#Holly Mountainside
biteghost · 1 year
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ring-ring! hello?
Patreon | Murder Club (one-shot)
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technovillain · 1 year
So I spent a bunch of time wandering around postgame and wanted to share some findings.
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some mail with some funny addresses lol. unclear who they're from but the helmut one has a stamp of a young bob on it hehe. collector's psychonauts stamps are kind of canon, there's ones of hollis around too.
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in Sasha Nein's office there are two of these framed on the wall. So he's been Employee of the Year twice, good for him. The small text unde this name is really funny too, it reads "this goes to the guy who is the best at doing the thing that is the thing of which you could be doing for a year" What an accomplishment!
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Volunteers are needed for Whispering Rock! I can see this easily becoming the next big "Junior Psychonaut" job instead of the busy people like Sasha, Milla, or Morry being in charge. Someone vandalized the poster (":P This place suxs!") and my bet is easily on Lili Zanotto. Because who else would be drawing Harold on a sticky note? (The styles seem to match between those two things lol.)
Also who are the Psi-Tutors posting ads?? If it's an agent then I have no guesses, but if it was posted by an intern, I'm almost certain it would be Adam.
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Intern dorms canon!! They watch stupid movies together.
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Who do we think drew this grumpy little Hollis on the board and who do we think was doing the fancy math equations? Feels a little Norma and Lizzie to me. Not to mention, which two interns have this longstanding vandalism tic-tac-toe battle going on?? Any combination of them is hilarious as an answer to this for me lol.
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"La Jolla Taco Museum 9/12/76" which is apparently an unexplained phrase from the corner of a whiteboard in a developer's room at DoubleFine in 2011.
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Not sure what percent of people have explored the remains of Otto's old mountainside lab (which was right beside Bob's greenhouse) but the hyperhyglaciator is actually there! Long abandoned and overturned. The lab appears to have suffered an electrical explosion and not much remains. There are a few bottles scattered on the ground near the edge of the explosion site, however. And considering it's right next to Bob's greenhouse and it's next to the old hyperhyglaciator, there's some sad implications there.
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Also I feel like everyone knows about this vandalism but...who do we think did it? It feels like intern behavior but then again some of the Motherlobe workers seem to love gossiping about Sasha and Milla too...
Please use this post to think about the characters doing silly things around the Motherlobe. All of these questions I asked in this post are highly important for all of you to figure out, alright?
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ambermaitrejean · 5 months
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There was only one place on any given January day of any given year where you could find Flint Foxfire: high in the mountains on Silver Moon Lake, in Foxfire Canyon, snuggly tucked away at his tiny cabin retreat, and since this was the turn of the calendar into a shiny new year, it was here that Flint Foxfire sat, enjoying his morning tea, watching the January flakes drifting lazily across the mountainside, waiting patiently for his neighbor, Holly Branch, to arrive for their annual New Year's Day festivities: a jolly game of scrabble, followed by an afternoon of sledding on Elkhorn Lane, and finally, dinner in Willow Falls with Marlowe Banebury, whose dear friend, Mrs. Whimple, made the tastiest baked salmon recipe that Flint Foxfire had ever had the pleasure of eating. He was deeply contented this day, for there was nothing he loved so much as January in the forested canyon of his youth, surrounded by his dearest friends, at the start of a new year, when hope was high and all was new again.
gif and prose by Amber Maitrejean
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 26
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 3,544
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
Series Masterlist 🤎 Marvel Masterlist 🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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T'Challa shows you all to where Vision will be kept in one of the safest and best hidden facilities within Wakanda. Even if his location is discovered here, this lab rests on a tall mountainside, so in theory at least, no massive spaceships will be able to land. They'll instead be forced to go miles out into some fields where your own army will be waiting, effectively putting a comfortable distance between enemy and friend (if all goes according to plan, that is).
"Shuri, this is (Y/n)," Although the overall mood of the room is rushed and laced with stress, Bucky seems to find a temporary distraction from it all as he drags you over to the Wakanda Princess seconds after she finishes talking with T'Challa. You've seen her before, of course, sometimes in the background of your shared video calls with Bucky, yet this is the first time you've officially gotten to speak directly to each other.
"Sooo, I take it you're the one I have to thank for going through the torture of teaching this old man how to FaceTime?"
"Unfortunately. It was a true test of patience if I've ever had one!" The young girl groans dramatically, but her mocked annoyance quickly melts away into a similar smile as your own, "Although I must say, that hell was preferable compared to listening to him mope about you all the time."
"Mope, eh?" You smirk, glancing at Bucky who grumbles.
"...I didn't 'mope'..."
Shuri takes no shame in embarrassing him, in fact she's eager to keep it up, "Yes, he moped aaall the time! Day in and day out, just wandering about my lab pouting about 'his (Y/n)' and how much he misses you. It was to the point that I couldn't get any work done! Finally, I got so tired of it that I gave him that tablet to talk to you with - just like turning on cartoons to distract a toddler!"
Bucky glares at Shuri, his cheeks a red hue, but you simply laugh while snuggling up to his arm, "Well, I suppose I can't judge. I was pretty mopey myself back then. I'm honored to be missed."
This makes him smile bashfully, however you don't miss the way his shy joy fades into a more dejected stare as soon as you look up with a teasing flutter of your eyelashes only for him to quickly dodge your gaze.
While he makes no attempt to move his arm away from you, that distant look on his face doesn't exactly make your actions feel welcomed, thus you're quick to step away, putting a safer space between the two of you. If it wasn't for a more dire situation being at hand and the fact that this room is filled with people, many of whom you either don't or barely know, you would've asked him what's on his mind, yet you end up storing the question in the back of your mind for later instead.
There, you nearly forget about it while trying to focus on Vision's neutron connections as Shuri scans them. In her opinion, while Tony and Bruce did well enough to make Vision functional given the whole 'Ultron time-crunch' they were racing against, in a moment like this where the stone needs to be fully removed, they did a pretty...shit job, to be nice. Even Shuri, with her seemingly endless intelligence, estimates that it'll take her quite a bit of time to get this task finished without accidentally causing any circuit failures.
"How long do you need?"
"As long as you can give me."
Sometimes it feels like the universe truly is against all of you. Seconds after Shuri's sentence, Okoye receives an alert that something has entered the atmosphere. You swear, you can hear a collective inhale as everyone already assumes what 'something' must be, however no one reacts too outwardly aside from that, in fact the whole room is rather calm as they move to the large windows overlooking a vast amount of land beyond the mountainside, eyes tilted towards the sky in preparation for an attack to rain down upon your heads.
"Isn't there a dome covering most of the city?" Bucky asks, appearing to be relatively relaxed given the situation. He must have faith in their systems. Going off all the wonderful technology you've seen thus far in Wakanda, you wouldn't be surprised if they do have some super high-tech way to keep Thanos out.
"Yes, but it stops just before those trees out there," T'Challa answers.
Outside, giant ships collide with seemingly nothing in the air hundreds of feet above; the dome Bucky must've been referring to. This facility itself must have excellent soundproof walls, though, because even as those massive spacecraft crash into an explosion of flaming pieces that would surely be booming enough to make your heart leap, you hear nothing. Regardless, your heart does spin a bit as you witness several ships safely land in the forest where the dome ends one after another until you can no longer care to keep counting; that won't make you feel any better.
"We're out of time. We must destroy the stone now," Vision decides, or at least attempts to.
"Vision, get your ass back on the table," Natasha orders, her voice stern which makes it clear she won't be taking any objections.
"We'll buy you time," T'Challa announces calmly, glancing at Steve who gives him a slight nod before turning to the rest of you.
"(Y/n), you stay here and help Shuri get that stone out of Vision's head as quickly as possible. Wanda, once they do that, you blow the thing to hell, got it?"
You both nod without hesitation, after which you turn on your heel, accidently walking directly into Bucky's chest. His hands find themselves on the sides of your arms, pushing you back to look into your eyes, "Don't leave this lab."
"I won't," You almost follow with a snarky remark, something along the lines of you being capable enough to follow simple commands, but by the time you take in a deep breath, you find yourself with no strength to be ornery, "Preferably you wouldn't either...but I'm guessing that's not an option here?"
He frowns and shakes his head, "...I gotta help."
"...I know you do," You whisper before throwing your arms over his shoulders and bringing him into a tight embrace only comparable to the one you gave him not even an hour ago upon reuniting...It hasn't even been a full hour yet and he's already going off on his own again, "You come back to me, James."
Bucky scolds into your hair, his warm breath brushing your skin, "Didn't I come back the last time?"
"I think I technically came to you," You close your eyes and sigh, "...But I'm sure there must've been some point where you've come back to me...Let's just make it a habit. You'll go off for a little bit then get your ass your right back here so that I don't have to start missing you too much."
"How about I return so quickly you don't even have the chance to start missing me, huh?"
You shake your head, the movement restricted due to your face being pressed so closely to his chest, "...Impossible. I'ma gonna miss you the second you step away from this hug, Sarge..."
Bucky frowns, holding you a bit tighter. Everyone else is filing out of the room one by one in a hurry. He should really be following them, however there isn't a single bone in his body that actually wants to. He'd much rather stay here in the labs even if he wouldn't be of any help. At least he'd be able to keep a watchful eye over you to ensure no harm comes your way.
Truthfully, he doesn't like that Steve brought you here. You'd be much safer in New York, not mixed in with all this 'possible end of the world' crap. Now you're right in the middle of it and will be working in the exact same spot Thanos will be aiming for. Bucky wouldn't want to offend you or anything, but you're not exactly going to be a threat to any of those aliens if they come knocking. Then again, that's exactly why Steve brought you here. Your skill lies with your smarts. You can help get that stone destroyed without costing Vision. Bucky just prays it doesn't cost you any. He's already lost Hollie. He can't lose you, too.
"This is absolutely adorable and all - I'm really happy for you both, but we're kinda in the middle of something here," Shuri rolls her eyes while tapping away at her hologram to get everything set up.
Clearing your throat, you reluctantly step away from Bucky, although you keep your hands together and give him a serious look, "I mean it, James. Come back or else I go out there looking for you, and if it comes down to that, you know I'll be pissed. Between Tony and you, my hair might turn completely white by the end of the day."
"Trust me, darling. I already spent two years away from you. I ain't looking to add to that any time soon," Bucky whispers, slightly dipping his head yet stopping himself short during the action.
Oh, how much he wants to just kiss your forehead at the least. That's not so bad, is it? One could argue it's merely a display of platonic care, understandable given these stressful circumstances. Still, it feels a bit too intimate to justify. He's tempted, but not confident. Ashamed, but somewhat selfish. He hasn't seen you for two years, after all - Well, he's seen you over video calls, however that hardly counts.
Maybe you've come here because Steve asked. Maybe you're here to save the world because despite your nonchalant attitude, you've always had an heroic heart. Of course, Bucky likes to believe you just came here for him. He wanted to believe that, anyways, when you first ran over with that beaming smile and leap right into his arms.
You've stuck by his side, rarely giving anyone else the time of day despite being in this miraculous country that's right up your alley. It's all been obsolete in comparison to Bucky who you look at as if he holds your entire world - a glittering to your eyes and dreamy grin upon your lips that make up an expression he hasn't seen in decades.
It makes Bucky bitterly wonder if you look at your fiancé the same way. No, that look would surely be different. Whoever that man is, he must not hold your entire world, he must be it. After all, he has to be truly something spectacular if you love him. You choose him, after all, judging on the fact that you've proudly been wearing a ring on your finger since arriving here.
Bucky can't ignore his hate for that cold chill whenever it brushes his skin when holding hands. Forget Steve bringing you, what kind of fiancé lets his one-of-a-kind partner risk their life in a place like this? If it were him, even if an ordinary civilian with no powers whatsoever, he would still be following you to the pits of hell just to ensure your safety...Some fiancé you have...
"Hmm?" He blinks, realizing that he's been spacing out a bit.
You're frowning at him, your eyes holding a precious amount of concern for your 'friend', "...You're certain that you're okay? You don't have to go out there if you don't want to. I won't let anyone make you -"
"- No...No, I'm good. I just..." He trails off, finally saying 'to hell with it' and lifting your hand to press a gentle kiss to your knuckles. Fuck what your fiancé might think. As far as Bucky's concerned, he's been through enough with you to at least earn a knuckle kiss, "Be safe."
"I will. I'll stay right here until you get back," You then let your famous smirk tug at your lips - the one that never fails to strike his heart, "This would be a good point to remind you: you owe me an in-person tour of Wakanda and I expect to be able to pet every single goat you own."
"I look forward to it."
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From bad to worse is how the whole ‘fighting Thanos and protecting Vision’ fiasco went, although in the beginning, you focused primarily on the task of helping Shuri with whatever she needed. A double check of her calculations? An extra hand? The passing of a specific tool? You were there, glad to have something better to do than chew on your nails. Together, you worked fast - as fast as you both could without risking a mistake that could possibly harm Vision.
