#do i think a single dyed strip would look good? debatable
napping-sapphic · 2 years
Lowkey really want to date someone who dyes their hair fun colors so i can dye a matching strip into mine
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Day 61: Hurt
With just one look, Draco could tell that Harry's entire body ached.
He was walking slowly, gingerly, holding his body stiffly as though any unexpected jostling might cause more pain. "Oh, love," Draco whispered.
"It's fine," Harry said, glancing up at his words.
"Mmhmm," he hummed. "Are you actually hurt or just sore?"
Harry shook his head as he toed off his trainers, "Just sore."
"Are you hungry?" Draco asked.
The other man shook his head again, "Just tired, love."
He held out a hand and Harry's fingers slid through, "Come on," he murmured, leading him back to the bathroom where he'd already drawn a bath and added meadowsweet, sage, and chamomile.
Harry squeezed his hand, "Am I the last ingredient for your last potion of the night, then?" he teased gently.
Draco rolled his eyes as he helped to strip the other man out of his clothes and Harry sighed, hardly moving as Draco took his clothes off. "Into the tub, menace," he murmured, the tenderness in his voice belying his words.
"I love you," Harry said softly, eyes closed as he leaned against Draco's body for a moment, and the gift of vulnerability that Harry gave him made Draco's eyes sting.
"Come on, darling," he replied, "Into the tub." He helped him ease his body into the water, but Harry still hissed in pain as he settled.
(Read more below the cut)
Draco didn't say anything more, words could wait. He conjured a basin and gently removed the elastic from Harry's hair, letting his curls loose.
"You don't have to," Harry whispered, as though he could ever make Draco do a single thing he didn't want to do.
"I know," he said instead and Harry hummed, eyes sliding shut as Draco slowly combed his fingers through his hair, detangling the knots.
Once the knots were out he carefully washed the other man's hair, using a hair potion he'd made himself infused with chamomile and mint. "I like this one," Harry sighed.
"I know," Draco said, because he did. Harry loved anything that smelled like mint.
They were quiet as Draco washed his hair and Harry let the bath loosen up his muscles, and after a little while Draco said, "Alright, come on," and pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead, "to bed. I made up some of that salve to help you heal."
Harry groaned as he climbed out of the tub and Draco couldn't help but shake his head at the bruises that had risen to the surface of his skin while he was in the tub. Still, Draco held his tongue, he knew from experience that talking about it while Harry was still in pain would only lead to an argument, which was the last thing the other man needed when he was healing.
He helped him to dry off and led him into their bedroom, "Face down first," Draco instructed as he moved to the bureau to collect the jar of salve.
Harry grunted as he climbed onto the bed but did as he was told, and Draco joined him a few moments later and began massaging the balm into Harry's back and shoulders. He worked his way down his body all the way to his feet, watching with satisfaction as the tension drained from his husband's body until he was lying comfortably on the bed.
He presses a kiss to the back of Harry's neck, "Roll over."
With a little groan, Harry did as he was told, flopping gracelessly onto his back and Draco repeated the process, starting at his neck and chest, and working his way down to Harry's feet.
"Better?" he murmured and Harry nodded, eyes still closed. "Good," he said, pulling the blankets up over Harry before stripping himself out of his clothes and crawling in beside him.
In a well practiced ritual by this point, Harry rolled onto his side and Draco curled around him, drawing the other man's body back against his own.
Harry pulled Draco's arm around him a little tighter, bringing Draco's hand up to press a kiss to his knuckles with a sigh.
He was quiet for a long moment, letting Harry relax against him, letting their heartbeats sync up. "How close were you this time?" Draco whispered.
Harry didn't respond for long enough that Draco was debating asking again. "I always hear you," he said.
"That doesn't answer my ques-"
"You're the voice in the back of my mind every time I get sent out on mission," Harry pressed on and Draco fell silent, letting him speak. "And I always hear you telling me to be careful, that my life matters, too," he said, swallowing, "But I didn't get it until today."
Draco waited, brushing his thumb over the scar on Harry's chest.
"It was close," Harry whispered. "Way too close."
Draco's heart turned sideways in his chest, a spike of fear driving through him.
"And all I could think was that it wasn't worth dying for," Harry whispered. "That there are so many things I still want to do with you," he added. "There's so much life that I haven't gotten to live yet, that I've been too busy giving to everyone else to have myself." Harry held Draco's hand tighter, "And it's not fair to you," he said, "And it's not fair to me. We deserve more than this."
He pressed a kiss to Harry's shoulder, hardly daring to believe that he meant what he was saying.
"I'm sorry, Draco," he whispered. "For all that I have put you through, for all of the fear and the pain."
Not sure what to say, he simply squeezed Harry's hand and waited.
"I resigned," Harry managed after a moment. "I got back to the office and I couldn't understand how I had stayed so long."
"Really?" he whispered.
Harry nodded, "Let's take a trip," he said. "Let's go away for a whole month and spend time on beaches and at vineyards; let's stay in beautiful villas and cozy rooms. Let's do everything that I've always promised you we'd do some day." He brought Draco's hand up to his lips and kissed it. "Godric, I've been selfish; I've been so unfair to you."
"It's alright," Draco soothed. "You weren't being selfish."
"I was though," Harry protested. "You're my husband, I'm supposed to love, and cherish, and honor you," he said, "and I've ignored you. How can you ever forgive me?"
"Harry," he said softly, drawing back enough that he could nudge Harry onto his back so he could see his face. "You haven't ignored me. You said it yourself that you always hear my voice in the back of your mind. How could you if you ignored what I said?"
"Yes, but-"
"No buts," Draco said, placing a finger over Harry's lips, "It's my turn," he added. "You weren't ready," he said, "and that was okay. It was hard for me, watching you throw yourself into danger all the time, I won't lie, but I knew who I married."
Harry closed his eyes, face shrouded in shame.
"You are so good, Harry. So selfless. And I knew that when I married you, I love that about you, you know," he added.
A tear slid down Harry's cheek and Draco wiped it away.
"I love you, Harry James Potter-Malfoy," he said softly. "I love you so much that I just want you to love yourself half as much as I do. And for all that you love everyone else, you're not very good at loving yourself."
"I know," he whispered and that was more progress than Draco had ever let himself dream of seeing Harry make.
"Let's start in France," Draco said, letting the rest go; learning to love themselves was a journey they could go on together. Harry opened his eyes and blinked at him. "We own a villa by the ocean, you'll love it," he promised.
"You mean it?"
"Of course I do, love," he murmured, leaning down to press a kiss to Harry's lips. "It's a perfect place to start."
"Okay," Harry breathed.
"Okay," Draco affirmed.
Neither of them were perfect but maybe this was the beginning of learning to love their own imperfections.
Day 60: Heart | Day 62: Clothes
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actress4him · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Day 9
I've gotten multiple requests (and one threat) for a part 2 of the previous chapter, and since I did enjoy writing that AU and already had somewhat of an idea of how it would continue in my head, I'm gonna try to write one. I'm currently writing Day 23, which means I have several prompt days left I can try to stick it in. If that doesn't work, I'll either do a bonus chapter at the end, or repost that fic separately with the second part added.
This one's definitely another dark one. I may have gotten slightly carried away with the whump. So make sure you check the warnings before you read! There's a lot of them! I also may have gotten slightly carried away with the syntax of these aliens...haha. We've got a little bit of Shiro in here, but mainly it's Red who gets her turn in the spotlight with Keith.
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Day 9 - “Take Me Instead”/Ritual Sacrifice
Fandom:  Voltron: Legendary Defender
Warnings: human sacrifice, alien religion, a little bit of fantastic racism, non- consensual drug use, lots of non-consensual touching (not sexual), death mention, forced stripping (not sexual), nudity (not sexual), very vague references to child abuse if you squint, drowning, fire, burns, wrist cutting (not self-harm), blood, wishing for death (not actual suicide ideation)
Of all possible ways to be woken up, the sound of Shiro struggling to breathe was certainly not one of Keith’s favorites. He was on his feet the moment his groggy brain realized what he was hearing, but was immediately put into the same headlock that he could see his roommate for the night in. It wasn’t often that someone could get the jump on either one of them. Keith was going to blame the fact that the cowards had struck while they were asleep.
The cowards, in this case, were the Luktorians, a race that had seemed perfectly nice up until this moment. A bit odd, perhaps, and difficult to understand - Lance kept insisting they sounded like drunk Yoda - but peaceful. They had rather human-looking faces, offset by the various shades of blue skin they sported and the fact that they had impossibly long and skinny necks and four arms. It was those four arms that held him in place now, one around his neck, one across his chest and shoulders, and two latched onto his wrists.
“Shh. You Paladin calm yourself must. Harm no mean we you.”
“If you don’t mean us harm, then why are you attacking us in our sleep?” Keith growled.
The alien holding Shiro spoke up. “Need only have we of him. Sleep may you.”
“I don’t think so.” Keith attempted to lunge forward, but made it nowhere. “What do you need him for? You’re not taking anybody anywhere without some answers!”
A slight smile came over the pale blue alien’s face. “Come have you at a time perfect. The night tonight of the sacrifice great is.”
Keith’s brain stuck on one word out of that gibberish. “Wait, sacrifice? What do you mean, what sacrifice?”
The Luktorian behind him bent his long neck forward to look him in the face. “A sacrifice it is for enemies our protection from. Away keeps the Galra the goddess great and harm us others who would.”
“Okay, we can understand that,” Shiro finally broke in, though he seemed to still be struggling with the arm that was around his throat. “But, uh...that’s what Voltron is here to do. Right? We’re making an alliance with your people so that we can keep the Galra away. S-so...maybe you don’t need a sacrifice this time.”
A stormy look came over both the alien’s faces. “Claim do you the goddess great with equal to be?”
“N-no, no, that’s not what I was saying.” Keith was glad that Shiro knew at all what they were accusing, because he was lost, himself. “I’m just...thinking that perhaps your goddess is the one who brought us here. Perhaps she’s already protecting you, using Voltron.”
They seemed to consider this for a moment, and Keith held his breath. “Perhaps,” one answered at last. “Must make we if so the goddess great a sacrifice to thank.”
Keith let out a groan. There didn’t seem to be any way they were getting out of this one easily. But they still hadn’t actually heard what this sacrifice actually entailed, so maybe there was hope yet, though based on the late night choke hold he wasn’t counting on it.
Shiro seemed to be on the same train of thought. “So, um...what exactly do you need us...me...to do? How can I help?”
His captor smiled again, and Keith decided he did not like that look at all. “Quietly must come you prepared the altar for to be. Short running time is.”
Shiro paled visibly even in the dim lighting. “Right. So...I’m the sacrifice.”
Keith lunged again. “No! You’re not sacrificing him, I won’t let you!”
The Luktorian tipped his head to the side and regarded him as if he was a child. “Warrior strong the Paladin Black is and ties to the Galra has close. A candidate perfect is he.”
As Keith continued to struggle, Shiro did his best to lock eyes with him. “Keith, it’s okay. We’ll...we’ll figure this out, it’ll be okay.”
“No, it’s not okay, Shiro!” He had one more thing to try. It was a long shot, and Shiro would hate him for it, but he had to try. “Listen. You want somebody with close ties to the Galra? Then take me.”
“Keith, no!”
He ignored the interruption and made direct eye contact with Shiro’s captor. “Shiro...the Black Paladin...has been hurt by the Galra just as much as your people have, maybe more. His ties to the Galra are like yours. But me…” He sucked in as deep a breath as he could. “I’m part Galra. I’m a warrior, too, and you can’t get any closer to the Galra than me without sacrificing a pure-blooded one. Take me.”
Silence fell as everyone stared at him. Keith stubbornly refused to meet Shiro’s gaze, not wanting to see the pain that would be there.
“The truth think you do tells he?”
“Mm, think I does he.”
A definitive nod. “The sacrifice be then shall the Paladin Red.”
Now it was Shiro’s turn to struggle and lunge. “No! No, I’ll do it, I’ll go with you! I’ll be your sacrifice, okay? Just leave him here, leave him alone!”
Keith gave him a tight half-smile. “It’s okay. It’ll be fine.”
The pale blue alien released his one arm from Shiro’s shoulders so that he could reach into his pocket and pull out a small vial. Popping it open with his thumb, he poured the powdery substance over his captive’s head. “Sleep.”
Immediately Shiro’s eyes dropped shut and his chin slammed into his chest. The Luktorian deposited him gently back onto his bed and threw the blanket back over his legs. “Wake not the others and he will morning until.”
Keith clenched his teeth. Guess that rules out the possibility of screaming and alerting everyone out in the hall.
The royal blue alien holding him moved his top two hands down to grip his upper arms, finally leaving his neck free. “Come. Prepare the altar you for must we. Fight or your mind change not do or back come will we the Paladin Black for.”
Right. Cooperate or lose Shiro. There wasn’t even a debate to be had. He would always, always protect Shiro anytime he had the chance. He was his brother, in everything but blood or law, and he had already been through far too much for someone so young. Don’t you think you dying will be hard for him? He quickly pushed that thought aside. Yes, it would, but not as much as suffering at the hands of more aliens would. Besides, the team needed its leader a lot more than it needed its hotheaded half-breed.
Keith didn’t pay very much attention to their trip through the many intersecting hallways, lost in his head. He only became aware of his surroundings again when they entered a long, narrow room that was lit by torches along the walls and smelled very strongly of something perfumy and definitely not from Earth. Several other Luktorians, all dressed in the same simple white shifts, stood with their hands clasped in front of them, waiting.
His escorts wasted no time in handing him over, holding a brief, whispered conversation with a periwinkle-skinned female before exiting. Periwinkle clapped her hands, and the two that now held his arms, Grey Blue and Sky Blue, pulled him further into the room. He wanted to resist. He wanted to fight and kick and bite and spit so, so badly. All the instincts that he had been cultivating since childhood were shouting in his ear that he should not be letting someone drag him around like this, that he was bound to get hurt soon, but he squashed them back down with one single word. Shiro.
That almost wasn’t enough once they got to the apparent designated spot and Grey and Sky swiftly began stripping him. The shirt was one thing, but when they went for his belt and pants he panicked. “Hey! No, wait, stop, what are you doing?”
Periwinkle appeared in front of him with one eyebrow arched. “Told was I that a sacrifice quiet, good would be you. A problem there is?”
Keith’s shoulders heaved with shaky breaths. For Shiro. For Shiro. For Shiro. “N-no. No...problem.”
The stripping began again immediately. Clenching his fists and squeezing his eyes shut, he sent his mind somewhere far, far away, somewhere that was bright and happy and no one was touching him without his consent. By the time he had finally gotten his mind occupied, he was stark naked and being prodded forward to the next checkpoint.
Paladin. Hurt?
No, Red. I’m...I’m okay.
More Luktorians were waiting for them around an oval-shaped pool of lavender water. As Keith was positioned at the very edge they began chanting something in low voices. He was too busy worrying about what was about to happen to him to try to decipher what they were saying, and with good reason, too. Almost as soon as the chanting began, a set of hands landed on his back and shoved.
Keith could swim, that wasn’t a problem. The pool wasn’t even deep enough to worry about needing to swim, anyway. But the liquid - probably not water, he now realized - was heavy, and pulled him down to the bottom with no chance of fighting his way up. More importantly, it was scalding. He just barely kept himself from opening his mouth and screaming as his skin burned.
An instant later, multiple hands grabbed his arms and yanked him back up into the cool air. He was in the midst of panting for breath and shaking from pain when he was assaulted again, this time with rough sponges that scoured every inch of his body. It was becoming harder and harder to detach himself from reality, and more tempting every moment to punch every single one of these aliens in the face and race back to the safety of his team.
But he couldn’t. He had to stay for Shiro.
Paladin! Come?
No, Red. Stay. You can’t come.
His toes gripped the edge of another pool, this one deep purple, and he at least knew what was coming. More chanting, another shove. This time it was like breaking through an icy lake, making all his muscles seize up instantly. When he was pulled out, he was shivering uncontrollably. 
The chanting continued as some kind of oil was poured from an intricately painted vase over his head, turning his already wet body slick and shiny. Lastly, Periwinkle produced a garland of pungent blue and purple flowers - the source of the perfumy smell - and set it carefully atop his hair.
“Ready the sacrifice is. Us let proceed.”
Just before the procession left the room, Grey and Sky wrapped a strip of silky fabric around his hips and knotted it on one side. Well, I’ll die with some of my dignity intact. At least there’s that.
The ceremony was apparently taking place in a cathedral-like space. Strange music was playing as they entered, with the Luktorians deep, humming voices singing along. Hundreds of them were gathered, their waving, bobbing heads almost looking like an ocean.
Directly in front of Keith and his parade was a steep set of stairs leading up to a platform. A Luktorian in heavy purple robes with the deepest blue skin he had seen so far stood at the top, looking down on them. They halted at the foot of the stairs. Deep Blue, probably a priest, was saying something, probably initiating the ceremony, but Keith’s heart was pounding too loudly in his ears for him to hear.
Forward again. Up the stairs - eleven total. Counting them kept his mind off of what was coming, even if it was only for a few seconds. Then they were at the top, and the priest was placing a hand on Keith’s head. Even after everything he had been through over the past hour, the touch still made him flinch.
More indecipherable words as his eyes zoned in on the stone structure looming in the background, oval shaped, like the pools. The altar. Already he could see orange coals glowing in the open space underneath it, and his breathing kicked into high gear. 
Of all the ways to die. The fact that it was idiotic and humiliating was bad enough, but now he knew he would die by fire. Just like his dad. Just like his nightmares since he was six.
For Shiro. For Shiro.
Grey and Sky dragged him forward. He was more resistant now, only because his body was momentarily winning over his mind, but no one seemed to care anymore. They lifted him off his feet, holding him up high and parallel to the ground for only a moment before lowering him down onto the metal grate. 
This time Keith did scream. The metal had been heating over the coals for who knew how long, and it seared into the bare skin of his back. While he was busy blinking back the tears that sprang to his eyes, straps were expertly tightened over his ankles, thighs, chest, biceps, and throat. His arms had been positioned out away from his body, resting in two troughs that angled down toward the lower part of the altar.
Paladin hurt. I come.
Red...Red no. You can’t. I have to do this...I have to.
A knife flashed in the light over his head and he jumped, jarring the burns on his back. Biting down on his lip, he let out a quiet whine.
I come! Paladin needs.
I...I do need you. But…if you want to help me, then get the others to try to wake their Paladins. You can’t save me until we make sure the others are safe. He didn’t expect it to actually work. Whatever substance the Luktorians had used was probably stronger than a mental bond. But at least maybe it would keep Red occupied, pull her away from having to listen to his panicked thoughts.
The priest was standing over his right side now, the knife he had glimpsed held aloft in his hand. “The sacrifice first now - the blood spilling of.”
Before Keith could think to react, it came swooping down and sliced deep into his wrist. He cried out through gritted teeth. As the priest circled to the other side, he twisted his head as best he could to look down at the damage and saw blood flowing rapidly over his hand and down the trough. A second later, his left wrist was cut open as well.
Already he was growing lightheaded and nauseous. As the priest faced the audience and droned on about who knows what, Keith let his eyes slip shut. 
I’m sorry, Shiro. I know you’re gonna be so angry and hurt when you wake up tomorrow. Just remember...I did it because I love you. You’re my brother.
“The sacrifice second now - the flesh burning of.”
His breath hitched and he pressed his lips together, trying not to make any more pathetic noises, but his rapid breathing gave away his terror. He could hear the clunk of wood echoing below him as more fuel was thrown in, and the crunch of coals being stirred. Mere seconds later, a flame flared, and he sobbed despite his efforts as it licked his already raw back. 
The Luktorians were chanting again, the whole assembly, and they sounded like a hive of bees in his ears. More flames jumped up, higher and higher. He was full-on weeping now, and he didn’t even care. It was so much worse than his nightmares had ever been. He could only hope now that it would consume him quickly, or that the blood loss would take him first.
Please...please just let me die…
Paladin! We come!
His eyes flew open just in time to see five beautiful, colorful Lions burst through the roof of the cathedral, mouths wide open in a chorus of ferocious roars.
