#young adlut
if only there was a system that made it possible for students to have free time for their interests and most importantly for REST… oh wait there are systems like these in the world? and they actually work? and people in these countries are usually the happiest people in the world? wow, who would've thought 🧐🧐🧐
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mydyspraxiablog · 1 year
Having dyspraxia is can be hard at time I feel haven't got independent I need now and look new friends young then me and all independent living byself with living support and stuck with mum you won't give me NAtwest card thanks to scarm the sscarms ruin my life and now not happy with Natwest bank there sneek bank and want switch bank account not happy and having promble get independent haven't got mobile phone unless use stupid Monkeys mobie phone with child phone and not use it. On top of that Sydnee is feel ill isn't get better and going cost me lot money get better or put her down because PSDA insurance can't afford paid the help need.
So if Adlut dyspraxia can't get job because living parents you don't have mobile phone you don't have Natwest card because of mum and get No independent and haven't got money paid vet because your mum got card so worry hear mum saying not Paid £300 My OAP is only £100 and not give her Natwest card because need that money for me because OAP benefit isn't enough because PIP benefits is £135 and I need that money.
So be Adult dyspraxia at ages 50 years old got no independent
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tinynavajoreads · 3 years
Tiny Navajo Reads: The Gilded Ones
Tiny Navajo Reads: The Gilded Ones by @NaminaForna - a West-African inspired YA about standing up for yourself and for those around you. #reading #bookreview #youngadult #diverse #fantasy
The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna ◆ ◆ ◆ ◇ ◇ *Published February 9, 2021 by Delacorte Press* I’m trying to get different culture and history inspired books in my TBR and just into my reading in general, so when I heard that this was inspired by West-African stories, I was hooked! The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna Sixteen-year-old Deka lives in fear and anticipation of the blood ceremony that will…
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Theater calmed her. It sustained her. All was right with the world when viewed through a proscenium arch. And though theatre had forsaken her, trampled her, and danced the lambada on the bloody corpse that had once been her budding career, it was nevertheless her one true love, and you don't throw away your one true love over something as silly as profound emotional scarring.
Wax by Gina Damico
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theearltrancy · 3 years
{{headcanon look for adlut!Alois is young Jude Law... like, 1990s Wilde Jude Law
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ozlembroke · 3 years
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Kardeşim ve Ben Challenge (Realm Of Magic Paketi Tavsiye Edilir)
Siz normal bir insandınız. Fakat küçük kardeşiniz doğduğundan beri çok garip davranıyordu. Bir gün onun çok sinirlendiği bir gün neredeyse herkesi yok edebilecek kadar güçlü olduğunu keşfettiniz. Kardeşiniz diğer çocuklardan çok farklıydı. Nesneleri hareket ettirebiliyor, yangın çıkartabiliyordu. Aileniz vefat etmişti ve siz sadece kardeşiniz ile kalmıştınız. Devlet ikinizi de koruma altına almak istiyordu ama siz biliyordunuz ki eğer kardeşinin gücü açığa çıkarsa onu denek gibi kullanacaklar. Üzerinde araştırmalar yapıp hayatını mahvedeceklerdi. Bu yüzden kardeşiniz ile kaçtınız. Bir gece kondu mahallesindeki küçük bir evde yaşamaya başladınız. Hayat amacınız kardeşinizi en iyi şekilde yetiştirmek ve güçlerini kullanmasını öğrenmede ona yardım etmek.
Genel Kurallar
Herhangi bir hile kullanamazsınız.
Realm Of Magic Paketi yoksa Realm Of Magic kurallarını uygulamanız gerekmez.
Büyücülük ile ilgili avantaj sağlayacak herhangi bir mod indiremezsiniz.
Oyununuza  farklılık katacak ama kuralları ihlal etmeyen modların kullanımı serbesttir.
Challenge’ı yaparsanız beni bundan haberdar edebilirsiniz. Instagram:  ozlem_broke Youtube: Özlem Broke 
Kurallar (Create A Sim)
Bir teen erkek sim yapın. Bu teen küçük erkek kardeşin abisi olacak.
