#would either of these two characters do anything with that? Absolutely Not did we listen to the same podcast
My rebutal to the argument "if wolf 359 doesn't have romantic plotlines then explain Jacobi and Kepler" is simple. it's unresolved homoerotic tension not romance and that's an entirely different beast. It's not a plotline it's one way to interpret the subtext
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sophswritingthings · 6 months
can you do a Mizu x reader which reader is Mizus wife and when ringo tags along and he find out Mizu is female and reader is female he’s just like “wait what?”
pairing: mizu x fem!wife!reader
warning(s): light swearing
a/n: ringo does not understand lesbians <3 ughh my lil idiot, I love him
word count: 372 words / 1,981 characters
"so this is your wife, master? oh, she is adorable!" ringo smiles down at you, his smile is infectious, you swore it even got mizu for a moment.
"yes, ringo," she replies in that same raspy voice. "my wife."
"and how long have you two been married?" ringo cocks his head.
"two.. two years now, I think?" you reply, glancing at mizu. she had a much better memory than you've ever had. she nods at you.
"that's a while," ringo chuckles. "I do have one question, though."
"what is it, ringo?" you propose happily. you always enjoyed talking to ringo. he didn't have as much life experience as either you or mizu, but he was happy to learn.
"if you and master are both women," he begins, "how does.. any of this work?" he gestures between the two of you, "how will you two have kids?"
you giggle, upon hearing his question, "well.. first of all, it doesn't matter who you marry or don't marry. don't listen to anyone else," you narrow your eyes for a moment, "and second.. um, I guess we won't, will we?"
your eyes land on mizu, who seems to be deep in thought.
"oh.. I--suppose we won't," she replies hurriedly.
did she want a family with her lovely wife?
gods, absolutely. she didn't think she would ever want a family in her life, so when you came along, she was starstruck.
"unless you.." you blush, "want, to have kids?"
you can see the faintest blush crawl up her face, across her cheeks and her nose, "I-its not like we can have them, together."
"I know.. but.." you look away, "oh, never mind. we can talk about this some other time, we have somewhere to be."
she watches as you speed up, ringo matching your pace. she walks behind the two of you, looking out for any possible threats, while her thoughts swirl around in her mind.
you were her wife. the love of her life, she thought. she would do anything in this world to make you happy. tear apart heaven and hell, if she really had to.
if having a baby would make you happy, than you'd figure it out someway, somehow. she'd figure it out.
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tired-and-ticklish · 4 months
Bonding Exercise
Sequel to “Rough Day”
Summary: Angel and Husk try to escape Charlie’s new idea for a bonding exercise, but The Princess, her girlfriend, and a certain Radio Demon are persistent.
TW: Tickling (slightly intense), Swearing, Slight Restraints, Alastor being a bastard, References to Alastor’s past, Angel Dust being Angel Dust.
Disclaimer: I do not support V*v*z*epop, I simply like the characters and exploring their dynamics, usually in silly ways.
Part Three
Despite the distance the two demons had put between themselves and the Radio Demon, they both could clearly hear his voice, accentuating how absolutely fucked they were. Angel was a bit faster, his longer legs giving him an advantage, but Husk wasn’t far behind, running quicker than he ever had in his life or unlife.
“Split up!” Angel exclaimed, quickly turning down a random hallway.
“Don’t need to fucking tell me twice!” Husk replied, almost skidding to a halt as he course-corrected down an entirely different hallway.
Charlie stopped upon seeing them both go in different directions, pouting slightly “Now who do we go after?”
“How about you two go after our effeminate fellow, and I’ll go after Husker?” Alastor suggested, though Vaggie raised an eyebrow.
“We’re not trying to torture them.” The bodyguard replied, to which the deer waved a hand.
“If I intended to torture either of those two, everyone would know.” Alastor replied, the radio effects of his voice becoming more sinister, but just for a moment. “No, I simply think our dear bartender needs to smile a bit more!”
“Come on Vaggie, I think I know where Angel’s running!” Charlie exclaimed, grabbing her girlfriend by the arm before she could protest and starting down a different hallway.
Vaggie couldn’t help but give Charlie a smile, despite thinking the whole idea was a bit ridiculous. Still, it gave her an excuse to get Angel back for all the times the spider demon had messed with them, or done anything that pushed back his ‘progress.’ She also knew she couldn’t find it in herself to say ‘no’ to the Princess, especially when she got that determined glimmer in her eyes.
“Good luck, darlings!” Alastor called as they both ran off, before continuing his own pursuit of the bartender.
Angel ran as fast as his legs could carry him, listening for any signs of his pursuers. All he needed to do was get to his room and barricade himself in there until Charlie forgot this whole dumb idea. However, Hell was more likely to freeze over than its Princess giving up or forgetting any of her ideas.
The spider knew his room was close, and he hadn’t seen or heard any of the purseres. Maybe that all went after Husk? A small shudder went up Angel’s spine as he looked behind him. As much as he did not want to be tickled again, the idea of the cat demon being tickled by Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor was a fate he wouldn’t wish upon anyone in the hotel.
“Oh Angel!” He was torn from his thoughts, looking forward and almost screaming as he saw The Princess and her girlfriend, waiting right in front of his door.
“Found you.” Vaggie said, grinning mischievously.
Angel attempted to turn on his heel, but couldn’t slow down enough for it to be effective. His legs got tangled in one another, and he tumbled to the floor, groaning as he did. Before he could even attempt to get up and flee, the girls were upon him, Vaggie holding his upper pair of arms over his head, while Charlie straddled his waist.
“L-Ladies please,” Angel attempted to beg, tugging his arms as best he could. “Y-You don’t have to do this.”
“Oh, we know.” Vaggie said with a sly grin. “But we want to.”
Charlie immediately started skittering her figures on Angel’s stomach, making the spider snicker. Angel attempted to shove the Princess off with his lower set of arms, but anytime he tried, Charlie would ‘accidentally’ tickle a bit harder, making him lose focus. 
“C-Chaahahaharlihihihihe wahahahait!”
“Awww but Angel, you look so happy right now!”
“Behehehecause yohohohou’re tihihihihckling mehehehe!”
Angel squealed as Charlie’s claws made their way to his lower set of armpits, shaking his head. In his attempts to plead with the Princess, he didn’t notice until it was too late that Vaggie had changed her position, pinning his upper arms with her legs, soon feeling her fingers on his ribs.
“EEP! NohhoohoHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHerehehehe!” Angel shrieked, his face turning a light pink shade.
“Hey, Angel, do you have more or less ribs as a spider?” Vaggie asked, ignoring his pleas. “Guess I need to double check.”
“Dohohohon’t YOHOHOOHHOU DAHAHAHRE, Vahahahahagina!”
The pornstar felt Vaggie stop tickling him for a moment, making him realize he had just dug his own second grave. Any begging he could have done was soon cut off by the feeling of the hotel guard’s fingers slowly and torturously dragging over his ribs, followed shortly by her counting.
“SHIHIHIHIT SIHIHIHHIT IHIHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHOHRRY!” Angel cried out, kicking his legs as the girls continued tickling him.
“Two… three… Fiv- Wait, that’s not right.” The spider could practically hear the smirk in Vaggie’s voice “Can you hold still? I’m trying to count.”
“Aww, sure you can Angel!” Charlie said encouragingly. “I’ll even go slower so you can focus!”
At that, Angel felt Charlie’s tactic switch from scribbling on his lower armpits, and a finger on each one just slowly start circling around the hollows, driving him up a wall. It tickled just enough to get him giggling, but also left him wanting more. The spider was starting to get the suspicion that somehow, someway, the girlfriends had gotten Cherri Bomb to tell them exactly how to destroy him.
“Five… six… Huh, you’re actually doing a good job.” Vaggie said as she tickled between his ribs “Guess the redemption work is paying off.”
“Well, he hasn’t asked us to stop.” Charlie pointed out, making Angel’s face turn an even darker shade of pink. “Maybe he’s enjoying this~?”
Fuck, despite how kind Charlie was, she was absolutely fucking evil when it came to tickling. 
Alastor hummed as he casually walked the direction Husk went. Sure, the Radio Demon could simply summon the bartender to him, but where was the fun in that? If there was one thing he loved more than the act of killing, it was the thrill of the chase. The fear and desperation in people’s eyes, the absolute panic that washed over as they were cornered, before he descended upon them.
An expression he’d like to see on that obnoxious, pompous, piece of shit television one day.
It was an expression he had seen Husker make many times over their years knowing each other. Though, often that was because the cat had done something to make the deer angry. Now? Now, Alastor would be seeing the hotel’s dear bartender making that expression for an entirely different reason.
It was one of the reasons he suggested to be the one to go after Husk. Not just due to their longer time knowing each other, but because the Radio Demon was already aware of what would cause the cat to break from his usual grumpy demeanor. Surely, people would assume Alastor of all people would think tickling was a waste of time, but oh, how he enjoyed it.
Spending time with both Husk and Niffty, he had learned a few things. Specifically, the maid wasn’t at all ticklish, whereas the bartender was entirely too ticklish for his own good. If nothing else, Alastor was known for dealing in extremes.
“Ah, there you are!” Alastor exclaimed, seeing Husk had run himself into a corner, the cat quickly turning to look at him.
“Shit, fuck, dammit!” A string of expletives left the bartender’s mouth as he tried to look for a way to escape. Any hopes of that were cut off by the shadows that followed the Radio Demon pinned the cat to the wall. “Look, boss, t-this whole thing is ridiculous.”
“Oh, on the contrary, Husker, I think this will be quite enjoyable!” Alastor said, looking the bartender over. So many good places to start, and each eliciting a different reaction from Husk.
Husk, meanwhile, tried to free himself. If he hadn’t known any better, the cat would have assumed Alastor somehow planned all of this. Which, he really couldn’t put past the deer, but planning for Nift to tickle Angel, leading to this whole thing? That was the type of planning not even the Radio Demon could come up with.
Mostly because no one could really ‘plan’ for anything with it came to the hotel maid.
“I recall this,” Alastor began, the claws on his right hand gently wiggling on Husk’s chin. “Being a wonderful place to start.”
The reaction was instant, the cat’s fur quickly puffing up slightly as he bit his lip. He wasn’t going to give the bastard the satisfaction, not if he could help it. Of course, he had tried, and failed, in the past, but that didn’t mean he was just going to give in to the Radio Demon’s antics.
“Still trying that tactic, are we?” The deer hummed in amusement, moving his other hand to Husk’s side. “I never understand why you must make things so difficult!”