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lordxgrinnyxboy · 4 years
rewatching tgm, wifi being useless edition 2/?
every time i hear puppet!Dea say “when a story is raw and real” i see Mr. Gordon Ramsey memes, they just scroll across my vision and there’s nothing i can do to stop it u-u
ngl im kinda in love with Mojo Puppeteer
the foot shimmy during this scene, like right as Ursus gets up off the floor Gwyn/Mr. Maskell does this little ankle squirm. u-u
love how mr maskell doesn't emote w/his face while puppeteering but ms. brisson's just facially so into this performance and honestly so's ms. onitiri
also love all the different bits of ribbon and such puppet!Dea’s hair is made of. several different textures in there
kay but the way he makes the prince puppet kinda bounce in place as he sings “only those three words could ever free me from the curse” it just makes it look like the prince is kindof adorably excited about this
im just now realizing that one part of the puppet is supposed to be the prince’s mouth and not his chin or something.
Dea’s soft “oh” when their hands touch
Gwynlit always looks so shook as they step back from each other after the aging up sequence like he’s full dear-in-headlights (i know it’s ‘deer’ in headlights but he is Dear to Me so)
and really so is Dea for a second there
oh god her look of alarm  changes to a smile the second Gwyn starts singing. i need a minute.
i love these two so much
the harmony will never not end my life why is it so powerful
idk what they put in this song but every single time my aroace self is like “shfjshfsj play this at my wedding” and then i have to be like “wait.”
Dea’s adorable and i hope she knows how adorable she is
im cry they’re so cute they’re so cute i love these two
Quake is on it about letting ppl know entertainment’s cancelled due to the king dying Quake is ready Quake loves her job so much
oh so  the barrels are just there for Dirry-Moir and Osric to have somewhere to sit while Ursus tells the story okay
wait how quick did dude just throw on his Clarence costume and climb in the coffin that was. super duper fast
he’s literally offscreen for 24 seconds and managed to
holy cats how does he do it
wait also mojo tho. mojo had to put on his priest costume
wait also Osric and Dirry-Moir had to put on their Lord attire
and they say movies are supposed to be magic
just continuing to absolutely love every character played by ms. obianyo
love how they just. have trombones. 10/10
i mean i guess the costume changes aren’t super complicated like throw on a robe and a wig but STILL within 24 seconds? i think it’s impressive
oh hey jojo-as-a-random-lord is also here
ohhhhh is that why Jojo’s costume is Like That then? to make it easier to switch characters real fast? but no actually???
the hats on the lords tho. we’ve got Fish Lord, Bunny Lord,,, maybe some kind of Bird or Chicken Lord...
so it’s a Pig’s Foot that killed Clarence and the name of the holy relic translates to like, “pig’s flower” ...thematic....dots.......
oop there’s Only a Clown
ngl i kinda love Archbishop Kupsak. a weird dude.
would love to know why Angelica thought she needed to ‘make a law’ regarding traitors being brought to justice. just curious about her thought-process. heck she could probably have her own musical.
wait hey, hey. hey. petition for ms. obianyo to play a FATE.
oh god it’s my least favorite scene
skip? no...but? no u-u
jojo apologize to the trash clown
scene too stressful
genuinely have no thoughts, head completely empty
is that a bowl and spoon on th-
separate post separate post gentlefolks of the jury i
jaw twitch
okay but Dea gets this Look when Gwyn asks Ursus “who did this to me” she looks a little Surprised
does not react however to “who carved me into this freak”
the hand flex as Gwyn walks away from Ursus after Ursus Won’t Let Him Talk
oh Osric you absolute delight
beauty and the beast ii destroys me every time gwyn’s just steadily wilting but trying to hold on but he can’t and Dea’s so supportive
would love to know what Ursus’ take on all this would’ve been if he hadn’t been involved. like would he still be hell-bent on not letting Gwyn remember or would he have been more chill about letting Gwyn make that decision for himself
like on the one hand i can see why Ursus would think that maybe Gwyn would be better off not remembering, but also making him forget clearly didn’t actually help him suffer any less, it just gave him a different kind of suffering. He’s wrung-out tormented and Ursus can’t/won’t help him because of the potential repercussions of Gwyn learning the truth. which do include some Worst Timeline options for how that could go but. also include a few Gwyn’s Able To Move On And Live Well, With Or Without Ursus options so.
idk i just feel like after a certain point of seeing how Gwyn’s basically falling apart over all this Ursus really should’ve considered having that difficult Discussion bc that boy was Not getting better on Ursus’ Plan A
also the whole dismissively invalidating ur kid’s struggle is not a good look Ursus
i love him and absolutely believe he is definitely Trying His Best but he’s #Problematic_Dad for sure
that bit where Ursus notices Josiana as if for the first time and does that little bow to her oh my goodness XD
also him just trying so hard to keep it together in the lead-up to Born Broken. debating whether Ursus sticking his head through the curtain is the funniest part of this show. probably not but it’s real close
Dea’s so pretty and i love her outfit u-u
and her blue makeup
and her lovely lovely eyes like wow she’s Perfect
this girl is in her element and im fully convinced that in the version of events where Gwyn and Dea stay on as Lord and Lady Dea does some addressing of parliament or whatever, has speaking engagements, she’s all kinds of involved.
there’s tears in Ursus’ eyes during this bit and i don’t agree w/him but i do feel bad for him. he does want to do right by these kids but he’s just...it’s not working out for him because he can’t have it both ways.
i mean genuinely tho Ursus is so desperate to forget/bury/escape/move on from the past but in adopting Gwyn and trying to be a family and a fresh start for him...that shut down any chance of that actually happening.
no but fr Ursus’ face when Dea says “it doesn’t keep us safe, Father, it turns us against you” which is like. probably the exact thing he’s afraid of happening if they ever learn the truth.
*strums lyre* it’s a sad tale, it’s a tragedy!
Musical Ursus is fully a good dude who did one Stupid Thing and spent the rest of his life trying to control the damage only to make it Worse and then he died and i’m so! 😭
at the end of the second 30minutes but im keep going
Dea and Gwyn are holding hands so intently im feeling feelings about
ngl though i wonder if given Ursus’ “dear god, you pick your moments” and “who did what to you” if maybe this is something that’s just been festering and hasn’t been verbally brought up until the show’s events
“What do you want?! BLOOD?!” i mean u did script him as saying he wants to kill a man
“I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know” i mean technically that’s true bc technically Gwyn does know, he just doesn’t remember, which is pretty much the same as not knowing but ayyyyyyyyyy
would love to know what Ursus thought was coming when Gwyn said “I can only tell them what I know I am” like
wait no but “I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know” being followed by “I can only tell them what I know I am” idk how to say but oh heck oh heck oh heck heck oh no.
but yeah Ursus’ little glances at Gwyn and then the Turn as Gwyn starts to sing. i just wonder what Ursus is thinking just then
ohhhhhhhhh wait a minute now. stars stripped from the sky. the play on the lyrics from within Ursus’ show. the conversation they just had. is Freak Show (partially?) a vaguepost at Ursus 👀
no but the Wiggle before that next to last “watch me smile” tho
needs the backbend 🍹
hello Puppet Helmet Thing. i’ve developed a fondness for you, you unexplained and kind of weird yet near-infinitely interpretable element of the show.
and cutting here for length uwu
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megalony · 4 years
Sweet hurt- Part 2
This is the second part in my new Ben Hardy series which I hope everyone will like, feedback is always welcome.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogermeddow @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me
Summary: Ben has never talked to (Y/n) about his family that he has no contact with, but when his sister convinces him to try and reconnect with his family, things get tricky and old feuds and secrets arise.
Series masterlist
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"Where are we going?" Tilting his head, Ben looked in the rearview mirror so he could see Finn who was staring out of the window, intrigue in his baby blue eyes as he wondered where they were heading. They had been in the car for about an hour and Ben was surprised that this was the first time he had asked where they were going and that he hadn't asked if they were nearly there yet.
"We're going to see some friends, we're almost there now." Ben watched Finn nod in response before he turned his attention back to the road. He could already feel the nerves settling in his stomach and the memories flooding back to his mind as he drove down the all too familiar roads leading back to his family home. He hated the nostalgia he was feeling, Ben didn't want any memories coming back because he hated them all. He didn't want to be driving down this road but he had made a choice which he was now regretting.
He was doing this for Lucy because out of all his family, she was the one he didn't truly blame for anything. She was so desperate to get back in touch that she had started to cry on the phone when he called her. He also knew she would be doubtful that he was actually going to turn up today, but he had to do this for her.
One chance, that was all they were going to get. If anyone said or did anything that unsettled or angered Ben he was leaving and he wasn't getting back in touch with any of them again.
"Friends?" (Y/n) mumbled quietly so that Finn wouldn't listen in on their conversation. She watched Ben turn to look at her with an expression that was stern and unsettled.
"I'm not telling him they're my family if this goes downhill, I told you I didn't even want him to come in the first place." Ben wasn't risking telling Finn that they were going to see Ben's family because if this went wrong it would raise too many questions for Ben to answer. Finn was growing up under the impression that Ben didn't have any family apart from Ben's grandmother that Finn saw on few occasions. If Ben introduced Finn to his grandparents and aunt and uncles then Finn would start asking about them and Ben didn't want Finn getting close to any of them.
Ben had wanted Finn to stay with (Y/n)'s parents today in case anything happened or went wrong but both (Y/n) and Lucy had insisted he came along. Lucy wanted to meet Finn and told Ben that their mother would be desperate to see him once she knew she had a grandchild so Ben gave in but he wasn't happy about it.
"We don't have to stay long." (Y/n) responded, watching how Ben leaned his elbow against the door so he could prop his head up. He looked fed up already and they hadn't even arrived yet.
"Don't worry, we're not."
"So whose going to be there?" Although her tone was light, her words didn't make Ben feel relaxed because just thinking about the familiar faces he would see was making him want to be sick. His past was now creeping up on him when he turned into the drive and he could feel his chest compressing. He wanted his past to stay as far behind him as he could manage but it was chasing him.
"Luc, my mum and my brother. Ohh, it's gonna be a shit show I know it." Ben rubbed at his temple as he whined rather like a child. He could just see how everything was going to go wrong and take a wrong turn and it made him want to turn the car around and go straight back home. Ben had moved into London and an hour away from home for a reason, he didn't want to be back around here where he grew up in case he caught sight of any of his family. It was just bad luck that Lucy had been in his town on that very day.
"I thought you said you had three siblings?"
The question made Ben shudder and press on the brakes a little too harshly as he pulled up outside the house that was giving him nightmares whilst he was still awake.
"Yeah, my other brother won't be here." Ben got out of the car quickly and (Y/n) took that as a sign that the conversation was over and she didn't have the heart or the courage to push it any further in case she upset or hurt Ben. He didn't need to be panicked right now when this was clearly unsettling him enough at the moment.
Ben took Finn's hand when he climbed out of the car, the little boy looked around in awe and curiosity at his new surroundings and Ben could see him just itching to go on the grass and play football. When they reached the large red wooden door, Ben's hand started to shake as he reached up and knocked on the door with the little strength he had left in him.
This was really it, he was really stood in front of the house that he used to live in, the house he used to wander into without having to knock unless he had lost his keys. The house that now held more hurtful memories than it did good ones. Ben almost smiled when the door opened and he heard the same old creaking of the hinges that constantly needed oiling but never seemed to stop squeaking no matter how slowly or quickly someone opened the door.
Ben managed a very tight-lipped smile and a nod of his head when it was Lucy who opened the door to them. Her cheeks puffed out as she smiled brightly, clearly having thought that they weren't going to turn up today. She started bouncing from foot to foot like she was still the child that Ben remembered and she opened the door widely, beckoning them inside as if she was ushering them in out of the rain.
"You came, mum's going to be so pleased." Lucy reached out before she could stop herself and squeezed Ben's arm in a token of appreciation and love that clearly made his breathing stop and memories flood back that made him go dizzy.
"Finn, this is my friend Lucy, and this is (Y/n)." Ben ran his hand through Finn's hair, ruffling the blond strands causing Finn to giggle and bat his hand away.
He didn't miss the way that Lucy looked disheartened at the fact that she wasn't introduced as Ben's sister or even as Finn's auntie but she smiled and nodded at the little boy all the same. She couldn't expect Ben to be okay and act like nothing had happened between them all, he was here and that was all that really mattered.
Ben left the three of them to talk for a moment as he wandered down the hallway, his head turning from side to side as he tried to see what had changed. The walls were still a muddy chocolate brown colour like they had been for years, but he knew exactly what pictures had been taken down off the walls. His heart lurched down into his stomach when he saw that the one of him and his siblings when they were teens had been stripped from the wall like it had never existed. He couldn't hold back a scoff of annoyance and disbelief when he noticed that there was one single photo down the hall that contained him.
Of all the pictures they normally had hanging on the walls so no paint could be seen, they had taken out each one that had Ben in it. He also noticed that his other brother was in a small handful instead of almost all of them.
Only Lucy and Joe were left in the pictures hanging on the walls.
Ben looked down at the carpet to stop tears of frustration leaving his eyes and he noticed that it was a fairly new carpet meaning that the dark blue ink stain was now gone that Lucy had made when she was ten.
Turning right without even having to think about it, Ben walked into the very large living room and scanned his eyes around. He swallowed harshly as he almost didn't recognise the elder woman sitting on the sofa with her back straight and her hands clasped together in her lap like she was waiting outside the principal's office. Her hair was cut a lot shorter than it used to be so it was almost the same as Lucy's, but her hair was still dark ginger with the roots clearly being dyed to match. She hadn't changed all that much from the last memory Ben had of her, but it was a memory he tried so hard to erase.
"Ben," Andrea quickly pushed herself to her feet when she noticed him standing awkwardly in the doorway.
He swallowed down his tears and a choked sound when his mum let the tears fall freely from her eyes without shame or fear. He could see her debating whether to open her arms out for a hug or to stay where she was and let Ben set the boundaries but she gave up and walked over to him with little hesitation in her frame.
Ben didn't know what to do until his mum wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down to her smaller height. His arms found themselves wrapping around her waist but the feeling was now foreign and somehow made him want to cry in agony.
"Hey mum."
"You've changed, sweetheart. Let me look at you." Ben's eyes fell closed when she took his face in her hands and did a small inspection. Noticing that he was significantly taller than when he was eighteen, his hair was grown out and his jaw was a lot more defined, as well as his build that had gotten broader. Reaching up, Ben took her hands in his own and held them for a few seconds before he let go. Too much contact after eight years was beginning to make him feel awkward because no matter how much love he still felt for his mum, he couldn't forget what she had said to him and what she had done all those years ago.
Ben was never going to forget.
Scanning his eyes around the room again, Ben's sight landed on Joe who was awkwardly stood near the fireplace, unsure what he was meant to do or if he was meant to say anything. But the anger in Ben's eyes and his hardened expression was enough to tell Joe not to approach his brother or to try and strike up a conversation with him yet. Ben wasn't ready for that.
"Uh, mum... this is (Y/n)." Ben took a step back before he reached his hand out and motioned for (Y/n) to come and meet his mum.
(Y/n) latched her hand around Ben's rather tightly because she had never met his family in all the years she had been with him. The closest she had come was to see his grandmother, she had never met his parents and she was prepared that she never would. She didn't know what she was meant to say or what she was meant to do or how to act because she didn't know how Ben was reacting. She couldn't follow his actions because Ben was feeling unsettled and awkward and uncertain.
"It's lovely to meet you." The sincerity and the smile on her features seemed to be enough to make Andrea smile in what (Y/n) could only guess was delight.
"And this is Finn." Ben let go of (Y/n)'s hand when Finn held his arms out for Ben, clearly wanting to be picked up because he didn't know anyone here except for his parents. Ben took Finn's hands and gently turned him around so he was stood in front of his legs, watching his boy smile up at Andrea very sweetly, despite not knowing who she was. "Finn, buddy this is Andrea, gonna say hello?"
The moment Ben looked up at him mum with a hopeful smile, he realised that Lucy hadn't told her that Ben had a child like he simply assumed she would have when she told them all she had seen Ben again after all these years. He watched a look of wonder and love appear in her eyes, but he also saw regret and sadness because she had missed out.
Andrea had missed out on Ben telling her he was going to be a dad or telling her his first child had been born. She had missed out on four years of having a grandchild- her first grandchild, and that was something that was clearly cutting her up into pieces.
"Let's go get you a drink." Lucy beckoned Finn over to her, smiling when he and (Y/n) followed her out of the room to go to the kitchen so Ben could have a moment to talk with his mum.
"Why didn't you call? H-how old is he?" Andrea brushed away the tears with her sleeve but more kept replacing each one she swiped. She had tried to call Ben many times but eventually gave up when he changed his number and moved away. It was clear that he wanted no contact because they had the same number and lived at the same address but he didn't call or send a letter or come by. But it never crossed Andrea's mind that Ben might have a child by now, she thought he would have told them.
"He's four. I didn't call because I... I didn't want you to know, I didn't want any of you in my life any more." Ben couldn't lie, there was no lie he could say that would even sound reasonable. He couldn't say he tried to call or come round because at some point they would have been in to answer the door or the phone. He couldn't say he forgot because Finn was four now so that wasn't a believable lie.
Ben simply didn't want his family to be in his life and he didn't want them in his which meant keeping Finn to himself and not telling them.
"Oh Ben-"
"You didn't want to see me either, mum. You could hardly look at me back then so don't try and tell me that I should have called." Ben pressed his hand to his mouth to smother a cough that felt more like a broken cry at the back of his throat. He remembered clearly that his mother would burst into tears or turn away from him whenever he entered a room or passed by her and that cut through Ben right to his core. They both wanted to be away from each other, maybe not for this long but it wasn't all Ben's fault.
"You're here now, that's all that matters to me." Andrea spoke quickly as if she thought Ben was going to leave and she had to convince him to stay. "What are you doing now? You were going to university last time I saw you."
"I'm a paramedic." Ben looked down at his feet for a moment because he knew exactly what they were going to think about the job he chose for himself. It was as if he was trying to punish himself or make amends for the past but that wasn't what he was doing. He wanted to help people and look after people and he was happy with his job.
"That's lovely." Andrea clearly thought what he knew she would but she didn't dare bring it up in fears of pushing Ben away.
"Mum's right, it's good to see you Ben."
Ben looked at the ceiling like he was trying to tip the tears into the back of his head as he bit down on his lower lip to control himself when Joe spoke. He felt like he was going to die from the utter resentment that flowed through him and burned at his insides like he had swallowed acid. Time hadn't done very much to calm down the fire that ignited whenever Joe was around.
When Ben dared to turn his head and look at his elder brother, he saw sorrow and fear and guilt in Joe's eyes that made Ben want to smile. He wanted Joe to be guilty, he wanted him to be crushed by guilt and to be in terror of the power they both knew Ben held over him. Ben could crush his whole world with one sentence and Joe knew it, that was why space was needed between them and why they both knew cutting ties was the best option.
If Ben dared to crush Joe he would be seen as more of a demon than he already was by his own family. He would feel so cruel because of the power he held and Ben never wanted to be cruel but that was how he was depicted.
All Ben could do was nod his head at Joe in recognition because there was nothing he could say that would come out without being spiteful. He felt the fire dwindling down in his chest when (Y/n) walked back into the room and reached out for his hand, leaning her head on his arm that was tense beyond belief. Ben dared to sit down on the armchair next to the tv but it felt awkward, he couldn't slouch in the chair like he used to, he could only sit on the very edge of the seat with his back dead straight. But his frame relaxed when (Y/n) sat down next to him.
Both their eyes were locked on Finn who was sitting on the sofa with both Andrea and Lucy who were watching him like he was pure magic right before their eyes. Even Joe was smiling at the little boy who was a double of Ben.
"You came."
Ben couldn't breathe. He felt his stomach flattening and sucking in like a deflated balloon as his eyes bulged from their sockets to the point they almost popped right out. He could feel bile rising in the back of his throat making it hard for him not to gag and want to be sick when his eyes landed on the one person he had told Lucy he didn't want to see if he came today.
His dad.
