#zayn fanfiction
violetsandfluff · 2 years
You were falling. You didn’t know how, where, or why, but you were falling. You sat straight up in bed, sweating and heart racing.
Zayn rolled over to look at you and make sure you were okay. His shaggy, messy from sleep hair covered his eyes and he wrinkled his nose adorably.
“You okay, Baby?” He opened his arms under the covers for you to crawl into.
Crawling into them, you explained the dream as he rubbed your cheeks gently.
“You’re okay now, baby doll,” Zayn whispered. “I’m here. Your safe.”
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that-1d-blogger · 1 month
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Plot - Zayn and Zuri have been in love for 6 years and plan on a romantic date to celebrate their anniversary. Tragedy strikes when they get into a car accident , where Zayn loses his memories of her . Little do they know amnesia is not the only thing they should be worried about as there’s another problem around the corner, will they be able to deal through this together or would it be too late ?
Malik as Zayn Malik
Yara Shahidi as Zuri Simmons
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Zuri smoothed her hands over the silky fabric of her little black dress, taking a deep breath to steady her nerving flutters. Tonight marked sixth year since her first fateful date with Zayn — a magical evening that had kicked off the most passionate, all-consuming relationship of her life. She could still vividly recall the very first moment she had laid eyes on him at a bustling downtown cafe while out with friends one night.
Her heart had nearly stopped when she looked over and saw him sitting at a table by himself, hunched over a book with his thick raven locks tumbling across his furrowed brow. Even in his scholarly repose, there was something magnetic about him that drew Zuri's gaze like a tractor beam. Before she could think twice about what she was doing, she found herself drifting across the cafe towards his secluded table.
"Is anyone sitting here?" She had asked breathlessly, gesturing towards the empty chair across from him.
Zayn glanced up at her, his warm brandy eyes locking onto hers with a look of faint surprise. Then his full lips curved into the smallest of smiles, making Zuri's knees go weak.
"Not at all. Please, have a seat."
The two fell into easy conversation as the hours ticked by, feeling more and more like kindred spirits with each passing moment. They discovered they had both recently graduated from the local university - Zayn with a business degree and Zuri with a degree in marketing. They shared a wicked sense of humor and fondness for old movies and vinyl records. 
By the time the cafe was announcing last call, Zuri and Zayn were still ensconced in their corner, completely oblivious to the world around them. They had been so engrossed in swapping stories and jokes that the energy between them had steadily electrified into crackling chemistry.
"I've really enjoyed talking to you tonight," Zayn admitted warmly as they finally gathered their belongings to leave.
"Me too," Zuri replied, unable to keep the hopeful lilt out of her voice. "Maybe...we could do it again sometime? Like on an actual date?'
The slow, sensuous smile that curved Zayn's lips in response made Zuri's heart cartwheel behind her ribs. "I'd love that."
That first date had stretched into an entire blissful weekend they never wanted to end, and kickstarted a whirlwind romance that quickly deepened into something profound. Time  flowed like water leading upto now six years , Zuri and Zayn were hopelessly, deliriously in love - the kind of all-consuming love that makes you feel like you're hurtling through the stratosphere.
When Zuri had awoken that morning of their six-year anniversary, she had felt a overwhelming sense of peace and contentment wash over her. This was it, the partner and life she was destined for all along. She craved cherishing every single moment with Zayn, past and future.
Now, as she stood in front of her bathroom mirror making the final touches to her makeup and hair for their celebratory date night, Zuri wondered what wonderful surprise her soulmate had cooked up this time. After half a year together, she knew Zayn thrived on keeping the spark between them constantly stoked by planning romantic adventures and escapades.
Her reverie was interrupted by a knock at her apartment door. With one last assessing glance in the mirror, Zuri turned and made her way through her living room, a fresh bouquet of butterflies taking wing in her stomach.
When she opened the door, her breath hitched at the sight of Zayn looking effortlessly gorgeous in a charcoal grey suit. His hazel brown bedroom eyes smoldered as his gaze roamed hungrily over her form, and she felt a familiar tingle of heated awareness fizzing through her veins.
"Wow...you look incredible," Zayn rasped in reverent tones, reaching for her hand to draw her against his firm chest. "Happy anniversary, my love."
"Happy anniversary," Zuri whispered back, rising up on her tiptoes to slant her mouth hungrily across his in a searing kiss. Zayn eagerly deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue in to duel with hers in a passionate tango that had her head spinning.
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Finally he drew back, his lips quirked in an amused grin. "Easy, tiger. If we keep this up, we may never leave the apartment." His fingers lightly traced the curve of her cheek. "I actually have a full evening planned out for us. Starting off with dinner at that new Italian place Downtown you've been wanting to try."
Zuri blinked at him, dazed. Leave the apartment? She had honestly forgotten about anything existing outside their heated bubble of desire. Forcing herself to take a steadying breath, she looped her arm through his. "That sounds perfect. Lead the way, handsome."
The lovebirds strolled out of the apartment hand-in-hand, twin smiles of beatific contentment on their faces. Since Zuri only lived a few blocks from the restaurant district, they decided to enjoy the mild summer evening by walking. They strolled leisurely down the sidewalk, exchanging besotted looks and hushed whispers as the streetlamps began to flicker on around them.
Zuri tried prying details about the rest of Zayn's grand master plan for their evening out of him. But he just grinned enigmatically and shook his head.
"You'll just have to wait and see, love," he demurred, as they got in his black car and started driving
Zuri was practically bursting with giddy anticipation. She latched her fingers to Zayn's free hand as he kissed her knuckles and kept driving with his right one.
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"So where are you whisking me off to next, mystery man?" She purred in her huskiest tone, playing with his fingers
"Patience," Zayn chuckled in reply. "You'll find out soon enough." He flashed her a quick wink before turning the car in corner onto a quiet side street.
That was when a deafening screech of squealing tires and crunching metal drowned out her giggles of protest.
Pain. Bright white flashes of agony exploding through her body, starburst flares of jagged shards ripping through muscle and bone. Zuri couldn't process anything beyond all-consuming waves of torment paralyzing her from head to toe.
Slowly, excruciatingly, fragments of awareness began filtering through the searing haze. The acrid stench of burnt rubber and twisted, smoking car wreckage...anguished moans carried on the night breeze...crimson rivulets snaking over shattered glass and steel...
When Zuri finally managed to pry her eyes open again, it was to a vision of hell itself stretched out before her. One scorching look around and all the breath whooshed out of her lungs.
Zayn's car...or what was left of it lay a mangled, incinerated wreck of crumpled metal and shredded tires mere yards away. The entire front end had embedded itself into the sturdy brick wall of the movie theater they had been passing. Her frantic eyes flicked down to the driver's side interior, splintered wood and jagged slivers of glass protruding every which way.
"Oh god..." The gut-wrenching moan tore from her throat before she could stop it. There he was, her heart and reason for living. Zayn's body was slumped grotesquely over the steering wheel, frighteningly twisted and unnaturally still. A trickle of crimson blood oozed sluggishly from the gaping gash across his temple before tracing a gruesome path down the side of his pale, lifeless face.
Panic and horror seized Zuri's chest like an icy vice, squeezing all air and rational thought from her body. This couldn't be happening. Not to them, not to  Zayn
Blind instinct propelled her forward at that moment, dragging her broken body inch by agonizing inch across the shattered glass and debris littering the pavement until she reached the driver's side door. Nothing, not even the searing screams of her battered muscles or the growing swell of sticky crimson leaking from her various lacerations, could deter her from that single-minded mission.
"Zayn...baby, open your eyes," she was sobbing, pawing frantically at whatever fragments of him she could reach through the decimated driver's side window. She stroked his matted hair, his pallid cheek, desperate for any signs of life or awareness from the man she loved more than her own. "Please, please look at me. Don't you leave me..."
Her beseeching wails mingled with the rising chorus of distant sirens, both sounds grating like nails across her frayed psyche. Nothing made sense beyond the prone, lifeless form of her soulmate crumpled mere inches away yet utterly beyond her reach. The other car was just as shattered with no signs of life from the driver but her main focus was on Zayn
Somewhere through the deafening haze of her hysteria, blaring sirens and panicked shouts of onlookers grew closer until Zuri suddenly found herself swarmed by paramedics. Strong, calloused hands were tugging her away from the wreckage, coaxing her onto a gurney as she thrashed and wailed like a madwoman.
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"It's okay ma'am, we're medics...we're here to help..."
"No, no! You have to save him! Save Zayn!"
She continued fighting and screaming until a sharp prick in her arm zapped her into a drowsy lull, her eyelids fluttering as she succumbed to the pull of unconsciousness. Her last fleeting thought before surrendering to the murky void was a haunting image of Zayn's lifeless expression peering back at her, an eerie look of hollow emptiness in those eyes that had always gazed at her with such depth of love and desire.
The next few days passed in a blur. Zuri drifted in and out of consciousness, her entire world narrowed into a hazy tunnel of fragmented memories and visceral pain. Beeping monitors and antiseptic odors...nurse's murmurs and the squeak of rubber soled shoes across tiled floors...the stabbing sting of needles being shoved into her arm...Zayn's name ripped from her throat over and over like a guttural mantra...
How she ended up here, alone in a private hospital room with cool white sheets tucked around her aching body, she couldn't say for certain. One fact remained seared into the forefront of her agony-laced mind, however: Zayn had been ripped away from her, possibly forever. Everything after that fateful car crash was shrouded in darkness.
Zuri felt like she was subsisting in a living purgatory. Any memories she managed to dredge up from before the accident were tainted with despair, forever stamped by the violent crack of twisting metal and her beloved's lifeless eyes. As the fog began to gradually clear, a cold numbness swiftly took its place...akin to frostbite creeping through her veins.
The only flicker of light in her dismal tunnel vision was provided by the small crew of solemn-faced visitors who rotated through her bedside at all hours. They were kind, gentle souls - surrounding her with murmurings of comfort and reassurance even as they wore matching haggard expressions of weariness. Each one looked as shell-shocked and shattered as Zuri felt.
Trisha..that was Zayn's mother. Zuri couldn't account for how she knew that deeply buried detail, only that the petite brunette woman somehow summoned the strength to be a constant, steadying presence at her bedside through each fitful, screaming night. 
"It will be okay, sweetheart," Trish would whisper through her own tears, smoothing Zuri's tangled hair away from her sweat-drenched forehead. "We'll get through this together, I promise."
Then there was Doniya, Zayn's older sister, who brought a quiet resilience to the room along with an endless supply of fresh tears to shed for her little brother. She never spoke much, opting to simply squeeze Zuri's hand or rest her head in silent solidarity on the edge of the mattress. Only the profound, shared devastation reflected in her dark, soulful eyes connected the two women.
The one time Doniya did open her mouth was to choke out two words that sliced through Zuri like a serrated blade: "He's alive..."
Those two words, more than anything over the past endless span of pain and oblivion, shattered Zuri's cocoon of numbness in an instant. Suddenly, it all came roaring back in one torrential rush — the sickening crunch of metal...Zayn's sightless chocolate gaze through the shattered windshield...her own frantic screams tearing from her throat as she clawed through the wreckage for him.
He's alive... Those blessed syllables repeated themselves jubilantly on a loop inside Zuri's head. Relief blossomed in her chest like a glorious sunrise after the bleakest of midnights, immediately galvanizing her to action.
Before she could so much as force the question of 'How?' from her cracked lips, Doniya seemed to sense the desperation behind her expression and took mercy on her.
"The doctors...they were able to revive him after the accident," she confided in a scratchy whisper, eyes glimmering both with renewed slivers of hope and deep, penetrating sorrow. "But Zuri...they said he suffered severe head trauma that caused swelling and bleeding in his brain. He's stable for now, but..."
She trailed off then, too overcome to continue. But Zuri understood all the same. She felt a violent shudder ripple through her body at the unvarnished truth laid before her.
Zayn was alive, yes. But at what devastating cost? What if his beautiful, sparkling mind had been shattered beyond repair by the impact? Zuri had always cherished his keen intellect and captivating charisma just as much as his smoldering good looks. Without those brilliant flashes of wit and insight, that intoxicating self-possession that had drawn her to him from day one...would he even be the same man she had fallen so madly in love with?
A strangled sob ripped itself from the depths of her soul at that haunting thought. She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the first tears since the accident searing scorching paths down her bruised cheeks. Gentle arms enveloped her then, holding her trembling body against a warm, comforting embrace as she finally let the floodgates burst open. She cried with deep, wracking gasps of both profound heartbreak and faint yet emphatic relief.
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In a twisted instant, Zuri had been granted a terrifying epiphany: she was only at the advent of a storm unlike any she'd ever weathered. The battle to reclaim her beloved's life and essence was just beginning.
Over the next few days, Zuri's spirits seesawed between despair and tentative hope while she awaited any word on Zayn's condition. The minutes, hours, and days seemed to bleed together in a murky haze of monotonous hospital routine. 
Trish and other family members sat their solemn vigils at her bedside, filling her in with sporadic dribbles of piecemeal information regarding Zayn's fluctuating state. While he remained comatose and unresponsive, the neurosurgeons were cautiously optimistic the head swelling had stabilized and they had managed to halt the internal bleeding. Only time would tell what, if any, lingering effects the trauma had inflicted.
Part 2
Part 3 coming soon
If u like this, check out my work here
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linkonlceleste · 2 months
LnD boys- How they would save your name in phone (+ a scenario)
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Disclaimer- apologies for grammar mistakes and if my writing is not upto how the characters react/behave.Just an example ,not implying this to be the exact name they'd save.
Zayne - "Mine"
Once during a meeting,he left his phone on the meeting table.Some of his co-workers noticed his phone ringing(you were the one who called) and didn't know whose phone it was.One coworker said ,"I think it's Dr.Zayne's phone". Another co-worker peeked at the phone and scoffed saying,"No way!,he would never save someone's name as 'mine'". And as everyone were agreeing and gossiping ,they saw zayne entering the room .He swiftly took the exact phone they were talking about,attended the call casually and walked away.Everyone in that meeting room were silent ,some staring at each other ,some jawdropped,while some were laughing in disbelief.
Xavier - "My star"
Jeremiah noticed Xavier walking back and forth with his phone in his hand."What's wrong, Xavier?",he asked with a bit of concern and glanced at his phone which Xavier immediately hid away from him.Still, Jeremiah noticed a few words in the beginning such as 'To my star', 'I'm sorry', ' please'. He laughed asking,"Pfft,what's that long para you're writing?,to my star? Who's that? And an apology letter? Why, what did you do? Tell me tell me". Jeremiah shooted so many questions and despite knowing who was his 'star',he teased Xavier ,who was annoyed by jeremiah's behaviour.He was writing an apology message to you, probably because he ignored you and went to a dangerous mission alone.
Rafayel - "My muse"
Thomas dashed into Rafayel's art studio, frustrated that he ignored his own as well as the client's calls.He saw rafayel who was busy playing with his paintbrush ."Mr.Rafayel ,How many times should we call you?! I know you might be busy thinking of ideas,but Can't you please take your call or message atleast once?!You know today's the deadline right?",as he kept ranting ,rafayel stroked a line in his painting unbothered.Thomas gave up and said rafayel one last time about the deadline and muttered as he left "Is there a day he attends a single person's call? Gosh".And as he was turning to leave,he saw rafayel's phone vibrating .The caller was 'my muse'. "Oh he definitely would ignore this too",before Thomas could finish thinking that,rafayel picked his phone cheerfully "MC! How was your day today?". Thomas was too stunned to speak.