Ağabeyin kişisel özellikleri; family - oriented, Loner, Self - Assured olmalı. (Teen iken 2 tane seçmesi gerektiğinden o iki özelliği siz seçin kanalı YA olduğunda ekleyin.)
Ağabeyin hayat amacı; Successful Lineage olmalı.
Küçük erkek kardeş bir büyücü olmalı. (Eğer Realm Of Magic paketini yoksa bazı kuralları es geçebilirsiniz.)
Küçük erkek kardeşin kişisel özelliği ise outgoing olmalı.
Küçük erkek kardeşin hayat amacı ise (çocukken) Whiz Kid olmalı.
Kurallar (Taşınma)
Newcrest’de bulunan 20x15 boyutundaki herhangi bir arsaya yerleşin.
Evleri çok ucuz fiyatlı ve iki  kişinin yaşayabileceği bir gece kondu olacak. Ama benim yaptığım evi kullanmalısınız. İndirmek için; TIKLAYIN
Yapmış olduğum evi galeri üzerinden de indirebilirsiniz. Galery ID: Ozlis95 ve evin katılı olduğu isim de Gece Kondu Arazisi.
Evin içindeki eşyaları paranız oldukça yenileyebilirsiniz.
Evin yapısını küçük erkek kardeş YA olana kadar değiştiremezsiniz.
Küçük erkek kardeş YA olduktan sonra evi yeniden yapabilirsiniz.
Kurallar (Oynayış)
Ağabey ölmeden önce hayat amacını tamamlamalı.
Ağabey okula gidemez.
Ağabey yarı zamanlı bir işe girmeli.
Ağabey yarı zamanlı iş dışında hobiler aracılığı ile de para kazanabilir.
Ağabey hafta sonları odd job (günlük iş) yapmalıdır.
Ağabey yalnız biri olduğundan kendisinden büyük olanlarla konuşmamalıdır. (YA,Adlut,Elder) Yaşıtları ve kendinden küçük olanlarla konuşabilir.
Ağabey kardeşi Young Adult (genç yetişkin olana kadar) evlenemez.
Ağabey kardeşi evlenip evden ayrılana kadar çocuk yapamaz.
Küçük erkek kardeş çocukluğu süresince hayat amacı olan Whiz Kid’i tamamlamalıdır. Büyüdüğünde seçeceği hayat amacını siz belirleyin. Onuda tamamlasın.
Küçük erkek kardeş istisnalar dışında okulunu aksatmamalıdır.
Küçük erkek kardeş her dönem okul notunu A yapmalıdır. (Çocuk ve gençken)
Küçük erkek kardeş bir işte çalışamaz ama okul sonrası etkinliklerine katılabilir.
Küçük erkek kardeş Adult olana kadar evlenemez.
Küçük erkek kardeş Adult olduktan sonra abisinin evinde iken evlenmelidir. Eşinin yanına evlendikten sonra taşınabilir.
Realm Of Magic Gerektiren Kurallar
Küçük erkek kardeş bir büyücü olacağı için güçlerini kullanmaya başladığından itibaren kendini bu konuda geliştirmelidir. 
Ölmeden önce büyücülüğün en son aşamasına geçmelidir.
Ağabey kardeşine yardım ederken büyücülük ve iksirler ile iligli bilgisini geliştirmeldir. Yani Herbalism özelliğinde 10 level olmalıdır. (Ölmeden önce)
Ağabey bütün iksirleri yapmayı öğrenmelidir.
Küçük erkek kardeş Pratik büyülerden 3 tane öğrenmelidir.  Rite of Ascension büyüsünüde öğrenmelidir ama bu öğrenceği 3 büyüye dahil değildir. Yani toplamda 4 Pratik Büyülerden 4 tanesini bilmelidir.
Küçük erkek kardeş Yabani Büyülerden  Minionize, Dedeathify, Inferniate, Zipzap büyülerini öğrenmelidir.
