#also feel like it was a bit sexist bc i dont wanna say it but its not like anyone irl considers me anything but a woman so.
odysseys-blood · 1 year
been thinking abt smthn a professor said that rubbed me the wrong way (when telling me to dial back on trying to do so much detail for class projects he said "you're moving from art into craft") and while it does just feel like he was just saying words at me its also like. why is craft work considered so lowly compared to fine art? is it cause a lot of women are placed into the category of doing craft instead of "art"? do you know how intensive most craft work is. things like textiles and jewelry making and metal work arent considered art to you just because theyre usually more utilitarian? because they can be touched freely and dont have to be kept separated with a panel of glass and velvet rope around it? its wild. anyways fuck that
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bnyrbt · 2 years
hi maybe this is an odd ask and u absolutely dont have to answer this if u dont wanna but would you talk a bit in depth about ur identity as an afab trans girl? this isn't bc im like against it, but actually i wanna know more about it bc i feel like it fits me but ive always felt like i "wasnt allowed" to identify that way. thank u <3
hi i’m so happy to get this ask!! i rly hope my answer can be helpful to u, i wish u so much luck becoming comfortable and confident in ur identity!
usually when we say “trans girl” it’s assumed to mean a girl who was assigned male, & in a lot of contexts that works. the way i use it is just that, even tho i was assigned female, my femaleness is still intertwined with my transness. for the word t-girl in particular, i use it as a double entendre with the t standing for both “trans” and “testosterone.” going on T and getting bottom surgery is really important to me to make me feel more comfortable in my womanhood! i don’t feel like you could describe my womanhood as cis, because it doesn’t “match” my assigned gender. it’s not the same version of womanhood that cisheterosexist society expects of me. it’s a womanhood that’s also a manhood, it’s a womanhood with a penis and a beard, it’s a bisexual womanhood in both the older and newer senses. it’s not cis womanhood. it’s transsexual womanhood. it’s transgender womanhood. my female identity cannot be separated from my male and nonbinary identity, they’re all just various facets of my whole self. it’s kind of like older usages of “transgender,” where it referred basically to any kind of genderqueerness and gender nonconformity… in some ways i think words like “transgender” “nonbinary” “gender nonconforming” can be almost synonyms! being “binary” female-to-male, for example, even if you are solely and entirely male, does not fit into the hetero-cis-inter-sexist binary of ‘male born with penis (and a jillion other conditions) and female born with vulva (and a jillion other conditions).” same goes for being a “cis” man who wears dresses and makeup or kisses other men. breaking out of patriarchal gender norms is breaking out of patriarchal gender norms, regardless of how you do it. i’m a girl and i’m trans and you can’t separate these two facts about me!
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onigirimina · 2 years
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bnha idol au where bakugo is a pro hero and ur an idol and u collaborate with a brand and bakugo does too and u have to do an ad with him where ur being saved by this Oh So Big, burly, manly pro hero 🥺🥺 and ur the frail, damsel in distress archetype and its extremely sexist but the general public eats it up and now everyone wants u and bakugo to date and there are a dozen forumns about it and basically ur trending for 3 days straight because of this, so ur publicist wants u to fake date bakugo to make ur popularity rise and ur like
"really?? him??" bcs ngl he was a bit of an ass when u had to film the ad and u kinda dont wanna be around him anymore than u have to be.
and ur publicist is like "yeah itll be so good for u!! ull be named the nations sweetheart in no time!!"
and u dont really have a choice so u accept and then u and bakugo go on fake, staged dates in places where u Know the paparazzi will be and hes unbearable at first but then he starts warming up to u and hes not actually That bad and u kinda like him, bUT. the publics attention on u is wavering and ur abt 2 have a drama come out so ur publicist decides that u two should fake-breakup but its weird cos u actually dont want to??? like bakugo is an ass but also hes funny even when he doesnt mean to be, and he doesnt take himself Too seriously. plus, hes got one hell of a mouth and he loves mouthing the industry off with u!!! and uve actually rrally come to like him so why is the world tearing u away from each other like some cruel game×?#(#&÷;#
anw ur Pretty sure bakugo doesnt feel this way abt u (cos how could he mane ,,, hes a whole ass hero and ur just an idol and it is Not the same and he seems like he only ever thinks abt his job ngl) but he dOES he really does he likes u so bad hes a man down bad 🥺🥺🥺 so on the day ur breakup has been announced to the public, he sneaks into ur dorm and finds u moping in there kinda and he knocks on the glass and says, "r u gonna let me in or should i just freeze out here+?@($£÷;" in that angwy widdle way he does 🥺
but u yank the window open, making a mental note to grease it soon, and bakugo falls into your room. and hes never been here before. your quaint little home that's decorated with all your favorite things and it smells So Much like you in here that it makes bkg dizzy. hes swimming in a cloud of you!!!!
and ur also kind of reeling becus hELLO+?#¥$€÷&#; bakugo looks so big in ur tiny ass room in ur tiny ass dorm 😰 and hes also really loud so u have 2 beg him to be quiet because u have members also living in this dorm and he has to hush down!!! and u ask him why hes here and hes like ,,,,
"well idk ,,, i was taking a walk and i ended up here" with a small confused pout because Yeah, why the hell is he here!?*$€
(its cos he missed u but he wont admit that </3)
and ur sighing calling him a big doofus and that fires him up because he is not a doofus and hes getting loud again so u press ur palm to his mouth to make him shut up and ,,, oh wow ur face is really close to his now and u can feel how warm his breath is under ur hand so u pull away but bakugo's much faster than u and he grabs ur wrist and looks at you in a way he's never looked at you before.
"i'm going to kiss you." he says like he's so sure of himself. you nod because that's all you can do in your dazed state and because you want him to.
and then he leans in, eyes fluttering. when he presses his lips to yours, it's the sweetest thing you've ever felt. none of that cliche, romcom fireworks schpiel, but just... katsuki.
as rough as he is, he kisses you so gently yet so firm it makes you dizzy. his lips are unexpectedly soft and he nips on your bottom lip, smirking when you gasp.
it almost sucks to pull away but you have to :(( katsuki's eyes are still closed and you notice how long his eyelashes. hes so pretty.
when his eyes flutter open, the softness of them rivalling the intensity of the red, he smiles. it's the kind of smile he gives when he sees you saved him a slice of his favorite cake. the kind he sends you when you're at a press conference for your new album, the kind that says "it's okay, i'm here."
the kind that he saves specifically for you.
and now ur scrambling to get away because WHAT THE HELL. but bakugo's smile just gets wider and he pulls you closer and just holds you and you relax and it just. feels so good to be in his arms :((
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userholland · 2 years
i hope you’re okay!!! i don’t know why people spew hate on your blog or directed at you :( literally j bc they hide behind an anonymous face makes them think they can say shit, really pathetic.
I am giving you the biggest hug ever, and if you ever decide that you will take an indefinite break for forever, those who love you on here will understand. You are worth more and better than whatever those shitty anons are saying. Love always <3.
thank you so much. <3 lately ive been struggling with a lot in my personal life and it just hasnt been the most supportive few months ever either. its like, i want to not be seen differently by my mutuals and i dont want to be miserable and i feel like im sort drowning in this hate thats sent to me over anon.
but the fact is, it all stems from my opinion about zendaya and also just tom & her being a couple. i feel like i tried to express and explain multiple times that i dont hate either of them or the relationship. and how i dont not dislike because of her and just her or are jealous of her, rather im actually so turned off by her fan base / some of this fan base that it made me question people's morals and what is supposed to be funny. i almost have realized some ppl think im inclined to praise zendaya by association. like i dont wanna be a hardass either but im honestly just not understanding where all of this defensiveness is coming from other than just it being for a celeb they love who i just dont really like anymore for preference in actors. because it shouldnt feel like a big deal.
i wanted to joke about all this and be able to post any thing but then it became such a toxic environment to the point where im simmered down to a loser and worthless. so. im not asking anyone to defend me, its no one's job, but i think i guess i also wasnt expecting all of it to take a toll on me and my mental health. being told im fat, ugly, a loser, racist, sexist, a waste of space, pathetic, and that i should die / kill myself everyday all because of this.... because i think that a person is showing obsessive behavior toward a pair of celebrities and reblogging photos of them and making assumptions about them all the time. because i think racism was being wrongfully pointed at and used in the context of this relationship when it was inappropriate. like im supposed to settle with it that and be told that i am a moron for not thinking theyre the cutest couple in the world as well.
ive also said that ive always been open to constructive criticism and if i should off, then message me and we can talk about it. and i dont get why people couldnt do that? worst comes to worst, you just stop talking. you dont have to confront me on anon or on a post because of a point. genuinely having beef on tumblr is a bit much for something thats for fandoms.
but i cant stand the way im being treated or how any of my mutuals are being treated either. so i feel like i can only post so much of my opinion until no one even gives me the time of day because they think im being negative. i just dont feel comfortable on here but i still find comfort in my mutuals if that makes sense. so thats why i stay but i dont know, im fine with going back and forth for now. i just sort of come on everyday and wonder why everyone hates me so much and why im a terrible person with no real evidence... so. yeah just frustrating and exhausting
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
I watched Joker tonight and typed out my thoughts as they occurred to me. Unedited; typos are guaranteed. I did this a few months ago and really enjoyed looking back at my thought process and I wanted to do it again so that I can look back and know that what I feel is real and true in my darkest times.
You're welcome to skip this; it's under a cut for ease of doing so. Warnings for occasional sexual comment lmao. There’s no self shipping in this, I don’t think.
word count: 2, 575.
