#and i think this takes place moments before a super important game with scouts in the crowd so this could not have come at the worst time?
bratpacks-aaa · 2 years
❛                ♡            ❜                ˚        。    ·    closed    starter    for    @killforyou​   .
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love    is    cruel    .    that    much    she    knows    —    that    much    does    not    require    any    surmise    .    patriarch    determining    he    is    not    ready    for    the    responsibilities    that    a    family    ,    a    wife    who    possessed    an    adoration    to    the    point    of    willing    to    deconstruct    terra    firma    itself    for    him    &    a    saccharine    baby    girl    with    rotund    apples    of    cheeks    ,    is    cruel    (    finding    out    he    has    made    a    new    life    for    himself    on    first    born's    fifteenth    birthday    is    ,    as    well    .    she    is    not    known    for    hating    other    corporeal    animas    ,    but    there    is    a    girl    out    there    who    has    the    felicitous    family    noelle    craves    &    she    cannot    help    the    way    she    wishes    it    was    her    who    had    been    left    behind    )    cruel    is    matriarch    taking    out    the    leftover    ire    from    husband's    abandonment    on    adolescent    who    returns    home    late    one    night    ,    gripping    tow    –    headed    blonde    tresses    ,    once    delicate    (    had    mother    ever    been    delicate    with    daughter    ?    had    noelle    always    received    this    treatment    ?    she    could    not    tell    ,    proceedings    blurring    into    convoluted    chaos    )    palm    striking    countenance    so    harsh    ,    vats    of    concealer    is    applied    when    aurora    breaks    .    cruel    is    this    moment    ,    football    stadium    fluorescents    &    waxing    crescent    moon    blending    as    one    ,    fabricating    dyad    even    when    they    do    not    wish    to    be    ,    articulation    transitioning    from    somber    to    vehemence    rather    instantaneously    .    cruel    is    individual    herself    —    had    been    declared    inadequate    since    the    day    she    exited    her    primordial    pool    ,    but    that    does    not    quell    the    eroded    cardiomyctye    ,    nor    does    it    intercept    an    already    calloused    zephyr    becoming    suspended    within    pulmonary    cavity    ,    the    need    to    singe    milky    epidermis    ,    a    tradition    individual    had    adopted    when    the    melancholy    was    too    much    for    lithe    framework    too    carry    on    shoulders    .    doleful    hues    broadening    in    bewilderment    ,    congenitally    roseate    petals    are    parted    ,    encephalon    racing    with    varying    notions    —    what    did    i    do    ?    what    could    i    have    done    differently    ?    what    would    make    him    stay    ?    what    did    i    do    ?    ❛    you    —    i    wouldn't    even    be    that    upset    if    you    had    waited    !    why    did    you    have    to    tell    me    this    now    ?    ❜    it's    a    prevarication    ,    she    knows    that    it    is    —    but    when    words    do    not    descend    from    other's    brims    ,    saline    droplets    begin    to    accumulate    within    waterline    .    cranium    bobbing    from    left    to    right    ,    metacarpus    ascending    to    halt    any    further    damage    .    ❛    good    luck    on    your    game    .    ❜    timbre    is    monotone    ,    appendages    opting    to    maneuver    around    sports    field    ,    despondency    cutting    through    bones    as    linoleum    aperture    displays    a    wash    room    that    is    void    of    any    essence    ,    save    for    femme    &    meilleur    ami    .    phalanges    gripping    at    porcelain    ,    a    whimper    giving    way    to    a    sob    .
#❛    ♡   ❜    ˚  。 ・ ❪       𝐧𝐨𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞       𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤.     ❫       ░       𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐪𝐮𝐲    .#tw / abuse#tw / self harm mention#so i love the way i wrote this first of all!#like i think it was established that they're both cheerleaders and have been since they were little babies! it's something they share with#one another so that is why they're CO CAPTAINS! 🫶🏽#and i think this takes place moments before a super important game with scouts in the crowd so this could not have come at the worst time?#and i have so much i want to say about noelle because i've thought of her so much? >__< i think she will find out she is a lesbian but until#then she puts so much weight on her relationships because she is cassie howard down? she has this desire and need to be loved and the sad#part is she really only feels unconditional love when she's around aubrey and her pas boyfriends who worship the ground she walks on because#she's the sweetest girl ever really? her and zoë are so tied for best girls like she really and truly is season one cassie howard.#but then for reasons beyond her control they all break up with her and seemed so frightened by her and really and truly upset with her but#she doesn't understand why at all and it comes so fucking randomly too which is why she feels so unloved as you can tell by this starter#and her mom being abusive doesn't help at all like noelle was told she wasn't enough since the day she was born and her mom takes all her#anger out on noelle and says the most horrible things so she's probably been told that she'll never be enough or keep anyone or really be#loved and have a long lasting relationship which ellie has taken it in internalized it and really and truly fucking believes that now? >__<#when in all actuality she has someone who loves her so much and nearly kills anyone who stands in her way about her noelle which when you#really think about it noelle coming up to her on her why doesn't anyone love me it's so SAD because aubrey does and she always has!#and i feel like this is by far the worst she's kind of been over this like she was tore up about each guy *yes* but this has been happening#so much it's kind of her breaking point? and he was one of the sweetest most understanding guys she ever really dated so like listen listen.#in some ways you could say that noelle *loved* him and when she experiencing those feelings of love she doesn't shy away from it because she#knows what it is like to feel unloved and like no one on planet earth cares so when she feels that love she shows it off screams it to every#single person she knows even gets the shit tatted! so this npc boyfriend probably has the worst injuries aubrey has *ever* inflicted?#eee i'm already invested! 🤍🤍🤍 so excited for my aubelle we love you aubelle! 🥹🥹🥹
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firerwolf · 3 years
So I’ve been playing Brotherhood/Revelations and reading Underworld recently and it made me realize something.
Kjotva never should have been Hytham’s first assassination.
He was to big and important of a target to be an apprentices first assassination. He was a member of the Order with an army and powerful enough he was apparently the only member of the Order and had a death grip on the area. The question is why would the Hidden ones allow an apprentice like Hytham to be assigned to such a kill? Nowhere in the documents in the game or in his codex does it indicate he’s supposed to have extreme talent that would cause them to assign him to such a task. So that means he was given the duty of killing Kjotva for one of three reasons.
1.) Events like what happened to Hytham are why apprentices aren’t given such tasks. I find this unlikely as it’s basic logic that if a target is super important you don’t give it to the untested.
2.) Basim thought it was a doomed assassination and didn’t want to risk his own life. I can see this as possible. Loki would have seen his life as to important to throw away on the objectives of the Hidden Ones. And as I’ve said before on this site I don’t think Basim cared about Hytham. And you don’t have to hate the young man to find him a reasonable sacrifice. Still a bit unlikely as it seems like Basim would be skilled enough to take the kill and I don’t think him so heartless he would have done it to actively try to get Hytham killed.
3.) Basim simply, after having found Sigurd, no longer cared about any of the Hidden one or Order shit and wanted to ignore Kjotva completely. But, because he is dedicated to his creed, Hytham wouldn’t let it go and kept asking Basim about it until his teacher just decided he’d leave the task to Hytham. Which of course for Hytham he saw this as a act of teust rather than a way to push off the duties Basim was no longer concerned about. It would explain why Hytham has been studying Kjotva for months, but hadn’t been anywhere near the man. In every assassin’s creed you don’t just rush into an unknown place and kill a target you have only read a description of. You scout out a place or someone, who has been watching the target, tells you when they’re vulnerable and when to strike. Hytham had none of this prep but was still expected to kill Kjotva.
It is possible that Basim was making plans about how to hide Hytham’s death from the Hidden Ones while still finding a reason to stay with Sigurd and pursue his own objectives. That when they got to Norway and Eivor wanted to claim Kjotva for herself that he saw that as an out to leave it to her. But when there was a moment in the fight that Eivor in in a negative position Hytham saw that as his opening and tried to assure the kill, and it all went wrong. But the fault is in the fact that Hytham thought at any point he needed to kill Kjotva.
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sachiwrites · 4 years
some friends to lovers hcs for sakusa pls? i've been thirsting over him for a while and seeing him in the recent manga chapters plus season 4 is just--
same fam, same. its been a whole mess over here. yikes this got long
— you are 210% that neighbor who his parents rely on to acclimate their son into being a somewhat decent member of society. is it a hardy task for someone at the age of six? yeah. was sakusa an absolute shit at that age too? of course. but he stopped that one kid from pulling your hair in class that day so he’s basically your unofficial hero. even if it was only because apparently you had ‘cooties’.
— naturally you continued to have this unknown disease for most of your life. but apparently so did everyone else in Japan. except when you got older it simply became known as- physical contact.
— “kiyoomi, why don’t you play outside with your friend?”
—“ they’re dirty.”
— sticks and stone may break your bones but the mud streaked across your face and hands would most certainly kill sakusa. or at least that’s what you thought at the age of seven when you went grab him off his front porch anyway. he sort of whined and pushed you for it, causing you to fall back on your rear, much to his parents obvious disdain. or as so you gathered as you smirked over their shoulder as they carried you inside, earning an extra few years of sakusa’s ire.
— “yoomi, lets play tag.”
— “it’s kiyoomi. and no, play by yourself.”
— “sakusa-san, yoomi doesn’t want to-“
— “run”
— the two of you were ‘reluctant’ friends until the age of eight. more or less, sakusa was required to spend at least half an hour outside with you a daily. half way through that the tenture you had mercy on him and introduced him to video games within the safety of his own home. sakusa has zero interest in crash bandicoot, but he likes you a little more for your concede.
— but his parents knew what they were doing when they put their son’s social reputation into your hands. for a while you were his only friend but occasionally you were able to integrate him into society. through little things like sitting down your lunch next to his and offering to be his partner in project.
— “i don’t need your help with this.”
— “maybe, but i need yours, so pretty please.”
— sakusa was a young genius and it would benefit you to take advantage of that feature. call it payment for all your years of servitude.
— the only time you found yourself not needing to be a crutch in his life was when he was playing volleyball. it was an option during recess to give the students an opportunity to scout out interests in athletic ventures. the sport was almost too perfect for sakusa- as an indoor requirement with almost no physical contact. it was his niche. a part of society that catered to his needs in a way that didn’t require your intervention.
— naturally, others began taking notice of his talents. other students were more likely to invite him for games during breaks- most knowing to keep their distance and touch to a limit. his own enjoyment of the sport slowly geared him towards pseudo-friendships that allowed him to play more and garner his skill set.
— “im going to try out for the volleyball club.”
— of course you knew this much. it was what he was so obviously looking forward to the most in junior high. it was just his decision to share his own thought with you the struck home.
— “yeah? i guess i should get some cheers ready for you games, eh?”
— he flinches away from your enthusiasm, his face portraying a mistake in letting you know so soon. but not once did he ever deter you from coming. in fact, you continued to be made aware of each an every upcoming match regardless of importance.
— “we have a practice match against haizen today.”
— wasn’t the most significant but he invited you so you’d be there. probably more vocal than you needed to be but he could mark your attendance and that’s all that mattered.
— a small part of you was worried that volleyball would take your place. it obviously had more suitable attributes than you. but it almost became a staple in your evolving relationship.
— in fact the first game you missed inflicted the first real argument you could remember having with sakusa. it surprised even his parents when you met him the next day to walk to class. you were use to a quiet shoulder but not a cold shoulder.
— “is something wrong?”
— it continued for most of the trip until you couldn’t take it anymore and reached for his arm. instead of shaking you off, he turns on you, gaze lit a flame with an emotion you didn’t recognize.
— “i had a game and you didn’t show up.”
— thinking back you did recall most of the students congregating towards the gym after class. it vaguely registered but you’d seen less of sakusa that day and more of pressing from your teacher to get your grades in order.
— “i had to stay back with my instructor. i needed help with my studies.”
— it was a little embarrassing- not something you wanted to admit. especially to someone like sakusa who obviously excelled where you fell short.
— “you’re an idiot. you come to me for that. ill help you after my games.”
— perphas it was in that moment that you should have realized that sakusa was more cognitive of his reliance than you were.
— what he does realize it how much he’s going to have to help you if he intended for you to join him at itachiyama. the school had shown interest in him earlier than year and it was mutual. but it’s prestige called for academics when sports weren’t your strong suit.
— matches weren’t the only appointments sakusa held you to. nearly everyday after class, whether your place or his, he made himself present while you studied. he wasn’t an overbearing tutor but he called you out in your faults and made you aware of mistakes before they became a habit. he wasn’t going to make you a super genius but you would become a student worthy of acceptance.
— the two of you were building something that only your parents noticed at first while watching from the doorway. itachiyama would be a dynamic chapter for both of you.
— the title of that chapter is: volleyball. because wow does that become an even bigger part of your life. itachiyama was already a powerhouse before sakusa but now he’s a cog in the wheel and an important one at that. quickly climbing ranks and becoming an imperative part of the team. if only he was more receptive to his newly popular status.
— he was still the same old germaphobe- avoiding crowds and wanting to get home as soon as possible to shower in his own tub instead of the school issued ones.
— his personality sort of highlighted your presence more than you expected. but given sakusa’s overall avoidance of unnecessary interactions, it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise.
— “he can be a bit much, but please take care of him.”
— above your bowed head, his older teammate coo and awe at sakusa’s cute little friend. this of course leads to more teasing for him but it’s all part of being part of a team- a larger whole. something you were willing to give up a bit of sakusa for.
— “are you two dating or something?”
— oh but that. you get a lot of that. not just by his teammates either. everyone seems to notice how sakusa tolerates you more than anyone else. though part of you wants to point out to his fan base that they would get a lot further if they just gave him his space. -yet here you were huddled up close in the library while he looked over your school work, so what could you say to that?
— “are you paying attention?”
— “hey, i got most of these right. give me a break.”
— not thinking about it, you go to ruffle his hair as a retort. an action sure to give you his ire- but it doesn’t? in fact his gaze doesn’t even lift from his book. and is he leaning closer? weird.
— sakusa is making rapid progress not only within tokyo but on a national level. it’s one of his teammates that points out his accomplishments to you one day while you’re waiting for sakusa to emerge from the locker rooms.
— “your boyfriend is really something else. already the ace of the team and he’s climbing the stats nationally too. you must be proud.”
— you are proud. very impressed, in fact. but sakusa is not your boyfriend. an important note that you most certainly do not get to point out because now sakusa is here and is corralling you towards the exit from his pressure of his chest against your back.
— he’s much more hands on now. less in tolerating your touch and more so initiating his own. it’s a late realization but most of your attention is stuck on that same teammate who is waving mischievously from the door.
— but oh man. it’s becoming a lot more obvious to you now when sakusa offers to hold you books while you change your shoes, and holding on to them even as you travel to class. he sits a little bit closer to you during study hall now, the erratic hitter of your knee brushing against his with every jerk up.
— “...are you okay, ‘yoomi?”
— he doesn’t complain about the name. not even a pinch of his brow, just confusion as he peers down at you.
— “im fine.”
— huh
— it’s all fun and games until his fingers catch yours one day while you walk side by side. it seemed like a fluke, just an accidental swing and bump. but then they’re latching and now you’re connected?
— “yoomi?”
— “it’s cold”
— yeah. okay, fair enough.
— periodic becomes occasional and now it’s a habit.
— and of course everyone takes notice. because sure sakusa tolerates you more than most. but now there’s a basis for it.
— “ah, so tables have turned.”
— “i knew it.”
— “top in the nation and already dating. our little kohai is such a pillar.”
— you’re beyond overwhelmed. worse because kiyoomi looks mildly irritated but doesn’t seem to be denying any of it.
— and you just have to ask.
— “yoomi are we dating?”
— because wow, only yesterday it seemed like he was still just your best friend. one who held your hand, shared his lunch, fell asleep on your shoulder in more than one occasion-
“— “we’re together. we’ve always been.”
— okay, yeah but context here.
— but then he’s dragging down the mask across his face, letting it hang under his chin. his lips are on your temple and phew, that’s new.
— “we should get home. i have a match tomorrow.”
— a game that becomes a statement in more ways than one.
— “ooh, is that sakusa’s jacket? so the rumors are true.”
— you fumble with the sleeves that seems to be determined to swallow up your hands. when he’d first offered it to you, it seemed so natural.
— “you might get cold.”
— god your boyf-... friend was so confusing.
— “not really. he hasn’t asked.”
— your classmate seems unconvinced but doesn’t comment further. that’s doesn’t say the same for the rest of the class who use every opportunity to chip at your resolve.
— “haven’t they been dating the whole time?”
— “they always hold hands now.”
— “i mean that’s his jacket isn’t it? it’s he like a germaphobe?”
— it’s getting harder to concentrate on the game. and certainly doesn’t help with every glance sakusa tosses up into the stands. by the end of the match, you’re beyond frazzled and ready to just sakusa the second he emerges from the gym.
— his teammate offer thanks in exchange for your praises on a game well won. it helps to distract you for a brief moment-but there he is now.
— his fingers slip befeeen yours like they belong and you can’t find the voice to complain. after congratulating him, there’s not much more said on your part. he walks you to your doorstep, not just the entrance, and lets his hand fall away. yet you both linger.
— “are we-“
— “are you-“
— when it comes down to it. obviously sakusa fails when it comes to words and actions seem to speak clearly.
— sakusa doesn’t protest when you reach up and undo his face mask for him. going as far as to lower his head, aware of your intentions, when you lean in.
— it’s a short kiss. a testing peck to balance in the shallow end before diving deep. his nose nudges yours and it’s your laugh that breaks the kiss.
— kiss-with kiyoomi sakusa-your once reluctant friend and now?
— sakusa leans in again. this time his hand on your shoulder for stabilization. there’s no tongue or extra touches. it’s just the act.
— life is all about changes.
— you smile and decide, yeah, you can do this.
— before he can leave, however, he’s tugging at the collar of his jacket.
— “i prefer to use my own detergent. but you can have it back tomorrow.”
— or maybe just some adjustments.
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felassanis · 4 years
Characters that I think will make a return in Dragon Age 4
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Okay, So lets get the first two out of the way and the reasons why I think they are bound to return.
Dorian Pavus: Pretty much a given, he’s already in Tevinter. He’s got big plans for the city and he’s a fan favourite. it would be a crime if he didnt come back.
Fenris: Will the Blue Wraith release I can’t help but wonder if that’s setting up Fenris’s arc and how it’ll pertain to DA4. How this wonderful character will tie into the shitstorm that’s about to occur in the next installment. When you hear Tevinter, chances are a couple of things will come to mind. Mages, blood-magic, Dorian, Slavery and Fenris. His whole character is linked to this setting. Hes a character who's got the biggest reasons to be there so he better be there. either as the leader of a slave rebellion or possibly an agent of Fen’harel. Also, given how vocal the fandom has been about him coming back, I think Bioware will deliver. I just hope he’s intertwined witht the plot like Varric was, and not given a crappy cameo like Zevran was in dragon age 2. And even if you did (You fucking monster) Give him back to Danarius, then he’ll be in Tevinter too. Or if you killed him like a fucking moron, well Bioware have brought back characters from the dead before. Leliana I'm looking at you
And ngl, I really want a FenHawke moment
Now, these next ones are the “Realistic” few who I think will make a return based on theories and evidence but I’m also making a section of characters who I want to see come back even if it’s not likely:
Sten: I find it very likely we will see this guy again. There conflict between Tevinter and Seheron should be one of the focuses in dragon age 4 and given that our actions in dragon age 2 he becomes the Arishok and if memory serves; he’s in Seheron. More Sten? More likely than you think if I’m right.
Talis: Another one who should make an appearance given her allegiance to the Qunari. Talis was a really good character and criminally underused in Mark of the Assasins and dragon age 2 as a whole. I think she’ll make a cameo, doing her thing as a skilled assassin for the Qunari.
Krem: It would be interesting for this character to make a return, perhaps he could not stand to see what is happening in his home country and makes a return. Given how important Krem is for representation, him being from Tevinter and how popular he was, I think he will also be making a return.
Verania: A small cameo. But I think if you stopped Fenris from killing her, then his sister Verania will be making a return. Which could offer an interesting scene if Fenris also makes a return. She does return to Tevinter, and given that her master was killed (Hopefully) it would be a curious thing to see how she ended up.
Varric: The reason why I think Varric will come back is because of the Red Idol. Varric has history with that thing, it was him and his brother who made the expedition to recover it from the Deep Roads and given how obvious it is that the Red Idol will play a major role in DA4 I think Varric will feel compelled to try and get it back or destroy it. He hates red lyrium and he hates that idol and he knows exactly what it is capable of, so the thought of it ending up in the wrong hands must unsettle him. He felt at fault for the red lyrium and Corypheus, hence why he stayed with the Inquisition to try and sort it all out. I think it will be the same for the red idol, he feels a responsibility to stop it because he thinks it’s his fault it’s out there in the first place.
Scout Harding: A potential LI maybe??? I think she’ll play a vital role whether or not the inquisition was kept or discarded in Tresspasser. I hope she gets a more important role than a simple quest giver.
Isabela: With the recent concept art I am seeing A LOT of Pirates and I couldn’t help but think of Isabela. And that one concept art seems to confirm Isabela is coming back and I'm so excited.
Leliana & Cassandra: It sounds to me like Leliana and Cassandra will come back as advisors of sorts, I’m not sure what role they’ll play exactly in the grand scheme of things in the next game but I do think they will both come back in some capacity, because of their words and cameo in the ending to Tresspasser.
Abelas: maybe only a cameo if you killed him, but Solas essentially recruits Abelas and if hes alive I think Abelas could make a return. 
Unrealistically, but why I think they should:
Zevran: He’s has somehow been mentioned or appeared in every game since origins and I don’t want that streak to be ruined. I think there’s definitely a role for him given how much he adventures and explores, his wit and his tendencies to get into trouble, and how he is a fan favourite.
Oghren: Honestly? Just because we haven’t heard from him a long time.
Cullen: I highly doubt he will come back. Why? Because I feel like the option to romance him in Inquisition on top of his sort of redemption arc in that game is his...end. Like, he got closure, he got the focus he needed regarding all the shit he went through in the past two games and I honestly do believe that is where Cullen’s story ends. But...I could be wrong, they might want to keep the pattern of him appearing in every game and maybe they have something else planned for him since they strangely liked this character because he went from this minor dude in Origins to Meredith’s lackey in dragon age 2 to a fully fledged main cast member in dragon age 3.
Meredith: Speaking of Meredith, I think it would be so neat for her to make a return as a boss fight. Because fighting her in dragon age 2 was so much fun and I think with the return of the Red Lyrium Idol, having her come back somehow would be appropriate. Maybe the statue she turns into merely keeps her in hibernation? So under whatever the hell material the red lyrium used to ‘kill’ her, it actually didn’t snuff out her life but rather preserved it. She’s still alive and fiddling with the Idol brings her back. Edit: turns out shes super dead but I'm leaving it here in case I can somehow rationalise how this scary lady could come back
Orsino: I can totally imagine the theory that Varric lied about Orsino’s death in order to protect him so Cassandra and the Templars wouldn’t go after him. Even the devs said his death was a mistake, so this could be a great way to rectify how shitty a card he was dealt in DA2 and give him a better storyline and role in the next game. Orsino is just a really good character who would do well with more time and focus spent on him. 
Bodahn & Sandal: because I need answers about what the fuck Sandal is and I miss Bodahn. And given Sandal's massive fucking foreshadowing to Solas and the magic of the elves I think HE HAS TO COME BACK but also...idk what they would really do with him, if hed really play a role other than what he did in the first and second game. An enigmatic dwarf for comedic effect and also creepiness.
Anders: if hes alive, and if you didnt romance him. I want a cameo, since he was originally supposed to appear in Inquisition as a hermit in a cave. I'd like that concept to return in the area near Tevinter/Antiva. Because I think it would be tragic, if hes borderline insane and a wandering nomad hiding his identity. Maybe Justice has taken over, maybe we have to free him of Justice to recruit Anders. Maybe we need him to enter the Fade somehow? Maybe when the veil is broken Justice takes over completely that way? I just want an Anders cameo, see a tragic ending to a tragic character with the potential of redemption? Potential chance at happiness through helping the player fight Solas? And maybe, if Isabela or Varric come back...theyd have something to say? They might beg the player to help him? Mourn their friend or fret over him? Varric and Anders hug?
Spirit of Wynne: my girl Wynee gets no fucking love or mention from what I've seen and I will not stand for it. I'm sure she died, even by DAII's timeline. But if the veil is torn? Maybe her spirit will pay us a visit, give us words of encourage or wise lessons??? I miss Wynne so much.
Morrigan: I do think something is being set up with her character and Kieran. And with her being so woven with the whole Mythal thing, I wouldn't be shocked if Morrigan wanted to get involved, since Mythal wanted to live on through Morrigan. Maybe Morrigan has a bone to pick, maybe shes mad that Solas killed her mother.
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riskeith · 3 years
awwww i’m here now darling so you better feel amazing <33333
ok miss i see the subtle flex you just pulled on me, just say your team is op and go... :pp jk!! no but yeah if you’re stronger than the goddamn bosses it usually goes easily. can’t say i’ve seen those days in a while tho rip
YOU ARE MY BABY!!!!!! you could do a doodle for me and i’ll literally cry abt it until i die. ooooh that seems good tho??? especially ningguang and beidou... the ladies are making a comeback 🥴 i agree with you actually!! i’d love for chongyun to come back (so you can get his c6 mostly) and for selfish reasons i want razor to come back to... bc boy scouts. i really want the boy scouts... hope it happens soon tho 🥺
speaking of boy scouts i just got him.... xingqiu.. i felt so bad bc i know how much you want him... :( but i didn’t get any xiangling so. i lost successfully shskdhsk. also I WISH they had cross-server co-op more than ever at this moment bc then we could do our chongyun + xingqiu dates... 🥺
cluna you’re literally so cool! you work through them? help couldn’t be me. i get super annoyed and if it’s not working i’ll just let it go and write something else instead shskdhdksk. for instance, i was working on this fic two months ago and i got really far into it when i hit a writers block. so, its just been collecting dusts for months now. a couple days ago i accidentally stumbled upon it and realize the potential it had so i might pick it up sksjdkd. i was literally prepared to just let it rot like so many other fics i write. so yeah idk sometimes i just give up because it’s easier even if it hurts me bc i spent so much time writing them sjshdkdj. yikes.
right?? and when you write a fic that takes place during the day you can get inspired by the atmosphere outside!! and yes!! i have to study outside i can’t get anything done at home. i used to be able to do that when i was younger but now it feels sooo impossible. especially with online school and stuff. either i go to a library, cafe or school. although most of these are closed now so i have to book a room somewhere to study. do you have a specific area at home where you write or can you just sit down anywhere and study?
for sure!! if i had the space i’d absolutely consider buying more books. right now i just have them scattered around everywhere (even some in my makeup drawer shdjdh). do you have a bookshelf? 🥺 that’s so pretty...! what are some of your other favorites btw? oh grade school is basically class 1 to 9... so from 6 years old to 15? girl no worries i know how difficult it is to understand all of that. when my friends used to explain their countries school systems before i’d just sit like owl eyes.
THE ALBEDO FANART!!!!! during his quest i took sooo many screenshots god he’s just perfect. he’s such a gentle and sweet boy ughhhhh.... he’s been gone for 2 days and i already miss him. and xiao and aether are just... yeah... i love how everyone ships aether with the boys yet i don’t think i’ve ever seen lumine shipping fanart? let’s just say gay rights and leave it at that.
BEFORE I CLICKED ON THE LINK I HAD A FEELING IT WOULD BE THAT POST.... literally us!!!! don’t make one in america no worries!! idk why my acc was set to that lmao. i’ll make one in asia tonight and just hustle for a few weeks until i reach co-op (i think it was ar 15?) plus i really want aether so i’m kind of not so stressed about it tbh? god i’m actually so exciiiiiteeeeed...... 😭 you gotta promise you’ll help me with domains and bosses tho you’re gonna be at a much higher rank than me while i’ll just be a little nooby girl. 😭
thank you so much for the encouragement!!! ♥️
today i didn’t keep you waiting too long, hehe. i missed you too much. but you’re porobably asleep now though :( oh well, can’t wait to hear from you my love <333
hiya!! i’m still up bc i miscalculated the length of a fic chdjcnskjd and thought to check if you’d sent anything before i went to sleep!! made me v excited to see there was not only 1 but 2 asks from you hehe (also it’s 2am rn so apologies for any incoherence!!)
AHAHAH fjskdjskdn genuinely tho,,, i’m really happy with my team rn LOL. and noooo you’ll get there someday!! before your world level increases and you’re stuck being many levels below the bosses again fhdjdjkd it’s a cycle 😩
NFKSKDLAKS i wish i could manage even a doodle… drawing hair is literally my worst nightmare (along with drawing anything else tbh) and all the genshin charas have such complex layered hair ugh it’s like they don’t want me to even try. yass beiguang (idk if that’s their ship name) actual queens 👑. razor!!!! what a good boye. i love his idle animation so much, pls he deserves everything 🥺🥺 and you deserve to get the boy scouts!!! can’t wait for that day to come <33
AHHH!!!! no don’t feel bad i’m so happy for you omg… live out all my xingqiu-having dreams for me please 😩😩😩😩 our xingyun dates!!!! some day it’ll be a reality <333
DHJAJSHS nooooo fuck writer’s block 😤😤😤 but i hope you’re able to finish that fic now!! (vaguely, if you prefer) what’s it about? also i have plenty of fics/ideas just rotting too, but that’s usually bc i get caught up in a new idea which i like more ? i think? lmao so yeah i definitely do give up on my fics too omg wait do you have those fics where you’re like omg this concept is god tier i’m so big brained and then you write out a scene and then it’s like … wtf do i do with this now? HAHAHAH like my attention span is slowly too short to write any long af fics, i can’t stay dedicated or interested enough for that but a lot of the ideas i have have the potential to be those 300k 40 chapter slow burn etc etc so there are so many docs in my drive that are just. works with like 2-3 written scenes and an entirely fleshed out plan but i know i’ll never actually end up writing it bc of aforementioned factors lolllll. that’s another reason why i think about just releasing all my wips some day! so people can see all the ideas im unable to execute jfjsndns. do you [like] writing super long fics like that? i admire your tenacity if you do ahah
agreeeeeed <3 and oh i see!! i always feel like people who don’t study at home are so studious fjskdksk it gives off that kinda vibe for me 🤪 and i have a study! so i usually do most of my work there. sometimes tho when i get bored and if i’m not watching a lecture i’ll sit on my couch or on the floor and change things up a bit lolol
djxkkakdks omg don’t let your makeup ruin the books.. or is the makeup more important djskskks. i do have a bookshelf!! it has like… 6 levels? and it’s all full 😳😳 other faves are defs the hunger games (catching fire >>>>>>>>) and you know the others like percy jackson, divergent, the mortal instruments. oh and the maze runner!!!!!!! the prequel (? sequel???) is probably one of the recent books i’ve actually read, even tho that was like back in 2017 lmao. i liked the john green stuff too.. just a lot of the like. basic ones LMAO. hbu??
