#zen'in clan
aka-lambda · 8 months
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I drew *young* Ogi Zen'in and this Is the most cursed thing that you will see today.
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ly0nstea · 6 months
Me: i dont like HR and I think it lessens Maki's character, she was better before shibuya
Mfers: you just want to FUCK Maki and youre mad she isnt hot anymore you HATE women I bet you love Toji though
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shiroandblack · 8 months
I hate the Zen'in clan (excluding a few members) for being degrading and misogynistic, and just an all round group of terrible people. But dayum, the way I run towards a fic when I see it tagged 'Zenin Clan Drama':
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worldwright · 8 months
anyone else hyped out of their minds to see how old man zen'in's ANIMATION BASED technique is gonna get adapted to the screen. cuz I SURE AM
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jeffersonhairpie · 9 months
The Zen'in obsession with being Zen'in is a obsession with bloodlines, and because of this one of the few JJK things that bug me on a themeatic level is Blood Manipulation being a Kamo family technique rather than a Zen'in family technique
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i-cant-sing · 10 months
Okay but like you guys know how Toji killed Riko Amanai because she was the star plasma vessel and he hates the Jujutsu world?
Imagine that after killing Riko and just narrowly escaping Gojo and Getou, promising to kill every Star plasma vessel just to spite them, he has a daughter- you, and its revealed that you're the next star plasma vessel, a perfect match for Tengen to merge with and prevent forced evolution, and now Gojo and Getou are sent put to capture you and bring you to Tengen.
And they go, not because they want to bring you to Tengen, but because they want to protect you from Toji, only to find out that you're his daughter that has him wrapped around her tiny finger and oh oh THE HYPOCRISY???? So as long as you're his daughter, TOJI WONT KILL THE STAR PLASMA VESSEL?????
Ans Toji's all like- "ohh you guys don't need to worry about Y/n, I'll take care if her and protect her from anyone and everyone. Yall better leave rn unless you want to have a horrible death." Meanwhile, toddler reader is just in her own little world as she's spinning around in circles because it's fun when the world is spinning and makes her stumble.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou don't believe him, and even if they did, they won't just let him go that easily because fuck that guy, he killed a teen and now has the gall to stand there like he didn't kill an innocent kid.
And Gojo is all like "fuck that, we gonna kill your kid too bitch." He's not, but he's gonna make sure Toji feels scared and doomed before dying.
Immediately, Toji has whipped out all of his weapons, pushing you behind him, and just then, out of thin air, the entire Zenin clan appears to Toji's aid because yes, they hate Toji too, but they adore you and they eint letting white haired bitcha and his emo Buddha bf take you.
As the battle begins, there's someone from the clan who's keeping you safe, moving you away from the battle ground so that you don't end up getting hit, and obviously, they put some headphones and sensory videos on their phone to keep you distracted from the fight. Meanwhile, there is absolute chaos on the field, Getou and Gojo being merciless as they kill one clan member after another.
Eventually, one of the attacks ends up blowing away your "bodyguard" and you're just there alone, unattended and unsupervised, so naturally, you look to the ground and see Gojo wielding Hollow Purple, and you don't know what that is except for a purple orb and since your dear uncle Naoya had been forcing you to take tutoring from the best teachers in tge world, you had learned color theory and immeadiately, without knowing the consequences of your actions, you throw out a yellow orb directly at the purple orb because you were taught in art class that "yellow cancels out purple", but now everyone is looking at you like "did a kid just- neutralise the most powerful Jujutsu technique???? Without so much as breaking a sweat?" And you're just giggling nd jumping up and down, calling out to Naoya "see uncle Naoya??? Those classes were not a waste of money!"
And that's when everyone noticed-
You're alone.
Naobito is immediately yelling at Toji to "collect your chaotic child before she reveals more of her powers and becomes everyone's target!" And Gojo is like "??? Um wtf?? Did a child just beat me???", while getou is springing into action to get his hands on you before Toji can.
Toji beats him to it, grabbing you with one hand while the other pulled out his sword. Getou summoned his own curses to help him attack Toji and simultaneously save you. As the two began fighting, Gojo sent another attack to Toji, who in an attempt to save you, shielded you with his body while taking the impact of hit.
As Toji was down, you were taken away from him by Getou, and while you didn't understand just what happened to your dad, you were becoming distressed as he didn't respond to you. And with your distress came a change in your cursed energy, which Getou recognised and he knew sooner or later, you will have an outburst of energy and hurt everyone in the process, because you're just a kid who doesn't how powerful she is.
So, yanking on Gojo's shoulders and telling him to leave the other members of the clan because they need to leave right now, the three of you teleported out of there.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou decide to take you in because there's no way they're giving you to Tengen, and taking you back to the Zenin clan was also out of the question, AND not to mention, they want to discover more about your cursed energy and help you control it. I mean, Getou wants to help you learn your powers and also give you a normal childhood, Gojo is slighted that he got beat by a child who didn't know what she was doing and he's low key concerned if you're gonna be a threat in the future. So... why not just take you in, and act like your parents because you're a gullible child who'll believe anything, and really has the attention span of a goldfish.
And at first, things were great because Gojo was like a chaotic parent who adored bullying you, while Getou was the calm and collected parent who helped you calm down as you swore you were gonna Hollow Purple Gojo if he kicks the back of your knees one more time. But everything changed when Getou parted ways with Gojo because he wanted to "kill humanity because they're all selfish and cruel🥰" and Gojo was like "babe, no, it's my job to be the sadistic one as a joke and you're the one who's supposed to laugh and say no, humans need us to protect them🥺" but Getou is like no, fuck that. And then Getou is like, well you can give Y/n to me because I love children and I love taking care of her, and Gojo is like "no." While holding a very struggling child that wants to scratch his face off, and Gojo only said no initially just so that there's something for Getou to come back. He knows how attached and fond Getou has grown over you. But Getou just sighs and goes "aight. Shared custody it is then. See you in 8 months, Y/n! Give your papa a kiss🥰" and you do.
And yeah, everyday since Getou departure, you can see the changes in Gojo's behaviour. It's not bad exactly, he's depressed for sure, and he's doubting his principles every step of the way, BUT he's kinder to you and to humans in general now. Meanwhile, whenever you do meet papa Getou, with Gojo's supervision cause my man doesn't trust Getou to not take you away and turn u into a killing machine, you can see the changes in Getou's personality too. He may still have that same kind, noble, shaman facade going on, but you see the way he looks down on the weak and on the non sorcerers. You see how he uses people as means to achieve his ultimate goal. Sure, you can also see that he still adores you, but you... dont know if you still love him with his view of the world.
Then one day, it happens. Gojo has finally killed Getou, not because of any ill intent, but because he simply threatened his students and the innocent people of Japan. And even though you knew this day wold eventually come, you still didn't forgive Gojo for a long time. You cried and fought against him, until Gojo had to eventually knock you out just so that your breakdown wouldn't unleash cursed energy and endanger everyone.