I’M SOBBING and I’ve only just pressed play.
Heart squeeze Chest much ow
Nooooo baby omg don’t pretend - let yourself hurt if it hurts. Don’t pretend. 
Carnival Carnival Carnivalllllllll 😍😍😍😍😍
I am a Simp for one clown and his name is Carnival
Someone help him, I????
That sign hit Arthur as hard as my love for him did ksksksk
bb nooooo
Oh honey let me kiss those bruises and replace the marks of violence with love, hm? You’re safe with me.
Breathe, my love. Don’t fight the laughter. Let it out, let yourself go. 
Screams into a pillow because????? much sad must kiss
“have you been keeping up with your journal?” LIKE HE HAS TIME
oHHHHH boi’s close to losing his shit
Do it, Artie. Give ‘em hell.
“I think I did” YOU TELL HER!!💖💖💖
I want to be his cigarette. Where’s Satan??? I got a new deal for my blackened soul which he took at half price😂😂😂😂
I’d have my hand between the door and his head so fuckin fast I swear
“I just don’t wanna feel so bad anymore” yep SAME
ohhhh peekaboo🥺🥺🥺
this makes me giggle ksksksk i watch this scene when i feel sad bc it always makes me happy for the time it’s on
he’s so good with kids; he doesn’t have to try and think about what’s funny, he just does it, he’s himself and it works
casually wrinkling my nose against tears lmao
ohhh the way he looks up at those stairs from the bottom
i can feel his exhaustion
me too, my love
step step step step
god i wanna get him the fuck outta gotham
and into my arms and a soft, warm blanket
“eat. you need to eat” LITERALLY WHAT I TELL MYSELF EVERY DAY IN HIS VOICE BC OTHERWISE I JUST WOULDNT EAT???? I’m losing so much weight asdfghjk its not enough tho
Did Arthur come up w that joke or was it actually a Murray joke????
go deepthroat a cactus randall - youre already a bit of a prick so🙃🙃🙃
Can arthur fuck me like he pounds the trash/????🥵🥵👀
those dark curls.... that crooked tooth... must kiss.🥺🥺🥺
pennys casual cruelty makes me so fucking angry
foreshadowingggggg ~  *JAZZ HANDS*
ugh the way he dances with that gun im👀🥵🥵🥵
he enjoys the power of it and his breathing gets deeper asdfghjk
clumsy baby omggggg i just COOED 🥺🥺🥺🥺
okay maybe im stupid but i genuinely dont understand this “senior who needs to graduate” skit i’m??? how is being an intro to western civ student funny im???? someone explain???
but also dont bc fuck that guy lmao arthur’s hilarious
true millenial humour (and brit humour lmao we’re dark asf)
wanna curl up on his lap at night when hes writing and go to sleep with a 
blanket around our bodies🥺🥺🥺🥺
when arthur wears a shirt at home you KNOW it’s a daydream
“doctor of laughter”🥺🥺🥺🥺
doctor i have a case of the Big Sad can you... do an exam? 😉😏
in what world does chucking cold greasy chips in a girls hair being “nice”???
lmao fuck these guys
ohhh honey breathe. dont fight it, my love, just breathe.
my heart’s breaking for you, you sweet thing🥺🥺🥺
i love you so so so so so so so much ugh you’re an actual fucking angel
just breathe darling
i need to get you a cup of tea with honey in it, your throat must be so sore
ohhhh baby im so sorry
i’d take every single punch if i could
i’d die for you
i wish i could protect you
i wish i could look after you
and take all those hits
and kill those guys for you
im so sorry
yeah i have a grey morality... im similar to deadpool in that way tbh
carnival comin’ to kill your insecurities
8 bullets in a 6 chamber???? mm-hm
fuck he’s so hypnotic
the way he runs his hand down his lower stomach asdfghj🥵
must kiss the inner tendons on his wrists and lick the blood off his face 
must kiss
he moves like water
fuck hes so fluid
bathroom scene = the scene in which my heart and vagina clench at the same time
“i still owe you for that, dont i?”
UGH I FUCKING HATE being told to smile if i don’t fucking want to so BIG mood
but also dont lmao bc i’ll think you’re mad at me and i’ll hide in the bedroom for the rest of the day lmao i’m sensitive✨✨✨
i wanna sit on his lap and still his bouncing knees
“thats not funny”
fuck off penny yes it is
“but i do” god the  P O W E R
ugh that fucking sexist piece of shit comedian can choke “women look at sex like buying a car” 🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮
chauvinistic pigs can die thanks
his lil trip upstage im cry🥺🥺🥺
ohhh baby. just breathe, darling. it’s okay to be scared. dont fight it. just breathe. 
he and i both cover our mouths when we laugh/smile in the exact same way and it makes me feel closer to him
how can they think hes laughing at himself when hes literally gagging????
people only see what they wanna
the Penny imitation is👌👌👌
s m i l e
i remember when i came home from seeing this for the first time, i got home and dropped to my knees to cry in the bathroom. it was such an emotional release and so much love and i played smile to try to make myself smile but i only made myself cry harder lmaooooo ~ 
smile and thats life are my go-to songs if i gotta cheer tf up
danger sign = neither works
he looks so soft after his “date”🥺🥺🥺
“thats life” yeah but murray you dont even leave the studio so how do you know????
ngl arthur’s anger scares me.
anyone so much as raise their voice at me and i’ll cry really bad and i will shut myself away for the rest of the day and quiet anger terrifies me so his banging abt in the kitchen would freak me tf out😲
angry bb😭
he controls his anger so fast though omgggg ~ 
that soft please sends me
idk where it sends me lmao
down below probably
okay but the implication that arthur always carries a clown nose on him is🥺🥺🥺
hes such a good clown im?????
lmao im enjoying the show more than bruce is skskskk
arthur’s lil chuckle makes me🥺
his HUMMING im??? soft?????
his brows are so strong and dark omggg ~ he’s so beautiful
OKAY i’ll be honest i’ve seen this alfred/bruce scene and the thomas bathroom scene later on and the penny flashback scene a 100 times and i still dont fucking understand what did or didnt happen regarding arthur’s parentage im????
 ive seen interpretations to say he is thomas’ son and some to say he isnt and i still cant decide so? im stupid i guess 🙃
“a clown thing?” the  s a s s
“it’s exit only” yeah so’s my ass🙃
if i was there in the hospital room i woulda turned that tv off as soon as i realised what clip was gonna play
murray’s cruelty is d i s g u s t i n g
lmao hes an asshole
arthurs lil clap from joyyyyy ~ 🥺🥺🥺
did i say murray???
i meant  m u r r a t
sneaky baby
wayne hall either has super bad security or arthurs v quick on his feet
he looks so good in red omggg ~ 
f o r e s h a d o w i n g
arthurs smile when hes watching chaplin is how he smiles when we all gush to each other abt him and ourselves!!!
hes so cuuuuuute🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
“told me what” 
ohhhh honey🥺🥺 im so sorry. “crazy” is a trigger word for arthur; it made him start laughing in the bathroom with thomas
“touch my son again ill fucking kill you” yeah?? touch my arthur again and i’ll fucking kill you🙃🙃🙃🙃
^^^ that ones a joke do not come at me
the clerk in arkham was nice to arthur - he, gary and sophie are the good gothamites.
none of it was enough to stop his descent into joker, though, and i’d even say it was too late right at the beginning of the film, too... 
his sock puppet thingy “they cut all those” is such a Joker thing to doooo ~ 
the way arthur’s laughing in the hall at arkham turns into sobbing is gut-wrenching omg the poor thing😭
i wanna hug him and protect him and help him to process this in a healthy way
sweetheart, if i could take all of your pain and put it onto me... i so would. i’d do it in a heartbeat.
i wanna get you into a hot shower, make you some food and sit and listen to you. we can either sit in silence or you can talk to me, my love, and you will be heard and understood and loved.
“i had a bad day”
i just wanna hold you and protect you and help you and love you
I’m so fucking sorry, darling. i wish i could take it all away from you
“i havent been happy one minute of my entire fucking life”
boi dont test me ill fucking go feral or - no, tell you what, i’ll point the gun at me and see how you like it
im looking respectfully at the green speckled undies scene....👀👀👀
“coming” 😏😏😏
“my mum died im celebrating” and “i stopped taking my medication” and you STILL stayed in the apartment with Arthur????? dudes those are 🚨🚨🚨 signs
woe betide anyone who underestimates arthur fleck lmaoooo
randalls death scene makes me laugh every time omg i feel so vindictive
i wanna lick the blood off his face. i really want to
ngl i think i have a blood kink... 
“dont look just go” ME WITH MY ACNE WHEN I SEE IT IN THE MIRROR 😂😂😂😂
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 MY BABY MY MAN OMG THERE HE IS IM CRY???????😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺
my mind is literally blank rn im just staring and crying and smiling so hard my face hurts????? im love him so so so so much
sweet thing’s so used to pain he gets HIT BY A CAR AND KEEPS GOING????
