#but i do wanna check back up on the hawkeye comics
knightofameris · 4 years
i appreciate art, and qualities that i value are a good sense of humor, loyalty, acceptance, and compassion. thank you so much!!(last pt) ily , sorry if that was a lott <33 🍡
hii, i would like to request a matchup for marvel and haikyuu(which i am a hugee stan for bothh). i’m a female with dark shortish/medium hair, i have dark brown eyes, i’m pretty short (5’1 😻), and i also wear glasses(not all the time tho bc i feel scary LMAO). i love adventures, action/fantasy genres, and i also have a hugee sweet tooth. i admittedly still really like stuffies, i’m a pisces, and i love making other people happy. i despise feeling weak,— (pt 1 oops) <33 🍡 —and i also may be a toned down version of myself at first, but once i get comfortable with a person i could be ~a lot~. i struggle with confidence, and i also care really deeply. i’m an open minded + hearted person with a large imagination. a hobby of mine is baking, i also really like reading, watching movies/shows, and spending time with the people i ✨care abt✨.— (pt 2 i’m sorry LOL) 🍡
match ups are closed! check match up statuses on my pinned post because they’ll change! (in the mean time, my 500 event is open for self ships in Haikyuu!)
your haikyuu one shall be answered in another part!
I have to match you up with Steve Rogers! asdlfjasdjf I really liked how he looked in this scene in AOU.
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Why I think you guys work well!
UGH i think you guys just work well with each other? IT’s strange, because I feel like you guys are similar and people are always like “opposites attract!” and yeah that works but for some reason it’s hard for me to write that sorta thing sometimes. LIKE SERIOUSLY Steve became Captain America because he wanted to do something and was tired of being so weak that he wasn’t able to. I think it’s also a cute idea that if you like baking and he likes to draw, y’all would have those type of bonding moments together?? Like you’re both doing your own things but in the presence of each other. Also, okay, despite the fact that yeah Steve became a fugitive WHATEVER, he’s definitely still loyal? He’s loyal to his morals and his close friends. I MEAN THERE WAS BUCKY. and Steve really tried keeping his ties with Tony, it just didn’t work out akfhdkhfsdhf. And Steve can be funny too AHAHA and he’s a progressive guy so he’s definitely like accepting and omg he’s just so sweet 🥺🥺 seriously 
How you guys get together!
especially during the ~winter soldier years and prior since i’m assuming he probably took some time to fit in right after the first Avengers movie lol
so maybe he wants to try out modern baking!! 
at first everyone’s like o shit tho it’s steve rogers
captain america??
i think everyone would be intimidated by him
and maybe this was something you decided to do by yourself?
so you didn’t know anyone
and because of that when the baking instructor said hey lets do this with partners!!
it was literally left to you and steve at the end
but that’s how you got to know him behind the mask!
and i like to think that steve would like some more not so super hero friends
i think that’s one of the reasons why he reached out to Sam even if he didn’t know his past
so he probably asks for your number towards the end of the entire class after like a few weeks to like “hang out or be friends” 
and okay it definitely is shocking
but you got to know him
and he’s a good guy
fun to talk to
has a lot of stories to tell considering he’s from a different time and a SUPERHERO
and you figured out he’s more than that too
so I like to think that’s how you guys became friends
and i just realized a lot of my ships consist of how everyone meets and then how it gets together omg i’m so sorry LOL
it probably follows the friends to lovers trope sorta thing
i actually think steve would pursue you actively
but would probably wait till he knows for sure you return his feelings
and stuff like that 
natasha’s definitely done a background check (to his distaste but eh) 
and yknow for the ~drama~ 
people find out you’re close with Captain America
and they definitely try to use you against him 
and after he saves you
he tries to distance himself
cus he doesn’t wnat you to get hurt yknow?
but you hunt him down and you’re like hey! i have a choice in this friendship relationship too!!! 
am i gonna go a little fanon here and maybe have sam or nat throw in a remark cus they happen to be there lol
but i do know they at the very least would give him that look and maybe nat teases him pointing towards you and sam is like mouthing for him to stop being an idiot
thats how i see it going anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
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foeofcolor · 2 years
hi this is totally random but you're a bit of a hawkeye fan right? i havent been in your blog a lot so correct me if im wrong lol
i wanna read his comics, where do you think i should start? i usually read it at readcomicsonline.com!
Sorry I took so long to answer but here's a few ones I think are good! SOLO/ SOLOISH
HAWKEYE (2012) The most well known Clint run! It's 24 issues and very good! But it can get heavy at times and there is actually a lot of buildup/backstory to why Clint is the way he is in that run, this isn't the standard for him, this is him in depression. @bobbimorses 's post here explains it well.
HAWKEYE : FREEFALL It's very short, 6 issues only and has the kind of pseudo leftism you'd except from comics at this point sometimes but other than that? It's great! We also haven't heard from Clint post freefall and next time we see him will be in the August THINDERBOLTS 0.0
HAWKEYE ( 2003 ) OK. So this run is also just 8 issues (See a pattern here??) and fair warning : It has the 2000s brand of casual racism and misogyn . But this is a really good example of pre matt fraction Clint! Also you don't really need to read the last 2 issues but they're a ok add on. Also there's a character called Gaylord and I STILL think that's funny.
HAWKEYE : BLINDSPOT Essential!! Just 4 issues iirc and it's! very good and explains the lead up to the 2012 series!
NEW AVENGERS : REUNION This happens during/after the whole civil war fisaco but you don't really need to know much about that to read this. All you need to know is Clint died, then when Clint was dead Cap died, Clint came back to life and was offered the shield, he said No, then bucky got the shield, then Bobbi came back to life and turns out she had been replaced by a skrull before her supposed death.
HAWKEYE Vs. DEADPOOL it's just fun!
HAWKEYE MOCKINGBIRD Clintbobbi, need I say more.
WEST COAST AVENGERS   The og run!! It also has the clintbobbi divorce and I thinkkkk this is the one with the tw for rape? You can also read the new run but it’ ok? Not really essential.
THUNDERBOLTS ( OG ) Clint leads this team for a while!
You can pretty much pick any old avengers comics after #16 and there’s soild chance that Clint’d be in it tbh.
Also, for his first appearances check out this list (by @/bobbimorses) and this list (by @/soloavengers)
Captain America #179
Avengers Annual #9
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wicckip · 3 years
Hawkeye Episode 1 Thoughts
It’s good to be back.
Okay, although the first two episodes are out, I’m only gonna watch episode 2 tomorrow.
Knew there was gonna be a flashback to show how Hawkeye inspired Kate. Was hoping for something CA: Winter Soldier-related (totally not because that’s in my fic), but the Battle of New York is the more obvious choice, I guess.
TOTALLY CALLED BRIAN D’ARCY JAMES AS KATE’S DAD! (Insert lame, slightly tasteless 13 Reasons Why joke here)
Damn, they’re really not subtle with the “fall out of the sky”, are they? How many times did they say that? like three? four?
Why does Vera Farmiga look different here? Is she de-aged?
okay. It’s Chitauri time.
I LOVE love love how they incorporated some Avengers footage and we get to see Clint doing that new falling-off the roof thing from a different angle.
Honestly, if aliens attacked my city, half of me would be like “this is so cool!”
Okay, so what’s going to happen - oh Derek’s dead.
wait, that ruins my fic idea!! ARGH!! No more Derek beating up a guy at night.
But I’m here for Vera Farmiga Eleanor Bishop being Kate’s primary parenting figure, tho. Even if she turns out to be evil later.
There’s no way he’s actually dead, Brian D’Arcy James is billed as main cast, right? (Just checked IMDb - it says he’s in it for 5 eps)
Absolutely loving this intro sequence. Straight out of a comic book! And it makes it very clear: this is KATE’s show.
Very conspicuously avoiding showing what has replaced Avenger’s Tower, I see.
Rogers: the Musical goes on for SUCH a long time and I’m here for every second of it. So damn hilarious to see Clint’s expressions.
I’m surprised that not many people are recognising Clint. At a show about HIM. Only a little girl and not, like, the people sitting next to him? And the way she waves at him makes it seem like he’s there undercover, too!
...Ant-Man?!?! Payoff for Scott, I guess. He’s famous now! Now everyone will wanna take pictures with him!
So the show hasn’t explained Clint’s hearing loss yet. But i’m going with the Avengers Facility blowing up and damaging his ears.
Is this the first time that we have scene in the toilet in the MCU?
I’m slightly bothered by Clint’s kids’ ages in this.
According to google it’s been about 3.5 years between the filming of this show (early 2021) and Endgame (late 2017).
Hawkeye is Christmas 2024. Since all three kids were snapped, they’ve only aged about 1 year since we last saw them at the start of Endgame.
Okay, at least Lila looks like she hasn’t aged 3 years. And Nathaniel still somehow looks like a realistic 4-year-old, I guess. But man, Cooper looks like a grown-ass man now. He’s taller than his dad. Puberty must have hit him hard in 1 year.
Just “rich people things” montage for like, 10 minutes. (Then Kate slaying for another 10 minutes)
Can’t tell if Armand (III) and Jack are father and son. Wouldn’t Jack be called Armand IV, then???
Can the Russian mobsters not tell that it totally doesn’t look like Clint in the Ronin suit?
Kate is so badass.
Kinda cool to see Clint fight without a bow and arrow. He (was) still a trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, y’all.
Final thoughts: Lucky/10. IMDb says Episode 2 is even higher-rated so I can’t wait for tomorrow.
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avengerscompound · 3 years
It’s You and Me - Chapter 10
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It’s You and Me: A Hawkeye Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x  F!Reader
Word Count:  1758
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Mentions of past abuse, some kinda sexual stuff (though it’s light and probably pg movie worthy), some of this is canon comic stuff - so you may have already read it.
Synopsis: You and Clint Barton go way back.  Since you joined the circus as a child, he took it upon himself to keep you away from the people who really wanted to hurt you.  For years the two of you danced a line between dark and light.
When he chooses light the two of you go your separate ways.
Fifteen years later he tracks you down.  Those feelings the two of you shared never went away, but now he is not only an Avengers but a single father.  Can the two of you make it work after all this time when your lives have gone in such different directions?
A series told in flashbacks and current day.
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Chapter 10: Then
Clint ran through the circus looking for Eden.  He’d been in town getting some things when he’d spotted the paper.  The words ‘Art Dealer Murdered’ were splashed over the front page, with a photograph of the man Clint recognized from when he’d had the meeting with Tiboldt and a picture of some of the missing art.  He knew it had to do with the circus.  That someone from here had killed him when they’d tried to steal the art.  After what you had said about Eden potentially being involved, he was terrified that someone was her.
“Anyone seen Eden?”  He called as he ran through the carnies setting up the tents for the show tonight.
He spotted Bruto the Strong Man hammering in some of the larger poles and rushed over to him.  “Bruto,” he said, slightly breathless.  “You seen Eden around?”
Bruto thrust his thumb over his shoulder.  “Check Tiboldt’s trailer.”
Clint nodded and ran towards the orange trailer that had the large banner advertising the circus on the side.  “Eden,” he called.  “Tiboldt - you guys in there?”
The door opened a crack and the thin weasley face peered around the corner.  “What do you want, Barton?”
“Where’s Eden?”  Clint asked.
Tiboldt narrowed his eyes.  “What… do … you… want?”
Clint thrust the paper forward, right into the Ringmaster’s face so he could see the headline.  “This is the guy you were talking to a few days ago!”
“Really?”  Tiboldt said, playing coy.  “I talk to so many people when we do our shows…”
“He was the museum guy - we were gonna do some children’s charity gig for him?”  Clint questioned.
Tiboldt chuckled drily and handed the paper back to Clint.  “Apparently, we won’t be now.”
Clint scowled, taking it.  “Where’s Eden?”
Tiboldt pushed the door open so that Clint could see inside.  Eden was sitting at the dressing table, naked except for a small towel wrapped around her waist.  She turned, obviously startled that the Ringmaster would give her away.  “Clint!”  She yelped.  “I…”
Clint fumed.  He wanted to yell.  To fight Tiboldt.  To do something to express how angry and hurt he was right now.  Tiboldt was the boss though and he was stuck.  He’d been sleeping with Eden and they’d gone and murdered someone together and Clint was just some dumb sucker.
He spun on his heel and stormed off.
He’d made it halfway down the big top before Eden came chasing after him, the towel only barely wrapped around her.  “Clint!  Wait!” She called.  “It’s not what you think!”
“Yeah?”  He snapped, tossing the paper into the air.  “‘Cause I’m thinkin’ you’re with him when you said you were my girl -” he loosed an arrow at it and shot past Eden’s head, pinning the paper to the wall of the trailer she was standing next to, the arrowhead piercing the picture of the murder victim through the head.  “- and you helped him commit murder!”
“You…” Eden stammered.  “You really think I would murder someone?”
Clint faltered.  He didn’t know what he believed.  He loved Eden and had loved her for a while now.  But seeing her naked in that trailer only days after you had warned him about what was going on, he wasn’t sure if he could trust her.  “I - no… no, I don’t…”
She approached him running her hand up into the back of his head and leaning into him.  “As for Tiboldt and me - please - I was posing for a new trailer poster.”  She looked into his eyes and tilted her head.  “No one touches me - you know that.  No one but you.”
She opened her towel, and wrapped it around him, bringing her naked body to his right out in the open in front of everyone.  Heat flushed Clint’s skin and every coherent thought left his head.  He kissed Eden deeply and hungrily the only thing even remotely resembling a coherent thought was the deep animalistic hunger he felt for her.
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That night as you and Clint got ready for the show, he’d all but forgotten the incident from earlier and the murder of the art dealer.  You were fussing with the horses as he checked his equipment.
“Five minutes ‘til showtime!”  Tiboldt called.  Clint flexed his bowstring and the bow snapped.  “Ah, nuts!”  He cursed and looked around, while Tidbolt called out the run list.  “Anyone got a soldering iron?”
You shook your head while the other performers ignored him.  “Hurry, Clint,” you said.  “We’re first.”
“I’ll be quick,” he agreed and ran out the back of the tent.  Eden was coming in from outside.  She was wearing a bikini that would match her flesh if it wasn’t covered from neck to toe in intricate tattoos.  “Eden, baby, I need a soldering iron,” he said.
“Oh, I got one, Clint,” she teased.
“You do?” He said, completely missing the teasing in his desperation to fix the bow before curtains up.
“You wanna know where I’m keeping it?”  She smirked
Realization dawned on him.  Of course, the woman who was basically naked didn’t have a soldering iron on her.  “Oh,” he said.
“Try one of the storage chests, you big dope - the purple one, I think,” she said.
He rushed down to where the storage chests were but instead of one, there were three purple chests, each identical to the other.  “Aw, man…” he whined.  “Eden… three of them are purple!”
“Two minutes!”  Tiboldt called.
“C’mon…” Clint muttered, opening one of the trunks.  Sitting on top of the chest was the painting from the paper.  It had been Tiboldt, just like he’d thought.  Which meant it was probably Eden too.
His heart sunk.  He didn’t know what to do.  It was one thing when it was just stealing - but murder?  How could he stay with the Circus knowing they were doing that?
“Ladies and Gentleman -”  Tiboldt called, his voice amplified over the big top.  Clint cursed again and began digging for the soldering iron in the other trunks.
He’d well and truly missed his queue when he reached you.  Eden was out on the floor working her contortionist routine.  “Where have you been?”  You asked.  “You missed your queue.”
“I’m sorry!”  He said and came over close to you.  “I was fixing my bow and I found a painting… one of the missing ones.  They killed that art guy.”
You frowned.  “Shit.”
“Did you have anything to do with it?”  He asked.
You held up your hands.  “I swear I didn’t, Clint.  I thought about it, but I knew if they had that over me, then they’d have control of me.”
“You think Eden did?”  Clint muttered.
You looked around and pulled Clint behind the horses more.  He tried to see what had got you spooked and noticed Tiboldt watching you both.  “I don’t know.  Maybe,” you whispered.  “You should ask her that.”
Clint’s shoulders sagged.  “I might get us a motel room.  Maybe if she’s away from the circus she’ll tell me.”
You shrugged.  “Maybe.”
“Hawkeye, Sugar.  You already missed on queue, you better get this one,” Tiboldt snapped, appearing around the front of the horses.
“Yes, sir!” You said, getting on your horse.
Clint did the same and waited for his queue.  You leaned over to him.  “Clint, what are you gonna do if she did do it?”
