#yoko asahina
kurocookieemi · 6 months
Wannabe Princess vs Flower Queen
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i found this base and thought it was perfect for them, also i made RH wear some makeup and some extra jewelry in this pic, and her eyelashes look like this now
base by weirdsushi on deviantart
Ren Hua Kuang, Yoko Asahina, Ruzena Cermak, Julia Roosvelt, and Rinko Asahina belong to me
Brittany Gabor belongs to @askkassandragf-v-2
Aleksandra Nowak belongs to @pinkyberet
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pinkyberet · 1 year
Gliding Down (NOTRN In Hello Neighbor)
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Here We Have Samantha, Jamy & Yoko Gliding Down With An Umbrella To Escape From The Neighbor :3
Yoko: @kurocookieemi
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seiyuu-gallery · 8 months
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may8chan · 1 year
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Bloodbath at Pinky High: Part 1 - Toshiya Kominami 2012
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77ngiez · 1 year
Tell us about fankid /nf
hm who to choose who to choose……
im gonna go with the nevermind twins!! theyre my soniaoi kiddos <333
misa nevermind: ultimate botanist! vv cheerful and happy :) discovered a new species of moss in novoselic !! often shut down by her sister tho… she/moss demigirl lesbian, adhd
yoko nevermind: ultimate princess!! comes across as bossy because she . is . incredibly paranoid abt her throne being taken away from her (since 1. shes a twin and 2. novoselic was in a state of upheaval while she grew up) and kinda overcompensates by taking control of All Leadership Positions Ever . and also shutting down misa. its ok she just needs a gf who can fix her /j :) she/her sapphic, adhd
THANKSS for asking !!
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Hiryoko (Yugioh Arc-V)
"Milfs that used to be punks who did crime who would do so much more crime for their beloved sons who they went straight laced for unite"
Shinema (Brothers Conflict)
"This is 100% just something that popped in my head and made me go "well I can't not submit it". Incest and stepbrother incest bonding"
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smol-sirens-garden · 9 months
Mobile About Pages
Under the cut is where you can find the google doc about's for all of y muses. I wanted to make sure everyone could know about all of my muses.
AMNESIA: ~ Ikki ~ Ukyo
BANANA FISH: ~ Ash Lynx ~ Shorter Wong ~ Yut-Lung Lee
BLEACH: ~ Rangiku Matsumoto ~ Sojiro Kusaka (Canon Divergent)
BLEACH: ~ Christopher Paolini (OC) ~ Chuuya Nakahara ~ Doppo Kunikida ~ Hansuke Saito (OC) ~ Lireal Nix (OC) ~ Ogai Mori ~ Osamu Dazai ~ Ranpo Edogawa ~ Ryunosuke Akutagawa ~ Sigma ~ Yoko Tawada-Fukuzawa (OC) ~ Yukichi Fukuzawa
CASE STUDY OF VANITAS: ~ Noe Archiviste ~ Roland Fortis
DEMON SLAYER: ~ Rui ~ Senjuro Rengoku
DIABOLIK LOVERS: ~ Reiji Sakamaki ~ Subaru Sakamaki ~ Yuma Mukami
FAIRY TAIL: ~ Bisca Connell ~ Freed Justine ~ Frosch ~ Lahar (Canon Divergent) ~ Levy McGarden ~ Rufus Lore ~ Yukino Aguria
FATAL FRAME: ~ Ren Hojo ~ Rui Kagamiya
FINAL FANTASY: ~ Aerith Gainsborough ~ Madam M ~ Merle ~ Reno
GENSHIN IMPACT: ~ Aether/Traveller ~ Alhaitham ~ Ayato Kamisato ~ Baizhu ~ Beidou ~ Diluc Ragnvindr ~ Kaeya Alberich ~ Kaveh ~ Kazuha Kaedehara ~ Lisa Minci ~ Miko Yae ~ Pantalone ~ Qiqi ~ Razor ~ Tighnari ~ Tomo (Canon Divergent) ~ Zhongli
HAIKYUU!: ~ Kenma Kozume ~ Koshi Sugawara
HOWLS MOVING CASTLE: ~ Howl Jenkins Pendragon
HYPNOSIS MICROPHONE: ~ Dice Arisugawa ~ Gentaro Yumeno ~ Haruki Ishii (OC) ~ Hifumi Izanami ~ Hitoya Amaguni ~ Ichijiku Kadenokoji ~ Ichiro Yamada ~ Iris Innocent Traiter ~ Jakurai Jinguji ~ Jyushi Aimono ~ Jyuto Iruma ~ Kuko Harai ~ Ramuda Amemura ~ Rio Mason Busujima ~ Rosho Tsutsujimori ~ Saburo Yamada ~ Samatoki Aohitsugi ~ Sasara Nurude ~ Tom Whisper Weathercock
K-PROJECT: ~ Mikoto Suoh ~ Saruhiko Fushimi ~ Seri Awashima
MY HERO ACADEMIA: ~ Mina Ashido ~ Mirio Togata ~ Rei Todoroki ~ Shota Aizawa
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dilebe06 · 4 years
Rich man, poor woman + Special [con spoiler]
La serie delle belle idee
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I motivi per cui ho guardato questa serie sono tre:
1) Oguri Shun
2) Oguri Shun
 ma sopratutto........Oguri Shun
No, in realtà oltre ad Oguri Shun - mio attore giappico del cuor - mi era entrata nell' occhio la trama e così, avevo scaricato la serie nel PC dove è rimasta a vegetare per 6 mesi prima che io la iniziassi, anche solo per liberare spazio nel computer.
