#watching and dreaming theory
shadysadie · 1 year
Prediction for Watching and Dreaming
I’m not going to kid myself into thinking I can predict how The Owl House will end, honestly, I have no idea how everything will end up. But I am pretty confident that Luz is going to get impaled some how, probably by Belos. 
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I’m not the only person to notice this foreshadowing, not by a long shot, but I am genuinely surprised that more people aren’t talking about it. Considering how much of the shows major events are hinted at in the literal shadows, I can not believe that this silhouette is an accident. And yes, I know this is the shadow of her baseball bat, but there are an infinite amount of ways she could have carried that bat that would have made more sense that wouldn’t have cast this shadow. Remember, in animation every detail that is drawn is drawn for a reason. 
Add to that the fact that the shadow of Belos towers over the shadow of Luz in spite of the fact that the height difference between Hunter and Luz is not that dramatic. Of course, Hunter is taller than Luz, and of course shadows are elongated, but the height difference still shouldn’t be this sever. So I think we can pretty safely conclude that while these shadows belong to Luz and the newly possessed Hunter, they are actually depicting a future scene between Luz and Belos. 
Now, I don’t think Luz is going to die, but it’s not for the same reason I see a lot of people saying, “Disney wouldn’t kill a kid” Disney has killed kids in the past, Disney has killed a lot of kids in the past, I’m working on a master list of the ones I can remember growing up but a few notable mentions come from Suzy Q, Tarzan, Miracle in Lane 2, Hocus Pocus, So Weird, Boy Meets World, and most notably Bridge to Terabithia (does this list make me seem old as hell, yes, yes it does, but I digress) Disney has killed kids in the past and considering the Owl House has gotten away with showing stuff like flesh rotting off bone, and actually having red blood on the dagger hanging above Caleb’s head (seriously I have never seen red blood in a kid’s cartoon before, for sure not in connection with a fatal injury) I am not banking on “Disney wouldn’t kill a kid”.  Because I do think a kid is going to die, I just don’t think it will be Luz.
Instead I think in the final battle, Belos is going to expose himself and try to attack the Collector, and Luz being the self-sacrificing little martyr-nugget that she is, is going to jump in front of them and take the blow herself. Everyone is going to absolutely lose it and just WRECK BELOS’S SHIT killing him all the way dead. Meanwhile Luz will be left dead or dying, surrounded by her friends and family. The Collector, touched by the fact she saved him, and seeing everyone’s grief will sacrifice himself to bring her back kind of like Flap sacrificed himself to save Hunter. With the Collector gone, the Isles will revert back to normal and all the puppets will become people again. 
There have been multiple parallels drawn between Luz and the Collector through out the show from the color scheme, to the story arc, to the fact the Collector is basically Larping Luz’s life in FTF, though in my opinion the least subtle moment of connection is this shot from TtT
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So I think it is inevitable that they are going to become integrally connected by the end of the series. While there are a lot of different ways that could happen, I think the Collector giving Luz his life-force would make the most sense.
But hey, that’s just my theory, what do y’all think?
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chat-miaou · 1 year
Okay I've seen so many cool theories about the finale
But my first thought as to why Luz was in Belos' outfit was that the Collector has been playing The Owl House and basically playing the role of Luz. (When they "saved the town" they came in with "LIGHT GLYPH!" And even Luz commented that he was playing her life like a game )
And in Luz's story, Belos is the villain. So if the Collector is being the hero, then Luz is the villain.
So she gets to be Belos in this dream/nightmare world that the Collector made.
And of course Luz's goal is to stop/destroy Belos, and we've seen how the Collector feels about Belos as well. So if she's stuck in the role of Belos... Good luck Luz 😅
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luisleyyaoi · 1 year
Watching and Dreaming theories since the trailer released today (SPOILER WARNING)
Luz Eda and King got dollified by the collector and they have to “find the light” to wake up, exactly what it sounds like and what I’m most confident in. given what’s happening in the trailer I think at the very least Luz is LITERALLY trapped in a dream and reliving her memories on the Boiling Isles while The Collector is twisting everything and making it his “new game.” They’ll have to “find the light,” possibly referring to hidden light glyphs in each area they go through (see glyph given to Luz by “Amity” and glyph scratched into the ground) or a metaphorical light, possibly finding out more about the collectors past to get through to them that this isn’t right
The Collector is even more powerful than we thought and theyre fucking with reality to torment Luz because he sees her as a threat to his relationship with King and to stop them she’ll have to “find the light” (whether that’s literal or not is up for debate)
The whole show was a dream and Luz wakes up in the shack outside her house before she left for summer camp (my og theory from when I first watch season 1a in 2020 and I will actually cry if this happens /neg)
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flytomy134340 · 1 year
i have no idea if this means anything or not but here it is...
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glfry · 7 months
Can we agree that the "Thats two things" line from Mike was autistic as shit
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I just know Raine’s palisman has such a nerdy, dumb name. If Raine is naming their first rebellion the BATs, and their second one the CATs, both of which are heavily themed, you bet your ass this silly little fox has the stupidest pun for a name.