A few snickers came out, but the bartender was determined, trying to squirm away from Alastor’s hands. Said hands simply followed where the cat moved. Now, Alastor could use his powers to tickle multiple spots at once, but that was something reserved for those who pissed him off enough to face his wrath, but not enough to where he’d be satisfied by killing them.
“You know, Husker,” Alastor said casually, like he wasn’t tickling the demon before him. “When we were filming that ridiculous commercial for the hotel, I had half a mind to have our darling Niffty tickle you, just off-camera, so you’d be smiling!”
“Bihihihihite me!” Husk replied, doing his best to glare at the Overlord.
“A poor choice of words, considering who you’re talking to.” The Radio Demon chuckled, now slowly moving his left hand toward the bartender’s side. “You should really think before you speak.”
Husk tried to growl at Alastor, but it was cut off by the ticklish feeling on his side. More snickers gave way, the cat demon’s lips forming a wobbly smile despite his best efforts. He felt the deer’s right hand move from his chin and start poking his ribs, making the bartender snort a bit. He knew the deer was messing with him, taking his time before going right for Husk’s death spot.
“I never tire of counting your ribs, Husker.” Alastor mused. “Afterall, I need to make sure you’re all together!”
“Yohohohohou cohohohohocky bahahahastard!” Husk retorted.
Alastor tsked, and the cat felt himself start to panic as the Overlord’s hands went toward his stomach. “Always with the fowl language, that should be reserved for birds!”
If Husk could groan, he would. Of course Alastor had to get one of his stupid ‘jokes’ in while the bartender couldn’t just walk out of the room. Though, the puns did help whenever the Radio Demon wanted Angel Dust to leave him alone. He didn’t know what was worse, the Overlord’s love of ‘dad jokes’, or his insatiable sadistic streak. 
“Wohohohuld yoohohhou stohohohp- FUHUUHUHUHCK!” Husk exclaimed as Alastor scratched and clawed at his stomach. The first of the bartender’s worst spots.
Once he was sure Husk couldn’t escape, Alastor snapped his fingers, causing the shadows to let him go as the bartender slid to the floor, still trying to run away from the Radio Demon’s fingers. The deer poked and prodded, even circling a finger slowly around where the cat’s belly button would be.
“Don’t cats enjoy having their stomachs petted?” Alastor teased, a small laugh track coming from him.
“THAHAHAT’S dohohohohohgs yohohoHOHOHO PRIHIHIHICK!”
“Ah, forgive me.” Alastor said, not at all sounding apologetic “I was never a ‘dog’ person. Cats are much more amusing!”
“Thhihihihihis IHIHIHISN’T AMUHuhuhuhuhumsing!”
“You’re entitled to your opinion, but you wouldn’t be laughing if it wasn’t!”
Husk was going to kill him. Okay, no, he wasn’t that stupid or reckless, but he was going to make sure the Radio Demon paid for this. However, Husk’s plans of revenge were cut off by the feeling of two of Alastor’s tendrils stroking his wings, causing the bartender to scream with laughter.
“You know, I think Niffty needs to brush your wings soon, when was the last time she did that?” Alastor asked, despite knowing Husk wouldn’t be able to answer.
Despite both Angel and Husk being tickled out of their minds, they both hated to admit they were having fun. Maybe Charlie’s idea wasn’t so dumb.
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bloodynereid · 1 year
pairing: warren rojas/rhodes x fem!reader
a/n: there is a criminally low amount of warren fics and daisy jones & the six fics in general so I'm trying to rectify that. also I listened to the Aurora album on repeat when writing this so if you haven't listened to it already go do that. requests are open for all characters if you want to send anything in. i also love chatting with all of you so send in ur opinions or thoughts :)
tw: mentions of period typical misogyny, cigarette smoking, swearing
description: the night you met warren rojas, all of your rules fly out of the window.
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Y/N: Being a female producer in the 70s was… how to put it delicately… absolute shit. But I tried my best. I had a list of rules to live by: don’t date anyone related to my job, never stay later than 7pm, always have more than one person in the room with you and never drink on the job. Not even coffee. I broke most of those rules the night I met Warren Rojas.
It was 9pm (rule break #1) and you had just finished mixing one of the last songs for an album you were going to show George tomorrow. You were about to head home with a cup of coffee (rule break #2) you had snatched from the snack room when suddenly one of the doors to the recording rooms slammed open and a whole gang of people poured out. The noise had startled you so much that the cup in your hand sloshed and hotstingburnoww the liquid fell onto your hand.
“Shit!” You had realized in the last moment that your little expletive caught the attention of the last people milling out, a curly haired guy and one of best known producers of the time, Teddy Price, otherwise known as your mentor. “Oh hey Teddy.”
“Y/N! I don’t think I’ve seen you here this late before.”
“Just had to finish mixing a song you know me.”
“Oh I do. That’s why it’s surprising.” You rolled your eyes with a smile and then looked over to the man standing next to him.
“Who’s the new band? Haven't seen them around here before.”
“The Six. This is Warren Rojas, their drummer. This is Y/N L/N, she’s one of the best producers out there.”
“You flatter me too much. It’s nice to meet you, Warren.”
“You too.”
“Either of you need a ride? I’m heading out soon.”
“Nah I’m fine. I’ll just go with the band.”
“Yeah I’ve got my bike.”
“You parked close?” Teddy asked with his usual protective tone.
“Just a 5 minute walk.”
“I would walk you but I’ve got to finish looking over some tapes.”
“I’m heading the same way. We can go over together.”
“You sure?” You asked as you took a sip from your coffee.
“Yeah, I’m sure the band can wait.”
“Great. I’ll see you two tomorrow.”
“Bye Teddy.”
“See you.” 
You and Warren set off to navigate through the maze of recording rooms and offices. (rule break #3) He had lit up a cigarette and when he offered you one, you graciously took it, throwing out the finished coffee cup.
“So if you don’t mind me asking. Why do you call yourselves the Six if there’s only 5 of you?” Warren laughed and looked at you with a smile.
“I honestly have no idea. Something about there already being too many iconic bands with the number five in them.”
“Right well, I can’t be one to judge anyway, I can't even sing.” 
“I can’t either so I think we’re on the same playing field here.” You laughed and nudged his shoulder. So he was funny on top of being ridiculously attractive.
“So how did you get into producing?” And he wasn’t being a anti-feminist asshole, unlike SO MANY people in this industry.
“Well I liked music and I would record demos for my brothers when I could. It was honestly just pure luck. I met Teddy when I was interviewing to be a secretary here. He taught me some of the ropes and then persuaded the big bosses to hire me. I really only produce for smaller names but… it’s my passion, you know.”
“As part of a smaller name, we appreciate your help.” He said with a mischievous smile whilst wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh shush. So I guess now it’s only fair to ask how you got into The Six?”
“Well, Graham got us into this band when we were like 14 and then he persuaded his brother, Billy, to join. Then some random dude convinced us to head out here and try our luck with Teddy Price so here I am. We actually used to be called The Dunne Brothers and then we changed it for some reason, I think we all collectively decided against that name one night at a diner.”
“Well if you’re getting produced by Teddy then you have to have at least a modicum of talent.”
“Don’t know if I should take that as an insult or a compliment.”
“Take it as you want.” His eyes flickered under the streetlights as you made your way out onto the street. Warren Rojas has a majestic quality to him and well, he was also nice and exactly your type. Okay so maybe rule number #1 was meant to be broken.
“Warren! Hurry up man or we’re leaving without you.” A man yelled from one of the parked vans. He was leaning out of the window and pushing on the car horn.
“Well it seems my luck is still going strong cause that’s my bike.” You point at the black motorcycle that is parked next to the colorful van. He sent you a beaming smile as you both wandered over to where your separate vehicles lay.
“So will I be seeing you again?”
“We work in the same building so probably.”
“You know what I mean.” I stamped out the cigarette and winked at him.
“I might come around to see how you sound tomorrow.”
“I’ll be sure to be playing the drums to the best of my ability.”
“I'm sure you’re supposed to be doing that anyway.” You smirked at him as swung your jean clad leg over the motorcycle and twisted the key in the ignition.
“Yeah yeah, one second. Give me your arm.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because you’re really pretty and I want to give you my number.”
“How do you know I’ll use it?”
“I’m taking a gamble.”
“It seems like you take a lot of those.” 
You held out your arm anyways and let him scribble down his number in black ink. Your helmet went over your head after he finished and you looked down at the list of numbers with a little heart next to them. So he was a sap as well.
“I’ll be seeing you, Warren Rojas.”
“I sure hope so, Y/N L/N.” You smiled and gave him a little wave before revving off. But not before you heard a last: “Warren! What the hell man I’m starving over here.” Which made you chuckle.
Y/N: I ended up going to that recording session the next day. And the next and the next. Teddy even let me mix a few of the songs. I also wrote down his number immediately after I got home. I’m pretty sure I still have the receipt where it’s written on somewhere. Anyways I ended up breaking that first rule after the tour. Warren asked me out when we were surfing. Actually I was surfing and Warren was trying to. God that was a beautiful day.
Warren: The sun was just about to set and I had given up trying to surf so Y/N and I were just sitting on our boards watching the sky turn different colors. We had been friends since that night Teddy introduced us and I was obviously attracted to her. But it was then when I realized I was in love with her. I ended up asking her to marry me at that exact same spot a few years later.
Y/N: I immediately said yes, both times. Warren and I just work. He is like a part of me I can’t bear the thought of losing.
Warren: I love her with my entire self and more. I can’t see my life any other way. I think one of the greatest things that came out of the band was not just the music but it also led me to my soulmate.
Y/N: Rule breaking is really one of the best things I could have done. I met my other half and worked with people I would consider my family. Sometimes plans just aren’t meant to be followed.
Y/N Rojas is one of the top producers in the music industry. She shared producer credits with Teddy Price on Aurora and has gone on to produce some of the biggest names in the 80s and 90s. Currently she lives on a houseboat with her husband, Warren, the former drummer of Daisy Jones & The Six and their twins, Teddy and Karen. She owns a music label (Reconstitution Records) which will be producing the newest album of the reunited band, Daisy Jones & The Six.
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hopefully I did Warren justice cause it's my first time writing for him
taglist: (lmk if you want to be added to the warren taglist or general daisy jones & six taglist)
@pinkdaiisies @just1riqht
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tubborucho · 7 months
I think there’s a big misconception between red and blue viewers about the nature of feeling defeated.
