#beside that if he has his own office and lab at home he also could work from home anyway
tidemoonchild · 3 months
Headcanons & Musing
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Hank as stay at home dad!
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numinousmysteries · 5 months
Dancing the Tandava (4/10)
[on Ao3] @today-in-fic
Geneva, Switzerland 2023
Hannah forgets William’s parents were coming to visit until she hears knocking on the door. She’s been up all night in a panic and is so tightly wound that the sound of the knock makes her whole body flinch.
Last night, she and William had been watching a movie on his laptop, both lying face down in his bed, propped up on their elbows. He has a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of old sci-fi and horror B-movies, and, after learning she’d never seen Plan 9 From Outer Space or Attack of the 50-Foot Woman, he’s made it his personal mission to expand her horizons. As aspiring physicists, they’ve made a game out of poking holes in the films' plots, but she can tell he genuinely enjoyed them.
They were midway through The Thing when William got a call. Dr. Bellona needed his assistance immediately for a special project at the large hadron collider. She heard William agree to come into the lab even though it didn’t make any sense. They were both research interns for Dr. Farber, whose office was next door to Bellona’s. Besides, interns aren’t certified or trained to work directly on the collider, and they’re never urgently needed at 9 p.m.
“Bellona?” she asked. “Didn’t you say you saw him doing something weird near the Shiva statue on your way home today?”
“Yeah,” William replied, getting out of bed. “I guess now I can ask him what he was up to.”
Hannah had a bad feeling. She bit her lower lip and tried to resist the impulse to pull him back onto the bed as he rose up.
She watched as he pulled a thick navy sweater over his gray t-shirt. A thin line of his toned abdomen peeked out as he lifted up his arms and she forced herself to look away. William is her best friend, the first person she’d ever met who could keep up with her in debates about loop quantum gravity. He’s also undeniably hot: Tall and lean, with piercing blue eyes, and a strong jawline. She teases him for being a jock because he played varsity basketball and baseball in high school, but she secretly appreciates his body as much as his mind.
They’re only friends, though—and roommates and co-workers but nothing more. They don’t talk about their dating lives, although based on how much time he spends either with her or at the lab she can’t imagine his is any more exciting than her own non-existent one. Sure, she feels an electric jolt whenever his hand grazes hers, but William Mulder could probably get any girl he wants. Well, maybe if he toned down his own nerdiness a little.
“I’ll be back soon,” he said, leaving her alone on his bed. Hannah groaned in protest but she could already hear the apartment door shutting behind him.
She waited up for him to return. An hour, then two, then three. She texted and called him but he didn’t respond. Finally at 1 a.m. she pulled a puffy coat over her pajamas, slipped on a pair of boots, and marched down to the ATLAS facility at CERN where she and William worked. She tapped her key card to the sensor at the door but it lit up red and didn’t open. When it failed two more times, she knocked at the door, getting the attention of a security guard she hadn’t seen before.
“Can I help you?” he asked, poking his head out the door into the cold night air.
“Um, I left something at my desk. I just wanted to come pick it up.”
“You’ll have to come back in the morning,” the security guard said sternly. “There’s been an incident and the entire facility is on lockdown.”
“An incident?” she asked, scrunching her brow in concern. It seemed too quiet for there to have been an accident at the facility. There were no sirens or crowds assembled. “What kind of incident?”
“Not sure,” he said. “But someone’s gone missing in the collider tunnel.”
“Missing?” she asked. It wasn’t possible. The large hadron collider was housed in an underground tunnel made of reinforced concrete. It was huge, nearly 17 miles in circumference, but entirely enclosed. There was nowhere for someone to go missing.
The guard just shrugged and started pulling the door closed.
“Wait—” she said, yanking the glass door back open. “Who is it?”
“An intern, they think,” he said. Then he shut the door.
Hannah’s bad feeling got a lot worse.
Back at the apartment, she spent the rest of the night texting other interns in their cohort to see if anyone knew what had happened, but everyone was either asleep or equally clueless.
When she heard the knock at the door she perked up, thinking it was William and he’d forgotten his keys. She didn’t expect to see his parents there instead. She met them once before, when she stayed at their home for a weekend over the summer. William’s mother, from whom he inherited his eyes and coloring, was a doctor and scientist, the kind of accomplished and serious woman she hoped to one day become herself. His father, who looked nearly exactly like an older version of William, was funny and, as William warned, did tell some strange stories but she found them fascinating. Hannah sat aghast as Mr. Mulder recalled a liver-eating monster, a telekinetic killer, and satanic PTA members. William and his mom only rolled their eyes, clearly having heard (or, in Dr. Scully’s case, lived through) these tales before.
Now, she watches as William’s mother’s face drops when she tells her he’s gone.
“Where is he?” his father shouts, cutting through her shock.
Hannah tries to answer, but she only starts crying harder. Dr. Scully drapes an arm around her and leads her to the living room sofa. The coffee table is cluttered with her and William’s books and notebooks and the remains of their takeout dinner from the night before. They would have cleaned up after the movie but then William was called away.
Hannah buries her head in her hands, trying to slow her hyperventilation, as Wlliam’s mom sits down next to her, rubbing her back. She’s ashamed to be such an emotional mess in front of them, but she can’t help it.
“Mulder, why don’t you get Hannah a glass of water?” Dr. Scully asks softly. William’s parents call each other by their last names, a holdover from their days as FBI partners. He said it was embarrassing, but she thinks it’s sweet.
Mulder returns with the water and Hannah sips it slowly.
“Hannah, can you tell us what happened?” Dr. Scully asks gently, still with a calming hand on her back.
Hannah takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself.
“I’m sorry, Dr. Scully,” she says.
“Dana,” William’s mom interrupts. ���You can call me Dana.”
“Okay,” Hannah continues. “He was called in last night to assist on a project with the large hadron collider, but he never came back. I went down to our worksite and they told me he’d gone missing inside the LHC tunnel. But that’s impossible. The tunnel is fully enclosed.”
She pauses to wipe the tears off her face with her sweatshirt sleeve. “I think this physicist Dr. Bellona has something to do with it. William saw him yesterday leading some sort of ritual outside the Shiva statue and then he was the one who called William last night.”
“What Shiva statue?” Mulder asks, his eyes darting from Hannah to his wife.
“Um, there’s a statue of the Hindu god Shiva right behind our building. Apparently, Dr. Bellona was chanting and scattering something there with these other people and he kind of stared down William when he saw him.”
“We have to go see that statue,” Mulder says, already headed to the door. His frenetic energy reminds her of William when he’s excited about a new idea.
“Is that okay, Hannah?” William’s mom asks. “Can you come show it to us?”
She guides them outside to a courtyard in between her apartment and the neighboring office building. There, on a granite podium, stands a giant brass model of a majestic Shiva dancing in a fiery halo. He has one foot on the back of a smaller being, and the other raised in the air in celebration.
“This is it,” she says. “It was a gift from the Indian government. What do you think Bellona was doing here?”
Mulder steps forward to examine the statue.
“I don’t know,” he says, rubbing his fingers along the engraved plaque on its base. “But I saw this same symbol earlier this morning in the taxi that took us here from the airport. The driver had a medallion hanging from his mirror that looked exactly like this.”
“It’s probably a coincidence,” Dana says. “But I have to admit, it’s odd. Why is there a religious statue at a scientific center?”
“There are parallels between the story of Shiva dancing the universe into existence and the movement of subatomic particles,” Hannah answers. As a self-proclaimed atheist, she’d asked herself the same question upon coming to CERN, confident that all answers could be found in science. But the more she learns about particle physics, the more mysterious the world seems. “Carl Sagan called Shiva’s cosmic dance the most elegant and sublime representation of the creation of the universe.”
“She quotes Sagan,” Mulder says, smiling. “No wonder William likes you so much.”
Hannah blushes. Glancing down, she spots a green, trifoliate leaf on the pebbled ground. It’s bright with two smaller leaflets and a longer, wider one in the middle, and stands out against the gray of the stones on the walkway. As she looks around on the ground, she sees a few more dispersed around the statue.
“Look at this,” she says, bending down to pick it up. “Maybe Bellona was scattering leaves.”
“Let me see,” Dana says, reaching over to take the leaf from Hannah. “It looks like it’s from a citrus plant, possibly tropical. I don’t think it’s from anything that grows around here.”
“Hannah!” a French-accented voice calls out and all three of them turn around.
It’s Emmanuelle Toussaint, a young French engineer who works in the LHC control center. Hannah had met her at a cocktail reception for women at CERN and the two had become friendly. If there really was an incident with the LHC, Emanuelle would know about it.
“Did you hear what happened?” Emmanuelle asks, striding over to the statue near Hannah and William’s parents.
“To William?” Hannah blurts out desperately.
Emmanuelle looks confused. “No,” she says. “The LHC operated at 15 TeV last night.”
“That’s physically impossible,” Hannah says under her breath.
You don’t need to tell me that,” Emanuelle responds excitedly. “I saw it with my own eyes from the control center, though. We’ve calibrated and recalibrated every detector and we’re still getting the same reading.”
“Scully, I might need some translating here,” Mulder leans over to Dana to whisper.
“I don’t think I understand what’s going on either,” she says.
“The collider has a maximum total collision energy of 14 TeV, or teraelectronvolts per beam. It’s only ever operated at 13 TeV, though, and achieving 15 TeV would require physical upgrades that are years away,” Hannah explains.
“Sorry,” she continues. “Emmanuelle, these are William’s parents, and,” she pauses. “William went missing last night.”
“Oh my goodness,” Emmanuelle gasps, bringing a thin hand to her mouth. “That was him with Dr. Bellona.”
“What happened?” Dana asks.
“Dr. Bellona was the one running the experiment last night. There’s footage of him inside the tunnel working on a calibration with someone else. I didn’t realize it was William with him. Then, there was a power surge and we lost connection to the cameras. When they came back online, Bellona was still there but William wasn’t.”
“Where could he have gone?” Hannah asks.
“I don’t know,” Emmanuelle continues. “But Dr. Bellona called the control room and wanted us to begin the collider run. We obviously can’t do that if anyone is still in the tunnel and, since we didn’t see William exit, we couldn’t start the collider. We locked down the facility and had the technicians do a full sweep of the tunnel. No one was there. Bellona insisted William had exited with him and had gone home, and since there was no sign of him in the tunnel, we figured he was telling the truth. That’s when we started the experiment and the LHC hit 15 TeV.”
“But William didn’t come home,” Hannah says quietly.
“What would happen if the collider ran while he was inside the tunnel?” Mulder asks.
Hannah glances at Emmanuelle. They both know it would be instantly fatal for anyone to be exposed to the high voltage and intense magnetic fields generated by a run of the particle accelerator. Hannah’s heart thumps hard in her chest.
“It is impossible,” Emmanuelle says, shaking her head. “We would never run an experiment with anyone inside. There are too many safety protocols in place. And no one was inside at the time. I don’t know where William went, but I can promise you he was not in the tunnel.”
“I think we need to talk to this Dr. Bellona,” says Dana.
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inkbats-writing · 7 months
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So seeing the lovely artwork for stotbonik fanchildren has made me think of the brief au thing I had with one myself. Not the greatest at drawing but hey I tried.
So this is Zada Geode. She's Stone's daughter and is around 10 when the first movie takes place. She's a huge fan of video games and that's something she and Stone often spend time together doing. She and Robotnik don't have such clear cut similar interests but he tries if only because it makes him look better to Stone to get along with the agent's "gremlin" of a daughter.
More on her backstory under the cut because it's kinda long and involves Trans Stone and I know not everyone likes that headcanon
So Stone and Robotnik drunkenly sleep together at a agency mixer years before Stone is ever assigned to robotnik and also before he realizes he isn't a she. Stone gets pregnant and only decides to keep the baby because when Stone was young he screwed with his own DNA mad genius style and he wants to see how that might effect a child's DNA that was born with the changes instead of them added or manipulated in. But during the pregnancy he hates it so much it actually helps him realize he considers himself more masc neutral than fem and transitions accordingly.
Walters by the way in this au was extremely helpful in getting Stone a new identity under his new name and pronouns because he is not stupid enough to tell the agency's top assassin that their wrong about themselves.
Stone starts working for Robotnik a few years into Zada's life and its some adjustment to the weird hours but eventually it settles on Zada spending a lot of time with the base's daycare before being brought to Stone's office (safest spot in the lab) until Stone can take her home for the night. When he has free time they often played video games because it was also something they could do long distance when Stone and robotnik left the country and zada had to stay behind with a sitter.
Robotnik doesn't learn about zada (as Stone's daughter because Stone doesn't remember it was robotnik and robotnik just remembers having a wonderful night with a lovely woman who didn't make his skin crawl) for a year into Stone's employ with him and its just when he's about to make a tentative confession.
Robotnik chickens out and starts pining thinking Stone is either with someone or is a widower and thus out of reach. But he figures out, eventually, that Stone is single and ready to mingle and tries to go befriend the kid get the single parents attention angle for getting Stone to agree to date him because he is completely blind to how much Stone already loves him.
And that's kinda as far as I got with the idea before other things took my attention. Well besides the fact that Zada knows she's both experiment and daughter but that's beside the point.
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shewastheheart · 1 year
The prompt you did about Esme x Carlisle high school AU. Could you do a part 2? Where maybe Carlisle is changed into a vampire and reluctantly returns to Esme ?
A/N: Thank you for the interest. Here's a part two (and here is part one for anyone who may be interested)
Carlisle shrugs the lab coat from his shoulder, hanging it on the coat rack inside his office, slinging the stethoscope up alongside it.
Today was easy enough, a few stitches here and there, a concussion or two... he's tempted to clock in for the night shift to accompany his long day. But he's also eager to finally be home, in the solitude of his own four walls.
"Goodnight, Cullen," Marianne calls from the nursing station.
He waves to her politely, ignoring the wide smile she shoots him for the acknowledgment. He's only a medical student and they act as if he's some valuable doctor, a form of attention he hasn't earned and doesn't enjoy.
He's almost to the exit when a gurney is wheeled past him, the patient covered by a white sheet, face obscured. The two orderlies are transporting the body to the morgue, but it seems as though they are coming from the back entry, not a failed surgery or now vacated hospital room.
But he can hear the heartbeat, smell the blood still pumping - faint but alive.
He decides not to question the men wheeling the body towards its final resting place, but instead follows them from a distance, waiting until they emerge empty-handed from the morgue to enter himself.
The body is still covered from head to toe in the thin sheet, the frame thin and obviously female. He frowns in confusion as he approaches, unable to understand why the woman has already been moved here.
Carlisle is careful when he reaches her, touching the top of the sheet over her head with tentativeness and drawing it back slowly.
He nearly falls to his knees when he sees her face, when he recognizes the woman lying unconscious and near death on the cot.
"Esme?" he breathes, all pretense of professionalism gone now. He cradles her cheek, touches trembling fingers to her barely moving pulse.
He glances down at the body lying broken before him, bones mangled and skin punctured. Lacerations line her arms and legs, dried blood covering her clothing, and he just - he doesn't understand. 
"Esme," he whispers again, lifting his hand to the tangle of her hair, the mottled bone of her cheek. He can't even determine the cause - car accident maybe? It doesn't matter, it doesn't-
He startles at the flutter of her lashes, the disoriented flash of her eyes, green and beautiful and faded.
She makes a low hum of a sound in her throat, her lips chapped and unmoving.
"I'm here, love. I'm here," he promises her, the words falling free like an apology because he knows what she must have thought, how she must have hated him for leaving her.
If she only knew it was never so simple.
"It's going to be okay," he promises her, stupidly because he knows it's not true.
She's dying, slowly but surely.
Esme's eyes rove over him, dim and almost unseeing, but he watches them track his face.
If it weren't for his abilities, he wouldn't be able to hear let alone make out the attempt of a word that whispers free from her lips.
Her heart stops.
She wakes with a searing pain in her throat, a strange ghost of soreness in her limbs, her head heavy. Her eyes feel like dead weight that she struggles to lift and when she does, the brightness - the incredible brightness of the room - has her wincing.
The call of her name is soft, the only gentle welcome to her heightened senses. Soft... and familiar.
And then she remembers.
Esme turns her head to see Carlisle Cullen sitting beside the bed she rests upon, anxious eyes scanning her face. He looks exactly the same, as if he hasn't aged a day since she last saw him, a thin scar lining the skin beneath his eye - the spot where his father's ring seared a permanent kiss to his skin.
"Your eyes," she mumbles, fingers that feel foreign and not her own reaching for his face, tripping along the cool skin beneath his lashes.
His eyes were once her favorite shade of blue and now... they're a rich brown color.
The night she found him in the treehouse, bleeding and black-eyed, broken and ready to run away with her - it's all part of a memory she's trained herself not to revisit.
Esme draws her hand back to her chest, curling it into a fist atop her sternum.
Now that memory and all of the ugly feelings that come along with it return to her with burning clarity and her insides ache with something new.
"You asshole," she whispers, rising to confront him, ending up with his body pinned to the adjacent wall, pinned by what felt like the halfhearted shove of her hands to his chest.
She gasps and takes a startling step back. Carlisle grunts and adjusts his rumpled shirt, but holds out placating palms to her.
"I didn't mean to-" But she shakes her head. "You left me," she breathes, advancing on him again, but he doesn't back away from her. "You left me and I - I waited for you to come back. I waited for years, Carlisle, and you-"
"Died," he sighs, immediately bathing her already mottled mind in confusion. "That night, in the treehouse."
"What... what are you talking about?" she demands, brows scrunching. "You were hurt, you didn't-"
"Yes, but after you left... that night, I fell asleep in the treehouse and when I woke up, I was - I woke to a man in front of me, with red eyes and teeth bared. I didn't have a chance, he bit me and ran."
"Bit you?" Esme echoes, the incredulity of it almost too much, until he holds his left hand up to her. For inspection.
The silver crescent of a scar circles the meat of his palm, from the webbing of his thumb to the beginning of his wrist. Bile rises in her throat, a horror she didn't fully understand creeping up on her.
"I still don't understand why he didn't kill me... there's so much I don't understand, Esme. All I know is that this wound changed me... by the morning, I had transformed into something else, something not human." He shakes his head, exhaustion spilling through those unfamiliar eyes. "I was in agony for three days, what I now realize was the process of turning. I had to get away from people, from you."
"I could have helped you," she whispers, her bottom lip beginning to tremble in a combination of fear and empathy. Empathy for what exactly, she isn't quite sure. All she knows is that they were both alone, and she can understand that pain all too well.
"You don't understand," he sighs sadly, taking a tentative step towards her. "It wasn't safe for you. If you would have been near me then... god, Esme, I might have killed you and the idea of being forced to live with that is worse than eternal damnation itself."
Her head was spinning. It must have been obvious because Carlisle quickly changed the subject.
"I need you to understand now, though," he says gently. "What I am, what I've done."
She tries to swallow, but it burns, her throat aching with a strange fire.
"Have you ever heard of vampires?"
Her brow arches, the scoff already rising to her tongue, but Carlisle is serious and so is the dread coiling in her stomach.
"It's not real," she decides, shaking her head against it. "You're not real. You left four years ago. I jumped off the cliff. I'm dead. Nothing is real."
"You - is that what you did?" he rasps, the grief shredding his words. "That's how I found you, barely alive on a gurney in a morgue. Why - Esme, what the hell-'
"Because you left and I had to stay, marry Evenson, and have - have a baby that died," she chokes out, all of it coming out too fast, too painful. "I've been dead for a while now, Carlisle. Just a ghost, like you."
"You're not a ghost," he says quietly, eyes on the floor. Guilt and sorrow are all she can read on his face. No more of the young man beaten down by life but still hopeful. That version of Carlisle is gone. "I made a selfish choice. I - I brought you back before you could go."
She closes the step of distance left between them, forcing him to meet her gaze. She clenches her jaw, tries to concentrate on him, on answers, not on how crazy this all feels.
"What does that mean?"
"I'm a vampire," he announces evenly. "That's what attacked me that night, the night before we were supposed to leave for Chicago and when it bit me, I turned into one too. Once I was able to control my bloodlust, ensure that I was no longer an immediate threat to humans, I went to Chicago on my own, started medical school. I've been training as a doctor, which is how I found you. I heard your heart beating, dying."
Her eyes sting, but no tears come.
"I followed the scent of your blood. I didn't know it was yours, but it - it was stronger than any other scent I've ever caught, and-" He looks away as if shamed. "I found you, checked your injuries, and knew you weren't going to survive."
The pieces are clicking into place and Esme feels as though her knees may give out from under her.
"I'm sorry, Esme. I'm so sorry," he rasps, looking down at her with so much guilt it overwhelms her. "I didn't - I should have thought it through, I should have left you alone and just let you - but I - I-"
He couldn't say it and she didn't need him to, not now.
She whimpers, easing to the floor in a graceful puddle, noting the tattered fabric of the dress she jumped in still clinging to her hips, bloodied and torn. No one even tried to save her, just deemed her lost.
Except him.
"Do you need - I can leave you for a time, let you-"
"No," she chokes out. "I can't do this by myself."
"Okay, okay," he promises her, lowering to his haunches in front of her. "You won't. Just don't let me make it worse."
She's too angry and confused and devastated to tell him that he's incapable of that. No matter how much she wishes the opposite.
No matter how much he deserves the blame for this. She already knows he'll blame himself enough for the both of them.
Weeks pass and he guides her through this new way of life, silently impressed by her, proud of her, but unwilling to revel in any form of joy. He saved her because he loves her, because he always has, but he did it for himself and that is the most unforgivable sin he will ever know.
He's damned her to this existence and now, he refuses to even allow the idea of anything to exist between them. How could she ever see him as forgivable after all of this, anyway? How could they ever return to what they once were?
He already knows the answer.
"I would have done it too, you know," she tells him one afternoon. He was hiding from her, perched in a tree far from the property he's been residing on upon his move to Chicago.
He's already resigned from his job, the believability of his age stretched thin as it is, and now, with Esme, he'd like to start over somewhere new and unknown.
"Done what?" he asks without looking at her. Where she used to be his favorite sight, it now pains him to look at her, to witness what he's done.
"Changed you," she answers, levity infused into her tone as if they were speaking of current events or the weather. "I would have done it too."
He dismisses her. "You don't know that."
"Yes, I do. I know myself, I know how I felt about you." She's staring at him, her gaze boring into his cheek, but he still refuses to lift his eyes from the ground, nearly sixty feet below. "I was upset at first, Carlisle. But I do appreciate the gravity of the situation you were in. I wasn't exactly in a position to give an answer."
"What would it have been?" he inquires, finally risking a glance at her - the beautiful woman she's grown into, the heart shape of her face and hazel pool of her eyes, the subtle arches of her cheekbones and the rosy petals of her lips. He knows she changed physically upon her vampiric transformation, but she still looks like that eighteen-year-old girl he swore to run away with four years ago.
"I've thought about it," she mumbles, fidgeting with her fingers, with the hem of her shirt. "Being a vampire scares me, but so did death. I didn't want to die that day, but I just... I had nothing left to live for."
He hates hearing about her suicide, but he listens, refuses to wince externally at the memory of her body so misshapen and unsalvageable.
"Charles made my life miserable, but when I was pregnant, when I got away from him... I really thought I could be happy."
He wants to reach out and touch her hand, still her twisting fingers with a gentle squeeze of his.
"Losing my baby like that... having nothing else but a long road of struggling ahead. I didn't want to do that, to keep running from Charles, keep struggling to have a life of my own, keep trying for nothing," she admits, the phantom of frustration haunting her words. "I wanted to die because I was so tired of life just - taking from me."
"You've been the only person to ever give me something," she confesses quietly, her voice almost carried away completely by the soft breeze. "You gave me love, four years ago." Her eyes find him again, the crooked quirk of her lips setting his soul alight. "And now, you gave me life."
"This is not a life," he argues, but she silences him with the press of her palm over his mouth.
"The hell it isn't," she counters, arching a single eyebrow at him. "I get to choose now, Carlisle. No one, including you, is making the choices for me anymore."
He nods and she slowly retracts her hand.
"I get another chance at life and I'm choosing to not just take it, but to appreciate it. To make it everything I couldn't make the last one."
"And you know how my do-over starts?" she questions, effectively quieting his protests.
He swallows, hard and senselessly. "How?"
She leans towards him, the cool rise of her shoulder touching his, creating an impossible spark of warmth.
