#you know Gill was a simple guy
sunflowerpieivan · 3 months
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"Старый Ульв суть пива познал,
Да столь глубоко, что сам пивом стал.
Вот и сбылась мечта старика -
Слились воедино жизнь и пива река."
Found song that suits Prussia too well while searching for songs matching my demon AU so I told my friend this thing as a joke and drew it as a joke, but now we collectively think about this as a canon part of this AU.
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
you know it's INTERESTING to look back at the double life soulmate pairs and see how they're doing now, relationship-wise, because that experience shaped every soulmate pair differently, i think:
ren and bigb i'll put first on account of "we have no idea since ren hasn't been in the series since double life". when will our doggy come back from the war.......
grian and scar are... grian and scar, the soulbond alone is only part of everything going on there. i think being FORCED to team shaped them a bit into being a little/lot more stable in their relationship with each other in limited life and secret life, as well as maybe taught them a bit about each other's limits. i am... honestly not a desert duo guy there are people who can do the analysis of the soulmate bond's impact on them WAY better than me but. it's part of their overall arc, you know?
martyn and cleo are fun. they both are still clearly CLOSE but they are also both still clearly mistrustful and angry at each other! they have this whole "the only one who can kill you is me" dynamic going on between each other that's very fun. i think being soulmates... obviously they were one half of divorce quartet and the resentment of being forced together did some stuff to that relationship. but i think maybe it also sort of gave them something that they appreciate about each other as well? and they DO care, despite everything. (i could GO INTO THIS LET ME TELL YOU.) so like, they aren't close friends or anything, but they Know Each Other now. and that's a fun dynamic.
impulse and bdubs are funny because i think their bond both did and didn't shape them. the thing is, like desert duo, their soulbond is only one step in their journey, the one that ARGUABLY only settled out in limlife after impulse permakilled bdubs. (note that this is the first series where bdubs hasn't gotten a clock! he is FINALLY PAST that one relationship!) that said i think being each other's ridiculously happy married couple did something to impulse specifically, actually. i think it sort of confused and solidified the grudge and it also like, showed him the almost-happy-loyalty that he wanted in the world. i think these days impulse, at least, has a different idea of 'loyalty' and 'betrayal' thanks to that. and bdubs... i think it's relevant that despite bdubs intentionally CONSTANTLY THROWING UP BETRAYAL FLAGS, he never actually did it. and i don't think he ever actually would. but in terms of their relationship to EACH OTHER? the soulbond was, yeah, only one step in how that arc went.
scott and pearl are... interesting. it's funny; for one of the single most consequential soulbonds in double life, it like... mostly hasn't come up again in their relationship? part of this i think is that pearl's LONELINESS had more of an impact on her than anything scott specifically did, and scott choosing had more of an impact on him. so to each other they're mostly... normal? both a bit mistrustful but like... normal? it's in the ways they act with other people that this experience shaped them, i think; i could say something about scott's next major relationship being mean gills, and the way pearl is only now learning to be a part of a team that cares again. also, pearl's discovery of her bloodlust. that kind of happened in last life to be fair, but it's relevant,
jimmy and tango are surprisingly simple because they were one of the most stable and normal soulmate pairs, lol. they're each other's ranchers! they're still friendly to each other even when their teams are on opposite sides! i think having one relationship where he was the more self-assured one was nice for jimmy and tango having a guy who, rather like skizz, was never going to point out much when tango screwed up on account of Pot Meet Kettle was nice for him, and they both know it was nice. they both get more into the teasing now that they know each other better--a big part of the early ranchers dynamic is that they Did Not Know Each Other but now that they DO it's starting to settle into something shaped more like the kinds of relationships both tango and jimmy tend to have (and they are BOTH the kinds of people to have a lot of friendly mocking in their relationships i wouldn't be surprised if that gets Even More in the future)--but i think out of everyone they probably remember the soulmates thing the most fondly, given the degree to which they are still Buddies.
etho and joel are... good lord the boat boys. on the one hand: clearly they both still enjoy pointing out that the boat boys happened. joel gets... weirdly jealous of other people hanging out with etho? on the OTHER hand they seem determined to murder each other so so so bad. i like to think that their soulbond is a thing they look back on fondly from this but ALSO they both have such weird commitment hangups and bloodlust that maybe the fact they want to kill each other SO BADLY was inevitable. also interesting, though, is how much of this bloodlust comes from etho, given that normally you'd expect joel's relationships to go the other way. what i THINK is happening is that joel still feels a lot of loyalty towards the boat boys somewhere in his head (hence the jealousy and not typically being the one to lash out), whereas etho thinks of it as largely Done and Past, but thinks of it fondly--hence bringing it up every time he has to kill joel, and also the weird tendency to gravitate towards joel specifically. I DON'T KNOW MAN I WOULDN'T HAVE PREDICTED BEFORE LIMLIFE THAT BOAT BOYS WOULD BE THE SOULMATE PAIR THAT WERE WEIRDEST ABOUT EACH OTHER BUT HERE WE ARE,
anyway i just think it's funny to look back on the various soulbonds and realize which ones have had a big impact on sticking around and which ones haven't, you know?
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s0lar-ch3ri · 10 months
thinking about him (spoilers for jrwi)
thinking about how in atleast 2 scenarios chip has blamed himself more then needed, first with ollie ("i took him from his home") then with gillion ("i gave him the card") and each time he tried to put on a confident face but really it ate away at him inside.
thinking about how gillion is constantly taking on responsibility and chip canonically sees gillion as inspiration (humble beginnings, bizly says the inspo from the future is from gillion tidestrider) and its not like he only takes some blame but usually its all the blame because gillion knows how to acknowledge his faults somewhat.
thinking about how chip takes promises ever so seriously (ie, not even doing simple lies after promising gill that he wouldnt) yet hes such an example of "change doesnt happen overnight" and how he acts can be directly or indirectly related to past adventures and/or trauma (probably even how he copes is atleast somewhat connected to the guy he killed under price).
thinking about how chip grew up looking up to arlin and seeing what a great example of pirates the black rose were and trying to be something atleast somewhat great and feeling like he failed when hes the only one on deck with somewhat an idea of what a pirate is.
thinking about how chip would lie to protect his friends yes but became a lying machine to protect himself before and hid his intents because while he can absolutely trust his crew his instinct is too not because he got used to being on his own and putting himself first and now hes around people (mostly gill) who put themselves before him to help protect him.
thinking about how easily gillion made friends with people on islands and eventually it rubbed onto chip too (ie: gryffin, felipe, etc) as he unlearned the idea that hes alone in a cruel world that only exists to make him suffer and theres a light in everyones life that makes it even just slightly better, no matter the background (main example is gill again).
thinking about how much gillion is willing to sacrifice for his friends and when felipe wanted to stab him every night, it was chip who tried to talk sense into gill because he cares for gillion and (most likely) was worried that felipe may be lying about healing and may full on kill him.
and all these thoughts (and more) make me feel so much when they found the empty rowboat with nothing but ashes and a fiendish smell and gillion starts blaming himself so chip grabs his shoulders and says "its not your fault, you werent the one who made him grab the card" because somewhere in my heart it feels like maybe chip isnt just talking to gill but to the part of himself that keeps on trying to hold onto every wrong hes done, every sin that keeps him up at night, every lie that is amplified in his skull, that he deserves forgiveness and not everything in the world lays on his shoulders.
and with these thoughts, one more comes to mind: chip and gillion are so similar in backgrounds and morals and thats why theyre the ones that break each others walls and misunderstand each other and fight because they probably dont even fucking see it.
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chaniiverse · 2 months
any good chanhee fics that you recommend? there isnt a lot of new biased peopel
Oh my. I love this ask so much! As a channie girlie there really is so less fics of my man 😭. It physically hurts but I re-read so manyyyy of the ones which are out there.
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Simple gifts: by @sungbeam
This is like the first ever fluff (?) I read of Chanhee which stuck to me. I literally went to Beam’s DMs crying to her about this fic because I just love this so much 😭. I did not stop thinking about this fic for WEEKS especially the line “I am lonely but not when you’re here” it’s just so Chanhee coded!
That’s him, that’s just who he is: by @from-izzy
The first ever fic Izz wrote and that also for ME! Yes people, it’s for me 🥺🫶🏻. When I was reading this I literally started balling my eyes out because of how sad it was. I even sent a pic of me crying too Izz 😭💀. It’s not everyday you’d find a fic about the struggles my man went through and Izz literally depicted it all so well :)
The warmest winter: by @from-izzy
The roller coasters of ride izz went through when riding this fic was so 😭🥲. She really gave it her all when writing this sweet thing and she did not disappoint us Chanhee lovers because she ate AND served 💪. Tbh this fic is just so pure 🥺 the way chani gets jealous of Juyo (I love jealous men and I kid you not I am a possessive chani believer) made me want to bang my head against the wall SHSHSHSHSHS
Redemption of love: by @winterchimez
You guys don’t know how much I love this series 😔. I have never watched any musicals (NOT MY FAULT NOTHING LIKE THAT IS IN MUMBAI OKAY??) but I genuinely saw this one clip (it was in the first chapter of this fic) of the chandelier falling and oh my the way I was like “I NEED TO WATCH THIS MUSICAL!?” But not only do I love this fic because it’s Chanhee but also because ik how much this means to Als 🥺🫶🏻.
