easthouh · 8 months
“The entire British museum is an active crime scene” - John Oliver
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easthouh · 8 months
"Destruction is a form of creation" - Donnie Darko, "Donnie Darko"
When whales die, and their corpses fall into the bedding of the ocean, other animals feed on their flesh and hide among their bones, all dense in nutrients, creating new ecosystems with a wide variety of organisms, that can last for more than 30 years. Their corpses gain a new name - "whale falls". It explains how whales are considered to be a symbol of emerging, of an upcoming change.
Helix Nebula is a planetary nebula located in the constellation of Aquarius. As the dying star in the centre of nebula ran out of it's fuel, it threw off it's outer layers as a gaseous wind and transformed into a white dwarf.
Nebula's striking appearance made it gain the name of The Eye of God. I think it looks as human as whale eyes do.
There's no sound in space, as sounds travel through a vibration of atoms and molecules in medium such as air or water. Space is a vacuum - it's devoid of all matter. This means that the concentration of particles in those regions is very tiny compared to the concentration in our atmosphere. The sound has no way to travel. But scientists sometimes convert other kinds of data into sound as a way of picking patterns. Or just for adding a new layer to experiencing the depth and beauty of the cosmos. F. ex., gravitational waves can be converted into sound. Such operation is called sonification.
The sonification of an Hubble image of Helix Nebula and the sounds of whale songs sound so similar. Hauntingly beautiful. The sounds of life. Sounds of eternal loneliness. Something so piercing and empty in itself. And the magnificence, majesty and power that both of those creations carry, demand to be openly admired with great respect.
   The corpse became nutrients, like the star of a Helix Nebula became a white dwarf. Creation is impossible without destruction. Creating something new demands letting go of something old. To make a painting you are obligated to destroy a tube of paint. Destroy the purity of the canvas. Ripping the finished painting will emerge it into a broken painting, serving a new purpose, under a new name. Like whales that die, become a home and source of energy. And like dead stars become the densest forms of matter - white dwarfs. And white dwarfs will cool down over the course of many billions of years, loosing all their radiation, and claiming a new name of a black dwarf. It wont give light, nor life. Some black dwarfs will become denser and turn into explosive supernovas. While some will only float in peace and eternal silence, with no chance of emerging... 
Comparison of fate of those creations gives a beautiful representation of the ways in which energy flows in nature. How death and destruction are forms of creation. Everything that is dead or destroyed will become something else. Something playing a different role, different purpose. It changes it's form, as it claims a different name.
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links to said sounds:
Helix Nebula
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easthouh · 8 months
"Daisugi - The Ancient Art Of Lumber Harvesting"
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Daisugi is an ancient forest management technique that emerged in 14th or 15th century in Kyoto. The term roughly translates to "platform cedar". It inovlves selectively pruning the branches of a knotless kind of cedar known as Kitayama, which took it's name from the Kyoto region.
   Cutting the side branches promotes the growth of straight, vertical shoots from a bushy base that looks like a platform. This method of lumber harvesting allows for the felling of only the upper portions of the trees, leaving the mother trunk and root system intact. Done right, the technique can prevent deforestation and result in perfectly round and straight timber known as taruki. Because the upper shots of Kitayama cedar can be harvested every 20 years, much sooner than with other methods, the technique gained popularity. Also, the lumber produced in this method is 140% as flexible as standard cedar and 200% as dense/strong, making it absolutely perfect for rafters and roof timber. It's typhoon-resistant, slender, and it's marveled at around the world 600 years later.
   Although daisugi is now primarily used in gardens and bonsai, it was originally developed to address a shortage of seedling, as well as land on which to properly cultivate the trees in the first place, as the Kitayama region of Kyoto is full of hills, which made growing plants and trees extremely difficult.
   Additionally, a form of very sraight and stylized sukiya-zakuri architecture, consistently focusing on usage of raw, simple materials like taruki, was considered high fashion. Such logs were used in the roofs and columns of Japanese teahouses. A rising demand for the impeccably straight and knot free taruki lumber has emerged, as the practice of tea drinking dynamically gathered more attention and sympathy from the Japanese.
   Looking at this form of quite a non-invasive art creates a feeling of looking at two different kinds of trees submerged together into one, as if they are living in symbiosis, or maybe a parasitic relationship. Compared to the straight branches of this cedar, the natural, untouched base looks even chaotic. It's mesmerizing to experience the duality and contrast in such a form. I am continuously amazed by the craftsmanship, mindfulness, strategy and the companionship with nature, that the Japanese prove to imply into their solutions and techniques.