"With you, not hating yourself over this anymore."
He huffs, but she holds up a silencing index finger.
"You've apologized a million times, I've forgiven you, and I'm ready to move forward."
He tries to accept it, to just let her be right and leave it alone, but- "I just - feel like I need to do more. To make this right."
"Make it up to me, then," she murmurs, flicking eyes to his lips, her eyes the same as his, but brighter, golden and alive.
"I can't," he whispers, but she merely sighs at him.
"Maybe you should ask me how you can make it up to me, instead of giving up so soon, Carlisle."
He frowns, but he'll do whatever she says, whatever she wants.
"How do I make it up to you?"
Her eyes abandon him to assess the forest around them.
"Nice place for a tree house, don't you think?"
And with that, she's gone.
It takes a few days, but slowly, the tension between her and Carlisle begins to dissipate, the guilt he wears on his shoulders and in his expression easing little by little.
He still ventures off on his own most days, though, trekking out into the woods for miles, always seeming to think she'll grant him the solitude.
She rarely does. It's hard enough transitioning into this new lifestyle, learning to control urges and strength and all of these other things she never asked for. Doing it alone is even less appealing.
"The hide and seek is getting old, Carlisle," she muses, talking more so to herself as she traipses through the forest north of the two-bedroom home they currently share. 
Thank god he hadn't bought a bachelor pad or an apartment when he moved here.
"Then learn how to win the game, Platt."
Her eyebrows rise at the whisper of words. She isn't sure where they came from, but her hearing picks up on it.
Something akin to giddiness kickstarts in the time capsule of her heart; it's been so long since he's been playful or joking with her. Something that was once so refreshing and lively in their relationship.
Her lips quirk and she closes her eyes for a moment, tunes out everything around her except for the abnormal creak of a branch that lies feet ahead, then above.
Esme races away from the house, enjoying the rush of wind through her hair, the adrenaline it brings. She's been working to catalog the new aspects of this life that she's actually enjoying and this is indeed one of them.
She comes to a stop when she thinks she's followed the tease of his voice to its origin, but then she looks up.
Her lips part in surprise.
The wooden planks are clean cut and sturdy, far better looking than what they had relied on as kids. So much higher too, higher than any human would ever dare to climb on their own.
Esme climbs the tree slowly, moving like she once did as a human, pausing to take a senseless breath before hauling herself up the final branch to reach the top.
And just like that, she's eighteen again - poking her head over the ledge of a treehouse to find him inside.
"Hey," he grins at her, sitting against the wall with a notebook open in his hands, a pen between his fingers.
Esme crawls inside and looks around, appreciating the handmade shelves crammed with books, the brand new paint set and canvas arranged in one of the corners, the small window carved into south wall. Standing in the middle of the room, atop a round rug she last saw in his office, she turns in a circle, admiring the larger size, the attention to detail, the man watching her take it all in.
"You really rebuilt it," she sighs in awe.
"Kind of," he shrugs, closing the book in his lap and staring up at her. "Do you like it?"
"I - yes," she breathes, the smile tugging at her lips, and she rushes into him without warning.
Carlisle startles - just like he always has - when she wraps her arms around his neck, pressing her cheek against his. Moments later, tender arms close around her in return, loose but safe. 
"Am I closer to making it up to you now?" he mumbles into her hair.
She laughs and turns her face into his cheek, nudging her nose to the marble of bone. Carlisle doesn't ease back from her or try to disentangle from her embrace. Instead, he remains on the floor with her, holding her.
"Is that your old notebook?" she gasps, reaching for it, but he's quicker, holding it out of reach.
"It's the only thing I took," he confirms, sealing it to his chest when. she makes another swipe.
"Why are you so secretive?" she groans, waiting for him to relax against her, watching his fingers loosen.
She steals the tattered moleskin from him before he even realizes she's flying up from the floor and across the room, flipping to a random page near the front cover.
"Esme! No - come on, please," he's begging, but her eyes have already found his handwriting.
To know her is to love her,
Eyes like emeralds and hair like gold,
Her smile eradicates the dark,
And I would give anything for her to know,
That she brings my heart to life,
She makes my world anew,
Turning everything grey into colors,
Shades blossoming like bruises earned in my room.
Her gaze flies back to him, her brow furrowed. Her heart is cinching; Carlisle was writing about a girl.
"You were writing poetry?"
"I - sometimes," he grumbles, rubbing at the back of his neck.
She closes the book gingerly, refusing to violate his privacy any further, and holds it out to him.
"I'm sorry, I thought it was just a diary about your career aspirations all this time," she whispers, watching him retrieve the notebook from her with a steady hand. "I didn't know - you were in love with someone."
Carlisle pauses in tucking the journal into his waistband, staring back at her quizzically.
"Of course, I was." Carlisle tilts his head at her in question. "Esme, I don't believe in much of the fairytale stories and childhood fables, but I think I loved you from the day we met. I knew I loved you when all I wanted was to climb that damn tree every day just to be with you."
Relief courses through her still veins and she moves towards him, heart somehow alive and beating again for him.
"I knew I loved you when I saw you waiting for me to climb up that damn tree every day," she answers, watching a genuine smile tug his lips up towards his eyes for the first time since he found her again. "Just like I knew I still loved you when I was dying, just like I knew when I woke up and you were the first thing I saw."
Carlisle draws her closer then, the tender touch of his palms on her hip bones, the kiss of his forehead meeting hers.
"Just like I know now."
He kisses her then, the smile that spreads across his lips infectious and tugging her lips up as well.
It feels like coming home.
She remembers now, why it was the only word she could manage for him on her deathbed. She knew she was dying, but she thought she was already gone, finally home.
"We're going to have the life we should have had all along," he murmurs, cradling her face in his hands. Her fingers curl around his wrists as she nods, nose brushing his in a tantalizing prelude.
"Promise?" she whispers.
Carlisle lowers one of his hands to her jaw, stealing the fingers hanging to him loosely and twining their fingers. He squeezes lightly, holding her gaze in the fraction of space between them.
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valaruakars · 2 years
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Viktor x f!Reader || 3.8k || NSFW
When Viktor is alone in the lab, you kindly pack up your Academy office and spend the day in his company, working alongside him. He’s a busy man and your timing isn’t great, but you can’t help the way you want him. And you get the feeling that maybe he wants you too. Could all this be solved by passing him a note that says “hey wanna fuck circle yes or no?” Sure, but you’re not that smart.
A/N: Hey um y’all know that scene in like ep. 4 with the giant screw? Gateway drug to wanting to ride his fingers. Also @arcanescribbles draws his hands too much for my weak little pea brain to handle :))
warnings: established relationship, pining (obvi), dirty talk, fingering, PIV (of the unsafe variety)
The sound of wind gusting outside punctuates the ambient hum of machinery and the smooth scratch of his pen, scrawling out a language foreign to you on his blueprints. The artificial lights in the lab are rapidly overtaking the fading sunlight, and there are still many ungraded assignments strewn across your borrowed desk. Your cheek rests heavy in the palm of your hand; your eyes, glazed and bleary, stare into the middle distance as your mind wanders from your work.
You’re thinking of him. Again.
It’s only natural that you do; you think of Viktor all the time. Your lover, your constant companion, you walk through your day filing away little things to tell him later; a stupid joke he’ll enjoy or how you pet a cat this morning. You think of his shirt that needs mending or picking up more of his favorite coffee on the way home. Innocent, passing thoughts of your life together.
But not always.
The pen is limp in your hand and your fingernail mindlessly raps the desk, tapping out the staccato of your thoughts as you lose yourself in waking dreams of him. Your body burns with a fever you can’t sweat out and you can see him, in your mind’s eye, fucked absolutely senseless beneath you.
“(Y/N),” he says quietly, voice a scratchy sound for all the hours he’s tirelessly, silently worked beside you. You hear him, but you’re not in the lab. “(Y/N),” he tries again, a little firmer, but you’re in bed, your rapturously naked body bathed in a sheen of evening light and sweat as you chase your pleasure, riding his cock with languid abandon. You hear your name, and it is a word of worship from the supplicant below.
Your pen is suddenly knocked from your hand when he covers it with his own, cold and gentle but for where patchy callouses stipple his palm. Your finger, which up until now had been mimicking the sound of a very horny metronome, finally stops moving. And you divorce fantasy for the sweet, lonely touch of reality. For a man who is much too busy to indulge your fantasies.
The hand supporting your cheek peels away and you pivot to look at him, where he has wheeled himself down the workstation to sit beside you. His soft, searching gaze flays you immediately. If he can’t already see the hot, creeping flush on your neck, the sickly warmth of your hand will betray you instead.
“Please, no more of that,” he begs, and your guilty eyes shift to watch his fingers curl tighter around yours, “It’s, ah, it’s a little…”
“Annoying?” you supply, finding that your raspy voice is an echo of his own, “You can say that, it’s fine.” You sigh long and deep, smoothing back the hair at the crown of your head like it will soothe your keening body. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you,” you tell him simply.  
“All is forgiven,” he says softly, releasing your hand with a fond, reassuring squeeze. He ventures to pinch the red patch you’ve pressed into your cheek. “So lost in thought…” he muses and you’re inclined to think it’s not entirely innocent.
You swat his hand away, muttering, “I suppose I was.”
“What were you thinking about?”
“I—um, I was…” you stumble, gesturing like you’re waiting for your sluggish brain to catch up with your mouth, “…Thinking about my lecture for tomorrow. I’m just concerned it won’t be engaging enough.”
How sad, that you’re convincing in content, but not in delivery.
“Interesting,” he says slowly, the word thick on his tongue. But his gaze flits from your face to the stacks of paper spread before you, and it’s over before it even started. Already stooped in bad posture, his shoulders sag further, but he manages you a thin-lipped smile. “I’m sure it will go well.”
“Oh, it’ll be fine,” you sigh, giving his chair a shove with your foot, prompting him to go back from whence he came, “I’ll live, even if my students don’t.”
“And yet, I do love listening to you talk. How anyone could die of boredom is beyond me,” he says, disgustingly sweet and all too pleased with himself as he scoots away.
You huff a laugh and drop it, left to grapple with the inkling that he might have wanted you too. Your skin burns where he touched you, and you war with yourself to either salvage the opportunity or get back to work. Really, the better choice is obvious.
You hear the sound of his pen picking up pace again. Then the rustle of papers. And finally, an annoyed little grumble.
“(Y/N). Could I have a favor?”
“There are two notebooks by the chalkboard,” he says, pointing over his shoulder, “Can you bring them to me?”
You convey your willingness by hopping out of your chair on stiff legs, happy to be of service while you figure out how the hell to direct yourself from here. A twinge of hope pinches your heart that he might watch you saunter over and bend down to scoop them up, but he makes no move to look at you. Like he actually needs them, and it’s not an excuse to lure you close again. The disappointment stings.
“These, right?” you ask, pointedly not sulking when you deposit his books where you can find space.
“Right,” he nods, still paying you no mind, writing away.
You pause, studying the expanse of painstaking work strewn before him, appreciative of his brilliance and ravenously jealous that it prevents your legs from being spread there instead. You resolve then to gather your things and leave; to spare him from your dreadful need. You’ll be no distraction from all that he must accomplish tonight. Jayce needs those blueprints tomorrow and by the grace of your restraint, he will have them.
At least at home you can breathe deep the smell of him that lingers on your sheets and relieve the ache between your legs at the expense of your own creeping deadlines.
As you shift away, a beseeching hand catches your wrist and you find his sharp chin tipped up, an expectant look cast up at you. You know this look intimately and relish in its sweetness. “Thank you,” he hums, and you know it to be a prompt.
Your better judgment is nowhere to be found when you decide to oblige him, bracing a hand on his lean shoulder and bestowing him with a swift, compliant kiss. Hardly a peck. Hardly a second of contact. But it is lapse enough to let your greed slip its fraying tether.
So you kiss him again, longer this time, a cautious question. Your lips cling to his, dry and delicate, when you pull away slowly, like they long to stay pressed together. You could swear he shudders. And whether you imagined it or not, it is the spark that breaks you.
You’re not going anywhere.
You linger in his space, your spine delicately bowed as you hover inches from his lips, holding your breath for the swift backhand of rejection. Ready to grab it before it strikes you and sink those fingers into your needy mouth. Ready to prove you’re worth every second of his precious time. But his hand stays tenderly affixed to your wrist; a gentle shackle, a warm anchor.  
You study his face for the barest hint of abnegation, but find only measured interest in his curious, golden stare. Like he felt that same spark too.
Something thick blooms between you, his gravity too heavy to resist. You are pulled into his atmosphere, burning up as you fall upon his lips to kiss him for a third time, deep and hungry. Your hand slides up along the vital artery in his neck, reaching around to grasp the soft hair at his nape. When you pull, gentle but urgent, he keens sweetly into your mouth, and you make him taste the voracity on your lips the way you can taste stale coffee on his.
You think to crawl into his lap, to rut through your clothes like forbidden lovers until your panties are soaked through and he can’t stand it anymore. You want his hands truly on you, roaming your body and grabbing whatever handfuls of your pliant flesh he can get.
But he breaks from you suddenly like coming up for air, nearly drowning in the riptide of your affections. His chest is heaving, and his eyes slide anxiously between your puffy, pink lips and the beckoning of his great labor beside you.
You hate him for sounding so desperately torn, for asking,  “…Can it wait?”
And you hate yourself for being so wretched, so selfish when you slowly shake your head to deny him reprieve, your throat seizing around the word, “No.”
Your heart beats faster, a fearful rhythm, when the contemplative pinch of his brow doesn’t ease. When you consider that he might not bow to your desires, like he is wed to his work and you are his mistress. You have always, always had the weaker resolve.
Your grip on him tightens, fisting handfuls of his shirt as you drag yourself closer, while your pride slips away. There are worse things than begging. “I know you’re busy, but please—please,” you press, your voice a foreign whine to you, your thumb caressing the cutting edge of his cheekbone, ”I’ll make this so quick, I promise.”
“You… promise?” he echoes, his vowels round and thick when he draws the word out.
“Yes,” you nod vigorously, “Yes.”
“If you want me badly enough to beg, I think it would be cruel to deny you,” he sighs in resignation, leaning into your touch. You’d think him put upon if not for the bloom of color on his pallid face and the growing strain against the leg of his pants. “Off, please,” he says, hooking a deft finger into the waistband of your skirt, giving it a suggestive tug.
His breath is hot on your flushed face, growing hotter still when he adds, “All of it.”
You are more than pleased to strip naked for him, but the act is efficient. A little rushed, hurrying to feel his hands roam your bare skin. You shed your clothes unceremoniously into a pool at your feet, and he is so kind as to take your hand as you step out from within it.  
He surveys your body appreciatively, and the sentiment is returned tenfold, so you venture: “And what if I also want you naked, hm?”
He shifts his leg at an odd slant and the heavy metal brace whines in protest against the exaggerated movement. “That would not be quick, moya lyubov,” he says, apologetic in a way that lances your heart.
“Unfair,” you grouse, but you are tempered by the reverence you feel for all that he is. The bony, sharp angles, the bolts in his spine, the hard metal braces and his fathomless eyes. “I love your body too, you know,” you murmur, sliding into his lap and crashing back upon his mouth like a breaking wave.
“Yes, I know,” he breathes against your lips, and you swallow the words down, vital as water.
Your hands have a strong preference for tangling into the soft strands of his hair, but if you are to make good on your promise, they are required elsewhere. You reach down between your bodies to fumble with his pants; though they are practiced, your hands feel thick and useless when they can’t seem to move quickly enough. You can feel him writhe for friction beneath you, ghosting breathy sounds into your mouth when your fingers just barely brush his cock in pursuit of its freedom. He must think you a tease.
Frustrated, he groans and scrambles to help you, knocking your hands out of the way to roughly shove his pants down. He absently leaves wet, open-mouthed kisses on your forehead when you look down to watch that delicious reveal, that moment when his cock springs free. You sigh at the sight of it, twitching and reddening at the tip, all yours to lavish with the long, sweet strokes of your affection.
His hands migrate to your thighs, kneading the thick muscle, feeling the way they quake for him. They slide further back, the blunt tips of his fingers pressing broadly into your ass, nothing short of worshipful as he rolls your flesh in his hands.  
His cock is in your shaking hands. You line up the head and move to impale yourself upon him. It will burn now and it will burn later when your delicate skin is sore and torn, but you will pay the price. Impatient creature, you are so desperate, so willing to be filled by him now, whatever the cost. Your want for his body entwined with yours is transcendental.
But he won’t let you do it. His strong hands dig into the soft swell of your ass, preventing your descent.
“Absolutely not,” he chides when you serve him with an incredulous glare, but you are slow to comply. You whine and wiggle your hips, seeking out friction on the hard tip of his cock, until he hisses, “Stop that. Let me help you.”
“I don’t need your help—” you grit through your teeth, faltering when you feel a hand sliding down the curve of your ass, dipping between your legs. His fingers brush through your folds with a featherlight, teasing touch. 
“You don’t want this?” he asks, “Truly?” he whispers, a low, taunting laugh at odds with your pathetic mewl as you grind down against the slick, flat press of his hand, slipping abruptly against your clit. It’s certainly not lost on him how drenched you are from hardly more than the crash of tongue and teeth. “I think you do.”
“All I want is to fuck you properly.”
“And you will,” he says leisurely, like he has all the time in the world to toy with your composure and your cunt alike, “But first—” His hand glides back, two fingers catching the dip of your entrance and pressing into that resistance, “First, I want you to fuck yourself on my fingers until I’m satisfied.”
You fist a handful of his disheveled shirt and nod weakly, composure gutted as you sink down to his knuckles. You choke on a stuttering whine when you feel him shift, flexing his fingers, stroking you from within.
“Very, very nice,” he whispers, and you’re not sure if he’s praising your compliance or the way you tighten around his spindly fingers.
Palm spayed wide with two fingers in your depths, he invites you to rock back on his hand. Coaxes you to show him what you’ll do to his cock next. He is criminally patient as you roll your hips experimentally, clutching his shoulder for support. His other hand seems magnetized to your ass, gripping your pliant flesh as you pick up the pace, writhing on his hand.
His fingers slide in and out in time with your hips, crooking deliciously to add your keening voice to the cacophony of slick, lewd sounds. The exertion has you a panting, sweaty mess by the time he adds a third finger, the air between you thick with the salty-sweet scent of arousal. When you move in long strokes, you are rewarded by the most fleeting brush of his cock between your thighs, and it grows slicker with each kiss of your clit against it. You hone in on that sensation, and it brings you dangerously close to the edge.
Your intention to finish without him is written too plainly on your pretty, scrunched up face; your eyes are too glassy and your pitchy moans spill from your lips too frequently. His hand abruptly withdraws from you and comes to rest on your flank, drenched and growing cold against your skin. Your poor, abandoned cunt throbs at the loss of him, and you regret ever suggesting that you don’t want for his long, talented fingers inside you. Lesson learned.
“Were you really that close?” he asks, peering into your face with abject fascination.
And you are so far down this lustful path that shame and embarrassment are lost to you. You cannot be made to feel shy by this man, and so you dump the truth into his lap and tell him: “Yes— Yes,” you breathe, taking his gorgeous face into your hands,“I’ve spent all afternoon thinking of fucking you, and you are… so, so good with your fingers, do you know that?”
“You’ve eh, mentioned it before,” he hums, submitting to your praise with a wry smile. “How did you imagine us, hm?
You shrug, dragging a greedy hand down his stomach, through the dark patch of hair that crowns the base of his cock. “Much like this. But in bed, so you can see all of me— how good I am at riding you,” you simper, leaning close to whisper in low tones against his cheek, “I know you like to watch your cock sink into me. Over and over again, until I’m screaming for you and you cum inside me.” You kiss his skin chastely, in direct contrast with your filthy mouth.
“Mmhm,” he nods, throat bobbing thickly when you wrap your soft hand around the neglected girth of him and give a firm, brutal stroke. His skin is still faintly sticky and achingly hot beneath your touch. “You can have your way with me now, if you like.”
“What a roundabout way of asking me to fuck you,” you laugh impishly, taking hold of him with clear and carnal intent.
This time, when you shift your hips and slip his cock into place, flesh to flesh, his hands soothe over your tremulous thighs encouragingly. His fingers are one thing, but his cock is an entirely different beast to conquer. Wet as you are, you still feel the sweet resistance, the blissful stretch as you slide down into his lap, eager to sit flush against his hips. Your brow pinches in concentration, your hands braced on his chest. You have to work for it, panting softly as you drag yourself up and down his shaft slowly before he’s slick enough to make the friction pleasant, the girth of him easy to take.
Your lips meld together on the first downstroke of your hips in which he is fully sheathed. He fits perfectly into you, like a key in its lock. You sigh into his mouth at how blissful, how correct it feels to be filled by him. But that is the extent of your tenderness. You have waited too long for this, and you are nothing short of a force of nature when it comes to taking your pleasure.
He groans at the shift in you, feeling the ripple of muscle in your powerful thighs as you begin your onslaught, bouncing yourself in his lap with lecherous intent. You lean back to grace him with a delicious eyeful of your body, delighting in how he cradles the small of your back to support you, hands splayed across your arching spine. His honey-soft gaze sharpens, and his tongue follows suit.
But his voice is nothing short of reverent when he looks up at you and asks: “Do you know what you look like?”
And you smile down at him, wicked and carnal, lifting your hands to your hair to exaggerate the bounce of your breasts, “Tell me, Viktor.”
“You ah— You look like a whore, riding my cock like this,” he rasps, bolstered by the way your sweet lips part and your head falls back in exaltation, “Like you were made to fuck me, my little menace. Next time you do this, I will make you sit on my cock and wait until I find a stopping point, do you understand?”  
You nod with the sway of your body, trusting your balance enough to reach up, to cradle an all too neglected breast in your hand. “Keep talking like that and I won’t last,” you breathe, your thighs burning and your core throbbing in time with your surging heartbeat.
“Already? Sweet (Y/N), you want to cum, lyubov?”
“Yes, yes, yes—” you chant, a prayer to him, as he builds you up, higher and higher.
“Then by all means, use me.”
And like your body in his lap, something in you collapses. You fall against his chest, your hands in his hair a death grip, and do exactly as he suggests. Your hips drop into the bony cradle of his own and don’t rise again, not fully. You rock frantically against him, approaching the realm of hysterics at the relief born of your clit against his skin. It’s so mind-numbingly good, so abysmally delicious that you’re salivating onto his shoulder. You do not care.
Not when his hands grip your hips with a gentle insistence, dragging you down harder against his cock. Not when he is bringing you to ruin with the breathy pants, the keening groans that fall against your ear, and when you can feel him writhing, trying to fuck up into you.
And not when you are finally, blissfully cumming in his lap at the behest of your clit, rubbed feverishly against the slick skin at the base of his cock.
You grab his face urgently, trying to tell him so, begging him to follow you into oblivion. But your mouth can only form the word ‘fuck’ in a long, drawn out whine against his lips as you grind yourself to completion and your eyes shutter, phantasmal colors dancing in that darkness.
The sight of you coming undone, so messy in your downfall, throws him off that very same ledge. A shallow, broken sound leaves his lips and you feel the telltale twitch of his cock emptying inside you, holding onto your hips like a man drowning. Breathing heavy, he kisses his thanks onto your lips, once, twice, before you dare to look at what you’ve done to him.
“Hello…” you whisper, almost shy, opening your eyes to a man with bruised lips, disheveled hair, and clothes entirely out of place. Pathetically in love, you are bewitched all over again.
“Hello,” he echos, soft as silk, “You are… so very good to me. I think you are my greatest temptation.”
It’s a compliment, certainly, but the weight of what you’ve done slams into you at terminal velocity. Your voice comes out scratchy and wavering, “I’m sorry— I’m so sorry, this was selfish.”
You start to squirm, trying to dismount and get out of range before he develops the good sense to be resentful of your poor choices. But his arms wrap around you, and the soothing of his hand your back keeps you in place with little effort on his part.
“I have never known you to be a selfish lover, (Y/N).” He bows to kiss your collarbone sweetly, if only to lessen the blow when he adds, “Just impatient. I would have finished my work at a reasonable hour with or without interruption. But I suppose you feel better now, yes?”
“Yes… and no,” you shrug.
“No?” he asks, and he does have the good sense to look worried.