I can’t speak for red, because I don’t watch them, but I see people using red’s first day as a counterargument to what’s happening with blue practically every day. As I understand, their first day was hell, because they were in a severe disadvantage as a team. They’re lore-heads and ‘dumb lucky’ (i am NOT calling them dumb, they are actually all really smart, i am just saying that they are stupidly lucky sometimes), this is not what can give you a win when you are thrown in that game. On the first day. They did get killed a lot and they were going insane. And they were having fun! Listen, I’ve read SO many posts about how funny and cool red’s first day was and hoe people absolutely enjoyed it. And it’s cool.
But it’s COMPLETELY different to blue. Blue are not in the ‘fuck it we ball’ defeat mood. Because they are never given a chance to just enjoy their wins.
1st day – they got SO much backlash for everything that it was genuinely horrible
2nd day – red found the global task strat. Which is fine. But blue had the whole day of just struggling to understand how FOUR PEOPLE TRYING AND TRYING cant overtake one Etoiles on a leaderboard.
3rd day – they’ve been leading the score all day. Did everything they could pretty much. And again, last minute strat. Which was fair, but it’s a big hit on their morale.
4th day – they win, using the same strat. they specifically did it the way they did just to show how broken it is. they get layers and layers of hate from twitter.
5th day – both red and blue give win to green. this day was neutral.
6th day – the egg preparations. blue decided to just give this day away as well. but bad and pac were hunted for hours just two of them.
7th day – the Egg Wars. we all know what happened :D
8th day – elimination. blue won. blue could’ve easily win without even trying to tie with green, but they did. they almost succeeded. it didn’t feel as a victory when they won, because everyone just blamed them. that wouldn’t happen if green won, everyone would cheer, and it’s a fact.
9th day – that’s today. bad and bagi were constantly hunted for about 3 hours. they couldn’t get into the base for like 4,5 hours (they can now because tubbo is guarding the bounty npc).
Each day when they lose – they lose without sympathy and any kindness from others. Each day they win – this victory is bitter, clawed out and they are hated.
Yes, red and blue both know this feeling of not being able to do anything. But Red have so much support on their side. Both in-game and in-fandom. They are praised for everything they do. They got so much less troubles from blue and green because they kept walking away to not ‘punch down’ from this whole underdog narrative. Meanwhile blue just keep being screwed by everything around them. I think arguably the only thing they have over red is the favor of Lil Buddies, because they are constantly hanging out with them. That’s all. All material stuff they have will be easily matched like tomorrow. They’ve never really had a PVP advantage in the first place because Green’s skills and Red’s players count.
It’s genuinely demotivating to even watch their stream. Like I think I would genuinely cry in their place. All their efforts are either useless, because they immediately get nerfed, or get hated on by literally everyone and everything. It’s such a deep-rooted feeling of loosing before you could even play, that it transfers over the screen.
Red burned in that fire on the first day. And it powered them (in a cursed but fun way). Blue keeps being drowned by everything around them like unwanted kittens, and they are fighting for their life.
So no, I do not think it’s fair to compare Red’s first day to anything that happens to Blue. It’s not the same. I do understand however that it defied them as characters, so it’s a fair point to analyze. But in meta-arguments? Yeah, no. [insert a poll ‘Who suffered more? Blue Team Jesus]
And yet they try. And yet they have nice moments. And yet they are friends. Love prevails.
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ramzawrites · 2 years
I can see you staring - Rise!Donatello x Reader
Pairings: Donatello x Reader
Characters included: Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael
Warnings: swearing
Series: A request!
Summary: When Donnie cooped himself up in his lab for ages, his brothers use their last weapon to get him out. Y/N. Y/N is one of the only ones that is able to keep up with his witty remarks which means when they get Donnie out of the lab, Leo and Mikey become wittnesses to a very interesting argument between the two that reveals a bit too much.
Word count: 2918
Authors Note: I hope you guys enjoy this one!
Request: Ohhh I've got a great idea. Rise Donnie with a reader who is sarcastic and snarky just like him. They are not as mean but dang do those two seem like a match made in heavenIf you need more of a prompt, they get into friendly banter  and reader slips up and says something like "well maybe I wouldn't stare so much if you weren't that god damn handsome!" . Donnie teases the heck out of them and it ends up in a frustrated "I like you, okay?!? Now shut up >////<" and it's as sappy an ending as you can get with Don 
“Why do you guys need my help? You are his brothers. How can I do anything about this?” Y/N crossed their arms in front of their chest, one eyebrow raised at three desperate looking turtle mutants.
Leo slung his arm around Y/N’s shoulders, pulling them closer, almost as if he tried to silently exchange secrets “Listen. We tried, we really did but frankly Donnie has way too much blackmail material on all of us and this time he didn’t even hesitate to threaten us with it.”
Y/N let out an amused snort “Then don’t do things that let you get blackmailed, easy as that.”
Mikey stepped to their other side, his mouth turned down into a frown “Please? He hasn’t eaten properly in days, and I think he only has slept maybe like an hour here and there. Someone has to pull him out of his lab, and we tried!”
When Raph also asked them in his most sincere tone “Please?” Y/N caved in.
“Alright. I’ll try since you guys think he could be listening to me. But you owe me. He can be nasty when he is so deep in his projects.”
Leo immediately let go of Y/N and lightly pushed them into the direction of Donnie’s lab “Good luck!”
Somehow, they felt like a lamb sent to the slaughterhouse. Sucks to be Donnie then because this lamb knew how to fight back.
Y/N walked up to Donnie’s lab and loudly drummed against the door, already knowing that he must have locked it. When he didn’t react Y/N tried even louder and more obnoxiously, drumming some sort of melody on the door.
“Donatello Hamato open the damn door!”
The magic words had been spoken. The door opening to their demand.
“Ah, open sesame.” Y/N spoke happily after the fact.
Donnie was sitting on his chair that he rolled over next to the door. His finger still on the button that opened it. He looked absolutely exhausted and annoyed. Even beneath his tired half lidded eyes Y/N could spot a murderous glint but Y/N was more concentrating on the bags beneath his eyes that they swore held almost the same color as his purple stripes. Open to the world for everyone to see since he didn’t wear his bandana.
“Oh, yikes.”
His arm fell down next to his side “Lovely to see you too, Y/N.”
He immediately turned around and begun rolling over to his workbench, but Y/N reacted faster, grabbing on the back of his chair to stop him.
“Nope. You are either getting a bite to eat and then you are going to bed, or you are going to bed and then grabbing a bite to eat.”
Judging by the way he groaned in annoyance he must have finally clocked why Y/N was really there. This was not a social visit as it seemed.
“How about a secret third option: Work.”
He tried to move along again but Y/N made sure to hold on to his chair with an iron grip. Normally Donnie would have no problem fighting against Y/N’s grip since he, as a ninja mutant turtle, was pretty strong but in his exhausted state he was struggling.
“Donnie, I am this close to just straight up roll you down to your room. If you go yourself, you can save some of your dignity.”
He hated how this struck a chord within him.
“I bet I could find embarrassing school pictures of you in just a few clicks, I promise I won’t do it if you leave me alone. I’m so close to finishing this project!”
He was at this point looking over his shoulder for Y/N’s reaction. Expecting them to finally back off but Y/N just smirked.
“Oh, go ahead. I was cute as a kid. I don’t mind people seeing it.”
“I still have that video of you falling into trash.”
He referenced a day where both they and Donnie hung out on the fire escape of Y/N’s apartment building. Y/N was sitting on the railing even though Donnie warned them that this was dangerous and yet they didn’t care and after a huge laughing fit Y/N fell down right into a huge trash bin and of course the lid of the bin had to also crash down on their head.
Donnie being Donnie who recorded almost everything, of course made sure to have a cut version on his phone of this moment from that day forward.
“Oh please, you’ve shown this video to everybody like twenty times. It lost its effect. Now come on Bootyyyshaker9000, do your name proud and move your butt into the kitchen.”
He grumbled something but did indeed finally get off his chair.
“Language, Donnie!” Y/N tried to mimic Raph best they could with voice and posture.
“You… heard that?” He asked, genuinely surprised.
Y/N let out a chuckle “Oh, no. I just know you better than you think I do.”
Before Donnie could make any kind of response to this, Y/N moved to his back and began pushing against his Battleshell.
At this point the purple clad ninja had given up and just began walking towards the kitchen. The way Y/N continued to push against his shell and would sometimes pull on his shoulders, they were kind of puppeteering him towards the room. As if he would try to flee and get back into the lab. Which he would have done if he wasn’t so exhausted.
Okay so maybe he was tired but that was a small price to pay when it meant that he could finish a new prototype in a timely manner.
Mikey and Leo were both in the kitchen when the two arrived. The two turtles gave Y/N a quick appreciative nod before turning their attention on Donnie.
“He lives!” Leo exclaimed loudly and quite theatrically. Almost acting like he was the mad scientist of the family.
Y/N steered Donnie to a chair at the kitchen island and finally let him go. Annoyed with this whole situation Donnie just slumped over on the table. The cool surface was actually quite welcoming on his skin.
“Here you go!” Mikey said cheerily as a plate got placed in front of his face.
Groggily getting back up, Donnie stared at the plate of pancakes “Pancakes? It’s like-“ he looked at the screen on his wrist only to wince “Uh… early.”
“One: You can eat pancakes at all hours of the day. It’s not just breakfast, man.” Mikey chided his brother “Two: Yes, it is breakfast time. Three: I’m glad Y/N managed to get you out when you clearly, at this point, lost any sense of time.”
“But why are you over here if it’s so early?” Donnie ignored his brother’s scolding, grabbing the fork next to the plate.
Y/N sputtered out a laugh “Man, I slept over here the last like four nights.”
“What?! How did I not notice?!”
“I’m joking, Don. It’s been only one night.”
“Yeah. I knew that. I would have noticed it because of my security system.” Donnie tried to cover up, finally digging into the food. Mikey had a proud grin on his face as he saw how Donnie cracked a smile at the taste.
Y/N made a point to sit across to him at the table, their elbows on the surface while they rested their chin on their hands “Mhm, that is why you knew that I slept over here in the first place.”
Once again Donnie looked at the screen on his wrist, tapping around on it until he seemed to find what he was looking for. What he was looking for was proof that they did indeed get into the lair yesterday and not this morning.
“Well, I did catch it!” He didn’t catch it, his system did though. So, good enough.
Y/N rolled their eyes as if they were able to read his mind and knew exactly what was going on “Just eat your pancakes, Donnie. You can’t fumble around when your mouth is stuffed. Less fumbling means the less dignity you’ll lose.”