Even if the world caves,: by @kimsohn
Yall shru wrote this fic for me and me only and I will die while holding this fic close to my heart because it means a lot to me and I love this very much just the way I love my shru. The way I went through so many different emotions while reading this fic 😭. Like omg I get enemies2lovers AND a cameo of Vernon?? It’s a good day to die yeah? You guys have to read this fic written by shru ASAP!
# ur such an emo!: by @cloverdaisies
I will never shut up about the fic written by clo because they’re just so magical and makes me want Chanhee more than ever. Tbh this was such a surprise for me when clo said she wrote a fic for me 🥺. I already knew that she was busy with her work and all and then she just goes “Sana I wrote a Chanhee fic for your birthday.” Out of nowhere and me just sitting there balling my eyes out because 🥺🫶🏻. And then again we love enemies2lovers in this household especially when it comes to Chanhee so yes. We love this fic dearly.
Black hearts: by @cloverdaisies
The way clo depicted all the prompts given by me and @winterchimez in this fic has me on chokehold ngl 😭. I went to sleep after talking with ally and clo and then when I woke up BOOM BAM POW Clo had posted it already. I lowkey screamed when I saw this and the way it literally has all of our biases in this fic 🥺😭. Side note: I miss our lil trio yall 😭🥺. Late night chats again when 😭.
Valentines win: by @strayed-quokka
Omg my lenlen 🥺🫶🏻. She dedicated this one for me. Ha! *flips hair* be jealous 😍🫵. I was smiling like crazy when reading this fic of hers tho, the way Chanhee was like “no I am going to win this for you. I am not gonna back out” made my heart melt 🥺. Because we all know Chanhee is not a sporty type of person so him trying to win this just made me want to bash my head against the wall 😭🤧. And the fact that it was a POKÉMON SOFT TOY MADE IT MORE BETTER SISJDJDJ.
Chanhee with a girly gf: by @astrae4
If I don’t mention this one it’d be a serious crime and I do not want to go in jail 😭😢. This is the first ever work i read of Gill (that’s a lie. The first one was the channie smau) and this literally made me giggle so much 😭🥺. It has been a while since I read this again but we love this fic a lot 💪
Lipstick stains: by @slytherinshua
This very fic of Chanhee made me fall in love with him even more. Like you don’t get this fic the way I do. It literally took me out of my writers slump 😭🤧. It literally made me want to read other fics again because it reminded me that there are still good writers out there who write for my man 😭🥺. And u get husband channie. What else do you want? Be fr 😭
Something blue: by @deobienthusiast
I was beta reading this fic for K and I divorced Sangyeon and married Chanhee instead. End of the story. I was literally balling my eyes out because no way in hell would I treat my best friend (why be a best friend when you can be my best boyfriend tho?) Chanhee the way the reader did 🙄. Like?? But I love how Chanhee still showed up to her wedding (wanna make it our wedding instead?) despite everything the reader said to him 😭.
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I think if you guys want a part two of this plz let me know 🥺🫶🏻. I would have added some smuts but idk if you’re a minor or an adult so 😭. In the part two (if you guys ever want it) imma add the ones I read on Wattpad too! (There’s only two but whatever)
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Here’s some Chanhee for a good day ahead!
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vbsvartalf · 2 years
Audio Drama Sunday, 12/4/22
Yesterday was a long, big, busy Sunday, filled with some amazing audio dramas that I must share with all of you.
Dead Air, by Realm Media (created by Gwenda Bond) - If you like the true crime genre of podcasts, then a fictional version might just be up your alley. It's suspenseful, emotional, and filled with dark, dry humor. I've been devouring it recently, stopping just short of binging the entire thing in a single setting. I'm not a true crime fan, but I'm still hooked. If you liked Arden, I think you'll like this show.
Greater Boston, by Alexander Danner and Jeff Van Dreason - Humor, surrealism, quiet drama are all at the heart of Greater Boston. I know it's been around for a while and has a huge fandom but I'm excited that I get to experience this show for the first time six years after it started. Once I finish, I have a feeling I'll start the series over again without missing a beat.
A Ninth World Journal, by David S. Dear - The ultimate actual play turned audio drama, A Ninth World Journal episodes might be short but they are packed to the gills with content and keep you guessing as to what is going to happen next. David S. Dear is a fantastic narrator I've heard on several other shows at this point and it's wonderful to see him shine as the star.
Exoplanetary, by C. Christopher Heart - Managing to weave half a dozen sci-fi stories together in a nonlinear fashion without getting things too confusing is no easy task, but Exoplanetary as not only done just that, but thrived at it and keeps me coming back for new stories and new angles. It's filled with heart and emotion that stay with you long after the episodes is finished. From robotic love to colonialism to time travel, this show has it all.
Among the Stars and Bones, by Ungodly Hour Productions - Technically this will be my third listen but each time I get something more out of it, I feel more for the characters and understand their motivations. Telling a story from 8 or 9 limited viewpoints is a great way to employ the unreliable narrator, or as it happens, 8 or 9 unreliable narrators. I've seen recently that they are casting for season 2 and I cannot contain my excitement!
Old Gods of Appalachia, by DeepNerd Media - Folk horror, when done right, is better than any subgenre of any genre of literature, bar none. I will live and die on this hill. Old Gods does folk horror the right way. There's mood and atmosphere, a sense of place and a sense of dread. The show will have you jumping at shadows and creepy noises down by the creek at the witching hour.
The Town Whispers, by Cole Weavers - While similar to Old Gods of Appalachia, The Town Whispers takes cosmic horror and turns it up to 11 alongside all the folk horror that creeps around the edges of the Fort. The story telling is sharp and a sense of doom and dread purvey every word Mr. Weavers speaks. It's beautiful and chilling and leaves me needing more.
Malevolent, by Harlan Guthrie - It's a simple premise, guy wakes up unable to see with a creepy voice in his head that is not his own. Oh also there's a dead body, also there are monsters running around, oh also lots of creepy books, oh also it's set in the heart of Lovecraft Country. What could go wrong? I'm late to the party on the fandom for this show but as I work through the episodes I see why the fandom has exploded Hannibal style all over Tumblr.
Hi Nay, by Motzi Dapul - What if the Magnus Archives were less focused on Eurocentric monsters and fears and entities? What if there was a less organized group of people going after them? What if all of it was recorded lo-fi and given a health dose of Filipino folklore? Well, you'd have Hi Nay and you'd sweep the internets with a new, obsession worthy podcast that teaches as much as it entertains. Also they are working on getting 1000 subs on Youtube so get on that people!
The Kingmaker Histories, by Meg Molloy Tuten - Made by the same geniuses that brought us Less is Morgue, this audio drama gives us a glimpse at a steampunk world filled with magic. I enjoyed the first episode immensely. The acting, the script, the sound design are all top notch. Have to say I love this Ariadne character, she seems nice.
Moonbase Theta, Out, by D.J. Sylvis - Dystopian futures, corrupt governments, sinister warnings about the moon. Sounds like a typical day in 2022, right? Moonbase Theta, Out was and is ahead of its time in terms of storytelling, narratives, and characters. It's really a who's who in the world of audio drama with "famous" voices popping in and out to voice characters that will make you do the Leo pointing meme at least twice and episode.
WOE.BEGONE, by Dylan Griggs - Part surrealist sci-fi, part existential horror, WOE.BEGONE is a show that makes me want to run away screaming whilst at the same time binging more and more episodes. How deep does this creepy, deadly game go? What is the point of it all? Will Mike just be able to relax and have a nice time? I need to know!!!
And 195, by Guendalina Cilli - I just found out about this audio drama yesterday and I'm already a fan. I'm a runner with a bad sense of direction myself so the basis of the show is very, very familiar to me (aside from getting lost in other dimensions, that's not familiar but you never know in these days).
We Fix Space Junk, by Battle Bird Productions - Dystopian space dramas are a trope for a reason, but We Fix Space Junk manages to avoid the pitfalls and enjoy all the benefits of said trope. It's fresh, fun, and exciting. I've decided it was time for a re-listen to see what things I missed out on in the beginning that are integral parts of the show by the end. I'm already having a blast!
Care & Feeding of Werewolves, by Brenna Anderson-Dowd - What if True Blood were a sitcom, but far better than the sum of those two parts? What if it were funny and informative, silly and meaningful? You'd have Care & Feeding of Werewolves and you'd enjoy every single episode of this weird little show, and I do mean that endearingly. If it weren't weird, it wouldn't be nearly as fun.