After Getou's death, Gojo's behaviour towards you and in general did a whole 180. He became the kinder, softer, gentle parent towards you. The empathetic teacher who pushed you but also consoled you when you failed, instead of the previous Gojo who would ridicule you for failing to master a technique.
Getou's death had definitely changed Gojo in other ways too. He had become more protective of you, always keeping you around because he couldn't bare the thought of losing someone else (Riko, Getou, etc). He keeps a close on you, watchubvvyour development and progress like a hawk because he knows you will soon be wanting to help him on missions, or worse, go solo. He doesn't want that, he can't have that. So the more you push Gojo to let you be independent, the more he tells you to sit down and practice more because you're just not ready yet.
Then one day, you reach your braking point and just- leave when Gojo is busy with his students. And this turned out to be a big mistake because the moment you had left Jujutsu High, it seemed like you were surrounded by thousands of enemies. Everyone wants to either kill you or capture you, and you don't even know why (because Gojo never revealed to you about your family or you being the star plasma vessel). Fortunately, you had trained enough to fight these assassins, and by the time you were done, you were tired and wanted to return back to Jujutsu High, but before you could, someone knocked you out.
When you woke up, you were lying in bed in a traditional Japanese home. Soon, a man with blonde hair came in, introducing himself as your uncle Naoya. He revealed who you were, how he was your family, how he saved you from Gojo, the man who stole you and killed his family members.
Of course, you call bs because why wouldn't you?? Naoya gives major prick vibes without trying so yeah, you didn't trust him at all. Then he pulled out pictures of you, of Toji and everyone else, and you vaguely remembered them, but not enough to believe him because Naoya could just be manipulating you to be compliant for human trafficking.
And then he takes you to another room, on the way you see a lot of other people who are looking at you fondly and have tears in their eyes, they seem like they want to say something or touch you, but Naoya glares at them to move away. Eventually, you reach a door and on opening it, you see a man sitting on a wheelchair, looking away from you.
"Who's that?" You asked as Naoya gently pushed you in. He walked towards the man, turning his wheelchair around and your breath hitched-
"Y/n, meet Toji, your-"
"Dad?" You whispered, recognising him as memories flashed through your mind. How- how could you have forgotten him all these years?
Tears began flowing down your face as you saw his miserable state- his face emotionless, the man was missing an arm, and he looked pale and weak.
"Gojo did this to him." Naoya began. "While your father was fighting, Gojo tried to purple Hollow you. But Toji took the hit instead, protecting you. He almost died that day, but with a little cursed energy, we were able to save him." He sighed, patting Toji's shoulder. "Unfortunately, he is paralysed. The cursed technique we tried to save him, has sent him into a vegetative state. He can't move, can't speak, doesn't even react."
More tears fell as you began questioning if Gojo really did this. Then again, if he was so innocent, why did he never tell you who your father really was.
"Why- why did you bring me here?" You asked.
Naoya scoffed. "Why wouldn't I? I had to save you from that monster. Look at what he did to your father! How could have I just leave you with him? You belong here, with your family, with your clan!"
"I cant- I can't stay here." You said, tearfully.
"Why not?"
"Because Gojo will find me. And when he does, he will hurt you all. I- I can't have that-" but Naoya pulled you into a hug as you began sobbing into his chest, heart heavy with guilt at the sight of your father.
"Shh, its okay. This is not your fault. You didn't do this, Gojo did. Which is precisely why you must stay here, with me and with your father. Besides, you don't need to worry about Gojo. I'm not a weak sorcerer, yknow? And not alone either. Plus, I remember you neutralising Gojo's attack pretty easily as a child. I'm sure you're better at it now. Obviously, not better than your uncle, I mean who are we kidding? No ones better than me-"
Yeah, you're remembering Naoya alright now.
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Meanwhile, Gojo is losing his mind and is on a murder spree through Japan to find you. He doesn't even know who fucking took you, and Naoya may not be as strong as Gojo, he is pretty good at hiding, like a rat.
Besides, Gojo isn't the only who's looking for you.
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satoruwiki · 4 months
feed us more naoya headcanons!!!
…more?? 🧍‍♀️ who am i to deny you
♡₊˚ Naoya is the type of man to…𓈒 ˚ ⟡ pt.2
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content: jjk headcanons; half sfw/half nsfw; afab!reader; another glimpse of the horrors you’d be going through as his partner lol
n/a: i almost went bald from how hard i was scratching my head to come up with more hcs, but i think i made it?? lol
these are my hcs! feel free to agree or disagree :b any request/interaction supporting this post is very much appreciated <3
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sfw ver! ୨ৎ
Naoya is the type of man to… be excessively controlling. From what you eat to what you wear, Naoya will strictly decide it for you, because he always knows what’s best for you, so don’t even try to object. Unless you want to put him in a bad mood.
Naoya is the type of man to… act like a loving husband in public but treat you like trash at home. Only the clansmen and whoever is close to you would actually know how your life is as Naoya’s spouse. Naoya cares about being the best at everything, therefore he’d pretend to be a good husband to you when going out.
Naoya is the type of man to… have a long lasting situationship. If it isn’t by an arranged marriage, don’t expect him to ever commit to you. He hates any type of commitment that isn’t with himself. He’ll make up excuses or will simply tell you that you are both fine just like you are. However if you ever try to distance yourself from him, that is something he won’t allow you. You guys aren’t nothing serious, but he still wants to keep you within reach.
Naoya is the type of man to… gaslight you and purposely guilt trip you so you never leave him. If you ever get sick of him and try to leave, Naoya will literally make everything your fault and/or harass so you end up feeling bad and comeback to him. And no, he won’t change for you.
Naoya is the type of man to… make everything about himself. Naoya doesn’t care about what you like or your thoughts, they aren’t important or relevant to him. But you should listen to him ramble about his cousin or his ideology though. Most of the conversations with Naoya would consist of: how great he is, he’s the only one who truly ‘understood’ Toji and everyone is weak except him.
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nsfw ver! ୨ৎ
Naoya is the type of man to… choke you. Not to the point of killing you, of course. He still needs his little cockwhore alive and well for him to bury his cock into your warm walls whenever he pleases.
Naoya is the type of man to… have a huge dacryphilia kink. He won’t cum if he doesn’t see you cry.
Naoya is the type of man to… edge you. You would have to beg for mercy in order for him to even consider let you cum. He can go on for hours edging you and never get tired of your pleas. He finds pleasure in reducing you into a needy pathetic slut.
Naoya is the type of man to… be into shibari. He probably knows every knot in the damn book and will tie you up with ease and differently each time. You would look cute tied up though.
Naoya is the type of man to…. into knife and wax play. No big explanation here, he’s just really into bdsm and making you feel some sort of pain.