Roger looked different, his hair was pure white now instead of having streaks of blond still woven into it and his hair was cut a lot shorter than last time. He had a beard now as well which was something Ben wasn't used to seeing, Roger hardly ever had facial hair throughout Ben's life. He had a new tattoo on the lower part of his arm that stretched down to his hand and his eyes looked older and lighter in colour than before. But his voice had stayed exactly the same as Ben always remembered.
He remembered Roger shouting at him the last time they had seen one another. He remembered Roger throwing Ben's bags out the door when Ben screamed that he was leaving and he never wanted to see any of them again.
Ben could picture Lucy stood on the stairs with tears in her eyes as Ben called her a traitor and a bitch and spat words of cruelty at her before saying he never wanted to see her again. He could see his mother broken down in tears in the hall as he told her she hadn't been a mother to him in those last few months and he was glad to get away from her. Ben could see Joe rushing towards them even when Ben called him a vile bastard and said he could ruin his whole world if he wanted.
Ben had never seen his dad look so angry as he had in that last memory he had. He had never seen hate in Roger's eyes or the way his features screwed up and tensed when he shouted, he'd never seen Roger cry until the day he moved out and never looked back. Ben had never witnessed such regret in Roger's eyes when he spoke those last words that Ben was never going to forget in a hurry.
When those words passed through Roger's lips, Ben had lost all control he had prided himself on having in times of anger or sorrow. He had punched Roger for the first time in his life and would have carried on if Joe hadn't of intervened.
He didn't want to be here because that was the only memory he could remember of this home.
"Luc you promised me." Ben whispered in such a broken and betrayed tone that Lucy's smile slipped from her face and a look of pain replaced it. She hadn't tricked him or meant to deceive him, but this was Roger's home and he had wanted to see Ben again. She could hardly tell their dad to leave his home so that Ben could come and visit, he wanted to make amends and that was why Lucy had wanted Ben to come round in the first place.
"I didn't think you would come," Roger responded when Lucy stayed deathly quiet but his words weren't much above a whisper either. He knew if he spoke any louder his voice would break and he would cry.
Running a hand over his mouth, Ben pushed himself to his feet, trying to smile at Finn to reassure him before he walked past Roger and went into the dining room at the back of the house and went out into the garden. If Roger wanted to talk Ben would oblige for a moment but he wouldn't be kind and he wasn't going to shout in front of his son.
"It's good to see you."
"Cut the shit, I came here because I thought you wouldn't be here. I'll be civil with Joe and make amends with mum and Luc, but not you." Ben kept his back to Roger, he couldn't even bear to call him dad because he didn't feel like a father to Ben any more. Roger was someone who Ben always looked up to when he was growing up, Roger was his role model and one of the most important people to Ben, but that was different now and Ben didn't want him back in his life.
"It's been eight years, Ben. You have a boy of your own now, wouldn't you want to make amends with him if something happened between you? I've missed you since the day you walked out-"
"Don't you dare bring my son into this. I'm a dad now and I'm never going to make the mistakes you did, I would never talk to him like you did to me." Ben finally spun around so he could face Roger who had such a look of hurt and pain on his face that almost crippled Ben to witness.
"I was in agony Ben, we all were. You made mistakes too-"
"I made mistakes that you would never forgive me for, but I'm not making another by letting you back in my life." Ben made mistakes but he wasn't the only one. He was the one who everyone liked to remind about his damaging mistakes and what they had cost but everyone else acted like angels compared to him. He wanted to get away from the blame that he didn't deserve and cutting himself off from his family was his way of doing that.
"Ben please, I've lost one son already I don't want to lose another."
A sob bubbled up in the back of Ben's throat as he clenched his hands so tightly that he could feel his nails puncturing into his palms and drawing blood. Roger couldn't seriously be going down this route because Ben would win this argument if that was all he could come up with. That was the worst path he could go down and Ben was not playing this game anymore.
Reaching forward, Ben bashed his fist into Roger's chest and pushed him back a few steps before he pulled away and refrained himself.
"You lost me the day you told me you wished I had fucking died because I was a disgrace to you and that I didn't deserve my life." Ben started to walk back towards the patio doors to head inside, this wasn't going to happen again unless Ben had the reassurance that Roger wasn't going to be here next time.
Ben didn't want this, he didn't want Roger in his life under any circumstances after how he had been treated. The only life lesson Ben had gotten from Roger was that he should respect his son and he knew what not to do and say to hurt Finn.
"I, am not your son."
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becuztaelien · 4 years
3| The Beast
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4
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2.6k words, Warning: Intense shit, triggering themes, language
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here.”
Jaemin pressed the gun harder against Jimin’s forehead, a wide grin spreading across his slim face. “Renjun!” he called out to his partner, not breaking eye contact with the terrified boy below him for even a second.
“P-please..” Jimin whispered from the ground; his throat felt constricted causing his voice to crack. The gun was only in contact with his forehead, but the metal made his entire body shudder with dread.
“Princess, I think it would be wise to keep that pretty mouth shut.” The brunette pursed his quivering lips together tightly, the last thing he wanted was to piss off the gang members. “Now stand up slowly and don’t get any clever ideas.” Jimin didn’t realise he’d been holding his breath until he had to stand up; the gun against his head seemed to have stolen his attention entirely.
“There he is! Sneaky little rat,” Renjun happily exclaimed as he came round the corner, “did you think we wouldn’t find you?” he seemed pleased; the man was taller than his partner and muscular, one punch from him was probably enough to knock a grown man unconscious. He approached Jimin’s small figure and chuckled, “What are you? Min’s old whore or somethin? Didn’t know he swung both ways.” Both of the men laughed among themselves until Renjun noticed a cell phone on the ground. He scoffed before bringing his heel down on it hard; Jimin yelped, his legs had begun to shake at some point but now he could feel his entire body following. The phone screen shattered and the heel of Renjun’s shoe had made such a prominent dent it was good enough to be used as an acute angle in a child’s mathematics book. Renjun wrapped his arm around the smaller man “aww, did little baby get scared?” he mocked. Jimin was extremely uncomfortable, not only by his words but the bastard had slid a hand under the dancer’s shirt and was currently resting it on his bare waist. His fingertips were cold and it sent a shiver down Jimin’s spine; he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. “Jae, what do you say we play with him a little?” Jimin’s eye’s widened, they were going to do what?
“No one’s coming anytime soon anyway, might as well see what those big lips are good for.” Jaemin approvingly responded and his partner gave a disgusting smirk in return.
“Just his lips? I kind of want to see what these dancer hips are good for.” Before he knew it, Jimin’s throat was being grabbed and his entire body slammed against the nearest wall. He desperately gasped for air, bringing his hands up and trying to loosen the strong man’s grip; it proved futile. “what do you say kitten?” the male brought his free hand to tug at  Jimin’s belt. “Shall we have some fun?” an extreme sense of nausea spread through Jimin’s body and he could only pray for you to save him.
11:09 pm, in the helicopter
The line had cut off and if you weren’t freaking out already, that was enough to send you over the edge. The tears you had been holding back poured out and you began screaming into Yoongi’s chest hysterically.
“Baby please, listen to me-” He tried to calm you down but there was no point anymore, they had him, they had a gun pressed against his head, you were powerless, Yoongi was powerless. “It’s okay, hey, nothing will happen to him!” Your lover’s efforts continued but you had had enough by then; you pulled away and harshly pushed his chest
“HOW CAN YOU BE SO SURE OF THAT?!” you screamed into his face, tears streaming down your cheeks, anger and fear being the only thing left in your eyes. “They have him! Yoongi they have a fucking gun pressed against his head, he could die at any second and you want me to calm down?! How can you tell me it’s going to be fine when this situation is the FURTHEST from fine???” He grabbed your face and brought it impossibly close to his own; you wanted to pull away but his grip was strong.
“I’m not asking you to calm down, I’m asking you to trust me.” He said assertively and his words finally reached you; maybe it was his eyes that always saw right through to your soul and understood your thoughts (or maybe it was Maybelline- sorry, sorry I had to) but he somehow always knew the right thing to say. “I know this is a difficult situation for you but I need you to trust me right now.” You held his gaze for what seemed like minutes, looking from one eye to the other; searching for proof of his reassurance… and there it was, lurking in those dark chocolate brown eyes, a soft yet genuine integrity.
“Okay.” You broke the silence and brought your hands up to place over his, “I trust you.”
11:18 pm
Busan Dance Academy came into view making your heart pound through your entire body at an incredible rate. The last time you were here was the summer before you and Jimin went your separate ways for college; 6 years ago. You still remembered the big smile on his face, the way his -then orange dyed- hair blew in the wind. I want to become a pro and teach here someday; he had said to you as a young and naïve boy. Who would have thought that six months into living that dream, it would be stripped away from him. The scariest part was not knowing whether he was even inside, whether he was alive and well or zipped up in a body bag and thrown into the trunk of an old car. You thought back to Yoongi’s words; I need you to trust me. You pondered over it again, he would never lie to you, he always gave you the raw truth. If Yoongi thought for a second that Jimin was dead, he would have prepared you for the possibility but even if he didn’t, you had no choice but to put your faith in him.
“When we land, I need you to stay here with the pilot and Choi.” Yoongi stated as he stood up and prepared himself for jumping; before you even had the chance to protest, a single finger had made its way to your lips “don’t even think about it, I will not put you in danger.” He had turned slightly and was giving you a serious look; it wasn’t up for debate. You sighed in disappointment but gave him a small acknowledging nod. After a few seconds of holding your gaze, your lover removed his finger and pulled out two loaded guns from the hidden holsters in his jacket; two of his accompanying men following suit. “Alright boys, let’s go make some fuckers pay.”
The chopper landed on one of the back fields outside Busan Dance Academy; Yoongi and his men jumped out before the aircraft even had a chance to touch the ground. The mafia leader ran towards the back entrance with his men close behind, leaving you with no choice but to watch as they disappeared into the building shortly after kicking the door down. Beside you, Choi had pulled out a sniper and was getting in position right next to the slight opening of the helicopter door. Yoongi had taken a precaution? He never did so unless he doubted the success of his operations. Suddenly all the reassurance he had given you seemed to have evaporated into empty words. Just what the hell was he thinking?
The building was dark and quiet.
“Front entrance, now!” Yoongi ordered. Shit… did they get away? The possibility could certainly not be ignored so both his men did as they were told while he hurried up to the second floor in case they were still hiding. The Beast’s sharp eyes immediately spotted an open door and blood that had stained the ground beside it. Fuck... was the first thing he thought before turning on his heel and sprinting back the way he came.
“We have a visual, sir!” his men yelled via the radio device they were all equipped with. Good, he hadn’t lost them but his suspicions were simply further confirmed. The gang members never expected company. They would definitely have been torturing Jimin and made a break for it when they heard the chopper; it would certainly explain the sloppy mess left behind.
“Get the chopper to the main entrance. Choi, if you have a direct hit on Zico’s ass-wipes, you fucking take it.” He grunted back into the device; sounding aggravated yet obscurely excited. The device obviously played his voice on speaker which meant you heard and knew he wasn’t in control of the situation. Panic surged through your body as the helicopter began rising off the ground.
Yoongi reached the main entrance, instantly noticing his men in pursuit of your best friend’s perpetrators. The taller, more muscular one was practically carrying a weak looking Jimin while the other had a gun pressed to the struggling boy’s head. They tortured him to the point of immobility huh? Yoongi lifted up his gun and aimed, wind direction; southeast… distance; roughly 120 yards… aim… 127.4 degrees northwest…
“FUCK!” Jaemin’s shriek's filled the silent night air and his gun flew clean out of his hand. The mobster’s other hand gripped at his bleeding bullet wound; desperately trying to stop the pain and blood. Yoongi’s bullet had gone through perfect centre and shattered the man’s wrist without a doubt. The sound of his partner’s gun falling caused Renjun to halt, he threw Jimin on to the ground and within seconds, his hands swiftly pulled out two guns previously hidden in his coat. He turned around to face Yoongi; one firearm pointed at Jimin’s fainting body while the other was held up in the Beast’s direction.
Don’t you dare fucking move!” He howled, meanwhile Jaemin had managed to rip part of his victim’s shirt and was in the process of wrapping it around his bleeding wrist.
“Fuck that hurt so bad-” he spat through clenched teeth.
“Put a knife to that boy’s neck right now.” Renjun whispered, a wild sense of urgency in his voice. His partner groaned in pain but pulled out a hidden blade; he lifted Jimin’s frail body up with the arm of his damaged wrist and proceeded to press a clip point blade to the man’s neck using his able hand.
Both of Yoongi’s men stopped upon witnessing the danger but not the leader himself; he continued walking towards the gang members. Jimin’s weak body was lifted just enough so the bruises, blood and tear stained cheeks were glaringly visible. Yoongi only halted when he noticed the boy’s jeans; barely on, buttons torn, zipper broken. They went that far huh… but he wasn’t the only one who saw the horror; the helicopter had risen above the walls of the academy and you could clearly see the state of your best friend. His eyes were empty, hair, dishevelled and stained with blood from the wound on his forehead; his neck was heavily bruised, as though he had been choked to death… but that was the worst part… he hadn’t been given the release of death… he was alive, alive and in pain.
“I have a headshot sir but one of them will most likely kill the target if I take the other out.” Choi spoke into his radio and your heart felt as though it would stop at any moment.
“Hold your position.” Yoongi responded. For a moment there was silence, each man on the field waiting for a reaction from the other. Then, when Yoongi seemed to be obeying, Renjun instructed his partner to get Jimin in the getaway car stationed barely seven yards from their position. Not even a second after Jaemin began dragging your heavily wounded best friend backwards, the beast fired into the air causing both gang members to practically shit themselves.
“You amuse me.” Yoongi scoffed before dropping his gun and starting to walk towards them again.
“Are you fucking insane?! Do you want me to put a bullet through his skull?!”
“Go ahead.” The raven haired man chuckled as he got closer meanwhile Renjun’s eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets.
“You’re fucking bluffing,” he choked out, “there’s no way you would come unless he meant something!” The only reason the mobster hadn’t fired yet was Yoongi being unarmed and the fact that the bruised boy was his only ticket out. What happened next however, caused both the gang members and you to stare in confusion; he was laughing. Yoongi was laughing as though someone had cracked about five really good jokes in a row; the man was hysterical.
“Mean something to me? HA! Please, who in the fuck do you think I am?” The leader spent a good minute recovering from his laughing fit but even then, there was a big smile on his face. “do you want to know why I came, you fucking lowlife?” he edged closer and Renjun was in too much shock to even respond “it’s because after all this time, after years upon years, finally someone put me in a situation where I had to think fast, oh the fucking adrenaline! Go here! No there! Now get a fucking chopper across the city! Shit they’re getting away! Fuck! I really gotta give it to Zico, I mean he really gave me a good rush tonight.” Both thugs were frozen in their place, just what in the fuck was this man? The situation was amusing to him? He was enjoying himself? “I mean seriously-”
“Shut the fuck up!” Jaemin shrieked out, staring at his broken, bloody wrist, “what the fuck man…” he sounded and looked petrified. “You’re a fucking monster… and a goddamn liar! If Park didn’t mean shit, you would have killed us already! But you haven’t, you even dropped your gun.” He finally looked up and tried to hold contact with the dark, soulless eyes of Min Yoongi, “we are getting in that car and getting the fuck out of here and I swear to fuck if you take a single step, Jun is going to pull the fucking trigger.”
Another pause, Yoongi had stopped advancing and the very air that surrounded them had gone deadly silent. Even previous cutting sounds of the helicopter blades seemed like a distant wind but most notably, the big grin from The Beast’s face had disappeared. After what seemed like an eternity, a deep voice finally broke the silence.
“Who said you could interrupt me?” He tilted his head to the side, “Oh and what makes you think I only have one gun?”
There was a breath, as though Jaemin was about to speak but the faint sound was only followed by that of his body falling to the ground. Renjun spun round in a millisecond and that’s when he saw it; a bullet hole, right in the middle of his partner’s forehead. SHIT, HE’S GOT A FUCKING SNIPER- but before he had the chance to react, the barrel of a gun was pressed against his neck. There was a clicking sound; the safety on a death inducing weapon being removed but what followed was a louder, ear piercing noice.
But not one… two shots had been fired in that moment.
Yoongi’s eyes widened, Renjun fell to the ground, your body went limp. It was as though all oxygen in the world disappeared when you saw the blood… pouring out of your best friend’s head.
//Part 4
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geniusgub · 4 years
my rant about villain characters
I have a beef w the way “villain” characters are portrayed in tv shows and movies.
 I’m convinced that writers just throw in as much malice and anger as they can without rereading or editing or actually watching what they produce. again, I’m not talking about fan fiction because that shit SLAPS.
for this rant, I’m going to talk only about criminal minds because those are the only examples I can remember and I know that everyone who follows will understand the examples I use. also, I’m exempting unsubs from this for obvious reasons.
the first villain I’ll be talking about is Linda Barnes. GARBAGE. HORRIBLE. THE WORST. every time she comes on screen, you groan and want her off. I get it, that’s the point of her character- to cause conflict. but her character took away from my enjoyment of the show because she made watching the show a chore. I didn’t want to watch when she was in the episode.
this is because she had no redeeming qualities and this is where my argument lays. Linda Barnes has literally no good moments. she kicked Spencer off the team, made Rossi retire early, moved Garcia to a different department and stripped her of all the color that the BAU allows, then didn’t allow the remaining members of the BAU to go on cases and DIDNT CARE THAT PEOPLE WERE DYING AND THEY SAID IT OUTRIGHT THAT SHE COULDNT GIVE A SHIT. when she was told certain cases that JJ wanted the team to work, she immediately wondered how those cases would make the bureau look, not how it would help the victims or their families. then eventually she puts a saved victim in harms way after the unit chief (Queen JJ) tells her not to and ends up getting that saved person SHOT (even if she was wearing a vest) and Barnes didn’t that just because she thought that takedown was taking too much times.
I understand that she was in the show for a short time, but she had no personality other than her job and being a bitch and trying to disband the BAU for no good reason other than she felt like it. she had not one single good moment in all the episodes that she was in and it took away from the enjoyment of watching the show.
this is the fault of the writing. it’s the writers job to write characters that viewers can connect to, even if they’re villains. ain’t nobody out there saying “I stan Linda Barnes” NO BECAUSE SHES A BITCH AND MADE THE BAU’S LIVES A LIVING HELL!!! the writing of this character was absolutely terrible and the reason is that she had no redeeming qualities.
a perfect example of a well written villain is Erin Strauss. it’s no secret that in the beginning of the show, she kinda had it out for the BAU, for whatever reason (and if there was a reason then I don’t remember it lol). she definitely makes their lives harder, especially when she follows them into the field, even when she doesn’t have field experience.
but as her character progresses and she grows, she becomes a better person. this growth is perfectly seen in the finale of season seven (the last two episodes, titled “hit” and “run”). Hotch asks her to defy the directors orders and while she’s hesitant to do so, she trusts the BAU and their processes and defies the director. we even see her ignoring a call from the director while they’re in the field.
Strauss was obviously meant to be the villain of the show and while she was definitely shown to be out for the BAU at the beginning, she had a very clear arch and backstory and she had a lot of growth. she overcame her alcohol problems and made amends with Derek Morgan and even in her last moments before dying, she refuted what Hotch said about her having a favorite child. even in the moments before her death, we can see the stark difference in her character and how much she grows.
writers need to see that villains (aside from the serial killers on the show) are not all bad. there needs to be some humanizing qualities to them or else the viewers will want to shut the show off as soon as they come onto the screen. you can’t have a writer just be bad bad bad bad bad and not having some sunshine moments to them. it’s frustrating and it makes me want to chuck my remote at the tv and think of the consequences later. please. from an avid tv/movie binger- think a lot about how to give your characters archs and make them better people by the time they leave the screen than when they entered.
hopefully that made sense and I didn’t just fully ramble too much lol
if you want more examples:
(I won’t go into depth with these!)
villain characters without redeeming qualities:
•Liza from 68 Kill
(yall i fucking hate this bitch she was so horrible)
•Alexis Carrington from Dynasty (season 1 and 2)
•Adam Carrington from Dynasty (season 1 I think and 2)
•Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter
characters w redeeming qualities
•Sue Sylvester from Glee
•Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender
•Jade West from Victorious
•Loki from the Avengers epic (specifically in Thor Ragnarok and Avengers Endgame)
•PL Travers from Saving Mr. Banks
as always I’m open to opinions and debate so let me know what you think☺️
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cherryblossomyu · 5 years
Oh! thank u for letting me know! Can I request a threesome (YutaxTaeyongxReader) smut? thanks
“Look at my pretty little princess,” a small smile appeared on Yuta’s face as his fingers linked themselves underneath the collar that adorned your neck, “and all for me, right?”
