fuyu003 · 8 months
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justalittlesolarpunk · 7 months
You have to take care of your own heart. You were not meant to carry the pain of the entire world. Do what you can for others, because you owe it to them, but be realistic with what you can achieve. If you’re already going to protests, donating money, working for liberation, holding power to account, taking care of the worst affected - then breathe. Take a step back and stop doomscrolling or endlessly refreshing your news app. Go for a walk in the woods. Eat your favourite chocolate. Watch a film with a loved one. Sleep. I promise you all the agony and cruelty and suffering will still be there when you get back. But maybe you’ll have a little more strength to fight them if you’ve remembered to keep tending the fires of joy inside you. You save no-one by letting them go out.
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its-a-bae · 7 months
Eu já havia esquecido de como era ter crise de ansiedade dois dias seguidos, de como é perder o controle do próprio corpo. De se sentir extremamente exausta tanto do corpo quanto da mente.
Sentir constantemente a vontade ser abraçada sem parecer que é algo forçado (coisa que sinto sempre que alguém vem me abraçar. Aquele abraço "amarelo") .. isso me incomoda, me incomoda pois não gosto de sentir isso.. esse querer ser abraçada. E por conta disto eu não peço. E muito menos corro "pro abraço" de alguém.
Hoje, compreendo que apesar de querer muito uma coisa, seja um abraço, um sorriso, um aperto de mãos, trocar palavras e compartilhar momentos. Mesmo que eu queira tudo isso, isso é algo que devo trabalhar em mim mesma. Pois, não é algo que sinto que tenho "direito" de ter.
PS.: Mesmo que seja extremamente bizarro o fato de que eu somente consiga vomitar pra fora tudo isso e/ou qualquer coisa sobre mim pra ti. Peço para que não fale pra ninguém. Não quero ter "plateia" em um show onde não existe ingressos.
Boa noite, Cabelinho de Anjo.
– S
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aforrestofstuff · 1 month
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sammywammyidk · 5 months
TW: SLIGHTLY / NOT SO SLIGHTLY SEXUAL TOPICS (asexuality and the opposite of it)
This is a very personal topic for me, but I really need advice.
Im so confused. I am currently having a crisis about sexual attraction.
One of my friends brought up asexuality and how I fit the description of it. I have thought about it before and deduced that, no, I am not asexual because there are some sexual things I enjoy reading.
But I looked more into it, and I realized that I felt very uncomfortable after reading those type of things and even watching things like them.
I also realized that body types don't really seem attractive to me, I just enjoy people's company. That's the main reason why I am with my partners because they make me happy and I make them happy via good personalities.
But even though I make jokes about my friend and partners bodies (everyone in my friend group is comfortable with it, dont worry -they make the same jokes), it never feels right. It's funny, yeah, but I don't relate to those jokes.
I do like romantic stuff, that I know for sure. I enjoy kissing and affection and hugs and those of the like.
A few days ago, I realized that I don't think that I am sexually attracted to men, but women are fine. But now I'm not too sure about that.
However, the thing that is throwing me off is that some, well, kinky stuff is enjoyable to me. I think.
My ex partner once told me that because of the "I enjoy some kinky and bdsm stuff" that I am not asexual. But I really don't know at this point.
I'm confused, and I'm scared to bring this up to my friends or close family or even my partners because this is such a taboo topic. I have a constant fear of disappointing others (haha, anxiety yippee!) so that's why I'm going to tumblr. Tumblr is safe. Please, I am so confused. Reblog or comment and help me solve this and get answers.
So, am I asexual?
There are some other things I am confused about as well (regarding ADHD and how I show signs of it, but I'm unsure if I have it and don't want to self diagnose), but this post is already long enough.
Once again, please give advice. I want this to be a friendly discussion or debate without any heat or arguments. Reblog or comment, anything really.
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stardustkrishnaverse · 8 months
having a bit of a philosophical/existential crisis...
I've always been a seeker of truth, a philosopher, sometimes beyond my own good. there comes a time when I don't know what to accept or follow as my truth.
Shri Keshav says in Bhagavad-Gita that he meets anyone where they want to meet him. but how am I meant to know in which form I want to meet him? is it Shri Krishna, Rama, or even those such as Lord Shiva, Jesus, etc. ?
I feel very much attached to Shri Krishna but how am I meant to reconcile the truth of absolutely everything, with the love for a Keshava who dances and enjoys and is merry among his sakhis and sakhas? how do I reconcile these identities. how do I reconcile the innumerable forms He takes for himself to approach all of us and touch our hearts, and choose the one that is for me? or is it simply just the form of the unknowable, infinite, Supreme being. but then how may I love him for his heart-pulling qualities and get personally attached to his form?
sry lol a bit diff to what I usually post...