Quindi: Oguri, trama e spazio nel PC.
Comincio con il dire che la storia mi è piaciuta. 
Realistica ed intensa, ma capace di inserire qua e là qualche momento divertente per alleggerire la storia.
Il punto che ha preso gran parte della mia attenzione, è stata la NEXT INNOVATION. Questa azienda viene scritta così bene da essere quasi un personaggio nella storia: la sua nascita, crescita, evoluzione. Ma anche le sue crisi, i suoi dubbi e le sue necessità di aggiornamento.  
Come una persona realmente esistente.
Una storia che ruota attorno a questa azienda, questo "posto di lavoro" che non è solo uno “scaldare la poltrona per portare a casa la pagnotta”, ma un luogo dove le persone esibiscono la loro creatività e lavorano non tanto per i soldi, quanto per creare qualcosa di nuovo, che li metta costantemente alla prova. 
Bandiera di questa azienda è uno dei due fondatori, Toru Hyuga. 
Toru rappresenta perfettamente questo ideale: chi se ne frega dei soldi, creiamo roba.
A fare da contraltare per placare l’esuberanza di Hyuga c’è l’altro fondatore Ashaina, che è l’esatto opposto del collega: serio, diligente, responsabile, diplomatico. 
La NEXT INNOVATION funziona bene proprio perchè, a mio parere, questi due fondatori lavorano insieme: dove non arriva Toru, ci pensa Asahina. E viceversa. 
L’idea dunque che sta alla base di questa azienda è quello che mi ha colpita di più: il muro sul quale i dipendenti possono scrivere, la libertà creativa che viene data a tutti i dipendenti, la disposizione delle scrivanie ad esempio...tutto è atto a creare un luogo che non sembri un posto di lavoro per timbrare il cartellino. 
Legato fortemente a questa idea è Toru, che come detto prima, la rappresenta appieno. A lui non importa quanti soldi verranno fatti o se un idea è particolarmente difficile da fare. Anzi...le difficoltà rendono il tutto più eccitante. 
La serie mischia bene la storia della Next Innovation con quella di Toru: come lui perde la sua azienda, l’azienda va in crisi. 
Ottima quindi l’idea di legare questi due “personaggi” per creare una doppia evoluzione: quella di Toru che si ritrova a ricominciare da capo ma questa volta senza Asahina  - ergo con responsabilità - e quella della Next Innovation, tornata a brillare con il ritorno del suo fondatore, capace di ridargli innovazione.
L’evoluzione di Hyuga va oltre il suo lavoro per toccare la sua personalità. Sicuramente l’incontro e l’aiuto di Makoto è essenziale per questa crescita che colpisce anche il suo carattere. 
Palese questo, quando alla fine della serie Toru riesce a ricordare e chiamare per nome tutti i dipendenti della sua azienda. 
Aggiungo inoltre che Hyuga oltre ad avere avuto inizialmente un carattere terrificante e pieno di scatti d’ira, mi ha insegnato livelli di umiliazione degni di nota:
non sopporta coloro che seguono un percorso di studi regolari e denigra chi fa un lavoro che non sia il suo. Chiama la protagonista un fallimento perchè ha studiato tutta la vita ma non trova lavoro, prendendola come esempio per il fallimento dell’istruzione in Giappone. 
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E poi c’è la protagonista, mia gioia e mia croce. L’idea del personaggio di Makoto è buona: la ragazza brava, buona e ottimista che però manca di sicurezza in se stessa. 
Durante la serie compierà un evoluzione non da poco, che la spinge anche a lasciare indietro il suo stesso amore, per completare se stessa. 
Anche se.....ragazza mia, siamo negli anni 2000. 
Esiste la tecnologia e il tuo trasferimento in Brasile dura qualche anno... fai le tue considerazioni da sola. 