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purlty23 · 6 months
that recent commission 👁️👁️ we need more mean dom Papa IV in the fandom
I argee. I dont think he has as much of a temper as the others, like when they get mad its genuine even though its controlled and safe. With him, he purposely plays it up. He gets annoyed, hes italian, sometimes he can get loud, but hes a soft guy. He knows that shouting and red hot anger dont always fix things. He also knows that some of his demons crave it. They need a harsh hand and a striking palm to keep them in place, to make them feel secure, to make them cum. Dew is the one who gets it most, because they have an arrangement. More under the cut cause I have feelings, rated like PG 13. Theres hints of sexual tension but nothing happens, nothing is explicit
After Terzo was…. Removed from his position. Let go, if you will. Afterwards, Dew was so angry all the time. He felt he had no safety to run back to. Other ghouls couldn’t be his rock the way he knew some were tyring. Most ghouls were gone, and the ones that somehow made it were shaken and unsure if theyd be next. Aether couldn’t console him, because Dew couldn’t believe his reassurances. Then Copia was introduced to them as the successor.
This guy? Dew had thought to himself. No way. He was a pushover, a scrub, unfit for the role he was being given. Dew hated him.
When Copia would speak, he’d scoff and avert his eyes. He’d cross his arms, flare himself in a way that still ached at his newly scarred and almost healed gills. He’d take every chance he could to scare and terrorize and bestow cruelty on the Cardinal. If asked, he’d say it was for his own amusement. To anyone with eyes it was clear he was lying.
It was after the second time Dew had barricaded him into the confessional booth during his shift there that Copia had had enough. It wasn’t a simple thing to corner a ghoul, but it wasn’t impossible. Enlisting the help of his still forming ghoul pack, he was able to find himself glaring down the newly turned fire ghoul. He always looked small. Somehow, he had never looked as tiny nor as snake-like than now; backed against the wall with nowhere to run in the cramped supply closet of the rehearsal room.
“Tell me, what slight have I committed?” The cardinal demanded. Of course, as soon as he started, his mouth caught up with the ball of nerves in his stomach and it all unravelled over his tongue. “I cannot recall a single moment! Did I step on your tail without my knowledge? Eat a leftover with your name on it? Is my presence such a hinderance? What would you have me to? Leave?”
“No!” The string of otherworldly curses thrown at him were laced with snarls and hisses, completely falling on deaf ears since Copia could barely translate.
Without thinking, his gloved hand slammed into the space on the wall right next to Dew’s head. Their eyes locked, mismatched brown and white falling down into pools of dark black with only pinpricks of-
Oh. Those pinpricks expanded before his gaze. Deep, heavy dishes looked up at him as bright molten blush. Something had changed, and it had done so very quickly. Like something had clicked into place in Dew’s mind.
Leaning in, he felt the warmth. Dew’s heart pounded in his ears and he swore it was loud enough for the cardinal to hear.
“…Is this what it takes to get you to behave?” Copia murmured.
After a moment of tense silence, Dew shook his head once. Bratty and defiant.
Getting closer, Copia’s lips brushed over golden strands of hair as he spoke into the ghoul’s ear. “More?”
Finally, Dew nodded.
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toadallytadpole · 8 months
currently brainstorming for my DnD character for a new campaign I'm gonna be doing with some friends...
[DISCLAIMER!!! I have never really played DnD and also this is the first night I've done real planning for the character so things may be incorrect cuz I haven't finished my research... so if anything is majorly wrong plz feel free to lemme know cuz I def wanna know as much as I can!!]
my ideas so far:
• Water Genasi that's aesthetically based on the Wild Green Axolotl [which will include the type of darkish green/blue skin coloring Water Genasi can have, maybe some cool hair style that mimics the axolotl's external gills, and also maybe include some Mexican fashion cuz axolotls are native to Lake Xochimilco]
• possibly a druid or a cleric for their class? I was originally wanting to play as a cleric [but I was also originally thinking of playing as a dragonborn] but now I'm thinking the druid would match the Water Genasi better? But also my DM said he doesn't want much magic/sorcery in our campaign cuz of the storyline he's planned so I dunno how that'd work tbh... but we'll see what he says...
• I want their weapon to look kinda like a fishing hook to keep with the water theme, so I was thinking a sickle kinda weapon cuz it can have the same kinda shape and I can just make the sickle a giant fishing hook? But also another player said she wants to be the one with the sickle weapon so I dunno if I can convince her to be okay with me also having a sickle like weapon too? Again, we'll see what she says...
Anyways now I gotta ask y'all's opinion on some name ideas...
Thank you to those that read/suggest ideas or give me more info if I get anything wrong!!! Okie dokie, bye!!!
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acrylicscore · 8 months
So like, I felt like doing a little “My MCSM Choices and Headcanons” post, just as a like basis for my personal canon on MCSM while also additional letting people who read my blog know what to expect from me in terms of this silly block game.
I will place my choices in “read more” so those that don’t wanna don’t gotta.
Jesse Type:
Red-Suspender Jesse.
He’s just my favourite little guy. He just seems different. Like honestly, compared to Green-Suspender Jesse (who I’ve found people view as a gruff and bulky short-stack that has the most adorable puppy eyes, and I love it), I like to view Red-Suspender Jesse as this short skinny dainty looking thing that is somehow the scar-covered hero that saved the world. Anyone who is directly looking for him is like “Oh you’re the famous Jesse? I thought you’d be tougher looking”, and then they immediately meet their fate on the floor in the Family Guy dead pose. But of course, Green-Suspender Jesse is my second choice.
Jesse Personality:
Chaotic Neutral or True Neutral
Some days he’s a sweetheart, other days he’s a little shit. There is no telling what this man’s personality could be at any given moment. There is no pattern. But he’s naturally cheeky so who knows.
Also he’s one of those people that doesn’t process his emotions too well. So for my Jesse, he’s naturally sad at heart, which results in him finding it difficult to cope with extra sadness too well, but also having a constant longing feeling for happiness or moments of pure bliss. He finds that the best way to fill that void is helping people or being in the act of helping people. If left doing nothing for too long, he gets very unstable.
He also feeds off of other people’s happiness and joy, especially his friends. He’s his happiest around people he loves. If left totally alone, he can’t cope.
Prefered Armours:
Shield of Infinity
I adore Shield of Infinity! There’s just something about it that just makes my brain happy. It have this really regal/majestic vibe to it (which is also mentioned in game), and it looks to incorporate emeralds into its patterns. Not only that but spikes on the shoulders! Also its Lapis Blue in colour.
Tooth Chipper
I just really like how simple this one is. While the Underneath’s armours don’t get much love, I would just like to say I love this one. It doesn’t feel too cluttered compared to the other armours on offer.
Favourite New Order Member:
I just can’t describe it, but I LOVE Olivia. She’s just that vibey bestie that’s not afriad to tell you you’re an idiot in the most serious or sarcastic tone ever. She’s also like that friend that is more like a sister and will annoy the hell out of you if given the chance.
I will say though, Jesse is normally my favourite NOOTS member, but he can be shoved to the side for favouritism punishment.
Favourite Old Order Member:
Omg the redstoners are my favourites, what a surprise! But seriously though, for me Ellie is just really neat. She has that “I don’t like people” charm to her. Like, she’s very awkward in conversation and seems like she doesn’t realise what she’s saying until long after she’s spoken. She’s quirky, like me-
Ivor was also shunted to the side because of favouritism punishment. He can be a family in the corner with Jesse.
Favourite Side Character:
Why do I like Gill? Fuck you, that’s why. He’s just so goofy and huggable and “I don’t know wtf i’m doing” coded. He lives in my head rent free. He just wants to vibe but Aiden wouldn’t let him.
Also I project a lot of personality and ideas onto Gill, and I specialise in pairing him with Jesse in the most dumbass situations where Jesse progressively loses more braincells the more time he spends with Gill. I just love them <3
Favourite Villain:
Cassie Rose
I prefer Cassie overall. She’s mysterious, and she’s lashing out because of cruelty done to her in her shrouded past. You don’t know why she’s angry or why she resorted to murder, but you know enough to understand why she wouldn’t simply reach out for help. Also she’s a cat person, and I simply cat pass up a cat-person coded character.
Favourite S2 Character:
Personally I don’t like the Season 2 characters, with the majority of them just completely escaping from my memory until someone mentions their name. However, I do have my preferences in Jack, Nurm and Radar; the Beacon Town bois.
Jack was the one I got attached to the most, with Nurm followed very close behind. He radiates “cool uncle” energy that makes me smile every time, especially when he’s showing off or bragging. Even if people find his bragging habit annoying, I personally love it because it’s just a simple touch of world building and fun interaction. He’s just fun.
Leave or Stay:
Stayed in Beacon Town
This choice is basically “Be Gay or Do Crime” and I chose to be gay, just not gay for Lukas.
On a reasonable note, I honestly think the reason Jesse would have stayed in Beacon Town would be from a guilty conscience. He feels he’s to blame for the destruction and disruption of both Beacon Town and Champion City, and that everything that happened is all his fault because he was the one that first lured the Admin in, even if accidentally. He wants to fix his mistakes, not abandon them.
We are now entering more-so Headcanon territory
Jesse x Gill
It’s a stupid ship, but its my stupid ship. I will love them till the end of time.
Lukas x Olivia
They have such nice chemistry, and also they’re both nerds that just click for me.
Ivor x Harper
We all know why.