6-15??? damn that’s an interesting range djsksk i guess the closest for us would be primary school which covers ages 6-12!
albedo is legit SO prettt and for what. his hair, his eyes, his soft spoken manner. ugh 😩😩😩 and taking a bunch of screenshots is a big mood!! ooo i’ve seen some lumine ones but yeah def not a lot ! (i know there’s discourse surrounding that lmao) but yes gay rights 😤 wait that reminds me i saw the cutest razor pic the other day and saved it i’ll show you when i’m in a more awake state to attach the image fjdjnd
!!!!!! ours minds… actually connected 🧠
okay that sounds good!!! and yeah wtf why does co-op unlock so like late lol let us play together NOW 😤 and good luck with starting again!! and have fun with aether hehe we’ll be able to have both ours meet 🤪🤪 AND YES I PROMISE!!!! i’ll carry you until we’re both the same AR and we can suffer fighting bosses together <3 you can just sit back and watch me do all the work 🤪 i’m super excited too!!! 🤩🤩🤩 and thank you for doing thisss even tho i know you said you don’t mind but still!! 💗💘💝💕💓💗💞
no problem!!! i believe in you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
eagerly (but patiently) anticipating your response~ xo!
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suspiriu-m · 4 years
About Me
Hello! My name is Sal and welcome to my blog, Suspirium! Suspirium is a word that originates from one of my favorite movies, Luca Guadagnino’s 2019 remake of Dario Argento’s classic italian horror movie Suspiria. According to World of Dictionary, Suspirium is a Latin word meaning “Deep breath, sigh”. It’s also the title of one of my favorite songs from the soundtrack to the movie produced by Thom Yorke of Radiohead. I’m a huge horror movie buff so expect to see a lot of that sort of content on my blog if I can incorporate it into any of my work. I chose this as the title of my blog because of how well the word fits into the movie, and I just love the way it sounds. Anybody who’s watched the movie will understand, but I won’t go into detail as to not spoil it for anybody who hasn’t yet seen it.
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Throughout my highschool years I technically went to two schools. My main and home school was Middletown High School, and my secondary school was Orange Ulster Boces in Florida New York. In high school I was always in media production and art classes. For example, photography, video editing, drawing & painting classes and my favorite was an Elements of Horror class I took my senior year. Horror being my favorite genre, I absolutely had to take a class that’s dove into the origins of classic horror novels, films and short stories. Leading to me finding my favorite classic horror story Dracula by Bram Stoker, and a multitude of stories by H.P. Lovecraft. Continuing on now to college i’m now majoring in Media Production while also still taking some classes in Marketing and Design! I really enjoy both a lot so it’s hard to kind of pick exactly which I want to do, but it’s nice knowing that no matter what path I finally choose I'll still have some experience in the other!
Aside from my education, I love to watch horror movies and read stories in my own free time. Movies in general are a huge hobby of mine and I watch at least 3-4 a week given I have the time. Some of my favaroties of all time concerning classics have got to be the Halloween series, The Evil Dead series and all four of the Scream movies. Other hobbies of mine that take up a huge part of my life and time are video games and music. I have a pretty big record collection that’s continuously growing with at least 80-90 albums and counting. I just recently purchased a few more to add being Sade’s Diamond Life, Whitney Houston’s Whitney and Whitney Houston albums, Lazaretto by Jack White, Texas Sun by Khruangbin & Leon Bridges and Petals for Armor by Hayley Williams. Hopefully my next additions will be What’s Your Pleasure? by Jessie Ware and The Baby by Samia. I’ve been collecting them for years, but especially now since even CD’s are starting to go out of style. I’m the kind of person who still likes to have physical copies of all my music and movies and games so having such big collection is super special to me.
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In terms of video games, I try and play as wide of a variety that I can because I believe I can find something I like in any genre. Strategy, shooters, brawlers, online competitive games etc, but I think my favorite style of game is single-player, narrative driven experiences. Most recently I played The Last of Us Part II and was absolutely enthralled with it. I loved the first game so much so getting a sequel was something I was extremely grateful for. I don’t think video games get enough credit for what they do for storytelling. TLOU 1 and 2 are some of my favorite stories that I have experienced in any form of media. The heartbreak, pain, love, fear and excitement those games have succeeded in giving me while just sitting in front of my TV is something no other form of entertainment has brought me. Some of the most touching moments, but also the most excruciating. They also had a queer women front and center throughout the games which is something that isn’t very common in video games so seeing that was really nice to me. Other than The Last of Us, some other solid narrative driven games I’ve played are God of War, Uncharted 1-4, Marvel’s Spider-Man, The Tomb Raider Reboots, Ghost of Tsushima, the Batman Arkham series and Control.
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Although story based games are my favorites that doesn’t mean I don’t have a place in my heart for some good old fashioned fun as well! I also really enjoy a lot of the Super Mario and Legend of Zelda games as well. My biggest pet peeve that I have with the gaming industry right now though is Fortnite. I think it’s literally the most annoying game ever created. People spend hundreds and thousands of dollars just to buy skins and weapon packs and I think it’s absolutely ridiculous. The fact that I work at a major video game retailer and constantly have kids running through my store screaming about the damn game at least once a day could also contribute to my hatred. Either way, I want no part and absolutely nothing to do with it.
Going back to queer representation though. I recently watched Pose over the summer. Not only was the show heavily based during the AIDS epidemic in New York City, almost the entirety of the main cast was comprised of Transgender Black women. On prime time television! This is the first show to ever achieve such a feat. Not only was the cast extremely talented, I thought the writing and production of the show as a whole was brilliant. It definitely has its flaws and I could point out a few of them, but I believe all of the good of the show far outweighs the bad. It’s not afraid to tackle extremely real and difficult subjects the Transgender and Black communities have faced in this country and all over the world. It’s so important to see content like this on television as well because EVERYBODY deserves representation. Not only was the cast Trans, but one of the lead writers of the series Janet Mock is also a Black Trans woman! Pose was filled with heartfelt moments that truly had me sobbing in my bed as I watched. I think I actually cried at pretty much every single episode for both seasons. The cast is brilliant, the realism and talent and star power they bring to the show is like nothing that I’ve ever seen before and I’m so glad to be able to see them up on my television. I so badly one day hope that I can be behind the scenes of producing a show of this caliber some day.
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While I have yet to help in the production of a show like this, I have had my fair share of of making short films, music videos and even assisting on a friend of mine’s first full length movie that he submitted to festivals. Last year, I had the opportunity to shoot a short horror film with my classmates for our final project. The film was based around a young woman getting trapped at her school in the middle of a blizzard, and slowly beginning to realize that she may not be alone. In a fight for her life, she has to survive till morning while going up against a mysterious killer who lurks the halls of her small town college. Sadly, we didn’t have enough time to produce a full and finalized cut of the film but coming together and working with a few other classmates was still a really fun experience. Not only was I able to play the role of the killer, I aided in audio, music selection, location scouting, props department, shot planning and writing the movie and it was a great time. I also had the pleasure of helping out my friend Matt Vincini in shooting his short film The Cattle Farmer. A horror/thriller film about a boy who is adopted into a family, only to realize that his life might have been planned from the start. It featured a mysterious woodland family who may or may not have had cannibalistic tendencies that included their adopted children. It was a super cool experience to be on a set with a bunch of actors and seeing my friend in action in the role of director. Collaborating on projects like this with friends is always a fun time, even it does get stressful at some points. At one point in the film, one of the characters realizes that the dinner he is currently eating could quite possible be his last meal ever. Which kinda let me to thinking what my last meal would be. After some thinking, I think i’d definitely have to choose my families homemade pasta and meatballs. I know, pretty stereotypical for an Italian family but it’s just so good. We make our own sauce every september and it’s a huge family event. Everybody comes together and one of our houses and it’s literally a whole days worth of work. The best part? At the end of the night, we all have a huge feast and make pasta and meatballs with all of the sauce we just made. It’s one of my favorite things to do with my family and always one of my favorite meals. Not only is it delicious, but also sentimental.
This is all for now! Thanks for stopping by my blog and reading a little bit about me. I could probably keep rambling on for hours but I don’t think that’s the smartest idea. I can’t wait to fill this blog with more content this year and hope to hear from you guys as well! Until then, i’ll be watching more movies and DEFINITELY playing some more games. At this point i’ve been playing the new Marvel’s Avengers video game so, let me get back to kicking some AIM ass!
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 023 [Sports Festival?]
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📑 Table of Contents | ◂Backward
Word Count: 2,750
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“Are you gonna die today or make it out alive? You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you’ll fly. Fly, phoenix, fly. It’s time for a new empire.” Solence, “Phoenix”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Aizawa-sensei, what are you doing here?!” The class chorused.
As soon as I saw him, I jumped from my seat and rushed to his side, lowering my voice. “Oi, Shuota. Are you okay to be here like this?”
“Woah, what a pro.”
“Aizawa-sensei, I’m glad you’re okay!”
I glared at Iida. “Does he fucking look okay to you, you twat?”
“H-How dare you refer to me as such a thing!”
“My well-being is irrelevant,” Aizawa commented dryly as he made his way to the podium at the front of the room, me close behind. “What’s more important is that your fight isn’t over yet.”
“Our fight?”
“Don’t tell me…”
“Not more bad guys!”
“The U.A. sports festival is about to start,” he announced.
I sweatdropped. Man, he really likes to be dramatic with these announcements, don’t he? What is this sports festival anyway?
“Why would you scare us like that?!” The class chorused again.
“Let’s go kick some ass!” Kirishima cheered.
“Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck in?” Punk questioned.
“They could attack once we’re all in the same place!”
“Apparently, the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever,” Aizawa explained. “Plus, they’re beefing up security compared to past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at U.A. It’s not something we can cancel because of a few villains.”
“Umm, I’m sorry, but why not? It’s just the sports festival!” Mineta complained.
“Huh?” Izuku turned around in his seat. “Mineta, don’t you know how important this competition is?”
I don’t. For once, I’m hoping he goes on one of his ‘too much information’ muttering sprees because I’m feckin’ lost.
“Of course I do! I just don’t want to get murdered!”
I scoffed. “If you’re scared of getting killed, you’re in the wrong line of work, kid.”
“Why are you so mean to me?!”
“Because I hate you,”
“Ouch…” Sparky muttered.
“Our sports festival is one of the most-watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic games, but then quirks started appearing. Now, the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone that cares about competition, there’s only one tournament that matters – the U.A. sports festival.”
“That’s right,” Momo added. “And top heroes everywhere will be watching! This is where you get scouted!”
“Sure, unless you’re dead.”
God, this kid is annoying as fuck.
“She’s right!” Sparky grinned. “After graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick!”
A fucking sidekick, really? Isn’t that just a glorified coffee grabber? Fuck that shit.
“Yeah, but that’s as far as some people go. They miss their chance to go Indie and stay eternal sidekicks. Actually, that’s probably where you’re headed. You’re kinda dumb.” Punk deadpanned at him.
“Brutal,” I grinned at her. “I like your style.”
She smiled back.
“It’s true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity and that’s why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day, then this event could open a path for you. One chance a year, three chances a lifetime. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training.”
“Yes, sir!”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
The bell for lunch finally rang.
“That villain stuff sucks, sure, but I’m pumped for these games!”
“If we put on a good show, we’re basically on the road to being pros!”
“Yeah! This is why I’m even here in the first place!”
“We get so few chances, we have to make the most of this.”
I tuned out the excited chatter of the others, scratching my cheek. I don’t really have any interest in going pro. The only reason I’m here, to begin with, is because of that stupid deal Nezu made with the commissioner. Sports have never really been my thing, either. I’m more of the type to sit on my ass munching on tacos, downing Dr. Pepper, and playing a racing game.
“Everyone, I’m gonna do my best!”
I raised a brow at Ochaco. The hell’s gotten into her? What’s with that aura?
She snapped her head to the side. “I said, I’m gonna do my best!”
I sweatdropped at her intense expression. Girl, calm thyself.
“You okay?” Kirishima asked in concern. “You kinda look like you’re losin’ it…”
I second that.
“And once more for the kids in the back! I say I’m gonna do my best!”
I sighed, stepping out of the classroom and toward the cafeteria. Everyone is getting so fired up for this shit, I really don’t get it. And I still don’t even know what the sports festival is. Like, are we gonna play some American football then a round of soccer? Oh god, what if they make us play golf? I refuse to acknowledge that boring shit as a sport.
I noticed Peppermint a few feet in front of me. Hmm, I guess it couldn’t hurt to ask him. Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I picked up my pace. “Oi, Peppermint.”
He paused, glaring over his shoulder at me. “My name is Shouto Todoroki.”
“That. Right,” I stopped beside him. “Tell me what the sports festival is.”
His eyes scanned my face, looking confused. “You were standing beside Aizawa-sensei when he explained it.”
“Okay, like I get that it’s this super important event to get scouted and everyone watches, whatever. But what is it? Are we gonna have a fucking tennis tournament? Shooting some hoops, maybe a game of HORSE? Just please don’t say golf. Table tennis is a better alternative. Not much movement there. Why the fuck are you laughing at me?”
He covered his mouth, shoulders shaking as his voice filled with amusement. “Sorry, I’m just surprised. You really don’t know?”
“Obviously fucking not if I’m here askin’ you,” I scowled. “Forget it, I’ll go find Izuku.” I turned to walk away, but his fingers gently wrapped around my wrist, stopping me in place.
“No, I… I’ll explain.” He looked away, quickly removing his hand. “The U.A. sports festival is an annual tournament for all students, divided by grade. Different events are chosen in which students must overcome in order to advance. The events are chosen at random and are different every year. Last year, the events were a scavenger hunt, capture the flag, and then a foam sword fighting match.”
“Che. ‘Sports’, my fucking ass.”
“I’m surprised that you don’t know about it. I thought everyone knew… Even if you don’t watch it, it’s hard to avoid because of how popular it is.”
A bead of sweat rolled down my cheek as he regarded me curiously.
“Young Jen!” Toshi stuck his head around the corner, holding up a lunchbox wrapped in a light blue cloth with white bunny heads.
I deadpanned. “Ain’t you too old to be carrying somethin’ like that?”
He waved his free hand, smile not faltering. “Come eat lunch with me~”
“Geez, you’re a glorified kid. Thanks for -” I stopped short when I saw the hostile look on Todoroki’s face as he stared at the ground. Without a word, he turned and continued down the hall. Is he fucking bi-polar or what?
“Young Jen?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m comin’,” With a sigh, I followed the large man down the hallway toward one of the teacher’s lounges.
“Head on to the lounge. I’m going to go get young Midoriya and I’ll be right there!” He patted my shoulder before taking off down the hall. I entered the lounge, plopping down onto the green sofa. Three cups sat on the table next to the boiling pot. Toshi returned a few minutes later with Izuku, who chose to sit on the stool across from us.
Toshi popped out of his muscle form and sat beside me, pouring hot water into the teapot. “I thought I’d let you both know that my time has been shortened to fifty minutes.”
“Only fifty minutes?” Izuku echoed in disbelief.
“Yeah, that’s about how long I can use my power now. I overdid it too many times. That Nomu was a real tough customer. He took a lot out of me. At this point, I can barely even look like All Might for an hour and a half.”
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve just…”
Toshi started laughing loudly, blood spurting from his mouth. He is so fucking lucky he turned his head away from me. “You don’t need to apologize for anything! Man, we are alike, you and me.” He poured the tea into the three cups, setting one in front of Izuku and one in front of me. “Have some tea,”
“I brought the two of you here to talk about the festival. The problem is that you,” he pointed to Izuku. “Can’t fully control One for All yet. And you,” he moved his finger to me. “Can’t fully control Infernal Blaze, either. So then, what do you two plan to do?”
What do I plan to do? When have I ever planned anything ahead before I did it.
Izuku was thoughtful for a moment. “Wait, I did once! When I landed a smash on that brain villain, there was no backlash at all!”
Wasn’t that just because of his absorption, though?
“Oh, that’s right, you did mention that. What was different about that smash?”
“Let’s see… we were facing real villains and I didn’t have much time to think, but maybe that’s part of it since I knew that this wasn’t just more training…” he clenched his fists. “This was the very first time… ever that I used my power against a person.”
“Hmm,” Toshi gripped his chin in thought. “Sounds like you succeeded at sub-consciously putting on the brakes so you wouldn’t kill anyone… Hey, that’s some kind of progress, at least. Tea’s getting cold.”
“Oh right, thank you.” Izuku picked up his cup but didn’t drink from it. Bitch, why pick it up?
Toshi glanced at me and I met his gaze with a blank expression. “I hate hot tea, bro.”
“Huh?!” He jumped up, blood spurting from his mouth. I jumped off the couch, lip curling up in disgust just as blood splattered where I had been sitting. “But… all those times I made you tea… you never said anything about hating it!”
“I was trying to be polite.” I scoffed, plopping onto the floor beside Izuku’s stool.
“Wait, is that why my plant died?!”
“No, I drank the tea after it cooled off.”
“The plant died because your curry was too fucking spicy.”
“Young Jen!”
“What? I don’t like spicy shit.”
“You should’ve told me,” he sighed, slapping his hand to his forehead as he walked over to the window. He was quiet for a moment before speaking up again. “To be frank, I don’t have much time left as the symbol of peace. Soon, I’ll have to put that title to bed.”
“No way…”
“And some villains out there are starting to notice that. Someone has to step up and keep the people safe.” Izuku stood up at these words. Toshi turned around, holding his hand out. “I gave you my power for one reason – because you will be the hero that takes my place! Do you still feel the same way you did when we met? Do you still want to be a hero?”
“Excellent! Time has come for you to prove it. This sports festival… it’s something that the pros, no… the entire country will be watching very closely! I want you to think of this sports festival as your debut! You are the fletching symbol of peace! The next All Might! Izuku Midoriya… I want you to introduce yourself to the world and proudly say, ‘I am here!'”
“But, All Might, that’s your catchphrase… besides, what can I do?”
“You know how the sports festival is set up, right?” He headed back to the couch, plopping down beside the blood.
“Well yeah, of course. Students are separated by class year and then the support, business, general studies, and hero courses all fight against each other in a bunch of preliminary trials. Whoever makes it through the initial games face off in the finals. It’s basically a big round-robin tournament.”
Hmm, so it’s basically every man for himself? Great, more effort.
“Right! Meaning you’ll have plenty of opportunities to sell yourself!”
“I guess…”
His lackluster response made Toshi fall back hard against the couch, tipping it over.
“I’m sorry! I mean, what you’re saying is absolutely correct, All Might!”
I stepped around the couch, raising a brow at him. “You dead, bro?”
Izuku started to mutter to himself and we exchanged a look. “But, honestly, it’s kind of hard to get excited about this after everything that just happened at the USJ. Plus I’ve already got the world’s greatest hero teaching me so the festival probably isn’t my only hope of getting scouted by an agency. And besides, I don’t know if I can stand out right now considering I did so horribly on the fitness tests and can’t control One for All very well.”
“Man, nobody is better at spouting word vomit than you, kid!” Toshi spoke up.
I scratched my cheek. “Maybe he’ll get lucky and one of the events will be talking circles around your opponent.”
“I doubt it,”
“Uh, hey, are you okay?” Izuku peered over the fallen couch.
“Some heroes always aim for the top while others happily settle. The difference between those two mindsets has a big impact on how far you go in the real world. I understand how you feel, and I may even be projecting a bit of myself onto you -”
There’s no ‘may’ to it, you definitely are, chief.
“However, I hope you haven’t forgotten the emotions you felt back on the beach during our training.”
“I haven’t!”
The bell rang to signal the end of lunch.
“Fuck, I didn’t get food!” I cried, kicking the wall.
“We should get back to class…” Izuku stood up, glancing at me.
“Go without me,” I muttered.
“A-Are you sure?”
I narrowed my eyes at him and he nodded, rushing out of the room. Toshi held his arm up and I sighed, moving to stand between the couch and the coffee table. I grabbed his hand, putting my foot on the bottom of the couch. In one swift movement, I got the couch upright with Toshi sitting atop it.
“Thank you,”
I grunted.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Look, I ain’t sayin’ you’re wrong or anything, but maybe ease up on the kid a bit? I know he’s your successor and has this all-powerful quirk, but… he’s still just a fifteen-year-old boy, ya know? You just put a shit ton of pressure on that kid, and he’s already a nervous wreck, to begin with.” I shrugged, heading for the door. “Just some food for thought,”
Instead of heading to class, I made a beeline for the deserted cafeteria.
Lunch-Rush held up a hand in greeting when he noticed me approaching. “Shouldn’t you be in class, Winchester-san?”
“Should be, but Toshi needed to speak with me so I missed lunch. I didn’t eat this morning either, so I’m fucking starving. I could eat a feckin’ cow right now.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “Have a seat,” I did as he asked, choosing the table closest to the front. He appeared a few minutes later, holding a tray high enough that I couldn’t see what was on it. “You really should stop skipping breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day and provides you with essential nutrients a student needs in order to fully take in the lessons that they are taught.”
“Even when I do eat, it’s usually just sugary cereal or leftovers from the night before. Not exactly a nutritious meal.” I commented, leaning back in the chair.
“Honestly, child…” he shook his head.
“I know, I know.” I grinned. “I’m just too awesome for words, Lunc – ow!”
He smacked the back of my head lightly, setting the tray down in front of me. “Hurry up and eat so you can get back to class and learn.”
“Lunch-Rush…” My eyes sparkled, filling with tears. “You made me tacos! I fucking love you, man!”
He chuckled as he headed back into the kitchen to finish cleaning up.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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dawnofdaybreak · 4 years
Title: Another Cliche’ Love Story
Pairing: Jongho
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In which Minho and Jonghyun are best friends but things get complicated.
[aff link] [ao3 link]
[part one] [part two]
Part Three (Finished)
Minho isn’t quite sure how to describe the feeling he experiences when he wakes with Jonghyun’s naked body pressing back comfortably against his. The feeling is reminiscent of the feeling he gets when he scores the winning goal for a soccer game or aces a test he didn’t study for. It’s so much more self-satisfying than that though, the content emotions running through him right now are so intense, Minho’s sure he’s never experienced this before.
 He watches Jonghyun’s flawless face as he sleeps, the way his chest moves up and down with tiny breaths. Minho brushes away a few silver strands of hair that were covering the other’s forehead. Jonghyun is so beautiful and Minho’s so unbelievably happy to be able to call Jonghyun his.
 The elder male begins to stir a little, causing Minho to pull his hand back, but he doesn’t move away from Jonghyun’s warmth.
 “Were you watching me sleep?” Jonghyun asks groggily.
 Minho tries to suppress his smile. “No.”
 “Okay, you caught me.”
 Jonghyun inches closer and presses a light kiss to Minho’s chest which is heaving a bit with laughter. “Minho-yah.” Jonghyun uses his index finger to trace small circles around Minho’s left nipple which is very distracting in the brunet’s opinion. “I’m hungry.”
 Minho bursts out laughing at what Jonghyun is suggesting he do for him. “Fine hyung, I’ll make us something to eat.”
 Jonghyun smiles in triumph as Minho gets out of bed, dressing himself in a pair of discarded boxers on the floor, completely unsure if they’re his or Jonghyun’s – not like it matters anyway.  
    It doesn’t take long for Minho to maneuver himself around Jonghyun’s kitchen and prepare sandwiches for them both. When he returns to the elder’s room with said sandwiches and a glass of orange juice, Jonghyun is nowhere to be found. Minho frowns until his ears pick up on the sound of water running. He smirks as he sets the food and beverage onto Jonghyun’s small bedside table.
   The pair find themselves quenching their passion yet again, as lukewarm water cascades all around them. Jonghyun’s legs are wrapped tightly around Minho’s waist as the latter’s skin burns from the feel of the elder’s lips moving across his body.  
 “Oh God Minho.”
 Their pace is slow, languid almost, but satisfying all the same.  Minho moans out his hyung’s name as he feels that familiar twisting in his gut. He grunts as he climaxes into Jonghyun’s heat, ungracefully locking lips with the shorter male.  Jonghyun comes right after, hand curled around his own member as the water begins to run cold.
    After the intensity and shock of their first night spent together passes over, words that Minho dreaded hearing left Jonghyun’s lips.
 “We need to talk about this Minho.”
 Minho sighs, burying his face into Jonghyun’s shoulder. “Babe please, let’s not do this now.” He hopes that this conversation will be dropped, not really wanting to think about Taemin and the consequences of his and Jonghyun’s actions last night.
 The sudden sound of Minho’s ringtone cuts Jonghyun off much to Minho’s silent relief.
 “MINHO!”  It’s Kibum and Minho cringes at the volume of the other’s voice. “You were supposed to be to the airport to pick me up 20 minutes ago. Where the hell are you!?” Minho drags his hand over his face in pure exasperation. Kibum’s return to Korea was remembered up until last night. Now, all he can think about is the little whine Jonghyun makes when he pushes into his-
 “Well?! Minho, where the hell are you please tell me you’re on your way.”
 “Give me 20 more minutes please, I’ll be there.” Minho ends the call before Kibum can reply.
 “Taemin huh?”
 Minho winces at the sadness lacing Jonghyun’s tone. “No. It was Kibum. I have to go.” Minho tries to press a kiss to Jonghyun’s lips but the elder shifts his head. Minho sighs, settling for Jonghyun’s cheek instead.
 “I’ll come by later, we can talk then okay?”
 Jonghyun doesn’t respond.
        “I’m sorry Key, I went out last night and got a little drunk and woke up super late this morning.” Minho apologizes the minute he’s in speaking distance of Kibum. The other simply glares at Minho, shoving his suitcase into Minho’s hands and storms off – much like a spoiled child – to Minho’s car.
 Minho sighs, knowing that Kibum’s not usually subject to having to wait on people.
    “Seriously Kibum, I’m really sorry.” Minho apologizes for the 6th time once they’re making their way through the heart of Seoul. “Are you seriously not going to talk to me or even acknowledge my apology? Come on Bummie please…I can’t say I’m sorry enough.”
 Kibum groans at the nickname. “Fine, Minho, I know you’re just gonna keep nagging me until I forgive you so fine! You’re forgiven.”
 Minho gives a small smile of triumph, reaching with his right hand to pat Kibum’s cheek. Key swats Minho’s hand away, still looking somewhat annoyed.
 “I’m just peeved because I had some things I had to get done today before Tae’s big dance recital tonight. Now I’m falling behind on my schedule.”
 Minho’s mouth immediately relaxes. He pales. Oh shit! He totally forgot about that. His eyes lose their focus as he chastises himself. How could he forget?! Taemin’s been talking about this for months for Christ’s sake! Thousands of scouts from professional agencies would be looking for future dancers and choreographers tonight. This would be an important moment in Taemin’s future career as a dancer and it completely slipped Minho’s mind.
 “You didn’t forget did you?” Kibum looks at him with narrowed eyes.
 Minho forces himself to chuckle, looking at Kibum as if he’d just asked him something stupid. “No, of course not.”
        The performing arts center of Taemin’s school is filled to the brim as Minho and Kibum settle into their seats. Kibum complains about how far they are from the stage, frowning when Minho doesn’t agree with him. The younger man is too absorbed with his cell phone to pay attention to his surroundings – checking for mixed calls or messages from Jonghyun. He’d texted the older man earlier to let him know he wasn’t sure he’d be able to come over tonight, but there’s still no response. Minho turns his phone on silent and sinks into his seat as the lights begin to dim.
 There are about nine performances before Taemin along with his best friend Jongin, take the stage as the final act. They would be dancing to a mashup of songs, a piece Taemin choreographed himself. Minho’s seen this performance hundreds of times during Taemin’s practice sessions. However he feels a sense of pride watching his boyfriend perform the piece he’s been working on for months in front of hundreds of people.
 “Wow, they’re really doing amazing. They haven’t missed a beat.”
 Minho nods in silent agreement, watching with proud eyes as the music transitions from dubstep to a lighter less gritty sound. Minho knows the end is nearing. Instead of ending abruptly like most of the other performers tonight, Taemin and Jongin were ending their performance on a graceful note.
 Minho smiles as he watches the two men spin on the tips of their toes and then collapse onto the stage as the chillstep song comes to an end.  He knows that move was difficult for Taemin, especially since he doesn’t have the extensive history in ballet that Jongin has.
 The crowd erupts into a standing ovation, cheers and hollers echoing all around the room. Minho and Kibum stand as well, with Kibum doing enough yelling to rival everyone else in the building.
    “He’s gotta get recruited by at least 10 companies after that performance,” Kibum comments as he and Minho wait for Taemin to emerge from the dressing rooms.
 “I’m sure he will be.” Minho takes his phone out of his pocket to check the time, and then grows worried as he sees one missed call and 7 text messages from Jonghyun.
Texts from Jonghyunnie♥♥♥, 2 hours ago:
 are you still coming over so we can talk?
 minho? it’s getting late and I still haven’t heard from u
 …are u ignoring me?
 im sorry, we don’t have to talk about taemin if u don’t want to
 please don’t be mad at me
 im sorry
 “Are you okay?” Kibum asks as he takes in Minho’s expression.
 “I’m fine,” Minho says a little too quickly to be true. He sighs and pockets his phone. “Really, I’m fine,” he rolls his eyes at Kibum’s disbelieving look.
Taemin joins them a minute later. He’s freshly showered and all smiles as Kibum reigns down the praises.
 “Oh my God Tae that was fantastic! I’ve known you for almost eight years and I didn’t even know you could move like that!”
 Minho gives a tight lipped smile when Taemin turns to him. “You knocked them dead babe,” he says as he places a kiss on Taemin’s cheek.
 Taemin giggles in response while Minho wraps an arm around his waist.
 “Thanks guys. We’re having a small get together at Jongin’s house. You guys are coming right.”
 “Um I-“
 “Of course we are,” Kibum cuts Minho off.
 “Excuse me.”
 The three men look to the older man who addresses them.
“Are you Mr. Lee Taemin?” The man looks at Taemin.
 Taemin nods and slips out of Minho’s grasp.
 “That performance you and your colleague gave tonight was amazing. If you don’t mind, can I speak to you in private?”
    “So, you wanna head straight to the party or you wanna go home and change first?”
 Minho glances sideways at Kibum. “I think you should head to the party with Tae. I’ve got something to do first.”
 Kibum narrows his eyes. “Does this have something to do with the text messages you were reading earlier.”
Minho sighs. “No. Something just came up that I need to take care of first.”
 Taemin comes practically skipping to the pair, with a huge smile plastered on his face.
 “Good news I presume…” Kibum murmurs.
 “You guys, that man is the head of recruitment for a choreographing company and he wants me and Jongin to come and work with them!”
 “Oh my God that’s amazing Tae,” Kibum squeezes the younger man tight. “Did you already accept?”
 “No, he said to just think about it for now. Jongin and I are gonna go to his company later on this week and talk about all the details.”
 Minho ruffles Taemin’s hair. “I’m so proud of you.”
 Taemin blushes hotly. “Jongin’s bringing his car around front so we can get going.”
 Minho frowns. “About that…there’s something I have to go and do first.”
 Guilt wells up in Minho as he sees Taemin’s smile replaced with sheer disappointment.
 “I’ll be there don’t worry, I just gotta go take care of this thing. Kibum will ride with you guys.” Minho gives Taemin a kiss on the cheek for good measure, and nods to Kibum who gives him a scathing look.
 He’s barely out of earshot when Kibum mumbles, “How dodgy.”
         “Hyung, open up, it’s freezing out here.”  Minho knocks on Jonghyun’s door for the fourth time. It’s just past ten, he didn’t expect Jonghyun to go to bed so early. He grabs his phone and opens up his chat log with Jonghyun just as the older man opens the door.
 Jonghyun is dressed in only boxers with his hair dripping wet, which Minho assumes is from a recent shower.