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easthouh · 11 months
"Mutated Lobster Dilemma. What to do when you catch a very rare marine organism?" - The problematics of an unusual issue
So i was watching my nature documentaries recently. And I have this thought.
I'm a fisherman, i catch an organism that, for chances to find it, it's only 1 in 2 mln (1/2000000). What is the most effective thing to do? Let it go or keep it for science or sell to the ZOO?
What is the most optimal option?
1) make pictures
I would say it depends on how special the organism is. If it's either a mutation of a well known, let's say, lobster, then there's a dilema between two options: should i keep it alive as long as possible or take pics and let it go?
If it's a very rare animal that generally you know is rare. Then idk. Idk what's the dilema. Choice is simple, you take it to the sciencists. But how much time will it take for them to find ur location. Or for you to transport it into the right place? Will u be able to keep the animal alive? If it was taken from the depths of the ocean it would look waaaay different in the shallow water like and aquarium in the ship. Will u be able to find scientists in your country, if you're from Africa?
That's a lot of dilema
If you have no option, or you're not aware of the option to take it to the sciencists, then it goes back to the mutated lobster dilema. Should I let it go and take pics or take it and risk it's death? Is there any manual for it?
Maybe a dead animal is also important for science
But how decomposed will it be when it finally arrives into the right place and right hands?
U see my problem
Also selling it to the zoo
No idea how that works. But if I work as a fisherman then I'm prob poor af. I would love to make money from selling that species just right at this moment and I'm not ever a fisherman. I would even if I'm not a poor fisherman.
But u see me, where do I sell it
If i ever get a chance of seeing and catching that species I want to make sure make the best personal profit out of it. But also make it in an agreement with science and enriching the world's knowledge.
Marine science freaks of tumblr, help. What do I do?
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easthouh · 11 months
One time in high school when we had a replacement teacher on English lessons, she was surprised about something and she asked the class
"Do you have biology?"
for which I jokingly answered
"I am biology"
and it sparked a discussion within me
Do you have biology?
I am biology.
I am human
I am a part of biology
Just like my heart and stomach are
Do you have a soul?
Or are you a soul
If you're a human, do you have a human?
If you're a heart, do you have a heart?
If you are a heart, do you have a human?
If you have a heart, it doesn't mean that you are a heart.
There is also your guts and bones, and brain.
You're all of them.
Is heart a human?
I am not a heart.
I am a human to which this heart belongs.
That heart is not you.
That bone is not you.
The brain is not you.
I am human
So do I own a human?
I am a human
And just the way my organs belong to me,
I belong to biology.
My organs belong to biology.
I am a part of it.
We work by it's laws.
I work by its rules.
Me and this heart.
But I am not plants
Neither rivers
Nor a tiger
Just like the heart is not a kidney.
So is the heart human?
Is the heart a human?
Heart is a part of a human
Alone, is it a human, too?
I am a human...
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easthouh · 1 year
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino, 1994)
Zajebisty gangsterski klasyk z dobrymi zdjęciami, któremu, niechronologiczne poprzeplatane elementy trzech, połączonych ze sobą, historii różnych ludzi (Vincent, Jules, Hunny Bunny i Pumpkin, Mia, Butcher) nadaje smaczku. Zasiadując do seansu po raz pierwszy, z już zbudowanym w głowie statusie "klasyka kina", zastanawiałam się, "ok, ale dlaczego właśnie ten film to klasyk?". Dobre pytanie do rozmaprzenia. Odczułam że mimo dosyć wyjątkowej tematyki, (bo bycie gangsterem nie jest niczyją codziennością) starano się sprawić że w naszej perspektywie to po prostu ludzie z przyziemnymi, naturalnymi jakby, rozmowami o burgerach, moralności, i tymi bardziej dumnymi rozkminami, o boskich ingerencjach. Dlaczego tak często poruszany jest wątek Boga i cudu? Jak to się ma do całości?