*incoherent keyboardsmash to portray utter love*
ohhh baby no dont cry. oh honey😭 i wanna sit on your lap and kiss your tears away
“i love dr sally”
you have a WIFE at home
he’s so CUTE
omgggg ~ 
my hearts gonna give out its SQUEEZING SO HARD IT HURTS
“i wanna get it right” hes so passionate
my comments have deceased in number bc im just too starstruck and in love to even think clearly lmao
jokers all i know rn and this is the most peaceful ive felt in WEEKS
im sobbing
ugh fuck this hurts so BAD
youre speaking the truth, darling. im so so proud of you and i love you so much
literally sobbing right now ugh what the fuck youre in so much pain and in the middle of a breakdown and no one saw you
ugh baby im so sorry, you deserve so much better
you tried so hard and you were gonna fall no matter what
“hi” baby they cant hear you but im COOING 🥺🥺🥺🥺
you’re so fucking cute
say the word and ill burn gotham to the fucking ground for you
i wanna sit atop that car and cradle your head in my lap and wipe the blood off your face and help you stand up and be there for you and and and😭😭😭😭😭😭 i love you so so so much. 
i’d be so much worse off without you in my life. you brought a splash of colour which has never dimmed or faded. it never will. 
b l o o d    s m i l e
im wearing my inside on the outside now and it still hurts
i see you and your pain. i love you.
i see you, angel. 
his genuine laughter is🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
that cute lil “ksksks” he does im🥺🥺🥺
i always laugh with him omg the two of us are laughing together ugh its the closest i will ever get to sharing in his joy
 t h a t ‘s    l i f e
i love the hallway daaaaaaaaaaaaaance ~ 
them hips dont lie😉😉😉
i love you i love you i love you i love you omg the sun’s like a halo ugh i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you im singing along to thats life while i type out how much i love you at 220am lmaooooo ~ 
i   l o v e    y o u
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hobidreams · 3 years
I also recently watched Bridgerton, and I think I liked it (I binged the first 7 episodes and had to force myself through the last so I don’t really remember much) but it definitely had it’s flaws. I like that they didn’t go with the black people are lesser route because even though I think conversations about race are important (as a black woman), sometimes I just wanna live in a little fantasy bubble for a while and pretend everything is fine, but obviously that’s not realistic. I think there was a lack of proper development with some plots and characters which makes sense since it was only 8 episodes and mostly focused on Daphne. I did lose interest towards the end when it was just Simon and Daphne sleeping their way through an unhealthy relationship, but I’d probably watch another season. I also never thought about the bedroom scene in the context of her wrongfully forcing that on Simon. I didn’t like the way either of them handled it (Simon lying and Daphne tricking him and then the stupid trope of thinking her love should fix him), but I was more focused on the message about the lack of proper sex ed for women, and I really like that the show addressed it. I think it’s so stupid and sexist that women are just taught to wait till marriage and that even breathing the wrong way near a man will ruin them and then suddenly they’re thrust into marriage and everyone is like babies?? Like Daphne didn’t even know how children were conceived (I was so confused when Simon kept moving away cuz I was like “that’s not how it works, who directed this” lol), imagine how humiliating it would’ve been if she had asked someone who wasn’t looking out for her and they’d spread that info around. I think abstinence as the only form of sex ed is such a disservice to women because it leaves them vulnerable to so many things (in the best case not knowing their bodies and desires and in the worst falling prey to the terrible intentions of some men). It’s so stupid to tell someone not to have sex without teaching them what it is; when I was younger, I was sold on the wait till marriage stuff and I still did all kinds of things (willingly thank god) because I literally didn’t know anything about sex. It’s so upsetting that guys can just stick it anywhere and get off (and of course the boys will be boys excuse), while women get shamed into celibacy and are made to feel like their desires don’t matter. This rant was so unnecessary and off the rails but I just wanted to get this out (I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable, please don’t answer this if I did).
i like how u say you *think* u liked it LOL 🤣🤣 you have a great point there abt the colorblind casting! we all consume TV in different ways & ofc your wanting to not think about race politics is very valid when you just wanna relax. i guess my biggest issue was with the “love conquers all” idea that they threw out there, bc like lol no, love does not erase racism/sexism/etc. but anyway. yes, i agree, there was a decent amount that the show did well, which is why i’ll be watching season 2 too! i like that there was a female focus in general, esp on Pen and the other side characters. i do think it should have been more than 8 episodes. or spaced out better. it felt like we went in slowly and then BOOM it all suddenly tumbled towards an end lmao. 
i haven’t looked into this because my research area is more 18th century English society than 19th, but i’m honestly more than a little surprised that Daphne’s mom wasn’t more explicit about the sex talk?? like there wouldn’t have been formal education about it back then, but securing an heir was TOP PRIORITY. so i feel like maybe the mom (i forgot her name lol) would have at least mentioned something even a BIT more concrete about sex, even if she didn’t go into details like semen, etc. that rain on the plain shit was just ridiculous and awful LOL. i guess its so they could bolster the storyline of having Daphne not know what Simon’s been doing the whole time but 🙄 yeah ok.
i guess in the end im really gonna be watching for the side characters, bc Daphne and Simon definitely became boring lol. no i dont wanna watch softcore porn of them for 10 mins again 🙃 no matter how hot he is hahah. you cannot hide a weak storyline with a cute butt, damn it!!!!!!
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mikeshanlon · 5 years
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Happy Pride! .... Like... more than halfway through the month lmao sorry, better late than never ig! I’ve compiled a list of some of my fave LGBT+ books, as well as a few I’m planning to read for pride/in the near future. Please feel free to reblog and add some of your own recs, especially for the sexual and gender identities that are lacking in my list!!!!!
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz: This beautiful, wholesome coming of age novel is pretty popular on tumblr and with good reason! It’s set in the 1980′s and follows Aristotle, aka "Ari”, as he grows up an tackles with his identity-- he feels like his story is written by someone else, that his path is not up to his control. Whether this is due to his complex relationship with his family, or societal expectations/stereotypes of Latinx men, or the fact that maybe his friendship with Dante might be more than that, and that kinda terrifies him. (Rep: Gay, Latinx, (I believe this is own voices) Warnings: it’s been a minute since i’ve read this but i believe some racism, internalized homophobia, and an instance of violent transphobia)
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston: LGKNLKNGRG okay this is truly one of my favorite books of the year so far and part of the whole reason i wanted to make this. This is a New Adult Contemporary romance set in sort of a like... parallel America where a woman won the presidential election. We follow The First Son, Alex Claremont-Diaz, who’s charming, smart ass, genius icon. Him, his sister June, and their best friend Nora are easily marketable and loved by the public for the most part, but when Alex and his rival Prince Henry of England get into a public spat at a Royal Wedding, Alex and Henry must pretend to be friends to patch up relations and public image for his mother’s re-election campaign. Eventually their fake friendship turns real, and then becomes more as they get to know each other, Alex and Henry begin a secret romance that we follow over the course of the re-election year. This book is fucking HILARIOUS (like I have so many tabs for funny moments and i was trying to be restrained), but it’s just so. Like full of love and hope and it’s so beautiful???? It’s definitely political escapism from our current situation in America but still deals with current issues such as racism and homopboia, etc, but gives the reader hope for future progress. Alex and Henry’s relationship is so fun, and sexy, and beautiful and the friendships are so iconic and Alex’s journey with sexuality is... chefs kiss. Also like. Casey McQuiston mentioned that she listened to Texas Reznikoff by Mitski a lot while writing this in the acknowledgments so. what more do you need... (Rep: Bisexual (Own Voices), Gay, Biracial-- Mexican/White (Own Voices), Warnings: Racism, homophobia, mentions of a past sexual harrassment/assault. Since this is a New Adult, there are smut scenes. I wouldn’t say it’s like. Super explicit or anything but there is sex, though it’s often during Important Moments of their relationships so it doesn’t feel like p*rn-- again the sex is happening but its not in hella explicit detail or anything or for the same goal as say an erotica. P much proceed with caution if it’s not ur thing but it’s not too wild!)
Blanca y Roja by Anna-Marie McLemore: This is sort of a Snow White/Rose Red and Ugly Duckling retelling following two sisters, Blanca and Roja, who’s family curse destines that one of the sisters will be trapped into a swan’s body, never to be seen again. (So this is magical realism lmao). We also follow two boys, Page and Yearling, who were wrapped up in the magic of the nearby woods, but have returned to society. Page is a gender queer trans male, and his whole arc that was so beautiful and made me cry, but in a good way (also warning that I’m cis so like. I would love to hear what gender queer trans individuals think about the rep in this book bc I cannot really attest to it.) This book is really about sisterly love and love in general, with all the complexities that come with it. (also wlw grandma’s who grow apple’s it’s p iconic) (Rep: Latinx-- colorism plays a huge role in the story as well (Own Voices), Gender Queer Trans, Queer (Own Voices) Warnings: Some transphobia, racism, and abuse). (I believe most of Anna-Marie McLemore’s books are magical realism and have some Latinx and queer elements to them as well)
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller: god..... This (gay ass) novelization of The Illiad is just so tragically romantic and beautiful... We follow Achilles and Patroclus as they grow up and grow closer, and eventually fight the Trojan War. There are so many beautiful quotes and scenes but like. You will most likely cry so keep that in mind eklrgerg. (Rep: Gay Warnings: Violence, there’s like..... a weird r*pe/homophobic scene)
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan: YA Fantasy set in a world where there are three castes: Moon-- the highest caste, demons with animalistic features in a humanoid form, Steel-- humans with part demon physical features and abilities, and Paper-- fully human, the lowest caste. We follow our protaganist Lei, who despite being a Paper caste, has beautiful golden glowing eyes that end up garnering attention from the Demon King. She’s stolen from her home and forced to join The Paper Girls-- a group of paper caste concubines in training at the palace. As she tries to find a way to escape, she ends up falling for one of the other paper girls, Wren, who might be just the key to freedom. I love Lei and Wren’s relationship and I’m excited to see it play out in the sequel! (which i believe ngan said will introduce more LGBT characters) (Rep: Asian (Own Voices), WLW (I believe this is Own Voices as well). Warnings: As their role as concubines suggest, a large part of this book revolves around the patriarchy using women for power and sexual assualt/rape. There are no explicit rape scenes-- though they do occur ‘off screen’, however there are a couple attempted sexual assault scenes that I believe could be p triggering. This book is also largely about the Paper Girls taking back their power, and I don’t believe these scenes are done for shock value, however please proceed with caution. Subsequently, sexist and patriarchial views are present within the authority, though shunned by Lei, however there’s a lot of internalized sexism and objectification among some of the other Paper Girls.)