 “Minho?” Jonghyun pulls the younger man inside and wraps his arms tightly around him. “I thought you weren’t coming I-I thought you were mad at me. I’m sorry.”
 Minho chuckles at how panicked Jonghyun sounds. He pulls away to kiss the shorter man. “It’s okay baby, I wasn’t mad.”
 “Where were you tonight?”
 “T-Tae had a dance recital…”
 “Oh.” Jonghyun gives Minho that same disappointed look Taemin gave him earlier. But then Jonghyun kisses him with such passion that Minho forgets all about Taemin. His head feels light, like he might just float away. “Let’s not talk about him. Not now at least.”
 Minho smiles as Jonghyun leads him to the couch in his living room and begins an assault on his neck.
“I missed you.”
 “I m-missed you too baby, but I ahh…can’t stay.”
 Jonghyun pouts as he untucks Minho’s dress shirt from his pants and begins unbuttoning it.
 Minho groans as Jonghyun’s lips latch onto his chest. He feels Jonghyun’s finger toying with the button on his slacks and all his resolve disappears. He’s unable to tell Jonghyun to stop now.
 “I’ve wanted to do this from last night,” Jonghyun breathes as he pulls Minho’s cock out into the warm air of his heated apartment.
 Minho lets out the most unmanly whimper as Jonghyun takes him into his mouth, teasing at first, but growing more and more firm and enthusiastic as time draws on.
 “Fuck hyung,” Minho moans as Jonghyun pumps him with his hand before taking him into his mouth again. He’s got his head tilted back, teeth digging into his lower lip as his fingers dig into the cushions.
 Jonghyun lets him out of his mouth again with an obscene pop. “You can grab onto my hair, I know you want to.”
 Minho bites his lip and grabs onto Jonghyun’s silver locks. He tugs lightly, helping guide the movements of Jonghyun’s head up and down his cock. “B-Baby, you’re s-so good,” Minho moans as Jonghyun’s tongue works wonders up and down his shaft.
 Minho’s words spur Jonghyun to suck Minho harder until the younger man becomes a whimpering mess beneath him.
 “B-Babe I-I’m gonna – f-fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Minho moans out before coming suddenly.
 He half expected Jonghyun to gag and spit it out – but when Minho sees the bobbing of Jonghyun’s adam’s apple, he looks at him with blown pupils.
 Jonghyun pulls off of Minho’s cock with a smile. “Was it good?”
 All Minho can do is nod, unable to form words just yet.
 “Good.” Jonghyun pecks Minho’s lips and pulls his underwear and pants back up for him. He sits down next to Minho and laces their fingers together. “I guess I understand if you have to leave…but can you stay with me for a bit, at least until I fall asleep?”
 Minho can’t possibly say no – not to Jonghyun.
    Minho ends up staying longer than a bit and much longer than after Jonghyun falls asleep. How could he leave with Jonghyun snuggled onto his chest and looking so damn peaceful in his embrace? Minho sighs when he hears his phone vibrate on the nightstand for what he thinks is the 10th time that night – the light from it casting a dim glow in the room. He reaches over and turns it off, before he pecks Jonghyun’s forehead and closes his eyes. He’ll just deal with everything tomorrow.
        “Where were you last night?” Taemin asks as soon as Minho lets him into his apartment. “Key hyung and I called and texted you a bunch of times and you didn’t answer anything. We were worried Minho!”
 Minho sighs. “Something came up Tae…”
 “What do you mean something came up?! Something so important that you missed the after party of one of the most important nights in my life? It couldn’t wait?”
 Minho runs a hand through his hair. “I’m not about to fight with you Taemin. Something important came up that I had to deal with. I’m sorry that it took so long and I missed the party and I’m sorry I didn’t call and let you know I was okay. M-My phone was on low battery and then it died,” Minho lies.
 Taemin sighs. “I j-just really wanted you to be there Minho. I wanted to celebrate my achievements with you. And I hardly even talked to you last night. I saw you for two seconds and then you were gone.”
 Minho feels guilt rise up in him. “I’m sorry baby. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
 “O-Okay.” Taemin leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to Minho’s lips. Minho forces himself to kiss Taemin back – mind registering how wrong this is, considering that he just kissed Jonghyun goodbye this morning. When Taemin tries to deepen the kiss, Minho pulls away.
 “What’s wrong?” Taemin looks at him confused.
 “Nothing baby,” Minho forces a smile. “I’m just tired.”
 Minho pretends he doesn’t hear the feeling of rejection in Taemin’s voice.
        On Thursday after his last final, Minho and a few of his soccer teammates decide to have a little scrimmage before they part ways for the break. Minho invites Jonghyun to come and watch, eager to show him how much he’s improved since the last time Jonghyun watched him play soccer.
 Jonghyun gives Minho a big wave when he arrives and Minho gives him an even bigger one back. He smiles at how cute Jonghyun looks in his oversized jacket, along with a beanie on his head.
 “Who’s that?” Jihan – one of Minho’s teammates – asks.
 “He’s a close friend of mine,” Minho says as he stares at Jonghyun with a smile.
 “He’s cute.”
 The smile disappears off of Minho’s face as he looks at Jihan. “He’s taken,” Minho says with more force than he’d intended.
 “Woah man, just saying he’s cute. Never said I wanted to date the guy.” Jihan pats him on the back. “You shouldn’t care anyway, aren’t you in a relationship with Taemin?”
 Minho groans and grits his teeth. “Let’s just start the game.”
    Minho’s team ends up beating the others 3-1 by the time it starts getting dark. He runs over to where Jonghyun’s sitting on the bleachers, clapping for him. “So Jonghyun hyung, what did you think?”
 Jonghyun smiles at him. “You were really good. You’re like a pro now,” Jonghyun says honestly. “But I must say it was hard to focus watching you run up and down the field in those shorts of yours. It was pretty sexy.”
 Minho blushes. “Oh really?”
 Minho grins. “Let’s go back to your place.”  
    Minho takes a quick shower at Jonghyun’s apartment and borrows some of his clothes – they’re a little tight on him but he doesn’t mind that much.
 “Hey Min…which one do you like more?” Jonghyun holds up two shirts, a red plaid one, and a cream coloured one.
 Minho looks at both shirts and eyes Jonghyun. “The red one. Red is your colour hyung.”
 Jonghyun smiles softly. “Okay, red it is,” he says before taking the shirts back to his room.
 When he comes back and plops down next to Minho, Minho looks at him strangely. “Why are you asking for my opinion on clothes? You got a date?”
 Jonghyun giggles. “Maybe.”
 Minho frowns. “Don’t say things like that hyung, you’ll make me jealous.”
 The grin falls off of Jonghyun’s face. He scoots away from Minho. “It was a joke Minho, and you’re not exactly in the position to be possessive don’t you think?”
        Minho finds out on Saturday why Jonghyun had asked for his opinion on his clothes. It’s his 21st birthday and Kibum had somehow managed to plan an entire party without Minho knowing anything of it. It’s not a huge party but there are a nice number of Minho’s friends and family in attendance. The music is lively and whichever catering company Kibum hired did an amazing job. Jonghyun arrives about an hour into the party, dressed in the same plaid shirt he’d shown Minho the other night and a pair of ripped black jeans. Minho’s eyes don’t leave Jonghyun’s body the minute he spots him, even though Taemin’s body is pressed tightly against his as they dance in the middle of the living room of Kibum’s apartment.
 He watches as Jonghyun converses with Kibum and then Jinki before sitting idly in a corner and watching everything going on around him. Their eyes lock suddenly and Minho freezes. He starts gently prying Taemin’s body away from his.
 “I’m staying over at your place tonight…” Taemin whispers suggestively in Minho’s ear.
 “Y-Yeah sure,” Minho says absentmindedly before completely letting go of Taemin. “I’m gonna go say hi to Jonghyun hyung okay.” He leaves before Taemin can respond and goes over to where Jonghyun’s sitting.
 Jonghyun looks up at him with a small smile. “Happy Birthday Min.”
 Minho smiles. “Thanks hyung.” He leans down to whisper in Jonghyun’s ear, “Come with me next door, to my apartment,” he says before leaving.
    “This is the first time I’ve been in your place since I got back,” Jonghyun says as Minho closes the door behind them.
 “Yeah…Do you like it?”
 “It’s cozy,” Jonghyun says.
 Minho smiles softly and sits next to Jonghyun on the couch. He brushes a few stray strands of hair away from Jonghyun’s forehead before leaning in for a kiss.
 Jonghyun gently pushes Minho back by his chest. “Are you really going to try and kiss me, after you’ve been dancing with your boyfriend all night?” Jonghyun asks with a sense of bitterness lacing his words.
 Minho sighs. “Jjong…you know…i-it…it’s complicated.”
 Jonghyun shakes his head. “It’s not right Minho. Y-You can’t date me and him. You need to break up with him…”
 Minho looks at Jonghyun with sullen eyes.
 “O-Or stop seeing me.”
 Minho’s eyes widen. “No. I’m not going to stop seeing you Jonghyun. I just got you. I-I’ve been in love with you for years…”
 “Then you know what you need to do.”
 Minho looks away from Jonghyun and bites his lower lip. “I feel like shit because of this hyung,” he whispers, to himself almost.  
 Jonghyun’s eyes soften. “I’m sorry Minho. It’s your birthday, you should be celebrating instead of talking about this.” Jonghyun reaches out to gently comb his fingers through Minho’s hair. “I got you something.”
 Minho looks back at Jonghyun. “You did?”
 He gives him a small smile and a nod. Jonghyun passes Minho a small gift bag he’d brought with him.
 Minho takes it and can’t help the small smile that grows on his face, knowing that Jonghyun had bought him something. He opens the bag and pulls out a picture frame, encasing a drawing of his much younger self. “W-What’s this?”
 “It’s a drawing I did of you back when we were teens. I think it was then I started realizing I had feelings for you,” Jonghyun says quietly. “I kept it with me all this time but I think you should have it.”
 Minho rubs his thumb over the drawing, in awe at the amount of detail put into it. “I-It’s beautiful hyung. Thank you.”
 “I have another gift for you too…”
 Minho turns to face him and before he can ask what it is, Jonghyun’s pink plump lips are pressed softly against his. Minho closes his eyes and melts into the kiss. He rests the drawing down at his side and cups Jonghyun’s face.
 Jonghyun pulls back briefly to whisper “I love you,” against Minho’s lips before kissing him deeply.
 Minho kisses Jonghyun back just as deeply. He presses Jonghyun’s body close to his before sliding a wet tongue into Jonghyun’s warm mouth. Minho receives a low moan in response to his actions and it just spurs him on. He starts kissing Jonghyun more forcefully, trying to pour all his passion and desire for him into the kiss.
 A sudden knock on the door forces them to separate.
 Minho pulls back from Jonghyun’s lips and looks at his apartment door with a sigh. He reluctantly gets up to answer it.
 “So this is where you snuck off to,” Kibum says when Minho cracks the doorway. “Are you seriously trying to ditch your own party?”
 Minho chuckles. “I just needed a breather Bummie. I’ll be back over in a few minutes.”
 “No no no breathing time is over, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. It’s time to cut your cake.”
 Minho inwardly groans. “I’m coming over right now Kibum I promise. It can wait five more minutes.”
 “Minho. Get your ass back over to YOUR birthday party right now. And have you seen Jonghyun? Taemin said that you were gonna go and say ‘Hi’ to him before you disappeared to here.”
 “U-Uh,” Minho starts.
 Jonghyun stands and moves towards the door. “I-I’m here. I w-wanted Minho to show me his apartment,” he says, voice still sounding a bit shaky after the kiss. “I haven’t gotten any chances to visit yet.”
 Kibum’s eyes flicker from Minho to Jonghyun closely, before he smiles. “Well it’s nothing special, you can come back and check it out later” he says before pulling them both back along to his apartment. “Now come, cake time.”
    Minho doesn’t get the chance to take Jonghyun back to his apartment later, nor does he get the chance to sneak in a kiss or even a friendly dance. Once he’d gone back to the party and cut and shared out his birthday cake, Taemin latched onto him like a parasite. Minho couldn’t even go to the bathroom without the younger man waiting on him by the door. In the end when the party dwindled down, Minho settled for a quick hug with Jonghyun – but made sure to whisper in his ear that he’d see him in the upcoming week and they could continue their kiss. Jonghyun left with a slight blush on his face and after seeing that Minho made peace with the fact that he didn’t get to kiss him goodbye.
 “Minho, let’s go back to your place. Key hyung said not to worry about the mess,” Taemin says while clutching onto Minho’s arm.
 “You’re sleeping over tonight?”
 Taemin tilts his head and looks up at Minho. “I told you this…earlier.”
 “O-Oh,” Minho says. “Y-Yeah, you did. Sorry. Let’s go.”
    Minho feels awkward when he and Taemin get undressed together. Taemin takes his time, trying to be sexy. Birthday sex is obviously on his mind.
 Minho wants to tell him to stop, to put his clothes back on but he can’t bring himself to, not when Taemin looks so determined.
 It’s when Taemin gently pushes Minho onto the bed and starts straddling him that Minho realizes he can’t do this. He presses a hand to Taemin’s bare chest. “Stop…”
 Taemin looks at him confused. “What do you mean ‘stop’?”
 Minho looks away from him and sighs. “I mean stop. I don’t want to have sex. I don’t feel too up for it baby…”
 “You’ve never refused sex before?”
 Minho bites his lip. “I don’t feel well,” he lies.
 Taemin tilts his head. “I don’t understand.” He looks down at Minho’s crotch and then looks back up at him with watery eyes. “O-Oh…you’re not even hard…?”
 “It’s not you Tae,” Minho says. “It’s just I don’t feel well, I drank too much. You know alcohol makes me sleepy,” Minho lies again, knowing that he only had two cups tonight.
 “Yeah…okay, sorry,” Taemin says as he gets off of Minho’s lap. He gets under the covers and lays down with his back facing Minho.
 Minho sighs as he looks at Taemin’s back, feeling guilty.
 He turns away from him, mind overflowing with various thought before he falls asleep.
    The next morning is awkward as they eat breakfast together. Taemin does not make much eye contact with Minho.
 “…So…” Minho clears his throat. “D-Do you wanna do anything today…baby?” Minho asks.
 Taemin looks up at him and then shakes his head. “I can’t. I needa meet with Jongin to discuss some stuff about our choreography deal.”
 “Oh okay,” Minho says quietly. He sips at his orange juice.
 “I’m gonna get going,” Taemin says when he finishes eating. He puts his plate in the sink and grabs his things.
 “Okay,” Minho says. “I’ll see you later?” Minho looks up at Taemin, expecting the man to give him a kiss before he departs.
“Yeah, later,” Taemin says before leaving.
        “Oh fuck,” Jonghyun gasps as Minho strokes deep inside of him.
 Minho’s got him bent over his work desk as they’d been too impatient to move to Jonghyun’s bedroom when Minho came over.
 “A-Ah hyung…s-so tight,” Minho pants against Jonghyun’s neck. “I-I’m so close,” he groans.
 “M-Me too,” Jonghyun whimpers as he pumps his dick in tune with Minho’s thrusts.
 Minho cries out when he finally climaxes inside of Jonghyun, with the man following with his own cries not too long after.
    “Oh shit,” Jonghyun says as he gets a good look at Minho’s neck in the shower. “I marked you.”
 Minho touches the mark on his neck and then shrugs.
 Jonghyun bites his lip nervously. “I’m sorry, it’s really visible Min. I c-can cover it for you with makeup.”
 “Baby it’s fine, no need to cover it.”
 “But what about Ta-“
 “Shh, we’re not talking about him remember?” Minho gives Jonghyun a kiss on the cheek. “Now come on, let’s rinse off.”
    Minho’s never been particularly religious, finding thoughts of a higher deity rather silly. But that doesn’t stop him from celebrating Christmas with his family. The holiday itself has loss much of its true intent, rather becoming capitalism’s grand finale every year. Despite being very aware of this fact, Minho finds himself in front of his childhood home with gifts for his parents and brother tucked under his arm.
 He knocks on the front door while Taemin stands beside him.
 “Hello boys,” Minho’s mother answers the door with a smile. She pulls Minho in for a hug and smiles warmly at Taemin.
 “Taemin, it’s nice to see you again.” She’d met Taemin in Minho’s apartment early on in their relationship when she’d made an impromptu visit to surprise her son.
 “It’s nice to see you again too Mrs. Choi,” Taemin says politely.
 “Come on in boys, the Kims are already here.”
 Minho follows behind his mother visibly confused. “The Kims? They’re having Christmas dinner with us?”
 “Yes, it was a last-minute decision. Sodam just brought over their dishes.”
 Minho inwardly sighs. Jonghyun had mentioned spending Christmas with his mother and sister but Minho had no idea that their parents would decide to have dinner together. He was hoping to avoid being around both Jonghyun and Taemin again.
 “Taemin, you know Jonghyun don’t you? He’s Minho’s best friend,” Mrs. Choi says when they finally reach the dining room.  
 “We’ve met,” Taemin says. “Hey Jonghyun-hyung. Merry Christmas.”
 Jonghyun looks at Minho and Taemin standing near the doorway wearing their matching sweaters and then looks down at the table. “Merry Christmas,” he says quietly.
 Minho finds that he can look everywhere but Jonghyun’s eyes.
 “Are you boys ready to eat?” Mrs. Choi asks happily.
 They sit around the large dining table, Minho between his brother and Taemin. Jonghyun switched seats with his sister a few minutes after Minho and Taemin arrived. Minho would have to crane his neck if he wanted to catch a glimpse of him.
 Minho feels but isn’t sure if he looks visibly uncomfortable throughout the entire dinner. With his parents asking questions about his relationship with Taemin while simultaneously reminiscing over how he and Jonghyun were attached to the hip growing up, Minho doesn’t know which one is worse.  
 “So, how long have you two been dating?” Mrs. Kim asks Minho and Taemin halfway throughout the dinner.
 “O-Oh um around six months,” Minho says.
 Taemin gently kicks him under the table. “It’s been eight hyung.”
 Minho smiles sheepishly, slightly embarrassed. “Time flies. I forget sometimes.” The table takes pity on him as the elders laugh at his statement.
 “It’s too early to be forgetting dates little brother,” Minseok says. “Save that for when you’re married,” he says with a nudge to Minho’s elbow.
 Minho rolls his eyes, knowing his brother wanted to get a rise out of him.
 “What about you Jonghyun?” Minseok directs his question down the table.
 “What about me?” Jonghyun asks.
 “You’re the only single young adult at this table.” Sodam had brought her boyfriend along and Minseok’s girlfriend was also gracing the Chois with her presence. “Any girlfriend back in Japan?”
 Minho visibly stiffens.
 Jonghyun snorts. “No. I haven’t had any luck dating since I’ve been back yet either.”
 “Oh?” Minseok looks at Minho then back down at Jonghyun. “You’ve been looking?”
 “Yeah,” Jonghyun says.
 Minho’s face starts to feel hot. He knows he has no right to feel like this but Jonghyun’s words hurt.
 Minseok rests a hand on Minho’s knee and smiles knowingly. “The least you could do is play wingman for Jjongie.”
 Minho pushes his brother’s hand off and grits his teeth at him. “Stop it,” he whispers.
 “Who wants dessert?” Minho’s mom asks.
    Minho’s brother corners him outside the upstairs bathroom after everyone’s finished eating dinner.
 “So. I’ll give you a chance to come clean,” Minseok says.
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Minho says and pushes past him.
 Minseok grabs onto his arm. “I know something is going on between you and Jonghyun,” Minseok says loudly.
 “Shh!” Minho demands and pushes his brother into his old bedroom. “What the hell are you talking about hyung,” Minho says and closes the door behind them, a nervous feeling rising from the pit of his gut. “There’s nothing going on.”
 “Oh, come off it Minho,” Minseok says. “I’ve known since you were kids that you had a crush on him. Now you show up here with your boyfriend and you can’t even look Jonghyun in the eye.”
 Minho shakes his head. “That’s not true. You know nothing.”
Minseok folds his arms. “You’re sleeping with him, aren’t you?”
 Minho’s eyes widen. “W-What…N-No!”
 “Fuck, Minho!” Minseok says. “Does Taemin know? Wait of course he doesn’t know, he’s fucking oblivious to it all isn’t he?”
 Minho sighs heavily. “Y-You can’t say anything hyung. I’m going to tell him eventually.”
 “E-Eventually?” Minseok asks, eyes wide in disbelief. “Minho what the fuck? That’s not right. None of this is right. Y-You’re cheating.”
 “Lower your voice!” Minho shouts back at him. “I n-never meant for this to happen hyung,” he says in hushed tones. “J-Jonghyun came back home and all the feelings I thought were buried just rushed to the surface again. I don’t want to hurt him or Taemin. I promise I’m not a bad person,” Minho says as tears well in his eyes.
 His older brother sighs heavily and rests an arm on Minho’s shoulder. “D-Don’t cry. But just…you know this is wrong. And you know what you need to do to fix it.”
 Minseok pats Minho’s shoulder before exiting the bedroom.
    When Minho and Taemin are on their way back to Minho’s apartment, Taemin asks him a question.
“Is something going on between you and Jonghyun-hyung?”
 Minho’s hands grow rigid on the steering wheel. “W-What do you mean?” He asks nervously.
 “I heard your hyung ask you that.”
 “Oh? O-Oh…Um there’s nothing going on,” Minho rambles. “Hyung was just wondering why we weren’t talking much at dinner,” Minho lies.
 The car grows quiet. Minho slowly relaxes his grip on the steering wheel.
 “D-Did you hear anything else?” He asks softly.
 “Oh no. That’s all I heard,” Taemin quickly replies.
 “Jonghyun-hyung is straight right?” the younger man asks. “You said he was dating a girl when you guys were younger?”
 “…H-He’s,” Minho doesn’t really know. “I don’t t-think he has a preference. He’s mostly dated girls but he’s dated guys too…”
 Taemin hums and turns to look out of the window.
 “Why are you asking?”
 “Oh no reason. I was thinking of setting him up with one of my friends. Her name is Soojung and she’s really pretty.”
 “Oh,” Minho says. He’s seen pictures of Soojung before. She is indeed pretty. “Y-You think they’d b-be a good match?” Minho prays to that deity he barely believes in that Taemin doesn’t notice the quiver in his voice.
 Taemin shrugs. “I think they’d be a great match. They’d look really good together. But you do know him better, so I figured you’d have an idea.”
 Minho shakes his head, not liking the thought of that at all. “I don’t think she’s what hyung is looking for right now,” he says a bit firmer than necessary.
 Taemin stares at him for a few seconds and then looks back out the window. “Well, it was only a suggestion.”
    “What are you doing here?” Jonghyun asks as Minho stands on his doorstep two days later.
 Minho frowns at him. “Is something wrong? I tried to call you and you didn’t answer.”
 Jonghyun steps aside and lets him into the apartment. “Oh no, nothing’s wrong. Not thinking about the play by play I got of you and Taemin’s relationship the other day.” He shuts the door behind Minho louder than necessary.
 Minho sighs. “H-Hyung…you know…it’s-“
 “Complicated?” Jonghyun asks. “How long is it going to be complicated Minho?”
 Jonghyun rubs his hand over his face in exasperation. “Why are you here Minho?”
 Minho bites his lip. “I…I got you a present.”
 “O-Oh,” Jonghyun says quietly. “I d-didn’t get you anything…”
 Minho hands him the small box with a smile. “That’s okay. We’ve never really celebrated Christmas. Besides your birthday present was enough.”
 “What is it?” The blonde asks curiously.
 “Open it and see.”
 Jonghyun unties the pink bow on the box and discards the wrapping. He opens it to find a small silver ring – not small enough to fit on his ring finger, but rather appearing to be the width of his thumb.
 “Is this a thumb ring?” Jonghun inquires.
 Minho raises his hand to show a matching one. “Yeah.”
 Jonghyun’s mouth falls open in surprise. “M-Minho, I…I can’t wear this. Not if you’re wearing one too. It’s too obvious.”
 Minho shakes his head. “No, these are really popular right now. People won’t notice it hyung. Besides, don’t you like it?”
 “O-Of course I do.” Jonghyun slides the ring onto his thumb. “P-Perfect fit…”
 “I thought it would be,” Minho says.
 Jonghyun looks up at him with a wobbly smile. “T-Thank you Minho.” He gets on his tippy toes and presses a kiss to Minho’s lips.
 Minho kisses him back deeply. “I love you,” he whispers against Jonghyun’s lips.
 “I love you too,” Jonghyun replies after a slight pause.
 Minho pulls Jonghyun into a tight hug. “I-I’m sorry hyung. Sorry that I haven’t addressed everything yet. I p-promise I will, soon.”
 Minho feels Jonghyun sigh against his neck. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep Minho.”
 Minho pulls back, looking slightly offended. “I will keep this promise hyung. I l-lo-“
 Jonghyun shuts him up with a harsh kiss, teeth digging into Minho’s lip. Minho yelps in surprise but quickly recovers, kissing Jonghyun back just as passionately. He wraps his arms around Jonghyun’s tiny waist and lifts him up against the wall.  Minho begins kissing Jonghyun’s neck, working on the spots he knows the other likes. The shorter man cries out as Minho leaves light marks along his collarbone. Minho carries Jonghyun to his bedroom and deposits him onto the bed, pulling off the elder’s shirt as soon as his back touches the mattress.
 He pulls his own shirt over his head when a firm hand touches his chest.
 “Can we just cuddle tonight,” Jonghyun says quietly, unable to make eye contact.
 Minho pulls his shirt back on. “O-Of course baby. Of course. Do you want to be held?”
Jonghyun nods, pulling his own shirt back on and shifting onto his side.
 Minho spoons him from behind, watching as the man twists the ring around his thumb but says nothing.
       New Years Eve finds them at Jinki’s restaurant, sitting around a table filled with various dishes and lots of beer.
 Kibum’s a bit tipsy, his tolerance for beer being very low. Minho rolls his eyes as Kibum entertains the group with his forced acts of cuteness – committed all out of spite because he knows Minho hates it. Taemin records key with an amused smile on his face. He had plopped down, right next to Jonghyun when they’d arrived, forcing Minho to sit to the left of him.
 “This will be perfect blackmail material,” Taemin says with a wicked grin as he finishes recording.
 Those words seem to sober Kibum up. “You wouldn’t dare! I have a public image.”
 Taemin laughs at him. “Just be a good hyung and you’ll have nothing to worry about.”
   “Any goals for the new year?” Jinki asks at quarter to twelve.
 Kibum mumbles something about settling down, Taemin says he wants to work with foreign choreographers and Jonghyun plans to register more than ten songs.
 Minho remains silent as the conversation quickly shifts to something else. He has no idea what the new year has in store for him especially with such a dark secret looming above his head.
 “So Jonghyun-hyung,” Taemin says. “Are you still looking to date someone?”
 Minho snaps out of his self-reflection.
 “Oh um…kinda?” Jonghyun replies.
 “Kinda?” Kibum chimes in. “Have you gotten laid since you moved back home?”
 Jonghyun visibly squirms.
 “Bum!” Minho shouts. “Don’t you think that’s a little personal.”
 “What? We’re all friends here. We’re always talking about each other’s sex lives.”
 Minho frowns. Kibum’s the one that does most of the talking in those conversations.
 “Anyway,” Taemin practically shoves his phone in Jonghyun’s face. “This is my friend Soojung, she’s super nice and is into music too. I thought you two would be a good match.”
 “O-Oh really?” Jonghyun nervously glances at Minho.
 “Yeah. I could give her your number if you’d like. I think you’ll hit it off really well. She gives off a cold vibe at first but she’s really down to earth.”
 Jonghyun stammers, “O-Oh um…”
 Minho grits his teeth. “Tae…don’t you think you’re putting a bit of pressure on Jjong right now? He’s never even met her.”
 Taemin looks back at Minho. “Jonghyun can answer for himself. Besides most people text before meeting each other these days anyway.” Taemin turns back to Jonghyun. “What do you say?”
 Minho’s eyes burn at the back of Taemin’s head.
 “Um sure,” Jonghyun relents. “You can give her my number.”
 “Great. I think you’ll really hit it off, oh um,” Taemin looks down at Jonghyun’s hand. “Nice thumb ring.”
 Jonghyun touches it instinctively. “Oh yeah thanks.”
 “It looks just like the one Minho started wearing recently.”
 Kibum perks up. “Lemme see.” He grabs Jonghyun’s hand and examines the ring. He looks back to Minho’s to compare but Minho’s fingers are bare.
 “I’m not wearing my ring,” Minho says.
 “But I have a picture,” Taemin adds in. He hands his phone to Kibum.
 Kibum glances at the ring on Minho’s thumb in the photo and the one on Jonghyun’s actual thumb. “They look pretty identical to me.”
 “O-Oh,” Jonghyun chuckles nervously. “What a coincidence.”
 Taemin narrows his eyes. “Yeah…a coincidence. Where’d you get yours Jonghyun-hyung?”
 “Huh?” Jonghyun looks up at Minho as if he’s asking for help.
 “Where’d you buy the ring?” Taemin rewords his question.
 “Oh, I have no idea. My sister bought it for me. It was a gift,” he lies with a chuckle.
 “Hmm,” Taemin hums and looks back at his photo of Minho.
       Minho doesn’t share a new year’s kiss with Taemin or Jonghyun that night.
       Minho knows what he’s doing is selfish. Cheating is something he always frowned upon, hating when it was a plot point in a movie and shunning the topic whenever his friends brought it up. But now that he’s in this current predicament, he finds himself actually understanding why people do it.
 It’s not right.
 But is it wrong?
 He loves Jonghyun with his entire being. But at some point, in his and Taemin’s now eight-month long relationship, he was sure that he was love with him too. He doesn’t want to hurt the younger man’s feelings.
 He finds himself unable to do anything while Taemin and Jonghyun both begin pulling away from him. It’s as if there’s rope attached to both of his hands. But instead of being pulled in either direction he remains set in place while Jonghyun and Taemin pull farther and farther away.
       It all comes to a head in the new year.
 Kibum confronts him in his apartment early February – much like he’d done when Minho had forgotten his and Taemin’s six-month anniversary.  
 “I know what you’re doing Minho,” Kibum says, sounding very much like he knows something that Minho doesn’t.
 Minho looks visibly perturbed. “What are you talking about Kibum?”
 “I know you’ve been cheating on Taemin.”
 “W-What?” Minho says all too quickly. “That’s not true.”
“Oh? So you haven’t been sneaking around with Jonghyun behind Taemin’s back?”
 Minho opens his mouth and then closes it sharply. “…J-Jonghyun is my best friend Kibum. I can’t spend time with him now?”
 “Oh please,” Kibum says. “Taemin told me you haven’t touched him in weeks. He’s seen the marks you know.”
 “I don’t have any marks.”
 “Yeah cause now Jonghyun’s caught a clue and has stopped fooling around with you too.”
 Minho’s anger flares at the harsh truth behind that statement. “You need to leave,” Minho says, his tone matching the chill of the air outside.
 Kibum heads towards the door. “Just for the record, we’re not friends anymore. I’m not going to be friends with a cheater! You broke Taemin’s heart Minho and I’ll never forgive you for that!” He slams the door as he exits.
 Minho stares at the door for what feels like hours after Kibum leaves.
    Hours later he finds himself at Orgel, in desperate need to see Jonghyun. The older man had ignored his texts and calls and when Minho had pulled up to his apartment complex, Jonghyun’s car was nowhere to be seen. The club was the only place Minho figured he would be.