Despite the room being covered in windows and the pull you continuously felt towards them, you refused to take a peek at the commotion outside. You kept your back turned to them instead of giving into that desire, not daring enough to concern yourself with the others because that would only make you worry and worry only results in mistakes; mistakes you couldn’t afford.
As much as you attempted to ignore it, you could tell the war out there wasn’t going well based on Wanda’s actions. She was possibly the only person in the room more anxious than yourself, being rather fidgety from the start while fretting every second over the robot she loves. Her pain was understood, but you did have to shoo her aside eventually when her hovering became a nuisance. After that, she took to standing by the windows, growing increasingly concerned about the battle happening outside until she suddenly rushed out of the room with little explanation. You didn’t truly need one to conclude her reasoning, though.
They’re struggling out there. Even from the mountain lab, you could hear the distant echo of war growing louder…Bucky and all your friends were in danger and all you could do was suck it up while continuing to work, hoping Shuri and your own efforts wouldn’t be in vain. So much for that…
It became impossible not to worry when shouts and grunts were heard right beyond the lab doors, alerting everyone inside that you, yourselves, were officially in harm's way. As the attacker fought his way into the room, you had drawn your taster and rushed at him as soon as he passed through that doorway. Unfortunately, if trained warriors couldn’t stop that alien soldier, then you probably should’ve known then that your own chances were very low, yet that didn’t stop you from trying your best to land a hit.
As anyone could’ve predicted, each attempt ended in failure as his movements were just too quick and skilled compared to yours. Within a few swings, you were thrown back into Shuri who was about to abandon her work and help the fight. Instead, her mission was put on pause as both of you hit the ground hard. Even when she pushed herself up and tried shooting at him with her own advanced weapon, the blasts were simply swatted away like mere flies until she was knocked over yet again.
The attacker raised his sword, attempting to swing at her, however you managed to grab her waist and pull her out of the way in the nick of time, although to spare a deadly slash of an alien’s blade, the two of you tumbled off the balcony where you luckily took most of the impact.
It wasn’t much distance considering all the other heights you’ve had to leap from and you’d rather protect the young princess than yourself any day, but after sitting up, you were quick to realize you have at least one broken rib from that experience. Still, a broken rib is better than either of you sustaining life threatening injuries.
You aren’t sure what happened with Vision or the battle after that. When you were finally able to stumble to your feet with Shuri’s help, you could only see a destroyed battlefield outside, being too far to make out any specific fighters in it. Seeing as the window glass had been shattered, you could assume Vision went out there, but whether that was by his own freewill or forced by the alien attacker, you were left guessing; the answer would be unknown for a stretch of time that felt like hours.
Hours of sitting around wondering whether you should go down there to warn anyone. Hours of praying everyone you love and hold dear to yourself are safe, not among the rumble or flames you fear below. Hours of just waiting for something, anything…Then it came…
It happens quickly, allowing you no time to process the events as dreadful and terrifying as they may be. You’re not even sure Shuri or anyone else had a chance to realize it. One minute you were back at the window biting your nails while hopelessly waiting for any sign of good fortune. Maybe a voice on your earpiece - one sweet and whispered belonging to Bucky as he assured you of his safety. Hell, you would’ve also taken Tony butting-into the scene, giving some cocky joke to announce his arrival before magically showing up to tip the scale in everyone’s favor…What you got instead was a sound - you’re not sure what - that turned your head just in time to see floating dust particles disappearing in the faint light right in the place Shuri had been standing seconds ago.
You don’t know what actually happened - how can you? You’re confused, wondering where she went and why she left without saying anything. Then, when you hear cries from the hallway and you fear something else is wrong - possibly another attacker here to finish you all off - so you round the counter cautiously to see with your taser in hand.
You’re horrified to see a man disappear into dust before your very eyes, gone within a flash without so much as a peep from himself, only the screams of his fellow guards who watch on with as much terror as you do. Witnessing such a thing makes reality sink in. A silent voice connects the dots and makes your heart drop completely into your stomach…Vision -…Thanos…He won…
It’s instinctual after that - racing down the halls with cheeks drenched in tears as you realize you just can’t get your legs to run fast enough no matter how much you try to work them! Maybe you’re sobbing, maybe you’re screaming. To be honest, you can’t hear anything let alone yourself, your ears are too numb against the thoughts that overwhelm your head.
'Gotta find Bucky! Gotta find them all! I can't lose them again! I can’t stand to lose them again - not when I just got them all back!’
Of course, luck has never been on your side, has it? Here you are, trying to get somewhere as quickly as possible so it only makes sense that you have to trip on the way. Being so muddled and scared, your reaction time is delayed, too, causing you to almost hit the floor before catching the wall just in the nick of time to save yourself from a nasty faceplant.
Preferably, you would’ve gotten right back to your feet and started running again without any concern of scraped knees, however while suffering the worst spell of dizziness you think you’ve ever felt in your life (including both of them), you’re forced to instead kneel there for a second or two, shakily catching your breath to heal your nauseous stomach. You do recover eventually, though, and waste no more valuable time standing. You practically throw yourself up onto your feet then, hurrying around the corner to -
- Hitting a solid body, some of your worst fears leap to the controls, pulling you backwards where you instantly reach for your taser in preparation of fighting this assumed enemy. Be it that alien guy, Thanos himself - you don’t care! Terrible fighter or not, you plan to risk it all, not willingly to let anyone stand between you and finding your loved ones.
The gentleman in front of you doesn’t appear violent; probably a fortunate thing for you since it only takes him - or rather his cape��- a half a second to rip the taser from your grip. After that, the man merely gazes down at you with a tired expression, “I take it you’re (Y/n) (L/n)?”
“Ummm -” You look behind yourself as if the shadows stretched on the floor will answer for you. When they don’t, your eyes cautiously return to this strange man who doesn’t dress like any of those Children of Thanos guys. Compared to their dark gothic tones, he wears too bright of colors to be a dictionary definition villain - then again, Thor has happily shown you pictures of his brother, so who knows?
“- Great!” The man, whoever he may be, doesn’t even wait for your answer. He just claps his hands together with sarcastic joy before turning slightly. With his back half facing you and hand held out, he makes a circular motion, leading bright sparkles a few feet in front of you both which soon make an opening to a settling completely different from this cold hallway.
As if such a magic trick is the least bit impressive, he turns back to you and nods his head towards the portal rather simply, “Your help is needed.”
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hotsugarkrp · 6 months
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⠀ ⠀❄️— Our 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓾𝓰𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭 event is live! Come join us for games, movies, and a cozy, sweet time! ☃️
Today kicks off our winter event going into the holidays! Our members are arriving at the secluded resort rented by Hybe on behalf of Park Sunghoon, our winner of last month's scavenger hunt to host the party this year. Here, they will be able to take refuge from their busy lives with several of the on-site amenities, games like team Jeo-Party to keep them sharp, competitions like our Ugly Sweater Contest to keep those creative juices flowing, and winding down in the venue's one- or two-person luxury suites in a beautiful, snowy mountainside. To keep these memories with them, a photobooth can be found in the large lobby when you enter, props laid out for all your holly jolly needs to snap a quick one for your timeline or with your friends.
Now is a great time to join Hot Sugar! On top of the newly opened winter event, we've had a handful of claims freed up with the AC done recently as well as just celebrated our 6 month anniversary 2 days ago! So if you're looking for a manageable bi-weekly AC, stable, engaging community where you can make new friends and join events that have been lovingly created by our admin team (and by some of our amazing members), consider giving us a shot! 💕
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lycomorpha · 1 year
Dice Doodles workshop Mar 2023
Generative doodles from The Rising Sun Art Centre, 25-Mar-23
Theme: forests
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Hello lovely doodling friends,
Below are the activities from our latest Dice Doodles workshop. The materials you will need to repeat them are at least one pen and some paper, a dice set/dice roller site like this one, and a deck of cards or use a card shuffler like this one at random.org.
Our next 3 workshops will be held online via Zoom and here are links to get April, May, and June tickets. Then we're back at the Rising Sun Art Centre in July
Warm-up doodle – log pile
Fill a blank page with fairly rough circles of varying size.
Doodle concentric circles inside each one to make it look like tree rings in a cross-section of a log. Add a bark pattern around the edge if you like.
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Intro dice doodle – D6 leaf trail (1 x D6 plus 1 of any other die)
In this game we’re going to roll dice, draw leaf shape(s) on a winding path, roll, and draw again. Imagine it like going for a walk in an autumn wood and looking at fallen leaves. This method means you never know what you’ll draw next, and you can keep going until you run out of space.
Fill a blank page with a long winding squiggly line. Make sure the turns in this path have enough space between them to draw leaves on the line.
Roll a six-sided die (D6) to choose which kind of leaf you’ll find on your path & draw first: 1 = beech, 2 = oak, 3 = birch, 4 = holly, 5 = willow, 6 = lime
Continue rolling and drawing leaves for a few turns to get used to the shapes. Then start rolling a second die along with the first. Use the result from the second die to decide how many of the leaves you’ll draw each turn. E.g. if you roll 5 and 2, draw two willow leaves
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Pre decision game - Imaginary tree species (odd/even, any die)
For this game we’re going to decide all the features of what we draw by rolling dice multiple times before we start drawing. This gives you some time to consider what you want your imaginary tree species to look like before starting to draw.
First, we need to decide if we’re drawing a deciduous tree with broad leaves or an evergreen tree with thin, pointy leaves. Roll any die or flip a coin:
If it’s odd/heads, the tree has big broad leaves that are shed in autumn. Think about what sort of shape you’d like them to be
If it’s even, our tree has pointy leaves that are there year-round. Think about what kind of spiny leaves you’d like to see on a winter walk
Is our tree a wide tree with branches that spread out far away from the trunk, or a tall, narrow tree? Roll a die/flip a coin:
If it’s odd/heads, the tree is wider than it is tall.
If it’s even/tails, our tree is taller than it is wide.
Does our tree have a twisty, gnarled trunk and branches like an older tree growing on a mountainside, or are they straight like a tree growing on flat open ground?
If it’s odd, our tree is gnarly and twisted
If it’s even, the tree has straight branches and trunk
How does our tree package its seeds? Does it have little berries, big soft fruit, or cones?
If our tree is an evergreen
it’s odd, our tree has chonky cones – they can be any shape you like.
If it’s even, the tree has little colourful berries
If our tree is deciduous
it’s odd, our tree has big tasty summer fruit – they can be any shape you like
If it’s even, the tree has small berries in clumps – again, any shape and colour
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Consider how you’d like your tree to look and what shapes and colours you’ll use. Remember this is your imaginary tree species so however it looks, it’s a great tree! Name your species if you like.
Above are some existing tree shapes you can use if you need ideas – we’ll also use them in the next game.
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Playing card game – Hillside forest (poker deck with jokers/gaff cards)
In this game, we’re going to start off taking single cards from a shuffled deck and use the face value and suit of the card to choose what we draw. We’ll draw tree silhouettes on a hill or mountainside based on each card, starting from the lowest point.
Draw a wavy line horizontally across a page, starting about a third of the way up, to make the outline of a hill or mountainside. Think of it as if you’re viewing a landscape in the distance e.g. from a train or car window. Make one side higher than the other.
Take one card each turn. To decide tree shape and number
If the face value is an odd number, draw that many deciduous tree silhouettes on your hillside, and if it’s an even number, draw that many evergreen tree shapes
If it’s from a black suit draw your trees dotted around the hillside
If it’s from a red suit, draw your trees clumped together.
If it’s a court card (J/Q/K) draw one BIG tree
 If it’s a black suit card draw a CHONKY deciduous tree
If it’s red, draw a GIANT evergreen.
If it’s a Joker or a gaff (trick) card, draw a tree stump like a tree has been cut down
You can make this game more complicated by drawing several hill lines receding into the distance and using a die to pick which hill you draw on.
Draw 3 wavy hill lines above the first, as if you’re viewing hills receding into the distance
You can either draw an extra card and use the 4 suits from that to decide on which hill, or roll a D4 once for every card you draw. Use the result to choose which hill your draw your card-decided trees on. Your original hill side corresponds to 1, and the new hillsides are 2, 3, and 4 as they get farther away
You can embellish your hillside scene with any other landscape features you like to finish up – buildings, rivers, caves, any feature you’d like to see
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Warm-down doodle – Cactus line up (1 x D6)
In some places cacti form forest-like groups in the landscape. To wind down we’re going to draw cacti in rows from one side of a page to the other.