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komorim · 1 year
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something more
-> naoya x f!reader (kamo!reader)
[ synopsis. ] naoya had a reputation for being misogynistic, and he certainly didn’t believe that he would ever fall in love with the disgusting creatures called women. the only one worthy of his attention was the strongest female sorcerer, a woman who was nearing in skill to gojo satoru himself. yet the attention doesn’t mean he would treat you any better. but he wished he did.
[ content warnings. ] manga spoilers. misogyny. kidnapping. heavy angst. character death. mentions of child abuse. mentions of suicide. mentions of murder. mentions of attempted murder. mentions of torture. mentions of inhumane experiments. mentions of disability. allusions to sex. miscarriage. description of gore. reader is underweight. reader is older than naoya. belated love epiphany. more pain, possibly more than the suna one :)
[ word count. ] 3.7k
[ author’s note. ] wow. this story went from the original 10+ chapter fanfic to a 3 chapter fanfic to a one shot. after so many trial and errors, i finally decided to make this a one shot, even if that means i’ll have to cut some major plot points. the reason being that this story was developed a bit over a year ago, and i’m honestly starting to lose interest in finishing this as a series. well, here it is!
[ previously named: a cracked shell ]
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“i’m home,” naoya says as he slides open the door to your shared room. yet he doesn’t find you in there. he’s confused to say the least. even though you had a small fit with him the other day, it wasn’t nothing serious. you would always pretend as if nothing had happened. you were just like that. you didn’t like conflict, so in order to avoid it, you became somewhat of a pushover when it comes to most things.
your boundaries are set very low, and they continue to lower with every violation of them. it was one of the reasons you and naoya could coexist. he wished for an obedient little wife, and although you weren’t obedient per se, your character in its nature was close enough.
you never acted out of line as you were clear of the troublesome headache it would bring you. and naoya was okay with that.
it would be an understatement to say that his expectations for his wife also lowered. the original idea in his mind was that he would marry a docile, mindless woman who would do everything he asked of her without question. and you don’t fit that description. but he’s okay with you.
you, who is a sorcerer strong enough to rival geto and gojo.
it wasn’t a secret that naoya had always admired the strong. and even if it’s a woman, he’ll show some degree of respect to them as long as they’re stronger or on par with himself.
which is why he’s so lenient with you.
he remembers how miserable you looked when he first met you at the kamo estate when he was eight and you were nine.
the only reason he appeared at the kamo estate was that he heard of a secret kamo child that had been recently escorted back to the estate. though he wasn’t the type to come for solely this minor, insignificant purpose. no, he came since he heard the rumors of what you were.
not only had you inherited the kamo technique of blood manipulation, you also had an immense amount of cursed energy within you. though what made you the most special of all was the essence of your cursed energy.
a cursed energy with scent.
and not only did your cursed energy have a scent to it, the scent was odd. it had the ability to put people in a drunken state upon breathing in the fragrance too much. it was truly odd. something like this had never been seen. it was probably why the kamos were so hell-bent on bringing you back to the estate to recognize you as one of their own.
nine year old you was very similar to how you are like now. quiet, appearing to be uninterested in almost everything, and eerie. almost twenty years later of knowing you, he could never pinpoint exactly what it was, but you always seemed off. it was an eerie aspect that made others uncomfortable in your presence. maybe it was a dominating attribute that came with being that strong.
yet what he didn’t understand was why you always looked so miserable. you were so strong that you could destroy a city and possibly more if you wished. but you were never happy. eight year old naoya thought that if he was that gifted, he’d never have a bad day in his life. maybe it’s because you were born a girl that you are unable to be happy. after all, the elders always spoke of how unlucky it is to be a girl.
that was the first time he met you. only being able to get a glance of your face in a open room. the next time he saw you was at the goodwill event. you appeared to be the same as before. you didn’t speak much, you still looked miserable and unbothered, and you still had that eerie feeling about you.
around this time, naoya had been raised by the zenins’ misogynistic ideals for so long that he has also adopted them himself. and even if he knew that your current abilities can rival even the two most powerful jujutsu sorcerers, you were just a woman. you were born with the right, immense power, but the wrong gender. you were bound to one day become someone’s wife one day, confined to the chains of marriage and the duties of a woman.
your talent and power will succumb to nothing. it’ll all be useless.
maybe that’s when he first started hating you. he envied you for having the power he could not. his eyes grew red at the thought that a woman had received the main inherited jujutsu technique of the kamo clan when he himself only inherited a sub technique of the zenin. he feels frustrated that you have all this power and he’ll never be able to see its full potential since you’re a woman that’s destined to be in a house and nowhere else.
maybe that’s why he was desperate to hunt you down during the goodwill event. he was desperate to prove himself better. he couldn’t stand being weak compared to someone who’s power will become useless one day anyways.
but he lost. zenin naoya had lost. it was humiliating really; the way you barely looked at him as you successfully constrained him, proceeding to leave without a care in the world.
he had felt a new kind of sensation that day. a strong urge to see what kind of faces you can make other than that miserable, unbothered expression.
so when he found out from his father later on that you’ve been engaged to him, he found it perfect. he’ll have the rest of eternity to make you say something, feel something more than hopelessness. you could tell that his preference for said feeling would be suffering, but it’s not like he ever succeeded, so you didn’t pay his unwell intentions much thought anyways.
it was at this point when he finally found out why you always looked miserable. after all, the least he could do as your fiancé was get to know you, albeit you didn’t want him to.
when he heard about your life so far, he laughed a bit. you’re so strong and yet you couldn’t prevent any of the tragic events in your life. the elders were right. a woman like you was destined to live out an unlucky life. but maybe yours was a bit too unfair, even by naoya’s opinion.
secret child born to loving parents, you had been raised without the kamos’ knowledge. at the age of nine, shortly before naoya first met you, an escort had appeared at the peaceful apartment you lived at and supposedly murdered your father. your mother fell into hysteria and blamed your existence for the death of her only love. she looked at you with hatred, with the intent to kill her only child. and when she regained some sense of logic, she would hold you closely and cry. he bets that this on and off behavior you endured also dried you up emotionally. and apparently your mother too, for she committed suicide in her room less than a year later.
before doing so, she didn’t forget to smash a rock onto your head. either trying to take you with her or trying to enact some revenge for the love of her life he doesn’t know. but what he does know is that the damage caused absolutely destroyed your right ear.
irreparable loss of hearing.
however unlikely, it was probably the hearing of your tragic childhood that made naoya show you a bit of kindness after the marriage. he showed some form of respect for you, the one who survived such a past and also you, the one stronger than himself.
you had also noticed this. how he wasn’t exactly like how the rumors depicted him. but you paid no mind, as he still treated you as lesser than. it was to be expected. and although the younger you would scowl at the disrespect shown by someone younger than you, the current you couldn’t care less.
