xnananko · 2 months
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What if…..?
What if…. Sora would have fought with Taichi and the others ? I always thought that it didn‘t feel right for Sora not beeing there. Even with all her inner conflicts ( like finding herself, maybe loosing biyomon ), I always interpreted Sora more selfless and more courageous. So somehow this didn‘t really felt like her. …for me.
So..what if Sora would have come to Taichi and Yamato… taking Taichis hand and beeing like „come on Taichi, we can do it.“. ( ..and here I am lost in my Taiorahead again xD) …so this is how it could be ..IF.. ;)
This also is the very first time I tried to color different….and used a very thin outline…I orientated myself a lot on the colors from the kizuna movie and on the style ….at first it felt very strange but I think at the end I am happy with the way it turned out….I‘m not sure if I will color more in this way or not…maybe :)
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xnananko · 2 months
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Can we always be this close?
Actually I wanted to post this on valentinesday, but somehow I wasn‘t happy with it …although I redrew it so many times. ..so I didn‘t post it. The last one I posted was a picture I was really proud of, but somehow it didn‘t got so much attention, so I was very unsure about posting this.
But I needed to remind myself that I draw for fun and need to be still proud of my works. So I decided to post it, even so it has it’s flaws.
I also want to thank everyone who supports me! All your likes and lovely words really make my day !
Especially @dutchforstrangers and @seventeenlovesthree , your words to my last work made me very happy :,) thank you so much !
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xnananko · 3 months
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Keep your head up.
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xnananko · 5 months
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Love Story.
We were both young when I first saw you, I close my eyes and the flashback starts, I'm standin' there, On a balcony in summer air.
I was inspired from the movie "Romeo and Juliet", so here we are with a "Taioraversion" of one of those scenes. While drawing I had the song "Love story" from Taylor Swift in my head and somehow with this I had this little scene in my head:
-Hikari, Mimi and Sora are meeting at a coffee house and are talking (all still in their teenager years)
-Mimi is fangirling about this song and how romantic it would be to fall in love with someone you know since childhood (because of the lyrics)
- somehow she is teasing Hikari about Takeru and how the song would fit them so well
-while denying everything Hikari trys to change the subject, but Mimi interrupts her and looks at Sora "You know ,there are also two other cute little childhoodfriends, who would match this song quite well"
-of course sora was annoyed from that topic (again), so Mimi ended it with a big cheeky smile
-the next day in school Sora couldn´t get the song out of her head (because Mimi couldn´t stop singing and humming the song), which annoyed Sora to a maximum. On top of that she starts daydreaming in class about the storyline of the song...and about those big brown eyes... But right in the middle Taichi interrupted her thoughts, which led to a stuttering Sora with a bright red face..... And thus Sora knew, she had to avoid Mimi and Taichi for a few days, or else her thoughts would drive her insane.
I would have loved to write it better, but I´m bad at telling storys. I still hope you like the idea and the picture of course!
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xnananko · 1 year
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Need some help guys?
Just a little imagination how both arrive to save the day <3
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xnananko · 1 year
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A summer rain full of memories.
„You know that you don´t have to take me home, right?“, she said while opening the door of a little cafe, in which she had just stayed for over three hours with her brown-haired company.
„Sure“, he said while closing the door and starting to walk, „but here we are, already walking right to your home. Besides, the weather forecast predicted rain and I have, on the contrary to you, this beautiful umbrella.“ He smiled while pointing it to her.
She slightly pushed his umbrella away and giggled.
„Baka, - you shouldn´t talk so high about yourself, when in reality someone else was just looking out for you.“
She was pretty sure that the rosy umbrella wasn´t his after all.
„Why should someone else remind me of the rain? Don´t you think I´m grown up enough to read the news?“ he laughed.