Have your page in a landscape orientation and start at a bottom corner
Roll a D6 and use the outcome to decide how many branches/lobes the first cactus has. Use the shapes below if you need ideas for choosing what shape of cactus to draw
Continue rolling and drawing cacti across your page. If you run out of space, start a new row of cacti on your page above the first if you have room, or just grab some more paper and start a new page
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If you wanted to make this into a more complicated doodle to use another time, you could draw cacti all over the page like a forest. Add extra dice to choose how many of each cactus you draw, and/or whether to draw them in clumps or dotted around a page. You could even draw a 6x6 cell grid on your page and use 2 D6s to decide which cell to draw in, making a map of your cactus forest.
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cats-of-the-wasteland · 6 months
Power of Three
Three cats, alone in their colonies, yet united by an unspoken and unknowable tie to each other.
Winter-holly is the best apprentice in her colony. This isn’t a secret, a debate, or tentative; everyone knows just how talented she is. This talent, however, leaves Winter-holly isolated amongst her peers… yet, few have seen her bemoan her loneliness.
Blue-jay never asked for this. He never asked to be a Moon Watcher. The seer roles already struggle to fit in with their peers, but being the only blind seer of his colony means that he is especially alone. He refuses to be the most lonesome cat in the colony, but fate has other ideas.
Red-lion is the second-in-command’s only son, and the leader’s only grandson. He is strong, brash, and stubborn, and gets away with practically everything. This narcissistic attitude, while expected, leaves him with very few friends amongst his peers. No one could guess just how deeply this isolation harms him.
Three cats, each of different colonies, each dealing with their own form of isolation. They couldn’t be any more different from each other, and yet, when they meet for the first time at a monthly colony gathering, they are all struck with the same thought; “I know you.”
About This Story
As I stated in the description, this started out as a Warrior Cats AU of the Power of Three story arc but quickly got out of hand as I kept messing with stuff, lol. I've changed the naming conventions, names, a lot of the characters and just generally went with my own thing.
I wanted to make a blog to collect and share the details of this story as I write it, as well as to share snippets as I write them!
More Info Under the Cut!
About the Setting
As the title suggests, this story takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting where cats have survived either on their own through hardship or in the much safer colony structures. The land is still covered in radiated patches, and even the wind or water can bring a silent death.
Four major colonies exist beside each other in the setting of this story;
Summit-Walkers, a colony that survives the wastes within a mountainside.
Moon-Gazers, a colony that survives near a lakefront.
Gale-Shadows, a colony that survives upon a moorland and within underground tunnels.
Greenwood-Warriors, a colony that survives inside a deep forest.
Humans have been extinct for around 500 years now, and are relegated to colony legend. The cats have found ways to survive, but it's difficult to make it on your own.
Main Characters
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Winter-holly is the Summit-Walker's shining example of a perfect soldier. Where some cats struggle to hunt or fight, Winter-holly excels in all of her efforts. She is an excellent tactician, an outstanding soldier and one of the best candidates as a bodyguard. Her otherworldly tactical prowess is quite frightening to her peers, which leaves her isolated.
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Blue-jay is unhappy with his natural connection with the Sea of Souls, as well as his role as Moon Watcher. All he wanted was to be a healer, but his connection to his ancestors means he must also interpret omens and prophecies. His status as a blind cat already gave him skeptical looks from his Moon-Gazer peers, but now that his role is one that typically deals in visuals, his peers' pitiful looks have doubled. He refuses to let people look down on him, even as strange dreams plague his mind.
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Red-lion is a narcissistic and egotistical cat who cannot stop play fighting with his peers. His prowess on the battlefield is well known, and cats fear his claws. Yet, despite his high status as a powerful cat and the son of the Greenwood-Warriors' Second-in-command, his attitude makes him isolated from his peers. Few cats want to be near him, and he secretly feels terribly lonesome. He inflates his own ego to hide his terrible lonesomeness.
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fractoluminescence · 1 year
Some time ago I was reading stuff about liminal spaces, and someone mentioned that the reason that nature never gave that same vibe was because it wasn't the kind of place that someone would feel nostalgia towards or would find empty.
I disagree. Or rather, here's the thing: I have felt that feeling towards places in nature before. And that works for both the nostalgia theory and the unusual emptiness theory, because on top of having been taken far into the middle of nowhere fairly often as a child, I rarely went anywhere there alone, lest I get lost. So no, these places shouldn't be empty to me.
But it's happened before. That I've been alone in nature in places where bushes repeat on and on, and I know I haven't been gone too long so nobody's coming to look for me. It's very unsettling.
The most striking example of that that I can think of is someplace in the Spanish countryside. My parents have this tradition of going bivouacking in Spain around once a year for two weeks, and after I got old enough to come I went for a couple of years. It's just you, and the cold evening wind, and the sunset, and the hard, cold ground. Maybe there's a house or a field somewhere, or maybe the only place you found to settle down after struggling to find any flat area all the way until sundown was among an orchard of olive trees, or on the ridge of a mountainside next to a monastery, and if you're lucky when the sheep come through they don't trip on the strings of your tent.
There's one place we went to a couple of times that I think my parents called 'le coin du chien blanc' (the place with the white dog') for a while, although I may be confusing it with some other place, I'm not sure. But I think that was the place. You went off the dirt road, crossed a lovely little stream with a row of trees on either side, and followed the foot of a small cliffside parallel to the stream. Between the two were some green areas with lots of flat space, and huge fallen trees that looked more like giant logs.
Since on one side of the stream the road led to some houses, the most logical place to go for a small hike was up the cliffside. If you followed it long enough it eventually tapered off - but you could also climb up, because it was split in all these places and so it was like a series of little sidewalks next to the void, like a 3D platform game. You'd go up one then walk alongside the wall until you found another place to go up again, etc.
The cliff wasn't that high - but it was high enough that when you stood at the bottom of it and looked up, you wondered what was at the top. And the top is where it would get unsettling for me.
I rarely ventured on the walks my parents went on, preferring instead to sleep or draw or something. But I went there a couple of times, mostly alone.
Once you got to the top of the cliff, there was first a section of empty flat ground where the rock was gradually covered by dirt. Then, there were the trees.
There were lots and lots of what my parents said were holly oaks. They were all the same height, and greyish green, and their trunks were grey, and when you looked at them the outlines of the first few ones were clear, but the ones behind them started confusing your eyes, and it got harder to see the further you looked as the trees seemed to dissolve into this confusing grey color that looked more like mist than branches.
The first time I went there, I chicken out. I had a walkie-talkie with me in case I got lost - which I didn't, technically.
I went straight. It seemed flat at first, but as I walked I realized the ground was slanted, as if it were trying to swallow you up. The most unsettling thing though was the trees. They stretched on and on, much further than I had expected, and as I walked I realized that, whichever direction I turned, the only thing I could see was that grey mist effect created by the repeating branches. It looked more like a glitch than a forest.
I chickened out. I thought I'd been gone for a while, but turns out, I'd only been away for about fifteen minutes.
Another time I went in there, I went further, until I started coming across these huge cracks in the ground where greener vegetation grew. They got larger and larger until the greyish hill I had been on opened up on a small canyon. I turned back at that point because I didn't want to get lost, and it had already taken way too long to cross the holly oak forest.
Another time I went up the cliff and crossed the forest, I guess I went way to the right of the other times. This was the most unsettling trip, beyond the fact that the oak forest already messed with my sense of time and mental compass, because of the place I ended up in.
It took me a while afterwards to find a way of describing the unsettling feeling I had felt in that place. In the end, I settled on "no man's land". It felt like I wasn't meant to be here - like I risked getting caught between two fighting sides, neither of which I could see.
It wasn't quite flat. Thinking back, it might've been some kind of hanging valley, because it went down slowly then back up. There were small bushes that looked right out of one of those shooting games where you have to hide behind stuff. The ground was covered in grass that got progressively higher until you were stepping in mud then a hidden stream under the layer of faded green and wondering whether you should push through anyway or turn back.
It was...strangely empty. And it felt frozen in time - as if, as long as I was here, nothing could come to interrupt or help me. That if I stayed I would never be found. As if something was about to happen but was being held off indefinitely.
I stayed a bit, but I was too freaked out. I wasn't even sure where I'd messed up to get there compared to the route I had taken the previous times. It stayed in my mind as 'No Man's Land' for years because I couldn't put a name to the feeling.
But I've seen pictures since - of empty malls and corridors, with oddly threatening brutalist architecture and signs of life that look more unsettling than they should. And now, I have a name to give that feeling.
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carrieneuman · 2 years
Things I Wish Had Happened in The Rings of Power #3
The visuals were the best part of the show, so I was surprised how bland the entrance to Khazad-dum was. What happened there? Also, when Fellowship of the Ring explicitly talks about the roads and trade and friendship between the dwarves and elves in the long past, why did we skip all that in the show? It was such a missed opportunity, even if you want to keep the “we just found mithril” fan-service plotline.
Elrond and Celebrimbor strode down the road letting the miles pass with cheerful talk of the Great Forge. It would be a marvel when it was complete, though Elrond could not find a reason for Celebrimbor’s strange deadline.
He waved to a child sweeping outside a waystation. Carts loaded with wares were parked outside and guards strolled about easily. Banditry was unlikely in Eregion.
They turned the sharp corner of the road that artfully displayed the Sirannon falling some five fathoms down from the heights. It thundered and echoed from the mountainside. The road passed to the left of a flight of stairs that hugged the side of the falls.
In the valley, holly trees shaded the road making the last walk to the very walls of the mountain the most pleasant stretch of the trip. Wagons came and went, loaded with goods and smiling merchants. The rich mines of Khazad-dum required a river of picks, hammers, and chisels to flow from Eregion, and its gold and emeralds cascaded out in exchange.
Two stout holly trees flanked the entrance to the subterranean city. They were already taller than any along the road, and Elrond assumed they would continue to grow with the help of the elves who traded foodstuffs with the dwarves.
The stone doors stood open, and a pair of dwarves checked carts and bags before the customs agent issued colored chips to the merchants indicating how much they would owe in taxes when their business concluded.
“You know,” Celebrimbor mused as they waited their turn to enter, “I’ve never been content with these doors. They’re sturdy enough, I’ll grant you. But they just lack something to really let you feel welcome.”
Elrond smiled. He knew his old friend would find satisfaction eventually.
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kookyburrowing · 2 years
Tagged to do this by @riding-with-the-wild-hunt!! (Thanks!)
Nickname: Lee, and my family’s go to “birdy”
Zodiac: Libra, but I have Scorpio traits
Height: around 5’5”
Hogwarts House: Uncertain mainly because I haven’t really been a Harry Potter fan since about sixth grade
Followers: on here? 51. On my Tolkien blog, 154 because that’s where I actually create content lol
Song Stuck in my Head: “Dos Oroguitas” from Encanto
How much I sleep: Around 8-9 depending
Lucky Number: 42, the answer to life the universe and everything. Also 21.
Dream Job: Animator/character designer/author/screenwriter. I’m multitalented like that.
Wearing: pajamas because I got up late
Favourite Song: current favorites are “Kingdom Dance” from Tangled, “Cad É Sin Don Té Sin” by Caladh Nua, anything from Encanto, “Winter Solstice” by Frostudio Chambersonic, “Rosenrot” by Faun, and “Ariën” by Oonagh
Favourite Instrument: the fiddle/violin, but also cello, piano, and percussion. Yes all of it.
Favourite Author: Jirt, Agatha Christie, Leigh Bardugo, Holly Black, whatever genius wrote Beowulf, and also any fic write I have ever encountered cause SERIOUSLY
Aesthetic: abandoned things covered in plants, Trees, the ocean in all its might, an endless library filled with cool sunlight, a mountainside with a path worn by human feet, cave paintings, a laugh passed down and repeated for centuries from ancestor to descendant, smiling about something you just remembered, a forehead touch for a friend, a river that has seen thousands of children splash around inside it, that feeling when you See something for the first time, the quiet of a snowstorm outside and the noise and warmth of the house within, a fire in front of which people have gathered to talk and play games, a blanket wrapped around yourself, a stuffed animal carried into adulthood and passed down
Favourite Animal Noise: cats when they’re happy, horse noises, dogs being happy…happy animal noises
Something Random: I point out every mistake a piece of media makes in terms of archery because I can and I have double jointed thumbs and pinkies on both hands
Offering this to @gossip-guy-of-middle-earth, @ibrithir-was-here, @merilles, @ace-of-sspades, @yellow-feathered-faerie, @girlbosscrawley and anyone else who points out weapon mistakes in fantasy media
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biteghost · 2 years
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MURDER CLUB: Bartholomew’s New Job
“ Finding a steady job in the big city is hard for country boy Bartholomew Greaves - especially when his potential employer is killed in the middle of his latest job interview! The assassin offers Bartholomew a job to make up for his lost opportunity, but will he be able to handle a full-time career of killing for sport? “
My Webtoon Call to Action contest entry is now available to read!