Ma sappi che esistono le relazioni a distanza. 
Così..per dirtelo.
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Gentile e coraggiosa dunque, con un ottima relazione con Hyuga. Lei lo aiuta sempre, è presente e cerca di tirarlo su di morale quando lui si perde spesso. Makoto crede in Toru e nel lavoro che lui sta facendo e questo la spinge a credere anche lei in se stessa e nel lavoro che vuole fare. 
La mia perplessità è stata nel fatto che io non sopporti i personaggi che balbettano, ridono forzatamente o non riescono a parlare prese dal nervosismo. 
C’è la scena dove lei viene scambiata per una ladra e al poliziotto che la vuole arrestare, Makoto non dice niente. Sta li in mezzo alla strada a balbettare con voce flebile ma nella sostanza non spiccica una frase di senso compiuto. Ed infatti viene arrestata. 
Ecco, io i personaggi così, non li sopporto. 
Tanto che ho avuto difficoltà nel capire come gli sceneggiatori abbiano scritto questo personaggio.
É  stata un agonia quindi fino al 7 episodio ( in tutto sono 11) quando smette di impappinarsi. ( anche se in alcune scene torna prepotentemente questo aspetto.... ma per fortuna sono poche). 
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Mi è piaciuta dunque la sua evoluzione, sia professionale che personale, per arrivare a toccare anche la sua relazione con Hyuga nello SPECIAL.
La loro storia d’amore viene raccontata in modo maturo e realistico: mentre le altre serie finiscono con loro due che si amano e stop, lo SPECIAL si prende tempo per portare la loro relazione ad un altro punto. Non solo dunque la maturazione personale, ma anche relazionale. E questo l’ho molto apprezzato. 
Se nella serie Toru e Makoto iniziano una maturazione che li porta dal punto A al punto B, lo SPECIAL narra come entrambi arrivino insieme ad un punto C. E come questo non sia così facile.
Buoni anche gli altri due personaggi: Yoko e Kosuke sono personalità da tenere in considerazione, sopratutto il secondo e la sua relazione con Toru. 
In realtà ho trovato un pò forzato il tradimento di Asahina ma sicuramente d’impatto. Ci rimangono male un pò tutti: Toru, Yoko, Makoto...ma chi l’ha prende peggio è Hyuga.
E le scene di questa crisi sono rese molto bene nelle serie. 
Ci sono poi due cose che mi hanno fatto storcere il naso: la prima è stata la questione della madre di Hyuga, usata solamente per mostrare come il figlio abbia paura di essere abbandonato dalle persone che ama, ma senza andare a fondo alla questione madre/figlio. 
Mi aspettavo di vedere e capire per quale motivo la donna avesse abbandonato Toru e se i due avrebbero riallacciato i rapporti. La serie ignora la prima domanda e risponde alla seconda in tono negativo, togliendomi un aspetto che sarei stata curiosa di esplorare.
Il secondo fatto è legato alla malattia di Toru che gli impedisce di associare i nomi ai volti delle persone. Anche questo viene relegato ad escamotage e poi accantonato. 
In realtà viene usato anche in modo intelligente:
- per inserire Makoto nella storia
- per creare il progetto dei dati personali
- per aiutare Hyuga a diventare una “brava persona” 
Ma una volta fatto questo, pare che Toru non soffra più di questa malattia e che questa non sia un gran problema. Lo trovo un peccato perchè poteva essere un tema da esplorare più a lungo. 
Ultima nota: mi è piaciuto un sacco il progetto dei dati personali. Sopratutto collegandola alla malattia di Toru e all’idea di poter aiutare le persone. 
Come detto nel titolo questa serie ha ottime idee, alcune elaborate in ottimo modo, altre..un pò meno. 
Voto: 7
 il 7 pieno l’ha raggiunto con lo Special grazie alla panoramica della casa di Toru e l’angoscia che mi ha messo nel vedere che 1) non ha soprammobili 2) non esiste un tavolo per mangiare e 3) ha il gabinetto dentro la doccia
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kurocookieemi · 6 months
Good vibes treatment (Hello Killer)
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based off this video:
after watching that video, i had the idea of Ren Hua sending her rivals, Brittany and Aleksandra, to get the good vibes treatment because of all the bad things they’ve done to others. even though i could only fit Ren Hua, Yoko, and Patrick in the bottom panel, i imagine that more people would be there, like Samantha, Julia, Ruzena, Yu Zi, Meng Yao, etc. also, i know that Kai’s holding the guitar in the video, but i decided to draw it on his back here cuz why not
Ren Hua‘s dialogue before the treatment starts:
”thank you so much for agreeing to do this, my good sir. those two leeches absolutely deserve it for all of their tomfoolery. i have an entire essay on all of their actions, but i shall try my best to keep it short and sweet.”