Clint shrugged.  “I dunno.  I dunno if I can stay here.  Would you come with me?”
“Where would we go?”  You asked.   “We ran away to the circus, what’s after that?”
“Welcome to the ring, the man who can’t miss, Hawkeye!”  Tiboldt announced, interrupting Clint’s train of thought.  He spurred his horse on through the curtains.  Not that he was sure what he was going to do, but if he turned everyone in, there was no way that the answer could be this anymore.
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You sat next to Clint by the payphone in the street.  He’d done what he’d said.  He’d taken Eden to a motel.  They’d gotten dirty and then clean again, and while they showered he’d asked her about the murder.  She denied the murder but not the theft and then got mad at him for not trusting her.  Clint had gone to bed feeling sick to his stomach and the next morning he woke well before Eden, come back to the circus, and got you.
“You really gonna do this, Clint?”  You asked.
He shrugged.  “I dunno.  They killed someone.  That guy has a family.  Friends.  They deserve some kind of closure.”
You nodded.  “The circus will be done.  What will we do?”
“Go on the road together,” Clint suggested.  “The act won’t be quite as good without the horses and the clowns, but we could do a pretty good routine.  Maybe some solo work too.”
“Maybe if you do it anonymously they won’t know it was you,” you suggested.
“Eden will know,” he said.  “So will Tiboldt. This is gonna burn us.  I already got my leg busted because I threatened to turn them in once.”
“I guess… make the call, and we go back and … pack our things?”  You said.  “If we can get as much of our stuff as we can, we won’t need to start from scratch.”
“You’re really going to come with me?”  Clint asked.
“Clint,” you said softly, lowering your eyes.  “I know you don’t know exactly what happened to me before I joined the circus, but when I joined, and Jacques said I needed to take those pictures - he said that he wouldn’t touch me.  That it’d just be some naked pictures and that’d pay for my upkeep.  I didn’t like it, but … it was like levels, you know?  When someone keeps breaking your bones, and then a different person says, come here I’ll bruise you, but I won’t break your bones, you go because compared to the broken bones, the bruising feels like heaven.  And you… you said you’d protect me from anyone hurting me at all.  And you did.  You kept Jacques away from me and you gave me a way to protect myself.  And you’ve never expected anything from me.  I kept expecting that one day you’d be like ‘well look what I did, now you owe me so open up those pretty legs of yours’ but you didn’t.  So yeah, Clint.  I’ll go with you because it’s you and me.  You’ve always got my back, it’s only fair I have yours too.”
Clint looked at you and smiled sadly.  “You and me,” he said and patted your thigh.  “Okay.  I’m gonna do this.”
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2rat2touille · 3 years
anyway everyone points to the MCU as the shining example of “planning out a movie series” so here’s all the things that make it obvious they did not have a fucking plan
-Thanos smiling at the mention of “courting Death” at the end of the first Avengers movie only to have his motive have nothing to do with courting Death and his signature smile being a shallow nod to the comic that now feels really fucking out of character. his mid-credits tease in Age of Ultron also makes no fucking sense with what we know now
-The infinity gauntlet being on display in the first Thor until they went “oops nevermind it’s a replica”
-Thor: The Ragnarok being teased as a dark event in Age of Ultron until they changed their minds and made it a funny romp type thing
-Spider-Man being introduced in The Civil War at the last minute since Marvel made a deal with sony within less than a fUCKING YEAR OF IT’S RELEASE
-Civil War changing it’s whole plot in one movie where it starts out as being about whether or not superheroes need to be held accountable by governmence until it just decides ehh fuck it they’re fighting over Bucky now speaking of
-Bucky being useless
-Star-Lord and Gamora’s arc in Guardians of the Galaxy The Vol. 2 being about realizing they both need to mature as friends before entering a romantic relationship only to just immediately make out in The Infinity War before she gets fridged
-Spider-Man turning down the iron spider-suit and being an avenger at the end of The Homecoming only to get an iron spider-suit and become an avenger in The Infinity War
-Russo Brothers obviously having no fucking clue what to do with Hulk in The Infinity War and The Endgame like what’s so hard to understand guys he’s a big green guy who go smash
-oh um it turns out Captain Marvel was the reason for the Avengers existing the whole time guys we swear
-Captain Marvel’s whole inclusion in phase 3 in general like yeah let’s introduce a brand new character at the last minute before The Endgame cuz we have no fucking concept of patience here at Marvel STUDIOS
-Rocket being the only living Guardian of Galaxy in Endgame only to like only have interaction with Thor and barely any interaction with anyone else like maybe if you’re gonna have one Guardian of Galaxy alive in your The Endgame movie you should have them be important KEVIN
-Hawkeye is so sad about his family that he becomes a horrible assassin murderer with no morals left he has become a man his family would no longer recognize so obviously we kill Black Widow
-Back to the Hulk did they like make Bruce Banner half man half hulk in The Endgame just so they could have someone do the reverse snap and survive like you coulda had Thor do it he’s a god and it probably makes more sense for him to do it character arc wise considering how guilty he feels over not killing Thanos before the snap
-was Captain America supposed to move on from his past or not cuz if yeah then why the fuck would you have him go back in time to alternate timeline to be with whats her name
-Oh yeah no guys the Eternals were totally there the whole time they just didn’t stop thanos cuz they were told not to interfere with uh with with uh with conflicts involving the um checks notes the deviants????
-fuck it Wanda has an american accent now and Wanda and Vision’s romantic relationship happened off screen between The Civil War and The Infinity War but it definitely happened guys please
-Thanos been got built up as big main The Endgame bad guy since 2012 only for his worldview to never be challenged and when you get down to it the whole The Infinity SAGA conflict of the The Infinity SAGA came down to who can do punch better
-introducing tony’s stark’s child kid in the same movie he dies in guys did you maybe wanna do that first like if not you could’ve done without the kid i’m sure the nerds would’ve cried anyway or is she dgonna take up the iron man mantle (iron mANTLE IHAHHAAHAHHAA kill me)
why am I talking about this go watch a Scorsese movie
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cruciatusforeplay · 4 years
This is part two of a hella big post. Check out part one here. These are all a lot more recent, so I'm gonna try to be less spoilery, but there are gonna be some.
A not-so-brief history of Hawkeye in Comics Part Two (spoilers below the cut)
A note on events, dying and doubling down on Hawkeyes
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Comics love doing big events, and I'm not covering them in here. Partly because they are huge and complex and to just focus on Hawkeye would be an injustice to the stories, but also because the amount of stuff I would need to spoil would be way beyond just a little Hawkeye. Clint was involved in Secret Wars (1984), which was one of the first crossover events of its kind. Another notable era is 2004-2009, where there is an incredible amount of superhero politics driving big narratives. If you're new to comics, you might not know that characters dying is common and rarely permanent. This is relevant because while I said that I wouldn't talk about events, I think it would be pretty uncool to not mention that Hawkeye dies and is brought back to life (Avengers Disassembled, House of M, New Avengers #26). It's around here that Clint picks up the Ronin mantle.
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This is also when Dark Reign/Dark Avengers is going on. For anyone who'd like some Clint whump from this era, there's a top notch naked torture scene in New Avengers Annual (2009). Clint is involved in several other big events and crossovers over later years, but that's definitely a seperate list.
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In the time where Clint is dead, Captain America is hanging out with a group of newly formed Young Avengers, including archery badass Kate Bishop. Cap suggests to her that she take up the Hawkeye mantle and gives her Clint's old bow. After Clint returns, he becomes initially her mentor, before they form a very close friendship. Clint is initially doing Ronin things, but even when he lays down ninja robes, they decide to be very Hawkeye about the whole thing and both keep calling themselves Hawkeye, despite the obvious confusion this causes.
Hawkeye's ears: Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #0-4 (2014)
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This is a fun little miniseries that you could treat as a Halloween special if you so desired. It's set in the time after Fraction's run and there are a few callbacks, but nothing major if you've not read that. Clint is a little short-tempered and hypermasculine in this run for my personal taste, but it's got lots of grumpy Clint Vs sassy Wade while they vaguely attempt to team up. The thing this run does really well is Clint's deafness, despite the lack of visible hearing aids. There are comments around lip-reading, wearing aids when wearing other headgear, there's some sign language, and this is the run where Deadpool pulls his mask up so Clint can lipread and see his face while he signs (facial expressions are really key in sign language). It's lovely. Otherwise the run gives you a Kate cameo, some Deadpool and Hawkeye disaster/shenanigans, and perhaps most importantly, the return of the skycycle.
Key background: All New Hawkeye #1-6 (2015)
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This run is often overlooked, but the art in the flashbacks is beautiful. We get some key information around Clint and Barney's abusive home situation - with their dad who drank and beat them, and how they ended up in care after their parents died, and subsequently their early days in the circus. There is a definite shift in how Barney is characterized as a bad influence compared to the 2003 run. It parallels with the rest of the arc which focuses on Clint and Kate Bishop working together to get some kids out of a very bad situation. The rest of Lemires run is a little weird and has no major repurcussions for anyone except Barney (which I won't elaborate on because it's relevant to the Fraction run).
Back to your roots: Tales of Suspense #100-104 (2017)
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Seeing Clint cycle back and return to Tales of Suspense is really lovely. This comic is one of my all time favourites. It's incredibly tight story-telling with a great plot and really fun dynamic. The premise is Clint and Bucky teaming up to figure out the body trail being left after Black Widow's death. Clint is obnoxious and a delightful mess, Bucky is sporting a permanent scowl and is hilariously level-headed. It's a lot of fun and it's a lovely build on the tension and teamwork between these two idiots (who I, as an avid Winterhawk shipper, am completely gone for, but even without that, this is a great comic.) It also has some killer covers, and the facial expressions are absolutely hilarious.
Hawkeyes together: Hawkeye #13-16 (2017) and West Coast Avengers #1-10 (2018)
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The Hawkeye run is Kate Bishops run and it has a larger continuing storyline that runs from the beginning of her Hawkeye and way into WCA, but I've listed the issues that you'll want for Kate and Clint shenanigans, and you should be able to catch up without the rest if you don't want it. These comics are ridiculously fun, especially West Coast Avengers, which has Kate leading the team this time. There's loads of jokes, and it strikes a nice balance between Hawkeyes being disasters and being hyper competent. Truthfully, this is Kate's show, and Clint takes a backseat, but their dynamic is killer here so I think is deserves a mention. There are also plenty of Clint related wardrobe malfunctions and Lucky the Pizza Dog is around.
Our most recent boy: Hawkeye freefall #1-6 (2020)
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I haven't read this one yet, but it's been extremely well received by the fandom. As a result, good news: no spoilers! It's a short run, which may have had something to do with it being published during 2020, and specifically around a time when Marvel were experiencing some major distribution issues (which would have led to digital release only and as a result lower sales), but that's all guesswork because I haven't actually researched it. This run has someone dressing as Ronin and letting Clint take the blame for their nefarious deeds (oh no!). Clint makes some classic Clint (read: dumpster fire) decisions, and the art looks fun and vibrant. Can't really give you more without reading it myself 😅 If you need more Clint still, he's also rumoured to be knocking around in the 2020 Black Widow run, but I've not had the money to get my mitts on that yet either.
Notable AUs:
Marvel is a big fan of throwing a well known cast into an alternative universes, so there are a few other places to look for him.
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The Ultimates universe was largely speaking a bit of a shitshow, but they did give us a very dark and gritty Clint, so if that's your jam, ultimate hawkeye is the place to be. Old Man Hawkeye appears alongside Old Man Logan, and they are both, you guessed it, old. It's not the only time we get Clint as a wrinkly dude (the second half Lemire's run also has some timey-wimey stuff happening), but this is a version of Clint who is going blind (granted we've seen that before too, but this is a darker vibe than Blindspot). Wanna know who the greatest marksman is without his sight - old man Hawkeye for you! Finally there's the Zombie 'verse: zombie Clint is a little confused, but he's got the spirit. Clint got zombiefied and then left in some rubble as only a head for 40 years before getting picked up, so he's a little worse for wear. If you need that in your life then Marvel Zombies is your universe. For a full rundown of all the universes including animated and MCU, click here.
Notable aliases:
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Clint's been a few other people than Hawkeye in the 616 universe (the main Marvel Comics universe). He used one of Hank Pyms growth serums and became a giant strongman in Avengers #63 (1969) and stuck around in his Goliath form for more than a few issues. After Cap had died, Clint returned from the dead and tried on Captain America for all of one issue in Fallen Son #3 (2007). He decided (with a little help from Kate) that it wasn't right to wear the uniform, which in turn led to some interesting tension between him and Bucky Barnes when Buck did become the new Captain America. Finally, there's his most well-known alternate persona: Ronin. Clint becomes Ronin after returning from the dead, wanting a break from his Hawkeye persona and an opportunity to become Ronin arises in New Avengers #27 (2007). Clint is not the only person to have used these aliases. Additionally, Hawkeye has been used not only by Clint and Kate Bishop, but also by Bullseye during the Dark Reign.
The things we haven't talked about
Like I said at the very beginning, there is a lot of Clint Barton knocking around in comics and even with all this there's a lot of content I haven't focused on. For instance, I've not talked a lot about his relationships, beyond his marriage to mockingbird (and really I only scratched the surface with that), and honestly once you start getting into interpersonal relationships we're starting to move on from what can be done in a Tumblr thread.
There are also some topic specific threads floating around, which you might like to look at too.
@vaguelyrotten has done a run down of some great dumpster fire Clint Barton comics (some of which I haven't listed) and you can see that here.
@bobbimorses did a great summary of Clint's historical deafness for instance which you can find here.
There's also this little bit all about Clint and Bucky in canon (thanks to @nightwideopen ) and how Winterhawk became a thing (thanks to @1000-directions )
This is slight sidenote, but @clintscoffeepot did a really great comprehensive of Fraction Clint's apartment which is just a really useful writing resource and you can get that here.
There is also this website which I stumbled across fairly far into writing this post which does actually look like it might be comprehensive.
If I've missed anything major, or listed something incorrectly or you just have some Clint related opinions that I need to know about, do hit me up.
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warrocketpodcast · 5 years
Is the "professor x just made a bunch of child soldiers" argument as tired as the "If Batman donated all the money it took to become Batman he'd do more good" line?
.No, but I think there’s an interesting reason why it’s not, and it has a lot to do with textual intent. 
In Batman comics, Batman IS the solution to the problems with Gotham City, which we know because WE ARE READING BATMAN COMICS AND THAT IS THE PREMISE, AND IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND THAT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND FICTION. Billionaires in the real world? Terrible, inherently immoral. Billionaires in the fictional universe that has shit like Green Lantern rings and x-ray eyes? Literally the only thing keeping a crocodile man from eating your face. Bruce Wayne is a philanthropist on the side, but, as I’ve written before, writing a check to the local school district or offering comprehensive health insurance to employees of Wayne Industries does not solve the problem of A Murder Clown Is Poisoning The Water Supply Right Now. I do not understand why people claim they want to see fucking Batman meet with his accountant and figure out if construction of the Thomas and Martha Wayne Memorial Humanities Building at Hudson University is a good tax write-off for 20 God damned pages every week, which I assure you they do not actually want, but that’s not the point, really. The point is disingenuous refusal to engage with the text. The actual text of Batman comics is that Batman is a good idea.
The actual text of X-Men comics is that Professor X gathered teenagers and, in the guise of a school, turned them into a secretive paramilitary strike force that went on missions where they were sometimes killed. The argument is whether that’s the best way to go about things, which is an argument that people have within those comics. The text tends to come down on the side that he was right to do so because the alternative is getting murdered by giant purple robots made of racism, but there’s still an exploration. It’s why Cyclops is an interesting character, because he’s The Most X-Man — the guy who found out at 15 that he had to learn how to be really good at aiming the uncontrollable laser beams concussive force blasts that shoot out of his eyes because the alternative was that he and everyone he cared about was going to die. Like, that’s something that’s gonna fuck you up pretty bad, but according to the past 50 years of X-Men comics, it’s also 100% true. 
With Batman, the question is not “why doesn’t Batman provide real solutions to to the real-world root causes of crime” — because that’s an astoundingly stupid question to ask — it’s “how is Batman going to solve the problems that are presented to him in this fictional universe that is uniquely built around him?” 
With the X-Men, the question is usually “how are the X-Men going to survive this experience?” The idea of questioning whether Professor X was wrong all this time is a core component of that. 