Co jest w walizce? W żadnym momencie filmu nie zostało dokładnie powiedziane, co było zawartością nesesera. Jedynie pomarańczowe światło sugerowało że to coś ważnego i wyjątkowego. Ale co to było? Czy dragi, czy złoto, hajs czy jakiś zajebisty antyczny nóż warty miliony… Bardzo interesujący zabieg, wszyscy wiedzą o co chodzi
Trywializacja imidzu gangstera. Przez rozmowy, fakapy, może przerysowane przedstawienie okrucieństwa i krwawości (tej "fikcji (krwawej) puply". Przemieszane są, lekkość ducha i codzienne, płytkie rozmowy, z odstrzelaniem kilku nastolatków z zimną krwią, podczas recytowania Ewangelii. (Dlaczego akurat wybrano ten konkretny cytat?)
Zegarek od dziadka. Zbudowano głębię charakteru Butcher'a na sentymencie do zegarka po dziadku. Jak ten sentyment ma nas naprowadzać na całość filmu? Czy to ma jakikolwiek związek z interpretowaniem zaistniałych wydarzeń? Może nic. Może niektóre rzeczy nie mają znaczenia. Ale można się pozastanawiać.
Bierze z zaskoczenia. W filmie jest totalny brak dramatycznej muzyki budującej napięcie. Napięcie jest budowane na zasadzie kontrastu. Kiedy Butcher i Marsellus Wallace zostają schwytanie do piwnicy dwóch zwyroli, Zwyrol 1 przedstawia związanym protagonistom Zwyrola 2, kiedy nie ma go w pokoju. Buduje napięcie mówiąc, że kiedy się tam zjawi, to on ich zabije (Zwyrol 2). Wtedy rozchodzi się dźwięk przyjaznego dzwonka do drzwi. Czy to ratunek? Zwyrol 1 wyklarowuje: "To Zwyrol 2". Napięcie wraca.
Łazienka w której Mia ćpie. Kobiety wokół niej, przyklejone do swoich odbić w lustrze, nie reagują - symbol czego? Komentarz do życia w LA? Czy ludzie wiedzą kim ona (Mia) jest i że jest żoną bossa mafii (Marsellus'a)? Może wręcz przeciwnie i myślą że jest randomową ćpunką? (Normalność tamtejszych czasów?) Łazienka. Element kluczowy. Za każdym razem kiedy Vincent korzysta z łazienki, (w międzyczasie czyta książkę, "Modesty Blaise") akcja się rozwija, coś złego się dzieje - zostaje postrzelony, restauracja jest okradana, Mia przedawkowuje. Trzy różne podejścia do ingerencji sił wyższych. Jules jest przekonany że rzeczy dzieją się za sprawą siły wyższej. Vincent jawnie temu zaprzecza. Za to Butcher nie adresuje sytuacji. Historie się zazębiają, życia się łączą. Hunny Bunny i Pumpkin postanawiają okradać restauracje, bo w nich jest najmniejsza szansa że ktoś postara się ich powstrzymać, że nie trafią na bohatera. W rzeczywistości znajdują Julesa i Vincenta. (Akt osobistego bohaterstwa ze strony Julesa, jako efekt przejścia przemiany i rozwoju charakteru (spowodowanych wiarą, że doświadczył cudu.) Bo zabijał nastolatków, a oszczędza rabusiów.) Butcher potrąca Marsellusa po czym obydwaj trafiają do torture dungeon'u dwóch zwyroli. Vincent'a i Jules'a cudem omijają pociski z pistoletu, pozostawiając ich bez szwanku. Randomowość tego filmu, wynikwość i kontynuacja zdarzeń, stabilizuje przeświadczenie, że wszystko co się dzieje jest bez naszego wpływu (może z powodu predestynowanego biegu, może wyższej ingerencji). Może dlatego to film filozoficzny? Tyle.
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easthouh · 2 years
If you need to choose
which part of your body you should cut off to move faster, you could cut a leg, bc legs are the heaviest, and then you have to jump on one leg. If you decide to cut out your arms/one arm, you will loose balance when running. So imo jumping on one leg with two arms is the same speed as running with one arm
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easthouh · 2 years
Imagine that we can actually smell things from the internet because of the technology we have.
There would be nosephones (brand mane idea: sephones/persephones) you put one (bc two wouldn't let you actually breathe) inside your nose and you can smell things for a few seconds. But after you pay for it. Because instead ppl could use it for example to not buy a candle, and infinitely "replay" the smell from their device. You can buy machines that produce online smell but would require constant filling of certain chemicals into the device, which would be mixed according to the brand's recipe. Imagine how much more expensive ingredients would become. Imagine Bath and Bodyworks ads on Instagram that could show you the smell of their body balm. And imagine hackers that would make it smell like shit and dead fish. Imagine the ruckus for stealing scent recipes.
