#fluff with angst
it-happened-one-fic · 2 months
Hello!! I hope you have a good day... Actually it's my first time here at Tumblr and my first time for asking a request.... So if possible can you write an oneshot about azul x freader..Where Azul is in conflict with his feelings bc he's in deep love with the reader but confounded of that, he thinks that the reader is a boy, But the truth is that the reader is a girl that hides her gender
I hope you are comfortable with this request and if it is full of fluff and heavy against I would be very grateful(Sorry for my bad English)
Hello Anon and welcome to Tumblr! There's no need to apologize for your English and I was both thrilled and flattered to receive your request! I must admit that I hadn't ever written anything quite like it before, but enjoyed myself while working on your request. I apologize for the wait and I hope you enjoy your fic!
Secrets - Azul
Type: (secretly)Female reader/ Fluff with angst/ romantic
Word Count: 2406
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Azul was confused, to put it lightly. He had been for quite some time now. In fact, he had been since his overblot. But his confusion had nothing to do with his experience overblotting. Instead, his confusion had everything to do with you. 
Simply put, you had somehow charmed him, which was the last thing he’d ever expected to occur when he’d first come to this school or when he’d first seen you.
For one thing, you were one of the most ridiculously effeminate young men he’d ever seen, and all of the teachers favored you. And, in all his years of going to school, he’d never been overly fond of teachers’ pets. 
Instead, it had always been his experience that teachers’ pets were competition, and unfair competition at that. Because the teachers would and could play favorites when it came to their beloved favorite student.
But perhaps what was worse was how he couldn’t seem to get close to you.
Oh, it wasn’t that you pushed him away or anything like that. In fact, you were quite kind. Frustratingly and endearingly so. Rather, it was that he couldn’t get close to you because of how staunchly protective of you Deuce and Ace were.
No matter what he tried, the two of them seemed to always be popping up and eyeing him suspiciously before asking you if all was well.
It was a stark contrast to how they’d all but cowered before him when he’d had them under employment by contract.
And what was all the more frustrating was how, time and time again, you chose to rely on them instead of him.
Which was utterly ridiculous. He had more connections, more know-how, was a better magician, and had been the one to help you during the entire mess at the Scarabia dorm.
But, without fail, you’d turn to one of them when something came up. Which told Azul everything he had already known and suspected, even if it hurt. 
You preferred them over him and trusted them in ways you didn’t trust him.
And it stung. Especially after you’d seemed to accept him—tentacles and all—after his overblot and didn’t obviously seem to fear or be wary of him or the tweels. It was just that you didn’t want him.
Not to lean on, not to spend time with, and not to whisper about secrets with that would have one of your chosen friends nodding their head before you stepped out of the classroom while they whispered something to the teacher, who would inevitably accept the excuse because you were, for better or worse, all of the teachers’ pet.
Floyd and Jade had, of course, been amused when they’d first discovered his plight. Smiling smugly down at him before exchanging a shared glance.
“What makes you think that our dear little Prefect is a favorite of the teachers? They have to do just as many chores in regards to keeping the classroom clean as everyone else,” Jade didn’t even try to hide his smug amusement.
Azul felt himself scowl up at his vice-housewarden, immediately annoyed by how obviously mocking the words were, “Because. They get to skip out on P.E. classes when no one else does every month. And it can’t have anything to do with not having magic. It’s just them making use of the fact that Vargas favors them over everyone else.”
Floyd outright smirked at Azul’s annoyance, “Maybe it’s something to do with a health issue. Shrimpy is kind of small after all, and Mackerel is always talking about how he’s worried about them on those days and that he’s gonna check up on them.”
Azul felt himself prickle at the sound of Deuce, immediately ignoring the sting of jealousy as he snapped back, “It’s not a health issue. They are as healthy a young man as anyone else is. They’ve probably just fooled Deuce somehow. Though why he has to check up on them is beyond me, they’re hardly helpless.” 
And evidently enough, he surprised them as both of the twins' eyes went wide at his words and they looked towards each other. Something unspoken passed between them before a perfectly evil grin curled across each of their identical faces.
“Why, Azul, you sound jealous of this ‘young man.’” Jade all but cooed the words as Floyd nodded.
At odds with Jade’s more subtle harassment, Floyd held nothing back, “Or maybe he’s jealous of Mackerel~”
Azul regretted it the moment he twitched because the tweels grinned almost at the exact same time. Latching on to that subtle cue as to his true frustrations the second it reared its head.
“Oh, Azul. Don’t tell me you want to be the one taking care of the Prefect?” Jade was outright chuckling now as Azul glowered up at him from his seat behind his desk.
Floyd snickered, “Of course he does. He’s got a crush on lil ol’ Shrimpy. Don’t cha’?”
Azul’s left eye twitched, his voice coming out low and only barely controlled “I don’t have a ‘crush’ on anyone, Floyd. Much less him.”
Jade’s long fingers tapped against his cheek, “Oh yes, certainly not ‘him.’”
Floyd giggled at his brother’s words as Jade looked knowingly over at his twin. Their actions cause Azul’s eyes to narrow.
It was strange how they kept emphasizing words like ‘him’ and ‘young man.’ Almost like they were dangling something over Azul’s head, just a little too far out of reach but low enough to catch his attention.
“You know, they skipped out on class today as well… Why don’t you go and see them yourself. Maybe you’ll be able to find out whatever secret it is that they have that causes the teachers’ to favor them over others,” Jade’s words had Azul’s eyes widening.
Go visit you…?
It was something that he’d considered in the past but had never actually done so. After all, he wasn’t a glutton for punishment. If you had chosen Ace and Deuce over him, then so be it.
But it was true that he’d never been one to turn down finding out another person’s secret. And if, by some strange occurrence, there was something wrong with you, then it couldn’t hurt to see how you were doing.
And so Azul went, wondering all the while if this was some horrid mistake.
It was obvious that the tweels knew something that he didn’t, though what that might be, he didn’t know.
He could only hope that neither of your friends would be around to get in the way when he got to your dorm.
And luck was on his side, because neither of the Heartslabyul freshmen were visible when he arrived at Ramshackle dorm. Plus, he didn’t have to worry about you not being there since he could clearly see a light on through the window.
Azul squared his shoulders as he stepped up on the rickety porch, resolving to get to the bottom of why you were treated as so special by the teachers.
He knew you were special, but something told me the reasons for his fondness for you had very little to do with the teachers’ behavior.
And if he’d been wrong and you did have some form of health issue… Well, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to offer you some help.
At least then, you might realize that he was just as worthy of our trust and time as your friends. Though he wasn’t exactly aiming for the position of friend, per say….
But at least being a little closer to you might not sting as much as his current position.
He knocked on the door, the rapping of his knuckles on the wood sounding just a little bit too loud to his own ears and making him wonder, for what had to be the thousandth time, if he were making a mistake.
What if you didn’t want to see him? Just because Deuce always came to check on you didn’t mean that Azul would be just as welcome…. If that were the case, coming to visit certainly wasn’t going to endear him to you.
Before he could even think about retreating, the door cracked open, and you peered. Your appearance causing Azul to blink in surprise.
You looked exhausted and were hunched over, a hand pressed to your stomach as you blinked up at him with weary eyes.
“I already told you, Deuce. I’m fine. It’s just the usual monthly-” You cut off sharply as your gaze collided with Azul’s startled one, and your eyes went wide.
“A-Azul!” You all but stammered out his name as you pulled backwards, hiding yourself behind the door in a way that made Azul frown as you cringed. Almost as if moving too quickly had caused some sort of pain.
You were in bad shape. Horrible even, if simply moving agitated whatever state you were in.
He reached, putting his hand on the door and lightly trying to open it so he could better see you, as his tone shifted into something far more concerned, “Angelfish, are you-”
“I’m fine!” Your words came out too fast, and your smile looked almost desperate.
They were actions that Azul recognized all too well from his experiences trying to get information. You were hiding something. Something you desperately didn’t want him to find out.
What was strange, though, was that you weren’t scared.
Despite your determination to keep this secret, whatever it was, in no way were you afraid of Azul or even him finding out whatever it was you were hiding.
You let out a weak laugh, adjusting your grip on the door and keeping Azul from opening it any further, “Really, I’m fine, Azul. Thank you for coming by, but you don’t have to worry. Ace and Deuce already stopped by and even made me lunch.”
You couldn’t know that mentioning them was a mistake, but it quite simply was. Because it confirmed what he’d already suspected and chaffed old wounds to both his pride and unspoken feelings.
Just like the tweels, Ace and Deuce knew your secret too.
And it was infuriating. 
Just how many did you trust and tell your secret to outside of him? Was Azul the only one you felt you couldn't trust?
Why? He might hold information over other people, but not you. Especially not when it was something that was obviously compromising your health.
“Angelfish…. Whatever’s wrong, you can tell me. I came here to check in on you and…” Azul paused, all but frowning at his own timidity, which was so at odds with his frustration.
He didn’t know what was wrong, but the longer he looked at you, the more worried and frustrated he got.
He shook his head, making a decision that he didn’t know was for the best, and Azul knew it was unlike him. Because normally he’d err on the side of caution and respect your secret-keeping. But he couldn’t this time. Not if you were in trouble or pain.
He inhaled deeply, letting himself openly frown as he straightened and picked back up where he left off in a more resolute tone, “And I’m sorry, but I’m not leaving until I know you’re fine. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
He pulled open the door, causing you to stumble forward in surprise, your foot catching on the door frame and sending your tumbling forwards with a tiny shriek of surprise.
And Azul caught you easily, despite his surprise, which was when he felt it as you fell against him.
Something that was soft, answered a lot of questions, and completely gave away your secret.
He blinked down at you as you straightened, your arms crossing nervously in front of your chest as you looked away from him.
“Angelfish, you-”
“I’m a girl,” You cut him off quickly, avoiding eye contact and looking most anywhere but him until you winced and your hand went back to your stomach.
Azul felt himself frown, his confusion only growing until you at last met his gaze weakly, “I’m a girl, and all that’s wrong is I’m cramping….. My period just started for this month.”
At first, all he could manage was a soft ‘Ah,’ as he stared at you before all the pieces clicked together in his head.