A/N: Thank you for reading,take care :) ❤️
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teamatsumu · 3 months
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content warnings: fem!reader, fluff, sfw headcanons
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Xavier knows he is smart, and witty enough. But when things get a little too real, he finds it hard to express himself.
And the feelings he has for you are the most genuine ones he has felt in his long, long life.
While he might not be someone who can wax poetic about his affection for you, he shows it in other ways, and physical touch in his favorite way to get his feelings across.
When you walk next to each other, he sticks close, arm brushing against yours. Occasionally, the back of his hand makes contact with your own. It's almost as if the tension builds and builds, until he finally connects your fingers, either intertwining your hands together or linking his pinkie with yours. No words leave his mouth. His touch says enough.
If the train is too crowded, he will pull you closer to him with a firm touch on the small of your back, making sure you don’t receive any unwanted bumps from strangers.
For a few weeks in your relationship, he developed a strange habit of pinching your cheeks and lightly pulling on them. You let him do it, knowing he would eventually move on and find some other part of you to focus on. Though the action did make your face heat up.
Another weird hyperfixation he has is nibbling at your fingertips absentmindedly. He plays with them often, but when he is distracted by a movie you two are watching, he will bite at them every so often. Sometimes, he is so focused on the screen that you doubt he even realizes what he is doing.
(He realizes. He just thinks every part of you deserves love. Don’t question it. It makes sense in his head.)
Cuddling with him is the perfect gift for your senses, stimulating you wonderfully.
Small nips on your skin, little lingering touches. He traces your skin with eager yet gentle hands, as if trying to memorize every curve and dip.
He buries his face in your neck and breathes in deep, and in that moment, bodies tangled with each other and the sheets, vulnerable and open, he will whisper, “I love you”.
It’s an affirmation more than a revelation, since his actions up until this point have all shown you that he really, truly does love you. So you whisper it back, trying to pour all your love into it, before slotting your lips together and using physical touch to convey your feelings right back.
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Rafayel is, in the simplest of terms, a yapper.
This man could talk for hours if you don’t stop him. About his art, about the meaning of life, about his experiences. He can express so much while also having an impeccable talent of being completely vague. Sometimes, you don’t even understand the things he says. And you’ve given up trying to decipher his every word.
But when Rafayel is talking about you, he makes himself abundantly clear. There’s no ambiguity about it; he loves you. And he will say it a million different times in a million different ways. Whether it be a bold declaration of how much his heart yearns for you, or endless teasing that is meant to rile you up and get a reaction out of you.
“I don’t think your talent lies in art, babe. It’s a good thing you’re a walking art piece yourself. No wonder I’m in love with you.”
“You’re leaving so soon? But I don’t think I’ve admired you enough for today. Don’t leave me!”
I’m impressed, Miss Bodyguard. You’re talented, and easy on the eyes. No wonder you captivated me from that very first day we met.”
Expect to wake up with a lot of voice notes on your phone. Minutes long. Sometimes rambling, sometimes actual ideas for new pieces that he wants to run by you. You better reply to all of them individually.
When you cuddle at night, you can talk for hours. No topic on earth is off limits with him. He will lay you down on a blanket on the beach, and as you watch the stars, he will tell you stories from olden times about star crossed lovers and tragic fairy tales. And he will turn to you, tell you how beautiful you are, how ardently he loves you, how he will never forget any moment he spends with you.
It’s almost like you can tell the exact moment he falls in love with you. Because he tells you. He never stops telling you. He voices his fears of you leaving him, he makes you promise you will never go away. He is clingy and he is whiny, and he is so endearing.
It’s hard to dismiss him when he is so loud about his love. And it’s hard to not fall for him just as he falls for you.
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This is an indisputable fact. Dr Zayne shows his love through acts of service.
He is intensely aware of your needs, and is miles ahead of you in determining what you require at any given moment.
It’s his way of showing you that he cares. He worries for you, and born from that worry is the urge to take care of you.
If you have had a long day, you will come home to a text from him saying he has ordered takeout and it will arrive at your house shortly, since he knows you are too exhausted to cook anything. It is always something different, but it is always food that he knows you enjoy. He will mix it with some healthy options too.
If you ever crash at his place, you will wake up to a tall glass of water and two aspirin on the side table, along with a note in his neat handwriting telling you that there is fresh cooked breakfast in the oven (he made it before he left for work).
Once you two are in a steady relationship, he keeps his house stocked with products you use. A spare shampoo and conditioner, toothbrush, a bathrobe of your size, a hair brush, you name it.
When you mumble something about the hand cream in your purse that is nearly running out, you will find a brand new tube next time you open the purse, and there is no need to even ask. You know Zayne put it there.
He is intensely observant. Even after knowing him for so long, it catches you off guard. He knows which of your clothes need to be dry cleaned and which ones are good for the washing machine. He knows which scents you use. Which products are harsher on your skin. He knows that contacts irritate your eyes after long hours of wearing them, so he keeps a small bottle of eye drops in your side table for that very purpose.
He scolds you for neglecting yourself, and he won’t hold back the harsh tone if he thinks your behavior is particularly destructive. To him, the best way to show love is to make sure your beloved is living the best life they can.
It is the littlest things, the tiniest details. And it shocks you, even after so long.
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angelltheninth · 3 months
Daily Dose of Vitamin D
Pairing: Zayne x Fem!Rader
Tags: nsfw, smut, blowjob, morning sex, throatfucking, cum swallowing, praise
Word count: 0.5k
A/N: For those of you with vitamin D deficiency.
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As one of the best doctors around you took Zayne's word as gospel when it came to your health. He would never steer you wrong, he deeply loves and cares about you like the caring and smart boyfriend that he is. Right? Yes. But... this... you knew this wasn't the way to get vitamin D. Yet Zayne insisted that it was a new method that he came up with and wanted to do a little experiment to see if it really worked.
It was a stupid excuse. "Zayne, for such a smart man, you sure do come up with the silliest of lies."
"And yet you're opening your mouth." Why, yes you were because you were looking for an excuse. His big tip pushed your lips open, guiding the throbbing length into your mouth, down your wanting throat. "You'll have your fill. I'll make sure of it."
You choked out a "Yes," around his cock an tilted your head back so he could push his balls against your chin, completely trap you between his legs. With nowhere to move your head you were at his disposal, his to use. Zayne's eyes softened for a moment when he looked at you, your pupils blown out and lips so tightly sealed around him.
They made the perfect slippery ring, so soft.
He moved back then slowly back in, relishing in your dawn out groan. Your hands pressed into his hips, tapping your fingers and letting him know he doesn't have to take it slow.
"A perfect test subject. So willing get a throat full of my cum. Aren't you lucky to be my girl? My good girl." Zayne rose on his knees then roughly back down, making your eyes water at the rough intrusion. He moved up and down, almost riding your face, your moans barely choked out, mixing with wet gurgling sounds and the sounds of his balls smacking against your chin.
You couldn't let him do all the work. You were never one to be lazy for him. As his cock pushed in and out you circled your tongue around the tip, making it twitch, his cock getting hotter, salty cum dripping from the tip.
Zayne pressed his hands on the wall, his biceps flexing, relaxing, his hair falling over his face as his cold expression began to crack into that of pleasure. Seeing his pulling his lip between his teeth and saying your name in that low tone made you suck him even harder, and you made damn sure he both heard and felt it.
What you felt moments later was his warm, gooey cum flooding your taste buds, being fucked deep down your throat. Thick webs of it connected his cock and your lips, his cock still twitching and shooting little drops across your mouth, cheeks and breasts.
"I feel even more tired. Your experiment failed." You commented with a cheeky smile as you kissed his cock. Zayne slicked his hair back, easy with the sweat on his forehead, which made him look more handsome then he already was. "Do over?"
"In a few minutes." Not even he could get hard again instantly. "Let me write this down first. We need to have notes to compare." Of course, this was an experiment after all.
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missroki · 3 months
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content: female reader × multi lads, black girl friendly, piv sex, vaginal fingering, cowgirl, oral sex (male receiving), bath sex, bondage, reader is called love and angel.
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ZAYNE has never been too keen on religion; he grits his teeth at the mere thought of reaching out for a helping hand, never having looked towards the gods for aid. with your soft body pressed against his chest, zayne thinks that he can concede for help. surely you are the closest thing to an answered prayer he has ever known.
a large hand skims down your ribs, curls underneath your sensitive breast. he can feel the sticky remnants of his spend against your hot skin, the water rinsing away the evidence of your love making. he breathes you in, his other hand dipping into the vast depths of the tub — fragrant and steamy — to the swell of your cunt, fingers just barely toying with your swollen clit.
you gasp, and your gaze flickers behind you to his hooded and heavy gaze. "zayne," you don't realize that you are whimpering, "please, no more."
would he give you what you wanted? a sense of reprieve, of mercy? "are you saying you’ve had enough?” his voice is a deep, hungry rasp. "we both know you can take more.” what is love if not indulgence?
rose petals surround you both, some intertwine like veins that keep the hollow depths of his chest still beating. you whine and beg as his slender fingers pump into your heat; from a hand that has healed, that has mended. perhaps he will keep you in the water long enough to watch you break.
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XAVIER promised he would be patient, but it’s hard to keep himself calm when your gentle hands travel along his oil-ridden body.
you had begged him to let you do this; to have the opportunity to make him slick and wanting, just barely hiding the firm tent underneath his towel. your soft smile is a sight to behold as you finally lean in close, trailing constellations into his skin. it is different when you are on the receiving end and xavier knows all too well that you want him to see stars.
“a-angel, i–“ his breath catches, mingling with yours as you lean in close. his nerves get the better of him as blue eyes sink closed, “c-can’t. t-think straight. how do you do this—“
“it’s alright, love.” you tease, tugging away the towel to reveal him to you. he twitches with want, your cunt hovering so that just the rosy tip of him grazes your slick entrance. “i’ve got you.”
the smell of earthy oils fill the room, cloud his mind as you slowly ease him inside of you. for all the times he has felt your warmth, xavier has never let you fully take control. not like this. he swears he can still taste you on his tongue, feel your hot breath against the softened skin of his neck.
you bounce on him in a slow, teasing circling of your hips. the breathy moan that flutters from your mouth has his head tilting back to hit the sheets. he wonders if you will help him reach the cosmos tonight… or if you yourself will burn bright enough to steal his vision.
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RAFAYEL swallows hard, tongue moistening his parted lips as his skin burns with the rising heat in his stomach. he tries his best not to let you know how much he’s enjoying your touch. he couldn’t possibly give you that satisfaction.
the binds tighten around his wrists, followed by a sharp tug on the silk fabric that keeps him immobilized against the bed. your mouth is warm against him, languidly easing him closer to his peak.
“you’re enjoying this,” he breathes out, “aren’t you?”
you release him from your mouth and his fingers twitch, the desire to touch you almost unbearable. your lover wants to hear your moans, too. wants to hear you sing; high and sweet. “aren’t you benefiting from this more?” your hand grips the base of him, your reward the moan that he can’t hold back. “i thought you liked me taking control?”
indigo eyes find yours, a small pout on the owner’s face. “i do when you’re nice to me. but you’ve been teasing me for hours.” he’s exaggerating, but the leaking red tip of his cock is almost too much to bear. “please, my love? go easy on me just this once?”
you sit up to lean over his naked form, pressing a gentle kiss to your boyfriend’s bitten, red lips. he’s so cute like this, but still holding back. you want him a brainless mess, too wound up to defy you. he’s not there yet, but he will be.
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note: maaaan just… don’t look at me right now, lmao. i’m in a very specific mood. tagging my lil chuu toy bc she joined the dark side recently (zayne) @awwitschuu
MISSROKI. all original work. do not plagiarize, translate, or repost. this includes feeding my work to ai apps and sites.
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kykyonthemoon · 2 months
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Red Stains
You've got a new lipstick and can't wait to test out the color,
on his face.
✧ — Character x F!Reader ✧ — 16+, MDNI, suggestive themes, established relationships, soft fluff, touchy, marking ✧ — Requested by Wytchie Pie.
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While Caleb was in the living room playing his video game, you walked in with a new lipstick. It was hard not to tease him more when you saw how committed he was to the game. Reaching him from behind the couch, you put your arms around his neck and raised his chin to meet your gaze. You leaned down to give his left cheek a kiss. Then you hurried out of the room.
Though a little taken aback, Caleb simply grinned to himself and carried on playing the game. Not even your scarlet lipstick on his cheek did he notice.
After a while, you returned to the room. You interrupted his match again like the first time and gave him another kiss, this time on the right cheek. With a scowl, Caleb warned you: "Don't be naughty."
But you did not listen. You went into the bathroom again to apply another layer of lipstick. When would he find out that his face was covered with your lip stains? He had such a cute and goofy expression. Should you not tell him, would people laugh at him when he got out at last?
Being laughed at was his punishment. For playing games all afternoon and paying no attention to you. You went back to the living room, sneakily behind the sofa again and encircled him with your arms...
All of a sudden, he grabbed your wrist, bending you over. He leaned his head back to touch your lips and locked it with a kiss. Surprised, you leaped back and attempted to flee. After hurling the console onto the chair, Caleb got up, circled the couch, and seized you.
His hands clamped around your waist, making you turn to face him. “I told you not to be naughty.”
As you looked at the screen with the large word DEFEATED displayed, you laughed. In response, you said:
“You lost because you're terrible at this game. It's not my fault.”
“You're still in the mood to tease me?”
Caleb made an angry face, but all you saw was a cute guy with two lipstick marks on his face. He still held you tightly in his arms to prevent you from escaping. He gently lifted you up so that your bare feet rested on his.
“You tried the lipstick marking thing on my face again, didn't you”
"How do you know that?"
“I can smell it.” Caleb smirked. He could position you against the couch with style in only one spin.
“Caleb?” You were a bit surprised. He still refused to let you go but pressed closer to you.
“Make amends.” Caleb said, his voice a bit coy, making you blush. Normally, it's you who wheedle.
"What kind of compensation do you want?..." You hesitated, but you had good reason to be concerned. Because as soon as you finished speaking, you felt a bit regretful when Caleb suddenly attacked you with a passionate kiss.
When he finally let go to let you catch your breath, he rubbed your head, causing your hair to go untidy. Your fingers still lingered on his shoulder, and your red lips seemed to be inviting for another kiss. Caleb could not let you win that quickly. He stepped back and said:
“Everything always goes your way. That's how it's been all along since childhood. I can't keep spoiling you forever.”
Feeling a little let down, you gazed into his eyes. Caleb's face had brilliant lipstick traces that your fingertips touched.
"Are you sure?" You inquired, and then you hurried to put both of your arms around his neck without waiting for him to respond. You raised your torso and enveloped his waist with your legs. All he could do was hold you, and then you would attack him with powerful, determined kisses.
Caleb laughed while you pulled your lips away long enough to take a breath. He was defeated, again and again. After all, he would always let you win.
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You finished your makeup that day with a little red lipstick on the lips. Satisfied with the new lipstick and cosmetics Tara had just recommended, you glanced in the mirror. But when you turned to Xavier,you saw him dozing off on the edge of the bed. He was still seated, but his back was resting on a stack of pillows and his hand was gripping the plush bunny named Bunbun.
You intended to wake him up, but as you approached, his innocent face and soft snoring made you want to give him a little playful nudge. You placed yourself on the edge of the bed, as quietly as possible so as not to wake him up. Then you pressed your lips to his cheek, leaving a red lip stain.
