#I hope one of these days you realize who I was and what I gave you and how you fucked me up
faithfulren · 2 days
accidental confession
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izuku accidentally confesses his feelings for you in a moment of panic, leading to an awkward but sweet conversation.
middle school had always been a challenging time for izuku midoriya. as a quirkless boy dreaming of becoming a hero, he often felt isolated and misunderstood. however, there was one person who always seemed to make his days a little brighter, you. your kind smile and encouraging words were often the highlight of his day, though he never quite knew how to express his gratitude or growing feelings for you.
it was another typical afternoon after school. you and izuku were in the library, working on a group project together. the room was quiet except for the soft rustling of pages and the occasional whisper between the two of you. izuku's heart raced every time you leaned in to look at something in his notebook, your proximity making his thoughts scatter.
you noticed Izuku seemed more fidgety than usual, his face slightly flushed as he scribbled notes in his ever-present hero analysis notebook.
"hey, izuku," you said softly, placing a hand on his arm to get his attention. "are you okay? you seem a bit… distracted today."
izuku's eyes widened, and he immediately started to stammer. "i-i'm fine! really! just, um, a lot on my mind, i guess." he forced a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck.
you gave him a concerned look but decided not to press further. "alright, but if you need to talk about anything, i'm here, okay?"
izuku nodded, his heart pounding even harder. he took a deep breath, trying to focus on the project, but his mind kept drifting back to you and the way your eyes sparkled with kindness.
as the minutes passed, you two continued to work in relative silence. then, out of nowhere, a loud crash echoed through the library. someone had knocked over a stack of books, and the sudden noise startled both of you. without thinking, izuku reached out and grabbed your hand, his reflexes taking over.
"izuku?" you said, looking at him in surprise. his hand was warm and slightly trembling around yours.
realizing what he had done, izuku's face turned beet red, and he quickly let go, stammering apologies. "i-i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to—"
"it's okay," you interrupted, a gentle smile on your face. "you just surprised me, that's all."
izuku took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. he felt a wave of panic wash over him, and before he knew it, the words tumbled out of his mouth. "i like you!"
the library fell silent again, but this time it was a deafening silence. izuku's eyes widened in horror as he realized what he'd just blurted out. "i-i mean, i, um, i like you as a friend! no, wait, that's not what i meant either! i mean, i do like you as a friend, but also more than that, and—"
you blinked, trying to process his rapid-fire confession. a slow smile spread across your face as you watched izuku's panic. "izuku, are you trying to say you have feelings for me?"
izuku gulped and nodded, looking like he wanted to disappear. "y-yes," he managed to whisper, his voice barely audible.
you felt your heart swell with warmth. you'd always thought izuku was sweet and admired his determination, and hearing his confession made your own feelings clear. "izuku, i like you too."
his head snapped up, eyes wide with surprise and hope. "r-really?"
you nodded, taking his hand again, this time on purpose. "yes, really. i've liked you for a while now."
a smile slowly spread across izuku's face, relief and joy washing over him. "i'm so glad," he said softly, squeezing your hand.
the two of you sat there for a moment, just holding hands and smiling at each other, the world around you fading away. it was awkward, it was sweet, and it was the start of something wonderful.
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halaboyz · 18 hours
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oh?, choi san
classroom crush! ateez san x gn! reader (nonchalant vs oa lmao) FINALLY SOME FLUFF wc: 2.2k warnings: none that i know of a/n: i've done so much of this storyline i think this might be the last one of it
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San remembers his first day as a returnee, striding down the hallway to his room, notes and pens tucked in his arm. Upon entering his room, was delightedly welcomed by one of the regular students- you.
"Hi, is this seat taken?" San asks cautiously as he points at the seat beside you, crouching to hear you better. When you turn your head to look at him, but instead, your jaw drops.
"Well aren't you fucking gorgeous," Is that even a whisper? San was astonished, blinking at you. It was needless to say that he was intimidated by that single line, feet discreetly stepping back and escaping the situation. "Sorry. Slipped. No one sits there," Your poker face confuses him more. You're a weird junior. You quickly focus back on your phone, as if you hadn't just said the most compliment San could ever receive.
"Ah, thanks... But I think I'll just find ano-," When he whips his head around to find another seat untaken, he panics. You don't look awkward at all, but San is. He doesn't want that. But there aren't any seats left, and he isn't close with anyone to strike a conversation just to switch seats with him. So he dejectedly takes a seat, scooting farther, maybe just a bit, away from you.
The day just wouldn't end like that, San just had to forget to bring an index card- the whole class did. And you just had to be prepared for it. Out of all his blockmates, it just had to be you. It makes everything hard for him when you hand all of your classmates a card one by one, when it all came down to him.
"You have one?" One was already hanging loose between your index and middle finger, handing it to him. It takes him a few more seconds before he shyly takes the card and thanking you softly, and he glances at you to see if you're really unbothered by the thing a while ago.
You really were.
At that point on, San had considered you a friend (he hopes you do too) that he can count on. Being a returnee wasn't easy, and you helped him adjust to the environment quite easily. You were someone who was blunt, straightforward. Unlike San, who overthought every situation he had been, and will most likely overthink the coming situations.
"Oh San. Hello. Are you at the room right now?" You quickly ask right when he answers your call. When he hums, "I forgot my extra shirt under my desk. Do you mind bringing it over here to the gym? Please and thank you."
Like you gave him a choice. He chuckles to himself, just agreeing and immediately getting into action. He retrieves your extra shirt for PE (which he, thank god, had taken already and passed the last year before he went for LOA) and jogs to the gym, where he finds exiting students already. When he asks a familiar face of where you are, they just point inside the gymnasium.
At last, the gym only had a number of students getting ready to leave, and he still doesn't see a strand of your hair. When he tries to reach his pockets for his phone, he sighs when he realizes he left it at your desk.
He cautiously walks to the changing room, where he tries to shout out loud, bravely, calling for your name.
"y/n... please come out, I have your shirt and there's no one else to ask a favor for," He thinks if you're even still there. But when he hears footsteps approaching he perks up.
Not until he sees you, though. He immediately turns red, and I mean literally red, and immediately- when he sees you only covered with a towel. He stands frozen in place, shirt in his hand reaching out to you.
"What, first time seeing a person half naked, pretty boy?" Your nonchalance was killing him inside. You thank him as you retrieve your shirt, asking him to wait for you since he was there already. As if you had just done the most normal thing friends do.
Or was San just not used to this friend-thing relationship that was normal for you?
"Hey, y/n. How are you?" San starts, the chair scraping the marbled floor.
"Good. You?" You reply simply, not even glancing at him.
"Good too," San nervously chuckles, but you don't buy it. With a simple whisper of 'spit', he folds. "Well... Not good, actually. I haven't been feeling well the past few days and I really want to stay in today but I had a quiz this morning. I really want to attend this class since I'm here already but my body's declining. Would you be so kind to share your notes for today?" San rambles, immediately feeling sorry for the inconvenience already.
"Okay." You answer, nodding at him. He waits a few more seconds to see if you'll add onto that, but nothing comes out. So he immediately thanks you, standing up and ready to leave when you grab his sleeve.
"Right, here. I've been meaning to give this." You throw him a small paper bag full of meds, "Get well soon. Miss you already," He doesn't know whether that was sarcastic or not. He doesn't care. What matters were the medicines in his hand, released from the pharmacy dated to three days ago, when he started feeling under the weather and has been doing everything to hide it.
He feels... weird. You're weird.
He remembers all that. That's how it has always been for the two of you. All along, he thought that he was the one who... he doesn't know. He doesn't even know, but all along he thought it was a him problem. Not a you problem.
So why were you here, in front of him, confessing your love for him?
Not the pretty-boy-adoration level, but a serious kind of level.
"I like you, Choi San. I think it's been for a while already." San couldn't figure you out until the end. So he figures that maybe, all this time, it's not a romantically-inclined interest he had for you, but a rather type of 'you're a weird-fun that's why you keep me on my toes' kinda thing.
And he doesn't want that. He doesn't want that for you because you deserve better. Just because you were a fresh air for him, doesn't mean that he'd only keep you to have his own part of fun.
"Uh... y/n..." He doesn't know what to say. He hopes to keep the friendship you've been building, but he also needs your keep of the decision for that. "Sorry, but..."
"Okay." You shrug, smiling at him. "It's fine. I get it. Don't worry, we can go back and act like nothing happened, right?" You didn't even let him finish. But he thinks he dodged a bullet there. Because of how he knows himself, he would've fucked it all up without meaning to if you let him finish. "Let's go back to the room?" You pat his arm, and you were back to being... unbothered. Like you didn't just get rejected.
Did San read too much romantic novels? Watch too much movies? To expect more reaction from you?
But apart from all that's raging his mind now, he follows you back to the room, and just like you- it feels like nothing happened. Maybe, it was better that way.
But when he asks your friend Yeonjun why he was going through your desk, and answers you asked to bring him your extra shirt and bottle of water to the gym, he's dumbfounded.
Not that he had some grudge for Yeonjun, but... hadn't you always asked him with that? I thought we're back to being whatever you were before the confession? Why was he now looking at Yeonjun like just committed a heinous crime?
But he lets Yeonjun off the hook (partially because Yeonjun was now sprinting out of the room to get to you and he didn't had the leisure to confront Yeonjun about it) and stares at the empty seat beside him, left with only traces of you.
Maybe, just maybe, Yeonjun crossed your mind first this time around, than San.
But well oh well, it happens again.
"Yeonjun, can you pass me the scale ruler, please? Oh and could you grab these plates unharmed and go with me to the office to drop these off before class ends," San was sure prior the confession, you had always asked him around. But now... what the hell?
"We can go now," Yeonjun stands up with no complain, getting all of the plates to go with you while you prepare. Why is Yeonjun acting like all of this is normal? Like... isn't he finding it weird that he's now the one getting asked around, not him?
San could now rip his hair all out for all he knows. He thought you wanted to go back to normal? Why is he noticing even the littlest changes now? Why is he so frustrated anyway?
His last resort was now two weeks after the confession, and everything has changed for him. Maybe just him, because he had started even noticing the smallest changes in your actions, or if it even changed- from the looks of it of other people's point of view, it didn't. But for him, a lot has changed.
"y/n, do you want to go get materials for the next project together later?" San encourages himself to initiate an offer, while the both of you were alone after a while, Yeonjun having something to cram on during break.
"Oh, San. Sorry, I already promised Yeonjun that I'll help him with his requirements later." You reply, biting your sandwich and glancing at him, then back to your book
"Tomorrow?" San was desperate. He wanted to make things right, but he doesn't even know if there were things to correct in the first place. Why does he feel so responsible and desperate when he's the one who rejected you?
"...You want to meet on a Sunday?" You slowly set your book down, gawking at him.
"That's a problem now?"
"Oh now your attitude's a problem." With his snarky remark, you immediately rebut it with yours. You were getting confused of how he has been acting, like... he's also confused. You were back to acting how you were before you confessed, only San wasn't.
"What about my attitude, huh?" San presses, scooting closer to you to annoy you more lividly. You scoff, amused at the newly found attitude your senior had.
"What the hell is your problem, San?" You scoff in disbelief, a smirk in your lips at the amusement.
"You know what, now that we're in the topic anyway, let me ask you that. What the hell is your problem, y/n?" He starts, eyebrows furrowing into confusion. Yours raise, because what the hell was he talking about? "You confess and okay, I rejected you, I was expecting that you will never talk to me again because that's how it usually goes, but then you say that we can go back to acting like it never happened."
"So? I did!" You almost try and fight him, if it weren't for his palm flying to your mouth to shut you up.
"You! Didn't!" San rebuts, "It's always Yeonjun here, Yeonjun there- did you not like me anymore just like that?! Have you moved on quickly? Do I deserve getting ignored because I was too ignorant of my own feelings?!" San was now mad at himself. He always was.
Because if you answered yes to all of his questions, the blame falls into himself.
He let you go that easily. Just like that. All because of his uncertainties, really?
"Of course I still like you, idiot! Do you think I get over feelings fast like that?!" You push his hand away, your panicked state was a reflection of his panicked state. You were supposed to be the cool one here, but hearing San panic made you panic.
"Then why the hell are you avoiding me?!"
"You're crazy, I'm not! I'm acting the way I am!" You exasperatingly fight back, because you know you're right. "You're overthinking things like how you always are, okay, I get it." You calm down, because if you weren't no one was going to. "I'm sorry, okay, I didn't notice this time around, I'm sorry I should've been more careful."
"Why are you apologizing now... I should be. You must be so confused of how I am acting right now..." San starts, shoulders drooping, lips turning to a pout. "I've only come to agreement to my feelings just now, y/n. I'm so sorry I came too late," San grabs your hand, caressing it.
You almost turn into a ball at how San was acting, feeling all giddy and happy at the same time.
"Really? San, I don't want you saying anything at the heat of the moment, you can take your time. This might only be because you were overly cautious of my actions after my confession which made you confused. You can take your time, San." You caress his hand with your other, smiling at him.
"No, I've just been trudging it out longer. I've been feeling this way ever since we met. But if I told you that earlier, it would've been weird, wouldn't it?" With a chuckle, you pull San for a hug, one that had been long overdue.
"Fuck Yeonjun, he can cram all by himself."
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taglist: @sunlightwoo (answer the form on my pinned to be included!)
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seramilla · 1 day
I ended up binging all your posts about Vaggie being related to the Carmine's and ended up having a dream about all the wedding prep, including Carmilla actually meeting Charlie and thanking her for loving and helping Vaggie heal and grow from her time as an exorcist
I'm sorry, but this gave me ideas, so have some fluff instead of angst on this goddamn page for once.
Charlie Morningstar paces back and forth outside Carmine Industries for several minutes before she even thinks about touching the buzzer. A myriad of thoughts race through her mind as she steels herself for what she came here to do. Vaggie is distracted, back at the hotel helping Alastor with some kind of workshop or other for their guests. She has at least an hour until her presence is needed again -- plenty of time, she hopes, for a meeting with Carmilla Carmine.
Ultimately, it's not her who buzzes herself in, but one of the other Carmine girls. Charlie literally falls over in surprise as the metal door clanks open, but she manages to right herself before face-planting on the concrete outside. Odette, if memory serves, is standing there with a confused expression on her face, cocking an eyebrow at her and turning her head 30 degrees like a curious puppy. Charlie clears her throat, blushing profusely at her almost-fumble.
"Od-Odette! Hello! Did I get that right? Um, yeah, hi! I'm here to see Carm--Ms. Carmine. Is she home--at work--do you live or work here? I guess I don't know. I'm sorry, that's a dumb question, I just--!"
Odette chuckles. "She's here. Are you looking for an audience with her?"
Charlie lets out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Yes! Ma'am! Yes, ma'am! Oh, I'm sorry, do you mind if I call you ma'am? Is that weird? Should I call you something else?"
Odette chuckles again. "Odette is fine. No need for any formalities, your highness. You know you're welcome here. Follow me."
"Thank you so much! I'm coming!"
Charlie talks Odette's ears off the entire time they're walking toward Carmilla's office. Up a huge flight of stairs, around a corner, and all the way down a long hallway, Odette is given a crash course on all the current events happening at the Hazbin Hotel. She could probably give a lecture on the topic, given how good Charlie has gotten at really drilling home all the highlights of her redemption program.
When they finally stop in front of Carmilla's office, Odette gives Charlie's hand a firm shake, saying, "It's been a pleasure, Miss Morningstar. Now I must return to my tasks for the day." Then, without another word, she's gone again.
Charlie pauses at the ornate door leading to Carmilla's office. It's tall, and imposing. She's the princess of Hell, goddamn it! Something like this should be super simple for a daughter of Lucifer Morningstar!
Shaking all her misgivings out of her head, she says to herself, "Right! Let's do this!" before knocking firmly on the door three times. After a moment, a muffled yet prominent, "Come in!" reaches her from the other side. Taking another deep breath, Charlie opens the door, and steps inside.
Carmilla Carmine is at her desk, working away at a stack of files and papers that are practically as tall as Charlie is. Other stacks, she assumes the finished ones, are scattered in boxes around the floor at Carmilla's feet. Charlie doesn't even begin to know where to look -- the office is so busy. Instead, she ignores it, and smiles at Carmilla when the other woman's gaze meets hers.
"Charlotte!" Carmilla says, a happy lilt to her voice. She immediately stands and greets the princess with open arms. One of the privileges of dating the daughter of Carmilla Carmine is she's often privy to the woman's more maternal side. A notion that is quite welcome, as far as Charlie is concerned. It's nice, feeling that kind of maternal love again -- it's been so absent from her own life since her mother...left all those years ago.
"It's so nice to see you, Charlotte. Please, have a seat. What do I owe the pleasure of your company today?"
Carmilla gestures Charlie over to the plush couches on the opposite side of her office. The furniture has been upgraded since the last time she's been here. Charlie obliges and takes a seat. Carmilla joins her.
Charlie debates whether to break through her own misgivings with small talk, but decides better of it. She came here with a purpose today; she only has so much time before she's needed back at the hotel, so she decides to just get to the business at hand.
"Well," Charlie starts, immediately fumbling all the words she'd so diligently practiced earlier. That's so like her. But she won't be deterred! She grips the fabric of her pants tightly in both fists and continues.
"As you know, Vaggie and I are coming up on our 5-year anniversary in a few months. It's a big milestone for us, and I wanted to do something really special for her..."
Charlie pauses, waiting to see if Carmilla will interject. The older woman is as poised and stoic as ever, waiting patiently for Charlie to continue. Charlie wishes she could better gauge what the woman is thinking at the moment...but it can't be helped. Charlie's not a mind reader. Nowhere else to go now, but forward!
"...Anyway...um...what I came here to do today was...uhh...oh, fuck, why is this so hard?"
"Take a breath, Charlotte. It's okay."
That definitely is not helping Charlie's nervousness at all, being reminded to breathe, like she doesn't have two perfectly capable lungs, all her own. Carmilla is still looking at her with that face, like everything is fine. How does she know it's fine? She doesn't even know what Charlie's going to say!
Breathe, Charlie!
"God, okay. Hoooo boy. Carmilla. I came here today to ask...to tell you...that I love Vaggie very much. More than anything in the world. My life was not complete until she literally fell into it, and every day since then has been more rich, more fulfilling, and more full of joy than I can ever put into words. I'm telling you this because I'm going to...I want your blessing when I... I'mgoingtoaskhertomarrymeandIwantyoutotellmeit'sokay! Okay?"
The last part comes out of Charlie's mouth in a flurry of words. She lets out a sigh of relief, thankful she was able to get it out. She hopes Carmilla had understood her. Thankfully, the sparkle in Carmilla's eyes tells her that she has, and so much more. Before she can even protest, Carmilla pulls Charlie into a hug that's so tight, her spine nearly bows from the force of it.
Shit, this overlord's strength is nothing to sneeze at.
"You don't need my permission, Charlotte," Carmilla says, squeezing Charlie even harder around the waist. Charlie squeaks.
"I...I don't?"
"Of course not. You're already family. And Vaggie's a big girl. She can make her own decisions. But if you want my blessing...then of course you have it. I can never repay you for protecting her, loving, her, and watching over her when I couldn't. I would love nothing more than to welcome you into our family...officially."
"You, too!" Charlie says, not wanting to diminish the other woman's contribution to Vaggie's healing process. "Also, I almost asked my dad if he would do it, but...I want you to be the one to walk her down the aisle, if she says yes! I know she would want that!"