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell: I probably don’t have to talk about this one much since it’s super popular, but in what is like essentially Harry Potter but like gay and wholesome, we follow Simon Snow, the Chosen One who’s actually not that good at magic, his best friend Penelope, and his roommate and arch nemesis that’s totally a vampire but won’t admit it, Baz. (Except Baz is, like, totally in love with Simon and Simon’s just too dumb and wrapped up in his own shit to realize it). Truly just,... an iconic enemies to friends to lovers story that unfolds as the three of them try to uncover a mystery surrounding Baz’s late mother. Ik some people have found it confusing bc it’s sort of like starting the Harry Potter story off at book 7 and only getting some background info along the way but honestly I really enjoyed that lmao. Also there’s a sequel coming out this fall, Wayward Son. (Rep: Gay, Some POC rep. Warnings: not rlly any i dont think??? There’s  like. some Homophobia lmao bc we can’t have a gay book without it.)
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins: This is a cute YA contemporary following Millie Quint who, post being cheated on by her best friend and wanting to have a fresh start, flies to Scotland to finish off her senior year at her Dream prestigous boarding school, joining a handful of other girls as the first female class in the institution’s history. Plus like. Cool Rocks and Scotland. Only problem is that her roomate is sort of a bitch and also the Princess of Scotland who she totally just told off. So yeah yet another royal gay enemies to friends to lovers with a dash of and they were roomates LMAO. This book could be like.... a bit cheesy and rushed but overall it was cute and like...... The Cover.... (Rep: Bisexual, Lesbian, Warnings: Some homophobia. Also this is a companion novel to Prince Charming but you don’t have to read that first, there’s just some references to the couple in that book as the Prince is well.... The Princess’ brother and where they end up so if you don’t wanna be spoiled read that first ig!)
The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman: I talked about this some in this post, but I feel like I did kinda a shitty job so. A YA fantasy/paranormal series about the descendant’s of the town’s four founding families-- Violet Saunders, Justin Hawthorne, Harper Carlisle, and Isaac Sullivan (the most iconic one). The latter three have lived in Four Paths their whole lives, protecting the town from The Gray-- p much the Upside Down from Stranger Things lmao, using powers specific to each of their families. Violet and her mother move back after Violet’s sister died in a car accident, and she’s thrust into helping save the town as the Gray grows more restless and having to uncover the secrets of her family as well as all the history brewing between the other three. The Stranger Things and Riverdale comparisons are p valid, (but like. Riverdale in the sense of small town secrets and a bunch of tense history that the kids don’t really understand and must uncover, and some like love triangle but..... not Rlly Love triangles just a mess of ppl being like oh shit i like this person and this person.... Bisexual Chaos if u will... not like. The I’m cuckoo bananas for u let’s go get high and play dungeons and dragons and smash in a bunker LRGKJRLKGJ), the Raven Cycle comparison’s are kind of a stretch, I can see the abstract comparison’s if i squint but like. Don’t go into this expecting TRC lmao. I really enjoyed the theme of grief throughout this book and seeing the powers unfold (and one of the dynamics a lot) and while not perfect the series has a lot of potential and like. Bisexuals. So. (Rep: Bisexual (two mc’s are bi and say the word!!!!!!!! As well as some secondary characters), Disabled (one of the mc’s is missing one arm from the elbow down). Warnings: Grief, Violence)
The Gentlemen’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee: Also talked about this in this post and did a better job there, but to sum it up it’s essentially a friends to lovers, bed sharing, road trip au with a dash of magic but set in the 1700′s! There’s also a sequel/companion, The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy that I have yet to read but it follows Monty’s sister, Felicity, and I believe goes more in depth with her identity. (Rep: Gay, Black, Disabled, Aromantic, Asexual, Warnings: Period typical homophobia/biphobia, racism, ableism, sexism)
Simon vs. The Homosapien’s Agenda by Becky Albertalli: Like. I don’t think i really have to explain this one LRKGJJRG but added it just in case. YA contemporary following Simon as he e-mails another gay student at his school and falls in love. (Rep: Gay, Black, Jewish, Warnings: Homophobia)
All For the Game Trilogy (The Foxhole Court, The Raven King, The King’s Men) by Nora Sakavic: If y’all have been on my blog at all you know i’m back in aftg hyperfixation mode after another reread lmao. Is it a lil messy is it a lil dramatic... yes. but i love it!!! We follow our protagonist Neil Josten, who’s been on the run from his crime lord father, The Butcher of Baltimore, since he was young. After his mother dies on the run, Neil finds a new place and adopts yet another identity, and ends up playing high school exy (a made up sport but like we’re barely here for the sports lmao), something he used to play as a child. Despite playing a new position, he attracts the attention of the PSU Foxes, who’s coach David Wymack specifically recruits players with a troubled past to give them a second chance. Neil really shouldn’t sign-- it goes against everything his mother told him, it puts him at risk of being in the spotlight for his father’s men to find him, and puts him on the same team as Kevin Day, someone from his past that knows his true identity. Still, something draws Neil to joining the team, to finally try to live instead of just survive. UGHHHH like truly this book just makes u fall in love with all the characters and the beautiful and broken found family that develops over three books and one of the most iconic and amazing (ha....) slowburn relationships ever.... Also if i recall they’re super cheap on iBooks (at least when i bought them, the first book was free and the other two were $1.99). (Rep: Gay, Demisexual, POC, Warnings: MAJOR trigger warnings for like. everything bc all the foxes have fucked up pasts. But the biggest ones are probably rape, abuse/torture, and substance abuse)
Six of Crows Duology (Six of Crows, Crooked Kingdom) by Leigh Bardugo: Idk how much I really have to talk about this bc it’s popular but I am physically unably not to reccomend this duology bc its just. So. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. The most barebones summary is that this is a YA Fantasy about six people coming together to perform an impossible heist. This is truly like...... a masterclass in developing characters and has one of the best m/f ships i’ve ever read... But also since it’s on here there is some gay shit going on, 3/6 mains are Not Straight and there’s a cute m/m couple! Also you don’t have to read the Grisha Trilogy to read this but u can if u want (I have yet to). (Rep: Bisexual, Gay, Disabled, POC, Warnings: Again these ppl have fucked up pasts, biggest are PTSD, past sexual abuse)
The Raven Cycle Series (The Raven Boys, The Dream Theives, Blue Lily Lily Blue, The Raven King) by Maggie Steifvater: Again i don’t think I really have to explain this one but like. In case you haven’t read this series it’s truly iconic..... Idk even how to explain this LKGJLJRG just like magical realism wonderfulness and found family and amazing relationships and shit.... (Rep: Gay, Bisexual, Disabled, Warnings: Abuse)
The following are books I plan to read for pride/in the near future. I can’t wholeheartedly reccomend them obviously, or fully detail all the rep/warnings, but I’ve heard some great things about these books and a lot of them have representation that the first part of the list is lacking, so I figured I would add them! (Also if I use ‘queer’ that’s because that’s the only label I have been given by the authors or reviewers, or the characters identify as queer)
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman: To my knowledge this is a really emotional YA coming of age/college story that has to do with like. A podcast? Idk a lot of people love it and side note I’ll be suing B&N bc they NEVER have it relkj (Rep: Bisexual, Demisexual, I belive Latinx.)
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand: I believe this is a YA horror-ish novel where there’s a monster stealing girls on and island. (Rep: I believe all three main girls are queer Warnings: Since this is horror im assuming. Horror stuff LMAO)
I Wish You all The Best by Mason Deaver: A YA contemporary romance about Ben who comes out as non-binary to their parents and gets kicked out, and moves in with their estranged sister. They soon are taken under the wing of a senior named Nathan Allan and begin to fall. (Rep: Non-Binary (Own Voices), MLM/Queer, Black (im assuming from the gorgeous cover lmao. Warnings: Misgendering, homophobia, anxiety, depression)
Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno: YA Magical Realism about Georgina, who has yet to inherit the magical powers that have been passed down her family, including her twin sister Mary who, unlike Georgina, is coming into her powers. (Rep: Lesbian, Queer, Aro/Ace, Warnings: Rape and sexual assault, underage drinking, animal death, drug use.)
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tonysiron · 5 years
Anyways, now that Endgame is over, anyone wanna help me write, direct, pitch and produce an animated Iron Woman movie to Disney so that way we can have badass, independent Natasha Stark and her husband Steve Rogers, retired Captain, Commander of Shield?
The whole movie is about her living in the shadows of her father, disconnected from her womanhood, hiding behind the mask of men (never revealing who she is & going by Iron Man instead of Iron Woman bc who on earth would take a superhero seriously if they knew she was a woman), only to eventually embrace her womanhood & her desire to be a mother because even though badass women arent "traditional women", Natasha Stark strives to break that line and say you can be caring and not want kids, or you can be a fucking badass superhero and still want to nurse children. There is no right or wrong way to be a mother.
Idk there's just so much female empowerment in Natasha Stark. She creates this wall of hatred and anger, because deep down she kind of is a woman who wants to be loved, who wants to have a family, but she hates that, she hates being that way, because its all her father ever told her to do, because a woman cant run a company by herself.