The former is refusing to engage with the premise. The latter is asking the questions the premise invites. If you don’t like the premise, you don’t have to engage with the media. There’s a lot of stuff out there and if you don’t like Batman because that idea doesn’t make sense to you, I’m not going to hold it against you. I will, however, hold it against you if you try to break the premise to make it worse. 
Here’s a huge tangent where I just know I’m gonna get lost in the woods: 
I actually feel a similar way to opinions I’ve seen about the MCU, and how it’s built around a very militaristic idea of superheroes, which makes some people uncomfortable. And, you know, that’s fair! Those movies are built around that idea, because they were built on the foundation of a movie that was the absolute embodiment of transitioning from traditional action movies (ie, stories about loose cannon cops, spies, space marines, Kurt Thomas, and other heroes who usually have the backing of a larger organization) and superhero stories (which are almost always about heroes acting independently of, and occasionally in opposition to, those same larger forces). Those movies never really get away from the idea that Tony Stark, the guy who sets the tone for the entire roster of films to follow, is fundamentally a dude whose primary character trait and fatal flaw are that he always believes he can solve his problems by building a bigger gun. The militarized aspect of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers spins out of this as both a structural result of the action to superhero genre transition, and as a convenience to get Iron Man (former defense contractor), Captain America (literal soldier), Black Widow (spy), the Hulk (military scientist) and Hawkeye (for some reason a spy like in The Ultimates and not a redneck carny like he should’ve been). The odd man out is Thor, which, for all the problems with those first two Avengers movies, is why he first shows up as an antagonist in the first one and then completely bails on the whole thing to go deal with his own stuff on the second one. The military structure is literal plot structure.
So yeah, that gets kind of weird when it filters down to Spider-Man. A lot of that weirdness has to do with things that are beyond the control of the universe, in that Marvel’s most beloved character, the second big success the company ever had whose popularity has endured much stronger than the first one, the flagship superhero who was literally on their paychecks and has never not been popular, had to be a late addition to a universe that already had, like, the Vision in it. 
But because they had to work within those constraints, they had to work within the premise they were already given. It makes perfect sense that in that universe, Peter Parker would look up to the world’s most famous superhero nerd, and it makes sense that Iron Man would see Peter as this blank slate that he could stop from making the mistakes that had defined his life. That, to me, is a really interesting dynamic, but it’s also one that requires Spider-Man to take a lot of cues from Iron Man, which is not a dynamic that those two characters ever had in the source material. It winds up giving them different consequences.
And like, if that’s not your thing, I get it. Spider-Man being recruited by the superhero military and having a high-tech suit that talks to him is a jarring shift, even if they do a good job of bringing in most of the core tenets of the character — something about responsibility and... I wanna say... muscles? Is it muscles? — which I think they did. But, if you don’t like that setup, which is a product of the larger universe, then you don’t have to buy into the premise. Like, yeah, it sucks that you’re fundamentally not going to dig this Spider-Man movie, but how do you think I feel? I’m a Batman guy and I literally have to see these movies with their endless terrible premises for my job.
Back when Far From Home came out, I remember seeing someone talk about how the MCU Peter Parker was fundamentally flawed because he didn’t have Uncle Ben, and I don’t think that’s correct. For one thing, Spidey pretty clearly has an Uncle Ben in that movie, it’s just that the reference to him in Civil War is a little less explicit than it usually is, presumably because we’ve seen Uncle Ben die on screen like five times since 2002. Second, it actually makes it make more sense that he’d latch onto the next influential father figure who walked through his front door. Third, even if we got way more Uncle Ben in those movies, it wouldn’t change the fact that the Peter/Tony Stark relationship and the way it played out was a function of the larger universe and the way those two characters had to interact within it. I don’t want to generalize too much or claim to know what people are thinking better than they do, but I’d suspect that if you don’t like that stuff in Spider-Man, the thing you really don’t like is the larger structure of this take on the characters. And that’s fair! 
That’s not to say that a premise can’t be bad, or that a twist on a character that posits a new premise is always good by nature of including some of the stuff that works. Again, I’m a Batman guy, and the last three movies to feature Batman are bad partly because the premise is fundamentally broken (the other parts are literally everything else about those movies because they are irredeemably terrible on virtually every level). But, you know, none of them have Batman writing a check instead of fighting crime, so that’s something.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #221: ... New Blood!
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July, 1982
A semi-famous somewhat imitated cover!
Can you guess ahead of time which two will be joining the Avengers?
No cheating.
Actually, what’s funny is that I can imagine a Young Bendis looking at this cover, seeing Luke Cage, Spider-Man, and Wolverine all in a row like that and whispering to himself ‘one day... one day...’
Spider-Woman is even on this! This is almost the roster meme that Bendis would have selected his team out of.
Just as soon as he cleared the way by killing off Ant-Man and Hawkeye.
Anyway, I like the cute touch that there’s just a completely blank square for Sue Storm. And is she really still going by Invisible Girl at this point?
-google- Ah, Invisible Woman is still a few years off.
And at risk of spoiling, I like the cover pretending that Rom (Space Knight) could feasibly join the Avengers. Although that would have made a hilarious mess when the rights lapsed. A whole swathe of Avengers comics unavailable.
So, where are we at?
Last times on Avengers: Captain America decided that the Avengers had become too unwieldy. They’d settled into a filler rut and Cap wanted them to be lean and mean.
So the old order changeith’d! And Moondragon meddled, causing half of the old team to quit. But Cap got his lean team of himself, Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Yellowjacket, and Tigra.
And then Yellowjacket Hank Pym had an ‘attempted murder out of insecurity’ breakdown and tried to murder his friends and was a very bad husband to Wasp as well.
So Yellowjacket was out and Wasp took some personal time.
It was just Cap, Thor, Iron Man, and Tigra. And then Tigra quit.
Wasp rejoined but the trim team of six had become anemic at four and after some space mishaps, its finally time to try to do something about that.
As Iron Man declares in title-of-the-issue font they need some ... NEW BLOOD!
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And Wasp declares ‘yes we all know that already we’ve just been putting it off.’
(And they finally got the big meeting table back from the cleaners or wherever its been. Thank goodness)
But the question that Chairperson Wasp poses the team is should they re-induct some ex-members or go looking for some truly new blood?
Thor is brooding on the recent events, where Moondragon manipulated the Avengers previous roster shakeup and later when Moondragon took over a planet and got Thor to fight his friends.
So Thor’s point, by way of dwelling, is that they should be careful with who they choose.
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Thor: “Thus can no action, no thought made by any of us in the last weeks be truly, absolutely claimed as our own. Not even... mine.”
There we go. There’s that good Moondragon induced paranoia I was hoping for.
And character wise, I do like that there’s fallout from the Ba-Bani misadventure. Whether being forced to fight his friends or being made to fall in love with Moondragon or being convinced to side with her plan to bring mandatory peace to the universe. Thor has been affected by what happened.
Cap suggests that they clear the slate and just judge potential members on their current qualifications.
So what qualifications should potential Avengers have?
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Captain America: “Compatibility. Someone who can work in a team.”
Iron Man: “And technical expertise. Perhaps someone good with weaponry.”
Thor: “We’ve enough strength, methinks. But courage is important. Aye, and a noble heart.”
Wasp: “Well, I know exactly what this group needs. More girls!”
Good suggestions. All good suggestions. But very good suggestion from Wasp.
I know that two women on one team is the low bar that Avengers tends to reach but you know what’s worse? One women on one team. And you know what’s better? Three.
Think about it.
The meeting gets cut short because Jan has to go do Jan things like show off fashion at the Tavern on the Green but she tells the others to figure out who they’d like as new Avengers and then they’ll all decide at their meeting next week.
As the Avengers all head off, Captain America mentions to Iron Man that hey remember how Hawkeye used to be an Avenger all the time? Weren’t those good times? He worked well on the team, was real into being an Avenger.
Iron Man agrees that sure is a Thought but flies off thinking more about Jan’s suggestion to have more women on the team, albeit probably for less than pure reasons.
Thor meanwhile doesn’t have anywhere to be so sits down in the sitting room and reads a Time magazine.
Jarvis brings Thor some mead and Thor asks who Jarvis would enlist for the Avengers if Jarvis was given the choice.
Jarvis is surprised to be asked but does his best to speak off the cuff.
Jarvis: “Why, I - I really hadn’t given it much thought! But since you ask, I feel that some of the best Avengers have started as the most unlikely candidates. For example, those with strongly individual, independent natures seem to have worked out surprisingly well.”
You’re a good guy, Jarvis.
And you’ve got a good point. Since the Avengers were pretty much everyone who wasn’t on a team jammed onto a team together, the Avengers kind of have as foundation strongly individual independent superheroes managing to do a teamwork anyway.
And Thor just so happens to be reading the Time magazine that has a picture of Spider-Man on the front (along with “Friend or Menace?”) and thinks huh individual and independent??
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Oh boy!
Spider-Man going to be offered a spot on the Avengers? Is it 2005 already?
Goofs aside, this is an interesting callback maybe.
All the way back in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3 (November, 1966) which I didn’t cover but probably should have if this was a more comprehensive Avengers blog but then I may have died under the enormity of the task.
Uh, that sentence got away from me.
Anyway, in that Spider-Man Annual, the Avengers debate whether to recruit Spider-Man for their team. Thor is the one there to find Spider-Man and bring him to the mansion. The Avengers decide to test him and (after Spider-Man tries to beat up the entire team because that’s what Spider-Man thinks proving himself is) they send him to bring the Hulk back with him.
He finds the Hulk and fights the Hulk but Hulk turns back to Bruce Banner and Spider-Man feels bad for Bruce and doesn’t want to turn him over to the Avengers (not knowing that they want to help Hulk). So he comes back and says welp couldn’t find him guess I’m not Avengers material byyyyyye.
The other Avengers go huh I guess he wasn’t Avengers material but Thor seemed to suspect what had really happened.
So my rambling point is that its appropriate that Thor again thinks to recruit Spider-Man for the Avengers because of that previous story.
Later in the day, Iron Man calls Captain America.
Although as Cap points out they know each other’s civilian name now so why be formal?
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Iron Man: “Captain America? This is Iron Man.”
Captain America: “Hey, Tony, let’s make it ‘Steve,’ okay? I’m off duty.”
So Tony “Iron Man” Stark has managed to stop thinking about more woman on the Avengers and has actually started to think about having Hawkeye back on the Avengers and has to admit, it sounds good to him!
So Captain Steve says they should go together tomorrow and see what Hawkeye thinks.
This is a nice sequence.
Its nice to see how the two learning each other’s identity plays out like this. Tony trying to stick to how they’ve known each other and Steve making a not subtle overture for them to become more familiar.
This is probably good shipping fodder, I realize!
But it is also good friendshipping fodder. It can be both.
Elsewhere and meanwhile, at the Van Dyne residence, Janet puts her own recruitment drive into... drive?
She’s invited every super-heroine in the country she can think of to brunch but she has no idea how to get a hold of She-Hulk.
Not even her state of the art computer system can find her! Granted, the state of the art computer system is for analyzing fashion forecasts and not news reports about She-Hulk sightings.
So Jan decides that if you want a She-Hulk you’ve got to spend a little green.
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She has her assistant take out a bunch of full-page ads in all of the major west coast newspapers. And heck, buy a bunch of commercial time too!
Jan is going to do some I Want You (to Join the Avengers) ads!
She is ludicrously wealthy.
I went and checked and her original inheritance was ‘only’ three million dollars but the way that she throws around money I’m pretty sure she has managed to get some lucrative investments. That or she’s just super good at being a fashionista.
Granted, blowing a bunch of money for a chance to have brunch with She-Hulk is a pretty good reason to blow a bunch of money.
Later, as twilight comes, Thor is flying around Central Park because he has no idea how to find Spider-Man but hears that he’s often around “the meadow-lands called Central Park” and happens upon three goofuses who just robbed a pawnshop.
These goofuses are such goofuses that one of them is wearing groucho glasses as a disguise. Another one is wearing a clown mask.
Which, like a moth to fire, aggros Spider-Man just to mock the guy.
I’m pretty sure rather than flying around aimlessly, the best way to find Spider-Man is to create the perfect quip opportunity.
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A clown: “I’m gonna kiss every dime o’ my share -- just as soon as we get to the hideout so’s I can take off this stupid mask!”
Spider-Man, suddenly: “Aw, c’mon, Bunky, leave it on! I’ve always wanted to bust a bozo who looks like a bozo!”
Groucho: “S-s-spider-Man!”
S-s-spider-Man: “But enough of this clowning! Wanna give up?”
Dangit, Peter. Good wordplay.
But before can catch these thieves just like flies, down came the rain and washed the spider out.
A sudden, inexplicable (cough cough Thor) localized storm tosses around the thieves until they surrender.
After the police lead away the goofus thieves, Spider-Man comes dripping wet and with a bone to pick.
Spider-Man: “Do you have any idea what it’s like running around in wet tights?”
Thor is like sorry bro but I’ve come to talk so Spider-Man agrees but they’ll need to go off somewhere private because the press is honing in on him to ask him bonkers questions about whether he came in a flying saucer.
I think they’re thinking of a certain emissary of hell.
That darn press!
Spider-Man and Thor relocate to a high rooftop for their talk.
Spider-Man: “Now, Goldilocks, what’s your beef?”
Thor: “Thy protective demeanor is unneeded, my friend. I have no ‘beef’ -- only a proposal. The Avengers are seeking new members, and I wouldst offer thee such position.”
Spider-Man: “You... Thor... want me as an Avenger?
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Spider-Man is still not sure if it would work out (reflecting on Spider-Man Annual #3) but he’s also really flattered by the offer. And presumably how the offer wasn’t accompanied by “BUT FIRST YOU MUST PASS OUR TEST!”
So he can’t just accept the offer off-hand but he’s definitely going to think about it.
Even if you don’t join the team, even just being considered is an honor.
The twilight turns into night turns into day, and Cap and Iron Man show up in Hawkeye’s place of business to bug him.
Don’t know if you remember but Hawkeye has a cushy job as head of security for Cross Technological Enterprises. And he actually does take the job seriously which is why he’s a little concerned, at least for his professional pride, that Cap and Iron Man got past his guards.
Cap: “Avengers priority -- never leave home without it. In fact, we’ve come to offer it to you.”
Smooth. Smooth, Cap.
Although I do like that they can just march up to the guards of this company and go ‘hey let us in we’re avengers’ and its not even a ‘ok i’ll clear it with head of security hawkeye’ its ‘yeah sure go right in and do you want any paperclips?’
Anyway, Hawkeye has his pride so he tells Cap not to expect him to come crawling back after the Avengers booted him out (actually Gyrich because Gyrich wanted the Avengers to have some ding dang diversity. Its weirdly the least assholeish thing he’s ever done although he approached it very much in an asshole way).
Point being, they kicked Hawkeye out and he has a new super cool job now.
Iron Man takes this show of wounded pride in wounded stride, just asking that Hawkeye consider it and let them know when he makes a decision.
But Hawkeye doubts he’ll decide to come back to the Avengers because he’s got a good thing in this steady, respectable paying job which comes with job security and respect!
And then, suddenly struck by the realization that he, Hawkeye, is turning down a drama implosion like the Avengers to do the adult thing?? Hawkeye doesn’t like what he’s become.
And he stares in horror at the trappings of power and respectability. The sex and the drugs.
Or a Playboy magazine and a personalized coffee cup, at least.
And he decides to give Iron Man his answer right then and there.
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Which, of course, involves shooting arrows. This is Hawkeye we’re talking about.
What’s amazing is that we’ll learn later this issue that he’s going to keep his security job and do Avengers on top of that (and in fairness most of the Avengers don’t have Avengers as their only thing). But he just shot an arrow through a glass door in his place of employment.
But you don’t hire Hawkeye if you don’t expect that kind of thing so I can see why it wouldn’t impact his job.
So that’s Hawkeye as a YES and Spider-Man as a ‘I’ll get back to you.’ And as the weekend arrives, it’s time for Janet van Dyne’s superheroine brunch.
And on the hill above the van Dyne house, its our old pal Fabian Stankowicz.
Remember? The Mechano-Marauder? Built a robot suit to beat up the Avengers, none of them took him that seriously? Iron Man beat him up solo without trying very hard and then got angry about Hank Pym?
Anyway, he’s back, somehow, and he’s salty about the less than dignified experience he had in issue 217. But this time, he has a new plan!