Jack x Nurm
They are husbands, your honour.
Jesse x Cassie
This isn’t a very prominent ship of mine, and often takes a more friendship-like approach anyway. This is honestly just here because of AU reasons, as for some reason if I have an AU where Jesse and Gill don’t interact (either at all or really late) then Cassie is automatically Jesse’s best friend. This is the case for Lapis Swap and Ender Child.
Despite this, this ship is either “They’re best friends” or “They are specifically romantically insterested”, which is why I’m listing it as a ship. There is only one of my AUs that’s somewhere in the middle, but other than that it’s between those two options. Although I will say, there are only a total of four AUs of mine that have Jesse and Cassie interact like this.
Other than that, I still think its funny if regular canon Jesse had an “Oh she’s cute” moment when first meeting Cassie. Basically Cassie was Jesse’s “Omg I’m not just gay” awakening but he won’t dare to admit it.
Jesse x Lukas
I don’t generally ship this one, but it’s the ship that I love reading about and viewing art for. I just love the fanfictions and art pieces I find, with pretty much everything being some of the best works I’ve encountered for any fandom. Its the ship that I just follow the fandom for, but I still have a great appreciation for.
Canon Event:
I’ve never watched Spiderverse so I’m just guessing if I’m using the term right.
In my canon of MCSM, the canon event is Jesse’s childhood home being destroyed when he was a child. Yes yes, I’m going for the “Jesse is an orphan” trope, but its fine. This event is what pushes forward a lot of my canon and also AU stories, and is altered accordingly when needed.
So info about this day; Jesse’s home is attacked by griefers when he was age 6, resulting in him fleeing from home (and dad’s death). However on this particular day there were multiple presences in the area; Sammy, Jack & Vos, who were coming to visit the family as Sammy was Jesse’s biological aunt; Ellegaard, who was heading back to Redstonia with a crew of miners who had come back from a mining expedition; and Ivor, who was travelling to collect materials to take back to his lab. Out of everyone to encounter, Jesse encounters Ivor, who then fended off any pursuing griefers to protect the child. He then takes him to the nearest town to ensure Jesse was a bit safer.
This event can be altered in many ways to suit my AU differences, like encountering Sammy’s group, or encountering Ellegaard, or simply Ivor taking care of Jesse himself. I have even changed the time that the event takes place, or removed it all together. Honestly, if I make an AU revolving around Jesse, this is the spot that I look at beforehand.
AUs (listed):
Lapis Swap AU
Ender Child AU (Son of Soren AU)
Engineer Jesse AU (Son of Ellegaard AU)
Alchemist Jesse AU (Son of Ivor AU)
Jack’s Nephew AU
Secret Elytrians AU
Origins AU
Early Daughter AU
“It Never Happened” AU
Permanent Champion AU
Admin Order AU
If there are any AUs that may intrigue you, feel free to ask. I’m always happy to chat about them and answer questions.
Little Side Idea I Wanna Share:
I’m giving Jesse a parrot.
Yes, I know Lluna exists, but she’s still technically Stella’s pet. And also yes, Jesse may not be able to fully get over Reuben, but sometimes getting another pet is the best way to move on.
Also the main reason I’m giving Jesse a parrot is due to my post-canon events. Long story short, the Order is severely injured but Jesse has it worse and is permanently out of commission. The rest of the Order healed to a reasonable health before Jesse could, so they could head back to their respective towns. Although, a couple of days before they do, Jack and Jesse find a young parrot fresh out of the nest without any feathers except one single lapis-blue tail feather. Jack recommends (forces) Jesse to take care of the bird while he was recovering, as Jack could definitely see that Jesse’s mental state wasn’t too good, but also the parrot’s lack of feathers was due to parrot depression too. While reluctant at first, after the first night he started connecting with the parrot almost immediately as the two found their similarities really quick, and helped each other into healing (physically & mentally).
Basically my whole purpose for the parrot is for the analogy and comparision for healing. Jesse is devasted that he can’t do what he loves anymore because of his injuries, so there would be every chance that he would spiral downwards, so give him the one thing he needs to prevent that from happening; company. The others, despite their efforts, are always going to have to leave, so Jesse needs someone who won’t leave. Not only that, but Jesse is someone who just feels the need to help people, to help others. So in my theory, you give him someone who won’t need his side but also someone who needs his help too. So I gave him a parrot friend.
Also the parrot’s name is Lazuli, because she has lapis blue feathers. She was named that because of the singular tail feather she had initially though before she healed.
She also acts as a messager around Beacon Town, because why the hell not.
Hope this opens up a but about my personal canon of Minecraft Story Mode. I’m quite happy with what information I’ve given about my brain, but if you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask.
Have a good day!
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askcirclecritters-acc · 5 months
welcome to ACC! that's the acronym. welcome to Ask Circle Critters! by the name, this is an ask blog of my own ocs! yes, there's 18. i don't know how or why. 2 of them are not my ocs, they are a close friends at school who allowed me to use them for this.
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there's only one person on this blog. @spamtongreal1
tags for this blog: #askscc - tag used for answering asks. #artcc - art of ACC. #referencescc - self explanatory. #occ/cc - out of character / circle critters. and any of the characters name with 'cc' afterwards.
characters: Bob2, far left, Slender next, Happy next, Fluffy and Drufs, the two after, Gills, fish guy, Spoingle, Sponk, Petal next to him, Drip and Shine under the first two. Spong, Vision, Angel and Scrimblo in the air, Fang and X in the back. Midnight in the air above gills. Rajani isn't included atm, you'll see it soon
to ask any of them, use certain emojis. Bob2: 👑, Slender: ❤, Happy: 🎉, Fluffy: 🐾, Drufs: ⚙️, Gills: 🦈, Spoingle: ⚡, Sponk: ⭐, Petal: 🌸, Drip: 💧, Shine: ✨, Spong: 🦋, Vision: ♦, Angel: 😇, Scrimblo: 🕊, Fang: 🕷, X: ❌, Midnight: 🌑, Rajani: 🐍
we have simple rules. no nsfw or any problematic asks!!
!! THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN THINGS LIKE BLOOD, TRAUMA, AND THINGS LIKE THAT. PLEASE TRY NOT TO GET INVOLVED HERE IF THESE THINGS TRIGGER YOU !! luckily nothing is sexual. the blood is only apart of the ocs, but maybe somebody who asks might get a little bit silly and try to kill someone, who knows?
this might be updated whenever i learn how to properly make an ask blog correctly :]
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chainsxwsmile · 4 months
@macrolago answered:
It was safe to say Gill was no stranger to danger, though while he was aware that there still ought to be some limits for a small fish in the big ocean, this situation was… specific. After all, it was one thing for larger predatory fish to pick off some smaller unlucky others, who couldn’t quite hide or swim away in time, and be on their way. That was truthfully only natural in the ocean, as unfortunate as it was for the latter party. But this was clearly proving to be more than a necessary hunt to merely stave off hunger. Even fish who were well hidden were being meticulously ambushed, dragged out of their homes and hiding spots by a gang of gluttonous brutes who didn’t seem to know (or, perhaps rather, care) when to leave well enough alone. They were more or less bullies, as far as Gill saw, plain and simple. But large and dangerous bullies with apparently oversized appetites. And, of course, no fish around here was really fit to challenge such a threat without very likely being eaten, themselves. There were plenty of fish in the sea… but these guys seemed to have planned on clearing out this neighborhood in particular. And frustration had taken the wheel over his sense of self preservation, so Gill began to swim over with the intention of giving who looked to be the head of the outfit a piece of his mind. Perhaps Gill figured, surely, he was clever and quick enough to have a decent chance of getting away if they were, unsurprisingly, not the listening-to-reason type. Or, maybe, a part of him knew that what was probably more likely was that he might just be able to distract the predators long enough to let at least a few more fish find more secure hiding spots or even flee the reef altogether to safely wait out the danger. And he'd decided to take it upon himself to risk such. Gill didn’t make it far, though, before the sense of something (or, as it would turn out, someone) very large looming over him was almost impossible to ignore. And the frantic, though hushed, warnings from his friends, hiding nearby on the outskirts of the reef amongst rocks and seagrass, for Gill to ‘turn around’, ‘look out’ and the like, only really confirmed his suspicion. He slowed to a halt, looking upwards with the dreadful expectation of seeing that this situation only suddenly became much worse by a far bigger and even more dangerous new predator. But this Great White, as far as Gill had learned up to this point, usually really wasn’t looking to cause trouble. Least of all for smaller fish who were far more vulnerable than himself. Fins flicked at Gill’s side, as he heard the order and almost obeyed… but then reconsidered as he repositioned himself to address Bruce properly.
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“You know? Normally, I’d be hesitant to argue with sharks, but I’m afraid they’ve made this a bit personal.” Hiding? Oh, no. Although it may have been a risk, Gill wanted to have his place in this reef known. The Great White's arrival had given him an idea, though. "I'm not be opposed to the company, though. Maybe you've got something that'll help our unwelcome guests reconsider their actions tonight?" Though he was speaking vaguely, he looked Bruce over in a way so as to indicate that the 'something' he was referring to was, well, Bruce.