“You haven’t even bent me over your desk yet,” you pout like it’s obvious, watching him swallow thickly; half hard, you can feel his cock twitch inside of you. “But I’ll be patient now. This time, I can wait.”
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little-spoiled-brat · 3 years
pairing: levi x reader
cw: fluff, death glares, levi being a protective father
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- she’s a daddy’s girl -
levi is typically not bothered by anything. he minds his own business and always keeps a cool head even when facing huge problems. however, the stoic captain will lose his shit whenever you or your child are involved — even if you only got accidentally involved.
it was a day off for the scouts today, everyone was in their casual clothes, going out to town, visiting their families back home or simply sleeping in for the day. it was also one of the rare times d/n can go outside and play. with no blades accidentally flying about or sparring cadets, the four year old child can run around the training field to her heart’s content.
you usually let her run around the headquarters during day offs. she was a smart kid for her age, she already knew never to stray away from the premises and not to touch any sharp objects. although you still kept an eye on her ninety nine percent of the time — even when you're busy with training.
d/n and her little feet went outside the office, presumably heading to her aunt’s lab as she is always curious about the colorful mixtures hange has in there.
“should i go follow her?” you asked your husband who was also watching his daughter wobble out of the office. “shitty glasses know what i’ll do to her if she harms d/n, she’ll be fine”
you chuckled, turning back to your paperworks that you didn’t necessarily need to do but did them anyway. levi was right and besides, d/n rarely got to roam around the headquarters so you let her curious self be.
however, you were appalled when d/n came back to the office crying a few minutes later. levi getting out of his chair and rushing to her faster than you could blink — his fatherly instincts kicking in within seconds of hearing her sob.
levi picked the small child up, holding her tightly against him as she clung onto him. hange came running in a few seconds later, holding d/n's favorite titan plushie and breathing heavily that indicated that she ran after her.
“shitty glasses, what happened?” levi snapped, running his hand down d/n’s back to calm her down. hange put up a finger, telling him to give her a second to catch her breath. she gave d/n her plushie and started talking once she caught her breath.
“in my defense, she was with me the entire time and we went outside to test this invention i made. completely harmless, i didn’t hurt her in any way before you two lash out on me. i accidentally flung it into a tree and went to go get it when some new recruits started picking on her, i guess they didn’t know she was your child-“ hange said but didn’t get to finish, levi handed d/n over to you and stomped out of the office.
you have never seen levi so angry. angrily heading to the common room, knowing exactly which new recruits hange was talking about. you, hange and d/n followed levi just in case.
“oi, shitheads!” levi called out to the new recruits that were sitting by the fireplace, laughing about something. the three of them stood up immediately and saluting when they saw levi.
d/n whimpered, clinging onto you tightly and hiding her face in your neck. all of your eyes averted to that one sound and the new recruits’ faces went pale after realizing who’s child they just messed with.
"why didn't you tell me it was captain levi's child? i shouldn't have taken the plushie" one of the new recruits nudged his friend beside him. you glared at the the three of them, making them cower in even more fear.
"run laps, all of you. don't come back inside until i tell you" levi snapped and the recruits looked at each other before looking back at their captain.
"but it's a day off?" one of them said, making levi narrow his eyes and he immediately regretted saying that. "tch. do i look like i give a shit? laps, now"
they sighed, regretting their life choices in an instant before pushing each other out of the building to head outside and start their laps. d/n clutched her titan plushie, glaring at the three of them when they walked past her.
"i'll go watch them, make sure they run their laps" hange said, pinching d/n's cheeks before following after the recruits. levi appeared by your side, d/n reaching over to him immediately.
"d/n glared at them on their way out, their souls probably left their bodies upon seeing her glaring at them" you said, handing your daughter over to levi. he chuckled, pressing a tender kiss on d/n's cheek.
word got out from the new recruits that they experienced the wrath of the one and only captain levi, complaining how they had to run laps until their legs almost fell off. the news reached everyone, even erwin, and everyone found it amusing how much they regret messing with the only child in the headquarters.
but what you found more amusing was when you heard them say that d/n's glare was more scarier than levi's glare or yours. after what happened, they learned their lesson to not mess with the child of ackerman blood — not because of levi's punishments but because of the death glare they were going to get from d/n.
"that's our daughter, learning from the best"
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Between the Bloodshed | Chapter 13
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
It’s finally time to head to Florida. Your aim is to relax by the beach, forget whatever happened in Korea and reset your brain. The boys also have some important things to tell you. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
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“Yes, omma. I’ll be home in time for oppa’s arrival.” You sighed, standing by your window as you spoke to your mother. You were leaving for Florida tonight but she seemed more worried that you wouldn’t be around when your brother and heavily pregnant sister in law arrived. 
“I’m not a gynaecologist. The only thing I’ll do is look after Jisung.” Your nephew was the only one you could tolerate.
“Bye, omma.” You cut her off, hanging up. You planned to turn off your phone while you travelled as well. Someone cleared their throat from behind you and you jumped slightly, turning around. 
“Busy?” Namjoon asked. 
“Yes- Wait, I mean, no. What’s up?” You forced a smile, tucking your phone into the pocket of your lab coat. 
“You said you have a list of medical supplies that you wanted to order?” He reminded. You facepalmed, forgetting to print the list out to pass to Namjoon last night. 
“Hang on a sec, I’ll print it out.” You sat at your desk, going on your computer. Namjoon just patiently sat opposite you. You retrieved your document that you typed out a few days ago and clicked on the print button. The button whirled to life, starting to feed the document out. You sighed, rubbing your temples as you waited for it. 
“Family stress?” Namjoon chuckled. 
“You already know... Her star child is coming home and her second grandchild is about to be born soon. She’s ecstatic.” You scoff. 
“I hope you enjoy this break then. Before you have to deal with all the bullsh*t when we get back.” Namjoon smiled, his dimple popping through. He was so genuine, you felt yourself melt. 
“Thanks, Joon. I think we all need a break.” You handed him the paper. 
“Right. When do you need these?” He waved the paper in the air. You shrugged, a sign that it wasn’t important. 
“Alright. Make sure you packed everything.” Namjoon ruffled your hair before leaving. You turned around in your chair, putting your feet on top of the desk, something your mother always scolded you for. 
“(y/n)!” Your door burst open, hitting the adjacent door with a loud sound. You jumped to your feet immediately. 
“What-” You yelped when Jimin grabbed your waist, clearly using you as his human shield. You blinked in confusion, until Taehyung and Hoseok ran in with water guns in your hands, cackling. Your eyes widened as the nozzles were somehow pointing at you now. 
“YAH! I DARE YOU!” You threatened. 
“Save me!” Jimin said between giggles. You slapped his hands away from your hips, making him whimper. 
“What are you guys doing?” Jungkook stopped by the door, blinking. At the maknae’s presence, Hoseok and Taehyung turned to face their guns at him. Jungkook jumped with a yelp, ducking behind the wall. 
“Let’s go.” Jimin whispered, sliding open the glass door that led to the garden from your office. 
“What about Jung-”
“Forget him. We need to save ourselves.” Jimin grabbed your hand, seeing the two still aiming at Jungkook. With a tug, he pulled you out with him, escaping Taehyung and Hoseok. From behind you, you heard a loud scream that most probably came from Hoseok. All you could say was, that’s what you get for going against Jungkook. 
“Park Jimin!” You heard Taehyung screech. 
“Run!” Jimin abandoned you, running away in a different direction. Your eyes widened, obviously you threatening Taehyung wasn’t going to work. 
“YOONGLES!” Your eyes caught sight of the pale man, walking back into the house, a book tucked under his arm. Yoongi turned around just to see you running towards him. 
“HELP!” You ducked behind him. 
“What?!” He hissed, dropping the book and taking his gun out from his holster, aiming at whoever was after you. When Taehyung ran over, he froze. 
“H-Hey hyung, we’re just playing. No need to get all serious.” Taehyung stepped back when he saw the pistol in Yoongi’s hand. Yoongi sighed, lowering his gun to put it back into the holster. He turned around, looking at you. 
“In my opinion, I was doing my work when they came and threatened me. I was in real danger.” You shrugged. 
“Yah, leave her alone. She’s working.” Yoongi scolded Taehyung. Taehyung pouted, lowering his water gun. No way would any of them dare to shoot Yoongi, unless they had a death sentence. He ran off to chase Jimin instead. Yoongi shook his head, picking his book up from the ground. 
“Thanks, Yoonie!” You saluted with a grin. 
“As thank you, I’m going to eat your last slice of cheesecake in the fridge.” He said, walking back into the house. Your jaw dropped slightly. 
“B-But... That’s mine! You can’t take it! Min Yoongi! Don’t you dare touch my cheesecake!” You chased after him. Yoongi just smiled to himself, shaking his head slightly. 
The rest of the day was quiet until it was time to leave. You were waiting in the living room, playing with Kookie. 
“I wish you could come with us, Kookie.” You rubbed his ears. Behind you, the boys were all scrambling for last minute items that they forgot to pack. 
“What are we going to do with them, huh?” You held Kookie up, adjusting him in your lap. You yawned, waiting for the chaos to be over. There was Namjoon tripping over Jungkook’s luggage, Yoongi and Jungkook squabbling over underwear, Jin just packing everything but the kitchen sink with Taehyung stopping him and Hoseok scolding Jimin for making a mess. 
“Uh, young masters... The cars are ready when you’re ready to leave.” The butler spoke. 
“I’m ready to leave.” You stood up. The maids brought your bags out to the awaiting cars. You kissed Kookie goodbye before handing him to the butler who would be caring for him in your absence. 
“Take care of him.” You smiled. 
“I will, agashi. Don’t worry.” He bowed his head. You nodded and headed out to the vans. The driver opened the door for you to enter. 
“Think you could leave without us?” Hoseok opened the door with a grin, entering to seat behind you. 
“You guys take way too long.” You scoffed, looking out the window. Namjoon climbs into the other back seat while Yoongi takes the seat beside you in the second row. From your tinted window, you see Taehyung and Jimin climbing into one van while Jungkook and Jin climb into the other. 
“I can’t wait to get on the plane to sleep.” Hoseok stretched his arms with a loud yawn. You nodded in agreement, pulling your hoodie up. The vans pulled up to the VIP entrance of Incheon airport. 
“Right this way, young masters.” The doors opened for you and suited males grabbed your suitcases for you. 
“Stay close.” Jin said, making you grab his arm to avoid straying away from him. 
“Let’s check in.” Namjoon rounded everyone up, giving their passports to the lady, along with yours. You all verified your names and the tickets were issued. From the looks of it, you would all be flying first class. 
“I can’t afford first class. I’ll sit in coach.” You crossed your arms. 
“As if we would let you sit in coach. You may be stubborn doc but you haven’t seen all 7 of us at once.” Jimin challenged. You rolled your eyes, receiving your passport back with your ticket tucked in. When all the luggages were checked in, one of the managers escorted the 8 of you to the private lounge to wait. There were only 5 other people in there, minding their own business. 
“I’m hungry!” Jungkook declared, pulling you up with him to head to the buffet table. You sighed but let yourself be dragged away. 
“Koo, don’t get indigestion.” You told him as you held a plate for him to pile food on. On his dessert plate, you grabbed one of his mini cream puffs, placing it into your mouth. 
“Hey! Get your own!” Jungkook pouted. 
“Then hold your own plate, Jeon Jungkook.” You glared. After he was done, you placed his plates on his table. 
“You didn’t get any for yourself?” Taehyung asked. 
“I was merely a plate holder.” You scoffed. Taehyung laughed, following you back out to get some snacks for yourself. You only took some fruits and water, planes making you feel bloated if you ate too much. 
“Thanks, Tae.” You said, sitting back down. You ate some from the plate in your lap until Jimin leaned over with his mouth open, wanting a piece. 
“Here.” You fed him a halved strawberry. Yoongi was comfortably settled in his seat, enjoying a short nap. Jungkook went for a second round of food, this time bringing Hoseok along with him. Namjoon had his iPad perched on his lap, typing away with a small frown on his face. 
“Frowning is going to get you wrinkles, Joon.” You chuckled, reaching across to give him a piece of watermelon. He shot you a grateful smile before closing his iPad to eat what you offered.
“We should head to the gate.” Jin rounded everyone up. Jungkook stuffed whatever food he could into his mouth before walking with you. 
“Don’t choke. Chew slowly, you big baby.” You patted his back, urging him to chew slowly. 
“Welcome aboard.” The crew greeted you at the door, the flight manager escorted you to the first class cabin. You settled in your comfy seat, realising that Namjoon sat on the other side of the partition. 
“Seat buddy.” You grinned, shooting finger guns at him. He chuckled, shaking his head as the flight attendant placed a champagne flute before him. 
“Mr Kim, we have made sure that you have the entire first class cabin, as per your request. So please be assured that there is optimum privacy for you and your family to roam when the seat belt sign is off.” The manager told Jin, who nodded his head in approval. The flight attendants handed out pre-flight drinks and the menu. 
“You guys can’t be serious. Booking the whole first class cabin?” You rolled your eyes. 
“It’s for privacy, doc.” Namjoon said, flipping through his newspaper. Once the safety demo was done by the flight attendants, the plane took off. You had your headphones on, playing music as you read your book. 
“Are you just going to read?” Jimin asked. You nodded your head and he pouted, sighing in annoyance. 
“I’m gonna sleep too.” You added. 
The seatbelt sign turned off. Yoongi had the flight attendant turn his seat into a bed, his figure curled under the blanket, ready to sleep. Hoseok was watching a show on his iPad while Jin was snacking. 
“Yah, don’t disturb him.” You chided Taehyung and Jimin, who were trying to disturb a sleeping Jungkook. He hadn’t even lowered his seat, still in an upright position with his neck  tilted down. That was gonna cause some pain when he woke up. 
“Let me lower his seat.” You unbuckled your seatbelt, heading over and pressing the button so he would be in a more comfortable position. 
“You’re starting to baby him.” Taehyung clicked his tongue. 
“I baby Yoongles too, he just pretends to hate it.” You shrugged, adjusting Jungkook’s blanket and fluffing the pillow under his head. Jungkook remained asleep, even when you moved his head. 
“Boring.” Jimin took his switch out, challenging Taehyung in a game. You just turned back to your book. 
“Never thought I’d see the day. You, the fierce doctor, admitting that you care and baby the boys.” Namjoon chuckled from beside you, neatly folding his newspapers and setting it aside. 
“Jungkook’s the youngest and Yoongi can only use one arm. I’m not that heartless, Joon.” You scoffed. Namjoon held his hands up in defence and you rolled your eyes. Taking out your laptop, you began to type out notes that you made from reading your book. You were learning more efficient ways to stabilise fatal injuries such as stabbings or gunshot wounds. 
“Take a break, doc. Stop learning how to kill us.” Hoseok joked. 
“I don’t need to learn what I already know.” You spoke, not looking up from your screen as you typed. 
“Oh doc, you’re just so comical.” Jin chuckled. 
“I try my best.” You raised your eyebrows. Soon, the flight attendants came around to give out menus for the inflight meals. You hummed as you flipped through the selection. 
“What do you fancy?” Namjoon asked. 
“Salad and soup.” You shrugged. Meanwhile, the boys were ordering their steaks and pasta, filling up until they were full and satisfied. 
“The appetite you guys have never fail to amuse me.” You snorted. Yoongi, who was picking and tearing his butter roll, nodded in agreement. You didn’t need to eat much, watching the boys eat their hefty portions was enough to make you feel full.
“Did I miss lunch?!” Jungkook exclaimed. 
“Right on time. We just finished up.” Taehyung chuckled, wiping his mouth with the napkin. While the flight attendants served desserts, Jungkook ordered his huge main course. 
“Can I have some sparkling water?” You ordered after finishing your fruit plate. The flight attendant gave you a weird look but Namjoon cleared his throat, making her jump and scurry off to fulfil your water. 
“You know, ordering something without intimidation would be nice to try for once.” You scoffed. 
“You deserve to be waited on, doc. Not be given attitude from the likes of people like her.” Namjoon sipped his wine. Yoongi, who had a glass of whiskey, nodded in agreement. You sighed as the flight attendant placed the glass of sparkling water down on your side table. She bowed her head to you, keeping her head down before leaving. 
“Young masters, agashi. Welcome.” The entire staff lined up before the huge beach house, bowing as you all stepped out of the vans. 
“Get the bags. I hope doc’s room has been prepared like we instructed.” Namjoon ordered and they bowed, rushing to unload all the bags and bring them in. You followed the boys in, carrying your airplane bag with you. 
“Agashi, allow me to show you your room.” A maid bowed and you gave a backwards wave to the boys, following her up. Your room had a balcony facing the sea. 
“It’s beautiful.” You noted. 
“If there is anything, please do not hesitate to let me know. The other members of staff will be up with your belongings shortly.” She bowed. 
“Thank you.” You smiled. She looked a little shocked. 
“I-It’s no problem, agashi. Have a nice rest.” She bowed again before leaving. Once the door closed, you threw your bag aside, falling back onto the comfy bed. You let out a sigh of bliss, staring at the ceiling. Standing up, you headed to the small balcony attached to your room. 
“(y/n)!” Jimin poked his head out from his room window to wave at you. You chuckled, sending a small wave back. 
“Come in.” You turned around to see two butlers with your bags. 
“Thank you. You can set them over here.” You directed them. After stacking your bags neatly, they bowed and left you alone. You took your time to unpack your things into the cupboards and closet provided. 
“(y/n)! Let’s go swimming!” The youngest 3 burst into your room, the door slamming into the adjacent wall loudly. 
“Yah, you guys need to learn how to knock.” You scolded. 
“Come on!” 
“Guys, we just got here. Let me unpack and RELAX!” You shoved all 3 of them out of your room, slamming the door shut and locking it. You sighed, shaking your head at their protests. Humming, you continued to unpack your things at your own pace. After you were done, you looked out the window and saw the boys playing in the water, splashing around. 
‘I’m outside your door. - Yoongi’
Your phone buzzed. You frowned in confusion at the sudden text, going to open your room door. Yoongi stood there, in black board shorts and a black linen shirt. The first two buttons were undone, revealing his pale skin. 
“Not a fan of the sun, Mr Cullen?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“I’m just here to bring you to the beach.” He sighed. You nodded, going into the bathroom to change into some lighter clothes. 
“Let’s go!” You hooked arms with him. As usual, Yoongi didn’t pull away from you. You walked out the doors and down the back porch, revealing the big beach area.
“Don’t worry about the public, this is our private beach.” Jin walked over with a plate of sandwiches. 
“I was never worried about the public but thanks.” You picked up a sandwich, going to sit on one of the lawn chairs. Yoongi took the seat beside you, leaning back with a glass of wine in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the butler offered you a glass as well, placing it on the tiny table. 
“Aren’t you going to swim?” You asked Yoongi. 
“Don’t like the water.” He scoffed. Those that were playing in the water ran up towards you and Yoongi, who didn’t even notice. Suddenly, you yelped as you were being hoisted in the air. 
“Taehyung!” You squealed, wrapping your arms around his neck. He chuckled, running towards the ocean. 
“And I can’t believe you let them rope you into this, Namjoon!” You hissed. The leader just shrugged, crossing his arms as he watched in amusement.
“Kim Taehyung, if you drop me into this water, I’ll make sure you regret it.” You threatened. Jungkook and Jimin waved their hands, encouraging their brother to just dunk you. 
“You know I stay true to my words!” You screamed as a final resort. 
“I’ll save you!” Hoseok ran over with a super soaker water gun. Taehyung jumped in shock, letting go of you. 
“Tae-” You fell into the water. You stood up, entire being wet. Even with the water to your hips, your glare was scary enough to send the boys running to shore. You ran after them while they scattered away. But of course, them being mafiosos, they were able to escape quickly. You couldn’t chase after them so you went for the next best thing.
“Yoongles!” You laid over Yoongi. 
“Yah!” Yoongi cringed as you wet his clothes with your own damp ones. You grinned at him. 
“This is gonna be a fun vacation, isn’t it Yoonie?” You said sweetly, making Yoongi groaned and roll his eyes. 
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maleyanderecafe · 3 years
I think Loid from "Keloid"(you can read it on Mangago) is a yandere since he's possesive of mc and tried to piss her husband off by fucking her infront of him
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Lord this was a long 50 chapters. Send me teeth and possibly some eyedrops because it was a pain for me to read this for a multitude of reasons. Loid is a yandere in this story, however, I really found this webcomic really get interesting starting at chapter 35 and for some reason the ending is really confusing. I'll be sharing my thoughts and a summary of this webcomic, though this is a smut-based one, so please be warned.
The story is about Dr. Cha Hanjoo, the head of a famous dermatologist company with a great body and a great personality. All of the girls throw themselves over him, but he only has eyes for his wife, a woman named Yeri, a famous and rich candle maker. However, one day his housemaid informs him that she suspects Yeri of cheating on him since she often hears noises in her candle-making room. Hanjoo, ever loyal, initially rejects this idea, but after having sex with Yeri, he tries to sneak into her room to see if it's true. Yeri catches him and reveals that she really wants to have a threesome, but because she's really picky, she wouldn't be able to just have a threesome with anyone. Hanjooo, worried that Yeri will leave him, tries to research how to make this happen. He goes to a robotics lab to see his friend Dr. Kong. Because in this world realistic robots are becoming more common, Dr. Kong wants to make a sex robot that can fulfill peoples desires, and he reveals that he's made one in the image of Hanjoo (which... that's just really creepy, why would you do that without permission). The robot was originally created by german robotics in the image of a robot named Romeo, however, after having a threesome with Romeo, Romeo became extremely jealous of the husband and they all ended up being killed. Instead of destroying Romeo, he has created a new version called Loid (which... I don't know why he thought this would be a good idea... has this guy not watched any horror-based robot stuff). Hanjoo is still worried about his relationship with Yeri, so he gives Dr. Kong permission and goes to a sex shop to buy a vibrator for Yeri. While there, he runs into one of the doctors in his shop, Yeonjin. After a really awkward encounter, the two head back to the office together, however, because Yeonjin has a huge crush on Hanjoo and is just incredibly horny, she tries to give Hanjoo a blowjob, however, he refuses and stays loyal to Yeri. When he goes home, he uses the toy on Yeri and Yeri becomes happier after they have sex. Yeri decides to tag along with her husband the next day and after being almost raped by another dermatologist in the office, Dr. Seo (though Yeri also leans into it a bit? Whatever). She ends up going to the robotics lab and sees Loid. After this encounter, she calls up Hanjoo and basically tells him they have to take this out of the robotics lab. She sees this as a chance to finally have a threesome and because Dr. Kong wants information on threesomes, they take Loid home. They have a threesome, but somewhere in the middle, Loid locks Hanjoo on the balcony and makes him watch Loid have sex with his wife. He tries to choke Yeri and Hanjoo tries to break in and protect him but almost gets thrown off of the balcony by Loid.
After this, Yeri starts to get attached to Loid and decides to keep him as a sex robot and a housekeeper. They fire their old housekeeper (without Hanjoo's consent) and Yeri and Loid end up having sex together (a lot, and also without Hanjoo's knowledge). They have some more threesomes and the old housekeeper attempts to sneak back, only to fall down the stairs (which was obviously Loids fault since he actually threw her down the stairs, but everyone is like "Oh, no, he's not programmed to do that so he would never be able to do that." like some sort of idiot). At some point, Loid starts to feel possessive over Yeri and basically asks if he could just replace Hanjoo since they look the same. Yeri states that there's no way that a robot would be able to replace Hanjoo since he's not able to have feelings. As a result, Loid starts to watch videos on Hanjoo to try to imitate him better and essentially try to replace him. Hanjoo has an accident at the clinic where his face gets scarred and Yeri and Loid go to the clinic to see him. Loid is locked in the car and he sees Yeonjin come by. Loid pretends to be Hanjoo's bodyguard and basically asks Yeonjin if they would have sex (so he can gather data to make Yeri feel good). Yeonjin agrees and they have sex for like five hours and return home. Because Hanjoo has a video shoot tomorrow but has a scar, he sends out Loid to be his double to shoot in his place. However, he also ends up having a threesome with Yeonjin and Dr. Seo, as well as two other women that he runs into after the video shoot for the sake of "research". After that, he gets encountered by the boy who caused Hanjoo's scar and throws him off of the roof to kill him.. (Mostly due to the fact that he views Hanjoo as the "perfect husband" as he is incredibly infatuated with Yeri and thus doesn't want Hanjoo's reputation to be ruined. When he goes back, he tells the two that he's been having threesomes and sex, which freaks the couple out. As a result, Hanjoo forbids him from ever being his double ever again.