Leaning back slightly, you waited for Xavier to stir, but he remained deep sleeping. You impatiently placed a kiss on his other cheek. Then one on the forehead, another on the chin... Just like that, soon light and dark lipstick smears were all over his face.
You gulped back a laugh. He was certain to become uneasy upon awakening. Unexpectedly, you were taken by surprise as well. His eyes were barely open when his fingers snatched your wrists and pushed you against the bed.
"Xavier?" You let out a startled exclamation. You felt his body pressing on yours, immobilizing you. He could easily lock both of your wrists together, forcing them above your head and holding them there with only one hand.
You raised your gaze to Xavier's face which was covered by lipsticks. Gradually, he opened his eyes. He was still drowsy, but he was fully aware of the damage you had just caused to his heavenly face.
“I can't believe you sneaked up on me while I was sleeping.”
You giggled, looking apologetic: “I'm sorry. Because… you look so cute when you sleep!”
Xavier pretended not to hear your apology. He tightened his hold on the area that was holding your wrist, and you let out a quiet cry. His other hand freely explored your face and his fingers paused at your lips.
"Your lip color has changed."
Xavier was always sensitive to even the tiniest changes in you. It gave you the impression that he was concerned about you and valued you. You gave a nod.
“And you brought my face out to test your new lipstick?” Xavier questioned. You became aware that his body was gradually dropping and encroaching onto yours.
"I've already... apologized," Your cheeks heated with his breath.
"That doesn't count." Xavier gave a sulky reply. "There will be an equal cost for you to pay."
Xavier leaned down and pressed his cool lips to your cheek, leaving a scorching, tingling trail.
“One here.” Xavier said, then he proceeded to kiss the other cheek. “Another here.”
“X-Xavier…” You made an effort to resist and came very close to escaping him. But your wrists were held even tighter. The other hand Xavier was holding around your neck tensed as well. 
"Be good!" Although his voice was still very gentle, you caught his impatience, almost like a command.
And you lied still, submitting to his authority as he inked your face with his own lip marks. On the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. He planted a kiss on your face in precisely the same spot and sequence as you had just given him. You started to get a sense that Xavier wasn't actually asleep, and you were naive to fall right into the trap that was set up by his innocent expression.
At the same time, you relished the sensation of being beneath Xavier, his body heat enveloping you, and the sound of his breathing in your ear blended with every kiss.
The last kiss just ended. As you struggled to catch your breath, you said:
“A-Are you done? Can you…Can you let me go now?…”
The truth was, you never want him to let go. Xavier simply glanced at you and felt your emotions. He lifted your chin again so you could look into his eyes, while he gently parted your lips with this thumb.
“Did I say I would let you go?”
Your eyes seemed to be blurred by the heat between you both. You arched your head back a little, longing for his lips to meet yours once more. Xavier smiled triumphantly as his finger lightly slid across your lips, smearing a small amount of your lipstick out.
“You should have known there is a price for waking me up like that.”
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That evening, while you were getting ready for the date, Rafayel showed up. He took a seat next to you and began fiddling with the makeup items on the table. His long fingers stroke the blush in the box, he waved it in the air, enjoying the color in his hand.
"Look at this. My hands are now the same color as your cheeks.”
You turned to look at Rafayel. He gave you a mischievous smile. With his other hand, he gently lifted your chin.
“Let me help you,” said Rafayel. You obediently sat still so he could apply the pink blush that was already on his hand to your cheeks, although you were certain that they were already pink even before applying makeup.
"Very lovely. The peach hue draws attention to your smile.” Rafayel exclaimed. "Even though you don't need makeup to look beautiful."
You smiled heartily. His lips were always so sweet, giving you more confidence. I had never seen yourself more beautiful than when you were next to him. Even without saying it out loud, the way he looked at you always made you feel like you were the most exquisite painting his eyes had ever laid upon.
“I'm almost done. All that's left is lipstick." You said while taking out a brand new lipstick from your purse. “Tara said this color would go very well with me.”
Rafayel took the lipstick from your hand and looked at its color through the transparent glass cover. Then he gave it back to you. “Go ahead and try it on.” He spoke excitedly, as if he was the one using this lipstick.
You twisted the cap open, applied a layer and pressed your lips together to spread the lipstick evenly. “Mmmh.” Before you could look closely, Rafayel anxiously put his palm on your cheek and drew you in.
“Let me see it...” Rafayel's fingertips playfully caressed across your face and ears while you held your breath. "Red. It truly does fit you perfectly.”
His thumb traced a line down the border of your lower lip, giving you a ticklish feeling. You could not focus because of how near his face was. You gently closed your eyes, then when he was too preoccupied staring at your lips, you leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
“You?!” Rafayel was startled. He withdrew his hand and touched the place you just kissed. A scarlet set of lips like a blossoming flower revealed itself on Rafayel's porcelain face.
"If you don't let me see my lipstick color in the mirror, I'll borrow your face to try it on." You laughed in response.
“What do you mean by that?”
As soon as he finished speaking, Rafayel was left with another lip mark on his cheek, just below the previous one. His eyebrows frowned slightly. His cheeks and ears were scarlet, he couldn't hide his embarrassment anymore.
“That is excessive.” Rafayel mumbled, yet behind that salty expression was a wry smirk. You applied another layer of lipstick on your lips to replace the first layer that had mostly faded. You commented:
“This lipstick tastes somewhat as sweet as candy.”
Hearing that, Rafayel immediately raised his face. He held your chin tightly in his hand and brought it very close.
“Really? I'd like to give it a shot as well.”
After saying so, he put his lips to yours. Before you could protest, you felt a slight pain in your bottom lip as you opened your eyes wide.
“R-Rafayel!” You gasped when he left your lips. Your lipstick was lightly on his lips as he licked it lightly.
“It does taste like candy!”
His mysterious expression confused you. You covered your mouth with both hands and reprimanded: "You just bit me!"
With a sly smile, Rafayel tipped his head and said, "I was only curious to taste your lipstick. Then, I realized something…”
Suddenly he came close to you again. His hand pulled yours down to reveal your red face and slightly swollen, color-smeared lips. He spoke again:
“You taste sweeter than any candy!”
Unsure of how to react, you observed Rafayel get back up. You followed him because you assumed he was going to head to the restaurant that you two had reserved. Just as you were getting up from the chair, Rafayel abruptly pulled you back and seated you entirely on the dressing table.
"Where are you going?" He asked while burying his face in your shoulder and hair.
“To our date?… We're already late…”
Rafayel's dissatisfaction was evident from his facial expression. He glanced back at you, his finger tracing across your lips as if he was painting a picture himself.
"The plan has changed."
He kissed you once more, and this time, the long kisses were broken up by little, painless bites that made you weak in the knees and found it hard to breathe. You pushed Rafayel back a little so he could slow down while leaning your back against the frigid mirror. However, the more you did so, the more he devoured your red lips.
“We can save that restaurant for another time… For now, let's stay here, okay?”
He said between rapid breaths. You nodded slightly. How could you refuse, when all your luscious lips wanted was him?
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During Zayne's lunch break, you stayed in his office to make sure he ate enough and on time. It could also be said otherwise; it's him who made sure you're full and rest well before returning to the headquarters.
After lunch, Zayne sat reading a book on the sofa. You thought you would get out your new lipstick and give it a little play since you had nothing better to do. You barely learned the fundamental techniques and were too busy fighting Wanderers to wear makeup frequently. But the other day, Tara had just given you a new lipstick and said that this color would look good on you.
You put on a light layer. Since Zayne's workplace lacked a mirror, you turned to him and inquired, "How do I look?"
Zayne merely gave you a quick glance before turning back to the book.
"Alright?!" You said it again. By that, what did he mean? It was "okay" rather than beautiful? Yet, he couldn't even look at you for more than a second. You were a little hurt. You twisted the lipstick cap again and applied another layer.
"What about this?" You inquired with him once more. However, Zayne quickly responded with a "Mmhhh" to end the conversation. You turned your gaze from him to the book he was holding. It took away all of his attention, which he should be giving to you.
Refusing to give in to such an inanimate object, you turned completely to Zayne, pulled him back and pressed your lips to his cheek.
You released your grip, revealing your trophy — a vivid red lipstick mark — on his icy face. However, he continued to glare at you without saying anything. His hand turned the book to a new page and as if nothing had happened, he ignored you once again.
“You…” You let out a sigh. You knew he had his own concerns, but were angry at the thought that you were not important, not attractive enough for him, unlike a medical book. You gave it another go, kissing him very close to the lips this time.
Zayne breathed heavily. Although the expression on his face remained unchanged, you caught his hands holding the book trembling slightly.
“There is a medical appointment that I must attend in an hour. This kind of abuse on my face is unacceptable."
You felt like you had won when he closed the book and put it back on the table.
“Okay, let me tidy it up for you.” Grinning, you got up to grab the tissue box.  But you were drawn back by a strong force that very moment. Suddenly you found yourself sitting completely on Zayne's lap. His sinewy arms encircled your waist securely.
“If you want to leave marks on me…” You heard Zayne whispering so softly from behind. “You need to be a little more considerate.”
You sat still and let Zayne turn you around, facing him. Your heart was beating very fast. At this rate, before another patient came to see him, he would have to treat you first. You tried to stay calm in front of him and questioned:
“More considerate? Do you recommend any other spot then?” Your hand briefly touched Zayne's cheek before descending gently. You stared intently, lifting his chin. As you cuddled on his lap, little against the toned shoulders he covered beneath his shirt, Zayne shifted both of your legs so they were more comfortably positioned on the sofa.
Your fingertips paused at his neck, verging on his Adam's apple. You caught it moving slightly. “Or this spot?”
Zayne was clearly making every effort to maintain the residual calm on his face. His eyes were staring at you intensely from behind his glasses, as though he was granting you permission to do that.
And you leaned up to place a kiss there.
You heard a cough come from Zayne. He looked at you, extremely miserable. But you put your hand on the lipstick mark on his neck as if admiring another of your trophies. It did not stop there. You still wanted more, wanted to know what he would do if you went a little further...
Your index finger slid from his neck to his chest and stopped just above his heart.
“Doctor Zayne, your heart is racing.”
Your laughter was as crisp as sunshine in the room, increasing the temperature. Zayne took your hand, neatly holding it in his scarred one. He spoke, but you caught his trembling even though he was very discreet:
“Can you... cure me then?”
Your finger gently tapped on his chest. "Of course." You would always like it when Zayne let me be in charge, asking you to take care of him little by little. His hand loosened slightly, allowing you to freely find the buttons of his shirt and undo them.
Then, you put another crimson mark on his bare chest.
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lunamochii · 1 month
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xavier's version, zayne's version
"You wanna lick my what now?"
Rafayel cock his eyebrows up, lips curve into a amuse smile. To think that you would say it loud, you can die in humiliation now.
"It's nothing!"
"Saying that you wanna lick my sweat ain't nothing, dearest."
He got off on the treadmill and walk towards where you are doing your own exercise, he stands infront of you and eyed your gym wear. His eyes following the sweat that trickled down from your chin to your neck.
Without saying a word he put his sweaty hands on your hips and dips his head forward, licking your sweat then move away. He smirk at you and pulled your body towards him
"Salty. Although I prefer tasting something other than your own sweat."
He whispered and lick your ears, his hands slowly massaging your ass then move one hand to slid inside your shorts. You let out a soft moan when his fingers glide over your slit.
"Shhh.. you're fine, baby."
Rafayel gave your lips a quick kiss before kneeling down, your shorts pulled down along with your undergarment. He groans seeing how puffy your pussy is, you grab on the nearest pole as your legs wobbled when he lick your thighs.
Pressing open mouth kisses on your thighs, you whine on the way how he teases your begging cunt making his lips hover over it before moving to kiss the other side of your thighs
"Goddamnit babe, wet for me?"
"Yes, wet for you Yel'"
He smiles and lick a strip on your clit and it made you jolt away but he held your legs firmly, slinging one leg over his shoulder
"Be a good girl and stand still for me."
He says before closing the gap between his mouth and your glistening cunt, your hands flew to your mouth but he slap your thighs and you immediately move your hand away
"Fuck- such a obedient doll."
He presses his face more to your cunt, as if trying to get drunk on your juices. It's salty and sweet at the same time. Your sweet juice mix with your sweat, he had you begging for more as he lap and suck on your pussy.
Rafayel open his eyes and look directly at you, the way your jaw slacks and how you try so hard to grab for support, legs wobbling is making him want to fuck you dumb.
Dumb for his cock.
You shout but when you were this close on reaching your high, he move away and stood up, letting your leg drop down the floor. Before you could protest he grab your jaw and kisses you fervently.
His three fingers replacing his mouth and you thrash around his arms as he fuck your needy cunt with his fingers.
He will fuck you later with his cock. For now, he wants you to cum on to his fingers.
"C'mon~ didn't you say you were cumming?"
He teases and kiss the tears away from your eyes, your legs clenching around his arm as he curl his fingers inside. You let out a loud moan of his name when he finally found the sweet spot inside you. And Rafayel is no gentleman, he abuse it, until you were a babbling mess before him
"Ah! I-I love you hmm- Rafayel~"
You lean in and lick the sweat off of his neck then move your head on to his arm and did the same thing. His glad that you're too high right now to notice how his ears are red as fuck.
"Naughty girl."
He bit your ear and fasten the pace with his fingers and you're back moaning his name, he felt you clench and he did it more harder and faster
"Rafa- ahh hnngg!"
Your nails dig right on to his biceps as you came undone on his fingers, he didn't stop pumping it letting you ride your high down. Once you're done, you slump into his chest as you catch your breath
"Are you okay, pretty?"
"Yeah, I am..."
"Good, cause I ain't done yet."
He kiss your cheeks and rubs his bulge to you and you just know that there will be no workout anymore for today.
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mysteriawrites · 3 months
Love and Deepspace boys with a Short S/O
An: this is a shit post based on how all the boys are all 6ft+ and ripped for no reason.
An 2: spoiler warning for chapter 7 and beyond.
You become his personal pillow/stuffed animal
He is 6’1 you can’t escape the inevitable he will find you and he will cuddle you
He will lean on your shoulder even if it’s uncomfortable with the height difference
He basically wallows on you at night and if you need to pee than good luck cause he’s a deep sleeper
V sleepy boi
Uses his build to shield you in fight
If he’s trying to protect you he will just pick you up and book it till you’re safe
Puts stuff on the high shelf unintentionally cause he regularly forgets how tall he is
Would use his height powers responsibly
Whenever he’s fed up with your shenanigans he just picks you up like a sack of potatoes
Whenever you miss your doctors appointments he will drag you to them if he has to he’s not messing around
Id you’re overworking yourself he will drag you home and carry you to bed
He’ll sit you in his lap while working on paperwork and you’re not allowed to leave
You’re his personal heater at night a will wrap his whole body around you
Will use his height and long ass legs as an advantage to beat you in paying for stuff
Also puts stuff on the top shelf where you can’t reach them because he thinks it’s cute to see you try but won’t admit it-
You know when you first meet Rafayel and homeboy almost falls on you.
Imagine if his his 6’0 ripped merman ass actually did fall on you.
I’m 5’2 this man would absolutely squash me-
But also he would use his large build to be an absolute bratty little shit.