*after telling Kai about Brittany and Aleksandra’s wrongdoings* ”now that you and i are on the same page, i shall let you work your magic now. now…. *waves her fan and her sadistic side comes out* entertain your queen. *her sadistic side goes away* oh! apologies…. things like that happen to me sometimes…. now, please go ahead.”
Ren Hua’s dialogue after the treatment is done:
*she taps Kai on the shoulder* ”a fine humiliator you are, my good sir! i simply cannot wait for this to go viral! and then their reputations will tank even further and they’ll be eternally known as the complete garbage failures they are! by the way, you remind me of a dear friend of mine. i think you two would get along just swimmingly if you met, i should have to introduce you! now, for your troubles….”
*she gives Kai a stack of cash, since she’s rich and she wanted to repay him for his work*
Ren Hua Kuang, Yoko Asahina, and Patrick Davis belong to me
Kai belongs to Odd Nation Cartoons
Brittany Gabor belongs to @askkassandragf-v-2
Aleksandra Nowak belongs to @pinkyberet
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pinkyberet · 1 year
【いーあるふぁんくらぶ/1 2 Fanclub】【Yoko & Ren Hua】【Neighbors Of The Redemptive Neighborhood】
Happy Birthday To @kurocookieemi :3
I Just Think This Song Would Fit Perfectly With Them :3
Yoko & Ren Hua: @kurocookieemi
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rikirinkaart · 4 years
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cynthiaandsamus · 2 years
Winter Games Event!
Cynthia has divided the visitors of the villa into three teams to compete in a series of three to five Challenges  to see which faction will come out on top! The winning faction will get… a wish on the Dragon Balls provided by Bulma! So depending on which team wins we may see a very unique outcome to this prize distribution. Each team will cooperate by committee to have the best result in the given challenge and a poll will be organized so YOU can decide who did the best for each round! So who wins these games will be entirely up to the followers of this blog! Look Forward to the posting of each Challenge and subsequent poll in the near future but for right now, here are the teams that will be competing against each other!
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Team Mommy Milkers:
The team of the well-endowed mature women of the villa! Will their Ara Ara’s lead them to victory?
Team Captain: Cynthia
Members: Alexis, Bulma, Calli, Diantha, Flannery, Galko, Hilda, Kallen, Lara, Lucoa, Malva, Medusa, Midnight, Misato, Momo, Tsunade, Rangiku, Tharja, Yoko
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Team Buff Babes:
The muscled, toned, strong women of the villa, can their sheer physical toughness prevail?
Team Captain: Samus
Members: Akane, Ayla, Darkness, Kohaku, Korrina, Maki, Miruko, Motoko, Olivier, Riza, Ryuko, Sango, Satsuki, Tifa, Yamato, Yang, Asahina
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Team Gremlin:
Those short of stature, trolly of mind, or just downright manipulative, can these smol crafty creatures win the day?
Team Captain: Zebes
Members: Bambi, Carrot, Crim, Dawn, Gardenia, Gura, Kagome, Lusamine, Nagatoro, Nero, Roxanne, Shantae, Touko, Uzaki, Whitney, Yuffie, Tamaki
 Let us know which team you’re rooting for and get set for these events to drop! Let the games begin!
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wh33zy · 3 years
11 and 14? 👀
(love the profile pic btw) Thank you so much for the ask! Without FURTHER ADO:
11. My favorite non-canon pairings are as follows: Junjou Optimist (Misaki x Nowaki)- they would be sO CUTE AND SOFT LIKE COTTON CANDY. Junjou Passive Aggressive (Shinobu x Misaki)- they would balance each other out SO WELL. Last but certainly not least, WhatShouldHaveBeenFecta (Kirishima x Haruhiko)- Haruhiko + found family trope is always a WIN BBYYYY.
14. I think I tend to have a lot of unpopular opinions as of late, but reading the same story since middle school will do that to a person lol. Ok, so the first glaringly obvious unpopular opinion is WhatShouldHaveBeenFecta. I'm sorry, but Yoko is still in the same trash bin (but different trash bag) as Takano. Yoko is completely undeserving of Kirishima and Hiyori, and I feel he has not done nearly enough to be redeemed. Honestly, Kirishima and Hiyori just fell in this guy's lap and he went with it. Kirishima and Hiyori, however, would have been the kind of happiness and security and sense of acceptance that Haruhiko seemed to want. It would have been a much more meaningful and beautiful set up.