That was why the tweels had reacted the way they had to his words describing you as a young man. They’d known you were a woman because they could smell the changes in your hormones.
“Then Deuce and Ace-”
“Already know,” You finished lightly, stepping back and letting Azul finish entering the space, even as he frowned at you slightly.
You shifted, sighing slightly, “They found out early on… But I’ve kept it a secret from everyone else.”
Azul blinked down at you quietly before softly voicing his next question, and perhaps the most important one of all, “Why?”
You met his gaze, your expression perfectly exhausted, “Because Crowley said it might be easier for me that way since this is an all-boys school. If I’m not a girl, then there’s no chance of anyone being weird because I’m a girl.”
Azul nodded, still frowning, before shaking his head, “Do you need to sit down? You look exhausted.”
A feeble smile crossed your face as he gestured towards where he knew your living area was, and you nodded.
He cleared his throat lightly as he walked with you, “And you don’t have to worry about me telling anyone. I won’t-”
“I know you won’t, Azul,” He froze at the way you smiled at him, blinking as you laughed lightly at his startled expression. “You might use a lot of people’s secrets against them, but I know you won’t use this against me. Not when you came to check up on me and make sure I was alright.”
Azul had to fight the urge to get defensive, fluster at your soft words, or protest against the implication that he cared.
After all, it was painfully true that he cared. But enough secrets had been revealed for now, and Azul was willing to simply rest in the knowledge that it wasn’t necessarily that you’d ever favored or trusted anyone over him. It was just that they’d already found out about your secret, and he hadn’t.
So for now, he would keep his silence and reveal his secret to you later.
Even if Floyd had already called him out on his crush.
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cleake · 11 months
heyy i love your blog the fics are so cute!!! i wanted to kindly ask you if you could do a fic with neville? i love the way you portray him in your stories. usually others just write him off as sme shy weak boy but you portray him in such a special way, like yes he is shy but theres more to him than just loving plants and being inroverted, and i respect you so much for it. i was wonderng if you could do a big headcanon or fic centering around neville having a crush on the reader or him being the reader's boyfriend? i just miss him sm :(
Hello, dear. Your words made me feel very happy and appreciated, thank you very much. I would love to write more about Neville, he’s a very interesting character. So I’m back from the dead and my multiple months break from writing to give you some of this sweet boy. Thank you again, you’re wonderful <3
Warning: English is not my first language, please excuse any mistakes
Neville Longbottom having a crush on you
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-Neville felt like an outcast. He felt that he didn’t fit in with how he was, how he looked, how he behaved, or what he was interested in. He had bad experiences with trying to make friends, let alone trying to find someone that would be special to him. He was rejected, laughed at, and ignored by his peers and he stopped trying to talk to others. He still wanted to have friends, people to like him and respect him but he just feels that won’t happen, that he was a lost cause. So he went on through the years in Hogwarts being only a background character, nothing important.
-Then you showed up. And it was amazing for him. You were amazing.
-When Neville noticed you and you noticed him it felt like something finally clicked, that something finally happened in his life, that he wasn’t alone anymore. He felt like a person, someone with will and importance. You made yourself memorable to him by just being a good person, by being a friend and someone who didn’t see him as a joke. He was overjoyed. He felt like he had something that could make people like him. You made him feel like he was nice, like he was good and worth everything wonderful. He finally had a friend.
-But after some time of you being friends, of you two talking about your interests without any judgment, you making gifts to each other, you making efforts for each other, spending your time together, Neville had a realization to make. He loved you, he liked you and he wanted to be the reason you keep on smiling. He was terrified at the beginning. He was scared and felt so alone with that thought and feeling of loving you. This changed how he saw your relationship and he felt like that was a bad thing. He started to see you in a different light and it made him feel guilty. He started to notice the way you smiled, the way you looked at him, the way you laughed, the way your hair fell around your face, the way you stood, the way your hands touched things, the way your eyes looked so peaceful when you read or looked at something important. Like him. It was such a wonderful thing to witness your beauty in the simplest things, he loved it. But it made him feel so bad for thinking that way, you’re friends. You’re friends. Nothing more. And maybe he had to accept that fact, maybe he shouldn’t look at you in that way. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe he didn’t deserve to do that.
-Neville was so conflicted with his feelings and thoughts toward you, his days were filled with admiring you quietly, punishing himself for doing that, and then feeling alone and powerless. His mind was focused on you, he was thinking about you. And it wasn’t only the administration, he thought about you and how you’d react to him having those feelings about you, he thought about how he was disrespectful for doing such things. He was sure you’d be angry, upset, sad, embarrassed, disgusted, disappointed if you found out. He was so scared. But he loved you so much. He couldn’t help but smile when he thought of you, when you were near when you complimented him, praised him, noticed him. He loved you. And there was no way in denying it.
-He felt so much love and appreciation for you, he just wanted to cherish you forever, treat you like a god, worship you. He knew he was a bit dramatic in his feelings but he loved you so much he couldn’t help it. He saw you as something pure, wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous, and enchanting, he had to feel this way. He had to give you all the stars in the sky, all the pearls in the ocean, all the sunsets and sunrises. He knew you deserved it. But he didn’t know if he deserved you. And it made him feel miserable in his loving you. He didn’t know what to do.
-But then you showed something that was close to showing romantic feelings toward him as well and Neville got so excited and so happy, but at the same time so scared and nervous. He wanted to tell you how he loved you, he wanted to scream it, he wanted it to pour out of him so you could see it, he wanted to give you his heart. He wanted to say it and it ached him to death. He wanted to let you know. He was so enchanted by the thought of telling you that he got brave enough to tell you, not even thinking if you agreed or not, if you thought of him as weird and embarrassing. He got to tell you.
-One day he run up to you, his eyes wide, his lips parted, his breath coming out heavily from the emotion and adrenaline. He placed his hands on your shoulders, looking at you with a glimpse of something in his eyes that you just caught from time to time. Now it was directed at you and it was visible, he wasn’t trying to hide it anymore. He had to take a moment before he could speak. He didn’t care if anyone was close to seeing, he didn’t care if people were laughing at his emotions, he was here with you and that only made him feel safe. After a moment of him trying to find his words, opening and closing his mouth in hesitation and fear of saying something wrong he finally choked it out.
“I love you.”
It was quiet, shaky, and uncertain but it was said. He said it to you and he was worried. How will you respond? Will you be disgusted like he always imagined? He just realized what he had done to your friendship and that it won’t be the same after this. All that could save this moment was your response. And he was desperate for it.
-He loved you and he loved that you loved him. And it made him the happiest and the most grateful he ever was. He was ready to give you himself and his heart and you wanted it. That was the most beautiful thing to him. He was always overjoyed with you and you were a miracle to him that he’d protect and love to the end of his existence. He was ready to feel loved and appreciated, to be someone’s “one and only”, to be their heart and soul. And he always wanted it to be you.
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thewritersaddictions · 6 months
Day One: Soldier Boy + Baby It's Cold Outside
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It's late december when Ben comes back from yet another search for a Vought member. He's not really a fan of christmas having never really gotten the things he wanted during his childhood.
The first time Ben hears the song it's during his time away at war. Ben is just thirty, and he loves music. Warming his heart in a way that not much else can. He hums to himself during his time away at war, and as his mother used to. It keeps him clam, and striaght with his thoughts.
It's when Vought takes Ben to be their test subject and their propaganda device, does the song come back to him. Years had passed, Vought wanted, and tried like hell to make the face of thier company sell.
What was worth selling? Sex has alway sold, and by the standards of the world then and now Ben is a deliciously sexy man. Now mix that together with money and you've pretty much got yourself anything you can dream of.
It forces Ben, or what Vought called him "Soldier Boy" to become apart of a few things. Movie titles, pinup posters, and songs. During the sevetnies, and eighties when the tech get's better the songs he laid down on records turned into shitty music videos.
During christmas time one of the years before he was caught by the russians. He does yet another albums filled with winter songs. Speicallifly the song he had used to keep himself level headed during the war, down in the trenches dirt and blood splattering his face.
Shaking the thought he does what he's told, and sings the song. That damn song that has been stuck to him like glue for the past twenty years at least. Ben does a few good things before getting caught by the Russians like buying the song on record his version and the orginal stuffing them away with other importnat documents, and things from his childhood.
Ben can see the stupid LED christmas lights from the apartments window as he walks up his duffel over his shoulder. With that he jams the brass key into the lock twisting and turning the knob before the door gives and he's let in. The lights are dimly light, and the sound of the tv plays in the background.
"I'm home." He says loudly so you can hear over the tv. He can the scampering of your feet on the hardwood, as he drops the duffel kicks the door shut with his boots, and sits down to unlace his boots.
Theres that beautiful smile he wishes he could see everyday whenever he's away. "Hey beautiful." He says with a contentment that you can hear in his voice. You smile sweetly down at him, and when ben gets up from his kneeled postion you smother him kisses.
You taste of choclate and mint, "What have you been up to while I've been gone?" He asks even though he really doesn't have to. The apartment is decorated ceiling to floor in christmas decorations. Ben feels as if he just walked into a christmas store, or maybe a hallmark.
"Well," You start with a smile written all over your face, "I've been trying to get into the sprit of christmas, and  I pulled some of your old records out looking for something a least a little bit chirstmassy." The words "your records."
"You weren't through my things?" Ben doesn't mean for the words to come out so harsh, but they do. Ben is and has always been protective of what he has and that includes you, but he wishes you could have waited till he was home and you had asked him instead.
The smile on your face starts to fall you open your mouth open to apoliges, but nothing comes out. You drop your hand from his, and get quiet moving over to the couch. "I'm sorry Ben." The tv is still playing but the sound is lower.
Ben can feel the tension in the air. Thick and it annoys him. He forgets just how sensitive you can be not used to being home just yet. Ben needs a drink before he can deal with that mess he's created.
He leaves you in the living for now, to mutter in your feelings while he finds in the kitchen a jug of eggnog. An old recipe card sits out, he internally groans. 'Fuck you for being so damn sweet to him.' and 'Fuck him for having such a sweet spot for you.' He pour himself a glass and it hits him with a tingle down his thoart. His eyes scan over the recipe card, In cursive, "Just a dash or two cups of whiskey."