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awesomecooperlove · 5 months
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hjellacott · 28 days
Children don't kill themselves because they are not allowed to transition into a different gender
And if you really think being trans has anything to do with committing suicide, you should read this post.
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Girls live in a world where many are painfully aware that one or both of their parents wanted a boy. Where they are far more likely than boys to be raped, often by an adult man of their own family. Where they have to constantly be stressed and scared to death when they walk alone anywhere, when they enter a locker room, a bathroom, a swimming pool, a dark street in the night. They're scared even to accept a drink they didn't see poured in front of them. If they dress one way they're called whores, dress in a different way and they're called nuns, if they get raped, the rapist's defence will be that she was asking for it and she liked it rough, if she gets pregnant, in many countries across the world she will be forced to have the child, even in cases of very little girls who are at risk of dying during labour. If they have a child then they have to take care of it often on their own, and be blamed for having gotten knocked up while underage.
It is fucking depressing to be a little girl. It is terrifying. In some places, depending on the environment you're growing up in, if you have your period you will be stigmatised, you might be forced to suffer ablation, a medieval practice to remove the clitoris that is still practised in many religious groups and cultures, and in many cultures, girls are the ones to wear dresses, be forced into this horrifying role, and be forced to be nothing but baby breeders, and house wives. Many cultures still force their girls into marriages with older paedophiles, and girls are still much more likely than boys to be forced into prostitution, child trafficking, sex trafficking. Girls are far more likely to become victims of coercion and abuse at the hands of a male. Girls are paid less, girls are treated worse, girls are judged more by the media, girls, are victims far more often than they are the guilty party, and even in prison, girls are not safe from rapists.
Girls are never safe. Girls are worried, terrified, traumatised, living a global pandemic of hatred towards girls, of aggression towards them, and now calling yourself a woman is considered offensive to males, and girls are no longer girls, they're uterus havers, vagina havers, breast havers. Reduced to their bodily parts and their duty to be of use to men.
And it's not much better if you're a boy. What if you're not "man enough"? If you want to be an artist of a ballet dancer, and your father thinks that makes you a little girl, and beats you up. Boys are far more likely to become sexual offenders and paedophiles, and in most cases, they will have learned it from a man older than them. And God forbid you're a Gay boy.
But whatever the sex, children these days, all of them, have to live in a world where people would rather they were trans than gay or lesbians. They're scared, they're insecure, they're suffering bullying, they're trying to fit in, they're trying to figure things out, and people won't let them, because the second they toy around with one thing, it'll become imposed permanently on them, by the Woke.
Of course children are fucking depressed, and self-harming, and drinking and doing drugs. That was true a decade ago, and twenty years ago, and thirty years ago, and forty years ago, and so on. All of us, adults, have been kids once, and saw our mates become drug addicts and alcoholics, and struggle with childhood, with being teens, with hormones, with sexual awakening, with figuring your identity out, with figuring yourself out. All of us have drunk a bit too much one night everything felt too much, all of us have been depressed at times, all of us have contemplated suicide at times.
And it doesn't get better when you struggle with the education system, with finding employment, with mental health, with lack of access to affordable therapy, with poor eating habits, poor exercise habits, economic poverty, social disadvantages and in many cases, disability. It doesn't get better when childhood sucks, being a teenager sucks, and you can't hope for something better because you keep hearing about adult wars, adult crises and adult problems and you become convinced you won't be able to get a home for your own and a decent job no matter how hard you work.
That is why children are hurting themselves and killing themselves. Because it has become overwhelming and impossible to be underage any more, and this was a crisis we've been seeing coming for DECADES. We've spent decades warning the authorities a massive mental health crisis was coming, that the youth was suffering, that it was getting really out of hand. And now we're where we are, and we cannot be surprised.
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kingofkingsschizo · 1 year
If you see someone who is having a delusional time and there talking to them selves or out loud, they may be schizophrenic either way there are people who can tell. So don’t call police or Sheriffs assuming this is the best solution. A lot of times police come ignorant of mental illness at the scene and an altercation happens resulting in imprisonment or jail time on the individual in crises. Lot of times there is neglect and abuse in these institutions. Just buy them a jug of water and maybe a few hotdogs from a convenience store. They will eventually go home.