“Don’t talk to me about dignity. You wouldn’t know the first thing about it. Also, you don’t need to stay here and stare. I’m eating right now and I’m promising I’ll be sleeping a bit. So, move along.” He waved his hand in a dismissive manner, but Y/N shook their head.
“Nuh-uh. This might have worked the first time but now it’s been years. Your fault for not taking care of yourself, means you clearly need someone to babysit you.”
Donnie would have looked towards his brothers for help, but they wouldn’t do anything of the sorts. For starters he was sure that they set Y/N on this task in the first place and judging by the amused looks on their faces, they were happy to let this play out. That reminded him, where was Raph? He would have maybe intervened.
When Donnie just continued to scowl towards Y/N, said human began pouting “Come on, Don. Go eat your pancakes and I promise you I will read you a bedtime story.” They made sure to sound as patronizing as possible.
This made Leo finally snicker. Frankly the brothers loved watching Y/N and Donnie go at it. Just throwing one sarcastic comment after another against each other’s head. At first, they all were just excited to see that their new friend had no problem keeping up with the sarcastic turtle in the first place but over time it kind of turned into more of entertainment for them.
One time the two were just going at it while they were in a middle of a movie marathon, they didn’t even notice when Raph paused the movie. It was all mostly lighthearted though even if they liked to really get into it.
Donnie ate another piece of pancake, this time noticing how Y/N’s eyes followed his movements.
He raised his eyebrow “You are acting like you have never seen a mutant before.”
“No, just trying to count how many bags beneath your eyes you have and trying to figure out how old you are. You know like rings on a tree stump.”
This finally made Leo belt out a small laugh and Donnie couldn’t help but get annoyed with how proud Y/N seemed of that.
“That’s not-“ he sighed, biting back his urge to correct them when they clearly made a joke. “Man, you must be old then.”
“Oh, now I know you are lying because other than you I’m taking my beauty sleep. It’s obvious you skipped yours for a while. You are delusional, turtle.”
He grimaced “Wait, you’ve been taking beauty sleep already? Then what is this?” Donnie used his fork to gesture towards Y/N’s general direction.
“What would you know about beauty, Mister Turtle Mutant.”
Donnie laid his hand over his heart, putting his best shocked expression on “Gasp! I cannot believe! Not only are you just plain wrong but you are also a xenophobe!”
Y/N immediately shook their head “Only when it comes to you. I would lay waste to the earth for your brothers but you? No. Kinda stuck with you when I want to hang out with the cooler turtles.” They laid dramatically the back of their hand on their forehead “I can barely look at you.”
He smirked self-assuredly “And yet I keep seeing you stare at me when you think I’m not looking.” Perks of being a trained ninja.
“Psh. I am not. You are imagining things. Go finish your damn food so you can sleep your delusions off.”
“Ah-ah-ah. I know you are. I could probably even bring some footage up as proof. Besides do you really think you can steal glances at a trained ninja without him knowing?”
“I did not!”
“Yes, you are! I have literal proof!”
“You do not! And even if, is it weird to look at their friend now and again?”
At this point both Mikey and Leo just kept looking from Donnie over to Y/N and back to Donnie. Following the argument along. It wasn’t much of an argument really. It was clear both were just trying to tease each other but it was interesting, nonetheless.
Mikey leaned over to Leo “I can’t tell if the two are good for each other or if they are just bringing out the worst out of each other.”
Leo shrugged “Eh, they are still smiling. I don’t know what exactly it is, but I think the same exact thing is wrong with them, otherwise they wouldn’t enjoy this, and I guess that’s… good?”
“Why are you squirming so much then, Y/N? I can even count off a ton of times I remember you watching me. The last movie marathon! Last week when you did some work in my lab and I worked on my project! When we all went into the hidden city in that clothing store! Technically even right now! When we hung out in your apartment last, and we all helped you cook!” Donnie put the ankle of his foot on his knee, leaning back a bit as he stared Y/N smugly down.
Y/N jumped up, slamming their hands on the table “Alright! Alright! Maybe I wouldn’t be staring if you weren’t that god damn handsome!”
Their cheeks were ablaze.
The room was dead quiet.
Somehow as Donnie counted the times off something must have snapped in them for this outburst.
Y/N looked to the ground “… Is that what you wanted to hear? Happy now?” A weak attempt to save this situation on their part.
Mikey’s and Leo’s eyes were wide open as they just stared at the two. Waiting for any kind of reaction. Suddenly they felt like they understood the appeal of Splinter’s obsession with romcoms and soap operas.
But their expression couldn’t even get close to Donnie’s shocked expression. Eyes wide with shock. His open-mouthed expression slowly turning into a huge smile. He just looked like he won a Nobel prize.
“I didn’t quite hear that. Can you repeat that?” He sounded giddy.
“That little shit.” Y/N just thought as they clenched their eyes shut. Not willing to look at Donnie right now. Honestly at this point they totally forgot that Mikey and Leo were in the room to begin with.
Donnie leaned over the edge of the table, his hand next to where his ear would be if he were human “Please, Y/N, may you repeat yourself? I didn’t quite catch that. I just want to make sure I’m not delusional, like you said.”
“I said nothing. Nothing important.”
“Nothing, huh? You are blushing because of nothing?”
Y/N crossed their arms, gripping their arms “Donnie. Don’t do this.”
At this point Donnie was slicking back his non-existent hair “Ah but you forget! I record everything and I am pretty sure you said that I am handsome, and I have to agree. I am handsome. First correct thing I have heard out of your mouth in ages!”
Finally, Y/N opened their eyes, pouting playfully, trying to act as nonchalant as possible “Just please shut up and eat the rest of the pancakes so you can go to bed and leave me alone. I was just saying things to make you shut up, okay?”
“Ah but I can tell that this isn’t correct. You are blushing. You are embarrassed because we both know you meant it, but your ego is too big to admit that.”
It was then that it seemed like someone flipped a switch in his brain.
“Wait, you actually mean that?”
Y/N’s eyes met his as he seemed to properly realize what they just said. Getting through the euphoria of having won this argument only to understand the implications of this.
Sure, Donnie always relied on his bad boy persona and his ego when it came to all of this, but Y/N knew there was a part in him that was not as confident as he tried to act.
They sighed, gulping down the last of their ego along with a part of their embarrassment “Yeah, I meant it.” Their voice quiet and shaky as they forced these words out. “I like you, okay, Donnie?”
“Oh.” There was an actual blush on Donnie’s face as well.
“Now can we move on because this is awkward as hell.”
Donnie coughed as he tried to find his composure “Sure. Yeah. Well. I think I’m heading to bed.”
“Do that.”
“What!” This was Leo, reminding the two that they were in fact not alone. “You guys can’t just leave it at that!”
Donnie’s eyes traveled from Leo’s disappointed expression to Mikey’s happy one. His gaze returned back on Y/N whose eyes never left him. Old habits die hard after all.
“Wanna hang out in my room and play games until we pass out?”
“Thank god, yes.” Y/N sighed out, scrambling after Donnie towards his room.
Leo had his arms outstretched. Completely shocked with how this turned out. This was perfect and then they both just moved on like… that?
Mikey put his hand on Leo’s shoulder in a supportive manner “For Donnie this was probably the extent of how romantic he can get and lucky for him Y/N can work with that. Just concentrate on the fact we definitely saw the eighth world wonder.”
This didn’t calm Leo down in the slightest, gesturing wildly towards the space were Y/N and Donnie used to be “But… That?!”
“Come on. We have to tell Raph about this. He will want to hear this.”
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wafflerageface · 2 months
Top 5: Favorite Durgetash headcanons
Like my personal headcanons or ones I’ve seen?
Personal headcanons:
1. Durgetash were head over heels in love with each other, even if they expressed love in ways that seemed fucked up to everyone else. They were two incredibly lonely people that just clicked in all the right ways to make each other feel like at least one person out there cared about them, and they did.
2. Enver Gortash is autistic/ADHD and Durge was his favourite person to info dump on. I mean look at him. My wife is autistic and they have very similar mannerism and ways of thinking. (In the logical sense anyway my wife hasn’t killed anyone) Especially with how his parents described how brilliant he was even as a child, I can just imagine child Enver coming off as annoying and needy to everyone around him because he wanted to talk about his inventions and no one cared to listen. Durge, on the other hand, grew up in a temple where they were expected to behave a certain way and was essentially treated as a puppet, even if they could’ve called the shots how they wanted to. I can’t imagine being a child taken into a murder cult and feeling anything but fear, even if you don’t need to be afraid. Durge knew nothing but blood and death for years, and along comes this funky little guy that wants to rant for hours about the kind of metal he wants to build his steel watch out of?? Yeah. They loved that shit.
3. Enver is a pansexual monster fucker that will love your Durge no matter what. This man has been so lonely for so long that I genuinely think he doesn’t care what package the love comes in so long as he isn’t being used anymore. You’re a Dragonborn? Cool he can work with that. A tiefling? Excellent he’s gonna use those horns as handlebars. A cute half-elf that has a surprising appetite for blood? Absolutely and can he join the next blood bath please?? He loves seeing you work
4. Durge did not want to be Bhaal’s scion. I know a lot of people don’t like how the Durge opening makes it seem like they’re trying to “erase” that Durge was evil, but I view it more as perhaps Durge was never willing. Just because you’re fathered by a murder god doesn’t make you a murderer, and amnesia doesn’t really change who a person is, they just forget. Your brain literally just won’t let you recall memories. Now personally, I’m all for if you think your Durge hates everything about being the Chosen, or (like for my Durge) you think they just hated not being in control of themselves or allowed to kill as they please. Both are great mechanics for a well-rounded character, but I really think either way, Durge hated being what their father made them into, and would have jumped the moment they could escape. The prayer of forgiveness? A classic here’s my fake apology abusive parent so I can spare myself more abuse.
5. Enver whored himself out as a young man to get lots of power and money and he hated every second of it. We know it’s canon that he slept around a lot before the present day setting of the game, but I don’t think he ever enjoyed it. Not really. He grew up in the HoH where he was beaten and abused and nearly tortured to death on many occasions. He finally escapes with nothing to his name and once again he’s at the mercy of whoever he can convince to give him food, shelter, money, etc for the price of his body. This man absolutely has two wolves inside of him and one is a god complex and the other is an ego so crippled and fragile it’s a wonder he ever comes out of the house. When he meets Durge, he’s willing to manipulate them however he must to secure their alliance. He’s done it before, he’ll do it again. I think he’s so very surprised when Durge catches feelings back, when they go out of their way to take care of him, compliment him, even if it’s in their own fucked up fashion. I think the real sticking point for him would be when he and Durge are attending some high society to do together and they run into an old fling. Enver being upset and uncomfortable enough that they leave early and he tells Durge everything. The next day, and the following weeks, he finds severed hands, fingers, bloodied jewellery, all placed at his desk or beside his bed and he can’t help but smile. Durge bringing him pieces of their kills like a cat is so endearing to him.