Küçük erkek kardeş Haylazlık Büyülerinden 3 tanesini öğrenmelidir.(Siz seçin)
Küçük erkek kardeşin kazanacağı avantajları siz belirleyin büyücülük yolunda attığı adımlarda avantaj ve dezavantajları sizin kontrolünüzde olacak.
Oyunun Bitişi
Ağabey bir yaşlanmadan önce ölürse oyun biter.
Ağabey yaşlanıp öldüğünde oyun biter. 
Küçük erkek kardeş erken ölürse oyun biter.
Kuralları çiğnerseniz oyun biter.
Ek Olarak;
Küçük erkek kardeşten sonra nesli istediğiniz kadar devam ettirebilirsiniz.
İleri ki nesillerde benzer bir hikayeyi oynayabilirsiniz.
Nesiller boyunca oynayacaksanız varislerinizin fotoğraflarını çekip asmak veya resmini yapıp asmak eğlenceli olabilir.
İlk küçük erkek kardeşten sonraki nesillerde aynı hikayeyi oynamak zorunluluğu yoktur.
İlk nesilden sonra kişilik özellikleri ve hayat amaçları tamamen sizin elinizdedir.
Hepinize iyi oyunlar dilerim.  😊 -Özlem Broke
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ugh-fml · 5 years
I can’t believe that I actually need to make a second discourse post. (The first was about the trans Zim discourse a year ago it’s over now I think) Anyways recently (before AND after the movie) I’ve seen people in this fandom act very ignorant to say the least. Artists and other content creators in our little bubble should not have the issue of harassment and bigoty they are receiving. And before you think this is bullshit, it’s not.
This very small group of people on Instagram AND on tumblr that are specifically ONLY targeting zadr fans. not in my entire 3 years of being in this fandom have I seen a post about ZAGR and DATR discourse. And YEAH I know it’s very biased to say that since I am one myself, and before you go there with the pedophile label, I AM A MINOR.
This is not about the “pedophillia” that is going on- and tbh I’ve seen none so far! (I’m not looking for it and if you have seen it in the dark corners of the web I am so sorry.) I’m not going to ignore the possibility that there could be some sickos out there, because there are, in the fandom? No idea. Apparently years ago there were(are?) people sexulizing gaz and shipping her with her BROTHER dib. Gross. 🤮
NOW the zadr shippers that I am talking about in this post are NOT pedophiles or anything like that. They are simply fans of a show,shipping an alien with a human.
And if there is a drawing you come across of Zim and dib kissing, and it’s dib as a child I can promise you that they’re most likely not thinking ‘OOOH CHILD AND ADLUT SEXY’ THEYRE NOT!! NOT EVERYONE YOU MEET IN THIS FANDOM IS A PEDOPHILE!!! It’s most likely a very innocent minor drawing it and thinking oh this is cute!! NOT ACTIVELY THINK OH THIS ONE IS ADULT THIS ONE IS A CHILD. How do I know this? I have done this before when I was 11 and very new into the fandom. I’ve also heard stories of other people when they were young doing this as well.
The thing is it’s not about the age difference or anything. That doesn’t apply to the fics and art. What I’m trying to say is that it is ASSUMES that dib is 18+ and it usally is STATED on the art or blog!! Trust me most of them are uncomfortable by the age gap and a lot of times age dib up ALOT.
To shippers it’s about the dynamics of their characters, and how nice it would be to see them interact NICELY to each other, and fall in love.
what I just described is literally a reason why people ship enemies to lovers
One of my favorite artists @/starchild37 has an Instagram and used to post their art there. For a while it was nice and everyone was nice and interacted in a good way. Unfounded that didn’t last. It is very unclear what messages were sent and what went on exactly but here was their final post:
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No one deserves to be treated like this. We are better than this. Please stop spreading hate and hurting people. If you really feel uncomfortable with these artists I can recommend you doing the following:
1. Block the artist and blacklist the zadr tag :)
Please feel free to add. I tried to make this as unbiased as possible. Let’s have a friendly discussion.