 But Jonghyun isn’t alone.
 Minho watches as the man walks off the stage after his set and heads to a small table in front where a pretty blond claps enthusiastically for him.
 Minho feels his heart crumble in his chest, the sight far too similar of an experience he’d repressed from his teenage years.
 Before he can stop himself, he’s already crossed over to the table with fire in his eyes.
 To say Jonghyun is startled to see him would be an understatement. The older man’s eyes practically bulge out of his sockets. “M-Minho, w-what are you doing here?”
 “W-Who is she?” Minho asks bluntly.
 Jonghyun looks at the girl apologetically, before grabbing Minho’s arm roughly and tugging him outside.
 “What are you doing here Minho?” He asks in hushed tones.
 A group of bystanders look at them suspiciously. Minho doesn’t care.
 “Who’s the girl hyung?! Why’s she looking at you like that?”
 Jonghyun looks away from him with guilt etched on his face.
 “H-Hyung. Who is she?”
 “She’s my date!” Jonghyun says. “And now she probably won’t go out with me again because you were so rude in there.”
 Minho’s so focused on the word date that it takes him a few extra seconds to process the remainder of what Jonghyun had said.
 “Hyung…w-what do you mean she’s your date?! G-Go out with you again? W-What about us?”
 Jonghyun sighs heavily. “M-Minho. There’s no us! There can’t be a us! I can’t just be your side piece, your mistress. And Taemin deserves better. You know that.”
 Minho feels his heart deflate in his chest. “S-So w-what? You’re giving up on me? Are you going to act like it’s all my fault! Like I was cheating on Taemin by myself?!” He says angrily.
 Jonghyun looks visibly hurt by his words. “I will not be complicit in that anymore. I-I’m done Minho. I don’t feel good about myself knowing I’m ruining someone else’s relationship.”
 “I-It’s not a relationship anymore. T-Taemin…h-he knows.”
 Jonghyun raises an eyebrow. “He knows?”
 “Y-Yeah. He knows…It’s not a thing anymore.”
 “So, you came clean to him? You told him everything?”
 Minho doesn’t answer.
 Jonghyun scoffs. “…I…I can’t do this anymore Minho. Even if you had ended things with Taemin, I would’ve still felt like shit about it. I c-can’t have that on my conscience more than it already is. I-I’m going back to Taeyeon. At the very least, I deserve someone that’ll be with just me.” He wipes away the tears gathered in the corners of his eyes before heading back into the club.
    Minho feels numb as his car drives him home. Cause surely, he isn’t driving, not when he feels like his heart’s been stepped on and his mind is playing a loop of Jonghyun’s retreating form. He makes the short trek from the parking lot to his apartment building and gets in the elevator. It takes severe willpower to not knock on Kibum’s door and go to him for comfort like he’s done so many times in the past. Instead he opens the door to his apartment and sees Taemin sitting on his couch.
 “Hey,” Taemin says.
 Minho wipes his hand over his face, trying to remove evidence of tear tracks and heartache.
 “W-What are you doing here Tae. How’d you get in?”
 Taemin shakes his head with a mirthless laugh. “You gave me a key, awhile ago.”
 Minho crosses over to the kitchen to pour himself a much-needed drink. “Oh…yeah right.” He takes a swig of the amber liquid, feeling uncomfortable as the silence grows thick between them.  
 “So-“ Taemin starts.
 “I-I’ve been cheating on you with Jonghyun,” Minho blurts in one breath.
 Taemin closes his mouth.
 He doesn’t know what he expects from Taemin. Shock? Sadness? Anger? Rather, Taemin looks as if he knows.
 “I know,” Taemin says after a few minutes. “I’ve known since Christmas.”
 Minho rests down his glass. “…Oh.”
 “I eavesdropped on you and your hyung’s conversation. So, yeah I knew.”
 “Why didn’t you say anything?”
 “I wanted to pretend like it wasn’t true. But then it became too apparent to ignore. The way you’d disappear for hours on end, refuse to have sex with me, the marks I didn’t give you, the matching thumb rings,” Taemin scoffs. “Your face would light up every time you saw Jonghyun. It was obvious from the beginning that something was going on between you two and I didn’t want to believe it.”
 Minho fidgets uncomfortably. “…Why tell me this now?”
 “Because Jonghyun told me everything. Said he felt like such a huge asshole for getting between you and me.”
 Minho swallows. No wonder Jonghyun knew he was lying when he said his relationship with Taemin was no more. “Are you upset with him? Please don’t be it’s not his fault.”
 Taemin laughs. “Fuck, I just admitted that I know you’ve been cheating on me and still your only concern is Jonghyun. Wow Minho. I didn’t have a chance, did I?”
 Minho frowns.
 “The moment Jonghyun moved back here. I-It was all over for us wasn’t it?”
 Minho can’t bring himself to answer that question. “I…I didn’t want to hurt you Taemin. I-“
 “Bullshit. Don’t you think getting cheated on would hurt me more than you just being fucking upfront with me from the beginning?” Taemin asks. “You’re a selfish asshole. You only cared about what you wanted. You didn’t give a shit about my feelings and you got Jonghyun in the middle of it too. And you did hurt me, no matter how much you claim you didn’t want to, you hurt me. You hurt me so fucking much.”
 “T-Tae I-I…”
 “And I don’t think anything you say can erase that hurt.”
 Minho swallows heavily, feeling like anything he says won’t have an effect. “I-I’m sorry,” he offers weakly.
 Taemin shakes his head before exiting the apartment with a duffel bag filled with presumably his things.
 Minho downs the rest of his alcohol and sinks to the floor.
       Minho finds himself sinking into something akin to depression. He still manages to go to his classes, to put on his usually happy act while around his teammates – but when he’s home alone in his apartment he feels himself growing empty, looking at old pictures of him and Jonghyun and deleting the ones of Taemin out of pure guilt. His attempts to contact Jonghyun are futile. The man doesn’t reply to his texts or answers his calls – arriving to the point where Minho’s convinced his number is blocked. Minho doesn’t know what he could possibly say if he ever approached him in person. Kibum avoids him as well, effectively ignoring him whenever they wind up in the elevator together and by foregoing their previous spots.
 He shows up to Jinki’s shop one day, attempting to find solace in one member of their squad not directly involved in the drama – but the man looks visibly pained talking to him.
 “Kibum told me what happened. He told me not to be friends with you anymore.”
 “So, you’re going to cut me off too?” Minho asks, sounding incredibly hurt.
 Jinki gives him a look of pity. “I’m sorry Minho. Kibum and Taemin are two of my closest friends and what you did really hurt them both. I c-can’t hang out with you.”
 Minho gets his food to go.
        “What did I tell you,” Minseok says over a glass of beer.
 Minho groans, not interested in being lectured by his older brother.
 “I said, you needed to come clean before shit hit the fan. But you didn’t listen and now look. Shit hit the fan.”
 Minho sighs heavily.
 “How long has it been?” his brother asks.
 “T-Three months,” Minho says under his breath.
 “And you’re still this fucked up over it? Shit.”
 Minho takes a sip of his drink. “It’s not that fucking easy to forget about hyung. J-Jonghyun, he…h-he was my everything,” Minho’s eyes grow misty.
 Minseok sighs. “Maybe you should try talking to someone else. Go out there, get laid. Forget about it for a while.”
 Minho shakes his head. “I don’t want to. I only want Jonghyun.” Minho stares down at his lock screen, a picture of him and Jonghyun sitting on the elder’s couch with their faces smushed together.
 Minseok peers over Minho’s shoulder and groans. “Well you’re not going to get over him if you stare at his picture every day. Change your fucking lock screen and delete those pictures. Besides, you know it’s really fucked up how you don’t mention Taemin when he was the one you were actually dating.”
 Minho pushes his phone back into his pocket, feeling the alcohol begin to catch up with him. “T-Tae hates me. S-Said I’m an asshole, w-which I am,” Minho slurs. “B-But Jjong and I…W-We were so r-real.”
 “Woah there,” Minseok says. He takes Minho’s glass away from him. “Enough drinking for you.”
    His brother drops him home, making sure he makes it safely into his apartment before leaving with the promise to check on him tomorrow.
 Minho stares up at the ceiling of his apartment for the longest. The spin of the ceiling fan keeps his drunk mind entertained for the longest. After a while, he grabs his phone and opens up Taemin’s contact information. He starts typing a text but finds himself squinting at the keys, unable to type properly. He settles for a voice note instead.
 “H-Hey Taemin. I-It’s me, Minho. I’m kinda d-drunk right now and yeah, I wanted to r-reach out to you for the l-longest but I didn’t k-know what to say. B-But maybe my t-thoughts will come to me e-easier right now. A-Are you doing well? I saw that y-you and Jongin went to L.A on your socials. I hope things are going great, I always believed in your potential.” Minho sighs. “I-I’m stalling cause I want to avoid talking about s-serious things. But I do really wish you all the best with your career. You’ve worked so hard. I’ve always liked that about you. N-No matter what you may think, I always genuinely cared about you Taemin. You were my first real relationship, y-you were literally my first and I’m glad that I was able to experience t-that with you. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to love you as fully as you deserved. J-Jonghyun held a piece of my heart from we were kids and I didn’t realize that until it was too late to act on it. I-It was never my plan to start seeing him when he came back home. I-It just sort of happened. I k-know that’s not an excuse. But it was never my intention to hurt you as much as I did. But I understand that I did hurt you, I hurt you a lot. A-And I’m sorry Tae. So s-sorry. It tears me up inside knowing that I hurt you that much. I hope one day you c-can find it in your heart to forgive me. It doesn’t have to be now or even a year from now…b-but just someday.”
 Minho sends the voice note and then hovers over Jonghyun’s number. He presses call but immediately ends it when the phone starts ringing. He sighs and chucks his phone elsewhere on the couch, not knowing what he could possibly say to Jonghyun at this point.
        A few months later, Minho finds himself finally taking his brother’s advice. His phone background has been changed to a photo of a palm tree and he’s sitting across from Jihan on their third date.
 “You know, I never thought you were interested.”
 He isn’t – well not entirely. Jihan’s a handsome guy and they get along well, but Minho would be lying if he said he was truly vested.
 He chuckles slightly. “Well. You’re handsome. You know that.”
 “It’s different knowing that you find me handsome though,” Jihan says with a smirk.
 Minho waves him off with a smile and finishes up his meal.
 After their date Jihan asks if Minho would like to come over to his place and he reluctantly agrees.
 Jihan’s apartment is a one-bedroom, very small and tidy – but Minho can’t help feeling uncomfortable as they sit on the loveseat with drinks in hand. After small talk about soccer and the conclusion of the semester, Jihan leans forward for a kiss. It’s not their first time kissing each other – Minho had given him a short peck on their second date – but it does feel strange. At this point, Minho is practically starved for human contact, but kissing Jihan doesn’t make him feel anything. When the other man presses a hand on Minho’s chest and attempts to deepen the kiss, Minho pulls away.
 “F-Fuck, I’m sorry,” he says, knocking over one of their bottles in his haste to get as far away from the man as possible. “I c-can’t do this. I thought I could, I thought I was ready, but, I…fuck!” Minho grabs his wallet and keys and scrambles up. “I have to go,” he says before fleeing from the other’s apartment.
 He gets in his car and drives straight to Jonghyun’s apartment, jolted by the realization that his love for the other has not ceased at all in the six months they’ve been apart.
 Minho knocks on the door loudly, asking out loud for Jonghyun to answer it.
 When he finally does answer the door, Minho meets pink hair where there had previously been silver.
 “M-Minho?” Jonghyun says in surprise.
 “P-Please don’t shut the door on me and hear m-me out please,” he begs. “I just went on a date,” Minho says. He inhales deeply. “I went on a d-date and I t-thought it’d been long enough. I thought I was ready. I mean we only spent two months together. Two g-glorious and unforgettable months and here I am six months later freaking out because someone t-tried to kiss me.”
 Jonghyun looks at him with eyes of concern mixed with pity.
 “B-But I can’t move on because I still love you. I love you so fucking much hyung. I-I’m sorry I didn’t do right by you. I wanted you s-so bad but I wasn’t even the boyfriend you deserved. I had you as my s-secret on the side and I’ll always regret that. I love you and I want to treat you like the boyfriend you deserve to be treated. I w-wanna scream your name from rooftops and let everyone know how much I adore you. B-But I ruined that chance and I-I’m sorry. You’ve probably moved on. I j-just, I h-hope you can forgive m-me. I hope you haven’t spent the last six months h-hating my guts.”
 Jonghyun stares up at Minho for the longest. “M-Minho-“
 “I-I’ll just go hyung,” Minho says softly. “Thanks for hearing me out.”
 He scrambles away from Jonghyun’s apartment as quickly as he had arrived. He drives home, texts Jihan a lengthy apology and passes out on his couch.
        When Minho finally wakes up the next morning, he sees a text from Jonghyun.
 Text from Jonghyunnie♥♥♥, 9 hours ago:
Meet me at the café today, at 3.
        Minho isn’t sure what to expect as he taps his foot anxiously under the table. He’s sitting in the same seat he’d sat in last year when he and Jonghyun had made promises to catch up and give being best friends another go. It feels odd, knowing that it’s almost a year since that happened. They’ve spent more time apart than they have together since Jonghyun’s return.
 Jonghyun saunters in at just seven minutes past three and sits down across from Minho.
 “H-Hi,” Minho says quietly.
 “Hi,” Jonghyun says.
 “Why did you ask me he-“
 Jonghyun cuts Minho off by motioning a waiter over to their table. He orders a lemonade and a sandwich for himself. Minho orders a water, too nervous to consume anything else. The waiter writes down their orders, promising to be back shortly before leaving to tend to another table.
 “So,” Jonghyun begins. “Taemin told me he got a voice message from you.”
 Minho furrows his brows, utterly confused at the notion of Taemin keeping in contact with Jonghyun. “O-Oh. Um, yeah. That happened a few months back. I didn’t think he listened to it. He never responded.”
 “He messaged me instead,” Jonghyun says. “He doesn’t hold any resentment towards you anymore and he gave me his blessing to date you.”
 “Oh? Oh. Um…”
 “I had to think about it for a while,” Jonghyun continues. “Actually, it made me feel even worse. That he could be so forgiving. Neither of us deserve that. I-“ Jonghyun pauses while their waiter rests down their drinks. He gives her a small smile after she promises to be back with his food soon.
 “I dated too,” Jonghyun resumes. “Taeyeon and I went out a few times. We even fooled around once.”
 Minho swallows in attempts to stifle the burning jealousy coursing through him.
 “She was really pretty and such a sweet person. But my heart wasn’t in it either. I couldn’t give myself to her fully. I’ve spent the last few months writing sad songs about relationships that can’t seem to work out for whatever reason.” He sips at his lemonade. “I guess what I’m trying to say is I still feel like shit about what we did…but I still love you and despite all the time that’s passed it hasn’t gotten any easier not having you in my life.”
 Minho takes a deep breath, feeling like it’s the first one he’s taken since he sat down in this café.  
 “I love you too. I l-love you so much hyung.” He reaches for Jonghyun’s hand across the table.
 Jonghyun holds onto Minho’s hand tightly. “B-But I don’t think we can just go back to the way things were before.”
 Minho frowns at him, slowly pulling his hand away. “Oh?”
 Jonghyun snatches his hand back and laces their fingers together. “You could at least court me first.”
        Courting Jonghyun proves to be an easy task. With his years of knowledge of the shorter man’s preferences, it’s not difficult to plan dates that the other will like or perform gestures that are guaranteed to make the other swoon.
 With the older man’s advice, Minho manages to pick out an excellent gift for Kibum’s birthday. A pricey bracelet accompanied with a letter apologizing for all his wrongdoings.
    It takes a while, but Kibum eventually returns to his post as Minho’s best friend.
    “I mean I guess I should have known,” Kibum says over a glass of wine.
 He’s currently sporting a buzzcut with patches dyed a bunch of different colours. Minho thinks it looks ridiculous but Kibum swears it’s the height of style.
 “You were way too sad when Jonghyun-hyung wanted nothing to do with you and then way too excited when he came around. I had my suspicions all along.”
 Minho snorts. “Yeah well-“
 “And then the disappearing acts. So obvious. But you had to top it all off with the matching rings.”
 Minho sighs heavily, not wanting this reminder of his wrongful actions – but unable to blame Kibum nonetheless.
 “It’s a good thing Taemin has moved on, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now,” Kibum says as he takes another sip of his wine.
 Minho hasn’t spoken to Taemin, it seems as though there was a silent agreement that they would keep their distance. However according to his Instagram and updates from Kibum, he’s currently dating a girl named Seulgi.
 “I-I’m so sorry again Bum-“
 “Yeah yeah, I know,” Kibum cuts him off. “So back to Jonghyun. Things back to what they were?”
  Minho shakes his head. “We’re taking it a little slow. He doesn’t want to be called my boyfriend just yet. We haven’t been sleeping together either.”
 “Oh? And you’re fine with that.”
 Minho nods. “I’m just happy I get to be in his presence.”
        Jonghyun does eventually come around.
 Minho takes him on a trip to the Hallasan Mountain and Jonghyun agrees to be his boyfriend – properly this time – right before he dumps snow down Minho’s jacket.  
        The revelation of their relationship does not come as a surprise to either of their families. Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Choi look at each other knowingly when the two boys admit to their relationship, commenting that they’d had their suspicions all along but thought that they’d let them figure it out on their own without any pressure. Minho’s father doesn’t comment, but he does smile at the couple fondly a few times over the course of the shared dinner.
    “Even though he doesn’t deserve it after the shit he pulled,” Minseok teases. “I’m glad you decided to give Minho another chance Jonghyun. He really cares about you.”
 Jonghyun nods with a shy smile.
 “But, if he ever pulls any shady business again, I’d be happy to kick his ass for you.”
 Jonghyun laughs heartily at that. “I will definitely keep that in mind hyung.”
        It’s amazing when you find true love and all your needs satisfied by merely being in their presence. Minho never thought it was possible, but he and Jonghyun have made it official for a month now and he hasn’t felt the urge to ask the man for sex. He misses it, he wants it, but he’s also perfectly content simply curled up on his couch together with the shorter man.
 “Hey Minho,” Jonghyun looks up at Minho after noticing him drifting off into his own thoughts.
 Minho looks down at him, smiling as he sees the ring fit snugly around Jonghyun’s thumb. “Yeah baby?”
 Jonghyun presses a warm kiss to his mouth, before shifting on Minho’s lap so that he’s straddling Minho’s waist. He kisses Minho deeply, hands rubbing all over Minho’s warm skin.
 “I-Is this okay?” Jonghyun asks breathlessly. “D-Do you want to?”
 Minho nods, unable to find the words.
    They move into Minho’s bed. The lights are off, making it difficult to see each other. But Minho finds that he doesn’t need to see the other man to know what expression he’s making. He doesn’t need to see him to please him.
 They take things slow, thoroughly exploring each other’s bodies. Minho works his mouth over the entire expanse of Jonghyun’s skin, like it’s the first time he’s ever gotten a taste.
 “Shit, you’re killing m-me,” Jonghyun whimpers as Minho’s tongue works over his most intimate spot. Minho doesn’t have much experience doing this but from the sounds Jonghyun’s making, he’s certain it’ll make its way into their routine.
    Minho whimpers as he interlocks their fingers above Jonghyun’s head, rocking into him at a slow pace. It feels so good, being able to express his love in such a raw and passionate way. He peppers kisses all over Jonghyun’s face while he moves inside of him. “I l-love you,” he repeats over and over like a mantra.
 Jonghyun cums first with his legs tightening around Minho’s waist while his voice reaches pitches Minho’s only ever heard in song. Minho follows soon after, unable to contain himself after feeling the way Jonghyun tightened around him.
 Minho can’t see it, but he feels the love and adoration pouring into him from Jonghyun.
 “G-God I love you. I wanna spend the rest of my days with you. I wanna write sappy love songs that I’m too embarrassed to play for you and be in the bleachers for every one of your soccer games. And I fucking hate sports. I-“
 Minho lets out a breathless laugh before shutting Jonghyun up with a kiss. “I k-know hyung. I k-know. I-I’m sorry it took so long for us to be t-together like this.  Y-You know I feel the same. I’ve felt this f-for such a long time. I w-would have waited years for you if I had to.”
 Jonghyun kisses Minho deeply and Minho knows that now that he has him fully, he will never let him go.
        “So,” Minho starts.
 “So,” Jonghyun echoes.
 “T-This is awkward,” Minho says apologetically.
 “Only if you make it awkward hyung,” Taemin quips.
 They’re gathered in a small restaurant – Minho and Jonghyun sitting across from Taemin and his girlfriend Seulgi. Seulgi is even more beautiful in person and has an addicting laugh. Minho can see why Taemin is attracted to her. She and Jonghyun seem to get along well, sharing conversations about books and music throughout the dinner. Minho finds it hard to talk to her, considering he doesn’t know just how much of his and Taemin’s past the girl actually knows.
 Minho clears his throat. “I’m sorry. It’s hard for it not to be awkward?” His words come out sounding like a question rather than a statement.
 “There’s no hard feelings hyung. You and Jonghyun-hyung are back together and I’ve moved on. I just wanted to meet up with you guys so it wouldn’t be uncomfortable in the future.”
 “I’m really sorry again,” Jonghyun says. “Truly.”
 “I know,” Taemin replies. “I was never upset with you Jonghyun-hyung. You, on the other hand,” he looks at Minho.
 Minho looks away, embarrassed.
 “Well…we can let a dead thing stay dead.”
 Jonghyun rests a comforting hand on Minho’s knee. “So…Are you moving back to Seoul?” Jonghyun asks in attempts to change the conversation.
 “Oh no, we’re only visiting,” Taemin says. “There’s still a lot more of the world I wanna see.”
 Minho nods, knowing that Taemin had ambitions that could not be confined to South Korea.
 “I know you’ll do well,” Minho says quietly.
 Taemin gives him a small smile.
    After dinner they decide to go to a karaoke bar. Jongin shows up halfway through the night along with his girlfriend. Jinki joins them later followed by Kibum and his new boyfriend Donghyun.
 “Are you okay?” Jonghyun asks Minho when he sits down after belting out a TVXQ song. “You don’t look like you’re having a good time.”
 Minho’s the only one who hasn’t sang tonight.
 “I-It just feels…weird,” Minho confesses. “Being around everyone like this. It almost feels normal. But I still feel like an asshole for what I did. And everyone knows.”
 Jonghyun rubs his hand gently. “Why don’t you talk to him…alone.”
 Minho chews on his lip nervously. “You’d be okay with that? After everything?”
 “Of course. I trust you Minho. I know you’re not that person.”
    Spurred on by Jonghyun’s declaration of trust, Minho approaches Taemin and asks if he can talk to him alone.
    “You look happy,” Minho tells him as they stand out on the balcony of the establishment. “Is it real or is it just for show?”
 Taemin scoffs. “Over a year later and you expect me to still be crying over you?”
 “N-No that’s not what I meant, it’s just-“
 “Calm down. I’m just fucking with you,” Taemin says. “I am happy. Genuinely. I love Seulgi and entering a partnership with Jongin was the best decision I made career wise. I have lots to be happy about.”
 Love. Minho can’t recall ever saying that word to Taemin and really meaning it. “You love her?”
 Taemin nods. “Yeah, I do.”
 He says it with so much conviction. “That’s good. I’m really happy for you Tae.”
 Taemin hums. “I don’t have to ask if you’re happy. It’s so apparent with the way you look at Jonghyun. It’s almost disgusting.” He takes a sip of his beer.
 “Does that bother you?”
 “At first it did. I spent so many nights wondering why you would look at him like that, and not me. But it doesn’t bother me anymore. I can see now that the love we had for each other or at least thought we had doesn’t compare to the real thing. You know? I still care about you. I always will. But I’m not in love with you.”
 Minho nods, not at all hurt by those words – rather feeling a sense of peace that Taemin has been able to move on.
 “I’ll always care about you. I know I was drunk in the voice memo, but I meant everything I said. I know we probably won’t ever be friends again, but I just want you to be happy and to take good care of yourself.”
 Taemin gives him a small smile. “I will.”
 Minho pulls the younger man in for a hug. “Thank you Taemin.”
 Taemin hugs him back. “For what?”
 “For forgiving me. That means more to me than you know.”
 Taemin pulls back. “I know you’re not a bad guy Minho. I never thought you were. You let your heart get the best of you. It also sucks cause Jonghyun-hyung is so hard to hate. He’s really sexy too-“
 “Hey, are you trying to make the moves on my man?” Minho teases.
 Taemin laughs with him.
 “There you guys are,” Kibum says as he joins them on the balcony. “Come back to the room, we’ve only got 10 minutes left and Minho has yet to sing a song.”
 Minho shakes his head as he and Taemin are both pulled along by Kibum.
        He sings a song that he thinks both Jonghyun and Taemin will enjoy.
        “Hey Min…”
 They’re lying in their shared bed, huddled under the covers for warmth, with Jonghyun’s unbelievably cold toes tickling Minho’s ankles. It’s late December, with Christmas right around the corner. They both want to make the most of their first Christmas living together in their own home.
 “What do you think about getting married?”
 Minho pitches up at that, rolling over on top of Jonghyun so he can look at the other clearly.
“What did you just say?”
 Jonghyun averts his eyes, suddenly feeling shy under Minho’s intense gaze.  “I-I’m asking you to marry me.”
 “N-no Jjong why…”
 Jonghyun visibly deflates. “You don’t want to get married?” His eyes well up a little bit.
 “No no Jonghyun, of course I do baby,” Minho chuckles at how easily emotional his boyfriend can get. He squishes Jonghyun’s cheeks together. “Idiot. Of course I do. But you ruined my surprise.” Minho sighs and rolls over to his original position.
 Jonghyun sniffles. “Surprise?”
“I was gonna propose to you next spring.  I had this big thing planned. I was gonna take you out to a nice hotel for the weekend, one with a view of the beach. And on our last night, I would lead you to the balcony of our room and you’d look down at the beach and there would be ‘Will you marry me Jjong’ in big letters in the sand.”
 “Are you serious?”
 “Of course I am hyung! I was gonna book the reservations this week.”
 Jonghyun chuckles and then presses a kiss to Minho’s pouting lips. “You’re so cheesy.”
 “Shut up, you would’ve cried if I did.”
 He kisses Minho again. “Maybe…But still, will you though? Will you marry me?”
Minho grumbles. “Of course I will,” he pulls Jonghyun against his chest. The shorter man sighs in contentment as he wraps his arms around Minho’s waist.
 “We should start planning the wedding. Maybe a beach wedding so your fantasy will be fulfilled.”
 Minho smiles, and laces his fingers with Jonghyun’s. “Yeah? And after we’re married what are we gonna do next? Adopt some kids?”
 “Ooh ooh, two boys and a girl. Or two girls and a boy. We can start a cute little family.”
 “The cutest little family.”  
 Jonghyun grins and kisses Minho’s chin. The latter’s cheeks hurt from smiling at the idea of marrying his best friend and starting a family with him. And it would be the best family ever. They’d love and nurture their children just as much as they love and care for each other. And their lives will forever be filled with constant happiness.
 Jonghyun yawns and snuggles more into Minho’s embrace.
 “I love you Frogho.”
 “I love you more Dinoboy.”
 The End.
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Day 27: Ransom
(Protect those you love), prepare to leave it all behind.
Whumptober 2019 Day 27: Ransom
Word Count: 2161
Relationships: Intrulogical
Warnings: Kidnapping, physical violence/weapon (knife), blood and injuries, mentions of torture, threats of non-con to another character, vulgar/explicit language, mentions of drug usage/bad parenting/death of a minor character (not a side), cursing
A/N: hmm... i don't really know what to think of this one, to be honest. it feels weird to write right now, since i'm a bit sick, but i don't know. maybe it's not as awful as it feels like it is. who knows. anyway, have this shit. i'm not really a huge intrulogical shipper, since i don't actually ship remus with anybody (i hc him as aro), but logan fit so here we are.
It’s pretty cold here. Remus knows that being kidnapped and held hostage in a basement however far below the surface isn’t a particularly forgiving situation, but couldn’t his kidnapper give him a blanket or something? It’s too fuckin’ cold for this! And it’s weird, because the guy seems pretty warm himself despite not even wearing a jacket or anything, just a t-shirt, and it makes Remus a little jealous. Remus is always cold, but this place just makes it worse.
He doesn’t even know why he’s here, either. He’s not special, doesn’t stand out, isn’t known for any notable actions or anything. He’s just a simple guy, a dude who lives in a shit apartment and works two jobs in fast food and bartending. He’s pretty common, in society’s eyes, so… why is he here? 
The blow to the head had been delivered from behind, just after Remus has gotten into his apartment after work. It came when he least expected it, which is so not fair, because he would have loved to fight the guy. Have a fun old-fashioned full-out brawl in his living room at two in the morning, show him what he’s got. It could have been a fun end to his shitty night, but no, of course the guy had to take the coward’s way out and avoid the fight completely. What a fucking bore.
Now, sitting here tied to this chair in the middle of the room, Remus doesn’t even really feel the pain from the big knot on his head. There’s better things to worry about, like “Am I out of milk?” and “Will I get back in time to catch the season finale of the television show I’ve been following since the premiere?”. Besides, injuries are nothing new to Remus, having grown up playing only contact sports, so a little bonk on the head is nothing compared to the evenings he’d come home from practice or games with welts and bruises littering every inch of his skin. Before she died, his mom would freak out over the blood and cuts on his arms and legs, but then he’d give her a toothy grin with multiple teeth missing from being knocked out, and she’d just shake her head and clean him up. His mom was super cool, before she became a druggie and too busy fucking whoever was closest to come home and take care of her kids.
Anyway, Remus still doesn’t get why he of all people had to have been kidnapped, because it’s not like he’s some important figure or in any sort of position of power. He holds sway exactly Nowhere, and therefore isn’t exactly the ideal choice when stealing someone from their home for your own gain. Whoever this guy is, he’s kind of a dumbass.
“Listen up. You’re gonna sit here, smile into the camera really pretty, and you ain’t sayin’ a word unless I tell you to. Got it?” the guy demands as he sets up a tripod, and Remus just snickers. His kidnapper gives him a withering glare as he settles the camera into the correct spot, and then walk around to the other wide to line the shot up the way he wants it. “What’s so funny?”
“Just wonderin’ what the video’s for. Who you gonna send it to, my dead grandma?” Remus asks, licks his lips with a grin as he wiggles in his seat. The ropes around his wrists are tight, but definitely loose enough to slip out of if he pulls hard enough. Remus gets to work using his sharp fingernails to slice through through the rope one strand at a time, to try and reduce the circumference and be able to slide it far enough through the knot that he’ll be able to just yank his hands free. Remus guesses that all those years of putting up with Roman’s boy scouts phase weren’t a complete waste.
“Nope. You got a brother, it’s goin’ to him,” the kidnapper replies with a sneer. He’s finally finished setting the camera up, presses a button to start it rolling, and the red light begins to blink. Remus raises an eyebrow as the kidnapper settles back slightly further from the tripod and pulls out a stack of note cards, and it’s with a barely contained giggle Remus realizes that he had to write his speech down.