I also just cannot like Nostalgia because of Takano, the things he did/said, not checking Yoko, and how he's a watered down super flat Akihiko who got WORSE (and I honestly don't understand, like I can't compute, those who like him but to each their own I guess) and I'm so angry that Nostalgia isn't a REALLY GOOD break up story because it had that potential to really teach something. I also wish the change in Ritsu from high school to working adult was a lot bigger and a lot more distinct (more than just the fact that Ritsu grew up while Takano didn't). There are also times I wish he was a lot more assertive but I totally understand and don't blame him when he wasn't.
As for Egoist, (though I feel like this is not so unpopular after I tore Hiroki to shreds in my last analysis) it's honestly just a story about a raging narcissist asshole who knows he has problems but refuse to change them all the while sinking his claws into someone wearing rose colored glasses who he can't even treat fairly. It's not as cute as I thought it was years ago. (And I'm not saying Nowaki was an angel here, there is SHIT he did of course, but Hiroki is so so much worse. Not to mention, I'm VERY CONFIDENT that given the chance, Hiroki would leave Nowaki for Akihiko which boils my blood a lot. I know if Hiroki and Akihiko were together, Hiroki would treat Akihiko 1000 times better than he ever treated Nowaki).
The Mistake story is honestly a lot better than I think a lot of people give credit for and should have been given more screen time than Egoist. Such an underrated pairing.
Lastly, Terrorist is one of the healthiest, if not the healthiest couple around. While I will say Shinobu is exceptionally mature and smart for his age from the get go, there was a lot of growing he and Miyagi did. It was refreshing to see them recognize problems within themselves and with each other, talk them out, then do their best to fix/grow from them. They have the best communication (apart from Mistake) and it's so cool to see them be vulnerable with each other. However, as much as I love Shinobu already, I feel like Nakamura is quite lazy with his character because we know more personal stuff about Miyagi than we do Shinobu (for example, hobbies, likes/dislikes, why he decided to major in law in the first place).
I love, love, love Misaki. I do. But it's very obvious that he was made to be super relatable. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all, a lot of great characters are made with that in mind, but it does stick out a bit in some parts.
Last unpopular opinions: Domestica is Mistake if Mistake had no personality or spice (and if Asahina was an enabler which he isn't). Erotica is the relationship that Egoist was supposed to be but fell short because Kisa owned bad parts of himself and worked on them while Hiroki does nothing of the sort (he is the same character from the beginning but i guess he maybe loves Akihiko slightly less? IDK, throw this man AWAY). Thanks again for the ask!! I'M ALSO SORRY FOR THE WALL OF TEXT.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
DanganSona Chatfic and shitzzz
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3C61CQd
by ThatOneKid123
Words: 654, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Danganronpa Chatfic
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Persona Series, Persona 5, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa 十神 - 佐藤友哉 | Dangan Ronpa: Togami - Satou Yuuya, Dangan Ronpa: Kirigiri, Dangan Ronpa Zero, Dangan Ronpa Another: Another Despair Academy, Super Dangan Ronpa Another 2: Sun of Hope & Moon of Despair, Dangan Ronpa Rebirth: Voices, Dangan Ronpa TheAfter: Future of Despair School