Carmilla can't hide the fact that she's the one crying now. Charlie sees her trying to hide the tears behind the hand in front of her face, but the cracks are breaking around the older woman's facade like a dam trying to overrun its banks. She smiles at Charlie, and nods.
"Of course I will. I would love nothing more than to give my girl away to you."
Charlie can't wait for the day she can pop the question to the love of her life. She's already bought the ring, got the date planned with Asmodeus, and booked an opulent night full of food, dancing, and every other pleasantry the Lust ring has to offer. She vows to make it the best night of Vaggie's life, second only to their wedding day, if she accepts Charlie's proposal.
Beyond that, all Charlie can see is happiness. She never dreamed as much for herself. But it's so close, she can almost grasp it. She leaves Carmilla's that day feeling more light and airy than she has in a while, and more full of conviction that she has the strength to see this through.
She deserves it. Vaggie deserves it. Carmilla deserves it. Her heart is so full of love and raw tenderness, she could practically burst.
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stariiesz · 12 hours
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୨⎯𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ⎯୧
Chapter 3
Authors note: Satoru is actually becoming likeable! Also this isn’t proof read again hehe
Tw: Alcohol consumption
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August 20th 2017
After a long summer of rest, fun, and heartbreak, it was finally time for the back-to-school season. And for you, it was time to start your first semester at Kyoto College. You were excited of course, it was a fresh start and a chance to meet new people. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you were still a little hurt about what happened at the festival but you were trying to get over it. That wouldn’t stop the thoughts about how Satoru was supposed to also be going to Kyoto College but had changed his mind a few months beforehand.
Now you think it’s better he doesn’t come. Running into him would most likely go a lot like it did at the festival. There was no universe in which he’d want to see you and potentially be friends. Those were all hopes of the past and you’ve learned to accept it. You would be lying if you didn’t say you weren’t a little mad at Satoru. I mean, after all, he hated you for no reason. He was rude and he made it clear he wanted nothing to do to you. You wish you had gotten the hint earlier in high school so you didn’t look like such a hopeless romantic. Now that you think about it, maybe Alina wasn’t the only one with an obvious crush on Satoru.
More importantly, you were moving out of the only home you’ve ever known for the year. You were dorming on campus with what you hoped would be a good roommate. You packed everything you needed for the time being. You took one last look at your room before heading out. You lived an hour and thirty minutes away from Kyoto University, so you wouldn’t be going home daily. More like once a week or two. It wasn’t too bad a schedule, but for you who aren’t used to being away from home for so long, it would be a little difficult.
Your parents helped you load up the car and you drove to the campus. After finally arriving on campus you had your parents help you load stuff in your dorm. The dorm was average-sized. Your roommate wasn’t coming until tomorrow so it gave you some time to adjust and have things the way you wanted them. You said goodbyes to your family and there you were. Sitting in your empty dorm room with boxes of stuff packed around you. You sighed and laid down on your bed staring straight up at the ceiling. Classes started tomorrow and you were taking the writing class you wanted to take. That was something to look forward to, right?
You explored the campus and got a feel of where you would be dedicating the next four years of your education. You got some ramen at a local ramen shop on campus and went back to your dorm where you would eat in silence. Your roommate decided to come a little earlier and came later that evening. So far you liked her.
Her name was Ayaka. She was 18 and was really interested in majoring in arts. She seemed like someone you could make friends with so that was good. She was super optimistic and she wore bright clothes and had bright room decor. She was the solar opposite of you but it was nice to have the company. You two talked for a while and you realized you weirdly had a lot in common. You botched like reading books, especially manga, you both strive to do good in school, and you both didn’t have any friends. You were just glad to have a good roommate and a nice person to talk to. So far college life was good, even though you hadn’t actually started classes.
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So there you were the next day standing in front of your mirror wearing an outfit that wasn’t you at all. You just wanted to make a good impression on your first day, but you figured it would be better if you dressed like yourself. Wearing a mini skirt and a crop top was unlike you, so you changed to the usual hoodie and some sweats. Much better and much more comfortable.
“I like your outfit, Y/N,” Ayaka said from her top bunk as she dangled her legs and played with one of many charm bracelets. You gave her a smile and adjusted your ponytail. “Thanks.” You said putting the last notebook into your bag. Even though you hadn’t even known each other for 24 hours, you were becoming friends. You had a fresh start indeed.
You two went your separate ways as you had classes on opposite sides of the campus. You walked to your first class which was mathematics, a subject you didn’t like but you did decent in it. The class wasn’t too bad. You got to know your professor and some other nearby seatmates. After that, you had social science. You actually made good friends with a friend group consisting of three people. They were all super nice and again you had a bunch of shared interests. This college thing wasn’t so bad after all.
After three classes, you had a break for lunch where you sat with your new-found friends, including Ayaka. You talked about the professors you liked the ones you didn’t and the classes you wanted to take and the ones you didn’t. It was going great until Ayaka mentioned something that piqued your interest immediately.
“Yeah so, in my art class this morning there was this really pretty boy. He seemed popular already too! He had white hair and the prettiest shade of blue eyes you’ve ever seen. He was soo cool. He had these piercings and-” Ayakas voice faded into the background. White hair blue eyes, white hair blue eyes. Surly it couldn’t be him. You heard yourself that he was going to the University of Tokyo with Alina so why would he be here? What could have changed? Then again, maybe it’s not him. His hair could have been a super light blonde instead of white right? But those eyes, you couldn’t mistake those eyes.
Your mind was running wild with thoughts about the mystery man who was possibly Satoru. It was only confirmed when:
“Yeah he was so pretty, I think his name started with an S or something. Sawyer? No that’s stupid. Sa...Ugh, I can’t remember.” She was cut off by you mid-sentence.
“Satoru. His name was Satoru, right?” You asked. You had to be sure it was him. And even if it was, why was he here, why did he change schools last second? You had so many questions, but on top of all of that was the slight bit of hope that maybe things could be different this time.
“Yeah, yeah! That was his name, Satoru. Do you know him or something?” Ayaka said as she took another bite of her Mac and Cheese. Your stomach felt like it was making knots. So it really was him. Satoru Gojo was at your school after all, but why, and did that mean Alina was there?
“Yeah actually, we used to go to the same high school, long story.” You said snapping out of your daydreaming. Ayaka looked surprised at your comment.
“Really? I figured he was a model or something. You must have been lucky to have him at your school.” She said. The rest of your friend's conversation faded into the back as you pondered. Ok so it was confirmed to be him, but now what? There was a likely chance of running into him, but what would you do if you did? Ignore him, smile at him, hell maybe even try to talk to him? But would he even be interested in striking up a conversation with you? Probably not. It’s probably best for you to ignore him like he's done to you right?
After the lunch break ended you headed to class. This one you were pretty excited about because it was the writing class. You got there a bit early so you could get to know the professor. You may have seemed like a teacher's pet to others but you were excited for this professor's class. You took a seat in the middle row of seats and pulled out your supplies. As class officially started students started to flood in, you were looking to see if a certain white head of hair had entered but you hadn’t seen anything yet. Thank god. You weren’t sure if it would be a good or bad thing if he were to come into this class. But if he were to come, you’d try your best to avoid him.
The class filled up rather quickly and there was one seat left which was right by you. As you were waiting for the class to start, you had your head down lost in the fantasy of the book you were reading, you only looked up when you felt the presence of someone sitting next to you. You only looked up when they had dropped their pen and you grabbed it for them. That's when you locked eyes with those eyes. Those beautiful ocean eyes. His eyes. No other than Satoru Gojo sat beside you. You were shocked it really was him. He mumbled a quiet thanks before taking his pen back and looking up at the board. You closed your book and paid attention to the board, not that you were really paying attention though. You kept getting the occasional glance at Satoru and he did the same even going as far as to smile at you. It was like the first day of high school all over again.
Things felt different like he was being maybe even nice to you. Did you change that much over the summer that he couldn’t recognize you or something? The only thing you really changed about your appearance was getting bangs over the summer but unless Satoru’s blind, he would still know it’s you. Unless he was just being genuinely nice for some odd reason. You were so lost in your thoughts that you basically missed half the first lecture, but it didn’t really matter to you now.
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After class, you were both packing up when your professor called you up.
“Since you two are the last ones here, can you do me a favor and clean the board and sweep the floors? There’s a board meeting in here next and I haven’t had the time to do it, I have to grab the snacks for everyone.” Your professor asked in a hurry. Normally it would have been an immediate yes, but again it wasn’t just you, it was Satoru too. But you couldn’t turn down your clearly stressed professor just because of a boy so you agreed and so did Satoru.
“Thank you both, I owe ya!” He said walking out of the class and closing the door behind him. An awkward silence fell over the room as you and Satoru stood there for a second before you took the broom and began to sweep. You didn’t care at this point. You just wanted this awkward interaction to be over with. Satoru took an eraser and ran it over the chalk writing on the board. There had been an awkward silence for a few minutes before Satoru finally broke it.
Satoru cleared his throat “So, how did you like his class?” He asked, eyes still preen on removing the chalk writing on the board.
You were silent for a second, still not completely sure he was talking to you. “Uh, I liked it, it was interesting.” You replied focusing on sweeping like it was the most important thing ever.
“Yeah.” He said. He stopped erasing and turned to look at you. You looked up at him and you two made eye contact for what felt like forever. His eyes focused on yours and the same with yours. You cleared your throat before looking back down and sweeping, but Satoru was still looking at you, you could feel it.
“Y/N, I want you to know I’m sorry for being such a douchebag in high school, you didn’t deserve that.” He said rebreaking the silence. Your mouth almost dropped to the floor. Satoru was apologizing to you? Now? Why was he doing it now? Was he dying and he wanted to make right before he passed or something? You stopped your brain from jumping to crazy and stupid conclusions like that and thought of a way to respond to all this.
“It’s.. ok, I guess.” That was all you said as you continued to sweep up the floor. You couldn't stop yourself from asking the next question though. “Why now are you apologizing?” You asked finally looking up from the floor again. He was looking down at you.
“Because we're in college now, there's no need to hold stupid grudges from high school, so let’s have a fresh start, yeah?” He said with a smile. The first ever genuine smile he’s given you since that day in freshman year. You were very surprised, but what he said made sense. Even though it had only been a month since you last saw him, he seemed to grow over such a short period of time. But there was another question eating at you. Where was Alina, and why did he not go to the University of Tokyo with her?
Since Satoru was being honest with you, you did the same.
“So, what happened to your girlfriend?” You asked as you set the broom down, finally being done with your small side quest. A flash of confusion crossed Satoru’s face for a moment as if he was totally unaware of having this so-called ‘girlfriend’.
“Who?” He asked as he finished wiping up the last bit of chalk on the board. Now it was your turn to be the confused one. Just a month ago, Alina had made it very clear that she was with Satoru now. It was confirmed by your own eyes when you saw them kiss in the parking lot too. So why is he now acting like he isn’t dating her? The thought that they may have broken up popped up in your mind as well.
“You know, Alina. She told me you two were together back at the festival, and I saw you guys kissing in the parking lot.” You told him as you sat and spun in the professor's chair right in front of him. Satoru giggled a bit.
“Me and Alina? No, I bet she was just pranking you, we’re not dating. And that kiss was just her trying to make some boy jealous, so I went along.” Satoru said clearing up the misunderstanding.
Maybe the kiss made sense now but you remember very vividly Alina telling you that the two of them were together. It made you a little happy to know that she tried to make you jealous but lied the whole time. And it was clear by Satoru’s tone that he saw her more as a close friend than a girlfriend. But another part of you felt a little bad for Alina. Crazy, right? But the poor girl was so desperate to keep other girls away from him that she would lie and ruin other girl’s reputations one of those being yours. Wait, maybe you don’t feel so bad after all. So they weren’t together, that was kind of a relief. You seemed to note that Satoru probably didn’t want to talk about your little confession, so you didn’t bring it up.
You two were interrupted by the professor coming back in with a tray of snacks and napkins in his hand.
“Thank you, you two. I will pay you back somehow. You can go now, I gotta set up.” He said ushering you out of his classroom. This was the last class of the day so you had nothing but time. You and Satoru awkwardly stood outside the door of the class before he spoke.
“Uh wanna head to the dorms now?” He asked rubbing his undercut. You nodded and you both headed in that direction. The dorms weren’t on the same floor due to the gender-separated dorm system, but they were in the same building. The walk there was silent, it wasn’t as awkward as it would have been before but it was quiet. You finally decide to ask him another question as you enter the building.
“So why’d you not go to the University of Tokyo with Alina?” You said as you both stood at the beginning of the stairwell which would lead to different floors. He took a long pause before speaking.
“It’s gonna seem stupid but, it’s cause my father used to go here and… I don’t know I guess I wanted to carry on his legacy and make him proud.”
Right. You had heard that Satoru’s dad had sadly passed when he was still young and it affected him greatly. He didn’t like talking about it either. So it had to mean something for him to tell you about it.
“Yeah, I thought I wanted to go to the University of Tokyo because a bunch of my friends were going there like Alina and the rest, but, I thought about it and I wanted to come here again. Alina thinks she might transfer here next year, but I don’t think she will.
That made sense now. Satoru always wanted to come here for his dad but was temporarily persuaded by his friends to join them at the University of Tokyo. You were kind of glad that he came to this school. This felt like it could be the beginning of a friendship between the two of you, or something like that.
“Oh, that’s nice I guess.” You said holding on to the straps of your bags. “Well, I’m that way.” You said pointing to your dorm level.
“And I’m that way.” He said pointing to the level of his dorm. “I guess we'll see each other another time, bye Y/N.” He said heading up to his dorm. Maybe Satoru wasn’t so bad after all. He was just misunderstood by you, and Alina didn’t help with that image. He was pretty chill, you see why people wanted to be friends with him so bad.
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August 21st 2017
You were woken up bright and early by a text message on your phone. It was six am and you were staring into the bright light of your phone. What stared back at you was a notification saying that Satoru had started following you on Instagram. Your eyes widened for a brief moment as you clicked on his profile skimming through the photos. He had a very active social life, there was no doubt about that.
He had a lot of photos of himself with friends, and family, and traveling to different places. He also had a lot of photos with Alina, who was tagged in each one. You clicked on her user and checked out her page. Half of her pictures were ones with Satoru. You blocked her before hitting the ‘follow’ button on Satoru’s profile. You put your phone down and went right back to sleep.
Later that morning you woke up and started getting ready when your phone dinged again. This time it was a DM from Satoru on Instagram. You opened it and read what he had said. “I was just looking through your profile and I didn’t know you liked manga. I have a big collection myself.” He said. You smiled at that because, under his popular boy image, he was just as much as much as a nerd as you.
“Yeah, I like reading One Piece, what about you?” You texted back as you resumed getting ready.
“Same!” He said. This brought another smile to your face.
After finally getting ready, you started walking onto campus with your friends but their conversations faded to the back as you thought about things with Satoru. Things were going great so far, and it indeed seemed like the beginning of a friendship.
“Yeah, there’s a party there tonight, wanna go? Y/N?” Ayaka tapped your shoulder and you snapped out of it. “What are you pondering about?” Ayaka asked.
“Nothing, what were you asking me?” You said brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
“I was asking if you want to go to a party with me tonight! It’s for the freshman and like everyone is going. Ayaka said nudging your shoulder. You had other academic things to focus on that night so you declined.
“Nah that's ok, you guys have fun though.” You said as you pulled out your phone and checked for any DM’s. Nothing new from Satoru. You wonder if he’s going to the party, but then remember it’s Satoru, of course, he would be there with girls swarming all around him.
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After classes that day, you went to a coffee shop on campus and did a little reading there. You were at the climax of the book when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You took out your headphones and turned around to see Satoru with some books in his hands.
“Can I sit here?” Here said with a few strands of his snow colored hair in his face. You nodded and he sat down. You took out your headphones and closed your book.
“So are you going to that freshman party thing tonight?” Satoru asked taking a sip of his expresso.
“No, it doesn’t really interest me.” You said playing with the rim of your novel. “Are you going?” You asked as you stared at him. You were tempted to move those strands of hair out of his face as you paid attention to him.
“Yeah, I figured it would be a chance to get, hang out with my friends, and meet new people,” Satoru said. “You should come though, you never came to one of the high school ones so the least you can do is come to college ones.”
You sighed. He was right about that, but did you actually want to go to a party tonight? No, that was the last thing you wanted to do. But he and your new friend group were all going too. Sure you didn’t really like parties but, it was college, it was time to step out of your comfort zone for a bit.
You hesitated. ‘I’ll… think about it.” Satoru smiled at your words.
“Great, so I’ll take that as a yes!” Satoru said taking another sip of his drink. He gave you a lemon muffin which he had bought for you at the front of the coffee shop. Lemon was your favorite flavor, so it was cute how he got you a lemon muffin most likely not even knowing.
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After you and Satoru left the cafe you went your separate ways and you dashed up your dorms staircase. You went to your dorm and asked Ayaka for help on what to wear, how to do your makeup, hair all of that. She laughed a bit
“Y/N, It’s not a dinner date, it’s a college party, you don’t have to dress up so much. Just wear a tight short dress, leave your hair down, and a little makeup.” She said laughing at your frantic state of panic.
“Why did you change your mind? I thought you didn’t want to come.” Ayaka said as she put her hair in a bun and ate her instant ramen from the cup. You sighed.
“Well I didn’t but now someone I like is going and he wanted me to come so, I’m coming.” You said looking through your wardrobe for anything somewhat cute. Unfortunately, you didn’t own any tight dresses, so the best outfit you could put together was a short top and a skirt. Ayaka did a light amount of makeup for you and did your hair as well. You looked good, and it didn’t feel like you were being a fake either.
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You and Ayaka walked to the party which wasn’t too long a walk. You met up with a few other friends too. Now you were standing in front of the door, the sound of loud music playing in the room.
“Are you guys ready for our first college party?” Ayaka said excitedly as she opened the door and you all entered.
It was loud and smelled of booze, there were a lot of people and you kept bumping into people. It was pretty overwhelming. The whole time you were looking for Satoru as your friends went off to grab some drinks. You had never been drunk before and you didn’t want to start doing stuff like that now. Instead, you took a seat in the kitchen where it was more quiet and people would occasionally come in and out for the alcohol.
You sat at the kitchen table suddenly regretting coming to this god-awful place. You’d much rather be cozy at your dorm reading a book or watching a movie, but here you were trying to step out of your comfort zone and do something new for a change. You decided you should probably just head back to the dorms and let your friends have fun. Right before you were about to leave the kitchen a guy with long black hair, ear piercings, and sweats on entered. He dug around the fridge which indicated he probably lived there with some other roommates. You got up about to leave before he stopped you.
“Hey, why are you leaving so soon?” He asked not batting an eye and pouring beer into a cup. It caught you off guard. Why did he care if you left, he looked like the type of guy to have a bunch of girls waiting for him.
“Uh, it’s not really my scene.” You said with an awkward chuckle. He closed the fridge and turned around to face you. That's when you got a good look at his face and he was hot.
“Want some?” He said holding out the red cup of beer. You politely declined before he took a seat across from you. “So if it’s not your scene, why’d you come in the first place?” He said staring at you as he started sipping some of his beer. You didn’t want to tell him that it was because of a boy, so you told him the partial truth.
“Because my friends are here and I wanted to check out the party.” You said as you sat back down. “What about you? Why are you here?” You said returning his question.