“Proof of life,” the guy says into the microphone with a much deeper, more gruff voice than before, and it takes so much effort to not burst out into raucous laughter. “If you want your poor little brother here back to you alive, you’re gonna leave no less than 200 thousand in a bag at the address provided. Unmarked bills, no cops. You leave the money, and then you get your ass out of there. If you call the police or try to pull any tricks, little bro here is gettin’ a bullet to the face. Once I confirm the money’s clean, he’ll be dropped off somewhere within walking distance of help, alive. You have three days. If that money still isn’t with me by the time midnight rolls around come Saturday, he’s dead.”
The kidnapper presses a button on the top of the camera and the red light stops blinking with a little click. Just in time, too, because Remus busts out into uncontrollable laughter as soon as the camera stops recording. His lungs and chest hurt with how hard he’s laughing,  but he can’t stop, and the offended, angry look on the guy’s face just makes him laugh harder. 
“Stop fuckin’ laughing!” his kidnapper snaps, but his voice cracks at the end, and Remus is in tears. It’s pretty predictable when the guy rushes him and punches him in the jaw, knocking the rest of his breath out of his lungs in a pained wheeze. Remus barely has a moment to recover before the guy’s fist is buried in his gut, forcing a hacking cough from Remus’ throat. He wants to keep laughing, but now it hurts like a bitch to even breathe, so maybe staying quiet for now is the best option.
“I said I’d bring you back alive, not unharmed. Don’t fucking push me,” the guy growls maliciously, a cold glint in his eyes as he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a switchblade, flips the knife out in a way that shines the metal’s reflection of the light in Remus’ face. How annoying. The kidnapper presses the knife into Remus’ throat, in the same spot he’s had tracheostomies performed when his airway was blocked, and the feeling of smooth, sharp metal just centimeters away from his trachea is almost comforting in its familiarity.
“Fuck you,” Remus responds hoarsely, spits as much as he can and it lands on his kidnapper’s chin. Remus knows he’s going to be pissed, knows the fallout will be painful as fuck, but he can’t really seem to bring himself to care. He doesn’t regret it, either, not even when the guy yells out in anger and slams his fist into Remus’ stomach again. He doesn’t regret it when the guy mutters something about teaching him a lesson, he doesn’t regret it when he replaces his switchblade with the bigger chef’s knife laying on the shelf in the corner, and he certainly doesn’t regret it when the guy returns with a sadistic grin.
Remus will brag about what happens next for so, so long after he gets out of here, because it’s the funniest shit he’s ever done. The disheveled man brings the knife to Remus’ chest and pushes the blade into his skin, slowly slicing it open as the fresh cut forms a bleeding slash. But Remus doesn’t even flinch, doesn’t even yell from the pain. He just moans, one that isn’t of fear but rather high-pitched and obscene, a mockery of sex that leaves him barely able to hold onto the laugh that wants to push past his harshly gritted teeth. “Harder, daddy!”
And that’s probably the last straw, because the end of the cut turns much less clean in the guy’s lividity. The blade presses deeper into his skin, draws more blood and elicits more pain to radiate from his chest, and it takes more effort than Remus would like to not cry out. As much as he doesn find real humour in this situation, he can’t really afford to die here, so staying the dominant, unafraid personality to this man who obviously fears a lack of control is important. He can’t show fear, because that will just bolster the guy’s confidence and keep his head clear enough to not make mistakes. However, if he’s upset and feeling undermined, his anger will cause him to slip up, and allow Remus the opportunity to turn the tables on him. It does sound easy in hindsight, but slacking off won’t help any, so Remus focuses in on burying the pain below a layer of numbness.
“You know what? Maybe I won’t send it to your little brother. Maybe I won’t return you at all. Maybe, I’ll just keep you here, tied up so you can only sit there as I torture your little boyfriend,” the kidnapper seethes, and his eyes narrow as an even more deranged smile slips onto his face when Remus stiffens uncontrollably. “What, that hit a nerve? You scared for your little boy toy? What was his name… Logan, right? I know where he lives. And I’ll steal him from his bed, bring him here and force you to watch while I slice him up. Maybe I’ll make you watch me fuck him, take care of him better than you ever could, hmm? How about that? Want me to fuck your boyfriend for you? I saw him, y’know, a cute little nerd with glasses. Nice ass, skinny waist… he’s almost like a girl. Maybe I’ll keep him for myself, after I kill you, fuck him every single day while he just cries for his poor ol’e Remus.”
No. No, no, no no nononono. How dare he?! You can do anything to Remus. You can threaten him, make fun of him, torture him, and he’d laugh in your face. But this guy has the fucking nerve to bring his boyfriend into this? No. Unacceptable. This isn’t-- fuck.
And Remus knows he should stay calm, not let his words get to him, but…he knows Logan’s name. And apparently, where Logan lives. What if he does take Logan, does hurt him while Remus can’t even do anything about it, helplessly tied to a chair? What if this guy hurts his baby, hurts his Logan, and Remus could’ve prevented it? It’s far too easy to imagine Logan’s eyes filled with fear, the attempts to stave off tears, muffled cries of pain. All he can see in his mind is Logan traumatized, and for the very first time, the thought of sex makes Remus feel sick to his stomach.
So with an enraged snarl, Remus yanks his hands free from the flimsy rope keeping then locked behind the back of the chair, and then lunges. He relishes in the surprised yelp, the angered fear in his eyes, the way he scrambles to fight back far too late. Because he’s pinned under Remus, and once he’s got someone in his grip, he isn’t letting go. For probably too long, Remus just sits there, beating his kidnapper with shaking fists. The man fell unconscious a while ago, hasn’t been a threat for minutes, but Remus doesn’t have any other way to take out his frustration besides sitting here on top of this guy, pummeling him to hell and back. Eventually, his arms fall limply to his sides, and Remus’ eyes dull as he slouches over. His breathing is light and trembling, and there’s a feeling welling up in his chest that he doesn’t understand, can’t pinpoint or identify. His legs feel like they’re on fire when he pushes himself to his feet, burn when he sways a bit in an attempt to keep his balance. 
Remus doesn’t know where he is, or how far he was taken from his home, but that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what Remus has to go through, because as he climbs the ladder out of this cellar and emerges in a long, dark hallway, he knows. He knows as he trudges to the end, as he whips open the door on the other side to reveal an alleyway. He knows as he gets to the road, recognizes the bakery across the bustling traffic, and when he turns in the opposite direction of his apartment. He knows when he sees the green sign at the intersection, sees the familiar name of Logan’s street, when he approaches his apartment complex. He knows that Logan’s going to be okay, because he’s going to make sure of it, and Remus vows that nobody will ever be able to threaten his boyfriend ever again.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Batman is pursuing one of Darkseid's Parademons across the rooftops of Gotham, while the Gotham police pursue and fire upon both of them from helicopters. Batman blinds the police in the helicopters with smoke bombs, then stops the Parademon and is attempting to interrogate it when it lets out a burst of flame, forcing Batman to release it. As Batman and the Parademon face off again, Green Lantern interrupts the fight by slamming a fire-engine construct into the Parademon. The Gotham police continue firing on Batman, Green Lantern, and the Parademon, but their fire is blocked by Green Lantern's shield constructs. As Batman and Green Lantern talk, the Parademon recovers and destroys the police helicopters, but Green Lantern creates bat constructs which hold up the helicopters and prevent the heroes from getting injured. As they follow the Parademon into the streets of Gotham, Batman suggests that Green Lantern return to Coast City, since "Gotham's mine. Coast City is yours." Green Lantern responds by saying that the entire space sector is his and he was alerted to an "unauthorized extraterrestrial presence" in Gotham.
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Batman and Green Lantern move underground in pursuit of the Parademon. Green Lantern asks Batman whether he has any powers. Batman replies "No.", to which Green Lantern replies, "Hold on a second, you're not just some guy in a bat costume, are you? Are you freaking kidding me?!". Batman then holds up Green Lantern's power ring and asks him how it works, upsetting Green Lantern who asks if Batman would really want to pick a fight with someone who can create anything he can think of. Batman says that he'd be worried if he thought Green Lantern could think.
Batman then points out the Parademon attaching a Mother Box to a sewer wall. With a shout of "For Darkseid!", the Parademon blows itself up, attempting to kill Batman and Green Lantern in the blast, but Green Lantern creates a (literal) safe construct to save them. When Green Lantern attempts to scan the box, the ring can't identify it, which Green Lantern says is impossible since the Guardians know everything. Batman says the box looks like some kind of "alien computer", and the two agree to go to Metropolis to ask the known extra-terrestrial Superman about it.
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Meanwhile, at a high school football game, wide receiver Vic Stone impresses several college recruits. After the game, the scouts all want to talk to Vic. In the meantime, a despondent Vic is on the phone telling his father (or his father's voicemail) that his coach won't let the scouts talk to him without his dad there, and that they won the game (not that his dad would ask). After he hangs up, Vic, along with most of the team, runs outside to excited shouts as Batman and Green Lantern fly overhead in a jet construct. One of his teammates asks Vic if his dad studies super-humans, and he says that while he does, he never talks to him about them.
After landing in Metropolis, Batman criticizes the jet construct as being too visible while he and Green Lantern look for Superman. Green Lantern's ring leads them right to him, at which point Green Lantern encases Batman in a cage construct and tells him that he can also handle it. A moment later, Superman, using super-speed, knocks Green Lantern through the cage construct and into a pair of parked cars, apparently knocking him unconscious. As Batman begins to rise up from the ground, Superman looks at him and says "I don't handle easy. So...what can you do?"
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At the crime lab of the Central City Police Department, Barry Allen is arguing with Director Singh because the latter ordered him to leave a case. The reason is because their chief wants them all working on the "Flash case": They must find out everything about the vigilante named "the Flash", including his secret identity. Of course, the CCPD is unaware that Barry Allen is the Flash.
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Back at the fight between Superman and Batman, the Man of Steel points out that Batman's utility belt is empty, leaving him without any means of defense against him, as nothing Batman used so far on him has worked. Superman charges against Batman and crushes him against a wall. He then starts interrogating the Dark Knight, demanding to know where the mysterious boxes that have been appearing over the last few days come from and what are they for. Green Lantern gets up while people run away from him and gets ready for a second chance against Superman. While the latter is choking Batman, Green Lantern attacks Superman, while Batman tries to stop them both. Lantern captures Superman in chains made by his ring, but Superman points out the absurdity of doing so and easily frees himself by breaking them. He then starts attacking both Green Lantern and Batman, constantly punching Green Lantern's constructs. After Lantern creates a shield construct to protect himself and Batman, he gets the idea of calling a friend who may be faster than Superman: Barry Allen, the Flash. Barry gets surprised by the fact that Hal is with Batman and is fighting Superman. At first Barry refuses to help Hal, since the last time Green Lantern and the Flash were seen together they destroyed the Museum of Natural History while stopping Gorilla Grodd. Since the situation against Superman is getting critical with Lantern's shield giving way, Barry is convinced to help Hal, gets on his Flash costume and starts attacking Superman. At first he only teases him by easily avoiding his attacks, until Superman manages to hit him.
Batman quickly intervenes and stops the fight, explaining to Superman that they had nothing to do with the invading Parademons, and Green Lantern and him were also attacked by them. While Batman explains that the reason why they looked for him was because he was also an alien and could better explain the nature of the boxes and the Parademons, the Flash starts cleaning up and repairing the site of the fight, but they get interrupted by the forces of the government, so they quickly go into hiding in the sewers, convincing Superman to go with them.
Meanwhile, in Detroit, at the S.T.A.R. Labs Super-Human study center, Silas Stone and his team are studying the mysterious box from Superman's battle earlier that morning. While doing so, Silas gets informed of the arrival of his son Victor, to which he reacts frustratingly annoyed. Victor explains to his annoyed father that he has great chances of lots of full scholarships. His father answers that he is already paying him his school, so he doesn't need a scholarship. While Victor tries to explain to his father how important sports are to him, Silas points out how pointless is to take interest in sports in a world full of super-humans that have abilities over the finest of regular humans, thus rendering any effort to be a great sportsman obsolete. Victor then wants to confirm whether his father really isn't going to come to one of his games, to which his father confirms. Meanwhile, the four heroes have hidden themselves at an abandoned printing press, the only safe place Superman knows at Metropolis. Green Lantern suggests to Flash that they better get rid of Batman and Superman, because they would only be a burden. Flash refuses because they need someone to help them figure out the nature of the boxes. While they are examining the box, both their own and the box at S.T.A.R. Labs start reacting strangely, opening a Boom Tube that teleports a swarm of Parademons in both places and start tearing Victor apart.
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In Washington D.C., military personnel, including Colonel Steve Trevor, are observing TV reports of crowds protesting against Wonder Woman because she is a pagan, and because she, like the other super-powered humans, is perceived as dangerous. Apparently, Diana had previously been with them at their office in the Pentagon, and Trevor asks where she has gone. He is told that she was watching the TV news; and when she spotted a report about a winged monster terrorizing people in downtown D.C., she took off. Efforts to detain her were futile because of her raw power.
Wonder Woman is walking in D.C. as a crowd gathers and gapes at her. The crowd remains silent out of fear, until a young girl seems unafraid and introduces herself. Wonder Woman and her new friend enjoy an ice-cream break together. Steve Trevor arrives and tries to talk Diana into returning with him to the Pentagon. Diana resists, saying that she wants to fight the forces of darkness that are lurking nearby.
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Suddenly they are startled to see one of Darkseid's minions, making the same pinging sound as before. Several of the aliens swoop down to attack Wonder Woman. Diana is pleased that the battle has come to her, and beams with excitement.
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At S.T.A.R. Labs in Detroit, the winged monsters are terrorizing the workers. One of the monsters snatches and abducts Professor Ivo. Dr. Silas Stone is cradling his son Vic, who was seriously hurt in the explosion last issue and appears to be near death. Dr. Stone defiantly says that he once watched his wife die, and will not let his son die too.
In Metropolis, at the site of the abandoned Daily Planet printing press, we see lots and lots of the winged monsters causing more terror. We are told that portals are opening up across the world; and that the armies of demons are pouring out through the portals. Someone exclaims that this is "judgment day". Superman, Batman, Flash, and Green Lantern are fighting the monsters; but there are now so many of them. Flash, listening to radio broadcasts in his earpiece as he battles, indicates that the attacks are happening all over the world, and that the populace is blaming the super-heroes.
The heroes talk as they fight. Batman and Green Lantern continue to bicker. Flash is surprised to hear that Batman has no powers. Batman wants to step back and regroup because there are just too many of the monsters. He prefers having a strategy instead of just using brute force. Superman is having good success fighting many of the baddies at once, using a nearby 18-wheeler truck as a weapon to pulverize the monsters.
Back in Detroit, we follow Dr. Stone and his co-workers as they enter a secure medical room at S.T.A.R. Labs, carrying Victor as they go. Dr. Stone implores his son to hang on.
Green Lantern is amazed to see Superman swing an 18-wheeler "like a baseball bat". Superman and Batman observe that the winged monsters are abducting many people now; carrying them away rather than hurting them. Batman wonders what their motive is. Several of the monsters chant "For Darkseid" like before. As the nascent Justice League continues to battle the creatures, Wonder Woman joins the battle. She shouts "Back to Hades" as she barrels into the swarm of monsters, swinging her sword. The other heroes are impressed with her display of strength and fighting prowess. They seem to be impressed by her beauty as well.
In Detroit, Vic Stone, barely alive, goes into cardiac arrest as his father works feverishly to save him using experimental technology. As they activate nanites to help with the integration of the new bio-technology, Vic starts spouting binary code. Subsequently, we hear a message from Vic's machinery indicating that he is now online.
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Wonder Woman explains that she followed the winged monsters, which led her to the other super-heroes. She saw their battle in progress, and decided to help. The winged monsters are circling above a body of water, and then start again making the pinging sounds, which usually indicates that an explosion or other dramatic event is imminent. A waterspout appears rather explosively, and then a large and mysterious object emerges from the ocean. The object appears to be a conveyance of some kind, like a spaceship or watercraft. But it may be something else entirely. The heroes wonder aloud what it is.
Suddenly Aquaman rises from the water, saying the monsters and their giant mysterious object were visible in the water as well. Aquaman wants to know which one of the heroes is in charge; and suggests that he would be a good choice.
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Victor finally comes to in the red room of S.T.A.R. Labs and notices his now cyborg body and is confused. All of a sudden a group of Parademons bursts in and attacks the group, and Victor uses his newly discovered sonic cannon to destroy them, and then see's himself in a mirror, to which he is taken aback. He then jumps out of a hole in the roof, blaming his father for his new body. Meanwhile the Justice League examines Aquaman's intentions and skills. After getting a demonstration they hold off the Parademons while also fighting the military who have been told to engage all non-humans including superheroes. After debating how to handle the men shooting at them they find themselves in front of a delirious Vic Stone who tries to warn them of an already approaching Darkseid who has now appeared in front of them.
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The heroes are recovering from the violent explosion caused by Darkseid upon his arrival in the last issue. Flash is the first to regain consciousness, and is horrified to see Darkseid destroy a military jet and its passenger with his Omega Beam. Superman awakes next, and Darkseid targets the two of them with another Omega Beam. Flash grabs Superman and begins to carry him to safety at super-speed, urging him to move it. When the heroes split up, the twin beams split up also, each beam targeting one of the heroes. As an evasive maneuver, Flash vibrates and passes through one of the demon-bots, causing the beam to destroy that robot instead of the Scarlet Speedster. As Flash catches his breath after this exhausting but successful maneuver, he looks up to see that Superman is not quite so lucky. Taking the full brunt of the Omega Beam, Superman is knocked out, although not destroyed; and is seen being carried away by one of the winged demon-bots. The other heroes are regaining consciousness now, as Flash shares the horrible news that Superman has been abducted. The heroes discuss interrogating Darkseid to find out why Superman was taken. Green Lantern springs into action and attacks Darkseid. His constructs are not effective against the god of Apokolips; but GL courageously keeps trying even while being on the receiving end of several vicious blows from Darkseid. When Green Lantern shows his determination to continue the battle, Darkseid lifts Hal by his right forearm and applies crushing force, causing the arm to break in a couple of places. Darkseid sends him flying with another punch, and then walks away as Hal struggles to recover and persist against all odds.
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Batman attempts to deter Green Lantern from going up against Darkseid in his badly injured condition. Batman wants to gather the rest of the team and form a strategy. He criticizes Green Lantern for wanting to carry on the fight with a broken arm. In response, GL fashions a moveable cast with his ring, and says he is prepared to die if necessary.
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Batman continues to ask Green Lantern why he is driven to press on in this futile attack. Batman implies that he understands Green Lantern well because they are very much alike. After Green Lantern rejects this notion, Batman pulls a very surprising maneuver. He removes his mask, introduces himself as Bruce Wayne, and tells a short version of his origin; explaining that he was driven to train for a life of fighting crime after witnessing the brutal death of his parents at the hand of a mugger when Bruce was ten years old.
Bruce asks Hal to regroup with the other heroes, keep them alive, and keep Darkseid busy until Batman returns. When Green Lantern asks where he is going, Batman responds that he is going to rescue Superman.
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Batman stands in the open in plain sight with his arms outstretched in an apparently submissive gesture. It does not take long for one of the flying demon-bots to swoop down and carry Batman away.
Green Lantern does regroup with the other heroes, and helps pull them out of the rubble. He shares his plan, that they should go as a group and follow Darkseid, who was last seen heading into the city on foot. GL explains that the heroes should stay out of sight for the moment. When they find Darkseid, Green Lantern will act as a distraction to lure him out, so that the other heroes can attack. This was precisely the plan proposed by Aquaman last issue. Green Lantern gives Cyborg the option to stay behind, since he has not yet officially declared himself as a superhero, but Vic is eager to join the battle. The heroes head towards the heart of Metropolis, to meet up with Darkseid.
We follow Batman as he is carried to another portal created by a Boom Tube. As Batman steps through, he finds himself in an unlikely place; peering out over a hellish landscape. It appears that Batman has been transported to Darkseid's home world, Apokolips.
In the middle of the parademon assault, a writer named David is trying to save his family, wishing for some help. His prayer is seemingly answered by a set of green fireworks on the horizon. The fireworks are part of the Justice League's plan to fight Darkseid.
On Apokolips, Bruce Wayne sneaks through the building he is in, finding a pair of superbeings discussing the invasion of the Multiverse in search of Darkseid's daughter, who was apparently kidnapped. The superbeings have Superman tied down before them, and they plan to clone him as part of the next generation of parademons.
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On Earth, Cyborg uses his new machinery to tap into he Mother Box network. By saying the word, he is able to suddenly overload the system, causing teleport holes to appear all over the area - and on Apokolips. This shocks the two beings torturing Superman, and Batman uses the moment to free Superman, before the two escape back to Earth through the Boom Tubes. They try to trap Darkseid on the other side of a Boom Tube, but he grabs Superman. With seconds to spare, Cyborg works out how to shut down the network, seemingly killing Darkseid. The world is saved.
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In the immediate aftermath, a crowd gathers around. The group thinks they are to be stoned, but instead they are cheered, hailed as the world's greatest superhumans. Writing after the fact, Graves acknowledges the wording was off. The group were the world's greatest super heroes. At a subsequent awards ceremony, the U.S. President gives a speech about how this team of heroes saved the world. Green Lantern is about to break ranks and say it was a one-time deal, but Batman stops him, pointing out that official sanction will get the GCPD off his back, the Air Force off Green Lantern's and the Army off Superman's. The President receives a message from an aide, to say there has been a disaster, and the group is needed. The Flash announces that they have a name, and tells the President to call them the "Super Seven." The rest of the team hates this.
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A writer named David Graves writes a book about them later, coining the term "super heroes." In his book, Graves calls this team the "Justice League." The book is titled "Gods Among Us" and the cover depicts them fighting a starfish-monster (Starro).
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In London, a man with the shadow of a devil meets a man with glowing blue eyes. They discuss the fact that since the Justice League started, similar beings have become active: Green Arrow, Hawkman, Zatanna. The second man muses that if these are super heroes, then people like himself would be called super villains. As he lights a cigarette, we see he has a monstrous-looking lapel pin.
On a street in the rain, a man has been murdered. The Woman in Purple is there, trying to investigate. As she walks away, she is accosted by the Phantom Stranger, who tells her that she was wrong to alter the timeline as she did, and that he is to take her in. The Woman in Purple says that she is done being passive, and shoots the Phantom Stranger in the head. He recovers instantly, and the Woman in Purple says it was a warning shot. She will do what she will do.
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I usually tag some reviews as “Post modern age”. There is no such thing. But to me, the era of the relaunches needed to be separated from the common Modern Age of comics. And while the New 52 is the clear beginning of it... I also put Spider-man post “one more day” under the same tag.
The New 52 had a purpose that is very clear in this story. Tell new stories with these characters and do not be afraid of changing them to make those stories work. Love it or hate it, you have to respect the determination of blending three universes. This worked pretty well during the first six month of publishing, but “creative differences” became a major problem for DC that still plagues them until these days. It’s a mess.
But the initial idea is great. When you read this story, you have to remember this is a fresh start. So it doesn’t really matter if Superman is more violent and talks aggressive, or if Aquaman is too cocky (well, maybe that didn’t change so much). This is the first time you are meeting these characters, and this story sets up a few other arcs (that we feel even after Rebirth).
This story inspired two movies: Justice League and Justice League: War. Scenes from this story can also be seen in Wonder Woman. This is no coincidence, as Geoff Johns was also involved at some point in those projects.
Perhaps the biggest difference is Wonder Woman here against the one on her own title. There is something missing from this Wonder Woman, that compassion that makes her different.
As a result of the approach, these characters are way more violent than they used to be a month before.
The art starts very well and then begins to change in terms of quality. If you look at the credits, several inkers and color separators were involved in half back of the arc, so I guess that explains it. It still looks amazing... but it could be better.
Darkseid barely speaks in this story, but we learn his motivations thanks to that scene with Desaad and Steppenwolf, mentioning Darkseid’s daughter. This arc will bookend this title (will be explored during “Darkseid War”).
Cyborg debuts as the 7th member with this story (displacing Martian Manhunter to Stormwatch). To be honest, the logic for this is still an enigma to me. I understand why Martian Manhunter wasn’t popular, but Cyborg wasn’t that great either. My guess is that he gained popularity through the titans animated shows, but this created a hole into the Titans history after the New 52. The Titans are the real losers of this relaunch, in general. If diversity was the concern, I would have gone for another woman (as Diana is the only female hero), or perhaps someone with a different color (like Vixen, Doctor Light II, etc). Ultimately, the usefulness of Cyborg in the context of the group is that he can teleport them. That’s his main asset. I respect it, but I am still not convinced.
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I give this story a technical score of 10
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bravocompany63 · 4 years
Survival: Freelance
I thought I'd share some tips on playing the Survival: Freelance playlist. I (braddadocio/PSN) am not that great at PvP, but I was able to reach Legend rank this week and have learned some lessons in the process.
Remember that it's freelance, but you are still on a team. Stay near at least one of them and try to team-shoot. This can also surprise the other team... if you are close to a teammate, it's hard for them to distinguish between one and two people by looking at the radar.
Give your sniper(s) safe angles. If your team has a sniper, try to scout a little ahead of them to give them room and range to work.
Suros Regime is no joke. Learn to spin up (even pre-firing into a wall) for the higher-damage bottom half of the mag. I'll often pre-fire into a room near a corner where I see red ahead of me and the guy will just walk right into the spray.
Always have an exit route ready, and take it if you feel your life is at risk. If you've done some damage, that's good enough; maybe your teammate will finish the kill, but at least you saved your own life.
Stick to one class/sub-class that's working for you to gain depth of experience. You can focus on a different class/sub-class next season or non-competitive play.
Don't vary weapons too much. I mostly stuck to Suros/Mindbenders (talking about season 10 here, where auto-rifles are strong). Every now and then, I'd try something else if a match wasn't working well, but always went back to the default loadout for a new match.
Know who the team leader is. The first round of a match is always interesting, and you can usually tell if your team has a leader or not. Sometimes it's you! If it isn't, and your third is struggling, maybe shadow them to safeguard them while the leader player takes care of themselves. If you are at the bottom of roster on kills, play for your life first, and team-shoot with the guy at the top of the roster.
Try to keep the surprise element at all times. If your opponent doesn't know where you are, then you are at an advantage. But, once you shoot your weapon or throw a grenade, you're sure to be on their radar, so unless you're about to get a pick or in a situation where you are three fighting one or two, retreat and approach from a different place. I find a lot of success from getting one kill, then immediately retreating and getting cover to angle for the next attack. It's rare to get 2-3 kills all from one spot, unless you're using a super or a power weapon, so don't outstay your welcome.
Be mindful of lives remaining. For Survival, this is key for both your team and the opposing team. If the round timer runs out and the lives counter isn't equal for both sides, the round is given to the side with the most remaining lives ("Life Advantage" rule). A team can be taken off guard by this; I see it happen often in 2v3 games. If your team is up by 2+ lives and there's only a minute remaining, you're better off playing passively for that last minute since the pressure is on the opposing team to bridge the gap. But if the other team has a life advantage, press for eliminating it before the timer gets you.
Don't get outnumbered. If you're flanking and on your own, wait for an opportunity to get a pick, and ideally only engage with a single player. Team shots can take you out quickly.
Keep mental notes on player positions. This is difficult, but important. Use your radar to help if you don't have visuals on the enemy (and your team is clearly indicated on the radar, or the HUD). You're tracking where 2+ players are and where the single player is. If you can position yourself to take out the single player (ideally with a team mate), your odds are better than taking on two players by yourself. Whenever you find yourself outnumbered, retreat to safety and engage from another position.
Listen for kill audio cues. Enemy kills are crucial to Survival progress. Taking out a player makes it easier to push forward and clean up. One kill can become two or three very quickly. But this goes both ways. If a team mate falls, and you were their backup, better to retreat and seek another team mate than to engage further.
Don't play too passively. If your team mates are being aggressive, you probably should too. They are putting themselves at risk, and moreso if you aren't there to help decrease that risk. Don't spend half the round crouch-walking to position yourself if your team's life counter is draining.
Wait for team mates. If you are killed and respawn, don't rush back into another fight until you have company. So many times I play with blueberries that do this: they die and respawn, then I die and respawn shortly after. Instead of them waiting for me, they rush off to die again. If two or more on your team die, just take a breath and regroup before rushing back into battle.
Keep a log of your progress. I kept weekly and daily progress notes. For a given day of play, I'd track each match result in terms of win/loss and points gained/lost. At the end of the day, I'd summarize those in terms of total games played, total games won, total games lost, and number of Glory points gained or lost. It was helpful to review and see my progress. You can also use this log to monitor how many points you can "gamble" by playing another match. If you've had good progress and met a goal you have for that day (also a good practice), then maybe it'd be better to stop and not risk losing points. If you haven't met your goal, then you can keep going unless you're feeling burnt out. Your progress log can help you make those decisions.
Review your mistakes. If you lose a game, take some time to think about how you could have played better. What did the other team do that made them more effective? Try to focus on how you could have turned it in to a win versus blaming the other players you were matched with. You can also save the video and review it. At the very least, this bit of reflection gives you time to cool before you try another match.
Review your best moments. Some games will be amazing-- you'll make all the right moves. Save those videos and post them to YouTube or Twitch. Share them with your clan. It's encouraging to re-watch those shining moments, especially after a losing streak.
Keep your momentum going. If you've been working on rank score, be sure to play the minimum 3 games per week to not decline in score (at least, once you reach Mythic, rank can decay). And you'll get a bit of extra Glory rank (until you hit Mythic) at reset for your trouble.
And here's a few "don'ts":
Don't leave a match. Even if you are losing 0-3, don't ever leave a match. Even if someone else has left your team, don't leave. (I have actually won a match or two where it became a 2v3 game, and the other player and I were at an avantage because the player that left was draining our life pool so quickly and so we had more lives to spare after they left.)
Don't ever suicide intentionally. I've been in a couple of games where the skill gap between teams was enough that it caused someone on the losing side to think: "well, we aren't going to win, so I might as well make this loss go faster" and they started jumping off the map as much as they could. That is horrible, and there should be temporary ban penalties applied to players who throw a match like that.
Don't die with your super. Do your best to use your super before you can't at all. Personally, I let this happen too often since I run bubble Titan and tend to save the bubble for a capture flag situation, but when you're at round 3 and the enemy has no lives left, it's time to go on offense.
I don't consider myself better than average for PvP... my survival K/D is 0.95 or something, which is decent but not amazing. But with some smarts, you can still play well and get your match win rate high enough to keep your progress going. You can find some of my survival videos on my Crucible playlist on YouTube. It's been a fun season and I'm looking forward to doing it again in season 11!
Good luck!
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640-642: "Explore! Fairies' Island - Green Bit!", "The Unknown World! The Tontatta Kingdom!" and "The Stratagem of the Century! Doflamingo Makes His Move!"
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Doflamingo using Fake News before it was cool.
Watched three episodes to make up for not posting on Saturday. Damn, am I glad I watched up to 642. The reveal of the Tontatta people and what Violet was up to *did* move the plot along. But Doflamingo is the centre of trouble and strife. When he shows up, you know it’s about to get real.
And boy, Doflamingo really is a proper joker, isn’t he? Just loves to play little tricks on people. Little tricks like taking control of the press and releasing fake news just so you can murder another pirate.
Such a prankster!
Zoro Ages 40 Years Through Confusion and Stress
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Before I get to the Main Event, gotta update on Franky and Sol, plus Zoro and his new pal Wicka!