So she embraces the lie when she grows, but what comes with it is the public slander, the media calling her a self centered bitch, a slut, an emotional woman, a witch.
There's just so much we could do with that.
And oh, imagine her meeting Steve for the first time and of course, everything he says she takes it as sexist (not that it actually is), or she uses it to her advantage to rub him off the wrong way. Steve is sweet at first because his mother taught him better than to be rude to a woman, but then he see's just how powerful she is, so angry and... alone.
He sees Peggy, a woman trying so hard to assert her place in the world, and succeeding. But he also doesnt see Peggy, because Natasha Stark succeeds not as a woman, but as a man, the man her father wanted.
Natasha lashes out at Steve a lot, but he gets it. He thinks she's petty sometimes, because she has everything, and it couldn't possibly be that hard. She says, youre a man, youre captain america, how on earth could you understand? And he says he knew Peggy Carter, a woman who asserted herself no matter what, who told the world to move out of her way, but a woman who did it with all the ferocity a woman would have, and she made sure the world knew that.
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seventven · 7 years
Tony being your sugar daddy + a “boobs guy” would include:
pairing: tony x reader
warnings: oh no hide your children this is about women willingly using their bodies and benefitting from it
a/n: hello i’m back after 4 months having graduated high school and being a bigger tony slut than ever before
also this is the longest “would include” i have ever written but i’ve been getting requests for this for months and it took me forever to get around to writing so enjoy
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i am a firm believer in that every person in this world is either an ass or a boobs person
and anthony stark is the latter
personally i am an advocate for women embracing their sexuality and being proud of their bodies and showing them off in whatever way they like
so like imagine
y/n is tony’s assistant
kinda like that whole situation with natasha in iron man 2
except ya know y/n is an actual assistant lmao
and she’d be v good at her job and within months she’d basically be running stark industries
lets pretend pepper doesn’t exist ok im still salty about her
and every couple of days or whatever tony would pop into the office and do a bit of paper work
like signing things or whatever i dont know what CEOs do
and he’s sitting behind the desk in his office, a bunch of papers in front of him
and he’s bored out of his mind bc this stuff is the woRST
and suddenly there’s a knock on the door
and y/n cautiously peaks her head out from behind the door to make sure she isn’t interrupting him
and when tony motions for her to come inside she steps in and shuts the door behind her
and she’s wearing a classic little black dress that reaches below her knees but which shows off a lot fair amount of her cleavage
and tony doesn’t notice at first
not until she’s standing opposite him
“i’ve more things for you to sign,” she’d say and bend over his desk to place the paper work in front of him
and that’s when tony’s eyes would register the sight in front of him
because from where he is sitting he gets the perfect view of her chest
unfortunately, this only lasts about two seconds before she straightens up, smiles at him and heads for the exit
and tony sorta just sits in his chair and stares at the door through which she had left
because holy fuck
so then after that tony would start calling her down to his office more often than necessary
and though this may seem sexist, the way he gawks at her and whatnot
it’s not like y/n doesn’t know what’s going on
and it’s not like she isn’t enjoying it
because soon enough she’d start wearing tops and dresses with even lower necklines
and bras that made her plump flesh want to explode out of her clothing
and both of them would love it
so tony would start making excuses in order to call her down
“i need you to tell me what you think of this new project”
“i need you to explain to me what this document is about”
“i need you to help me find a suitable date for this meeting”
but it wouldn’t just be tony
y/n would quickly start to find ways to make her way down to his office
“sorry for interrupting but have you signed the...”
“don’t mean to take up your time but do you know where that file went...”
and it would literally be never ending
and i feel like their relationship would start with one of them just not being to take any more of this god damn tension
and they’d probably fuck on his desk one time when y/n came down to ask if he had a pen on something equally stupid
and while he’s fucking her on the desk he’d probably be absolutely captivated by the view of her tits bouncing up and down
and he’d be so handsy with them
and he’d probably cover them with bite marks and hickeys
and it would be the hottest thing tbh
and then after that incident they’d get a whole lot more flirty at work
because now they both know they are into each other
and i dig the idea of tony opening up his email one morning when he gets to the office
and it’s from her
and he doesn’t think much about it, expecting it to be more boring paper work
but it’s actually a v explicit picture she had taken of herself the night before and it gives him a perfect view of her chest
and the caption is something that makes the blood rush to tony’s crotch in an instant
and he’s still staring at the picture ten minutes later when y/n and another employee walk into his office
and tony quickly logs out of his email
and the other employee gets him to sign something
and as they are leaving y/n turns back around and sends tony a cheeky wink
and within twenty minutes he is calling her down to his office and fucking her over the table again
and for a couple of months their relationship would consist of nothing other than intense sex every once in a while
of course, with the occasional going out for lunch together and talking in the office
and tony would notice that she’s a fan of victoria’s secret
so then y/n’s birthday would roll around
and the guy would go completely over the top
like imagine y/n getting to the office on her birthday morning
and no one else is there bc she had arrived early as usual
and she sets her stuff down and notices a square black box sitting on her desk
and it has a huge silk bow and looks really fucking expensive
so she looks around the office, wondering if it’s from one of her coworkers but there’s no one there
so she lifts the top of the box
and inside, sitting on a silk cushion is a victoria’s secret fantasy bra
and let me remind you that those things cost like at least a million dollars
but tony has the money
and if he has the money who’s gonna stop him
and y/n honestly cannot believe her eyes as they examine the bra
and she’s shocked by the amount of diamonds and other precious gems covering the surface
then, she notices a black card tucked into the space between the cushion and the wall of the box
and on it is a hand written note from tony
asking her to wear the bra tonight and be ready to be picked up at seven and telling her to take the day off
and as she’s making her way towards the exit of the building
the box clutched in her hands so tightly her knuckles are turning white
she runs into one of tony’s personal drivers who tells her he has been ordered to escort her to several places
and at first y/n is hesitant bc what the hell
the most she was hoping for that day was maybe a box of chocolates from one of her friends and a gift card to sephora
but here she was, clutching a two million dollar bra in her hands and being led to a sleek black vehicle by one of tony’s drivers
and the car would take her to a bunch of different places all of which would have already been paid for and ready for her arrival
because tony wanted to spoil her rotten on her birthday
the day would consist of her being driven to a spa, nail studios, and extravagant shops that mr tony stark had already paid hundreds and hundreds of dollars just for making her experience there pleasant
and by the end of the day y/n would be driven home and given some time to get ready for wherever tony was bringing her to
and obviously as asked she’d carefully put on the fantasy bra and one of the outfits she had purchased over it
and then the driver would return at exactly seven o’clock and bring her to the fucking port or something equally weird
and tony would just be chilling next to his own private yacht
and he’d take her hand and lead her onto it
and they’d probably be served dinner by some fancy ass chef he had hired just for this occasion
and y/n would be very confused by the whole day but also very thankful and by the end of dinner she’d mention the bra
bc she’d honestly feel guilty having received such an expensive present from him
but tony would just chuckle and stand up
and he’d bring his chair around the table and sit down next to her
and he’d probably lean in and kiss her bare shoulder
and then he’d hook his finger around the strap off her dress
and pull it down to reveal just a tiny bit of the bra she was wearing
and he’d whisper something like:
“it’s all yours. this, and anything else you might want. just say the word”
and idk about you but i’d be shuddering and squeezing my thighs together
bc holy shit sugar daddy tony makes me wanna sin
and they’d probably have sex again
this time in one of the luxurious bedrooms on the yacht
and in the morning tony would be missing from bed
but she’d be served breakfast in bed by one of the yacht keeping people i have no clue what they’re called
and after breakfast she’d get out of bed and find another three bags or so from victoria’s secret and chanel waiting for her on the chaise lounge
and she’d get dressed and go exploring
and find tony on the deck and they’d spend a lot of time drinking champagne and having sex
and then the trip would be over and she’d return home and go back to her life in the office
but every week she’d find different packages from tony
whether it was prada, chanel, or versace, tony would have more expensive gifts delivered to her apartment every couple of days
and with the gifts came along the great sex and getting the opportunity to attend different fancy functions and being tony’s “arm candy”
not that she’d mind
bc as she’d get used to the gifts, the vacations and the luxurious lifestyle
she’d also become a whole lot more comfortable with this sugar daddy slash sugar baby relationship
she’d be more than willing to get called various pet names during sex
and tony would live for the excitement on her face every time she’d open a new gift from him
and although the other female employees at stark industries would begin to despise her for the close relationship she had with their boss
neither y/n nor tony would be willing to end the arrangement
and then over time their feelings might become romantic
but until that time they’d both indulge in the non romantic relations they had
but once they’d start developing feelings for each other i feel like the transition from being in a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship to an actual relationship would be very natural for them
firstly y/n would start staying the night at his place after sex instead of going home
in the office he’d start stealing innocent kisses when they’d pass each other in the hallway
and they’d start talking about serious aspects of their lives and just understand each other really well
and even after they’d officially get together, tony would still continue to spoil her
and i feel like at some point in the relationship tony would start to have doubts
bc lets be serious tony stark is too damn hard on himself
and because y/n is a lot younger than him he’d start to get a little paranoid
maybe it would begin with him noticing the way guys her age would stare at her longingly
or how the press didn’t think their relationship would last due to the age difference
but the feelings they’d have for each other would be as real as they get
and y/n would be more than willing to prove to tony how much she loves him
and at the end of the day it wouldn’t matter what way guys looked at her
or what the press had to say
or what the other employees at stark industries thought
the only thing that mattered was the fact that among the gifts and sparkly bags, the exotic vacations and expensive champagne, both of them found something they didn’t even realise they were searching for
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bnha-hcs · 6 years
Some Starbucks Rage
So me and @bnha-villians-hc-and-imagines​ were originally going to work on some Starbucks AU stuff because we both suffer in that hell but it became less of an AU and more of a rage induced ranting session so I’m posting it here so y’all can do with this as you will. Be warned there’s a lot of cursing and caps lock lmao
Me, Tiki:
You come in every fucking day and can’t seem to figure out how the creamer works for whatever fucking reason so I always end up having to pour it for you IT’s NOT THAT FUCKING HARD JUST UNSCREW THE CAP
You keep coming in and just saying “mocha” and I don’t understand what you’re asking STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE I’M STUPID WHEN I ASK YOU HOT OR COLD JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION PLS THERE’S A LINE
Lmao fuck,,, If you come in one more time and ask for a cup of whipped cream I will have you feel the wrath of god.png
You came up to the front counter and keep changing your mind about which mug you’re buying and I’m handing them back to you to put away like, you know, good people do and you’re getting mad at me saying you don’t want it PLEASE JUST PUT THE FUCKING CUPS BACK WHERE YOU FOUND THEM
“Is it too late to change my milk from regular to almond milk??” Me, holding the finished drink and about to set it down on the bar: “No, I guess I’ll Make a BRAND NEW ONE”
If you say “just a little bit” one more time while I’m toasting your fucking bagel I will shove it down your fucking throat oh my gods
I asked you about a million times if you wanted your (insert pastry item here) warmed up and you said no so I hand it to you and you suddenly go, “Oh wait,,, :c can I have it warmed up?”Me, inserting a gun into my mouth: “sure”
If you keep coming in and ordering off the fcuking “secret menu” one more time I’m going to launch you into the sun
You ate 7/8ths of the fucking panini and then came back to complain that it was cold NO I’M NOT GOING TO FUCKING REFUND IT
You and your group of friends came in completely drunk at 8 in the morning pls stop yelling at each other to shut up and just order something AND STOP FUCKING WITH THE DISPLAYS
I ask you if you want room in your coffee for cream and sugar and you either say “just cream” or “just sugar” and i don’t think you fucking understand that they’re the fucking same JUST SAY YES YOU NEED ROOM
If you spill your entire drink all over the fucking bar don’t just stand there and look lost for fucks sake julia CLEAN UP YOUR GODDAMN MESS.