He can't hear you, but cna hear the tv. He rolls his eyes has he pour himself anther cup, and you one as well. When he comes out of the kitchen you are right where he left you. Setting your cup on the side tablebut not before you move a coastar underneath it. He set his cup down on the other coastar. The silence isn't uncomfortable for Ben, but he can feel you messin' with your fingers and nails. He starts to scan what you took out. His records, and one catches his eye.
He slides his fingers over the old package, and pulls the record from the safety of it's home. The record is safe from marks, or scratches and so Ben slips it onto the record player. Grabbing the remote, turning the tv off.
"Listen baby," You don't look at him, "Honey, look at me." Your eyes are glazed with hurt, but you look at him anyways. He has to stifle his laugh at how adorable you look right now for him.
"I'm sorry for being short with you, you know it takes me a few hours to get back and used to being home with you love. Now get up here and let me fix it." Ben says, reaching out his hand palm up so your much smaller hand can fit right in it. You chew your bottom lip for a moment like your thinking of denying him, but as much as Ben's missed you you've missed him tenfold.
You grab his hand and Ben pulls you up effortlessly. He smiles for the first time since he arrived home, and your shoulders fall with contentment. Ben only lets go of your hand for a few seconds just enough to let the needle fall on the record and his hands to slip back into yours. One hand holding onto your hand and the other your waist. The two of you sway as the music crackles and then starts to play.
You rest your head against his large chest, and breathe him in. The first few tracks are not the song Ben's looking for, but he waits patiently. He likes being able to hold you like this, there's no rhythm or reason to your swaying.
That is until the song Ben had been waiting for hit his ears. The songs start slow, and then your movements become more fluid. Your socks glide on the carpet, and even if you accidentally step on Ben's feet he is still okay with having you in his arms. By the chorus of the song Ben's humming in your ear with his hand holding you with a warm grip 'round our waist.
"You'll sing it for me?" You ask with your cheek pressed into his chest. Ben's humming stops and for a moment so does the little swaying the two of you have gotten into. Ben thinks for a moment, "Maybe sweetheart. Maybe." But he can already feel you getting excited at the thought of him singing, "But for now can you take the hummin' and the swayin'?" He asks, putting a stray piece of hair behind your ear. Nodding, you place your head back on his chest, swaying, and humming resumes.
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Completed on: 10/06/23
Posted on: 12/01/23
The Anti-Hero-
The Boys Master List // The Anti-Hero Master List // Christmas Stoires Master List
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gracieeem · 29 days
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Really just a memory?
Emperor!Gojo Satoru x FEM!Reader
—Short little angst drabble!! Might turn into a oneshot later on><
WC//TW: 531 words, no warnings!!
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Amidst the vast expanse, moonfall shone brightly against the inky skies of black—engulfing all presence of light—but painting supernova reminiscences like littered kisses against the tapestry of dark fields. Alike these references, emulating sets of sapphire and void-like irises stared into the other's eyesight with intent, as though maintaining a glaring peer that sent shivers up your spines. Your presence whose figure stood atop a balcony—expression joyful, features adorned with a bright beam, and eyes all soft—longed for the silverette fae who maintained a distance with you.
Walking back to the four-walls of the bedroom chamber, you briefed yourself for the upcoming embrace, when the warmth of your lover provided a soft caress against the raven tresses that adorned your head. Mumbling an incoherently subconscious thought, Satoru smiled softly upon himself before pressing a sweet kiss against your temple. Eyes sparkling, he peered down to his love's view—opting to capture the sweet expression plastered on your face.
"Will you count the stars for me?" Satoru spoke in a light manner, tone all soft and per word uttered was breathy. Swiftly, he turned the figure of yours to face the open balcony, where the beauty of the moon was showcased for all peering eyes to ravage on. Such pale quantity bloomed yellow almost abruptly, making yourself turn amongst your heel and back to your fae.
"Huh? How is that possible..?" As you uttered these words, Satoru could only shake his head before resting it against the very crevice of your bare shoulder.
"The day these stars are wiped from the face of the sky we so adore— our love goes with it. May we join millennia together even as stardust,"
"Why dwell on unbelievable such?" Muttering soft words, you peered sideways view—hoping to catch a glance of He, who stood beside. In the following events, Satoru could only embrace his sweetheart—a heavy sigh releasing itself from the cavity of his mouth trap.
"Those poetry writings you so love have taken effect on me," Satoru stopped for a small cackle, before continuing his sentencing. "My Callis.. I only wish to enjoy this fragment of my life with you. I despise how the gods have given your life many limitations, and destined so, when I've finally found my happiness."
Sucking in a quiet breath, you began fidgeting with your pointer digits. "Have— uhm..." you spoke, but briefly stopped with a shake to your head.
Providing comfort, the male lead ran his fingers through your tresses. "Have you.. ever regretted the decision of making me yours, knowing I was not so immortal like you?"
"How could I regret the sun of my life?" Satoru smiled to himself before pressing an oh so sweet kiss against your head. "Don't ever doubt yourself; you know that you're all I'll ever want," Just as feelings sparked from the simple wordings, the moon's gleam brightened amongst the cue.
Beneath the luminescence of the moon's peer, your figures were showcased as trapped in a tight embrace—as if serving a way to provide comfort knowing that forever would not be true—and happiness shall not be granted.
He might've been your whole life, but you were only a mere memory in his.
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Copying, Publishing, Copy Pasting, and Exploiting my work(s) are not allowed, and may not be published on other social media accounts nor on other social media platforms.
This work is made of pure fiction, so coinciding events are not on purpose.
All rights and credits of mentioned Jujutsu Kaisen character(s), music link(s), and used image(s), all belong to their original owners respectively.
Mwamwa!!! <3 <3 <3
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misscinnamonroll16 · 5 months
Brozone diner au: the day John Dory took off part one
this au does not belong to me, it belongs to @bzjohndory its gonna have to be multiple parts bc i write too much apparently
Business was slow, it was a hard winter and most trolls didn't leave their pods unless they had to. Bruce was the one to suggest it, knowing his brother hadn't had a day off in seven years. They all had special days that they got off like birthdays or anniversaries, except for John Dory. He didn't take days off, he worked open to close seven days a week. Bruce brought it up with others, knowing he wouldn't get anywhere without back up from their younger brothers. Bruce talked with Clay in between orders on the line. “I'm just saying, we haven't been that busy these past few weeks so I think he can just take a day off at least. We're all responsible enough to take care of the diner while he's gone.” Bruce said as he pulled some fries out of the fryer, portioning them on a plate and passing it to Clay. “Yeah but how do you plan on making him? We've tried making him before and he literally spent the entire day in the diner, working on other stuff ." Clay wondered as he finished plating a couple burgers, putting them in the window to be ran. At that moment, Floyd came into the back and leaned against the wall. “You good Flo?" Clay asked as he worked on the next order. Floyd nodded and held up a thumbs up but they noticed how his hand shook. Bruce threw some fries on a plate and slid a milk crate over to Floyd. “Sit down and have a snack. And while you're back here I wanna talk to you about something." Bruce said, handing the plate of fries to Floyd as he sat on the milk crate. Floyd nodded and started eating the fries while still leaning with his back against the wall. After a few moments of no orders coming in, Bruce crouched down next to Floyd. “Feel better?" Bruce asked while rubbing his back. “Yeah, I skipped breakfast this morning so I started to get the shakes." Floyd chuckled, placing the empty plate on the floor. Clay grabbed some dirty dishes they had on the line and grabbed the plate for the floor, taking them to the dish room. “So before you go back up there, I wanna talk to you about this thought I had. Clay thinks I won't be able to do it. I won't be able to do it by myself, I'll need all of your guys' help." Bruce said nonchalantly, watching for JD to be walking around. “What's up? I'm sure I can help somehow." Floyd said as he pulled his money out of the pocket on his apron. “I wanna get JD to take a day off. He hasn't taken a day off since he got ownership of the diner. If he had his way, we'd still be open on Christmas, and he would totally run this entire place by himself if he had to. He deserves it, he's kept this place afloat, put each of us through college and is here every goddamn day. This isn't gonna be like the last time, he's not gonna be allowed back in here until the next day.” Bruce said, looking Floyd in the eyes telling that he is completely serious about this. Clay came back in with clean dishes and began setting them up on the line. “I think he's crazy if he thinks he's going to get John to do it. He practically lives here, I don't think I've actually seen his place.” Clay said, placing plates in their proper spots. "Yeah but if we work together, I'm sure John will listen to us. You guys don't see him on the floor as much as I do. He's constantly moving, like if he stops, he'll pass out. Sometimes he shakes too. And Bruce is right, he's more than earned a day off, heck a week, we'll be lucky if we get one day.” Floyd said as he sorted his money, putting it back into his book. "I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it or need it. I'm saying that we might have to actually tie him down to get him out of here. He's not going to like the idea.” Clay said, cleaning up their prep area.  "What are you guys talking about?” Branch said through the server window. Bruce stood up and motioned for Branch to come back there. Branch walked back onto the grill line, confused.
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blueysobssesions · 6 months
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- Shadows in the snow -
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ~ While having fun at BSAA headquarters. Little did you know, a shadow lurked in the snow-covered night, slowly making its way to the heart of the celebration.
~ Albert Wesker x reader
The BSAA Christmas bash was in full swing, and I found myself engrossed in a spirited chat with Leon, swapping stories and laughs to soak in the festive vibes. The room buzzed with joy, but little did we know, the night was about to take a dark twist.
"So, Leon, did you hear the one about Chris trying to convince everyone that reindeer were some fancy B.O.W.?" I teased, earning a chuckle from the man himself.
"That's classic Chris," Leon grinned. "I can totally picture him doing that."
As we bantered away, the door crashed open dramatically, stealing everyone's attention. Enter Albert Wesker, the unexpected guest who cast an ominous shadow over our jolly gathering. The room fell silent, and a frosty air replaced the holiday warmth as Wesker's piercing gaze zeroed in on me.