I hit the upload limit - this oneshot is almost literally as large as I could legally make it. The only thing that would have made it bigger is if I used beefer jpgs. 100/100 file upload, but by gum it is FINISHED.
In case you don’t know what this is - Webtoon is hosting an action comic contest. A large part of the judging criteria hinges on audience participation, so if you read this oneshot and enjoy what you see, I’d appreciate it a lot if you also took the time to leave a comment on the entry and toss it a like, maybe even subscribe to the series? You know, all that youtubey stuff.
I hope you enjoy regardless, and thanks for reading! It’s done now and that was my ultimate goal for participating in this contest, so everything else is gravy, haha. I am going to go pass out. ✌
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acerace · 3 years
Aletheia, a Scott centric Empires SMP x 3rd Life fanfic
No warnings, 4301 words. Past Scott/Jimmy. Angst and emotional hurt. 
Read on ao3 here! 
Aletheia: unclosedness, unconcealedness, disclosure, truth; the state of not being hidden, the state of being evident. Opposite of Lethe, meaning oblivion, forgetfulness, concealment.
Scott remembers Third Life, as much as he would rather not. He's an Emperor, now, with an Emperor's business to attend to, and that includes meeting with the ancient deer deity of his kingdom, who is far more perceptive than he would like.
Or, Scott does not want to talk about Jimmy, but that matters little when your new god can read your thoughts.
He meets the Guardian of Rivendell in a small clearing of stone and spruce in a jagged crack in the mountainside only accessible by air and by magic.
It’s snow-frosted, like everything else in Rivendell, crystals hanging from pine needles and glittering in the afternoon sun, grass crunching beneath his footfalls. The trees are tall and dark and reaching for the sky in their cloaks of wintergreen, berry bushes and brambles a circlet upon the earth’s burdened brow. The berries are holly, yew, toxic-bright, like splashes of blood, like eyes. The thought startles Scott, heart throbbing in his throat, and he tears his own eyes- blue eyes- away.
He is alone and then he is not.
Why did you call me, Guardian?
You are troubled. Now, come and talk with me a while.
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
Snowy Confessions
Request: "Well it kinda relates between Christmas and New Years where he takes you out to watch the snow falling that you've never got a chance to experience or a show you both want to see (as he's on break). He could confess to you but with notice maybe like mistletoe or Holly is above like a doorway or roof with a kiss"
Fandom: NateWantsToBattle
Pairings: Heathen x Reader
Warnings: None!
A/N: Thank you for requesting @drackenwolfdoctor​! This is my first time writing for Heathen but I tried my best! I hope you guys enjoy it! The collage was made by me! Edited by @semiproeagle23​
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       You were expecting to go to Phantom's annual end of the year party, but what you didn’t expect was Heathen asking if he could go with you.
The reason this sort of surprised you was the fact that the ego never really was approachable, or so it seemed. Sure, he’d warmed up a bit to you now, but even that was rare. 
To you, Heathen only showed his brothers who he was and only ever spoke a few sentences here and there to you when it was necessary. But you knew he was loyal and protective of the people he cared about.
There were times when he walked you home on late nights after work, or when you needed someone to be with when you felt uneasy. He was sweet in little ways, offering his coat if yours wasn’t enough to keep you warm, offer to buy you food when you either forgot your wallet or when one of his brothers said you had a hard day. Still...not much was said.
During those walks, you’d have a bit of small talk, and those were the moments you really liked with him. Heathen would open up a tiny bit each time. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for you, especially when the first time he smiled and laughed at something you had said. 
As you stand by the bar, drink in hand, you take a sip and scan the room. You see the boys by the stage, talking amongst each other. You smile over at Heathen, who gives you a small smile back before turning to one of them and making his way back to you.
“You know, it’s rude to leave the person you came with almost immediately when you get to the party.” You playfully give him a small pout.
“I’m sorry. They needed me, and before I knew it, I was across the room.” He waves over the bartender and tells them what he wants to drink. As they walk away to get the order done, Heathen leans in a bit. “You said you’ve never seen it fully snow, have you?”
Shaking your head, you place your glass on the counter. “Only patches since I live near the mountains, but I never really get to go up there.”
Taking the drink from the bartender, he thanks them and turns back to you. “Well, everything's settled here, and if you noticed, we're much closer to the mountainside.”
“Where are you going with this, Heathen?” You genuinely look curious and unsure of what he’s going to say next.
“It can technically wait til later, so relax, okay? Are you hungry? Phantom said the food is ready to be served.”
“Uh… Yeah, sure I can go for something to eat right now. Are you gonna come with?”
“In a bit, but Natpai would love to keep you company. I have to check on something real quick for Phantom, I won’t be too long.”
Nodding, you leave him with a smile, making your way across the room to Natpai who gives you a tight hug when you approach him. 
Heathen kept his word when he said he wouldn’t be long. He arrives at your table in the middle of eating. Natpai continues to tell you both some stories about his adventures when he studied abroad. It was adorable seeing him get so excited about sharing his experiences.
Heathen takes the opportunity when Natpai is called over by another guest to take you away from the crowd. 
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise. Just trust me.” With that, you let him lead the way to the back where the double doors lead out to a balcony. “Close your eyes for me, please.”
“Alright, I trust you, so you better not push me into anything.”
“I’d never do that.” Heathen smiles when you close your eyes. Opening the doors, he wraps an arm around your shoulders, guiding you to follow his lead. You feel a gust of wind pick up, and out of instinct, you cling to his side to stay warm. “Aright, you can look now.”
Opening your eyes, you see the balcony is covered in fresh white snow. As you look out to the city, you’re able to make out that there’s still a gentle snowfall. “It’s so pretty…” Your voice comes out in a whisper as you stare in awe at the scenery in front of you.
“It’s not as pretty as you if I’m being honest.” Heathen only giggles when he sees you look away in embarrassment. “It’s true, you know.”
“Th-Thanks...You’re being sweeter and more talkative than you usually are…”
“Is that a bad thing?” 
“No, it’s not a bad thing.”
Heathen gently pats your head and looks up at the door frame when he notices something green. “Well, would you look at that...mistletoe….” His cheeks turn pale pink, but you just assume it's from the cold.
“Oh…well, um. I’ve never been under one before…”
“You haven’t?”
“Nope, I kinda somehow always avoided being under one without really noticing.”
“You’re under one now…”
“So are you…”
Heathen has a soft look on his face when you don’t walk away. “Can I, uh...can I say something, if that’s okay?”
“Of course you can. Take your time.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “That’s one of the reasons why I like you so much. You're very respectful of others.”
“You...like me?”
“Ah...well….you see...yeah. I actually really like you, and I know it hasn’t seemed that way, but I’ve only known you for almost a year, and I guess I was being careful if that makes sense…” Heathen searches your face for any response and is greeted with a very blushy and cute expression.
“Funny enough….I like you a lot too if we’re being honest here.”
Heathen grins and he puts his hand under your chin to tilt your head up a bit as he leans in to give you a quick but very sweet kiss under the mistletoe.
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Dancing In The Dark or Jealous Rage
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage contains potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and smutty content.
Summary: Kirby goes with the girls out to a night club while Roddy is away, jealous escapades ensue after he gets back and hears about her antics.
Kirby's POV:
I woke up the following morning (The 24th) alone, no sign of Rod, I was confused until I saw the clothes laid out and a note on top of my leather jacket.
'I've gone to do some work in Pennsylvania. Don't worry, I'll be back later this week. Love You, Mo Chridhe. Roddy.'
"Mo Chridhe, that's, that is Scots for … yeah, Scots Gaelic for my heart … Aww, Roderick you romantic eejit."
I went about my usual morning routine and the rest of the day was thoroughly uneventful, but the night, oh the night was fun, or at least it was when it started.
Billie had suggested we go out for drinks and have a good time, and so we did.
About three Espresso Martinis in I started to loosen up.
"So," Vickie inquired, "How's Piper?"
"I'm not sayin' nothin'"
"Oh, c'mon Kirbs," Sam begged, "Tell us."
"No, mind your own business."
"Kirbs, ya gotta tell us at some point." Holly added, the alcohol making her New Jersey accent thicker.
"Alright, fine, but don't tell anyone." I warned
They nodded in agreement and let me continue.
"When we came back to New York, we started dating and one thing led to another and we 'made love' but regardless of all that, I think he's the one."
"So, you'll marry him?"
"If he asks, Vic, if he asks."
Holly butted in, "I need to get you around other men, you know, to see if Piper's the real deal."
She took me by the arm and dragged me, drink in hand, over to a gaggle of men, all of whom looked like they were either construction workers or American football players. Holly let go of my arm and sat on one of the guys laps, whispering something I couldn't hear before getting up and walking off.
I felt like a piece of meat being thrown to a pack of tigers, it didn't take long for one of them to take the drink from my hand, place it on the table and lead me to the dancefloor.
Now, you must know, I'm not one for dancing, I'll sway to a relaxed beat or head bang along to some rock but, dancing with someone who I don't know in a provocative way isn't my thing, but without hesitation this guy started hitting on me and trying to get up close and personal.
It took all of my mental strength not to sucker punch the guy in the face and walk back to the hotel, I held out for as long as I could. hours passed without me realising and I had gotten quite tipsy, Vickie walked me back to the hotel and dumped me on the bed in the pitch black of the room, closing the door behind her and her footsteps quickly faded out of hearing range.
The next day (25th January 1984) was much like the previous, get up, morning routine, grab some coffee, wait to see if I had any matches booked, hear nothing from Damien, go out with the girls that night for some 'fun' but to me that 'fun' was ever so slightly turning into heart-breaking torture.
Any time I danced with these random guys in clubs, I wanted to be able to slow dance with Rod, to hold him close to me as the music played in the background. I didn't get as drunk as the night before and got back slightly earlier, trying to call Roddy to hear his voice, but he didn't pick up. I went to sleep alone again and had a nightmare once again.
I woke up on the morning of the Twenty-Sixth to the sound of the door opening and closing, hearing a distinctly Scottish voice whisper out the phrase 'Mo Chridhe'.
"Rod, is that you?"
"I didn't mean to wake ya, it's just, well," His voice faltered, as if he didn't know what to say, "Billie stopped me in the hall and told me everything." He sounded hurt.
"I tried to call ya. I tried to be the first to let you know what we had done." I got up and took my sweat-stained shirt off, tossing it to the floor and heading to the bathroom, still half asleep.
"Ya did? Ya went out and danced with strangers two nights in a row while I was gone and thought a phone call could patch things up?"
That set me off, I rushed out of the bathroom to confront him, "I fucking hated doing it! Both times! I wanted to reel back and sucker punch those bastards in the face! Roderick Piper, would you fucking listen to me! I am your girlfriend! I am YOUR fucking woman! Would you just fu-"
A rough but passionate kiss broke the stingingly lonely silence from him, his hands caressing my arms and holding me close. I hadn't realised I was crying until then, I hadn't realised he had let a few tears slip himself until he pulled away and wiped his eyes.
"I'm sorry I ever brought it up. I know ya wouldn't do anything without a good reason and I'm so, so sorry I left without telling ya before I did."
I sat myself down on the edge of the bed, wiping the tears from my eyes and feeling Rod put his arm over my shoulder.
"Schultz told me to buy you roses, ya know. An' I told him I didn't think ya liked roses, I told him that I thought ya would like chrysanthemums instead."
I let out a small 'uh huh' and Rod continued.
"I also told him that when we got back I was gonna take you out for some blueberry waffles and a hazelnut cappuccino, cause I know how ya like those an' we could be together and just relax an-"
"Yes, baby?"
"Can you dance?"
"I'm not a great dancer, why?"
"Well, can you just sway to the rhythm of a song?"
"With you, absolutely."
"Thank you, f'anwylyd."
"Anytime, mo chridhe."
He kissed my cheek and my temple, whispering out a gentle 'I'm sorry' before using his other hand to make me face him and kissing me gently but lovingly. He got up, pulling me off the bed and turning the clock radio on and increasing the volume.
"And now, a big hit from last year, this is Big Country with 'In A Big Country'."
'I've never seen you look like this without a reason'
Rod twirled me around in his arms, a smirk already on his face.
'Another promise fallen through'
I could hear Rod mumbling the words in unison with the radio.
'Another season passes by you'
He twirled me back around, stepping closer and intertwining his fingers with mine and curving his other arm around my back.
'I never took the smile away from anybody's face'
Rod had stopped mumbling the words and started humming along.
'And that's a desperate way to look'
The sweet smile on Roddy's face made me smile lovingly in return.
'For someone who is still a child'
He cleared his throat, spinning me away from him before pulling me close to his chest.
"In a big country dreams stay with you" Rod sang in unison with the radio.
"Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside" I joined in.
'Stay alive, here we go'
"I thought that pain and truth were things that really mattered" We sang in unison with the radio.