“Do you have (insert breakfast sandwich) right now?” “no we don’t sorry.” “WELL WHAT DO YOU HAVE??” Me, two feet away from the display case: “We have whatever’s in the case” “Well what’s in the case??” I DON’T KNOW KAREN WHY DON’T YOU USE YOUR EYES AND FIND OUT??
Don’t get fucking mad because you have to wait two seconds for the pike to brew I’M SORRY WE HAVE TO BREW IT EVERY 30 MINUTES WOULD YOU RATHER NOT GET ANY AT ALL YOU MOLDY DONUT
Sorry i don’t know all the ingredients for every single syrup we own I DON’T FUCKING KNOW IF PEPPERMINT HAS DAIRY IN IT BUT I WOULD ASSUME NOT
nO i can’t fucking cut your panini or breakfast sandwich in half I don’t have a knife stop asking
You came in asking if you could buy a bag of chips that we don’t sell and you literally have the bag of chips what the fuck where did you get this bag of chips sir did you just STEAL A BAG A CHIPS TO BUY IT AT A STARBUCKS
No i’m not giving you a fcuking sleeve for your cold drink THIS IS WHY WE RUN OUT BY FUCKING NOON BC BOO BOO THE FOOL CAN’T HOLD A COLD DRINK APPARENTLY
FUCKING There aren’t any fucking soap suds in your goddamn coffee sir THEY’RE NOT SOAP BUBBLES It’s a goddamn reaction of when the carbon dioxide and the bean oils combine it makes the bubbles. It’s not soap. For fucks sakesIT GOES AWAY IN 2-3 MINUTES AND GUESS WHAT ASSWIPE THE MORE BUBBLES THE FRESHER THE COFFEE SO YOU CAN KISS MY CANDY SWEET CANDY ASS
You always mobile order but you dont fucking come get your drink until 45 minutes later and i H a T E you
You come in. Everyday. Asking if we have pumpkin spice. It is fucking march. STOP.
You ordered a starbucks doubleshot on ice with 12 shots with no cream or sweetener. And asked for it to be filled with cold brew instead of milk or water. For the third time today. Are you okay? ... Seriously, are you okay?
I saw you stuff handfuls of our splenda and sugar packets into your jacket. Who are you and why are you like this?
No you cant hand me all your trash through the drive thru window, fuck you.
I'm taking an order over the head set, taking money from the window and struggling to also put a lid on this frappaccino- YOU CAN WAIT, PERSON AT FRONT COUNTER.
I was scheduled to work with two people over a peak period, both didn't show up. I am running the store myself, this isn't sweat these ARE TEARS. (Tiki im sorry u lived through this)
Please dont yell at me if your card declines. That is all.
Getting angry when I dont laugh at/agree with your racist/sexist/transphobic/homophobic joke doesnt make you right or a victim. I hope you drive into a tree.
No im not going to use my partner numbers on your order???? Who??? The fuck???? Do you think you are????
Stop smoking in drive thru. STOP IT. FUCKING STOP. STOP.
i cant pick out artichokes from your sandwich what the fuck? Is this subway? No.
I dont care about your diet. Stop telling me that its cheat day.
If im mopping. Dont. Walk. Through. My. EFFORTS. Please. Im not even finished with half the store. Just go to the other side its 3 steps away please.
Dont say “coffee” in the drive thru and drive off to my front window you fucking ignoramus.
Get off your phone when ordering. Fuck you. And your phone call.
Im not looking at your laptop while im sweeping don't give me a side eye, for fucks sake.
If i cant scan ur panini at front counter, it doesnt mean its free. Please stop making this joke. Im just going to put it in manually. Please stop trying to take it from me. I need to warm it- please- stop- ITS NOT WARM PLEASE STOP- please. Please. *4 minutes later once they have their coffee* “uh. No one warmed up my panini” *they hold up the panini that they SNATCHED FROM ME* me, stabbing myself and performing seppuku; “tell my mother i love her”
You walked into my store and cut in line. Why are you upset that i tell you to move? Why? Who are you? Who raised you?
Just because you call me “darlin’” doesnt mean i will flirt with u. You're like fucking 46. I am 20.
“I want a vintage (yes) white chocolate mocha with 3 pumps of raspberry” “venti?” “vintage” “..venti..” “VINTAGE” “okay.”
“Hi welcome to starbucks can you please hold on a moment for me” “CAN I GET A UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, TOASTED WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA WITH NO WHIP, EXTRA HOT WITH EXTRA PRIVILEGE AND I WANT IT DOUBLE CUPPED/// Me, Juggling 3 paninis and trying to take money from an old lady who doesnt know what silence is and is telling me about her 5th grandkid picking his nose; “hi welcome to starbucks i hope you fucking choke”
If one more god damn person looks at me, in my fucking eyes, and tells me they wanted their latte iced when i asked 459 times if it was hot/iced then i will choke a bitch.
“Can i add to my order. At the window. After i paid, and after you've given me my drinks?” me, crying; “okay”
You came in, ordered a kids temp hot chocolate, and now you are complaining that its. Not. Hot. Enough? Go die.
Im sorry that we ran out of cakepops Sharon, but calm the fuck down. Please.
Hi i noticed you came through our drive thru/store at 9:58pm and I just wanna let you know that everyone in the store hates you with an unrelenting rage that will hopefully melt the skin off your face. Oh? You need 4 caramel fraps and 2 black and white mochas, both iced with no whip and half and half as the base? Fuck you.
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xelere · 6 years
rant lmao
i recently watched wanna one on i can see ur voice and i was so hyped cus i’ve missed my babies so much and i was afraid i had forgotten them a little bit from all the bts rookie kings & american hustle life. and my bias wrecker minhyun, my husband, my love… was gorgeous as usual but im honestly uncomfortable af.
i usually love his screentime cus damn he’s like my fav???but literally the first thing he does is to call a girl untalented and he doesnt even know why he basically just says she looks untalented and he goes with this for like 10 min??
not to mention that after 40 min i tbh kinda want him to shut up for the rest of the episode bc im disappointed and hurt. the way he talked about those girls… cus he didn’t nly diss the first girl, no out for FOUR girls he predicted that ALL of them would be tone deaf EXCEPT for the one girl who constantly was mistaken for being a boy. 
like daniel was wrong the first time and after that he was really embarassed and chose to be quiet for the rest of the show. yet he had kind of arguments for thinking the way he did since the tone death would be a marathon runner and the guy he was judging was pretty tall and skinny. 
but minhyun was like ??? he didnt have any arguments he was basically judging the girls on their appearance. he even said ”i dont know if i can say this but” THEN WHY TF ARE U SAYING IT IF U KNOW ITS GONNA BE STUPID/OFFENSIVE/SEXIST. he literally said “it looks like she’s singing without thinking”, going for the ”pretty girls are dumb” stereotype and then later discussing with jaehwan that pretty girls often relies on their appearance and arent that pretty?? 
