yet to become the holy grail of eBay, it was just a random gift from my uncle who knew how to use the Internet. I spent so long just glancing at the instruction manual and thinking the characters looked so cool. It's one thing to see a little pixel version of Lucca convince Crono that hopping into a teleporter is a good idea, it's another thing to see a fully illustrated version of the same character.
Don't even get me started on how I felt watching those anime cutscenes that came with the PS1 version for the first time. I consider Earthbound to be my favorite game ever, but Chrono Trigger is really what started my JRPG fix. Would I have gotten as deep into JRPGs as I did without Chrono Trigger? Would I be writing this right now? One of the first things I talked to my wife about was the Final Fantasy franchise, specifically my cat named Quistis. Would I have even grabbed that appreciation for Final Fantasy VIII without having been exposed to Chrono Trigger?
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Fast forward to 1999. I had just moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado as a sixth grader. I had no friends. I didn't know anybody. It felt like the world had aged up around me. Everybody was using swears and talking about mature topics and I felt so out of the loop. In our temporary hotel housing I vividly remember turning the channel to Cartoon Network and stopping because the art style interested me. It looked kind of like that game I played back in 1996. Dragon Ball Z.
I can see it now. Vegeta was fighting against Recoome while Gohan and Krillin looked on exhausted. Things were looking bleak but some guy named Goku was on the horizon. I had no idea who any of these characters were but I knew they reminded me of something I loved with all my heart. From that point, Dragon Ball would go on to be something I absolutely cherished. Just like Chrono Trigger, it would help define my taste for years to come.
I remember being in high school wearing ridiculous looking Dragon Ball shirts because I thought the sleeves were really cool, I remember going to Toys R Us and seeing a damn near immobile Vegeta action figure that lacked his Saiyan-saga armor and I was so excited to bring it home. I remember hopping on limewire and downloading fansubs of Dragonball Z movies where the subtitles had characters swearing up a storm just because they could. How would I know any better? I didn't speak Japanese! I even downloaded all of Dragon Ball GT because I wanted to see where this wacky thing would go.
That specific anime would define a wide portion of my Internet life. I would post on the Funimation forums talking about whatever episode of the dub was most recent. It was there that I made a lot of my first Internet friends, including girlfriends. It was that forum that led me to create my own little Internet forum called Lindblum, a place that I still remember fondly to this day. I didn't have a lot of friends. I was an Airforce brat who moved around all the time, so it was hard for me to chat with people who knew each other for their entire lives. Lindblum was where I socialized and grew up as a person. Where I learned how to socialize and talk to people from all walks of life.
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Writing on forums is what got me into writing in general. I was a lazy kid in school. I didn't care about anything except for video games. Writing was the exception to that, it was the only thing I considered myself actually decent at. I didn't understand math but I understood how to communicate what I felt to others. I work in journalism to this very day because of that fascination with writing. I have this dinky little blog I maintain because of that. Thanks to Internet forums. Thanks to Dragon Ball Z. Thanks to Chrono Trigger. Thanks to Akira Toriyama.
Toriyama, indirectly, helped shape me as an individual. A guy thousands of miles away from me who I had never met before, who didn't know my name, who didn't know I existed, had a hand in helping to shape the person I am today. The world can be a beautiful place sometimes.
RIP Akira Toriyama. Thanks for everything.
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peoplcshope · 8 months
"Rumor has it that you actually ended up getting married to Maiz. I normally don't give that sort of talk any weight, but is that true?"
rumor meme / accepting
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"GAH!!!" He Quickly reaches to place a hand over Trunks' lips, this action was not done out of shame but more as a precaution. Kais knows how far Chronoa's intelligence squad would go to confirm Trunks' marriage. Vegeta and Goku along with Gohan being the exceptions within the corps however, relationships were typically frowned upon..especially when developed between a patroller and a person within a timeline they do not belong in. "I'd prefer things like this are said hush-hush. But yeah..I'm scared to ask where you heard that but it's true. Got a kid on the way too, you're about to be an uncle."
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