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Togami Byakuya, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Asahina Aoi, Fukawa Touko, Maizono Sayaka, Kuwata Leon, Fujisaki Chihiro, Oowada Mondo, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Yamada Hifumi, Celestia Ludenberg, Ogami Sakura, Ikusaba Mukuro, Enoshima Junko, Hinata Hajime, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Sonia Nevermind, Soda Kazuichi, Owari Akane, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter, Hanamura Teruteru, Koizumi Mahiru, Pekoyama Peko, Saionji Hiyoko, Mioda Ibuki, Tsumiki Mikan, Nidai Nekomaru, Tanaka Gundham, Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki, Kamukura Izuru, Naegi Komaru, Asahina Yuta, Aoba Satomi, Haneyama Ayaka, Yukimaru Takemichi, Kenichirou | Kenshiro, Owada Daiya, Mitarai Ryota, Kuzuryu Natsumi, Sato (Dangan Ronpa), Kurosaki Taro, Goryoku Tomohiko, Ichino Sosuke, Yoko Shoji (Dangan Ronpa), Nishizawa Kiriko, Someya Ryota, Kubo Daiki, Kisaragi Karen, Kashiki Suzuko, Hino Asukasei, Umesawa Aiko, Ikuta Kotomi, Kamii Tsubasa, Murasame Soshun, Saihara Shuichi, Harukawa Maki, Yumeno Himiko, Amami Rantaro, Akamatsu Kaede, Hoshi Ryoma, Tojo Kirumi, Yonaga Angie, Chabashira Tenko, Shinguji Korekiyo, Iruma Miu, Gokuhara Gonta, Oma Kokichi, Momota Kaito, Shirogane Tsumugi, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Otonashi Ryouko, Matsuda Yasuke, Samidare Yui, Togami Shinobu, Taira Akane, Kinjo Tsurugi, Mekaru Rei, Otori Teruya, Maki Kiyoka, Higa Mitsuhiro, Tomori Kizuna, Hatano Ayame, Inori Kanata, Yamaguchi Kakeru, Uehara Kinji, Kobashikawa Haruhiko, Iranami Satsuki, Kurokawa Mikako, Kisaragi Yamato, Utsuro (Dangan Ronpa), Sora (Dangan Ronpa), Maeda Yuki, Kabuya Yoruko, Hashimoto Shobai, Nijiue Iroha, Kagarin Yuri (Dangan Ronpa), Makunouchi Hajime, Mitsume Kokoro, Magorobi Emma, Chiebukuro Setsuka, Otonokoji Kanade, Otonokoji Hibiki, Kasai Shinji, Yomiuri Nikei, Sannoji Mikado, Nakajima Kanon, Fujimori Ayumu, Izumo Kasumi, Samejima Kazuomi, Sakuma Kego, Kagura Maiko, Himuro Nico, Tsuchiya Akira, Todoroki Aruma, Aisaka Misuzu, Rokudou Saiji, Yodogawa Seishi | Katagiri Zen, Mizuta Marin, Koga Mitsunari, Itsuki Mikoto, Oosone Narumi, Shimatate Konoe, Komyoin Chisa, Hashizawa Coco, Masuda Fitzgerald David, Nova Hold, Amagaya Issei, Ueda Kinji, Hatoyama Koin, Momori Marin, Kirigiri Miharu, Hishimeki Miruku, Matsouka Retsu, Seki Ryohei, Arumada Seiha, Hatami Tachihaki, Ryo Yukime, Tsukishima Tsuda(OC), Vermillion Natsuka | Tsukishima Natsuka(OC), Suzui Shiro(OC), Yayoi Orihime(OC), Yonamine Riku(OC), Amamiya Ren (Persona Series), Kurusu Akira, Sakamoto Ryuji, Takamaki Ann, Mishima Yuuki, Suzui Shiho, Kitagawa Yusuke, Togo Hifumi, Niijima Makoto, Sakura Futaba, Okumura Haru, Akechi Goro, Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Sophia (Persona Series), Maizono Shiori(OC)
Relationships: Hatoyama Koin/Tomori Kizuna, Goryoku Tomohiko/Ikusaba Mukuro/Kurosaki Taro, Goryoku Tomohiko/Ikusaba Mukuro, Goryoku Tomohiko/Kurosaki Taro, Ikusaba Mukuro/Kurosaki Taro, Magorobi Emma/Togami Shinobu, Ichino Sosuke/Kinjo Tsurugi/Kurusu Akira, Ichino Sosuke/Kinjo Tsurugi, Ichino Sosuke/Kurusu Akira, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Matsuda Yasuke, Momota Kaito/Vermillion Natsuka | Tsukishima Natsuka(OC)/Yoko Shoji, Momota Kaito/Vermillion Natsuka | Tsukishima Natsuka(OC), Momota Kaito/Yoko Shoji, Vermillion Natsuka | Tsukishima Natsuka(OC)/Yoko Shoji, Hishimeki Miruku/Mekaru Rei, Amami Rantaro/Nova Hold/Pekoyama Peko, Amami Rantaro/Nova Hold, Amami Rantaro/Pekoyama Peko, Nova Hold/Pekoyama Peko, Hatami Tachihaki/Gokuhara Gonta, Seki Ryohei/Tsuchiya Akira/Tsukishima Tsuda(OC), Seki Ryohei/Tsuchiya Akira, Seki Ryohei/Tsukishima Tsuda(OC), Tsuchiya Akira/Tsukishima Tsuda(OC), Chiebukuro Setsuka/Hanamura Teruteru, Iranami Satsuki/Mizuta Marin/Nakajima Kanon, Iranami Satsuki/Mizuta