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easthouh · 2 years
“The controversial modern art” - an opinion
      While roaming on YouTube in the spring of my free time, I stumbled upon a video from Business Insider. An episode of beloved series “So expensive”, titled “Why Modern Art Is So Expensive”. Allured by an intriguing painting showed in the thumbnail, I decided to spare it a few minutes of my attention. I didn’t expect, at all to become so angry, sad and frustrated. Not at the contents of the video, but at the comments pinned below.      Video had 5.2 mln views, and that one comment had 43K likes. The most liked comment. “I feel bad for all the artists with actual skills and creativity being unnoticed out there”. “The moment you realize that every preschool toddler is an artist with work that can sell for potential millions”. People were hating on the whole genre of art, saying it's not showing a skill, they don't feel anything. It's a waste of someone else's potential, that actual skilled people are doing something else. Said that this art is not beauty (and doesn’t have to be), just money, only made for business (which ofc happens) and thousands of people liked those thickhead comments.      It made me so mad and annoyed. I disagree to believe that it’s thousands of artistically informed people who know their taste. That it’s not because of one eccentric painting they didn't fancy. I don't want to make myself think that. Can't lie to myself that they are not people who, challenged by a Gottlieb painting, declared they hate or not understand modern art.     Modern art branches into impressionism, expressionism, surrealism, abstract art, cubism and many more. Modern art is Van Gogh, Picasso, Salvador Dali, Matisse, Le Corbusier. And “a more demanding for an average consumer, Pollock”, too. It is meant to make an impression, extract a certain set of emotion from the watcher, with putting an emphasis on individual perceptions. This is why modern art is subjective. So many of artists, so different in expression, with artwork so drastically various. With it's many styles, rearranged by hundreds of individuals that create a category of modern art. All passes by, ignored and spit on by a bunch of lazy humans. They make comments about a skill, but ignore the context of the style, history, message, the progression of change an artist went through, the composition, colors, contrasts... So many things, feelings, contents, nuances go by unnoticed after being dumped into a category of “I can’t feel it”. The lack of will to learn, makes a person not have an access to a whole branch of human expression, and that mindset doesn't make space for them to realize that that makes their lives indigent.      People who appreciate art as only worthy, when it’s made with a certain skill to create realistic artwork. In a form of mastery, with pretty, detailed portraits and biblical scenes and other magnificent pieces. It's okay to prefer that, it's great to know this makes you feel the experience, but it's ignorant to say you hate or prefer something when you didn’t ever try to gather the tools to understand the different experience, and you have too little information to make a competent comparison.     I disagree with blind, ignorant denying of a whole spectrum of tools for expressing emotions. I classify style as a form of communication, exactly the same as books are. Because styles in arts are like genres of books. You can't dislike one subgenre, (like vampire-werewolf romance), and declare you don't understand all of the genre (romance). That will make you miss out on “Pride and Prejudice”. Or “Gone With The Wind”. Or “The Notebook”. You block yourself against a wonderful world of art, filled with different sensitivities, various creators. As paintings are like books. And in this artistic modern world, for sure you would find something for yourself. But after being challenged, you resign. That's a lazy habit we are all guilty of, sometimes.     So don’t be an old sponge. Have some mind capability, go read and check, look around, before making an opinion on a non-explored subject. Don’t be a sheep and stay curious. Bitch.