I’ve got so many more but I think those are my favourite.
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mlb-a-rewrite · 8 days
Chloé Bourgeois Was WRONGED
so I'm trying to do her justice.
I am not a Chloe hater but I don't, like, stan her either or anything. I just think the show really messed her character up hard. Chloe was totally going to be "redeemed" or "fixed" or whatever you want to call it but then someone decided he didn't like Chloe and forced her to be a boring, one-dimensional bully.
Chloe was going to be interesting, maybe not good, but interesting, but she was robbed of the opportunity so I'm giving her a second chance.
Chloe is still a bully and a major one at that. She is the reason Marinette is shy and timid, the reason Marinette lacks confidence. Chloe is a bully to everyone and everything, constantly lashing out when she doesn't get her way. This is not good and Chloe's story in the show focuses on her struggling with changing that.
For the first season, Chloe is just a villain. There is one episode where it is vaguely implied that she is in fact a human being who feels things like sadness and guilt, but it's brief and easily forgotten. In this brief moment of humanity, we learn one crucial detail about Chloe's life: her mom is back in Paris and this isn't a good thing.
In season two we understand why her mom living in Paris is bad. Throughout the season we slowly watch as Chloe's cruelty escalates. The bullying becomes so bad that the entire class calls out Chloe and her best friend who has put up with so much of Chloe's shit for so many years finally ends their friendship. For the first time ever, Chloe is forced to face the consequences of her actions.
And this breaks her. She is completely lost and desperately trying to hold onto the life she had, but in the season finale it all finally crumbles. In the season finale (which is two episodes), we see Chloe's mom for the first time and why Chloe behaves the way she does becomes clear.
Her parents are divorced. The two were happy together for a few years after Chloe was born but when she turned 6 things got messy. They were constantly arguing with one another, getting into heated arguments anytime they were in the same room. This went on for years before they finally got divorced, but in this time Chloe had been neglected a great deal. Her parents were so wrapped up in one another that they forgot their daughter. The only times Chloe was given any kind of attention was if she got in trouble. If she acted up in class than the principal would call her parents and they would be forced to show up and pay attention to her. If she refused to listen to her ice skating coach than her parents would have to go to her practice and pick her up. If she caused problems, she got attention. Maybe it wasn't good attention, but having her parents see her and dislike her was better than not being seen at all.
This eventually translated into Chloe's personal life too. She learned from a young age if she wanted attention she would only get it if she was an absolute bitch. So she bullied her classmates, and ruthlessly judged her friends, because if she did then they would pay attention, they would have opinions, and be invested.
But during season 2 this stopped working. Her friends left her and her classmates ignored her. Chloe's only method for connecting with other people was failing and she didn't know what to do.
So she lashed out.
In the season 2 finale Chloe's mother attends a fashion show in which she collaborated with Gabriel Agreste to release a new line of clothes. Chloe and both her parents attended the show and the entire time Chloe was causing problems. She complained about nothing, made rude comments, all in hopes that her parents would pay attention to her, but that never happened.
Chloe was ignored.
And even worse, Chloe was ignored in favor of her half-sister. During the fashion show, Chloe's mom's phone was continuously ringing but was being dutifully ignored until Chloe made a particularly snide remark and her mother stood up and left. When Chloe tracked down her mother, she was standing backstage, arguing with her dad and shouting about Zoe on the phone.
After everything, after all the friends she lost relationships she destroyed before they could've even formed, after all the time and happiness she sacrificed, she still didn't get it. Chloe realized she would never get her mother's attention, would never get her mother's validation or appreciation.
This is a turning point for Chloe's character where she starts to change. She tries to be nicer, kinder. She befriends Lila and earns back her friendship with Sabrina. Chloe is finally making positive changes,
Until she starts being mean again.
At this point, it's important to note that Chloe's character drifts into the background more after season 2. The season 2 finale is kinda the big climactic end of Chloe being an imposing antagonist and Lila steps into that role. When Chloe is at her most vulnerable at the literal end of season 2, Lila appears and comforts her. Lila becomes her friend and helps her "change". Lila teaches Chloe how to be kind, how to earn back the respect of her classmates and her friendship with Sabrina. Lila quickly cements herself as someone Chloe relies on and blindly trusts.
So Lila is in the perfect spot to start pushing Chloe to be a bully again. I haven't entirely worked out the details as to why this happens, that can only be decided when I actually outline the plot later seasons of the show, but I know that it happens. Lila slowly pushes Chloe to be mean and cruel all while convincing her that she isn't.
Chloe realizes at the end of the show that she is really fucked up mentally. She takes a good, long look at herself and sees that she has a lot of problems and needs to take time to fix herself. The show ends with Chloe still being a villain, still a bad person who has said and done bad things and hasn't been able to make up for them, but she is optimistic that she will be able to change.
Chloe is a villain but she has the potential to become better.
(There's a lot more I have to say about Chloe and Zoe and Lila and how all of them connect with one another but this is long enough as it is so I'll save it for a later day.)
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In an Everyone Lives scenario, what majors/career paths do you think all the Hacketteers would end up in? Obviously we have animation for Ryan and physics for Dylan suggested in the game but so many people end up changing their majors anyway, I wonder if the experience would lead them on different paths than they’d originally intended.
thank you for making me think about this, it's one thing i've been putting off but i also think about all the time
so right off the top of my head, i think about Max's major a lot & i end up tossing two things around - law school or childcare/teaching. he seems like a level-headed guy, he breaks down situations in pieces until he understand them ("You remember when I said, 'whoa, look at the moon. it's so big and bright and- it's so cool to see a full moon' and you said "yeah no shit, Max, it happens once a month'?"), & also.... we've all seen his outfit in the 50s pack. but i still come back to childcare bc i grew up working in childcare & he just seems the type for it. maybe he got rejected from Landis for law & pursues childcare or teaching at a smaller school instead & ends up one of those teachers that everyone wants to get on their schedule
Laura, the love of my life, the breath in my lungs, is such a headstrong badass that she prolly still pursues her vet degree, altho i can see her minoring/taking a few psychology classes to coach her & Max thru the rough times
Abi definitely finds her way to art school, i just don't see her changing that. i do think she expands from just sketching & gets into different mediums - pottery, possibly sculpting, using charcoal and paint - bc i think she'd find it calming to work with her hands, cover her skin in anything but red, & she'd lean into it for stress relief
uhh Nick is so complicated sometimes that predicting what the absolute FOOL (affectionate) is going to do is impossible. i want to say culinary school but if i'm being honest, i think he would end up dropping out & just working at restaurant. i don't say this bc i hate him, i say this bc he's a clown. (also i may or may not have done the same thing, minus the culinary part) or maybe he becomes a forest ranger & spends time alone in his ranger tower listening to the forest
Jacob i whole-heartedly believe goes for coaching/athletics or something, but he joins the college sports team (prolly football or maybe hockey) & that's the path he ends up following. he definitely has to get a tutor
i think Emma maybe pursues marketing/advertising or something of the sort, but i also think she def starts loading up her schedule. volunteer work? no worries, she can run it. student council? sure, she'll apply. you know, lacrosse sounds rlly fun all of a sudden, she should join the team! & she kills, obvi. if she never thinks about it, it never happened. if she never has time to think, she can never think about it
Kaitlyn.... she's the one i've been thinking about the most. she's such an odd character bc we see so much of her & yet i still feel like we don't know anything about her. her entire character is kind of just "im mean, i know first aid & i can shoot" & then we love her bc she's a badass. which i don't mind but it makes it kind of hard to make theories on her future. i imagine she IS one who ends up switching her major. she prolly starts with what she had planned - maybe an english degree? - but then switches bc hackett's quarry changed her & she'll never stop thinking about it. i like to think maybe she ends up in enviromentalism, or possibly on the nursing track. something to occupy her mind
Ryan & Dylan honestly seem rlly well suited for their majors so i don't know of i can imagine them doing something else. i do think Ryan starts taking self-defense class & prolly makes Sarah go with him just to be sure she knows. just in case. Dylan takes a part-time job at either the school's radio station or a local one, & if he DID drop out, he would 100% start a podcast. all those fanfics are canon
this was rlly fun to think about even tho i'm not sure how accurate they are - i would love to hear other ideas! thank you for the ask :)
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strawhatkia · 7 months
sunspot lover.
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INCLUDES ! zenitsu agatsuma x black!fem!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! general relationship hcs for zenitsu
WARNINGS ! demon slayer!reader, mention of killing (demons), cursing, me slandering zeni a bit cause he’s an idiot, lowkey crack treated seriously, me having to do extra research to figure out how a black person’s hair would survive in the taisho period with fucking demons, edited!
A/N !  repost from an old account ! i love writing for zenitsu despite the slander i give him, dude's a really good character! now onwards my beautiful black zeni luvr, read and enjoy!! (present a/n: honestly i'm down to write a drabble on the hair part where zenitsu helps you grow it back and it's symbolic and everything...i just might do that)
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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— ☾⋆⁺₊ 🗣⚡✧
yup! this is YOUR silly, goofy ass man right here!
can't even deny him with the way he follows you around like a lost puppy
now as much I slander him, I do love him and his personality.... no really! i do!...he's just a lil extra sometimes
everyone was shocked when he bragged about copping you…or however they say it in the taisho era…what is it? courting you? 
how did this silly fool who can’t even stand on his own two feet at times, get someone as beautiful and as strong as you? 
but anywho, you do love zeni with all your heart no matter what anyone says
tanjiro was slightly confused (as everyone else was too) but glad that his friend had found a partner and inosuke…could careless, he just wants to fight but you’ll grow on him
meetin’ nezuko with him was too much for his lil girl crazy heart to handle; “two goregous girls!! in the same area as me!! this might be heaven!!” 
remember how he was chasing nezuko around? yeaaaa.....he’s doing that to the both of you now...