The great white blinked a moment at Gill's response before realization settled in and lifted a brow. "What've ye got in mind?" Bruce asked, not bothering to hide a mischievous grin that wormed its way onto the shark's face.
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Although Bruce had always preferred a bit of persuasive public speaking, he wasn't entirely against throwing his weight around for a good reason. The few perks that came with such a threatening display of enormity and a multitude of serrated teeth meant that he had to do little to persuade the average predator -- and even the average bully-- into submission. Nonviolently, of course, with usually little to no effort on his part. A grin a few inches too wide, leaning in a bit close just to get the point across for his defense. Not for his own gain, of course, but for the safety of his fish friends. As the largest carnivorous fish in the seas, friends were a bit hard to come by and harder still to maintain.
Making sure no one got gobbled up on his watch tended to be one of Bruce's highest priorities nowadays. And for a friend of little Nemo, that wasn't asking much at all.
"Well, I reckon I gotta ask first who's on yer tail. Groupers? Snappers? Grunts?" A myriad of mesopredators habitually made their ways through the reef every now and then.
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creepymarshmallow3 · 1 year
What if Raven met the Trollge files version of your ocs? Like let's say Fred,Oscar and Gill as they probably are a bit different right? Or are they the same.
Well, I don't think it's that simple.
I think if they were from the Trollge Files mod, knowing that all the trollges there are crazy and cruel, then I think my guys in their second appearances will not be so cute either.
Oscar in his usual version, he can most often enter into a dialogue, for example, commenting on something, plus he is easily distracted. In the TF version, he is more dangerous. The movements are sharp, from the sounds he makes terrible squeals, and sometimes fragments or whole words. The victim, both in principle and in the canon, is killed on the spot. It is better for Raven to run away from another Oscar, because now he will not think who she is, he will know one thing - prey. But hitting him on the head might distract him a bit, which would buy her time.
Gill in the normal version, rather slow and not in a hurry, thanks to his anomaly in the forest, he will not need speed and the victim will fall for him. In the TF version, his speed remained low, however, now he does not sleep, he always underestimates. Gill in this universe also does not care whether you are a troll or a person. It will be impossible for Raven to escape from Gill without outside help, such as from the Legion. Also, the trouble with Gill can be Oscar, who can bring her to his friend faster.
Fred in the normal version, although a psycho, is rather vulnerable because of the shirt in which he often falls, he can speak coherently, referring to a certain Him, for Fred this is the norm according to the canon. The TF form is the exact opposite. Fred is now free, his hands are not tied, and the voices completely control him, talking only about uuystva and sometimes sacrifices. This Fred in the abandoned can even see different bloody symbols on the walls. Raven better not run into him.
In general, my guys in fashion would be very dangerous, considering that they are one of my more crazy and dangerous.
Bonus Sam:
Sam needs no introduction. In the TF version, his clothes are slightly dimmer, when not asleep, his head looks like Smiler's head without a smile, he is more harmless than my previous ones, you can only talk to him if he is awake, because he sleeps deeply. In the dream, his face now has a wide smile and black eyes with a glowing yellow eye. He makes no exception for anyone, brutally scaring the victim leaving him without sleep. Raven will be much safer with him in reality, but in a dream she better not run into him.
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ahanenohi · 2 years
float away with the sea
This was supposed to be a simple mission. Keiji certainly did not expect it to throw his entire life beneath the waves.
or: my entries for this round of the @flash-exchange , created for the lovely @cottonfluffballofdoom .
this is a dual entry containing a rough sketch and a short flashfic below the cut (700 words)
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story below the cut.
The first tides of the day brought upon fierce waves, throwing themselves upwards and onto the workers’ docks, dousing the sandals of Japan’s most famous wild child and his companions.
“So, debrief me,” Keiji started with a lazy smile, turning to the man next to him-- a trusted vassal of his uncle’s. “What are we here for, again?”
The man gave him an unimpressed look. “My Lord has an ongoing negotiation with the Mouri clan. You were asked to coordinate the final details.”
“Ah, yes. Right.” Keiji grinned. Finally, he was being trusted with such an important task. 
Keiji hummed and noticed a man atop a ship. Tanned and lithe, with a countenance that Keiji had only seen in fellow warriors. He indicated the stranger with a gesture that was both grand and playful.
“I suppose that’s our contact, eh? C’mon, let’s go greet him.” 
The vassal nodded stiffly and Keiji called out to the man as they approached.
“Ah! The Maeda delegation! Welcome,” The guy laughed. “I assume you’re here for the trade negotiations?” 
Keiji gave his assent and they got to work, discussing into the late hours of the afternoon.
“It was wonderful doing business with you,” His contact smiled pleasantly. “Our discussion was quite fruitful. Now, as for your uncle’s special request… Men?”
It all happened so suddenly. At first it was an ambush. And then, it was a betrayal as his own companions worked with the attackers and threw him overboard with the anchor.
It was all a ploy to get rid of him, he realized belatedly, struggling as he sank. As he inhaled more water with every kick, he began to notice something.
Something moving towards him. There was no chance that figure was an ordinary person.
They got close enough for him to take in their long hair, their horrified eyes and their… claws?
Claws that slashed across his neck, leaving blood in the water. He pressed his hands to his neck, desperate to survive. If he could stop the blood flow and make it back to the surface…
The figure tilted their head in an almost confused manner and simply slashed again, this time at some point on the sides of his ribcage. He gasped and swallowed water. 
This is it, he thought. This is how I’ll die. It does not feel the same as the way he’d imagined death.
The first sensation he felt is that he wasn't drowning but breathing. How was he breathing? He’d been deep under the water for ages now, the sea must have filled his lungs-- ah. He wasn’t breathing through his lungs anymore, was he? Instead he felt the distinct sensation of air coming out of his neck and sides-- from the same wounds that figure had left.
The second sensation he felt was that his legs, his face, his everything, all of it was hurting to an agonizing degree. With a final bubbled sob, he slipped into darkness.
“Holy Cats! You’re awake?!” Keiji startled as he looked for the owner of the voice just now, readying himself for a fight. “Calm down! My name is Mai, I’m the mermaid who turned you!”
“Turned..?” Keiji asked, eyeing the woman who had come in. He took notice of the light pink fins and tail attached to her body, almost as if she were half-fish. Mai simply pointed at his… legs?
His kimono had been neatly cut and hemmed with what looked like seaweed just below his hips. But underneath that… was a fishtail, one of rich reds and oranges. Keiji paused, concentrating on moving it. It almost seemed like flickering fire as it caught the light. Keiji lifted his hands, noting that they were now tipped with claws of the same color. He pressed his palms to his neck and felt… gills flare on his neck as he breathed heavily.
Mai gave him a guilty smile. “I’m sorry. I know from experience how much the transformation hurts… but you were tied to that rope and drowning. It was the only way to save you.”
“Don’t worry,” she said, catching him as he fell forward, shocked. “I’ll help you adjust. Just as long as you stay with me.”