He would lay on top of you to keep you from getting up
He would put stuff too high so you couldn’t reach it
He would pick you up and just take you with him as if you a purse or smth
He would throw you on the bed-
Just overall very mischievous he better protect his shins because i will kick him
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vasiktomis · 3 months
Loophole (Zayne x F!Reader, 18+)
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Summary: Zayne has an Evol flare-up while you’re visiting Snowcrest. You’re a good friend, so you help him out.
It doesn't mean anything if you don't move, right?
Rating: Explicit (Minors do NOT interact). Word Count: ~6800. Tags/Warnings: Female Pronouns and Anatomy for Reader, Reader is MC, Caretaking, Friends to Lovers, Inappropriate Doctor/Patient Relationship, Childhood Friends, Bickering, Cock Warming, First Time, Vaginal Sex, Photography, Unsafe Sex, Porn with Feelings, Switching. Post-chapter 4 spoilers. Read it on Ao3 Here!
“Let’s get you inside.”
The cold weather poses something of a threat to Zayne, you've realised.
He'd never admit such a thing, of course, but if he hadn't wanted you to make such an observation, he shouldn't have made it his responsibility to impose such an unexpectedly strong presence in your life.
A year ago, you barely knew him. To say he kept you at arms' length was an understatement, but with everything that's occurred in recent months — with such a void left in your life from the loss of Caleb and Grandma — and the ugly mysteries eclipsing once-happy memories — your doctor, of all people, is the one dedicating almost every minute of his time outside of work to trying to fill that void. It's not like he talks your ear off — he's Zayne, after all — but he makes a noticeable effort to make himself accessible to you whenever he can.
He's been a good friend to you at the sacrifice of his own comfort.
In the seven months that have passed since the explosion, you've had more exposure to Zayne than you've had any of your other friends. He rarely strays from his quiet stoicism, but it's far easier to read him. These days, you can't believe you once thought him intimidating. The softer aspects of his personality aren't offered willingly, but accidentally. A slip of the tongue here, a too-long stare at a community cat there, a smile he doesn't think you notice. He masks his requests for you to visit him in his overtime hours as nagging reminders for you to water the plants. He never asks you to bring him dinner, but there's always an extra seat pulled up at his desk when you arrive with it unannounced.
You’re sure he likes it well enough; getting to know you after all these years. You’re just not sold on how fond he is of you knowing him.
It shows stark on his typically taciturn features. Streetlamp light bounces off fluffy snow at all angles in the little village laneway, illuminating the man with an almost healthy glow as he walks stiffly beside you, right hand clutched against his side and his left doing all it can to keep from crushing the bones in yours.
“I’m fine.” He insists while you lead him up to the cabin, grimacing at a sudden chill of wind passing over the porch. There's a certain tone he uses when he's putting on the bedside manner. As a patient, you'd be soothed. As a friend, your patience wanes. He's not fine.
”I’ll get a fire going.” You mutter, ushering him inside. He tries amidst obvious pain to be gentlemanly, waiting for you to enter first, but a scowl on your part has him conceding defeat and ambling through the door. “Get in the shower. Can you turn it on by yourself?”
There’s no more warm light from the street in here. Dr. Noah likely would have fallen asleep hours ago, shortly after you’d left for dinner. Still, even in the dark, you can sense the irritation in him.
“You act like I’m frozen solid.” He retorts on his way to the bathroom, knowing better than to stick around despite the attempt to uphold his pride.
”Get your butt in the shower before I throw you in there myself.”
The warmer months gave you no initial reason to suspect anything, but as the weather worsened and temperatures dropped, Zayne began to feel more on-edge. You’d bore witness to his attacks in the past, but he was no more willing to share his condition with you beyond the odd occasion of being unable to switch it off after a battle. You knew what it looked like when his Evol was acting up. It almost caused a fight, the first time you asked about it. Then, when it became clear you weren’t simply going to leave him to his own devices whenever he was displaying the signs, Zayne steadily, reluctantly, began to let you assist. He couldn’t stand it — he still can’t, you’re sure — not playing caretaker for once, but the two of you found a rhythm; keeping an eye on his temperature, steering clear of fluctuations, little remedies that help him bounce back quicker when his Evol gets the better of him. It became second nature to you, like carrying an Epipen for a loved one at risk of anaphylaxis.
You won’t lie, though. It pisses you off. He’s a constant nag when it comes to your health regarding your heart condition, but there was no allowable mention of his  condition when he brought you to Dr. Noah. Not that your opinion counts for anything, apparently, but what idiot cashes out his annual leave for an extended stay in a tundra when he's so prone to such reactions?
It had shocked you even more when your friend declared he’d be staying back for the foreseeable future, conducting research for the old man on a solo expedition on Mt. Eternal. Your friend — the one who'd taken it upon himself to be a stand-in for your lost family — alone, in the worst possible place he could be in his condition.
It was unthinkable.
Four weeks was your breaking point after you’d returned home without him.
Sure, he responded to your texts within seconds. Reception wasn’t good enough for calls, but he made sure to give you no logical reason to worry about him. It didn’t help. Once your dreams started to take the shape of him disappearing into the mountains, you cut your losses and decided to visit for the weekend.
Just as well, considering he’d been massaging his wrist in your periphery for the entirety of your first day. Still, he'd insisted on showing you around Snowcrest, spending as much time away from Dr. Noah's cabin as possible. You knew his tells. He was bordering on a flare-up and hiding it from you. Had he mentioned it and agreed to stay in tonight, you might not of had to drag him home with frost seeping out of his clothes and a foul mood. Instead, he chose to be proud about it.
God knows what could have happened to him if he hadn't come down from the mountain to spend the weekend with you.
He’d never let you get away with such stupidity, and it’s hard not to hold it against him. You came here out of worry in the first place, and the visit isn’t doing a thing to set your mind at ease.
You tend to rekindling the dimming embers in the fireplace, content to mind your business once you hear the shower turn on. At least he’s doing what he’s told.
The living room heats up steadily. New flames settle into a longer-lived glow. You get yourself changed into more suitable bed wear; a commandeered hoodie from your doctor’s medical school era, large enough to reach halfway to your knees. The frayed cuffs have since lost their elasticity and there are a few choice stains, and most condemning, the drawstrings have been chewed to tassels — but god, if it isn’t comfy. Time stretches on, and while the worry gnaws at the back of your mind, you leave Zayne to his privacy. So long as you don’t hear a thump, you’re content to imagine he’s probably just in there being mad at himself over not being the sensible one for once.
Zayne keeps himself locked away for the better part of an hour, in the end. Even Pie pads out into the living room to investigate what you’re doing up alone in the middle of the night before a scritch sends the fox on its way back to bed.
You’ve slid most of the way off the couch by the time the man emerges from his room in fresh pajamas. With your back to the rug, you watch him approach stiffly, slowing to a halt upside-down. He’s still rubbing at that wrist, you note.
“You’re still up.” He mutters, brow knitted in discomfort.
There’s frost on his neck. His lips are blue. It wasn’t even this bad when you were outside. A pit forms in your stomach.
Then, his wake hits you. Cold air, chilling you to the bone, and you sit up in a flash.  
He silences you with a little hand motion, stepping around you to seat himself as close as he can to the fireplace.
“You’re half-frozen.” You continue when he offers you nothing else. Crawling onto the couch beside him, you reach up to tug at the collar of his sweater, trying to inspect the severity of the attack. “God, you should have said  something.”
“I thought you were asleep.” He replies quietly. “I’ve seen — how much it takes to wake you-“
Zayne flinches from your touch when your fingertip skims his neck. The most aggressive warning to stay back that he can risk without waking his mentor. You ignore him, of course. You always do. Sitting close, you press yourself to his side on the couch, guiding his right arm between your thighs. Your fingers lace between his from both sides, covering as much surface area as possible as you use your body to fend off the cold.
A moment is all it takes to see some of the tension in his face disappear. He breathes through the pain, eyes closed, and you shift your gaze to the fireplace to give him his privacy with it.
”You’re in so much trouble when this passes.”
A short, sharp chuckle slips through Zayne’s teeth. He nods once. “I know.”
You sit together like this for a long while, letting him sap the heat from your body to combat the flare-up. If not for the fire, you’d be shivering. It takes time, but eventually Zayne’s breathing evens out. His face relaxes, bit by bit. His half-frozen arm feels just a little cold to the touch.
Neither of you part. Not just yet. There’s too much left unsaid, and Zayne takes far too much solace in quiet to make the first move.
You let your temple drop to his shoulder. “Snow village dates are nice, but most girls would say yes to ‘Go Fish’  and hot cocoa if it means their date makes it through the night.”
After a second, Zayne rests his head against yours.
He inhales.
He pauses.
“I wanted you to have a nice time. I didn’t think it through.”
…God, he’s such a sweet man. It’s not wonder he’s got you wrapped around his finger.
There’s such a sense of finality to the way he says it. You suppose it’s not necessarily a wrong way to think of it, but it’s not his fault. Sure, it’s your last night together for what may amount to months, and he was stupid enough to think he could get away with poking the bear, but you’d rather have him come home alive and well. Not a victim to his own Evol.
It doesn’t sit right with you to let it end like this. The moment he’s recovered, he’s going to insist you both go to sleep. You’ll take the guest bed, and he’ll take the pull-out trundle, and he’ll remain there, soundless with his back to you. In the morning, you’ll say your goodbyes, and that will be that. The next time you see him will probably be for a check-up, and he’ll spend the entirety of the ECG acting like you’re mere acquaintances again.
No, you’re not losing momentum.
You’re not sure if it’s warmth in general, or if it’s a reaction specific to you — through trust, or the Aether core — there’s just no telling. Zayne keeps his cards too close to his chest for you to ever be sure, but you do know for certain that you hold the quickest remedy. If it’s just warmth, he never lets anyone but you get close enough to supply it. If it’s trust, likewise. The Aether core? You’re the only one.
“What are you—“
Zayne stiffens when you climb into his lap. He winces in discontentment; at such an intimidate proximity, at the physical danger he still poses, at the feeling of your thighs astride his. He doesn’t look pleased in the slightest, but still, his knees shift together, offering you a more comfortable perch on which to explain yourself.
You can feel the cold still radiating from him, fighting his body to keep from regulating its own temperature. It’s unpleasant, the way the chill claws at you, reaching across the expanse of your front. The joints in your hands already ache just from holding his arm to your chest. It’s imaginable, what it must be like to host such an Evol. What it must be like to have your own flesh freeze from the inside-out on a whim.
“Not done keeping you warm.” You answer simply, making a conscious effort to keep your teeth from chattering for his sake. He’s exercising enormous restraint not flinging you off of him already. You shouldn’t push your luck by sending him into any more of a panic.
“It’s not safe for you to be this close.” Zayne protests.
“Then I’m making you safe.”
This time, a growl escapes him. Pain cuts his patience with your impudence short. “You’re going to get yourself hurt—“
Zayne’s words die in his throat when you drape yourself over him, chest to chest, arms languidly curling over his shoulders. He goes completely silent.
“Aren’t you always telling me you can control it, anyway?” You muse, relaxing into him, moulding yourself to his body. The white frost that blooms beneath his skin begins to fade from his throat, unable to contend with the warmth of your breath. “If you didn’t want me doing this you shouldn’t have shown me how well it works.”
“That was after the aid of a hot shower.” Zayne argues. His logic might apply for that aborted attempt at an early-morning hike, but it falls flat tonight. “I was trying to warm up after the shower.”
Yeah, look how well that turned out. He’s as bad at lying as you are.
“So you’re saying I ought to have—“
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
“If it’s not helping, Zayne, tell me.”
“…It’s helping.” He mutters.
You declare your victory with a hum, tucking your face into the collar of his sweater.
Even his scent is cold, somehow.
Beneath you, Zayne shifts, conceding defeat. You feel his lips ghost the side of your head. Considering — then retreating from a kiss — opting instead to rest his chin on you. His affected arm remains wedged between you, while his free hand comes to rest on your waist.
Minutes pass. Zayne’s breathing steadies to a resting rhythm. Eventually, the ice retreats into his flesh, disappearing with only a lingering chill. It shifts, marking the man’s return to normal, but he doesn’t announce anything. Instead, he tugs his arm out, only to wrap around you, surrendering to the moment.
“Do you have plans, while I’m away?” He asks.
“Tara’s been looking at the blank spots on my calendar, so I’ve probably got things on without knowing, yet.”
“Blank spots.”
”Yeah. Some of us have those.”
”Sounds like you don’t know what to do with yourself without me.”
“Please. I won’t have to worry about you bullying me. Maybe, y’know, I’ll do just fine without you.”
A chuckle escapes him. Tentatively, he toys with the fabric of your hoodie. “You’re not going to wash this at all, are you.”
Heat climbs up your neck at the suggestion. Of all the night clothes you had to bring, why did it have to be something you’d stolen from him?
You’re no coward. You rise to challenge. “Can’t miss you when it feels like I’ve got you with me.”
“I know  you’ll miss me,” Zayne retorts, and wow, he’s really  angling for a comeback after having you subject him to being taken care of, “But that’s no excuse for poor hygiene.”
“Poor hygiene—!”
You lean back to glower at the man, only to find him smirking up at you.
“I’ve half a mind to expect to find you asleep on the platform when the train pulls in, simply because you were too excited to wait at home for me to drop by.”
Your ears are positively scalding. You feel yourself shrinking, suddenly not so confident taking up as much space in the room. How does he have you so well figured out? Are you really that much of an open book? Compared to him, sure, but you’d hoped you carried a little more mystery about you than sitting on a station platform for a quasi-boyfriend-without-benefits  like a dog.
Even if that is  the case — does he really have to rub it in your face?
He can’t get away with this.
Speaking plainly, Zayne’s warmed up plenty. There’s no real reason for either of you to remain this close, and yet — despite lauding himself as the rational half of this friendship, his arms almost keep you from moving any further away.
His expression doesn’t falter with your silence, remaining ever-undisturbed. It unnerves you. His smiles never last more than a second, and you can count on one hand the amount of times he’s looked you in the eye with a pleasant face on. He’s on a power trip. If you don’t cut him down right this second he’ll go nuclear. He’ll leave you hanging with a ‘goodnight’  and a kiss on the forehead and you’ll both never speak of tonight again.
This is it. This is the last straw. Tonight, you leave him  hanging. 
“You want me to miss you so fucking bad, huh?” You accuse him, tapping a finger to your chin as you pretend to wonder. His eyebrow ticks. “Is that what you’re into? Man, you medical staff are all so power hungry.”
Zayne looks thoughtful for a moment. A thumb idly traces back and forth along your skin, barely tucked beneath your hoodie. It’s such a cautious touch. You wish  he wasn’t just all talk. “Perhaps you’re easier to deal with when one considers you might actually like getting bossed around.”
There’s no hiding the erection that sits wedged between you. There’s no ignoring the heat that pools in your core every time it strains against your cunt, blocked only by his sweatpants and your underwear.
There’s no way he can’t feel your heart beat throbbing against him.
And yet — he pretends not to be taking part in any of it.
You think about it for a moment.
Then, you roll your hips forward, slowly, gently. Your nerves spark as your clit finds the pressure it needs against the underside of his cock.
It takes everything in your power to keep from doing it again.
A tiny shiver makes its way out of Zayne. Frustration, perhaps. You angle a knowing little smile at him, and his throat bobs. He knows he’s been caught.
“Doctor Zayne, are you getting off on this?” You ask, and his face flushes scarlet. His eyes widen, caught off-guard by you finally crossing the threshold.
”I…don’t know what you’re talking about.” He answers lamely, pointedly avoiding looking down.
“You are!”