idk man maybe i’m overanalyzing the situation but i just dont like this at all and i just wanna say (mostly true convince myself lmao cus i love him) that he got a big ass red flag warning and im gonna drop his ugly ass in the speed of light if something similar is gonna come up again or he doesnt apologize. im disappointed af. people may think im overreacting but as a feminist who literally have spend the past 5 years trying to avoid sexist men you could say i got this sexist-radar lmao and when i get a gut feeling…. it usually turns out to be right lol.
i got zero tolerance and the fact that aron in nuest got caught being flat out sexist is also kinda :///// i mean ok that wasnt minhyun lmao but idk they hang out hahha so dear minhyun please for the LOVE of god, dont be a stupid hoe dont say dumb shit cus thats gonna break my fucking heart im so sad you were probably like my ultimate bias?? im not kidding you im low key crying i love you it’s been like a few days now but i still cant look at u the same im so uncomfortable pls let time heal me cus i miss you boy lol
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CHARACTERS: abrudas, sparatus, tevos, garrus, and nihlus ;)
gleefully rubs my little paws together Yes A Good Askso much of this got rambly n vaguely weird tho rip i apologize for my entire existence Abrudas:-how I feel about this character: lt valis abrudas is the most beautiful and wonderful turian in canon she could break me in half and id thank her tbqh -all the people I ship romantically with this character: b4 i met saren id probably have shrugged but listen,,,desabrudas is a good ship and now im stuck forever in rarepair hell there is No Escape-my non romantic OTP for this character: mmm saren like u Can't convince me that hanging with des and dating him she Somehow wouldn't become friends and a sister like figure?? lies all of it they r good friends and family especially after everything goes sideways -my unpopular opinion for this character: honestly,,,half the fandom doesn't know she even exists so like (: Fuck can it be that she should have showed up in me3 as a special  edition 2 everything bc honestly -one thing I wish would have happen/had happened with this character in canon: SO MANY OKAY SO MANY BUT LIKE OKAY SO there's this one part in the comics where one of timmys asshole friends says some?? nonsense that's rlly gross an racist+sexist so lol it was Bad and honestly,,, valis should have just fuckin beat him up doesn't matter she was in cuffs she should have torn him a new one tbh fuck him+u can't,,u can't convince me it didn't happen off screen shhSparatus:-how I feel about this character: DOES NOT GET ENOUGH LOVE+DID NOTHING WRONG IN LIFE thank u goodnight -all the people I ship romantically with this character: his lovely wife teia!! they r adorable old birbs and they are in lurve -my non romantic OTP for this character: val + sparatus like canon even agrees they have p similar views tbh?? so i feel like they'd be pretty friendly an pick on the new ppl together an conspire against anderson/udina when they take the council seat -my unpopular opinion for this character: he has done nothing wrong??? ever??? let him sleep??? like ya okay my knee jerk reaction was also wow he's being so mean to shep >:///  but once u use ur thinker u realize that hey!!! u sound bonkers!! and he's literally doing his job so like,,,let him sleep and stop being a dick with the ah yes reapers joke it's old and gross + ALSO PLS DONT SHIP HIM AND SHEP FUCK like that's gross on,,,so many levels,,,i could write u a small essay on the Fuck Ton of reasons why -one thing I wish would have happen/had happened with this character in canon: teia needs to show up so she can smoorch sparatus on the cheek pls he is very stressed+needs some affection bioware where is his beautiful wifeTevos:-how I feel about this character: the Mom Friend tm i love her she's totally the responsible one on the council -all the people I ship romantically with this character: humms honestly her an aria r kinda cute together tbh?? but that's mostly from art ive seen idk much about the ship itself But i do have a lil sorta oc for her that im still working on fleshing out all the way,,i do figure tho she'd be kinda private about it bc of both council stuff+a general preference to keep her private life just that -my non romantic OTP for this character: honestly i kinda feel like tevos and teia would end up being friends and bonding?? like idk why they just seem like they'd make good fronds and go out for cups of coffee after work 2 indulge in lil bits of gossip and general chatting -my unpopular opinion for this character: so everyone is also rlly salty about the thing where she's like yo we can't rlly help you out until you help us and like??? honestly it's understandable that she didn't wanna help the humans out without getting some assistance in return like even ppl in little every day situations do that so like :// can ppl pls let the council do their job got dang -one thing I wish would have happen/had happened with this character in canon: mmm okay so ignore my lack of memory rip but i rlly wish they had explored a bit more about the conspiracy with the matriarchs thing like??? did she know a lot did she not know Did canon explain this and i forgot?? did she like do things willingly or nah?? give me the answers bioware  Garrus:-how I feel about this character: SHAPED LIKE A FRIEND like listen,,he's huge as fuck+could prob kick me across the room on accident but he is shaped like a friend -all the people I ship romantically with this character: i am Really Fucking fond of shakarian honestly, him an tali kinda but some of it feels rlly forced so it's like??? conflicted noises :/ AND SAREN GOT ME TO SHIP HIM AND TASORA send help,, garrus needs more hands 4 his gfs-my non romantic OTP for this character: mm i rlly like the idea of him and wrex and ash all bonding and being friendly?? an getting over their own misgivings of each other and just aaa give it 2 me bioware i need friends bonding -my unpopular opinion for this character: tbh no one seems 2 rlly point out that garrus was also p racist in the beginning too? like everyone likes 2 do the whole Space Racist Ash bit, which is a whole nother thing i could get into rip, and is conveniently quiet when u point out garrus said some fucked up stuff :// like don't get me wrong i luv my boy but like?? he's not a 100% pure cinnamon roll who's done nothing wrong -one thing I wish would have happen/had happened with this character in canon: shrug emoji honestly im p happy with how his stuff went tbh from what im remembering?? i mean i do kinda wish he got more closure for the deaths of his omega squad mates bc i don't rlly remember him getting much??? pls get some help my sonNihlus:-how I feel about this character: yes hi hello i am adorable u should look @my face more often But Seriously i rlly love him?? esp since he basically saw saren “tiny ball of anger and asocial behaviors” arterius and went That One, That One Is My New Best Friend-all the people I ship romantically with this character: my name is nihlus kryik and i!!! am really!!! fucking gay for saren arterius!!! thank you 4 coming to my ted talk -my non romantic OTP for this character: mmmMMM avitus tbh mainly because i remember us Bonding over saren “im going to biotically punch this mech in the face and refuse to see a doctor after for my broken hand” arterius being our mentor and friend-my unpopular opinion for this character: mmm i guess it's less of him as a character and more how the fandom views him But Like??? nihlus isn't scared of saren wtf???? like ya okay sure the initial HOLY SHIT saren arterius is interacting with me?? talking to me?? holyshitholyshit mildly intimidated would have happened but once he got used to him like,,he'd have just accepted sarens mildly odd ways and difficulty in interacting at times and rolled with it + activated Mom Friend Mode tm around him-one thing I wish would have happen/had happened with this character in canon: anyways original canon is a lie and nihlus lived+smooched saren when he saw him at eden prime bc he is a gay nerd who's first response 2 seeing his bf is to do a kiss  
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bramlouisgreenfeld · 7 years
how do i know im "fetishizing" lgbtq+ characters? idk if i identify as lgbtq+ bc im gray-a.... and most of my otps are mlm (altho i have a few wlw otps too). i dont think im fetishizing them i just think i enjoy their stories? like noah & brian from "I'll give u the sun" and ari& dante, and also andreil... and wesper and etc. i have so many mlm otps that i feel like maybe theres something wrong with me
it’s kind of a hard line to find tbqh. like, the fact is that a) while media is slowly creating more gay couples, it’s most often mlm and not wlw, so finding canon lgbt+ couples you like means you’re much more likely to find mlm couples; and b) there’s so few of them!! it’s so much easier to just like all gay lit because it’s new and something you can relate to. so the fact that you just like loads of gay ships on its own isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
there is a difference between enjoying them and fetishising relationships, though. for instance if you’re only into mlm ships then it can be a bit ehh, like you think gay boys are super cute but not lesbians because ???? whatever reason you can come up with is bad. this post kind of summarises for me what a big issue often is: the stereotyping. in a lot of media, they’ll include gay characters that are every inch the “gay best friend” stereotype (cough gl*e, riverd*le) and it’s quite frankly dehumanising. it leads to people doing this in the real world. the very idea of going up to someone and saying “you’re my new gay best friend!” is just so strange and like… the fact that someone is same gender attracted doesn’t determine any other part of their character, you know? that’s a big part of it in fandoms. so for men, it’s often making them out to be effeminate.
for women, it’s different. quite often it leads to hypersexualisation. (i know this isn’t really what you asked but i figured i’d briefly include it anyway, just for a more complete answer i guess) again, it’s reducing same gender attraction to a character trait, and often something to turn a guy on. which is. not cool. (examples here)
but to answer the question - i think if you enjoy the stories for what they are and don’t enjoy them in a different way you enjoy other ships, then it’s generally alright. it’s stuff like the people who still only focus on ev*k in sk*m and say that the actors must have practised kissing because it looks so real, for example, that’s where you’re crossing a line.
i don’t agree with all of this post necessarily, but there’s a paragraph i wanna pull out:
if a straight boy was constantly seeing “lesbians” everywhere, or talking about how those girls would look so good together, or making up headcanon about you and one of your platonic girlfriends, you would think he was creepy as fuck, sexist, and probably a pervert. Because he isn’t seeing you or other girls as people with real agency, he’s seeing you as an object to project onto. He’s invalidating your personhood and your sexuality and making your actual queer friends feel like their sexuality isn’t a real identity. That is what you’re doing to these boys; straight or gay, real or fictional, you are projecting onto them and invalidating them.
i hope this helps!!