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
okay, I moved stuff around in the asks so we wouldn’t end with something depressing 😂 (même si c’est déprimant en soi de devoir faire des pieds et des mains pour que discuter d’une série ne nous donne pas le cafard 🤡)
I’m sorry but I gotta address the timeline again… doesn’t timothée’s line at the beginning imply he and morgane have been dating for two months? "on n’essaie pas encore, ça fait que 2 mois" ? yet gilles tries to get out of his predicament by telling daphné ~je me suis mal exprimé "l’autre jour"… is it so hard to make the dialogue make sense?? 😟 ah, et aussi. congrats to adèle/jessica for whatever time travel gymnastics it took to be born in 1975 and die at 37 in the 2020s. (maybe she enlisted eliott’s help lol. he was wearing a back to the future sweater in the last scene, #timetravellerconfirmed)
I applaud the continuity in some regards though. lille est toujours un vivier olympique, apparemment (or are all cities like that? 😅); whatever research on hinduism they did for 304 was duly reused; morgane’s windows are still broken (tho if it really has been 2 months, we should perhaps hold the applause); she was right and did get dumped pretty fast (🥴💔💔); and, personal fave, my headcanon of a technophobic [gros canard] still holds 📱
but please tell me the product placement won’t last all season, jpp de leur café 💀 céline literally stops drinking tea because they put the coffee maker ON DISPLAY in her office, wtf 😂 a silver lining: it brings out the anticapicalist in morgane since she doesn’t drink a drop of the sponsored coffee timmy brings her at work. 🙏🙏🙏 certes, c’est capillotracté, but it’s something, alright?? let’s take that win before they snatch it away 😅 I’ll leave you with that, thanks for bearing with me! I’ll be happy to hear any and all positive takes you have on this ep. ❣️❣️❣️
"c’est déprimant en soi de devoir faire des pieds et des mains pour que discuter d’une série ne nous donne pas le cafard 🤡" -> And unfortunately, it's just the beginning... 😭😭 let's get used to it
So, before I dive into this one, Morgane's getting dumped by Timothée. This. Was. So. Gratuitously. Hurtful 😱😭 I mean, I was absolutely NOT rooting for them, but I wanted her to breakup with him, not the other way around. She objectively doesn't really care about the guy, and yet he still manages to break her heart by poking the same scar the others poked before, and I just -- 💔💔
Can we talk about how "J'ai besoin d'une relation plus...." "... simple ?" "Ouais c'est ça." "C'est toujours ça..." was such a heartbreaking exchange? Morgane being hit and ran over and over again about the SAME issue really hurt😰, and even more so when put in perspective with later stuff but 🤐🤐
Now, the timeline. 100% agreed, and I noted the same things re the inconsistencies. And the victime's date of birth made zero sense anyway since they changed her identity, right? So her zodiac sign might not be accurate, idk... Also the two months gap, which is necessary to vaguely establish Morgane and Timothée as a ~relationship, implies that Gilles kept pretending to Daphné that he was dating Timothée? And knowing Daphné she probably couldn't keep her mouth shut and made all sorts of allusions in front of Timothée who just had no clue at all? 😂 And I didn't notice Eliott's sweater but you're right, actually this show's been making fun of us and me specifically from the start 😅
(also yes, the windows weren't changed for two months while it was literally snowing during 304 🤦)
Now for me the biggest continuity issue in this episode is Morgane telling David she doesn't smoke while we saw her smoking in 301, I'll leave you with that 😅
Unfortunately, the product placement is far from over, and I must admit that it's particularly unsubtle and annoying this season 😠 but please tell me this didn't kill Céleane (Céline x tea 😆) aka my favorite ship from this show!!! 😱 And I didn't notice the trend but now that you're pointing it out, Morgane NEVER drinks out of these sponsored cups of coffee and only drinks from the anonymous cup during the breakfast scene, so... 👀
Other honorable mentions about this episode include :
Timothée attempting to lecture Serge and the latter just bursting with hilarity at him, that was extremely satisfying to watch 😊
Morgane and David bonding over getting dumped by the loves of their lives, that was sweet. At least Morgane got a modicum of sympathy and understanding this ep 🥲💕
Morgane's video at the end 🤣🤣🤣 Couac Investigations!! The fact that she answered Gilles in the video and the face he makes!!! Love this
Well, this is all I got for today, I hope I made you feel a tiny bit better about this episode (do you still have those boating shoes on or did they break already?)... And I just wanted to say, I will always bear with you 💕 ngl we're facing hard times, but we'll get through this, anon, and we'll get through this together 😘
Til next time! 🥃❤️
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sleepyone2three · 1 year
That whole last ending sequence in the final episode episode of Arlong Park really hits hard though 😭 This whole arc has absolutely wrecked me though. My standards are too high and I fear nothing will live up to it. Final Thoughts 👇and they're in no particular order/all over the place since I wrote them as I thought of them.
Fuck Arlong
The hat scene wrecked me
Again, the whole ending sequence from the note placement to that last pinwheel spin is so good I can't even put it into words
All of the meaning behind Nami's new tattoo down to the aesthetic. Such a simple yet elegant design too.
"I'LL always be YOUR friend, Nami!"
Luffy just took down the man the literally owned and made Nami miserable for the past eight years and is using the most non possessive verbage possible he's letting her know it's always her choice at the end of the day I can't with this boy 😭
We'Re NoT goNna hUrt HeR
With grease and meat all over his face and his mouth still stuffed
It was at that moment Genzo realized he had nothing to worry about
Nojiko getting the tattoo for Nami though! She's such an amazing big sister
Oh my goodness yes doctor man please tell Zoro off for not taking better care of himself because I will if you don't
Usopp's fight was honestly pretty funny and I enjoyed it
Oh my God I just remembered the sea monster cow and I felt for so bad for it, Sanji and Luffy were so mean
On that note, wtf is up with Luffy and hurting cute animals? First Shushu and now this? Someone call peta on this boy
I wasn't a huge fan of how obnoxious johnny and yosaku were but I loved that they were basically a stand in for the audience/riff on oc fan characters and self insert fics (which I totally don't write all the time whaaaaat why would you ask) and so self aware that I can't even be mad most of the time.
Nami stealing everyone's wallets is such a rad way to prove she's self sufficient and going to be okay out on her own
Also not letting anyone say thank you is such a mood
She does what she wants
Luffy you're the captain, you sweet stupid enabler
The pacing of the hat scene in so good of my gooooosh
Weirdly this arc has had some of the best edited recap intros so far
I honestly kinda wish we got to see Nami throw down in the final battle. She goes up ready to fight and then just doesn't, I'd have liked to see her at least beat up one fishman. But I also love how much the others go all out for her
I really liked the moment in Usopp's fight when he was going through all his lies and his tone gets more and more unsure and how it builds up to him declaring he'll never pretend to be a pirate again because he's going to be a pirate
Sanji trying summon good vibes? That's so dumb and cringe but I love it
Speaking of Sanji, I love that he thought to blow into the gills I was not expecting that kind of solution
Also, I love Sanji's character... as long as he isn't around women. Let him be a bitch to everyone, not just the guys.
And the the wounds opening up as the as Hachi is swimming? That was a great payoff
God the Mirabelle scenes hurt
Genzo's an amazing character and I really like him
Hajiko too, she's awesome
The little kid feels super tacked on tbh. He disappears for half the story and then comes back for a hamfisted monologue. Is this different in the manga? I sure hope so
I kinda love the Hawaiian shirt and bandages look on zoro, heavy trans masc vibes which I love
Yikes on the scene where Arlong rips off Zoro's bandages though dysphoria kinda triggered uhhg
I bought Sanji's cook book and there was no special orange sauce sauce recipe why did he not ask for crew contributions?
I'm honestly shocked the town had enough food for Luffy to gorge himself like that for three days, they're gonna need the money Nami left to recoup their losses
The ship flying and Luffy just having a blast the entire time had me wheezing
Stretching Luffy's head above water was such a brilliant and creative solution. Makes me wonder if the same could work for Buggy if he chop chopped his head off before sinking.
All in all, these dorks are so good for each other
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kxlinthesky · 2 years
File 39 - Tonight’s Side Dish Story
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“Hey there, Nick. Oh? Byron ain’t back yet?”
“Not yet. So I’m still holding down the fort! Can’t make anything too complicated, though, so the menu’s simple tonight.”
“Haha, good ol’ reliable Nick. Gimme the usual… y’know, I ain’t seen Owl in a while either. He must be out, too…. Feels kinda lonely without his grumpy mug ‘round here.”
“’Cause he’s a popular detective now! I knew he was amazing from the start, but now other people are finally starting to realize just how great he is, too.☆”
“Byron’s always callin’ you guys ‘stray cat brothers,’ but you ain’t actually related, right? How d’you two know each other?”
“Ehh, you really wanna know?~ It might be a long story.~”
“Hey, when things’re this slow, we’ve got nothin’ but time to kill.”
“Well, I didn’t really get to know Owl until Brat’s case….”
“Mm-hmm, it sure was a crazy time, huh, Brat? Well, one thing at a time. Let’s see… the first time I saw Owl was that time I snuck into the Royal College –“
“… You what now?”
“’Cause I’d never been to school before, and I was wondering what it felt like to be a student and learn stuff.~”
“You… ain’t that place packed to the gills with guards to keep normal folk from getting’ in ‘cause of all the top-secret nonsense they’ve got in there?”
“I guess. That’s where the great and powerful Nick’s skills came into play….☆ And then, that was when –"
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5raysofsunshine · 1 year
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I posted 5,562 times in 2022
That's 1,420 more posts than 2021!
224 posts created (4%)
5,338 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,154 of my posts in 2022
#she's so pretty like how is she so pretty - 185 posts
#a league of their own - 122 posts
#greta gill - 87 posts
#emily prentiss - 61 posts
#judy's yearning hours - 43 posts
#katie 🌬 - 39 posts
#carson shaw - 37 posts
#rebecca 🎻 - 28 posts
#bechloe - 27 posts
#just judy thoughts - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and i could tell the guy in the truck taking his order was having a hard time understanding what this dude wanted bc his phone was too loud
My Top Posts in 2022:
In the Kitchen with Penelope - Emily Prentiss x Penelope Garcia
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Hi friends! Who wants to read about Emily and Penelope baking together (and flirting and being a tad bit chaotic)?! This takes place around the beginning of Emily being there, like mid-late s2. They be developing crushes on each other!
Written for @sweetprentiss 's birthday bingo: Cooking or Baking Together
Rating: G
Word count: 2065
Tagging @ssaagentemilyprentiss @dalexandriag16 @its-soph-xx @143bc (if you want to be tagged in future fics lmk!)
Enjoy! 💖
“Emily.” Penelope says, staring at the so-called ingredients Emily had said she bought for the cake they were going to make.
“Yeah?” Emily asks, already knowing that Penelope is disappointed with what she sees.
Penelope gestures towards the kitchen island counter, “That is a cake in a box.”