you were only a wife to naoya for one reason. to escape being assigned as the next clan leader.
you could never take that position. not when you saw how the kamo clan had crushed your family. not when you saw how noritoshi hated you for receiving the attention of the elders. you knew about the boy. his mother being a mistress made his standing in the clan awkward. and you knew how much he needed to be the next clan leader in order to reunite with his mother.
so you allowed him to take the position of heir. you declined as your uncle, the clan leader, tried several times to make you the heir. you knew why he treated the two of you so differently. one was the only child of his only little sister, the last blood relation to her on this world, and the other was simply a mistress’s son, albeit his own.
but you couldn’t destroy a family the way he destroyed yours. you didn’t want to watch as noritoshi falls into despair like you. so even when your uncle pressured you with the choice or either marriage or heir, you confidently chose to be married off.
and what a choice it was.
from day one of being zenin y/n, you already disliked the atmosphere of the zenin household. but alas, it was the place where you would be living for probably the rest of your life.
and when the year passed by and you still had no sign of child, the zenin naobito had attempted to have you divorced.
least to say naoya was furious when he heard. why? because he finally had the second strongest sorcerer chained to his side. how was he supposed to just willingly give you up? but he and yourself both know what the cause for your lack of child was.
the fact that naoya refused to touch you.
it’s not like you minded. you had no emotions for your husband; you couldn’t care less if he had someone pleasuring him outside. in fact, you’d probably be better off if he did.
but that wasn’t the reason naoya didn’t want to lay a finger on you. suprisingly, he had more than just one single reason.
one of which was that he still didn’t want to be so intimate with such a lowly creature, a woman. but he needed an heir and he knew this well. actually, it would be best to have his heir be birthed by you. the possibility of your child inheriting some of your incredibly unnecessary cursed energy, or better yet, inheriting your unique scent would be splendid.
but the most important reason was that your body most likely couldn’t handle it. not to mention the mental toll that your past and even the duration you were a sorcerer had on you, you had a more concerning issue. you turned sickly after overexerting yourself during the time at jujutsu high. and although he shouldn’t care so much for a mere woman’s life, he knew that you were different, and he couldn’t afford to lose such a valuable asset like yourself.
he’s seen how pregnancy does a woman over, and as much as no one would believe it, he doesn’t want that to happen to you. either for his own selfish reasons, or for the reason he dreads, the reality was that he was contempt with not having an heir in the mean time.
so divorcing you? absolutely out of the question.
if his father used not having any emotional attachment as an excuse to tear you away from him, he would create that emotional attachment. fake or not, he won’t have anyone thinking of making him divorce you.
so he pushed himself. he pushed himself to treat you as a decent human being, and pushed himself to buy gifts for you when he’s out, going out of his comfort zone to try and pleasure you.
he allowed you and gojo to continue writing letters to each other. although he’s still sick to the stomach knowing his wife is conversing with another man, he knows that ever since you had been more in touch with your childhood friend, your mood became better.
and finally, on your second year of being married to naoya, he was finally able to see a genuine smile grace upon your lips.
it was the wish he had when him and you were still engaged and not yet married. the wish that you could display an expression different than that of your normal, unbothered one.
and it was beautiful.
he knew you were a looker since the day he first met you. and maybe that’s a subconscious reason why he always wished you could show some more emotion. but seeing your actual smile was so much different. it’s almost as if he’s been blind all his life and finally saw light.
and as much as he wants to deny it, maybe he did have a growing place in his heart for you.
so why are you now missing when things were just starting to get better? it wasn’t long after when he first shared a kiss with you and the two of you started acting more like a married couple, and now you’re nowhere to be seen?
naoya first reached out to gojo within two hours of you not being home, and when the white haired man responded with he didn’t know where you were either, naoya almost lost his mind.
she’ll be okay, he thinks to himself. but another voice in his head reminds him of how you’re not in a state to fight. weirdly your physical state has deteriorated the past few days, and you turned into a even more sickly condition.
it isn’t until the next day when he confirms with hayashi, your personal servant, that you haven’t returned during the night does he really lose it.
weird too. hayashi was saved by you as a child, and follows you around ever since to repay you. he’d never leave your side, so why is he still in the estate and you’re not?
hayashi responds to the question with how you were invited out by a letter, and he wasn’t able to see the sender.
it was a dead end.
quite a few months pass by before naoya finally hears about you. by this time, naoya has thinned down quite a bit and also looked abnormally pale. probably from the lack of sleep or the lost of appetite. or both.
and what he heard from gojo made sick to the stomach, so much that he wished to throw up even though his stomach was empty.
you were found.
the bad news? you were found bloodied and very much dead. you were found rotting.
and although gojo was wearing sunglasses that covered his eyes, anyone could tell the way this affected him through the crack in his voice as he struggles to continue on. after all, he already lost a best friend, and now he had just lost his childhood friend; he lost the one that he swore to protect since your parents failed to do so.
not much information was exchanged after the initial news was delivered, for it pained gojo too much to describe the horrendous scene in which you were found in. but he did take naoya to the scene shortly after he delivered one last piece of news that was sure to shatter naoya.
you were pregnant.
naoya wasn’t all that surprised. in the last few months in which you were missing, he thought of you a lot. how you looked paler, sicklier than usual. how you were more sensitive than usual.
and because of his guess, he had treated you much better than before. he knew how you used to get suspended from jujutsu high for being overly cruel when some curse user would overstep your boundaries. and although your sharp edges dulled over the years, he was still afraid you’d have even a sliver of thought to abort it. and he couldn’t let that happen.
but you probably didn’t know yourself.
“we’re here,” gojo announces.
he bids naoya well before waiting outside the warehouse. he already saw it once, and he couldn’t bear to see it again.
naoya braces himself before slowly walking inside. the interior of the warehouse seemed very normal. it looked like a warehouse for scientific research. there were lab tables, and giant fluid cases. the only thing out of the ordinary he noticed was how dirty everything was. there were many blood stains, but he convinced himself that it was too rusty and old to be yours.
as he walks further, that was when he saw it. the small hidden door in the far back. the door was unnecessarily heavy, seeming to made out of hard iron.
even if it was his first time being here, even if he can’t see what’s beyond the door, he knows what’s about to appear before his eyes.
and he dreads it.
but he still pushes open the door that has already been forced open once. it was easy, seeing how the lock had been destroyed completely. but what wasn’t easy was the capacity to handle everything that he saw.
cruel tools that his imagination can help show him what their uses were. red colored stains on the floor and counters. pieces of meat each around the size of a finger littered around the damp and suffocating room.
syringes. tubes of medicine. medical equipment. chains and shackles. bandages, both used and new. disposed pieces of surgeon uniforms, all covered in blood and a weirdly colored substance.