Fabian Stankowicz: “They laughed at me! Mocked me! But I’ll show the Avengers that the Mechano-Marauder is not to be toyed with! I’ll attack their weakest member when the others aren’t around! She’ll be helpless! *Heh-heh-heh*”
Well. Good luck with that, my dude.
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Sue Storm-Richards, the Invisible Girl, arrives and Jan introduces her to the other prospective Avengers: Dazzler, Spider-Woman, and Black Widow.
All good candidates, really.
Especially Dazzler.
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Well, Beast left and Tigra left so somebody needs to be the new funny person.
Apparently, Spider-Woman doesn’t like puns because she immediately starts getting catty with Dazzler.
Spider-Woman: “Nice going, Blaire! You’re showing all the polish and poise of a real pro!”
Dazzler: “Oh? And I suppose crawling on walls like some yucky insect is ‘professional’?”
Spider-Woman: “I sting, too”
I guess, they have some history in Dazzler’s own book that didn’t go over well. Black Widow has to lean over and tell them to cut the shit out for Jan’s sake.
But then the last invited guest shows up.
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She saw the ads and she’s come for the free food!
Outside, Jan’s chauffeur Mr. Carrothers sits on the limo taking a smoke break and reflecting how good he has it working for the Wasp. Good pay, casual hours. The most he can complain about is that it gets a little boring sometimes.
That’s probably tempting fate because the All-New All-Different Mechano-Marauder stomps up to the house. Remember how Fabian threw the limo last time? Mr. Carrothers remembers.
He panics and runs into the house and tries to warn the assembled heroes.
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And yet.
They didn’t really leap to action, huh? I mean, I get it. Brunch.
Even after the robot fist has punched through Wasp’s frankly ludicrous window and kidnapped Dazzler, Wasp is more annoyed than anything.
Wasp: “Fabian Stankowicz, you get that thing out of my living room!”
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And then has to explain to her guests that Fabian is some chump that Iron Man beat up and that he wants to make a name for himself by defeating the Avengers. And Sue is like ah yes I understand completely.
But chump or not, Black Widow decides that they should rescue Dazzler.
Dazzler: “I don’t think I need saving, folks! This guy’s just holding, not squeezing!”
And so much for the brunch bunch taking this any amount of serious.
Sue just puts up a quick invisible dome to keep Fabian from getting to the rest of them which the Mechano-Marauder instantly bonks into and bangs on impotently demanding that they let him in.
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Careful, Fabian.
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You’re memeing yourself.
Dazzler saves herself when she gets tired of being carried around. She does her Dazzler thing with the bright pulse of light, blinding Fabian.
He drops Dazzler but she’s caught by She-Hulk.
The blinded Mechano-Marauder drives around blindly, thinking “These women aren’t even Avengers! They can’t beat me!”
Alas, Dazzler decides the same decision she decided in #211, that she’s a singer, not a fighter.
And Sue also decides to head off, saying that she’s too busy with the Fantastic Four anyway.
But can we talk about the sheer audacity that Jan had of trying to poach Sue from the Fantastic Four to the Avengers? The nerve! The verve!
So that’s two of her candidates declining but that still leaves Spider-Woman, Black Widow, and She-Hulk.
And unfortunately for Mechano-Marauder, the first two are the two that have decided to kick his ass a little for entertainment reasons.
Spider-Woman’s venom blast damages one of the giant robot fists and Black Widow swings around Hoth-style and trips the Mechano-Marauder into the ornamental pond.
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Alas, after literally dunking a giant robot into a pond, both Spider-Woman and Black Widow turn down the offer to join the Avengers.
Black Widow has private business that are keeping her busy. And Spider-Woman doesn’t even offer an excuse.
In fairness, she has her own solo book over in California and that’s a heck of a commute. I’m actually impressed that she came all this way for brunch.
Fabian is fed up with being treated as an after-thought in his own fight scene and bursts out of the pond, yelling how he’s going to destroy them all!
All.... uh, two that’s left at this point. Yup, he sure is going to destroy all two of them.
She-Hulk has been fairly low-key this whole story, especially for She-Hulk. I’m pretty sure she came to the brunch just for the food and she hasn’t reacted much to Fabian, even when the others were. She caught Dazzler but she hasn’t had much to say since arriving. She’s mostly been standing with her hands on her hips, watching things play out.
But I guess she’s gotten tired of Fabian. Or maybe it falls to her as the last guest.
She tells him to shut up and breaks his robot suit with one punch.
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Fabian has one last trick up his Mechano-Marauder sleeve but its a dumb one.
His ejector seat is actually a backup robot suit. Annnd, its so heavy that it sinks into the ground. Trapping him.
Good job, Fabian.
She-Hulk goes to give him one more punch but Wasp stops her. Because she wants a shot at him.
And wow! What a shot!
At full not small size she crosses the streams to focus her bio-power stings into one concentrated beam and blows a hole in Fabian’s escape suit.
I’ve talked before about how Wasp’s pew pew stings have seemingly gotten souped up under Shooter and I think this is another good example. I mean, she’s not blowing up a house but combining the blasts to do precision boring is another cool application we haven’t seen before.
Anyway, now Wasp goes teeny and flies into the hole she made and up into the helmet to blast Fabian in the face. So hard his helmet flies off.
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Wasp: “That’ll teach ‘im for ruining my party!”
And that’s that for brunch.
Days later, Jarvis calls the State Department to request official clearance for two new members.
And we see part of the process of that. Interesting if you’re interested in the logistics of an officially recognized superhero team.
I guess what’s interesting is that Henry Peter Gyrich is still part of the process.
You’d think he’d have been replaced or something after the Avengers very publicly embarrassed him and got emancipated from him. I guess he keeps doing the necessary liaison stuff without ever talking to them.
The requests for the two new members cross Gyrich’s desk and he takes it to the White House where the request gets signed by Ronald Reagan.
(The two new members are Hawkeye and She-Hulk by the by. We see it on the paperwork. Guess Spider-Man is still thinking it over.)
Anyway, I guess its interesting that new Avengers are a matter that goes all the way up to the president.
God, I’m glad that for the modern team, Cap told the US government to fuck off because I don’t want to even think about that still being a thing.
The next day after the paperwork is signed, Hawkeye is on his way to Avengers Mansion in a cab. He’s reading a Time magazine about the change in the Avengers’ roster and reflecting that it’ll be hard to hold down two jobs but worth it because he’s missed the adventure.
Check out the Time magazine though.
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The cover of this comic book issue is in-universe the cover of Time magazine! That’s neat.
But Hawkeye’s cab is suddenly cut off by a pink Cadillac.
And Hawkeye being Hawkeye doesn’t just grumble and go about his day. He commits assault. Because this is Hawkeye.
The guy that Cap and Iron Man wanted back for being a good team-player.
So he gets out of the cab and shoots the pink Cadillac with an EMP arrow that fries the car’s electrical system.
Really abusing that Avengers Priority Status already, huh, Hawkeye?
The one mistake he made is that the pink Cadillac belongs to She-Hulk. She in fact earned it by doing a car commercial for Wacky Willie’s Wheels-And-Deals so you might imagine she’s fond of it.
So she picks up the cab with Hawkeye in it and leans it against a lightpole.
And then she picks up the Cadillac on her shoulder and walks off with it.
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She-Hulk knows how to make a lasting impression, I’ll say that.
But soon after he gets down from the taxi and stops in at an ER to make sure he’s not concussed, Hawkeye arrives at Avengers Mansion to rejoin the team.
Hawkeye: “Okay, folks, life can go on -- Hawkeye’s here!”
Iron Man: “And it’s about time! We were starting to get worried. What happened?”
Hawkeye: “Oh, nothin’ much -- not ‘til some freaky Amazon tried to play dominoes with my taxi!”
She-Hulk, lurking silhouetted by the window: “‘Amazon’, eh? I don’t suppose it could have been -- a green Amazon?”
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That is a powerful energy you have there, She-Hulk. Powerful energy and a power move in a power suit.
And that’s how Hawkeye’s day was ruined. Also how the two new additions to the team start with bad blood.
Conflict! We gotta have it!
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Wasp: “Hawkeye, She-Hulk. I’d like to officially welcome you both. From now on -- you’re one of us. We’re one of you. And we’re all -- THE AVENGERS!”
Jan’s trying a new thing where she kisses every new member. And they both have to bend down a little for her.
Also, another new Wasp costume! Wasp gonna Wasp!
This is another good, light-hearted decompression issue. The Moondragon two-parter had some yuks but also mind-control sex and Drax’s brain melting. So this time Wasp throws a brunch and Cap and Iron Man help Hawkeye escape the drudgery of an adult job.
There’s a lot of what could have been with Wasp’s guest list. What if she could convince Sue Storm to take a break from the Fantastic Four to try being on the Avengers.
She’ll join later, in the Worst Roster but she’ll join with Reed. I’m thinking more of a thing where Sue gets some time away from the family. I don’t think it could last long and it would need the Avengers and FF writer to be on the same page but I think it could be interesting - Sue getting to be on a team where she doesn’t have to be the adult in the room and doesn’t have to work alongside the family.
It’s a similar reason to why I’d like to see adult Cyclops join the Avengers. He’s so tied in with X-stuff and being the leader of X-stuff that I want to take him out of that context and see a new side of him.
Spider-Woman and Black Widow also could have been interesting. They’ll both become Avengers later. I don’t know that Dazzler ever did and she presents interesting opportunities.
The Avengers have had Wonder Man who was also trying to break into acting while being an Avenger. So Dazzler trying to pursue her singing career might just be a retread of that but what if she were more successful and was a celebrity on the team.
The Avengers kind of are celebrities but I think it’d be a different feel if they had a famous (disco) singer on the team.
Interesting stuff (for me) to think about, anyway.
Something else to talk about is the creative credits. Jim Shooter is credited for plotting but Dave Michelinie as writer. And looking ahead, Shooter is not going to be the solo writer again in the near future.
I think we’re getting to the point where Shooter’s going to be too busy with EIC duties to keep up writing the Avengers. He’s going to get plotting credits for a few more issues, probably loose threads he’s handing to other writers.
So the second Shooter run is going to end soon. Shame. Very much a shame. It wasn’t a very long run but he put a lot of energy and humor into the book.
Next time: Egghead’s back and he’s bringing a new Masters of Evil. Wow, it’s been a while since we’ve had them and they’re supposed to be the Avengers’ evil opposite team.
And Egghead is the not very impressive criminal mastermind who couldn’t beat Hank Pym so instead framed him for crime. Hopefully the new Masters rise above that level of menace.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I’m bringing you the She-Hulk content you crave. I assume. I took a poll and one out of one person said ‘this is the She-Hulk content I crave’ and I extrapolated from that. Also you should like and reblog because She-Hulk would want you to.
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notquiteaghost · 4 years
there’s nothing i wouldn’t do
mcu/hawkeye comics, post-avengers, barney&clint, 2k
inspired by this post
AO3 link in notes
He wasn’t expecting it to be a thing, is the problem.
Like, how often do aliens fucking invade New York? Once in a lifetime deal, it’s gotta be. Clint was busy — with having a hole in his chest, but SHIELD wouldn’t like him picking fights with run-of-the-mill mobsters, so it was, once again, up to Barney to step up and keep his baby brother safe. Hell, even if Clint could’ve got out his building without passing out, Barney still probably would’ve gone instead. Clint’s just a guy.
He had a plan, and it should’ve been simple. Bandana tied round his face, hair hidden under a beanie, and only Natasha’s gonna notice which Barton is actually slinging the arrows around, and Natasha’s well-aware of Clint’s stab wound. Murder all the aliens, sit through Coulson’s lecture on Clint’s behalf, hopefully their building’s still standing by the end of it. Hold it over Clint’s head until they die. Never, ever do it again.
He goes after the wannabe god, and the wannabe god can, obviously, control fucking minds, so then he shoots a shit ton of almost-entirely-innocent SHIELD employees. And then Natasha knocks him out of it and they all murder a shit ton of aliens, so hopefully SHIELD will cancel the shoot on sight order, but after all the aliens are dead, Tony goddamn Stark drags them all to get shawarma, and it’s not like Barney can say no. He can’t make Captain America think Clint’s an asshole.
And then, three days later, when Barney’s trying to explain to Coulson that, no, Clint is absolutely not going to fucking Russia, Clint can’t lift his arms, and also they’re still trying to get back the power in their building and also also as far as SHIELD is concerned it was Clint who got used as a puppet by a hostile alien and then bounced without any kind of medical eval so what is this actually about, because it sure as shit ain’t a human trafficking ring — three days later, his phone rings. Caller ID says Your New Sugar Daddy, so it’s Stark, so Barney hangs up on Coulson and answers it.
“Y’know, I could use some new shoes,” he says, throwing Clint’s phone on the couch when it immediately starts buzzing again. “What’re your terms? How much skin am I showing to get some new shoes?”
Stark splutters, but recovers within seconds and says, “Shoes are a titty pic at least,” and Barney is suddenly, sinkingly certain that him and Stark could be friends. It makes him shudder. 
He bites back the joke he wants to make about how many titty pics he gets to send before Stark stops buying him shoes, and says, “Titty pics ain’t why you’re calling, though.”
“Heard you’ve been having some apartment trouble,” Stark agrees, casually, like he has any way of knowing that that isn’t really fucking creepy. “Y’know, I have this great big tower. It’s got, amongst a lot of other things, an entirely self-sustaining power system.”
“…You want me to move in with you?”
“I’m just letting you know it’s an option, that’s all.”
Barney narrows his eyes. “Anyone else say yes?”
Stark huffs. “You’re first on my list, actually. Figured I’d start with the easiest, work my way up.”
Again, Barney bites his tongue. He cannot flirt with Tony Stark when Tony Stark thinks he’s his brother, no matter how funny it is. He’s sworn off starting shit with Clint since they got banned from Lithuania. “And what if I like my apartment?”
The briefest of pauses, before Stark says, “Then you keep living in your apartment. Again, just letting you know your options.”
“Pay to have the power lines for my block fixed,” Barney says, just as Clint stumbles out his room, “and maybe I’ll swing by for lunch. That’s what this is really about, yeah? Team building shit?”
“Wait, your block doesn’t have power?”
Clint is staring at him, eyes narrowing. He’s been awake maybe ten minutes, and it’s a coin toss if he’s remembered to put his aids in yet. Barney makes a face at him. “Half the damn city doesn’t have power, don’t you watch the news? Hell, ain’t people waving big signs outside your front door?”
“I’ve been—” Stark starts, then stops himself, then presumably remembers he’s trying to tempt Barney into some kinda morning-cartoons perma-sleepover and that’s gonna require some emotional vulnerability, and says, “Been in the workshop, mostly. The suit didn’t cope so well in the vacuum of space. But, yeah, power, I can do power. Text me about lunch.”
“Only if Captain America’s there, too,” Barney says, then hangs up. Clint’s eyes are even narrower. He’s gonna give himself a headache. “What?”
“Were you talking to Tony Stark?”
“Yeah, he wants me to move in with him.”
“He wants me to move in with him,” Clint counters.
“Hey, I’m the one who actually fought the aliens, kid—”
“I was all for fighting the aliens! You ziptied me to the bed!”
“And that you couldn’t get out of those makes it clear you were in no shape for fighting the aliens.” Barney walks into the kitchen, digs through their pile of homecooked food — you showing up on TV saving the world makes everyone want to cook you things, it turns out — for Clint’s pain meds. Clint leans against the wall and looks pitiful.
“Maybe I wanna live with Tony Stark,” he says. Barney laughs, hands Clint the tablets and the water so his hands are free to talk.
“Thought you were gonna die in this shithole. Thought, next time anyone shoots you, you were gonna demand they carry you back here so you can bleed out on the floor since getting the blood out’ll be someone else’s problem.”
“Bet Stark’s eyesore of a tower’s got power, though.”
“And soon,” Barney assures him, “so will we.”
Clint shuffles back to the couch and flops over it, and almost hides his wince at the feelings his stab wound has about that. “Bet Stark’s tower’s got heated floors. Stupid fast internet. Bet he’s got chefs and cleaners and everything.”
Barney always forgets how being hurt makes Clint into a five year-old again. “If some stranger tried to clean your room, you would stab them.” Clint sticks his tongue out.
Then he jumps, because Barney’s phone is buzzing again. Got his aids in, then.
It’s a text, this time, from an unknown number.
???: Stark tells me you’ll only come out to play if I come out too - Steve
“Holy shit,” Barney says, “Captain America is texting me.”