“Yup!” Emily said confidently. Sitting on top of Emily’s kitchen island is a small blue rectangular box with a stylized photo of a perfectly baked yellow cake with chocolate frosting and a cartoon mascot smiling widely. The ingredients and instructions for the premade cake mix are printed on the back of the box in simple wording with small illustrations to show the steps visually.
Penelope rolls her eyes, “You told me you had cake ingredients!”
“I do! All the dry ingredients are already mixed together and then it calls for water, eggs, and vegetable oil! Which I have!” Emily argues back.
Penelope shakes her head back and forth, “No, no, no! Emily, I came over here because you said you wanted my help making a cake, and THIS is what you need help with? Are you telling me you can’t follow simple back-of-the-box instructions?”
“I don’t want to screw it up! You’ll help me not screw it up!” Emily pleads.
Sure, Emily can bake the cake pretty easily, if she pays attention to measurements and doesn’t forget that she already added something, and if she doesn’t forget to set a timer for the oven. This is why Emily invited Penelope over. The blonde had offered to help Emily if she ever wanted to bake something, since Penelope often bakes sweet treats for the team on holidays and when she hosts little get togethers at her apartment. And to be perfectly honest, Emily would use any excuse she could to spend some quality time with her new friend.
“Emily, how the hell can you-” Penelope begins to ask, but Emily interrupts.
“You must think very highly of me, because I can assure you that I will absolutely mess this up somehow if I tried making this by myself.” It’s true, she could and most likely would if Penelope wasn’t here.
Penelope sighs, “I actually do think very highly of you, Emily. Always have... but now I’m starting to think I shouldn’t.”
“Oh come on, PG!” Emily exclaims. “I’ve always struggled with baking. And cooking, for that matter. I am useless in the kitchen, and it’s literally so... embarrassing.”
“Well... don’t worry, my sweet. A badass intelligent sexy woman like yourself doesn't need to be skilled in the kitchen as long as you’re skilled in... other areas.”
“Ha, tell that to my exes.”
“Oh screw them, they probably didn’t deserve you anyway.”
“Aw, thanks.”
Penelope sighs deeply, grabbing the box of cake mix and putting it away in one of Emily’s cabinets. “Okay, screw this cake mix. Emily Prentiss, I’m going to teach you how to make a cake from scratch!”
“Really?” Emily asks, already doubtful about how well this will go.
“Yes!” Penelope says confidently, “As long as you have all of the ingredients we’ll need.”
“Like what?”
“Well, what goes into a cake?” Penelope asks, quizzing Emily to see if she at least knows the basic ingredients.
See the full post
22 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
Let's Go Home - Emily Prentiss x Reader
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Hi friends! Here's a little piece I just finished while at work today. It's been a minute since I've posted so I hope you all enjoy it! I'm working on putting together a tag list form so be on the lookout for that in my pinned post! update: it's up! please check it out in my pinned post or here!
Description: You pick up Emily from the hospital after she gets hurt out in the field. Morgan and Prentiss are the best besties! You and Emily are married! It's cute, I promise!
Rating: G. I don't think there's anything that should be tw but if there is lmk!
Word count: 921
"Morgan, slow down! You maniac!" Emily shouts as Derek pushes her wheelchair down the hospital walkway. He’s not walking very fast, but his pace isn’t slow either. The man laughs as he slowly swerves Emily left and right, making race car sounds. Emily keeps warning him to knock it off, but you can tell by her megawatt smile and laughter that she is enjoying the ride.
You watch the two agents from outside the double doors of the hospital's main entrance, holding a pair of crutches Emily had tucked away in the hall closet of the apartment. "Oh my god, you two are ridiculous!"
Derek slows Emily's wheelchair to a stop in front of you, "Don't worry, Y/n! She's fine!"
"I have a broken ankle, Morgan. Things could be better." Emily says, rolling her eyes. She’s wearing a boot cast on her left foot. The agent had gotten her foot caught in a booby trap the unsub had set, causing her ankle to be clamped by the mechanism. Thankfully, Derek managed to pry it apart for Emily to pull her foot out, but they knew Emily was hurt badly and had to be sent to the hospital.
You sigh, "Well I agree that things could be better. You could not have a broken ankle and we could've avoided a hospital visit. But hey, at least it's only your ankle, right?" You say, trying to sound optimistic but you can’t help the hint of sarcasm in your tone. It's rare that Emily gets injured out in the field, but when she does, you've learned over the past couple years of being with her that worrying and panicking helps no one. Of course you still worry and panic regardless, but you keep it under wraps much better than when you two first started dating. Right now, you're just relieved that your wife is okay... ish.
Derek holds his hands out for Emily to take, "Alright, princess. Let’s get you out of that chair.” Emily nods, grabbing one of his hands to pull herself out of the chair. She winces as she stands and balances on her right foot before you help tuck the crutches under her arms. "I'll wheel this back inside. You guys go home. I'll check in with you tomorrow, okay? Remember to take it easy and-"
"Don’t walk without crutches, yeah yeah. Morgan, I got this. I’ll be fine. This isn’t my first time, you know.” Your wife says, annoyed.
You smile up at Derek, "Hence why we have a pair of crutches with her initials on them.” The three of you chuckle at the fact that yes, Emily’s crutches have her initials on them. Along with several glitter stickers, courtesy of Penelope. “Trust me D, I'll make sure she gets rest and doesn't do anything dumb." You look pointedly at Emily, who frowns.
“Hey, I’m careful and responsible! I can take care of myself! You of all people should know that, that’s why you married me!” She argues before beginning to walk towards the parking lot. Luckily, you were able to find a spot close enough that it wouldn't be too long of a walk. You want to get Emily home as soon as possible so you can (attempt to) take care of her.
“Yes honey,” you say as you unlock your car. “Your sense of responsibility and independence are great qualities that I admire very much. But those aren’t necessarily the reasons why I married you.”
“Oh yeah?” Emily asks as you open the car door for her. She hands you her crutches and settles herself into the passenger seat.
“Mmhmm, I happen to find you incredibly sexy too.” You notice one of the stickers is about to peel off, so you press it back down before placing the crutches in the back seat. Quickly making your way around the car, you open the driver’s side door and slide into the seat. “Having a hot wife has always been a goal of mine, and you were the perfect candidate.”
You start the car as Emily laughs, “Do you still think I’m sexy-”
You quickly interrupt her before she can finish her sentence. “Yes.”
“But, even with this-” She gestures to her cast, but you quickly interrupt her again.
“Yes, Em. You’re still sexy as hell, even if you have a boot and crutches. I’ll always find you hot, you know that. I mean, if I can still find you sexy after you came home with food poisoning from that new Thai place last year, then you should never doubt my attraction to you.”
Your wife scoffs, “That was the most terrible case of food poisoning I ever had.”
“Oh I know, I was there.” You say with a grin.
“Shut up!” Emily playfully shoves your shoulder before staring at you, her tongue pokes out to lick her lips.
“Why don’t you make me.” You say teasingly. Emily leans over the center console and grabs your face to pull you in for a kiss. You immediately melt at the contact, reminding you that you haven’t kissed your wife in two days since she was out of town for her current case.
The kiss lasts for three long seconds, followed by three little pecks. Emily rests her forehead against yours and your noses brush against each other. “Thank you for coming to get me,” she whispers, “I love you so much.”
You press another kiss to your wife’s lips before replying, “I love you too, Em. Now let’s go home.”
23 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
"I want to know what it's like to be loved by you."
with Greta and Carson, please!
"What do you want, Carson? What do you want from me?" Greta asks, the frustration and loss of patience in her tone makes Carson want to break down If only the woman would understand what was happening to Carson- what she's doing to Carson. "You act like you want me, then you act like I repulse you. You push me away, but can't keep your hands off me. Do you want me or not, Shaw!"
"Oh yeah, that's rich coming from you. You're the one who keeps playing games with me! You keep saying 'this is temporary. this isn't real. feelings are stupid.'-"
"Feelings are stupid Carson! Do you know why? Because my feelings... our feelings... aren't allowed to be real. We are crazy to want each other. We are crazy to look at each other and want to kiss and touch each other in ways that are only reserved for men. We are supposed to want men. We are supposed to love men. You love Charlie, right? You love your husband like a wife should?"
"Greta, stop. Enough about Charlie!"
"You love Charlie, right?" Greta repeats her question again, staring right into Carson's eyes. "Loving him is safer than... this. Your life with him is safe for you Carson. And I just want you to be safe. That's all that matters to me. Do you understand me? If you love me... if we try to make this real... that means you're not safe."
The tears running down Greta's face, streaking her makeup, Carson tries her best to wipe them away but Greta keeps shaking her head back and forth. "I know you and I are putting so much at risk. But how I feel for you is... unlike anything I've ever felt eith Charlie. It is the realest thing I have ever known, Greta."
"It sounds too good to be true. Anyone feeling something so real, for little ol' me. And yet..." Greta sniffles and wipes her cheek before gazing deeply into Carson's eyes, "I want you. I want to know what it's like to be loved by you." Greta confesses, her eyes watery as she cups the catcher's cheek. "In the realest way we can make it."