In Zoro’s storyline, the action kicked in with him dashing about Acacia Port Town, seemingly yelling and muttering to himself. A small child was scared. His mother advised him to not look Zoro in the eye.
Meanwhile, somewhere about Zoro’s person, a small voice ordered, “Get to Flower Field already!”
Ah, thought I. Zoro has teamed up with the thieving little fairy from earlier.
Sure enough, a flashback confirmed it, along with another tasty nugget of news that tied Zoro’s story neatly into the main plot.
After the sack of stolen stuff whacked Zoro on the head, Zoro spotted the little thief. The game was up. Tiny thief introduced himself as Wicka. He belonged to the Tontatta Tribe’s scouting unit and he was freaking out about Zoro - a Big Human - having seen him. Of course, Wicka couldn’t share any information - apart the fact he was supposed to report to his chief that the Donquixote Family were about to destroy the Strawhat Pirates’ ship.
Obviously, Zoro was interested in this development. He was about to haul ass back to Sunny but, alas, his faulty GPS kicked in. (He is the only one who hasn’t left Acacia Port yet, lmao). As Wicka had broken his ankle in the fall, he offered to guide Zoro back to shore in exchange for a ride to a place called Flower Field.
Turns out the Tontatta People have a conflict with the Donquixote Family too, though Wicka wouldn’t spill the details. (I’m still thinking a lot of them are being forced to work in the Smile factory.)
As for Franky and Sol, they are heading the same way, funnily enough. (Maybe Flower Field is the headquarters for the Resistance.) On the way, Rebecca spotted them from a Colosseum window. She shouted after Sol, who acted pretty weird about the whole thing. Pretty much was like, “Oh, so you entered the competition even though I told you not to. Okay.”
There is obviously a crap ton of history between these two because Rebecca cried and shouted back, “I’ll win so we can live together!”
Sol was all surly about it. “A warrior who cries will not easily win,” and rode away on Franky. Then, when he was safely out of earshot, he told Franky how he had something he wanted to protect and that he could not shed tears from his tin eyes.
Gotta say, I’m getting weird vibes from this relationship.
Ceci N’Est Pas Une Punch
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As for Luffy Lucy, the Block C battle is officially underway! I was super hyped to see this fight but the action kept cutting away from it. Now the Feathered One has flapped onto the stage, he’s hogged the spotlight and some of the hype has worn off.
Still, that whole sequence of Luffy winding up Gomu Gomu stretchy punches and declaring, “That was a normal punch. Oh, that one? That was a normal kick. A completely normal kick.” Even after several fellow competitors observed, “Hey, that guy’s arm stretched. Isn’t that exactly like that Strawhat Luffy guy’s power?”
No it wasn’t.
It was just a normal, run of the mill stretchy punch. 
Do not listen to Cavendish who is being manhandled from the area shrieking “I’LL KILL YOU, STRAWHAT!” at the top of his lungs. Do not listen to Don Chinjao, who is stomping about, growling about murdering Garp’s grandson every five seconds.
All trickery and lies.
And speaking of...
You Just Lost the Circle Game
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Ah, I am so glad Sanji’s little subplot has merged into the main plot. It had begun to border on unwatchable. I breathed a sigh of relief when Violet turned the tables last episode. I thought she might even be a CP0 member in disguise, seeking to shackle Sanji and trade him for Luffy.
It’s less complicated than that.
It turned out Violet was an assassin hired by Doflamingo to prey on Sanji’s weakness for women. The chuckling thugs surrounding her laughed it up. This guy is worth 70 million and he was fooled by Violet’s act? What a dumbass.
She shit-talked Sanji for about five seconds. “Did you really think a guy like you could win my heart? How funny!”
This was before she unveiled her Glare Glare fruit power which allows her to see into people’s minds (legit amazingly useful power, to be fair). She asked Sanji some Important Questions. Why had Strawhat and Trafalgar Law become allies? What brought them to Dressrosa besides the business at Green Bit? What was their ultimate plan? What were they up to?
But inside Sanji’s mind, all she saw was PINK PINK PINK. Which, I am guessing, means Sanji’s head was filled with nothing else but thoughts of LADIEZ. (Bit of a disservice to Sanji, but okay.)
Understandably, Violet was freaked out. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking of you,” Sanji answered. “The way you looked at me in that moment, I knew you were telling me the truth when you asked me to kill someone for you. I believe in women’s tears!”
I blinked and reached for my sick bucket.
Amazingly, Sanji’s charm worked on Violet. Not only did she turn on the hired thugs, she also ran away with Sanji and let him peer into her mind to discover the trap Doflamingo had laid for Trafalgar Law.
Very generous. Sanji, I take it all back. You are a smooth operator, after all.
Little People: The Only Thing That Has Legit Scared Robin Since Enies Lobby
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Back at Green Bit, Usopp was having flashbacks to Bowin Island and Caesar was shrieking for Doflamingo. Law basically told him to hold his horses because they had a bit of walking to do first. Caesar would be handed over at 3pm at a further distant point of beach.
Then Usopp’s keen sharpshooter’s eye spotted an ominous object. A Marine ship grounded on the bay, snarled in a plant’s grip. Robin concluded the cuts that freed the ship from the plant were fresh and that the ship hadn’t sustained much damage. 
Ruh roh. That meant the Marines were on Green Bit.
Caesar freaked out. He was a wanted man with a sky-high bounty and a list of crimes that would make Magellan’s hair curl. Now Doflamingo had resigned from the Shichibukai, there was no law protecting Caesar anymore. If he was left on Green Bit, cuffed and defenceless, they’d arrest him! “THIS IS HELL!” he wailed. “I’M DOOMED!”
While Usopp hissed at Caesar to stfu, Robin side-eyed Law. “Why are the Marines here? You look like you’re hiding something, Law?”
Law claimed it was a coincidence. How could he control the Marines? (Though the flashback to his chat with Smoker when he admitted he was headed for Green Bit says otherwise. Not control. More a subtle manipulation.) Still not sure how much of the Marine presence here is Law’s or Doflamingo’s doing. I’m thinking Doflamingo’s to be honest. Maybe Law expected Smoker and found Fujitora instead? More on that later, though.
At any rate, Law set up a recon plan. Robin and Usopp would scout the area, searching for Marines. He would walk to the handover point with Caesar.
Robin and Usopp saw some shit in that forest, let me tell you.
A gang of fodder Marines fell victim to some of Wicka’s fellow tribespeople. A spokesperson called Leo demanded to know if the Marines were good or bad people. 
“We are Marine soldiers! We protect people!”
But when they would not hand over their weapons, the Tontatta fighters stripped the Marines almost butt-naked (they left the underpants for their cousins, the Underpants Gnomes).
A similar thing happened to Robin. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a small, shadowy figure retreating with stolen clobber in hand. She set a mille fleurs and caught a very angry little dude. She did try to ask him if they had robbed the Marines, but the Angry Little Dude’s friends returned with anaesthetic slingshot ammo.
The next thing, there are a few shots of shadowy stitches and Robin stirs awake to find lots of Tontatta people slithering about under her clothes (kinda creepy) and going through her stuff. Notebook, candy, den den mushi. Oh yeah, and her body was stitched to the ground by Leo.
Luckily, Robin is the kind of person who can stay calm in trying situations. She kept her cool and asked questions. Where was she? Was Usopp okay? Had they grown all the massive plants on the island?
The answers were that she was in the Tontatta Kingdom, they had captured Usopp and he was fine and, yes, the plants were their doing and there is no plant they cannot grow. 
Robin figured she could easily escape with her DF power but that she had to be careful not to cause a stir. When they asked her why she had kidnapped one of their own people, Robin answered she had caught him out curiosity. That was it. She hadn’t meant any harm and she would never tell anyone she had seen them.
That was funny. 
It was all going well, until Robin discovered she only had two minutes to meet with Law at the handover point. She made to leave but the Tontatta people were like, “NO. NO ONE LEAVES. GIVE US YOUR WEAPON.” (What is it with them and weapons? Are they planning to go to war with the Donquixote family? They’ll get their tiny asses handed to them.)
They were about to strip Robin, but another Tontatta random ran up, saying not to harm Robin. That she was the partner of the Legendary Hero! The Big Human who had come to save them all!
Yes, I thought! The Legendary Hero? There’s only one person that could be. Usopp’s bullshitting skills have come through!
Law Falls for Doflamingo’s Fake News
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For that reason, Robin and Usopp didn’t make the the handover on time.
Well, Robin did.
Sort of. The usefulness of her Devil Fruit power has climbed a few notches. Remember she showed she could clone herself in Fishman Island? Turns out she can do this long-distance too. Even though she is underground with the Tontatta people, she was still able to send a message to Law.
Unfortunately, Robin’s clone arrived just as Sanji’s Bad News did.
While Law and Caesar were standing on shore like they were waiting for Godot, Law’s DDM rang. It was Sanji with the best damned plot twist.
“You’ve gotta get out of there! Doflamingo didn’t resign from the Shichibukai. Even if you hand over Caesar to him, there is no trade!”
Law was shook. “Wait, that doesn’t make sense--”
“We’ve been doublecrossed!” Sanji shouted. And told Law everything Violet had shown him. The flashbacks revealed something very interesting. The crowd below Doflamingo’s rooms, begging him not to abdicate, were assuaged when CP0 turned up and told them the newspaper reports were “a mistake. Just a false report. We will let the world know through an extra edition of the Coo News at 3pm. You mustn’t tell anyone until then.”
3pm, eh? Convenient timing on Doflamingo’s part. Now the residents of Dressrosa being awfully calm for a nation whose king has just abdicated makes a ton of sense.
But the news came too late for Law. Out of the trees, Admiral Fujitora marched with his men. Fujitora did not seem pleased to have been fooled by the false report. The jury is out on how much Akainu really knows, but he is going to talk with the Gorosei at Mariejois (that’ll be an interesting conversation). Right now, Fujitora is still following orders to be there at the handover point.
Law realised he was screwed.
“You’re the new Admiral, aren’t you?” he said.
Then Doflamingo flapped down.
In his shrieking enthusiasm, Caesar almost ruptured something internal. “JOKERRRRRRRRRRR!”
But Doflamingo only had eyes for Law. (Murder eyes. I cannot stress the murder part enough.)
“Hey, Law. Well done! I didn’t expect to see a Marine Admiral here. Since I’m no longer  Warlord, I’m scared as hell.”
Now I think about it... maybe Law had deliberately led the Marines to Green Bit under the mistaken assumption Doflamingo really had resigned. If everything had gone as Law had planned, the Marines would have rocked up, arrested Doflamingo and Caesar and Kaidou’s supply of Smiles would have dried up.
But it didn’t work out like that.
“Liar!” Law growled. “Answer me, Doflamingo! You used the authority of the World Government to fool the whole world only to deceive ten people? How?”
“Often the more spectacular the magic, the simpler the trick,” Doflamingo replied, giving nothing away damn it.  “People usually have a stereotypical idea or assumption like, ‘that’s ridiculous!’ and that’s what causes a blind spot.”
He was clearly referring to Law here. Law had assumed there was no way Doflamingo had the power to pull such a massive, world-scale trick. I mean, CP0 have been drafted in here. They report directly to the World Government. Doflamingo has some hefty connections. There is no denying it at this point.
“Nobody can really do such a thing, even if he hatched some scheme. You’re a pirate!” Law seethed. “Even if you’re a Shichibukai and a king you don’t have the power to spread a lie over the world! The only people who have the power to do such a ridiculous thing are the Celestial Dragons--”
Law’s words caught in this throat. He remembered what Vergo had said to him at Punk Hazard: “You don’t know Joker’s past and that will cost you your life.”
My jaw dropped. SURELY NOT??? Was Doflamingo a Celestial Dragon?
Even Law thought the same as me. “Don’t tell me you’re--”
Doflamingo, cagey as always, said only, “It’s a bit more complicated that that. But I have only one purpose here, Law. I just want to kill you.”
Dem veins, man.
Vein’s a-poppin’
I hope Law has some tricks up his sleeve because he is caught between an Admiral and Doflamingo. It ain’t looking good for him right now.
Should’ve checked Snopes, Law. Verifying fake news is super important, man.
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Pan’s Labyrinth? Is that you?
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proxylynn · 5 years
Lynchtale: File Name Game of Death #2
Chapter 2: Pay the price for your betrayal
With each step taken the fog ebbed and flowed back, never revealing the solid surface under its misty shroud. In fact, nothing was capable of being seen. At least, for now. Such is how the Entity makes these spaces between realms. The soft footfall of sneakers barely audible. Though one body walked this path, it castes four shadows. This was the Legion. Four souls bound together in a single body, with only one ever in control at a time. They don't remember much before they were taken by the Entity, but they know one thing. They oddly all share the same name. So to break any confusion they each bare a nickname. Dead-Eye is the impulsive one, quick to show off and enjoys doing so in the most hardcore of ways. Boo is the shy and naïve one, usually only doing things because they're forced or afraid to disobey. Chops is the demanding one, thinking they are deserving of more than they get and taking pleasure in earning such rewards. Then there's Bones the opportunistic leader of the bunch, they are as crafty as they are charismatic yet loyal to a fault. They are Legion. And they are on the move. Or more accurately...Bones is on the prowl.
{where are we going? this isn't the way back to the cabin.}
Boo questions.
{weren't you paying attention, twerp? there's new meat in this game. we're gonna go see if they're worth any trouble.}
Chops barks.
{leave the kid alone. we need to pay attention.}
Dead-Eye makes his point. To which Chops scoffs in annoyance.
"will you guys knock it off. we're almost there. and i want all of you to focus."
It's not easy to keep one's mind centered when three other voices tend to chatter on, but Bones had managed to get used to it. This was what it was like for them all the time. The only exceptions were in trials and if the Entity was feeling they earned a generous reward. In trials, the other three would be held back and allow the one in control to be fully themselves. And the generous reward...temporary separation for a short limited time. Moments to themselves are rare, so any chance to have them is highly sought after. This wasn't one of those moments, but could potentially lead up to one, so scouting out the meat was very important.
The fog begins to lessen. Tress start to come into view. The realm of the Survivors' campsite finally draws near. A sinister grin creeps up Bones' face as the sight of a speck of light is seen in the distance. His pace quickens with a sudden eagerness. A feeling of excitement like a child rushing to open their gifts on X-mas day. The light getting closer the faster he went, almost going into his Feral Frenzy state.
{geez, man, chill. ya don't wanna give away that we're here.}
Chops for once was being logical.
"i can't help it. wraith did hype me up a little bit."
{she is merely another human. there is nothing to get so worked up about.}
Dead-eye states coldly.
"that's not the part i'm hyped for."
{it's her soul, isn't it? wraith said it had more colors than the others.}
Boo innocently chimes in.
"heheh...call me curious, but a human with more than one trait to their soul is a rather interesting surprise, to say the least."
{*chuckles* bet she's some kind of freak.}
{don't be so mean.}
{we are all freaks. the only difference is if you embrace it or not.}
"shut up! all your yammering is pissing me off. i need concentration."
Their murmurers in his mind settle down as the density of the forest wanes and the smell of smoke becomes as clear as the light source creating it. Bones' movement now was but a crawl of its former speed as he crouched into the bushes near the humans' untouchable safe zone.
"okay...now, where is the new face?"
Mimicking the stealth of the very prey he's eyeing, Bones silently moves from one shrub to the next to circle the site and better spy the new odd human out.
{this has to be a record for the closest any killer's gotten to the camp.}
{what about that time one enraged huntress and she charged them?}
{i think he means closest without the entity interfering.}
{oh. then yeah. totally a new record.}
{bones, look over by that log in the back. i think that is her.}
From his current spot, all he can see along this log in question is a pair of arms locked behind a pony-tailed brunette head in relaxation. An easily missable sight if not paying attention. Creeping more around grants him the first view of her at a side angle. Yep. This was her. No one like her has been here before.
While different from what he's used to seeing, she wasn't out of the ordinary and just only contrasted from the other humans. Wearing a simple black shirt with weird white symbols across the chest, faded gray camouflage cargo pants, a dark hoodie tied around her waist, and old worn-out white sneakers that look like they've seen better days. She was new, but nothing special.
{that's her? *scoff* wraith must be losing his mind. the only thing she looks like is an easy kill.}
{i don't know. she looks nice enough.}
{boo, i swear, sometimes ya make me want to beat the shit out of ya.}
{what? why?}
{you're both being stupid. don't dismiss the prey by of how it looks. meat is tricky. do not trust it.}
"if only there was a way to get her to expose her soul."
{we can always get a look during trial. we just need to use our moris on her and bing bang boom, it's soul time.}
"true. but there's no telling when we'd get a crack at her."
{oh! i know!}
"what, boo?"
{we can do as wraith did. we get her to come into the woods and then kill her.}
{it does sound like a reasonable idea.}
{for once, the baby said something i can agree with.}
"fine, let's say we do try to lure her out. do any of you know how?"
{we can always chuck a rock at her head.}
"you've got to be fucking kidding me?}
{i don't see you suggesting anything. and besides, it's not like i said we throw our knife.}
"*sigh* i swear, the more time passes the dumber we get. i mean, what the fu..."
{she is looking this way.}
His attention returning to what's in the camp, Dead-eye was right, and her head was now facing his hiding spot.
"...you don't think she heard me, right?"
{no one else is looking. so my guess is no.}
{so weird.}
{weird bitch. i don't like the way she's staring at us.}
For once the shoe was on the other foot. The killer was nervous about being spotted by the prey. But he knew she couldn't possibly know that he's there. Even if he was talking to himself, she was too far away to have heard him and the fog coated bush hid him too well to be seen. So why then was her gaze just strongly locked on him to the point he could feel her eyes picking away at the leaves to find him.
{what do we do?}
{what do ya mean what do we do? it's only a human. she can't do squat to us.}
{then why does this feel so...?}
{yeah. like, super intense.}
{you two are pussies. bones, can ya believe the lack of balls on these dorks? ...bones?}
Bones didn't hear his companions. For that matter, he couldn't even feel their presence. He was too lost in the eyes staring into his very soul from afar. Something held him there and compelled him to keep staring at her. Then she moved. Standing up yet never breaking contact. She tilts her head, as if unsure of if she indeed sees something. But once her mind is made up, she starts to head his way and he hears something that will surely give his cover away.
{wait...is that...?}
{our heartbeat?}
{why is our heart beating ominously?}
"i don't know."
"'ey Luv..."
She stops at the call and approach of one of the male survivors.
"You're not really wanderin' off again, are you?"
When she doesn't respond to him, the man looks to where she's looking and Bones feels awkward.
"What's wrong, Luv? Somethin' over there?"
She rolls her shoulders and turns away.
"Nah. Just my imagination."
The man puts his arm around her shoulders and guides her back toward the log.
Bones lets out a quiet sigh.
Whatever the reason for this strange feeling, he's at least glad it was going away.
A few beats more and internal silence fell once again...not counting the three voices in his head.
{uh...i don't know about you guys, but i say we go home before something else weird happens.}
{you guys are such bitches. *huff* man...fuck this place. was a waste of time anyway.}
Bones found himself grinning. This human was already proving themselves to be interesting. She was going to be fun in trials. Every killer knows about the Terror Radius. The warning sound survivors hear when a killer draws near. But no killer could ever hear it...till now and only for her. And the thrilling part was that she probably had no idea of the effect that befell him at her coming closer, which means for him, finding her will be as easy as finding a cat in an empty fish tank.
"heh heh heh...this is going to be fun."
Having seen enough, for now, Bones made his way deeper into the forest and headed out into the dense fog. Now knowing what he did, it was time to return to their territory and go over a plan for this new meat. Perhaps he could make a rare offering to the Entity and ask for a small favor? It's worth a shot.
Time is annoying here. There's no way of knowing what is going on. Is it day? Is it night? Who knows! It's always this weird form of dark but isn't dark. Makes no damn sense. Then there's this good and bad stuff. The good, there's no need to sleep. The bad, trying to sleep because dreaming is awesome is nearly impossible due to assholes in this fucking camp! The good, there's no need to eat. The bad, I would kill for a Big Buford meal from Checker's/Rally's right now. It's a paradox! An evil and twisted hell! Only hell would deny me my favorite food! And to add to all of this...I'm so damn bored! I mean, you can only stare into a fire for so long till it feels like it's burning your very soul away with the power of absolute bullshit! Even when the others come and go, the tireless drain on my mental state remains. The only thing moderately entertaining is David. The guy, when not being a dumb flirt, has no filter when it comes to fucked up stories, that are obviously fake, and I love it.
"I went to this girl's party the week after she beat the shit out of my mate. While everyone was gettin' trashed, I went around puttin' tuna inside all the curtain rods. So weeks go by and they couldn't figure out why the house smelled like festerin' death. I only got caught because this bloke snapped a couple of shots where these guys at the party were singin' while I was in the background with a can of tuna."
"*snickering* Heheh...That story smells fishy. Cast a wider net next time."
David groans.
"Luv...Must you do that?"
"Puns aren't funny."
"You sir just aren't sophisticated enough to appreciate the complexity of a well-made pun."
He rolls his eyes.
"Anyway...This one time, my whole class got detention because I drew a penis with a glue stick on the whiteboard. When the teacher went to wipe off the board, all the fluff came off and stuck to the glue. I never got in trouble for it because everyone found it too funny to rat me out."
"Sounds like a sticky situation."
His groan is even louder.
"Wow. Tough crowd."
"Oh? Okay, Luv, why not you give it a go."
"What? You want me to make you laugh, huh?"
"Make me? No. I want you to try."
I glare.
"Oh, you are so on. *ahem* A priest was driving along and saw a nun on the side of the road. He stopped and offered her a lift which she accepted. She got in then crossed her legs, forcing the habit slip to open and reveals some of her legs. The priest looks and nearly has an accident. After shifting gears, he lets his hand slide up her leg. She immediately says, 'Father, remember Psalm: 129'. The priest says sorry and removes his hand but is unable to remove his eyes from her leg. Later on, when he shifts gears again and has ogled at her leg for like the trillionth time, he lets his hand slide up her leg again. The Nun once again says, 'Father, remember Psalm: 129'. Arriving at the convent, the nun gets out and the priest goes on his way. Once he's at his church, he rushes to his trusty bible and looks up Psalm: 129 and it said...GO FORTH AND SEEK, FURTHER UP YOU WILL FIND GLORY!"
He just stares at me. As do some others that were in the range of my overly dramatic finish. It's actually a little embarrassing. But then...He chuckles.
"Heh. Alright, Luv. I'll give you credit, that was funny. Shame I heard somethin' like it before."
My joke pride is dashed.
"Really? Damn."
"Eh, no worries. Better luck next time."
"Oh! I got a good one. So one day this fly is flying over a pond..."
[It is time, little worm. Time to run and hide from the monsters. Do not disappoint The Entity.]
"Luv? You okay?"
Suddenly the air chills. The trees bend as if to look away. And the fog gets so thick around camp that light is inescapable. An unknown impulse beyond my control has me make myself stand. Joining me in this weird stand is Dwight, Meg, and Jake. My comprehension of what is happening is as cloudy as the black smoke that consumes us. And just like that, we are taken from camp to an unknown place.
The transition of this smoke's transportation is one that chokes the very breath out of you. The feeling of these unseen claws skim along exposed flesh and just add this creepy unsettling factor that makes this even more fucked up. Yet just as the cringe factor feels like its approaching hentai levels of uncomfortable, it all stops. The smoke clears and a very Earth looking place in before me. It's bright, cold, and snowing. Things that normally bother me. But honestly...It makes me smile.
Reality comes back to me in the form of Dwight.
"Get down and follow me."
He crouches and I shrug before doing the same.
"What is this place?"
"Mount Ormond Resort. This is Legion territory. But that doesn't mean it would be the killer though."
"Yeah, I was told it can be random."
He nods and I follow behind while taking in as much of the area that I can soak in. The hollowed summit of Mount Ormond looms over desolate patches of dead trees. The abandoned ski facilities litter the ground among large patches of snow and natural rock clumps with other land bumps. Random snow machines, barrel fires, and a freaking watchtower. There's even an impressive chalet in the center, albeit it's not in good condition as far as I see and we are pretty far from it. The stale air makes the rough winds drape a heavy blanket of isolation over the bleak landscape. Oddly though, the area seems to be fenced in and gives me these dropping mice in a snake tank vibes. Humans being the mice and the snake being the killer monsters. Though seeing this barrier, it doesn't look very difficult to climb. Surely one can simply do so if given the chance. Eh, maybe I'll try it after learning more from Dwighty-boy. We continue to creeping along in tall patches of grass till we reach this weirdly positioned assortment that is almost maze-like but not quite. There are colorful pallets of wood on two sides, this red locker that is conveniently large enough to fit a person, and a hook post that looks like a miniature ski lift pylon with a yellow rubber mat surrounding the lower half. Though he ignores these things to take me to a massive generator that is connected to a light post.
"This is what we need to fix to open the gates and leave. Well...leave without dying."
I just blink in confusion.
"Dude. I don't know about you guys, but I don't know jack shit about mechanical work."
"You don't have to. Take a look."
He moves to one side and I do the same.
"The Entity made these simple. The only thing that needs fixing is the wires. They need to be reconnected to their other half. Just find two that have the same color and splice them back to make the connection. Just be careful not to rush or cross the wrong wires together."
"As dumb as it is to ask...Why?"
"It'll make the gen spark and alert the killer to our location."
"That sucks."
"It does. But not as bad when the killer attacks the gen to undo an amount of progress."
"...Now that's just shit."
"Help me with this one. Repairs go quicker when more than one person in on a gen."
"Fine. Just keep explaining things to me. I don't intend to die here."
He nods as he puts his hands in the generator. I doubt my skills are good here but I at least try and do the same, attempting to repair while keeping watch over his blind spot.
"The goal is to repair the gens to open the gates. But aside from messing up, even repairing the gen can alert the killer."
"Let me guess...The lights?"
I point up.
"Yep. They shine bright enough to be noticed and make a sound when turned on. So...It's best to run and hide when that happens."
"Is that what the locker is for?"
"Yeah, they're good for quick hiding or long-time avoidance."
"That last one sounds like a bitch move to pull."
"...It helps when your team is better than you are and you don't want to get int the way."
Ouch...That actually made me feel bad. Uh...Quick! Change the subject!
"And the pallets?"
"Oh, you use those for a few things. Mostly to block the killer. But if they grabbed someone before they dropped it, you can drop it and make the killer lose their grip and they can escape."
"But the killers can break dropped pallets and there's only a set number in the whole area."
"Other than that, there's not much else we can do. Hide, work on gens, and try not to die."
"Gee. That's depressing. So there's no way of, I don't know, fighting back?"
"Well, there are trunks scatted around that you can find one of four items in at a time."
"A med-kit, toolbox, flashlight, or key."
"Wait...So we don't get a weapon?"
"Nope. We can't even use the hatchets that are in the lockers."
"...Say what now?"
"We've tried. They can't be removed by survivors. Only the Huntress can take them. The only 'weapons' we get are the flashlights because it can temporarily blind them, and a shard of glass to stab them with to get out of their grip. That's it. The other items are just to help us get through this."
So wait, if humans are limited that much, then does that mean...?
"...So I take it trying to jump the fence is a no go too?"
"Nea tried that. The Entity raised it higher as a warning. She didn't listen and kept trying. It killed her automatically."
Damn. There goes that plan.
"*sigh* Any other helpful tips you can give me?"
"Keep your eyes peeled and listen out for the killer's Terror Radius."
"The huh?"
"Terror Radius. When the killer starts to get close, your heart will beat loudly. The louder it is, the closer the killer is to you. Thankfully, it's only a sound we can hear. Aside from the sound, beware of the Red Stain. It's a light that shines from their eyes when they target someone."
"I'm starting to see which side the Entity favors more. Is it too late to switch teams?"
We share a small awkward laugh. But I wasn't joking.
We pause at the sudden sound and notice no added light above us. Scanning the dense further out, a small blip of it is just marginally lighter than the surrounding area.
"That's one down."
"How many do we need to power the gates?"
I pale.
"You're joking."
"I wish."
"We have to do five of these things and avoid a killer while being completely helpless? That is the most bullshit of all bullshit I have ever heard!"
"Shhhhh! Keep your voice down."
I take a deep breath to settle down.
"Sorry. It's just I can't handle stupid. Like, no joke. My mind literally can't take it."
"I'm sure you're just..."
"I once put my head through a wall after punching it to avoid hitting someone that was stating the most illogical load of crap like what they were saying was fact."
He just stares at me.
"I'm not a violent person, dude. But when my brain can't comprehend utter lack of sense, it goes primal and demands a way to unload."
"...By hitting things?"
"By hitting things."
"That...doesn't sound healthy."
I merely shrug and connect the last couple of wires on my side.
Light beams down on us as the generator purrs with life.
"Now we need three more."
"Got it."
"This is where I leave you now."
"Increases the odds of us not being taken down in a bunch."
"...Makes sense."
"Take care, Lynsie."
"Same to you, Dwight."
Dwight crouches off in one direction and I crawl away in the opposite. The misty nature of this place and the snowfall makes for good coverage but also obstruct my sight as well...especially when it flies in your eyes.
Unless the killer just ripped the balls off one of the guys, that had to be Meg. What sucks is I feel I should do something. What that something is? Fuck if I know. Maybe if I find one of those chests I can get a med-kit and heal her if she's hurt. Great. Now I have to multitask. Find gens, fix gens, avoid death, and save others. Is it really too late to change sides?
The fuck? Nearly no time passed and a second was attacked? This isn't looking so good.
"Nope! Nope! Nope! So much nope!"
Dwight comes rushing this way.
He speeds past me with a look of "I'm going to wet my pants" and I don't like that one damn bit. His urgency kicks me into "screw this" mode and I bolt. Now the idea of hiding is my only goal. Something I can effectively feel safe in or at. The chalet looks to be three stories, so maybe. The watchtower seems to be missing a ladder, that's never stopped me before. There's a shack that is very out of place. Wait...What did they tell me about that again? Oh, I remember now. And...Nope! Not going there! That's a bad spot. Uh...Fuck it! Going for the trees! I pick one near one of the odd obstacle places and use it to get up to the reachable branches since the trunk is too big around.
That sound...
I climb up higher and try to mold into the branch work. Maybe I can think of a plan from here. It's not like the killer can climb up here...right?
Shit, that's closer. Where is it? What am I even looking for? Just saying "monster" or "killer" doesn't mean I know what it looks like. God, I hate my teammates...except you, Dwight. You actually tell me useful stuff.
A moving light gets my attention. From the height and angle that I'm at, I see the noticeable sight of a gingered haired maiden speed limping while trying to use a flashlight on someone in a dark blue hoodie. Such a human piece of clothing. A big contrast to the Wraith.
Meg's efforts to shake this killer have her darting around like mad. Soon though she heads my way.
I watch as she vaults through window arches and withholds from using the pallets until just the right moment. She even smacks the killer over the head with one and she gains some time to get ahead, adding more escape time by blinding the killer when he recovers. What kind of OP flashlight is that?
Though the killer can still see Meg hobbling away, it for some reason lingers here. Taking small quiet steps.
Why is it still here? Why won't it go after her? It doesn't see me, does it?
It approaches a locker and flings it open, only to not find me...but Dwight. Unable to escape, the killer grabs Dwight and the poor guy weakly wriggles on the shoulder of the monster as it carries him over just past this obstacle thing.