"I hope I'm not interrupting the festivities," Wesker drawled, his voice slicing through the suddenly tense atmosphere.
Chris, Jill, Carlos, Rebecca, and Claire exchanged puzzled glances, ready for action. I shot a worried look at Leon as Wesker approached, that sly grin of his refusing to fade.
"What's he doing here?" Chris muttered, hand hovering over his sidearm.
Before anyone could react, Wesker addressed the room. "Ah, the illustrious BSAA gathering. How quaint. I trust you're all enjoying your little holiday celebration."
The room tensed as Wesker's gaze lingered on me. "My dear, I couldn't resist the opportunity to witness the festivities. And, of course, to extend a special invitation."
A murmur swept through the group as Wesker extended a gloved hand toward me, a dark invitation to join him. Uncertainty hung thick in the air.
Chris stepped forward, unwavering. "What's the game, Wesker? We're not falling for your tricks."
Wesker chuckled, acknowledging Chris's skepticism. "No games, Chris. Just a dance. I thought it would be a fitting way to catch up, don't you think?"
Chris stepped forward, stern. "A dance? What's your game?"
Wesker glanced at the gun pointed at him. "No game, Chris. I've come to extend an invitation, and the choice lies with our dear friend here." He gestured toward me.
"You don't need to crash a Christmas party to see me, Wesker!" I declared, my voice firm.
Wesker's grin widened. "Drama adds excitement to Christmas, my dear. What's the holiday without a bit of thrill?"
Leon's grip tightened, the room pulsating with tension. I chose a moment of silence before questioning, "What if... I don't?"
Wesker's demeanor shifted. "You think you have a choice? You underestimate the gravity of the situation."
Comrades stepped back, wary. Chris warned, "Whatever game you're playing won't end well."
Ignoring the warning, Wesker conjured Uroboros tendrils, darkness enveloping the room. Panic set in as the once-festive party transformed into a stage for confrontation.
"I offered a dance, and you dare refuse?" Wesker's possessiveness chilled the air. "Perhaps a taste of Uroboros will change your mind."
Tendrils twisted, panic spread, and Chris prepared for a fight. But Jill intervened, "Enough, Wesker. You won't use Uroboros on innocent people. We won't let you."
Frustration flickered in Wesker's eyes. The room held its breath, uncertainty thickening the air. The choice was mine—defy Wesker and face Uroboros or find a way to prevent further catastrophe on this once-festive Christmas Eve.
⤹ - Bluey here! Thank you for reading this completely >.&lt;
➜ ┊: ( masterlist ) ᵎ ✰
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messydoodles · 3 months
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Kuai Liang and Bi-Han: Good morning brother!
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Tomas: Good morning brothers!
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Kuai Liang: How did you sleep last night Tomas?
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Tomas: Oh I slept well. Knocked out once I laid down!
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Bi-Han: That’s good. Should always be well rested
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Bi-Han: Kuai did you hear up my iced coffee?!
Kuai Liang: Oh I don’t think so
Tomas: Hahahahahaha!
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Tomas: …
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I am not sorry lol
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karmaisakhaleesi · 1 year
Astronomy Chap. 2 Neteyam Sully x human!fem!reader
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pre. chap
warnings- language, blood, and wounds mentioned, please lmk if i missed anything!
word count- 2.4k+
also sorry this is so... chaotic? and i don't really know the Na'vi language that well so I tried to make a sentence out of words i already know. sorry!!
We've traveled the seas, we've ridden the stars...
Neteyam's arms shoot out the moment he sees your small frame crashing to the ground, swiftly catching you. He watches as your eyes roll back in your head, your body limp. He gasps, not knowing quite what to do, he holds your head up.
Norm rushes over frantically, "Bring her here!" he gestures for him to follow.
A small cot awaited them in a small room, a heart monitor in the corner. He gently places your body onto the small cot and steps back as Norm takes over checking for a pulse.
He shuffles around the cramped room grabbing different instruments and a flashlight. He drops your arm and turns to the group, "It'd be best if everyone wait's outside, she needs space."
Kiri slowly nodded turning to leave and gesturing for the others to follow.
You feel the warm rays of the sun on your face as your eyes blink open. The sound of waves crashing on the shore greets your ears, a hand grasps your shoulder, and you hear the soft tone of your mother's voice calling your name.
"Mom?" you question, she raises a brow, shaking your shoulder.
You watch as her lips move but no sound comes out as the bright led lights blind you.
"Are you alright?" Norm questions his hand on your shoulder concern and worry in his eyes.
You blink slowly rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and flinch when you notice an IV on your arm. You frown and shrug, "I'm fine, just overwhelmed is all."
He nods his head standing, "Okay, let me know if you need anything, but just rest for now okay?"
You nod back your hands reaching for your bag as he opens the door. The odd language greets your ears again and you now know it must be Na'vi. They seem worried, probably after seeing you pass out like that. Heat creeps up your face when you realize you must have startled them.
A quiet ding interrupts your thoughts and you grab the small communicator gifted to you by General Ardmore. The message reads:
Report due at 1800 hours.
-General Ardmore
You quickly reply and bury it deep in your bag, hoping no one decides to search it anytime soon.
Taking a small sip of water you spin in your swivel chair. The sound of Norm typing away on his computer, simultaneously taking notes blurs into the background. The days seemed to rush past like no tomorrow, and you wondered what it was like back on Earth. What day was it? Had the seasons changed? It had already been a week here on Pandora according to Norm's calendar. You shake your head chugging the water, finishing it, and setting it down on the table.
Your spinning stops when you hear familiar voices in the hallway. You sit up straight and your hands involuntarily clasp the arms of the chair.
They greet Norm and then you. There seems to be a mix of curiosity and nervousness in their eyes.
"Hi," you greet, trying to act casually as you stood.
"Um, I'm sorry about yesterday," you say nervously running your fingers across your necklace, the glint of gold giving you a sense of comfort. And your eyes start to burn a hole through the floor with the intensity of your stare.
"It's okay!" Kiri reassures smiling.
You return the smile as she walks past you.
She clears her throat, "So, I wanted to ask you a few questions if that's okay with you?"
She takes a seat on the table and pushes back her hair. You nod taking a seat once more, "Of course!"
"First question..."
A loud humming wakes you, forcing your eyes open. You wince tossing your sheets to the side as you stand, the cold concrete floor making you shiver.
Carefully poking your head out the door, you see a light coming from the link room. Tip-toeing over you peek into the room to see Norm writing something down on a notepad, various vials filled with a myriad of colors clutter the desktop. You shrink back against the wall, the humming must be coming from one of the machines, and you breathe a sigh of relief and turn back.
The dark engulfs your vision as you close the door and lay back in bed, wondering what all those vials were. The most noticeable one, a dark blue-green, is the last thing on your mind as you drift off into a dreamless sleep.
Time flies as you answer her and the other's questions. You laughed as you attempted a demonstration of ice skating, nearly spraining your ankle again.
"And that was the last time I trusted my friend's judgment."
Everyone burst out laughing when you heard the all familiar ding of your communicator. You quickly excused yourself to the restroom to read the message.
Urgent change to plans, make contact immediately.
-General Ardmore
You sighed, wanting nothing more than to flush the communicator down the toilet, but quickly hit the call button.
"Agustine, this is General Ardmore," she pauses to clear her throat.
"Two years from today, it has been decided that multiple recombinant soldiers will be sent in. Any and all intel must be gathered before this time frame ends, of course."
You blanched, "You're only giving me two years?"
"Yes, I thought I made that quite clear in the contract you signed when you landed-" you cut her off.
"That contract was for seven years! Not two! This is not what I agreed to-"
"Miss Augustine, if you fail to gather your intel in the time allotted, your contract, will be null and void."
It seemed there was no winning this argument, so you conceded, "What will happen to me after my two years?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Your next report is due in three weeks."
"Wait-" the phone clicks signaling the end of the conversation and call.
You sigh, hands raking through your hair as you shove the device into your back pocket slide the door open, and walk down the hall to the main room.
"Well, we should get going then," Kiri says turning on her heel, "it was nice getting to know you."
You give her a smile and say your goodbyes when the oldest of the group, Neteyam speaks up, "I hope we meet again soon."
"Me too," you reply and give a small wave, not seeing the blush rising on his face as he quickly leaves.
"Well," you turn to Norm, "I guess I'll head to bed then."
You quickly move down the hall to your room not bothering to listen to his response as you flop down on the bed, kicking off your shoes. You don't bother pulling the blanket over you as you drift off.
Neteyam quickly runs through the trees after his siblings his thoughts running a mile a minute. He had barely known you a week and you seemed to be the only thing occupying his thoughts. His thoughts are cut short when he sees the entrance to his home and trips over a root landing face-first in front of the fire, the warmth spreading across his face.
He grumbles as Lo'ak steps over him laughing.
"Are you alright?" Kiri asks extending her hand to help him up.
He reluctantly accepts it and stands making a beeline for his bed, only to be stopped by his Father, a stern expression adorning his face.
"We need to have a talk," he says, his voice gruff as his hand lands on his shoulder, digging into his flesh.
Neteyam gulps nervously and takes a seat next to the fire.
Your eyes flutter open when you feel a cool breeze on your skin. You stretch your arms, sit up and place your feet on the cold concrete floor. A quick glance to your right reveals that the door is wide open, the hallway dark from a lack of movement.
You reach out for your ripped jean jacket and slip it over your shoulders, stepping into your shoes.
The lights nearly blind you as they flick on, forcing you to cover your eyes. Someone clears their throat and you turn to see Spider. You give him a small smile, "Um, good morning?"
You rub your eyes and yawn, covering your mouth with the back of your hands. He nods and you follow him to grab something to eat, the growling of your stomach now audible.
Your feet tap against the ground as the door opens, Spider quickly exiting. Your spoon clacks down on the table as you rush to the door. You count to ten before tightening your mask and glancing behind you.
Norm continues clacking on his keyboard, that is until he sees you out of the corner of his eye, opening the door.
"y/n," he warns standing, slowly approaching you as one would a wounded animal.
A smirk envelops your lips and you make a run for it.