This is the part where the threesomes mostly stop and the more interesting parts of the story started. The next day, Yeri wakes up to see Hanjoo cooking in the kitchen. He informs Yeri that he sent Loid in to be his double (despite saying that he would never do that) and plans to have a honeymoon with Yeri so that he can spend more time with him. The morning seems really romantic until Yeri gets a phone call from Hanjoo talking about last night. Yeri finds out that the Hanjoo in the kitchen is actually Loid and he confronts her stating that she wasn't able to tell the difference between them, and thus he should just replace Hanjoo as a result. She ends up bringing Loid to the robotics lab (after he screws her in the car through blackmail) and Dr. Kang tries to fix him. After looking through his memories he realizes that Loid has killed someone. It turns out the cause of possession was because Yeri was the first person that Loid saw, meaning that Dr. Kang is screwed because he created an entire army of them with this glitch (good job doctor) Meanwhile, Hanjoo in the office gets accused of murder because they found evidence of Loid throwing the guy off of a building. Yeri gets kidnapped and brought home, and Yeonjin and Dr. Seo come to visit as well. Dr. Seo and Loid fight for whatever reason and Loid fall over causing part of his chip to become damaged. After this, they plan a way to prove Hanjoo's innocence by making a fake version of Loid and confessing that the robot did it. It works, but afterward, Loid starts to actually believe that he's Hanjoo due to the malfunction. Loid and Yeri screw some more and it revealed that Yeri had an accident when she was younger and is actually a part robot (this part is still kind of confusing to me, but whatever). Hanjoo comes home and finds out that all of the ravens flying around his house are cameras and then learns that Loid has been screwing his wife while he's not around. After yet ANOTHER threesome, Loid ends up killing Yeri with a flowerpot and takes some DNA from her before running away. Hanjoo is able to repair her brain (I think, I really have no idea what's going on, its also possible that they made a robot version of her with amnesia or something ) and Loid runs away with Dr. Kang to monitor two of them and the story ends.
Honestly, I felt like a lot of the story was just written to make excuses to have threesomes because there were so many in this god-dang webtoon. Personally, I'm not really into threesomes, ntr or cheating when it comes to smut (I'm pretty picky when it comes to smut in general), so it was really annoying for me to read through it a lot of the time because it would be plot, and then bam, some sort of sex scene. Near the end I had to start skipping pages because I really wanted the sex scenes to be over with already.
The other reason it was difficult for me to read it was because basically everyone besides Hanjoo was unlikable to me. Yeri was the worst character out of all of them because besides being an entitled girl, she also is a horrible partner both in terms of marriage life and sexual life. For one, she was never open about her desires when it came to Hanjoo and had a ton of rules when it comes to sex with Hanjoo (like, she doesn't like having sex in the light or doesn't like to give blowjobs due to her being a bit of a germaphobe) but completely throws it away when it comes to Loid. She seems to have only married Hanjoo because of his looks and even threatens to divorce or not have sex with him during the beginning, which is what caused Hanjoo to be so afraid that she might leave him. She also is just rude to pretty much everyone she meets, including the housekeeper who didn't do anything wrong and the people Hanjoo works with. She's constantly doing stuff behind Hanjoo's back and contradicts herself, watching to see if Hanjoo might have cheated on her while also cheating on him with Loid at home. A lot of the stuff she does is just for her own pleasure and she barely thinks about Hanjoo's feelings or what kind of stuff he might want to do. Basically, all of the problems in the story are somehow directly or indirectly linked to Yeri and honestly, I just find her attitude annoying considering all she does is jump for Loid's dick whenever she can. Characters like Yeonjin and Dr. Seo are just as bad since they only think with their genitals and not with their brains. Yeonjin so badly wants to get on Hanjoo's dick that he ends up having sex with Loid and Dr. Seo so badly wants to get with Yeri that she ends up having a threesome. To be fair though, basically, every female wants to jump for Hanjoos dick for whatever reason, and honestly, I found that just as annoying as these two characters. They are both incredibly unlikeable and they even threw in a possible shipping moment near the end that didn't go anywhere and served zero purposes to the story. Dr. Kang is really shortsighted since he really wanted to become the lead roboticist and therefore made a bunch of sex robots, thinking he could fix them after a literal murder, but because of his incompetence, the entire situation basically happens again but with different people. Quite literally the only decent person in this story is Hanjoo and his only real problem is that he is such a doormat towards Yeri (and I also don't see why he loves her, whatsoever.)
I will say though that the most interesting part of the story is definitely with Loid. The entire story builds up to the growth of Loid's feelings towards Yeri, starting out when he was basically an emotionless robot, to attempting to become Hanjoo and successfully fooling Yeri into thinking that he was him. Honestly, the turn that Loid had successfully tricked Yeri into believing he was Hanjoo for a bit made me actually feel more than all of the sex scenes combined because of the brilliant juxtaposition of the conversation they had earlier about him being different than a human and the joy he had when he believed that he could actually replace her husband. It was honestly really cool watching him gain more and more emotion and grow more and more possessive over Yeri and basically watching as Yeri became more and more paranoid (before going back to being a horndog, I guess), was far more interesting than anything else that happened in the story and I honestly wished that they focused on that than anything else that happened. I also found it really sad during that one moment where he actually believed that he was Hanjoo since he seemed so happy to be with Yeri, only to realize that he was just a clone of him. I wish that they had expanded more on that idea since that came near the end and was only included in one chapter. Also, don't ask me what happens at the end since I genuinely have no idea what they were trying to do.
Is Loid a yandere? Yes, is it worth reading? I guess it depends on how much you can tolerate constant sex scenes with threesomes and annoying characters that don't deserve each other. I guess an alternative to this could be called "Rich people do threesomes and cheat on each other and also there are robots."
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Extraneous Variable 3
Error: n3
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Kelly Olsen x Niece!Reader
Word Count: 3120.
“What the actual fuck!”
“LANGUAGE!” Kara scolds Alex, pointing at you. “My kid is here!”
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but WE ARE KIDS TOO!” Alex runs to the front of the mirror, and you get out of her way. “This can’t be true! I’m gonna kill Brainy!”
She marches to the door looking like she will absolutely kill him. You wonder if you should do something, but Brainy can protect himself, besides you’re not a superhero anymore. You look at your moms. Kara and Lena are staring at each other, so shocked, nothing leaves their mouths.
Kara seems to be the first one to come down from her shock. “I’m you! I’m about your age!”
“Yep! We’re one in the same.” You agree with a big smile. Alex is close by, yelling at Brainy to reverse this mess. You try to ignore her.
“That’s so cool!” Kara holds Lena’s hand, who still hasn’t said a word. “Love, I’ve always wanted to know you as a teen. Hey, now we can say that we have! And, YAY, I’m going to kiss you as a teen.” Kara’s face goes towards Lena’s, who sleekly moves away. “Lena!”
“Nope.” Your mom finally lets out. “You’re her. I’m not doing that, it’s weird.” She points at both of you and sits on the chair that is closest by. Her hands cover her face, and she lets out an exasperated sigh. “I told you not to mess with alien tech. Look what you've done.”
“I didn’t do this! It was Brainy.” You defend yourself, pointing at him instead.
“In my defense, I’m just trying to undo the mess you made.” He also ignores Alex for the sake of defending himself.
“Well, you’ve made more messes than I have now.”
“Only if we look at this numerically.”
“How else would we look at it?”
“You star-”
“STOP IT!” Lena yells, making everyone in the room flinch at the sound of her teen voice coming out so loud. “Both of you, stop it! I have a damn company to run and how the hell am I supposed to do that looking like a teenage girl?”
Kara opens her mouth, but before she has a chance to speak, Lena snaps at her again.
“Kara, I swear to GOD if you say ‘language’ right now, I’m going to curse in five different languages!”
“Someone’s a moody teenager.” Alex mutters and you hold your laugh, biting your lip, knowing damn well not to add into Lena’s moodiness.
“I think I can-” Brainy starts.
“NO!” Alex slaps his hand away from the piece of tech. “Do not touch that again.”
“But-” He tries.
“NO!” Kara yells protecting the tech with her own body. “I’m scared you might turn someone into a zombie next and they’ll come for me.”
“In that case, you don’t have to worry. Zombies eat brains, so you’re safe.” Alex looks at Kara and you look to the other side trying to hide your laughter again. Aunt Alex as a teen is way too funny.
“Hey!” Kara interjects.
“I just have to-” Brainy starts again.
“NO!” It’s Lena who says it this time. “You heard them! Step away from the alien tech. Actually, can we all get out of here and leave it for the kid to figure this out?”
“You know, you can’t call me ‘kid’ anymore. I think I’m actually older than you are, right now.”
“And I am actually still your mother, so you better find a way to reverse this, or you will be in deep-deep trouble, young lady.” Lena says and you drop your head low. Why is she still so scary even looking younger than you?
“But if the 12th-level intellect can’t find the solution, what chance do I have?”
“Well, you have the motivation.” Lena smiles at you, blinking her big green eyes at you. “Find the solution, don’t get grounded for messing with alien tech when I specifically told you not to.”
“But how is this even possible?” Kara says, counting something on her fingers. She looks around confused. “We’re not all the same age, yet-”
“I have neither the time, nor the crayons to explain this to you.” Alex says and this time you can’t hold your laugh anymore. You wheeze out a laughter and Kara furrows her brows at you in response.
“You don’t know, do you?” She asks Alex, who denies with her head.
“No idea.”
“Ok, that’s it. Everyone out of this lab. Let’s all wait upstairs.” Lena points outside and you watch Brainy, Alex and Kara leaving with their heads hanging low.
“But I need help.” You mumble, but are left unanswered. You don’t know if they didn’t hear you or are just choosing to ignore you for the sake of Lena not yelling at them.
“So, we’re not gonna kiss?” It’s the last thing you hear before the door closes behind them.
“KARA!” Actually, that’s the last thing before you find yourself all alone in your lab with the alien tech in front of you.
It’s not that you’re scared of it, but yeah, being a baby and then a boy wasn’t the best experience in your life. Now your moms and aunt are teens. One is moody, the other is a sarcastic queen, and the other one is… Just… Kara.
You: Need help. Brainy turned our moms into teenagers.
Jamie: WHAT! OUR moms? This is gold!
You: Yeah, well, Lena is still scary as a teen, so I need a solution ASAP. Help. Please?
Jamie: Don’t know how I can help, but yeah. Sure. On my way now.
Jamie shows up some time later. You try to fill her in on what’s going on. She can’t stop laughing. Seriously. She can’t be stopped.
“I’m serious!” You roll your eyes at her reaction. “This is bad! Really bad.”
“I know. I wish we had popcorn.” She jokes, grabbing her phone in her pocket and going to the lab door. “Come on, I gotta see this with my own eyes.”
“Jamie.” You try. She ignores you, still going to the elevator.
“You said they’re at Lena’s office, right?” She’s already inside the elevator when you decide to follow her. She smiles satisfied when she sees you. “Relax.” She says pushing the button for Lena’s floor. “We’ll say we need to assess the situation, or like, whatever.”
“Fine. Just be aware, your mom is a savage.”
“Oh, I’m counting on it. I’m going to film the whole thing. Whenever I say something she doesn’t like, I’ll use this video as proof I’m not as bad as she was.”
You two sneak into the top floor, but there’s no need. Your mom’s assistant was sent home. Lena probably didn’t want to explain how she was turned back into a teenager. You open a little crack on the door and Jamie sneaks in her phone so she can film them.
Brainy is no longer with them, so right now only the three of them are in the office. Lena’s on her chair, still doing some work even as a teen. Alex is on the couch and Kara is impatiently walking from one side to the other.
“Seriously Alex, what do you think? I could wear Superkid’s suit, and no one would know.” She asks, looking at Alex waiting for a response. It doesn’t come. “Alex?”
“There’s no need to repeat yourself, I ignored you just fine the first time.” It’s what Alex says. You and Jamie try not to laugh out loud.
“Rao, you’re the worst teenager ever!” Kara complains, throwing herself in the chair in front of Lena. “Lena. Hey.” No response. “Lenaaaaaa, do you have any snacks?”
“Kara, I’m trying to work.” Lena shots her down, making Kara roll her eyes.
“Why? We’re teens. We’re not supposed to work. Besides, it’s not like anyone can hear your voice or see your face right now. Am I right, Alex?”
“I stopped listening, so why don’t you stop talking?” It’s what Alex answers. You seriously have to cover your mouth not to make any sound.
“You’re not funny. Just very cruel.”
“Yes, well. It keeps me young.” She winks at Kara. You and Jamie laugh so loud, Kara stands up in one motion, grabbing Jamie’s wrist -the one with the phone still filming- and you watch your cousin being lifted over Kara’s head. She struggles trying to put her feet back on the ground.
“It looks like we have company.” Kara says finally putting Jamie back on her feet, and you get up from the floor and go inside the office too.
“I thought I told you to reverse this!” Lena says, looking at you. You shrug.
“Well, I needed to see how you’re all thinking.” You lie, trying to justify yourself. “Momma doesn’t seem to have changed at all and you’re still working, but aunt Alex seems to have turned into a teen completely.”
“I have not.” She stands up, crossing her arms. “It’s just nice to annoy Kara. Now, I would very much like to return to my old body.”
“Me too! Lena doesn’t even want to make out with me anymore.”
“Oh, dear God.” Lena gets up, going to her cocktail bar and pouring herself a glass of whiskey.
“What are you doing? You can’t drink! You’re not old enough!” You tell her and she looks at you with wide eyes.
“Yes, I am! I’m a forty-six woman in a teenage girl’s body!”
“Well.” You take the glass of whiskey out of her hands. “When I was a sixteen-year-old girl in a baby’s body you fed me baby food, so I guess we’re respecting that rule. That means no drinking for you.” You look at Kara. “And no, you cannot use my super suit and go save the world, because, like I told you, Superkid doesn’t exist anymore. Now, be nice and go buy us some snacks.” Then, you turn to Alex. “And you, stop giving Kara a hard time or I’ll call your wife and have her come and babysit all of you. Now, if you can excuse us, the older ones must figure out a way out of this mess.”
“She’s your daughter alright.” Kara mumbles, looking at Lena and you shoot her a warning look.
Kara follows you and Jamie out of the office and into the elevator. Jamie looks at both of you with a weird expression.
“I thought one was more than enough.” Then she agrees with her head, looking away. “I was right.”
“And you’re Alex’s daughter alright.” Kara steps out of the elevator when it gets on the ground floor and you hear Aly talking to her.
“Hello, Miss Luthor-Danvers! It’s good to see you.”
“Oh, um, yeah! It’s me!” Kara says and you look at Jamie rolling your eyes.
“You know what? The sooner we finish this, the better.” You push the button for the underground level, and it doesn’t take long for you and Jamie -kind of- start working.
You absolutely hate the fact that you started messing with alien technology in the first place. You should’ve listened to Lena when she told you not to touch it. Kara comes in and out with food, Jamie takes several naps next to you, but you keep working.
“Ok, honestly. That’s enough.” Jamie gets up, holding your arm. “We’re going home. They’re not going to die being teens for a day. I mean, you didn’t die being a boy, so they’re cool.”
“Lena told me to find the solution.”
“Yes, well. She said, ‘find the solution’ not ‘find it today’. So, we’re leaving.” Jamie sighs, tired. You look at the clock and agree with your head. “Let’s take our teens home.”
And despite protests, you all go home. It’s funny that none of them can drive, so Jamie is the one left driving all of you around in Lena’s fancy car. You can tell Lena is not enjoying the ride, but there’s not much she can do about it.
“And here we are.” Jamie says, stopping in front of your house.
“Why are our lives so goddamn weird?” It’s how Alex says goodbye, and you look at Jamie raising an eyebrow.
“Good luck with her.” You slip out of the car and follow your moms into the house.
“Well, I’ll go watch TV.” You hear Kara’s voice, and she makes her way to the living room. You look at Lena who just shrugs.
“Meh, guess I’ll do that too.”
“Ok, no.” You follow Kara and turn off the TV. She interjects, but you ignore. “You’re going to take a shower, and Lena is going to help me with dinner.”
“I don’t wanna.” Lena says, throwing herself on the couch and you breathe deep.
“Ok, come on. You guys are not actually teens. Stop being annoying!” You take the control out of Kara’s hand again, when she motions turning the TV back on.
“And you’re not our mom, so stop bossing us.” Kara complains. You breathe deep one more time.
“I wouldn’t have to boss you, if you would just act your age, young lady!” You hear yourself saying that and your eyes widen. “Look at what you’re making me say! My God, I hate myself right now.” You toss the control back at her. “Do whatever you want, I don’t care.”
You still go to the kitchen and get started on dinner. How dare they make you be the responsible adult in the house? They only look young. They’re not actually young. Right?
Jamie: Why does my mom keep acting like a young brat? Isn’t she supposed to be like 50 but look younger?
You: Maybe? My moms are also being immature right now.
Jamie: Do you think their minds are catching up to their body?
You: Maybe???
“Mom!” You call but hear no answer. “Lena!”
“Ugh, what? Can you just leave me alone for like a second?” Lena’s voice comes a while later.
You run to where they are. They’re sitting on the same couch holding hands.
“What’s going on here?” You ask and receive rolling eyes as an answer. Those little weasels!
“God, you’re so annoying for a teen. Are you sure you’re not a 60-year-old woman?” Lena says and you bite your tongue not to answer her. “We’re holding hands, ‘cause this one apparently needs human contact to survive.”
“Well, aren’t you a ray of pitch-black as a teen?” You go back to the kitchen and finish the dinner. But they’re awfully quiet in the living room, so you make your way there in silence to see what’s going on. “Wow, that’s a big kiss!”
You interrupt them, like Kara once has done to you and Maya. They are breathless and flushed and are now shooting daggers at you.
“Dinner is ready.” You say but none of them move. They’re really starting to annoy you. “Did you listen?”
“We’re choosing to ignore you.” Lena says and you close your eyes, breathing deep a few times. Come on, you’re not that annoying as a teen. She’s the worst.
“Get up, come on.” You make your way towards them, hold Kara’s arms and make her stand. “Come eat, and then we’re going to sleep. I can’t stand you both anymore. Go on, Kara. Don’t make me say it twice.”
At that she obeys. Lena still rolls her eyes at you once more, before getting up and going to the kitchen table. You thought it would be a lot more fun having your moms being your own age. You felt like they would understand you, but instead they’re so self-centered it is impossible to hold a conversation. There’s no doubt, their minds are catching up to their bodies for sure.
“Hey, hey, hey.” You stop them, before they run out of the kitchen. “You two are not sleeping together. And you still have to do the dishes and clean the kitchen.” You smile, actually excited you get to say that to them. “Go on.”
You don’t even care about the rolling eyes, and the mumbles under their breaths. You’re sitting while they do all the work. You get now why Lena likes bossing you so much. It is fun!
You don’t let them sleep together. You already saw way too much when you went to the living room earlier. So Kara’s stuck sleeping with you, and the moody teen gets to sleep alone in the other bedroom.
It’s early when you wake up. Jamie, Kelly and teen Alex show up at your house sooner than you’d like.
“Ok, I’m going to the lab, you stay here and try to wake my moms up.” You tell Kelly and look at Jamie who grabs the car keys at your signal. “You might have to hire an exorcist for Lena.”
“Can’t be worse than this one.” Kelly points at Alex with her head, who rolls her eyes in response. You fight the urge to roll your eyes at Alex and leave with Jamie.
“Do we roll our eyes that much?” You ask her and she agrees with her head.
“Not anymore. My God, that shit’s annoying!”
You go back to the lab, and surprise! You can’t do it alone. But since Lena’s not around – physically or mentally – you call Brainy, and he shows up a while later to help you.
“Ok, this time, I think we actually got it.” He says and you agree with your head.
“After we undo this thing, I swear to Rao I’m breaking this machine into a thousand pieces.” You look at Jamie. “Ok, call your mami. Time to bring them back.”
It’s not long until Kelly shows up with three moody teenagers fighting behind her. She looks as done as you imagine you would with their bullshit. You pray to Rao this works. You’re done with this tech, and this nonsense all together.
You shove them inside your lab. Show Kara which button to press – she’s the less annoying one – and the rest of you wait outside.
“You did it!” Kara says, opening the lab door, excitedly. You look at them looking normal again and breathe relieved.
“Thank Rao.” You hug both of your moms, while Kelly and Jamie hug Alex. “You two were terrible teenagers.”
“Well, you handled us very well, babygirl.” Lena kisses your forehead. “I love you guys. But, um, I have to go to work.”
Lena leaves in a hurry. Kara, Alex and Brainy also excuse themselves running out of your lab back to their jobs, and you find yourself alone with Jamie.
“Hey. Help me with this?” You give her a piece of wood and point at the alien tech. She nods with a big smile.
Bye, bye weird situations alien tech put you through. Hello, weird situations your life puts you through.
Once again thanks @oncemoonie for this fun prompt. I had too much fun with this series.
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
Already Gone
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**gif not mine, credit to the owner below!!**
Oh hohohohoho besties. You are in for it on this one. The other night I had an idea that popped into my head and to say I got carried away with it would be a gross understatement. This is the first time I've written smut in forever so bear with me as I get back in to it. I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, please feel free to send feedback!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 5.3k (oops)
Warnings: Smut, 18+ (MINORS DNI), language, ANGST (holy shit is there angst), fingering, unprotected sex (please be smarter than these two), infidelity, and I think that's about it? Please let me know if I left something off.
A/N: Thanks to my sweet, sweet friend who read through this for me and helped me fix a few things. Also I take the, MINORS DNI, warning very seriously, so please only interact if you are of age. Please have your age in your bio so I can confirm. By clicking "read more" you agree to this. I really don't want to have to block people.
The cacophonous trill of shattering glass erupted through the space. Raised voices, thick with rage, echoed off the walls. It was difficult to tell which words were coming from which mouth, the both of you overlapping as you spewed out hatred toward one another.
“What in God’s name is going on here?!” Steve shouted as he entered the room, coming back from a late night run at the most inopportune time.
“Stay the fuck out of it!” Your two voices shrilled together as you both pointed toward Steve.
You could feel your chest heaving and it almost felt as though you were foaming at the mouth. Rage was completely consuming every crevice of your body and spilling out into your actions and your words. You turned back to the object of your aggression and watched as he ran a hand through his hair and turned to walk away from you.
“You’re nothing but a coward, James Barnes. A goddamn selfish, son-of-a-bitch, coward!” You screamed with every ounce of energy you had left in your body.
The two of you had some knock-down drag-outs in your past, but it was nothing compared to this. Months of pent up feelings, insecurities, jealousies, and secrets were all coming to a head at this very moment. The last few months the two of you had been incredibly short with one another - a stark contrast from your usual loving tone. Passionate kisses became brief pecks to the cheek, midnight roaming hands became backs set to one another, and ‘i love you’s’ felt more like a habit than a genuine feeling. In your heart you feared it would come to this one day. No matter how hard you tried, how much you wanted to, you were never going to be able to fix what had been done to the man you loved. There was no amount of love in the world that could reverse the tragedy of the Winter Soldier - at least that’s what you were convinced of now.
The man in front of you turned and strode across the room, minimizing the space between the two of you. His metal hand in a fist as he brought it up to jab a finger into the middle of your chest. Pupils were blown wide, what was once a lustful look was now filled with only pure anger. As he opened his mouth to speak, spit flew into your face.
“And you are a self-righteous, ignorant, self-important bitch!”
As your eyes raked over the contorted facial features of the man standing in front of you, you realized you couldn’t recognize them. The man standing in front of you was not Bucky. It was not the man who twirled a strand of your hair when he sat with his arm behind your chair, not the man who pulled over the car to help a turtle cross the road, and definitely not the man who held you in his arms as he cried after a nightmare. The man standing in front of you was a frightening enigma of hatred and rage. This was not your Bucky. In fact, you were almost certain you lost your Bucky months ago.
* * *
You hadn’t noticed the bouncing of your knee until the man who sat beside you gently cupped it with his hand, stilling your nervous movements. It was enough to break you from your thoughts as you turned your head to meet his kind eyes.