“Just came for the drinks and a few friends as well.” He said gulping down the rest of his beer. A moment of science passed before you got up.
“Well, I’m gonna head out now.” You said before you felt a strong grip on your shoulder. It was his.
“Wait, I just wanted to know your name.” He said putting his red cup on the table. You told him your name and he told you his name was Suguru.
“Have a good night.” He said walking back to the pile of drinks for his next one. You left the kitchen and navigated through the noisy party. Right before you left you heard a familiar voice call your name behind you. It was Satoru’s. You turned around and there he was with a red solo cup in his hand.
“I didn’t know if you’d come.” He said a little out of breath likely from chasing after you. “Here follow me, it’s too loud in here.” He muttered taking your hand and leading you somewhere. It was to the backyard where a few other people were, mostly the stoners. You two Sat down on the sofa and he smiled. “I’m glad you came, it was starting to get boring around here.” He said as he offered you his drink. You declined.
“Oh, I keep forgetting to ask you, can I have your number Y/N? It’s easier to text than DM on Instagram, you know?” He asked you. You were a little surprised but you gave it to him nonetheless.
“Great, now we can keep in contact.” He said as he smiled at you for the thousandth time that day. But that smile made you feel like you had butterflies in your stomach every time. “Uh so I stopped by a manga store after school and I got this one for you. I saw it was one of your favorite series and the latest volume just dropped. I hope you don’t already have it.” He said in a somewhat shy tone of voice as he rubbed the back of his head. You found it sweet that he had found one of your interests and bought it for you.
“No, actually I haven’t gotten the new volume, thanks!” You said giving him a small hug as you took the book. He smelled good was the main thing you noticed when you hugged him. Hugging him felt nice, and comforting. It was awkward when you stopped hugging and sat on opposite sides of the sofa. You tucked your hair behind your ear. It was clear Satoru was a little drunk but nothing too bad.
“Y/N, your confession didn’t mean nothing to me,” Satoru said suddenly breaking the silence. Confession? Right, you had almost forgotten that you had poured your feelings out to him before graduation because you thought he wasn’t coming to Kyoto, but now he’s here and it’s awkward.
Your eyes widened. “Oh.” That was all you managed to say as you locked eyes with him. You quickly looked down feeling the heat rush to your face. “Yeah about that-” He cut you off.
“And I think I like you too.”
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Authors note: each chapter keeps getting longer and longer:p
5.0k words
<-previous Next chapter coming soon!
Tag list: @username23345 @midnightwriter21 @seternic @azure-op @megumisthirdog @kalulakunundrum @mochi-ssu@olanii1019 @mediocre-introvert @shirabane @wolywolymoley @kalopsia-flaneur @aish777 @sapphireandange @pjmo-ri-ka-wa @prettykcals4301
Banner creds: @cafekitsune
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arisewanekosuki · 1 day
hello I have an ask for traveler’s little helper what if LH has a food allergy and forgot to mention it and some of the boys (Subaru bois + Ather & Paimon )were witness to a severe allergic reaction.
Hello! Sorry that it took so long T_T I hope you'll still enjoy this! >.< Tbh I don't have allergy to anything so sorry if something is not correct m(_ _)m ---- You didn’t know how this happened. It started as a normal day, doing commissions in Sumeru with Aether and this time Cyno was the one who had time to help you both. When you finished and Aether approached Katheryne to get payment, Cyno invited you for dinner. Of course you didn’t get it that Cyno wanted to eat dinner with ONLY YOU, you thought he wanted to spend more time with your whole group. And surprise, surprise. The rest of Sumeru boys invited themselves to this dinner. Cyno is not even sure how they knew about it, he was paying attention to his surroundings, making sure nobody else will hear about his plans and yet, here they are. You didn’t complain, as you said “the more the merrier!” Meanwhile Tighnari gave his friend the look that said ‘Nice try’, Kaveh was the one who was asking how your day went, Alhaitham sat in silence, waiting for food and listening to your conversation with Kaveh. Wanderer sat in silence too, from time to time bickering with Paimon, Aether looked tired, for sure he just wanted to relax with you in Teapot. You couldn’t see it from Cyno’s face but he was disappointed that again, he couldn’t spend some alone time with you.
After a while many dishes were brought to your group table. Paimon and you were excited to try some of them that you didn’t eat before. But after taking some bites you started to feel unwell. Not only you didn’t realize the dish had something you have an allergy to, you never mentioned it to even Aether and Paimon. The reason is that you thought that in this world your allergies won’t act up at all and not only that, to this day it seems you luckily avoided anything that you’re allergic to.
You started to have trouble with breathing and feel dizzy. Tighnari was the one who reacted first. For a moment he wondered if there was poison in food but looking more at you he understood it was a severe allergic reaction. He laid you down on the floor and searched in his little bag if he had anything right now that can help you. Paimon was panicking, asking “What happened to her?! Will she be alright?!” Aether was panicking too, crouching by your side and looked scared, not understanding what’s going on. Alhaitham and Cyno asked Tighnari what’s going on. While Kaveh asked what they should do to help you.  Tighnari asked them to make space for you and explained that you have an allergic reaction. He tsked when realizing he doesn’t have anything to help you. -“ We need to inject her with adrenaline! We shouldn’t move her in this state, so someone has to go to hospital-“ before he could finish sentence, Wanderer already left the restaurant and went to hospital. Tighnari was monitoring your condition while Kaveh was trying to calm down both Paimon and Aether (and himself), Alhaitham and Cyno keep people from coming to see what’s going on while the whole group waited for Wanderer.
They didn’t wait too long for Wanderer to come back. Tighnari applicated the adrenaline to you while others waited, some more nervous than others. When you could breathe normally and felt better, the boys would give you only one minute before they started scolding you for not saying something important like this earlier. -”How could you forget to tell us about your allergy?!” said Tighnari flicking your forehead. -”Yeah! We traveled for so long together and you didn’t say a thing about it?!” shouted Paimon. -”What if Tighnari wasn’t here?! We wouldn’t be able to help you!” said Aether, very angry at you. -”(Y/n), you shouldn’t hide things like this from us.” said Cyno, even if he sounded calm you could see disappointment in his eyes. -”But-” you were interrupted. -”They are right!! Do you think we want to see you suffer like this?!” Kaveh raised his voice a bit. -”But I-”  you were interrupted again. -”Hmpf, it seems you can’t take care of yourself, so tell us what you're allergic to, now.” said Wanderer with crossed arms. -”Even if nothing happens to you in the end, I assume it’s still not a pleasant experience for you. It’s better to know in the future what to avoid to order, than making fuss in restaurants.” said Alhaitham. Food got cold, but Paimon didn’t mind. After you told them what you are allergic to, they ordered new dishes. You hoped that you could just enjoy food now but not really. From time to time you could hear complaints about how careless you are. You got a bit annoyed but you nodded to them and promised that you will be more careful in future. After all, you know they just worried about your well-being. From this day the boys started to pay even more attention to you and your health.
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 day
Back Scratches pt. 2 | Dream Headcanon #14
Headcanon: Back Scratches
Genre: Fluff, slight angst in some of them
Warnings: might be mildly suggestive in Mark's and Haechan's? mention of anxiety in Jisung's
Word Count: ~2.4k
Author's Note: Okay, I know I've already written something about this which was actually the first headcanon I wrote for 7Dream on here. It was also one of the firsts requests I received. But I wanted to write an improved version of it, and I really do find the idea cute. So I hope you guys enjoy this and thank you for reading ^ ^
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Back scratches with Mark were initially quite amusing, mainly because he’s not used to asking for help. The first time you noticed his struggle was when you glanced up from your book after hearing his grunts of frustration as he tried in vain to reach the middle of his back. His eyes met yours, and he laughed awkwardly. You then stood up from your couch to approach him from behind and scratch the exact spot he needed without saying a word. After that, Mark realized it was silly to be embarrassed about asking when you clearly didn’t mind.
From there, Mark grew to love having you scratch his back. Not just when he had an itch, but also after a long day of work. The feeling of your perfectly manicured nails running along his back, above the fabric of his shirt, really helped him unwind after hours of dance practice and recording sessions. When it came to these moments, you’d start with light, gentle strokes where your nails would barely graze his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. Gradually, you’d increase the pressure and use slow deliberate motions to trace soothing patterns across his back. You always paid more attention to the areas around his shoulder blades and the small of his back, knowing that was where the tension often built up the most.
Mark would close his eyes and lean into your touch, unable to stifle a groan as your fingertips moved in circular motions, working out the knots and easing his muscles. At first, the sounds Mark made during these back scratch sessions left you blushing, though he was completely oblivious to the effect he had on you. However, you soon became accustomed to the dramatic moans that came from your boyfriend regularly. Though you often rolled your eyes when he gave such reactions, you could never bring yourself to tease him. 
More often than not, Mark would talk to you as you scratched his back. And you’d listen quietly as he spoke about whatever was weighing on his mind. A smile was always brought to your lips when you’d hear his muffled voice due to his face being squished against the pillows. You often worried about him being such a workaholic, so you were especially happy that you could help him relax. For Mark, just you being with him meant so much more than you knew.
Back scratches with Renjun always leave you gushing about how adorable he is. He comes across as the type who prefers to handle things on his own. So if his back ever got itchy, he’d try to take care of it himself, even if you were in the same room. Especially if you were already doing something else, he wouldn’t want to bother you with what he perceived as a trivial matter. But similar to Mark, it was Renjun’s facial expressions of subtle frustration and determination that would often catch your attention as he struggled on his own.
However, you chose to wait until he was ready to give up and swallow his pride to ask for your assistance. The look of desperation in his eyes and the faint blush coloring his cheeks made you want to kick your feet in the air because of how cute he looked. Then when you turned him around to scratch the spot for him, he let out a huge, relieved sigh. The way he tilted his head back nearly made your heart burst with affection.
It was at that moment that Renjun discovered just how much he loved your touch. He would describe your back scratches as uniquely soothing, as the intricate patterns you traced along his spine made him shiver but also caused his shoulders to sink in relaxation. He’d marvel at how your touch seemed to melt away the stress of the day, bringing him this sense of tranquility. Each scratch became a silent conversation, a language of comfort and care that only you two shared.
So, he began to ask you to scratch his back more often. Not just because it relieved him of his physical discomfort, but because it offered a moment of solace in a hectic world. But he’d always make sure to check if you weren’t busy with anything before he asked, despite knowing the answer would always be yes. Renjun would cherish every instance when your hands danced across his back, feeling his love for you deepen with each tender touch.
Back scratches Jeno were just another excuse for him to be clingy with you. He might be a little shy the first time you offered to do it. But as your bond deepened, your back scratches became another form of physical intimacy that he cherished. Outwardly, he’d act all cool about it like, “Oh you want to scratch my back? Go ahead, I don’t mind.” But internally he’d be overwhelmed by this warm, fuzzy sensation. Each tender stroke of your fingers against his back left him not only feeling physically comforted but emotionally connected to you in a way that words couldn’t fully express.
Eventually, Jeno would stop hiding how much he loved when you scratched his back. It doesn’t matter if he found you engrossed in a K-drama playing on the television or preparing to retire for the night, he seized every opportunity to engulf you in a warm embrace, his eyes sparkling with anticipation as he cutely requested your touch. And every time, you’d forget about whatever you were doing before to lovingly give him what he wanted. The groan or heavy sigh that escaped him immediately afterward was definitely worth it.
His cuddle sessions with you became a regular occurrence, including back scratches. He’d happily be the small spoon in these moments, his arms wrapped around your waist snugly as your hand found its familiar place under his hoodie, letting your nails rake up and down his bare back. He’d also prefer you to scratch a little harder, just because he loves the feeling of your nails pressing against his skin. 
Besides, it comes in handy when an unexpected itch pops up on his back. He doesn’t even have to say anything, you just intuitively apply the perfect amount of pressure to make him hum in delight. You always blush when he squeezes you a little tighter and nuzzles his nose against your neck to show his appreciation. More often than not, this boy would drift off to sleep while you scratched his back, which you found to be so endearing. You’d gradually stop scratching and press a chaste kiss to his forehead, before also falling asleep in his arms.
Back scratches with Haechan became a demand after the first time you offered it. To him, scratching his itches was simply another one of your responsibilities as his girlfriend. Whenever you were trying to get some work done on your laptop or seemed preoccupied with your phone, he’d pester you nonstop with aegyo until you relented. Then he’d drag you to the bed and pull off his shirt, eagerly waiting for you to start. The moment your nails made contact with his warm skin, he’d let out a satisfied moan that made you blush profusely.
The first few times he had you scratch his back, you found his presumptuousness amusing, but it soon became a regular part of your routine. Haechan had a way of making even the simplest gestures feel special, and his playful attitude made it hard to say no. He’d dramatically sigh in relief as your fingers worked their magic, exaggerating his contentment just to make you smile.
Similar to Mark, you got used to your boyfriend’s antics. But you genuinely didn’t mind scratching his back, knowing how hard he worked. When he was really tired, he wouldn’t even say anything. He’d just curl up beside you on the bed and drape your arm over his back, silently asking for your touch. How could you say no with the subtle pout on his lips?
Despite his playful demands, there was this underlying sweetness in these moments. You could feel how much Haechan trusted you, as he’d lean into your touch with a vulnerability that he rarely showed. Each stroke of your fingers down his back was a reminder of the closeness you shared. Even though he acted like it was your duty most of the time, you both knew it was a cherished way for him to feel loved and cared for.
Back scratches with Jaemin made you seriously wonder if he was secretly a cat disguised as a human. However, the first time you scratched his back was a little different. It was during a lazy at-home date when you noticed him trying to reach the same itch on his back throughout the day. While his struggle was endearing to watch, you couldn’t stand by for long. Eventually, you gestured for him to turn around, and with a gentle touch, you scraped your nails across the offending spot right between his shoulder blades. Instantly, Jaemin released a relieved sigh, and his knees almost buckled at the sensation of your touch.
After that day, Jaemin went to you whenever his back was itchy. Once the itch was gone, he’d calmly ask you to keep doing it because it felt good. So he’d be sitting at the edge of the couch, with you behind him as you scratched his back attentively. He loved it even more when you scratched under his shirt, relishing the feeling of your skin on his. Even if your hands were cold, he actually found the contrast to be surprisingly soothing. The coolness of your touch combined with the gentle pressure of your nails never failed to send shivers of pleasure down his spine, making him feel even more connected to you.
At some point, you swore you could hear him purring against your touch. The resemblance to his own cats was uncanny, which you found both hilarious and adorable. Just like his fluffy companions, he would lean into your touch, his eyes half-closed in pure contentment, a soft hum of pleasure escaping his lips. The endearing similarity never failed to make you smile, adding another layer of warmth to these intimate moments.
It was safe to say you loved giving Jaemin back scratches just as much as he loved receiving them. Sometimes you’d notice him stretching uncomfortably after long dance practices or intense workout sessions, so you’d offer to scratch his back before he even had a chance to ask. There was something incredibly rewarding about seeing the tension melt away from his body. While you took pleasure in providing this small comfort, you also appreciated these quiet moments of intimacy with him. Scratching his back was a simple act, yet it spoke volumes about the care and affection that you didn’t always express fully. 
Back scratches with Chenle were annoying at first. He would often come up to you, casually asking for a back scratch from you. Although you didn’t necessarily mind, the moment your fingers touched his skin, he would start squirming and wiggling because he was so ticklish. His constant moving made it nearly impossible for you to scratch his back properly. Although his giggles and yelps were cute, you felt like you were trying to tame a playful puppy.
This happened every time, and you’d try to leave out of frustration. But Chenle would always pull you into a back-hug and beg you to say. “No, don’t be mad! I swear, I won’t move this time!” He’d insist, but you knew all too well that he wouldn’t actually keep still. He couldn’t help being ticklish, which he often argued in his defense. So you had to figure out a way to scratch his back without him convulsing under your touch.
Eventually, you started focusing more on scratching his upper back, a less sensitive area where he wasn't as ticklish. You noticed an immediate change the first time you tried this. Chenle stopped squirming as much and began to relax under your touch. His laughter subsided into contented sighs, and he would lean into your scratches. He clearly enjoyed the sensation of you tracing circles around his shoulder blades, though he’d never admit it out loud.
Therefore, scratching his back became a much more pleasant experience for both of you. It started to become a routine for you two after he came back from playing basketball or to help him fall asleep. You firmly believed that your usually loud boyfriend was the cutest when he was peacefully asleep in your arms. While he could certainly be a handful at times with his playful antics and boundless energy, you knew he appreciated you. He'd often surprise you with little acts of kindness that showed how much he valued your presence in his life.
Back scratches with Jisung became his source of comfort whenever he felt anxious. You’d notice him pacing around the room, his tall frame hunched in worry as he muttered to himself. As someone who also tended to overthink, you probably understood Jisung better than anyone. Which motivated you even more to find a way to calm him down. Without a word, you’d guide him to sit somewhere and gently start scratching his back. Your touch seemed to ground him, the soothing motion helping to ease his restless mind.
As you worked your fingers up and down his back, applying just the right amount of pressure, you could feel the tension in him gradually melting away. When you thought he was feeling better, you’d start to pull away. However, Jisung would clutch onto your hand, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he looked up at you. “Can we stay like this a little longer, please?” His voice, though deep, carried a vulnerable edge, revealing just how much he needed your comforting presence.
So you’d continue, letting your fingers move gently along his spine. During this time, Jisung’s usually shyness was replaced by quiet contentment. He’d lean into your touch, his breathing evening out as the anxiety faded. Oftentimes, he’d share his innermost thoughts and you’d listen quietly until he was done. He didn’t expect you to respond with any solutions though, knowing that your support alone was enough. Still, you tried to provide words of reassurance, and he valued every effort. These tender moments made Jisung realize how deeply in love he was with you.
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kiss-me-muchoo · 3 days
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 || 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Summary_ He pushed you away some time ago. You forgave him, but Miguel realizes intentions don’t mean much and he wants you back.
Warnings_ age gap! (I’m 20, Miguel is around 28-31, bear with me), angst, fluff.
A/N_ this is The Craving from Twenty One Pilots, I loved the new album. and imgonnagetyouback from Taygod Swift, BOTH IN MY MIGUEL PLAYLIST🩷
♪ ♫ My Miguel O’Hara playlist ✰ Index (+ fics here)
Waves of silence crash all over the Spider Society. Miguel O’Hara had just told Miles Morales that he had to let his father die to protect canon. Your guts twist in an odd feeling, you feel a bad omen. The chase had been tough, your insecurity playing with your head as you knew Miles had the right to choose his destiny.
Canon had been fair with you, offering you light problems compared to others. So you wished every spider had the same destiny as yourself.
Now seeing that Miles was gone thanks to the “Go Home Machine”, you couldn’t let Gwen to follow the same path.
“Miguel… you can’t send Gwen home. She’s vital for this.” You say quickly stepping up against the man who was intimidating the sixteen-year-old girl.
“I don’t need more problems than we already have. I restate… she’s a liability” Gwen pleads you with scared eyes. You gasp, running out of options to calm the angered man.
“You gave me a second chance too, I was once a novice like her” Miguel huffs, looking at you with much impatience.
“Yes, and you learned from that, never committing an error again.” Gwen is picked and caged inside the machine, she starts panicking and you too. In an act of desperation, you grab Miguel from his forearm, making him turn to look down at you. His crimson-red eyes stare at you with such hostility that you know you have to be careful to choose the right words.