"But you can't stay here with every single hope you had shattered"
"I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert"
'But I can live and breathe'
Rod misstepped and fell backwards onto the bed with me landing on his lap.
'And see the sun in wintertime'
"Are ya alright Roddy?"
'In a big country dreams stay with you'
"I'm fine, sweetheart, are you okay?"
'Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside'
"I'm okay. Everything's fine in the world again."
'Stay alive'
I stood up and helped Roddy off the bed, turning the radio down slightly and humming before singing along.
"In a big country dreams stay with you"
Rod soon joined in, going back to a simple two step and trying not to stumble again.
"Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside"
"Stay alive"
"So take that look out of here it doesn't fit you"
"Because it's happened doesn't mean you've been discarded"
"Pull up your head off the floor, come up screaming"
A knock at the door quickly silenced the two of us and Rod turned the radio off completely, giving me a quick kiss on the lips and walking over to answer the door. Upon seeing the frame of the guy leaning against the wall, I sighed heavily and Rod looked between me and this nobody.
"Hey, I was told this was Miss Kay's room, who are you, her brother?"
"Wrong, Idiot. I'm her husband."
I wanted to interrupt Roddy but held my tongue, trusting that he knew what he was doing.
"Yeah, right, small fry, and I'm the Pope, move outta the way." the guy's mood shifted from confusion to anger.
"No really," Roddy pressed, his voice getting more gravelly with rage, "I'm her husband ya slovenly low life, now fuck off before I hurt ya."
The guy got further into Roddy's face, "What are you gonna do, limp dick."
Rod smirked, "Limp dick, huh," He mocked before poking the guy in the eyes, "Bye-Bye, asshole," He finished, slamming the door in the guy's face.
We could both hear the sound of the guy saying 'fuck that' and running down the hall.
"'I'm her husband'?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Well I'm not gonna say 'She's my girlfriend'. Being your husband has more impact."
"Ya could've just called me over and kissed me, Roddy."
"Who was that guy?"
"Some fuck from one of the nights you weren't here. Ugly motherfucker too, surprised he knew where to find me…" I trailed off, knowing exactly who had told him where I was, "That little Greek bitch."
I stormed my way up to the door, only being stopped by Roddy mere seconds before I could leave the room.
"Woah, woah. Calm down there, Giantess. We don't want a massacre now, do we?"
I breathed out a heavy sigh and Rod pulled me into a hug.
"C'mere baby girl," He rubbed his hand up and down my back to soothe me, "Calm down baby, I know it may be aggravating to have someone ya trust try to split up a good thing, but just calm down."
"But she told them where we, or at least I am, Rod. I can't trust her after that. Especially after her trying to set me up with one of the ugliest motherfuckers I've ever seen."
"What about me?" He said pulling away and sitting on the edge of the bed
"Well, you're," I stopped, searching my mind for the right words, "Well, you're just, you are so handsome. You've got the most amazing blue-hazel eyes, and your hair is such a rich brown, and you're built, y'know, your musculature makes you look strong but not intimidating, however that may just be a giant to normal person thing. Oh, and your voice is calming to me, except when you're cutting a promo. I mean I would object to your choice in shirts, but only because the idea of other women seeing how muscular you are through the way your shirts cling to your body gets me a little pissed off."
"I make you get jealous, really?" he teased.
"Don't you dare." I warned, trying to stop him from aggravating me further.
"Does the idea of women fantasising about me gets you riled up with fury?"
"Rod, don't do this."
"Does the idea of me posing with another woman in my arms anger you?"
"Roddy, shut up."
"How about the idea of me kissing another woman while drunk?"
"Roderick. You shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you."
"What if I laid on the beach with just a towel coverin' my crotch, in full view of a bunch of ladies, how does that make you feel."
"I warned you, three times now, don't you go getting me angry, boyo. You'll see how vengeful I can be, Roddy," I pondered for a moment before changing into a knee-length amber coloured dress along with my spiked black heels, my leather jacket and a thin layer of apricot scented lip gloss and headed out, "Bye Roderick."
"Wait no, baby, come back."
I closed the door and fast-walked down the corridor, heading towards the stairwell, hearing Roddy open the door just as I started down the stairs.
He caught up with me about five minutes later, while I was waiting outside, handing me my wallet and pressing a kiss to my cheek, before whispering in my ear.
"I'm sorry I got you jealous, now can we please go out to somewhere, nice."
"If you're so sorry, you won't try that trick again, right?"
"Oh absolutely, I don't want you to do that again."
I kissed him and started walking down the street, Piper's hand just above my ass and his plethora of sweet nothings once again flowing from his lips. We headed out for the evening and by the time we got back to the hotel, a now drunk Roddy laid down and passed out before I even got the chance to kiss him goodnight.
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blarrghe · 3 years
Twelve Nights
Modern au fic where BusinessMan McMoneybanks Dorian Pavus meets LocalArtist Outdoorsyguy Taren Lavellan whilst on a trip to a Fancy Ski Resort In The Mountains with his Terrible Family, and learns the True Meaning of The Holidays (it's love). Now with added subplots and a plan! This fic is my holiday obsession, it's going to be tropey and fluffy and sweet, and not terribly long. Set in some kind of vaguely Thedasian modern au, with Dalish elves and dwarves and the like, but no actual magic, only *~holiday magic~* Rated M for not-very-explicit sex. Excerpt under the cut. Read it on AO3!
The air was crisp, and perfectly still. The thunk of Dorian’s car door slamming shut sounded out soft, almost muffled by the quietness of the snow-covered street. There were no other cars parked in the tiny lot in the centre of it, which divided two rows of quaint little shops on either side. The street rejoined itself around the empty parking lot and wound away in either direction. The side streets that branched in awkward zigzagging patterns off of it, sparsely lined with picturesque little cottages with wide yards of snow between them, weren’t even plowed. The main road ran up and down; up, winding slowly through a forest of trees and disappearing into the mountainside, and down, towards a glowing town square lit up at its centre by a tall, festively decorated pine tree. 
Dorian watched his breath form a cloud of mist in front of him, and pressed the little button on his keychain. His car’s lights flashed, and the horn beeped once, obnoxiously loud against the silent scene. For a moment, he glanced up the road, and then lifted his head higher, arching his head way back to take in the peaks of the mountains overshadowing the quiet town. The sky was fading into sunset, and pink light glowed through the trees and sparkled off the snow in the distant mountaintops. The mountains loomed quietly, shining in orange and peach with dark evergreen trees blanketing around their roots, and among them little golden lights from mountainside cabins were glowing softly through the snow. It was beautiful and serene, like a scene directly out of a holiday card, and Dorian hated every single thing about it. 
He sighed, breath forming a long whispering mist from his mouth and disappearing into the air, and rubbed his hands together. He scanned the shops on the street before him, windows all dark, signs all turned round to ‘closed’, and then with another, more irritated little sigh, looked at his watch. 
Half past four, said the large gold analogue contraption on his wrist. He sighed again, and strode forward across the street, his shoes slipping awkwardly against the packed down snow. He stepped up onto the sidewalk and frowned at the crunch of coarse salt under his foot. Then he glanced up and down the line of shops one more time, his eye landing on the only lit window on the whole street, and with one last heavy sigh, walked carefully towards it. 
The buildings looked old; stone foundations with thick wood or brick walls, mostly two stories tall with little apartments slotted in above, and topped with high-pointed dutch roofs complete with smoking chimneys. He passed a dark-windowed chocolatier with displays of intricate candy ornaments and gold foil wrapped chocolates in the window, and a bakery with windows decorated with paper snowflakes and quintessentially charming gingerbread houses. All closed as of four in the afternoon. 
"Ridiculous." He muttered aloud to the empty street. 
The open shop, when he came to it, had a large sculpture of a wooden bear in the window, and a tower of suede moccasins on display. Lavellan's Crafts, said a sign on the door. Looking in through the window he could see more display stands; postcards and keychains and little animal figurines. 
Fantastic, thought Dorian bitterly, a chintzy souvenir shop. Just what he needed. 
He pushed the heavy wooden door open, and it grunted on its hinges as his feet stomped over the welcome mat. And it was a Welcome! mat, woven out of some coarse fabric and dotted with thematic pine cones and holly leaves, the happy greeting stencilled on in uncomplicated calligraphy. 
The warmth and the smell of the place washed over him immediately. The walls were left unpainted, beautiful old wood varnished and shining in the warm incandescent light from an intricate wooden chandelier that hung overhead. A nearby shelf littered with artisanal scented candles and boxes of "genuine" incense sticks wafted out a mix of bold scents; patchouli, sage, maple, pine. He moved away from it, scanning the other shelves and displays. 
Beaded decorations and windchimes hung in one window, and further into the shop, past the little rotating displays of animal figurine keychains and greeting cards, larger items stood out with hefty price tags. Large canvases displayed boldly painted landscapes of the local scenery in all seasons, and portraits of rustic looking elves engaging in various traditional activities. His eyes lingered on the paintings a little too long, caught up in the crisp lines and bright colours. The people all had joy on their faces; rosy cheeks and bright eyes, dancing in colourful dresses that very nearly looked to be moving. As he stood struck by their expressiveness, he almost forgot to remain unimpressed. 
He picked up a bar of handmade soap scattered with gritty bits of lavender, sniffed it, and put it back down. Then he wandered over to a display of wooden tree ornaments, and spun it absently, watching the little wolves and caribou and bears sway about. 
"Looking for something specific?" Said a soft voice out of a dark nook behind the counter at the back of the shop. 
Dorian turned to look with a start, and before he could think better of it, he complained.
"Got anything that says 'happy holidays, thank you so much for dragging me out to the frozen middle of nowhere to spend the holidays working out of some stuffy old cabin that doesn't even get cell service. Not that it matters, since the entire dull little village shuts down at four in the afternoon and in all probability there won't be anywhere for miles to find decent company or a decent brandy’ ?" He asked. Then with a twinge of self-aware guilt for his attitude, he amended the rant with a vaguely apologetic "no offence". 
Behind the counter, the soft voice was laughing. Then an elf came into view, leaning his elbows over the counter and looking at Dorian with sparkling green eyes. He kept laughing, chuckling mildly under his breath and shaking his head so that golden light danced off the messy curls of his dark red hair. His face was tattooed, like the elves in the paintings, and they glowed against his warm-toned skin. Dorian had never seen work like it in real life, and once again found his eye lingering a little too long.
"Sorry, I don't think so." The elf said finally, a sideways smirk resting on his full lips, "but the shop down the street sells chocolate truffles filled with brandy that are quite nice. They don't open again until ten tomorrow, of course. Can I interest you in a postcard of our dull little village, instead?" 
Dorian's cheeks burned, and not half because of the chiding tone of the shopkeeper's rebuttal. Mainly, he was busy getting hot at just how striking those eyes were; how they glittered across the room at him with perfectly patient bemusement. 
He sighed. "Apologies. Long drive." He muttered, quickly grabbing an ornament carved like two fish swimming after each other's tails, and a wintery postcard decorated with a photograph of the tree in the town square. He walked himself up to the counter and set the items down, hastily digging into his pocket for his wallet and avoiding the elf's still-penetrating gaze. 
"If it's for someone you don't like, you should go with the wolf." Remarked the elf, still leaning his elbows on the counter and making no moves to ring him up, or stop smirking. "Around these parts, we tell stories about a Dread Wolf who tricks tourists into getting lost in the mountains." His smirk broadened. 
"Then why put it on an ornament?" 
The elf shrugged. "They're good stories." His soft voice lilted with an accent Dorian couldn't place, musical and sweet, but there was still a good deal of cheek to his tone. "Actually, the wolf represents strength and loyalty. The Dread Wolf is just a local legend." Then he winked at him, and slid the postcard across the counter to the register. 
"Strength and loyalty." Dorian shook his head, "and fish?" 
Balance. As in work-life? Ironic, given the intended recipient. "I'll stick with the fish." 
"That everything?" 
Dorian nodded. 
"Hold on, I think I have something in the back that might interest you." The elf disappeared into his dark little nook and through a storeroom door, the teasing smirk never once leaving his face. When he came out again he was holding a single gold foil wrapped chocolate, and he nudged it across the counter with a friendly nod. "Happy holidays." He said, and the smile on his face shifted into one that was somewhat less amused, and more sincere. 
Dorian took the chocolate tentatively, and finished paying for the ornament and card. It totaled more than he would have expected for some faux-Dalish tourist fare, and he took a second to properly look over the ornament before tucking it into his pocket. No factory logo, just the initials TL burned into the wood. So maybe it wasn't quite a chintzy souvenir shop. 
"This all local?" He asked, suddenly feeling a new wave of guilt over his earlier disparaging comments. 
The very obviously Dalish elf in front of him raised an eyebrow and nodded. "There's a collective." 