“What the fuck,” Clint pushes himself up, “Give me the phone. Give me the phone! He’s texting me!”
“Again,” Barney says, typing complete nonsense so Clint hears the tapping noise, “it was me who he bonded with when we murdered a load of aliens together, he has no idea who you are.”
“Barney. He’s Captain America.”
Goddammit, that fucking whine. He throws Clint his phone.
Then stands behind him to watch him type.
You: he ain’t exactly my usual kinda buddy
You: appreciate the thing with the missile obviously but also i don’t think he pays taxes?
Clint backspaces four times to change his terrible text speak for actual words. It’s hilarious. 
steve!!!!: He fucking better.
You: if you yell at him about this please film it
You: i promise not to put it online i just want it playing on a loop in my apartment
steve!!!!: He says ‘Excuse me of course I pay taxes, I have to get rid of all this money somehow’
steve!!!!: I’m double-checking with Miss Potts.
You: did shield just give you the phone numbers of the entire population of new york
steve!!!!: No, I think it’s only 30%.
You: oh shit do you have fury’s number
steve!!!!: Strangely, no.
You: dammit
You: one day
“You are definitely the reason Fury didn’t give Captain America his personal cell number,” Barney says. Clint shoves at him. 
steve!!!!: Not planning on moving into Stark’s place, then?
You: think living somewhere that expensive would give me a rash
You: don’t tell shield this but i stole my apartment from the mob
“Oh my God Clint they are definitely reading his texts,” Barney groans.
You: hey uh unrelated but anyone give you an update on opsec
Clint glares at him, pointedly, then makes a truly inhuman noise when he reads Steve’s next reply.
steve!!!!: Is that an offer?
“Oh my fucking God I’m gonna become best friends with Captain America,” Clint says, low and reverent.
Barney rolls his eyes. “He still thinks he’s talking to me.”
“So? You wore a mask and shit, he won’t notice.”
“You are so fucking injured. He will definitely notice.”
“Okay, then you wear a wire, and I tell you what to say—”
Barney snatches the phone back, types out ‘hell yeah let’s get a drink, when you free?’, then locks it and tucks it away. Clint is fully pouting.
“I’m going out,” Barney reminds him. “Coulson wants you in Russia, I’m gonna find out the fuck why. Amuse yourself for a while, you can keep flirting with Captain America when I get back.”
“If you really loved me you’d wear a wire,” Clint huffs. Barney ruffles his hair and goes to find his jacket.
“Explain to me again,” Coulson says, exasperated in a way Barney’s more used to seeing directed at Clint, “why you thought pretending to be Clint was in any way a good plan.”
Usually, they have chats like these in some pretentious hipster place, where all the drinks have dumb names and cost twenty bucks a pop, but for obvious reasons that’s not happening. So, they’re in a park, miraculously untouched. There’s a flock of pigeons going at what looks like some bodega’s entire stock of bread.
“Clint was stabbed doing something SHIELD don’t need to know about; SHIELD didn’t tap me for the Avengers, ‘cause they still think I’d sell them all out for the right price; aliens were invading New York; I live in New York and I didn’t have any other plans.”
Coulson pinches at the bridge of his nose. He for sure agrees Barney made the right call, given the givens, and he will for sure die before he ever admits it. Barney is the reason the wannabe god didn’t stab him through the chest, though, so Barney is gonna try and make him admit it.
“You don’t have clearance to know about the Avengers.”
“Half the world knows about the Avengers, we were on every news channel there is.”
“Prior to the Chitauri invasion,” Coulson says, exasperation ticking up a notch, “you did not have clearance to know about the Avengers Initiative. SHIELD already don’t trust you, and now you’ve been compromised by a hostile alien with unknown motivations and allegiances—”
“Which is why SHIELD’s gotta keep thinking it was Clint,” Barney agrees, “‘cause they'll just straight up shoot me.”
Coulson sighs, heavily. But he doesn’t disagree.
“Going forward, then,” he says. “Are you going to continue to be Hawkeye?”
“I kinda really thought the alien invasion was a one-time thing. You telling me we’re expecting more aliens?”
“Not with any certainty,” which is Coulson for ‘yeah, probably’. “But I, for one, would rather we were prepared. And with the way some things are going, the Avengers may be needed for purely Earth-based disputes.”
“You get superheroes, you’re asking for supervillains?”
Barney lets out a long breath. It should be hilarious, that some idiot might actually pull on a cape and a dumb mask and try to take over the world, but he just got done stopping the last idiot, and they’re still pulling out the bodies. Morning cartoons never have collateral damage.
“I gotta talk to Clint,” he says. “He’d be better at it, but he’s been muttering about bouncing from SHIELD lately. Taking it real personal that you don’t trust me, who’d’ve thunk it.”
“I trust you,” Coulson says, lightly. Barney rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, no shit. Look, I’ll go to Russia, but someone’s gotta babysit Clint while I’m gone. I’m sick of the fucker pulling his stitches.”
“I don’t know who’s going to be there to meet you—”
“This ain’t the first mission I’ve run in Clint’s place.”
Coulson blinks. Huh, Barney had honestly thought he knew about that. “Well,” he says, “then you leave bright and early tomorrow morning. Try not to get in too much trouble, would you?”
Barney grins, trademark Barton asshole. “No promises.” 
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sopwithwhump · 4 years
Sweet dreams, Radar
Some sweet comfort for day 6. Takes place during season 1 M*A*S*H. Hawkeye and Trapper help Radar cope with nightmares. Yes, this is an alt prompt.
           “Good morning, Radar,” said Hawkeye as he sat down at a table for breakfast. No answer. “Hey Radar, I said good morning.” He shook him a little and Radar bolted upright from laying his head down on the table.
           “Huh? Oh… sorry Hawkeye, what did you need?” he yawned.
           “Just was greeting you, kid,” he said, “how come you’re so sleepy?”
           “Oh… I don’t know… maybe if I eat this stack of pancakes I’ll have more energy,” he said, digging in to his breakfast. He ate slowly, gazing off into the distance and yawning a couple times. Once he finished eating, he laid his head on the table again. Other members of the 4077th were cleaning up and leaving, but Radar stayed there.
           “Hey Corporal! Don’t you have work to do?” said Frank. Radar snapped out of his sleepy state and stood up.
           “Work… yes! Yes sir! I’ll go to work!” He grabbed his food tray and gave it back to the cook, then made his way to his office. There, he took care of some papers and brought them to Henry to be signed.
           “Ah, thank you Radar. Now, I need those supply forms,” said Henry. He paused for a moment, he was expecting Radar to hand him the exact forms because of his uncanny psychic ability. But nothing.
           “Oh! Forms? I’ll get them for you, sir,” said Radar, after taking a moment to process the request. He went back to his office and looked for the papers, but he couldn’t focus. He yawned. Maybe if I slept… wait, no. No… don’t wanna sleep. Just head down…
           He woke up to Henry’s hand on his shoulder. “What’s the holdup, Radar? I asked for those forms an hour ago!”
           “I… I closed my eyes for two minutes,” said Radar, his glasses askew as he sat up, “what did you want again, sir?”
           Read my mind… supply forms… Henry thought to himself, as if he was testing to see if Radar’s ESP  was working, like it was a symptom of disease. There was silence.
           “Oh! Um… supply form B. Three copies.”
           “Supply form… D… Sir, I don’t think that’s a thing…” he mumbled as he looked through the papers.
           “No, no, son, B. Like bravo.”
           “Ah! Here you go sir,” he said sheepishly.
           “You okay, Radar? Each day this week you seem to be more sleepy,” he said, taking the forms and making sure they were the right ones.
           “Oh! I… I didn’t notice… s-sorry,” he said quietly, “no… I’m okay.”
           “Okay…” said Henry. He clapped his hand on Radar’s shoulder before he left.
           “Hawkeye, Trapper, I have a problem,” said Henry as the two men stood before his desk. “I need your help.”
           “Depends what it is, but I’m listening,” said Hawkeye.
           “It’s about Radar.”
           “Ah! You’ve noticed too, huh. The poor kid was so tired this morning! Could barely focus and nearly fell asleep at the table.”
           “Oh, it got worse. He fell asleep at his desk… and get this… he’s no longer so… on top of things as he used to.” Henry was, of course, referring to Radar’s uncanny telepathic ability.
           “What would you like us to do, Henry?” asked Trapper.
           “Something’s up with the boy’s sleep and I want to know what it is. But if I confront him directly, I don’t know how he’ll react. So I was wondering if he could sleep with you guys in the swamp… just for a… a couple nights.”
           “And we’re… supposed to watch him sleep?” said Trapper, a little confused.
           “Yes… I mean no! Just… keep an eye on him, alright?”
           “You’re the boss,” said Hawkeye, “we’ll make sure he’s comfortable.”
           That evening, Radar walked into the tent. Spearchucker had volunteered to crash in post-op unless the bed he occupied was needed. So there was a free cot for Radar.
           “Hey, buddy! So glad you could join us!” said Trapper happily as he sauntered in, looking very tired. He was already in his robe and Hawkeye could see him concealing the teddy bear within it. Radar was embarrassed by it and didn’t let people see it too much.
           “Wow, Radar, you look more tired than ever. I was going to offer you a drink, but…” said Hawkeye.
           “Yeahhh… not feeling it tonight. I’ll read some comics.”
           “You know what? An early night always feels good. How about we do that?” said Trapper.
           “That would be excellent. Now pipe down, you three,” said Frank impatiently, “although I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses about what ‘lights out’ means.” He put his pillow over his head and rolled over.
Trapper and Hawkeye got ready for bed and got settled under their blankets. “You comfy, Radar? Need anything?”
“No sir, I’m good. Just going to read this comic for a bit, okay?”
“Alright. Well turn off the light soon, Radar.” Hawkeye was worried about the kid. Trapper had gone to sleep, but Hawkeye knew that at the first hint something was wrong Trapper would wake up. Hawkeye wasn’t too tired, but he wanted to show solidarity for Radar. He laid there with the light off, thinking about his day, getting ready for sleep. He looked over and saw the kid reading his comic and clutching his bear.
Hawkeye checked his watch when an hour had passed, and Radar still had the light on. He looked over and saw Radar putting in a conscious effort to stay awake. Cocking his head in confusion, he sat up.
“Hey, you gonna sleep? I... don’t like the light on,” said Hawkeye.
“Oh! Oh, sorry sir, I’ll um... I’ll turn it off, yeah,” replied Radar, taking off his glasses and setting the comic aside. He quickly turned off the lamp overhead and rolled over. Within a few minutes he was out. Hawkeye followed, glad that Radar was asleep.
As Radar slept, the dreaded images came into his mind. His family... terrible things were happening... all he could do was watch... “No... no... no...” he whimpered in his sleep, before bolting upright, shaking and sweating and close to tears.
“No! No... no...” he whimpered. Hawkeye and Trapper bolted upright as well. “Radar are you alright?” said Trapper as he rushed over to his cot, Hawkeye right beside him. Trapper put a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s okay, it was just a bad dream,” said Hawkeye. “Deep breath, now.” Radar was scared, but having Trapper and Hawkeye here gave him comfort. Once he was calm, he didn’t want to go back to sleep.
“The nightmares... I don’t want them to come back when I sleep again...” he cried.
“Would you like to talk about them? Sometimes talking about them helps you know
where they’re coming from,” Hawkeye suggested gently.
Trapper handed Radar his bear, which had fallen on the ground. Radar took it and held it close to his heart. “I’ve been having dreams... where terrible things happen to my family... and I’m over here across the sea... and can’t help...” tears threatened to come to his eyes, “I guess... I guess it started after I got that letter from mum. Things are fine... I just started thinking about her more. And that’s when I started to worry.”
“Ah,” said Trapper, “well, sometimes nightmares are our mind’s way of processing feelings like that.”
“I want them to go away...” pouted Radar, “and it’s scary when I wake up all alone in the dark after the nightmare. I hold my teddy but it's not enough.”
“Well Radar, you can stay with us until these nightmares pass!” said Hawkeye, ”I’m sure Spearchucker or even Frank wouldn’t mind trading beds for a couple days.”
“Really? That... that would be nice... you guys are really... helpful,” he said quietly.
“Really,” smiled Trapper, “now, let’s get you nice and cozy.” Hawkeye fluffed Radar’s pillow while Trapper took the blanket and fixed it. He laid it on top of Radar and tucked it in a little.
“Don’t forget your bear,” said Hawkeye, handing him the stuffed toy, “sweet dreams, Radar.”      
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elynehil · 5 years
Winterhawk Fic Rec List
For my best friend who agreed to let me introduce her to my favourite pair of disasters. Maybe it can interest others :)
The winterhawk fandom is blessed by many incredible writers. I tried to limit myself to one fic per author - go check their works if you like something!
I tried to mostly rec sweet and funny fics, which is what my friend asked for, even if a lot of some different stuff made it onto the list.
Laconic Lassitude (20K, explicit) by Cristinuke
“Clint Barton and Bucky Barnes just wanted everyone to leave them alone.”
Note: Remember when I said like 3 lines ago that I tried to rec sweet and funny fics? This is not that. This starts out very angsty. But this fic is a classic, and, in my opinion, a good introduction to the pairing. Clint and Bucky are lovable cocky assholes, but if we care about them so much, it’s because they are also tragic messes and utter trash fires. Winterhawk is about badassery and sassiness - but mainly it’s about being broken together, about finding the strength to go forward, and about healing and recovery.
Trainwreck Through A Rear Window (10K, AU) by @flawedamythyst
“The guy in the apartment opposite spends way too much time watching Clint make a fool of himself, which wouldn't matter as much if he weren't also smoking hot.”
Feel Something (How’s It Go Again?) (10K, explicit) by @shatteredhourglass
A post CA:TWS fic in which Bucky is staying at Clint’s farm, featuring Clint’s ineptitude at communication.
Note: If, like me, you are a sucker for mythical creatures AU, do yourself a favour and check out shatteredhourglass’ Vampire!AU and Siren!AU.
Note for Mariam: Remember that drawing I spammed you with? It was based on this wonderful fic.
Mistakes Were Made (3K, AU) bu @villainny
Perfectly summarised by its tags: Miscommunication. Mutual Pining. Roommates.
Note: Check out Nny’s @winterhawkkisses if you are in the mood for snippets!
ever fallen in love with someone (5K, AU, explicit) by @1000-directions
They’re punks. It’s wonderfully soft.
Ptilonorhynchus Violaceus (3K) by @spidergwenstefani
“Clint uses Hawkeye merch to show his affection.”  Short and adorable.
i wanna wake up where your love is (5K) by @flowerparrish
Mind the tags: this is winterwidowhawk (Clint/Natasha/Bucky). As awesome as miscommunication and unnecessary angst are, sometimes you need to read something about people actually talking about things. This is this fic. It’s soft and gentle and feels like a warm cup of your favourite tea.
Why Me? (6K, AU) by @claraxbarton
Modern Bucky Barnes, superhero and human disaster Clint Barton, a soulmate story.
Note for Mariam: This fic, as some others, involves Clint’s apartment building. It’s a thing in the comics. (The run by Matt Fraction and David Aja.) Clint purchased his building from the Russian mob, became an involuntary landlord, and also got a wonderful one-eyed dog named Lucky out of the mess. I’ll lend you the book if you want!
a god-awful small affair (3K, AU) by @nightwideopen
Mind the tags: This one is not properly winterhawk. The pairing is Clint Barton/Sebastian Stan. I don’t really know how to summarize this one. A meet-cute? In any case, it’s hella cute. 
Lucky in love (60K, AU, explicit) by @drgrlfriend
The softest and sweetest slow-burn. “Clint is only a couple of sips into his cardboard cup of coffee, his brain barely out of neutral, which is probably why it takes him so long to realize that some damn psycho is trying to kidnap his dog.”
Alone in the Bitterness (16K, AU) by @lissadiane
“In which Bucky is a nurse and Clint is his favourite (and most frequent) patient.”
Call It What You Want To (48K, AU, explicit) by @kangofu-cb
“The sincere but inept accidental sugar daddy Clint AU.” In which Bucky is a millennial, there are many feelings, incognito Avengers, canonical self-esteem issues on Clint’s part and hot sex.
Note: From the same writer, I’m also particularly fond of Possible Cardiac Arrest (6K, AU). “Have some Nurse!Clint and some Firefighter!Bucky, taking an advanced life support class together, speculating about whether or not they remember Dat Ass.”
