whentvsfly · 1 year
Once the results are done, I'll multiply 255 to the decimal version of the percentage, and see what color we make!!
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nemfrog · 11 months
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Rats carrying eggs up stairs. Our dumb neighbours. 1870.
Internet Archive
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blackcat-brazil · 5 months
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Gerd Arntz, Factory Occupation, 1931.
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nonsense-repository · 4 months
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alpaca-clouds · 1 month
Solarpunk and the Third Place
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Let's talk about third places. It is a topic that has been brought up in a lot of Solarpunk and leftwing places have brought up during the last few months. Andrewism has made a video on it for example. And given that during the last few weeks I actually made a lot of use of third places, I thought I also could talk a bit more about it.
See, I have spoken about this: Due to my roommate just being very hard to live with right now, I kinda fled my home. (Which yes, is due to her mental health, but that does not make it any better for me.) And basically I just looked into: Where the hell could I spend my time?
And then I remembered the thing that I did throughout my youth: Hang out at gaming stores and, well, play games. I did that a lot for so long, given it is often a place for nerds to gather. And yeah, what can I say? It still works.
Heck, I found even someone who plays Digimon Cards with me.
But of course we do know - again it has been discussed a lot - that in recent times a lot of third places have either been erased, or the way we live have stopped the third places to work the way they used to work like this.
Let's quickly go over what a third place is: A third place is a place where you can hang out and get to know people. A place distinct from the place you live and the place you work in (or school, for students). Stuff like a park, a café, a library... things like that. Places that encourage you to interact with new people and start conversations.
Recently those places have been destroyed a lot. Partly because a lot of them have become hard to afford (especially on a regular basis), partly because they have become shut down, and partly because our culture actually does no longer encourage interacting with strangers.
And, I mean. Yeah. Parks are counted among third places, but honestly, I cannot remember that I actually interacted with a stranger in a park. If a stranger talks to me, I am afraid they are a creep. And if I see someone I think I could get along with, I do not dare to talk to them.
The fact that most of us run around glued to our electric devices (I am counting myself there as well) does not help this fact, right? If I am sitting in a café, I am usually working on my laptop, which will make it less likely that folks interact with me. And, of course, my autistic self will also not do that in turn.
Solarpunk both as a genre and a vision for the future is very much build around the idea of community and working together as a community. And for that we need third places in Solarpunk futures. Places that are easily accessible and that people can just go to to talk to people.
But more than that, Solarpunk also needs a society and social rules that actually allow for folks to interact with each other, talk to each other and ask each other for help and stuff.
Sure, there also need to be safe and silent spaces for people with needs like that (including autistic folks like me). And really... Frankly, I would not know how to talk with someone outside a nerd context, lol.
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philosophybits · 6 months
Under any circumstances, sociability is the greatest advantage in the struggle for life.
Peter Kropotkin, Mutual Aid
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dryndelicate · 3 days
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Bringing together the design talents of @hollyjumper and the natural modeling talents of @alyssa-ai, who is doing a one-off excursion into the equestrian world here, I can present beauty and elegance in its highest form.
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wayti-blog · 7 months
Any religion that professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them, and the social conditions that cripple them, is a spiritually moribund [at the point of death] religion.
Martin Luther King Jr., speech, 1960
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thepersonalwords · 7 days
Teamwork makes the dream work
Bang Gae
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whentvsfly · 1 year
The last poll went well Let's do another!
There will be 3 polls total, one each for red, green, and blue. You can vote in each to add more of a color, or less. The final %s will be turned into decimals, multiplied by 255, then turned into a color with that rgb value!
(and remember! Too much of all the colors will make white, while too little will make black!)
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akindplace · 2 years
Having feelings is not a vulnerability. Don't be afraid to open up (be it slowly, at your own pace) to other people. Don't self-isolate because you are afraid of not being loved if you ever reveal too much. Be authentic, even if you are avoiding opening up completely because you are still figuring out if it's safe with them. Slowly, allow people to see who you are, and let them in. Build reciprocal trust with them.
Maintain those bridges working. We were made to live in society, to coexist, to be able to ask others for help, to cooperate with each other so we can survive. We are only truly weaker when we isolate ourselves from the ones that can love us because we are afraid of not being good enough for anyone, afraid of being left, afraid of showing who we truly are.
If you avoid people because they might someday cause you pain, you are also avoiding all the laughter, the happiness and love they can bring about your life. It's a risk, indeed. But trying to survive alone is too hard, and part of a human experience is to be a part of a society, to feel close, sheltered, protected and being able to the same for others.
This is one of the most beautiful things about being human, so open up, allow people into your life, and let them love you wholeheartedly, just as much as you love them. You don't deserve to be lonely, and even if it takes time, you can find your friend group, a romantic partner, a found family who can love you for who you are.
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dutchjan · 4 months
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January 23, 2024
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lakelewisia · 4 months
The Temples of Winding and Unwinding were not rival sects, given to territorial wars or political clashes through their histories, but partners in an endless dance. They typically operated out of the same community buildings, trading off days for services and responsibilities, their calendars a ballet of scheduling. Even their adherents tended to shift allegiance over time, called in some life stages to the dismantling of things into useful parts and in others to the piecing together of parts into cohesive wholes.
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randyite · 1 year
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Woke, indeed
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