I bet they named it Trot. Short for Foxtrot. I’m melting this into my canon and it can be pried out of my cold, dead hands.
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spittyfishy · 16 days
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I love the Camp Cretaceous kiddos so much!!! And I’m SO excited for the new show to come out later this week!🦖🦕
(The awesome reference for the pose I found was only for five people so let’s just say this is in season 2 before they reunited with Ben and Bumpy lol)
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luna-chase · 1 year
Spoilers for Watching and Dreaming.
Okay, so we see Hooty coming out of one of the Titan's eye sockets and they says that at least they got to watch their son grow up, but the perspective wasn't from a window. It was watching them up close. What if the Titan used the last bit of their magic to make one last creature. A creature that could protect their kid and watch over them. But unlike the flesh creatures, this creature was alive and could think. He got lost and forgot his purpose. What if the Titan created Hooty as a way to watch over their kid, but Hooty got lost along the way?
We see pyramids and in Egyptian mythology, there was something called the Duat that was sort of like a river between the worlds (sound familiar?). Also in Egyptian mythology, when the first god's kid got lost, Ra took out his eye and it transformed into a bird to look for them.
This could explain why Hooty is so odd, even by Boiling Isle standards.
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letssofia3006 · 1 year
Curiously, two super-skilled magic users are fighting with glyphs.
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Perhaps it's because, as Lilith said "titans magic can cancel out the collectors"
And glyphs are magic of the isles ( the titan). So maybe that's why Willow and Gus are using glyphs and not their regular magic.
Who knows, It can even be used for un-puppet witches.
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meltingchaos · 1 year
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That same look. Disbelief, disgust, betrayal. Both human residents of the boiling isles ultimately couldn't forgive Belos, and with good reason. His efforts to 'save' humanity only resulted in his fellow humans hating him.
His responses to both of them are the same. Deflecting blame, twisting it to be on the witches, still ever evading the consequences of his own actions. He acts like both a victim and a hero, contradicting himself and desperately grasping at any excuse to believe that he's the good guy in this story. "I tried to save your soul, it's your fault this all happened" and "We're human, we're better than this". Masterful manipulation that's now easy for these two to spot. His facade is broken. 👏
Belos is a phenomenal villain and seeing the people he's hurt not say anything to him but instead give him this look is so powerful.
They didn't need to say anything. The glare was enough to make him squirm, panic and frantically scramble to defend himself. He doesn't have power over them anymore, nor can he hide from his actions. He's faced with a look that acknowledges his wrongdoings, forcing him to come face to face with them despite doing all he could to avoid them. Despite destroying the fonder memories of his brother, burning out his face to justify killing him. ('Hollowing' out his mind, if you will.) Despite every instance of him running from his past. All that comes back with this look.
He can't control his fellow humans anymore, he can't convince them and he certainly cant be seen positively or loved by them. In one look, he's lost.
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polymathart · 1 year
Titans Reproduce Asexually
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Aside from teasing Papa Titan as being genderfluid, I think this implies that Titans don't have genders or separate sexes. Therefore King might be able to have his own babies despite being the last Titan.
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
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I’m seeing suggestions that the woman in the mural is Evelyn and honestly I’m torn between Eda and Evelyn right now. Eda has the gem but that could be the Titan’s eye key, the hair is too light for Evelyn but the dress doesn’t look red, and this seems to be set in the Savage Ages TM and Eda wasn’t born yet. The fang looks like Eda’s but we haven’t seen Evelyn’s face bc it’s been wiped out or hidden in all her pics. The magic could be either Eda or Evelyn because they both make gold spell circles and use fire, although Evelyn is very associated with fire while Eda’s magic is more general/open. But I made an Evelyn that matches her just so ya’ll could see what she’d look like if this is her.
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
so. When I was at New York comic con, someone asked Dana about hooty backstory, right? She said that they were originally going to explore that in s3, but they had to cut it and just hint at it in the finale.
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And then we got this. The supposed hint. A small hooty poking out of papa titans eye.
so what does it all mean? No fucking clue. But I hope one of you guys has a theory about it.
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haystarlight · 1 year
I wish I could somehow see all y'all's faces next week after:
Only Belos dies
Luz doesn't become a villain
Hunter comes out (mostly) unharmed
Camila, Eda, Lilith and Raine all survive
Luz doesn't have to choose between worlds and can just make another portal with King's blood
Luz and Amity don't break up (heck, they might kiss on the mouth again if we're really lucky)
Huntlow continues to be a thing (Idk if they're gonna kiss on the mouth (maybe not) but they're probably gonna have 1 more cute moment)
Raeda stands strong (I'm putting money on a wedding)
The Collector gets a happy ending (I still don't like the kid but I do believe he's gonna get a happy ending)
The ending is nothing like Amphibia or STVFOE because, what a shocker, DESPITE ALL THE SIMILARITIES THIS IS STILL IT'S OWN THING
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thehecklingmouse · 1 year
congrats to all the ‘belos will possess the titain’ theorists
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outmaww · 1 year
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spat this piece out as fast as I could! the family is back together and they're gonna kick some ass!!!
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