On purpose (3K) by @intermittently-ava
“James Barnes finds solace in the midst of other assassins, a warm home, burnt food, and acceptance. But when he falls for Clint, he can't say anything, 'cos that's illegal, right?”
Silhouette (106K, AU, explicit) by @mariana-oconnor
Bucky and Steve are SHIELD agents, Clint and Natasha are the notorious and elusive assassins they are tasked to hunt down. It’s even more awesome than it sounds.
Outnumbered (18K, AU) by @captn-sara-holmes
A wonderful kid fic AU. “Bucky Barnes returns to Brooklyn ready to get back into the world, make friends and sleep with Steve's super hot neighbor. The fact that the guy turns out to be a single dad to two-year-old triplets who spend most of their time causing mischief, trouble and mayhem doesn't deter Bucky at all. Steve would like it on record that he thinks Bucky is insane.”
Note: Everything by Sara Holmes is absolutely fantastic. Two of my favourites are The Other Man out of Time (97K) and I’ll Keep You Safe Here With Me (110K)
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Week 17 Roundup!  And you wanna hear something crazy awesome?  We have over THREE HUNDRED FILLS so far for this round of TSB!  WE ROCK!
Congratulations to SierraNovembr for earning your Bingo badge, and to periwinklepromise for earning your Participation badge!
Read on to check out what was created for the TSB this week!
Title: The reason Nick Fury doesn’t do vacations Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Abductions Ship: WinterIronFury Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hurt Bucky Barnes, Hurt Tony Stark Summary: Tony and Bucky wanted to go on a trip with their third Nicholas Fury.However Nick refused, Bucky and Tony got abducted and…Tony never thought he would see tigers in that state. Word Count: 5473
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 13 Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Iron Dad Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 49,317
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 13 Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Next Generation Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 49,317
Title: Forget me not Collaborator: Doc Olive Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Animals Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: sick fic, Hanahaki-related vomiting Summary: Bucky's tired and feeling sad and rejected and also a little love-sick. Natasha takes care of him. And there are cats Word Count: 3543
Title: Better Than Good Collaborator: hddnone Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - You Can’t Trademark That Ship: Stuckony Rating: E Major Tags: Unreliable Narrator, Fluffy Smut, Biting Kink? Summary: “I don’t think you understand that I can buy this entire hotel.”Steve masked a sigh. “I do understand, but you’re forgetting that we’re undercover.“Though Steve didn’t know why it was he and Tony that were playing the couple when it was Tony and Bucky who were actually dating. Steve was happy for them, he just - wanted. Word Count: 7096
Title: Like A Virgin Collaborator: RoseRose Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Kink: Rushed Sex Ship: Stony Rating: E Major Tags: Steve Rogers is Not a Virgin, Bottom Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Loves to Suck Cock, Mild Humiliation Kink, Face Slapping, Bisexual Steve Rogers Summary: Steve is tired of being thought of as a virgin, especially by Tony. A unicorn is his breaking point, and he tells Tony (while the team is there) exactly how not a virgin he is.Otherwise known as "Steve loves to suck cock, and wants to suck Tony's" Word Count: 2125
Title: Evening Comfort Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Clint Barton/Hawkeye Ship: StarkSpangledWinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: Polyamory, OT4, Cuddling, Grumpy Tony Stark Summary: Sometimes you just have to crawl into bed before dinner. Or, Tony has a bad day and gets some comfort from his boyfriends. Word Count: 1275
Title: Post Heist Debrief Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Ship: pre-James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Rating: Teen Major Tags: Thieves, no-powers, rivals, amateur porn, striptease, minor swearing Summary: This is the grand tale of Ali Baba and the For- uh, just a sec...Actually, this is just the tale of three thieves, who reluctantly band together and then decide that maybe, just maybe, the others might have something worth stealing. Word Count: 4165
Title: He was tired - Chapter 20 Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Reunion Ship: Mary Parker/Richard Parker/Tony Stark (past), Past Pepperony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fighting, Tony Being Callous, Dubious Actions,Slight Description of Wounds, Swearing, Violence, Family Fluff at the End Summary: Tony rescues Peter, for which he has to fight a tiny bit.Peter is healing and a vigilant is stopping crime in NYC.Some family fluff at the end. Word Count: 26,884
Title: Rightwise King Born Collaborator: Doc Olive Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Comics Ship: James “Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: N/A Summary: Bucky and Tony wake up somewhere very foggy. Very very loosely inspired by the Avengers vol. 1 #225, The Fall of Avalon (1982).  Word Count: 344
Title: Unstoppable Forces Collaborator: Doc Olive Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Writing Style: Colorful Description Ship: Stucky, IronStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: Vomiting References, Hanahaki Disease Summary: Tony sees the big picture, while Nat works to get Bucky to Tony and Stephen's apartment. Word Count: 5422
Title: blue as the night sky Collaborator: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Dressing Room Ship: Pepperony Rating: Teen Major Tags: AU - No Powers, Married Couple, Trans Pepper, Post-Top Surgery Shopping, Fluff Summary: He paced the little corridor between the cublicles, wishing she'd let him order her a tailor so they could do this at home. "It's not as fun," she'd said, and Tony had understood what she meant, he thought.They were in one of the best ready-to-wear gala dresses shops he knew. The walls were a cream color, the curtains of the cubicles too, and the floor were black, polished hardwood. It was beautiful. She was gorgeous.  Word Count: 826
Title: The New Curtains Are Hideous Collaborator: periwinkle promise Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Spy, Secret Agent, Assassin or Hitman Ship: IronWidow Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: Her husband is not all he seems to be ... Mr & Mrs Smith fusion Word Count: 970
Title: Save Yourself (Let Us Help)  Collaborator: RomanceByFaye Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Abuse Ship: WinterIronFalcon Rating: Mature Major Tags: Abuse, Physical Abuse, Abusive Relationship, Domestic Abuse Summary: Sam and Bucky are rudely awakened in the wee hours of the morning by another one of Steve’s drunken visits. He's probably looking to crash on their couch...Only, the person currently buzzing their apartment incessantly isn’t Steve at all.But that doesn’t mean Tony Stark isn’t in need of shelter. Word Count: 2235
Title: A Heat of Reprise Collaborator: hddnone Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - Heat Fic Ship: Stuckony Rating: E Major Tags: A/B/O, Alphas Steve and Bucky, Omega Tony,  Dirty Talk, Breeding Kink Summary: It’s Bucky’s first time with Tony’s heat, and he spills the beans about what he and Steve used to do with omegas, back when.“Steven Grant Rogers, what have you been hiding?”“It’s a thing that we used to do.” Steve’s voice was rough and quiet. “It wouldn’t - it would never have worked without Bucky, so it didn’t come up.“Tony knew Steve could talk dirty, but he’s not heard it quite like this. Word Count: 4034
Title: Best to Use Discretion Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Polyamory or Open Relationship Ship: Stucky, Stuckony Rating: E Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Accidental Polyamory, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism Summary: Tony knew he should turn away and pretend he hadn’t seen anything. They were maybe a story below him, within yelling distance if the windows opened, and while it could be argued that they’d made the choice to fool around on a rooftop in New York where just about anyone could see them, they still hadn’t consented to Tony watching them. Somehow, he couldn’t make himself look away. (AKA: Tony accidentally watches Steve and Bucky banging on a rooftop. Things escalate from there.) Word Count: 9122
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polishtamales · 4 years
It Started with the Hawkeye Initiative & Ended with Safespace & Snowflake: GAME OVER
This is how the comic book industry dies. Or is it a dawn of self-publishing?
If it wasn’t for years of horrific ad sales, it was definitely insulting the vast majority of it’s consumer base. Or more specifically for Marvel’s case, CATERING AN ENTIRE MARKET THAT DOESN’T BUY COMICS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Regardless of intentions, YOU CANNOT MAINTAIN A BUSINESS OF CONSTANTLY FLIPPING OFF YOUR FANS AND EXPECT THEM TO PAY YOU FOR YOUR VIRTUE SIGNALING.
There’s a difference between being progressive with fiction and being a radical activist for the sake of retweets and likes, followed by a selfie for more self-esteem boosts. In a society where there’s no turning back from capitalism, money is your God, whether it’s right or wrong. You could suddenly be hit with a car and you better damn respect that the more money you have, the more likely everything will be fine afterwards. It pays the bills, it puts food on the table, and you better understand, it’s not going to change, outside of an act of God or Aliens simply invading our planet and enslaving humanity. Your pick.
It’s no secret that working in comics sucks, regardless of country. The pay is bad, the deadlines are killer and it has always been the least practical way of storytelling for a mass market, especially in America. Case in point, you don’t really need a colorist, a letterer or anything else, outside of a distributor (RIP DIAMOND). Anyone with a graphic design degree knows, you can easily be a one-man publisher without the need of an entire crew of mouths to feed. Not saying it wouldn’t be helpful, but given the future economy, it will be the norm.
See, the old buzz word of digital publishing really is a big deal, especially when it comes to the incoming job market change. No longer can you simply “specialize” in just one area of expertise, but you will be expected to fill in multiple roles to be successful. Even if time is against you in certain projects, it is entirely possible to save more money by just doing everything yourself. Here are the major hurdles and solutions to creating a new comic in the new landscape of comics next year:
1. STORY - This is where EVERYONE gets it wrong. Do not follow the trend of  IDW publishing by planning out an ENTIRE world building graphic novel that will span DECADES.
Stick to what exactly you’re good at telling. Tell a short story. Polish every line of dialog. Make it shorter. Polish every line of dialog, make it shorter.
Third and most important advice is leave politics out of your story, unless it is about politics. Most older women buy trashy romance novels to escape their shitty sex life. Most middle-aged men by comics for the tits and ass and possibly the articles? Again, all ways of escape reality, yet you have Marvel comics for years that kept interjecting real world politics and views in their titles. Trust me when I say this, less than 10% of the United States is on Twitter. That means most people could give two fucks and a shit about Trump, Biden or Bearnie, BELIEVE OR NOT. So when most of America retreats after a long day of work and not TWITTER, they are spending money on things to make their lives tolerable. Being told Orange Man Bad is not one of those things, nor is bringing up Obama, again and again. Don’t make market assessments based on social media, leave politics out of your comic. Additionally, learn about basic story telling and especially learn from other mediums outside of comics. Films and actual books will teach you a lot about pacing. You can learn basic writing skills by taking a community college course or higher. The goal and mindset should be to be humbled and not a place to be bitter when you get criticism.
2. ART - KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. If you’re catering towards a WOKE AS FUCK CROWD OF TRUMP HATING LIBERALS, make sure you book will actually sell and not retweeted... Simply collecting a check and going unemployed for months on end is not an actual goal in life, much less beg your followers for coffee money. Example, see the animation industry.
Art is your mode of presentation, the book cover (not literally), the point of sale. If you want to cater towards a crowd of people of color, who happen to be gay, trans, and dealing with PTSD, etc, then make fucking sure your art matches with the story. You cannot have “tumblr” artists doing action intensive comics, where they spend more time creating people of color of diverse identity politics, than learning to draw a simple choreographed action sequence. You can’t have an action comic with ONLY 2 small panels of action to sell your comic. Again, no shame or secret to point out that the VAST majority of comic sales are made off of issue #1s and tits and ass. Disposable income of middle-aged men cannot be underestimated, regardless of what cherry pick data you want to argue with. The older you get, the less progressive and liberal most Americans become as well. That’s called “reality” of real politics. So my advice, if you’re into action comics, learn to draw action, learn about the demography that buys those titles and don’t interject your politics in it, especially if you want to put food on the table. I’m not telling anyone to suddenly put Trump as the “good guy” president, but I am telling you that you shouldn’t include real world politics in your comic. You’re not offending either side of the political spectrum, IE, you’re not insulting your customers.
If you want to make a rom-com comic like Archie, sure those years of learning tutorials off of tumblr might pay off, but again, know your audience. Archie continues to sell steadily with a profit from the boomer generation, white women (vast majority), Christians, etc. Don’t expect your rom-com comic of a gender-less trans-protagonist that may or may not want to be dependent relationship with another person of color. You see where I’m getting with that? You’re welcomed to write and draw a book like that, but don’t expect anyone to buy it. Getting your book retweeted by your favorite SJW, doesn’t mean sales, it just spells virtue signaling for them.
My advice in the art category is DIVERSIFY your portfolio. Don’t just learn off tumblr. That boat has sailed and failed, as seen with every sale of tumblr picked artists at Marvel. Go out there (when the virus gets under controlled) and learn to draw from life. Don’t worry about gender, people of color, none of that stuff. Draw stuff that you actually care about and not for political points with your peers. If you wanna draw short men struggling to open a can of coke, then draw. If you wanna draw hot women, draw hot women. You wanna draw a cute tennis player with short shorts and looks like Swedish male model, then pack some sun screen. You’re not looking to be judged, you’re not looking for internet points of how woke you are. You are simply expanding on things that interest you and how it will indirectly help you grow.
Think Mr. Miyagi, but do it 80,000 times. You’ll master drawing short men struggling to open cans of soda!
When creating the art, DO NOT THINK ABOUT COLORING. It is way more profitable to create BW comics than color. Not only do you save money printing, but the amount of time you free up helps you to micromanage yourself better.
3. DIGITAL PUBLISHING - You don’t need anyone else if you have a computer and some basic digital programs. Once you understand how to write a short story, present marketable characters, then you’re set. The only enemy is time.
Learn Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for art. Learn Adobe Indesign for lettering, page layouts, etc. A few talks with a local printer and you can independently self-publish any book.
So to sum things up, learn to self-publish, respect your readers and the politics/baggage that industry houses and understand that things revolve around money. If you want to be a stereotypical far-left wing tumblr artist that wants to create a superhero of a trans-black girl/binary that may or may not want to be involved in a relationship with another binary/trans person, which could be their sister/brother/internet gas, then by all means make that comic. It won’t be profitable nor will it sell compared to other titles, but I guess you can’t claim victim-hood without a self-afflicting handicap and an arrow to the kneecap.
After all, Marvel’s done it for years without profitability and look where the industry is headed towards... This was all pre-Covid-19 mind you. The virus, if anything, is just the nail on the coffin after Diamond distributors quit. The comic industry might be dead, but books as a medium will never die.
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experimentaldata · 5 years
Fictober, day 15
Prompt 15: “That’s what I’m talking about!”
Fanfiction: Hawkeye (Comics)
Rating: T
Warnings: tw social drinking, violence
She knew it was a mistake to come downstairs in that dress, she knew it. But the pizza was downstairs. 
Kate had been hanging out at Clint’s place all afternoon. He’d texted her that morning at the ungodly hour of 0900--it was Saturday, for crying out loud--but he needed help putting the new TV up, and she couldn’t leave him in distress. It’s not his fault he’s technologically challenged, she thought. They had spent the past two hours working on it, and now Clint had Spongebob Squarepants on the tv at full blast, captions and all. He glanced her direction as she walked past him into the kitchen, then did a double take.
“You going somewhere?”
Of course he would be suspicious. “I told you yesterday, I have a date tonight.”
“Date with who?” he said, furrowing his eyebrows
Kate rolled her eyes at him and waved him away. “Nobody, don’t have to tell you, I’m grown. Besides, he’s a nice guy. Nice looking too, unlike you.”
That earned her a massive eye-roll and a sarcastic laugh. “How’d you meet this nice-looking guy, anyway?”
“Oh, you know, I go out. With my friends. Not that hard. You should try it sometime.”
He snorted. “Don’t have time go out. Besides, can’t trust people you just met anyway. You don’t know this guy! He could be--”
Kate cocked her head sideways and frowned. “Could be a what? Slow down.”
“S-E-R-I-A-L Killer”
“No, he is not a serial killer. If he was, I’d know by now. I met him, like, two months ago.” 
“That’s what I’m talking about!”
“Whatever,” Kate said. She made a sandwich from the last two pizza slices and headed back upstairs to grab her purse. 
It’s been awhile since mama had a nice date, she thought. I could get used to this. At Luis’ suggestion, they were at a rooftop bar just off the financial district. Some cousin of his owned it, or owed him a favor, or both. Something like that. Kate hadn’t really been paying attention. Hard to do that, she thought, with that jawline staring you down. You could cut a steak with that. Besides, he had that adorable hint of an accent that made you pay attention to how he was saying it rather than what he was saying. And the wine he had picked was spot-on. 