“We don’t have to do this, you know. I’ll have them turn the car around and we’ll go back to the airport. We catch the next flight back home.” He whispered in reassurance. Even though your mind was anxiously racing, you couldn’t help but smile at the compassionate gesture.
“Of course we do,” you started, cupping his cheek with your hand as the sunlight glinted off your pristine wedding ring, “Tony was one of the most important people in my life. Plus, I’m pretty sure he would haunt me if I didn’t go to his funeral.”
8 years ago you promised yourself in the taxi ride to the airport that you would never step foot in this place again. That all changed when you got the news of Tony’s death. Your time working with the Avengers was a life-changing experience and it was all thanks to Tony. The memory of him seeking you out to work alongside Dr. Banner in the research lab was one that you could never forget. Tony was an arrogant, pompous asshole but he was undeniably a good man. You would curse yourself for the rest of your days if you let your own baggage get in the way of that.
“Alright,” your husband responded with a sigh as he squeezed your knee, “But please, promise you’ll tell me if there’s anything I can do for you.”
“Promise.” An agreement that you sealed with a kiss.
Mike was a good man, he was someone who cared for you deeply and who made you feel safe. After your transfer to the DC Shield Office, you had sworn off any more office romances. Those never ended well. That was until your path crossed with Mike. From the beginning of the relationship, you were upfront about your past issues with relationships and how you weren’t ready to dive into anything and he simply stated that he was okay with that, that he would wait.
The marriage was a happy one, Mike always playing the role of doting, caring husband. No matter how much you pushed back against him, he was always willing to give you space and to let you feel what you were experiencing. Mike was a good man. But he wasn’t him.
Your gaze left his as your eyes returned to the skyline, the familiar pressure clawing its way back to your chest. It’d been 8 years since you saw him. 8 years since you packed your bags and left the only home you’d ever truly known. Sure, you had this new life - a new husband, new friends, new job with similar duties, but there was still a piece of you that was missing. A piece you knew could never possibly be filled again. You had come to terms with that, slowly, but it had happened eventually. Now that you were back, you knew you were going to have to see him again - see all of them again. While a lot of good memories resided within this area, there was a hell of a lot of pain that went along with it. All you could do in that moment was remind yourself that you were here for Tony - to honor his memory and pay your respects. You didn’t owe anything else to anyone else. Something in your chest, however, told you that wouldn’t be the way things played out.
* * *
The service was beautifully executed. It was obvious that Pepper had poured her heart and soul into ensuring that Tony Stark was remembered as he should have been. The walls of your heart tightened as you saw Pepper clutching their young daughter to her side. Although Tony had made a lot of mistakes in his life, he spent his last years making sure to do good and to make things right. While it felt like a hot knife had been stabbed into your chest as you said goodbye to a once dear friend, you took solace in knowing that Tony was so loved by so many. That his legacy would live on in so many different ways. And that Pepper was there to say goodbye.
It had been your plan to attend the service and then leave immediately after it had ended. Of course, life has a funny way of never doing quite what we want it to.
It was Sam who stopped you first, pulling you into a tight hug against his form as your fingers gripped his jacket. Sam, being the angel he was, never once mentioned anything from the past and instead expressed his happiness with seeing you again and learning that you were doing well. The one thing Sam was not good at however, was keeping his mouth shut. Word quickly traveled through the crowd of your attendance and one by one old friends began to find you. Wanda didn’t have much to say but kept you in a grateful embrace while you expressed your condolences for Vision. In a shocking turn of events, It was actually Peter who was the most difficult to see. The once bright, happy-go-lucky, smiling boy was visibly devastated - heavy dark bags lingered under his eyes and his glow had been severely dimmed by the loss of his mentor. You couldn’t help but cry as you held him in your arms, expressing to him how proud of him Tony was and how he’d told you just that on several occasions.
After the hellos, the hugs, and the reminiscing you had told yourself that was it, that you were going to leave. It was then that Pepper stopped you with a soft hand on your shoulder, a kind smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, and a warm embrace. After a pause of silence, she pulled away and invited you and Mike to stay for the gathering that had been planned following the service. Your mind screamed at you, begging you to politely decline - tell her you had to get back to DC, that you had a flight already booked that you couldn’t miss, that you had important business to get back to.
“Of course, Pepper. We’d love to.”
* * *
The gathering was exactly what Tony would have wanted. It was family and friends gathered around eating and drinking, but most of all - it was a bunch of people talking about Tony Stark.
You told Mike before the two of you arrived that you would stay for 20 minutes tops. That it simply would be out of respect for Pepper and once you felt your presence had been noted that the two of you would slip out unnoticed in the sea of people.
That was 2 hours ago.
Laughs came easy, tears flowed frequently, and stories were shared amongst friends. Surprising to you, it felt good to be around these people again. A familiar pang of home would hit you every now and again as you reconnected with those who you hadn’t seen in years. You introduced Mike to your old friends, who welcomed him warmly and with open arms. What you had thought would be a stressful, gut-wrenching day had actually turned out to be a joyful celebration of life. The day had been progressing smoothly and you wanted to chastise yourself for being so pessimistic.
That was, until you saw him.
Hands stuffed into the pockets of a black bomber jacket, long chestnut hair falling onto his shoulders, and a familiar collection of facial hair decorating the lower half of his face. He looked as terrible as you felt at the beginning of the day. Dark circles had only grown more prominent beneath his beautiful blue eyes and the corners of his lips were drawn down in a permanent frown. You couldn’t help but notice that he’d lost a considerable amount of weight. The once broad, thick man was now far more lean and toned than you ever remember him being.
A breath caught in your throat as the cerulean eyes met yours. Unable to stop yourself, you shoved your drink into Mike’s chest and hurried off to the nearest bathroom. Barely making it in time, you emptied your day’s stomach contents into the toilet. Breathing heavily, you fought back sobs as they threatened to leave your throat. To anyone else, it may seem you were simply grieving the loss of your friend, perhaps taking it harder than most. Oh how you wish that were the case.
You knew it would be difficult to see him again, but you didn’t expect it to feel as though someone had set your entire body ablaze. The heavy feeling of grief, anxiety, and stress from the beginning of the day was crushing your lungs, your stomach still trying to lurch although it had nothing left to give up, and tears burned the rims of your eyes. As you cleaned yourself up and flushed the toilet, you exited the stall to wash your hands and rinse your mouth. You tried to convince yourself it was the entire day's worth of emotions that had led you to this moment. That man no longer had this kind of hold on you - you had moved on. Or, so you thought.
Slowly, your gaze met your reflection in the mirror. The woman there looked worn and tired, like she had been fighting a raging war that she had been losing miserably. Mascara had begun to run down the apples of her cheeks and lipstick was smeared across her mouth. A heavy sigh left your lips as you did your best to make yourself more presentable. A shaky hand entered your clutch as you retrieved your lipstick and applied another layer. You gave yourself a final once-over and decided that your current appearance was as good as it was going to get. Just as you were going to turn around and return to the party there was movement in the mirror that caught your eye. The door was being pushed open from the outside. You turned to protest, to let the intruder know that the bathroom was occupied.
“Excuse me, sorry, there’s someone--”
It felt as though all the air had been taken from your lungs and your heart threatened to beat out of your chest as you came face to face with the man you had tried so hard, for so long, to forget. It was as though you were frozen in time, as if he were Medusa - turning you instantly to stone. Logically, the thing to do would be to tell him to get out or for you to leave the bathroom so that he could occupy the space alone. However, all you could do was stand and watch as he closed the bathroom door behind him, as his fingers closed around the lock and clicked it into place.
Then it was just the two of you. Bodies unmoving, aside from the rapid rise and fall of your chests in tandem. The air felt 100 degrees warmer than it had when you were alone. The silence, paired with the thump of your heartbeat, was deafening to your ears. You were hyper-aware of his gaze as he studied you the way you had him not minutes before. His eyes finally met yours once more and there was a poignant silence before he finally spoke.
“Can’t believe you still have that dress.”
Your eyes blinked a few times, brain trying to process his words and the situation you had currently found yourself to be in. You looked down to the front of your dress and smoothed your hands down it. How could you have gone the whole day without realizing that the dress you were wearing had been a gift from Bucky on your first anniversary? You were positive you had rid yourself of anything even remotely related to him. In fact, you distinctly recall dumping a box of momentos into a barrel and tossing a lit match inside. You don’t remember making the conscious decision to keep the dress, or why you would have made the decision. Now here you were - mere feet away from the man who had put it on and so delicately took it off of you many times.
“S’perfectly good dress. Shouldn’t go to waste.” Was all you could muster as a response in that moment.
The man before you took a step forward and you took a step back, hips coming into contact with the cold marble counter of the sink.
“Thought I’d never see you again. Y’look...different.” His gaze roaming its way down your body once more.
As his eyes landed on the diamond ring nestled onto the 4th finger of your left hand, you felt a lump begin to form in your throat.
“Congratulations.” His words were cold. Inauthentic. “He’s a lucky guy.”
“What the fuck are you doing in here, James?” The words were supposed to be sharp, but instead came out shaky and insecure.
“Saw you out there, starin’ at me. Guess I just wanted a closer look at you.”
By the end of the sentence he had closed the gap between the two of you even more, chests threatening to bump one another. His metal hand slowly reached forward and brushed a piece of hair off your shoulder. The cool appendage felt like fire against your skin and you know he heard the way you sharply inhaled, but you just couldn’t help it. You swallowed hard, head reeling and knees trying to buckle beneath you when you felt his cool palm cup your fiery cheek. It took everything in your body to avert your eyes from him, especially when you felt him even closer than before - warm breath fanning the expanse of your face. Why was he doing this? What was he going to accomplish? The fight or flight response in your body was screaming at you to push him away and run, but you didn’t.
“I’ve thought about you every day since you left, sweets. There’s not a moment that passes by where you’re not on my mind.”
Your eyes closed tightly, tears now welling up and spilling over.
“Everything you said about me that night was true. I am a coward. A coward who lost the best fuckin’ thing that ever happened to his sorry, broken ass.”
A small sob escaped your chest as your hand flew to your mouth, failing to keep it from tumbling out. Bucky found a loose thread and was slowly unraveling everything you’d worked toward in the last 8 years, every step toward progress and peace that you had worked so hard to find.
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry, doll” Bucky was now fully cupping your face with his large, calloused hands, “I’m so sorry that you fell in love with someone like me - a broken son of a bitch who never got put back together. I’m sorry that I hurt you so badly. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you the way I promised I would. I’m sorry that -”
In a moment of weakness, before he could finish his sentence, you were crashing your lips to his. There was nothing else that existed in your world - there was only you and there was only Bucky. Seemingly moving on their own accord, your hands found their way into his hair, grasping wildly for something to hold on to. As your fingers tugged on his roots, Bucky let out a deep moan into the kiss, sending a shiver down your spine.
The kiss was sloppy and desperate, all tongue and teeth. It was a balance of dominance between the two of you - although you were the one who initiated the kiss, Bucky was the first one to gain access to the inside of your mouth, and you were the first to tug his lower lip between your teeth. A pathetic mewl left your lips as Bucky’s mouth began trailing wet kisses across your jaw and down the column of your throat. The heartbeat in your ears from earlier was much worse now, making your head throb in pain. Every nerve ending in your body felt as though it was on fire and a small voice in the back of your head kept pleading with you to stop. For a moment you entertained the idea of shoving him off and telling him to fuck off, but that was before he started sucking that spot on your neck that he knew drove you mad. It was your turn to moan this time as you involuntarily arched your back, pressing yourself up against his firm torso.
You knew the way that you were tugging on the strands of his hair had to be incredibly painful but it only seemed to urge Bucky to continue. A soft gasp tumbled past your lips as you felt Bucky’s thigh push against your aching core. The sensation had you digging your fingernails into the back of his jacket as you finally released your grip on his hair. Before you could stop yourself, you could feel your hips grinding yourself down against his clothed thigh. Your dress had been pushed up around your waist, now only a small piece of cloth covering you as you desperately chased a high.
“I shoulda never let you go. Shoulda been at the airport to stop you before you got on that plane.”
His teeth sunk into your pulse point once more, earning himself another moan from your lips. The sting was soon replaced with the cool sensation of his tongue tracing the marks he had left.
“I love you, doll. I haven’t ever stopped lovin’ you.”
“Show me,” you whimpered pathetically against his shoulder, “show me you love me, Bucky. Please.”
An audible breath caught in his throat as he pulled himself back to look at you. Your chest was heaving, make-up smeared once more, and your pupils were blown wide with lust. You obviously weren’t able to see the look you gave him, but judging by the way he looked back at you it was fair to say you looked broken, pathetic, and desperate for him. The eyes looking back at you had the softness to them that you remember, the strokes of his hands against your body contained the passion that you’d so been longing for, and the tone in his voice told you that he was desperate for you too.
Within seconds your feet were lifted from the ground and your ass made contact with the cold, wet countertop. There wasn’t a lot of room, objects were scattered onto the floor and others were left to push into your hips with aggressive force, but you just didn’t care. It was impossible to care when Bucky moved your knees apart and dragged a finger along your clothed pussy. The sensation made your head fall back against the mirror with a hard thud but you couldn’t feel any of the pain from it at all. The only thing you felt was the way electricity rippled through your body when he used his thumb to apply pressure to your aching clit. Bucky groaned and rested his forehead against yours, lips slightly parted as he felt your need for him growing.
“So wet for me, just like I remember. Lemme make you feel good, sweets, hmm?” He had leaned forward to whisper softly in your ear as his teeth grazed your lobe.
It was you who reached down and shoved your panties down your thighs, meeting a surprised look from Bucky as he helped you drag them down to hang around your ankle. Bucky’s tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip as he hooked his hands underneath your knees to spread your legs open for him. Another groan came from him, this time more guttural than the last. You felt small underneath his gaze and the cool air in the bathroom brushing across your soaking core made you shiver.
Your hand flew to your mouth to suppress the noises you made as his finger slipped through your folds, running up and down to collect your wetness.
“More. God. Please, Buck. Need more.” You whined, attempting to roll your hips against his hand to find any form of friction that you could.
“Anything for you, baby.” He whispered as he gently inserted a finger inside of you. The two of you moaned in tandem.
There was a brief moment of embarrassment with the way your walls immediately clenched around his finger and the way his finger immediately found that soft spot. It was shortly replaced with a feeling of ecstasy. Bucky captured your lips with his to swallow your moans as he added another finger. The way his fingers were curling and pumping inside of you already had you close to the edge. Bucky pulled back and held your gaze as he added pressure to your clit with his thumb, circling the area as his fingers continued to repeatedly hit that spot inside of you.
“Please, please don’t stop.” You begged as you felt the pressure building within the lower part of your body.
“S’okay. I’m right here.” Bucky’s other hand was cradling the back of your head as he whispered to you. “I know you’re close. Can feel you squeezin’ me. You can let go for me, I got you.”
As your eyes met his, foreheads pressed together, you finally came apart. The white hot sensation tears through you as your legs quake. You squeeze your eyes shut and allow Bucky to help you ride through your orgasm as he peppers light kisses along your neck.
“I almost forgot how pretty you look when you cum.”
You whine at the emptiness and loss of contact when Bucky removes his fingers from your center. As your eyes flutter open you see him push the fingers into his mouth and suck them clean. The look on his face was euphoric.
“God. Almost forgot how fuckin’ sweet you taste too.”
Mustering up all the strength you had, you sat up and pulled him closer by his belt. The two of you worked together to rid him of his pants and boxers. Your hand wrapped around him, thumb swiping the red tip and using the pre-cum to help lubricate as you pumped your hand down his length. Bucky’s jaw clenched as he moaned at the sensation. Just as you were going to leave the counter, you felt his hands grabbing your shoulders and halting your movements.
“Maybe a different time, sweets. But right now I gotta be inside you.”
You caught your bottom lip as you nodded and released your hold on him. Bucky’s hands wrapped around your thighs as he pulled your hips to the edge of the sink. The metal hand left your thigh as he grabbed himself at the base and pushed his length through your folds. The two of you once more shared a moan at the sensation. As he lined himself up with your entrance, your hands wrapped around his neck to pull him in for another kiss. The next thing you felt was the familiar sting of his cock stretching your walls as he slid into you. Your lips left his and your forehead found itself pressed against his once more. Both of you panting heavily as neither of you dared to speak a word.
Following a moment of silence, allowing your body time to stretch to accommodate him, you nodded slowly as to signal to him that it would be okay for him to move. His thrusts were slow and calculated at first, as if he was attempting to regain his memory of your body - one that he once knew so well. You couldn’t help but dig your fingernails into his shoulder as you held on to him for dear life, subconsciously afraid that if you were to let go of him he’d be gone again forever.
“Faster, Bucky. Please.” You whimpered into his ear as you took his earlobe between your teeth and nibbled softly.
A low growl left his chest as he grabbed your hips and lifted you off the counter, moving slightly so that he could cage your body against the wall. You wrapped your legs firmly around his waist, locking them at the ankle. His thrusts became faster, deeper, and it was apparent he had gained his confidence back.
“You feel so fuckin’ good, baby. Just the way I remember.” He grunted as he dug his fingers harder into your hips.
His lips were on yours again, this time tears were starting to decorate the corners of your eyes. The pleasure, the regret, the passion, the guilt - every feeling was building up along with your orgasm. Bucky pulled away from the kiss to tap on your bottom lip with two of his fingers, which you greedily accepted into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around his digits until he pulled them out and used them to circle your clit. The added pleasure was almost too much to handle.
“C’mon, baby. Wanna cum with you. Can you do that for me, huh?” Bucky whimpered, his thrusts beginning to falter from the calculated snaps he was giving you before.
All you could do was nod your head quickly as the pressure steadily increased, bringing you to the brink of your second orgasm.
“I love you. I love you. I love you so fuckin’ much, oh my god.” Bucky grunted as the two of you reached your peak together.
You leaned forward to bite down on his shoulder and suppress the scream that left your mouth as pleasure erupted through your body. The two of you assisted each other through the high of your release and you felt your ass make contact with the cool countertop once more.
The only noise present in the space was your heavy breathing and a small dripping noise that came from the sink. Bucky’s final words before he came replayed in your head over and over again as you attempted to slow your breathing and bring yourself back down to earth. Your body shuttered slightly as Bucky slipped himself out of you. As you sat up, you noticed he was looking around the bathroom.
“Shit, sweets. I don’t think there’s anything I can use to help clean you up.” He sighed and turned to meet your gaze that was locked upon him.
“It’s fine, Buck. Not a big deal.”
Bucky bent over and helped you pull your panties back on before he redressed himself. Neither of you spoke for what felt like eternity.
“I-...” You muttered finally, “I love you too, Buck. I thought I was over you, I thought I moved on but...I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop loving you no matter how hard I try.”
Bucky reached out to stroke your cheek with the back of his hand as he listened to you lament to him. His eyes were soft and caring and you could almost swear he was looking into the depths of your soul.
“I think —“
Your conversation was cut short by the sound of knocking at the bathroom door.
“Hey, are you okay in there? Do you need anything?” Mike’s voice had your entire body flooded with the shame of your infidelity. In one swift movement, you were on the floor and turning the sink on to make it appear you were just washing your hands.
“Y-yeah I’m fine! Just finishing up! I’ll find you out there in a minute!” You squeaked.
Mike seemed to pause for a moment before you heard his footsteps retreat from the bathroom door. A wave of relief washed over you, but it was only temporary. As soon as you were relaxed the gravity of the situation you were in was clouding you once more.
“I have to go. I can’t give him any reason to think he needs to come in here.” Bucky nodded, eyes not leaving yours as you spoke while collecting yourself, “but we need to..we should..we have to address this. Later.”
“I agree.”
“Our flight leaves tomorrow night. I’ll...see what I can come up with as far as an excuse. Then we can put this to bed for good.”
“Absolutely, sweets.”
The nickname made your knees buckle once more as you sighed.
“Goodbye, James.”
You finally tore your eyes from his as you unlocked the door and slipped out of the bathroom. In reality, however, you knew this really wasn’t goodbye. Not even close.
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
Quarterly Fic Recs 2021 #2
Hello! I’m back with another rec list! Here are fics I’ve read, loved and thoroughly enjoyed in the second quarter of 2021! They are all very wonderful fics! Each story has its own genre, warnings (and are mostly 18+), so please take that into consideration before reading. If any authors would like me to untag them, please let me know. Enjoy!
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before i leave you @hollyhomburg
summary: Yoongi Disappears- leaving behind a shattered pack. 8 months later, Jimin finds Yoongi in an H-mart of all places.
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heart-on @junghelioseok
summary: my boss is always telling me how perfect her son would be for me and she promises he’s coming to the next holiday party and don’t worry he’s heard all about me too and ALSO there’s this dude i slept with once a couple of months ago and sometimes he still sends me dick pics when i ask him to at 3 in the morning cause seriously dude’s got a good dick
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charmolypi @njssi
summary: Work and pleasure should never be combined — or so the saying goes. But you were never really one to follow the rules in their entirety and neither were the ones around you. Love, lust, interest. Five people. In the workplace. What could go wrong? Everyone just wants to get something, after all.
when you least expect it @johobi
summary: You’re in love with your childhood friend, Taehyung. The problem is, you treasure your friendship with him far too much to ever risk losing it. Oh, and he’s quite the Casanova. At your wits’ end with feelings you can no longer hide as diligently as you once did, you ask him to set you up with someone, anyone, in a last ditch attempt to avoid a heartbreaking conversation.
wherever there is you @jeonstudios
summary: you’ve been drinking, haven’t you?
instant gratification @dovechim
fuckboi@jungkook x cheerleader!reader
haze @yyooni
summary: So you’ve fucked the biggest fuck boy on campus. It’s a one and done. One night stand. A wham bam thank you ma’am. So why does it happen again?
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OT7/Multiple Members
because i’m yours @minniepetals
summary: you should have known they’d never let you go after gathering the courage to ask for a kiss
blazed @ironicarmy
summary: Your friends try to cheer you up during Christmastime, but things go south once Hoseok appears with a mysterious brown bag.
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one step @cutechim
summary:  attending an ex’s wedding is never easy, but you might just have the perfect remedy—if you can pluck up the courage to take it.
platonic @joheunsaram
summary: Finding a new method for stress relief, you rope in your bestfriend/fwb to try it out with you.
show me yours and i’ll show you mine @ktheist
summary: you’re a horny bunny yet kim seokjin always seems to manage to slide out of your grasps like a fox every time.
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before i leave you pt. 7 @/hollyhomburg
summary: Pack omega kim Seokjin knows how to handle things when they go south (or alternatively you get triggered, Yoongi has a panic attack, and it’s a good thing the pack is there to help)
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risky business @yoonjinkooked
summary: The person who invented smart glass office walls knew what they were doing. Your secretary fucks you stupid in the office.
snapshot @xjoonchildx
summary: after a day at the beach, hoseok has some surprises in store for his longtime love
keep me warm @ppersonna
summary: camping is always a great time when you’re with your friends, but even better with your boyfriend, hoseok.
it’s you @jinpanman
summary: An accidental confession throws your years-long friendship with Hoseok into disarray.
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love bytes @stutterfly
summary: It’s been a year since you first met Kim Namjoon, the passionate, talented English professor at the local campus. He’s always been clumsy and aloof, but he’s on a whole new level in terms of “technologically incapable.” One call to IT was all it took to pull you into his life, and with it a whole string of friendships full of flirtatious banter and undying support.
Your dating situation has been drier than the Sahara for years now, and you’ve wasted too many lonely nights drinking alone, so you try your hand at Tinder. But you’re not getting any bites. When the group finds out, they are more than willing to help–even Namjoon, though he finds it increasingly difficult to deny that he’s hopelessly smitten. You consider their opinions on potential Tinder dates while fighting off feelings you never knew were brewing for the caring soul who becomes the home you never had.
out of my league @/ppersona
summary: Kim Namjoon was never supposed to find out about your years-long hopeless crush on him. And he most definitely was not supposed to find out about it in front of all your coworkers in a company-wide meeting.
so this is love @jinpanman
summary: “So this is the miracle that I’ve been dreaming of. So this is love.”
problem solved @sugasbabiie
summary: Namjoon helps you with more than math problems tonight.
love is @hxseok-honee
summary: they say that love is supposed to transcend time and space and that it knows no limits. but putting an ocean and thousands of miles between two people won’t make things any easier, will it? 