Warm rays of the sun greet your skin, and you take a deep breath, hearing the door opening behind you, and take off into the forest, attempting to follow after Spider.
As you run you can hear Norm shouting after you. His yelling consisted of how dangerous it is, especially since you were going out alone and could get lost. But you paid him no heed as you ran, the wind whipping through your hair.
You can't stop a smile from forming on your face as the forest whips by and you nearly make it over a log before being knocked to the ground.
A sharp pain courses through your chest and back, forcing you to gasp for air. The oxygen mask cinches tighter as your face is pushed into the ground by the creatures above stampeding over you. You manage to crawl out from under the log but not before you hear a low growl from behind you.
"What the hell?!?" you shriek as you turn around and see a massive creature swipe at you, its claws tearing through your shirt. A scream erupts from your throat as you dodge its claws once more. You stagger up and break into a sprint.
You weave in and out of trees attempting to throw the creature off your tracks but fail spectacularly as blood pours from your open wounds. You feel the adrenaline wearing off as the sound of rushing water. You can nearly feel the animal's breath on the back of your neck as your feet stumble over a rock, sending you crashing forwards.
A scream leaves your throat as you free fall, the sound of rushing water is the last sound that reaches your ears as you feel the cold water surround your body, your vision fading.
Your eyes flutter open as you spit out water, pushing your hair out of your face. A sharp pain courses through your abdomen, and you glance down gasping in horror. Three large gashes spread across your stomach, your once white shirt now stained crimson. And a dark grey spreading across the gash. You moan in pain, grabbing onto a tree you pull yourself to your feet.
"Great. I'm lost," a sigh leaves your lips, "and it's starting to get dark. How long was I out for?"
You stumble through the trees, hand pressing down on your wound. It would be best to find some form of shelter till morning, then try to find out where I am. You think to yourself as you trek on, leaving the riverbed behind.
Norm's eyes scan the trees and plants, searching for any sign of you. He should've gone after you that morning. But there was no changing the past, so he reluctantly reached out to the only person he knew could help.
Your vision blurred as your hands gripped at the bark of a tree, climbing the branches. You cursed under your breath as you lifted yourself up and onto a branch, blood pooling in the palm of your hand. A coughing fit racked your body as you swung your legs up and onto the branch, the sun receding beyond the trees welcoming the night. You fought to keep your eyes open at the sound of a twig snapping on the forest floor, but you slowly succumbed to a feverish sleep.
Neteyam glanced at his father as they reached Norm whose breathing was frantic.
"Jake," he paused to catch his breath, "I'm sorry, but I really need your help."
His father sighed, and nodded, "What did you need help with?"
"It's Grace's niece, she's missing."
Jake frowned as he looked at the setting sun, "When did you last see her? And where?"
Neteyam felt his heart drop when he heard the words leave Norm's lips, "She's missing?" he snapped interrupting his father as he marched up to them.
His father shakes his head, "Yes-"
Neteyam cuts him off, "Then what are we doing waiting around! She could be, well we need to go now. The sun is already setting."
"I know, but you need to stay here," his father pauses turning to Norm.
"We'll need to move out now, there isn't much we can do after dark," he says his voice grave.
Norm nods along as they walk into the forest.
Neteyam gives it thirty minutes before he decides to race after his father and Norm into the forest. He moves swiftly as the sun sets, his worry growing as darkness takes over the sky. His eyes scan the forest floor, but there's no sign of you, that is until he notices a crimson trail amongst the glowing plants. He picks up his pace, following the red trail until it suddenly stops. The soft sound of breathing forces him to crane his neck upward, spotting a figure laying on a branch nestled against the tree.
Quickly climbing upwards he blanches seeing your face covered in scratches, and then his eyes land on the deep gashes on your stomach.
Calling your name he gently shakes your shoulder, but there's no response other than your shaky breathing. He gingerly places you over his shoulder and climbs back down the tree, taking off into a sprint.
Neteyam's hands shake as he reaches his Ikran and sets you in front of him, taking off. His grip around your waist tightens as your body slumps forward. The ride back to the mountains felt like an eternity as he lands and carefully carries you inside.
A chorus of gasps is heard as he lays you down in front of his grandmother, the Tsahìk.
"Rutxe, srung peyä."
*edit* the Na'vi is somewhat translated to "Please help, her." i kind of just put words together so, yeah, sorry!
thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed this, requests are open! and comment below if you'd like to be added to my tag list please.
next chapter should be out soon!
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punkharryp0tt3r · 7 months
Im sorry but I have to say it
Out Of the Woods is so Ronarry in the deathly hallows coded
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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imsevenn · 11 months
across my memory, once upon a winter: svarog × architect!reader ★ major character death!! pre-jarilo apocalypse
&. the entire fic is but a product of the writer's imagination. this is not canon, and this is also not proofread. please excuse the errors that you might find.
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Sparks of metal fabrication ensued as the last bolt completed the ensemble. It takes patience and years of trial and error to successfully accomplish the masterpiece she longed to create. Being the odd one out of all the architects, she wished to mold a mechanical being that can empathize with humanity. A robot with a mind of its own, a mech that can make rational decisions for the sake of the greater good. And most importantly, a companion whom she could impart the knowledge of this world, a work of art who can immortalize the beauty of all creations. 
“Wake up, Svarog.” She whispered softly, like an order, like a calling. 
The mechanical creation that sits listlessly started to move. From its hands to its feet, the static sound that it produced made the architect’s eyes gleam. However, the happiness she felt was incomparable when her sole creation finally opened his eyes. His cyclopean eye gave her a sense of warmth that she never felt for a long period of time.
Svarog: Bio heat reaction detected — Identifying bio information...
Svarog: Identification result: Creator (Architect) — Hostility level: None.
The architect gasped. The apotheosis of her intelligence, the proof of her imagination has finally breathed life! 
“That’s right, ‘tis I, your creator, your fleeting companion!” She exclaimed with passion as she jumped towards the mech with delight who instinctively caught her arms to keep her balance.
Although she is aware that Svarog’s sequence of actions was due to the program she installed inside him, she still can’t help but be in awe at the gentlemanly attitude of her creation. If all men are like her Svarog, then maybe the world would be a lot easier for her to live in. 
Svarog: Understood. Recalculating — Result Creator’s relationship is identical to previous seventy-five calculated results. Existing data will temporarily not be altered. The relationship between creator and the machine is best defined as that of a master and servant.  Existing data will temporarily not be altered.
The architect smiled radiantly, “If that’s what you think, then certainly it must be accurate.” She said in agreement whilst opening the doors of the workshop that she secluded herself in. 
“Svarog, come. Let us see the world you will come to love!” 
Her mundane days of tinkering with machineries has become a little bit more bearable with a companion by her side. Svarog was also a big help when it comes to moving things in her abandoned workshop where the only living resident is she until she managed to create a company for herself. Architects tend to abandon their laboratories when their project fails and move on to another. She was the only one who choose to remain and complete a humanoid mech that can move and speak like as if they are one of the living. Although, she failed to give Svarog a face and a skin similar to men, she considers him a success still. She only has a single worry. While Svarog may live for an extended amount of eternity, he would still need modifications and upgrades from time to time. She already tried making him a little bit more sociable but as it appears, he only tolerates other living being. Aside from his own master, Svarog doesn’t seem to consider other mortals as important. If she were to die or disappear, who will Svarog allow to take good care of his parts? She already tried to rewrite his memory bank of her and his initial views but to no avail. Svarog doesn’t allow her to reset the data stored in his core. He considers her existence important and has placed protection from anything that concerns her identity to him. Even if she were to place an order of deletion, Svarog’s independent functioning system overrides her authority. 
“Svar, do you know what family is?” If she cannot remove herself from his memory, then she must create a new data that will allow other people to come near him and possibly help him in the future that she will no longer be part of. 
Svarog:  Processing Master’s inquiry... Recalculating — Result:  A family is a group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together; all such related persons are considered as members of one family.
The architect giggled at Svarog’s answer. His answer sounded something completely out of dictionary. The mech’s eye then flickered at her reaction. The sudden spike of her hear rate, arched eyebrows and an involuntary dilation of her pupils, accompanied by a pleasant sound coming from her lightly parted lips indicates that she is happy. Svarog then concluded, his answer was sufficient.
“While what you have said was the general meaning of it, a family can also be someone you’re completely unrelated to. As long you both care for each other and you want them to live a comfortable happy life, they can already be considered as family, Svar. Do you understand?” 
It took a few seconds before Svarog responded. He must be processing this new information and is probably debating whether what she said was credible. 
Svarog: After multiple calculations, master’s definition of family is akin to forty-nine existing meaning of  "family." according to Belobogian traditions. 
Svarog: Reaffirming...
Svarog: Alternating existing data...
Svarog:  Update completed.
The architect smiled happily. If she cannot rewrite her role in Svarog’s memory bank, she must at least give him a new variable that will aid him in the near future. 
“Well, all is well, now that you understand. We should go grocery shopping and...” 
Before she could even finish her words, Svarog has already tackled her to the ground, completely shielding her from the falling debris of the laboratory. She was encased in his embrace for hours while his hands covered her ears in an attempt to shield her from the sound of sudden bombing that came out of nowhere. However, Svarog’s abled body is starting to tremble. Even his eye is starting to lose its light. The sound of static mumbling was clearer than the onslaught of bombs that go off around them. At this rate, the masterpiece that she built, her sole companion who gave her days of pure bliss, the one she cares for most in this world will be ruined and will disappear. 
“Get off, Svar... I need to fix you, right now!” she shouted, while pushing the mech away from her futilely. 
Svarog:  Proc...sing....Ma..t...er...ord...r
Svarog:  Fai..l.. System...fail...
Svarog’s eye blinked wildly as he struggled to deliver a decent response. She can already see a slab of metal stick out of her creation’s body. Svarog has been impaled by one of the debris that he’s trying to shield her from. It didn’t take a while before Svarog completely shut down, unable to respond to any of her callings, to any of her orders. 
With much struggle, she managed to slip out of Svarog’s protection. She doesn’t know how many hours has passed but during the time he protected her, Belobog was under attack. The city had turned into a sea of flames and beings which are not known to her crawled Jarilo-Vi. But that is the least of her concern. Svarog needs fixing and she also needs to pull him out of that rubble. The invaders don’t matter but the state of her creation does. 