The first course came and went without incident. Luis seemed to know everyone in the bar, and they kept coming up and introducing themselves, each with more personality (and more heavily-perfumed) than the last. Kate felt like a princess visiting foreign dignitaries. But eventually, the tide of visitors subsided. They talked for a while before Luis excused himself, saying he had to take a phone call, and ducked over near the door. She could hear him talking animatedly in--Portuguese? Italian? Doesn’t matter, he’s hot. Just take in the show with this wine. Man, this is a cool-looking bar. Everyone’s so dressed up. Lol, who came in here wearing a hoodie under his suit jacket? Loser. Wait a second, is that a purple hoodie? Oh my gosh he did NOT--”
They locked eyes across the room. 
“What the hell?” Kate asked.
Clint glanced furtively around and shushed her. “Keep it down. Just doing a little surveillance.”
“He is standing RIGHT THERE!”
“Just wait, I’ll explain later--”
Kate was pretty sure the old couple beside her was about to speak to management about a hobo and a teenager gesturing wildly at each other across a jazz lounge, but Luis came back before anyone could fully react. Kate sat on her hands and looked pointedly anywhere but Clint’s direction. 
“Hey sorry about that,” Luis said. “My uncle, he calls me...always working, always busy. He says I need to go pick something up for him at his office.”
“Oh, haha, that’s no problem,” she said. stop blushing stop blushing he’s hot but so are you...
Luis grinned and continued. “I know it’s not a very good date, but if you want, you could, ah, come with me? Maybe get ice cream later?” He flashed a winning, blonde smile.
That jawline and all her self-defense training did a brief but epic battle for her better judgement, but eventually, the jawline won. “Sure, I guess. Uh, so we just leave this here?”
“Oh, yes, no problem. My cousin, he says we don’t have to worry.”
He offered her his arm like who DOES that anymore? Swoon. and they rode the elevator to the ground floor. Oh gosh he smells amazing. They walked for a couple blocks. It was darker than she had remembered, and chillier too. He offered her his suit jacket. They kept walking.
The sun had disappeared behind the city skyline, and they had just rounded the corner of third--no fifth--where were they? street. 
“So, your uncle must have some ice cream shop if it takes this long to get there,  huh?”
“Yeah,” Luis said. He checked his phone. “We should be there soon.” His phone went off again, and he stopped short and started digging around in his pocket.
Wanna reconsider that victory? the self-defense training in her brain asked.
“Hey, Luis, it’s getting kinda late,” Kate said, peering into the shadows around them, looking for a street sign, “I kinda think I should be heading back--oh my gosh what is that?”
“No, Kate, I think you should stay.” In the light of the lone streetlamp on the corner, she could just make out the glint of a knife. 
She screamed and lurched backward away from him. Luis started toward her. She dodged to the left and swung her leg out, landing a solid kick in his shins, and then took off running down the alleyway. She glanced behind her just in time to see him jerk, stumble, and drop the knife with a strangled sound. She stopped running and peered past him in the darkness. An archer was silhouetted against the brick walls of the alleyway. 
“Kate!” Clint yelled, “Finally got to use taser arrow!”
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Legacy - Chapter 3
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Legacy: A Hawkeye Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x  F!Reader
Word Count:  1732
Rating:  E
Square filled:   @marvelfluffbingo - Hurt/Comfort
Warnings:  Pregnancy, domestic abuse, post-endgame, angst, developing-relationship, hurt/comfort, smut, Laura and Clint have broken up.  Comic Clint/MCU Clint mix.
Synopsis: Nothing is the same after the events of Endgame.  When Clint has trouble returning to a life where his family hasn’t changed but he has lost everything, he moves back to the city and tries to move on as a single parent. When Nate finds you bruised and pregnant in the stairwell of his building, he decides that there might be another way that he can make Nat’s sacrifice worth something.
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Chapter 3
Clint was really beginning to enjoy the summer.  It had been a long, long time since he could remember actually really enjoying one.  Not since everyone had turned to dust.  It was a season that had been tainted.  The last time he had really remembered enjoying it was the one where his family had died.
Since then there were five where he’d been alone, furious and broken.  Where the summer was just an uncomfortable season where he remembered everything he lost.  Then there was one year where all he felt was guilt and melancholy.  Guilt over the fact he couldn’t be what Laura needed him to be and melancholy over a season he usually mourned.
This year had been better.  He had the dog now and his kids were with him.  He’d take them to Central Park and visit the Zoo or go to Heckscher Playground and let them run around in the water.  He’d taken them to see movies where they’d sat in the cool watching all the new features that had been made now half of Hollywood had reappeared.  He’d taken them to see the Mets play and down to Coney Island to visit Luna Park.  He was making the effort to be who they needed him to be at least.  Cooper and Lila had already lost one dad.  They didn’t deserve to lose another.  Even if he had already mourned their deaths.
One thing that was helping him a lot was you.  Part of it was probably a huge case of white knight syndrome.  He was aware of it.  He wouldn’t have joined the Avengers if he didn’t get a kick out of helping people.  He helped people a lot.  It was kind of his thing.  It was more than that though.  Yeah, he was happy he’d gotten you away from that asshole of a boyfriend.  Yeah, he was happy that he’d set you on your feet so you could do this whole pregnancy thing without the looming threat of a man that beat you or not being able to provide for them.  Mostly he just liked having you around.
He’d shut people out.  It wasn’t just that he wasn’t letting new people in, he’d also shut out the friends and family he already had.  Opening that door for you seemed to open up a little bit of the man he used to be before all this happened.  Not only that, without Richard looming over you, you started to come to life.  You were like a breath of fresh air.  Even after you moved into the apartment next door you’d come by to have meals with them.  Often bringing over some of the dishes the neighbors had been making, sometimes cooking from scratch.  While he missed eating pizza as much as he was, it was definitely good to that the kids were eating better.  Laura would be happy to hear it in any case.
You’d gotten a job at Stark Industry basically doing data entry.  It wasn’t much, but it was something that you could sit for and it would last you until you couldn’t work anymore.  On your days off you were with them.  You came to movies and the park and the zoo.  The kids had all bonded with you quite closely considering it had only been a month and a half.  He liked seeing you with them.  He liked you.  He liked himself with you.  He started to recognize the guy he’d used to be.  The one that was happy and flirtatious and hadn’t lost his family.
Which kinda sucked because he couldn’t see how there was any chance for you two to be anything.  He couldn’t properly hit on you.  The flirting was harmless but you’d just gotten out of an abusive relationship.  You needed time and space.  You’d already said you’d worried that he wanted something from you as payment.  He wasn’t exactly in the best place either.  How was he supposed to make a new relationship work when he’d fucked his marriage up so badly?  Not to mention you were pregnant.  It upped the stakes.  He had to be really sure that there was something there before he messed with your life.  The problem was that he was never sure about that kind of thing.
It has been Nat that has introduced him to Bobbi.  It has been Nat who has pushed him towards Laura.  He didn’t know if he had it in him to try without he smacking him over the back of the head.
As the summer drew to a close he had really started to relax.  It was a weird sensation after so many years where he wouldn’t let himself.  You were at his apartment with the kids waiting for Laura to pick them up.  You were all playing Mario Kart.  He couldn’t quite believe how much fun he was having.  The kids were being hypercompetitive.  You were shoving him every time he got in the lead to try and make him crash.  Everyone was laughing and screaming, but that good kind of screaming where you’re having so much fun it comes out as shrieks.  Each time you pushed against him he felt a warm tingle inside him.  That little flutter of potential.  He wanted it to go away but at the same time, he liked it.  He liked that he could feel that again.
You shoved him again making him fly his baby Luigi off the side of the rainbow road.  “Oh, that’s it!”  He said trying to grab your controller out of your hands.
“No!”   You squealed, climbing up the back of the couch.  He wrestled with you for it making everyone laugh and Lucky start to bark excitedly.
“Yes!  You want to play dirty, we’ll play dirty.”  He teased.
There was a knock at the door and Lila jumped up and ran over to answer it.  “Mom!”  She squealed.
Everyone froze and looked over to see Laura standing in the doorway looking bemused.
“Mommy!”  Nate yelled, running over to Laura and throwing himself at her.  She caught him and picked him up as she pulled Lila into a hug too.
“Hey, guys.  I missed you.”  She said as she held them close.
Clint stood a little startled.  He knew Laura was coming today but he thought he had a few more hours.  He checked the microwave clock but it was flashing 12.00 as it had been since the day he moved in.  “Are you early?”
“Yeah, sorry.”  She said.  “I totally misjudged how long it would take to get here.  I don’t wanna rush them out or anything.  I do have that baby stuff you asked for in the car though.”
“Oh, great.  Thanks, Laur.”  He said and introduced the two of you.  “How about we go get that and you guys pack up the last of your stuff and then we can all go out and grab an early dinner?”
“Sounds good to me,”  Laura said putting Nate down.
“You mind helping them out?”
You nodded.  “Sure of course.  Come on you lot.”
Clint followed Laura downstairs leaving you and the kids to pack up their things.  “I hope this stuff is okay.  It’s all really old now.”  Laura said as she made her way down the stairs.  “I forgot that until I was going through it and it was covered in almost a decade of dust.”
Clint sighed and nodded.  “I guess if it’s no good we can have a baby shower and buy whatever else.”
Laura looked at him and raised her eyebrow.  “We?  Is this your baby, Clint?”
“What?  No.  I’d have told you I was with someone.”
“Well, that’s something at least.”  She said with a shake of her head.  “Who is this woman, Clint?  Why are you doing this?”
“She doesn’t have anyone.  And her ex was beating her.  I… Laur, I couldn’t do nothing.”
“There’s doing something and then there’s bending over backward.”  She said.  “Do you want something to happen with her.”
“No.  It’s not like that…”  He said.
“Clint, I just saw you.  I know what you look like when you’re falling for someone.”
He sighed and opened the door for her to go outside.  “I just… Laura.  She needed someone.  I couldn’t be who you needed me to be.  I tried.  And I wish it was different.  But it’s not.  And she needed help.  I can give her that.  I should be dead and I’m not so I need to do something to make it count.”
Laura stopped and looked him over.  She approached him and cupped his jaw.  It was such a familiar move yet it was like it was something that used to happen to a whole other man.  “I miss her too, Clint.  Every single day.  And I miss you.  But you aren’t the man I miss.  I think he died right along with us, only we don’t remember that happening.”
Clint opened his mouth to say something.  To apologize or try to explain or something.  She put her finger on his lips.  “It’s okay, Clint.  I can’t even try to understand what those five years were like.  I’m not even sure I want to.  You aren’t who you were before.  But the world isn’t what it was before.  It’s different and maybe you’re right.  Maybe she needs you.  But maybe you need her too.  Just…”  She paused and took a deep breath, caressing his cheek with her thumb.  “Be careful.  For both your sake.”
He nodded leaning his head into her hand a little.  “I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”
“I love you, you know that?”  Laura said.  “If helping her, or being with her helps you find yourself, do it.  Be happy.”
He smiled sadly and nodded.  “I love you too.”  He said.  “I wish…”
“Me too, Clint.  But let’s not dwell on it anymore.  We’ve all lost too much.  Time to move forward.”  She said.  “Now help me get these things outta my car.”
Clint nodded and popped the trunk.  He did wish things were different in so many ways.  Laura was right though, it was time to move forward.  Most likely nothing would happen between you and him.  It was unfair of him to expect it would.  He could be your friend and he hadn’t made a new one in a long time.  That was a good start.
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years
I made this post on Monday, and just now got around to edit and post
I’m basically going through the whole plot of Endgame and how I felt, I just had to hammer it out.   If you haven’t seen it yet, please come back when you have! First things first, I did not cry!  I feel like I’m in the minority, and I swear I am a devoted MCU fan and love Tony and Cap and them, but I did not cry and I’m so disappointed with myself!  I got more emotional thinking about it in the days leading to the premiere than I did while viewing.  I think it was too entertaining for me to find it sad?  Not like movies I cry at aren’t entertaining but the action and substance was making my nerd heart pitter patter so much, I was over the moon and couldn’t come down.  I will say though, ever since watching Endgame, every past Marvel movie makes me somewhat emotional.  This whole thing is like a high school graduation, like I’m never gonna see my friends together again like this, an era is over!  All I have are memories, aaaaggghhhh!
That being said. the movie grips me from the beginning with the song Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic.  Marvel has some pretty good picks for songs to set the tone for their movies, to this day this song kinda pulls at my heart strings because of its message 
 Dear Mr. Fantasy play us a tune
Something to make us all happy
Do anything, take us out of this gloom
So of course, we all felt this way with the ending of Infinity War, having so many of our faves being sacrificed to dust for Thanos’ plan of rectifying what he saw as the decrepit state of the universe.  Walking away from part one with the villain winning was a fresh slap to my face and a year of agony to find out how the heroes pull this off in the end.  Take us out of our gloom Marvel! 
And the characters must feel the same, as the film opens with Clint and his daughter doing some archery in their yard as a very American lunch of mayo and mustard hot dogs are being served.  As his daughter Lilah is putting things away, Clint calls out to her only to see dust and turns again to his family with the same result.  So much for freedom from our gloom, right?  In case you somehow forgot, this little scene gives us a friendly reminder of what we were left with in 2018.  If that’s not enough, Nebula and Tony playing the little hand goal, paper flick game that is just darling to witness.  Nebula plays like a rehabilitated puppy still unsure about being around humans as Tony instructs her like a child on every development of the game.  Her little perk up when he announces her win is so cute as they shake hands, finally sealing her character development from ruthless, blood-thirsty appeaser of a sadistic father, to a more stoic, regretful soft spoken but hoarse matured version of herself.  All the while, Tony is beginning to starve from being malnourished and depleting oxygen.  Nebula sets him in a piloting chair as he drifts off, losing consciousness until the homie we have all assumed would be coming appears as a glow in his irises, Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel.  
Carol flies the ship back to Tony’s compound where Cap, Rhodey, Natasha, and Pepper wait for him to descend.  We get a moment with him and Cap that is sweet as Cap walks him down, Tony tells him he lost Peter Parker, an obviously huge loss for this to be the first thing he mentions.  The warmth is lost quickly though as the next step of Tony’s grief comes afoot: anger and finger pointing.  Tony, on an IV and all, is relentless as he festers in bitterness while lashing out at Cap and company that the fight was lost and even encouraged by Cap because they were together.  This optimism is obviously not enough for Tony, who grows weary of Cap’s positivity, opting that he finish the work alone or that Danvers takes on the task herself before collapsing from exhaustion.
Carol, Thor and the gang have a slight dick measuring contest on kicking Thanos’ ass once and for all before Nebula offers to take them straight to him.  And where is he?  Why on a farm on a planet in the galaxy, nursing his wounds from the snap.   His entire right side is burned to a crisp due to the snap, and at the same time has obliterated the stones much to their dismay.  Thor wastes no time in chopping off Thanos’ head, a little too late but satisfying none the less.  However, in the end, the stones are nowhere to be found, the last person to have them is dead, and no one from the snaps is back yet.  Cue music!
So, the gloom we are supposed to be rescued from, when does that start right?  Not for another five years according to a time lapse card.  Our heroes have no means of figuring out the solution to the snap; Cap forms a support group for survivor’s, Natasha has grown out her blonde hair and is constantly checking in on happenings around the world, and universe since the snap, jumping at even the mention of an earthquake.  Rhodey briefs her on a terrible killing spree of gang members that appear to have a style that is well known to them as Clint Barton’s aka Hawkeye.  Despite Rhodey’s hesitance Natasha insists he keeps an eye on him, inferring that she may track him down eventually.  (Quick side note here, something to be seen as a possible plot flaw:  Hawkeye’s bloodlust and disregard for lives after losing his whole family in the snap isn’t dug into very deeply after this.  Rhodey said it’s so bad he didn’t even wanna find him!  But there wasn’t any in fighting or push back after that between them.  He has one instance of almost interacting with his family on a test run for time travel which is against the rules, but other than that he isn’t killing people recklessly or even triggered to tears or drinking incessantly over his loss.  But more on Thor in a minute). 