“Not so loud. It’s n-… it’s nothing.” He insists in a hushed voice, shooting a look over your shoulder before he’s satisfied that the coast is clear of anyone who might be privy to what the two of you are doing. “Just a biological reaction to stimuli.”
“Which stimuli?” You ask, feigning curiosity. “The cuddling, or this?”
To stress your point, you do it again, biting back the swell of enjoyment at the way his lips part of their own accord. A little hum spills forth, and his own hips chase the motion, just for a second, before he halts.
“Please.” Zayne murmurs, moving to hold you still. Inching you back onto his thighs, condemning himself to reveal two little damp patches. One where the grey fleece of his sweatpants pulls most taut. The other a little lower, where you’ve been rubbing your cunt along his clothed shaft.
“You need to learn when you’ve teased enough.”
What — fall back? Now? When all your nerves are alight?
Your tongue wets your lips as you take in the sight of him. Well on his way to wrecked, but not quite there. His expression remains otherwise impassive, but his pupils are far too blown to help him maintain the facade.
“You’re one to talk. Can’t hack it when it’s not you in charge?” You challenge him. “You’re not usually one to shy away from uncharted territory.”
You can’t help but reach out, itching to touch him. Fingertips smooth along his length, feather-light from the bottom up. His cock twitches when you reach the tip, begging for more.
“Ah—“ Long fingers snatch at your wrist, holding you fast. “Try no man’s land.”
“It’s nothing.” You assure him. “You said it yourself.”
Nothing. No different to how he so often strays into treating you, with all his dates and touches. Nothing, midday naps and linking your pinky-fingers as you walk together. Nothing, like the spare clothes you both reserve a drawer for.
“Just warming you up. That’s all.”
Zayne’s chest expands. His gaze fixes on your fingertips curling insistently at his waistband despite his grip keeping you at bay. “That’s all.”
Disbelief? Determination? Disappointment? You’re not familiar enough with how each of these sound in his throat to properly identify it, but Zayne’s grip on your wrist releases nonetheless. He opts to help you make more comfortable work of his track pants, pushing them down just a little to allow you easier access. There’s no presence of approval at how greedy you are about it, pawing and snatching at your prize while he tries to remain nonchalant.
You do try to give him the dignity of privacy by not looking down when he settles and you finally wrap both hands around his cock. He’s already indignant as it is, and the rumble that vibrates deep in his chest as your fingers close around him isn’t helping.
Oh — maybe just a little tease.
“Hey.” You chide, grinning. His eyes crack open, just enough to narrow at you. “Don’t make it weird. I’m a professional.”
It earns you a scoff. Zayne’s fingers, settled on your thighs, give a retaliatory squeeze, thumbs pressing just hard enough into your adductors to skirt on discomfort. He watches you tense at the feeling, and sensing an opportunity to shift the attention back off himself, decides to squeeze harder.
You finally flinch with an “Ow!”, and the man smiles to himself. Mission accomplished. He lets go.
”You’re the professional? How many surgeries have you performed?”
”How many have you  performed?”
”…A lot, genius.”
“Didn’t you tell me that some of your worst patients are doctors themselves?”
“Your point being?”
There’s no point — at least not in arguing with him. He’s only trying to distract you. You shift over him, and his attitude dissolves. He leans back, maintaining as much distance as he can — or perhaps to watch, as you tug your underwear to the side — line yourself up — and sink down onto his cock.
Zayne’s chest expands, but he makes no noise. His eyes close. His lips part. A minor crease forms between his eyebrows. It might as well be a sob. You’d use such a reaction against him if you weren’t more concerned with suppressing your own, lest he catch you out. Your cunt burns from the sudden, full intrusion, and his diverted attention gives you the moment you need to grow accustomed to it.
Once you’ve gotten over the initial shock of the feeling, you brush any intrusive thoughts aside. It doesn’t matter if he’s one of your oldest and closest friends. It doesn’t matter if he’s your doctor. You were already squarely planted in conflict-of-interest territory the moment he took you on as a patient.
You try to ignore your own desire. Your body catches up with your actions quickly, igniting touch-starved nerves that you’ve long-fantasised him satisfying. Heat builds inside you at a nervous system realising you’re finally giving it what it wants, and it only screams for more. Of course you’ve wanted Zayne. You adore him, but he’s not the kind of man who could balance a friendship with benefits; if anything, he finds a way to be the inverse of such a thing. He gives you everything in the way of a relationship except sex, and with him steering so clear of crossing that boundary with you, you have to tread carefully.
As much as you want to, this is delicate.
“My point is: zip it and let me take care of you.” You manage.
Besides, its not like you’re actually having sex with him. He’s continually pushing the boundaries of platonic with all his touches and hugs anyway. It’s not like he has a leg to stand on if he wants to protest what sitting on his cock might mean for your relationship. Hell, this isn’t even the first time he’s been hard when you’ve had his hips pinned down with your own.
If anything, you’re doing the guy a favour by taking the responsibility off him to go this far.
Zayne doesn’t bounce back as quickly as you do. His eyes remain scrunched shut, his core engaged beneath your palms as you brace your weight to settle into a more comfortable position in his lap. He looks worried. Apprehensive.
“Doctor Zayne?” Concern begins to creep in, just a little. “Okay, you can say something now.”
“Please,” He grits between his teeth, and relief floods your body as some semblance of calm returns to his expression, “Don’t call me that — like this.”
“Like what? I’m just warming you up, remember?” You offer a smile when he opens one eye, mood shifting to quizzical.
“You’re so immature. And for the record, this constitutes malpractice. You’re a terrible doctor.”
”Trust the process.”
”Fine. What’s the course of treatment?”
You can’t help but chuckle at such quiet outrage. It’s getting easier to read him. Relaxing against his front, you ignore a little gasp on his part to loop your arms around his neck again. Dishonest pretences be damned, this really is doing the trick. “All you need to do is stay still.”
Zayne weighs up his options for only a moment before giving in. His arms slip around your waist. His chin hooks over your shoulder, just barely nuzzling into the crook of your neck. He’s breathing in your scent, and the following exhale into your skin has you stifling a shiver.
Then, there’s a flex within you.
“Hey!” You choke, “I said stay still back there!”
“Quiet down. It was only a reflex.” Zayne defends, a little too cavalier to fly under the radar. “Besides, I’m not the one squirming.”
“I’m just getting comfortable. Your hips are pointy.”
Zayne’s hips slot up into yours, and the feel of him nudging just a little deeper has your eyes stinging. You fail to stifle a little squeak, and you’re shushed for it immediately.
“Just getting comfortable.” Zayne’s words lick at your ear, and the sound of him sends shivers through you, pooling between your legs, pleading with you to satisfy the ever-nagging want to start riding him. “You’re like a vice.”
He has to know how much of an effect he has on you. There’s no way he doesn’t.
You don’t respond to his attitude — however, the condemning, responding, constricting  of your insides around his cock surely doesn’t go unnoticed, and with a hollow breath, he lifts you, just a little, enough to draw back and push back in. He’s slow about it; infuriatingly so, almost like if he inches in and out at enough of creeping pace you’ll either not bother to be strict with him, or you’ll simply abandon your own rules in favour of crossing the boundary he’s silently begging you to cross for him.
No. He’s not getting the upper hand here. Not when he gets to pretend all his little actions are forgettable. Platonic. Accidental. Misunderstood. There’s only so many times a guy can subtly grind on someone during a spooning session and claim ignorance when called out about it.
You lock your feet beneath his knees, and sink down onto him, hard. Pleasure blooms. Your cunt aches for more. A sharp breath escapes Zayne, threatening to blossom into an appreciative groan that would only serve to tempt you without your hand clapping over his mouth and a ‘shh!’.
“You can keep still, or this stops.” You announce in a whisper, and he watches you defiantly from behind your hand.
Zayne’s gaze eventually breaks away from yours. Conceding. For now, at least. You lower your hand from his mouth, and relax, reaching across the cushion to pluck your phone from the couch and check your messages.
Already, he’s bothered by your lack of undivided attention.
“You’re on your phone.”  He huffs.
“I’m not rewarding your behaviour.” You reply simply.
“You’re not implying that behaving differently would warrant a reward, are you?”
That’s for him to figure out.
You shift your weight maybe just a little more than you need to, indulging in the feeling of his cock shift with you, within you, pressing insistently against that one spot that almost has your constitution coming apart at the seams. Zayne trembles momentarily beneath you, swallowing hard. He’s keeping his cool well enough, but as you settle into the new angle, no longer moving, his frustration makes itself known with another twitch inside you.
If he keeps doing that, you’re not sure you can hold out.
“You really  think this is helping?” He asks, voice tight.
“You don’t believe me?” You pout, tapping your home screen and opening your camera app. “Fine, let the expert see for himself.”
Switching to selfie cam, you watch as the man glances at his image on the screen for half a second, before tearing his gaze away. Not a shocker, you reason. He’s probably never seen himself with a hair out of place. Flushed cheeks and dilated pupils? You might as well have shown him a traffic collision.
“Aw, come on. Look how much colour’s come back to your face.”
Zayne musters the courage to look up, but not at the phone. His eyes narrow at you. Accusatory. “I’m not interested in giving you blackmail material.”
“What? Get real. There’s nothing incriminating going on. Especially not when you angle it like this.” You switch on a filter and lean down into the man. “See?”
Curiosity gets the better of him, and his head tilts to get a better look at whatever scheme you’re cooking up. On the screen, both your flushed faces smooth out, blushing perfectly. Cat ears and whiskers. Cheek to cheek. Just another one of your countless selfies with completely platonic friends.
You take the shot. The shutter clicks.
“Cute.” Zayne mutters drily.
“You think so?”
“Only how much fun you seem to be having of it.”
Your brow knits. “Oh yeah? All right, stick in the mud, you take over.”
He gives too much away at that response. His long fingers immediately slip over your hips. He’s readying to flip you onto your back before he notices you’re holding the phone out to him. Then, knowing he’s shown his hand, he has no choice but to recover his pride.
Much to your chagrin, Zayne plucks the phone from your hand, aborting whatever miraculous step he’d been about to take. A corner of his mouth ticks, minutely. He angles your phone away from you, tapping and swiping. His own phone buzzes. Then, he casts the device at the other end of the couch, out of your reach. “I think it’s getting a bit late for screens.” He murmurs. Fingers smooth up and over the swell of your hips. His long arms uncoil from your waist, releasing you as he leans back. Leaving you with a lonesome chill.  “And you ought to be going to bed.”
Is that…rejection? Has he just been humouring you up until this point?
You tilt your head. “I’m sorry. Is this not okay?”
“This is fine.”
He looks at the fireplace. Stoic as ever.
“Then what?” You frown.
He doesn’t respond.
Your throat runs dry. Dread creeps up through your heart.
“Hey. Talk to me.” You urge, smoothing your fingers along his jaw, and he leans into your palm.
Seconds pass. Zayne finally regards you again. There’s an acknowledging incline of his head — almost a polite bow. A pre-emptive apology for what he’s about to say. 
“What happens after this?” He asks. “Do we part ways at the train station in the morning and the next time we see each other, it’ll be as doctor and patient?”
“Is that what we are to you?” You ask, not entirely sure if you want to know.
He dodges the question the best way he knows how: with rationality. “I feel that if that scenario is what you want, we should say goodnight. My understanding of our relationship won’t change, I promise you, but if this goes further, at least one of us is going to feel differently. It would be better if there were no misunderstandings between us.”
Something tightens in your chest. Something dreadful and lovely all the same, anxiety and anticipation at the prospect of a tipping point, at least before saying goodbye. Trust Zayne, of course, to turn to smoke and mirrors when it comes to a confession of feelings, but you’ve known him long enough to see how far out of his comfort zone all of this is.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” You ask, aborting an attempt on his part to avert his gaze with a finger beneath his chin.
His expression remains inexplicable. Then, there’s that little tilt of his head. The quirk of an eyebrow. “Your assumption is correct.”
The apprehension that’s been building in the back of your mind disperses the moment he says it. Your resolve all but disappears.  “My understanding,” You begin, reaching up to cup your hand over the other side of his face, “is that I’ve wanted you ever since I walked into that restaurant last year.”
Zayne doesn’t hesitate. His mouth finds yours in a heartbeat. Previously unsure hands pull you against him, locking you in his embrace. He’s so awfully gentle about it all despite your combined strength. Such a gentleman. It comes as no surprise that he shudders at the intrusion of your tongue past his lips — what does surprise you is how quickly he catches up to your pace. Inviting you in. Slipping an arm lower to brace your weight, and you feel yourself being pulled up off of his cock, just until only the head remains at your entrance. 
The loss of him has you incensed. He keeps you from sinking back down, and your protesting whines are suffocated with another kiss. All he’s left you with to express yourself is your hands, and you seize the opportunity, combing your fingers through his hair and tugging, just slightly at the roots.
He breaks away with a little noise. Not pained, but shocked. Another one of his spots, you reason, and he’s just as displeased that you’ve found it. 
“You don’t know when to quit.” Zayne pants. His fringe dusts your forehead. “What — what were we saying about bad behaviour going unrewarded?”
You’re too mindless right now to play any games. There’s no more thrill of the build that you can handle. Not after this long. 
You break, instantly. 
“Please —“ You whimper, almost trembling in his grip, trying in vain to take him back in again. “Zayne, I need it — please—“
Zayne relents right away. He gives you what you want, lowering you, burying himself in you to the hilt. Then he lifts you again, building into a steady rhythm.
”You’re so — you’re so frustrating.” He manages between kisses. “Should’ve told me this is all it takes for you to do as you’re told.”
More. You need more. Heavenly as it is, it’s not enough, just having him in you. You push back, and Zayne takes the hint. He’s said his piece. He lets you take the lead again without a fight, admiring the view as you roll onto the balls of your feet, gripping the back of the couch to keep yourself stable. The new angle feels deeper, each stroke rolling drifting sharply over your nerves as he brushes that spot inside you. It takes a moment for Zayne to kick into gear, brain short-circuiting as he watches you squat on his cock, taking what you need from him. Then, he leaves you to support your own weight. Fingers wrench at the front of your hoodie, yanking it up to your sternum, and his tongue sweeps a nipple. In the time it takes for you to react, his other hand has snaked between you, between your legs. His thumb rolls over your clit just as he latches onto your nipple and sucks. The keen barely escapes your lips before Zayne’s hand claps over your mouth, continuing his assault. 
It goes from too little to too much. It creeps up on you so fast, so suddenly, and there’s nothing you can do but ride through it. A muffled hum is all the warning you can give him. Your pace staggers as the burn in your thighs catches up to you, but Zayne only goes faster, rubbing merciless little circles into your nerves. His hips roll up into you, compensating as best he can for your loss of control. Finally, the band snaps, and you sob against his hand, spasming around him, tears pricking at your eyes with the intensity of it all. You go positively boneless, and Zayne breaks away just enough to let you collapse into his chest as he carries you through it, breaths quickening as the lingering spasms of your orgasm invoke his own. 
“Fuck, I’m—“ He barely stammers, releasing you only to coil his arms around your torso again, readying to pull out.
“Not going anywhere.” You promise, clinging to him. Your fingers comb through his hair, tugging again, and a whimper dies in Zayne’s throat. He buries his face into the crook of your neck. His hips roll up into you once, twice, thrice more, and then he goes still. Buried in you to the hilt as he tips into oblivion.