“zenitsu, sit down somewhere and stop chasing us you fool!!” “aw, don’t be like that! you love me, we’re together! and me and nezuko are good friends, aren’t we?” *concerned nezuko noises*
once he gets you in his hold, he’s not letting go for anything, not even for missions to which you scowl at him for
“ahh~ you smell so nice and you’re so warm and-” “zenitsu we have to go! you know, to kill the demons?” “noooo!~ i wanna stay here and cuddle with you!” “…..”  “HEY! WHAT’S WITH THE FACE!! DON’T MAKE THAT FACE- ALRIGHT! FINE! I’M GOING!!”
don’t be too harsh, he really cares about your opinion of him and, at times, finds himself getting insecure about your relationship
it's not that he truly cares what other people have to say about your relationship but it does hurt that he hears it a good chunk of the time
just gently hold his face and tell him that you love him very much, he really needs it
be careful though cause he’ll get really dramatic and loud and go “ha! you hear that guys! my girlfriend thinks i am amazing and she told me loves me!” or go bright red and now you have a koala that is determined to cling to you, crying into your haori
…a drama queen but he’s your drama queen
he’s can’t ever keep his hands to himself and absolutely loves PDA 
now listen sis, you gotta make a choice during meetings; it’s either you let him stay clinging to you and kinda disrupt the meeting or restrain him….but he’ll look like you just tore open his heart drama queen
please at least let him hold your hand or he’ll get worse as the meeting continues and now he’s just depressed
he is really dependent on your affection, you can get him to do anything and i mean anything
“zenitsu, if you go in there and kill at least two demons then i promise to hold you the entire night when we sleep” *he’s a new man now…a man with purpose, a man with dedication!* “for you, my love, anything.”
.... yea, it’s definitely that serious
speaking of sleeping, he loves sleeping on your chest, close to your heart with his ear right on top of it
with his super good hearing abilities, he likes to listen to your resting heart rate to fall asleep and it works like a charm
he listens so closely that everything else drowns out, it's his favorite sound in the whole world second only to your voice
he memorizes what you’re heart beat sounds like and uses that memory to peacefully fall asleep when he’s away on missions
or conversely, he taps his chest in the same rhythm as your heartbeat when he needs help calming down during missions
he could hear your very presence and immediately know it was you since he’s memorized that as well
“ Oh heeeyyyy y/nnnn!” “zeni, how did you know it was me? i was 15 feet away from the door.” “i memorized your resting heart beat so I just knew it was you!!” *heart squeeze*
during missions, it truly is the thought of you that gets him through the worst of it and immediately after he's done, he's rushing through most of japan to get back to you im sobbing pls he's so cute
he has a knack for doing and saying romantic shit randomly and not noticing how smooth he really is
“you know…i really love you and i’m glad you’re still with me. I want to spend a long time with you, whether it be killing demons or just settling down, i’d follow you anywhere”
now imagine he said that with a nice, warm smile and soft eyes, looking directly at you
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and now all of a sudden, he's a lil poet im-
he just…loves you very much and is a total simp
now onto the part i am dreading…wash day
face it, we are in the taisho era in 'ye olden japan', ain’t no conditioner or shampoos or products at all made for your hair
HOWEVER!! there is aloe vera and many different herbs you can find and thank god for that!
just ask shinobu for help on making it and voila! you have shampoo and conditioner made from aloe vera and other herbs that shinobu herself made!! do not worry black woman, your curls are saved!
with that being said, zenitsu heard about it and when you explained to him that your hair is different and requires more care, he was on top of it!
whenever your products are running low, he's the first one to go to the butterfly mansion to ask for a refill! especially, if you've gone on a mission, he diligently checks those bottles to see how much you have left and makes sure they're full before you come back
he had always loved your curls, always playing with it to help him calm down or just as a stim
learning to take care of your hair was actually quite simple although he did mess up a few times but nothing you can’t fix 
he really loves to take his time brushing out all the knots and absolutely loves when you melt into him anytime he massages your scalp during shampooing
he really loves to take care of you no matter but doing your hair is like his favorite pastime, you're relaxed, safe away from demons, and he feels like he's filling out his boyfriend role
when you guys have time, you both sit together and do finger coils or twist each curl and then he’ll sit with you on a windy hill to help it dry or just fan you until it's dry enough man of dedication
he really loves wash day and counts down the days since you last washed your hair to make sure he's there when it is time to wash it
even if you're a lazy natural, if you let him because he really really really really wants to, he'll just do your hair by himself
but for plot sake, let’s say you both go on a mission and you're forced to cut your hair short because it's caught in a demon's grasp
whether it bothered you or not doesn't really matter because he is pissed
fun fact! in 'ye olden japan', a girl's hair means a lot but mainly that they are loved and cared for so when cut, it basically means that that she has been banished or rejected from her home to the streets
now to put that all into context, zenitsu is livid and worries that people will think you're loved at home by him. that demon gets the beating of a lifetime before it's killed but even then he's really upset and blames himself
it's a whole thing but he just really cares about you is all.
but to wrap it all up, he’d do anything for you and to this day he always thanks you for staying with him and for loving him the way you do, he appreciates you more than you think
oh! and when he saw gramps again, he told him everything about you and as he was leaving, he declared “hey, gramps! by the time i come back, the girl i was talking about will be my wife and then you’ll get to see her!! i know you’ll love her!!” 
i’m so fucking soft
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check back later !
taglist: @megurulvr
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dailyy-me · 7 months
I recently read The First to Die at the End by Adam Silvera
Just, wow.
(Please don’t read if you don’t want spoilers, I’m not going to hold back on my rant so read at your own risk).
I’ve read a lot of peoples reviews for this one because honestly it was hard to make up my mind about it as a whole. At the end of the day, I think my only problem with the book was the point of view from the creator of Death Cast. While it was really interesting to see and learn about his life, it didn’t reveal any relevant information we didn’t already know or any new information we needed. With that being said, it’s probably one of my favorite books now.
Adam just loves to intertwine the lives of his characters. And he does it so seamlessly. Nothing feels forced or awkward. And if it feels too coincidental, isn’t life that way too??
The fact that he wrote about little Rufus and Mateo was a genius way to give us more from those characters without disturbing the events from the first book. If anything, it’s helped us understand even more why they were the way they were and appreciate how much they managed to live with all of it on their backs.
The whole story reads like a romantic tragedy written in the stars. And the fact that one of the characters is named Orion and the other Valentino is absolutely wonderful. Their story isn’t perfect because if it was they would’ve grown old together and they would get to keep loving each other for far longer than they got. That being said.. it is a beautiful story. Adam was able to, once again, raise the questions about mortality and how people live their life, but this time with new perspectives than last time. Reading about Orion's pain of constantly HAVING to think about death and the very real consequences a simple fun outing with his sister could have was eye opening to me. In the first book, I couldn't understand how anyone could wish for a service like Death Cast, but after truly listening to Orion it made sense to me. I truly felt his fears, and worried for him along with his sister. It was also refreshing to see Valentino struggle with religious trauma while still having love or maybe just curiosity about God in a manner that seemed relatable to me. How his parents reacted to him coming out is a huge fear of mine. Reading about it happening to him was truly heartbreaking for me, and his questions and struggles resonated with me deeply.
I would also like to say that Adam surprised me a little when he was able to point out how grief can be a little selfish and how caring about someone so much can create distance between two people like it did with Orion and his sister (I’m so so glad that the characters were able to work through that so quickly because they both needed each other at the end of this story). The way he swirls coincidences and consequences is truly a whirlwind most admirable when you’re right smack in the middle of it all.
(Talking about the ending next, so this is your second warning.)
Honestly speaking, I still don’t know how to feel about the ending. And the feeling of uncertainty towards my feelings is exactly how I would want someone to feel at the end of my own story. I don’t know that I would be okay with someone being happy about how my life ended. I don’t know that I would want them to hate it either. So having the constant debate and conversation feels more comforting than anything else.
(Last Spoilers warning frfr bc the ending was AN EXPERIENCE I do not wish to take from anyone).
Having Valentino give Orion his heart felt like a declaration that love will always live within the stars. And I absolutely love it. Adam, I thank you for this story and these characters.
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magicaldragons · 6 months
the clusterfuck that was episode 14: an analysis
disclaimer: this does not condone any of ryu si-o's actions, were they to happen in real life. this is purely an objective examination of si-oh's psychology.
so, episode 14. that happened.
to start with, we've been getting insight into ryu si-o ever since he's started having more screen time (around episode 3), and since then we've been either seeing his backstory, or hearing his thoughts.
all of this abruptly cut off in episode 14.
obviously this is because he could could no longer remain as a character to be sympathized with, & the writers/directors needed to cut us off from his thought process to facilitate that. – for as long as we see the complexity within his motives, he will be a character we emotionally connect with.
if you want to see me vent about the potential his character had for positive growth leading up to this, here you go
but this will be an objective analysis on his motives and a likely explanation for his behavior, since we didn't receive that.
now, we have to acknowledge that up until this point, ryu si-o has had two main motives for anything he's done:
gaining strength [both himself and through tsetseg] & creating a trump card [the antidote] so that he can separate from pavel
finding binbin
and we've also seen, that all of a sudden, the cards are suddenly against him:
he's angered the mafia by directly going against them, regarding the antidote and his ownership of it
his leverage against geum ju's assistant didn't work out, and he's trying to disprove the drug accusations
the leverage he held against the police hasn't worked out either and there's now an arrest warrant out on him and no way for him to escape the country
his wild card, tstetseg, turned out to be just that, infact, and now the one person he thought he could depend on in case of a fallout with the mafia/any unfavorable situation is now gone
and from his perspective, it's infinitely worse because, putting aside that she is gang nam soon, tsetseg is no longer the person he thought she was:
he fell in love with tsetseg in the first place because she was honest – she spoke without a filter and lived without constraints. she talked informally, yet did so innocently. to him, she didn't hide her emotions, or mask her thoughts.
but now he realizes that she has been lying to him the whole time, has pretended not to recognize her own mother, and has listened to him talk about his past and seen him at his most vulnerable, while working against him all throughout.
throughout the whole episode, we are seeing ryu si-o at his rock bottom.
from all of his previous patterns, he only commits violence when absolutely necessary, or under the influence of the drug, when he is at his most aggressive, but this episode was an exception to that.
and it makes the most sense when you consider it this way:
right now his condition/mindset is akin to that of a desperate animal, backed into a corner, he will claw at anything to survive right now.
and as we discussed here, pain/fear is not a very useful emotion, especially with how badly it must threaten to shake him right now, so obviously he'd react to something like heartbreak the only way he knows how, or the only way that will help him get past it: anger.
he's doing what would be a regular stage of heartbreak after a breakup – blame. [albeit in a very terrible, violent way, because of the way he was raised]
he's trying to find where to place the blame for what happened with tsetseg: who can he blame except himself for getting so close to the one person who was meant to ruin his plans?
so he goes after hwaja, (and interestingly has someone else stab her) for lying to him, and does (what I think is a larger-than-usual) dose of the drug because he is genuinely trying to escape the pain, while simultaneously doing damage control as everything he's been working on, falls apart.
his approach is completely wrong, and cannot be justified, but the place it's coming from is understandable and so is the rage.
if we continue to see him act in line with the way he is characterized he will definitely hesitate when it comes down to directly hurting namsoon, should she be in front of him, because the emotion we're seeing clearly isn't "how dare she betray me?" — it's "how could I have let her hurt me like this?"
the writers may choose to ditch the character patterns and motives they've been giving him, in order to villainize him and lead up to their intended ending, but i do believe reckless violence (not just against namsoon), would be completely out of character.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 months
Over thinker( but not really)
Summary: In which Leon thinks a lot ( and it keeps him awake)
Notes: whatever the ship name for Leon x Raihan x Piers is, this is that. I like writing characters reflecting :) Also super sorry if this is ooc, I genuinely haven't interacted with/ written these characters in a while. I just pressed on and wrote the fluff lol. Also I did NOT edit this bad boy, so sorry for any spelling errors. I still hope you enjoy!!!