“Yes Yuta, all for you” you replied and you looked up at him through your lashes. Leaning down, he gave you a chaste kiss on your lips that had you yearning for more.
Yuta’s princess one week, Taeyong’s cockslut the next.
You had established a friends with benefits relationship with the two of them. They were your closest friends and you saw each other as a form of comfort and stress relief if ever needed which is why you were fucking yourself back onto Taeyong’s cock and moaning out his name this evening.
“Holy shit, you feel so good Y/N” Taeyong grunted out as his hand connected itself to your ass to give a harsh smack. The contact made you yelp into the sheets that your face was smushed into.
Bunching your hair into a ponytail, he tugged just enough to make your face come up. “I want to hear you moan, can you do that for me?”
“Ah! Yes, yes Taeyong”
“Good cause I wasn’t going to stop till you did” he said and quickened his pace.
His hips positioned in and out of your cunt and produced lewd noises but those were overshadowed by your moans and the praises that he was whispering into your ear.
“You’re so good to me, taking my cock like the slut you are. I bet you love this, don’t you?”
“Yes Taeyong I love when you fuck me! Thank you” you felt like you were on cloud nine from the amount of pleasure that he was giving you and when you finally came around him, he pulled out and pumped his length. The hot streaks of white landed onto your back as your body fell onto the mattress.
After retrieving a warm rag, the male wiped your body down before laying down next to you. “You’re okay, right?” he asked as he moved some strands of hair out of your face. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me Taeyong” you said, voice laced with drowsiness.
These small sessions always tired you out and he knew. Taeyong pulled your body close before letting the two of you lull off to sleep. The following morning, you were on your way out of Taeyong’s apartment when he stopped you. “Are you going to that party tonight?” he asked.
“Yeah it’s just you know, one of those campus parties and everyone’s welcome to come. I’d love if you came to keep me company” he finished as his fingers tapped up your arm and he looked at you with his eyebrows raised up slightly.
“I’ll be there then, just for you” you replied and smiled.
It was late when you got back to your place and late as in 2PM. Turns out you and Taeyong had really slept in after yesterday night but that was not a big deal. You figured with the time you have left, you could get relax a bit before you would freshen up for tonight’s outing once again with Taeyong.
When 7PM struck on the clock, you began to prep. Showering was checked off the list, all you had to do now was pick out an outfit. Putting on makeup was something that you debated on since you never knew if the night’s activities would have you crying from pleasure and ruining an eye look. Opting against it, you put together an outfit before walking out the door and heading to the party.
The moment you walked in, you spotted Taeyong on a couch laughing and conversing with a group of his friends. You thought you’d leave him to be and that you could say a hello later but when he saw you, he immediately called for you. “Y/N! Hey!” he smiled and pat his lap. You didn’t give it a second thought and sat where he wanted you to.
It wasn’t long before you two got caught up in your own world and Taeyong was pressing kisses down your neck as you pulled him closer. You weren’t aware that Yuta would be at the party and even if you were, it shouldn’t have mattered since you two had nothing going on but when he approached you and Taeyong, you were caught off guard.
“Y/N, I’m glad the princess came out to play” Yuta smiled at the two of you. The use of the pet name made your cheeks heat up. Yuta has never called you anything but your name outside of the bedroom so you knew that something was up.
“Looks like you’ve been toying around a little bit, huh?”
“N-no, I haven’t”
“This here says otherwise” Yuta shook his head as you lied through your teeth.
Seeing what was playing out in front of him, Taeyong seized the chance and went along with it.
“Has Y/N been fucking around? You must be that needy then, a greedy whore” Taeyong whispered the last part into your ear and it had you squirming.
“Come on princess, I think your needs can be fulfilled” Yuta straightened up and made his way down the hallway, Taeyong followed and you chased behind like a puppy.
Finally behind closed doors, Yuta told sat down on the bed and signaled for you to to sit in the space between his legs. Your back was pressed up against his chest now and he coaxed your legs open.
“Ah good girl,” Yuta whispered into your ear, “you’re desperate for anything aren’t you?”
Lust was beginning to cloud your brain now. Taeyong was peeling off your jeans and panties while Yuta’s hands were making their way underneath your shirt and pulling down your bra. Yuta’s cold hands contrasted with your warm skin and made your nipples stand pert from his touch.
Yuta fondled your breasts and gave them rough squeezes, circling your nipples before focusing on the peaks and tweaking them. One man had his focus on your upper body and the other attended to your needs down below.
Once Taeyong had removed your undergarments, he wasted no time and used his tongue to lap at your pussy. The skin now glistened from a mixture of your juices and his saliva and you felt your body begin to quiver; however, Taeyong attempted to hold you still by wrapping his arms around your thighs to only hold you still but it also allowed for his tongue to dive deeper into you.
The pleasure from Yuta toying with your chest traveled straight down to your core that was already being stimulated so it didn’t take long for you two have your first release of the night on Taeyong’s face.
The boy lapped up every single drop and didn’t stop there. You yelled out his name when his tongue probed at your clit and Yuta couldn’t help but smirk at the way your eyes screwed shut and head was thrown back.
“Holy fuck, please Taeyong!” you didn’t know what you were begging for. Taeyong was overstimulating you but if he pulled away you knew you’d whine and of course he did the latter.
“I can’t have all the fun now, can I?” Taeyong laughed at the way your eyebrows furrowed at him. “You still taste sweet as ever though”
For the second time that night you felt yourself grow shy. It didn’t matter how many times either of the two had spoken to you like that, each and every time you knew you blushed but it made something surge through them seeing you become like that.
“Up princess, I want a taste” Yuta said and you moved so that the two could switch positions. It didn’t take a detective to figure out that the two male’s cocks were straining against their pants now and they were dying for any type of relief.
Unlike Taeyong, Yuta wanted to tease you till you were begging for him so he began with pressing kisses up your thighs and taking, in your opinion, way too long to lay his lips on your cunt.
“Yuta hurry up already” you whined and pushed your hips towards him.
“You’re so impatient Y/N, good things come with time”
You were about to roll your eyes out of annoyance but your orbs rolled back in pleasure since your wishes were granted and Yuta licked a long and slow stripe up your folds.
After delving in, Yuta pushed a finger into you causing you to let out a moan, the sound traveling straight to both of their cocks.
“You’re such a naughty girl Y/N, needing two people to help you out with your needs? Needy slut” Taeyong said.
“Yes I’m a slut for you two, thank you for helping me” you panted out.
“It’s pathetic how wet you got for us,” Taeyong let out a small laugh and he leaned his head into your neck. A mix of small kisses and sucks to leave pretty purple marks on your skin that were sure to become more prominent as the night went on.
It was when Taeyong and Yuta both found that sweet spots that had you cumming for the second time tonight. Yuta disconnected himself from your pussy and used the back of his hand to wipe away at any of your essence that dribbled down his chin.
“I call you sweetie for a reason” Yuta said and brought his fingers to your mouth. You sucked his two fingers clean of your juices and when he pulled them out you whined and slumped down onto the bed.
“Nuh uh, we aren’t done with you yet. On all fours” Yuta said and tapped your ass, grabbing your hips to help you up.
The two finally got to strip off their pants and briefs and Yuta pulled your body back to the edge of the bed. Standing up, Yuta pumped his length a few times as Taeyong’s cock stood rock hard right in front of your face.
Your lips parted and tongue peeked out to signal to Taeyong that you were ready but instead of laying the head of his cock on your tongue he made you chase after it. The head of his length was slapped against  the sides of your face, the precum from his head leaving streaks on your cheeks and then lips before he finally pushed his dick into your mouth. Your mouth was kept busy with that as Taeyong aided you in bobbing your head up and down his length. You tried your best to cover as much of his length as you could but without your hands, it was quite hard.
Taeyong didn’t mind though because after running the head of his cock up and down your folds a couple of times,Yuta finally pushed himself into you causing you to moan on Taeyong’s cock, the vibrations were enough to send him over the edge and his cum shot into your mouth as he pulled out. A string of his release connected him to your lips and you licked at the boy’s release that accumulated on your face before swallowing.
“Holy shit your pussy takes me so well Y/N” Yuta grunted in between his slow and deep thrusts.
Taeyong was laying down now and took in the sight of the way your breasts bounced back and forth when Yuta gave a particularly rough push into you. Even after getting off, he felt himself become hard at the sight of you becoming done from another man.
One of Yuta’s hands held a firm grip on your waist and the other gave your ass slaps. The sound of skin against skin resonated throughout the room and that along with moans and pleas for Yuta to go faster fueled him to you.
Your walls gripped around his cock, the clenches you gave every so often drove him crazy. Yuta pulled your body up and the new position allowed for new angles to be covered.
“Yuta holy fuck your cock” you said and you craned your head back.
“My cock what. hm? Fucks you that well doesn’t it? Hits every spot in you that you didn’t even know were there”
“Yes you fuck me so well Yuta!” you let out a yell when the knot in your stomach couldn’t take it anymore and you came, your essence dripping down your legs.
“That’s what I thought. Your pussy is so good princess, always milks my cock so well” Yuta finished his sentence and finished off inside of you as well. The milky white fluid began to ooze out and mixed with yours. Yuta admired the sight and took his finger to gather the remnants before pushing his cum back inside of you. You let out a small moan and Yuta carefully laid your body back down.
“You’re such a good girl Y/N, can you go for one more round?” Taeyong turned your face towards his and stroked it lovingly.
You nodded and Taeyong smiled. Gently laying his hands on you, he helped roll you on top of him and Yuta licked his lips as he eyed your ass.
Before doing anything he needed to make sure that the pain of entering your anally would be as reduced as possible so Yuta prepped you by pressing his thumb at your ass pushing it in slowly.
The sting was there and your head cowered over but the pain slowly turned into pleasure. It was when you were pushing your hips back into Yuta that he took it as a sign that you were ready.
“Y/N, our personal cock sleeve,” Yuta said as he pushed the head of his cock into your anus and Taeyong mirrored the action from underneath, his length pushing up in one go all the way into your pussy.
“Pathetic whore, you need two loads in you to be satisfied” Yuta thrusted into you once again slowly. His words were aggressive but he wasn’t trying to hurt you.
Your breasts were rubbing against Taeyong’s chest and the two’s pace gradually picked up.
Taeyong’s hands gripped your waist and Yuta’s held your hands behind your back when he was finally able to go at the pace that he desired.
No warning was given from Taeyong when his load shot up into you other than a squeeze on your hips and a moan. He stilled inside of you but Yuta continued until he felt a rush of euphoria.
“Shit I’m cumming” he said and a moan ripped from his throat when he came, this being the second set of cum being emptied into you tonight from him.
The two pulled out and you all fell onto the bed panting, sweat making your hair stick to your faces.
You all helped each other clean up as best as you could before the door was opened and you three joined the party again but you swear the cum that continue to leak out of  your cunt served as a reminder for what went on that night.
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minimin1993 · 4 years
S/M 48
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Warning: SMUT!!! 18+...
“To be honest Min, we were debating on killing Tony off too but we decided on a different route.” Kevin said making Min stare at him with wide eyes shocked at what he just said. 
“NOOOO!!! OMG IF YOU DID THAT I WOULD CRY A STORM.” Min imagines that ending instead in cringes. “Ok princess breathe. I think that's enough ranting for the day.” Sebastian said calming her down.
“But!! But!!” 
“No buts, now go clean up.” He said effectively shutting her up while the cast and crew stare at the pair in amusement.
“Fine. You have not heard the last of me.” Min said wiping her tears walking out the studio mumbling with a chuckling Sebastian behind her. “And this isn’t even the movie and I already want to cry my eyes out.”
“I am still surprised those 2 has not gotten together.” Alex said to Joe and Kevin who just shakes their head. 
“When I originally cast her I knew she was an instant match to Sebastian. So it's only a matter of time when those 2 gets together, or announce to the world they have been secretly together.” Kevin smirks. “My bets on the second.”
“Oh yeah huh, they both been ‘single’ for what 2 years?” Joe questions.
“Yup oh those 2 are slick.” Alex said realizing it now.
“Hey they keep the fans going with BuckLin.” Kevin shrugs.
“True that.” 
By the time Min got back to her apartment she was still grumbling under her breath. 
“Princess come here.” Sebastian said entering the apartment but Min plopped on the sofa pouting crossing her arms. 
“Are you really that disappointed?” Sebastian asked sitting next to her wanting to laugh at her childish antics. 
“Yes!!! How can Steve Rogers do that? Just leave his family and friends for PUSSY!!! I swear her pussy better be some bomb ass pussy for him to leave his 2 best friends like that.” Min grumbled this time Sebastian couldn’t hold his laughter in and started to laugh at her. “Don’t laugh, this is some serious shit. I understand bomb pussy but come on.”
“All this talk about pussy is making crave some pussy now.” He teased her. 
“Nope, too pouty to be horny right now.Plus you just got some this morning.”
“Oh I didn’t mean it like that.” He said kneeling in front of her smirking pulling her to the edge of the couch, starting to work on pulling her pants off. 
“Wait.. I am all sweaty from set today.” 
“And that's going to stop me?” He winks at her pulling off her pants not finding underwear slowly rubbing her clit with his thumb. “Mmhmm I love how you go commando under your uniforms.”
“It's the only way for my suit not to show any panties lines.” She said containing her moans. 
“Don’t hold back those sounds, you know I live for those.” Sebastian close his eyes inhaling her musk groaning until he looks up at her with lustful eyes before attaching his mouth to her clit. 
“Fuck..” She moans arching her back gripping on the sofa; Sebastan grabs hold of her hands bringing it to his head going back to work gently sucking on her clit. He moans into her while she grinds herself on his mouth only to reward her with inserting 2 of his fingers into her tight cunt pacing it in a way he knows will bring her to climax.
“Yes Sebastian… Fuckk…” She was unable to control her moans pulling him deeper into her cunt. “Stop… I am going to cum and I want to cum with you inside me.” Min said wanting him to stop but he just moans loudly shaking his head at her thrusting his fingers faster into her.
“Baby… Shit… I am going to cum.” She said cumming hard, Sebastian removes his fingers gripping her thighs holding her into place slurping up all her essences. Once she came down from her high he stopped, placing loving kisses on her thighs watching her sated face.  “Feeling better?” Sebastian with a smug look on his face. 
“You naughty boy.” She pants, trying to calm down her rapidly beating heart. 
“I’m only naughty for you babygirl.” He said wiping his face. “Now let's go shower real quick.” “Wait what about you?” She asked confused when he carried her to the shower.
“I can wait, I know you're tired.” He puts her on the counter turning on the shower. Once they both stripped fully they stepped under the water moaning at the feeling of relaxation when the water hit their body. 
“Baby you are so hard.” Min said finally got a glimpse of his rock solid cock.
“I am but I can’t help it when I am with you.” Sebastian said washing his body off when he feels Min hands gripping his cock stroking it slowly.
“You know I just remember since you gotta eat already, I think it's my turn.” She said sinking down to her knees winking at him. “You must be dying to release my master.” She places kisses from his navel following his happy trail leading to his cock leaking pre-cum. “Can I please make you feel good master?” She asks staring at his lustful eyes. “Make your master feel good babygirl.” 
That was all the permission she needed for her to take his almost purple tip into her mouth sucking just the way he likes it. “God dam, you look so fucken beautiful on your knees mouth full of my cock.” Sebastian said gripping her hair into a makeshift ponytail. “Your going to let me use your mouth as my personal toy babygirl? Can you do that for me?” He asked moaning when she hums around his cock placing both her hands behind her back waiting for him. He growls at her sign of submitting and began to thrust into her mouth, she slowly relaxes her throat for him until he was able to bury his entire cock down her throat moaning loudly. “Fuck me, you take my cock so well babygirl. No one can take my entire cock like you can.” He said holding her face close to his pelvic loving the feeling of her throat trying to swallow him, her eyes practically rolling to the back of her head, purposely choking herself on him knowing she was giving him immense pleasure. “I’m gonna fuck your pretty little mouth now.” He told her before he absurdly starts to pound into her mouth knowing it was relaxed enough for him. “I’m ganna cum so fucken hard doll.” Sebastian head rolled back onto the wall behind him unable to thrust anymore, Min gripped onto his thighs and began bobbing her head up and down his cock sucking hard until he came right into her waiting mouth. He was barely able to keep his eyes open staring at her swallow everything letting his cock go with a pop before showing him her empty mouth. 
“God damn how I fucken love you.” Sebastian yanked her up smashing his lips onto her kissing her passionately moaning tasting himself on her tongue, after he couldn’t take it anymore, he turns her around facing the wall bending her slightly for him. 
“Brace yourself baby girl, this is going to be hard and fast.” Sebastian said rubbing his rehardening cock on her slit until he pushed himself into her puckered hole hearing her gasp. “Oh did I forget to mention it was in your ass tonight?” Sebastian said smugly burying himself into her ass as she moans loudly. Min braces herself on the wall trying to grab hold of anything when Sebastian grabbed both her arms behind her back using it as an anchor for him to brutally pounded into her ass.
“Yess, fuck yess… Tear me apart Sebastian, let me feel you for weeks.” She moans pushing herself back on him until he wraps his hand around her neck pulling her to his chest.
“Oh trust me, not only are you going to be feeling me for weeks. You might not even be able to sit down down for a while.” He growls into her ears pounding harder into her clenching ass. “Thats it, keep doing that babygirl, I am going to cum deep into your fucken ass. Do you want that?”
“Yes I want that so bad.” She said her eyes rolling to the back of her head when he squeezes her neck a little harder.
“Then tell me who do you belong to?” He said reaching his other hand down to her clit rubbing furiously for her to cum with him. 
“To you Sebastian Stan, heart, body, mind, and my fucken soul.” She answers turning her head slightly to look into his eyes before he cums deep into her holding her convulsing body close to him while he eases her down her high. 
“You mean that?” He pants after a few seconds.
“I mean that.” She pants back.
“Good, cause I belong to you too, heart, body, mind, and my fucken soul.” He said kissing her temple. “Now let's get cleaned up so we can head to bed.”
“I love you Sebastian.” 
“I love you too Min.”  
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lisinfleur · 5 years
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Author’s Notes | It gave me some work to think about this plot (around 3 days of work). However, I think I’m proud of this one. Hope you like it, dear requester! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Sigurd x OC, Fallen Angel Samiel Info | Viking Age AU, Fixing Plot AU, Fantasy AU, requested by anon for 5CW6 Words | 2861 ⁑ Warnings: Religious conflict, mentions of Christianism x Heathenry battles. Caution is recommended: keep in mind this is a fiction and not a reflection of the personal opinions of the author or any kind of debate on religious paths or concepts of right and wrong. Keep respect.
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"What in the nine realms is this thing?"
It didn't take too long until one of his brothers discovered his secret. A few weeks until one of them found out where was Sigurd going when nobody could find him.
Thank's the gods it was Ubbe who was now standing in front of the small room Sigurd had turned her cell into, stealing blankets and pillows and every sort of stuff from the castle ruins to make her life a little more comfortable hidden in that place.
"For all the gods in Asgard, shut your mouth!" Sigurd said, getting up as she softly shrank around herself over the improvised bed he had done for her with furs.
"What the fuck is she?" Ubbe asked, lowering his voice. "Are these... wings?"
"And one of them is still broken, so for the love of Odin, don't cause any alarm. She's harmless," Sigurd insisted, holding his shocked brother by placing his hands over Ubbe's shoulder and chest as the older one was still looking at the girl...
His blue eyes fully open in pure surprise.
"What do you mean by... Sigurd, what is she??" Ubbe insisted, looking at his little brother.
"She claims to be an angel. Those winged creatures the Christians say come from Heaven and watch over the men. Her name is Samiel. She says she shouldn't be here, but she was accused of committing a crime... A sin," Sigurd explained. "For some reason... This woman saved my life, Ubbe."