Thank you very much for this opportunity to speak, take something for yourself. btw. Modern art is only a controversial topic because it's misunderstood by a mass of laymen who decided to speak out unasked and uninformed. But, if they want to learn - it’s the best they speak out. Then they shall be informed. Let that sink in. :)
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easthouh · 2 years
“The Last” by Hanna Jameson
  It’s an amazing novel book, presented to us in form of a journal. Jorunal of your usual history professor, who, (together with a bunch of other people) gets stuck in a hotel in the middle of  n o w h e r e, while the whole world is bathing in results of the nuclear attack. One day they discover a dead body inside the hotel, and our bored professor finessor just gets crazy to get to discover its story. A post apo with a great twist.     We experience murder, crime, mistery. Its a very simple and interesting book, with a cool concept. It touches such subjects as despair, family and relationship issues, human needs, panic, impulses, misery, hopelessness, longing... but also hopefullness, bravery, courage, the will to live. It made me think all the mentioned subjects. And also about coronavirus isolation and the experiences connected to it. A lot.     Characters are not obvious, their profiles are very diversed, intriguing. We discover their relationships as they grow in these very unfamiliar circumstances. Its so easy to get deep into the book because of it’s interesting plot.      The autor comes up with such an amazing and creative twist at the last page of the book. It made me smile really hard! I highly recommend. Tho in the beginning I really didn’t want to admit I liked this book, cuz it felt kinda lame. But I enjoyed it! I really did! It sucks you in! You really want to finally know what happened to this body!? WHO DID THAT!? I RECOMMEND YOU TO READ IT.   Btw this book taught me that injecting nasal spray with a syringe makes a heroin addict who overdosed GET BACK TO LIFE YEAAAAH rockandrooOOLL Also super cool for practicing fast reading| Cheers
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easthouh · 2 years
Discworld Books, Audiobooks, Radiodramas, adjacent works like Good Omens, and Resources
Hi everyone, due to popular demand, I am putting in all my links in one place:
{also, disclaimer: I am sharing these because I know being broke, living in a place which doesn't have a community library etc. etc., but please patronise your libraries whenever possible, I've included links at the bottom}
Please feel free to share this post as much as possible, but please use these links discretely enough that they are not taken down. And please always learn teach those around you how to pirate safely! Thank you! Enjoy!
X-Audiobooks All-In-One (direct download)
X-Audiobooks Separate Books (direct download)
Audiobookbay (You need an account, but it's hella quick and free) (torrent)
Audiobookbay alt (torrent)
ThePirateBay (torrent)
Google Drive (direct download) (This is my personal one, please make sure to let me know if something happens to it, it's already been taken down once so I'd urge ya'll to hurry if you want this)
1337x.to (torrent)
Audiobookbay (torrent)
Good Omens (torrent)
Neil Gaiman at the BBC (torrent)
ThePirateBay (torrent), Alternate, Alternate
1337x.to (torrent)
Library Genesis (direct download), Broader Search
B-Ok.cc (direct download)
Science Fiction and Fantasy Library (torrent) (choose out Pratchett's folder only if you wish)
Science Fiction and Fantasy Library (torrent) (choose out Pratchett's folder only if you wish)
Google Drive (direct download) (coming soon)
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How to download from IRCs
Guide to using your library's Libby/Overdrive etc.
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easthouh · 2 years
A quote from “Cinema Therapy”
"Misunderstandings often happen because we all have insecuritues, and we project them onto the behaviour of other people. We need to be careful that our perception doesn't become our reality. I see what you do. But then I prescribe the emotion behind it. I try to make sense of it. This is what you did ot this is what youre thinking. And we are so often wrong. Almost always. Like how often have you done that and been right?" That hit the spot nicely :)
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easthouh · 2 years
“The Dragon Republic” by Rebbeca F. Kuang
  The second book of “The Poppy War” trilogy. My favourite lecture of the last year. Amazing read, you breathe the pages. Tens, hundreds of sentences just flow, painting an amazing world in your head. It’s a very comfortable lecture for practicing fast reading techniques.   I fell in love with the first book, and the second one wasn’t worse. No second book syndrome. I would totally read it again.   The first book focused a lot on academic suffer, determination, restless working towards a better future... to which I felt like I should strive towards. I wanted to be like her. It was easy to relate to her in her suffering!   “The Dragon Republic”’s subject was mostly, Rin being in pain and her battling a drug addiction as a shaman, and I found that annoying and uninteresting. For that reason, first 200-300 pages of the second book made me very bored.. I skipped pages a lot. The rest of the book was wonderful. Intriguing plot twists, cool characters, nice soft magic building. No prisoners taken. You shouldn’t get attached to any character, they might die in the next page. It’s a very violent book too, so I experienced satisfaction and great katharsis when a person got what they deserved in a very brutal way. I enjyoed it a lot, as previously :)  Tbh I thought that the main character is, in some way, retarded, because her decisions were in many cases irresponsible, and impulsive, which made me annoyed. It was reasonable, when the decisions she made were addiction driven.   Another thing that dissapointed me was, when they took cold stones out of the river, put them in fire and created a sauna. It doesn’t work like that. The stones would explode because of the water particles boiling inside of the stone. I felt very dissapointed after discovering that such thing was ignored! It’s a 100% death situation in real life!!    It was rather a mindless read. Nothing deep, just a pleasurable set of visions. If I had to force something out, what it made me think about is : pain (and what makes us tolerate it better. Mental or physical.), will, differences between priveleges in economic classes, expectations, the reality for civils in war, fear, death, presence (when they had an out of body experience, I felt so magical, being remembered that the feeling of having a body is nearly a sacred gift. It made me miss nature and spirituality. I felt happy to be reminded that these things are important. I remembered that I used to feel that freshness.)  Love it.