If he were to be honest, and he is, he never fully expected to be the cuddler and cuddlee. Raihan and Piers lay on each side of him, Raihan’s head crooning near his neck, and Piers resting on his chest. Both of which are latching into him,allowing zero escape, all three of their legs tangled together in a comfortable mess. And- he’s being truthful here- he did not expect them to be cuddlers. At all. Okay maybe Raihan- he liked to lean on close friends, Leon knew that much. But Piers? Piers liked his space and privacy, which they respected. What more, Piers was a horrid night owl. It took them a while to even get comfortable sleeping together, even more so to drag Piers to bed and make sure he stays there. And yet here he is, an arm wrapped around Leon, comfortable and sleeping away. Leon can't help but feel pride. He’s glad Piers feels safe with him to fall asleep
It’s still weird that they're so cuddly. Not a bad weird. A good weird. Just ….. something he has to get used to now. It is nice, though. And he suppose it makes sense that a dragon and a vampire desire warmth- he chuckles at the thought.
……Sleep eludes him tonight. Not the first time, though he hoped the two bodies next to him would have him asleep in no time. And yet, he stares at the ceiling of Raihan's apartment, wide awake as can be. He's…..not afraid to fall asleep. Not tonight, anyway. No fears of darkness, no flashes of red and blue and purple- nothing. For once, things felt peaceful. So why can't he sleep?
Leon shifts a little- or tries to with his boyfriend's clinging onto him- trying to gather his thoughts. Maybe he's just not tired. Maybe Piers vampirism latched onto him now. He snorts at the thought.
He wonders what Sonia is doing now. Is she with Nessa, like he is with Raihan and Piers? Or is she back home, sleeping away in her own peace? He hopes, either way, she's getting a good night's rest. And if not well. He wonders if she's doing the same thing he’s doing right now. Thinking away.
“Lee,” Raihan’s voice almost made Leon jump out of his own skin. Leon looks down to see a familiar turquoise eye looking up at him, “ I can hear you thinking, love”
An urge to roll his eyes is strong, but instead he chooses to worry- playfully.
“ Sorry it woke you up, then,” he teases, and it's Raihan that rolled his eyes.
“ Mm-hmm” Raihan hums, then he yawns, rising up on his arms, “ Well? What's got you overthinking?”
“ I'm not overthinking-”
“ Hhhrrrrmp” Piers grunts, waking up himself. He doesn't open his eyes just yet, only speaking, “ Why are we talking in the middle of the night?”
“ Lee’s overthinking,”
“ I'm not-”
“ Okay,” Piers yawns, “ Stop overthinking,Leon. Go to bed- ow!”
Leon suppresses a giggle as Raihan pinches Piers, earning them both a glare from the man.
“ Alright, alright, we can talk about it, jeez-”
“ We really don't have to” Leon interrupts, “ It's really nothing”.
Raihan and Piers look at each other, then back at Leon.
“ Lee we all know when you say ‘its really nothing', it's absolutely something”
“But it really isn't!”
“ And when you insist it isn't, it usually is,” Piers adds, also rising up, staring down at Leon, “ So let's cut to the part where you tell us what's up, hm?”
Leon grumbles. Leave it to these two to go straight for the kill….
“ Alright! It's Sonia. Just….thinking about how she's doing, that's all,”
Raihan tilts her head to the side, but before he could say anything, Piers crashes back down next to Leon.
“ Piers-”
“ I’m listening. But I'm also fucking tired. So.” Piers mumbled, and Leon chuckled. Once again - never would have expected this from the vampire man. Though the more he thinks about it, the more that's on him than anything. Raihan shakes his head, but nudges Leon on his shoulder, gently offering him to speak.
“ …..Well. I couldn't sleep. And I didn't exactly feel any distress so I just. Let my mind wander. And I ended up thinking about Sonia,” he shrugs, “ Still don't know why I'm awake though”
Raihan hums, nodding his head.
“ Did you talk to her recently?” He asks. Leon scrunches up his face a bit. Has he? They certainly have been talking more since he lost his title, but recently?
“.....No, not really”
“ Then maybe you just miss her,” Piers offered, his voice muffled slightly by the sheets.
“ We could set up something if you'd like,” Raihan offers next. Leon hums, titling his head to the side slightly.
“ That would be nice…..we’ve both been pretty busy….” He trails off,his mind going back. Back to the gym challenge. Back to their rivarly. Back to home. Back to-
“ She gave me that title first, you know” he says without thinking. Raihan raises a brow.
“ What?”
Leon blinks.
“ Uh. Before the gym challenge. I…..I was so scared. I didn't think anyone would like me or….or if I would make it far,” he swallows, memories flooding back into his mind. Him staring down at the train station, his legs refusing to move. The fear of leaving home, the worry of his loved ones health, the thought of him failing- it was all too much. He remembers Sonia’s touch. He remembers her giving him a warm smile. He remembers what she said-
“ She told me to create a persona. One that's ever confident and that can do anything and everything with a smile,” he smiles softly at the memory, “ ‘The Unbeatable Leon’”
There's a short silence between the three. Raihan looks down at Leon with slightly widened eyes.
“ I….I didn't know that,” he mutters.
“ Of course you didn't. It was our secret. No one had to know,”
“ So…..” Piers speaks up, “ When we first met you that….was a persona?”
“....Kinda?” Leon thinks back some more, “ Sonia….she told me that Leon and Unbeatable Leon were one of the same. Both can do anything really- it's just that Unbeatable Leon was a tool to get me going, you know?” He frowns
“....I don't think she ever meant for it to become my entire being,”
“Lee…..that's not your fault,” Raihan lowers his hand to meet Leon's, giving it a small squeeze.
“ I know….but it's not her fault either,’
“ Obviously. Neither of you expected it to become a marketing tool,” Piers says curtly. Rose’s name is left unsaid, thankfully, but it still hangs in the air.
“ I…..should probably talk to her about it,” Leon sighs, “...Later. I can see you getting grumpy Piers”.
“ Excuse me for being tired and still wanting to comfort my boyfriend,”
“ Yeaaaah, we better get back to sleep” Raihan says with a smirk, “ We don't want you becoming a vampire again”
Leon doesn't suppress his giggles this time, chuckling to himself as Raihan gets back into his original spot.
“ I can't believe you're still on that” Piers huff.
“ And you don't deny it, so for all I know, I'm right~” Raihan fires back, only to be accompanied by a yawn.
That seems to do it. Whatever small banter that was starting to brew dies quietly.
And soon Leon is back to where he was before. But this time he finds himself growing tired himself, sleep easing into him, one last memory plays in his mind……
“ Unbeatable? Me?” Leon asks meekly. Sonia smiles, and Leon feels his worries ease.
“ Yep! The Unbeatable Leon! Everyone will love it!”
“ Everyone…..” he shakes his head, “But! I never beat you in battle, Sonia! How can I-”
“ Because!” She cuts him off, “ I believe in you, silly. Someday everyone is gonna see how bright you really are, just like I do!” She snickers a bit, “ Who knows maybe you’ll be able to beat me in battle soon~”
“Sonia!” Leon whines, and Sonia simply laughs, moving in front of him.
She stands in front of the train station, a big smile with a hand outstretched.
“ So, Mr. Unbeatable…..you ready to go?”
Leon looks at his best friend, and the hand she lends out. Unbeatable Leon…..the guy who does everything and anything with a confident smile. Like her. Like Sonia. He beams, and takes Sonia’s hand.
“ You know it!”
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 months
Sorry for the length of this, but you got me thinking! I feel like I should have started keeping an eye out on Erik not planning a lot of major plot points when he introduced Xavier right before the games, gave us no time to get to know him, then killed him and had characters (even Freelancer) react in a way like they were bffs with him like what in the Star Trek redshirt was that? But Inversion was so good otherwise to me that I ignored that.
I feel like I really should have taken more notice when Milo recovered from his Inversion injury after two videos (but Erik had personal reasons for that so I went sure). Then, after all this lore talk of how much bloodlust new vampires have and how much they struggle, we didn't see any of that with Lovely, but we were still not to far off from Inversion so I ignored it again lol.
There's some personal preference stuff where I get confused at his lack of consistent framing when it comes to consent where Alexis is the bitch and is more or less a villain (with little nuance so far in canon) for ignoring Sam's consent. But Cutie (with how Erik says they and Geordi aren't broken up) is framed as being able to work towards forgiveness despite years of ignoring Geordi's consent even after he cried about it to them.
I'm on the fence about his 'I intended Imperium season 2 to be the end' because I don't think it's the worst place to stop, but I do think that there's some more story to tell and if the views were a lot better then he probably wouldn't have stopped (only guessing here)?
I think what made me finally stop and wonder 'does he plan?' was how Quinn's capture (after all that build up) happened off-screen and only had Darlin' punch him while he was tied up. I thought the Summit was fine in a very Clue way, but watching the Vega video today had me go '...oh okay' which I don't mind deaths, but that shouldn't be a reaction to that lol.
I feel like I want to give one more of his big plotlines a chance and hope he's planned that one, but idk. The guy capable of making Inversion has to be able to do something even sort of to that level again hopefully??
Don't apologise, Anon! I love reading your thoughts.