If Ubbe was shocked before, now, he was even more.
"What? Sigurd, what the fuck are you talking about?"
Sigurd sighed.
"When Ivar threw his ax towards me in that table... It was supposed to hit its target, brother. It would hit me in the heart and that was why our little brother was so surprised when he missed the point so grotesquely. That ax wasn't going towards my chair. It would split my heart in two!" he said, causing Ubbe to frown even more. "Samiel knew all the details of our conversations that day... She said... She told me she was the one who pushed the ax out of its track. She saved my life and she refuses to tell me why, but this reason is the reason why she was banished from what they call Heaven and thrown down to Midgard. In her fall, she broke her wing and Aelle's men found her wounded. She says the king thought she couldn't be anything but a demon - cause according to his words, angels don't fall without reasons.  - and she was locked down here to wait for his decisions about her fate... But we killed him before he could decide and I found her dying in this place, alone and cold."
There weren't spaces for more wrinkles in Ubbe's forehead.
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"And you took her words like this? Just because she said... Sigurd, this story is terribly bad told and..."
"I know who you are..." Samiel's voice sounded cutting Ubbe's angry speech and catching their attention. "Ubbe, son of Ragnar, second of your kind, the first fruit of Aslaug's womb, and the consequence of her sins," she said, looking at him.
Ubbe turned himself towards her, interested but annoyed by the way she was identifying him.
Yet, Samiel continued. Her amber eyes strangely glowing in gold towards him... Inhuman...
"The Lord knows your heart and so do I. You're the one who inherited the heart of your father and the spirit of his dreams still lives into the flames of your will. You're the one who wants no harm; the one who spares lives and save souls. I saw what you did for that num at the church. She was doomed by her own fear and your hands saved her soul from the flames. You're a good man... I was sent to watch for you."
Sigurd looked at Samiel with surprise in his eyes.
"She didn't tell me that," he said. And both of them came closer.
Sigurd sat beside her, at the bed, as Ubbe took a bench near the bars to sit in front of her. She couldn't be lying: none of his brothers were close to him when they attacked York and Sigurd wasn't at that battle because he was caring for the new settlement they were establishing there, on Aelle's lands... There was no way for her to know about that situation in such details.
Unless she was able to see.
"Explain yourself," Ubbe said, kinda harsh.
"There are no lies in my words," she said looking at him, now allowing Ubbe to notice her eyes were really inhumanly golden. "I came for I was designed to care and watch over the second son of Ragnar Lothbrok, the one among his sons that had doubts in his heart. The Lord saw in him a chance that he could leave his heathen path, walk towards the light of our Lord. And then, I was sent to care for his soul and keep him protected. To even operate miracles in order to have his faith. However, I committed a mistake. And now, I'm here." she explained.
Her eyes now looking at the ground.
"You saved my brother's life. And it was a mistake," Ubbe named the words, trying to place things in a way that would push his little brother away from that creature.
But she cringed at the sound of those words.
"No! No way of saving Sigurd's life would be a mistake. I could even show myself and make you believe the Lord wanted me to save your brother for your faith. As I said, I was allowed to operate miracles and have that ax out of its track was nothing but one. But my reasons were wrong... My mission failed. I don't see how it can be a sin, but... I was undressed of my grace and banished from paradise."
"Speak everything!" Ubbe insisted, annoyed with her conversation.
To believe her was to believe the Christian God somehow was real... And worse! That more than one story was real. That more than one belief was real. That Athelstan was right and the two pantheons could exist while his father was wrong and the gods weren't inventions of men after all.
Too much information, and yet, too few.
She was telling almost everything. But a single detail was making everything into pieces that couldn't be glued together.
"I... I..." Samiel's face became red.
Her cheeks burning, her heart racing. Even the feathers of her wings were strangely bristled and slightly elevated from their resting position.
"May I speak to your heart and to your heart alone, Ubbe?" she asked causing Ubbe to frown completely. "I'm your guardian angel, despite having failed and fallen, I'm still connected to you and I can still speak to your heart. May I? Please?"
Ubbe was completely confused. How come she could trust him more than the one who was caring for her? Sigurd was also confused. What was this that Samiel wanted so hard to keep hidden from him?
"What do you mean? How do you do this?" Ubbe asked; his curiosity speaking loud in his blue eyes. "What do I have to do?"
"Just close your eyes... And listen," Samiel mumbled, becoming silent.
Ubbe took a moment to really understand or feel anything coming from her, but as soon as he could hear her, his eyes enlarged, in surprise. And her eyes started shining fully golden, looking straight into his.
Like a dream, his memories, or some kind of revelation, Ubbe started seeing in his mind scenes that were, surely, events from her life.
He saw her, flying over the battlefield after him. He saw the many times she blew near his ear quite before he was able to notice an enemy coming at the battlefield. He saw the way she guided him towards the camp, sometimes opening her wings to stop or force arrows away from his body.
However, through the whole time, her eyes were always landing over his little brother.
Samiel was there to protect him - and she did her job, undoubtedly. But her eyes weren't watching only for him and she wasn't sitting beside him when Sigurd was singing for the men's celebrations or messing alone with his oud during the camps. Despite she was closer to his tent, her eyes were also watching for Sigurd's tent all the time and many times he saw she divided herself to blow the arrows away from him as well.
Ubbe saw the despair in her eyes when the figure of Odin in his dark cloak came closer to his brother at that table. What was his surprise when Ubbe realized Odin himself had come to collect his brother's soul. But there was her hand, shoving away the ax from its track, causing Odin to laugh at her and leave with Muninn and Huginn flying around her head before following their master.
And then, those creatures came in flashes of light - two of them, like her.
They dragged her.
They forced her to her knees.
She committed a crime. Ubbe felt his heart clench into his chest when her tunic was torn and the ring of light she used to have on her head was removed and crushed in front of her eyes.
He could hear them speaking.
He could hear the sin for what she was thrown into this world, still connected to him, still feeling his actions, still knowing her mission.
When those scenes were over, Ubbe knew everything and his eyes landed over his surprised and curious little brother who couldn't understand a single thing of what was happening in front of his eyes.
Samiel was crying. Tears were rolling down her face silently.
"I couldn't tell him..." She mumbled.
She didn't want Sigurd to think it was his fault, Ubbe knew.
"But I couldn't understand why was it a sin," She kept muttering. "It was so pure... So innocent..."
"What happened? Ubbe what did she showed you?" Sigurd asked. "Don't you trust me, Samiel? What is it that I can't know?"
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"She fell in love with you, Sigurd," Ubbe mumbled low, shocking his brother completely.
Samiel's eyes went to the ground, ashamed.
"She was stripped of her light and what they seem to call grace... Because she fell in love with you. And it seems to be a crime..."
The girl cringed, embracing herself.
"You weren't supposed to speak this loud..."
"I know you didn't want him to know. I know you didn't want him to feel guilty. But believe me... Sigurd deserves to know the truth. Especially this truth..."
Sigurd was stunned. His eyes were looking at Samiel, completely shocked. That woman... That beautiful angel that saved his life had fallen for loving him?
Him, above all the others?
"Take care of her, brother. She's the treasure you prayed for," Ubbe mumbled, looking at Sigurd. "I could feel her heart... And that's nothing purest than what she feels for you."
His blues went back towards Samiel.
"Your Lord was wrong. There is no way for me to dedicate my faith and my loyalty to a God that punishes love," he said, looking into her eyes. "But I assure you, by our side, you won't miss his light."
She knew what he was talking about: to turn herself to the pagan gods that had embraced his people and smiled at her attempt to save Sigurd from the hands of his death.
"Is this... true?" the boy finally spoke, coming closer and looking at her. "Samiel..."
"Yes," She mumbled, lowering her head. "This is true. I fell because I love you. I fell because my love is, somehow, unacceptable."
Sigurd's hand touched her face, in a soft caress.
"I accept it," he said, low. "I... I want it." his eyes into hers, gentle, almost passionate. "Stay with me, Samiel."
His touches were everything she wanted. His eyes had the sweetness of a feeling she thought was innocent from the beginning.
However, she also knew the worst sin rested on his lips, so close to hers now.
"I want you," he mumbled.
And she had few seconds to decide.
The ones she dedicated her existence to didn't want her among them anymore. She would completely give up on her grace and turn her back completely to the creator or live on the sidelines until the end of times...
But what was the meaning of life until the end of times if his life would fade slowly into inexistence?
What was the meaning of remaining among the ones who didn't want her if she had a chance his gods could accept her, embrace her...
Warrant a place by his side after the end?
Her hands touched his face and her lips softly brushed his. Sigurd leaned the rest of the distance, catching her sweet untouched lips into a passionate and slow kiss as Ubbe watched, stupefied, the feathers of her wings changing colors slowly.
If she wasn't fallen before, now she was completely engulfed by the sin of her forbidden love and the white of her wings was no more. Feather by feather, Ubbe saw her wings turning into the darkest ebony until no sign of light could be seen on her.
When the kiss was over, Sigurd saw surprised Samiel's eyes weren't golden anymore... Instead, they opened in a dark burgundy, almost bloody red. And she sobbed, lowering her head.
"I can't feel it anymore..." she muttered. "It's gone... It's completely gone."
Sigurd pulled her softly into his embrace, holding the now truly fallen angel's sobs. Painful sobs that touched both brothers' hearts into that cell, but reached more than just them both.
"So, you finally understood..." The thunderous voice caught Samiel's attention and she lifted her face from Sigurd's shoulders to face the figure at the door of the cell: that man...
That same man Ubbe could recognize as Lord Odin. The man he saw looking at him with his one and only eye when his father died. The man he saw behind Sigurd on Samiel's memories, when death was about to engulf his little brother whole.
Sigurd also recognized that man - the same man who touched his face and mutely told him his father was dead.
"Lord Odin..." The bardic man muttered, stepping aside when the deity stood in front of the fallen girl, lowering himself to look her in the eyes.
"They belong to me... Their hearts are grown embraced by Yggdrasil's roots. Your... Lord... He may covet them. Yet, their veins are full with my blood, they're my lineage... And they'll come to my halls when the time has come."
Ubbe and Sigurd exchanged glares, surprised. So, they were really descendants of the god... It wasn't a myth after all!
Odin touched Samiel's chin, lifting her eyes towards him.
"I don't leave my children... As long as they know where their loyalty is. Now tell me, child... Where is yours?"
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She lifted her eyes towards the god and for a second, she lost herself into the eyeless hole in his face. Odin smiled, bringing her face close and blowing into her mouth, causing the girl to breathe deeply from his breath.
At the same moment, her wings opened completely, fully healed, breaking the amphora of water Sigurd had brought and placed near her bed. She sighed, gasping with the breath and Odin giggled when the sound of thunder preceded her eyes glowing as if they were struck by a lightning bolt, locking its energy into the globes now fully blue. The black wings started to get stains until they were mixed in gray, black, and white, with tones of the purple skies of the heaviest storms.
Odin looked at Sigurd, his lips curled in a smile.
"Consider it a gift for allowing me to send a message to the One Above, as he calls himself," the god said, surely referring to the Christian God, his rival in that dispute for Ragnar's bloodline hearts. "He may have won Athelstan's battle, but the whole war is too much for him. Ragnar's bloodline belongs to me. And I suppose he'll now understand."
His eye looked at Samiel one more time.
"You were fallen, child. We, the Old Gods... We lift the fallen ones into glory once again. Do not forget this." he said before the brothers could hear cawing crows outside of the few windows.
Before their bare eyes, the figure of the god simply vanished, leaving only the sound of the crows as a mark of his presence.
Sigurd turned himself to Samiel as Ubbe was still too shocked to really react.
"What just happened... Are you..."
"Alive... Awake... And free," she answered, caressing his face softly.
The One Above could have abandoned her for her sins... But there was still a place in the universe she could call hers. And if once the light was around her, now Samiel could feel it into her veins.
If the grace didn't want her anymore, then she would follow the storms.
And fly with the crows wherever her snake-eyed prince decided to go.
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aromoji · 5 years
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I didn’t have the energy to make images for all of them, but here’s a very long summary of the background.
It all started when the twins were 10 years old. The year is 2398, and the Earth has managed to capitalize on space exploration. Now, people live all over the galaxy. Then the first people landing on different planets and moons (as the countries made it possible to live there, yes even the gas giants) started having their families there, and created new species different than the ones on earth. However, it was only the really rich and powerful that had the resources to travel the galaxy and settle elsewhere, so the galaxy is pretty much run by the same people who ran Earth. :/ Technology has improved so much that what would take 8 months to get a planet like Mars takes 8 weeks with good conditions. People got bored of the old names people gave to planets and decided to rename them.
Mercury becomes Koccore, Venus (where Abby and Cody live)is still Venus because people loved the name as is , Earth is still Earth (where Trent and Theo were born) because people are still debating on what to rename it, Mars becomes Lebos (Which is where Kamala lives), Jupiter is now Atharth, Saturn is Zonnioria, Uranus is now Ponus, and Neptune (where Melody is from) is now Sodoria. After regaining its status as a planet Pluto was later used as a prison planet to keep the galaxy’s degenerates and criminals away from everyone else. People have spent the least time working on making Pluto habitable so if one is sent there they are likely to suffer a long and painful death.
United under the Scott Empire, the Venusians live on a planet that is always preparing for war. However, unlike things on Earth, young men are not enlisted in the army to fight unless they choose to do so, and they are highly compensated for their time on duty. The Venusian military is highly respected because they do not take kindly to taking innocent lives in the name of war. People who commit war crimes are stripped of their honor and sent to Pluto for a life sentence (or straight up hurled into the sun if their crimes warrant the death penalty immediately), Additionaly, due to having spent generations in the proximity of the sun, not only are majority of Venusians darkskinned, scientists have found a way to use the energy absorbed from the sun to give Venusians powers (hence why Abby was able to temporarily blind Theo to throw off his attack). Some Venusians, such as Cody are able to emit this energy from their skin, others choose to harness their energy in wands and potions of some sort. Abby, with her scepter, alternates between the two at times. Abby and Cody, despite being cousins, grew up as brother and sister in the kingdom. Being that Abby is the only heir to the throne (Parents are out fighting war), the council that her parents have left in charge until she turns 18 has ordered that Abby be kept out of harm's way at all times. Cody took this message to heart, and relentlessly prevented anyone from laying a finger on her. (he once even dove in the way of an incoming paintball so that it wouldn’t get in her hair.) Although Abby loves her cousin to death she could do without him hovering over her at every given moment and wishes to set out on her own one day. That is, if Cody ever let her out of his sight. As for Cody, he’s one of the young men who dedicated his childhood to training for the army. As a result of his commitment, he was appointed as the captain of the royal guard when he turned 18. Not everyone was happy with the new position, and some of Cody’s closest friends soon deserted him out of jealousy. Cody pretends the fallout did not affect him as much as people believe, but Abby knows he’s still a little hurt at the lack of loyalty from his crew.
Trent and Cody were born on Earth to a single mother named Haruka. Haruka was a recently “widowed” woman shunned from Japan by the rest of her family because she got married to the man who made her pregnant with twins, only for her new husband to leave and never return to her before she gave birth. Haruka did everything she could for the boys working as a waitress, then as the manager of a local restaurant. The boys managed to live somewhat comfortably because of Haruka. However, now that the Earth’s population has spread out over the galaxy and people are making their own territories and governments, the countries on Earth are trying to cash in on intergalactic trade routes and colonies. Unlike on Venus, people were inspired by the Gen Z Revolution of 2070 and outright abolished the drafts that forced men to enlist. You couldn’t pay the disillusioned young adults of the 2390s to fight wars for other men. So the countries started targeting younger kids. They published cartoons and TV shows laced with propaganda encouraging children to enlist in a “space camp” that would train children until they turned 17 to be pilots, soldiers, diplomats, etc for the Space Armada (the global space program for dealing with intergalactic issues). One such commercial advertised that one of the programs mascots would arrive at an elementary school that Trent and Theo attended to have students sign up. The alarming part was that the representatives knew that parents would not be willing to let their children enlist in the “space camp” so they made a law that made it possible for children to enlist without their parents permission. Which was exactly what Theo and Trent did. They begged their mother to let them join because they thought it was some cool club that they would get to go on adventures and be famous and whatnot, and their mother outright screamed at them to never bring it up again. Later that evening Theo comes across an old scrapbook, and in it is what he believes to be his missing father, in space. Mind you, he found it in his mother’s closet. Angered by the thought of his mother potentially hiding something very important, he decides to go against his mother’s wishes and enlist. He starts packing his things when Trent confronts him. After Theo explains his reasons for enlisting, Trent tearfully agrees  not to tell their mother until after Theo had left. Or so he thought. Once he had signed up and packed his bags, he headed out of the door to catch the train that would take him to “space camp” his mother stops him and demands to know where he thinks he’s going. Theo sheepishly admits that he went behind her back to enlist and now she is furious. It gets worse when to Theo’s horror, Trent had enlisted too! Haruka attempts to get the boys to go back in the house, but Theo refuses, nothing that the train was on its way to the house. Haruka pulls Trent away, only for him to wrench his arm free and join his brother, stating that he couldn’t stand being apart from him for so long. After a few minutes of struggling, the train arrives to pick the boys up. Haruka makes one last attempt to keep them from boarding, but the two are persistent. Haruka scowls, blaming Theo for getting them both hooked into this nonsense, and tells him not to bother returning if something happens to Trent (he’s Haruka’s favorite) or that Theo fails to find whatever he hopes to look for “wasting time for people who don’t care for” him. With one last glance, they board the train and travel to the “space camp”
At first glance, the space camp is everything the boys expected and more. Pristine facilities, expert staff, the finest technology. It seemed perfect. That is, until the boys ran into the upperclassmen who pretty much ran the program when the instructors weren’t around. One such upperclassman was Tanner (yes, this creep). After Theo stands up to Tanner because he and his gang were picking on Trent (he had come out recently), Tanner spends the time spent at the camp torturing Theo specifically. Trent has suspected that Tanner has gotten physical with Theo at some point or worse, but Theo became so withdrawn as a result of the torment that he refused to say anything to Trent, lest he be targeted too. Nevertheless, Theo strove to be the top of his class in all aspects. By the time they turned 17, the two of them passed their final test and became pilots for one of the Brigade’s space ships. At first, Theo thought this meant they would be leading their own crew and go on missions for the government. In reality, they could be escorting the fancy folk from the galaxy around while staying out of the warzone. Theo feels disillusioned by the disappointment, and wants to quit, but he remembers his mother’s warning to never return if he didn’t make something for himself out here in space. And that’s what he plans to do.
Lebos is like the Capital in the Hunger Games. People have a bunch of money and waste it on things they don’t need. Unlike the Capitol, people don’t do plastic surgeries, God. They have big feasts virtually everyday and parties on the weekends.  And in the middle of all that luxury is Princess Kamala, the only daughter of the dying king. Kamala’s father was the victim of an assasination attempt recently, and the doctors fear that he is beyond saving. Kamala’s brothers were all killed in the assassination attempt (some people think  the kind should be doing more to help pther planets instead of being a financial glutton), so she is the last heir to succeed the throne. As a result, the king appointed Melody of Sodoria as her guardian. The two fell in love with each other, and when they were caught, Melody for some reason panicked and fled the planet. Little does Kamala know, Melody is a sorcerer, and can see things in the past, present and future that no one else can, and that even though the  memories of the past may be wiped from the collective minds of Lebonians, Melody never forgot what they did to her planet, and what they are planning to do to Kamala.
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ryouverua · 5 years
Trial 6 - My Will, Our Will (7)
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A new challenger has appeared!
Trial: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
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Being on the other side of Shuichi’s glare and pointer finger is terrifying and now I’m understanding why all the culprits and others start freaking out so much. 8′D
Also, ooooh there it is, oh there’s Clair de Lune, i’mnotcryingyou’recrying
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A hope that requires two of their classmates to die... that’s the definition of ‘hope’ that was forced on them. K1-b0 is happy as long as he’s opposing despair - but Shuichi isn’t. I.... I think I understand what he’s saying.