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easthouh · 2 years
Here I’m about to write my thoughts and feelings about a book I have finished reading. To compare them, if I decide to read the book again, later, or just to remind myself how insightful I can be sometimes :)
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easthouh · 3 years
i am imaginig myself giving a presentation about advertising...
  and i would say: “Advertising is a form of sophistication. It’s a complicated practice of choosing the right arguments to reach your destination. Which is - in this case - to sell. It’s an art of convincing, followed by amassing, analizing, and understanding of data and human psychology. The most important thing is to make one believe that what you’re showing them is crucial to make their life more complete. Especially if they have never noticed anything missing. The second one - is to make this advert special. It has to stand out. To be recognizable. To gain sympathy, or to force a shock. It’s a creative space. Tight one, but filled with potential. Now I will give you a beautiful advertising example. You came to my lecture. You heard what I had to say. Now, I am admitting - what Im doing here is advertising the brain. And now... There are two ways : You liked my lecture. The arguments I have presented impressed you and left you with a reflective feeling, or maybe even a sense of amazement. Maybe I even got you interested with the subject. Now you want the brain, because you felt how wonderful thinking is. That’s how everyone here experienced it. :D
  The second way is that my lecture turned out irksome. Used arguments were stupid, the potential of the subject became wasted, you can’t listen to my gibberish anymore and you want to go home. You see how dull and tiring I am. And if THAT doesn’t make you realize how much you need a brain... then I have some discounts..."
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easthouh · 3 years
Thoughts on perfectionism
(that might also help in battling the “fixed mindset”)
You don’t have to be perfect. You have to do anything, and you just have to start. “A little” is enough. “Simple” is not worse. “Easy” doesn’t mean “bad”. Showing being a beginner is not something you should be ashamed of, because without it, it will be more difficult to become experienced at something. Don’t leave something just because you figured out its hard. You have the ability to start and to keep going. Consistency is the way to achieve. Better done than perfect. The more you do, the more mistakes you will make. But at the same time, there will be things that will go good. And the more you practice, and the more focused you are, the better you will become. If you need more time than everyone else to get to a certain level - give it to yourself. It’s okay to understand things in your own way, or to just have a mind that works differently, or to come from a different background. If you care, you can get there. Your outcome and your score doesn’t show what you’re worth. Do anything, for any amount of time, everywhere - no matter the environment and time. If you do something for 15 minutes every day, it’s already 105 minutes in a scale of a week. And thats so much more than doing nothing. Set your priorities.
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easthouh · 3 years
Dear perfectionist,
   You have found yourself in a blank point of your growth, where because of your perfectionist mindset, simple tasks, plans and responsibilities become a potential chance of putting your soul into a magnum opus. With perfectionism, every single homework essay is a challenge you have to win at.    I have been experiencing it for a long long time, and when I defined it as an issue, I came across a bunch of conclusions.    When working on a written piece, I had to show everyone (and myself too) how unbelievably considerate and atriculate I am so I was flexin myself on every subject, and was always late with my work. I would never start studying without having a well set environment, never read any textbooks in any other place than my bed, never play the piano without a clean room, never workout without a completed clothing set. It might sound well organized or even romantic, but now, for me it sounds like a pain in the arse, and yes indeed, it was all of them. But what this craving of perfection did, is that it kept me away from spending my time on taking action and as a result - kept me away from growing in the areas I cared about. If I didn’t feel like it I wouldn’t do it, because even the thought of preparing the environment seemed like too much work to even begin with.    And only after some time it turned out that I have completely stopped doing anything, because “it was not the right time and place”.    And let me tell you, this sentence has absolutely no use when it comes to studying. Or actually, to anything you really care about. For some it might be working out, for others - reading books. So I have some thoughts to everyone who sympathizes with this, I hope they will help you ;)
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