He’s so subtle about it that you barely even realise he’s coming. Maybe it’s the effort not to wake Dr. Noah. Maybe it’s like this every time. Having him hold you with such desperate reverence while he does his best not to judder in stark contrast to to the feeling of him pulsing within you, you reason you’d like to find out. He hides his face from you throughout, only pulling his forehead from your clavicle when the aftershocks have come and gone.
Zayne looks lovelier than ever like this — coming out of a blissful haze, gazing up at you with cautious adoration. His focus flickers between your eyes and your lips. His chest expands and collapses like he’s like a 5-miler, but his breaths are smooth.
Even now, he’s trying to maintain a cool composure.
“Forgive me.” He mutters, not quite meeting your eye.
Your head tilts. Chasing him. “Huh? Why?”
“I exercised poor judgement. That was rotten of me. I should have known better, given I’ve never prescribed birth control to you.”
“You really think I’d come to you for birth control?” You snort.
Zayne’s brow creases. An incredulous look totally undermined by how positively wrecked he looks right now. “I am  your physician. Or has your other doctor friend decided to become real after all?”
Your fingers comb through his hair again. Despite a pleasant sigh on his part at the sensation, his expression remains steeled.
“Hey.” You finally manage to capture his gaze, only for any tells to evaporate. “Could you tell me something?”
“I’ll do my best.”
“Are you more jealous that I might have had sex with someone who wasn’t you, or that I might have gone to another doctor?”
Zayne considers his answer for a long moment. His head tilts in that particular way it does when he has to make a decision, eyeing you expectantly. Punishment for daring to push him out of his comfort zone.
He presses a hand to your forehead. 
A thoughtful hum escapes him.
“Curious. Your temperature’s dropping. On second thought, you should stay another day so I can observe you.”
“You’re avoiding the question!”
“Here. I’ll keep you warm. You can install those camera filters on my phone to pass the time.”
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prettyobsessed · 2 months
⋆。⋆💋⋆ Lace & Desire ⋆ ゚❤️‍🔥 (HOT AF)
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☁︎/ pairings: Zayne / fem!reader ☾ / genre: smut [nsfw 18+, mdni] ₊˚ / tags: nsfw, super nsfw, no plot smut, mutual attraction, clit playing, masturbation, submissive y/n, dominant zayne, mentions of daddy, mentions of cum dumpster, mentions of slave, role-play, slightly/very rough sex, lots of teasing, fingering, unprotected sex, mouth job, hand job, kissing, clit stimulation, choking, lots of spanking, upstanding citizen position lol, creampie, cum inside, cum shot, mature sexual content ♡ / word count: 4.6k
In her quiet apartment, the narrator decides to spice up the night by sending teasing photos to Zayne, igniting a thrilling game of seduction. As anticipation builds, she wonders how far he'll let her take it, knowing their quiet night will soon be electrified by their passionate tension. ﹌﹌﹌
‘Don't make me come there and punish you,’ he warned, igniting a thrilling rush of arousal within me. Zayne's challenge only served to heighten my excitement, and I responded with a final, enticing image—my back arched, showcasing my perky ass in all their glory. ‘56646. that’s my passcode. see you soon 😋’ I teased, unable to contain my anticipation.
𓍢ִ໋₊˚*ੈ♡⸝⸝⋆୧ ˙  As the clock ticked towards 9:38 PM on a Thursday night, the silence of my apartment seemed to amplify the dull ache of boredom settling in. With a sigh, I set aside my phone and glanced around the dimly lit room, the soft glow of lamplight casting long shadows across the walls. The stillness was palpable, broken only by the occasional distant rumble of passing cars outside.
Lost in the quietude, memories of Zayne flooded my mind—their intensity warming me from within. I couldn't shake the image of our passionate exchanges from a week ago, the heat of our desire lingering in the air like an intoxicating perfume. With a sudden spark of inspiration, I retrieved the new lingerie set I'd ordered online—a deep, lacey black ensemble that I knew would set Zayne's pulse racing.
Standing before the full-length mirror, I couldn't help but admire the way the lace hugged my curves, accentuating every contour with a tantalising allure. A mischievous thought danced at the edges of my consciousness—why not inject a little excitement into this mundane night? I knew Zayne's schedule like the back of my hand; no surgeries tonight, just a series of tedious meetings. The idea of inviting Zayne into my apartment, a space he'd never set foot in before, sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through me. We've only shared passionate moments in his space before, never mine. With a flicker of determination, I snapped a few provocative photos of myself in the lingerie and sent them off to Zayne, accompanied by a teasing message. 
‘busy?’, I texted, attaching a suggestive image of myself with legs parted. "miss you so much, daddy” I added playfully, anticipating his reaction. His response was swift, his words carrying a hint of authority and desire. ‘You can’t do this to me right now. I’m in a meeting.’ Undeterred, I escalated the teasing, sending another photo—this time, straddling a snowman plushie, a playful nod to our shared fantasies. 
‘Don't make me come there and punish you,’ he warned, igniting a thrilling rush of arousal within me. Zayne's challenge only served to heighten my excitement, and I responded with a final, enticing image—my back arched, showcasing my perky ass in all their glory. ‘56646. that’s my passcode. see you soon 😋’ I teased, unable to contain my anticipation.
I wanted to push his boundaries, to see how far he'd let me take this game of seduction. As the anticipation mounted, I couldn't help but wonder what Zayne's reaction would be. Would he succumb to the temptation, or would he resist my advances? Only time would tell, but one thing was certain—the quietude of this night was about to be shattered by the electrifying tension between us.
"Be a good girl and wait for me," Zayne's last text arrived, laden with promise, and I eagerly complied (or maybe not), my pulse racing with anticipation. In less than 30 minutes, I heard the familiar sound of the door unlocking, signalling Zayne's arrival. "Y/N…?" he called out my name, his voice tinged with anticipation. As he stepped into the room, his presence electrified the air, sending a shiver of anticipation down my spine. Dressed in his signature black collared shirt and sleek work pants, both my weakness, I knew I would falter sooner or later. But as of now, I had a mission to complete—to make him needy enough to beg me.
Meanwhile, I reclined on the bed, eyes closed, fingers tracing lazy circles on the delicate fabric of my thong. Beneath its embrace, my clit throbbed with anticipation, eagerly awaiting Zayne's touch. With practiced finesse, I reached for the vibrator beside me, teasing myself with its arousing vibrations, each movement imbued with a sense of anticipation. The room felt charged with erotic tension, a prelude to the passionate encounter about to unfold. “I told you to wait for me, didn’t I?” Zayne's voice stood before me, shattering the silence. His words sending a thrill of excitement racing through me. “I’m going to punish you,” he declared, his tone heavy with desire as he made his way to the sofa in the corner, his eyes fixed on me with unwavering intensity.
As he settled into the seat, a surge of defiance stirred within me. I didn’t want him to simply watch—I wanted to tease him, to punish him for not giving me the attention I craved. With a determined resolve, I continued to pleasure myself with the vibrator, each flick of my wrist a deliberate invitation for him to join me in the throes of passion. But Zayne had other plans. “I’m not gonna do anything to you,” he stated, his words dripping with promise. “I’m just gonna sit here and watch you play with yourself.” The challenge in his voice only fuelled my desire further. Determined, I continued pleasuring myself with the vibrator, allowing him to witness my torment. I intensified my movements, each stroke of the vibrator against my clit sending waves of pleasure coursing through me.
I could sense Zayne's gaze burning into me, his desire evident in the way he watched, but I refused to yield. I wanted him to go wild, to lose control and fuck me senselessly after this. The mere thought of his roughness, the way he might choke me while delivering spanks, drove me wild. I maintained the steady rhythm, circling my clit with the vibrator and moaning his name, intent on arousing him for the impending encounter. 
My legs parted slightly as I continued to pleasure myself. I then pulled my thong to the side so that I could feel my vibrator even more intensely on my clit. I noticed him staring intensely at me from the sofa, his eyes tracing every movement, every expression, every curve accentuated by my lingerie. I knew he wanted to badly fuck me in it. The anticipation of his desire fuelling my own, I felt on the brink of climax just from his gaze alone.
As Zayne stood mere feet away, his imposing presence filled the room. With my left hand, I cupped my breast, teasingly pinching my erect nipple, while my right hand gripped the vibrator, its buzzing against my clit driving me relentlessly toward the brink of ecstasy. Moaning his name, I met his gaze, revelling in the power of my own pleasure. Each stroke, each caress, heightened the tension, propelling me toward release.
Riding the wave of my orgasm, I continued to chant Zayne's name, eagerly anticipating his touch later. My body hummed with electricity as I pressed the vibrator against my clit, prolonging the blissful sensation.
After savouring the peak of my orgasm, I rose from the bed, my limbs still tingling with pleasure. With deliberate grace, I began to crawl towards him, each movement purposeful, my hips swaying in a mesmerising rhythm. The air crackled with anticipation as I closed the distance between us, my eyes locked on his with unwavering intensity.
Once near enough, my hands ventured forward, exploring the fabric of his pants with feather-light touches. Zayne's hands remained on the armrest, unmoving. The material beneath my fingertips felt smooth and inviting, heightening my senses as I traced the contours of his thighs, inching closer to the throbbing arousal that awaited me.
In a kneeling position, I slowly began to caress his clothed erection with my lips, each kiss a tantalising tease. I could feel the heat radiating from him, his desire palpable in the air. With each stroke of my tongue, I could sense his control slipping, his restraint waning as he surrendered to the intoxicating pleasure coursing through him. Zayne looked hot and bothered, his desire evident in the way he watched me, his breathing growing heavier with each passing moment.
“Are you sure you just wanna sit and watch me play with your dick all by myself?” I teased, a playful pout playing on my lips. He stayed seated, his gaze never wavering, his desire palpable in the air between us. “Unbuckle my pants,” he commanded, his voice filled with authority. I did as he asked without hesitation, maintaining eye contact with him as I unbuckled his pants. “Now take it out and lick it,” he instructed, his voice laced with anticipation. 
Each time my gaze fell upon his impressive member, I couldn't help but marvel at its sheer size and thickness, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through me. The anticipation of feeling him fill me up, stretching me to my limits, sent a thrill down my spine. With eager hands, I liberated his arousal from its confines, gently guiding it out from beneath the fabric of his pants. As I lowered his trousers for his comfort, I couldn't resist the urge to admire him fully exposed before me.
Coating his length with my saliva, I savoured the taste of him, relishing in the way he responded to my touch. His throbbing length stretched beyond the limits of my mouth, almost impossible to accommodate entirely. With each swirl of my tongue around his tip, his breath hitched in his throat, his desire evident in the intensity of his gaze. "You know how I like it sloppy. More spit," he demanded, his voice husky with need, his eyes dark with desire, urging me to indulge his every whim.
Following his commands, I coated his throbbing member with a liberal amount of saliva, my hand moving with purpose and urgency, driving him to the brink of ecstasy. "Yes, just like that, princess," he praised, his words dripping with desire, igniting a fiery need within me. The endearing term sent a rush of excitement coursing through me, amplifying my desire to please him in every way possible.
As I continued, I pushed myself beyond my limits, unable to stop gagging on his dick. His hands remained on the armrest, yet I could feel his reaction as I went deeper, my eyes rolling backward involuntarily. Zayne's response was palpable, a muttered 'fuck' slipping from his lips before he leaned forward, gently pulling my mouth away from his throbbing length.
With a sudden tug on my hair, he forced me to meet his gaze, his intensity heightened. "I can’t take it anymore, can't wait to mess you up," he whispered in my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my neck. In response, I teased him playfully, biting my lower lip and meeting his gaze with a sultry look. "Why wait?"
He wasted no time, guiding my head to gag me with his dick once more, my eyes watery and drool cascading down my chin. “I love drooling on your cock,” I said to Zayne, the admission pushing him over the edge. With his patience wearing thin, he swiftly pulled up his pants before lifting me with practiced ease, settling me straddled on his lap. Purposeful strides carried us to the bed, where he positioned himself, and I found myself draped over his lap, anticipation pulsating with each passing second. Zayne's fingers trace intricate patterns over my clit, teasing and enticing me with each delicate touch. In the next instant, his hand shifts, grabbing my ass firmly before delivering a sharp spank that reverberates through the room, the sound echoing in the stillness.
The first sharp spank sent a jolt of ecstasy coursing through me, igniting an insatiable hunger. Suddenly, a mischievous idea sparked in my mind, and I decided to indulge in a bit of playful role-play, leveraging Zayne's profession as a doctor.
“I need more, Doctor Zayne” I pleaded while biting my lower lip, my voice dripping with desire— craving his touch like a potent drug. Zayne froze for a moment, his expression shifting from surprise to amusement. "This isn't covered by your insurance, y'know," he quipped, his tone playful yet commanding, before delivering another sharp but mighty spank on my ass.
I couldn't help but laugh at his response, the sound echoing in the room as I remained straddled over his lap, revelling in the playful banter between us. But then, in an instant, the mood shifted, and Zayne seamlessly reverted to his dominant stance, delivering another firm spank to my exposed flesh.
With each resounding spank, his voice low and commanding, he chastised me for my naughtiness, his words driving me to new heights of arousal. "So fucking naughty, pleasuring yourself in front of me," he growled, his hand delivering each punishing blow with precision. I squirmed beneath his touch, unable to contain the pleasure that surged through me with each impact. “Sending me pics while I’m at work, you love it when I’m distracted, don’t you?” with each word, he punctuated his statement with another firm spank, the impact sending waves of pleasure rippling through me.
A swift strike from his left hand landed on my ass, the sting on my ass was met with a subtle tightening of his grip around my neck, sending a thrilling jolt of excitement coursing through me. Involuntarily, my back arched in response, an instinctive reaction to the sensation.
I moaned once more, gasping for air, my body wavering but my determination to take control unwavering. As I attempted to shift my body, aiming to use his broad shoulders to lift myself up and straddle Zayne on his lap, a surge of futile resistance washed over me. Zayne's grip remained unyielding, firmly in control. Despite my efforts to regain dominance, he held me firmly in his grasp, each spank serving as a sharp reminder of my transgressions. "Do you think you can get away with this?" he questioned, his tone dripping with dominance. "Making me lose control and expecting things to go your way?" Each word was punctuated by another sharp spank, sending shockwaves of pleasure rippling through me. With each impact, my ass bounced, fueling his desire to deliver more.
“Answer me,” he commands, tugging at my hair, forcing me to meet his gaze. "No, daddy," I gasp, a shiver of anticipation coursing through me as another sharp spank lands, followed by his gentle touch to soothe the sting. “You’re going to do what I tell you, understood?” His voice is firm, demanding obedience. I nod eagerly, my body trembling with excitement and submission. 
Before delving into anything more extreme, Zayne reminded me to use our safe word if things went too far. I assured him that I would, eager to trust in our mutual boundaries.
"Lay on your back and spread for me," he ordered, and without hesitation, I complied. His commands were my guide, and I willingly surrendered to his desires. As I lay before him, legs wide open, he joined me on the bed, positioning himself to fully admire my exposed form. Zayne lifted my legs, hovering them over my stomach, his gaze fixated on my glistening clit, still hidden and wet beneath the fabric of the lingerie. 
With deliberate precision, he pushed the fabric of my thong aside, exposing my throbbing clit to his hungry gaze. Without a moment's hesitation, he delivered a powerful spank across my exposed flesh, the sensation simultaneously arousing and electrifying.
"That's what you get for distracting me,” he admonished, his hand returning to soothe the sting he had caused. Adjusting my position slightly, he seized my breasts, eliciting a sharp gasp as he pulled down my lingerie bra to pinch my nipples and deliver a punishing slap across my breasts and then to my clit. 