Her smirk grew bigger, while she shook her head. „I even wonder if you will ever grow up, Taichi.“
He grinned, while fixing his gaze on the sky. „I would be hurt if I didn´t ask myself the same thing.“
His smile faded somehow, as he lost himself in his thoughts and Sora wondered if there might be something he hadn´t told her yet. She wanted to ask him if there was something bothering him, but the nagging feeling inside her hindered her. Maybe she wasn´t in this position anymore.
She really wasn´t such a good friend for a while with all her absence and silence, not to mention her thereby connected failure as a digidestinent.
It´s like avoiding was her new superhero power, she ironically thought.
„Ah, it´s raining“, Taichi noticed, and opened the umbrella right above their heads. „Fortunately, we have this with us.“
Sora smiled suspiciously. „Thankfully, Hikari takes care of you all the time. - Mr. All grown up.“
„Why do you think it´s Hikaris? Don´t tell me I can´t have a pink umbrella, because as you can see, it suits me very well.“
Sora rolled her eyes. „Of course it does. Regardless, I  remember Mimi giving it to her as a present. Look.“ Sora pointed to the grip. „It also has Hikaris name engraved.“
Taichi smiled as he nudged her. „Okay, I give in. I was at Hikari right before we met. I also should send you her regards. She really can’t wait to see you.“
Her eyes grew brighter as a warm feeling spread through her stomach, just like hot chocolate on a cold winter's day.
So her friends weren’t disappointed after all, at any rate not desperately.
„The next time we see each other, we should do something for her as a thank you gift. Maybe some cookies, or a cake . I could teach you, if you want“, Sora chatters shyly, while she glances at the ground.
„Next time sounds great“, Taichi stated warmly and her gaze instantly met his. „It would be nice to have you more around.“
And with that, just for a moment, she was completely lost in his eyes.
Suddenly she sensed herself out of breath, as she noticed she was holding it all along. Her face felt warm and the noice of her beating heart was already buzzing in her ears.
Has she answered yet?
An embarrassed smile appeared on Sora's face, as she nodded slowly in response. Focused on avoiding his eyes quickly. Why does she have to be so close to him right now?
„You know, I´m really proud of you, Sora.“
Her gaze automatically shifted back to him. She was indeed irritated now.
„What do you mean?“, she questioned, unsure what he implied to.
„I talk about you, following your heart“, Taichi replied while shifting his gaze to the sky again. „You know, Koushiro told me how hard it was for you to not take part in our battles anymore.“ He stopped for a moment, choosing his words carefully.
„Somehow it did hurt to see that our group wasn´t the way it used to be. Everyone was changing and while all of you already chose a new path, I was still figuring out who I am and what I really want to do in the future.“ 
He paused and his eyes looked kind of empty, just as if he was drowning in a memory.
„Taichi..“, she whispered after a moment in a raspy voice. She was unsure what to say next, but as his eyes met hers and his lips formed this kind yet sad smile, he found his words again.
„I know, I couldn´t talk about it at that time. Somehow, there was a lot of pressure to be the head of our group with all the digimon fights in our world. There were so many risks, so many people who could be hurt, so many destroyed buildings. And with every step, all eyes were on us. On top of that, everyone was so occupied with their lives, that it was hard to solve all the problems together.“
He paused.
„To be honest, I also wanted to run away sometimes. Just being somewhere else with Augumon, seeing new things and living our own little adventure. But I couldn´t, because I know I would have disappointed my parents by not attending university so soon and on top oft hat I would have let you guys down. So that's why..“, he stared now right into her eyes. „I´m proud of you Sora. For having the courage to find your own path in designing. For doing things you really want and not because it makes someone else happy, but for your own sake. It´s important to live the life we really want to, so we won´t lose ourselves.“ 
She was stunned. Her head was out of words and somehow small tears made their way through her eyes. Quickly, Sora moved her hand to wipe away the undesired trace of sadness. Now wasn´t the time to cry, she decided for herself. His affective statement relieved her immensely, although she wasn´t quite convinced that her acts weren´t just pure selfishness. Yet the most touching part of his way of words was the undeniable similarity to Biyomons. Once again.