it didn’t take a psychic to know what had happened here. it didn’t take an actor to imagine the performance that undergone here.
the performance of torture. the act of experimenting on a living human being.
naoya’s trembling although he doesn’t notice it. he comprehends the emotions inside him bubbling as anger that someone had dared to lay their hands on what was his. but the truth was that this unfamiliar feeling he had was despair. something his pitiful wife was familiar with, but something he had only now acquainted.
despair over the fact that all this equipment was used on you and despair over the fact that when you were in pain and suffering, he couldn’t do anything about it.
he slowly walks over to the small bed in the corner of the room. he noticed the blood stains on the sheets and the shackles on the headboard and footboard. most of all, he noticed he noticed the small shard piece covered in blood. he knew why it was covered in blood although no one told him.
it was probably what you had used to end your life.
he stares at it with a blank face, and he eventually reached out to grab it, grief and frustration causing him to clench the shard so hard he sees red. but it doesn’t hurt.
it’s nothing compared to the atrocities you endured.
you were missing for months. he had been informed that your death report showed that you had only died a few days ago. to imagine that you had to suffer from these cruelties for months; the only thing in his mind was how strong you were.
he turns around to walk back out. to see you again. he deemed that it was worthless to stay here any longer.
as he was leaving the room that housed your pain, he saw it. the thick notebook filled with notes and scribbles of the things done to you.
from cutting away pieces of you to examine your genetic makeup, to attempting to force the day of labor so they could research his child; every word written was horrendous.
the contents journaling the day it was discovered that you were pregnant were drastically different than before.
at first it was just terrifying experiments performed on you to determine why you had an intoxicating scent to your cursed energy, but then when they couldn’t find anything out, they wanted to try to copy the trait completely. through what? the child you were harboring.
as naoya flipped through more and more pages, he saw how they took their research further and further. and as things failed again and again, their methods only became more inhumane.
when he finally couldn’t take it anymore, he threw the notebook behind him harshly, hearing a violent thump shortly after. he met up with gojo outside the warehouse and notices how his eyes were somewhat red.
when he brought naoya to your body, that was when both men couldn’t take it anymore.
your originally sickly features looked even worse. you had grown paler and you looked like you had starved for every day you were missing. all that was left of you was skin and bones. there were bruises on your skin, littering almost everywhere the eye can see. the ones on your wrists and ankles naoya knew were from the shackles confining you, and the others on your body seemed to be wounds still unable to fully heal.
you, who hated becoming dirty, lay there with dried blood and dirt on your body. your skin had turned gray and you felt colder than ice. yet naoya still held your hand, trying to warm it up like he had done so before.
but he knew it was fruitless. you couldn’t possess body warmth anymore, and you had no need for it either.
but as he holds your hand with both of his own, what he doesn’t know—what haunts his mind—is the question of did you wish for him to come to your rescue when you had passed day by day and week by week in that tiny little room.
were you disappointed as days passed and he still hadn’t come?
or did you think he wouldn’t come? did you doubt his love for you and think he wouldn’t care if you were there by his side or not? did you think you were replaceable?
but the fact is that you weren’t. albeit how badly he showed it, he knew he couldn’t lose you.
he smiles bitterly as he pressed his lips to your cold forehead and thinks. maybe the possessiveness he held for you had a different meaning. he realizes that even if he denied to everyone that he didn’t love you, maybe he did.
but it’s too late now. he only knew now. he’s only now understood what it was that he felt when you left. you probably also never knew.
after all, you left without giving him a chance to tell you.
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do not copy or repost my works. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated.
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zukkaoru · 1 year
the thing about megumi is that. he's just a kid. he's been pretending to be an adult since he was five and he's fooled a lot of people. he drinks black coffee, he reads nonfiction books, he doesn't get involved with the others' antics, he pretends he doesn't care. he emulates the adults he's known - detaches himself like his father, places himself in the background like his step-mother, takes on the responsibility of protection like gojo - but he's not an adult. he's fifteen. he's scared, and he's miserable, and he keeps losing everyone he's cared about. tsumiki was cursed, itadori was sentenced to death, gojo was sealed, tsumiki was possessed, and of course everything inside of him shattered. he's been masquerading as someone years older than he is for his entire life, until he snapped in half, because he is a child. and he craves love just as much as anyone else, even if he's been made to believe he should be stronger than that. he's fifteen years old. he should be doing algebra homework and standing in tsumiki's bedroom doorway just to be an annoying little sibling and fighting with gojo over stupid things like curfew times or wanting a pet and instead, he threw himself headfirst into a sorcerer death match and lost everything including himself and he was using all the energy he had left in a last-ditch effort to protect his friends because he loves them and he loves and he loves and he loves and sukuna knew he could take advantage of that because if you look at megumi beneath the surface for even a moment, it's so obvious that he's just a kid who loves too much for his own good. he tries to hide it because he knows it will only hurt in the end, but he's fifteen and he never figured out how to truly erase his ability to care for others and when he's broken down to his bare essentials, when everything is gone but the shattered remains of his soul, what remains is a fifteen year old kid who just wants to be loved
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aka-lambda · 11 months
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I have this first design of one of the antagonists of my jjk oc lore.
This design is the first of four designs. This one represents her in the flashback arc about Toji's past.
MENTION OF SOME DARK THEMES: please consider that this OC is a villain and the creator doesen't necessarily agree with her actions.
Biographical informations
Name: Junko Zen'in
From Japanese 順 (jun) meaning "obedience" or 純 (jun) meaning "pure" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Personal description
Species: Human
Birthday: 21 March
Age: 67(2018)
Gender: Female
Height: 168 cm
Hair color: black
Eye color: hazel
Professional status
Status: deceased
Relatives: unknown mother
                  Unknown father
                  Naobito Zen'in (husband)
                  Unnamed sons
                   Naoki Zen'in (son)
                   Naoya Zen'in (youngest son)
Occupation: wife of the head of Zen'in clan
Affiliations: Zen'in clan
Cursed technique: drain
Hobby: smoking the kiseru
Favorite food: shio Ramen (it is the oldest variation of Ramen with a lot of salt  with chicken, vegetables,  fish or marine seaweed)
Least favorite food: none
Stress source: Toji Fushiguro
Life is a gift for us but the worst of the condemn for others, too bad you were just unlucky,  but you must admit that you have lost .
-Junko to Ogi Zen'in
Junko appears incredibly calm and composed in her manners, she barely does hand gestures while speaking often maintaining a soft smile and a soft voice.
Even if someone could have the impression of her flirting with them Junko can stay distant and strict even with her soft facial expressions and relaxing tone of voice.
Especially when she was younger she knew to be a beautiful woman and wanted to express it always caring about her physical appearance given also from the fact that she was raised in a noble family.