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��S-Seriously Shuichi, I really don’t get a chance to be cool very often and you’re really stealing my thunder -”
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“You, uh, remember that my name is pronounced ‘Kii-bo’ too, right - ?”
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The music is continuing?!?! We’re using Clair de Lune the whole way through?? Man this is making even more of an impact than them playing the opening music - because there’s no triumph to be found here.
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He seems so betrayed! S-Sweetcheeks, we really need to finish his last FTE when this is all over!
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Oh..... oh....... oooooooh -
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Shuichi why would you say something so controversial yet so brave -
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mmm also look at my sweet v-counter skills guys -
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It’s not some great overwhelming force of nature, or some grand enemy to be conquered, something that can be easily shoved into a defining box! It’s a feeling, like anything else! And sure, despair is considered ‘the dark side’, but are we just going to let them also define hope for us?
also. ALSO.
THESE COMMENTS. THESE COMMENTS. I-I can’t stop collecting them -
No, that’s wrong!
What are you saying, hat boy? i might steal ‘hat boy’ that’s really good
Can’t say anything now, scrub
He’s not wearing a hat anymore. THE COMMENTER CORRECTED THE OTHER ONE GFGH
What if Shuichi is the mastermind? girl where have you been for the last hour -
I wonder who’s going to live.
Hope always comes in waves.
You’re slipping up, detective.
hurry up and vote
Show me hope.
There’s hope because there’s despair.
Suck it, hope
Keebo’s not gonna lose!
Keebo is hope...
and hope lives on!
Shuichi is the cycle of despair?
Things are getting interesting.
The fight’s just started!
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The endorphin rush they get when, despite all odds, the good guys win over the bad guys, reaffirming that ‘good’ always overcomes ‘evil’....
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Or worse yet, they revel in it, because to paraphrase a certain someone, ‘they’ll use these tragedies to shine even brighter.’ Watching someone rise above adversity and come out the other side even stronger is inspiring. For the same reason that we enjoy playing the games and cheering the survivors on when Junko or whoever is ultimately defeated in the end, this audience eats up every round of the killing game. They can enjoy that with the privilege granted by being able to observe it from the outside, just like us. But strip that layer away, and -
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I’m sorry, excuse me?
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What’s with that look, Tsumugi? Is it because Shuichi wasn’t actually supposed to fight for despair? Or was the idea that he would be cheered on/convinced by K1-b0, the same way that Naegi convinced the others in the first game?
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Th.... The music..... stopped....
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oh man maybe Tsumugi can hear the music cues. Maybe she realizes Shuichi is onto something. now I’m imagining every time the music shifts Tsumugi’s the only one aware of it, and she’s also the only one reacting appropriately to it ffhg
Also, I assumed that the punishment was execution... but was... was that the mental trap???
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Why wouldn’t there be?! They’re being ‘sacrificed’, aren’t they?!?!
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Everything would make sense -
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Oooh! Ooh - ! Is - is that what it is, then?!
Jeez, it’s super interesting to be in K1-b0′s POV for this - especially with Shuichi being the one asking us questions. Being in his POV before meant he never had the opportunity to really use leading questions like this, which really lends him an unexpected air of authority. Unexpected but earned, mind you...
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You continue the cycle....
Oh, poor, poor Rantaro -
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Did he have the same options laid out for him? Or did he know that he would be choosing to repeat the game? He still had the determination to end the killing game.. so was that left over from his last game’s iteration? How many times has he repeated it? For that matter, how long has he been in holding while they gathered new people??? I swear that one commenter said they had waited 3 years, so???? Rantaro how old are you?? 
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Was there only one person made into a sacrifice, or two like last game? .... side-eyes K1-b0 and Tsumugi -
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Does... that mean Tsumugi was the mastermind last game too, or....
Also Maki as the Ultimate Survivor would absolutely tear things up. They’d have to pull another stunt like they did with Rantaro if they wanted her out of the game. She definitely has the fitness and demeanour to survive, unless she snaps on someone like she did on Kokichi in Chapter 5.
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Just like Kokichi did, Shuichi is going to try and attack the game itself. His name really hasn’t come up since the motive video reveal, but I’d like to think that this strategy was inspired by his Chapter 5 plan.
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What an interesting set of characters to represent despair winning. First we have Izuru, being all disdainful of their choice and mocking him with the word ‘boring’ - very much his thing, but also reminiscent of Kokichi. In fact, I suppose the despair option is very similar to the stalemate situation Kokichi installed when he was pretending to be the mastermind!
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Then Celestia. She’s not a people-pleasing person. So why her? Thinking back, she was one of the most desperate to escape, despite hiding it... so maybe this is Tsumugi ‘showing’, not telling, that she isn’t happy with them choosing the despair option?
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And then the hope fanboy... basically telling them that despair is the inferior option, but couching it in positive language. Passive-aggressively pushing them towards the actual answer (s)he wants - very on point for him.
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Is it really okay to pass the buck like that?
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In perpetuity...
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I..... I don’t have an answer for that.
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It does... sort of suck that he’s singling out those two in his speech, because it can feel like he’s being dismissive of everyone else - but I don’t think that’s true. He definitely appreciates the losses of everyone else, but those two were the ones that hit him hardest.
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of course it’s bloody Komaeda over there having the time of his life during this speech
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First of all - how strange is it that there are only a few people who look like they aren’t in excruciating pain right now. Rantaro’s face can’t be seen, Angie, Ryoma and Tenko look like they’re sleeping, and Kaito is smiling....
And - ah, Kokichi can’t even be seen. But there ‘he’ is, with his own section in this collage - I guess that third ‘body discovery’ we had in chapter 3 was the closest we would ever get to something real, huh? Poor guy...
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“You said I’d be fighting the entire world, Tsumugi? Fine by me! Meet me behind the school after the trial!”
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“S-Shuichi that’s a lot of people -”
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That’s... true. There is a mental barrier that is hard to cross, especially if they’ve all conditioned themselves to accept real people dying for their own entertainment.
Also there are new comments, which means I am obligated to transcribe them.  Most of them is the audience turning on Shuichi, damn. Okay, here it goes:
Forget about Shuichi
You’re in despair, right?
show me the despair ending
it’s okay to feel despair sometimes... THANK YOU ANON COMMENTER
Why have we been doing this...?
Hope doesn’t turn back!
The big reveal, at last
And it was just getting interesting.
We’re the mastermind.
Are they blaming us?
hurry up and refute it
C’mon, Keebo! Attack!
Force hope through.
something’s different right?
C’mon Keebo!
No, that’s wrong!
No, that’s wrong!
What’s going to happen?
mmm... Shuichi’s eyes ^q^ SWEETCHI97 STRIKES AGAIN
What are you saying, detective?
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Oh!!! Oh shit!!! Shuichi you brilliant bastard!!!
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“Thank god - I mean, let’s be honest, we all knew this was coming - uh, I mean -”
Actually though, how depressing. So many times we’ve talked about ‘reasons to live’, and later on, reasons to die, and lo and behold here we are, at the end of everything...
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Shuichi’s learned from the best, Kokichi Ouma - sometimes, death is just a means to an end, and that end is usually flipping someone off.
Random thought - isn’t it interesting that Shuichi is the ‘lone man against everyone’ while Tsumugi, the final boss, is the one ‘acting on behalf of everyone’? When Naegi was trying to rally everyone on his side, they had known at that point that people had been fighting and dying to rescue them. For Hajime and the others, they had the defected Future Foundation members who had risked their own safety to come in and rescue them, and even had Nanami reach out to him. Shuichi, though... Shuichi came to this conclusion on his own, with everyone either against him or swept up in the narrative.
He told Kokichi at the end of Chapter 4 that ‘he was alone, and always would be’. But maybe... that’s not such a bad thing. Maybe Shuichi needed to be alone to have that clarity of thought, and to come up with a way to ‘end everything’. Anyway, it’s just an unexpected parallel I thought of - m-maybe I’m just inserting endgame Kokichi and Kaito thoughts here because the game didn’t. Whoops
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It’s not your own will. 8c
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Can you fight it? Do you have the ability to fight it? The strength of will?
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I love Monokuma’s priorities.
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omg we only have hope as a bullet
And all the noise says hope
Also Shuichi is dominating it too, holy shit! This strength in his voice is super inspiring!
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thank you for bringing back angry Hanamura it’s still one of my favourite things from the second game
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Ohoho I see what you did there with that line ~
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i’m sorry I was just curious about the fluff text
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“That’s redundant btw - I can read the comments just like the rest of you, and they literally are not shutting up about how much they want hope to win.”
speaking of which
What are you doing, Keebo?
Don’t give up hope!
Hope! Hope! Hope!
Please side with hope.
1 vote for hope!
I bet the mastermind is shocked. lol
Hurry up and show me hope.
Hope counter!
show us maki roll! oh hey she has fans too!
it’s unanimous hope.
Hope hasn’t lost yet.
Defeat despair!
cmon it’s hope again! right?
I’m routing for despair so *shrugs*
I got 10 bucks riding on hope. that’s it? weak
I’m on the side of hope, so...
I wanna break Shuichi’s fingers <3 SWEETCHI97 WHO HURT YOU
Huh? It’s hope?
So... So wow, even most of the people talking about wanting despair really did want the hope ending in the end. Shuichi read them like open books.
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This - this is why you’re the Ultimate Robot. Forget the upgrades - the ability to learn, grow, adapt and choose your own path is another part of your strength!
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WE.... WE’RE LOSING HIS POV..... We’re losing his POV?!?!
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Yeah??? You wanna expand on that???
T-Though I mean, they said they’re happy to let themselves die via no vote so exactly what can they do anyway? At the end of the day, they’re viewers, right? Relegated to an observational role. Powerful and untouchable.... but in turn, that separation of realities means what’s left of the class can’t be hurt by them, either.
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Tsumugi he literally said he’s fine with dying. Exactly what can you threaten him with here???
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How is it that after all of this, Shuichi is still unable to fight for himself? Maybe I should amend what I said before - he is fighting for other people. They just... well, they don’t know it yet. He’s fighting to prevent future victims, and he’s trading his own life to protect them. I guess in a sense he is fighting something ‘greater than himself’ like Naegi did, but even he had ‘hope that he and his friends would survive with a happy ending’. This is... completely the opposite of that.
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And we’re back in his POV!
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Oh man she is not happy about this. Not at all.
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Hey? Hey Shuichi? What - what the fuck does that mean? You were going to end it all right then? Mid-trial? Excuse me what the hell did you take poison with you to the trial or something -
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Oh - oh. I just realized. This... This was bloody foreshadowed, way back in Chapter 1 with the escape tunnel. With Kokichi’s speech to Kaede, about how she technically had the moral high ground when she was doing all the classic ‘we can’t give up here!’ encouragement, we got to see firsthand hope being weaponized against us. It was right there.
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Of course they have Naegi pleading for hope here
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He’s just talking over her omfg
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You trivialized their lives in the first place and now they’re supposed to consider them sacred?!
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It’s literally the only thing that still wholly belongs to them, so what other choice do they have???
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Wait what is happening -
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i can’t believe she was a slytherin this whole time
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I’m quietly relieved that she doesn’t ‘nyeh’ in her internal monologue
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this might be worse than nihilism - at least you weren’t able to use that
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How interesting to have him fighting us (along with Sakura and Peko for that matter, the former who literally threw away her life for her classmates and the latter who treated her life as a tool for Fuyuhiko). This was his philosophy and motive of his trial, but he also chose to be the killer and used his life as a means to save the rest of his class, right? Tsumugi, what are you trying to pull here?
Though I guess the whole point was that they were all trying to help the others survive, and Shuichi is getting the whole class to kamikaze themselves so...
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Damn, she didn’t take much convincing at all. It’s nice that she’s repping both Tenko and Angie here. 8′)
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FUCK YEAH WE NAILED THIS HIMIKO! We work well together, who knew!
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Himiko is so well-spoken here. And to think that she was the first to follow in Shuichi’s footsteps - I really thought it would be Maki. Good on you, Himiko.
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lmao that segway - Alright, now it’s Maki time, right?
also Tsumugi why would you phrase it in a way to piss off Maki like damn seriously??
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“No seriously why would you just call me out like that.”
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okay she has a point actually
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Never forget that we are in a class trial where almost all of the survivors are introverts who prefer their emotions on the inside.
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Her... internal dialogue is so interesting and immediately comes off as different from Shuichi’s, Himiko’s and K1-b0′s. It seems... angrier, maybe. Is that it? Or maybe it’s all the red lines that makes it seem that way...
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This whole line of her entire self being at the whim of someone else’s writing seems to be targeted at her more-so than the others because she’s already struggled with the idea that she’s had no choices in her life, and that she’s always been a weapon to be used by others. Actually, that’s probably why this hits so hard - she thought she was developing feelings on her own and making a choice to fight to defend him, and the idea of even that being taken away from her...
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“I have love, but more importantly SPITE ON MY SIDE!!!”
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hsdfjgh no don’t pan over the Kaito portrait w h y my heart
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Angry Mikan is still as terrifying as she was in SDR2!
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As an aside, I don’t know why Hagakure repeatedly showing up is so funny to me - I swear he’s been used more than the others? I-Is he secretly Tsumugi’s favourite character? is it because he’s also older than everyone else and she finds that thought comforting -
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“I won’t go far as saying I don’t want to die mind you, but I’m surprisingly neutral on the subject!”
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If Tsumugi’s ‘everyone’ who she’s fighting for is the living, then the ‘everyone’ Shuichi is fighting for is the dead...
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Even if it’s fiction - it’s their reality. Expecting them to understand that because it’s someone else’s fiction... that’s just not fair, is it?
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Sweetcheeks has an uphill battle to fight, but to have a second class revolt in a single game....
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That’s... that’s it. I think we’ve done it. They’ve finally done it! They were able to turn it around after all!
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ayopro69-blog · 6 years
Trick or treat!
Treat! My first draft of Hell!
There are days when she’s happy, the highest she’sbeen in years. It’s those times that she wears the biggest smile on her face,pale cheeks flushed to a rose red. Her beautiful lilac eyes glisten in theshining sun, brightening anyone’s day; her silver, short hair gracefullycatches the wind, tamed and elegant. She has her pride and confidence on hersleeves, prepared for the expected and unexpected to be tossed into herdirection. It’s the best qualities of her that spring from her personal darkness,the way she’s supposed to feel around her best friends. This beautiful side ofher is the reason that when she’s unaware, he gazes into her genuinely, andfeels nothing but love for her. She’s the person everyone knows her as. She’salways fine. Nothing beats her down.
           It was just the way she was thatFriday. She was smiling wider than ever before, and she was feeling as powerfulas a super woman in a manga. The rising sun rose only to get a glimpse of thisbeautiful work of art standing quietly by the stop sign of a four-wayintersection, the very same one she’s been waiting at for the school bus eversince she can remember. Her skin looked silk smooth, softer than ever before,revealed clearly by her purple and violet stripped, off-shoulder, elbow-lengthsleeved shirt. On her hands she wore black leather, fingerless gloves with apatch to reveal the backside of her hand. Her knee-high, denim blue skirt gentlyfollowed the breeze which chilled her legs, only covered by black and whitestripped tights and a pair of black leather flats with a thin, small strap onher feet.
           The fall weather was nice, but notall the time. It was uncomfortable and felt like a season one just sort ofdealt with for the sake of not complaining. Yet, it did share it’s moments ofjoy, like the pleasing moment when the leaves change, and the crisp air pilesthem up on the cool ground beneath the tree trunks. It was this kind of weatherthat she enjoyed and dreaded, but it was better than summer’s scorching heat.
           “Hey! Rei!” a familiar voice calledout to the teenage girl.
           She turned and smiled brightly tothe owner of the voice, a teenage boy with messy, short brown hair and gleaminggem green eyes. He wore a blue tank top underneath a white collared,button-down, short sleeved shirt, a pair of tight fit grey jeans, and a pair ofblack and white sneakers. On his wrists, he wore black and white checkeredbands. She nodded lightly before greeting him with a warm, “Good morning,Mitchell… How are you?”
           “Good.” Mitchell answered as hewalked up beside her. His smile grew on his face as he admired her positivedemeanor. “You feeling okay today?”
           Rei nodded once more. “Yes,actually.”
           “Wow, that’s a first… in a longtime.” Mitchell gave her a thumbs up. “I’m proud of you.”
           She couldn’t help but look away.“Thanks…”
           “You’re welcome.” Mitchell clearedhis throat. “So, do you have any plans for the weekend?”
           “Um… no, actually.” She paused. “Whydo you ask?”
           “Um,” he began, burning red face ashe spoke, “I-I, uh… I-I was j-just w-w-wondering s-s-something…”
           “Go on.”
           “I-I-I, uh… I-I mean-… Y-y-you-….”
           She blinked.
           Stumbling over his words, hesuddenly wasn’t able to form even a single sound that formed a word or phrasethat logically made sense. His mouth just shut down like a power plant thatjust lost electricity. Unable to snap out of the trance, he stopped attemptinghis words, staring down at the ground in shame.
           Rei curiously reached out to touchhis shoulder, but stopped herself immediately. What was he going to ask thatmade him so flustered? Whatever it was, it had to be serious. Mitchell alwaysshut down when he had something important on his mind, unable to express histhoughts into words. She wished she could give him the strength to speak, butit was nearly impossible.
           “…I’m sorry.” Mitchell finally brokethe silence.
           “N-no, it’s not your fault,” she reassuredhim, “It’s okay.”
           “Maybe one day, I’ll stop being asocial freak.” He forced out a laugh.
           Before Rei could make a response,the school bus arrived. The bus driver opened the doors so the two could enterbefore speeding off. The bus driver was always running late, so he drove fastand didn’t care if the students sat down in time. Rei and Mitchell gripped ontothe seats tightly to catch their balance before finding the adrenaline to sitdown beside each other. They mostly sat in silence, watching as the familiarfaces got on. The nerdy boy that is obsessed with comic books. The jock thatadores his muscles more than women. The tiny punk who looked like he’d beatyour ass in a minute. The silent Japanese kid that had huge glasses that willfall off his face one day. The skinny bitches that think they are so beautifuland perfect, all whom which have to travel in groups of three.
           And then there was the strangelesbian and Satanist. She had cold brown eyes that would kill a man if helooked too close, the snarl of a panther, a black, laced fedora that sat on topof her violet-dyed bobbed hair with eyebrow-length bangs. She wore a blackshirt with shoulder-length sleeves, a purple and silver glitter design ofchaotic, abstract lines on the front, the back of the shirt laced to reveal herpale skin. On her arms, she wore long fishnet gloves, pointed to wrap aroundher middle finger. She had baggy black slacks and a pair of knee-high, black,leather boots, buckles and straps decorated around it. She was a girl thatwould bite your eye out with her single move of a growl her lips might dare toutter.
           When she entered the bus, being thelast stop the driver had to make before reaching the school, she darted on witha lustful rage, like a model on a runway. She always made quite the entrance,everyone making notice and giving her the undivided attention she deserved.Mitchell clung to Rei’s arm like a warrior with a shield as she passed throughthe crowded bus to sit in the very last seat in the back of the bus, as herusual routine would hold. Only today, she broke the norms.
           As the goth entered the bus, shestopped as she passed by Mitchell and Rei’s seat. A sinister smile grew to herlips as she chuckled lightly.
           “W-w-what’s so f-f-funny?” Mitchellhad to ask, afraid to hear her answer.
           Her soft voice cooed, “You look sopathetic sitting there with your girlfriend like that.”
           “Yeah… and I feel so bad for you…”
           “D-do you?”
           “Yeah…. What’s your name, kid?”
           “Uh, M-mitchell. T-this is myfriend, R-rei,” he motioned his head towards the silver haired girl beside him.
           “A true pleasure to make youracquaintance, my darlings,” she laughed again before introducing herself. “Thename’s Hana. Hana Overly, but you may feel free to refer to me as Satan’sdaughter if you’d like.”
           “N-no thanks. H-hana is good enoughf-for me…” Mitchell murmured, just loud enough to be heard.
           “Would you like to sit down?” Reioffered, scooting closer to Mitchell to make room for the violet hair girl tosit.
           With a nod, Hana smiled. “Sure.Thanks.”
