teilzeitanwesend · 8 months
Kids are so pure. If they like you they will show you. They are neither afraid to show love nor to commit to you. Their love is light and beautiful. We should be more like them.
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teilzeitanwesend · 9 months
You could see the future, there's a sparkle in your eye
Telekinesis - Travis Scott, SZA
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teilzeitanwesend · 1 year
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teilzeitanwesend · 2 months
My phone is the best example of my loyalty. I don’t want something newer or better.
I will hold on to that shit until it’s breaking apart and even then, I will refuse to move on and do everything to make it work until it dies and I have to.
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teilzeitanwesend · 2 months
That’s it
We’ve lost each other at home.
62m² that drove us apart.
But is it love when I have to choose you over myself every day to stay.
More than anything I’ve lost myself on the way to us.
And there I was, laying in bed most of the time, letting time slip away, like the last sunrays through the blinds on the window that we hated so much.
I never felt at home.
I felt like a guest (at home)
A visitor in mind
And a stranger in my body.
We’ve lost each other at home.
But it was never mine.
I’m on my way back to myself.
Passing my a life that could’ve been mine but never was.
I’m going home.
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teilzeitanwesend · 9 months
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Heute Nacht habe ich eine Sternschnuppe gesehen. 13.08.2023
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teilzeitanwesend · 9 months
Alles, was du siehst, ist nicht, was du siehst
Schon wieder nachtaktiv, will mit Geistern spiel'n
In den Hass verliebt, meine Narben taub
Baby, wer nicht fliegt, der fällt nicht auf
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teilzeitanwesend · 9 months
Zbudujemy świat całkiem nowy świat
Z tej miłości barw z tylko pięknych barw
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teilzeitanwesend · 9 months
W myślach znikam każdym razem
Znikam, by wylać może słów
Cisza, partyjka, życie rzuca kartę
Bo mamy szansę, tylko teraz i tu
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teilzeitanwesend · 10 months
To be honest I don’t know what I’m doing. A lot is happening and everything is beautiful but I wasn’t expecting three guys having interest in me a week after I broke up my almost 4 year long relationship. I feel like I first need to learn to be alone again. The attention I get it great don’t get me wrong. It would push everyone’s ego. But I need to start following my own advice and be a single women and put myself first.
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teilzeitanwesend · 1 year
How we met. I went to a concert by myself for the first time. I remember waiting in line and meeting new people and having a great time. It was a mild summer day and the sun was shining. As we walked to the stage I was so exited to see the singer perform. When he got on stage there was a beautiful fireshow as he performed the songs I loved so dearly. I recorded a bit with my phone and we made eye contact. A moment later you wanted to talk to me and asked me if I recorded the part and if you could have my number so I can send it to you. I agreed without knowing you didn’t care about the video at all. We spent the rest of the concert watching it together. After the show we both had to go but you texted me later that day and soon I knew I wanted to meet you. 
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teilzeitanwesend · 1 year
Es war eine Frühlingsnacht und wir standen an einem Spielfeld an der Spitze des Hügels welcher uns von der schlafenden Stadt unter uns trennte. Die Straßen waren eingetaucht in die Dämmerung der Nacht und erleuchtet von dem strahlenden Mondschein. Die anderen saßen vor uns auf einer Parkbank. Doch während wir in den Himmel blickten waren sie in Gespräche verwickelt. Ein Meer an funkelnden Sternen lag uns zu Füßen. Sie strahlten als seien sie nur für uns am funkeln. Obwohl die anderen dabei waren und die Zeit normal verging war die Welt kurz wie angehalten. Es waren nur du und ich und die Sterne. Das war der Moment wo die Sternschnuppe über den Himmel zog und wir unseren Augen nicht glauben konnten. Die Zeit verging wieder normal und wir stellten fest dass niemand außer uns sie gesehen hat. Das war die erste und letzte Sternschnuppe die ich gesehen habe.
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teilzeitanwesend · 3 years
Ching Ching Ching goes the money tree and every time it Ching money comes to me. It all flows in so abundantly, from the top, left, right and up under me. Wave wave wave, I’m a money wave. Money flow, money flow, money made. Flowing in and out, plus money saved. Debt, debt, debt, all debt is paid.
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teilzeitanwesend · 6 years
My heart got so little. I can bearly feel it pound blood trough my veins.
I wish it would just stop.
I can't take no more pain. No more stress, no more of these people, no more of... my life. I just can't.
I wish I could. I would love to be happy and spread love. I really want to make the people happy that keep me here even tho it's so hard and it gets even harder every day. But I can't.
My heart got so little, it's hiding to not get hurt again. I can bearly feel it visiting me.
By now I feel numb most of the time. I wake up and immediately feel that unbearable emptiness. And as soon as I leave the house everything begins to go wrong.
I'm done.
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teilzeitanwesend · 7 years
Sometimes I think that the people that have the most contact to, think that maybe it would be better when I do die.
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teilzeitanwesend · 7 years
The title that you gave me is far away from being a beautiful place.
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