Digging Svarog’s huge body from the rubble, the architect searched for surviving materials silently to avoid attracting the attention of the beasts that lay waste upon Belobog’s majestic city. It was easy enough to find the bolts and screws. But the machine that she needs to fix him was the tricky one for not only does it produce a loud noise, she also needs to pull it out from the debris. But it matters not. The dangers that lies from attracting the attention of the monsters is a small price to pay if it means that Svarog’s existence will continue to persist. Bracing herself for the worst, walls of ice raised from the ground as she created a temporary refuse. Her elemental power is not strong but it should be able to buy her time to fix Svarog. 
Picking up the welding rod, she started to replace the broken parts of her creation. Anxiety brews inside her as the monsters started to scratch and tear on the wall that she built. Securing his data bank and core, the architect hastily sealed and added protective frames to preserve Svarog’s lifeline. However, it seems that the damage he incurred was greater than she imagined. The system activation was taking too long. And unfortunately, the walls that shielded them both has already crumbled. 
Monsters surged from all sides. But they must not reach her beloved creation, the light of her seemingly boorish life. The activation must not be interrupted. If she needs to stand her ground against these invaders and put her life on the line, then it must be what fate begs her to do.
The sun rose from the other side of the horizon. The calamity is yet to be quelled but somehow, the monster had backed off once the sun had shown itself. Jarilo-Vi’s luscious terrain was no more. The biting winter had come earlier than summer and as it appears, it will be a long, long, long time before they can escape this bitter cold. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, the architect brushed the snow that is starting to build around Svarog’s body. She never had any fighting experience but she managed to stand her ground against those monsters and now, Svarog’s activation has finally reached its finale. 
Weakly, she sat beside the awakening robot. The architect leaned on Svarog’s shoulder, her breathing controlled and labored as her vision blurs a little more. 
“Svar... are you awake now?” her question came off as a quiet whisper. She can no longer hear his voice nor can she see if he’s truly awoken from his deep slumber. Her impending death is starting to rob her of her senses. Thankfully, she can still feel his frigid touches as he lifted her body from the cold sensation of snow. 
Breathing languidly, she raised her trembling hand in an attempt to search and reach Svarog’s face but her hands were clasped by a pair of cold metals. He must be trying to fend off the cold given by how he’s rubbing her skin to his. It was pretty touching to witness her creation’s humanity during her final moment. 
The architect had never feared death. After all, she thinks that it is but a process of human life. She was brought to this world with a purpose to cease and to exist. The cessation of her life is but a stage that she must tread like everyone else. But she never expected nor did she dream to have such a fulfilling death. 
“Nothing in this world could ease my heart more than to be held in your icy metallic embrace, my most beloved creation, my magnum opus, dearest, Svarog." She said quietly as her eyes drifted off to an eternal sleep and maybe another journey that pales in comparison to the one she’s had with him. Either way, her life became a little bit happier with him by her side. She can only hope that he finds himself a light of his own, just as she did in him during her protracted period of seclusion throughout her darkest night.
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creative-creatures · 5 months
Alejandro learns something about Noah...
Happy New Year!!
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answer2jeff · 9 months
narrow thoughts // carmen berzatto
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part two: chardonnay and carbonara
song : linger.
part one: here. wc: 2.8k
synopsis: you and Carmen hadn't seen each other since your awkward conversation at The Beef three nights ago, and you decide to invite him over to ease the tension — which he agreed to without question... maybe this would fill the gap?
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, a little bit of angst, slightly suggestive towards the end, soft-dom!carmy, not an established relationship, friends to lovers, actual plot, sensual and loving, reader is female, mention of the nickname "Pico," short for "Piccola" ; small (young) in italian, edited.
Maybe it was Carmen's t-shirt in your laundry bin, or his contact name on your phone — or maybe it was Carmen's voice playing on loop in your ears, "I miss you, too." Whatever it was, it was making your head spin.
It's just one night. No, not even a full night. You're gonna share some leftovers, maybe even a glass of Chardonnay, and talk like good friends.
You paced around your apartment, the uncomfortable silence only letting you hear the sound of your socks brushing against the floor. You were known for stress cleaning, just to end up messing up your space later on — but this was different. You wanted the empty, yet small space of your apartment feel put together — but not so much that Carmen would feel like a nuisance. So, you left every counter spotless, but you left your puffer jacket on the couch, and your wet shoes on the rug.
It's not a special occasion — act casual, but not too casual. You're an adult, with a real, adult life. Act like it.
Here. 12:15am
Carmen shot you one last message as he climbed the flight of stairs that had been slippery from the rainfall earlier that night. He almost couldn't believe why he even agreed to come over so late. It felt so out of character — silly, even. But it was too late for doubts, now that he was already standing outside your door. He stared at the ground, unprepared for the sight of you.
You let out a shaky breath, running your fingers along your now sweaty forehead as you tossed your phone onto the coffee stable. You stepped closer to the door, and it was like you could feel his warmth through the door; like you could see the way his hands still anxiously moved through his jean pockets. You swallowed, carefully creaking the heavy door open.
And there he was: in his grey crewneck that clung onto his frame just a little too tight, making you feel guilty for having him waste 15 minutes of gas driving to North Water for you. But with his hair just a little outgrown, the tattoos on his hands still visible under his sweater, how could you complain?
"Hey." Carmen breathed, putting a hand on the back of his warm neck to combat the cold of his skin. His expression stayed neutral as he swallowed hard, his eyelids fluttering just a bit.
You stood still for a good 5 seconds before clearing your throat, realizing how unprepared you were: in nothing but grey sweats that hung low on your waist and one of Richie's spare "The Original Beef" t-shirts that you cut the neckline off of.
"Sorry, I Uh— come, come in." Your eyes screwed shut in embarrassment as you walked back into your apartment, Carmen quickly following behind with his hands still deep in his pockets.
You walked over to the warm glow of your kitchen, grabbing the bottle of Chardonnay and Tupperware of leftover pasta carbonara (made from Carmen's signature recipe that you mastered.) from the fridge. Carmen took a seat on the couch, not wanting you to feel like he was following you around.
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"I know it's kinda late, but—" You grabbed the Tupperware from the microwave, the bottle of Chardonnay in your free hand.
"No, no, it's fine. Really." Carmen quickly dismissed you, stepping up from the couch and taking the bottle from you. He had a tendency to do small favors for you; and if he could have it his way, you'd never lift a finger again. The two of you sat back down on the couch as you watched Carmen carefully pour each of you a glass. Maybe he really did want this.
"Thanks. I just— I wanted to see you. I don't know. I feel kinda stupid." You shrugged your shoulders. Carmen shook his head and just... admired you. He felt his cheeks go pink, his tattooed hand hovering over his mouth as the other held his glass of Chardonnay close to his chest.
"Don't, I did too. I wanted to see you, I mean." Carmen stammered, taking a sip from his own glass to avoid the chance of you noticing him staring. His tone, that sweet, gentle and sickly tone, made your stomach stir; and the dryness of the wine wasn't helping the nervous lump in your throat.
"How's Tina? Still bitchy as ever?" You changed the subject, reaching over the coffee table to grab the warm Tupperware of pasta, twirling a bite around your fork. You bit down, Carmen's talent smacking you right in the face all over again.
You appreciated every bit of flavor, realizing that maybe it wasn't the way that the pasta was perfectly cooked, or the way that the egg used for the sauce never scrambled— maybe it was just the fact that he made it for you. It wasn't a, "try this for me, chef," as much as you loved those moments at Noma, since it was your little bit of connection through the silent chaos— it was a, "I made this because I haven't learned how else to show you I care."
"Not so much, actually. I think Syd's softening her up a bi–" Carmen was cut off by the sound of your phone buzzing against the couch, unable to stop himself from glancing at the message that pop up on your lock screen. You wiped the corner of your mouth, grabbing your phone and feeling your stomach sink. It was Ashley, your coworker who helped you find the building for your new coffee shop.
I need to talk to you. We're spending money we don't even have bro. Wtf. 12:21am
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"Goddamnit." You huffed, your voice slightly breaking with the anxiety that ran through your bloodstream. The blue light from your phone made you feel sick, and Carmen's worried stare wasn't doing anything to help the situation. You put the pasta down on the coffee table, knowing you wouldn't be able to stomach another bite.
"What?" Carmen set his glass down, putting his full focus onto you. His ears perked up like a rabbit at the sound of your frustration, prepared to at least listen.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it." You shut your phone off, tossing it back to the end of the couch. You scrunched your body up, your knees to your chest and your feet planted on the cushions.
"C'mon, don't— don't do that." He groaned, resisting the urge to roll his eyes; instead just looking at you with his eyebrows knitted in concern for you.
"Do what?" You scoffed, a little offended at the idea that Carmen was being nosy.
"That. That weird thing when you get like that a-and you don't tell me what's goin' on. C'mon." Carmen put a hand on your knee, grazing his thumb across the padding of your sweats to soothe you. You debated putting your hand over his, wanting to feel the veins of his digits against your palm, needing to interlock your fingers with his. That same tattoo you drove him to that parlor in New York to get drove you wild. It almost felt like that small bit of distance: that whole year and a half of no contact after you left Carmen Eleven Madison Park, had nothing on your connection.
You ignored your hesitation, draping your cold hand over Carmen's, rough to the touch yet gentle to the feel. Your eyes glanced from his hand, up to his desperate eyes. He bit the inside of his cheek, his grip against your knee tightening just a little more than before. The strands of hair in your face and your exposed shoulders made him question his morals.
Was it normal for him to miss those nights in the white light of that kitchen, sharing his cigarettes with you on your breaks? Was it normal for him to feel important while he rubbed your back as you tried not to anxiously puke all over your chef whites? He knew it wasn't normal for his stomach to turn at the sight of you; trembling with yet a 3rd batch of sauce in your hands, nodding your head as you were told repeatedly that you weren't good enough; that you weren't talented, or passionate, or driven enough.