“This is not right. You are not thinking clearly. Miles and Gwen deserve better” Your gaze moves between him and Gwen, hoping Miguel would agree and let the girl stay.
“Miguel, please…”
“THIS IS ABSURD, Y/N!… CANON HAS GIFTED YOU WITH MUCH LUCK, YOU CAN’T EXPECT EVERY PERSON HERE TO RUN WITH THE SAME FATE. BE REALISTIC, RESPONSIBLE, AND INTELLIGENT FOR ONCE!” As he attacks, Gwen is gone. Another round of silence invades the place, but this is worse. Your eyes open in shock after hearing Miguel.
He can’t be fixed. He won’t change. It’s time to go and follow what you think it’s correct.
You eye Jess and Peter, they seem like they have some things to say but remain quiet.
Miguel finally looks delicately at you and notices your eyes are watering. The awkwardness is very loud, your blush letting everyone know you are embarrassed.
You won’t say anything about it. You just look back at Miguel for a second, before opening a portal in your gizmo, doing the same as Hobie Brown did; quitting.
“I really thought you would get it…” Your gizmo fell to the ground as you disappeared, the screen of it cracking and leaving Miguel a little stunned by your decision. He sighed, knowing he had screwed it, but confident that his intentions were correct.
That night, after a quick patrol, when you returned home, you took a quick shower to wash away all the pain and bitter taste of the day you had. But when you came back, there was a little present wrapped in newspaper that wasn’t from your earth. You unwrapped it, revealing a homemade gizmo. You grabbed the little note attached.
We need you
You would do things right. And you didn't care if you had to fight with old friends or colleagues. Especially Miguel.
The seasons had changed so fast. By the time summer ended, the leaves were already drying and many people had left, by winter and the snow falling over, others came back. But you stayed the same.
You had the same suit, with upgrades and chrome instead of golden details, but it was the same. Your earth was well controlled, with no sign of the villains that used to terrorize your city. All the smiles you offered were the same. All the laughing with Peter B. Parker, Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr, and Miles was the same. Yet, something had changed between you and Miguel O’Hara.
The man knew the perspective people had of him would change after the events of last summer when he put the lives of Miles and many others at risk. He let his fears win and while he tried to protect everything, he was only pushing it towards the edge, dooming the fate of the multiverse. You were on his side at the beginning, claiming that canon was sacred and couldn’t be changed. But the image of Miles, his face full of fear and anxiety, unsure and terrified of his future. He was a kid, he had no idea of anything. He made you question if canon events could change. Either way, the kid was more than enough to draw you worried. Destiny could be wrong, so you decided to help Miles. Your decisions had consequences? Yes. The moment you left the building of the Spider Society, you started to miss everything. In your mind, you were almost assured Miguel didn’t care about you, but deep down, your heart said the opposite. Ending with a drift that seemed invisible at the beginning. But now, a year later, it was more than clear.
The change was something you could get used to. Your work remained the same, with Jess and Peter. B Parker. Your missions only turned more fun with the addition of Miles and Gwen permanently returning like you. Gatherings at Peter’s each Saturday remained the same. But all the awkwardness of the spiderverse invaded you when Miguel O’Hara came into the picture.
After all, you two had gone on a date the day before you met Gwen at her earth while capturing the Renaissance vulture. He asked you out, and you said yes. It was a lovely afternoon and he even visited your home. What started as a mentorship from him, blossomed into a friendship and then as a “almost something”. Which hurt worse.
It all started with you walking away. Briefings were cautiously heard by you, even staying after for further questions. Jess asked you to hand the mission details to everyone when Hobbie and Miles came to talk about a concert you were going to with Gwen and Margo when Miguel came and started asking about a new gizmo coming soon. Everyone noticed you grew quiet and soon after you were gone.
Then, you stopped asking to go on missions with him, Ben, and his usual party. When you were recruited, Miguel was annoyed but pleased to have you along. It happened that one day, you blew things off accidentally, making him extremely angry. Your web shooter failed and you almost missed it to save a baby. Nonetheless, you quickly were ranked higher thanks to your abilities.
All of your friends could see how your small friendship with your boss had suddenly evaporated. And Miguel couldn’t blame you. After all, he was the one yelling in your face when you argued in favor of Gwen when she was sent home. Miguel could remember he almost made you cry, leaving you completely embarrassed in front of everyone. He felt terrible seconds after you left, but he soon went to the earth of Miles with Ben and Jess. Eventually, when the man learned you were silently helping the kid and the ones who had left his side, he didn’t say anything. In the final moments, Miguel knew he had to side with the teenager and help to get rid of The Spot. And when the chaos was over, he wished he had the right to celebrate it with you.
The aftermath changed him, over the months, he even thanked you for trying to make him see the reality from the beginning, and he apologized. But that night, he understood that you had forgiven him, but remained hurt.
Either way, Miguel had to deal with the consequences of his acts and sort the way things would work for the sake of everyone’s canon. Yet, in the middle of the night, he constantly remembered you.
Out of nowhere, Miguel O’Hara was accepting that he missed you. And acknowledging that fact, only made him accept he had some feelings towards you. Which scared him for sure. But after losing his daughter, almost losing all he had built for spiders like him, after feeling so isolated, Miguel lounged to have a partner. He craved the love of someone. And had found it. He just wished he had done things differently.
Jessica knew Miguel so much that she easily solved the mystery. On a random Monday, she bombarded him with questions that soon made Miguel spit out he was attracted to you. She suggested the man slowly try to talk to you. Nothing was lost, there was hope. The woman had her theories about you never getting over that crush on Miguel. She often had caught you staring at him, staring too much for later to avoid him. Jess knew you were protecting your own heart.
“Miguel?” She asks.
So there he was, Miguel was sitting in the cafeteria, taking a big bite of his empanada de picadillo. He could taste the shredded beef, potato, carrot, jalapeños, and mushrooms freshly mixed with spices.
“Yes?…” The insides of the empanada are burning his tongue and he doesn’t mind.
“I asked if you assigned today’s missions?” He nods. With a quick glance at his surroundings, he huffs at the sight of the hamburger with the face of his mask still being served. The cafeteria is full and he hates all of the voices speaking at the same time. He has to wear sunglasses because the place is full of light, and it hurts his eyes. Why is everyone still eating a hamburger with his mask on the bun?
“Are we lunching here because perhaps you want to see when a certain female spider appears?” Miguel rolls his eyes. Some days, he loves Jess and knows about his feelings for you because she grants him free therapy. But other days, he hated it because Jess knew how to mess with him. Like now…
“Oh…Hi y/n!” Miguel looks at Jess panicked, but soon feels relived that his sunglasses are dark enough to cover his blown wide eyes. You appeared there. Upside down, of course, Miguel notices how your hair hangs freely, and he isn’t sure if it’s longer, or it’s just the gravity.
“Hey, Jess. I just came to drop this file with Miguel. Lyla said he wasn’t in his office” You say calm. He notices you have your mask on, but you’re definitely not looking at him. He takes the folder from your hand and stays there looking at you. You seem awkward but remain relaxed.
“That’s from my morning patrol, you asked for a report. I’m leaving with Hobbie and Pav now…” you add. And you can see how Jess keeps glancing back and forth between you and Miguel. Was she hiding something from you?.
“Okay… guess I’m leaving now…” you only sigh when no one answers.
“Get back safe, please,” Jess says as you are already far away from them.
“Thanks” you answer without looking back. Soon you open a portal at the entrance of the cafeteria and you’re gone. That’s when Jess comes back to her friend, side-eyeing him.
“Really? You couldn’t even say ‘thank you” or “good luck”?” Miguel sighs, dropping his empanada and relaxing his shoulders. He knew he had to say things to you to get back to normal.
“I know… I just… I don’t know how to start this” Jess smiled. In the end, even when Miguel was a 6’9 tall man with the title of founder of the Spider Society and creator of the Gizmo, he was a silent and certified emotion avoider.
“She forgave you for last summer and all. But this is now, she’s also awkward about you. She’s also unsure if you want to talk to her…” Miguel leaned closer, interested and equally anxious.
“She said that?” Jess shrugged while taking a bite of her French fries.
“It came out very vaguely. But for sure she’s also a mess for you”
“What? Did she also say that?” Jess giggles at him, only sipping from her soda.
“Maybe you could start sending flowers or letters, Romeo” Miguel huffs, wondering if his friend actually knew something or not.
Jess wanted to lock you two in a room and hopefully, when she opened the door, Spiderman 2099 would have a prospective lover.
With another college semester ended and a driving anxiety, summer was a relaxing time for you to spend in your room. Painting your toenails, you were singing at your CD player playing one of your favorite songs. Your family was gone, so you could be letting your feet dry walking upside down in your ceiling. Suddenly, your gizmo beeped and it was a deleted message from Miguel. You frowned and almost screamed. Probably he sent something to you by accident and then he deleted it. But you had an omen. So you called Jess, she answered with a long and mean “what?”, she must’ve been watching some movie with her husband.
“Miguel sent me a message and proceeded to delete it before I could read it?” You didn't mean to sound so fast and desperate, but you did.
“Slow down, girl. But… he deleted it?” Actually, she had been sleeping, her toddler being a little bolt that demanded a lot of her time even with her husband there.
“Exactly… Odd, Right?”
“Coming from Miguel? Sure it is. But… I think it’s time you try to talk to him too, y/n. Maybe he’s awkward about what happened last summer and doesn’t know how to approach you” Jess wants to scream that Miguel likes you too, but she can’t ruin it.
“ I feel like Miguel doesn’t even care I distanced myself from him. But when I see him, my heart starts beating so fast, and my hands sweat.” She laughs and lets out a long “eww”.
“You hide it very well. But you’re very cold, it doesn’t help. I have to admit you also might need to try….”
“Jess, I’d end up bursting out that I’m in lo-“You immediately stop, Jess lets out a surprised groan.
“Goodnight, Jessica” You go straight to bed, ignoring the deleted message and everything regarding Miguel.
But Jess and her questions keep popping up in your head.
Could it be possible that you were actually in love with Miguel?
“So my teacher said my essay was lacking everything, it was marked with red all over,” Miles says walking beside you, both of you are done for the day with the missions. You were almost infected by some poisonous lizard that was haunting earth-2407.
“Did you actually make the corrections?”
“I did-“ you side-eye him.
“Well, not all of them but-“ you two are just walking around with no destination secured. So when you two pass by the training center, Miles literally pushes you towards the stairs that lead to the balcony of said center. He gestures to you to keep hushed before turning to see the couple speaking; Miguel and Jess.
“We shouldn’t be hearing them” you remind him, not wanting to get caught, especially by Miguel.
“Jess banned me from the 10th floor because I was disturbing everyone. Gwen was with me and she received no punishment, bro” the teenager whispered. At sixteen, Miles had grown impossibly taller, almost like Peter B. Parker and Noir. Even Gwen was taller, everyone was taller. But at least you weren’t the same height as Penny or Peter Porker.
“Maybe because Jess is training her yet?”
“So? That’s nepotism” You want to laugh but he shushes you again. So you turn to see Miguel and Jess training.
The man was extremely sweating and Jess too. You never reached the same level of training simulations as them, thinking it was unnecessarily violent and fast-paced.
“Keep Gwen and Miles out of my lair. I’m tired of catching them trying to make new suits from themselves”
“They don’t even know how to work the machine, relax” the woman bites back.
“So? It’s annoying”
“It’s also annoying that I have Lego Spiderman and y/n printing random pictures at my office” The mention of your name makes you blush, remembering the print of Peter B. Parker with a big red font saying “Have you seen this man in your dreams?” It was very funny among the coworkers and every time Peter saw it, he would start complaining from all the bullying he had to endure.
“Don’t get y/n on this. I can’t even stand her now” You swear you can feel your heart shattering. Miles turns to look at you, encountering your sad expression.
“Y/n…” the boy tries to soothe you, but you just shake your head.
“I think I’m going home, Miles” you whisper to him, leaving soon after.
Your eyes water as you walk away from the training center, many fellows stare confused at your sadness. But you ignore them as you open a portal towards home.
And when you are in the safety of your earth, you are not ready to go to your pillow to cry. So you start swinging between skyscrapers and buildings just to clear off your mind.
You knew it was a mistake from the beginning to start developing feelings for Miguel O’Hara. Then he invited you to that damn date. Such a fun day till he had to yell in your face that you were privileged and shouldn’t be stupid ignorant. Now he seemed to have left the issue behind, after his apology. And you forgave him, even letting your feelings for him float around. But if he didn’t want you back at the society? Why did he call? Why did he offer the gizmo again?
He was an asshole.
Meanwhile, Miles stayed a little longer, hearing more of the conversation.
“Just tell y/n to stop using my printer” Jess pleaded.
“Nah, I won’t tell her,” Miguel says smirking. The woman training with him rolls her eyes annoyed.
“Just because she’s your impossible crush doesn’t mean she can have the privilege to print stupid things at my place” Miles gasped, thinking what Jess said was a joke.
“You can use my printer, so I don’t have to say anything to my girl,” Miguel said and Miles was officially shocked. He had to tell you everything the next day.
Two days later, the overheard talk is somehow forgotten. Miles tries to mention it occasionally but you brush him off. You have your head centered on Mayday, the two-year-old toddler walking beside you across the hallways of the Spider Society. Peter completely trusted you to leave his child with your babysitting.
“Where did you leave your ribbon, Mayday?” The little girl giggles. She has a dress of flowers and sneakers, making her look very adorable with her long disheveled hair.
“Don’t know” she babbles. Peter would be mad since it was the third pair being lost in the week.
Mayday clumsily waddles, giggling as you keep searching around for that ribbon. Even though the floors are mysteriously always clean and shiny, you can’t see the damn ribbon.
When you walk slightly away from the little girl to look down on a bench, you hear a little yelp from her and when you turn back, you see Mayday on the floor and then she starts crying.
“Oh fuck me…” you whisper, running to grab the kid and start calming her. You carry her in your arms as you sit on the bench.
“It’s okay, Mayday. It was only a little slip, but you are okay” She starts hearing your voice and her cries turn to sniffles, feeling protected when you hug her and gently brush her hair.
“Daddy won’t like looking at you crying. He wants to see you laughing and happy. You are fine, see?” The kid nods brushing away the tears.
“Now give me a smile. You were very brave!” mayday smiles brightly and you chuckle.
“That’s the Mayday I know!” The kid laughs at your way of entertaining her. When you turn towards the hallway to see if Peter is back, you almost drop Mayday again.
Miguel was there, looking at the interaction.
“I found the ribbon,” he says walking towards you and the girl. His expression is very neutral, and you can’t see the way Miguel’s hand is shaking slightly.
“Miguel!” Mayday greets the tall man with a smile, asking him to be in his arms. They both had grown closer. After all, Miguel had been around Mayday since she was born. You appeared when Mayday was 10 months old.
“Hey, kid” you let him take the girl, then you accept the ribbon from his free hand. You barely touch him but your lungs are dry and your stomach is a mess like a powerful tsunami. Nonetheless, your face shows the contrary.
“Thanks. Peter was growing annoyed by how many ribbons this little girl had missed.”
“I know. And you handled very well the situation back there…” he admits, recalling the little slip of Mayday. Miguel sees a little blush in your face, it lights up his hopes.
“Thanks…” you awkwardly say, standing up to try to reach the little girl.
Miguel leans slightly to let you tie the ribbon on Mayday’s hair and he’s able to smell your perfume of figs and brown sugar. He also sees the little golden seashell pendant hanging on your necklace. He smiles when he realizes you are avoiding his gaze. And when you’re done, both stare at each other, with many questions, but silence reigns. Both of your hearts racing with a tormented passion.
“Y/n… I feel like we need to talk about-“
Miguel grows quiet when Peter appears running in the middle of the hallway.
You don’t even catch what he said, you turn relieved to see Peter was back.
“Oh boy, we are late for her passport appointment. M.J.’s gonna kill me” You giggle at his drama. Miguel is still there behind you, he rolls his eyes making Mayday laugh.
“She will understand. And thanks for the ribbon, Miguel” The little girl is back in his father’s arms and you quickly start following them, too nervous to stay with Miguel alone.
The man just stays there seeing how you leave, and he sighs, taking a long breath. His intentions are not enough. His little efforts are nothing to reach you, it makes the craving he feels to be corresponded by you even bigger.
As for you, you feel a great heartache. Half of you feel very nervous, because it seems like some days Miguel wants to talk to you, and other days he wants to say he’s tired of you. What a confusing and fucked up situation.
He gives two steps forward, like five steps back. Miguel is standing at the entrance of the terrace in the building of the Spider Society, debating whether to go and talk to you or not. He even prepared a few things to say, hoping to not scare you away, more than you already were. While he knew he couldn’t just scream out he was in love with you, he could try to mend the breach built between you two.
It’s getting late in Earth-928, and a lot of spiders are leaving their home. It’s Saturday and a lot of them have plans with their families, partners, and friends. Miguel is set to have another lonely weekend doing some patrol. But for now, he’s still there, watching you seated on the rooftop of the building, eating some chicken and avocado tacos from the cafeteria. Miguel wants to laugh when he catches a glimpse of some avocado dropping from your taco. You set the plate aside and look down, letting out a little “yikes”, Heaven knows what or who would end up getting a piece of avocado from the sky.
He’s not ready. Miguel curses himself for being a big overthinker. He’s able to fight the most callous and evil villains from different dimensions. But he’s unable to say “Sorry, I was an asshole. Can we try it again?… Oh, and I love you”. Perhaps it was his anxiety or panic, but Miguel swears his gizmo beeped, so he walks away, going down the stairs, feeling his heartbeats returned to normality.
Each step he takes is filled with greetings, comments, warnings, notices, and more from different spiders. He sends spider plushie and Penny to work in a minor anomaly and finally, he closes the door of his office.
There’s a mess of papers around. Miguel suddenly remembers someone… Gabriella. He’s happy that his trauma is slowly fading away. He was officially healing and had accepted his daughter had also forgiven him. Miguel could rest knowing his errors were sealed.
And just as he was about to play some of the recorded memories he had, Lyla appeared.
“The whole gang is coming” she blurted out with her usual cocky smile.
“Tell them I’m busy, Lyla”
“But they’re already here” The AI had a new pair of fucsia heart sunglasses and coat. Which seemed to have made her more stubborn. Miguel sighed, turning off his monitors.
“MIGUEL!” the man heard the annoying voice of Peter B. Parker and sighed. When he turned around, he saw the whole club; Peter without Mayday, Hobie, Pav, Margo, Miles and Gwen.
“What is it now?” he looks down at them from his platform and is already irritated by their presence. Even after a year of changes, they were a group of teenagers and Peter.
“Well… uh-“ Gwen starts, but soon pushes Peter forward, encouraging him to speak up instead of her.
“Uh… Miguel, we know you hate us for wandering about your private life and we respect it. But we feel like you need to talk to y/n about her position here.” As Peter talks, he has Miguel’s whole attention.
“And why is that?” He sounds reluctant, but he grows anxious.
“She said she doesn’t feel the same as it was when she was recruited. That you confuse her with your behavior towards her” Margo answers for Peter, with a better choice of words, of course.
“As the leader of this team, we just want you to remind her that she’s welcome and that you want her here. Because you want her here, right?” Peter adds, Miguel crosses his arms.
He needs you, actually.
“I’m not sure I’m the most adequate person to tell her that,” Miguel replies.