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jlo-geek-blog · 7 years
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Looking for Alaska aesthetic mood boards Emma Roberts as Alaska Miles Heizer as Pudge Josh Hutcherson as Colonel
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lessursblog · 3 years
The Marvelous Magic of Manga And Comics
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Manga and Comics Western comic books and manga can look on the surface as if they’re from two different worlds. It’s easy to see why some choose one over the other, from art to text orientation, theme  and characters, but both  are just as  convincing  and  certainly worth reading. In essence, however both media tell incredible stories through the use of images and phrases produced.
Themes, Personalities, and Genres Though comics and manga look different in the representation of characters and scenery both have very similar genres, themes, and character tropes that they stick to in order to  tell the story.  Think of  your favorite  superhero  from  DC or Marvel and  then think about your favorite protagonist from anime.
The first things that motivate us to dream are possibly comic books. Comic books and the capers in them protect us from the harsher realities of the outside world throughout the increasing years where there are no superheroes, adventurous reporters, or  philosopylical pets. Even  we progress into  more  adult types of  entertainment, there  remains the magic spell of comics.
Maybe most of us read them or watch them on TV every day now, but who can deny that it brings back a glimpse of the wonderful years. But there are those who pursue comic books after that. After all, comic books’ enduring culture is not due to the childrens crowd alone. And in this modern world, comic books keep having new leases of existence.
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Manga and Comics Western comic books and manga can look on the surface as if they’re from two different worlds. It’s easy to see why some choose one over the other, from art to text orientation, theme  and characters, but both  are just as  convincing  and  certainly worth reading. In essence, however both media tell incredible stories through the use of images and phrases produced.
Themes, Personalities, and Genres Though comics and manga look different in the representation of characters and scenery both have very similar genres, themes, and character tropes that they stick to in order to  tell the story.  Think of  your favorite  superhero  from  DC or Marvel and  then think about your favorite protagonist from anime.
The first things that motivate us to dream are possibly comic books. Comic books and the capers in them protect us from the harsher realities of the outside world throughout the increasing years where there are no superheroes, adventurous reporters, or  philosopylical pets. Even  we progress into  more  adult types of  entertainment, there  remains the magic spell of comics.
Maybe most of us read them or watch them on TV every day now, but who can deny that it brings back a glimpse of the wonderful years. But there are those who pursue comic books after that. After all, comic books’ enduring culture is not due to the childrens crowd alone. And in this modern world, comic books keep having new leases of existence.
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While Comic books are comics that feature multiple pages. The books can have more than just one specific comic the point is they are gathered in a volume. These can also be self-contained but more often than not they entail a larger story arc that combines stories over multiple volumes. Think of the super hero genre. Comic books that don’t follow a larger story are usually more child friendly or of a more in a humorous nature. Think of comic books featuring Mickey Mouse or the Smurfs.
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We know that some of us, know manga well especially when you truly love the art of Manga and you’re an avid fan of Japan and Anime. Of course, some of us will like it because characters are good looking, they have a distinct personalities and stunning visuals and because of that Manga authors and illustrators are totally amazing! Manga is such a word for comics . It is used in the English-speaking world as a genetic term for all comic books and graphing novels. It was originally published in Japan and knowing that Japanese had always impress us by their creative minds, that’s why Manga catches the eye of many. We know that these works are absolutely fantastic.
In Japan, for its ability to create distinctive characters and creative storylines, Manga is highly regarded. It’s a trend of pop culture that has grown from basic art and comic stories to anime fairs, merchandise and films. All of this was made possible by the features of the Manga characters. Manga is all about world, from faces and hair to suits, accessories, and over exaggerated emotions. Manga typically display feelings that are over-exaggerated. Their tears spill out in buckets when a character  cries  or when they laugh, the size of their mouth appears to  surround their heads and  their eyes become slits. There are rosy cheeks and steam roiling around the body of an angry character. And primarily there are five types of Manga
Shonen– Shonen manga often feature lots of action and comedy, and some sort of coming-of-age teamwork between characters example one example is One Piece.