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pldubrahs · 7 years
anyway, this has been a While coming and now im back in new orleans so LOTS OF GUSHING ABOUT THE LIGHTNING THIEF MUSICAL, UNDER THE CUT
the ambiance of the theater, dim and filled with soft storm sounds
this show does really beautiful things with overlapping singing and w harmonys and its So low budget but still so good and the cast is small but amazing and literally everyone but chris is cast into several roles and its just amazing
if u dont wanna read this whole thing, just scroll down to the end for a Special Surprise
the Bitter, Angry, Sad music, ltm is truly the Emo Rock Musical we deserve
i seriously almost fell out of my chair when chris mccarrell came out. he honest to god was SUCH a good percy, so fidgety and all his expressions were ON POINT
ms dodds in General she was hilarious for the literal 3 minutes she was onstage
the pen to sword transformation is literally just: chris hides the pen and grabs the sword from somewhere else onstage. during my show, in the ms dodds fight scene, the sword was on the back of chirons wheelchair and it got stuck so he had to trip after the chair as chiron wheeled off and TUG it off to fight
sally is a BLACK WOMAN 
just in general, this show was Amazing at raceblind casting
sally sprayed febreeze after smelly gabe, like he leaned to look in the fridge and she stood behind him spraying febreeze directly at him for like 30 seconds
“he was handsome and strong and before too long- you came!” percy was roasting marshmallows and looking out towards the audience and sally was rubbing up and down the sides of her body during this before “you came!” and it was v funny
grover and percy meeting outside camp
“oh look a goat” “percy!”
“he met a furie” “youre all furry! what happened to your legs”
the v cute friendship bickering, overlapping voices thing that percy and grover v often did. this was the grover and percy friendship that we always needed
during the weird dream when he sees annabeth and hes like “gee whiz shes the most beautiful girl ive ever seen”
and then when he officially meets her after hes not out of it, he says “youre my dream girl!” and then backpedals and its great
he kicked the chair over so much and then there was a part after his camp halfblood intern thing left so his chair didnt get reset behind him and so he kicked into the air, got frustrated, and put the chair up himself
“of course, who am i to give relationship advice, im literally the god of alcohol”
“you can hate it here, but i HATED IT FIRST”
so so so many Soft sex jokes and bc im a Child i loved them 
chiron is just a guy galloping with a horse tail its the cutest thing and everyone laughed bc like imagine a kid galloping w their legs high and w/e, but on an adult and slow motion
“you’ll get used to mr d. he can be a bit... well, he hates children”
luke was Very attractive and ALSO he had a lot of chemistry w percy and w annabeth and i, who remembered shipping percy and luke back in my Youth, was Living
annabeth deffs had a crush on luke dont @ me
also luke was Softly bitter. like he sounded like a modern kid, bitter and upset but saying it in a joking way; totally makes sense that no one suspects that he’d do anything w chronos bc all the kids are upset and he doesnt get dark until the very end of the show
“are you ever going to wear pants again?” “Nope!”
luke: “havent you ever played capture the flag?” percy, excitedly: “not with swords!” *makes swooshy lightsaber noises* annabeth, suffering, full of regret: “It’s not a lightsaber.”
“sexist much?” “no, i love girls” [muffled luke and grover cackling in the background]
CLARISSE, LOVE OF MY LIFE! her song was so so good
the campfire song
percys Soft concern for annabeths story about running away “wait is that true”
grover starting to cry during his part
“my father is chronos.... remember my lecture, he ate his children””....... chiron wins”
APHRODITE'S DAUGHTER’S STORY “godess of love, my moms aphrodite... i bring home a boy and shes there in her nightie! oh nooooo” “she steals my mascara and all of my dates!” wonderful
percy sings nicely about his mother and everyones like “hes doing it wrong”
“we dont care where our parents may be, as long as you are here with me!” FRIENDSHIP MAKES ME EMO
“havent you noticed that there arent any other little sea godlings running around? any sons of hades or daughters of zeus? the big three gods arent supposed to have kids!” i loved this tiny easter egg i love my big three kids
“look at the boy, hes clearly not a thief!” “oh, yeah no yeah yeah yeah no no yeah yeah no yeah no, youre right! you cant fake being that stupid unless youre a brilliant actor, but im also the god of drama, so i can tell you HES NOT”
“his lightning?” “yeah, we're not talking some crummy tin foil zig zag from some off broadway play!”
Killer Quest! is an amazing end of act song and v upbeat and cute
“so where is the underworld actually” “look for doa records” “its a record company? actually, im not surprised”
“half bloods to monsters smell like mickey ds, like tacos or take out vietnamese”
“dude are you talking to the squirrel?” “satyr powers, be nice. this squirrel knows every corner of the woods, maybe he can help us” “really? because i think that seems kind of nuts” [silence] “you hurt his feelings. tell the squirrel youre sorry.”
medusa in general, what a Good scene
ensemble members shaking maracas to make snake noises for her
medusa cant say “nemesis”
“ive done everything to prove to the gods that im the best and you- i mean, you dont even know how to hold a sword” “yes i do!, yes... i do...” “no, hands here *adjusts percys grip*” “i didnt ask for any of this: gods, monsters, quests- oh, wow, that is a lot easier”
my grand plan is the most annabeth chase song ever and i love it its such a good look into her character and i love her so much
“when boys mess up they always get another chance”
“cause most girl never win if theyre polite”
“the gods will think we’re impertinent” “we are impertinent”
the squirrel gave them three amtrak tickets
i hate country except for this One Song
“is that chihuahua?” “its a chimera!”
“maybe if you hadnt brought all those dam snacks” “uh it was the hoover dam and i was hungry!”
ares drives them to las vegas and when they get there he says “this is where i... get off” and its HILARIOUS i love lowkey sex jokes
gentle easter egg to bianca and nico re: may 1st 1939
“the oracle can can it ill save my mom and savE THE PLANET!” im love percy so much
tREE ON THE HILL IS ABOUT THALIA AND IT MADE ME CRY GOD WHAT A GOOD SONG and grover feels like a failure and annabeth is like “no u saved my life ur a good friend and a good guardian <3 friendship”
“you wanna hear my demo?” “uh-” [loud music plays] “im sorry i couldnt hear you over this SWEET ASS RIFF”
“oh! do you have any josh groban?” “we will.” I CACKLED
the ferryman also attacks them all like “youre not gonna save the planet, you wont protect your friends, you wont be remembered”
everyone says this but “i think this pit is tartarus” “LIKE THE FISH SAUCE?”
“why would chronus want my shoes?” “they were really cool shoes”
bitter, sad hades who just wants people to stop thinking that hes the bad guy and for his brothers to come visit him
“one does not simply walk out of the underworld”
W H A T  B E L O N G S  T O  T H E  S E A  C A N  A L W A Y S  R E T U R N
small reprise of good kid as he considers hades offer and then the melody cHANGES and percy realizes that the seashell, a gift from a god, can SAVE THEM and its beautiful because SON OF POSEIDON IS A GOOD SONG
“maybe my dad was a screwup too, his best laid plans always falling through... maybe he never knew how to care but hey, thats life, and life aint fair... but i think my dad mayve thrown me a line, and better late than never, ill finally get a sign!”
its a good song kids
the kids get to the oceans and they FIGHT ARES and ares and percy are both singing, percy singing The Son Of Poseidon chorus and ares singing Put You In Your Place and its b e a u t i f u l
THE TOILET PAPER THROW- basically they bring in like 6 leafblowers w toilet paper rolls attached and the first five rows get covered in toilet paper. as someone who was in the fifth row, it was amazing
poseidon comes in, they have a Heart To Heart, he brings sally back to life, he flirts with sally, its hilarious and awkward
“the gods are unfair but we’re not total dicks”
percys like “you dont have to stay w gabe anymore” and sallys like “smh boy u cant solve all my problems. you saved my life, now i have to figure out how to live it”
he gives her medusas head
“what is this” “its a... do it yourself scupture kit” “oh! *begins to open it*” “no no no its, um, medusas head”
“well, as my official protector, you can officially escort us back to camp” “and youre conscience this time!”
chiron is also cast as poseidon so like he runs into the camp scene after a quick change and says “i hoofed it here as quick as i could!” 
last day of summer happens and w/e its cute but whAT REALLY MATTERS IS LUKES BETRAYAL: okay so the music slows and goes into the minor key and percys like “we still dont know whos working w chronos :/” lukes like “yeah it sucks” and he starts singing about how he doesnt trust the gods and how the gods hate them and how they need to take over the world and put the gods in their place--he and percy do their handshake fist-to-the-chest thing and luke is serious and percy does it but hes v confused and it Hurts. this is the first time in the show that luke sounds just Bitter and Angry instead of jokingly deprecating and its quite the effect
“ill do anything, i dont care if i hurt anyone, it doesnt pay to be a good kid, a good kid, a good son" GOD IT HURTS luke has so much pain and i feel so bad for him like yeah hes evil but,,, hes had a hard life
annabeth comes in and DISARMS LUKE but PSYCH luke has a small switchblade and STABS PERCY IN THE BACK (bc they cant use scorpions onstage)
percybeth moment interrupted by clarisse’s loud coughing and grover
percys like “we cant just sit here and wait for our parents to fix things.”
“the gods will say we’re impertinent” “we are impertinent” goddamn that symmetry
“are we ever gonna once have it easy?” my poor poor kids
percy- “feeling ready” annabeth- “feeling stoked” grover- “feeling queasy”
bring on the monsters is just a Good song
also hey if you got to the end of this, congrats! i have a ltm audio and either in a message or in an off-anon ask and ill hook u up
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