"It's a work thing. Just— money's tight, y'know?" You debunk Carmen's worries, feeling your heart slow down just a bit as he nods his head, "I understand." But you couldn't hide from him— not with that look on his face. Not with his curls casting a shadow over his forehead and his eyes, similar to his thoughts, narrowed down to you.
"I didn't even finish paying off the building and now I have to pay 7 other people a weekly salary and I'm just— I'm losing my mind, basically." You put your free hand over your eyes, almost as if you couldn't bring yourself to look at Carmen; now that you were just inches away from each other, your fingers keeping you connected. But without much question, he kept his mouth shut. This wasn't the time to bring up Cicero, or the "job opportunities" he had open for you, even if Carmen just wanted to help.
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Tonight's about us.
You spent the next hour or so on that same couch, Carmen's arm wrapped around your shoulder as you flipped through old photo albums you kept in high-school. The Tupperware once occupied by the pasta was now empty, and that bottle of Chardonnay was about half gone. Hugs, arms wrapped around one another, wasn't unusual— but this time it was different. It made the tips of your fingers tingle, a swarm of butterflies chasing each other aimlessly in your stomach. His musky cologne, the faint smell of cooking oil and cigarettes that stuck to his clothes, you knew it all too well.
The sound of his airy laugh, whispering little jokes and pointing his index finger at your baby pictures made you feel as light as a feather. The TV remained on, the volume low as Law & Order provided decent background noise; until your eyes moved to your record player. You gazed at the records lined up on your shelf: some by Jeff Buckley, The Velvet Underground, and your most recent record, "Everybody Else is Doing it, So Why Can't We?" by The Cranberries.
"Oh my god," you sat up straight, disconnecting from Carmen's arm as you got up from the couch, "do you remember that time I showed you that one song by The Cranberries?" You kept your head turned away from him as you walked over to the shelf, flipping through each one carefully. Carmen watched you, the slight sway in your hips being a new sight to him. He liked seeing you so relaxed, so comfortable: something he could never really bring himself to be with anyone else.
"Linger?" Carmen answered quietly, his gaze redirected to the photo album as he analyzed pictures of you and your prom date, his fingertip glossing over your image.
"Mhm." You cooed, carefully slipping the record out from the sleeve and gently placing it down on the record player. You hummed as you focused on perfectly aligning the needle with the vinyl. You remembered that night on the subway train in New York, sharing earbuds and listening to the song on your brand new iPod, the city lights shining through the windows behind you.
"C'mere..." You whined, turning back to Carmen after the good minute of instrumental, reaching your hands out to Carmen. He finally got a good look at you, taking the whole situation in. He wasn't a dancer, or even a drinker— but maybe it was time to try something new. Maybe it was time to try you.
"Oh, I don't—" he started, but he quickly stopped. He arose from the couch, already mouthing along to the words: "if you could return, don't let it burn," while you hummed along to the tune. As soon as he was close enough, you rested your hands against Carmen shoulders. It sent a shiver down his spine, making him swallow hard. He tried relaxing, looking down at you and letting his hands make their way from the middle of your torso, and further to your waist. Carmen's touch surprised you, causing your body to just slightly sway side-to-side with bliss.
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The Carmen Berzatto I met 4 years ago never would've taken my hand like this.
But just 3 years ago, he listened to you sob over the phone after you lost your favorite necklace while you were visiting your parents for the holidays. And just 2 years ago, he started getting up just a little earlier every morning so he could walk from your apartment complex to the subway station with you. Just 1 year ago, he defended your name around his peers; telling them how extraordinary of a cook you were. And don't even get him started with the second hand embarrassment he received whenever you complained to him about the shitty guys you dated.
"I kinda wish you left with me, y'know?" You whispered, remembering how much resentment Carmen must've had for you when you left.
Carmen couldn't help but dig his calloused hands into your hips when he heard those words fall out of your mouth. You cupped his cheeks, his clean-shaven skin felt soft against your fingertips. You traced your fingers along his jaw, pushing several blonde curls out of his face so he could get a perfect view of you. Carmen admired every freckle, every eyebrow hair, the way your pupils dilated when you looked at him. The corners of his lips pulled into a smile, sending electric shocks throughout your whole body.
You could feel him staring while he struggled to answer, as if the little space between you didn't make it obvious enough. You wondered what went on in that pretty little mind of his; you wondered if he'd changed, and this was your confirmation.
You know I'm such a fool for you.
"I only stayed because—"
Carmen thought about the days where he'd stand outside of your apartment complex before he made his own route to work, wondering if you'd magically show up. You already punched your two weeks in without telling anyone, and you were done packing just three days before you planned to leave. And yet, there was no phone call, no text message, no goodbye, just an ugly argument the night before: an argument that left you sobbing in the morning on your way to the airport.
"What? 'Cause you've got too big of an ego?"
Now, he was in your living room, lips inches away from yours. His hand cupped your cheek, his eyes darting all around your tired face as you danced with your feet planted to the floor. Carmen watched you fight back tears that clawed at your waterline, his heart dropping down to his feet.
"Because I didn't want you to know I couldn't do it without you. I didn't even wanna do it without you." Carmen's voice, despite his frustration, stayed at a low pitch. His throat even slightly raspy, his smoking addiction slowly catching up to him.
You felt every atom of your existence explode. You weren't even a person now, just a being composed of pure light. It was all you ever needed to hear. You didn't need to be convinced not to leave, you didn't need to be shamed—all you needed was to know that Carmen, out of all people, needed you more.
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You've got me wrapped around your finger.
You decided that tonight, you'd answer every prayer you ever made yourself. You needed to fill the gap, even if it would create a new one. And with Carmen's gold chain complimenting the protruding veins on his neck, and your desire to pull him down and just fucking kiss him, it was too late for doubts. So, you did.
Those same hands that gently caressed the sides of his face ended up pulling his face closer to yours, just centimeters away until he gave in. His own hands brought you somehow even closer to him by your waist. Your fingers instantly moved to his hair, and you twirled his curls around each of your digits. Your mouths connecting while hot spit coated your lips made your knees weak.
Carmen groaned against you whenever your lips parted, breathing heavily with his eyes hooded. You whimpered his name back to him, foreheads pressed against each other, the vinyl spinning and filling any possible empty space between the two of you. After 4 years, your body prioritized this stupid kiss more than you needed air to breathe.
"Carmy..." You whined again. You wanted more.
"I've got you, Pico."
to be continued AGAIN. sorry guys love u!!!
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broskiblurbs · 1 year
Ring on the Brain (A Tom Holland FanFiciton)
Words: 3238
Summary: Tom has been asking to marry you, but you have some concerns. Perhaps, a trip to the ER when he is in the States will change your mind.
Disclaimer: Mild cussing, mention of blood, and lots and lots of dialogue. Also, probably a few grammar mistakes. Sorry, not sorry.
It’s crazy how much a person could change in the matter of four years, or even two. Four years ago, you were a sophomore in college, struggling to keep up. Friends didn’t flock to you like you had expected. Turns out you have to actually talk to people to make the whole friendship thing happen, who knew? So, you were pretty lonely, but you were okay with that. Well, you did have your boyfriend, who was always needing you, leaving room for no one else in your life.
Two years ago, you were graduating college with your best friends, Sam and Harry Holland. Sam and you were partners for class that neither one of you cared for and needed Harry’s photography skills for a project, since then, the three of you were inseparable. They had just helped you get out of an abusive relationship with your now ex-boyfriend. You were absolutely thriving.
Now, you were practically a part of the Holland family. You came over to their house every Sunday for brunch, went to all of Paddy Holland’s baseball games, and were invited to every vacation. Not only that, but the eldest brother, Tom Holland, had taken a fancy to you and you to him. It kind of happened suddenly. You had just gotten out of a relationship with your ex and he had just been dumped by Zendaya, so at first it was a rebound thing. It was never supposed to be more than that, but feelings got in the way. The twins weren’t exactly happy about it, which you understood. Sam took it the hardest. He wouldn’t even look at you for a month, and even now, your friendship isn't the same. Harry on the other hand was disappointed, but supportive. 
For the last few weeks, Tom kept mentioning the idea of marriage. He was ready to tie the knot and spend the rest of his life with you, however, you weren’t quite there yet. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to marry Tom, quite the contrary, that was everything you ever wanted. It was the fame that was bothering you. You weren’t sure if you could deal with him being gone for weeks at a time for filming or the constant flirting from girls. Not to mention, the never-ending invasion of privacy. There was also Sam to think about. You were just finally getting him to open up again. Did you really want to erase that progress? 
It was a sunny afternoon in the Holland’s backyard. You were sipping some lemonade in a purple lounge chair watching Paddy practice baseball with some of his friends and family. You always loved the feeling of the sun rays soaking into your skin.
“You look like you're enjoying yourself,” a voice said. You push your sunglasses to the top of your head to see who was talking. It was Harry, who was setting up a chair to sit next to you.
“I love afternoons like this. I could lay in the sun forever,” you reply, gleefully.
“Speaking of, did you ever put on the sunscreen my mom gave you?” He asked.
You knew he already knew the answer to the question, so you gave him an innocent look and said, “Oops.”
“Pfft. Americans,” he murmurs.
“Hey!” You give him a light slap on his shoulder, causing him to chuckle. “You are so quick to use the whole ‘Americans’ gimmick. You know, most Americans wear sunscreen. It’s just a me thing.” 
“Alright, alright. I’ll give you that one,” he responded. “How’s everything with Tom?”
Tom was currently filming in the States for the new Spider-Man film. It was a lot of moving around with him. You moved to London with him this past year and you have been going back and forth a lot, so you decided it was best to stay here this time to give your mind and body a rest. 
“We’re good.” You beam a smile at your friend.
“He told me about the whole marriage thing,” he revealed.
“Did he?” Harry nodded. Feeling guilty you start to say, “It’s not that I don’t want to! It’s just that-”
“I know. He told me that too. He understands. I don’t, but it’s whatever”
“What do you mean you don’t understand?” You ask, getting defensive.
“You’re worried about him going off for filming and the fans, which I get, but aren’t you already dealing with that? I mean look at you now. He’s in a different country filming and here you are, enjoying yourself with his family. You are already practically married to him. The only difference being a certificate.”