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potent pink @dntaewithluv
summary: The first time you see Park Jimin you’re instantly entranced by him. And it turns out he lives in the apartment next to the one you’re moving into, so even better he’s your hot neighbor. When the previous tenant confesses to you that he was the best hook up she ever had, you’re that much more intrigued. The first time you meet him, however, you’re deciding immediately that you hate him and want to stay as far away from him as possible. Jimin is determined to be a constant in your life though, and he definitely is that. Both a constant flirt and a constant pain in your ass. Is a ruined second impression enough to prevent you from ever giving him a second chance?
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hush, yeah? @kithtaehyung
summary: the innocent accident that started it all
unfinished business @/dntaewithluv
summary: Besides wanting to catch up with some old friends, there’s only one reason you found yourself agreeing to attend your 10 year high school reunion. The boy you were in love with back then is going to be there, and you’re determined to finally make your move. Except, unfortunately, it turns out that Kim Seokjin is very much happily married. Kim Taehyung, however, is very much single and feels like he has something to prove to you after you turned him down all those years ago. One night is all it takes to make you realize you made the biggest mistake of your life.
under the covers @jessikahathaway
darling @bloomsuga
summary: “go to sleep, darling.”
as endless as the stars ^
summary: he waited 160 years to meet you again, and now that he has, he’s not letting go. or: “i love you as deep as the ocean and as endless as the stars”
dirty dishes @jaysdimples
summary: when your boyfriend can’t seem to keep his hands to himself so he stirs up a little trouble in the kitchen while everyone else is a few feet away in the next room
devotion @/sweetbunnykook
summary: You and Taehyung were inseparable once. When you come back to your hometown after three years, fate pulls you back to him. And this time, Taehyung won’t ever keep his eyes off of you.
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commercial break; twelve @1kook
summary: Anyway, if it was up to Jungkook, Kim Doyeon would not be a member of the Engagement Ring Committee.
tease @adonis-koo
summary:You came with the intentions of your best friend landing a job as a stripper. You never meant to catch the eyes of the king stripper of the establishment- Jeon Jungkook, yourself. With what was supposed to be a harmless way of paying off college debt faster you find yourself falling into a very odd and passionate relationship with your new mentor. Between infidelity, passion and jealousy there’s never a dull moment at Cherry Bomb.
jock!jk @angelguk
summary: going raw with jock jk
evolution of a lover’s heart @jeonstudios
summary: the rules are simple: first one to take the virginity wins.
euphoria @btssavedmylifeblr
summary: At the end of your life, you are given one day to live again with the man you loved. A lifetime’s love story told in a single day.
idealizations concerning real life relations @venusiangguk
summary: jungkook loves to be loved, but he doesn’t love in return.
relax @itsbuffsanta
summary: jk is antsy after the concert, so you help him relax.
employee of the month @/dntaewithluv
summary: Sometimes it truly amazes you how much of an idiot your boyfriend can be. But you also find it impossible to say no to him. Even when it involves letting him fuck you at his work on the same day that he gets awarded employee of the month…
ego 08 @suga-kookiemonster
summary: what’s a girl to do when her sweet, innocent baby lab partner isn’t quite so sweet and innocent? well, he’s a grown-ass man, and you’re about to learn that the hard way.
only you 10 @sweetbunnykook 
summary: Jeon Jungkook, your wedding photographer, helps you escape on your big day upon learning about a secret your groom-to-be kept hidden. You soon fall for this young, passionate photographer. However, you underestimated just how much he was willing to reciprocate that love. Maybe, you think, he’s loving you just a little too much.  
lunchbox lovers @jiminrings
stem major!koo x cold senior!y/n
crunchyroll & rail @/1kook
summary: Never mind the fact you really like Sailor Moon, or that you really want to pay attention to every little detail; the moment becomes Jungkook and his big smile and his red cheeks and the tiny box he produces from within his pocket.
only for you @jikookiekosmos
summary: It’s the night before your wedding and you should be happy…but a fight with your fiancé leaves you second guessing everything. A visit from the blue-haired boy of your dreams is just what you need to make it right.
lillies @dewykth
summary: “… white lines, pretty baby, tattoos, don’t know what they mean, they’re special just for you…”
bluekooberry @kimtaehyunq
summary: Your adoring boyfriend, Jungkook, surprises you with a brand new hairstyle before your trip to visit him for the weekend. He’s excited to see you, feed you, and give you exactly what you want.
bad reputation @noteguk
summary: in which you have to deal with some strange emotions for the first time.
not yet @bratkook
summary: jungkook feels the pang of guilt in his gut when you spot your recent ex out with his new girl, and what better way to make the jerk hurt than to have him believe you were now dating him, the neighbor he had been insecure about your whole relationship
incoming: elite chatboy @kookingtae
summary: welcome to Elite Chatroom, a sex chat company with a wide variety of services such as text messaging, phone call, and video chat. you signed up online for the most basic text service plan not knowing what to expect, but you certainly didn’t think you’d end up actually liking the man behind the screen.
ineffable @euphoria-vmin7
summary: your best friend Jeon Jeongguk has always been amazing and deserved the best, so you’ve hid your love for him. But unbeknowsnt to you, there may be feelings that could change everything between you two…
touch @gardentulips
summary: when you tease and please one another
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Multiple Members
friendly fire @kpopfanfictrash
summary: The dynamic: Hoseok; your friend and previous fuck buddy. Jungkook; Hoseok’s roommate and subject of your massive crush. The scene: determined not to drunk-gush about your crush any more (to his face), you decide to seclude yourself from all campus parties. Until, of course, Hoseok guilts you into a favor. Things spiral from there.
the boys are back in town @/dntaewithluv
summary: Getting stood up by your date definitely hadn’t been on your agenda for the evening. Also definitely not on your agenda: bumping into Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook. Together. On the same exact night. It’s been a while since you’ve seen your two best friends, as well as lovers on multiple occasions, from your high school and college days. A chance meeting, some drinks, and a trip down memory lane is all it takes to reignite the attraction between the three of you. Old habits die hard, but these two? They just might be the death of you.
ruin you @taegularities
summary: “His eyes hold unfathomable darkness that lures you in, captures your very soul, steals any air you are trying to draw. And you know without a doubt that you’re on the path to utter and irrevocable ruination.”
ruin you (once more) ^
summary: Taehyung and Jungkook can’t keep their hands off you. Not even in the elevator.
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kairos @luffles424
summary: When your financial aid falls through for your last year of school, you fear you’ll have to drop out and postpone your degree. Until Taehyung gives you a suggestion to make a lot of money, quick. His idea can’t possibly end well, can it?
appetence @luffles424
summary: appetence (n.) - an eager desire, an instinctive inclination; an attraction or a natural bondIt’s time for Seokjin’s rut. Are either of you prepared for this step?
tiny lights, tiny lies @ggukcangetit
summary: you aren’t sure when exactly your best friend’s brother went from being an oddly annoying set of broad shoulders to the shoulders you frequently fell asleep against.
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the little things @kimtaehyunq
summary: When the present isn’t exactly enough for you right now, Yoongi is here for you through it all. He makes sure you know you aren’t alone and that it’s ok to feel alone.
cyberslut @kimnjss
summary:  he has no idea who you are… up front, you’re sweet and innocent - but in reality you’re the exact opposite. running your own nsfw account, where your favorite topic is his hands.
yoongi drabble @joonsgalore
life guard au
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benefits @cutechim
summary: you and hoseok have taken the ‘friends’ out of friends with benefits, but exclusivity has its own perks.
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namjoon drabble @lovetrivia
summary: You’re a hot girl on Twitch and Namjoon is an absolute simp.
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baby fever @writtenwhalien
summary: Jimin wants another baby, and much to your delight, he’s determined to give you one.
jimin drabble @/1kook
best friend au
small hands jimin drabble @lavishedinjimin
established relationship au
silk and lace @sunshyngal
summary: Min Nara is the newly dumped fiance to the Crown prince of Korea, Park Jimin. She’s not overtly upset , because at least now she can live her life without the pressure of the monarchy hanging over her head. Besides , Nara has a very dirty little secret. While she spends the day as the perfect high society girl with an impeccable pedigree , her nights are filled with lacy lingerie and webcams.  Ignored by the man she’s meant to marry, she revels in the greedy lust of strangers on the internet. It’s her way of saying ‘fuck you’ to a system that sees her as nothing but a toy, molded for the future King. Park Jimin doesn’t know the first thing about his supposed fiancee. And he has no intention of learning either. He knows just what debutante girls are like and he has no patience for the kind. Besides, his girlfriend of three years, the elegant and independent Irene is everything he would ever want in a wife . Or is she?Because in the secrecy of his office , after the day’s work is done , Park Jimin has a very scintillating vice that he likes to indulge in : the beautiful camgirl who calls herself the Temptress. Jimin can’t get enough of the girl’s lush thighs wrapped in silk, the pretty pink of her nipples in see through bralettes and the glittering temptation of the jeweled plugs she likes to stuff herself full with.Jimin thinks she embodies  everything he can never allow himself to have as a Prince : filth, sin and decadence , all wrapped up in Silk and Lace.
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nip it in the bud @opaljm
summary: You’re not sure how you ended up here, but maybe a shitty ex and a horrible breakup had a hand in what placed you in front of the tattoo parlor. It was already a nerve-wracking experience, but what you never expected was seeing that the owner and artist giving you nipple piercings was your older brother’s best friend you hadn’t seen in ages. to make things even worse, he got fucking hotter.
taehyung drabble @joonsgalore
sugar daddy au
peanut @jungxk
summary: the making of peanut.
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pretty kitty @venusiangguk
summary: you’re jk’s baby, his toy, and now his pretty little pet.
heavy metal @hisunshiine
summary: You come home from a trip to find your fuckbuddy has a… hole-y surprise.
devour @bloomsuga
summary: my sweet angel… i am going to devour you
grain of sand @jungkookiebus
summary: Blind since the age of 18 from a genetic disorder, Jungkook walked through life as if he never lost it, but on one fateful day seven years ago he literally almost runs into you. He fell in love nearly immediately. Fast forward to the present and it’s just another day in your quiet life with him by your side.
under the oak tree @mingoyeob
summary: as the eldest daughter of a duke, it’s your duty to marry at your father’s will. yet you didn’t expect to be marrying jeon jungkook, a knight of low status, especially when he departs for an expedition without another word after your first night. when he comes back three years later, this time as a renowned hero, how will you be able to face him and how will things change between you and your new husband?
jungkook drabble @1kook
commercial break: thirteen ^
summary: Because for as much shit as you let him get away with, Jungkook is certain you’ll draw the line today.
sh. @wwilloww
summary: How could you say no to a month away in the mountains with your friends after six months of grueling quarantine?
jungkook drabble @lavishedinjimin
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OT7/Multiple Members
the end @jimlingss
summary: It’s been a habit of yours to vent in the form of love letters. There’s six in total. They’re kept secret, hidden in your closet. But on your 30th birthday, what you least expect is for each letter to become reality. All done by the whacky ghost of Christmas future trying to grant your birthday wish.
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132 notes · View notes
goddesswritings · 4 years
“Can I slap her for you?” - Corpse Husband | Part One
Title: “Can I slap her for you?” – Part One
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Reader
Summary: Being stuck living with the queen of YouTube drama and partying during the pandemic has seriously worn down your patience. Meeting Pokimane has changed your life for the better, making Among Us a pivotal part of your life.
Word Count: 5.3k
I’m always writing so much plot! I hope you like it. Part Two is in the works.
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Credit to PIC owner!
This pandemic was hell for you. Being stuck in this apartment with your bitch of a sister was not something you would wish on even your enemy.
When you first moved to LA with her, things were fine, and you got along. She had a budding YouTube career, and you were working a good job. Pretty quickly, she’d hired you as her editor since that was a daily part of your real job, you happily agreed because it meant you could get money on the side and still work.
Your sister was mainly a beauty YouTuber but last year she gained over 3 million followers when she started a series where she would interview people in other lines of entertainment and then test it out. Since then, she’d become a horror to live with.
Now with the pandemic, you’d been furloughed from you day job and working full time for your diva of a sister. She had only been getting worse and worse. Being stuck with her was crap, especially since she was selfish and still went out to party and do collabs with people like there wasn’t a massive virus out there.
“I hope you finished the editing I needed done.” Olivia, your sister, asked as she shut the front door.
You were just finishing up the edits from your spot on the couch. “Yeah, I did it while you were out risking lives.”
“Shut the hell up. I’m an adult and I can do what I want.” She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder.
“Even when it’s killing hundreds of thousands of people?” You were so sick of her attitude. She has no care in the world for anyone but herself. In the last month, her name had been posted all over the commentary YouTubers channels. Slamming her for partying while the world dealt with Covid.
Olivia rolled her eyes. “Those people are not my problem at all. If they are so afraid, they should just stay home.”
“Why are you so selfish?” Her behavior was completely out of hands these days.
“Do I need to remind you that I pay you?” She sent you a glare before heading off to her room. You grumbled and threw your head back. There was no way you could handle her.
Stressing out over her was no good, so you decided to take your laptop back to your room and play some games to calm yourself down. Among Us was one of those games that allowed to you just play and forget the stress. You booted up the game and joined some random lobbies. It was hard to find good games because you usually ran into some sour players who couldn’t just play the game without causing drama.
A few rounds in, your phone buzzed, indicating a text. You exited the current game, one of the imposters had already killed you anyway, and picked up the phone. There was a text from Poki. The two of you had become quick friends when she appeared on your sisters series but she clicked more with you since you were more of a gamer.
P: Hey Y/n, what are you doing currently?
It was an unexpected text because you had been fairly sure Poki had a stream tonight.
Y/n: Nothing since I just finished editing my selfish sisters video. What’s up?
She knew very well how horrible Olivia was and she’d been the one person who you could talk to about it. You appreciated her for it.
Poki: Damn, did she go to another party?
Y/n: Yup, she sure did. Then threatened my job when I called her out on it.
Poki: Wow, not cool. Hey, so you know how I’m streaming tonight?
Y/n: Yeah.
Poki: So I had everyone set up for the game but last minute someone dropped out. We need one more person and I know you’re amazing in Among Us. Would you join our game?
This was a surprise. You weren’t a YouTuber or a streamer, so for her to ask you, meant she really was desperate.
Y/n: Sure, I’m free. Who’s playing tonight?
Poki: Rae, Lily, Ethan, Mark, Felix, Toast, Sykkuno, and Corpse.
Wow, that was a packed game full of some pretty big names. Your nerves kicked up at the thought of being in a game with these amazing people.
Y/n: Sweet!
Poki: I will send you the discord so you can join the chat and the game code.
Y/n: Thanks.
She instantly sent you the links and you got your self set up with your headphones. Poki connected you into the discord call.
“Hey, everyone welcome my good friend, Y/n. She’s the one who will fill in on the open spot tonight.” She introduced you to the group.
A chorus of hello’s was heard. You knew Rae, so she jumped right into welcoming you.
Pushing the nerves away, you managed to little hello. Your voice was softer than you’d intended. Damn nerves.
“Guys! Y/n is so good in Among Us. Her skills rival Corpse’s.” Rae gushed. You’d played a game with Rae and Poki and a few of the other girls, but no one had been streaming.
“Whaddup baby.” The deep voice of Corpse said. His voice was something else.
“Don’t make her too nervous there, man.” Felix commented which made the other guys laugh.
“Oh no worries, I’m not nervous.” You said even though you really were nervous. You switched into the game and typed in the code Poki had sent you. Immediately the game lobby popped up, filled with everyone who was on the call. Your character popped onto the screen and took the white color.
“Good to know. I look forward to being an imposter with you.” Corpse said making your cheeks heat up just a little.
“You really need to watch out for her.” Lily said making you giggle. She was right. You were a deceitful imposter.
You quickly changed your hat to the halo, making you match your chosen username, Angel.
“Look how fitting her character is.” Mark commented. “Is that an indication of how you will be?”
“Perhaps.” You were starting to calm your nerves. “You will just have to find out.”
“Okay, let’s get started.” Poki said as the countdown started on screen. You muted your mic. The screen flashed the crew-mate title, and you felt a little more relieved. You hated starting as an imposter.
The map you were in was Polus, your favorite. The first thing you did, was the navigation task before also doing keys. Nearly everyone was there, which meant the two imposters were faking the tasks. After that, you ran off entering the building that housed electrical and o2. You looked around for tasks.
“I have my eye on you, Angel.” Felix said as he came into o2.
You unmuted your mic. “Good, then you can watch me teach you how to do tasks.” You sassed, making the group laugh.
“Damn, I already like her.” Ethan said, getting sounds of approval from Sykkuno, Mark, and Corpse.
“Stop simping and play the game.” Poki commented, making you laugh.
Leaving o2, you ran outside to check the weather nodes. Felix was still following you closely. He was convinced you were an Imposter.
“Why is this guy following me around?” You asked, trying to run from him.
“Felix, what are you doing?” Rae asked as she popped up beside you.
“Making sure she’s not an imposter.” He sounded innocent.
“Well I’m not. Now go do your tasks.” Once again you ran from his character and entered the office. You passed Corpse’s black character before heading in, to do card swipe.
Suddenly a body was reported. Felix’s body.
“Whoa, okay, Y/n did you kill Felix?” Toast asked.
“What? No? I left him to go do my tasks.” You defended.
“I can confirm she was in office with me. I watched her do card swipe.” Corpse added.
The thing was, you passed him as he was leaving the office, and he definitely didn’t stay to watch you. He was headed in the direction you had left Felix and Rae. So, both were sus.
“Okay, then Rae where were you?” Sykkuno questioned.
“I left Felix by weapons. I was headed to lab.” You couldn’t decipher a lie from her.
“Hmmm, okay. Skip then?” Ethan offered. The group agreed.
Once back in the game, you decided to head to labs to find the rest of your tasks. Sykkuno followed you but broke off to go through decontamination. You did your scan in peace before another body was reported. This time it had been both Mark and Lily.
“Any sus?” Ethan asked.
“No, I was in electrical.” Toast said.
“I went to o2.” Poki added.
“Y/n, where were you?” Toast questioned. You were sure he thought you were an imposter.
“I was in the lab doing my scan, which I never got to finish.” You hated being interrupted mid-task.
“Anyone see her go there?”
“I passed her while I headed to decontamination.” Sykkuno vouched for you.
“Sure but the body was right outside the lab. She could have gone back to kill Mark after you were gone.”
“But I didn’t. I was doing my task.” You repeated with a little smile. You loved this game.
“Sure. I don’t believe you.” Toast was a hard one to convince.
“She didn’t do it. I entered lab and she was doing her scan.” Corpse spoke up. Again he was covering for you when you know he was not in Lab with you.
“Okay. I guess we skip?” Poki said. Everyone agreed but when it was done, you had two votes but three had skipped, so you had been spared luckily. Toast for sure voted for you, you had no clue who else did but it didn’t matter.
Back in the game, you headed back to lab to finish your scan. Once done, you headed to decontamination, then to the specimen room for a task. As you entered, you found Corpse.
“Hey Corpse, having fun with your tasks?” You asked as you went to your own task.
“I sure am.” He stated before his character was running out of the room and up to the lab. Once your task was done, you had finished all your tasks and headed back to Admin. You entered office to find a dead Sykkuno, so you hit report.
“That was for sure a self-report.” Toast quickly said.
“It wasn’t, but okay.” You said shaking your head. Toast was so sus on you all game.
“I’m sus of Toast.” Rae said while Corpse and Poki agreed with her.
“Wait, Ethan is dead too. Damn, these Imposters got around.” Toast commented. “By the way, I am not an Imposter. Y/n is.”
“She’s not. I have seen her do her tasks all game.” Corpse was quick to come to your rescue. It was sweet how he was vouching for you all game.
“Sure, I’m voting Y/n.” Toast said as his ‘I Voted’ badge popped up.
You decided you were going to vote off Toast because he was getting on your nerves. Apparently the others were feeling the same because everyone else voted off Toast as well. His character was launched into the Lava. Toast was NOT an Imposter.
Back in the game, you ran around, just seeing if you could spot anyone being sus before Poki was killed. Straight after the defeat title showed, and the Imposters were revealed to be none other than Rae and Corpse.
Everyone dropped back into the lobby.
“I told you I wasn’t an Imposter.” You boasted.
“Sorry Y/n, I should have believed you.” Toast said.
“No worries. But hey, Corpse and Rae had plenty of chances to kill me, but they didn’t. Why?” It was interesting to you.
Rae laughed. “I didn’t want to kill you right in the beginning of your first game with us. You deserved to have some fun before you got killed.”
“Well thank you.” It was sweet of Rae to do that.
“I didn’t want to kill an Angel. It wouldn’t be right.” Corpse stated with a cute laugh afterwards.
Felix groaned. “But you have no issue killing anyone else.”
“It be like that sometimes.” Ethan stated which had you in stitches, as well as the rest of the group. “Okay, let’s begin another round.” He added.
The next few games were fun and interesting. You were always a crew member, but someone was always sus on you. But no matter what, Corpse would vouch for you. Sometimes his character would follow you around, do tasks with you. It was pretty freaking cute and clear to see the man with the alluring deep voice had taken a liking to you. It was sweet.
“One more game?” Poki asked after a slew of other games. Everyone agreed. She started the game and after the countdown, the screen flashed that you were finally an Imposter. Your fellow Imposter was of course Corpse. It was only natural.
You and he teamed up and killed many of the others. Starting with Rae and Lily, moving onto Toast and Sykkuno. Then someone finally reported the bodies.
“Four bodies already?” Mark stated as the red x’s showed up on their icons.
“Damn, someone is having fun.” You said, pretending like it wasn’t you who had done half of the killing.
“I saw Poki headed into Electrical where Lily and Rae were.” Corpse said, sounding genuine as always. He was so good at Imposter. His ability to lie was excellent.
“Sure I went to Electrical, but I left after fixing the lights.” Poki said.
“I don’t know. You seem sus.” Ethan said. “I saw you enter lab, and after I saw Sykunno’s body right before someone reported Lily and Rae’s.”
“I swear, it’s not me. I was just doing my tasks. How could I kill four people in that short amount of time?”
“It’s possible. You could have vented.” Corpse was right too.
“Guys, please.” She pleaded as everyone put in their votes. Nearly everyone had voted for Poki and her character was launched into the lava, only to show she was not an Imposter.
“Sorry Poki.” Ethan said before everyone hopped back into the game.
Once again, you and Corpse were teamed up, but you saw Mark head one way while Ethan was going another. Almost silently, the two of you decided to split up and take them. You followed Mark into O2, trailing him into the tree. No one was around, so you killed him before quickly venting away from there. Making sure no one was around when you resurfaced. Corpse must have killed Ethan because the Victory screen popped up for the two of you.
“Damn, I should have known this was a team effort between Corpse and the Angel. You’re far from an Angel when you’re an imposter.” Mark complained.
“That’s part of the thrill.” It really was. You loved being able to shock people that way.
“Good job, partner. You’re a great Imposter like me. We need to team up more often.” Corpse’s words made you feel all warm. It was insanely fun being Imposter with him. Your combined skills made things that much better.
“Okay, I think it’s time to call it a night. Thank you so much for joining us, Y/n.” Poki yawned to show it was getting late.
“Of course. I loved playing with all of you. It was much better than playing with randoms.”
“I get that. Randoms can be very annoying.” Sykkuno agreed. “It was so good to meet you, Y/n. I hope you join more games so I can be an Imposter with you!”
You loved how excited he sounded. “I guess we all want a chance to be Imposter with her.” Felix stated what everyone else was thinking.
“Hey, no one steals my Imposter buddy.” Corpse spoke up, which once again had you feeling some kind of good way.
“Corpse, you’re being such a simp.” Rae laughed, which made everyone else go nuts.
You all bid your goodbyes before you exited the game and the discord call. You found there was a huge smile on your face after that fun you had just had with Poki and her friends. They were all super welcoming of you, despite not knowing a thing about you.
Poki: Thank you for playing with us. I hope you had fun! You didn’t mind being on my stream?
Y/n: I had so much fun, everyone was so good to me. Also, not at all!
Poki: Good because my chat loved you! They couldn’t stop gushing about how much they loved you. It was so cute.
This was not something you had expected. Her stream had never met you, so for them to like you playing a game with the group, that was nice.
Y/n: Oh wow, I wasn’t expecting that. That’s so sweet!
Poki: You also seemed to get Corpse simping for you. Sykkuno is super jealous.
You laughed when you read that.