But this wasn´t a topic for now.
„I´m impressed, Taichi“, she said while sliding her sight to her surroundings, to get her feelings in control.
„Since when are you so upfront about your feelings? It almost feels like talking to the 12-year-old version of you again“ Sora chuckled.
„Maybe I really can´t grow up, but grow back into my younger self“ Taichi now laughed.
Sora patted her finger thoughtfully on her lips, while nodding her head in approval.„You´re right, that totally makes sense after all.“
„Hey!“ Taichi complained, amused while nudging her.
Just as their laughing softened, Taichi became more serious again.
„To be honest, it´s because of Agumon I started to change. Losing him made me realise many things and somehow I want to turn into a person he can be proud of.“
A heavy wave of emptiness automatically drew through her body. She nodded understanding while playing with her hands.
„Sometimes I wonder if it´s really impossible to meet each other again, because it just doesn´t feel like it at all“, Taichi added in a low voice. „But maybe it´s just me becoming insane.“
„I don´t think so“, Sora responded thoughtfully with a warm smile. Moving her hand closer to her heart, she felt a little confident to talk about Biyomon for the first time after losing her. 
„You know, sometimes I have the feeling Biyomon is still there somehow. There are moments I could swear I have heard her voice. And sometimes it´s like I could feel her anyhow. I know it sounds ridiculous and I can´t explain this feeling either, but I can´t shake this strong feeling, that we will definitely see each other again.“
Curious about his reaction, Sora gazed at Taichi and came instantly across a heart-warming smile. A cosy feeling flew automatically through her body and with it, just like that, a little voice was whispering in the back of her mind that maybe, just maybe, they both were still as close as they always used to be.
And all of a sudden her heart skipped a beat.
...or maybe even closer ;)
I started this picture in september, while it was raining outside. Somehow I had this scene in my head...and I was pretty unsure if I should try to also write it down..so I tried my best :)
This scene takes place after Kizuna.
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xnananko · 2 years
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Baby, there's a place where we can go Where it's always shining like the snow Listen to your heartbeat, don't you know That I just wanna be with you? -Be with you - Mondays
I got the inspiration from one of the stories of @dutchforstrangers! She really writes cute stories about Taiora ! So if you look for new stories about those two, you should check out her profile :)!
This picture is also a little homage to all the beautiful Taiora creators out there! Please feel a lot of inspiration with this (´cause I really really want and need to read more beautiful stories about them :'D).
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xnananko · 2 years
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A sky full of stars and he was staring at her.
It took one day. Here he was, thinking he already moved on after all this time and yet all it needed was just one simple day. Just some hiding and dancing in a field of sunflowers, some laughters and stupid jokes, some wallowing in memories, just a summer night with crickets chirping and ice cream under the moonlight and he was already drowning in her crimson eyes again.
This artwork is dedicated to the sunflower festival and the stellar taiora project.
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xnananko · 2 years
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Can you keep a secret?
I just finished the outline from an other picture, as I got the idea for this one. Somehow I just needed to draw it first and I don‘t know why :D maybe I liked the idea of it… I just don‘t know the story behind it - so what do you think ? Are they hiding because of a secret love, or maybe both are on a mission ? Or hast it something to do with digimon? I really want to know your opinion :) !
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xnananko · 2 years
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"Lying here with you so close to me. It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe. I'm caught up in this moment, caught up in your smile" (Just a kiss by Lady A)
This picture is for the story from the Taiora Co-creation project 2022. The scene was written by @dutchforstrangers. So if you want to know what happens and why Taichi hasn´t his typical haircut, stay tuned! I also thought, that the song "just a kiss" fits the scene quite good, so if you want to feel the mood a little more, it might help ;).
And what do you think about the pictures? I really wanted to find something, that fits Taichi. I also thought that they are a present from Hikari for his apartment :D. I kinda liked the idea how she helped him to decorate everything.