           Mitchell’s eyes widened as hewatched the spooky Satanist sit down beside his childhood friend. What on Earthwas Rei thinking?! Hana was a crazy girl that would probably cause them Hell ifshe desired it even for a minute. Why was it suddenly an obligation to talk tothis chick?
           “So… Hana,” Rei quietly asked, “Whatdo you enjoy as a hobby?”
           “Besides reading and practicingworshipping our lord and savior? I’d have to say listening to music or pushingaround punks.” Hana laughed at the thought of ruining some kid’s day, pushinghim into a garbage can and watching the humiliation plaster onto his face.
           “The devil is not our lord andsavior. God is.” Mitchell chimed in. “He is the holy light that brought us lifeand will bring us peace on Earth in the near future.”
           “Pfft! Please… you expect me tobelieve some homeless bum in a toga is going to wave his hands and bring joy onEarth? How is he supposed to stop war or end violence by waving his hands? Arewe supposed to be silenced by his jazz-hands just because it’s the homeless bumin a toga waving his hands?!” Hana laughed viciously once again.
           Mitchell glared at her. “God is nota homeless bum. He is the almighty, powerful creator-…”
           “Who wears a toga and waves hishands.” She interrupted.
           Rei frowned, listening to the restof their debate the rest of the ride. Once they arrived at the school, she feltlike she could breathe as everyone left the bus, following behind the brunetand violet in silence. Maybe if she was quiet, she could inch in a word tochange the topic. With how much Hana and Mitchell were bickering back andforth, Rei wasn’t sure that would be easy. Still, she patiently waited for herturn as the three walked into the school building, through the hallways untilthey each reached a long set of lockers. Rei respectively went to hers,isolated from her other two friends by approximately fifteen lockers apart.Hana’s and Mitchell’s ironically were placed beside one another’s.
           At this point, Rei couldn’t hear theconversation her friends were having anymore, allowing her mind to travel asshe opened her locker, taking out textbooks from her locker and replacing themwith the ones in her backpack. It was like she could feel rain clouds formingin the sky, brewing up a storm as they began to scatter. Trying to shake thethought, she closed her locker and returned to her friends, who were stilltalking about their religious differences like one was better than the other.Finally, Rei snapped.
           “It doesn’t matter whose God isbetter than whose!” Rei spoke up, “What matters is that you both have faith ina figure of spiritual status that motivates you to reach your goals and succeedin life.”
           The two grew silent, not sure how torespond. Mitchell and Hana must have been quiet for about a minute before theyfinally broke the silence.
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prairiesongserial · 6 years
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The fire had spread with the wind, and had cut a path almost to section four. From where Friday and Val sat, they could see the smoke creeping closer. Friday debated moving farther away, but hadn’t yet come to a decision when the bell chimed the all-clear. The whole west side of section five had gone up. When Friday drove Val back to survey the damage, she was shocked to find the Ace still standing, a handful of girls sitting, exhausted, in the courtyard.
“Oh, thank God,” Paz said, rushing over to Friday before she had even finished parking the bike. Paz put a shoulder under Val’s arm and walked him over to the Ace. “I thought you might have been with him, and no one could find the preacher or you, and the church - I’m glad you’re okay.”
The other girls weren’t nearly so happy to see her. Joey scuffed her boots against the concrete, avoiding eye contact, while Rocket outright glared.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help,” Friday said genuinely. A quick look around told her that the only reason the Ace hadn’t caught fire was the girls’ work. The courtyard, the walls, even the roof had been soaked before the fire could reach them.
“Yeah, well, no more candles on your altar, preacher,” said Joey. She had stripped to her waist, presumably because it had been so hot, and she didn’t make any moves to dress herself on Val’s account.
“I’m going to take Val up,” Friday said, taking him from Paz. “He’s hurt. Here, Paz, I can do it. Sit down.”
“Good luck finding space,” Joey replied. “It’s a zoo in there.”
Friday wasn’t sure what Joey meant until she was upstairs, Val in tow. The hallways were crammed with her neighbors. The rooms were full, at least five people packed into each one. And no one was in any position to give up their spot, even for an injured man.
Friday found a narrow spot in Paz’s room and lay Val down to rest while she fetched her own bedroll from the bike. She paused in the courtyard, considering the road map peeking out of the saddlebag. After a moment, she grabbed that, too.
Returning to the room, she squatted next to Val and finally cleaned the burns on his palms, hardly able to focus on what she was doing through the bustle. Paz’s room was so crowded, you couldn’t walk between the bedrolls on the floor. Someone had even set themselves up under the proper bed.
“How much was damaged?” Friday asked the woman nearest her. She recognized her, but she wasn’t sure where from. Friday had thought she had known all her neighbors.
“Well, we folks are from Lago de Oro, and we haven’t met anyone from farther west than that, yet.”
“Lago de...that’s in section three,” Friday said, with horror. The church and the Ace of Spades were on the east side of section five, close to the border with section four, while section three was on the north-west side. To get as far as section three, the fire would have had to sweep through nearly all of section five. “There must be fifty - maybe a hundred homes...”
She couldn’t finish the sentence.
The woman nodded as she finished making her bedroll.
“I don’t think we’ve had a fire like that since the war,” said another woman nearby. “We were just saying so before you came in, dear.”
Friday finished treating Val’s hands. It felt like there was a stone in the pit of her stomach. She hadn’t asked Val, yet, what she needed to ask him. He was awake, still. It had to be now.
“Val, they tortured you, didn’t they?” she said quietly. “Your hands, that’s what that is, right?”
Val looked away.
“They tortured you for information? I’m sorry, Val, but I need to know, I have to warn those boys if the gang is right behind them, I have to get to them.”
“You can’t,” said Val. “The leader, he knows they’re going through Texas, he’s known for hours. You won’t catch up.”
Friday bit her lip. She tried not to begrudge Val for breaking under torture. But if she couldn’t catch up…
“I’ll go through Utah, then. The northern route is faster. I might still be able to head John and Cody off.”
Val swallowed. “Friday, that’s…”
“I can take proper care of myself, Father,” she said, maybe a little too harshly. She opened up the map and started to study it, talking to herself. “Now, the northern route...and taking into account the known mut...mutant colonies...gasoline and water..."
“Friday,” Val interjected. She ignored him.
“How much time do I have before a gang leaving the city today catches up? If John and Cody can’t break fifty miles per hour…”
“I want to come,” Val said.
Friday shot him a look.
“Don’t be stupid. You’re in no shape, and besides, you - ” she cut herself off. “Well, I don’t suppose you do have a church to take care of. But the people around here need - ”
“They need doctors and houses, not a priest.” Val forced himself up to a sitting position. “I want to come.”
Friday worried the inside of her cheek.
“Your hands, though,” she said.
“I’m better off than Mr. Allison was when he left,” Val said sternly. “I’m coming. As your priest - ”
Friday laughed, despite herself. Despite the ash pressing in on the window, slowly blocking out the sun.
“Okay, Val. You have nowhere else to go, I suppose.”
Friday sat next to Val while he rested for the rest of the afternoon, drawing herself a new course on her map and chatting to distract herself from the oppressive heat of the room. She listed off all the extra supplies they would need, from water to ammunition. She quizzed him on the type of gun he felt most comfortable with, and was surprised when he told her anything was fine.
“You’ve fired a gun before?”
Val shrugged. “Through God, all things are possible.”
“Oh, no, I don’t think so. I’ll be in charge of the guns. A rifle and pistol, that will do us.” She finished with the map and restlessly folded it and re-folded it.
“You’re sure about coming along?” she asked, finally. “Those boys are my responsibility, and there’s no use in your making any more sacrifices on their account.”
“No, I’ll come,” he said. He looked like he wanted to say more, but didn’t.
The next morning, Friday crept past the sleeping bodies on the floor of Paz’s room, and nudged Val awake. He had slept in his clothes - not that he had anything else to change into. Friday stared out the soot-smeared window while he packed up the bedroll.
The heat, even so early in the morning, was enough to choke you.
“I can look at your hands for you before we get going,” she said. “It wouldn’t do either of us any good if they were to get infected on the road. You’d end up like Cody, and…”
“I’m alright, Miss Friday,” he said tersely.
“Are you sure? Because - ”
“Let’s not lose any more time on my account.”
Friday nodded. Losing a full day had put her on edge. She’d been up nearly all night worrying about how they were going to find John and Cody again. Her timing would have to be perfect. She had calculated out the speed she thought they would be going, the miles traveled, and how many days it would take her and Val to catch up, but the maps weren’t perfect. Even squinting over a ruler, counting under her breath, she might not have it exact. And if one of the two pairs ran into trouble and had to stop somewhere, it would throw everything off. As long as she and Val got themselves between the gang and John and Cody, that would have to be good enough.
With that, Friday and Val made their way out of the room, stepping with care around the other occupants. If Friday had thought the air in the boarding house had been oppressive enough to choke, the courtyard outside was even worse. The ash was so thick, she had to tie her scarf around her face again. And even that didn’t help much.
“Alright, Father. Let’s get out of here.”
Val climbed on the bike behind her, map tucked down the front of his shirt.
It wasn’t long before they breached the desert. The north road was hard to spot, and Friday nearly missed it. It was little more than a trail, because that was how Vegas used it. A path for mutie hunting parties. Friday was sorely tempted to stop and consult the map every few minutes, but that was time they couldn’t afford to lose. More importantly, stopping was risky, up north. Friday didn’t know where exactly the mutant colonies were. If they ran into one, she was sure she’d much rather be going sixty miles per hour than struggling to get up to speed after a stop.
Val hadn’t said anything at all, and they’d been driving for a couple hours already. Friday wanted to fill the silence very badly. She had so much to talk about, but every single thing she wanted to say would probably have made Val uncomfortable, and that fact was the only thing keeping it all in. She was dying to ask about his mutation - not out of curiosity, really, although that was a part of it, but because she wanted to know how he had kept it a secret so long. Did it hurt badly, tying those hands down to his stomach like that? Did anyone else in town know? Was his unusual eye color a mutation, too? Was there even a way of knowing what was mutation and what wasn’t? She thought she was going to burst.
Instead, she chatted about anything else. The burnished red color of the rock here. The plant life. The names of plants that she knew, whether there were any in view or not. How she knew all the names of the plants she knew, from her grandmother, and then the story of how her grandmother had taken down four bandits on the road to a small town south of Vegas - it was a town that didn’t exist anymore, or Friday might have remembered the name - with only three bullets in her pistol. And then that had her talking about her parents, who had been good people, but everyone who remembered they had been good people had been dead ten, twenty years. And how odd it was to live in the city you had lived in your whole life, but no one knew you.
Val squeezed her arm firmly, and Friday cut off.
“You don’t have to tell me this,” he said. The first words he had said all trip, and he was telling her to be quiet. It frustrated Friday, but she set that feeling aside as best she could.
“I might be a little nervous, preacher,” she said.
She felt Val nod, but he didn’t speak again.
Slowly, the rocky earth and sparse desert bushes became plains of tall, whispering desert grass. Friday drove on, barely daring to check the gas gauge. They had been driving all day. If her map was right, they would run into a hunting outpost soon, where she hoped they could trade for some gasoline. She had never been out this far, and the grass made her nervous. You heard stories about muties that hid in the grass - you wouldn’t know you were being followed until you stopped for a rest, and then -
“Look,” said Val.
Friday’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest. She went right for the pistol, only relaxing when she saw what Val had seen.
“Someone’s growing corn,” he said, simply.
All around, the tall grass became corn and other fields of crops. Friday laughed in relief. Even better than a hunting outpost. They had found a town.
4.1 || 4.3
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Styles Towers’. || 17
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Hope you’re wearing your best clothes.
When you die, your brain tends to shut down starting from the top, claiming the most human characteristics first. Then, as the wave of blood-starved brain cells spreads out, the memory and language centre shorts out, until you’re left with just a core.
They say it feels like you’re floating— maybe falling— before your life sort of flashes before your eyes, but not like how movies portray it. It doesn’t happen in chronological order.
You don’t relive your beginning, middle and end like a novel— no.
I don’t know how I can explain it, I don’t think I have the capability of it. At first, Elise’s face was branded into my thoughts; I heard her lovely voice calling my name— and then my whole universe was black. And it stayed black for quite a while. But it didn’t bother me, I liked it. It was peaceful and rejuvenating.
There wasn’t a pressure weighing down on me anymore, nothing devastating loomed over my head.
A sweet serenity.
My peacefulness ran out eventually,  and I began to experience what quite possibly were the best moments of my life, for the second time.
The first was Elise’s smile: glowing beautifully like a thousand songs, it brought light to my dead world. When I first saw her smile, my heart stopped, in the most wonderlust way possible. Her smile was radiant and captivating, of one like an angel. Now, her smile is like coming up for fresh air after drowning in a deadly tragedy, still beautifully captivating but more empowering. From there, all I observed were things I had enjoyed: blissful moments with my mother, sister, and Elise.
The times that seemed to brighten my vision and warm the feeling inside me weren’t the ones I’d expect to feel the most from. When I associate myself with dying, I expected it to be like taking my last breath and slipping away into a state of peacefulness. What I didn’t expect was to feel nothing yet everything all at once; pain, sorrow, happiness and regret.
I didn’t expect to feel the most happiness at the moment I did, it was not when I proposed, or my wedding, or the many years ago, when I first met Elise. No. It was the moment Elise told me she was pregnant, and the moment I heard the first heartbeat. Those two moments filled my heart with overflowing joy, bringing light into a darkened world. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were the only two moments I was put on this planet to live for.
We all have a purpose in life. Despite being fortunate enough to experience and achieve extraordinary circumstances, I never felt uniquely complete. Sure, I had my moments where I thought I was satisfied, but it was never full. There was always something missing. Like a puzzle with a piece askew, or mismatched socks. As I fell deeper in love with Elise, that feeling faded. But, it never fully diminished until she told me that she was pregnant. A few months earlier, if she had told me this, perhaps I would have flipped out a little bit, lost my self-control. Like I said before, I never thought I would be the one to settle down and have a family, I never thought I was capable of it. I never wanted to make my fathers mistakes, I never wanted to bring a child into the world without knowing for sure that I could give he or she the best possible life. Never.
When I said my vows to Elise— I meant them with every inch of my soul. I truly wanted to grow old with her, to experience our own great love story, even if we didn’t get to have it all. I just wanted to spend my life with her. You can strip me of everything: the fortune, the house and cars, materialistic things, my business, the art collection. Every. Single. Thing. The only thing I won’t give up is her. It sounds so cliche, but she really is all I need in this life. When she tells me she loves me, I have no doubt that anything could take me from her…
Up until now.
I’m not quite so sure where this world leaves us no, where it leaves me.
A voice I thought I would never hear again distracts me from the sound of my child’s heartbeat. Logan.
“You’re wearing your best clothes just for me, I’m honoured,” Logan smirks, as he comes into view wearing his standard business suit and white button-down combo.
I frown for a moment before I glance down and see I am wearing my signature black suit attire– complete with red tie.
I look back up at Logan, “Am I dead?”
Just a moment ago,  I was reminiscing the best parts of my life. Now, I am standing in front of my dead brother, and suddenly the serene feeling goes away.
Logan chuckles before he lifts his shoulders into a shrug, "well, mate, that depends on you.”
I raise a brow, a little bothered by his cryptic comment. The bloody man hasn’t changed a bit since leaving earth. Go figure. “It does?”
He nods, “indeed.”
I ponder this for a moment while I stare at my brother, cocking my head to the side.
I guess the question of the hour is how this depends on me?
I don’t say a word, just stand in silence, utterly confused. I can’t decide if I want to challenge Logan or just go with whatever he says. I have learned that questioning him never ends up well in my favour. It seems that while he was alive, all the answers to my questions were shameful.
“It’s sink or swim Harry, which is it?”
Logan’s voice permeates the silence and again I just gaze at him, “Harry, we don’t have all day, mate.”
I give him a shrug, I don't’ really know what the fuck I am meant to say, I can’t even tell if I am alive or not. I don’t think I am? I jus’… I don’t understand. I don’t think I want to understand.
I want my untroubled serenity back. I open my mouth to speak but close it again, grappling to figure out to express this. Is it sinking?
Logan sighs heavily as he crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at me; almost as if he knows what I’m thinking and disapproves. “Do you have the will to fight? I don’t think you do at all. I think you’re a coward who will take the easy way out.”
Ouch, that’s harsh. How dare he?
I shake my head, “That’s not true.”
Keeping my voice as low as possible as I utter those words. I don’t know who I was trying to convince more: Logan or myself.
“If it weren’t, we wouldn’t be here, Harry.”
His words feel like a knife to my heart. I can feel it slicing in half and my chest tightens. I can’t catch my breath. “And what the hell do you know?” I snarl.
“I know your love for Elise alone isn’t enough for you to fight anymore. You know she deserves better and you’re willing to give up.”
I nod my head, “She does deserve better. Much better.”
We all know she has always deserved better, I never was good enough for her. I could give her expensive jewellery and designer bags, but she isn’t a trophy wife. She deserves someone who will devote every moment to her and worship the ground she marches on. I did my best with doting on her hand and foot and loving her with everything I have, but all I have just isn’t enough. She warrants the world and I have only been able to give her half of it.
“But she wants you. She loves you more than anything.”
“That’s debatable,” I shrug. It’s the truth, it’s debatable on whether she loves me. I question her love purely because of how my business has put a strain on us. She supported me and our business, but I know she doesn’t want any part of it. I spent too much time on my business and not enough listening to her and considering her thoughts and emotions. I neglected her to raise an empire— an empire that although successful, failed me— an empire that has been the cause of my destruct and my current predicament.
How ironic, I have killed the best part of me.
My body stiffens at the remark. “Shut up, Logan.” I abruptly raise my voice, attempting to defend myself even though I undividedly agree with him.
I am a fucking coward. Perhaps I am just like Dad— a coward.
Logan shakes his head at me, “you’re a coward who won’t fight.”
“Yes, I will,” I mutter, trying to convince myself that I have the will to actually fight for what I want. But, I still don’t really know what the fuck I want.
It’s hard sometimes, to decipher on what is right and wrong, just as it is hard to figure out what one truly wants and doesn’t want.
“So what are you doing here?”
My brows bump together in a scowl while my lips screw into irritation and exasperation,  “The fuck am I meant to know? I’m not fucking God, I don’t know everything.”
“Go back to your wife.”
I slump my shoulders in defeat, as bitterly poignant words leave my lips and pierce my heart, “she. doesn’t.  want. me.”
“She’s the mother of your children, she wants you. She put up with you for this long. Now go.” He strives to shoo me away but it doesn’t work. My feet stay planted where they are.
I inhale a deep breath and blow out gradually, buying time to discover words, “I change my mind, you’re right. I’m a coward. I can’t go back. She deserves better. Look what I have put her through. Dad has fucked me up.”
My — our— Father has done his damage with me, emotionally, mentally and now physically. He has caused havoc in my life from since I can remember. Even the most wonderful parts of my childhood, when he was a decent father, are still horrible times. His presence in any memory good or bad is shrilling. Even the good doesn’t outweigh the bad. No matter how hard I try to suppress the memories that creep up on me at my most vulnerable moment, I just can’t forget them.
“Your son needs you.You can’t use Dad as an excuse.”
I refuse to repeat my father’s mistakes of having children when I am not ready. I don’t want to raise children when I am not the best fit for them.
“He’s better off without me too. What father image do I have to look up too?” I sarcastically chuckle, “like I can be a decent father.” I laugh again, attempting to hold back tears.
A wary smile surfaces on his lips, “Your son is waiting to meet you.”
Oh, my son…
I shake my head. “I can’t do it.”
“Yes, you can. Go back to your family.”
“My son is better off without me.”
“He’s not the only one who needs you.” Logan remarks. But, I don’t really care. I don’t have it in me. They’re all better off without me. Mum and Gem can get through life without me and so can Elise.
Sure, maybe it will be hard for a while, but eventually, it would get easier, right?
“Elise can do better. She’ll move on.”
“She wouldn’t.” Logan shakes his head, “your daughters need you. You have your chance to do things over, take it.”
“I don’t have daughters.”