“Oh, you have to be kidding. She heard you and Jess. At the training center…” Gwen speaks again, Miguel is shocked, even terrified of you hearing you were his girl.
“How much?” Miguel asks with that well-known tone of anger and fully intentional intimidation.
“Well…” Peter said.
“HOW MUCH?, POR DIOS!” Miguel yelled exasperated.
“She left when you said you couldn’t stand her,” Miles confirmed to him, making him sigh. Trying to get you back was only getting trickier than expected.
“Yeah… I don’t think chicks want to be neglected twice” Hobie speaks for the first time, mocking Miguel.
“Hobbie, not helping here” Margo scolds him whispering.
“At least I’m trying to pull one out” Miguel fires back making everyone bite their tongue to avoid laughing. Because Hobbie Brown didn’t have the best history search with girls.
“Hey no, stop. The point here is that you need to talk to her. I accidentally heard everything” Miles speaks up, walking forward toward Miguel.
The man only pinches the bridge of his nose, cringed that the teenager had to listen.
“I’m pretty sure she feels something too” Miguel hated that Miles had to be a wise kid, frequently reminding him of his errors and making him realize there were always other options.
“She must hate me.”
“No, y/n just needs to know how you actually feel” Gwen encouraged him, and unconsciously, Miguel was being pulled towards the exit.
“I couldn’t speak to M.J. for a very long time after we divorced. And I had nothing to lose, I just knocked on her door with some flowers. Look at us now… y/n will know too” Miguel thought Peter could be the goofiest man he ever met, but he was his friend. So maybe he could accept his advice.
“Va pues, don’t know why I’m listening to all of you” huffing, Miguel and the group were out, except for Hobbie, who stayed behind stealing things from Migue’s lair.
When you open your door, you gasp shocked. Miguel is there, he’s wearing a sweater that fits him a little too tight but nice, dress pants, and tied shoes. You rarely saw him without his suit. But that isn’t all, he has a pretty bouquet of lilies in his hand.
“I’m sorry.” He says and you are already making a pout.
“Let me finish, please.” He interrupts you, so you nod, stepping out of your place.
“I’ve made some mistakes, but as the son of a mother and… and-“ you start giggling and Miguel is red like a tomato.
“Let me guess… Peter gave you a speech to say to me?” Miguel tilts his head.
“Yes and… I-… mierda. See, I’m sorry, I don’t want you to leave the Spider Society. I need you. And I still feel guilty for last summer. But if you give me another chance… I swear that I will give you more than I take away” You nod, smiling. Miguel sighs relieved. To his surprise, you grabbed him by the sweater and pushed him towards you to give him a big kiss on the lips. He reciprocates immediately, smiling in between.
“I’m in love with you” he admits, his forehead kissing yours.
“I’m in love with you too, Miguel” As both of you kiss again, chants and applauses start. When you step away from Miguel, you see your friends there, passing past you and Miguel to step inside your home.
You are extremely confused.
“We were here the whole time, FYI,” Margo says as Miles, Gwen, Pav, and Noir pat your back and step inside.
“I’m so happy for you both. I can’t wait to have a double date. You two, M.J. and I” Miguel rolls his eyes at Peter.
“What did I miss?” You ask Miguel. Not that you mind that your friends literally invaded your home, but it was just weird.
“They wanted to help me”
“Aww, we have such good friends,” you say smiling.
“They’re not my friends. I just tolerate them” he is lying of course. You grab his hand, your cocky smile making him feel so happy. He’s still processing what just happened, he can’t believe he officially got you back.
“Oh shut up, of course, they are our friends”
“What about you and I?, Are we more than friends?” You blush at his questions. He grabs you by the waist to prevent you from going inside the house.
“Not so fast, bonita”
“I don’t know. But I’m eager to be your lover”
Now Miguel was turn to get blushed.
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amoromniaodium · 3 days
I have a terrible need to make these two characters the saddest people in existence. The quote that inspired this prompt on unrequited love:
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The heart will break, but broken live on.
Lie to Me by Chris Isaak is so Bucky/Buck coded. Enjoy
Loving someone who doesn't love you back is terrorizing. There's something profoundly sad about seeing your beloved smile, unaware of how it tears your heart out. The saddest part is the lack of reciprocity—the love, the brotherhood, and the deep friendship, is all there. However, only one person loves more than the other and at the end of it all Buck can only hope for Bucky’s friendship.
The most terrible aspect that makes Buck want to cry out to a higher power—one he stopped believing in when his father's fist first hit his face—is how lovable Bucky is. Bucky loves openly, wearing his emotions on his sleeve, and everyone loves him for it. He hugs, laughs, drinks, and talks with everyone. Buck is the opposite he never would be that open, his openness was destroyed by memories of a father who never expected anything good from him. But he does late at night, lying in his bed, beg God to stop his pain, his hurt because sometimes he tells like his heart will never stop hurting.
Buck was baptized by a man made of sunshine, who gave him part of his name like a deity naming his favorite creature. He was named Buck by him, and he knew he should have resisted, kept his guard up, but that smile was so bright that it melted his cold walls completely. He hated how much he loved Bucky, the first real person to offer him a piece of himself. But Buck didn't realize until it was too late how dangerous and hurtful it would be to accept that name.
Bucky is loud, always speaking about himself, and enjoys singing, dancing, and going out with different women. He frequently turns back to search for Buck, winking to him as if it's a personal joke, unaware of how much it hurts Buck. Like a hopeless soul, Buck simply smiles and swallows the pain, but his heart grows colder with each passing day.
Nights like that he always walks back alone from the pub, the cold night deepening his melancholy. His chilled hands, runny nose, and tear-streaked face reveal the wall Buck has built inside himself grumbling into the ground. With every wink from Bucky, Buck becomes even colder. The only true way he has to defend himself.
Some people believe heartbreak can kill. Buck has read stories about people who die alone and cold, their love unrequited. He feels kinship with them, knowing one day this will be his fate. Each night, as he returns from the pub, he hopes not to wake up, wishing Bucky would find him and mourn the friendship lost, to understand the pain he caused, feels it so deeply into his soul that he looses the ability to breath, the ability to live and that he will have to grieve him for the rest of his life. Because Buck knows that Bucky will grieve for him like he does all the men they had lost to this war. But Buck would never intentionally hurt his love.
What Buck doesn't realize is that every time Bucky makes someone laugh or kisses another blonde, he's thinking of Buck—his beautiful angelic Buck. Whenever he returns to the table and Buck isn't there, his heart and lungs ache. And he drinks more and hates himself and the routine continues day after day after day.
If only they both knew how much they loved each other, and how much they unknowingly hurt each other. If only.
And they communicated and loved each other. The End.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 16 hours
Mother of America (Soldier Boy/Homelander)
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Description: Soldier Boy and Y/N have a son that they weren’t aware of.
Word Count: 1,922k
homelander... meeting his genetic mother 🛐🛐🛐
she's in the same situation of Soldier Boy on her part her reproductive eggs got harvested and used to create him without her knowing when she got taken by Vought
+ for ryan to meet her
Author’s note: I changed it up a bit and added some stuff. This is a little different than in the show.
Soldier Boy was a hot Supe that saved America from time to time. He had every lady and some men wanting him and his dick. He wanted a lot of young hot ladies for himself. But there was one that stood out to him. One that was right in front of him this whole time. Mother of America or as he called her Y/N. She was just as hot as him and even a lot of guys or girls wanted her as well.
She had her eyes on one man and one man only. Soldier Boy or as she called him Ben. The two were in love as far as love could go. They fought crime together and then after had the hottest sex together. They were a perfect pair. After a year of officially dating Ben asked her to marry him and she said yes. The wedding was simple, nothing too crazy and not a lot of people. It wasn’t a secret by any means but they were different from most people. They were Supes and they were famous. Y/N couldn’t get pregnant. It was damn near impossible for a Supe to get pregnant.
So Vought took her eggs with the hopes of having a natural born Supe one day. When Ben almost got killed Y/N was heartbroken and even more when she saw the helicopter take him away. That was the last time she saw him. She still wore the ring and acted as if she was still married. Technically she was. Along with Ben she aged like fine wine and looked perfect. She hit out from Vought and managed to hide for years, that was until Soldier Boy was back and went looking for her. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she got the knock on her door and there stood her husband. He gave her a smile, the smile that she missed so much. Without thinking she hugged him so tight not caring about the other people at her door with him. He hugged her back and chuckled, “I missed you baby.” He said.
Oh his voice, it still sounded the same and sounded so sexy. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” She asked in tears. “I looked all over for ya baby. You hid really well.” He told her and pulled back to wipe her tears. “I have some news. I just wish that we could have reconnected before the news broke.” He tells her and he pulls away. She looked at him confused as to what the news could be and why he sounded sad. “This here is Billy. Billy Butcher.” “Oi luv.” She nodded and gave him a small smile. “Billy here has one mission and that is to kill Homelander.” She knew that name, he was the face of Vought. “He’s a cunt.” Billy said, almost making Y/N laugh.
“What has he done to you?” She asked. “That’s a story for another time.” Billy tells her. “We need your help babe.” Ben tells her, “With what?” “We need to kill him.” “Homelander?” She asked. Both men nodded. “He needs to be put down like a dog.” Ben said. Y/N looked at both men and sighed. “That’s the news?” She asked. By the look on her husband’s face she knew it wasn’t. “Homelander is…well he’s our son.” Y/N felt her heart stop at his words. She looks towards Billy for confirmation and he nods. “What?” “I know it’s crazy.” “No Ben, it's not possible.” She said. “Remember the eggs they froze for you and the sperm they took from me?” She did remember that but it couldn’t be… “They made him with our…” “Yes.” Ben said. She looked at the other man who had something against Homelander and for what she wasn’t sure. “He has a son himself. Ryan, whose mother was my wife.” Billy told her.
“Your wife cheated on you with Homelander?” She asked, “Not exactly.” She covered her mouth with her hand as she realized what he meant. She looked towards her husband. “Well babe I guess we gotta kill our offspring.” 
The two sat in Y/N’s hot tub naked with a glass of wine. “So our only child is a monster.” she said and took a big sip of her wine. Ben nodded and pulled her closer, “Yeah.” The yeah was filled with disappointment. “He’s a pussy too. No real man cries and acts like he does.” Y/N rolled her eyes not missing that side of her husband. “Ben seriously?” She asked. He chuckled and nodded, “Yeah and he thinks he’s the new me.” She chuckles and cups his face, “Nobody is ever going to be you.” She whispers and kisses him. He sets down his wine glass and kisses her back.
The kiss felt like it did years ago. Great. “You know I haven’t had sex with anyone since you were taken from me.” She says against his lips. He smiles and moves so he is in between her legs. “Are you saying that I should fuck you right here in this hot tub?” He asked and she laughed. She shrugged and bit his lip, “I mean if that’s what you want.” “Oh hunny I plan on fucking you in every spot I can in this house.” He tells her, making her laugh. 
Her and Ben walked into the house of the twins that hosted what they created all those years ago. Herogasm. Y/N smiled at the memories as she saw all types of Supes fucking. “You stay here, I got business to take care of you.” Ben told her as he walked away. She didn’t question it knowing it was for a good cause. She walked around the house amazed by what was happening. She saw her husband and the TNT twins begging for their lives. “TNT Detonate!” They said and the place exploded.
Y/N flew up watching it all happen. She watched the place burn into flames and many dead. She flew back down and saw Ben walking with Billy. She flew down towards him, “Babe?” Both men looked up as she flew down beside them. “What the hell is going on?” She asked. “A lot of people are liars, but right now we gotta deal with Homelander.” He told her. She hoped he would explain everything to her because she was very confused. “William Butcher, Soldier Boy and Mother of America.” Y/N’s jaw dropped as she saw her son. For the first time she sees him she can’t stop thinking about how that’s her son. “We had a deal. That we would fight to the death.” “Deal’s off.” Billy said to him as they all came face to face.
“You were my hero growing up. I watched all your movies hundreds of times. You were the only one that was nearly as strong as me.” Y/N snorted at the last part making Homelander look over at her. “Buddy, you think you look strong? You’re wearing a cape. You’re just a cheap fucking knock off.” He tells him. “Oh no no no. I’m the upgrade.” He said with a smirk. “Upgrade? Bitch you wish.” Y/N laughed at him. He turns to her but before he could say or do anything Ben attacks him. Y/N and Billy watch for a second but Y/N realized that Homelander was a lot stronger than she thought. She watched in horror as Ben was being choked out by him.
She went to tackle him but Billy lasered beem him. Homelander looked over at the man in shock, “What have you done?” “Scorched Earth.” Billy said. Y/N tackled Homelander to the ground and they all began to fight. Some naked guy who Y/N later learned was named Hughie started helping out. She could tell Ben wanted to kill their son and she couldn’t blame him. Homelander ended up blasting away as they all held him down. “We should have ended him right there.” She said to them. 
“I can tell you're hesitant on killing him.” Ben said to her as they got in bed. She chuckled, “I mean the only child we got is a monster but yet I feel like it’s our fault.” “Babe he’s a test subject for vault not really our child.” She looked at him, “But he is our child. My egg and your sperm.” She said. “We have to do what's best no matter how hard it may be.” He tells her. He was right. But a part of her couldn’t bear to be the one to do it. 
“Where’s Black Noir?” Y/N asked, knowing that he was in the seven. “I killed him.” She felt her heart break. “Why?” Ben asked. Homelander looked at the two of them, “Because he didn’t tell me about you two.” Y/N and Ben looked at each other. “Homelander this isn’t right.” She tells him. He holds up his hands, “I’m alone. I just want to talk. I know what it’s like to have your team betray you. But with the three of us together we could be unstoppable. Nobody would stand a chance.” “Unless we kill each other first.” Ben said. “That’s true but why? Because he says so. He’s a human. He’s nothing.” “Don’t listen to that twat he’s not your kid.”
“Yes I am. I am your guy’s blood. That’s all that matters.” A kid maybe 10 years old, he brings out. “This is your grandson Ryan. Ryan, this is your grandparents.” “Hi Grandpa. Hi Grandma.” Y/N felt tears well up in her eyes at the sight of him. She had a son and a grandson. But then she remembered what Billy told her. The kid was a product of rape. “Maybe if we raised you, we could have made you better, not some weak pussy that’s starved for attention.” “But there’s no fixing that now.” Y/N said with tears in her eyes. “Weak? I’m you. I’m the product of the two of you. Soldier Boy and Mother of America.” “Homelander it pains me to say this but you’re a disappointment.” She said to him.
Homelander looked sad by her words. His own mother thought that of him. Ryan ended up leasering Ben and started a war. “Ben, you don’t need to kill the kid, just Homelander.” She tried. “Y/N, that kid is a product of rape.” He growled at her. “Not the kid.” Billy said. “You wanna save the brat? What’s wrong with you guys?” He asked. “I made a promise.” Billy said. “Everything you wanted.. He’s right here and now you blink?” “He needs to die Billy. Homelander needs to die.” She tells the man. “You’re on his side?” Billy asked.
“I’m sorry Billy but Homelander needs to die. I’ll try to save your kid.” She said. It was hard when Ben wanted one thing and she the other. Homelander was the one that needed to die not his kid but she knew that Ben was impossible and that wouldn’t work so when his chest and they didn’t get what they wanted she knew that it would take an awful lot to kill her son. But it needed to be done. 
“I don’t hate ya.” she turned to see Billy. “But your husband. He’s an ass.” Billy said, making her laugh. “Yeah I know. But I want him dead. I don’t care that he’s my son so if you ever need me Billy. You call me and I’ll be right there.” She tells him before walking back into her house where Ben was waiting.
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kageyomomma · 14 hours
quiet lover - tsukishima kei
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summary: tsukishima seems hard to love, but in reality that is not the case
moon x sun type beat ya feel
its been a minute since i have written, hope y'all don't hate it!
Tsukishima Kei is a very unique person. He is blunt and arrogant, flaunting a smug attitude, and using his words to subtly antagonize his teammates and opponents. He does not let this demeanor slip very often, which has led many people to believe that he is simply a rude person. As you got closer to him, you realized that this was not the case at all.
When you first met Tsukishima, you were immediately drawn in by his tall frame, blonde hair, and stunning amber eyes. His slightly sour attitude during your first conversation had almost turned you away, but you could not shake the thoughts of him out of your head. So, you plastered on your sunniest smile and began to break down the walls that he had so carefully built up around his heart.
When the news of your relationship began to spread, everyone who knew Tsukishima was perplexed by the dynamic. You lit up every single room you walked in, while Tsukishima seemed to darken the corners. The question, "how can she love him?" was whispered as the two of you walked side by side. As your relationship developed, Tsukishima began to open up and show you how he could love you instead.
Tsukishima loved you in subtle ways. He was never meant to be a flashy lover, or a boyfriend that would get in fist fights with any man that looked your way. He loved you quietly, in a way that was perfectly him.
You had just returned to your shared home after what was quite possibly the worst work day of your entire life. Discarding your shoes in the entryway, you called out,
Footsteps echoed down the hallway towards the sound of your voice, until a familiar head of blonde hair stood in front of you. He offered a small smile,
"Hey, you're home. How was work?"
You let out a deep sigh, "Terrible, and I want nothing more than to complain about it while we sit on the couch."
Moments later the two of you are lounging in the living room, your legs sprawled across Tsukishimas lap. He rested his large hand on your thigh, rubbing comforting circles, as you detailed every single thing that went wrong. He never interrupted you once, and his attention was not torn from you for one second. He offered comments when necessary, but most importantly he simply listened. He listened to every complaint, every embarrassment, and every problem. By the time you were done ranting, you felt a million times better. You touched Tsukishimas face lightly,
"Thank you for listening to me Kei, it really does help."
He just smiled, and leaned into your hand, offering a kiss to your palm.
It is a frigid winter morning in Japan, and you and Tsukishima agreed to meet his old teammates for coffee. As the two of you walked along the sidewalk, conversing lightly, your teeth began to chatter in the cold. Tsukishima side eyed you.
"You know, if you would have worn your scarf like I had told you to, you wouldn't be so cold," he said.
You glanced up at him, taking his his blue wool scarf that looked oh so warm. You offered him your brightest smile, refusing to admit that he was right, and said,
"I am really fine Kei! Not even a little bit cold!"
He shoved his freezing hands into his jacket pockets, and angled his head down to look at you. No matter what you said to him, your red tipped nose gave away how you truly felt. He closed his eyes, already deciding what had to be done, and then began to unwrap his scarf from around his neck. You noticed his movements and began to protest.
"Kei! I told you I am fine! Really, I can barely notice the cold!"
He ignored you as he placed the scarf around your neck, immediately warming you up. You smiled up at him,
"You're secretly sweet, do you know that?"
He smiled right back at you,
"Don't tell anyone."
The two of you continued walking toward the coffee shop, and you weren't sure if it was the scarf or the boy next to you that made you feel so warm inside.
The morning light cut through the blinds and stirred you from your sleep. You were thankful for the weekend, and the extra sleep that came along with it. Rolling over, you felt for Tsukishima on the other side of the bed, only to be met with empty sheets. You remembered that he had a home game today, so he was probably downstairs getting ready to leave. You managed to pull yourself out of bed, and lumber towards the bathroom to rinse the sleep off of your face.