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xnananko · 2 years
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I totally wanted to draw something cute with those two for valentinesday, so here it is <3. I just imagined it as the first „couple picture“ of them. Maybe taken from Mimi or Hikari at a group meeting. Of course nobody knew about both beeing a couple, because they ( mainly Sora) didn’t wanted to be the center of attention..so somebody (Mimi) noticed it after a while and so they actually were the main topic after all ;)
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xnananko · 2 years
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Merry Christmas everyone ( although christmas is almost over )! I still hope you had a beautiful christmas eve with people you love by your side ☺️! Those days can be really hard sometimes because of lots of reasons!
So I hope all of you could still find something you love to do, or something that brings a smile to your face. And I hope this little piece will make some of you smile – even if it‘s just a little! :)
Maybe you recognize the pose of Taichi and Agumon. I took it from one of those official pictures and changed it to this christmas scene with Sora :)! So its a new interpretation in taiora christmas style ;)! Of better in kizuna taiora style:D I really wanted to try it, but I prefer the style of digimon adventure :). I hope you like it. I wish all of you beautiful holidays and a great start into the new year!
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xnananko · 2 years
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"Oh my, what a marvelous tune. It was the best night, never would forget how he moved. The whole place was dressed to the nines and we were dancing,
like we're made of starlight, like we dream impossible dreams. Don't you see the starlight? Don't you dream impossible things?" (Starlight by Taylor Swift)
This was drawn for the taioraweek2021 ( I´m not sure but I guess for the theme "romantic date"?). Well I couldn´t finish it in time, so here it is :D
I always imagined it as a moment on a friendly date, where they just see eye to eye and feel a lot that is totally more than friends.. It should be this moment, where you think you know someone your whole life, but than finally you see them in a different light.. just as if you thought you could see everything totally fine and than someone gives you some glasses und you finally see everything clear. :)
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xnananko · 2 years
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I finally could upload one of my pictures in time :D!
Here is my picture for the theme Halloween/AU. This is Taiora in "Shinobi Life" style, a manga written by Shoko Conami :D. It´s also the same pose from one of her covers. I just got the idea and thought about how cute it would be - just imagine Taichi as a ninja from an other era, meeting Sora, who just looks like his princess, so he wants to protect her all the time and falls in love with her :D!
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xnananko · 2 years
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My picture for the theme marriage for the taioraweek2021.
It´s not my best work and I thought about not posting it, but whatever. Here it is. Maybe I will redo it in the future ;).
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xnananko · 2 years
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Here is my picture for the third day of Taioraweek2021 :). I´m so sorry I couldn´t finish the pictures in time, but I still wanted to finish them. Sadly I don´t have enough time to post a picture for every theme, but it will definitely be not the last one!
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xnananko · 2 years
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I know I´m late, but here is my picture for the theme love.
"Let´s not talk." she said. "I just want to lay here with you, listening to our favorite songs. Songs we loved to hear, when everything was so easy." She closed her eyes, while a little teardrop left her eye, slowly crawling up her pale face. He watched her falling asleep. Actually it was always like this. When ever she was troubled, she was in her own little world, never letting one single word leave her lips. She was fighting her demons alone, thinking no one would notice. But as dems as he might seemed, he was totally aware of it all. He was always watching her, noticing every change in her smile, her walk, or the brightness of her eyes. He noticed the way she was looking at her phone all the time, not talking about her parents anymore. How she was practicing a lot, always leaving out the meetings with their friends. A single strand of hair slowly made its way right to her closed eyes. He resisted the feeling of touching it, bringing it right back to its place. Why was it so hard to resist touching her? She opened her crimson eyes, looking right into his . "You ok?" she whispered. A little smile crossed his face. It was so typical for her. Always worrying about everyone but her own. "Just enjoying the music" he whispered back. Now she was the one smiling, causing his heartbeat to speed up in an instance. "I love this song, too". He smiled back at her answer, still looking into her crimson eyes.
"Thank you, Taichi" she whispered again.
"Always" he answered, slowly closing his chocolate eyes, "always for you."
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