She is so good at looking self confident, Junko looks incredibly secure of her ideas and thoughts considering also  her social status and the fact that she was the wife of the head of the clan. She seems to be caring but actually she shows no empathy for the other clan members, especially Ogi Zen'in and Toji Fushiguro while she acted as an highly manipulative woman towards Jin'ichi Zen'in and her own sons not seeing them actually as humans but only caring about their own strength, techniques and purposes.
Naoya was her favorite among her sons and she made him to believe that he could do everything he wanted in his life, even justifying his orribile behaviors, she wanted him to become the head of the clan and felt betrayed when Naobito gave to Megumi the title. But despite her condescending manners towards Naoya and the other sons she barely showed genuine affection to them having to raise them all almost the same time.
Junko has strong and controversial ideas thinking about the supremacy of cursed techniques and the desire to arrive to stronger techniques. That's why she brutally gaslight Ogi and his wife for having daughters "not strong enough". She is completely obsessed by strength given by the cursed energy and she is scared by everything that goes in a different way like the people affected by the heavenly restriction: she is horrified by Toji because, for her, he is the "black sheep" and the "different one" and even if she looks so self confident she is highly insecure and scared from what she doesen't know and tries to find a scapegoat like Toji or Maki.
Being a  woman doesen't mean not being misogynistic: Junko shows a lot of interiorized misogyny especially towards Hanako,  she always tells her to shut up in presence of the other family members especially if men and to have a better language in front of them, trying to teach her how a woman should  behave. She has similar behavior to Mariko and Mai.
Rarely Junko has a physically violent side that tries to hide but it was showed with the death of Naoya: Junko brutally kicked the corpse of Maki's mother after discovering that she killed her son, revealing her unhinged disorder hidden too much.
Role in the story
Probably born in a side family or a distant relative of the Zen'in family (they can pratice inbreeding sadly) Junko knew from the start that she would have been the wife of an important member of the Zen'in clan. Even  with her destiny already decided by others she managed to find the advantages of marrying Naobito: he would guarantee a life in luxury and she didn't mind giving him some sons and daughters.
After not much time from the marriage Junko had the first sons, Yutaka was the can leader and she was scared that he could pass the title to Ogi and not her husband.
Fortunately for her the first son and daughter of Ogi born dead while the sons of Junko had a good health even if for now none of them inherited the projection sorcery.
Junko considered poisoning Ogi as an option but he was weaker than Naobito that maybe would have become the head of the clan, instead of that she started to poison Yutaka slowly killing him that was obliged early to give to Naobito the title since his sons Toji and Jin'ichi weren't enough to become leaders. Junko discovered that also Ogi poisoned Yutaka at the same time contributing to kill him and trying to do the same with Naobito but being discovered by her.
The final victory was hers and when Maki and Mai were born she found another reason to bother Ogi and his wife.
Before that when she was pregnant of her latest sons she got close to Jin'ichi taking advantage to the absence of Yutaka as a father, making him to see her as a mother and slowly manipulating him with the purpose of putting him against Toji, she was horrified by Toji and wanted to throw him out of the family. Jin'ichi became incredibly envious of his younger brother even despising him for not having a technique.
That time young Jin'ichi had a future wife: Mariko, Junko convinced him that she was cheating on him with a member of the clan Kamo and pushed him to kill Mariko and to give all the fault to Toji, she also managed to provide to false proofs for it.
In 2007-08 Junko was one of the first Zen'in clan members that wanted Hanako to marry her last son Naoya. Even with this she was cruel with her also imposing her "feminine" clothes and manners. She was killed by Hanako's fans  ten years later after trying to escape with Naoki and brutally kicking the corpse of Maki's mother after she discovered that she killed her favorite son(she came to visit the rest of clan discovering that they were all killed). She didn't oppose any resistance to Hanako.
Cursed technique
Drain: Junko's cursed technique allows her to suck up the cursed energy and vital strength from the opponent but only if they are wounded. After that she is obliged to pass the cursed energy and vital strength stolen to another person touching them. If she doesen't pass the cursed energy to others there will be bad consequences for her body. She can suck up the vital strength even from injured animals and the cursed energy from injured curses, she can also take the cursed energy present in an area.
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ly0nstea · 7 months
Spoilers for JJK up to the start of ths culling games
Imo Maki would've been better off not having heavenly restriction and just being a normal person with no CE, and having Naoya live the massacre and follow her to the culling games for revenge, only to have to rely on her for the entire thing not to get slaughtered to show that not only is A) a better fighter, but B) a better person and force him to fundamentally change as a person. I don't need it to be like a big come to Jesus moment where Naoya vows to rebuild the Zen'in clan with honour and letting Maki and Megumi go of their ties to it, he could very well die in the culling games, but i think Maki's mom killing him is such wasted potential (story of JJKs life post-Shibuya tbh)
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whispers-of-lilith · 7 months
Okay, okay hear me out, Naoya Zen'in–
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zeninsama-moved · 9 months
mercury! i am curious to know more about the zen’in babies, if you are interested in sharing <3
omg... so for starters, they are the tiniest and sweetest babies you've ever seen, with the cutest little ears. all of them take after naoya, dark hair and golden eyes. the boys are close in age, maybe a year and a couple months between them. the youngest is your lil baby girl and she somehow takes the most after her father when it comes to personality. especially when she's a teen, they'd bicker and butt heads all the time. the boys would all inherit the projection technique and train to be sorcerers, as to be expected for all zen'in males. baby girl zen'in will never be a sorcerer regardless of technique but naoya would let her do literally anything else, in my heart she would be a fashion student at some prestigious college. naoya would tease her like "ya can't find a cheaper hobby?" but he is always mindful of stepping around her sketches. classic girl dad that'll have a fucking heart attack when she's dating anyone, especially boys. he's mean-mugging them from the front door with his arms crossed.
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dab1-ex · 2 years
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The Samurai
Pairing : Choso x reader ( Naoya x reader)
Warnings: Smut, domsub, slight choking, some angst, fluff.
Part 4
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
"Wife!" Naoya screamed.
He came storming towards, each step felt heavier than the next, you could feel each and every plank on the floor shift as he walked towards you.
This was it you thought, Naoya was going to punish you for being so close to the Samurai. This would be your moment of submission to him, of true submission, it was all coming to this moment.
After the wonderful day you had, of course this would be the ending you weren't in a fairy tale so why would you think for a minute that a happy ending would be blessed upon you.
"You're Late!"
"I sent the handmaid to look for you but they say you've been in the town. How irresponsible of you, you don't even have your husband's permission and you venture off. Had it not been for him being with you I would of killed you had the people below not done so themselves"
He hadn't done it, he hadn't backhanded you to the ground how you thought.
"Thank you for your service, leave us now" with that Choso left you and Naoya alone.
You looked at Naoya and he peered down at you.
"Get inside!"
You swiftly opened the door moving out of the way so he could enter first, he pushed passed you and entered your room.