As you stumbled into the kitchen, you found Tsukishima packing the last few items into his duffle bag. You stood and watched him as he zipped up the bag, and slung it over his shoulder. When he noticed you, he turned around and grabbed a steaming mug. Walking over to you, he placed it into your hands. You took a sip, it was exactly the way you liked it. You smiled up at him.
"I have to go, I am supposed to be at the gym by 10," he said with a soft smile.
"I'll be there before the game starts, love."
With that short exchange, he put a hand on your waist, pulling you into him, and lightly kissed the top of your head.
"See you soon (y/n)."
No, it was not hard to love Tsukishima Kei. It might be quiet, but there is no lack of love in his heart for you. For him, the smallest things meant the more than any grand gesture ever would. You were the sun and he was the moon, and he would reflect your bright light through his quiet love.
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fairlyang · 6 hours
miguel’s version🕷️
w/c: 1.5K
pairing: miguel o’hara x peter b parker x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. mig’s bright idea, tiny bit of possessiveness, fingering, fucking, kind of a 3some but not really, unprotected sex x2
notes: didn’t expect this to be my comeback but I’ll take it! my phone is on 2 😀 no translations bc I’m so tired n it’s barely anything dw also no part 2 tis a one thingie
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miguel, who was such a dirty fucking pervert, had the grand idea of doing one of those tiktok challenges where people play rock paper scissors for delicious food and the winner gets to eat it while the other has to run behind them then come back
but the plot twist for his version is that it’s not food they’ll get to eat, instead he and peter b will be playing for your pussy
he had the idea as soon as he saw one of those challenges that had crumbl cookies and thought, “I know something that’s sweeter.”
so on a whim he just blurted it out while you guys were just chillin in his office in that exact moment because why the fuck not and because he was already hard
he really couldn’t help it
peter didn’t need any convincing and you were just unsure you heard him right
he repeated it and you just bit your lip as well as subconsciously squeezing your thighs together because that just sounded so hot
he grabbed a chair near him then dragged it over to you and while you blinked, looking all confused but pretty, he turned you around and had you arch your back then you got the hint and grabbed onto the back of the chair
now fortunately for all of you, your suit was just like miguel’s, holographic in a sense so with a touch of a button on his own watch, he made the lower half of your suit disappear
you gasped and shivered at the slight cold breeze but now just felt pure excitement
“hope you won’t get in trouble Parker.” Miguel scoffs before passing you his phone so you could record it
you hit the camera on his phone and you felt Peter behind you then seeing him when you flipped the camera so you could get them both in frame
you stuck your ass out like a good girl and you could’ve sworn you heard a groan
“we run to where those bookshelves are then come back.” miguel points and peter eagerly nods
you saw miguel nod on the screen and you switched it so it’d be a video and quickly hit record while you recorded over your shoulder a bit so your ass could be in view along with the two men
miguel’s office was quite large so they had plenty of room to run and then come back
“rock paper scissors!”
miguel pulled rock and peter scissors.
miguel dropped to his knees and immediately began devouring your pussy while peter full on sprinted towards the bookshelf
you moaned as miguel sucked on your folds and you had to grip the chair harder just in case your legs wanted to give up on you
he wrapped his arms around your ass and moaned, sending shivers down your spine as you slowly started to grind yourself against his face
he gave your ass a hard smack, earning himself a whimper while he went lower and started sucking on your clit
suddenly his mouth is gone and you look at the camera to see peter was back and they went back into it
“rock paper scissors!!”
peter pulled scissors and miguel paper
peter dropped to his knees and teased your hole with the tip of his finger before slowly sliding it in, then after one singular second he started pumping it into you at a fast pace with no care if you were ready for it
you cried out and felt your walls clenching on his fingers meanwhile he was just leaving kisses on your ass as if it were nothing
“p-peter-“ you moaned and felt your eyes flutter
he hummed and went even faster, the noises from your pussy becoming louder then suddenly the pleasure is gone
“what the fuck-“ you whined and miguel was back
you groaned, not realizing this was just going to be “edge the fuck out of your girlfriend day” but with how desperate they are to please you maybe an orgasm will come
through glossy eyes you saw they had a tie with rock then miguel won with paper
he got to his knees and just slid two of his fingers inside you before just slamming them into you relentlessly making you let out a full-throated moan
“baby- fuck I didn’t think-“ you start then can’t form a coherent sentence as he starts sucking on your clit
“Mmm fuck! j-jus- like that-“ you cry and roll your eyes back
your juices were leaking down and he could taste every drop you were giving him, he wasn’t so sure he’d be able to control himself anymore
peter came back and he shoved miguel off you as he caught his breath, bringing his fist up
trying to control your shaky hands to steady the camera a little but at this point it might just be useless
especially after feeling three fingers slip inside you and you couldn’t even see the screen anymore so just having to guess who won
you felt a kiss on your ass and that answered your question so you just moaned out his name
“fuck peter! p-please don’t stop-“
he moaned against your skin and fucked you harder, just having the need to hear your pretty moans
then he felt hands on his shoulder and he was harshly pushed to the floor
you whined feeling the emptiness and weren’t sure you liked this idea so much anymore
you tried to wipe your eyes with your arm when you let out a gasp followed by a moan now feeling a thick cock inside over some fingers
you could see miguel’s patience ran thin, especially with the way he bottomed out immediately and just stayed deep inside you
“feel so good baby.” he groans into your ear and pulls a bit back before shoving his hips into yours making you both moan
“hard mig please-“
he groaned and pounded into you with all his force, the sounds of your skin slapping echoing throughout his office peter was able to hear it clearly
“tan perfecta, tan bella-“ he moans and grabs onto your hips making you fuck yourself back into him
you tried your hardest to keep the phone steady but at this point it was useless and just focused on how amazing miguel was fucking you
it was like he was trying to prove a point, what it was who knows but it sure did feel incredible
suddenly it was gone and you groaned, making sure both of them knew you didn’t want this stupid game to go on for much longer
after an eye roll you looked at the camera and peter positioned himself behind you when you heard a rip
before even getting the chance to clown him on how cheap his suit must’ve been, he slammed himself into you
not wasting any time he lowered his body so his chest was against your back and he was holding your stomach with one hand and your face with the other
you slightly turned your head to the left and looked at him with fucked out glossy eyes and he did not hesitate to kiss you as he gave you deep strokes
you kissed back and closed your eyes, letting your sense of touch take over your entire body
he presses his hand on your stomach a little bit making you whimper into his mouth which just drove him absolutely insane
then the expected happens and miguel forcibly shoved him off with all his strength because he was calling it
“last round” he growled making you and peter both whine
“I don’t care-“
“Bebé me vale.”
you pouted, mainly because as much as it was tortureous it was also so much fun
you calmed your breathing as you watched the screen, both of them all sweaty and out of breath
boy did they look good
“rock paper scissors!”
they both pulled paper
they tried again and both pulled rock
they tried once again and both pulled paper
“just choose scissors!” you yelled and they both shushed you
they tried and the final winner was miguel with rock because peter chose scissors
“you sneaky fu-“
miguel slipped inside you then took peter’s previous position and started pounding into you as hard as he could
he pressed onto your stomach so it could intensify the pleasure for you and you shut your eyes, letting out the prettiest of moans and cries while he fucked you in such a relentless pace
he was fucking you as if it would be the last and he couldn’t bring himself to slow down because he was feeling so close and he just needed to fill you in front of peter no matter what
“fuck baby- god you’re fucking perfect.” he groans and moves his hand from your face to your jaw to kiss you
you kissed him and somehow that little piece of sweet affection threw you over the edge unexpectedly and you were letting out whimpers into his mouth while he dumped his load inside you, making sure he was as deep as he could be
your body shook and you just let the slow sloppy make out happen as you both came down from your highs meanwhile peter just exploded himself because of course he wasn’t going to run that final lap and just stayed back to watch and jerk off
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Hello! I hope you're having a good day :) for fic prompts (yay I finally thought of one) maybe one of our guys casually referencing something a bully in their past taught them was true about themself and the other being like??? No???
Cheering!! Absolutely never get tired of writing scenes like this!
Ed hadn’t even questioned it when he said it.
They’d been working on painting the library with the prettiest light purple paint. It didn’t really have any books yet, but it was going to be a library, so that was what they were calling it already. They’d been joking around, and somehow they’d gotten on the topic of Ed’s sword fighting lessons, and Stede had remarked that he wondered why Ed hadn’t tried to teach anyone else.
“Mostly because I was flirting with you,” Ed laughed, and then he’d paused, and he’d just owned up to the reason that was probably the most true, but, because they were trying to be open and available with each other, he decided to take it a bit further. “And, y’know, I have anger issues, so I always thought it was for the best not to be swinging swords around anyone if I could help it, right?”
And Stede had looked at him, confusion all over his face. “Sorry, what?”
“Uh, I was flirting with you?”
“After that.”
“Oh,” Ed realized, clicking his tongue, looking down at his paint roller so he didn’t have to look at Stede. “I have anger issues.”
“Uh, no,” Stede said, almost laughing.
“Stede,” Ed sighed, “I know you love me, I love you, but we’re trying to be vulnerable with each other, and you really shouldn’t -”
“Oh, honey, no.” Stede put his own paint roller back in its tray, wiping a few specks of paint off on the light shorts he’d put on for painting as he crossed the room to Ed’s side. “Thank you for telling me. But who the fuck told you that?”
“Uh,” Ed said. “Does it matter? It’s -”
“It is not true,” Stede said, so firmly that Ed looked up in surprise. “You do not have anger issues.”
Ed ducked his head.
“I have more trouble controlling my anger than you do, honestly,” Stede snorted. “Why do you think…?”
Ed cleared his throat a bit sheepishly. “Uh, I’m really violent -”
“You were a pirate.” Stede shrugged. “Again. I’m more violent than you are.”
“Uh-huh,” Ed snorted.
“Really,” Stede insisted. “I’ve seen you get angry, Ed. Like when that awful man called you a donkey - if anyone did that to you now, I’d probably shoot them in their faces, but you gave him every chance before you got mad.”
“And then I ordered him skinned with a snail fork,” Ed mumbled. “Because I’m -”
“I would’ve done worse,” Stede said immediately. “Honestly, Ed, I’m in awe of your restraint.”
Ed…restraint. Huh.
He allowed the thoughts to dance across his mind, for just a moment before he pushed them away.
“If I don’t have anger issues,” Ed started hesitantly, occupying himself with re-applying paint on his roller, “then, uh…”
“Oh, lucky for you,” Stede said brightly, “I can tell you all about what my boyfriend Ed is like. He’s amazing. He’s my best friend.”
Ed couldn’t help his smile at Stede’s unbearably fond tone. “Go on, then.”
“Alright!” Stede almost leaned back against the wet wall before Ed stopped him, and he giggled, his nose scrunching with it. “Well. My Ed is so patient. He always explains things so well. He never yells, but he can get a bit chatty when he’s excited. When he’s annoyed with me, he gets the cutest line between his eyebrows.”
Ed pretended to pout at him.
“That one,” Stede laughed, pressing a kiss to the grumpy line on his forehead. “He’s very sweet. He’s always gentle, and kind, and he’s very usually cheerful. He loves making people laugh.”
“Sounds like a pretty alright guy,” Ed said, trying to sound very casual and not at all like he was choked up.
“Oh, he is,” Stede grinned. “He’s amazing.”
“Awright,” Ed grumbled, deciding that was enough introspection for one day, and he dabbed a bit of paint on the tip of Stede’s nose.
Stede yelped at him, and then chased him around the room trying to get him back, and before long Ed was bargaining for his fucking life before Stede could get paint on him.
And when they’d negotiated a truce and decided to make lunch, Ed took Stede’s hand, and he squeezed it tight, and for the first time, he didn’t worry about hurting Stede when he held him.
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eekshade · 2 days
hey!! sry for not writing anything for 5 months, school has been yucky, but im back!! i started with an alphabet bc it was an easy way to ease myself back into writing. also happy gay month 🫶
Bucky Barnes Fluff Alphabet
bucky barnes x m!reader
word count: 4.4k
warnings/info: letter J depicts a make out sesh ig, internalized homophobia is mentioned, Buck cries, use of you/your for reader but is said to be male, there are scenes after the hcs for a little bit but I gave up on that lol, made in my notes app so sry for any formatting issues, not proof read
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A - Admiration. (what do they admire about their S/O?)
☆ Bucky loves your hands. He likes how "innocent" they are compared to his. He adores when you hold his hand, especially the vibranium one. It makes him feel all warm and soft. It makes him loved. The kind of love that causes one's stomach to ache, it makes him want to love himself.
The two of you are slowly making your way through the crowded farmer's market, somewhat resembling a can of sardines. You were walking in front of him, taking notice of a small clearing off to the side, grasping his metallic hand, pulling him behind you. He follows without question, a small smile pointed at your two interlocked hands.
Once stopped in the empty area, before you could even think of letting go of him, he pulled you into him, placing his cracked lips onto your own.
"You know I love you, right?"
"Of course I do."
He kisses you again.
B - Boldness. (how bold are they in regards to their S/O? who confessed first?)
☆ Bucky was a confident man in his youth, always the one making the first move. Ever since he started living in Brooklyn again, he started to notice the anxiety crawling up his throat whenever he interacted with others. This is why he wouldn't start talking to you, even if he's interested in you, so you would need to initiate the first few (dozen) conversations before he starts to feel comfortable around you. That being said, given that you've been talking as friends/acquaintances, he'll have no problem asking you out, it might just take me some time.
☆ Once in a relationship he is extremely bold, there are still some topics where he would be more hesitant to talk about (such as the full extent of his past), but when it comes to you he won't having any problem charmin' you like there’s no tomorrow.
Bucky lingers in front of your shared apartment building hoping to catch you on your way home after a day out, he nervously switches from leaning on a tree to sitting on a bench, then back to the tree. He only waits for about five or so minutes before he notices you walking on the pavement leading to the building, but after locking eyes with him, your course changes.
"Hey, Bucky!"
"y/n! I'm glad I caught you, can I walk you up?"
You simply smile and nod in the direction of the door. You smell like newly washed clothes, but to Bucky, it might as well be heaven. You break the silence by asking him about his day, he breifly responds, giving you some of the highlights, you two chit-chat for bit, not able to dive into much as the trip is rather short. By the time you two reach your door, he realizes that he longer can try to find the perfect segue so he might as well just go for it.
"...Well, thanks for walking with me." You smile at him, reaching for the door handle.
"Wait, y/n, I wanted to talk to you about something." You raise your eyebrows as a sort of permission for him to continue.
"I hope I wasn't misreading this, but would you like to get dinner together sometime?" His voice remains unwavering, with a sly smile dancing across his face.
You roll your eyes at his tone, but it's hard to hide the smile forming at the corners of your mouth,"I guess I don't see why not."
"Yeah, yeah," he snickers, "here." It's his number written on the back of receipt, a small smiley face had been drawn next to it, then erased.
"See you, Bucky."
"Bye, y/n."
C - Comfort. (how do they comfort their S/O?)
☆ Bucky is more of an advice guy than a comfort guy, this is due to him getting extremely awkward/uncomfortable during touchy, feely situations (and not because he doesn't know how to confront his own emotions!!). However, he does understand the need for warmth during hard times, he just opts to show it through acts of service instead.
Your thoughts thrash against the walls inside your head, the throbbing only getting worse as you slowly pull yourself out of his bed. Your face caked in sweat and dried tears, your bloodshot eyes drift to the phone resting upon the on of the nightstands, your unsteady hand grips the device, checking the time.
The late afternoon sun coats the walls in an irritable light, despite the curtains being mostly closed. You notice on the second nightstand that he left a glass of ice water (which was mostly melted now) and a note, which read:
D - Dates. (do they prefer going out or staying in? do they prefer fancy or simple?)
☆ Bucky has a really hard time with this one. All he is used to are the classic dinner and a movie type dates, but in his heart, he likes the more intimate, at home, kind. Over time, he finds a sort of balance between the two, like a picnic at a drive-in movie.
"Bucky, where the hell are we?"
The two of you are currently driving down backroads you've never seen before. The road is slightly too narrow for anyone to get fully comfortable, the night sky darkening the path. Bucky has been relatively quiet, letting you do all the talking, and control the music; he never has liked modern music, but there's something special about when you play it.
"Well, if I tell you it's not really a surprise, is it?" He answered, turning his head to you slightly. The smile on his face is almost aggravating, if it had been anyone else's, you would've jumped out of the moving vehicle.
"You're not funny," you playfully roll your eyes, "if I didn't know you any better, I'd say you're trying to kill me." You pretend to study him as if trying to find a motive.
"Well, I can promise you I'm not doing that." The smile changes to softer, genuine.
The car is almost silent for the rest of the way, the soft music leading you two down the road. The car pulls into an unpaved parking lot, bringing you back to reality. You look around and see a white screen proudly standing twenty or so feet ahead of you, realizing what's going on, you turn to Bucky. A nervous grin shines back at you, he's holding a basket filled with dinner, and movie snacks.
"You like it?"
E - Equal. (are they more dominant or passive?)
☆ Due to Bucky growing up in the 40s, he does still have quite a bit of internalized homophobia. Therefore, he tends to try and be the stereotypical, manly, provider. He does unconsciously feminize you to make himself feel better, but the second he realizes, or you tell him, he'll do everything to stop, as well as profusely apologize.
☆ Other than that, I do see him as being in the middle. He can obviously take control when he needs to, but also because of his past, he loves when you take the pressure off, and take care of him.
(I can't think of a scene for this rn, and I rlly need to finish this so sry, if anyone want more about this just ask)
F - Family. (do they want to start a family?)
☆ Bucky loves kids, and is great with them, but he doesn't want to have his own, at least until he's stable. So for now he's okay with being the cool uncle.
After spending a lake day with the Wilsons, it was noticeable that Bucky wanted to say something. He looked uncomfortable, nervous even as he waited for everyone to finally call it a night. A little after the kids were put to bed, Sarah called it in, then Sam. You went to follow, seeing as it may be weird to stay up longer than the hosts, but Bucky ushered you to follow him to the back deck.
You sat on the stairs next to him in silence, waiting for him to speak, the warm air surrounding you two. He bit his lip and looked at you, studying you.
"I love you," He smiles at you, his tone signifying a second part of what he needs to say.
"But?" You laugh, nervousness now making its way into you.
"But I can't give you this." He has tears in his eyes, threatening to fall if he says anything else.
"What does that mean?" Confusion grips you tightly, his face giving nothing away.
"An apple pie life," he laughs at his own words, "I can't give you the house, and two kids, dinner by 6, it's all too much for that." He looks to the lake as if it could help him.
"Bucky," you gently take his chin, making him look at you, "what makes you think I want that?"
"The way you looked at me," he wipes a fallen tear from his cheek, "when I was playing with Cass and AJ today.
"Oh, Bucky." You kiss a tear away from the side of his nose, "I don't need any of that, hon. I just need you."
G - Goofy. (how serious are they when it comes to a relationship?)
☆ When it comes to a romantic relationship, Bucky can be pretty serious, while he is smooth/sly, 'goofy' isn't really the word I'd use to describe him. Not to say he wouldn't be funny, but I feel as though his humor is more sarcastic than anything.
(same thing as before)
H - Hugs. (how do they hug?)
☆ I imagine Bucky's skin to be cold, so that transfers to his hugs, but he's cold like a soft breeze on a hot beach. His hugs would also be very firm because of obvious reasons. If he's in an emotional mood, they may be slightly too hard, but never enough to hurt you.