Marin, Iranami Satsuki/Nakajima Kanon, Mizuta Marin/Nakajima Kanon, Mitarai Ryota/Sakura Futaba, Arumada Seiha/Enoshima Junko/Nishizawa Kiriko, Arumada Seiha/Enoshima Junko, Arumada Seiha/Nishizawa Kiriko, Enoshima Junko/Nishizawa Kiriko, Haneyama Ayaka/Otori Teruya, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Masuda Fitzgerald David, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Masuda Fitzgerald David/Shirogane Tsumugi, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Shirogane Tsumugi, Masuda Fitzgerald David/Shirogane Tsumugi, Aisaka Misuzu/Someya Ryota, Kubo Daiki/Oma Kokichi/Shinguji Korekiyo, Kubo Daiki/Oma Kokichi, Kubo Daiki/Shinguji Korekiyo, Oma Kokichi/Shinguji Korekiyo, Iruma Miu/Suzui Shiho, Celestia Ludenberg/Sakamoto Ryuji/Yayoi Orihime(OC), Celestia Ludenberg/Sakamoto Ryuji, Celestia Ludenberg/Yayoi Orihime(OC), Sakamoto Ryuji/Yayoi Orihime(OC), Asahina Aoi/Tanaka Gundham, Kisaragi Yamato/Komyoin Chisa/Kuzuryu Natsumi, Kisaragi Yamato/Komyoin Chisa, Kisaragi Yamato/Kuzuryu Natsumi, Fujisaki Chihiro/Togo Hifumi, Todoroki Aruma/Yamaguchi Kakeru/Yonamine Riku(OC), Todoroki Aruma/Yamaguchi Kakeru, Todoroki Aruma/Yonamine Riku(OC), Yamaguchi Kakeru/Yonamine Riku(OC), Hagakure Yasuhiro/Owari Akane, Kagarin Yuri/Momori Marin/Tsumiki Mikan, Kagarin Yuri/Momori Marin, Kagarin Yuri/Tsumiki Mikan, Mioda Ibuki/Saionji Hiyoko, Kenichirou | Kenshiro/Mishima Yuuki/Tojo Kirumi, Kenichirou | Kenshiro/Mishima Yuuki, Kenichirou | Kenshiro/Tojo Kirumi, Mishima Yuuki/Tojo Kirumi, Fukawa Touko/Kashiki Suzuko, Fujimori Ayumu/Hatano Ayame/Sato, Fujimori Ayumu/Hatano Ayame, Fujimori Ayumu/Sato, Hatano Ayame/Sato, Aoba Satomi/Sora, Nidai Nekomaru/Nijiue Iroha/Uehara Kinji, Nidai Nekomaru/Nijiue Iroha, Nidai Nekomaru/Uehara Kinji, Nijiue Iroha/Uehara Kinji, Asahina Yuta/Maeda Yuki, Kabuya Yoruko/Kagura Maiko/Kuwata Leon, Kabuya Yoruko/Kagura Maiko, Kabuya Yoruko/Kuwata Leon, Kagura Maiko/Kuwata Leon, Hashizawa Coco/Ueda Kinji, Himuro Nico/Kobashikawa Haruhiko/Otonokoji Hibiki, Himuro Nico/Kobashikawa Haruhiko, Himuro Nico/Otonokoji Hibiki, Kobashikawa Haruhiko/Otonokoji Hibiki, Kisaragi Karen/Samidare Yui, Saihara Shuichi/Shimatate Konoe/Yomiuri Nikei, Saihara Shuichi/Shimatate Konoe, Saihara Shuichi/Yomiuri Nikei, Shimatate Konoe/Yomiuri Nikei, Ryo Yukime/Samejima Kazuomi, Koizumi Mahiru/Makunouchi Hajime/Utsuro, Koizumi Mahiru/Makunouchi Hajime, Koizumi Mahiru/Utsuro, Makunouchi Hajime/Utsuro, Chabashira Tenko/Otonashi Ryouko, Hashimoto Shobai/Inori Kanata/Yukimaru Takemichi, Hashimoto Shobai/Inori Kanata, Hashimoto Shobai/Yukimaru Takemichi, Inori Kanata/Yukimaru Takemichi, Soda Kazuichi/Suzui Shiro(OC), Akechi Goro/Hino Asukasei Hino/Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Akechi Goro/Hino Asukasei, Akechi Goro/Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Hino Asukasei/Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Takamaki Ann/Umesawa Aiko, Amamiya Ren/Niijima Makoto/Yumeno Himiko, Amamiya Ren/Niijima Makoto, Amamiya Ren/Yumeno Himiko, Niijima Makoto/Yumeno Himiko, Kitagawa Yusuke/Koga Mitsunari, Akamatsu Kaede/Kirigiri Miharu/Sonia Nevermind, Akamatsu Kaede/Kirigiri Miharu, Akamatsu Kaede/Sonia Nevermind, Kirigiri Miharu/Sonia Nevermind, Matsouka Retsu/Yonaga Angie, Maizono Shiori(OC)/Ogami Sakura/Owada Daiya, Maizono Shiori(OC)/Ogami Sakura, Maizono Shiori(OC)/Owada Daiya, Ogami Sakura/Owada Daiya, Kasai Shinji/Yamada Hifumi, Izumo Kasumi/Kamukura Izuru/Oowada Mondo, Izumo Kasumi/Kamukura Izuru, Izumo Kasumi/Oowada Mondo, Kamukura Izuru/Oowada Mondo, Hinata Hajime/Oosone Narumi, Ikuta Kotomi/Kamii Tsubasa/Sannoji Mikado, Ikuta Kotomi/Kamii Tsubasa, Ikuta Kotomi/Sannoji Mikado, Kamii Tsubasa/Sannoji Mikado, Higa Mitsuhiro/Naegi Makoto, Maki Kiyoka/Mitsume Kokoro/Naegi Komaru, Maki Kiyoka/Mitsume