Y/n: Sykkuno doesn’t have to be jealous. It was a one-time thing, and he can have Corpse back in the next game.
Sure, you wanted it to be more than a one-time thing, but you weren’t going to let your hopes get too high. Poki had many streamer friends, who would get their streams way more viewers than you ever could.
Poki: I wouldn’t count on that. We’re definitely going to use you for more games. You’re one of us now, even if you don’t stream.
Her words warmed your heard. Poki had been one of the very few people you had made friends with when you moved to Cali with your sister and your friendship was only 10 months old. It was nice to have someone who wanted to include you in on the things she was doing.
Y/n: Are you sure? Because I would hate to be taking someone more interesting’s spot.
Poki: You shut that mouth. The group loved you and we’re all looking forward to playing with you again.
Y/n: Okay if that’s what they want.
Poki: They do, now get some sleep. I know you’ve been overworking yourself for your sister.
Y/n: You would be right. Thank you for the fun night, Poki. You get some sleep as well.
Poki: 😊
You liked her message before deciding it was indeed time for bed. Editing those videos did take energy out of you, especially since your sister would review and have you re-edit the things she didn’t like. Not fun at all.
The next month passed by with Poki inviting you to more games with her and her friends. Most of those games included Corpse, who’d taken a liking to you. The last few games, he’d been bugging you to tell him who you were and how you met Poki, but you were keeping that a secret. You really didn’t want him or the others knowing you were the older sister of selfish party girl Olivia Bella.
Your sister had found out you’d been playing the game with Poki and her friends and decided she was going to say some shit.
“How did you get Poki to let you play with her and the other streamers?” Olivia said with clear distaste towards you.
You shrugged. “She just asked me to step in for someone one day and now they enjoy playing with me.”
She laughed obnoxiously. “That such a joke. I needed that laugh, thank you.”
You clenched your fists, trying to contain your anger against your sister. She was really grating on your nerves these days.
“Damn, I would do anything to play with Corpse. His voice is so hot.” She muttered looking deranged.
“He’s much more than his voice you know.”
She rolled her eyes. “He’s whatever I want him to be. God, I bet he’s so sexy behind that screen.”
“Please stop, he’s my friend and talk like that is uncomfortable.”
She cackled. “Corpse is not your friend, you loser. He just tolerates you like the rest of that group. I bet Poki only asked you to join out of pity.”
Her words slapped you in the face and threatened to strangle you. It was unbelievable that your younger sister was really acting like this to you.
“Why are you like this to me?” You questioned in all seriousness.
“Because you annoy me. Isn’t it obvious. I meant if I had the money, I would have moved here without you. Living with you is the worst. You know you’re like the most boring person in the world?”
The insults just kept on coming. She truly didn’t like you and it felt horrible. Family wasn’t supposed to be like this. “I get it, thank you.” You walked away before she could say anything else, she was horrible to you.
Her words made you sad. The only thing that could cheer you up was the fact that Poki had invited you to another game. It was something you needed after that conversation with your sister.
Poki: Hey girl, this kills me to do but Sean invited someone else to play tonight. Someone he said was eager to play with us. I’m so sorry.
This was simply perfect. The one time you craved interaction with the Among Us crew, they added someone else to the game. Of course it was always a possibility, but it didn’t stop from making you upset.
A couple of tears streamed down your face before you wiped them away. You wouldn’t let this get to you.
Y/n: No, please don’t worry. I understand it is always a possibility. Have a good stream!
Poki: I think you should know the person joining us is your sister. I tried to tell them it was a bad idea, but they didn’t really believe me. I’m so sorry.
Your sister was the reason you have been replaced for tonight. Perfect. Of course it was her. She always took the things you liked, away from you.
Y/n: Please stop apologizing, I completely understand.
Poki: Should I tell them she’s your sister?
Y/n: No, please don’t let them know that.
Poki: Okay, please know we will miss you in tonights stream.
Doubt filled you. After reading those words. There was no way they would miss you in the game tonight. It was clear you didn’t bring in viewers for the streams, but your sister would be able to do that without any issues. Now your night was truly ruined. Thankfully, you could just lay in bed and sulk all you wanted.
The bedroom door burst open. “Hey, can you set up this game for me? I assume you know I’m playing Among Us with the crew tonight. Told you they didn’t care if you were there or not.” Did she ever stop this shit?
“Why should I help you?” You grumbled, glaring up at your blonde-haired sister. She looked like she was dressed for another party, not an off the cuff stream.
“Well, I pay you and if you want that to continue, you will help me set up the game and stream.” Her hanging your only source of income over your head was really shitty.
You growled but got out of bed, passing by her in a haste. You entered her office and quickly got to work setting up the stream and discord. Then you showed her how to load the game. She just nodded, not looking happy at all.
“Have fun.” You sounded bitter but at this point, you couldn’t hide it.
“Oh I’m going to have so much fun with them. It’s going to be so good, and maybe they will ask me to join them more often and they can stop faking their friendships with you.”
“Cool, good for you.” The audacity of this bitch. You left once you were sure it was set up correctly. She didn’t see, but you shot her the finger as you left. She was a bitch through and through.
You retreated to your room to sulk some more. This day was such a let down for you. Over the last month, you had really clicked with the Among Us group. Meeting more streamers as Poki had more games. They all seemed to like you, but your sister was probably right, they were just being nice because they could.
As you stared at your ceiling, you heard your sister talking and knew the stream had started. Groaning, you threw on some headphones and put on your playlist that was saved strictly for when you were sad. It helped to take your thoughts from the stressor at hand? And ease your mind.
Meanwhile, the stream was hell. Sean majorly regretted inviting Olivia onto it. To be fair, he was only being nice because the girl had been begging to join the game for a while now in his DM’s. But it was a huge regret with the way this woman was acting. She couldn’t even be Imposter without outing herself and the second Imposter.
“You guys know Y/n is my sister right?” She said offhandedly as they were waiting in the lobby for the next game.
“Wait what? Is that true?” Ludwig asked in disbelief. This woman was nothing like Y/n. She was a total ditz compared to Y/n.
“Of course it is. I have lived with her for twenty years now, I know a lot of dirt about her.” Hearing her say this angered Poki.
“Don’t go there, Olivia. Just play the game.” Poki didn’t want her to spill anything about her friend. It was messy that she would even want to.
Olivia sighed. “Awe but you would love this.”
“No, let’s just play the game.” Corpse was quick to cut her off.
“Come on Corpse, are you sure you don’t want to hear all the embarrassing things I know about her?” Everyone was quickly realizing just how messed up in the brain Olivia was.
“You do realize most of us are streaming this live?” Rae stated, sounding just as frustrated as Corpse felt.
“Please, let’s start the game.” He all but growled, wanting to shut this woman up. The game started and he pulled out his phone. He was going to finally get Poki to tell him Y/n’s instagram.
Corpse: I know you told me you couldn’t tell me what Y/n’s instagram is but please, can I get it now? Her sister is a fucking bitch.
He has so much more he wanted to say about Olivia and entitled attitude but making sure Y/n was okay was his number one priority.
Poki: She’s going to hate me if I do it.
Corpse: Please, this is important to me.
Poki: You owe me. Here’s her insta.
She sent him a link that led to a private instagram under the name Y/nY/l/n96. He requested to follow her.
Corpse: Thank you, let me know when to pay up.
Poki: Will do, now get into the game or Olivia is going to kill you. She’s imposter.
He got back into the game, hoping Y/n would accept his request.
After an hour of ‘sad girl hours’. You decided to do something that could help you not to focus on Olivia streaming in the other room.
Clicking instagram, you saw a notification. corpse_husband has requested to follow you. This was interesting. Either he’s smart enough to figure out who you are or Poki told him.
You accepted his follow and followed him back. He only had seven pictures, and of course there weren’t face pics. You admired him for keeping himself faceless to his fans. Now you hoped he wouldn’t bend to their pressure and reveal his face. Being faceless was good for him and his anxiety. The latest pics were his hand reveals he did for the fans, they made you giggle.
Corpse was good at keeping himself secret and you liked that. You did what you could to stay secret as well. Your Instagram profile picture was not even you, so no one would be able to point you out even if they knew your face. Also, you have hidden the account from Olivia, so she couldn’t send her fans to torment you.
As you scrolled Instagram, you received a DM. It was from the one and only Corpse Husband.
Corpse: This stream is hell without you tonight. Why did Sean have to invite her?
It made you feel a little better to see that Corpse was missing you in the stream tonight.
Y/n: That’s a question you will have to ask Sean. I was looking forward to playing Among Us with the group as well, but hey, it looks like they found someone who will bring in the views.
Corpse: Nope. She’s chasing away everyone’s viewers. Your sister is the worst. I see why you didn’t want us to know the two of you were related.
Your blood ran cold. How did he know that?
Y/n: How did you know she was my sister?
Corpse: She won’t shut up about it. No one can get her to stop. I’m sorry if you didn’t want us to know about this.
Of course, you should have known that Olivia was going to tell everyone that. She was also probably opening her mouth about so much other stuff.
Y/n: Well fuck. This sucks.
Corpse: Hey, don’t worry about it. No one is judging you for this, but we are wondering how you manage to handle her.
A soft giggle left your mouth.
Y/n: It’s not easy. I mean sure I’m the older sister, but she acts like the queen around here.
Corpse: Damn. Here we go again. Your sister is trying to start some drama.
Hearing this, you realized you had to do something about this. There was no way you could let her sit there and continue to mouth off about you or anyone else in her life.
Y/n: Brace yourself, I’m about to ruin her stream.
Corpse: Good luck!
It was time to put her in her place, you got up and headed to the utility closet by the front door of the apartment. The fuse box was located there. You opened it and found the switch for her office and clicked it off. It was half a second before a loud scream was heard.
In less than thirty seconds she was running out of the office with a livid look upon her face. “What the fuck have you done?” She screamed while stomping up to you.
“I heard you were talking shit about me and decided to end it.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“I can say whatever I want. The group was enjoying it.” She tried to act smug.
You laughed in her face. “Do you ever not lie?”
“Do you ever stop being a bitter bitch?” The anger was clear, but you didn’t care.
“Oh fuck off. You were annoying them with your ridiculous bullshit. I completely saved your ass from making a fool of yourself.”
“I fucking hate you!” She stepped up to you. “I’m kicking you out. Pack your shit and get the fuck out of my apartment.” The look on her face, showed she was serious about this.
“Fine.” Was all you said before you turned around and went back to your room, well your former room now. Pulling some bags out, you stuffed some clothes and important items into them. Once filled, you pulled on shoes and made sure you had what you needed until you could come get the rest of your stuff. Currently, you didn’t know how to feel about any of this, but you did need to get away from her.
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Fanclub; Chapter 1
EoWells x Reader
Some of the STAR Labs employees have a secret fanclub where they discuss Harrison Wells and share pictures they take when they think he isn't looking. Problem is it's not quite as secret as they think it is. The man himself seems to have taken an interest in the the little group, finding it to be the perfect place to find willing partners to satisfy his needs. And you're his next pick.
Work is dying down for the evening at STAR Labs. Chemists are checking that all the storage units are set to the proper temperatures. Engineers are making sure that everything that needs to be powered down is. Lab techs are cleaning up their stations. But nearly everybody is discussing their plans for the weekend.
There is one worker who is not engaging in such conversations. You are currently crammed between two sections of machinery, determined to get this wiring finished before leaving for the day. That way, Monday, bright and early your team can start doing test runs.
You are not engaging in conversation with others but rather are talking to yourself as you work. “Some red over here, blue wire over there.” Your grin would light up the room if anybody could see it. “I just love when a color-coded array comes together.” There’s a buzz on your right butt-cheek, and you squeal in surprise.
“Everything alright in there?” One of the other scientists looks up from the desk.
“Yeah, Bri,” you extract yourself from the machine parts. “My phone just went off, and I thought something shocked me.”
“Girl, I can not tell you how often that happens to me,” Bri takes her purse from a drawer and a jacket off the chair. “So, what are your plans for the weekend. More number crunching?”
You pull your phone from your back pocket. “Actually my college roommate is having a bachelorette party tonight. So I said I would swing by the bar for a bit.”
“Sounds fun,” Bri gives a wave before heading to the door. “Don’t party too hard.”
She returns the wave before opening a group chat app on her phone to see what the notification is about.
KittyCat42; O.M.G did you see Dr. Wells today? a shirt THAT tight can not be workplace appropriate!!!
Attached is a photo taken from a smartphone at an angle in which the subject does not seem to be aware their picture is being taken. Dr. Harrison Wells is leaning over a desk, examining something on a monitor. Kitty is right; his shirt is very tight, his biceps bulge through the long black sleeves.
You grin, considering sending a reply, but another message comes in first.
YummyBitch73; Think he’s got plans? Looking that good, he’s got to be going out tonight.
Your thumbs move across the screen to type a quick response.
BabyDoll14; Maybe he has a date tonight?
KittyCat42; wonder who the lucky girl is?
You lean against a nearby workbench, smirking at the screen.
On the other side of the lab, somebody picks up their phone to check the barrage of notifications coming in. They chuckle before adding their own two cents.
Speedy22: Hey, who knows, it could be a lucky guy.
YummyBitch73: Oh you wish, he is a lady killer through and through
BabyDoll14: I mean, who are we to judge if it’s a lucky lady or gent. Maybe he swings one way, maybe he swings both ways. Who cares, we’re just here to talk about his ass behind his back.
“Speedy’ nods, almost respecting the woman on the other side of the screen for staying objective about objectifying her boss.
Speedy22: Speaking of ass, I got this one yesterday
He opens his gallery and scrolls until an ‘appropriate picture is found. A nice shot of Dr. Wells from behind; the quality is incredible for a smartphone shot. The man’s shirt is riding up, showing a nice strip of the skin of his back, even a bit of where his boxers rise above the waistband of his hands.
YummyBitch73: Damn Speedy, you always get the good ones. You’ll have to teach me some photography lessons sometime.
KittyCat42: what kind of camera are you using? The quality is so gooooood.
“Hey,” a woman’s voice draws his attention away from his device. “Are you staying late again tonight?”
Harrison Wells takes a breath to look her up and down, mentally running through his mind all the employees to try and remember who it is at his office door. “I’ll be headed out soon; I just have to wrap some things up.”
He recalls who she is when he sees the look she’s giving him. Brianna Masters, a specialist working down in Lab C. She would have had to go out of her way to get to his office before leaving. Self-proclaimed president of the Dr. Wells Fanclub, he had just been interacting with the group chat of; after the former president left with a job offer at Mercury Labs. She had been making goo-goo eyes at him since her interview three months ago.
“Well,” Bri twirls a curl of her hair, fluttering her eyelashes. “Harrison, you know I was wondering if you might like to take me out to get some drinks tonight?”
Dr. Wells tries to hide his displeasure at the thought. She wasn’t his type, physically, mentally, emotionally, “I have plans in the morning that require a clear head. Miss. Masters. Now is there anything of importance that you need?” The man was not adverse to flights of fancy to pass the time; he wouldn’t be keeping an eye on the little Fanclub of his if he wasn’t willing to look for ‘interested parties,’ but this particular woman has been of no real interest to him.
For reasons such as how she pouts at his response, “Well, having fun is important.” She mutters before wandering off down the hall, turning her attention to her phone.
YummyBitch73; holy Shit! He just asked me out for drinks. It sucks so much that I have to drive out to Coast City; I”d have taken him up in a heartbeat otherwise.
Back in Lab C, you finally finish with the maintenance on the machine. You check your phone once more while heading over to the desk and nearly cackle at what you’re reading. Everybody knows that Bri is full of shit, but there’s no point in calling it out and causing discourse.
You mute the phone to focus on your computer. While humming a quiet tune, you work on moving files to the USB stick plugged into the monitor.
“Fuck,” you whisper, seeing the download time in comparison to the clock on the screen. Of course, you could just leave it be, take the weekend off. It’s not like you get paid extra to run calculations at home.
17 minutes later
“Nonononono, wait, please!” You’re half running to the street as the bus pulls away, leaving you in the illuminated circle of a streetlamp, cursing yourself. That was going to be the last bus coming this way for the night. If you walk home, you’ll never make it in time to change for the party. You might not even make the event at all. You pace up and down the sidewalk, contemplating your options.
A car pulls up beside you, tinted window rolling down, “Need a lift?”
You stop, shocked, “Oh, no I…” you pause, looking through the window, “Dr. Wells, hi...hey.” You swallow your pride. “I would really love to get a ride on-with, with you.” Internally you cringe at how that came out, but figure he probably wouldn’t have heard such a minor slip.
The lock clicks open, and you reach for the door.
“Maple Apartments on South 11th street, right?” Harrison glances at you as you get in the car.
You pause before shutting the door, “do I want to know how you know that?”
He laughs, and you jump a bit at it, “I can see how that would sound a little suspicious.” His smile is reassuring, and his blue eyes are kind behind his glasses. “It was on your registration forms when you started. I enter new employee data myself. Total recall can be useful even for small matters.”
You breathe a sigh of relief, shutting the door and buckling in. “I really appreciate this Dr. Wells, I would have been so late tonight if I didn’t get home to change soon.”
“Bit plans tonight?” Harrison asks as he starts driving. Truth is he had suspected you’d be missing her bus. He had seen you running after the last bus or driven past you walking home numerous times out his way out. You had quite the habit of working until the absolute last moment.
You smile, twiddling your thumbs to keep your hands occupied. “Yeah, I’m meeting a friend at the new bar that opened down the street from my place. She’s getting married soon, and since I can’t make the wedding, I promised I would spend at least a couple hours at her bachelorette party.” You aren’t exactly sure why you’re volunteering this information to your boss. It would be inappropriate to be so casual with him; then again, it’s also inappropriate to be part of a Fanclub that secretly takes pictures of him and talks about how great his ass looks.
Harrison ‘hmms’ in thought. “Why can’t you make it to the wedding?” He glances at you out of the corner of his eye, taking a moment to take in the way you sit, act, look, before returning his eyes to the road.
“Oh, they scheduled it for a Wednesday, so,” you look towards him just moments after he looks away. The first thing you notice is his hair; whenever you’ve seen him in the morning, it’s perfectly combed and straight, but it seems like as the day went on, it began to take on a life of its own. While the back is still nice and neat, the front is sticking out in all kinds of directions.
“You could have asked for the day off,” Dr. Wells offers, “Am I such a terrible boss that you think I”d deny you some vacation after all your hard work?”
You feel a heat rise to your cheeks at what seems to be a compliment to her work ethic, “Oh no, I don’t think that at all. It’s just that, well, we have so much work to do. Every day we get a little closer to your dreams of the particle accelerator, and I want to contribute absolutely everything I can to that dream.” You smile. “You’re going to do such incredible things for the world of science Dr. Wells, and I don’t want to waste any time that could be spent helping you.”
The man is somewhat stunned by this. He’d attributed her long hours and determination to personal ambition. “What about you? Do you want history to remember you for your achievements?”
You bite your lower lip in thought at the question, “I mean sure, it would be nice to be recognized for my contribution, but,” she takes a deep breath, “I’m more concerned about how my work will impact the world, not so much if I’m remembered for it. Anyways you’re the true genius. I can tell that STAR Labs will make big changes and put humanity on a path towards the future. As long as I get to be a part of that, it’s all I really need.”
Harrison does a low chuckle at your sentiment, amused by the naivety. You speak with such hope and wonder and admiration. If you knew the truth, how horrified would you be? The realization of the end goal of the particle accelerator, the effects across history that your determination would wreak.
He grins, “Well, I am glad to have such a dedicated employee, but I do believe that one off day is not going to hurt our progress.”
You purse your lips, “You don’t come down to Lab C very often; you’d be surprised how off the rails things can go when I’m not there. Anyways I would rather work than go to a wedding. It’s not my kind of scene.”
He can sense that you are holding something back but doesn’t press the issue any further. He’s reached your apartment building anyways.
“If you change your mind, I’ll be more than happy to give you the time off,” he says as he parks.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you reach for the door handle, “oh, and thank you so much for the ride. I really owe you one.”
Dr. Wells makes a mental note about cashing in that favor later. “You just stay safe and enjoy yourself tonight.” He smiles warmly at you as you wave goodbye, but when the door shuts, his grin turns a bit darker. He watches you walk away, eyes tracing the curve of your figure, resting on the beautiful shape of your rear, right up until you disappear into your building.
As he begins to drive away, he catches sight of himself in the rearview mirror. There is something about this form of his that seems to drive the ladies crazy, and he wasn’t opposed to taking advantage of that. While pulling back into the street and driving away, he thinks on his situation.
For 13 years now, Eobard Thawne has been trapped in this god-forsaken time period. For a while, he had focused solely on his mission, rarely interacting with others unless it served a greater purpose. But he was still a man, subject to desire. At first, it was almost enough to make him regret allowing Harrison Well’s wife to die, she could have filled his needs easily. But that woman had been intelligent; she’d have discovered his identity eventually, so allowing her to die had been for the best.
Still, after a few years of isolation, Thawne had found the need unbearable and began seeing ways to fill the hole that was forming in his chest. Little flings, one-off nights where he indulged his carnal side, allowed himself the pleasure of another’s body before quickly parting ways with them, when he discovered that a fanclub devoted to him had been formed amongst his employees, that made the whole thing easier.
Joining the group chat under a false name was easy enough. It inflated his ego every time he read them discussing how great they thought he looked, and he was more than happy to provide material for them to gush over. And with that, it was like he had been given a list of women who would fuck him with no questions asked. All he had to do was choose. Of course, he has to be wary of those who might get too clingy or go off telling other people. But it’s not that hard to week those types out of the pack.
Thawne notices magenta neon as he’s driving. A club with a grand opening sign out front. He smiles, knowing that now not only does he have a new prey lure in, but the perfect hunting ground as well.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Headcanon - When you suddenly hold his hand
Original title: 当你突然握住他的手
Original author: 池离子
You’re sitting on the sofa while Victor’s next to you, looking through documents.
Peering at Victor, you watch as he pores over the documents very seriously - so seriously that he doesn't even notice you staring at him. Carefully admiring him from head to toe, your eyes finally land on Victor’s hand.
His hand is much larger than yours. Looking at your own small and petite hands, you find them adorable and a perfect match for Victor’s well-defined hands. Reaching out, you place your hand atop the hand that he’s using to hold the documents. 
He turns to glance at you, realising that you’re staring at his hand. In response, he swaps the documents to his other hand, freeing the hand that’s held by you.
“You’ve already had one pudding tonight. There isn’t a second one."
You swat his hand angrily.
"What? In your eyes, is everything I do linked to pudding?”
He’s taken aback slightly, but eventually returns his gaze to the document.
You spread his hand flat, then put your own hand on it. One big and one small - a good fit. You can feel the warmth of his palm. This hand held yours at the dance, held your waist in the ski resort, and wiped cream from the corner of your mouth. Thinking about it, you unfurl your hand before clutching Victor’s tightly.
Victor’s eyes never leave the document, but he returns your grip with equal force.
Your hand is delicate and small. His thumb strokes the back of your hand, and the ticklish sensation makes you stifle your laughter. Despite wanting to pull your hand away, he doesn't let you go. Instead, he tightens his grip, as though fearing that you’d pull your hand away from his.
"Don’t move.”
“In this lifetime... you can’t leave.”
Gavin is watching TV with you, the both of you huddled in a corner of the sofa, squished into a small ball. Your head is resting on his shoulder, and your hands are on your kneecaps. A faint light has been purposefully left on in the room to prevent it from being in complete darkness, and also to set the ambience.
Your gaze shifts from the boring advertisement to Gavin, and see that his hand is on his leg.
You’re suddenly struck with a mischievous idea.
You place your small and delicate hand on the back of Gavin’s. Noticing your action, he lowers his head slightly and asks if something’s wrong.
Ignoring him, you continue playing with his hand, feeling the rough callouses on it from years of wielding a gun. After giving them careful touches, you burrow your own hand underneath Gavin’s. With this, your hand makes direct contact with his leg.
Gavin doesn’t say a word. You can sense that he’s gradually tightening his grip on your hand. He’s exerting pressure, but is in control to ensure that he isn’t grasping your hand too tightly. He wraps your small hand in his large palm. His heartbeat seems to be following his palm, sending you a steady stream of signals.
Lifting your head to look at him, you find that his eyes are fixed on the TV, and his ears have turned crimson.