He plucked two business cards and a pamphlet out of the brochure stand in front of his cash register, and slid them across the counter. The business cards had gallery names on them, and the pamphlet advertised the services of a local community centre, including an ongoing holiday craft fair. Dorian glanced over the rest of the brochures in the stand. There were a few other business cards for local shops, and pamphlets for companies offering various adventure packages; mountain climbing, horseshoe tours, trail rides. 
The elf's gaze followed him with a faint degree of amused judgment, and the expression fell on his striking features in a way that made Dorian's throat dry. He cleared his throat, picked out a general ‘Village Businesses’ brochure from the stand and smoothed out his expression. It was entirely unfair, this striking elf looking at him like that. He could fix this. 
"Well, now I've made a fool of myself, can I more humbly ask for a recommendation?" He passed the brochure over the counter with a gracefully apologetic smile. 
The elf unfolded the page on the counter top. Then grabbed a pencil from somewhere out of that mess of hair, and flashed him a quick, toothy grin before bending over it and beginning to circle and scribble away. 
"This might help keep you from getting bored, even without cell service. When do you leave?"  
Dorian's heart jumped at the retort, and the elf glanced up at him with another quick flash of taunting teeth.
“In about two weeks.” He answered roughly, throat dry again. 
The elf passed back the brochure, and tucked the pencil back into a braid behind his ear with a slight frown. “Not really enough time, but hopefully you can manage to enjoy some of it.” He said, leaning back and smirking again. Dorian went back to feeling flushed. “But we close in five minutes.” Of course you do, he thought. "If you want, I could show you where to get a good beer, if not good brandy.” Oh. Read the rest on AO3!
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hjazysol · 4 years
The time has come. My Evil Ass Self made the promise. And I have made it reality:
"It was the 1st of October. Me & Joriko were walking home from a shop. I'm Jojimi if you wanted to know. We're pretty much parentless kids. I protect the two of us. Our father was. Toishiro Kujo. He was the twin brother of Sadao Kujo. That made Sadao our Uncle. These two they were...Far from identical...Our Uncles not exactly the tallest of men heheh. Though he is a famous Jazz Musician! The absolute best I know of! Sadao is married to an English Italian woman. Holly Kujo. Much to the dismay of her father. Joseph Joestar. He doesn't really like that Uncle Sadao took his daughter for so long without really ever visiting him. He grew to dislike him quite a bit...A~nd alot of Japan...Ok all of Japan but from what I've seen of him. He seems more confused about the culture than hating it outright. He's a man of real-estate. Apparently, he's the most well known out there. And Sadao had a son. Jotaro Kujo. Although he's a bit of a bad influence for Joriko he's still awesome we are the best family one could ask for." Joriko stood directly in front of Jojimi and tilted her head as she walked backwards as not to bump into her.
"Oi! Oneechan! What're you writing about?" Jojimi became startled almost dropping a notebook of sorts that stuck to her hands. "O-Oh! Nothing! I'm just thinking about all the things we'll get to do when we go on our trip. That and what we'll be doing when we get to the restaurant later."
"Buuuuut? Isn't the trip a whole 1 Month from now? Or is it just that you're excited to suck the face off of Daisuke again?" Jojimi wore a blank expression as she stared her sister in the eye. "Errrr..." Then she turned to her left. "...Oh...Hey look Joriko...It's our old house." They paused for a good 5 minutes. All they continued to do. Was stare at their old home on a mountainside.
"Me & my sister. We...Are not normal people. For as long as I can remember I've had an invisible figure follow me around. At least. To others they're invisible. And because of it. Life became a hell for us."
Joriko put her arms behind her head and looked up to the sky. "... ...Mom was such a bitch." Jojimi jolted in surprise snapping her head round instantly at the sound of the words leaving her little sisters mouth! "JORIKO! WE DON'T SPEAK WITH LANGUAGE LIKE THAT ABOUT PEOPLE LET ALONE YOUR OWN MOTHER!"
"But it's true. Mom freaked out for no reason then she abandoned us...She deserves to be called a bitch." The older sister sighed and shrugged picking up and putting her younger sis on her shoulders. "I'm definitely gonna need to speak with Jotaro about the language you learn from him. I swear he's too nonchalant about everything. Anyway Mom was well within her right to be scared of us sis. We've been abnormal ever since we got possessed by these things. It'd only ever be inevitable for a freakout to occur. If we were to ever meet her again. We'd simply talk things through. Hopefully she'd understand."
"In case you're wondering then our father Toishiro married one of the most beautiful women in the world. Our mothers name? Himura. Both our mother & father loved each other more than most would love their significant other. They pretty much never argued. And always knew how to have fun. But...Those times would stop a few years prior. Our Dad. He was diagnosed with this unidentifiable illness. Even though with him you'd never really be able to tell something was wrong. In his hospital bed he'd lounge about in all sorts of poses. Apparently one day he went for a jog around the building in his hospital gown no one could catch him..."
"We asked him during visting hours. 'So does it hurt?' And he replied. 'Exponentially' but he reacted so calm. That's the thing with our father. He's so peaceful. He doesn't want anyone to worry even if it means he has to smile through the pain. He died. But from the look on his face. You could tell he regretted none of his life. He was...At peace...But then after Joriko got upset at home over it. She released her invisible presence, planets on accident. This is what sent mom away. She was scared of us. She already took the death of Toishiro like a brick to a window. So seeing this. It's what definitely sent her off far beyond the breaking point."
Jojimi & Joriko were headed over to their Uncle's house before eventually leaving to go to a restaurant where Jojimi's boyfriend Daisuke Togashi worked. Apparently according to Jotaro it's one of the only places where he likes the food. "Hey Uncle Sadao! Aunt Holly!" The music man turned to see his two niece stood outside the entrance of his home walking over to them with open arms and a smile. "Jojimi Joriko! It's good to see you two! We're just waiting on Jotaro & Holly. She's trying to get the boy to leave his hat behind. Oh and his uniform. He intends on bringing it with him but she's not having it. But at the same time neither is he."
The taller girl sighed again but then started laughing. "Well that's Jotaro I guess. No matter what you do he'll always be as stubborn as they come. Though I guess with things this way it's easy to tell where he gets all his character from." She looked down to her Sadao, who raised his eyebrow in response.
"Oh? So you imply he gets all his attributes from me yes? Can you blame him? Having a role my like myself is an honor indeed." Jojimi laughed once more to herself. "Well heights one of the things he managed to surpass you in that's for sure." Sadao smirked "Size isn't everything Jojimi."
"Geez! Fine you bitch I'll wear a damn casual outfit! If it'll stop you from nagging me! I'm keeping my hat though."
The voices of both Jotaro & Holly could be heard coming from the over room. He had finally agreed to wear something other. Sadao pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Good grief. Hey Jotaro what have I said about the way you speak to your mother!"
The angsty teens voice boomed from a different room. "I don't give a damn about your freakin language lectures. If I did there wouldn't be a point for going to school."
"Oh right. Jojimi & Joriko are here by the way." Jotaro fell silent for a bit. "Jojimi? You're not gonna nag me for swearing in front of Joriko again are you?"
"No~ she's already said our Mom's a bitch today anyway there's nothing more to say." Jotaro came to the entrance. "Well to be fair." He pulled out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes. "She did just ditch you guys." The teen lit the cigarette casually inside the house.
"HEY!?" Jojimi snatched it from him. "What do you think you're doing you can't just smoke inside the house! If you're gonna do that stuff you better do it outside!" Jotaro tipped his hat down then reached for another cigarette from the pack and headed out the door ducking under as not to bump his head on the frame. "Good grief Jojimi. You treat me like I'm some damn animal. Anyway come on. Let's get in the car."
Sadao's eyes opened wide and he turned round to face Jotaro rather quickly. "Oh no Jotaro we're walking." Jotaro didn't say anything he didn't complain didn't say the usual "Good Grief." Instead he proceeded to walk way ahead of everyone. Sadao called out for him. "JOTARO WAIT FOR EVERYONE ELSE!"
Sadao chose to tease his son for a bit. "Ey come on now Jotaro. So what if you're beefy. At least they'll get a good taste of you. Heheh."
"Damn you old man!"
"The sound of a door opening accompanied with the sound of a little bell chime occurred. It alerted one of the boys within the building. Upon first glance his hair would lead one to believe he was some sort of delinquent but"
"Oh! You guys are here!" This boy ran over to the front entrance from where he presumably worked to await the visitors. "It's good to see you all made it. Especially you Mimi!"
The one who he referred to as Mimi was Jojimi. This was Daisuke. Jojimi's boyfriend. He worked at the restaurant they'd be spending some time at. Jojimi coiled her arms around him and stared him in the eyes.
"Do I get a special visit kiss." Each relative facing Jojimi's blindspot wore a different expression. Jotaro was simply just smiling & Holly cupped her cheek baring the most light hearted face at him. Meanwhile both Joriko & Sadao stared at him nodding with faces that said "Do it coward. Let's see how good you are at tounge hockey." Daisuke after ignoring them did eventually go through with it despite the audience. "Oh that's right you said you wanted me to get a cake? Well I decided to make one myself actually! I hope you'll all have some after!" Everyone nodded in agreement.
Not too long shy of a few minutes. Alot more people began pouring into the restaurant. Much to the dismay of Jotaro, some of his "friends" were included. All the people there came over to speak with Jojimi, Joriko, Sadao, Jotaro & Holly before going to take a seat nearby.
One of the first people who entered spoke to Sadao. "Hey Sadao!"
"Huh? Oh Yuichi! Kaede & Shoko to!" They were Sadao's friends & other Band members. The one called Yuichi handed over a straw hat to Sadao. "Here you go."
"Erm. What's this for?"
"Oh that was your brother's he gave it to me one summer after I kept complaining about the sun rays. Ever since he died I've been looking for it to return."
Sadao looked at his fellow musician with a simple expression. "...You lost a hat?"
"You were throwing it like that Oddjob guy from the James Bond film weren't you? Then got it stuck in a tree" Yuichi blushed slightly embarrassed "..........Take the hat."
More people began to flood the building. All these people had been gathered for a reason. Today is October 1st. 7 Years Ago today was the death of Toishiro Kujo. And almost the entirety of the district he lived in knew him. And as far as they could tell. Not a single person hated him in their area. There was always nothing but love with him around. Even delinquents respected him. People would regularly throw parties for the man just for simply being a great guy. But now since he's no longer of this world. They throw a yearly party every October 1st to celebrate the life of Toishiro Kujo. They'd reminisce the times spent with him. No matter what Toishiro's life would never go forgotten. Funny enough. Today was also his Wedding Anniversary.
A delinquent with a face filled with piercings was banging at their table which was behind Jotaro's. "Hey erm!? Waiter!? What's up with this aintcha meant to be handing out the food now!? What's the hold up!?" His voiced oomed across the room to Daisuke across the room, who was helping and elderly couple get seated. "Oh right! Just a second!"
The metal faced goon rubbed at his chin squinting at Daisuke. "Hmmm? Say! Ain't you that 2-D guy? My big bro said you got that name cause you got 2 Dea-" A hand suddenly grabbed at the kids collar, the person holding on began to speak "Hey now. Watch what you say now got it?" The teen cracked his neck around in frustration to look at who had spoke to him. Obviously offended by being grabbed. "Who do you think you are basta-... ... JOTARO!? A-Apologies man. Didn't know it was you."
As he said. The one held onto him was Jotaro, who shook his head as he put his hand back to his pockets. "I'd watch what you say now Sugawara. That '2-D guy' just so happens to be Jojimi's boyfriend. So if I were you I'd be wise and call him by his actual name. Daisuke Togashi." Sugawara sank back into his chair noticably surprised. "Jojimi's boyfriend!? Man how luck do you gotta be to end up with her."
"Here's an hint for you don't be an asshole." Jotaro was tapped on the shoulder by the guy sat next to Sugawara. He wore a mask with some shades. Also had blue hair. "Hey Kujo-San?"
"Hm? Oh hey Hoshino. What's up?" The blue haired boy who was referred to as Hoshino by Jotaro brought the taller teen closer to himself. "Listen Kujo-San. Your old man's folks? They alive?"
"Hm? If by 'They' you mean. The assholes? Yeah I think so sadly. Why?"
"Well I had forgotten something at home halfway here with Sakurai-San & the others. So I called back home on a public phone, so my mom & dad could bring it up later. They said they saw them headed over here right now not too far behind me. So I thought I'd warn you guys about it just incase you wanted to-" Jotaro interrupted him.
"Wait a second you? Forgetting something?" Jotaro looked to both of Hoshino's hands then his back. "Good grief. Really? Your wooden beating stick? I thought that was practically glued onto you. I didn't think forgetting it was possible for you."
"I'm so embarrassed I forgot the most relevant part of my character for this story."