By how loud that scream is that had to be him going on the hook. Now's my chance to do something helpful! If only the killer would leave! I don't know what it's doing. But the thing won't stop stalking around this damn spot! It's making my heart go nuts!
I'm about to lose my shit when suddenly something sparks on the other end of the zone. The killer pauses, looks around, goes over to Dwight and hits him before leaving to check it out. I wait till my heart has stopped racing then slowly make my way back to solid ground and move to Dwight.
"Dude, how's it hanging?"
He cringes with a groan.
"Please don't make fun right now. I'm in a lot of pain."
"I see that. It's just how I deal with things. Now think light thoughts."
I embrace his legs and lift. He on his end pulls up with one hand and move the hook away with the other. The blood falling and the sloshing noise of the nasty hook moving through his shoulder. When freed he slumps down on me and brings us both crashing to the snow.
"*muffled* Mind getting off my head?"
He rolls off me and I shake the snow from my hair.
"Thanks for the save."
"Anytime. So long as I'm not being chased."
He smiles and picks himself up, holding the gaping wound with his good hand. Doing so makes his extra wound at his side stretch and bleed harshly.
"Say...You wouldn't happen to know where Jake is?"
I shake my head.
"Oh well. Here's hoping I find him or my own med-kit before Legion gets me again."
"That was Legion?"
"One of them. You better get going now. It's not good hanging around a wounded survivor."
"Wait, what do you mean by one of them?"
He limps off, groaning and dripping blood.
Sounds like Meg is getting into trouble again. I got to do something. Anything productive. Where's another generator at?
Holy shit! Okay, I need to do something. I'm too far judging by that scream. I need to buy them time to save her. I need to...
Not yell out the killer's name like a fucking idiot!
Well, that's to be expected. Time to run now. With basically having painted a "come kill me" target on my dumb ass, I don't hold back on the speed. Rushing as if Legion were right behind me instead of just trailing from somewhere.
Need to duck it. Need to find something to disorient it. In my haste, I grab some snow and ball it before chucking it at a passing pallet. The thud sound it makes should pull its attention.
Unfortunately, it seems I'm not going to be so lucky. It's not falling for this trick.
That sound means we only need two more generators to power the gates and no one has died that I'm aware of. So far I'd call this a good trial. Scary as fuck, but still good.
It's going after the others again. I can use this opportunity to find a spot to rest for a bit. My lungs are burning from so much running. The watchtower again seems like a tempting hideaway, but if I try climbing now I'll make too much noise with all the huffing and puffing. The shack is again, something I'm not going near due to basement reasons. So the chalet will be my rest stop for the moment. Sneaking in is easy, what with all the broken spots that anyone can use. The inside is trashed. Giving off the vibes of a place used to crash in to get away from the world. Ah, teenage memories. Sadly such destruction makes some parts of it crippled or just plain blocked by debris. Which sucks because that top area is where I want to go and I'm not in the mood to go parkour crazy.
Jake or Dwight just got nailed. The way things are going another hit or hook will happen.
Oh, come on!
You've got to be kidding me.
Son of a...Not much to go on and needing somewhere to hide, I throw myself behind one of the random couches...only to end up skidding into a downward going set of stairs and I tumble head over heel into a wall.
I shake away the stars in my eyes and come to find I'm in the one spot I've been trying to avoid. I'm in the basement. But how? I thought they said it shows up in the shed. What kind of retards am I dealing with here?!
Oh yeah, that's still a thing. Since going back up will get me spotted for sure, I hobble deeper down the steps and find the light seeping through the walls to be very unnerving. The eerie sounds don't help either. The Basement contains four lockers, a chest, and a special set of four hooks hanging all from a center post that looks more wicked than the one's topside.
With not much time, I slip around one of the spaces in the back and hold my breath.
The sound of grunts and footsteps get louder from above as they move towards the stairs. The grunts aren't coming from the killer. I know the voice. It's Jake and, much like Dwight, he's struggling to get free from the killer.
There's some shuffling as the steps get closer and closer.
I think everyone's been hooked at least once except for me. Maybe I have some luck about me after all. Now when the killer leaves I can unhook Jake and the last couple of generators will be done with ease.
Wait...Why is the killer's steps getting closer?
Why isn't it leaving?! What the fuck?!
A dark menacing figure with eyes glowing blue rounds the opening of my little hideaway and I in panic, lack of air, plus pure adrenaline flip the fuck out. Much like the reaction that came from meeting the Wraith, instinct has me utter random shit in hopes of stunning the threat with confusion.
"*loud hiss*"
I don't wait to check if this works. I merely listen to the screaming signals my body is making to charge forward. This move takes the killer and knocks it back a bit as I do the animalistic approach to running for my escape. Sorry Jake. Maybe someone else can get you.
"this is no place for cowards!"
That voice makes my spine shiver. Though nothing freaks me out more than the rapid sprinting behind me.
"where do you think you're going?"
"Anywhere I can!"
"smartasses get killed. we always see to that."
Bounding out of the chalet, it keeps chase with me and even vaults the pallets that I leap over.
"we know this place better than anyone. what makes you think you can avoid us?"
"Two words..."
Leaping over another pallet, I return to a bipedal run and grab some snow in my haste. I ball the snow hard and once I lead the killer into a straight line, I turn back then hurl it into its face.
"Snowball's chance!"
The resulting assault stuns/blinds it and I, not knowing how long this will last, rush for the watchtower. Doing what I can to scramble up some of the supports after jumping off a generator by the time it catches up to me and is not happy. Though now that I'm out of reach, I can get a decent look at this killer. He is in a deep blue hooded jacket that's partly zipped, the hood covering his head is black and there's white fur around the collar. His black pants have a white stripe that runs down the side of the legs, the ends have been rolled up near the knee. He has finger-less gray gloves that match his gray socks. He spots black sneakers with blue accents and laces. The limbs of his outfit are battened down with tape like practitioners of parkour which is done to lessen wind resistance. In his hand is a sharp hunting blade-like weapon with a jagged saw back made of bone. Such a thing is fitting since this killer is a living skeleton, the open part of his jacket showing off his ribcage. He has no eyes, just black sockets with blue eye-like lights. Other than some bloodstains here and there, there's this odd dark mark on the right side of his face. Or should I say skull? You know what I mean.
"there's no getting out of this now. we're too good at it. so why don't you be a good girl and come down here, excepting your death with some dignity."
"Hmmm...I don't know. Seems to me I have the high ground. The way I see it, I can just chill out here and be completely fine."
He attempts to climb up to get me. Though his skeletal digits can't get a real grip and he keeps slipping off on the first board. He gives up on climbing in annoyance and growls at me but then snickers.
"we wouldn't be so sure about that. once your twerpy friends get a gate open or we shut the hatch, endgame collapse starts. and if you can't escape within two minutes...regardless of your health or hiding spot, any survivors remaining in the trial grounds will be sacrificed by the entity itself."
I groan and claw my face.
"You assholes don't tell me shit!"
I shout into the air and Legion laughs.
"sucks to be you. shame you can't trust your teammates to even inform you on basic things."
"I know!"
I slump against the cold wood as he positions himself under me. Maybe he'll try to throw his weapon at me to knock me down.
"if you come down now, we might be willing to forgive that snowball thing and kill you quickly."
This is so not my day.
"Any chance we can work out a deal where I don't die?"
"heh...we think not."
What is it with this we stuff? I hate words games. It's just as bad when assholes play the pronoun game when talking about someone.
Another generator goes off and we both look out to where it alerts.
Not sure he meant to say that out loud, but it gets me an idea. An awful idea. A wonderfully evil, awful, and just plain fucked up idea.
"Say there, killer, you look a bit worried."
He glares up at me.
"worried? *scoff* what's to worry about? we can easily take down all of you before that last generator gets popped."
"Care to make a little bargain then?"
He eyes me.
"Hear me out. You want us humans dead, right? But currently, three of them are causing you some annoying trouble."
"three? not counting yourself among them?"
I hook my legs around a beam and swing down to dangle just out of reach.
"With this lot? No. It's like you said, they can't be bothered with helping me...So why don't I help someone else instead?"
This gets a grin to smear his skull.
"okay. we're listening."
I smirk.
"You let me live, and I'll make sure they don't get away from that weapon of yours when you come running. Sound fair?"
He chuckles smugly.
"you think quite highly of yourself for someone in their first trial. what makes you think we need your help?"
"Fine. Risk it. Risk them getting away while I stay here and let the Entity get me."
He flinches.
"Risk not making them scream."
He fidgets a bit.
"Risk not spilling their blood."
He gets more anxious.
"alright! alright! we get it...we have a deal. but on one condition."
"That is?"
"if this messes up and they getaway, we're going to kill you. yet if this works, we'll let you live...but not without some damage."
Beggars can't be choosers. I don't think I'm getting a better offer than that.
I swing away and drop unsteadily. Part of me thought he'd use the opportunity to stab me the moment I came down. I guess there is some honor among killers...I hope.
"I saw some movement west of here. Not sure if other gens are there, but it's where I'm going."
He shrugs.
"go for it. we'll be lurking behind. we can't have them hearing our terror radius, now can we?"
I nod and sprint away. Not really sure if this is a good idea. Morally speaking this is worth my ass burning in hell for eternity. But in terms of not winding up on a hook or as Entity food, I'll sell out the world if I have to. Especially when they knew shit and didn't bother telling me. Granted, I will feel bad for Dwight as he did help me. But only he has my humanity attached to him. The rest are as good as dead.
Running without the need to be sneaky is a nice little perk in all this. The cold was doing a number on my hands. Taking a moment to pause, I listen for any sounds of movement or repairing.
"What are you doing? Don't run around like an idiot."
Jake moves from behind a clump of large rocks.
"Glad to see you too. Where're the others?"
"Not here, obviously. While you were running distraction, we got another gen done."
"I know. We just need one more, right?"
"Yeah. There are three others available. So we've split up to ensure one gets done."
Crap. This is going to be harder than I thought. I didn't anticipate there being more generators than the required amount. Change of plans.
"Mind if I help?"
He sighs.
"Come on. There's one around here."
I will not regret you dying, asshole. He leads me behind some trees where a generator has a shit placement. A boulder and a tree block two sides of it. I guess it's somewhat helpful. He takes a side and I take the more open side...not that he gave me a choice. He starts to tinker and I begin grabbing wires, picking opposites. I wait a few moments then make bad connections, causing the generator to blow in a loud show of sparks.
"Damn it. Be careful will you?"
"Don't pressure me. I don't do well under pressure."
I repeat this same move. Wait a little bit and then spark explosion!
"Screw this."
He crouches off and I follow in a crawl.
"Go away."
"We're a team, right? We need to stick together."
"I don't need you messing this up. Go run distraction since you're so good at it."
"You sir, need to watch your tone."
So Legion either didn't follow me or found Meg along the way.
"There goes Meg."
"See? Go distract the killer so we can get her. That way someone useful can actually help."
That was the straw that breaks me. I tackle him to the ground and slam his head repeatedly.
"*snarling* Do...Not...Ever...Disrespect...Me...You...Stupid...Mother...Fucker...!"
After about the tenth bash, I stop because of the sickly wet sloshing sound of a cranium on slushy snow snaps me to my senses. Jake isn't dead but he is bleeding like crazy and knocked the fuck out. I've never unloaded like that before. It was so primal and yet...so satisfying. Looking around to make sure no one else saw this, I am relieved that nobody did though for some reason I find my eyes locking on to a nearby hooking post.
[Interesting, little worm. You made the meat bleed. Keep going. Do not resist. Offer it to The Entity.]
My head hurts at the whispers invading my mind. I don't like it. I move off of Jake and drag myself from this scene. It's harder than it seems. Something wants me to do it. To finish the job and hook him. It feels sick. I wander around trying to regain myself from the numbness clawing at my brain. The cold is suddenly worse on my hands, only now do I understand the reason why. Jake's blood is on my hands. Literally and figuratively. I frantically try to clean them off in the snow. Less for the reasons of this is a bad "Oh my god, what have I done" thing but more for "I can't let them see this or they'll know something isn't right" thing. Well, that and the longer I see the blood the stronger the messed up impulses get.
The shocked sound gets me back in my normal mindset. Finding the others.
"Dwight, just stop. That's only making it worse."
Meg shoos Dwight from trying to heal her while taking cover in bushes.
"I'm sorry. I get really nervous near endgame."
Poor guy looks so scared.
"Yeah, about that..."
They nearly jump at my arrival.
"So nice of you lot to tell me about endgame collapse. Real helpful. It's almost like you're not telling me shit on purpose so that you'll have better odds. But that would be a massive dick move that only lowlifes would do. And you guys aren't lowlifes...Are you?"
My tone is spiteful. Not caring for whatever the answer that comes.
"It's not like you needed to know right away."
I glare daggers at them.
"We believed you were able to avoid the killer. So we were going to gen rush for a speedy victory. We weren't counting on Legion being so aggressive. Its deep wounds aren't normally so hard to mend."
"What I'm hearing is a lot of crap. One, my so-called team made a plan and didn't let me in on it. Two, said team leaves out useful information on the killer and trial effects. And three, you thought this wasn't going to bite you in the ass."
They look at me confused when suddenly the sky rumbles. Our gaze goes upward as the part of the white clouds turns black and opens to obsidian spider-like appendages reaching down to the ground.
"What the fuck is that?!"
"That's the Entity. But it only comes into trials to claim a sacrifice. Why is it...?"
The spindly claws retract back to wherever the fuck that shit came from, but it's not leaving empty-handed. The shade of Jake is in its grasp. A small glow of cyan in his chest. Once the thing returns to the clouds, the sky returns to normal and I'm speechless.
"It...It took Jake?"
"How? He was only hooked once. If he was hooked again we would've heard him yell."
Unless he was so knocked out that he was completely incapacitated.
"We need to get that last gen."
"But you need to mend. You'll bleed out otherwise."
"I'll do it myself. You two get to a gen. I'll be fine."
Dwight looks worried but he nods and takes my arm.
"Let's hurry before Legion finds us."
I merely follow. Still too dumbstruck to comprehend the thing I just saw.
"Are you okay?"
"Big thing came out of the sky...Head very fuzzy..."
He frowns.
"I'm sorry we didn't tell you everything. We're just...You get so used to things around here that it's easy to forget what it was like in the beginning. Back when this was new and hard to understand. Back when we wished there was someone to teach us what to do. I'm sorry, Lynsie."
Oh no...Not genuine sincerity! How am I supposed to let him die now after all that? God damn evil plans! He finds a generator and he begins to work on it while I pretend to do so. There's already been some progress made on this thing. That's not good. Fuck, I'm conflicted. I can get out of here at the cost of their lives and risk them finding out. Or I can help them escape and risk pissing off Legion who will hunt my ass down for betrayal. I've doomed myself. Like wielding a double-edged sword, no matter which way I swing the damn thing, I'll end up stabbing myself when the backswing returns. Fuck...I've already got Jake killed. Can't puss out now. I slowly begin undoing the connections on my side, effectively making it seem like any progress he's making like it's going nowhere.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm repairing, but nothing is happening."
"Really? You too?"
I'm such scum.
"Hmmm...Maybe the killer is using Hex: Ruin."
I stop and leer at him, making him laugh nervously.
"Um...It's a power that killers can use to affect our ability to repair generators."
"Let me guess...It wasn't worth mentioning at the time that killers have special powers?"
He gulps.
"Have I mentioned that I'm sorry?"
And there goes the guilt that I was having about killing you, Dwighty-boy.
"Come on, dude. Let's find a gen that isn't bugged."
Dwight jumps.
"Oh no!"
"That's Meg's third time being hooked."
"So let's go get her."
"We can't. A third hooking results in instant sacrifice."
Sure enough, the sky does its freaky arcane Hellmouth thing and the talons of the Entity take Meg up into its unknown lair.
"Oh, this is bad. If we can't fix gens then we're done for."
"How many times have you been hooked?"
"Once. If it hooks me now, I'll have to struggle against the Entity as it tries to kill me for sacrifice."
So does that mean if his stamina runs out or he's tired, it'll kill him on the hook?
"We have to get this gen running. It's the only way."
I feel dumb for thing but the question leaves me without much filtering.
"What about the hatch?"
He frowns and shakes his head.
"While it's probably spawned in since we're the last two left...Only one can go through it."
"Unless we had a special key. Then we both could escape so long as we get in within thirty seconds of opening it."
Again? Again with the very important and useful info that could've been told to me way earlier at the damn camp that I'm only hearing about now? Know what...Fuck it! Fuck you! I blatantly connect the wrong wires and the generator blows in loud sparks, freaking Dwight out.
"What are you doing?"
I growl beastly.
"I will not be toyed with by you people."
With the threat of running into a killer or dealing with a pissed off woman, Dwight decides the killer is his worst problem and tries to flee past me. Big mistake. I grab the back of his shirt and yank him hard, giving him a choke before he falls back.
"Are you insane? The killer is..."
"Not your biggest problem."
I smack him so hard that his glasses are knocked off.
"I am not to be fucked with! Not by you. Not by them. Not by anyone! You will learn! You will all learn! You will all learn that your actions have consequences!"
[Yes, little worm. Teach them of their wrongs. Make them learn. Unleash the beast that dwells within.]
A sharp pain grips me. I grab my head and roar out trying to fight this unknown force. My vision is blurring, something is attempting to take control and I fear it might win.
"Holy crap..."
Dwight, understandably afraid for his life, scrambles to get as far from me as he possibly can. But his efforts and lack of good eyesight have him running right into the blade of the Legion to get a critical deep wound.
Dwight goes down and Legion grins to himself.
"too easy."
He goes to pick Dwight up but pauses when it notices me harming myself. My nails are clawing into my arms and I'm ramming my head into some wooden fencing, hoping this trauma will make the force cease its efforts. These actions blind me to his approach and my system gets knocked out of it at this sudden sting in my back.
"don't move."
The feel of his blade leaving me is strangely painless and I can't help the smile that comes to me as things feel so much clearer...even if I drop to my knees.
"stay put. we'll be right back."
He retrieves a futilely crawling away Dwight and goes to hook him somewhere. If I were a more sane individual, I probably would be trying to run away at this moment. But I think that's been proven not to be who I am. What I'm more focused on is figuring out what the hell was happening to me.
Dwight's on the hook now and no one is around to help him. I know I'm not doing it. I am all out of fucks to give.
Legion makes his return and I don't blame him for looking shocked that I remained where he left me.
"Surprised to see me?"
"a little bit. normally you humans try to getaway. even when in the dying state."
I look at him funny and he sighs.
"wow. they really don't tell you anything. okay...um...that guy we just hooked..."
"remember him being on the floor and only able to crawl? that's the dying state."
"Oh. Kind of a disappointing name."
"well if left alone he would bleed to death."
"Now that makes more sense."
He snickers.
"you are a really weird human."
"As I told Wraith, I prefer quirky."
"quirky doesn't even begin to start with what we'd call you. but it's fine for now."
He huffs a small laugh and closes the distance between us before hiking me over his shoulder. The sky rumbles and we look as the Entity comes once more to claim another victim. With that done, he starts wandering off and I'm amazed that something with no muscle mess whatsoever is this strong. Makes me wonder how his bony body works.
"Can I ask a somewhat personal question?"
"Well...and you don't have to answer...But you're a skeleton, right?"
"last we checked."
"But are you completely skeletal?"
He pauses.
"...where are you going with this?"
"I'm just curious is all. I'm not a light girl. For you to pick me up and be walking so comfortably with no muscle is amazing."
He shakes his head in amusement while starting to walk again.
"What? It's a legitimate reason to be curious."
"oh, like you humans are so normal? what with your weak fleshy bodies full of blood and guts."
"I'm not saying it's normal. Normal is overrated."
"then would you be willing to answer one of our questions?"
"Only if you explain this usage of plural terms you've been using."
"we are legion. four killers in one. only one can be in a trial at a time but we're never alone."
"That is fucking cool. So do you all call yourself Legion or...?"
"ah ah ah. you answer our question first."
"what was happening back there? you know...when you were going nuts?"
My head hurts thinking about that.
"I'm not sure. I got really mad and this creepy voice started talking to me."
"creepy voice you say?"
"I've heard it a few times. But that was the first time...I...Argh, my head is killing me."
"we bet it does. after all, you were hitting it into shit."
"Yeah, but it's fine. I'm thick-skulled."
His body shakes a little with held in mirth. Is he...?
"ah, there's that pesky thing."
Apparently, he's been carrying me this whole time for a reason. He's been listening for this odd and very ominous sound. Funny enough, we find this strange cue at the location of the watchtower where this deal of ours was made. The cause of this sound is the hatch, open and full of dark fog.
He drops me off of his shoulder roughly near it and then very blatantly gets his weapon out.
"Um...Nice bone you got there."
"thanks. it does its job well."
I am not going to like this.
"you look worried."
"Only because I know what's going to happen next."
His grin is bone-chilling.
"a deal's a deal, human. you held up your end and now it's our turn. the hatch is your way out. but like we told you...you're not leaving unharmed."
He twirls the blade so that it's stabbing end is downward in his grip.
"This is going to hurt like hell, isn't it?"
"only if you struggle. but please do...it's more fun that way!"
He lunges at me, weapon aiming my chest. I panic. My hands come up to grab his wrist but I'm not one that knows how to properly do this in quick time. I do stop the blade from hitting its target. But now the thing is skewering my hands to give them stigmata. The grinding of the blade on bone is nerve shocking. He uses this to grab my wrists and pin them above my head with his free hand before removing the weapon, his lower half pinning my legs with his.
"now this is a tempting moment. we could do just about anything to you and nobody will stop us. the only limit is our imagination."
With the blade, he slices open my shirt and the smugness he has makes my insides churn.
"Dude, don't be a creepy pervert like this."
His grin falters and color faintly comes to his skull. Is he...is he blushing?
"that is not...we are not like that! this is strictly sadistic torture and nothing more!"
"But doesn't that mean you're getting pleasure out of causing pain?"
The blush gets worse.
"quit making this weird!"
The blade comes down into my stomach and the sound of pain I make is guttural. This keeps up for quite a few more stabs done to my side, ribs, shoulders, and this really painful one at the hip.
"no more talking! understood?"
I nod weakly through whimpers and a sense of impending death.
"good. now behave and this will be pleasant for all of us."
Like an artist with a sculpting knife, he takes his blade and slowly begins carving into the top of my chest. There are many things my pain tolerance allows me to handle. Cuts, stabs, falls, blunt force, sprains, piercings, and some other stuff I can't think about at the moment. And that's because it all happens typically very fast or instantly. This? No. This isn't fast. This is slow and painfully delicate. My eyes are drowning in tears and melting snow. My hands claw at the ground. And my heels dig into frozen soil. This reaction doesn't go unnoticed. Legion enjoys it. His smile coming back and growing with each wince the blade brings out of me.
"there we go...just a little bit more...almost done."
I feel a chill as the blade leaves me for a moment and hope fills me that he's done. Only to be shattered with a quick slash that has me roar in anguish.
"perfect. the entity may heal it away but you'll feel it even if it's gone. you'll never fort it. you'll never forget who you belong to now."
He nudged my head up with the hilt of his weapon so that I can see what he's done. He's etched the word "LEGION" into me. He's marked me as his. Well...at least this is over.
"now say it."
I eye him and he quickly stabs my side.
"say who you belong to!"
"Legion! I belong to Legion!"
It almost sobs out of me. My dignity and strong will were turned to dust way back at the start of all this. His delight is written all over his face. A twisted smile and eyes that burn with gratification.
"good girl. now we want one last thing from you before you can go."
"*whimpers* What?"
He leans down and I feel the pressure of his aura. Dark, threatening, and very very heavy.
"show us your soul."
I bite my lip and gulp.
"I...I don't know how."
The bone blade is stabbed right beside my face.
"you're not leaving till we see it. so you can either figure out how to bring it out...or we can have more fun cutting into you like a pumpkin on halloween."
"How am I supposed to...?"
He yanks the weapon from the ground and rears back ready to slam it down wherever on me he sees fit. Visions of any of the possible ways that bone blade can end up sinking into me flash before my eyes. My heart races and times seems to slow down as he brings it down. My eyes shut tight and all I can do is pray. Pray that this isn't the end. Because I don't want to die. I don't want to die!
"heheheh...we knew that would work."
My eyes open to see the tip of his weapon hovering over the colorful heart that springs from my body.
"fear is a motivator like nothing else."
I think I just pissed myself. It's either piss or blood from the stabbings.
"wraith was right. your souls is interesting. so many colors all swirling around like crazy. it's almost what we'd call pretty."
He gives my souls a small teasing touch before he sits up and moves off of me, letting me go.
"you can go now. we've had our fun this trial."
I'm not sure what to do. Part of me knows better and should leave while given this chance. The other part wants to beat the shit out of him. And another part is too broken to do anything.
"hey, we said you can go."
"Give me a moment...I...I'm trying to remember how to move."
He can't help but laugh at me.
"you can't be serious? did we really scare you that bad? your shitty teammates aren't even that easy."
"Hello, I'm new. Sue me for freaking out when a skeleton has a knife aimed at me!"
He just keeps laughing.
"*chuckling* and here we thought we were the ones without guts."
I flinch with recognition.
"Was that...a pun?"
His brow cocks.
I smirk.
"I hope that wasn't your only one. Because I have a skele-ton of them."
His face blanks and I feel like I may have messed up. Either that or I'm bleeding out to the pint this might be a hallucination. But then...He busts a metaphorical gut in laughter. This is a reaction I'm not used to getting when I pun. It feels nice. And he seems different when he laughs. Like, a guy that you wouldn't think enjoys killing people.
"that...that was a good one."
"Thank you. The idiots at camp don't appreciate them. So I'm glad someone has a working funny bone."
That again cracks him up. But that isn't the only thing cracking. My sides aren't doing so well. It's time to go. Regaining the use of my arms, I press my soul back into me and then pull myself to sit up which I immediately regret what with the amount of coughed up blood that is being forced out of me.
"yeah. you're going to want to go now. not sure how much longer you've got before your body quits on you."
"Probably a good...*coughing* A good...*wheezing* I go now."
Crawling my fucked up form to the hatch, I share one last look with this killer.
"what? there something in our teeth?"
I meekly snicker.
"My name...*gagging* It's...*hack* Lynsie."
He smirks.
"so that's the name of our new plaything? heh...good to know."
He averts his gaze and I move to enter the hatch feet first.
He's still not looking at me.
"...call me bones."
Something about him telling me his name fills me with this oddly warm feeling. The kind of feeling that makes you smile even when you know you shouldn't.
"Later...*coughing* Bones."
I hope that does something for him. Not sure why or what, but it's something I hope for as I slide into the hatch's dark unknown.
The hatch closes and Bones leans back on his hands, an amused grin on his face as the fog of the Entity begins to consume the realm. Time for the world to be reset for the next trial.
"heh...not a bad time. not a bad time at all. the guys are going to get a kick out of this one."
Maybe the Entity won't care that one got away. He did feed it three humans. That should be enough for a decent snack. It's not like one of the other killers can't finish the job of feeding it. He just hoped that after such an exhausting trial that he'd have a chance to rest for a while. The fog rolls over him and takes him away. The world entirely disappearing into the darkness. Now it wouldn't be long before it was to reform as the Entity fed. No matter the reset, the chalet remains and in there so will the Legion.
I wake up gasping for breath and gripping my chest. The hatch was an escape of sorts, but the feeling of slipping through the intangible grasp of something I can't even begin to describe is horrifying.
"There she is!"
Jake shouts and my attention is gotten. The others cast judging eyes at me. David not so much. But the others for sure. Thank god my clothes are healed. Otherwise, this would be even more awkward.
"Is it true? Did you attack Jake?"
Bill asks but it doesn't feel like a question. This is not how I wanted to wake up.
"Answer the question, kid."
I glare.
"I don't have to answer shit."
"So you admit it? You cost us the trial!"
Jake shouts and I snarl.
"No! You did that the moment you decided to use me!"
I get off the ground but I'm wobbly as hell. Something isn't right.
"We're the Survivors. We're supposed to help each other make it out alive. But none of you want to help anyone else but yourselves. And I'll be damned if I'll let you get away with trying to use me as a damn distraction for your gain!"
I start seething and Dwight steps forward.
"Please, don't get her mad."
"The hell do we care if she gets mad?"
"You weren't there, Nea. You didn't see what I saw. You didn't see her change."
I settle down out of curiosity but it's not like that helps the others.
"Oh, she changed? Big fucking deal! That doesn't excuse her for attacking Jake in the trial."
"You don't understand. It was the Entity...it was turning her into one of them."
My confusion is shared with the rest of them and Dwight looks at me.
"It's true. Your eyes...Your eyes were making the stain. Only killers make the stain but they can't see it."
This...this makes some sense for what was going on at that moment.
"That explains the voice..."
I think aloud to myself.
Claudette repeats in puzzlement.
"Talk to us, Luv. What happened back there?"
Not sure if David cares. But he's at least giving me a chance to explain.
"Since I get here, I've been hearing this strange voice sometimes. Calling us meat and other things. During trial..."
Recalling the events makes my head spin and I drop to a kneel, not able to keep balance enough to stand. David and Dwight move to approach but others hold them back till the story is told.
"During the trial, I got so mad. I kept finding out you guys were or had withheld important things from me. It was just building this raw feeling inside. One that boiled over into something...I can't really put it into words. I had these urges..."
I grip my head in pain.
"I wanted to make a point...but IT wanted that point in blood. *groan* Fuck, don't make me remember any more. It hurts."
I feel so weak. Like being here is draining me. I don't understand what's happening to me.
"What do you think? This kind of sounds like your line of work."
Bill asks Ash.
"Hmmm...It does sound something close to possession. Maybe corruption? Influencing her to kill when angered. That's a theory anyway. Anything is possible in this place. Not knowing the Entity's full ability scope or what her soul is capable of really makes this a hard question to answer."
Nea doesn't like this one bit.
"Are you guys for real? It doesn't matter if she's possessed, corrupted, or some other bullshit. The fact is she attacked another survivor. She's a threat and a liability. I say we kick her out of the camp."
Nea is only pissing me off. Not a good thing to do.
"You don't get to make that call, Nea."
Detective Tapp calls her out.
"After all, the same can be said about you when you act so toxic that the killers try to attack us here despite knowing that they can't."
David comes over and kneels with me.
"You alright, Luv?"
"I...I don't know...I don't feel very good..."
"Take it easy. You look like 'ell."
"Legion...had fun with me...lost lots of blood...great sense of humor..."
"'umor? Luv, killers can't make jokes. 'ell, they can't even talk."
But...they can talk. What does he mean that they can't?
"Luv? 'ey, what's wrong? Why aren't you 'ealed?"
My kneeling trembles. I'm getting weaker. My mouth moves but no words come out.
"'ey! Somethin's wrong with her!"
My eyelids are so heavy. It's getting harder to stay conscious. Their bodies look like blobs to me. I don't even know who's coming over to aid David. Everything's getting dark.
[Do not think you can escape, little worm. The beast hungers. It will feed. It is only a matter of time.]
Yay! This got done super fast and I had fun. Now to establish some stuff and clarify things that went down in this chapter.
#1: Killers/Monsters have better relations than the Survivors/Humans...I hinted this one in chapter one, but I think it really shines here. Even if some killers piss off other killers, they still communicate and teach their skills to their allies. Where as the humans share very little and assume others will get good. This leads to toxicity among the survivors and it's not unheard of for survivors to turn on each other. This happens in game too.