45 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
I Don't Want To Be Alone Anymore - Emily Prentiss x Fem Reader
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Hi friends! This fic is for @sweetprentiss 's birthday bingo, filling spots "it's not as bad as it looks" and "love confession". It's hurt/comfort with a dash of angst, but don't worry there's a happy ending! Hope you enjoy! :)
Description: Set after Minimal Loss (4x3). After Emily comes back to the east coast after being stuck in Utah for two days, she calls to tell you she's okay but confesses she's been hurt. She argues that she doesn't want you to see her, you argue back that she needs to stop pushing you away. When she finally let's you come over to see her, something unexpected happens.
Rating: Explicit, but only because there's a couple F bombs and other curse words. Tw and cw for bodily harm and aftermath of a physical fight, but if you've seen 4x3 you'll know what to expect.
Word count: 4,006 (this is the longest fic I've written so far!!!)
Tagging @ssaagentemilyprentiss @themoontaxi @sweetprentiss @dalexandriag16 @its-soph-xx (if you want to be tagged in my fics lmk by asking and/or filling this form out)
The melodic tune of your ringtone catches your attention while you're in your car, stopped at a red light. You reach over the center console and dig around in your bag to find your cell phone. With a flick of the wrist the phone flips up and you press it to your ear, holding it between your head and shoulder as you move the steering wheel to make a left turn. "Hello?"
"Hey, it's me," Emily says through the phone.
“Hi baby!" You happily exclaim. You hadn't heard from your girlfriend in two days and were starting to get worried. When Emily is out of state on a case she at least tries to call you once a day, even if it's only for a couple minutes, just so you can hear her voice. That didn't happen this time.
Usually Emily will mirror the tone of your voice, happy to hear your greeting. But she doesn't, she sounds a bit anxious instead. “Sorry to call, I know you’re at work.”
“Oh, that’s okay! I’m actually on my way back to the office now. I had a late lunch. Went to Saggio’s, that Italian place with really good gnocchi soup. You jelly?”
You hear a very small chuckle on the other side of the line, “Very.” 
“Are you still in Utah?” You ask as you attempt to parallel park your car outside your office building. Emily had to travel to Utah for work. She said they were just going to interview some people and gain intel so they could build a stronger case, the details of said case were kept hidden from you for the most part so you only had a very vague idea of what Emily was working on. Before she left, she assured you that she’d be in and out of Utah, but you assumed by Emily's radio silence that her assignment must have gotten more complicated than originally planned.
“No, thank fucking god." Emily says, "We landed back in Virgina about two hours ago.”
“Oh good! How’d it go?"
There's a moment of silence before Emily answers your question. “Well... we were hit with a lot of... unexpected trouble.”
You frown at Emily's response as you shit off the motor and sit back, wanting to wait a few minutes before you have to walk across ice covered pavement to return to work. “Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that, honey.”
“It's..." Emily sighs harshly, "it's alright babe. I just wanted to call so I could hear your voice. I’m sorry I couldn’t call you earlier, I was... tied up. With the case. Had to deal with some really fucked up people who made things so much worse then they should've been. But-um... anyway, I wanted to let you know that I’m okay.”
“Oh... okay.” You say hesitantly. Redflags are beginning to fly around in your brain, your curiosity tempting you to ask Emily what happened over there, because you can tell that something is wrong. “I was worried when you didn’t call, but I just figured you were focussed on work, so I didn’t want to disturb you. But I’m so glad you’re back! Just in time too! I was starting to worry that I’d have to tell my parents you weren’t going to make it... again.” For the past couple weeks you’ve been trying to arrange a time for you and Emily to have dinner with your parents, since you and Emily have been dating for a little over six months and things might be getting a little more serious. Somehow, Emily has managed to get pulled into work at the last minute, causing you to have dinner with your parents alone or not at all, but hopefully the fourth time’s the charm. “I can’t wait to go to dinner tomorrow! I talked to mom this morning and she said, and I quote, ‘I can’t wait to finally meet that gorgeous girlfriend of yours.’ Are you excited or what!” The grin on your face is so large it makes your cheeks hurt. Sadly, it doesn't stay on your face for very long.
“Wow, that’s uh... I’m-uh... I’m really sorry to do this Y/n, but I don’t think I can make it.”
“Again?" You ask, already frustrated because this dinner had already been rescheduled for the third time already. You open your car door and step out, slamming it behind you as you begin making your way towards your office building. "Emily, I thought you didn’t have to work this weekend?”
“I don’t, I still don’t. But I have to stay home and rest for the next couple days.” 
“You have to stay-?" You quickly realize what Emily means. Something happened in Utah. Something bad. "Wait, what happened? Are you hurt?”
The silence on the other side of the line gives the answer away before Emily starts talking, “Yeah... I got roughed up a little. But I’m okay though, I’m okay. I just..." Emily's voice trails off. Your heart is racing, panicked by the idea of Emily getting ‘roughed up’ by anyone. From time to time since you two started dating, Emily has mentioned incidents when she would get hurt out in the field, but it wasn’t something she liked to talk about with you. Even while you’ve been dating, if Emily came home with a couple bumps and bruises, she would tell you to stay away and give her space for a day or two. She claims that she doesn’t want you to deal with the aftermath of a bad case, that she preferred to handle it on her own. You knew it was just Emily’s way of shutting you out, her fear of being vulnerable, her fear of you not being able to handle the bad parts of dating an FBI agent. You hope this time she’ll let you see her, let you be with her as she recovers, but you’re doubtful. And that frustrates you.
You can't help but lose your patience with her. "Just what, Emily? What's going on?"
"Y/n, I don’t want to meet your parents when I... I have a black eye, and a bruised jawbone. And a lot of scratches on my hands and arms.” Emily says, sounding embarrassed.
You stop in your tracks and immediately regret losing your patience, your frustration dissolves and is replaced with shock and concern. “Oh my god, baby! What?!”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine! I'm okay! Calm down!”
You can't calm down. Your eyes are wide in panic, your chest is tight. Even though you’re two feet away from your desk, all you want to do is turn around and walk back to your car so you can rush over to Emily's apartment. You have to see her, you have to see your girlfriend. Your poor bruised girlfriend. “Are you home? Can I come over?”
See the full post
184 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Definitely Worth It - Emily Prentiss x afab fem reader smut
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Hello friends! I'm back again with some friends to lovers smut with plot for youuu! And just in time (barely!) for @sweetprentiss 's birthday bingo: friends to lovers, affectionate teasing, and "I can't concentrate when you look at me like that"
Description: You and the team are staying in a hotel, snowed in for the night. The sexual tension between you and Emily is so incredibly thick, and it takes some worda of encouragement and some liquid courage from the hotel bar/lounge for you two to finally do something about it.
Rating: E +18 there is cursing and sex
Word count: 5, 850 (holy shit I didn't realize it was this long I'm so sorry but I think it's totally worth it (and mostly dialogue so it should be pretty easy to read)???)
Tagging: @ssaagentemilyprentiss @themoontaxi @dalexandriag16 @its-soph-xx @leftoverenvy @bloodmagicbaby
A cold gust of air blows through the automatic sliding doors and into the lobby of the hotel you and the team are staying at for your current assignment. Despite already having caught the unsub and closing the case earlier that day, you all have to stay one more night in Ohio due to a snowstorm that grounded all flights for the evening.
“Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold!” You chant as you rush past the team to get further inside the lobby.
“Oh come on now, Y/L/n! It’s not even that bad yet!” Derek calls after you.
“Not that bad? YET?!” You exclaim. “Morgan, I can’t feel my fingers! Or my toes!” You complain. 
“Don’t worry, Y/n. Once we get to our room, we’ll crank the heater up.” Emily says.
“Are we gonna cuddle to keep warm?” You ask teasingly. Emily playfully rolls her eyes at you.
“You know what always warms me up?” Rossi asks.
“Scotch.” Spencer answers.
Rossi nods, “Would anyone care to join me at the bar over there?” There’s a lounge with a small bar located on the ground floor of the hotel, it’s entrance to the left of the front desk. 
"Oh absolutely! What’dya think, Jayje?" Penelope asks, linking arms with JJ.
The petite blonde shrugs her shoulders, “Might as well, but I want to head to the room first to change into something warmer and less... worky.” 
“I’ll join you Rossi, as long as you're buying!” Emily teases, grinning from ear to ear.
Dave scowls, “Is that all I’m good for? Buying you booze?”
Derek chuckles, “Nah, Rossi. You buy us dinner too, and for that we are grateful!” He claps Rossi on the back before guiding him towards the elevator.
“Ah, screw you, children.” Dave grumbles.
Once you're all piled into the elevator, you speak up, “You guys need to stop taking advantage of Rossi’s generosity and abundance of wealth!” 
Rossi looks down at you, “Thank you?”
“Then why don’t you buy me a beer, Y/n?” Emily asks, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
You scoff, “Why don’t you buy your own drinks for once, Em?”
The elevator bell dings and the metal doors open. You all shuffle out into the hallway and begin making your way to your rooms.
“I’m too pretty to buy my own drinks.” Emily says, playfully flipping her hair.
You roll your eyes, “You’re incorrigible.”
See the full post
422 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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