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Shojo ( targeted at teen girls)The focus here is less on action and more on drama, emotion, and, almost always, idealized romance one of it’s example is Sailor Moon.
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Seinen ( targeted between 18+ to adult men)
Just like shonen manga, seinen manga features action and violence, but with a more serious or darker tone, as well as adult content such as sexual situations, graphic violence, or foul language.
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Josei ( targeted at between 18+ to adlut women)
Josei manga are similar to American adult romance novels in that they include sexually explicit scenes that can range from tame to borderline pornographic.
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Korodomomuke ( targeted at young children)
These series will often be cutesy, moralistic, and fun. Both the Pokemon manga and anime are probably the most well-known examples of a Kodomomuke series.
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Now that we tackled about the Comics and Manga? Do you have any preference about this two? Well for me I love to read or watch anime they’re really relaxing for me especially this time that we are in a quarantine. It is a good opportunity to read some of this work. Here are some of my Manga Recommendations:
Kaichou wa maid-sama
Death Note
Attack on Titan
My Hero Academia
One Piece
Fullmetal Alchemist
” These two may have differences to each other, but they both can bring us happiness and enjoyment”.
-Mark Joseph S. Gracias
-Angela Francine Gimpes
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
Jak’s Backstory (Canon)
Jak Richards was born to a young woman Anna Kate and her older hubsand Alexander Jay Richards. While Alexander never wanted children Jak was Anna's world so he supported her in the decsion to keep him. However around the time Jak was 5 or 6 the Richards all fell ill. While Anna helped Alex and Jak recover she neglected herself. She was hospitalized and died shortly afterwards. Alex never got over it and planned Jak seeing as Anna spent most of time trying to care for him. Alex wasted no time shoving Jak into kiddergarden and picking up extra shifts at work to avoid him. When Alex was home with Jak he would lock him in his room for hours on end. If Jak raised a fuss he would be beaten. If he was caught playing with anything it would be taken from him. He was a monster and killed his mother. He didnt deserve to have fun, or have nice things. It got to the point where Alex took the lights outof Jak's room because being a young kid he'd get bored and play with the light switch
As Jak got older Alex would leave him in the room longer and longer. Eventually it got to the point where he would be locked in the room over the weekends. Attention starved and lacking many social skills when he was at school he would often interrupt and cause distractions in class resulting in many parential calls and Alex missing work Jak was beaten as punishemnt everytime. Eventually Jak figured out how to break out of his room and while his dad was away he'd wonder the house. This went unoticed for the longest time until Alex came home unexpectedly and caught Jak out of his room. Things got physical and in a panic Jak grabbed the first thing he could to defend himself and swung. And didn't stop. Not when Alex fell to the ground Not when Alex stopped moving. It wasn't until the cops the neighbors had called pulled him off of Alex's corpse did Jak stop
Now its rare Children are charged with murder but due to the sheer amount of violence involed in Alex Richards death Jak was investigated until they could prove that there was no premeditation before the act. Meanwhile 10 year old Jak was in Juvi, waiting out the investigation and receiving his first bits of therapy and some serious schooling. To the surprise of many of the alduts watching over him Jak was insanely clever. All it took was a little praise and a nudge in the right direction and he'd take off. That being said a malnurished runt accused of killing his own dad had a rep with the other kids and lead to fights. Many fights. As much praise as he got from the adluts for doing well with his schooling he got even more from his peers when he'd beat the shit out of some twice his size. Better yet. EVERYONE paid attetnion to him when he started a fight. He learned to fight. How to make every word an attack, how to make his smile irk people  and how to make sure the people he pissed off would never forget him. He continued to raise hell until they stuck him with a personal psychologist, Nathan, who helped him work things out and encouraged him to settle down. The two grew close and Jak begged him to take him in but, Nathan being a young college student had to sadly say no. However with Nathan's help Jak was placed into his first foster home.He tried his best to behave. His family tried thier best to care for him but, they were new at child care and couldnt handle a child who would scream when the lights were shut off and cry all through the night, or threw himself at closed doors until they wouldnt shut properly. After 2 months they sent him back