#2: The Survivors can't communicate with the Killers...In game, no one talks. All you get are sounds like screams, grunts and other basic noises. For the story, I'm making it so that both sides can speak but the humans can not understand the monsters. This langue barrier keeps tension high and further divides them. All the humans hear are monster sounds. The monster hear English but think the humans are just ignoring them because they're assholes. Lynsie is the exception to this rule and for one reason, which leads into out next point.
#3: The look and feel of Legion/Sans...For this, we turn to this AU's creator punnysideup who has made some awesome pics of our bone boys. Since ffnet won't let me post links, I recommend looking him up on twitter to see all 4 sides to our killer. Though note one thing, I will be changing the look of Dead Eye from what his creator depicts him. It doesn't really fit well, while looking cool, so expect something close to the other 3 in terms of looks.
#4: The Corrupted Survivor...This was a concept I made up for the game and think it makes things a bit more interesting here. Since Lynsie is the anomaly and her soul is all wonky here, the Entity with its crazy powers can influence her into becoming a pseudo-killer. If fully unleashed, this state allows her to hunt and sacrifice like a normal killer, but she still counts as a survivor and there for can be killed by real killers. There are triggers for her entering this state and snapping her out of it. We shall see them done in time.
#5: The Terror Radius...As in here and in game, only survivors can hear the Terror Radius. But...The story has an anomaly that the game doesn't. Due to Lynsie's ties to the Entity and being a pseudo-killer, this gives her a unique radius that only the killers can pick up on...The Tainted Radius. With this, killers can locate her and trigger her into her killer state in trials to terrorize the other survivors.
Other than those points, I can't think of anything else. If there are any questions or if you want to see a certain killer show up in the next chapter, feel free to let me know. Thank you all for reading and I hope you have awesome days/nights. Laters! ^_^
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Turbulent times
Whilst the human race ties itself in knots - fires in the Amazon, shootings in USA, more posturing by countries wishing to apply pressure on those applying pressure on them, hurricanes and devastation in the Caribbean and those are before the chaos that is the UK, the natural world goes about its business, oblivious to all those predicaments, driven by its innate senses of food, shelter and breeding.
Last time I wrote we had had a touch of autumn - that abated and we returned to summer for the Bank Holiday weekend and the first weekend of September.  The farmers have been able to finish the grain harvests and now turn their attention to drilling rape, muck spreading and then the inevitable sugar beet harvest.  Little or no rain still in East Anglia - the main pond by the house dry for the first time in many many years - this gives us an opportunity to halve the number of water lilies and remove a couple of rogue bull rushes that still keep appearing after the purge!  We can all carry out purges!
We are managing to keep up a good supply of salad again, and the late spinach I sowed is doing really well.  However the courgettes have simply given up and mildew is rife.  Tomatoes in the greenhouse are over but we still have a few black plum shaped ones that Mr Horta brought back from Ireland - they are good and I shall ask him to prepare the seed again this year.  However having seen my brother in laws greenhouse tomatoes I shall not be using grow bags again next year.  He uses the same containers with the water trough around the outside but places them over very large flower pots and then on the soil bed in the greenhouse - the roots then can get down into soil rather than being contained in bags and the quantity he achieves is incredible.  He does the same with peppers, aubergines and chillies and is getting much better results - not called Farmer Giles for nothing!  So roll on next year - its rather like training a puppy - there is always another year to try again!
On the subject of puppies, I have been to see the prospective husband for Mavis - a very handsome yellow chap called Sunny.   A super temperament and I am excited about the spring.  He lives in Yorkshire so it was easy to call in and meet him on my way south from a wonderful few days in a cottage in the Cheviots.  Quite definitely one of my most favourite parts of the UK - the walking is sublime as the paths are closely grazed by stock, so it doesnt have the rugged tracks of Scotland with ankle breaking boulders and peat holes. Very few people about save for the Etal Flower Show which was like going back in time!  A lovely little village show - produce, crafts, the Coldstream Pipe Band, masses of dogs and despite coming nowhere in the Prettiest Bitch class of the Dog Show, Mavis and Inca loved their outing and it was good training for them to walk amongst so many dogs and children.  Their best friends Maisy and Hattie came too and we had some happy times - Lindisfarne and Bamburgh Castle, the top of Yeavering Bell - one of the highest Saxon Hill Fort remains in England and a lovely walk at College Valley where Nelson’s 2nd in command lived - his widow Lady Collingwood, scattered acorns in his memory forming two oak woods known as the Collingwood Oaks.  The valley follows the College Burn right on to the actual Cheviot - the highest hill in the area and one for next time.  Lindisfarne was especially interesting - I had no idea (bad) that Lutyens had been instrumental in the rebuilding of the castle or that Gertrude Jekyll had planted a dear little walled garden that the monks used to use.  Equally interesting was the link Mrs G had with two children who were drowned in a shipping disaster many years ago - a relative of hers Maria Barton was escorting two children - Field and Flora Flowers back to their homes in Lincolnshire from school in Edinburgh on the packet steamer Pegasus.  It foundered on the Farne Islands and despite being so close to the shore, many of the passengers and crew perished.  The grave for the children is by the entrance into the Priory.  Maria Bartons remains were taken back to Lincolnshire.
Returning to Norfolk via Yorkshire to find a quiet house - Miss Horta has returned to Italy for the autumn.  Scout was very pleased to see us and have her pack home.  The garden looks pretty and the apples and pears are ready now which is a relief - I had stopped buying apples due to the distance imported ones were travelling conscious of their carbon footprint and that we should eat fruit that is at least from Europe if not Britain.  
The days are lovely and the nights cool - my most favourite time.  Blackberries are gorgeous. It is perfect for training the dogs and I have done two sessions with Mavis.  I think we are breaking through on the actual carrying of game and we are practising a system which seems to be working.  Tonight I took all three with the dummy launcher and Mr Horta to help - we did some really good long marks for Mavis and she is getting much better about looking out and not up at me.  She has been very slow to mature but I am feeling happy with her progress and what I love most is her enthusiasm and desire to please and do more and more where she was a bit reluctant as a youngster.
In the garden - if you have summer flowering jasmine it needs pruning hard now so it can recover before winter.  Lavender can be cut back hard - the daytime sun is warm enough to help it shoot a little before winter.  Wallflowers should have been potted on now - they have about a month to go before they are ready to use in winter containers.  Keep deadheading dahlias.  Winter salad can be sown such as Lambs Lettuce, Winter Density, Purslane and Mustards.
I have pruned the redcurrants as they were desperately untidy with a lot of deadwood - some of which had coral spot on it.  Yew hedges should be finished by the end of September and box as well.  All deciduous hedges can be cut whenever the weather is right until January and it is nice at the moment to leave the berries for the birds and do them a little later.  We have the tree surgeon coming this week to reduce the purple leaved plum Prunus cerasifera, and the yew by the house.  I shall also take cuttings this week of Pelargonium Angel Eyes, my standard Geraniums and now that I know it works, the Nemesia Wisley Vanilla which will save me buying them next year.  I shall also try the Verbena Sissinghurst Pink - another Sarah Raven special - it has been truly superb but I am sure I can do cuttings rather than buy plugs in April!  dont forget bulb orders.
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unwiltingblossom · 5 years
I really want to be done with this, since of the people who actually follow me they’re not Marvel centric and who wants to see a bunch of opinion blogs about a movie they probably haven’t even seen, but oh my gosh, I just want to talk about the scene where they try to give Tony a mini heart attack and everyone just wants to complain about petty things instead.
Lemme talk about why You Are Wrong about hating certain things in Endgame, cuz at least that’s a thing I do in Naruto and other fandoms too. Spoilers.
To be clear, I’m sad about the deaths. I’m especially broken-hearted about Steve, because it’s not possible for Falcon to replace him, so there’s no point even trying. Tony is a bummer, but he’s basically just RDJ, so we’ll still see him being Sherlock and typecast as Tony Stark like figures. All Tony Stark adaptations will be made to copy him still, he’s not really gone. Part of why Captain is gone is because Chris Evans doesn’t want to be him anymore, so that death just feels much more real. You can’t replace the quintessential boy scout from the 30s with...anyone, really.
I’m also sad about the pseudo-deaths, but. Despite that, I don’t agree with the movie complaints. Let’s get into those.
First: No, there wasn’t really any other way for Tony to end. RDJ has been done with the character since IM3, he’s been trying to write him out over and over and just can’t. “He’s retired” can’t work when they have no Tony replacement and go up against world-ending threats, and I don’t think he wants to be tied down to cameos and phone-ins. Death was the only answer for his character. As much as I hate losing Captain, that was a similar situation. Unless they replaced those actors - and that’s tough, especially in RDJ’s case - the characters needed to go with their actors, and their roles/personalities were such that anything but death wouldn’t do that.
We’ll get back to why those were the best endings they could give the characters while still being abrupt and sad, and making it feel like there was actual loss and sacrifice required, but let’s meander over to Thor briefly because his is somewhat shorter.
Buzzfeed woman: If you cannot handle TV shows that have fat characters or fat jokes, please seek counseling and get help.  It sounds like you have some serious issues with your self image and self confidence, and frankly it’s just not a good thing if your entire day is ruined and you’re dropped into a depression because you hear someone make a joke that’s not even about you. Don’t blame other people and expect them to change for you, because they won’t. Seek to be more secure in yourself.
Everyone else: The reason why Thor seems ‘diminished’ all movie is the same reason why Captain Marvel isn’t there 90% of the movie - no, no, not because they just shoved him into the plot at the last minute to promote his movie, the other reason  - he’s just too strong. This is a recurring issue for him in Avengers movies, and they may try to just de-Avenger him going forward to avoid this in the future. Avengers movies are ensembles, everyone is supposed to be necessary, but to set the enemies to a level where people like Black Widow are useful means that Thor could shrug and wipe out most of them except for the boss. And sometimes even the big bad isn’t that scary - CM and Thor could both take down Thanos without infinity stones just too easily, and the plot needed to believably take the heroes from ‘completed gauntlet’ to ‘Thanos has the gauntlet’, which is a lot harder than IW where he was always 2-3 steps and stones ahead.
Fat Thor worked double-purpose to explore the crushing guilt and issues with Thor - he was barely hanging by a thread in IW, losing at the end of it and then having it confirmed at the start of Endgame that there was no hope was too much - and sidelining him most of the movie. It weakened him because he no longer had the focus to just lightning blast Thanos’ army into dust and he was physically out of shape and so not as strong as he was before, making Thanos an equal enemy to him again. Because he was physically unimposing, the Avengers didn’t lean on him and expect him to do everything, which allowed him to go and face his mother again, which allowed him to get the hammer and dual-wield, confirm he was still worthy, and give Steve that moment everyone had so badly wanted to see for years (as Steve’s swan song). The story was never about how Thor was still just as strong even out of shape, because the point is that his own self-loathing and inability cope was destroying him and he needed to heal from that before he could even begin to recover. GotG3 or T4 will be about Thor regaining all that. Endgame was about Thor finally coming to grips with the overwhelming weight of guilt that had been ruining and driving him for several movies now.
And in the end, even once he was able to snap out of his funk and start recovering, he didn’t magically shed all that weight and get back into fighting fit. (That, too, is something for GotG3 and/or T4) Because recovery is still a process that takes time. In my opinion, the way they have Thor deal with his trauma and guilt is as realistic as they had Tony deal with it.
As for the ‘fat jokes’, that’s just taking things out of context. It ignores all the other serious things that Avengers makes jokes about. They always inject levity into things and seek comedy where they can, because the plots are usually so heavy that if they don’t, the movie becomes depressing and draining. In IW/Endgame this is especially so, because so many people die and so much is lost. Fat!Thor and the Fortnite game moments are some of the only opportunities they have to put some humor in. And the Avengers use insulting humor toward each other quite often. War Machine calls Peter - who was at that time dead and had serious issues he was grappling with himself - an idiot because he’s dancing along on a planet to music on headphones. Bucky calls Steve stupid knowing this would be the last time he saw him (at least at that age). Basically, the jokes were necessary to keep the movie from choking on its own darkness and they were in-character (plus, indicators of the fact that they didn’t trust Thor to be the responsible party, forcing other characters to have a role instead, and keeping Thor from any responsibility later for “why didn’t he use the stones to--”)
So. Yes, it’s disappointing that Thor didn’t really get to flex, but at least he was present, and it’s allowed him to begin to heal from the trauma conga line he’s been on ever since Thor 1. It’s really not an issue that people make it out to be, and it seems like people are just being overly specific in their sensibilities. Make fun of Thor’s long hair, his missing eye, his cluelessness about the modern world? That’s fine. Make fun of Rocket when he’s the product of horrific experiments? That’s fine. Make fun of any number of serious issues, or just insult their friends in some humorous way? All okay. Make fat jokes? SUDDENLY it’s just not okay and super mean!
Don’t read too much into things like that.  Like the buzzfeed woman claiming his mother ‘nastily’ told him to eat a salad. She was just being a mother, looking at a son who five minutes ago seemed to be in his prime and now had completely collapsed and was desperately looking for direction from her. She must have gathered that at least from his perspective he’d never get to see her again, so it was effectively the last advice she’d give him. “Eat a salad!” is just “Take care of yourself, eat well, please!” in the gentlest, shortest way possible. Don’t be like that woman. Don’t read malice where it isn’t.
Tony and Steve.
I know, it’s sad. But these were the most logical conclusions to their stories, both from their own perspective and when you consider how their characters were juxtaposed off of each other. Ignoring for a moment the actor situation, the characters needed to die because if they didn’t we’d just end up with a Battle of Winterfell situation where everything was set up to look hopeless but then things worked out so no one important died. (except Heimdall. Poor Heimdall, he didn’t get snapped or brought back via time shenanigans. I’m guessing he got the fatal Actor’d, since Idris didn’t like being him)
So, knowing that they had to kill one, and therefore because of their connection in the movies it had to be both, let’s look at why they were the most reasonable and perfect deaths to give them under the circumstances while still remaining sad. “And then they lived to death” is hard to do if it’s not Doctor Who, so it’s not really an easy ending to write for a character you need to immediately exit the franchise.
Finally we resolve the plot with Pepper. They get married, they have a child, they have five years living together married- this is on top of the eleven years they’ve been in a relationship since Iron Man, and the years before that of flirtatious tension and a relationship that’s non-romantic. Five years was just the time they had living a domestic and quiet life, raising their child, not the complete length of their life. Tony got to live with the love of his life and finally do something right, and in the end Pepper gave him the go-ahead to risk not only himself but their whole family to protect the rest of the universe.
In the end, he ‘fixed’ his failure from IW, defeating Thanos personally. He was the one responsible for the timeline being ‘the one’ where they succeed. He finally found some peace with his father and history, he created something beautiful - for once, he left a legacy that wasn’t death and destruction or weapons, but a sweet little girl who will make the world a better and brighter place.
And Tony made that full circle from the first story, affirming that it was never the suit, but Tony Stark, who made Iron Man. He is Iron Man. Those are his last words, and part of the gruesome death was there to ensure they were. Though there’s also something powerful about him saying nothing and snapping his fingers instead like they’d originally written it to be. But, look. Tony Stark was a man who sent weapons all over the world, caused thousands, if not millions to die because of those weapons and then changed due to the guilt of realizing what he’d done. His character has basically been caught in a loop ever since of trying to fix things by creating more weapons to protect people instead and just causing more death and more harm in the process.
Finally, though, with a snap of his fingers and the cost of his own life...he made an army disappear. He saved not just half the universe this time, but literally all of it, every single being alive can thank Tony for it (ignoring the celestial beings who would have stopped Thanos but shh, MCU hasn’t introduced those). Look at the symbolic nature of Tony Stark being the one to turn an army - and all of their weapons - into dust in a moment. He saved everyone, and he finally erased the ugly stain of his weapons from the world in one fell swoop. Symbolically, this is the most perfect way to end his character, and something the comics will never be able to give Tony.
In a more practical sense, it was also necessary. He’d never be able to truly step away from being an Avenger. His own paranoia and sense of guilt means that no matter how much he’d want to live his own life, he’d always be dragged into things, risk his life again, and Pepper + Morgan would constantly have to worry about whether he’d come back or not. And he’d mess up again. He’s too afraid of the future, needed too much to control things. Ultron would happen again. The Superhero Registration would happen again. Especially when/if Steve would die, there’s no one holding him back anymore. Narratively, his story needed to be finished, especially if he was going to be the one to snap anyway. So yes. Death was the necessary price. And it did need to be that harsh, gruesome thing. Not just because we see over and over how painful it is to use those stones, but because this was a loss. His death was quick, but it wasn’t easy. The price that the universe paid to be saved was Tony Stark’s life, and him just vanishing afterward would have felt cheap and robbed the people around him of their closure.
And again, it worked perfectly as the counterpoint for Steve. His life was short but he died protecting everyone else. He died so that he didn’t have to watch anyone he loved die instead, and he died surrounded by the people he cared about, finally redeemed of his sins.
Then there’s Steve.
Now, I don’t think his death was necessary like Tony’s. But because Tony did die, it does make sense they might kill Steve too. And I don’t think anyone would question that if they chose to kill Steve in the battle against Thanos. But if they did that, someone would have been blamed. Carol, Thor, Scott, Tony, whoever. Someone would get the blame, and I think it would have been extremely demoralizing to see Captain America die during the battle, where morale was so paper thin already.
Plus, like I said, his needed to be a counterpoint to Tony.
Tony got to have his time with the love of his life, but then cut it short for the sake of everyone in the universe, died young, before anyone else, sacrificed etc. It fit his personality, his fast-paced, short tempered quippy self.
Steve is the one with the unnaturally long life, forced to live for over a hundred years and losing everyone and everything around him. Peggy is the love of his life, and unlike Tony he had to watch her transform from a young woman to an old frail thing who had moved on without him, and then eventually die while he was still in the prime of his youth. He has no future to look forward to. Because of his lifespan, all that’s going to happen is him watching his friends all die around him one by one, Nat, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Bruce, etc.
In the end, he’s finally given the opportunity to do the impossible: go back where he belongs. Go back to the world with everyone that he remembers and loves from his past. Go back to the woman whom he loves the most, who he’ll never truly move on from. Live, like Tony always told him to.
And so - with Bucky’s blessing, I’ll note - he does. Everything about Steve has been the displaced, long suffering soldier, and in his ending, he finally gets to come home from the war.  He already sacrificed himself and the love he should have had with Peggy way back in the First Avenger. He should have died in that ice, he planned to, just as Tony does. And thus, the only proper ending for Steve isn’t a heroic sacrifice - because he’s already made his - but being able to finally live the life that he gave up for the world. In a way, it’s Tony’s last gift to him, as Tony finally created a time machine to send Steve (who he weirdly thinks of as a friend) back where he belongs.
But even so, Steve is Steve. He got to live his life with Peggy and grow old, but he still watched her die. Again. He lost Peggy twice, and everyone he knew from that timeline  as well - not only did he leave it and all them behind, but most of those people would have died (I like to think he saved Howard Stark, though, for the Tony who never knew him and for that Bucky). And he’s still not dead. Which means he’s still living (at least until they say he died off-screen, anyway), and he may yet still watch more of his friends die around him before he can finally find his rest.
Basically, their endings are counterpoints to each other, and also perfect for themselves. Tony flares up bright and burns out in spectacular fashion saving the universe, and Steve is the long-burning candle, the last light that lingers in the darkness after everyone else flickers out, the one who can’t sacrifice himself even when he tries, and so all he can do is live until the end, and pass on his flame to someone else.
They’re both sad in different ways, and they’re both the best kind of ending the writers could have come up for those characters in particular.
and now a few quick rebuttals to the common complaints in particular:
Tony’s survivor’s guilt IS why he goes back to save Peter and the others even at his own personal risk. Anyone else would have refused to help or even actively interfered, because the risk of losing their child would be too much. The risk of failing and still losing their child, when the world was continuing on without any future danger to it, would just be too much.
And that’s another reason he died. The guilt would have eaten him alive if anyone else had snapped and saved the universe for him.
Thor was not ‘fine’ in Infinity War. He was clinging to the thin hope that he could stop Thanos because he was essentially destined to stop Thanos. He had to believe that he had a greater purpose and everything happened the way it did because it had to. He’d been clinging to that for a long time, in fact, and when he failed to kill Thanos, failed to save everyone, that hope was ripped away from him. He didn’t just collapse because he failed Thanos, he became lost and adrift because everything that he built his identity around vanished and he didn’t know who or what he was supposed to be or do anymore. He needed his mother to tell him to be who he is and not who he’s supposed to be to save him from that. And he still remarks at the end that “I’ve never had nothing to do before, I’m not sure what to do with that.”
I wrote a bunch of stuff about why Steve isn’t being selfish and all of those quibbles are silly, but then accidentally lost that, and I don’t feel like rewriting it. Other people have covered that anyway. Steve isn’t being selfish. He creates a world line where everyone gets to be happy, and in the end he gives that up so that he can give his friends closure again, and spend time with them in his twilight. They didn’t lose Steve, he just aged to the point he should have been.
Avengers Endgame timeline isn’t complicated, it’s very simple. I’ll make that a separate post though. In short: they use the world lines theory Steins;Gate uses, so paradoxes are functionally impossible. They literally cannot happen.
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
The AAF And Why We Should Care About These Teams
Feb 5th, 2019
Still bummed about the Super Bowl? Well let's get over it real quick! On Saturday, the Alliance of American Football will be the first of THREE (God help us) spring football leagues to take off. THREE. We really needed that many, huh? Doesn't being announced after the XFL, the AAF will launch this spring under the watchful eyes of Dick Ebersol and NFL executive legend Bill Polian and will air across a variety of platforms such as Bleacher Report's online app, the NFL Network, the CBS Sports online app, TNT and CBS itself. Let that be a lesson to those of you who think that sports can't milk every single penny out of today's weird digital/broadcast era. The majority of the pitches for this game feature stuff football fans do seem to want in some capacity although disagreements about HOW to implement them remain. For instance, the AAF is attempting to shave 30 minutes off of the viewing experience by limiting commercials. They're also scrapping pretty much all elements of kicking from the game (two point conversions only, onsides kick have been replaced by a wacky 4th and 10 scenario and there's no kickoffs either) so fans who are obsessive compulsive about kicking get a bit of a break. We've got a college football style "one foot = catch" rule and a reduction of the play clock from the NFL's 40 seconds to a cool 30 seconds. It's an attempt to do somethings differently and I'm at least willing to give it a try.
With just eight teams to choose from for the AAF,  I'll just go team by team and list ONE reason why you should care. As much as you wanna just consider it a bunch of has beens and never was' playing out here, there's some intriguing storylines for the AAF. So much so in fact that perhaps you'll find a team so intriguing that you'll follow along this year!
Atlanta Legends
Why: Michael Vick Offensive Coordinator
I wanted to do a larger piece on how the NFL's lack of black head coaches boils down to the NFL's lack of black offensive coordinators (the IN demand spot these days). Instead of writing eight paragraphs about something that could be done in one, let's just look at Michael Vick and his new role as Atlanta Legends offensive coordinator.  For starters, the Alliance of American Football being a potential breeding ground for former players to better grasp the coaching game is an A+ decision. We've already seen the offensive coordinator for another team in the Alliance of American Football get the bump up to NFL QB Coach (Jon Kitna went from San Diego Fleet Offensive Coordinator to Dallas Cowboys QB coach) and any opportunity for former players to stay involved in the game is a good one. Michael Vick's name comes with a lot of clout (and plenty of controversy) so right off the jump he's an important get for the AAF. How good he is as an offensive coordinator (be it gameplanning, calling plays or making adjustments on the fly) could determine how quickly he ascends at the position. Vick is a really unique character and a polarizing figure but seeing him in the role of offensive coordinator is going to be a worthwhile experiment. If Vick opens the door for other young out of work players to jump into the coaching game then I for one am all for it. As for the roster, the Atlanta Legends actually have plenty of name value from former Georgia QB Aaron Murray to NC wide receiver Bug Howard to Iowa RB Akrum Wadley to a host of Georgia Bulldogs on defense.
Memphis Express
Why: The "name" QB battle
Let's always be honest about this stuff; your fan interest will only go as far as the QB you have. The Memphis Express may not have GOOD QBs but they have NAME QBs and that's truly what counts. The Memphis Express have Christian Hackenberg and Zach Mettenberger, two "name" QBs who figure to draw in eyeballs if only due to the fact that there's Penn State and LSU involved. Hackenberg was a disaster for two years at Penn State and people excused him for that because the team was bad or the line was bad or the coaching was bad. Turns out Hackenberg was just bad and continued to be bad at the NFL level before getting bounced around by 4-5 different teams. Hackenberg will attempt to resurrect his stock in the AAF, a team that literally named its offensive coordinator in like early January after their original OC bounced. Hackenberg won the job but the back up spot belongs to Zach Mettenberger. I refuse to believe that Hackenberg is a better player than Mettenberger but ALAS! Mettenberger has NFL experience and has thrown actual touchdowns in real football games even if he played like a 6th round pick who was holding onto a roster spot for dear life. He just wasn't that good. Mettenberger and Hackenberg are two guys who share similar traits (big, they throw the ball far) with different reasons (Mettenberger was a problem in college, Hackenberg couldn't really play) that leads to the same development (playing in the AAF to continue their pro football careers). Still a QB BATTEL with name value is STILL a QB BATTEL and here we are. The Memphis Express also have a ton of LSU guys and LSU players don't half ass it so expect a ton of big hits from their defensive which legitimately has an all LSU DL. Also of note, the head coach is Mike Singletary and we can expect plenty of intense coaching gifs and press conference call outs of his own players. That's the finest reality we deserve.
Orlando Apollos
Why: Steve Spurrier is BACK!
Remember the days of Steve Spurrier? Run and Gun? Mr. Click Clack?  There ya go. The Ol Ball Coach is back and Spurrier in Florida just feels right. Steve Spurrier's offenses in the mid to late 2000s were some of the funnest things imaginable and I'm curious to see if a few years off to refuel the jets don't bring out the fun in the Run 'N Gun offense. Spurrier's offense is helmed by either Austin Appleby or Garrett Gilbert since apparently nobody knows who the starter is as of this moment. Beyond that, he's also got a trio of name running backs (D'Earnest Johnson from USF was a popular name around draft time plus Akeem Hunt from Purdue and De'Veon Smith from Michigan were interesting dudes) and like twelve WRs who all run really fast. Realistically though I feel like this team is about watching to see if Steve Spurrier turns this gig into another college coaching opportunity soon enough.
Birmingham Iron
Why: TRENT RICHARDSON (and friends)
Unsurprisingly given the whole locales theme, the Birmingham Iron roster is LOADED with dudes from Alabama. The one name who immediately jumps out is Trent Richardson and I'm surprisingly intrigued to see how he looks. It's worth remembering that Trent Richardson had a tremendous rookie season and looked to be on the way to being something before he got big/hurt. Perhaps Richardson will be rejuvenated playing at home in front of what figures to be a primarily loaded Alabama crowd. Also keep an eye on Blake Sims who I figure will win the QB job eventually. In fact keep an eye on every player from Alabama (Auburn, Bama, Troy) because chances are they'll be given ample opportunities to show out at home. They also have the coolest uniforms. Lastly Tim Lewis is a long time defensive coordinator/DB coach getting his first crack at a head coaching gig so I'm curious to see if he can parlay that into another big opportunity down the line.
San Diego Fleet
Why: Mike Martz
Mike Martz is arguably one of the more unfairly judged head coaches in NFL history. He was the coordinator for the Greatest Show On Turf and as head coach of the Rams, Martz had five full seasons---he made the playoffs in 4 of those. Martz' ouster in St. Louis was controversial for a variety of reasons but he WAS successful and deserves to be remembered as such. From that point on Martz never got another head coaching opportunity, bouncing around as a coordinator in Detroit (back to back 4,000 yard seasons for Jon Friggin' Kitna of all things), San Francisco and a disastrous run in Chicago with Jay Cutler. Martz was pretty much cast aside by the NFL at that point and his reputation as a pass happy difficult personality pretty much ensured he would stay out the game.  With passing being en vogue (and every QB guru alive being courted for 1,000,000 roles), this might be Mike Martz's last chance to maybe find a place in big time football. The San Diego Fleet roster is relatively bare compared to its contemporaries but Mike Martz almost guarantees to make it as fun as possible given the usual performances of his wacky passing game. Mike Martz making Mike Bercovici look like an NFL level quarterback would probably be his greatest accomplishment ever. Also keep an eye on Nelson Spruce slot WR-ing his way back to the NFL if it's any thing like he was at Colorado.
Arizona Hotshots
Why: Phil Savage and Rick Neuheisel
Phil Savage is in a very weird spot here. Savage had a brief runs as Browns GM and it went about as well as you'd expect it to. He was in, out and done before anybody even knew he was there. Savage re-emerged as a key part of the Senior Bowl process and for the most part, I don't think I ever saw many complaints about Savage's job as the figurehead for the event. Surprisingly at the end of 2018, the Senior Bowl replaced Phil Savage with former scout Jim Nagy. The decision to move on from Savage was not exactly well received at first and it seems like Savage has bounced back well enough with the AAF. Savage should be able to form a damn good roster given that he's probably interacted with and been around most of these players relatively recently as the Senior Bowl's ace executive. Somehow someway Rick Neuheisel has weaseled himself into the picture and into another head coaching job, he of a sparkling 87-59 record in college but a less than sparkling 47-40 from 2000 onward. Plus he's also been pretty much run out of every stop he's had under inauspicious circumstances. Phil Savage should in theory be able to find a competent squad of players (and they have a pretty well known defense with Sterling Moore, Rahim Moore, Will Sutton, Carl Bradford, Scooby Wright and Chunky Clements) and perhaps the time away has rejuvenated Neuheisel. At the very least Trevor Knight will be fun to watch am I right?
Salt Lake Stallions
Why: A Testing Pattern Perhaps?
Utah has one pro sports franchise, the Utah Jazz, which is  intreresting when you consider how beloved the Jazz are. It seems like there's a very big supportive fanbase for sports out there in the Pacific Northwest and yet Utah has no football team, no baseball team and no hockey team. PERHAPS this can be a test. The Salt Lake Stallions overall do not have the most appealing roster in this entire deal but they may be the one best situated to draw the biggest audience. Utah is not blessed with a lot of pro sports options and if the Stallions are good then perhaps they can get people into the stadium. They have a weird eclectic mix of former Utes and three former QBs who if memory serves were all in the draft last year.  Former Vikings RB and Utah legend Matt Asiata is 31 year and probably cooked BUT he figures to be a popular face for fans.
San Antonio Commanders
Why: An Actually Kinda Decent Deep-ish Team
Really. If you were putting together an all star game in 2017/2018 of pretty decent-ish draft prospects, a lot of these dudes would be here. QB Logan Woodside? Pretty good player! Had some issues but was a super productive small MAC QB type dude. RBs David Cobb and Aaron Green? Kinda intriguing RBs! Tray Williams has been on like 12 NFL teams as a third down back over the past two years even if he never stuck. WRs like Greg Ward, DeMarcus Ayers and Mekale McKay? Some draft buzz there! Some of their OL were late round types who wouldn't have been out of place at an NFL camp this season. The defense has draftnik "names" like Joel Lanning, Keenan Gilchrist, Tyrone Holmes, Austin Larkin, Winston Craig and a secondary featuring Jordan Thomas and Duke Thomas on the back end. It's actually not an awful team assuming you can put the parts together.
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