You entered head bowed down, with a face bearing no emotion. He sat on the bed, looking at your form.
"Get done, the ceremony is soon, you've wasted enough time playing local"
You walked to the bathroom to clean yourself up. When you were in the bathroom you looked at yourself in the mirror; hair wild and makeup nearly all but gone from your face, you could only imagine what Naoya was thinking.
You slowly ran water and started moving a cloth underneath it, ringing it out and slowly wiping your face clean. Tears started to form, you couldn't do this anymore, even though Naoya hadn't done anything you couldn't keep pretending to be a housewife. It was slowly eating you up from the inside out. You finished cleaning your face and left the bathroom, eyes red and cheeks puffy.
Naoya noticed, of course he would was he going to say anything of course not.
You opened the long cupboards to look for a kimono to wear to the sake opening festival that the Kamo's held to honour their alliance with the Zenin's and your father.
Naoya pushed you to the side and he began examining the kimonos that were packed in for your stay at the Kamo Estate. He picked up a lilac one then placed it back, then a navy one and placed it back in its spot, he did this with nearly every kimono examining it, touching the fabric looking at the intricate designs that were sewn into each. He had finally picked up a deep red one, he examined it, with its embroidered butterflies that were on the sleeves.
"This one" he said turning towards you, lifting it towards your body as if seeing how it would look on you.
"Yes husband, I'll call the handmaidens to help me" you said looking down.
"Its not necessary"
"Husband I doubt I could put such a magnificent kimono on by myself"
"You won't put it on alone"
With that he began removing you of your previous kimono that was a less luxurious fabric. You stood in your undergarments in front of him.
He slowly put each arm into the kimono, gently as if you were porcelain. He began tying your kimono, pushing you closer to each other.
"Do you know what butterflies symbolize (Y/N)?"
"Why are you doing this husband?"
"Do you?" He asked referring to his question.
"No husband" you said looking into his eyes.
" They represent metamorphosis; change. Change for the better for good health, wealth and prosperity" He said as he tightend the koshi himo belt. He began tying the obi.
"My father has asked of me to produce an heir, that obviously you would be carrying. I know our life back at my father's estate hasn't been ideal, me fucking you like a fertile bitch isn't any woman's dream of true love. I understand that. My father has spoken to me in private about it, while you wonder the Estate. So I'm going to try his way and if by the second season you are still baren then this was all futile" he said pulling your body to his as he tied the obi to is necessary knot.
"So I'm going to treat you like a woman I love even if I don't"
He took his hands off the knot and walked away from you, walking to the door
"Apply your makeup and meet me in the courtyard when you are done, I wish to get this venture done" as he left.
You stood their dumbfounded, only a few minutes ago you were crying in the bathroom about this curse of a life, for the man you were infatuated with you could never be with, only for the man you've wedded to decide that he wishes to treat you life a wife, like a woman he loves.
You entered the caught yard under the moonlight, with the beautiful red kimono with butterfly embroidery motifs, the one Naoya chose for you. Your beauty was evident as even the moon wished to shine upon your face to see you in all your glory.
You kept your gaze down and could hear Naoya approach you.
"You look beautiful, my wife" he said taking your hand to kiss it.
"Thank you" you said finally looking up, you finally noticed who else stood in the courtyard it was your companion from earlier that day Samurai Choso. He smiled at you and you wish you could return the favor but simply bowed your head in his direction.
Naoya grabbed you by your waist and led you to the great dining hall that would host the guests dedicated to your families sake business.
You turned one more time towards Choso as if thanking him for the day even if you knew it didn't mean much to him as it did to you.
You entered the great dining hall, with Naoya by your side as your names were announced.
"Naoya-Sama and his wife " announced the man.
When Choso saw you enter the courtyard he knew it, he knew he had fallen for you. He thought it was something only children did to fall madly in love with someone that they barely knew and only from the few hours the two of you had spent, but he knew it was you.
His mother had warned him about the prophecy that they had foretold at his birth. He would become one of the greatest Samurais that would be known, but he would lose all notibility if he met her. The woman who was seen in the prophecy, unnamed and beautiful she was. He would have no chance when he met this woman as to him it would feel like nothing mattered more than her.
Choso always used to fear this prohecy when his mother told him it as a boy, he always wanted to be a great warrior and defend his people, but to lose it all to someone he didnt know and it was inevitable frightened him. He tried his best to avoid all woman for this but now as he found her in you he felt like a fool, because all the time he had lived without you now felt wasted and it felt as if he could finally breath.
He knew you were the woman his mother spoke of that would stand beside him, he realized that when he saw you in the meadow with your hair flowing about as the sun hit it.
He contemplated it with himself once Naoya dismissed him, how could he be sure it was you, but then he thought of your smile and how everything the world offered made you curious, and then that thought was solidified when he saw you in the courtyard only a few minutes ago. The way the moon shone on your face as if trying to steal your beauty, he could feel the red string tied around his finger and he knew it was leading to you.
Choso had finally admitted to himself, that even though your exchange was brief no more than a few hours, that you were the one that his heart had yearned for, for so many years.
It was you.
The festivities were in full swing after dinner was served, men began drinking, the geisha began playing and the yobai lounged about.
True to his word Naoya didn't leave your side, he treated you like his wife. Like a woman he chose to marry out of love and not benefits.
He introduced you to the people that your father worked with and who were supplying their pubs back at the Zenin Estate and now at the Kamo Estate.
The festival was going well and you were seeming to enjoy yourself even if it was for a moment, that was until you heard the head of the Kamo clan shout in anger.
"Who here has spoken to someone outside about our business opening Sake pubs!" He shouted.
"The people are uprising at the prices, they think we trying to scam them, what is this!"
Everyone stopped their chatter and quietly looked around examining who they thought the Kamo head could be referring to.
"You!" He said pointing towards you.
"It was you wasn't it, I saw you wonder off to that town, spreading false narratives to those people"
"I can assure you she didn't" Naoya said intervening.
"You think you can protect this woman"
"I will and I shall protect my wife against false accusations made against her"
"Let it be known, and as all my witness tomorrow we shall testify this statement against this girl, for now drink her sake and feast my food. If the claims are proven true then the Zenins will have more than Sake to worry about" the head of the Kamo stated.
You looked at Naoya with tears beginning to build.
"Come on let's go to the room" he said dragging you out of the great hall.
"Don't listen to what he said, his a drunken fool, I'll clear your name in the morning and we'll be gone by the afternoon and home by the evening" Naoya said undressing.
"Thank you" you said quietly.
He walked over towards you. Slowly he began to untie your obi.
"Its alright I can do it husband"
"I'm the one who tied it I should be the one to untie it" he said sternly.
You left him to untie and he slowly took it off doing the same with your belt.
His breathing got heavier as he began to drop the kimono from your shoulders. You placed your hand on his chest.
"I can take it from here" you said.