Wally aka DEFIANT
Dx paranoid schizophrenic also schizoaffective.
Written Thursday February 9, 2023. 3:20 a.m.
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sharingthoughtsposts · 3 months
The worst torture that many human souls are given on their way is ,thinking,.If little piles of flesh, blood and nerves were just that, then life would probably actually have meaning, but knowing, understanding that a person is alive, and realizing that every day is a new day with the same end , that turns us into nothing else but a bunch of creatures who have long since lost all control over their minds.
I'm so tired of being afraid of everything and having to sink into that fear. Let me just make a decision and, for once in my life, not question it but be satisfied. Stop thinking, just do it, live. It can't be so difficult. It can't, it shouldn't be that hard.
Life should feel like living and not like death.
I can't change who I am, but I can become who I want to be. If I want to believe in something, it's this.
Die schlimmste Qual, die so mancher menschlichen Seele mit auf ihrem Weg gegeben wird, ist das Denken. Wären kleine Haufen an Fleisch, Blut und Nerven eben nur das, dann hätte das Leben wahrscheinlich tatsächlich einen Sinn, aber zu wissen, zu verstehen, dass ein Mensch lebt, und zu realisieren, dass ein jeder Tag ein neuer Tag mit dem gleichen Ende ist, das macht aus uns Haufen Fleisch denkende Kreaturen, die jegliche Kontrolle über ihre Gedanken schon lange verloren haben.
Ich bin es so leid Angst vor allem zu haben und in dieser Angst versinken zu müssen. Lass mich doch einfach eine Entscheidung treffen und diese einmal in meinem Leben nicht hinterfragen, sondern zufrieden sein. Nicht mehr nachdenken, einfach machen, leben. Das kann doch nicht nur für mich so schwer sein. Es kann, es darf nicht so schwer sein.
Das Leben sollte sich nach leben anfühlen und nicht dem Tod gleichen.
Ich kann nicht ändern wer ich bin, aber ich kann werden wer ich sein möchte. Wenn ich an etwas glauben will, dann an das.
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fuyu003 · 8 months
Keep Libya in your prayers 🤲🏻🇱🇾
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alightingdove · 4 months
I can't help but feel like our brains aren't meant to bear witness to an infinitely evolving web of crises.
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relatosdainsonia · 5 months
Relato 02
01h30 da manhã - Acordei novamente com uma sensação de crise de pânico, coração acelerado, pensamentos negativos como de que a qualquer momento vou passar mal, que vou precisar ir ao médico. As tremedeira e o frio que tomam conta do meu corpo. Mas eu não vou deixar essa crise tomar conta de mim, eu não posso. Passei o dia todo com uma sensação estranha, acho que já havia acordado com um pouco de crise. Sabe o que é? Deixar pessoas negativas voltarem pra minha vida. Pessoas que são desanimadas, que vivem reclamando da vida, não me fazem bem, não fazem bem pra ninguém, de verdade. Quer um conselho? Elimine essas pessoas negativas da vida de vocês, vai ser algo maravilhoso e NÃO as deixem voltar, ok? Nesse exato momento meu frio está passando, a tremedeira também, estou ficando com calor novamente, minha temperatura está voltando ao normal. Gente, de verdade, não deixem essas crises (pra você que tem) tomarem conta de você, do seu corpo, da sua vida. É um mal que não vale a pena! Mas com força de vontade, a gente consegue chegar lá e aprende a conviver com ela! Agora é só esperar tudo passar, o sono voltar e dormir tranquila, mas como se um caminhão tivesse passado por cima de mim.
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aforrestofstuff · 9 months
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Liked it better vertically
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themindofastrid · 2 months
🌐Recs of the Week No.27
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Hello there👋🏽! Across the internet there’s a lot of awesomeness, so I decided to curate a small list of cool content that I think it’s worth sharing, I hope you find it useful, inspiring or interesting.
Thank you so much for being here♡.
Without further ado, these are my internet findings of the week:
Articles 📝
IG Posts🖼️
Other Recs🤍
Until next week, xo.
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protoslacker · 7 months
After work yesterday i tried to catch up on the news andclicked betwween a bunch of reports of New York City flooding.
The scale of many environmental crises this year are hard to fathom. I struggle to imagine more than 43 million acres burnt in Canadian wildfires. It's likely fires will smolder through the winter, something I hadn't considered before.
Looking over this excellent Times-Picayune reporting, my mental-jukebox pulled up the Jaws Theme.
I went bed early without supper. I know that hiding my head in the sand--or bed covers--isn't a sound plan.
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