“That’s what you get for teasing me,” he growled, his touch alternating between punishment and pleasure, each sensation driving me closer to the edge of ecstasy. With each slap of his hand against my swollen clit, the intensity of my desire surged, propelled by the knowledge that I was at his mercy. And as he continued to tease and torment me, I surrendered completely to the intoxicating power of his dominance.
“And that,” he continued, his voice husky with desire, “is for tempting me beyond control.” With each stroke of his hand against my throbbing clit, I felt the tension coil tighter within me, aching for release. Tonight, I surrendered to the game, willingly becoming the one who begged for his touch, yearning to feel his every caress and penetration. The desire to taste him, to engulf his throbbing member in my mouth, consumed me entirely. In the depths of my being, I found solace in Zayne's dominance, reveling in his complete control over my body. It was as if I craved nothing more than to be his plaything, his puppet to manipulate at his whim, his slave to fulfill his every desire.
With one final slap on my clit, Zayne soothes it once more, eliciting a delicious blend of pleasure and pain that brought tears to my eyes. Slowly, deliberately, he removed my lingerie thong, each movement laden with anticipation. With a devilish grin, he tucked it into his pocket, a silent reminder of his control over me.
Then, with a hunger that matched my own, he descended on my clit, his tongue a fervent instrument of pleasure. He devoured it with an insatiable appetite, his movements precise and calculated. His tongue traced intricate patterns from my anus to my clit, and back again, each stroke sending electric waves of pleasure coursing through me. With each lick and suck, he coated my clit with his saliva, mingling with my arousal and heightening the intensity of the moment. And all the while, his unwavering gaze locked onto mine, a silent challenge that dared me to lose myself completely in the ecstasy of his touch.
But Zayne's hunger knew no bounds. With a growl of desire, he shifted his focus, using his tongue to fuck my pussy repeatedly, his movements rhythmic and relentless. Each thrust sent shockwaves of ecstasy through my body, driving me to the brink of madness as I surrendered completely to his skilled ministration.
With one final lick from him, I was sent hurtling over the edge, my release flooding over Zayne's tongue in a torrent of ecstasy. My body convulsed with pleasure, every nerve tingling with the intensity of the moment. Yet, Zayne continued to ride the wave of my orgasm, his tongue remaining firmly latched onto my pulsating pussy. The sensation was so intense that I couldn't help but arch my back in response, offering myself completely to the waves of pleasure crashing over me.
"Who said you could cum on my tongue?” Zayne's voice sliced through the air with authority. He seized my torso, forcing me to face him, my body now positioned on all fours. Still lost in the throes of my orgasm, I couldn't muster a response. His grip tightened around my neck, and with a sharp spank on my ass, he demanded again in a low, commanding voice, "Answer me."
Pouting and shaking my head, my eyes still watery from the overwhelming pleasure, I struggled to regain my composure. "N-no one," I gasped for air, my voice barely a whisper as I tried to come back from my high.
"So why did you?" Zayne's question dripped with dominance, his gaze piercing into my soul. "I'm sorry, daddy” I said in a playful, teasing manner, pouting my lips as I met his gaze. "I'm gonna make it up to you," I continued, leaning in to give him a small peck on the lips, my heart racing with anticipation of what was to come.
With each breath, the scent of his cologne mingled with the musky aroma of desire, intensifying the longing pooling in my core. 
I took a moment to reclaim my breath and composure, my eyes lingering on Zayne. The crisp lines of his black collared shirt and the snug fit of his work pants accentuated every contour of his masculine form, intensifying my desire and fuelling my determination to pleasure him even more.
Motivated by a surge of resolve, I pushed Zayne off the bed, compelling him to stand on the edge of it. Hastily, I seized the waistband of his pants, pulling them down to reveal his mighty erection in all its glory once again. Still positioned on all fours on the bed, I wasted no time in engulfing Zayne's throbbing member with my mouth, eagerly licking and sucking with fervour.
Driven by an insatiable hunger, I suckle and lick Zayne's throbbing shaft, my tongue tracing every vein and contour, coaxing moans of pleasure from deep within him. The taste of his skin, salty and intoxicating, dances across my senses, driving my hunger for him to new heights. As I lavish attention upon him, I allow my saliva to cascade down his length, glistening in the dim light of the room like liquid silk.
He gathers my hair into his firm grip, guiding it with care as I continue to lavish attention on his throbbing cock.
With each descent, I push myself to take him deeper, feeling the tension in his muscles as I brush against the back of my throat. The sensation of him stretching me, filling me, turning me on like never before. I embrace the gagging, the tightness, knowing that each vibration emanating from my mouth only serves to heighten his pleasure. 
Through it all, I remain attuned to his responses, the subtle shifts in his breathing and the way his body tenses beneath my touch. I revel in the power I hold over him, the control I wield with each flick of my tongue and gentle suck. In this moment, I am his ultimate source of pleasure, and I am determined to leave him trembling with satisfaction.
Zayne took a moment to deliver a sharp spank to my ass, heightening the intensity of the moment, before allowing me to continue drooling and licking eagerly over every inch of his pulsating member. “So fucking needy for me”, he remarked, his voice filled with both lust and dominance.
His breath hitched with each eager stroke of my tongue, his arousal palpable in the air. With his hand still firmly gripping my hair, Zayne guides me in syncopated rhythm, each motion synchronised with his eager thrusts. The sensation of his commanding touch and the rhythm of our movements fuel my desire to please him further, driving me to new heights of arousal and surrender. I swirled my tongue over every inch of his tip and length, tracing the contours of his throbbing cock. With each lick, I could feel the veins pulsating beneath my touch, a tangible sign of his arousal and my effect on him.
“I love your cock, I love it I love it I love it,” I murmured, taking a brief pause from sucking to express my admiration. Then, with a subtle hum of pleasure, I resumed, each moan vibrating through him and further intensifying the pleasure.
“Oh yeah?” he teased, his tone dripping with amusement. Suddenly, he shoved my entire head and mouth onto his hard erection, ramming it deep—causing me to choke and gag. Despite the overwhelming sensation, he knows my limits and where to draw the line. “Choke on this,” he commanded, his voice filled with authority. 
He withdrew his cock from my mouth and spat into it, the warm liquid mingling with my own saliva as he reclaimed his dominance—guiding his member deep into my mouth once more. For a few exhilarating seconds, he holds it there, allowing me to feel every pulsation, before withdrawing, leaving me gasping for air. Eyes watery, mouth drooling, I'm a trembling mess before Zayne, consumed by desire.
As my eyes roll backward from the intensity, the overwhelming sensation only heightens my craving for him, for the taste of his cock filling my mouth. I revel in the act of choking on his dick, each gasp for breath fuelling my arousal. My pussy throbs with need, aching for the feeling of him deep inside me. Zayne withdraws his dick from my mouth and then firmly grasps my cheeks, pulling my face close to his. His gaze pierces mine before claiming my lips with a hungry kiss. “Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy,” he breathes against my lips, his words dripping with raw desire.
"Please, fuck me," I pleaded, meeting his gaze with desperation and desire.
"Why? You don’t need it. You can cum on your own," Zayne teased, his words laced with a hint of punishment for my earlier transgression—having an orgasm without waiting for him.
I begged him even more fervently.
"Mmm, beg me more. I kinda like it," he commanded, his voice dripping with authority. So I obeyed, my pleas growing more urgent. "Please, please, fuck me. I want to be your cum dumpster. I need your cock, Zayne. I need it inside of me,” I whimpered, my desperation palpable in evert word. My moans and pleas became increasingly frantic as my need for him grew more desperate.
The air crackled with tension as my words hung in the space between us.
Zayne moaned in response, his hunger evident as he caved in to my desire. With a commanding tone, he instructed me to remove my bra, and I complied without hesitation. Still on the bed before him, his erection throbbing with anticipation, he lifted me effortlessly from the bed, positioning me to straddle him. Facing each other, I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling the heat of his arousal against my skin. His arms and hands locked underneath my thighs, providing support as he carried me higher, his lips descending to suckle and tease my hardened nipples. The sensation was electrifying.
With a deliberate motion, he pressed me firmly against the wall near the bed, the cool surface contrasting sharply with the heat radiating from our bodies. As he slid his cock inside me, a wave of overwhelming sensation washed over me, rendering me breathless and powerless to resist. I moaned in response, my voice echoing in the room, as his movements grew increasingly fervent and needy.
With each thrust, he plunged deeper into me. My nails dug into his back, leaving half-moon imprints as I clung to him, lost in the intensity of the moment. I couldn't suppress my moans of pleasure, each one escaping my lips as I surrendered completely to the overwhelming sensation of his cock inside me. My hands found their way into Zayne's hair, tugging gently as I arched my back, offering myself completely to him. His lips found mine in a fevered kiss, our breath mingling as our bodies moved in perfect sync. I bounced on his cock, meeting his thrusts with equal fervour, the ecstasy building with each movement. Despite the overwhelming pleasure, I held back, waiting for him to reach the brink of release. "I'm close," Zayne gasped, his breath ragged as he continued to grip my body tightly, driving us both towards ecstasy. "I'm on a pill. I need that cum buried deep inside me," I whispered, my voice barely above a breathy plea. With those words, Zayne's control shattered, his climax erupting with a powerful release as he emptied himself inside me—his cock driving even deeper. And soon after, I climaxed too.
The sensation of his warm seed filling me sent me over the edge, my body convulsing in pleasure as I rode out the waves of ecstasy. I could feel every pulse of his release, a delicious warmth spreading through me, mingling with the throbbing heat of my own climax. Even as the intensity of our climaxes subsided, I remained insatiable, eager to prolong the connection and savour every moment of our passion. With each movement, I guided his still-throbbing cock back inside me, circling my hips to ensure every drop of his cum was pumped deep within. Our bodies moved in a synchronized dance of desire, the rhythm of our lovemaking echoing through the room.
Zayne's expression was a blend of ecstasy and dazed—almost incredulous, that I still had the energy to keep him in such a state of bliss. He then lifted me, his cum dripping from my pussy to the floor, leaving me feeling simultaneously full and empty without his cock inside me. Despite the overwhelming sensations, he maintained his firm grip underneath my thighs, refusing to let go. He buried his face in my breasts, still riding the high of our shared climax.
Still carrying me, he guided us back onto the bed with gentle guidance. As we lay intertwined on the bed, his heartbeat resonating against my skin—enveloping me in a comforting embrace. Zayne's care and tenderness washed over me like a soothing balm. With tender kisses, he traced a path along my neck and shoulders, each touch a soothing balm to the lingering sensations of our lovemaking. His lips whispered words of affection and reassurance, filling the room with a sense of warmth and intimacy.
I nestled closer to him, feeling the weight of his body against mine, grounding me in the present moment.
“Don't tease me like that again,” he murmured in a low tone, his eyes sparkling with playful mischief. I couldn't resist teasing him further. "Or what? You gonna punish me again?" I retorted, a mischievous glint in my eye as excitement bubbled within me. Zayne's smirk only widened as he cupped my face in his hands, his touch sending shivers of anticipation down my spine. "Come on, let’s go shower," he suggested, his tone laced with promise. "I'll make sure you learn your lesson properly this time."
My heart raced with excitement at the prospect of another round of playfulness with him. "Second round?" I suggested eagerly, a playful grin spreading across my face. "Yes, sirrrrr."
—by prettyobsessed⋆˚✿˖° 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡
Editor’s note: i saw a meme on reddit and some parts were inspired by it 😀 also, i actually wanted to name this piece 'Midnight Tease' but ultimately chose Lace & Desire instead. What do you think? :) hope you enjoyed this one! ♡
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hellcatinnc · 3 months
Guys Of Love & Deepspace Perfect Partner - SFW Edition
Warning This includes: SFW(Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, romantic, cuddles, snuggling, romance, poetry, kisses, french kissing, breakfast in bed, pet names, cuddles from nightmares, taking care of you when your sick, care, cooking together, food, movie watching
Feature: x Fem! Reader
He challenges your mind and can talk to you about some of the most interesting things at times, however he can also bore you sometimes if he gets too lost in his medical advisories
if you ask nicely he will let you lay in his arms as he reads to you may not always be what you want to hear but its his way of comforting you
if you fall asleep on the couch he will carry you to bed and tuck you in, he doesn't want you getting chilly and catching cold
he will make you soup and make sure to have medicines on hand for you when your sick
he is the guy that when he kisses you he will always caress your cheek first before engulfing your lips into his
kissing is how he expresses his feelings sometimes when words escape him or he has a hard time expressing them. If he french kisses you while already kissing you then he is showing you the passion you bring out in him
he loves to take you to nice restaurants ones you been wanting to try and the money isn't a issue and he always pays even when you try he will take care of it before you even get a chance to try. He knows you don't have the money his job has and he wants to spend it on whatever your heart wants.
he loves taking you on vacations when his work allows its and tries to make as much time as he can to be on those vacations longer than just a day.
Even though he doesn't always show it due to lack there of knowing how to express how he feels sometimes, he is a doctor because he does care about people but he cares about you more than any of them and you should never forget that.
Most times he will use your name and not pet names but if your good and you beg him to show the endearments you might get him to call you honey or dear but in the bedroom you might just get called kitten if you ask nicely
he gives you the silent treatment when he is mad, but he can't stay mad with you long especially if you bug him and try to cuddle and kiss him he will forgive you in no time
he lectures you because he cares when it comes to your health and how you eat, granted you have to tune him out most times when you want that sweet piece of cake or that bowl of ice cream but he means well.
he is the guy that will put his coat around you when your cold
he carries candy with him all the time and in certain moments that may stress you out he will simply pull one out to make you smile again even if only for a little while
he has a sweet tooth but he tries to keep that from anyone knowing because well he is a heart doctor and telling people whats not healthy and to stay away from would just make him look like a hypocrite
he is very subtle when he does little things to impress you or let you know he cares, if you don't know him well enough you will miss these hints
he will carry an umbrella on rainy days and even when you forget yours, he may not say anything to you but when it starts pouring down he will just open his umbrella and put it over both of your heads
when he doesn't think your looking he will smile if nothing but for a moment because even though he spends so much time babbling about what you should do to change trust me he wants you just the way you are flaws and all even though he can't say it....yet!
he will call you after a late night at the hospital especially after a stressful day and although its a short call and you don't know why he is calling but its because after all the stress in his day your the only one that makes his heart a little lighter
he loves making little snow creatures for you to hold on to when he can't always be with you
he loves cats they fascinate him he loves to watch them as they bask in the sunlight or lay under a table. the first animal you two will probably get will be a cat
he likes sending you text messages some that are meaningless but they make him smile even if you can't always see him smile
He always spoons you every night before sleep
he is very romantic a bit of a hopeless romantic
loves to call you pet names like darling, baby, and honey
breakfast in bed when you worked so hard the day before
will run you bubble bath after a long day
never forgets birthdays, anniversaries, and especially not valentines' day this man lives for these holidays to shower you with gifts
he will stay by your side when your sick taking care of all your needs
he can be clingy but honestly in a good way its part of his charm
he does have abandonment issues but this means when he is loyal to you he will never ever leave you as long as you never leave him
he has lower self esteem than you think he does, he flirts and comes off that he has it all together but when he is vulnerable you can see the scared little boy under it all afraid to live without you and afraid he will mess it up and you leave
he will fall asleep with his head on your lap or lean against you so you can rub his hair
he may seem like a baby girl but down deep he really is just a genuine guy, yes a bit flirty but its all fluff to make you notice him because when you make those advances back you will leave him flustered.
he is very caring and will always be compassionate with your needs
he will always protect you and keep you safe. He is that guy that will pull you into his arms to shelter you from harm, or jump in front of a bullet if he feels its to save your life
he will fall asleep sitting on the couch, in a chair or against the wall because you had to work late and he refuses to go to bed without you.
he is the guy who likes matching shirts, or ones that say he is your is prince and your his princess
he will hold you hand any chance he gets but you can't just drop his hand whenever you want, when he slides his fingers between yours this isn't jsut regular pda he is telling you no matter where you are...you complete him!
he is the guy that will bring you an umbrella then pray you will put it aside and stand in the pouring rain with him. He will be that guy from romantic movie clique where he will pull you close while you are soaked to kiss your lips so tenderly you almost lose your breath.
he is very loyal and if he makes a promise its set in stone if he has to move heaven on earth or dive the lowest depths of the ocean he will make it happen
loves to recite poetry to you to show you his affection
he loves to give you compliments daily like your beautiful, stunning, a model or anything that makes you smile because that was his goal all along. He will do anything for that smile, that smile that you show to only him, its like no other smile that lights up your face and only he notices the difference.