“with that attitude, you won’t. If you love Elise. You’ll fight and go back to her. If you want to be a coward fine, take my hand.” Logan offers me his hand and I stare at it, contemplating what to do.
I stand for a moment, debating what the fuck to do, I can either go with my brother and live in a well-disposed bliss or I can choose the other path and presumably go back to Elise. I glance at Logan and I can see the smile on his face; I can feel Logan radiating this energy and slowly drawing away from me.
I don’t say anything, I just gulp and breathe for a moment. Logan grants me a wider smile and nods his head as though he is condoning the choice that I have yet to verbally expose.
He stands straighter and smooths his tie, a smile dangled in the corner of his lips. “I’ll see you when I see you, Harry.”
*** ***
My eyes gradually open and at first, everything is blurry and hard to make out, a cluster of white patches, but it gently clears as I come into focus and overhear the beeping sound of machines that are familiar.
If this is what heaven sounds and looks like then all those movies got it wrong.
It takes me a moment to grasp my bearings and come to terms with being awake in the real world, at least I assume it’s the real world. I doubt heaven resembles like a dismal hospital room and the feeling of being barren and exhausted.
I feel heaviness on my shoulder and it takes me a moment to come to terms with Elise’s warm body nestled into me and her head on my shoulder. I curve my lips into a petite smile and swiftly, I no longer feel hollow.
As I take a deep breath, I am overcome with all the pain I didn’t physically feel while asleep.
There goes my sweet serenity.
I don’t move or wake Elise amidst my pain, instead, I do my best to pull the blanket to rest on her.
I feel her stirring against me, something I have grown to understand as the baby gradually waking up. Elise doesn’t know this, but she unknowingly wakes me when the little one is beginning to wake up, she continuously wiggles against me in her sleep and draws me closer to her and doesn’t part from my body until the little one has successfully woken her. Sometimes he lets her sleep while I stay awake just stroking her hair or stroking her stomach, other times my company isn’t sufficient enough for him and he insists on waking his mother.
I caress my hand against her stomach tenderly, feeling our pride and joy moving beneath me. And to think I almost took Logan’s hand and went with him.
It’s this sudden moment that makes me appreciate that I didn’t go with Logan- that I stayed.
It won’t be easy, but I know it will be worth the struggle.
“You’re awake?” Niall murmurs ever so softly, articulating more of a question than a statement.
I hum as he stands up from his position in the chair, “how ye’ feeling?”
I can’t help but smirk as a way to mask any discomfort, “like I was shot.”
Niall rolls his eyes at my remark, “still a smart ass.”
“Oi,” I breathe in a breath and grimace slightly, “still yeh boss.”
Niall nods, “Almost thought I lost you, mate. You gotta stop doing this, kinda like you as my boss.”
“Kinda like bein’ your boss,” I grin softly, uplifting the mood.
“Looks like you’re not making that trip to New York over Christmas though.”
I sigh heavily, remembering that I had jam-packed my schedule over the Christmas period coming up, against Elise’s wishes, and now here I am, completely unable to make any of the arrangements.
At least I will be home for Christmas.
“Your wife— she’s the definition of a ride or die— never let her go,” Niall gestures towards Elise.
“Don’t plan to.”
“She tried to bribe the authorities to let her have 5 minutes with your father while he was handcuffed.”
I chuckle to myself, essentially because I can envision her becoming extremely ferocious and pleading to get her way. I wouldn’t be surprised if she batted those sumptuous eyes of hers, dangled that attractive smile and applied her charm.
If there is one thing I can say, Elise has always had my back even when I haven’t noticed it.
“Do you want me to wake her? You seem… pained.”
I instantly shake my head. My discomfort is nothing compared to how she must feel when waiting for me to wake up. If the shoe was on the other foot, I would be a mess if I had to assemble by a hospital bed and wait for her to wake up. “No, let her sleep.” … “But some morphine would be nice… And ice.”  
Through the pain, I chuckle to myself, a sudden remembrance of something I wrote years ago in my journal coming back to mind. The lyric I once wrote for my own personal self, “give me some morphine. Is there any more to do?”
Obviously, at the time I was not literally meaning I wanted morphine, it was more of a metaphor for the pain I was feeling when Elise broke up with me very early on in our relationship. Just like an addict craves to get their drugs back and relapse— I needed to get back with Elise— a pretty simple understanding. I was desperate with my desire to preserve what was there between us. I was the one that stirred her to breaking up with me for my own selfish tendencies, I accused myself and denied to give up hope.
Niall keeps me awake and speaking for a little bit, explaining to me the obligations I have missed in the hours I have been in another universe. Apparently, I have been out for nearly twenty-four hours which writhed my nurses. I guess I took my sweet time deciding whether I wanted to live or not. Niall informs me of how detectives have been waiting for me to wake up and how they received quite a few words from Elise, needless to say, they won’t be back until they are called.
I assume I have to call them when I am not on morphine to nurse the pain.
“Damn,” I hear Elise mumble as she lets out a heavy breath and her body moves from mine.
“Well, good morning, sunshine,” I snicker.
Elise grunts, “Shut it, Styles.”
Ouch, someone’s grouchy.
Her enrapturing eyes gleam into my iridescent, malachite-green eyes before she goes wide-eyed and springs up a little, surprised, to say the least. “Fuck, no, don’t shut up, I am so sorry. You’re awake.”
“Careful, darling,” I mutter, reminding her that this bed is not ever ending. The last thing I want is for her to fall off the damn bed. “You okay? Ye’ just staring.”
“Fine, how are you? How do you feel? D you need ice? Do you need anything-”
“Hey, relax. I’m fine considering my father shot me.” I grin at her, attempting to alleviate the mood.
She doesn’t need to fret and dote on me hand and foot for the next however long it takes for me to recover. I am alive, therefore; I am fine.
Elise caresses a kiss on my cheek before she gingerly sits herself up and her eyes flick towards Niall. “You knew he was awake, didn’t you?” She crosses her arms and raises a brow with that glare that can burn through walls.
I can only assume she is not pleased that she was not woken up the moment I decided to make my grand appearance.
Niall shifts off of the wall and nods, “Indeed… Need some help?” Niall proposes graciously.
Before Elise can shake her head and refuse his assistance, I speak for her, “Yes.”
Elise cocks her head and her knife cutting eyes gaze at me, “don’t need you falling.” I murmur before she sighs and enables Niall to assist her.
“Don’t need you pulling your IV out,” she gestures towards my left arm with the IV.
Damn, I hate them. They’re so fucking bothersome.
It is like she is reading my mind and my desires to pull the damn thing out.
I flip aimlessly through the boring channels on the television while Elise is perched comfortably in the seat with a blanket draped over her legs and a book in her hand.
She looks up from her book, “you in pain?”
I shake my head, “No, I am bored.”
Elise rolls her eyes and flicks her eyes back to her book. As we all know, I am not the person who can assemble in a hospital bed or any bed and simply twiddle my thumbs. I have to be doing something and keep myself entertained.
“Harry,” she sighs as she glances over at me and keeps her hand in her book to mark the page, “would you prefer to read a book?” she proposes.
“Ha, no,” I shake my head.
“Harry, take a nap.”
“You’re being bothersome.”
I pout my lips and screw my nose up at her comment before I glance away from her and look back to the television.
I hear Elise heavily huff before her book closes and I feel her eyes on me. “I am sorry… Wanna talk?”
“Well… maybe we should talk about baby names?” Elise suggests, gradually intriguing me and drawing me from being bratty. “He needs a name and we haven’t had time to think of a name.”
I cock my head to the side and glance over at her with a small smile. “Anything in mind?”
She thinks for a moment, “I like the name, Tommy and James. You?”
“No on Tommy.” I shake my head, “No offence, but Tommy will not make a good name on a desk. It sounds…. weak.”
“Harry, it isn’t guaranteed he will be like you and be a CEO. Maybe he wants to be a pilot or a dancer or an engineer.”
“I know, but Tommy is a sweet name and I jus’, I don’t like it suited. Tommy Styles. Eh.” … “I like James, it is nice. What about Noah?”
“Thomas?” I suggest.
“No, don’t like it.” Elise is quick to shake her head.
“Are you going to say yes to anything?” I challenge, staring at my apparently very picky yet beautiful wife.  I assume she has a name picked out that she is pondering in that mind of hers.
Elise shrugs, “Nathan?”
“Not a fan of it. Hey, I do have a question.” I inform Elise and she waits for me to continue on. “How about Logan as the middle name? I know it probably isn’t what you-”
“Yes,” Elise doesn’t let me finish my sentence, “of course,” she nods.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am. I like it. Tommy Logan Styles.” Elise smirks playfully at me and I roll my eyes.
“Nice try, darling.”
“It was worth a try.”
“I love you for trying.”
Elise smiles before she pushes herself up from the chair and steps over towards me, “And I love you.” Elise leans down and kisses my lips sweetly, reminding me that she does love me and that I made the right decision.
(I’d like to thank my lovely friends for allowing me to constantly send them bits and pieces and for allowing me to bounce off ideas of them. @lostinreality014  @haroldsflowerchild @ca-sunsets @not-nessasarily and @latersdiana) On another note, thank you to my readers for enjoying this journey with me and for reading! P.S There is one more chapter after this, just one. :( Xx
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crossinggalaxies · 6 years
Why That Episode was AWFUL
Okay here we go. There’s going to be a lot of things you don’t agree with probably in this post. So let me preface this by saying I don’t intend to argue. I’m also very well aware that this is my opinion and not fact. I also would like to warn you, as you can probably tell by the title that this is going to be INCREDIBLY NEGATIVE. So if you are easily affected by negative talk, enjoyed the episode, or want to debate; don’t read the post.
So let me start off by saying that when I say that the episode was AWFUL I mean the writing. It’s sooo hard to critique AOS and say anything that they create is bad because the ACTORS are so good that they make everything seem GOOD even when it’s not.
Even now my brain, on some level, is trying to convince me that it wasn’t that bad of an episode because the ACTORS (especially Iain tonight -HOLY SHIT) were soooo fucking good that it almost doesn’t compute with the shitty storytelling it was attached to.
I want to also mention that the first 40 minutes of the show seemed good, but ultimately forgettable due to how BADDD the last 20 were and that is when you know you DONE FUCKED UP.
But at the end of it all when I look at the script, ignoring the excellent, performances, I see that the writing was absolutely horrible. And below I will explain why.
I also want to preface this by also saying as a writer myself there is a few things that make a story/writing (whether it’s for a book, show, movie, or what have you) good in my eyes. 1. I absolutely believe you need to tell a story for yourself. You should write something you needed growing up (you probably still need it now). You should write something you find important. And in return you should hardly ever write for your audience. (Side note this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t say for instance include gay characters. You should always try to write inclusively but not because it’s what your audience needs or wants but because it’s what ACTUAL life and humanity looks like. AKA representation matters). What I do mean when I say that you shouldn’t write for your audience is that you should write an authentic story that resonates with you and stems from a place that means something.
Btw writing for your audience doesn’t just mean writing happy/good things (IE FAN SERVICE) I also mean writing things for your audience like that purely for shock value because you know it’s what is going to get at your viewers (which is what they did, ie emotional manipulation) and cause a reaction. Ultimately you should never write just to cause a reaction. It should mean more.
2. A good writer in my book is someone who can write something that generates a response in their audience BUT NOT because it was their single goal to do so but because they authentically wrote something that meant something to them in a way that worked and their audience could feel it because of this authenticity. And tonight that wasn’t there.
To me this episode 100 percent was about writing to create shock value and showcased so little care for the actual story that they for the longest time seemed to be excellently and authentically writing. (They botched this last small half of the season and here’s why)
Deke’s Speech on Fixing the Team:
I was super conflicted about Deke’s speech to Daisy on needing to mend the team. On one hand I loved it because FUCKING FINALLY and also I 100 percent agree. But on the other hand looking at it now that the episode is done I think it was all about generating a reaction and not about story telling. For the longest time now I've been wondering why they haven't started this process of healing an episode or two earlier. And now I understand that they put it off until the last moment to increase the overall tension and reaction from the audience. It has felt incredibly out of character for the team not to be concerned about fixing things a little earlier (ie getting their shit together) than just the last episode. So while I am glad that they started the mending process it annoys me that they held it off until the last moment just to raise the stakes and make the audience feel more. Ultimately I think waiting until the last moment to raise such stakes made the pacing of the story a little off in the last section, which happens when you (in my opinion don’t write from an authentic place.)
I don’t even know where to start so lets just start with our old pal Deke. Deke became an amazing character because at first most of us really didn’t like him. However he became so important and integral to the story. And in my eyes he became a large voice of reason. The thing I loved most about him this season was watching him and his relationship with Jemma grow. It was so emotional and well done and I connected so deeply with it.
So you can imagine how LIVID I am with how he disappeared and literally no one says anything. It was completely OOC for the group but mostly for Jemma to not even acknowledge his absence and here to me is one of the largest sightings of shock value writing in this episode.
Because the writers wanted you to feel the shock of his absence and in having someone speak of him it would have taken away from that.
Had someone mentioned him, or the potential for search for him... that could have possibly stripped away from the emotion/shock you were feeling for his absence. So despite the fact that it didn’t serve the story, it created what felt like a strange and OOC reaction from the group and namely Jemma, they went with it anyways because they were more concerned with the shock value. This to me served as one of the larger indicators that they were writing for shock over story telling and it damaged the episode in the process.
Oh okay. So he’s dying. But they’re just gonna chill on a beach, all smiles all is good. Man Idk I just felt like Phalinda as a couple and individuals deserved more. Also as much as I love this couple. Can I just say I’m a bit bitter. That they’ve been together for .3 seconds and would have still had a better happier ending to the entirety of the show, than a couple who’s literally suffered for 5 years. Like how the hell does that make any storytelling sense? Anyway.
There's a lot of reasons for why I hated everything regarding his story in this last episode. Here is the most important though.
His death was bullshit: literally dude just got crushed by rocks. (Shock value much??) You know I've mentioned numerous times before that on a large level I thought that they might kill him. But even in that pit of despair centered thought I believed they would at least give him a hero's death. Believe me I know he is a hero. But that death was nowhere near what he deserved story wise. I thought that if he died he would at least have a speech/line that resonated with his death and life/purpose. Where his death would somehow have something good involved, like a sacrifice for something greater. You know a through and through heroes death? But no they didn't do anything for him. Like we have to authentically acknowledge as an audience and fan base that he's dead.
I don't care if there is a frozen version of him floating around in space. The Fitz that we know, the Fitz that we saw grow this season is gone and dead. All those milestones - erased. (Which side note it pisses me off how much they hyped up how much the wedding meant and how excited Clarke was to get to produce it to literally just scrub it away for shock value).
Trauma: Let’s not also forget how not only did they not heal the framework Trauma but they exacerbated it and he died with those traumas unresolved and in my opinion worsened. His death ensures that that version of him that we knew and loved will never find resolution for such traumas. We have been waiting and begging for them to touch on and began to heal the trauma. But they LITERALLY brought it back and made it worse and then killed him with it unresolved.
SOOO ultimately, I was really SHOCKED that they didn’t give him the death that he deserved. Instead they had him die in some shocking random twist with unresolved trauma, the erasure of some of the HUGEST milestones of his life, no scene with the person he loved or moments of purpose just to get a rise from the audience. He didn’t get to say anything of value when he died. He didn’t get to see Jemma when he died. We have to acknowledge that all this is gone.
Let me just reiterate that again. HE HAD TO DIE WITH UNRESOLVED TRAUMA. (Also I bet your ass that CryoFitz for some reason doesn’t have any issues with the Doctor/Split and they will just use this earlier version of him to sweep away their lack of trauma mending under the rug.) Concerned about loopholes much?
Loop holes: Speaking of loopholes they totally used his death so they don’t have to go into detail on fixing his relationships with the other characters because the version of him they may find in space will have done nothing ‘wrong’ yet. (baddddd writing)
Also just another example of the shock value writing is the entirety of his death scene. Let me explain just how much they wrote these scenes just to fuck with us. So when stuff starts going haywire and the rocks fall the audience is in shock because clearly Fitz might be hurt or even worse dead. So you're brought into this feeling of intense shock as a viewer but then soon after that scene you see his hand come up through the rubble and you experience relief. You calm. Things seem okay. Until the soundtrack creeps in and he says he thinks he broke his leg, and the music deepens and you realize something is wrong. And you see the wound. And you are brought back to SHOCK. And its rising and rising. And he dies. But you look at your clock and you see there's 15 minutes left. There is time to fix it. So you relax a little. But then the show comes back on and you realize he's dead when you see Jemma’s reaction. And you feel SHOCK again. And you're crying and crying. And you see somebody wiping a plaque that says in memory (remembrance?) of but they're not showing the whole thing and then Jemma makes a comment about Fitz being interested in hearing the story that time can indeed be changed (or something along those lines) and for a second again you think he's alive and the shock dissipates. Maybe he faked his death. Maybe this is the plan. Why? Who knows. But then you realize she’s talking about CRYOFitz and the shock comes back.
THEY WERE EMOTIONALLY FUCKING WITH US for so long. I am honestly infuriated at this fact and it deepens every time I realize they thought this would be okay as a show ender. But mostly I’m infuriated over the fact that just they seemed to care so little about leaving us with a story that mattered and instead how much they valued leaving us with a story that left us shocked. Here’s a note to all writers. You may think shock value is more memorable. It’s not. It’s tiring and overused. And just leaves people bitter.
So if they were writing for shock value, they hit the nail on the head and knocked it out of the park. But shock value doesn’t resonate with me. At the end of the day. They killed a character off in a half assed way, erased his milestones, left him with unresolved trauma, allowed him no scenes with his wife, all to get a reaction out of an audience that could have had this as the last thing they ever saw of the show and ultimately they hella butchered the story in the process. (They should honestly thank they're lucky stars they got another season and can fix this.)
Bruised Friendship: Also can we have knowledge that this Fitz that we know and loved who 100% died in this episode also did so being still at odds ends with his family/friends. Like the last things said between him and Mack in their one on one, or him and Daisy, never got resolved. Fitz died not knowing if Jemma was okay. He died not getting one more minute with her. He died not knowing if the rest of the team who wasn’t there in his last moments was alive. He died not knowing if Earth and humanity was going to be okay. But he also died not being on the best terms with his family/friends (at least not in the ways he has been throughout the show). He literally got SOOOO FUCKING JIPPED. Like YOU GAVE HIM NOTHING. YOU KILLED HIM BUT YOU EVEN HALF ASSED THAT.
Separation: I want to say that while I was shocked I was not surprised that they FS separated. But there is one main difference I want to point out. While I never liked any of the separations they went through you could always count on and believe that we would then see (VISUALLY SEE) Fitzsimmons overcome it and come out of it better, closer, and stronger. So a large part of my brain and I think mostly everybody else’s brains knew on some level they would be separated again. But they separated them again, this time, in the most final way possible. With death. Like honestly they have done this so much it shouldn’t have shocked us that they did it again only in a way more permanent fashion. And in a way that had no visual payment.
Reaction: What the fuck was that reaction from everyone. They seemed to basically be like. Yeah it’s sad but there’s frozen Fitz somewhere, so oh well.
BUT THIS EPISODE. WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN A SHOW FINALE ended with him dying and a 2 minute speech at the end promising to try to find him. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN OUR ENDING. A SPEECH?????? And just a bunch of shock. Like what a horrible ending that would have been. I’m tired of speeches. The poetic promise of trying to do something pales in comparison to seeing people outlive their trauma and survive. Stop telling me things might be okay. Show me for once, and mean it. Honestly such heartless and lazy writing.
Ultimately i’m just astounded that they knew this could’ve been the end and they thought it was still satisfying. And not because it was a story that mattered but because you would remember it, because you were shocked. All in all (might as well use an essay transition sense this is long AF) I don’t like shows that write for shock value. I have an issue with it because it makes everything lose meaning and authenticity. And that’s what this was. I mean I cant tell if I’m happy about the year wait or not. On one hand I can distance myself from it, and learn to care less so next time they fuck it up, it hurts less. But also a year with the imagery of him senselessly dying and the knowledge that everything good this season has disappeared with it just to close some fucking loopholes has me feeling some kind of anger I haven’t felt in a long ass time.
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