"Hey now leave the 4th wall alone man. We haven't got anywhere near, Wheel of Fortune yet."
A man in a suit stepped up over to Sadao & Holly who were sat at a table together. "Hello miss Holly & Sir Sadao. I am from the Speedwagon Foundation. I've come to hand you a letter from Mr. Joseph Joestar aswell as Mr. Jonas Joestar!"
"Oh! Papa sent a letter this time!? But it doesn't look like Joey will be coming this time around." Sadao took the card written by Joseph and over analysed alot really. "I wonder what made him feel he should write a letter? Not like he knew Toishiro that well. He hates us remember." Holly placed her hand on her husband's shoulder. "Come on now. Maybe he's just slowly coming to terms with the fact that he needs to accept this decision of our love isn't something he can control. You know he's at least started to try even if it's late into this. On the phone he's started to ask alot more about how things go on the opposite side of the world. He genuinely sounds interested. Even if he complains about at least something."
Sadao gave a light smile in response to this.
-In America-
Joey was on the phone with his dad. "So you sent a letter? Dad?" Joseph was throwing paper aeroplanes in the bin in his office at work. "Yes~ I did." His son raised an eyebrow with a confused expression. "Completely of your own will?" Joseph missed the bin. And used Hermit Purple to get the plane back. "Y~ep!" Joseph was met with silence from his son which was abruptly interrupted. "I don't believe you."
"WHAT!? NO! I'm absolutely serious Joey! I think I'm beginning to realise. Even though I dislike Sadao & Japan...This was Holly's choice. I may not approve. But that's not my call to make. Besides sending a late letter of my condolences is the least I could do for now...Especially since." Joseph looked over to a vase of Sunflowers on his work desk and smiled. "I of all people should know what it's like to lose a close friend or family member." Jonas adjusted his glasses with a smile on his face. Before saying bye to his Dad.
A final bell chime was heard alongside the opening of the door. The restaurant fell silent. This was the first time these 2 had stepped foot inside the building. However Sadao knew them far more than he had wished. "... ... ...Mom...Dad..." The 2 attracted nothing more than distasteful glares.
"Yes...Midget. We have come here to honor the memory of our actual son. And not some runt of the litter. A mistake that constantly causes problems."
"Oh so like what you're doing right now huh?" Sadao snapped back calling out his father for his hypocrisy. The man batted off the hat he wore of dirt smirking as he did it. "So I see you got smart did you? Can't say the same for what you managed to make with that... ...Englishwoman." He looked over to Holly who was held onto Sadao's arm. And then to Jotaro whom he cringed at the sight of. "Ergh! Some disgusting hellspawn hafu child."
Jotaro glanced up to lock eyes with Sadao's father. And stood up beginning to walk over to him. Sadao tried to get him to ignore his old man "Jotaro please. Don't waste your time on trash like him."
"It's fine Dad." Jotaro stood directly infront of the disgusting man in question towering over him at least 15 CM higher. "Let him talk shit. He can see what happens for himself." They stared at each other for a good 30 seconds. "Go on then? What happened to all that tough talk? You were perfectly fine with insulting my mom & dad right to there faces. Why can't you do the same for me? You scared? Come on...Say something...We're all waiting."
Sadao's dad laughed to himself. "Oh that's just cute. Son I'm far more capable of fighting off scummy troublemakers like yourself. And surely you know as a man of my age. I've experienced war front stage. I was a General back in my day. And you believe you can knock me on my ass. All just because what? Your pissed off? Dealing with you is about as easy as wiping a baby's ass. Even if ones a mistake. I bet you can relate can't you you filthy halfbreed."
Jotaro lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke all over the man's face using his hat as an ashtray. "Let's see how much shit you'll be talking in the hospital then yeah?" Jojimi pulled on Jotaro's sleeve from her seat beside him. "Jotaro please. Just ignore him. We know it's obvious the only reason he's here is to cause trouble! Don't fan the flame!" Sadao also put a similar input, "She's right Jotaro. You're just giving him what he wants. Give him attention and he wins."
Sadao's mom eventually got involved. She smacked Jojimi's hand off of Jotaro's coat sleeve. "Filthy! You must be our Granddaughter Jojimi! Listen you were given a gift of being pure. Even though your father was a pain for dear mommy & daddy at least he had the decency to not get paired with a damned swine!" It was that made Sadao now rise from his seat enraged by the disrespect thrown at his wife. "I feel you're gonna have to repeat that mother what exactly is my wife now!?" His dad laughed at him. "Hohoho! The midget thinks he can be intimidating! How rich!"
"Oh I think you'll find I'm far more than capable of kicking your ass you bastard!" Jotaro smirked at his father. "What happened to "Give them attention and they win.""
"That was bullshit. They die now." Daisuke got inbetween the 3 of them before a fight could actually escalate. "Hahah! Yeah sorry folks, older Mr & Mrs Kujo I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask that you leave please. You are behaving unacceptably." Sadao's dad smiled at Daisuke patting his head. "Hahah! Step aside boy. You're far too innocent to involve yourself with stuff like this"
"Step aside Togashi! Anyone who messes with our Banchou's gotta deal with all of my gang." A small girl stepped up infront of Jotaro & looked up into the corrupt ex General's eyes. Jotaro yelled at her. "Good grief. Get outta the way Sakurai! That man. He's not afraid to kill you."
"Kill me? Do you even know who I am!" She had Sugawara pass her a metal bat and swung it for the man's ribs. "I'M THE ONE WHO DOES THE KILLING JOTARO!" The bat slammed against the man's rib cage & not a single bone could be heard breaking. Sakurai lifted up her weapon and ogled at it in confusion. "Wh-What the hell? The bat. It bent on his rib cage?" The despicable man then proceeded to lift small girl up from her hair, she winced in pain as he did it. Her gang members looked on cautiously "B-Boss Sakurai!" The man then smiled at the her before launching a punch directly in her stomach then throwing her to the floor. "Let that be a lesson. If any of you defend this halfbreed wannabe delinquent. Just know that you'll be forced to answer to me. And using this girl as example. I'm certain you don't want that."
"YOU BASTARD!" Sugawara stood from his chair his piercings ringing as he did. "Hurtin' da boss! Why dat! Dats an offence accountable for through pain! Good thing for you!" He patted Hoshino on the back who jumped from his chair immediately beside Sugawara in response. Sugawara cracked his knuckles. "We can help ya with dat! Sorry bout did Jotaro even if this were a family matter at first. Punching boss Sakurai puts dis geezer on the hit list! Now die you piece of shit!" Sugawara threw a punch at the old man while Hoshino jumped over to attack with a flying kick from above. He blocked Sugawara's punch then elbowed the teen round the back of the head. And then proceeded to catch Hoshino from the air and slam him into a table. "Hmph! Kids these days. No manners."
Sugawara locked the old mans arms from behind and prevented him from moving. "HAHA! I GOT YOU!"
"What!? I thought I'd knocked him out with that elbow!? How is he conscious?" Sugawara's eyes widened as he stared at Jotaro. "Hey Jotaro! I got an idea!" Sugawara head butted the man in a way of direction. "How's about you sock him one while I hold him? That way we'll all be happy!"
Jotaro approached without an ounce of hesitation towards his Grandfather sending a punch to his face. That threw him out Sugawara's hold & across the air in the restaurant. "What? What the hell?...He's. He's that strong?...This is odd. I hadn't pegged him to be this powerful. Hell I didn't think any of these pissants were worth a damn. That Hoshino guy broke through a table. And he's getting up just fine! If I were to actually fight them...I might just end up dead." Jotaro saw to Sakurai's injury. "Oi pint size how you holding up?"
"It felt like I almost got a hole put through me." Jotaro patted her on the back and helped her stand. "So you're fine basically...Hey gramps. Just so you know. Daisuke the guy who kindly asked you to leave could beat my ass in Martial arts any day. And as a matter of fact your grandaughter Jojimi, is even better. They're just not as agressive with their strength as I am. So unless you do wanna trigger them. I suggest you leave."
"Hmph! The suck up pretty boy? Stronger?" Daisuke waved smiling. He ignored him. "Gah! Jotaro trying to be funny are you? You damnbrat. When I'm through disciplining you & those damn thugs. You'll all be crying like bitches! You can count on that happening."
"Alright then jackass let's see how that's goes for you yeah? Huh?" Jojimi stood up her chair crashed against the floor from her just standing. Jotaro stepped away from her. "You! You come in here uninvited. You come in here unwanted. You come in here!? To disrespect my family & friends with bad attitude & racism! And you come in here to disrespect the life of your own damn son! All just so you can be a dick to your other one who you repeatedly call a mistake despite being more popular than you could ever dream of being." Daisuke attempted to get Jojimi to calm down still trying to diffuse this situation as best as possible. "Mimi calm down please I don't want you doing something that might potentially kill this man. Are you gonna use it?" Sadao's dad began clapping slowly and laughing.
"Well. Let me get things straight for you sweetheart. Now your Dad Toishiro? He was a helluva lot of things. He was a smartass, too chilled for his own good, no matter what I did to him he'd always deny me the satisfaction of having him obey me! He had more balls than your Uncle who ran away after stealing from us. But it's something like that that pissed me off. In all honesty. I'm glad he finally went and kicked the bucket. Especially since I can try once more to take control of this district. That was a boatload off my shoulders. But if only that'd happened earlier. Then you nor your runty sibling would be here acting the same."
Daisuke darted his eyes to and away from Jojimi before backing away from her. "I'm sorry sir. I asked you to leave kindly but now I definitely think you're about to get what you deserve."
"What? A stern telling off by the girl? Gimme a break." Both Jojimi & Joriko's hair began to sway almost as if their was some force blowing it like the wind. This obviously confused almost everyone in the restaurant except Daisuke. Grabbing her grandfather by the neck Jojimi, along with Joriko, spoke "When the planets realine & the danger is nullified. Anything you do. Is Useless."
"Wh-What the hell!? What is this intense grip? Why the hell is a girl giving me such a hard time!?" He tried to punch & kick at Jojimi to make her let go but any time he tried something would stop him right before making contact. "WHAT'S HAPPENING!? WHY CAN'T I HIT YOU!? DON'T JUST STAND THERE WITH YOU FOOLS GET THIS GIRL OFF ME- HUH!? WAIT WHAT!?" Everyone in the restaurant stood staring blank almost as though they'd lost all sense. The old man turned pale in fear for his life. "Wait wait stop! I'm sorry! In truth I tell you, your father! Once he grew up he became such an obstacle for our horrid behaviour he never let us hurt him again he surpassed me at everything! Even at this point Sadao, though I call him a disgrace! He to, has become better than I am! Please I've hit rock bottom. I may be a war veteran but I only pass judgement on the weak because it helps me feel at power! But all of you! You and that white side! You're all maniacs! I bet even that damned exploitable little tart Holly could be a danger to me but she has yet to show those true colours!" The old man had practically broken down into tears.
"...Huh? Evil?"
"All that you've described right now. That's evil. Passing on Judgement to those who have done nothing to you simply because they're weaker than you? That's evil. Especially when the victim is a small girl. Now I don't care if you're an old man or if you're my Oji-Chan! You use the weak for your own gain. And anyone like that doesn't deserve my mercy."
"YOU'RE A DEVIL! YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN- ACK!" Her gramps' tounge randomly was cut off. As far as he could tell, nothing had happened. Joriko began to giggle to herself. Staring her gramps in the eye. "Oji-Cha~n what's wrong? You don't want to play with us?" Jojimi softly snapped back at her sister. "Joriko cutting off his tounge is going a bit far."
"And crushing his windpipe isn't?"
"Exactly. Don't worry gramps we're not gonna kill you. I'm just going to make the sight of everyone here Useless so they can't see. Then correct your wrongs. That is my Clint Eastwood."
"And I'm just here to make sure you feel the exact pain Otousan & Oji-San felt every day they spent with you Jiji. With my Saturnz Barz."
"You can't see them"
"But trust us they're there."
A large muscular figure with wavy hair and no eyes formed behind Jojimi decked head to toe in gear reminiscent of that present in American Football. And surrounding Joriko were spheres reminiscent of the Solar System's planets. The larger figure grabbed their Grandfather by the head. As a miniscule version of Venus orbited around him.
Both girls spoke at the same time. "Once Venus has orbited you'll face an extreme heat! And when that's over Clint Eastwood pummels you!" After completing a full orbit. The old man was cast on fire. He screamed as hard as possible with a lack of a tounge blood spraying from it as he did. "GEEEEYAAAH!!!!" The backhand of Jojimi was swiftly met with the geezers face, knocking out one of his teeth. "Oh shut up. It only lasts like 20 seconds with each orbit. Listen. We're not gonna kill you or anything. And personally. I never wanted to use this big guy on a normal person. Hell normal people are all I know. But I'd say you deserve more than just a beatdown from me! Clint Eastwood deserves a turn to."