He loves when you tell him about your day if you spend with friends or what not but he does get jealous if they made you smile because really he wants to be the only one that makes you smile. Then he might get pouty and ask if he can join next time.
he will take you to play the claw machine just so he can win every one of the plushies for you
he will take you to the arcade and he will play every game that gives him tickets so he can turn it in and surprise you with something you wanted from the prizes
he can be greedy when it comes to you, he is a introvert anyways so if he could keep you to himself and never share you well he would be in heaven
he likes to be playful in your banter with him he just enjoys this time together this is how he knows your the woman he wants to spend his life growing old with...yes he has been thinking about popping the question way before he should but he is waiting for the time to be the most romantic and when he doesn't think he will scare you away. Know this though he would have already married you if you would have let him.
he will carry your bags with no complaint
He likes to have a romantic night under the stars just you and him and a blanket with your favorite champagne or wine
he will keep the house clean and in order for you if your sick and can't do it because he knows it will be helpful for you
he will cook you a meal and alternate nights of when you cook and do the dishes however he isn't the best cook so be prepared to watch or help one
picnics are cute and sweet and he loves laying in the sunlight with you taking it all in and making memories
he is a good listener since he doesn't talk unless he needs to. He will lay with you for hours as you tell him the good and the bad in your day without every interrupting you or changing the subject.
he tries to be an optimist to keep you level when you feel like the world is caving in on you
when you cry he will be the first there to wipe those tears off your face and make sure you feel validated
he does have a mischievous/cheeky side to him that comes out when you least expect it
he will spend all day playing the claw machine even if he doesn't always understand the mechanics just so he can get the plushie you wanted most
he will turn on the shower and get your towel and stuff together just so you can have a nice hot shower...he might join you though ;)
he will go grocery shopping with you and carry those bags of groceries even though he complains a bit he really means nothing by it more of a banter than anything
he likes when you tug his shirt to let him know you don't want him to leave even if you didn't say it
he likes a good movie on the couch cuddled up next to you, after all the work he does everyday this is perfect way to relax with you in his arms.
he won't tell you but when you feed him things like strawberries by mouth you think he is focusing on the strawberries instead its the feel of your fingers touching his lips which make him want to kiss you, then when you put them in your mouth he can't take it any longer he will pull you in for a kiss by then.
he doesn't mind watching chic flicks with you and you talking about the lead actor being hot but he will sit there and tell you why all the reasons he is a better hunter and that this guy you find so hot to be the most horrible hunter he had ever seen...the green eyed devil bites him from time to time
when you fall asleep on him in a movie he will carry you to bed and tuck you in, he won't linger but thats because he respects you in that way
if you have a night mare he will run to your side comforting you. he will tuck your hair behind your ear, turn on the light by your bedside table and let you tell him about it, then he will tuck you back in bed and hold you the rest of the night to watch over you while you sleep
he likes to pick at you at times, like one night he woke you and you were calling his name, he reminded you that dreams are what you think about all day he will tell you with a joke that he knows now you were pining for him all day this is just some of his banter and fun ways he picks on you
when your hands are cold he will intertwine his fingers in your and rub them getting them nice and warm for you
if you find yourself in the hospital he will sit right there with you until your feeling better and can go home he will be very stern but thats cause he cares so if the doctor says lay down he will make sure you do if they say don't talk he will put his finger over your mouth to hush you. this is the serious side of him you never knew was there but he is worried cause you are in the hospital
he can be very over protective at times
when he has alone time with you he doesn't want to share it so he will mute your phone and his if it gets too annoying he will turn them off this is his time right now
he loves to snuggle into your lap and nuzzle into you this is the time you get to feel the closest to him, this is that bit of him thats vulnerable, that part that will admit that in his lifetime he has never met someone as special and as important to him as you are to him
he loves to sleep but has a hard time sleeping most places cause he always has his guard up but when he is in your arms he sleeps the best, soundly and feels safe with you even if he thinks he is the more skilled fighter
if you have something on your mouth he will lean into wipe it from your lips stealing a kiss while he is already there
he is very confident in himself even though he doesn't do well with others most times he is still comfortable in his own skin especially since your beside him touching that very skin as he loves when your caress his hands and arms when you are cuddled in a blanket on a cold day
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missviviii · 3 months
a/n: zayne my boo <3 im sobbing over the fact that the game killed off mc’s grandma and caleb 😭
ミ★ Love & Deep Space ミ★
pairing: zayne x fem!reader
warning(s): mentions of death, mentions of the explosion that killed mc’s grandma + childhood best friend (caleb) in game, spoilers(?)
Summary: Ever since that day, you’ve fallen in a deep, dark pit. Why did you have to be the one that they decide to destroy? Why did Caleb and Grandma have to die? Is it your fault they did? Zayne, as your primary care physician and a family friend, is concerned for your well-being.
“Sometimes, a small gesture is all it takes.”
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The sound of the news on your TV, the thundering rain outside, the sound of the cars driving by your apartment—it all blurs out as you stared at the TV screen, eyes dead and unfocused on the news of the Wanderers attacking and the explosions. Some 22 casualties, two deaths. Grandma and Caleb. His necklace that you bought him as a goodbye gift when he left for the Aerospace Academy sits beside a picture of you, him, and Grandma on the coffee table, the cheerful smiles making you wished that you could revisit time.
Your apartment, once somewhat organized and clean, is now messy with things being knocked down and dirty dishes long discarded. You stare at the one last thing your Grandma left for you, some..tablet(?) with a final letter on it. You haven’t gotten the energy or the ability to open it. It pains you, seeing that you haven’t visited for so long yet when you do, this was the time her house had to explode right in front of you, flames engulfing the house and the only thing that remained was Caleb’s necklace.
“I miss you, Grandma..” You mumbled to nobody, rubbing the tears threatening to spill out your eyes as you glanced down at the item she left you with. Besides that, a small box of her old recipes of those notecards, and other small things that she had entrusted to you years before.
Around you was your laptop, papers and files on the latest Wanderer attacks around you. Yes, Captain Jenna dismissed you and said that you should take some days off to regain your energy, since you haven’t been getting the sleep or the energy you needed, but you just couldn’t.
Your door opened, yet you didn’t bother to look at who entered. “Still sitting in front of the TV?” A familiar voice spoke out, flipping the light switch on and shutting the door behind him. It was Zayne, a long time family friend and your primary care physician. “You haven’t eaten,” he bluntly says as he sets a bag of food on your table and walked into the kitchen. He bites back a sigh, knowing that you were going through a tough time, and people tended to discard everything and grieve and grieve their hearts out.
“Hello to you too, Zayne,” you replied as you shut off the news and got up off your sofa. You pile up all the papers and files you’ve scattered around and set them on the coffee table before you walk into the kitchen as Zayne is cleaning up your dirty dishes. He checks in on you whenever he’s free or when he’s off his shift. He looks back at you, only making a small hum of acknowledgment before cleaning up your dirty kitchen. You looked terrible—eyes red and puffy from crying, obvious eye bags, and the sparkles from your eyes were gone.
You yawn as you take out a bowl and some utensils for whatever food he brought in for you. You unpacked the bag as he cleaned up the dishes you couldn’t bother doing last week. Potatoes, avocado on the side, tuna salad, salmon and rice you said to yourself as you took out the food that he had carefully backed in those plastic containers for you. Then you took out the last thing. Cookie..dough? He remembered your favorite childhood snack. The kind of cookie dough you liked.
“Your grandma gave me a recipe for the cookie dough. She said that if she couldn’t make it, I should since it lightens your mood,” Zayne says as he puts your clean dishes back into the cabinet. He dries his hand off before walking over to you, watching how you stare at it like a piece of gold. Disbelief and shock were etched on your face.
Zayne puts his hand on your back, soothingly rubbing circles as you opened the container and took a bite. Your eyes almost brimmed with tears again. You could remember how your grandma used to bake in the kitchen and you’d always sneak a bite or two of the cookie dough, no care in the world if you could get salmonella.
“Thank..you, Zayne,” you finally said, turning around tightly hugging him. He was a bit hesitant at first, but he put his hand on your head, massaging your scalp as he looked down at you with a gentle look on his face.
“..You’re welcome. I miss her too.”
Zayne’s eyes looked away at the picture on the counter of your grandma. She didn’t have to go out this way.
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linkonlceleste · 2 months
LnD boys reaction when MC says "You're pretty when you smile."
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Disclaimer- I've been playing this game only a few days and i apologize if the way I wrote is not upto how the LnD characters will behave/react anddd my English is also not that good. A/N: edited some, thank you @skynapple
Zayne- He would be unfazed on the outside but in reality his heartbeat would be going crazy.MC might further add that it is rare to see him smile ,and he must do it often.Zayne would bend down to meet their gaze ,and push their forehead gently with his finger and reply with a serious look,"And who do you think is the reason for that?"
Xavier- His brain would probably short-circuit for a while and rather than being shy, he'd be totally surprised as if no one has ever told/thought of it and would ask with a clueless expression in his face,"Do you really think so?". And when you nod with a even more pretty smile.He'd melt in your smile,and will hold your hand and interlock his fingers with yours by pecking a kiss in your knuckles,saying,"If it means i can see your happy smile,then I'll make sure to smile often too".
Rafayel- He definitely must have heard it from multiple people during interviews and meetings but hearing it from you,makes him lose his mind.His ears go red, he would stutter and try to change topic.You decide to tease him more and ask him getting closer,"How about you paint a self portrait of you, smiling? I know I can just take a picture but it'd be more special that way ",and as you question him by wiggling your eyebrows playfully,he would whine you to stop it.
A/N: if you did read it until the end,thank you and hope you have a nice day! :) ❤️
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teamatsumu · 3 months
omg i rlly liked the soft dom hcs for xavier and raf,,,,could you write some for zayne too?
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warnings: fem!reader, smut, nsfw, swearing
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He is the ultimate brat tamer, but he is careful in how he does it.
He knows what you need better than even yourself, which means that oftentimes he will catch you off guard.
Zayne absolutely takes charge in bed, but he isn’t mean about it. His personality screams soft dom.
When you are indirectly dropping hints about being horny or needing him, he is having none of that shit. You directly tell him what you need, or you don’t get anything at all.
He will halt you in your tracks, gentle but firm fingers holding your jaw in place, eyes piercing into you as he whispers, “Tell me what you need.”
Your breath catches, body freezing, and you want to look away, but Zayne is not having it. He keeps his grip tight on you, forcing your eyes to bore into his own.
“Look at me, darling. What do you need?”
He gets close enough that he can inhale your tiny gasps, one strong thigh wedging itself between your legs until you are grinding down on him. He teases you just right, builds the desire in you until he knows you will give in and start talking, words tumbling out of your mouth on how bad you want his mouth on you and his cock in you and that you want to feel all of him.
He doesn’t forget a single word, and best believe he will give you everything you ask for, in the order you ask for it, and will not stop until your whole body is arching in satisfaction and moaning unencumbered for him.
And if it ever gets too much, he will gently coax you to keep taking it. “I know you can, darling. You’re so good for me. Come on, take it.”
And you want to please him so badly, so you do. You cum around him just like he wants you to, and you take his cum just as well, reveling in the tiniest moans he releases into the shell of your ear.
Aftercare with Dr Zayne? You are set. Just turn your mind off and let him take care of everything. When you wake up in the morning, there is next to no soreness, because that’s how good he is at taking care of you.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Rafayel is the type to claim that you’re the clingy one out of the pair of you, despite the fact that he’s the one who’s holding onto your hand, he was holding your hand so tightly in fact that you were afraid you might loose all feeling in it if he didn’t let up anytime soon.
And even when you do leave, Rafayel is automatically on the phone to you, sending text messages, FaceTime calls and so on until it was well past midnight and you were in desperate need of some sleep; But even then Rafayel is on the other end and holding his phone close to his chest as though he were holding you instead as he drifts off, hop in that one day his dream to have you across from him and spend your mornings, evenings and nights with him to come true one day.
He wishes he had the confidence and courage to ask you to move in with him but until then, he can only dream of what mundane domestic lifestyle you two would chose to have together in his dreams.
Rafayel is the type to search for aspects of yourself in everything he sees, in everywhere he goes, in everything that he touches. Everything reminded him of you in some shape or form, whether that be in a recent memory you shared together, or in something that you mentioned or did previously before meeting him; Even in his paintings there were aspects of you that he’s integrated into his artwork without realising until the finish product, so much so that he might as well have painted a portrait of you because that’s how much of the painting reminded Rafayel of you.
He’ll want to immortalise you in some abstract but beautiful way that would leave anyone breathless upon seeing it. This would be one of the paintings that he would never dare put up for auction, never. For this was his magnum opus and he would never allow for it to be hung up and have its origins forgotten in the hallway of some snobbish, rich aristocrat, who had no use for it other then as a decorative piece.
It’s his and his alone that he’d keep safe elsewhere and look at it when he needed to feel you near when you were psychically needed elsewhere.
Zayne may never and will never tell you he likes/loves you but that doesn’t mean he won’t have signs that were obvious that he cares for you deeply.
Especially when he’s putting a stop to your excessive usage of coffee and energy drinks by making you substitute it for water or when he’s making sure you eat proper meals and helping you develop a better sleep schedule that better suited you and your lifestyle.
He’s doing small things for you like;
Making sure you walk on the inside of the curb and away from traffic
Tying your shoelaces when he noticed that they’ve started to become undone during your walk.
Placing your keys in more obvious places because he know that you’ll forget where you last put them or keep ahold of them himself as your getting ready for your outing before silently holding them out towards you when you begin to look for them.
Helping with the cleaning because he knows that you don’t have the mental energy to bring yourself to do so yourself, something that he’ll never shame you for as he’d rather you have a healthy mental state rather then a destructive one.
Making your bed in the mornings.
Having your medication on hand should you need it and acting as your personal reminder to take them when it reaches a certain time.
Zipping up your coat, adjusting your scarf and gloves so that he knew that you’d be kept warm from the cold.
Making you a drink in the morning followed by a well balanced breakfast in bed, followed by a cheeky sweet treat.
Zayne may never answer will never tell you he likes/loves you but he can only hope that his actions were enough to show that, that they spoke loud enough, but then again he highly doubts it being a possibility.
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