Xavier was the beginning. Yes, I was also emotionally devastated; it added stakes to the Inversion, but a part of me always wondered if killing off a character was the only way Erik could add impact to the Inversion? Because no matter how good the angst is, if you introduce a character, make them have ties with one of the main cast and later kill them just to add depth to the main cast, it feels very cheap.
Maybe this is me being salty, but making Milo unable to Shift for at least a few more videos before his Core is healed enough would've been better. The anxiety of not knowing if he became truly magicless and the trauma that would bring would be a better alternative to Xavier's death. I feel like Erik is so damn afraid to do anything bad to his cash cows nowadays. That aftermath from the Summit? The talk that David had with Angel or whatever? That was honest to go foreplay. Yes, the Shaw Pack was affected by William's plan; they saw a murder happening right in front of them, boo hoo... boo hoo. The Summit is absolutely nothing when compared to the Inversion, where hello? Actual and thousands of deaths occurred!?
That thing with Lovely, and how well and quickly did they transition into the Vampiric lifestyle? Lame. Boring. Where's the struggle? Oh right, the fandom scared Erik badly enough to scrap Bright Eyes.
Also, I get that Erik's movie is Clue, and he was trying to do the same for the Summit, but it just turned into, 'Great idea, bad execution' kind of video. Meh.
That Alexis and Cutie parallels... I never noticed that before, Anon! Huh! You have a good eye when it comes to details. Listen, I love Alexis. I love Cutie. I love deeply flawed characters, and I also love deeply flawed characters that either own up to it or revel in their shittiness. I just want Cutie and Geordi to break up already so Cutie can find someone on their level, and Geordi can find someone with enough patience to deal with him and his baggage. Though both of them need to work on their own stuff first, tbh. Cutie is not blameless, and neither is Geordi.
Will we get an Imperium Season 2, though, Anon? I already don't have faith in Erik's story writing so I'm not looking forward to he'll fucked up another series.
Ah! So Quinn's Ending was your tipping point, Anon. I hate Sam and Darling but even I believe they deserve better. Though I giggled when Darling beat up a tied-up Quinn as a way to get their revenge. Oooo, so badass! What a strong Listener! You feel empowered at that moment, Anon? I feel like I was ridiculed after everything, IMO.
Vega's death was a slap in the face to me because of the utter disrespect. You built this character up to be ancient, manipulative, powerful, only for him to moan and die? Wow! I wondered if he actually hated Vega! This might be a gambit, and Vega might be faking his death, or this is some part of his plan, but I don't care anymore. At least give him a proper end, ya know? Again, same with Quinn's situation. I FEEL RIDICULOUS FOR EVER INVESTED IN THE SERIES.
I'm not morbidly curious to see how he's gonna fuck up Project Meridian. I don't doubt that Erik can create a new series that starts off fantastically, only for it to end like a wet fart. Let's hope Inversion isn't his one-hit-wonder, eh?
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iqxys · 8 months
I CANT STOP THINKIGN ABOUT THEM RAHHH anyway here’s Kiryn coming out (in two ways) to Taliesin and Taliesin realizing ‘oh no he’s kinda cute wtf do I like him like that?’
somewhat based on my own coming out experience
maybe ooc Taliesin??? I'm so bad at writing characters that aren't my own LMAO
Kiryn: Taliesin? I have something for you. (Kiryn holds out a small wooden fox painted orange and white.)
Taliesin: A gift? (Taliesin accepts the gift. It fits perfectly in the palm of his hand.)
Kiryn: It may seem a bit childish but in my family, we give handmade gifts to show our appreciation. It’s like gifts for a birthday.
Taliesin: (Taliesin studies the gift and smiles. It’s adorable.) Thank you. Would you mind telling me more about this family tradition?
Kiryn: (Kiryn sits near the fire and crosses his legs.) There isn’t much to tell about it other than the fact that it’s been a family tradition since the Second Era. (He smiles as he remembers a story his father told him.) It’s actually how my dad proposed to my mom. He made her a necklace and a ring out of her favorite flowers and took her to the river near our home to propose. He gave her the necklace first as a birthday gift and when she was distracted with that he pulled out the ring.
Taliesin: (Taliesin listens intently as Kiryn talks. The Bosmer spends most of his time with a closed mouth and only ever talks if he absolutely needs to.)
Kiryn: He taught me how to make the ring when I was young so I could propose the same way.
Taliesin: Will you?
Kiryn: (Kiryn is thankful for the wooden dragon priest mask that hides his expression.) I’m unsure. I’ve yet to have my first kiss so marriage hasn’t been on my mind. Even then it wouldn’t be a traditional wedding. (Kiryn wraps his arms around his legs and shifts closer to the fire.)
Taliesin: Why is that? (Kiryn stays silent for what feels like hours and Taliesin feels he may have overstepped a boundary.) I’m sorry if I’ve—
Kiryn: No, no it’s okay. I suppose it’s time I tell you anyway. (Kiryn takes a deep breath and clears his throat.) I enjoy the company of men far more than women.
Taliesin: When did you realize? (Kiryn relaxes as he realizes Taliesin isn’t like his ‘friends’ back home.)
Kiryn: When I was around fourteen. My mom kept going on and on about how pretty all the girls were in the city but I never felt any attraction towards them no matter how hard I tried. I even tried dating a girl that was just the tiniest bit attractive to me but I couldn’t bring myself to. It felt like I was lying to her and she was so sweet. It felt wrong and I still feel horrible about it. (Kiryn starts to tear up and looks away from Taliesin.)
Taliesin: (Taliesin notices the way Kiryn looks away and moves to sit beside him.) You shouldn’t feel bad about it. Does she?
Kiryn: No, I don’t think so. We stopped talking years ago. (Kiryn’s voice is softer than usual and breaks slightly.)
Taliesin: Then she probably doesn’t remember. And you shouldn’t either. You were young and wanted to fit in to what you thought was normal.
Kiryn: (The walls Kiryn had built over the years start crumbling and he grabs the chin of his mask. He hesitates for a moment before pulling it off. He was a little pale for a Bosmer and had slightly freckled skin. His eyes were a dark red and a small but noticeable scar crossed over the bridge of his nose. He pushes his blond hair back, mindful of his antlers. He sets the mask down and bites the inside of his cheek as he turns to Taliesin. The taller elf, with about a million thoughts running through his mind, simply smiles.)
Taliesin: Has anyone ever told you that you look divine? (Kiryn’s face flushes and the urge to put his mask back on starts growing.)
Kiryn: That’s…I-I don’t think— (Kiryn looks away and closes his mouth before he can say anything that will likely embarrass him. Taliesin ignores the way his heart starts to race and keeps his smile up. He has always seen his relationship with Kiryn as friendly and nothing more. He waits for Kiryn to respond but he never does. Taliesin's smile wavers for just a moment and he stands. Kiryn quickly grabs his wrist and stands with him. Tears stain Kiryn’s cheeks and he hugs the Altmer tight, almost afraid to let go.)
(abrupt ending, completely forgot this in my drafts and it's been at least two weeks since I thought about this lol!! anyway this is supposed to be like the night before they confessed their feelings and got all soft on each other)
I'm never doing this again
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ashes-writing · 2 years
hi! could you please write headcanons for kit walker from ahs protecting you in briarcliff? thanks!
I would absolutely love to! Thank you for sending this in to me, babe! This was so much fun to do, ahh. I love Kit and Kit doesn't get near enough love so.. I'm a little rusty but let's see what I can do!?! These might not be the best, BUT.. I hope you like them, sweet nonnie! Sorry this took so long to do, I rewatched an episode or two just to kind of reacquaint myself with my take on his character.
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tag list babes || req rules + fandoms/characters || got a req or a ? || masterlist
Protective!Kit, mentions of mental illness + an asylum setting, lobotomies are mentioned. I did my best to keep the gory and grim reality of an asylum in the 40's/50's out of this and keep it vague so people could read it + i'm not a medical professional
There's nobody on my AHS taglist. If you'd like to be added to that, please click the lil link at the top of this.
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-- first of all, when you're brought in, he sees you sticking to yourself. Not speaking to anyone or anything, you seem so defenseless to him and he decides then and there that he'll keep an eye on you. At first, you really don't say much to him at all. And he doesn't really say much to you, either. But he is watching out for you, so when one of the staff comes around late at night and he catches them standing over your bed and watching you sleep like they're thinking real long and hard about trying something, he makes his presence known, creating a scene that has to be attended to, thus taking said staff member's attention off of you and putting it on him instead.
-- He's very observant, so if he notices you tensing or something, he'll make his way over and lurk near you with a scowl painted on his face and those arms folded across his chest til whomever happens to be making you uncomfortable fucks off and away. One time this didn't work and he wound up in an actual fight with the patient in question, but it was worth it.
-- you start to trust him more and open up to him, telling him why you're even in Briarcliff and your origin story only makes him want to protect you even more, because you, like him, are in there based solely on a wrongful accusation.
-- Let's say it's your spouse who had it done, shall we? Kit will make damn sure he's around whenever the spouse makes a visit. And he'll listen in on the conversations that spouse has with the doctors and other staff, and the more he hears, the more he grows to absolutely loathe your spouse because he has you locked away so he can fuck around + get his hands on money or property that belongs to you + any other number of reasons and this is horrible to Kit. He's the one who starts giving you candies that look like the medicine they're pumping into you so that you're not always so lucid and docile and you can have clear headed days, especially if he knows damn well via eavesdropping that spouse is the one who suggested any new treatments.
-- If you have to have a procedure of any kind done, Kit Walker is literally the first person you see upon awakening and recovery. And he stays by your side. He's always reassuring you that it's fine and somehow, everything will be okay again. If they did a lobotomy, he'd do his best to take care of you after the fact and he wouldn't let a soul near you. He'd do whatever it takes to keep that from happening.
-- If you have nightmares, you can go to him, no questions asked. he doesn't even make you talk about them, he'll just sit with you or hold you, whichever you prefer. If you do want to talk, he'll listen. He'll try to keep you calm and he'll convince you that it was just a nightmare.
-- Okay, this one... If your reason for being committed is due to sexual trauma or you're believed to be a nymphomaniac, I firmly believe Kit would keep anyone he feels is a threat to you in the sexual sense as far away from you as he can manage. When he can't be around you, he'll get someone to watch out for you. The amounts of times he's fought some asshole because they wanted to take advantage of someone helpless because they could, oh my god. And then on top of it, it's you they've tried it with? Not just no but hell no. He'd never allow it.
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