When he was 13 he was placed with another foster family. There he Thrieved He had a baby sister Sam who he watched over and craddled close and always kept safe. A Mom who would take him in the kitchen and teach him how to help with meals and a Dad who left the door open and the hall light on at night but, his favorite family member was Mikey His kid brother. He was a cocky 11 year old boy with a heart of gold and showed Jak what it was like to really be a kid. Jak followed him everywhere and the two were as thick as thieves. The fights happened less. That was until Mikey got into skatebording. Jak would take him to the park just to watch him and cheered him on. While the other older kids picked on him. One day while Jak decided to stay home to help care for Sam, Mikey went alone and came back with a fat lip and a black eye. So Jak went to the park the next day with Mikey to figure out who the kid who bullied him was. Jak broke the guys's skate bord over the back of his head. The kid needed stiches and the parents pressed charges. It was decided while Jak was being sent back to Juvi that he was a bad influcence on Mikey and they released custody of him. It was in Juvi Jak started his habbit of self harming
Age 16 and out of Juvi Jak had given up on people. He was a monster. Nobody wanted monsters for sons. So no matter where he was placed he raised more and more hell. He fought and spit and cursed and screamed. The nightmares got worse. His mouth got worse. He was put on lithuim to help the hypermania and BPD It wasnt until he was 17 he was taken in by Mrs. Lucy Fletcher a women pushing 70 an art teacher at the local highschool. She took him in after her own son died in a wreck. For the first time in his life Jak had someone who simply refused to give up on him. When he would scream and cuss she'd just stand and quietly nod until the screams became sobs and he worked out what was on his mind. She never shut any of the doors in her house aside from the one to her own bedroom. For the first time in his life he was loved and cared for and actually trying to function. The fights still happened but outside of school (mostly) He was a solid b+ student and was already gaining notice for his artwork.Around that time he had started to date GabbyThe pair were best friends and after some time Jak finally felt safe enough to come out two her and his Mrs Fletcher. Both were very supportive and Jak couldn't be happier! That was until Lucy died. She had a fatal siezer while Jak was hanging out with Gabby.It wasnt long after Jaks anger and abanddonment issues returned with a venganceThe fights were worse than ever. Jak started smoking and drinking like it was all he had. When Gabby annonced her engagement Jak had his first big break down and atempted suicide by taking a bottle of lithuim. Luckily for him he threw most of it up. Even luckier Gabby is the kind of freind who visits when you dont answer her calls. She called the hospital and Jak had his stomach pumped. Again pissed and hurt he lived he became even more agressive. As soon as he could move around he started fights in the hospital. It was shortly after some girl told him that 'Od'ing is a cowards way out' and he tried to force feed her lithium he was transfered to RR ANd the rest is history or Forbidden Cannon!
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                                          HEIR OF ASH AND FIRE
It's time lady and gents for my first meta / headcanon / essay on Tadashi. And the topic of this conversation is going to be his ANGER, RAGE, SUPRESSION OF HIS RAGE, and effect it has had on him and his personality.
So it's not hard to notice that on this blog a lot of what I talked about pre-release was Tadashi's anger. both at the world and the corrupt society he resides in. He's seen the disgusting adults in this world and even from a young age it's always angered him. Always bothered him. He spoke out of course when he was young, he always had a big mouth and would talk. You shouldn't do that! That's not good! He would yell at people about it but people would tell him to be quiet. It's not good to shout. To be loud like this over nothing. His parents were the final straw / case for it. They told him that its best to just stay quiet. Don't be angry. His mother and father told him to sit down. Forget his anger. Ignore stuff that makes him angry. Anger isn't good. Anger isn't good. If the problem is important, ADULTS will handle it. No matter for a kid. Shut up. Shut up. Don't get involed. Stay quiet.