"I haven't fucked you as a proper husband yet" he said lowering his voice.
He knew what it was doing to your body. He slowly began taking it off along with you jubani and then your undergarments.
"I know you haven't husband"
"Would you like me too?" He said with a small smirk.
Even though Naoya was trying the way his father wanted he still couldn't hide that carnal urge to take.
He kissed you slowly passionately.
Your tongues slowly dancing with each other until you submitted to his dominance.
He picked you up, and your legs wrapped around his waist. He walked to the closes wall pushing you against it as he humped you through his garments he still had on.
You moaned with each thrust, even though his member wasn't free you could feel it through his clothes. That large thick member that hit deep inside your aching walls. You kissed him harder thinking about bringing your own body closer to his to feel more of him. It was all to much, you moaned at the pleasure radiating through your body.
"I was never a man of foreplay....but you're changing my mind" he said smirking.
He began playing with your tits, slowly kneading them. He then sucked on one nipple while he still massaged the other breast. The pleasure of his skilled tongue moving along your nipple as he pulled, sucked and flicked your nipple with his tongue was becoming to much. He swapped his mouth and began sucking the other nipple doing the same motions.
"Please!" You begged as tears of pleasure were starting to form.
He pulled his head up from your breast and carried you to the bed, he set you upon the bed and he stood at the foot of the bed, his kimono hung open exposing his toned physique.
He walked to you on the bed. He kneeled at the foot of the bed and grabbed you by your legs. Placing each leg on the side of his head.
"You're leaking all over the bed... don't worry I'll help clean it up"
He began running his tongue up and down your aching pussy, you needed more.
"Please husband, please!"
You weren't exactly sure what you were begging for all you knew you needed to have more of his pleasure.
"My needy wife want more. What would you like my cock shoved in you?" You nodded.
"A pity I'm not their yet" he said diving back at your pussy.
He began sucking on your clit, sucking and pulling which caused your wetness to grow. He inserted a finger inside you while he sucked your clit.
The sensation of his tongue and finger was starting to become to much and you knew you were close as the knot in your stomach was unraveling.
He sensed you nearing and placed his tongue flat at your entrance moving it side to side as his fingers rubbed your clit faster.
You came squirting straight into Naoyas mouth as you screamed and moaned.
You panted as you the feeling calm down you lifted your body up to see Naoya drenched with a look of a madman in his eyes.
"I'm sorry" you said as you began to panick.
He simply stood up and dropped his kimono along with his undergarments.
He once again grabbed your legs wrapping them around his waist.
And with one swift movement he was in you.
"Naoya-Sama!" You screamed in pain and pleasure.
"Come on take it you're wet enough" he said as he started to thrust.
His thrusts were fast as if he needed to cum urgently.
"I'm going to fuck a baby into that womb of yours and you're going to take all my cum" he said as he moved his hand to your neck.
His thrusts were getting harder and the sound of his skin meeting yours filled the room.
He was near his thrusts were becoming sloppy now.
His body fell over yours now, his head in your neck as he rutted into your core.
He thrusted deeply into you and then you felt it as if it was the first time. The hot and warm liquid being shot into you, but this time you welcomed it and moaned at its arrival.
Naoya continued to rut till his high came down. He lifted his head from your neck starring into your eyes.
Naoya starred at you for what felt like forever until he realized he was starring and quickly got up.
He fetched a cloth to clean you. As he was about to clean you off you kissed him, without warning without permission, just kissing him as a woman who loved a man would. He was caught off guard by this action. He melted into the kiss and kissed tou back as he was about to pull away you bit his lip.
You started to giggle.
"Thank you for the evening Naoya-sama" you said as you lied on the bed waiting for him to clean you off.
Naoya was caught of guard by this change in character but he was amazed by it nonetheless.
Naoya laid in bed with you now, you laying on his chest fast asleep as he starred into the abyss.
He knew that this moment of affection you showed him was because of how he fucked you and would be short lived and you would go back to your normal self in the morning.
But the look in your eye when he pulled out, it what his mother told him about as a child. Those sparkles like the stars he use to watch at night as a child were in your eyes.
He couldn't believe it, the small little bud of love was starting to bloom in his heart, even after the last flower that bloomed from it was destroyed, but he knew this time was different.
Naoya moved you into his arms and turned to the side holding you close, enjoying you as much as he could.
Choso stood in the courtyard looking at the star as he thought about you and the prophecy his mother spoke of again but instead of the unnamed woman she spoke of standing by him it was you.
Taglist: @brownskinnedgirll
Hope yall enjoy and let me know what you think and if you have any requests pls feel free to let me know🌸
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Can I ask for a baby/teen Fushiguro reader who has girls/ladies night with the women of the zenin clan? Like doing skincare and face masks. Because of this the men get jealous that baby/teen Fushiguro spends more time away from them?
Omggg yessss because it makes sense for baby fushiguro to want to spend time with the women of the clan because she spends most of her time with the men during her training and even during meal times, she has to sit by Naoya so that he can keep an eye on her and watch her eat. And when Naoya's away on missions or whatever, some other man of the clan will take his place and act all brooding and nonchalant while feeding you more food directly from their plates.
So, of course reader wants to spend some time with the females and they are all more than welcoming when you sneak into their common room and ask if you could join them. One of them is filing her nails and you look at her with curiosity and of course she offers to do you nails.
Cue the entire room now being a mini spa/salon for reader as the women all giggle and chatter about how adorable you look with the Hello kitty nails and ribbons tied around your double buns.
Maybe its been a while since Naoya saw you and he goes looking for you, only to slam the door open to the women's room and find you asleep in someone lap with cucumbers on your eyes and your chubby cheeks being massaged with baby lotion. And when Naoya comes to collect you, you chuck your cucumbers at him. Plus, the women dont allow their husbands to take you away from them during the "spa time", so now all men have spa days with you, much to the women's displeasure. But they'll learn to share you with them.
I can also see baby Fushiguro offering to give a massage to Naoya and Naoya's all smug because you CHOSE him to pamper, only for reader to smack his face HARD with her lotion covered hands, and now you're running away with Naoya chasing you.
As for teen Fushiguro, I can see her spending time with the women more for many reasons, mainly about bodily changes and her feelings because of course the men of the clan are all emotionally crippled, so they aint good at dealing with ya feelings and talking about them. I mean you did go to them once but they just turned very stiff and uncomfortable and told you that they bottle that shit up.
Obviously, Naoya is always gonna be jealous when you give anyone else attention, no matter for what, (like he thinks that you and the women are having some secret fun parties where you shit talk about him and mock him and stuff) so he will implore you/borderline DEMAND that you tell him whats bothering you right this instant or he will burn all of your Hello kitty merchandise.
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louisdelac · 7 months
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stanning maki isn't enough, i need to file for adoption fuckign stat. give her to me.
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