You shiver slightly as his arms wrap around your frame, his head resting upon your shoulder. You two stay like that for a moment before he shifts his head into the crook of your neck, leaving a chaste kiss on it before planting his nose to touch your skin; eyelashes softly tickling you as he blinks.
"I miss you."
I - Interests. (what Interests do they want to share with their S/O?)
☆ Bucky's a fucking nerd, his main interests being motorcycles, fantasy novels (reading in general), folklore, and ancient history.
Bucky smiled widely as he firmly gripped some obscure fantasy novel with a dragon on the cover, unintentionally waving it around. He's excitedly explaining the novel to you, about how well written the book is, about how interesting the character dynamics are, and so on. You mirror his smile as you watch him talk, hanging on to every word that falls off his tongue.
You stand, your smile never wavering as you walk toward him, he stops talking, confused. Once you reach him, you pull him into your grasp, kissing his cheek, holding him close.
"What?" His voice lacking confidence, his smile now unsure.
"Keep talking." You mumble into him, "I like it when you talk." He grins and continues his rant.
J - Jealousy. (do they get jealous?)
☆ He can get jealous, this is do to his trust issues, but he's mature enough that he won't be a bitch about it unless you want him to, he'll just talk to you, and the two of you will work through it one way or another. He does get rather clingy when jealous, though, wanting to touch you in some way.
You and Bucky are currently at your workplace, your boss decided in order to boost morale that a company party was needed, and you (thankfully) convinced Bucky to go, promising it'll be quick.
Both of you were chatting with one of your work friends when they asked you to come help them get refreshments, leaving Bucky alone with their spouse. Bucky wanted to be nice, he did, but the spouse would not stop going on and on about some shit Bucky had never even heard of. So, naturally, his eyes wander trying to locate you, hoping that you'll come back and save him from this dreadful conversation, and that's when he saw it. Your co-worker was basically feeling you up, their eyes traced your figure as you bent over to grab a couple of waters from the case on the floor, and when you stood back up they grabbed your waist to "move you out of the way" of someone walking by.
The final straw was when you attempted to walk back to Bucky and their spouse, they grabbed you by the elbow stopping you from moving, the grip wasn't very hard from what Bucky could see, but the look on your face was enough to get him moving.
Bucky walked away from the spouse mid sentence. They called out at him, but he paid it no mind. He reached the two of you, and you smiled at him, saying something along the lines of "What couldn’t stand to be without me?" Bucky rolled his eyes when the co-worker asked what he was doing.
"Sorry to cut this short, but honey, we got to go." Overpronouncing the pet name, as he pulls you toward him.
"What? You just got here!" The co-worker joked, "Come on, y/n! The night is still young." He whined out.
"I'm sorry, but Buck's right. I promised to make dinner tonight in order for him to come." You laughed, pulling Bucky's hand into your grasp, "See you on Monday though." You smiled at them, causing Bucky to tighten the grip of his hand around yours.
The second the two of you walked out of the building Bucky pushed you against the wall of it, just barely out of view from the window, kissing you harshly. You opened your mouth in shock, giving Bucky the opportunity to slide his tongue in. His hands roam your body in search for nothing in particular, he smirks when you moan into the kiss, motivating him to pull as much of those pretty little sounds out of you as he can. He thinks of your co-worker, the slimy bastard, they could never have you like this, this thought makes his smile grow as he attaches to your neck, and slips his knee in between your legs. Once he's satisfied with your disheveled state, he silently walks away to the car, leaving you to follow him, confused, calling out for him to slow down.
K - Kiss. (how they kiss/favorite place to be kissed, and vise versa.)
☆ Bucky’s kisses are tender/soft, this is attributed to him subconsciously not wanting to hurt you in any way, so any time he touches you it's rather gentle. His lips tend to taste a little like blood, because he has a habit of biting them.
☆ His favorite place to kiss you is on your cheek, specifically with his hands on your hips as a form of greeting.
☆ His favorite place to be kissed is his neck, it feels special, a place just for you and no one else, it's a form of intimacy he hasn't been able to truly experience until now. He especially likes it when you hug him from behind kissing up from the top of his spine to his nape hairline.
Bucky uncomfortably cleaned the kitchen as he waited for you to return from work; he had recently moved in to your place, and it was just now starting to hit him how serious you guys were. You and him have been dating for quite a while, he stayed over more times than not, so it was only natural for you to ask him to move in. He said yes of course, how could he not? He thought about the two of you, about him no longer sleeping in your bed, but sleeping in his. Next to you. It's driving him insane, oh god - when did he start crying? Seriously though, how could you chose him? He just doesn't understand how this happened, how could you, of all people, want him? More tears. God, Bucky, pull yourself together man.
His thoughts screech to a halt as he hears the door open, he hears you call out his name, he doesn't respond, wiping the tears, this proved to be a lot harder to do as one's tears are still actively falling. You find him within a few seconds, he's facing the sink, you snicker at his concentration; you walk up to him, making sure not to be silent, though there’s not a doubt in your mind he knows you're there. You wrap your arms around his lower torso, placing your chin on his shoulder. His hands stop moving as he leans into the touch.
"Hey, Buck." You softly whisper, "You get out today?"
"Of course I have." He turns his head down slightly, trying to avoid eye contact, "You worry too much." He grumbles, he attempts to move his arms forward, but stops when he feels your lips graze his nape.
"I like worrying about you." Another kiss. "It keeps me grounded." You laugh into his neck.
"Please." He drags out the word in an almost whiney tone, moving his head back to get even closer to your mouth, "Please don't stop."
You consister teasing him, turning his chin to look at you, but stop when you see his wet cheeks you decide against it. You leave a kiss on the corner of his mouth as a sort of apology, before going back to what you were doing to the back of his neck.
"God, Buck, you know how much I love you?" You mumble into his skin after a few moments.
"No, I don't think I do," He smiles at the wall, "how much?"
You unravel your arms from around him, placing them on his shoulders, turning him to face you. You deeply press your lips onto his nose, causing him to scrunch his face, the kiss makes a humming sound, before a soft pop of your lips.
"That much, times like a thousand." You giggle at his soft expression.
"Wow. That's a lot." He remarks with faux amazement, trying to make it seem like you didn't just make his heart nearly beat out of his chest.
"Yeah it is." You exaggerate the words, gripping his cheeks for one last kiss.
L - Love Language.
☆ Bucky's love language is definitely acts of service. He enjoys doing things for you, and putting his skills to use, I think this can been seen in fatws when he helps Sam with repairing the boat, and getting him a new suit. He likes surprising you with household takes already completed when you get home, he absolutely basks in the praise you give him for doing this.
(yuck. This is where I officially give up on the scenes, as said prior if you want to see any specific ones just ask!!)
M - Meals. (kitchen dynamics.)
☆ Bucky doesn't like to cook with other people, you can watch for sure! But he doesn't like to share the space too closely, it just annoys him when people do things he believes he can do more efficiently.
☆ The two of you will most likely do A/B days when it comes to cooking and clean up, unless one person is pampering the other/it's a special occasion.
N - Nicknames. (what do they call their S/O?)
☆ His nicknames for you are obviously older, and slightly feminine (unless you tell him off), he starts you relationship with names like, doll, darling, and dove. As time progresses he will start incorporating handsome into his list of pet names. All that being said, I don't think he's too into pet names, for the most part he'll just say your real name.
O - Openness. (how open are they about their past/emotions with their S/O?)
☆ He starts telling you about his past in the form of jokes (like that one date scene in fatws). He's able to tell you about everything in a factual tone a few months into dating (just so he knows he trusts you), as far as his emotions surrounding it - that does obviously take longer, but in my opinion not by that much. The amount of emotion shared does vary, but maybe a month or two after he tells you about it for the first time, he'll start venting about his nightmares and such.
☆ also it does depend on how you view/retain media, because you might have already recognized his face/name.
P - PDA.
☆ Bucky is in the middle when it comes to PDA, he likes holding your hand, will give you goodbye kisses and such, but he doesn't go father then that. Half due to his social anxiety, half to him wanting the more intimate things to stay private.
Q - Quarrel. (how they apologize/ how long it takes them to forgive their S/O?)
☆ If Bucky feels he's in the right he can and will be petty, such as brushing you off, or making sarcastic comments. He typically won't confront you because of the attitude he holds, but when you decide to apologize he's ready to talk it out. He accepts your apology in time, (depending on what you did) but he is still standoffish for some time after, due to his trust issues.
☆ When he fucks up he is all over fixing it. He starts the apology in a very formal manner, stating how he knows he what he did was wrong, how he'll do better. The second part of the apology is him being (too) nice for the next week, as said on L his love language is acts of service so he'll overcompensate, and do every task you needed done.
R - Rules. (boundaries they have.)
☆ His "main" boundaries are focused around his past, such as you're not allowed to pry when it comes to asking about it - he will talk about it in his own time. You're also not allowed (at least for a long time) to touch the scars he has next to where his arm is attached, or the attachment itself. As far as other boundaries go, he doesn't want you to go further than hand holding, and a quick goodbye kiss in public, and he hates it when you pity him out right - keep that in your head.
S - Security. (how protective are they of their S/O?)
☆ He is very protective of you, not in a weird controlling way, but he always checks in out of fear someone will use you to get to him for one reason or another. This protectiveness isn't really that obvious, more just him checking in on you, and keeping an eye out when you're out together.
T - Time. (how long does it takes to fall for their S/O?)
☆ Bucky does take quite a bit of time to actually fall in love, but him finding you attractive/intriguing is very fast if not immediate. It takes about 2-3 months for him to ask you out (though he does flirt for a while first), and about 5-7 months of dating to "love" you.
U - Upset (what things upset them in a relationship?)
☆ He can get upset from a few things namely; everything said in R, when you grab him first in his post nightmare state or during/after a panic attack (he wants to be the one to initiate contact, because sometimes he doesn't want to be touched), and if you disagree on politics - although Bucky isn't the kind of guy to compromise on those so it most likely won't happen, because he wouldn't be dating you in the first place.
V - Vacation. (what kind of traveler are they with their S/O?)
☆ Bucky's a NERD!! He likes to go to places with rich history/culture, and he won't take a second to rest, he just wants to see everything, can you blame him? If you're the kind of person who wants to spend a day relaxing by the pool, I'm sorry, but he will leave you behind without hesitation.
W - Words. (promises they make to their S/O.)
☆ Bucky promises to never hurt you in any way shape or form, he promises to protect you agianst others who wish to harm you, and he promises to never leave you behind as he doesn't want anyone, especially you, to feel how he felt.
X - Xenial. (how they make you feel welcome/what makes them feel welcome?)
☆ Bucky likes to do little things for you to make you feel welcome/comfortable around him. This comes in different shapes and forms, such as complimenting you in every which way, making mental notes of things you like, and always being ready to help you out with anything you may need.
☆ Bucky feels the most welcome when it's explicitly said that he is. You using your words to validate him, not even compliment him, but just say he's doing fine, it does more for him then you could imagine.
Y - Yearning. (do they miss their S/O easily? what do they do about it?)
☆ Bucky is able to survive being isolated for long periods of time, even going as far to do it intentionally, but you've weakened him. He misses you rather fast. Now, it's not like he's going to cry over it or anything, but he will sometimes sit up at night unable to sleep without you next to him.
☆ Let's say that you two, for whatever reason, can't call. Bucky is an old fashioned guy, he likes to keep a least one physical photo of you on him at all times. He says it's his good luck charm; he would never tell you however, is that when you two are separated he keeps the photo as close as possible at nights because it calms him down from his nightmares.
Z - Zzz. (sleeping habits/how they cuddle.)
☆ As said so many times throughout this list, Bucky gets nightmares, and sometimes he can't fall back asleep afterwards so he gets up to go do his own thing, because of this while the two of you do sleep near eachother, you rarely cuddle. It's not even that he doesn't want to cuddle, he does, it's the fact he feels like a burden any time he wakes you, so instead he lied and told you he doesn't like them.
☆ Other sleep facts about him is that he runs hot at night, somewhere earlier it's said he's cold to touch, but for whatever reason he can not have more than one blanket on him, plus your body heat.
☆ His typical sleepwear is a pare of shorts, and if you want to count them, his dogtags. During the colder months he'll add a long sleeve shirt, or even just a standard tee, depends on his mood.
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silhouetteonpaper · 11 hours
Point Shoes Make Great Weapons
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Summary: When Y/N is tasked with dancing her way to an assigned target, will her ballet skills be enough to get her through the auditions that lead her to the enemy?
WC: 3822
Warnings: Fighting, mentions of guns
A/N: This is my first one shot, yay! I tried to keep the ballet terminology simple so anyone can read this, and there’s a few term descriptions below. Also, dance auditions are done in so many ways these days, so I wrote one in a way that would make sense to the story. Some things might not be 100% accurate.
pointe shoe box - the part of the shoe that holds the front of the foot, usually made with dense paper, cardboard, or other stiff material so you can stand on it
révérence - a bow/curtsy
1st, 2nd, & 3rd position - foundational ballet positions that are used often
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“You’re kidding.” Y/N states, looking up at the presentation Tony is giving the entire team about a new mission. The screen shows their target, a professional ballet dancer named Ivan Volkov, who also happens to be a leading crime boss with ulterior motives. The plan described someone needing to get close enough to take him out so he could be captured, the only way to do so being an Avenger attending the same ballet auditions and getting him alone. All eyes fell on Y/N.
“You’re the youngest here, and the best at dancing. I’ve seen you practice.” Tony reasons, getting a look of disbelief in return from the girl. It would be less suspicious for a young adult to audition, sure, but Y/N wasn’t eager to dance in such a strict setting.
“I practice for fun, it’s different when you have to be perfect.” Y/N explains. “Besides, Natasha also knows ballet, why don’t you have her do it?” She tries to bargain. Natasha scoffs.
“My dancing days ended the second I left the Red Room. Sorry, but this ones all you.” Nat shrugged, leaning back in her chair. Y/N exhaled sharply, searching the room for anyone else who could possibly do this mission. Not any of the boys, for obvious reasons. Wanda was already shaking her head by the time Y/N looked at her, and then there was Yelena.
“How about you, Yelena? You learned ballet in the Red Room too, right?” Y/N pleaded, hoping the blonde could take the lead on this mission. Yelena only laughed, shaking her head as well.
“Try to put me in a tutu and I’ll break every bone in your body.” She remarked, leaving Y/N to groan as she slouched in her chair. Tony clapped, happy to see that Y/N was left with no option but to accept.
“Great! Y/N it is. I wouldn’t put you on this mission if I didn’t think you could handle it.” He consoled her. Soon, the meeting was adjourned and Y/N’s training for the mission would begin. She found herself alone in the compound’s dance studio Tony set up for her, wearing her usual dance attire: a black leotard over light pink tights with black shorts on top. She dropped her newly broken-in pointe shoes on a bench next to her water bottle, waiting for the person who was supposed to help train her.
To the girl’s surprise, the studio doors opened to reveal Natasha walking in with a cold look. Y/N smirked, quickly realizing the redhead would be the one to train her in all things ballet. “Don’t even start with me, I’m doing this for you, okay?” Nat snapped, Y/N nodding as she stifled her laugh.
The girl took a moment to put on her pointe shoes, eventually twisting the sewn on elastic bands disguised as ribbons to secure them. Natasha raised an eyebrow as Y/N stood, standing on her pointe shoes to test out the sound. “First thing we’ll cover is proper ballet attire. Starting with those pointe shoes.” She lectured.
Y/N looked down at them, unsure what she did wrong. “I just broke these in and sewed them myself. What’s wrong with them?” She tapped out on her box a few more times to double check that they were solid. Now reassured, Y/N gave Nat a puzzled expression.
“The ribbons, you need to use real ribbons at a professional ballet audition.” Natasha told her like it was common sense. Y/N sighed, walking to the barre up against the mirror. “And you know once you get to auditions, you can’t wear shorts, right?” The redhead asked, taking a few steps closer to the girl ignoring her.
“I’m well aware, thank you. I’m trying not to think about that right now. Let me warm up, and then we can start.” Y/N voiced, beginning to stretch using the bar. Natasha crossed her arms with a laugh, eyeing the girl’s movements.
“If I’m training you, then we’re starting from ground zero. Keep that posture at the bar, and you’ll be cut from auditions immediately.” Nat jabbed, watching Y/N’s judgmental look as she stood back up from a plié. “You can do better than that. Turn out more. Delicate, Y/N, c’mon.” She called out as the girl kept her barre routine going. She repeated each move until Natasha was satisfied with her perfection, Y/N sweating by the end of her warm up.
“Great, now onto the audition choreography. You watched the video Tony sent you, right?” Nat asked Y/N, who was gulping water before moving back out to the open floor. She nodded, having rewatched the same video over and over to get the ballet choreography down. Although the girl was comfortable with ballet in general, she’d never auditioned for a professional company before. Y/N knew they’d judge every move she made, and the smallest mistake could mean a failed mission. She’d have to blend in as a professional ballerina.
Y/N made her way to the corner of the floor, preparing her opening move by getting into 3rd position. “Alright, let’s see what you can do.” Nat spoke as she hit play on the music connected to the room’s speakers.
As the orchestral melody began to flow, Y/N started to glide across the floor. Her focused expression informed anyone nearby of her extreme care to each move, all of her dancing laced with precision and perfection.
Her pointe shoes struck the floor with each advance, the sound echoing around the tall-ceilinged room. But no sound could get in the way of the music that fled the girl’s mind. Each note was like permission, allowing her to move onto the next step and give her dancing life.
As Y/N made her way to the center of the space for the end of the sequence, she dropped into a révérence, bowing as the music ended. Silence filled the room as the girl stood still, waiting to see how Natasha would react to her performance.
Y/N felt like she did nearly perfect on the choreography, but sometimes near perfect isn’t enough when lives are at stake. The unimpressed look on the redheads face gave the girl more than enough information. She’d have to run this number again and again until it was flawless.
“You look like you don’t even enjoy what you’re doing when you dance.” Natasha tells Y/N, stepping closer. Y/N chuckles, putting her hands on her hips as she catches her breath.
“Yeah, cause I don’t.” The girl remarks. Natasha sighs, moving to the side as Y/N goes to grab her water.
“The auditioners are looking for people who are passionate about ballet. People who appreciate the perfection, as well as the beauty in every move. If you look like you’re caught up in one or the other, they’ll know.” Nat explains while Y/N chugs from her water bottle.
“Alright, so it’s about finding the perfect balance.” The girl concludes. Nat smiles for the first time in the past hour.
“Exactly. And the best way to find that is by practicing. Let’s do it again.” She directs, gesturing back over to the open floor. Y/N sighs, dragging her feet as she steps back onto her starting mark, the familiar melody playing as she attempts to find her own flow once more.
“I put a gun in your bag, just in case.” Tony says as he drives the three of them into the city. Nat and Y/N sit in the back, making sure everything is in order for the audition Y/N will attend momentarily. Tony received intel that Ivan would be at one in the center of New York, making it a perfect opportunity for the young Avenger.
“Honestly, these pointe shoes could make a great weapon.” Y/N jokes, considering how strong the hard box of the shoe could be, especially if used in combat. The young girl wears a black leotard, pink tights, a black ballet skirt, and fuzzy boots in the stead of pointe shoes currently sitting in her bag. Natasha carefully pinned up Y/N’s hair in an appropriate ballet bun earlier at the compound, making sure the girl had everything she’d need for a full day of dancing… and also possibly fighting.