Kokoro, Maki Kiyoka/Naegi Komaru, Mitsume Kokoro/Naegi Komaru, Kurokawa Mikako/Sophia (Persona Series), Komaeda Nagito/Otonokoji Kanade/Rokudou Saiji, Komaeda Nagito/Otonokoji Kanade, Komaeda Nagito/Rokudou Saiji, Otonokoji Kanade/Rokudou Saiji, Kirigiri Kyoko/Taira Akane, Harukawa Maki/Murasame Soshun/Sakuma Kego, Harukawa Maki/Murasame Soshun, Harukawa Maki/Sakuma Kego, Murasame Soshun/Sakuma Kego, Maizono Sayaka/Nanami Chiaki, Itsuki Mikoto/Togami Byakuya/Yodogawa Seishi | Katagiri Zen, Itsuki Mikoto/Togami Byakuya, Itsuki Mikoto/Yodogawa Seishi | Katagiri Zen, Togami Byakuya/Yodogawa Seishi | Katagiri Zen, Amagaya Issei/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Hoshi Ryoma/K1-B0/Okumura Haru, Hoshi Ryoma/K1-B0, Hoshi Ryoma/Okumura Haru, K1-B0/Okumura Haru
Additional Tags: chatfic, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Fukawa Toko Isn't Obsessed With Togami Byakuya, Soda Kazuichi Isn't Obsessed With Sonia Nevermind, Matsouka Retsu Isn't Obsessed With Komyoin Chisa, Non-Incestuous Shinguji Korekiyo, Non-Incestusous Otonokoji Kanade, Otonokoji Hibiki & Kanade have a real healthy sibling relationship, Nakajima Kanon Isn't Obsessed With Kuwata Leon, Togami Shinobu Isn't Obsessed With Togami Byakuya, Hanamura Teruteru not being pervert, Naegi Makoto is a Ray of Sunshine, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Non-Despair Enoshima Junko, Alternate Universe - Twins, Amamiya Ren and Kurusu Akira Are Twins, Kirigiri Kyoko & Kirigiri Miharu Are Siblings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3C61CQd
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rainbowdelicartz · 4 years
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(Copy-pasted from my Artstagram)
For the first ref sheet I've drawn for my DR1 fankids I introduce Sango Ogami, the daughter of Aoi Asahina and Sakura Ogami and the SHSL Marine Biologist
Shes a joyful, happy-go-lucky, honest and reliable girl who's usually seen hanging out with her best friend Yoko or in the Hope's Peak biology classroom studying and tending to its classroom fish. She's very energetic and loves to be around any body of water and observing it and the wildlife around it and since she encouraged to swim at a very young age by her mom Hina, this results in her being a very talented swimmer. She's also very capable of self defense when needed and has strength that's in tier between Akane and her mother Sakura
Despite her energy, she is also very much equally laid back and tries to be as helpful and wise as she's able to be to those who ask for her aide. Being around her mother Sakura has influenced her to become a smart, calm and helpful person while still keeping her happy-go-lucky and fun loving side
She likes lettermen jackets, tidal wave/Hawaiian clothing patterns, the ocean, lakes, rivers, ponds, any body of water, any kind of sea creature, goldfish, koi fish, seals, seagulls, lily pads, orchids, marshlands, moss, forests, frogs, butterscotch, orange cream soda, blue shark gummies and her favorite colors are blue and orange
Enjoy!! 🌈🌈
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ashitomarisu · 7 years
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[This next round for Precures by Region is focusing on the cures whose seiyuus are native to the Kanto Region. Since the majority are from this area, I had to turn this into a side-project. Thus, kicking it off are the Saitama natives].
Precures by Region (The Kanto Project: #Saitama) [Default 1600x900]
Cure Miracle/Mirai Asahina (Rie Takahashi)
Cure Mint/Komachi Akimoto (Ai Nagano)
Cure Black/Nagisa Misumi (Yoko Honna)
Cure Muse/Ako Shirabe (Rumi Ookubo)
Cure Rouge/Rin Natsuki (Junko Takeuchi)
Coming Soon: Tokyo Natives (AKA THE BIG ONE)
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