And for so long Tadashi followed through with it. His louder demeanor went with it as he attempted year after year to supress his rage. He'd turn a blind-eye to bullying, pretend that unfairness didn't exist, ignored that his classmates would say or do rude things to their peers, avoid girls saying no and guys saying yes. He never had friends because he was the quiet weird kid. Could rarely talk to his parents because everything was upsetting. Tadashi had so much anger.
Every day it pained him. It hurt. But he wouldn't cry about it. He'd never go to his parents about it. He just had to tell himself to calm down. hat this anger wasn't good. It wasn't good at all. That if anything was important adults would handle it. He let it all boil up until it practically broke through his rip cage and still never spilled out.
It all ended when he encoutnered the woman being attacked by the drunken man. In the game the player is given the option "I can't ignore this and that definetly had to run in Tadashi's mind. He balls his fists. He can't ignore this she's CRYING, BEGGING for help and there's nobody here! How could he ignore this. He couldn't. So he ran over to the man and assulated him. The details on Tadashi's part are still foggy, he did it in such a blind anger. A blind rage that all he remembers was feeling PURE AND UNADULTERATED outrage.
I don't want to say that Tadashi has some mental issue when it comes to his anger but he definetly doesn't consiously realize how angry he is. Subconsiously of course if you listen to his dialouge in the middle of combat Tadashi says "Calm down" or " Think this through" ( something like that ) and various lines where he's actively telling himself to calm down in the middle of combat. Like he can feel the rage boiling out of him. He has no idea the full impact of it, the man from the prolouge is ltierally just a fraction of it and he's rarely showed rage like that since summoning Arsene ( which is a WHOLE nother topic oh boi ).
This anger also shows in his student guise, when confronted in a situation where he has all right to be angry he taks a calm demeanor, a stoic facade but in his hands are slight twitches. I'm probably hoping for too much but I see it, his face is calm but his hands. His hands are RAGE. When Ryuji is about to beat Kamoshida Tadashi manages to stop him but he is shaking too. He is shaking too.
It also makes sense as too why he keeps his hands in his pockets, it's probably a mechanism he developed to keep his anger locked away. The world can't see his fists. Or they'd regard him as a delinquent.
His anger got worse on his transfer to Shujin but now it has an outlet. As JOKER Tadashi can be his true self. One who punishes the corrupt, and is free from the shackles of the world. This side of him beings to bleed back into his real life as well as Tadashi Masaru becomes more like Tadashi Masaru instead of the fabrication he had to draw up to hide his anger. But while this means that the boy is more free to be it also means that his anger is coming with him. He's more verbal about his hatred of corrupted adluts ( being able to speak about it openly to his Phantom Thieves, and state his true beliefs ( i.e showing it in Yoshida's confidant, Mishima's, Ryuji's )).
Man he even shouts "PERSONA" with more anger than the previous protags.
Arsene says " Call upon my name and release thy rage! " and it is how Tadashi is. He's RAGE. He's ANGRY. And it can burst out at almost any moment at any flip, and with more injustices he is exposed to the more it begins to build up. And the worst part is he has no idea how badly his rage has built up and how badly it can get. It is a side to himhself he doesn't ignore but a side to himself he has trouble recognizing it exists. He can't fathom there's a side of him that is full so full of rage that it could scare his new friends away. That it could scare the people he loves away.
Of course Tadashi doesn't think that anger is bad. Even his own anger. He revels in being mad, encourages people to be mad. This world has told them to be quiet for so long that being mad is good. Scream. Shout. Let it all out. He just feels as if his own anger while good and has gotten him far in the Metaverse, that he's got so much that he feels as if he could hurt someone. Or he'll scare people. Or he'll do something that he'll regret. ( BTW regret. That's something coming soon ).
Anger is good. He knows that. But the amount of anger that he has? Is it really good?
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