The man struggled as the figure named Clint Eastwood by Jojimi neared closer with it's fist in almost seemingly slow motion. Yelling as it did.
"BOOOOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAA!" The follow up punches were a light speed barrage of punches. "BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA BORA!" Her grandfather was promptly rocketed out through the door, lit a blaze like a firework.
But instead of feeling satisfaction. Jojimi covered a gasp with her hands then began to shake even, Joriko who was usually the more energetic one looked down after dealing with their family's own reacurring bully. The girls both walked out of the restaurant, past the battered body of their grandfather and along a stone pathway, Daisuke being the only one selectively unaffected by Clint Eastwood followed them aswell. Shortly after they left. Everyone in the restaurant began to gain consciousness. Sadao's Dad was no longer on fire, his wife rushed over to him the second she saw him lying there.
Sadao looked up through the ceiling window he slowly broke out into laughter. "Haha!...Hahahah! HEEEEHAHAH!..... .....So long.....So long have I yearned to see my old man knocked on his ass...Even if I wasn't the one who dealt the blow... ...It feels good to see it...And yet. Somehow. I still feel empty. Why is that?" He turned to look at all the panicked faces in the crowd as they all gathered to stare at Sadao's Dad. "Damn. Today was never meant to be like this. Toishiro would've kept chill throughout all of this...Tch. Bet we've made a real disappointing celebration of your life this year...Ay brother?"
The hand of a larger man came atop Sadao's head. "Hey pops?" It was Jotaro. "Joriko, Jojimi & Daisuke have gone...I think they went to visit Toishiro's grave. I'm gonna go there myself now. I guess we can just come back to the restaurant after."
"Grave? Heh. With the size that that thing is I'd call it way more than just a simple grave...Sanctuary's more like it.... .... ....Alright then. Let's make a move. We'll come back here later."
"... ...Erm. Hey Mimi? Are you alright? I mean...You've settled it with him now haven't you? Shouldn't you feel happy?" Daisuke attempted making his partner to be happy. Jojimi however remained silent. The three eventually happened upon a tombstone placed within a massive shrine filled with flowers & chimes, after climbing up a staircase on a hill. On it were two halves of a name. 'Toishiro Kujo.' This was it. This was where the sisters' father lay in rest.
"Father." Jojimi knelt down on her knees. Her hands fixed upon her lap her head hanging low infront of the tombstone. "I-...It's us. Jojimi! A-And Joriko!...I-I'm sorry." Joriko also knelt down next to her sister. "... ...I'm sorry to dad." Daisuke was completely at a loss for what the girls were on about he scratched at his curly hair confused by them. "They're...Apologising? Did...Did they do something that would make their Dad unhappy? But...What? It can't be teaching his Dad a lesson that they're so upset about."
Jojimi's eyes flooded with tears. "I-I couldn't do it Dad! I couldn't stop it! It's all my fault! All my fault! I got emotional and for the first time! For the first time I used it. I used it on a person! I made a promise to you! I would only ever use this ability to help people! Never to hurt them! But I lost control! I nearly killed someone! What kind of doctor would I become if the first thing I'm known for is killing an old man!? Let alone my own grandfather! What would my life even amount to!?" Joriko removed her hat and covered her eyes with it. "I'm sorry Dad." She was crying aswell. "I lost my temper I don't think that's ever happened before. Up until now I've been completely calm with everything just like you were. But back there... ...I cut his tounge off. Why?...Why do we have these things! Dad please say something I need to know! I even get scared one day people around me will die because of this thing! I don't want to be a murderer Dad!"
"If this is how dangerous they get!"
"Then we don't even want them anymore!" Daisuke only watched. He thought that it would be disrespectful to interupt the two at this time. While letting his thoughts circle his brain. Daisuke failed to notice the arrival of an old man. He sat on the top step with a small pot lay next to him. "Life. It's unfair. Life can't be given a precise estimation. As Fates design is unpredictable. And for a lifespan to plummet is said to be the touch of a God of Death. Or I believe in Japan these are referred to as Shinigami? Yes? A God of Death. Phenomena such as those are decided from Fates initial plans for you."
Daisuke approached the man on the stairs. "Excuse me sir but are you here to mourn." The man ignored him. Not purposely. He genuinely didn't notice what was said. "Hello? I said are you here to mourn? It was a simple question..." Before Daisuke spoke again the mysterious man gently clasped his hand around the teen's face and inspected it.
"Hmm? Heh! She was right you really must be that Dan fellows brother. But you are not my focus today. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Stephane. I am a man who puts the aching hearts, of those who bare them, to rest. I will reveal to you the ability I have. Degenerations. A fog will arise from within my container over there. And then the people of your past will be within the mist. I was sent here specifically for this today. My purpose as of now is to help this family to be at peace." Stephane removed the lid from what he had called 'Degenerations' out from within it came a cloud of fog. Just as he said would happen.
"Now my friend. Bare witness to my ability and make peace with those who've been taken from you. As of now the man you know of as Toishiro Kujo is in of a different plain of existence he lives on as a ghost free of all the stress that comes with living but then again. I do believe this man held no stress with him. According to my research anyway." The fog soon engulfed the entirety of the hill. Something invisible slowly began to push a path through the fog.
It made it's way to the steps. And each step the figure began to become more visible. Soon enough each step came with it a sound of wood hitting stone. And eventually whistling could be heard. And finally a voice.
"Omoidasu aki no hi. Hitoribotchi no yoru." Daisuke watched the unkown figure continue up the steps they continued to sing. "Kanashimi wa Hoshi no kage ni. Kanashimi wa Suki no kage ni. Ue o muite arukou. Namide ga kobore nai you ni. Nakinagara aruku. Hitoribotchi no yoru. Hitoribotchi no yoru." The rest of the way up the stairs the figure whistled away and was headed towards Jojimi & Joriko.
"Hey!?" Daisuke stepped infront of the invisible. Misty figure "Can you please leave those two alone they're trying to-" the figure just walked right through the boy as if he wasn't there and just kept on walking. And whistling. "What...Just happened?"
The man stopped whistling once he'd reached the two crying girls. Then he lightly chopped at the heads of the two girls making contact unlike with Daisuke. "Now what are two strong girls doing crying?" The tears stopped flowing from the eyes of Jojimi & Joriko as both turned around. Their eyes no longer filled with as much sadness as minutes prior. "Da... ...Dad?"
Sadao & the others had at last made it to Toishiro's grave they noticed the large amount of fog covering the area. "Hmm. I see 5 people up there." Sadao said with confusion. "That's odd. I could've sworn it was only Jojimi, Joriko & Daisuke who left the restaurant early...One of them looks like an old man. And the other. He looks...Blurry for some reason. Almost like he isn't there...Do you see this Jotaro?" Sadao started his way up to the grave on the hill.
"Yeah I see it. We should head up there. That old guy seems awfully happy for a man in front of a grave." Holly grabbed to Jotaro's arm looking him in his eyes. "No Jotaro. He's not bad. I can tell. That face. That is the face of someone who wants people to be at peace. It's almost as though it's a smile of acceptance."
"AH!" Sadao had arrived at the top of the stairs of stone. "Th-That! That face!" He had fallen over for some reason stunned at the mere sight of someone he knew. "J-Jojimi! I'm not crazy!? A-Am I!? Cause. This man. He happens to look a lot like? My....My!" Holly & Jotaro came up not far behind Sadao. "Dad! What's wrong!? You alright? You look like you've seen a-" He paused. He too had noticed the man that stood before them.
Stephane smiled completely content with the string of events that would unfold. "Love for a relative. It is everlasting. Family is one of the many answers given to the question of 'What is the meaning of life?' However, a families bond can be broken or torn just as easily as any other twig or piece of paper in this world. Their can be. Abusive parents."
"I don't know you old hag how about you quit getting drunk and blaming this shit on us. Maybe then you'll get the braincells to find out who did it!" Toishiro laughed. "Damn Sadao. Going for her throat today are we?"
Their mom was seething with rage. "YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" She punched Sadao that day. So he ran away that night.
"Family members could have a sudden falling out. Another common way to lose ties even if it's only momentary."
"I can't believe you! You'd rather stay with those bastards than come running with me!? Your brother?"
"Sadao listen. I'm just telling you now. What you're doing. Meh. It's kinda taking the short cut here. Even if you're safe from Mom & Dad how are you planning on being safe from society? You run away from home. Then what? You're only 16. What do you plan to achieve here by running away? That you actual have relevance? That you weren't a mist-" Sadao slapped Toishiro.
"Be quiet Toishiro. Don't even. I'm at my fucking limit here. If I spend another minute here who's knows what I'll do."
"...I was going to say...Well go right ahead. And that I believed in you. But to be honest now for the first time you've acted like mom or dad. For you to lash out like that...Nah. That's not you. I guess I was wrong. Have fun alone then I guess."
Sadao ran from home that day.
"But in the end. Families. They're forever connected. And fate will one day have you cross paths once more."
Sadao walked over to his brother. He hugged him from nowhere. Toishiro snickered.
"...I won't lie. I thought you were about to kill me."
"...You ruined it."
"But once more another notable break for a family...Is death."
"Toishiro...I'm gonna challenge death."
"Why Sadao?"
"So that I won't have to leave you behind again without doing something worth a damn!"
Toishiro put a hand on his shoulder. "Heh. Don't think you're gonna win that one bro. But...That's fine. Death doesn't scare me."
"So calm. Heheh. As always."
"But even in death. In the fog you may still interact with those who are living. That is my Degenerations."
"Hey Sadao. Jotaro. Holly. It's good to see you guys again to." The figure now identified by others became much clearer. Wearing a rainbow coloured kimono & a straw hat along with a pair of wooden sandals. Tears ran down Sadao's face. "Toishiro!"
"I was watching that fight at the restaurant earlier. Funniest shit I've seen. You probably broke his jaw with that punch ay Jotaro." Jotaro was still in shock from what he was looking at. "Oh uh yeah that's. That's right!" The man turned to his daughter and hugged her as since he reintroduced himself to this plaine. She had taken only slight glances away and from him. "It's ok Jojimi...Both you and Joriko have made me more happy than I could've imagined. And don't worry about that silly promise you made Jojimi. This was worth you breaking it. Nothing could've made me happier than watching you break that bastard apart. Same with you Joriko! You've both helped me feel at peace. By pummeling that bastard."
"Hahah! Someone's lively!" Daisuke began sweating. "APOLOGIES SIR I SHOUT WHEN I'M NERVOUS." Toishiro laughed a bit before ruffling Daisuke's hair. "It's fine kid. From what I've seen of you. You're a fine young man. I'm certain you're the perfect man for my daughter. Which brings me to this. Sadao? Why'd you choke the poor kid when u first met him?"
"I'll never escape this will I? He was invading property." Jojimi spoke out. "I BROUGHT HIM OVER!"
"Without my consent!"
Toishiro now stepped towards Jotaro. "So. Delinquent?" Jotaro nodded. "Are you 17?" Jotaro nodded. "Well Sadao. Looks like I was right! He did become a delinquent at 17."
"I remember never saying otherwise."
"Too many lies too many lies... ...All of you. Let me tell you all. When I was on my death bed...Though this may sound selfish for all the time I spent with any of you really... I think that moment there. That was my true moment of peace. But I must say...Seeing you all again. I couldn't have asked for anything better!" Toishiro's face was glittering with every tear that fell from his eyes. "My two daughters. My brother. My Sister-In-Law. My angsty Nephew. Each and every one of you. You played an important chapter in my life. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Even if our parents are shit. Being born. Was the best thing I could hope for! And I thank you all for being apart of my life. I love how much effort you guys go through to make a party too! It's real sweet. I'll probably hang around this grave of mine for a while. I'll go back above when I'm ready though." The family huddled up closely together all moved by the speech given by Toishiro. Everyone of them teary eyed. But at the same time relieved of all their stress in that moment. Stephane had removed himself from that scene almost as though he'd never existed. He was on a public phone outside the graveyard. "You were right lady Gioia. That was indeed a heartwarming sight to behold. The recollection of happiness and bittersweet memories centered into that of a tragic tale with a happy ending."
"Yes...I may not have actually known the man myself. However, I'm almost certain that his rumors are all to be taken into mind. A kind gentle & patient man who faces everything with a calm outlook." Gioia smiled. "It's wholesome."
At night that day. On a mountain. Fireworks were set off into the sky. A woman sat on the mountain next to pre launched fireworks stared into the stars watching the beautiful mix of all those colours. "You see it...We used to do this all the time. When we were together...But. Even though you are dearly departed. Know that no matter what world you inhabit I Himura Kujo will always love you for as long as I live." She set off another firework into the sky. "Happy Anniversary...Toishiro."
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