If it hadn’t been for that rat running across the panel in Scott Lang’s van to activate his return from the Quantum realm who knows how long, if ever, would they figure out the means of traveling back to get the stones.  I was so glad I watched Antman and Wasp right before seeing Endgame, so I knew the van, Cassie, and a little bit about the Quantum Realm.  I’m actually upset that I didn’t realize the realm could be used for their benefit because I was always betting on the Time Stone being the corrector in all this, but anyway.  Scott returns highly confused as he realizes the state of the world since his entrapment in the realm.  Seeing his baby girl become a young lady was a powerful scene to witness, and had my heart dent a little bit, but I held it together.  Soon after that, Scott makes his way to find Cap and Natasha, explaining how 5 years was really five hours for him, so time is different in the realm which could possibly mean something for them getting the dusted back.  At one point in the movie, I’m blanking on which comes first but for now I’ll dive into this bit, we are reintroduced to Bruce Banner as Hulk…as one person.  I completely forgot that we didn’t see Bruce in trailers, which is for this reason.  Comic book followers would know, but there is a iteration of Bruce Banner becoming Professor Hulk, so he functions as his normal scientist self, while also being a big green being.  Oddly enough, it does not take long for me to grow accustomed to The Bruce Hulk hybrid, he is hilarious and sweet and more confident even then he was as a regular man despite his appearance.  He has fans, people love him and this is a far cry from when we are introduced to him in the original Avengers as Nat tracks him down somewhere in Southeast Asia, a nervous wreck loner who is quick to anger.  I could see this Hulk being fanfic fodder, not my cup of tea, but he was just that damn appealing, I could see it.
But even with Bruce’s brain, time travel isn’t exactly hammered down as an absolute possibility so they reach out to another source on the matter.  Which brings me to my love/hate relationship with Tony.  I ADORE that he finally had a baby with Pepper, Morgan “Cussin Queen” Stark.  Tony is living his best life in the natural air in his log cabin, as off grid as he possibly can be before Black Widow, Cap, and Lang pull up to question the possibilities ahead of them.  The strength of his cold shoulder gave me an insatiable chill down my spine.  Tony is the King of Petty, but rarely passive so I was surprised by that moment of mean girl attitude from him.  But luckily he served up something to drink (I’m thinking it’s iced coffee or chocolate milk.  I’m still confused by what that held.)  Tony basically tells them they are crazy and hoping for nothing, because he’s good where he is.  He has his girls and no stress which is honestly what the Avengers always seem to guarantee for him since joining the group with SHIELD under Nick Fury’s insistence years ago.  I do wish I could remember the theories and scientific laws he said would be fucked up with their plan, just to see if they are real ones but also I love when Tony just spouts his knowledge like it’s IKEA instructions.  He makes it seem so simple until you have to break it down, and up until this point Scott seemed like the smartest one on the team but really Tony could’ve been figured this out if he wasn’t so granola now, which is great and happy for him, but he really did give up very quickly.  Once again, probably good reason, self-care.  But still.
Gotta say, I love a selfish Tony though.  Quick shoutout to Robert Downey Jr. in showing his chops by bringing the emotional fortitude to this Disney movie.  The man has been THROUGH IT and has had enough.  Tony only has so much optimism in him that the cheerleading squad can provide before his is completely done and baby was DONE.
But without Tony’s help they test run moving through the quantum realm only to discover what Tony says later, that time kept moving though Scott instead of him moving through time, making him a baby, and old man, a kid again, and back to an adult.  But with a fancy time GPS Tony doctor’s up on the fly after discovering that the group isn’t crazy about the time travel being an option, they are good to go like it’s day one!  (Another side note to Paul Rudd aka Scott Lang giving us much needed comic relief.  I have never laughed so hard at my precious baby trying to eat a taco in my life. Also, Cap’s yeehaw attire in this scene?  The checkered white shirt with his dark jeans pulled up?  Truly save the horse and ride the cowboy instead man.)  
Now at this point we have to check in on Thor, our sweet pirate angel.  How has he fared?  Him, Valkyrie, and the surviving Asgardians establish their own town  on Earth.  Thor and Rocket go to find him, with a preview from Valkyrie of what Thor’s mental state is by the piles of beer kegs outside.  So, when they enter his home, giving a wave to Korg and Miek playing video games on the couch, Thor tumbles out behind Thor and Rocket reaching for another cold on, camera to his back.  By now we can see his hair is overgrown and greasy, and his midsection has a new pair of love handles we aren’t used to seeing on our svelte, brutish god of thunder.  So when he turns around, audience erupts in the theaters, as do I, to see him now looking like a melted ice cream cone with a beer belly that somehow still has some toned abs on top if you look closely, paired with some man titties to complete all billowing over his pajama pants to complete his depression ensemble.  This was more shocking to me than the Hulk/Banner hybrid reveal.  We hadn’t seen an image of Thor outside of him giving Carol Danvers the Stormbreaker scare test in the previews, so thanks for another surprise.  Despite his crumbling emotional stability at even the mention of Thanos’ name (tip of the hat to Chris Hemsworth for making my heartache with every crack in his voice), I have to get on my soapbox and say Thor’s body is beautiful!  He is a supreme King, deliciously made who can still smash any pair of cheeks to ash and dust with the power Mjolnir in each thrust quicker than any counterfeit gauntlet.  Just watch him later on, you’ll see!  I’d have that belly slapping on top of me in a quantum realm millisecond after he takes a shower and attends therapy.  A lil pudge ain’t killed no part of his power, whew.  Don’t make me shout.
Back to plot, with the promise of beer, Thor the Dude tags along to start the plan of going back to retrieve infinity stones.  After a synopsis of each one and where they were located, the crew drums up the plan to retrieve each stone from the past, bring them back to the future to put into a new gauntlet  and snap the other half of life’s creatures back.  This part of the movie is so stellar because if you have watched past Marvel movies (the first Avengers, Gaurdians of the Galaxy, Captain America First Avenger, and Thor Dark World) you will recognize the scenes that are featured with their past selves going through their past-current scenes.  Natasha and Clint go to Vormir for the Soul stone, which I am surprised Nebula did not warn them that someone would have to die to retrieve it.  What if two characters that didn’t love each other went for the Soul stone, is it over and done?  But luckily, or unluckily, Clint and Natasha are able to get the stone with a sacrifice of Natasha’s life (who honestly sacrificed herself but it counted.  And I need so much more clarity on the specs of the soul stone, it ain’t even funny.  Will we ever see what the realm Gamora and Black Widow are in is like?)  These two characters have been last on my list always so the scene was crazy watching them battle back and forth for a chance at ending their lives but the end result didn’t hit my heart but still great.  I kinda would’ve wished little Gamora was there again to talk to us.  
Then Hulk has to go see Ancient One to retrieve the time stone, which she will not relinquish until Hulk says that Strange gave it up willingly.  On his word alone, she gives it to him, sensing the imminent danger that could come that is worse than the alternate reality she faces for not having the time stone with her.  Then Rhodey and Nebula go to Morag for the Power Stone.  So this is the first sign of overall trouble in their plan because apparently having two Nebula’s mix memory frequencies that reveal the whole entire plan to Thanos.  I thought for sure at some point that Nebula’s eye was gonna have to be dug out to ensure the completion of the mission but it winds up that Nebula and Gamora take her hostage before past Nebula takes current Nebula’s place with the crew going back with their stones, none the wiser.  Not even Rhodey gives her a check in like “why did you not come back with me when I jetted back to the future?  what happened?”  Nothing!  The death of Natasha kind of takes precedent over anything else and leave Nebula to finish off bringing Thanos back with her to wreak havoc.  
Lastly, Cap, Tony, and Scott are in New York circa Avengers number 1, fighting the space aliens and keeping Loki from the tesseract.  And I am not exaggerating when I say this part of movie is possibly the greatest cinematic feature I have ever seen, or will ever see my natural life.  You have Tony, creeping in the shadows to get Antman ready to help retrieve the tesseract, all the while admiring Cap’s ass!  He does it, critiquing that his outfit does nothing for his ass, when we all know nothing holds back them cheeks from making an appearance.  Scott, ever the voice of standom, downplays Tony’s critique and coins his rear end as “America’s Ass”.  I EXPLODED.  Ever since Captain America: the First Avenger, I have pined, no, thirsted, nay, LUSTED for that man in Marvel cinema.  He has the BAWDY to be Cap, and never slacks.  I have also always been a big fan of Tony and Cap having a torrid love affair that Marvel refused to implement but teases anytime they stare deeply into each other’s eyes or argue feistily until they are nose to nose, just get a room you two!  Ten points to Gryffindor for feeding the fans what they want!
So, New York is the only place that doesn’t go smoothly, as Cap retrieves the scepter containing the Mind Stone after a quick “Hail Hydra” to throw off the double agent SHIELD opponents from Winter Soldier.  All this time, Tony and Scott lose the tesseract in a freak incident that causes the case to fall into Loki’s vicinity, who picks up the cube and disappears to God knows where.  And it is never figured out where past Loki goes, or what timeline he creates for himself now that he has the tesseract at his disposal with no one to oppose him.  That is another thing I would love to know, all these alternate realities that have been constructed due to them tinkering with time, what happens?  What damage is done to the Ancient One without time?  What does Loki do with space?  How is Jane and Asgard without the reality stone ravaging her?  (Rocket got it btw as Thor got caught up talking to his mother, which was a very sweet scene and really amplified her character for me to love her more than I already had).  But at least Cap got the scepter until he is met with his past Cap, leading to my most favorite fight scene in the MCU.  Something about those two classic suits running at each other with the cacophony of the shields, and current Cap saying some choice expletives now and getting tired of the bullshit while past Cap still has all that giddy up and pure heart and “I can do this all day” attitude is an exceptional treat to be had.  I love Cap’s development, as much as he has stayed the same, he has changed, grown more into his age even, getting weary with the world but never losing his positive outlook, just shifting his focus gradually.  But to correct the tesseract blunder, Tony and Cap go back to 1970 to get the original tesseract from SHIELD in its infancy.  Both Tony and Cap have a soft moment.  Tony see’s his father who talks to him about his expecting wife (aka baby Tony) and Cap sees Peggy again in her youthful glory, panging our heartstrings.  But in the end, the supplies are collected and they move on.
So after they get the stones, they construct the gauntlet out of Tony’s suit Iron man material and it is decided that Hulk must do the snap since gamma radiation is part of the stones and so is he. It is not a simple easy thing as he writhes in pain and burns under the pressure of power but does the snap anyway and successfully brings back half the world.  This win is shortlived once Thanos bombards the compound and sends Nebula off to retrieve the stones.  This is the start of the longest game of flag football/hot potato/rugby adjacent.  Hawkeye has the gauntlet at first as everyone tries to pull themselves from the rubble (side note:  seeing Rocket so distressed shook me.  He is usually so cool and wily, getting out of so much bullshit that his helplessness when he couldn’t breathe almost sent me over).
So since they retrieved the stones, it’s not like they change their past, just create alternate realities.  Once they return them, things go back to normal again.  So Hulk uses the gauntlet to bring back the rest of the population again, we just don’t see them yet until later.  Past Nebula gets killed by current Nebula after Gamora helps current Nebula out to stop Thanos because as we know from Infinity War, Gamora never wanted Thanos to find them all.  Thor, Cap, and Tony all team up to spar with Thanos who was waiting patiently for the gauntlet to be brought to him.  Much to my dismay, the fight is very even, no side truly overpowers the other.  Thor really wants to put in work, but can’t quite get through until Cap does what I have been waiting for since Ultron: HE PICKS UP MJOLNIR!  (which Thor took back from Asgard in his time travel).  Wheew, I coulda passed out when I saw Cap wielding that thing like it’s his the star spangled banner itself, sending lightning down on Thanos, busting him upside his head and all!  I was spent and feeling aftershocks until Thanos gets the upperhand again and bombards his shield with that weak ass helicopter blade sword thing.  It breaks the shield up!  Which is made of vibranium!  THE STRONGEST METAL IN THE UNIVERSE!  This how I know Russo’s were just grasping at straws; the only thing I can say is since Tony made him that one after the snap, he probably used bootleg vibranium because obviously nobody called Wakanda for input on a damn thing to make this mission happen which is a rant I can say on a completely separate post.  Sure, take T’Challa and Shuri in the snap, it’s not like the whole country isn’t composed of melanated geniuses that could give y’all a lesson on quantum physics that would make your central nervous system dry out.  No, don’t call Wakanda to make vibranium anything for y’all to help in the fight, it’s cool cuz y’all didn’t try and clean up anything after shit hit the fan!  I wanted a 10 minute Wakanda clean up scene: I got DUST.  The underutilization of such a great people while at the same time using them frivilously is a *blink blink* mindfuck.  But I digress again!
Once Cap seems to be against the wall, he tightens his shield band around his arm and says slap me bitch.  But before it continues,  Sam gives him a quick “on your left” signaling the return of everyone, with first none other than our Wakandan royalty: T’Challa, Okoye, and Shuri.  Dr. Strange’s portals open up as populations come to join the fight from Gaurdians and Asgard, Wakanda and other Marvel movies.  The fight scene that begins I can’t wait to own at home becuase I know I have to pause and slow motion to capture everything.  Someone said Howard the Duck is in the fight which I HAVE to see. Can you imagine getting your ass impaled by a cartoon space duck? 
The game of keep the gauntlet from Thanos continues as Spiderman, T’Challa, and others all have a go at running the guantlet away from Thanos.  This is a part that I kind of have to think to remember.  I know that Antman and Wasp had to spark up the quantum realm van and I think the plan was to send the gauntlet into it, but I’m not sure.  Eventually Tony is alerted by Strange that the one in 14 million chance at winning is upon them and Tony goes ham to get the gauntlet from Thanos, who nearly succeeds but Tony yeets them off the glove and onto his suit, proclaiming himself as Iron Man one last time before snapping the bad half of the population into obliteration.  All the bad aliens and Thanos dust away, leaving the original population the watch them float away.  However Tony’s sacrifice is his life as he dies after goodbyes from Peter, Pepper and Rhodey.  
The funeral occurs with everyone there, even the kid from Iron Man 3.  This is a really emotional scene, especially seeing Tony left a last message in case of his demise, ending it with telling Morgan “I Said What I Said” Stark that he loves her 3000.  Once again, I almost got choked up there, but it just wouldn’t happen. One thing that took me out were Wakanda’s outfits at the funeral.  All black everything, but the fit and the make of Okoye and Shuri’s dresses?  With the gold accessories????  I can’t mourn when all that beauty is in my face!
And in the end, Cap goes back in time to send the stones back to where they belong but stays in the past to reunite with Peggy, finally bust her open and returns as an old man to give his shield to Falcon and that is it!
I almost got choked up just now thinking about that last scene but I still didn’t cry.  A tear came down when the end credits showed the actors pictures and their signatures of the original Avengers though.  There will never be a better Cap or Iron Man bruh, taking that to my grave.
 I’ve been in this MCU life for just about the whole length of it; watching these amazing superhero action flicks for the fun of it before recognizing the structure of each film forming towards an ending so grand. “You see where you’re going? Now let’s focus on how you get there.” This is a statement that is about to be my mantra for life! This is a huge project for a studio to put together properly, having all of our superheroes in one place, sewn together with the journey of the infinity stones to take out the big purple meanie Thanos who is hellbent on controlling the universe the easy way (50% of all living creatures annihilated) or the hard way (100% gone, starting from scratch).
But Marvel has given me so much great entertainment to look forward to.  Ever since I graduated high school, it’s been the May or November of each year, what’s Marvel putting out next? And it’s gonna be tough not expecting an Avengers film anymore, but I’ll be here for the new build up of superheroes, supporting Black Panther still of course as well.  I will miss the Cap thirst, wardrobe really did their part in this one with the Black sweater, the grey Henley, the yeehaw outfit previously mentioned and EVERY CAP UNIFORM HE HAS WORN!  I love this fucking fandom.  
And now I just wonder where past Gamora went, because she came to the present and “present” Gamora died at Vormir so we have a Gamora alive now but she went MIA, or did she get snapped back when Tony snapped all the henchmen back?  Thor at the end joins the GOTG  or Asgardians of the Galaxy, so I can’t wait to see how they fair in I assume GOTG 3.  How will Falcon do as the new Cap?  What does Bucky do now??  He was the original ride or die for Cap until he became Winter Soldier, but Cap was very forgiving of him in all that.  Yet, his closure seems open for anything, he got no special stuff in the end so maybe more for him?  How is Spiderman and the whole teenage snap population going back to school when it is five years in the future but they are the same age?  Where did Valkyrie keep her Pegasus this entire time?  When Cap went back to Vormir, what was his reunion with Red Skull like?  And what did Thanos do with the stones before they were destroyed?  They said he used them again and that’s how they found him at the beginning but on what? Answer these questions for me please!  
If you made it this far, I love ya 3000 and I owe you cheeseburgers (oh God TONY!!!)
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