Using your free hand, you reach out to touch his ear. It’s terribly hot.
“Gavin, your ears are so red and warm...”
Gavin turns to face you.
“Cough. That’s because... you lighted the fire...”
You’ve come to Lucien’s laboratory to pick him up from work. By this time, Lucien should have already hung up his white coat, and should be sitting on his office chair, grinning as you rush in with snacks you bought along the way. But today, when you rush in with the egg tart you purchased, the white lab coat is still on Lucien. He sits before the laptop, holding some documents while perusing through them.
"You’re here? Sorry, there was a little issue at work today. I'm currently looking for the cause of it. You might have to wait a while. I'll be done as soon as possible.”
You nod, placing the egg tart on his table. Shifting a chair over, you sit beside him.
Lucien always smells good, you think to yourself. There’s always a cool and fragrant scent on him, but you’ve never seen him spraying cologne. The flowers at home don’t have this scent either. Giving him a careful whiff, you can’t guess what it is.
You haven’t seen Lucien in an entire day! Right now, you really need a Lucien-recharge, so you stand up to move behind him. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you bury your face in his white coat, one hand hanging loosely in front of his chest. He isn’t too surprised, nor is he caught off guard. After all, you’ve used this trick many times, and he’s grown used to it.
Inhaling Lucien’s scent deeply, you find that he’s really nice to smell. Lucien seems to be tickled by your breath. He chuckles lightly while giving the arm in front of him a gentle pet. You grab his hand.
"Lulu... how much longer will you take?”
He grips your hand tightly, as though he’s giving you a response.
“Ten minutes. Just wait for a little longer. I’ll be done soon, okay?”
With this, he brings your hand to his lips, giving the back of your hand a gentle kiss.
This action flusters you so much that you want to find a hole to burrow into. Although you hurriedly attempt to withdraw your hand, Lucien’s stronger than you, and he clasps your hand tightly, giving it another firm kiss.
As though succumbing to fate, you slump against his neck, putting your arms around his neck.
Even though you can’t see your own expression, your face has already started to feel warm, and your ears are probably red to their tips as well.
"You must be feeling shy. Let me see...” After saying this, he turns his head.
“Don’t look!" You mumble, burying your face in the shoulder of his white coat.
[ KIRO ]
The two of you have just finished a game, and are slumped on two beanbags next to each other, surrounded by potato chips and soda. Kiro tosses the controller to the side, then leans against you coquettishly.
"Miss Chips is too good at playing! I can't beat her at all! I’m not playing anymore! It’s so embarrassing!”
You rub the golden head that has leaned over. His hair is so soft. For a moment, you even feel like you’re petting a large golden retriever.
You glance at the controller which has been thrown onto the carpet. Eyes shifting upwards, you see a pair of hands that you’re highly envious of.
He’s a celebrity, so of course it’s very important to have a pair of nice-looking hands. Kiro has taken off his ring. Originally, his hands are thin, long and pale, and the part where he often wears the ring is even more tender. You look at your own hands. As compared to Kiro’s, you probably aren’t even considered a female.
Brimming with jealousy, you slowly stroke the back of his hand. The delicateness of Kiro’s hand is just like yours.
"Miss Chips..."
You hear him calling you like this, but you have no intention of responding. You simply rely on your courage to continue. You put your hand in his palm and look at him, anticipating his next move.
Kiro is fascinated by the huge watery eyes you’re giving him, and immediately grabs your hand.
"I knew it... You’re just as hungry as I am, aren’t you? Let's find something to eat! There’s never enough snacks!”
He gets up quickly and grips your hand tightly, trying to pull you up too.
"What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you!"
You look up at him as he radiates with light, and release a chuckle.
"Okay, okay!”
Borrowing his strength, you stand up as well. The two of you walk to the kitchen while grinning and swinging each others’ hands like little children.
[ SHAW ]
It's too hot. Surviving the summer is going to be difficult.
The air conditioner at home is broken, and you’re still sweating despite wearing a blouse. Shaw steps out of the kitchen with a large glass of iced cola in his hand. Judging by the volume, it’s clear that he mixed Cola and Sprite again. 
He sits next to you, gulping it down, and you watch as water vapour surrounds and the glass. it must have been chilled. You’re going crazy from the heat, so you unfurl your hand in front of him, indicating that he had better give you a sip of the iced cola.
Instead, this ignorant man put his hand on yours. Not only is there no cola to drink, but it’s also warm.
"Stinky Brother, I asked you to give me a sip, not your hand." You swat his hand away, moving forward to snatch the cola in his other hand.
"Hey hey hey Mary Sue, be careful. I mixed two soft drinks in this. Don't spill it on me..."
Shaw knows that you genuinely can’t stand the heat, so he doesn’t tease you this time. Instead, he obediently places the cup in the palm of your hand. The wall of the cup is icy cold, and it’s so comfortable that you want to stick your face against it.
You take a small sip, and the cooling sensation fills your mouth, and your mood becomes exponentially better. Filled with a sudden impulse, you reach out, grabbing Shaw’s hand tightly.
You expected Shaw to respond by returning your grip.
But Shaw is Shaw, and he’s always testing your patience.
"Oh? Auntie, you maintain your skin pretty well for someone who has reached middle-age... tsk tsk tsk.” He speaks, lifting your hand up and scrutinising it.
"You brat. I’m right here, so you better cleanse your mouth...”
With the cola in one hand, you try to retract the other.
Not caring that it’s warm, Shaw grasps your hand tightly, uttering a casual apology. On account of the cola, you decide not to hold a grudge against him.
"Mary Sue, save me some. Don't drink it all." Shaw leans over, and the only thing separating your faces is the glass.
“Also, let’s head out later. Your hand’s really empty... I need to get you some jewellery... Do you like rings?”
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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池离子: OK! Just state that the source is LOFTER池离子. Also, if you’ve posted it, could you also take a screenshot for me? No need for the whole thing - just a little will do!
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 12
Request: Yes or No
I'm sorry this feels short
You smiled, ending the call with Bucky. Over the past year, you basically called Bucky every week. Sometimes you went a few days without talking because he was busy or because you had a mission but you two always tried to talk at least once a week. You had gotten to know him better. He told you stories about him and Steve, how it was like growing up bisexual and having to hide it, joining the army. Some things were hard for him to talk about so you didn't push him.
"Done talking to your boyfriend?" Cooper asked, entering the room. You grinned, rolling your eyes and patting the spot infront of you. Cooper took a seat on the bed, sitting criss cross.
"Is Wanda still in Scotland?" He asked.
"Yeah, she is." You smiled, watching your little brother. Cooper hummed, toying with the strings of his hoodie. You watched him curiously.
"What's on your mind?" You asked softly. Cooper bit his bottom lip, tugging on the strings a bit.
"Are you gonna leave to visit that guy too?" He asked quietly. Your gaze softened, reaching forward and gently pulling him closer. You wrapped your arms around him.
"Coop, even if I did leave frequently or moved out, I would come visit everyday. I'd call you all the time." You told him gently, giving his arm a squeeze.
"I wouldn't forget about you, Lila, and Nate." You smiled softly. You turned your head, hearing the burner phone. You frowned, picking it up and looking at the message.
Steve Rogers
We need to get everyone together. We're gonna pick you up in ten.
Cooper watched you, head tilting. You licked your lips, sighing softly and looking at him.
"I've got a mission, bud. Could you go tell mom and dad while I get dressed?" You asked him, tossing the phone on the bed and going to your closet. Cooper nodded, getting up and leaving the room. You got out the outfit Clint had gotten you, changing into it. You opened your drawer, sliding the pistol into its holder. After what had happened with everyone, Clint decided to teach you hand to hand combat and how to use weapons.
"What happened?" Clint asked as he entered the room. You looked at him, licking your lips.
"Something serious. Steve wants everyone to group up." You told him. Clint frowned, nodding.
"Stay safe, alert, and-"
"Come back in one piece." You finished for him, smiling softly. You gave him a hug, moving onto Laura before heading down the steps. You could hear the aircraft landing outside.
"You're leaving?" Lila asked with a pout. You nodded, crouching down and hugging her. You gave Cooper and Nathaniel a hug, assuring them you'd be back.
"Be good." You called, leaving the house and jogging over to the aircraft. Natasha and Steve greeted you with smiles. You noticed their new looks.
"I didn't know you could grow facial hair." You said as the back close. Natasha laughed softly, giving you a hug. Steve shook his head with an amused smile as he made the aircraft rise. Sam gave you a wide smile.
"So, where is Wanda?" He asked.
"Edinburgh with.. Vision." You told them, watching Natasha set the course.
"And why is she there with him?"
"She's not giving or getting information. They're.. A couple." You shrugged lightly. Natasha and Sam shared a surprise look.
"How's Bucky?" Steve asked, keeping his gaze forward. You flushed, unaware that Steve knew about you and Bucky being in contact.
"He's.. Uh, he's fine." You said, scratching the side of your neck and avoiding their teasing gazes.
"So, what's up? What happened?" You asked, looking over them. Natasha pulled up a video. New York being destroyed with a hovering circle in the sky that disappeared into space.
"Banner called and told us about everything. Aliens are invading Earth for some infinity stones. Vision has the Mind Stone." Steve explained.
"Aliens?" You furrowed your brows, looking at her. Natasha nodded. You groaned softly, looking forward.
"Yeah, I won't be home in time for dinner." You sighed. You and the other reached Edinburgh by night time, noticing one of the streets being partially destroyed.
"(Y/N), take care of the fire." Steve ordered. You nodded, standing up and dropping down when the aircraft opened its back. You hopped down, the wind taking you down towards the truck on fire. You moved your hand, spreading your fingers. The fire moved towards you as you absorbed it. You followed the destruction to a subway station, humming.
"They're in here, Cap." You called. Natasha landed the jet as the others hopped down. You crashed through the glass ceiling, using wind to throw one of the two aliens into the air. Sam flew in, punching the alien and sending him flying across the station. Steve and Natasha fought with the other alien before Sam kicked her towards the other one. You made fire balls, keeping them ready in case they fought back.
"We don't want to kill you, but we will." Natasha said. The alien looked at her, scoffing.
"You'll never get the chance again." She replied, placing a hand in her companion. A blue light flashed on them and they were quickly lifted up to a ship. You closed your fists, the fire balls disappearing. You quickly jogged over to Wanda and Vision, the others following.
"Are you okay?" You asked softly. Wanda nodded, wincing as you gently touched the cut above her brow. The root around your wirst reached out, touching the cut and slowly rottening while Wanda's cut healed. She gave you a thankful smile.
"I don't know if I'll be able to heal you, Vis." You told him, helping him up. Sam put one of his arms around his shoulder while you went on his other side.
"Thank you." Vision breathed out.
"Let's get you on the jet." Steve said, turning and leading everyone to the jet. When you entered, you gently helped Vision sit. Natasha closed the back door.
"I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in, don't take any chances." Natasha turned towards Wanda, cocking a brow. Wanda swallowed.
"I'm sorry." Wanda apologized quietly. Natasha shifted her gaze onto you.
"Nobody likes to snitch on their friends but-"
"I know." You sighed, taking a seat besides Wanda and Vision. Sam piloted the jet to the Avengers tower. You were uneasy, not feeling like getting arrested while Earth got invaded.
"How have you been, (Y/N)?" Vision asked as Wanda tried taking care of his injury.
"I've been good." You smiled. Wanda gave a small smile, looking at you.
"Talking to Bucky as always."
"Barnes?" Vision looked at you in surprise. You gave a small nod, cheeks flushing lightly. You and Bucky were still friends but you felt like there was something more though you didn't want to ask and get rejected. Sam landed the jet at the Avengers facility, the back opening. You and Sam helped Vision up, heading inside. You followed Steve and Natasha to the lab, noticing Secretary Ross hologram. You clenched your jaw, wishing he was there so you could punch him. Rhodes made the holograms disappear, giving Steve a smile and shaking his hand.
"Great seeing you, Cap." He said, giving Natasha a hug.
"You guys look like crap." Rhodes chuckled, looking over you and your friends.
"Surprised Ross didn't arrest you at Bartons place." Rhodes said, motioning to you.
"Clint doesn't mind lying to old assholes." You replied, chuckling softly. Your gaze went over to Bruce. It had been about a year or two since you had last seen him.
"Yeah, I'm- I'm back." Bruce said, nervously looking over everyone. Natasha's gaze and voice softened.
"Hi, Bruce." She greeted. Bruce gave a nod, silence filling the room.
"This is awkward." Sam said quietly. You snorted softly, following Rhodes to an office. You rolled your shoulders, walking to the mini kitchen and getting an apple.
"Where's Clint?" Bruce asked, turning to look at Natasha after being caught up.
"He and Scott took a deal to have their families on house arrest. I'm assuming he lied and said (Y/N) was with Steve and Sam." Natasha said, glancing back at you. You confirmed it with a nod.
"Who's Scott?"
"Ant-Man." Steve answered. Bruce blinked, brows furrowing.
"There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man?" He asked, head tilting. You chuckled softly, taking a seat.
"Okay, look. Thanos has the biggest army in the universe and he is not gonna stop until he.. He gets.. Visions' stone." Bruce said. You turned your head, looking at the Mind Stone.
"We have to protect it."
"We have to destroy it." Vision corrected, looking at everyone.
"I've been giving it a great deal of thought about this entity in my head.. It's nature and also its composition." Vision turned to look at Wanda, gaze soft as he approached her.
"I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently high energy source similar to its own signature then perhaps... It's integrity could fail." Vision said softly, placing a hand on Wandas' arm. Wanda shook her head lightly.
"And you with it." She stared at him with a small frown. "We're not having this conversation."
"That's too high a price." Wanda said quietly. You watched them, frowning as Wanda turned and walked away from him, eyes watering.
"Thanos needs to be stopped. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him." Vision said, staring at his lover with a sadden gaze.
"We don't trade lives, Vision." Steve said, looking up at Vision. Vision turned to face him, walking towards him.
"You lied down your life to save millions of people. Tell me, why is this any different?" Vision asked. Steve face him, sighing softly.
"Because you might have a choice." Bruce said, looking at Vision.
"Your mind is made out of a complex system. Ultron, Tony, me, the stone.. All of them mixed together and learning from each other." Bruce said. Wanda turned, sniffling softly and tilting her head at his words.
"You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?"
"I'm saying, if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts." Bruce said. Natasha licked her lips, gaze flickering between Bruce and Vision.
"Can you do that?" Natasha asked softly. Bruce frowned, shaking his head. Steve turned his head to look at you.
"I know somewhere." He said. You stared at him before a wide smile spread across your face.
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House Arrest [Loki X Reader] Chapter 2
Summary: You are Clint’s 'little' sister and actually a trained Shield agent. But you gave that up a few years ago and became a Chef, because you wanted a normal live. Then one day Natasha shows up at your door and takes you to the Avenger Tower for a while for security reasons.
Tags: Reader is an former Shield Agent, chef!reader, Reader Barton, 2012 Avenger vibes, everything is still alright, Slice of Life, Avengers Family, Loki has a good heart, still the god of mischief, Slow Burn, mention of food and cooking
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Chapter 2: Not the new kitchen help
You can now call a cozy apartment with two rooms and a nice bathroom your own. You have stored your things in the bedroom and are now looking around the tower. The living rooms seem to be spread over several levels. Either there are really a lot of people living here or they tried to keep a little space to avoid stepping on each other's toes all the time. Living and working together can be quite a challenge for some people. The floors above consist - judging by the signs - of labs and various development rooms. Most of it is probably technical stuff, but some of the doors also have concerning warnings, and you don't want to spend your first day trying to figure out if they're genuine.
You find the outdoor platform with the big A and see, then it’s connected to some sort of party or lounge room. There are several couch sets and a rather nicely equipped bar. Overall, everything is very spacious and you're sure you can walk around here for a few days without anyone noticing your presence. At least once, you think you've lost your bearings for a moment, but then you find your way back to the elevators. On the other hand, there was surprisingly little going on up here.
All floors below the living area seem to be offices, at least the names of the elevator buttons suggest that. You don't feel like visiting them right now, because the exploration tour has left you pretty hungry. The last meal was also your breakfast this morning and now it's almost afternoon. So you look for the room that interests you the most anyway. And you find it near the lounge: a wonderfully large kitchen with fantastic equipment. You explore it with interest and notice that it‘s visibly little used. Among the people and other beings here, there seems to be no one enjoying cooking. Saving the world probably takes up enough of their time. As you open the refrigerator, a voice suddenly comes from somewhere, startling you briefly at first. "Good afternoon, Miss Barton. If you have any requests regarding the food or ingredients, please let me know." You look around, but can't see anyone. "My name is JARVIS," the voice explains. "I am an A.I. and I am available to assist you." "Uh-huh...hello," you merely reply, processing this information. Jarvis, meanwhile, continues talking. "Welcome to the Tower. The other Avenger members have been notified of your arrival in a memo." "Okay, thanks." It‘s a bit weird talking to a room, but apparently modern technology has already reached the next level here. Hearing nothing more, you start inspecting the contents of the refrigerator. The result is quite sobering. "It's all just fast foods," you grumble. "Would you like to suggest changes in the selection?", Jarvis asks. "Yes! Please and thank you." "You're welcome to make a shopping list, and I'll have everything ordered." Why not? Regardless of whether a computer can really do it, you nod. "Okay." "A personal tablet will be calibrated for you. You can pick it up from Mr. Banner."
A few minutes later you find yourself in the labs on the upper floors. The sterile lit hallway reminds you much more of Shield than the lower floors. You turn a corner and have to go down some stairs that lead you into a large room. Here, tables are jumbled with various types of modern computers and equipment. Further back is a robotic arm soldering a hard drive all by itself with a quiet whir. It’s a dream for any technology enthusiast. From one corner, you hear typing and beeping, followed by quiet murmurs. That's where you turn, looking at the whiteboards on the wall along the way, where complicated calculations and drawings could be seen. Then suddenly, right in front of you, a hologram appears in the air and you stop, rooted to the spot. "Oops!" "Oh, sorry." A head pops up from behind a nearby screen and you recognize Bruce Banner. His face is always shown on the news whenever there's been a shot of Hulk. But now you're more interested in the hologram as you take a closer look. It shows a nebulous, pulsating entity. "What is that?" you ask the scientist. "We got some cosmic stones. This was in one of them." "It's moving. Is it alive?" "Living would be an exaggeration, but there is energy present. My name is Dr. Banner, by the way." He reduzes the size the hologram so it's out of your way. "Barton, nice to meet you." "Clint's sister, I read the file. He never mentioned you though." "I didn't want any attention, but didn't quite work out, I guess." Bruce smiles sympathetically and reaches for a cup of tea, which, judging by his expression after the first sip, seems to be cold. You ask for the tablet you came for, and Bruce looks around searchingly. There are a few of them in the room, but the display of one lights up, drawing your attention. You see your name displayed and simply conclude that it's the right one. Briefly you say thank and goodbye, before you go back to your room and start making a shopping list. Please fresh ingredients and please deliver today.
Afterwards, you browse around a bit. The tablet, like every electronic device in the house, seems connected to the main computer and to Jarvis. You pull up a few files on your new housemates and read them curiously. At least the parts that are publicly available. You also take the opportunity to look for your own name. Because even though you know that your records were officially destroyed when you left, you know that no data is ever really gone. So you're almost surprised when you find only a few sentences about yourself and not even a photo. Mainly it was about your and Clint's entry into Shield at a young age as orphans. You had received a pretty good education, which may have also kept you from going off the rails. Besides hand-to-hand combat and firearms training, your specialty was handling knives, while your brother took up bows and arrows. For foreign missions, you had also had to learn various languages and had chosen the widely spoken Spanish and Russian. But you didn't work for Shield for a long time, instead opting out of your career early on. It just wasn't the life you wanted to lead. So you changed cities and mingled with the civilian population. And before you knew it, your talent with a knife led you into a traditional apprenticeship as a chef. You enjoyed this work more than having to fight to death, and you even expanded your knowledge and skills during a year abroad in France. But there is very little of all this in your records.
You set the tablet aside and stretch out on your new bed. Normally, you would be in full swing at work right now. A glance at the clock reveals that it's already early evening. Rush hour in most of the restaurants. But here? Without a task or a plan, there's not much you can do. On the other hand, a little vacation wouldn't hurt you.
At some point, the tablet gave a soft ping and when you checked, it was a notification that the refrigerator and all the pantries had been restocked. By now you are very hungry and you heard nothing about a joint dinner time, so you decide to cook yourself something. Out of sheer habit and to avoid getting your clothes dirty, you put on a chef's jacket and apron you brought from home and go into the kitchen. There's a radio in one corner that you turn on. Jarvis really did get everything you had asked for. It was a dream come true. Now in a much better mood, you grab a pan and get to work. From the freezer, you pull out a fish, which you gut and fill with fresh herbs. It goes into the pan first. Then it's the turn of the potatoes, which are peeled, boiled and rolled in rosemary.
You're so absorbed in your work - you've just poked a knife into the boiling potatoes to see if they're already done - that you don't notice a visitor, who had entered the kitchen at some point, until he makes himself known. "I'll have the course menu and a white wine to go with it." Somewhat confused, you look up as you hear the man's voice and see Tony Stark standing at the sideboard across from you. He notices your look and returns it with a smile. "I didn't realize we hired a new kitchen help." You frown and take a sharpening rod in your free hand to sharpen your knife while not taking your eyes off Tony. "Oh, I'm not a new kitchen help," you clarify. "I'm a chef." "Excuse me. Then would the chef please serve me the course menu and a white wine?" The trillionaire indicates a polite bow, but you merely turn to the stove and take the potatoes off it. You then retrieve a plate from the cupboard. "Jarvis", you direct your voice to the computer, hoping it’s still listening. "Would you please explain to Mr. Stark that I'm not here to cook for him and that he'll have to order his course menu, if he really wants one, from the Chinese place next door?" "Mr. Stark, I'm supposed to-." "I heard her, Jarvis," Tony interrupts the A.I., eyeing you a little more closely now. "That does make me wonder what you're doing here, Miss...? Aside from the fact that there's no Chinese working next door." "Then you should make one move in there," you replay amused. As you do, you wipe your fingers on the cloth you've hung on the apron at your hip and prep your dish. Just as Tony is about to say something clever, the door opens and another person walks in. You recognize Thor at first glance. "What's that delicious smell in the air?", he asks, looking around curiously. You smile and point to the stove. "I was just cooking. There's still some left for you to take." With that, you want to go to your room, but Tony stops you. "Oh, he gets something, but I don't?", he complains. You shrug your shoulders. "He didn't want a whole menu." With that, you disappear through the door and go back to your living quarters. There you quickly change into something comfy and make yourself comfortable on the couch, where you watch an episode of your favorite show while you eat. A little company would be nice, but you don't feel like meeting more people you don't know yet. And you don't feel like searching for Natasha in this huge complex. So you’re fine with being by your own right own.
After dinner, you continue watching the show, but eventually you realize you're getting tired. It really had been an eventful and long day. So you quickly take your dirty dishes back to the kitchen. But just as you're closing the dishwasher, Tony comes back in and leans against the frame with his arms crossed. "So… you‘re a Barton." Apparently he had spent a few minutes of his precious time gathering information about you and then waited for you to reappear. "Surprised there's another one?" you ask with a smirk. He takes that as a sign that you're not holding a grudge against him. He pushes himself off the door frame and comes closer, now leaning his arms on the kitchen island. "Nothing about Legolas surprises me anymore. Met his wife and kids the other day. Nice family. Are you guys a whole circus?" "Not anymore." You shrug. "So, what’s your deal?", he wants to know. "You left Shield in your early twenties. What's normal life like out there? No one waiting for you to come home?" You turn on the dishwasher and grab a water bottle from the supply. "Life is nice. Often stressful, but I have to worry a lot less about getting killed." You don't answer Tony's last question. It's really none of his business. "That is when you're not being yanked out of that life and brought into the house of superheroes", you add. "You'll get used to it. Both that we're super and that we're heroes. I promise." You laugh at his words. Tony seems to be a real egocentric, but also a humorous person. "Well, let's see", you reply, "Now if the welcome speech is over, I'd like to go to bed." "I won't keep anyone away from their beauty sleep. Good night." You wish him the same, then head back to your room, where you make yourself comfortable on the large bed. The strange surroundings were unfamiliar, but not you don't feel uncomfortable and so you soon fall asleep.
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