“Alright, kid. Are you sure you’re ready?” Tony asked as he parked the car. Natasha smirks.
“Oh, she’s ready. I didn’t make her repeat the routine fifty times for no reason.” She responds. Y/N laughs, nodding her head in agreement. She felt ready, not only from the extensive training Natasha provided, but also from the solid plan Tony concocted.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N prepares to exit the car as the three say their ‘see you laters’. Natasha even patted Y/N on the shoulder, instilling just a little bit more confidence in the young girl. The cold air of the city brings a chill to Y/N’s bare arms as she steps outside of the car and into the tall doors of The New York Ballet building.
A classy interior greets the girl as she quickly follows the sign reading ‘auditions this way’. She soon approaches the crowd of dancers in a hallway, some looking worried, others looking confident, but all of them girls. There was no Ivan in sight. Worry crept up her throat, forcing Y/N to swallow as everyone began to stretch and put on their pointe shoes.
She placed her bag down, being discreet as she pulled out a small ear-bud like device from one of its pockets. She placed it in her ear, immediately connecting to the team through the communication device.
“I’ve got a problem. There’s only girls here. I don’t see Ivan.” Y/N spoke quietly to the comms device, scanning the hallway once more for any sign of her target.
“That’s a bummer. Let me look into it, hold tight.” Tony responded, leaving Y/N to awkwardly put on her pointe shoes as she waited. Nat had forced her to sew on real ribbons, taking Y/N an extra second to tie them perfectly as she’d been taught.
Luckily, she blended in well out here, everyone dressed similarly and shrouded with the same worry. Although, Y/N wished she could say she was worried about the same thing as the rest of the girls.
An auditioner stepped into the hallway, beginning to brief everyone on what’s to come. “Hello, everyone. Shortly, we’ll start calling in small groups, where you’ll perform the choreography we sent for you to learn prior. Afterwards, I will call out those we are interested in pursuing to stay, where you will learn a second combination with one of the male partners auditioning.” An exhale of relief washes over Y/N, now understanding her shot at finding Ivan wasn’t lost yet.
“I found where he is, I just have to make it through the first round of auditions. Wish me luck.” Y/N tells the team as the auditioner starts calling the first group of girls.
“Good luck, kid.” Tony responds as the girl takes out the device from her ear, safely storing it in her bag while she prepares to enter the audition studio. Although discreet for usual missions, the communication device would be obvious in a ballet studio, especially when a panel of people are judging every single thing about a dancer.
Eventually, Y/N’s name was called, or rather an alias used for the mission. “Phoebe Trent.” The auditioner lists, the girl making her way inside the studio as she hears the fake name Tony gave her. The handful of ballerinas stand beside each other, a smaller group of five girls now formed as the auditioners sit at a table to the front of the room.
“Welcome, dancers. Today’s audition is solely about finding those who strive to be the best version of themselves on and off stage. We want people who are eager to push themselves to become better dancers. People who are graceful on the outside, but show it from the inside as well.” One of the auditioners expresses.
Y/N holds back the urge to roll her eyes, this emotional monologue nearly causing her to fail her mission out of boredom. Although she was able to master the art of dancing with emotion, she couldn’t find a true passion for it like all the other professionals here did.
“And with that, let’s begin.” Y/N inhales deeply, lining up to the side as the first girl is called to dance. They move down the line, Y/N being second to last. She watches as each girl moves, the same music that replayed at the compound filling the room again and again. Every auditioning ballerina brings something unique to the table, making Y/N’s stomach flip with nerves as her confidence depletes. The girl knew she’d have to look the part, but she was unaware she’d actually have to dance the part. Having to get through one round of auditions without being cut made things a lot more difficult.
The other ballerinas all look like they truly enjoy their art form, flying across the floor as they become one with the music. Y/N can barely take her eyes off of them, similarly to the auditioners. The next person in line was Y/N, who was making an attempt at finding a way to be as passionate as these other girls were.
Scanning her mind for ideas, Y/N thought of the things she was passionate about. Combat, fighting, avenging. Violent, jeez, Y/N thought. At that moment, she realized combat was quite similar to choreography. Every step had to be well calculated, yet you were doing it for one reason: saving lives. There was a purpose behind each step, each movement, just like with dance.
Y/N concluded that she could apply this to her ballet routine, each move adjacent to that of a fight—just more graceful—her completing the routine saving lives. Which was true, if she executed this mission then many lives would be saved from the killing hands of Ivan.
“Ms. Trent, you may proceed.” The auditioner spoke, allowing the girl permission to walk to her mark. She set herself into her opening position, taking a deep breath. Straight away, the familiar symphony filled the studio, Y/N letting her pointe shoes take her swiftly across the floor. She wasn’t calculating each perfect step in her head anymore, Y/N was letting her body ebb and flow to the melody. The girl didn’t even glance at the auditioners, her loving expression speaking for itself as she turned and stepped across the floor.
Just like when she was triumphant in a battle, flipping across the city, she let the familiar feeling of turning across the floor fill her with that same confidence. Each pirouette like a flowing fight sequence, every arabesque like a high kick to an enemy, yet all done with grace instead of force.
It felt like only a moment had passed when the music ended, Y/N smiling center studio as she bowed. The auditioners matched her grin, soon moving onto the next person while the girl caught her breath and joined the line once more.
Although Y/N had no clue if she’d make it in or not, she was proud of the performance she gave. Regardless of today’s outcome, she at least had that. After everyone completed their routine, the girls were all left to wait in the hall until everyone in the crowd had an opportunity to dance. After another long bout of waiting, an auditioner entered the hallway with the clipboard.
“Alright girls, I have the names of everyone who will continue today. If you are not called, please escort yourself out. If your name is called, we would like you to stay for the next part of the audition.” Every girl in the hallway tensed, the pressure rising as a series of names was listed off. Y/N held her breath unknowingly, hoping that she made it through to continue her mission.
“Abigail Greg, Phoebe Trent, Olivia Knight…” The auditioner called out. Y/N exhaled, relief washing over her as she was now one step closer to completing the mission. For her, the hardest part was over. At least she hoped so. All she had to do was find a way to partner up with Ivan during the next section of auditions.
After a quick water break, the accepted girls joined a larger studio with the accepted boys. They stood in unorganized lines as a ballet instructor guided the crowd in learning a new ballet combination. It wasn’t long, but it definitely looked complicated, especially for Y/N who could only practice so much at the compound without knowing about this second round.
Luckily, she didn’t have to be amazing at it, the goal wasn’t to get through this next audition. She just had to seem confident enough to get Ivan to pair up with her. Now scanning the people around her, Y/N tried to locate the familiar face of her target. Finally, her eyes caught a glimpse of the man she was after in the very back, stepping along with the combination as the instructor taught it.
Y/N was in the middle of the room, trying to figure out a way to move farther back to him. It wasn’t easy, seeing as everyone tried to take up as little space as possible, careful to not hit other dancers. With each little stride, though, the girl progressed farther back, slowly ending up only a few people away from Ivan as they all ran through the choreography one last time.
“Alright, please partner up with one another and we’ll run it once more here. You’ll have a chance to practice it on your own in the other studios afterwards.” The instructor explained, everyone in the room awkwardly breaking their position to find a dance partner.
Perfect. Y/n thought, knowing she could get him alone in a studio if he accepted her as a partner. She didn’t hesitate, her eyes fixating on Ivan as he stood scanning the room. “Hello, I’m Phoebe. Want to partner up?” She asked him sweetly. He smiled warmly, nodding and prepping to run the combination together.
Soon, everyone in the group was all partnered and ready, following the instructors lead as they ran the dance together. Y/N began with the step forward, letting her arms fly upward as her leg lifted behind her. She feels Ivan beside her, soon placing his hands on her hips as she lowers her leg and prepares her turn sequence. Using her opposite foot to kick off, Y/N spins as Ivan uses his hands to keep her steady. 1, 2, 3, pirouettes later and he removes his hold as she lands, the two continuing on to the steady rhythm of the music.
“Great job everyone, while we set up here, go grab some water and practice on your own. We’ll grab the first group momentarily.” The instructor dismissed, everyone heading back out into the hall.
“I’m going to grab a drink of water, then we can run it again.” Y/N let Ivan know, getting another nod in response as she went to find her bag. The girl made sure Ivan was out of sight before opening it, taking a chug of water and slipping the small comms device into her ear.
“Welcome back, Y/N.” Tony’s voice sounds, the communication device in the girls ear connecting.
“I got through the first round, I’m about to have a chance with Ivan. Stay ready.” Y/N told him, zipping up her bag.
“We’re always ready,” Natasha remarked, joining over the comms. Y/N smiled and shook her head, soon putting her sickly sweet face back on as she approached Ivan. Y/N opted to keep the device in her ear as she was no longer in the presence of any auditioners. The two made their way into an empty studio, both standing in the center of the room and preparing to repeat the same dance, or at least Y/N was.
She waited until he was ready, soon going through the same motions. Step forward, arms delicately moving upwards. Leg rising, watch your posture, foot turned out. Ivan ready behind her, hands falling on her hips as her leg meets the floor. The girl begins her pirouettes, feeling Ivan’s hands help her complete each rotation. 1, 2, 3… 4, 5. He wasn’t stopping.
She attempted to place her foot back down, but the speed of his turning made it difficult. Y/N’s stomach twisted, he knew who she was. More than ten spins later, he pushed her to the floor, leaving the girl dizzy as she was unable to keep up. Y/N quickly realized she didn’t grab the gun, and she couldn’t conceal any weapon under her ballet attire, so she had to rely on combat now.
“You made a mistake coming here,” Ivan finally spoke, his Russian accent now revealing itself. Y/N stood, steading her body as the lasting dizziness finally wore off. “And what, the Avengers sent a kid after me? What’s a dainty little ballerina going to do?”
“You made a mistake underestimating me.” Y/N asserted. Without hesitation, she threw the first punch. Ivan immediately reacted, the two of them moving back and forth trying to overpower each other.
She caught him by surprise, hooking her leg around his to bring him to the floor. But he quickly recovered, rolling to his feet and attempting to lock his arm around Y/N’s neck. She twisted his arm the other way just in time, avoiding the move.
They took turns gaining control of the fight, no clear winner could be predicted. And to the girl’s disadvantage, she kept sliding around in her pointe shoes, the awkward shape difficult to walk in. That’s when the idea came to her: I can use my pointe shoes, Y/N realized.
She ripped herself from Ivan’s hold, the two of them out of breath as they stood mere feet away. Ivan gave her a menacing look, almost giving away his idea at an advance. Before he could throw another punch, Y/N kicked him right in the head, her pointe shoe creating a loud crack as it made contact with his skull.
Ivan’s body hit the ground with a thud, finally unconscious. Y/N started to catch her breath, resting her hands on her hips as she talked to the team over comms. “Ivan’s down. Studio 3, he’s all yours.” Y/N spoke, glancing at the limp body of her target. She stepped over him to head towards the exit, noticing the annoying feeling of her pointe shoes now that she was walking instead of dancing.
Pulling them off, she laughed to herself. “It turns out pointe shoes do make great weapons.”
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lovebittenbyevans · 3 days
Rumors & The Truth
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Summary: When Toji put out a statement about you and him, he realized things were about to really change for him personally.
Pairing: F1driver! Toji Fushiguro x friend! Female Reader
Warnings: cursed words, social media au
Author note: I appreciate people who left a comment on this series. Continue AU series Life In The Spotlight. Follow along Mystery Girl. This will be Toji pov and get a glimpse of what he’s feeling in a way. A little bit of reader pov as well. Enjoy reading!
– Comments, Reblogs and Likes are appreciated
Toji knew this would come out sooner or later. He knows everything is brought to the surface eventually. He just wanted to keep this side of you and him hidden way longer.
In his head he is panicking and pissed off at the same time. His publicist Ryan warns him about the paparazzi having a way of making things public and a way of not keeping quiet forever.
He tried calling you a few times but you didn’t pick up. He wanted to do the right thing even though he didn’t want to confirm anything. Toji and you were just friends who like each other company but sometimes fuck each other as well.
“What’s the plan?” Ryan asked, sitting at his desk.
Toji fixed his race suit while adjusting it a little. “You tell me.” He mocked him. “I am not going to put out a bullshit statement when you know I see Y/N only as a friend.”
Ryan sighs as he scratches the back of his neck. “Just be honest. I would never tell you to lie.” Toji pulled out the chair and sat down. “You do know her life is about to change right?” Ryan wanted to make sure that Toji knows what is about to happen.
He continues. “The amount of time the press sees you with different girls every week is different from you and y/n.”
Toji nods. “Mhm.” A part of him was hoping this day would never come. His whole career was about his new talk about him with you.
He leaned back in the chair when he heard his phone buzzing on Ryan's desk. He immediately picked up his phone and saw your name on the screen.
Thank fucking god
He pressed the green button to answer and put the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
“Is it an emergency?” You spoke through the phone.
Toji clears his throat. “I have to put out a–” He pauses for a second, turning off his British accent. “The statement I am about to post is going to be about us. Is that alright?” He sounded more American.
He really needs to stop picking up the British accent since he's been living in London for three years now even though he sometimes doesn’t pay enough attention when he talks.
“What else is new, T? Do whatever it is.” At the end of the line all he heard was a beeping sound. He couldn’t blame you for hanging up on him. He deserves it.
He sighs. “She gave me the go ahead.” He pressed one of his social media apps on his phone.
“So, what are you going to say exactly?” Ryan leaned forward with a smirk on his face.
He was loving this to begin with.
Toji rubs his chin trying to figure out what to actually say without making y/n look humiliated. “Something along the lines of us being friends.”
Ryan raises an eyebrow. “I told you people might not believe that. They are already believing you and y/n are a couple.”
Toji rolled his eyes and let out a scoff. “For fuck stake Ry.” He knew his publicist was right. In his mind he didn’t want to screw up at all. He doesn't want to lose you as a friend either.
“I’m just saying just speak from your heart and be honest this time.” He shrugged. “And hurry up because you have a race to do.” Ryan got up from his chair and squeezed Toji's shoulder before he walked out his office door.
Toji sat there with his phone in hand already had in his mind what picture he wanted to post with a caption knowing you mean so much to him in a way.
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tojifushiguro I have known y/nusername for years and we have built an amazing friendship over the years. She got my back. I have hers. She is my go to in this friendship whenever I need her to just hangout or just have a good conversation with. She will always be my best friend that I can count on. I will be always be there for her as well.
After hitting the post button on his phone screen, he noticed his instagram notifications started going crazy. He shut his phone off and gave his phone to his assistant.
“I think you did the right thing.” Victoria told him.
He got up from the chair and ran his hand through his hair. “Well, whoever doesn't like the truth can shove it up their ass.” He walked out the door going straight to his team garage.
Toji realized this was just the beginning of press being in his personal life more then before
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la--brujaja · 11 hours
Gale x Amanita writing exercise
in which Gale and Amanita discuss Mystra's request for him to use the orb in his chest after avoiding each other's touch so Gale wouldn't literally blow them all up. trying to figure out their voices, esp Amanita's, and maybe i'll do a one-shot/short story.
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“So, is that it?” Amanita was leaning against a rock, the coldness of it biting into her skin. A breeze came in from the mountains, carrying on it the smell of pine. “You’re just going to do as she says?” She was trying her best to stay level and calm, but in reality she was furious. If getting her hands on Mystra was easy, she would have been long gone, a different journey driving her forward. The gods never meddled when they should, but when they did - it only brought carnage.
Gale paced in front of her, a hand absentmindedly pressed against his chest. “To do as she says would be to save you all. Am I to pretend that I don’t have a solution built into me? A solution to all of our problems?
Amanita rolled her eyes and tutted. “We can find another way. Falling to your knees in acceptance is unbearable to witness! She does not love–”
“I know that.” His tone was biting, sharp. She realized then that the hold Mystra had on him was far tighter than she had imagined. Selfishly she wondered if she could ever amount to a chosen, a god.
How could she be worthy of a man who had touched the edge of everything?
“And yet, here we stand, on the precipice of your death.”
“There are many steps between now and then.” Gale looked at her now, the steeliness in his eyes softening. “Don’t you see, Amanita? We have been given a gift.” He took a few steps towards her now, closing the gap between them. One of his hands rose to her face and brushed a strand of hair from her eyes.
Amanita looked up at him, her gaze reflecting sadness. “And here you stand, looking at this pauper’s gift with admiration. In exchange for your touch, we walk towards your demise. Your cruel goddess would have me fall for you flesh and soul before rendering you completely void to me.” She scoffed. “A petty lover, to be sure.”
“If I have to go, I would want to go with the taste of you on my lips.”
“Do not try to romance me right now.”
Gale smiled down at her and gave her a small shrug. “What can I say? You call it a pauper’s gift, but all I see is the chance to take what I have wanted this entire time.”
“You will not quell my anger with a lousy kiss.”
Amanita couldn’t help but grin back. She was so angry, so upset, and yet he still could make her smile. Even when she could clearly see his body split into pieces. “That’s right. I imagine that goddess taught you nothing.”
“I imagine you can’t even remember how to kiss.”
“Oh, get out of my way, you smug bastard!”
She pushed past him, but before she could get very far - honeysuckle and dirt. Florals and rain. Gale had surrounded her with a purple mist, the very same that had gathered around them during the party with the tieflings. Amanita crossed her arms and didn’t turn to face him, committing to her anger.
“It’s my turn to show you.”
Like small vines, the tendrils of his thoughts slowly eased into her mind. She flushed with warmth, the sight of him pressed against her taking over. Gale’s kisses were soft, urgent, as they trailed down her neck, her shoulders, and her arms. He kissed her palm and every finger. Amanita’s skin pricked and her hairs stood on end as she saw him lower himself between her thighs-
Gasping, she felt his real fingers gently wrap around her hand. The vision turned to smoke in her mind, releasing her into the reality of him behind her. “I hope that was not too forward. But you see, I cannot rest another moment without letting you know how you plague me.” Amanita felt his chest get dangerously close to her back and her eyes fluttered at the imagined feel. A lingering touch as they passed each other a weapon was enough to weaken her knees these days. And now, now… “Stubborn and stern, you vex me more often than not. Argumentative and then distant, I cannot read you some days. Truly, there are nights you fill me with fear, apprehension. And yet I think of nothing else. I want to know of nothing else. I worry that even taking my own life will not relieve me of you.” Gale leaned in and buried his face into her hair and neck, causing her to lean back into him. “I have only known want in this life, but you make me face need.”
“Do not deny me Amanita, not because I won’t allow you, but because I know you do not want to.”
She spun around to face him, hands placed on his chest - the final barrier to keep him from her. “Promise me you'll let me hunt for another solution. Promise me that you will not just give in to Mystra. Instead, give in to me.”
“Promise me or I walk away, and you will never know whether my kiss could blow apart all of Baldur’s Gate or not.”
Gale sighed, taking her in. He took a hand off of his chest and kissed her knuckles. “I promise. We will attempt to find another solution.”
Amanita needed no other words - she grabbed his face and pulled him down for a kiss. Their lips met in a cataclysmic crash, the Weave still pulsing around them. It swirled now, pulling in tight and forming a circle around them. Whether the orb in Gale’s chest would have detonated at her intimate touch before would forever be unknown to her. What she knew for sure was that his kiss could end her.
Had she known sweetness like this in her life? Had she known what it was like for the earth to fall out from underneath you?
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