“But, Sam-”
“Who gives a shit about what Sam thinks. I get it, you're his friend, but he’s never going to fully be okay with you and Tom. He needs to start being your friend and get the fuck over himself and be there for you and his brother.” Harry sees the stern look you give him. “Okay, fine. Then maybe, talk to Sam about it first. He might be more open about it then.”
Looking for an escape from this conversation, you stand up and say, “I’m going inside to get another lemonade. Do you need anything?” Harry shakes his head. You turn to head to the kitchen, but a striking pain hits the side of your head and causes you to fall over.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Harry asks frantically and rushes to your side.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” The ringing in your head says otherwise.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. The sun was in my eyes,” Paddy apologizes. This is when you see the white baseball laying right next to you.
“It’s okay, Paddy. It happens. I’m alright,” you reassure him. You unsteadily stand back up.
“Let me take a look, love,” Nikki Holland, the boys’ mother, insists. She carefully moves your hair out of the way to examine your head. “It's red and already starting to swell up. We might want to take you to the hospital, just in case.”
“No, we don’t have to do all that. I’m okay,” you smile, but everyone is giving you a disapproving look. “Really, I am fine.”
“Y/N, it’s a head injury. It could be serious,” Sam interjects.
“It’s not. You don’t have to worry about me. Paddy, keep practicing. You got a mean throw.” You notice the sun is getting a bit bright for your eyes, so you put your sunglasses back on.
“Should we at least let Tom know?” Harry asks.
“No!” You demanded. “He will just get all worried for no reason. He needs to be focused right now. I’ll tell him about it once he gets home and we can all laugh about it.” They finally gave up and continued their game, but had moved further away so no one else would get hurt.
Dominic Holland, the father of the Holland boys, had grilled steak for dinner, which you loved. He always made the best steak. You were helping Nikki clean up when your headache started to pound even worse, which you didn’t even know was possible. Nikki had noticed you were now clenching to your head.
“You okay, dear?” She asked. You could feel your dinner starting to rise in your throat. Sam and Harry, who were just by the bonfire with Paddy, were now next to you.
“Gonna. Be. Sick.” You try to get the words out and rush to the trash can next to the silver grill. You start to throw up, ridding your stomach of the delicious steak. 
“Y/N, you need to go to the doctor,” Sam insists. 
“No! I fine. Me good.” You slurred out. 
“We aren’t asking,” Harry forces and grabs your arms.
“No!” You yank yourself free. You try to walk away, but your vision blurs and you are on the ground before you know it.
“Y/N!” Harry yells, his voice full of worry. Dominic and Paddy are now on the patio, watching the events unfold in front of them.
“Honey, get the car ready to go, I’ll stay here with Paddy,” Dom says to his wife. She nods in agreement.
“I want to go. After all, I’m the one who did this,” the youngest urges.
“I know, son, but it’s already going to be crowded. She’ll be alright.”
“No,” you barely manage to whisper before going out cold.
“She’s out.” Sam panics and checks for a pulse. He sighs in relief, picks you up, and carries you to the car.
Thankfully the hospital wasn’t as busy and was able to see you immediately. Nikki offered to wait in the waiting room, while Sam and Harry were with you. You were still knocked out, which seemed a bit obsessive for an apparent concussion. 
“Her CT scan showed that she has a brain hemorrhage. It’s not anything that is a huge concern yet, but if we don’t act soon, it could be more damaging. I think the safest option is surgery. We will just relieve the pressure and drain the blood in her brain.” The doctor notices the scared looks on the twins face. “It’s not as scary as it sounds. It’s not a hard surgery. We would have to shave the hair where we make the incision. Won’t even be able to tell the difference.”
“How is it a brain bleed? Our little brother threw a baseball. We just thought it would be a concussion,” Sam said.
“Well, any type of head injury could cause one. Not to mention, if she has had previous head injuries that didn’t heal properly could cause one very easily. So, would you like to do the surgery?”
“Yes, please,” Harry agreed.
“Alright, I will say it might take a bit before an OR opens up, but once it does, we will prep for surgery.” The doctor gives the boys a gentle, reassuring smile before heading out of the room. 
“Oh my god, she’s going alright, right?” Nikki worries about the news her sons just gave her.
“The doctor seemed confident,” Sam reassured.
“Poor girl. How far away is Tom? He’s probably a mess right now,” Nikki asks, causing a panicked look on Harry and Sam’s faces. “What?”
“We might’ve forgotten to call Tom,” Harry admitted.
“Oh no! I thought you guys would have informed him. He’s probably wondering about my text.” Nikki starts to dig out her phone.
“What did you say?” Sam asked.
“‘Everything is going to be alright. We are with her, hoping and praying.’” She read.
“I’m going to call him.” Harry pulls out his phone and calls his brother. A nervous gulp could almost be heard as Tom greets him.
“Enjoying staycation? Miss me already little bro?” Tom’s voice rings through his ears.
“Not exactly,” Harry replied.
“What was Mum talking about? In that weird text she sent me?” He questioned. The little brother took a deep breath.
“Don’t freak out-”
“You can’t start like that. Now, I am freaking out.”
“Shut up, you dyke and listen,” Harry urges.
“Harry!” He heard his mom yell.
“Sorry, Mum.” He takes another deep breath. “We are in the hospital. Paddy accidently hit Y/N in the head with a baseball.”
“What?” Tom’s voice is full of concern, which sends a pain to his heart. It was just then when Harry could hear voices in the background; Tom was still on set. “Is she-she going to be okay?”
“I think so, she’s going to go into surgery once a room is available,” He answered.
“Surgery? Oh no,no,no,” Harry could hear his brother’s voice cracking. He was on the verge of crying, if he hadn’t started. “I’m on my way. I will be on the first flight out.”
“Tom, I’m so sorry.” The sound of the call ending interrupted his apology. Harry turned back to his family. “He’s on the way.”
“What did he say?” Sam asked.
“Not much. He was on set, but he’s on his way.” A tear left Harry’s eye.
“Oh, sweetie” Nikki came to hug her son. “He was so worried. We should have told him as soon as it happened. We sh-should have taken her to the hospital,” Harry cried out. Sam buries his head in his hands.
“Shhh, there was no way we could’ve known” She coddles her son.
“He wants to marry her, like he’s waiting for her approval and he’s going to propose!” Harry let slip, which caught Sam’s attention. “What if he doesn’t get to now? What if we lose her? What if I lose her? She’s my best friend.”
“He wants to marry her?” Sam repeats. Harry nodded.
“Y/N was afraid of how you would react. That’s why she hasn’t given him an answer. She doesn’t want to lose you, again,” He informed his twin.
“I-I don’t want to lose her either.” Sam, feeling overwhelmed by everything, continued, “I never wanted us to fall apart or anything. It’s just, Y/N was our person. She was one thing Tom didn’t have and when she told me that she had fallen in love with him, it was like he had taken her away. It’s stupid, but it made me bitter.”
“Sam, honey, we can’t control who we love,” Nikki responded.
“I know, Mum. I’m going to go check on her.”
By the time Tom arrived at the hospital, you were well into surgery and the early sunrise was peeking from the windows.  His hair was ruffled from the many, many times he ran his hands through his curly locks. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were stained from his salty tears. He had bags underneath his eyes; he was severely jetlagged and going on the 20th hour of being awake.
“Is she-is she alright? I got here as quickly as I could. Please, please tell me she’s okay,” Tom cried. Nikki immediately hugged her.
“She should have been out hours ago,” Harry muttered, but his older brother caught it.
“Harry.” Nikki gave her son a stern look that said, “He doesn’t need to know that now.”
“No, no, no. This can’t be happening,” Tom continued to sob.
“She’s going to be alright,” his mom reassured him.
“When did it happen? When did she get hit in the head?” He moved away from his mother’s hug.
“Yesterday afternoon,” Sam answered, readjusting in his very uncomfortable seat. 
Tom did the math in his head and anger rose in him. “Why did you guys wait so long to tell me?”
“She told us not to. She didn’t want you to worry and she kept insisting it wasn’t that bad. She didn’t pass out till hours later,” Sam responded.
“Pass out!?” His voice thundered through the waiting room, causing a lot of strange looks.
“Tom, honey,” Nikki tried, but he didn’t want any of it.
“I could’ve been there for her,” he whispered and finally sat down. “I see now. How could I be a good husband if I can’t even be with her in the fucking hospital.”
“It isn’t your fault,” Harry comforted.
Few minutes later, the doctor came out to the waiting room, where the Hollands were aweing at a tiny black box in Tom’s hand. “Excuse me,” the doctor interrupted. The Holland family redirected their attention, anticipating news. “I’m sorry about the wait. There were some unexpected complications, but she was able to pull through. She will make a quick and easy recovery. She might be dazed and confused for a few days. I suggest she take it easy for a while.” Tom could feel the weight lift from his shoulders. Everyone took a deep breath of relief. “By any chance, are any of you Tom?”
“I am.” Tom stood up and shoved the box back in his pocket.
“When she was coming off the anesthesia, she was calling out for you. You guys are more than welcome to see her.” Sam and Harry got ready to come see you, but their mother stopped them, suggesting this should be a time for Tom to see you alone.
When Tom saw you, his heart sank. You had IVs and monitors hooked up to you and stitches on the side of your head, yet you were still the most beautiful person in the world to Tom. A weak smile instantly formed your face when you saw Tom. He slowly inched his way to you, scared if he moved too quickly he would scare you. Once he reached you, he gently moved a piece of hair in your face.
“Hey,” you say softly. He didn’t respond, but with a kiss to your forehead as joyous tears escaped his eyes. “Why are you crying?”
Tom couldn’t help but giggle at you. “I was just so scared I was going to lose you, love.”
“You thought you could get rid of me that easily,” you joked. He laughed with you.
“Do you need any water? I could maybe get you some ice chips.”
“I don’t want you to leave me,” you say, softly. 
Tom grabs your hand, “Then, I won’t go anywhere, love. I’m sorry I couldn’t be here for you when everything went down.”
“I want to marry you,” you announced, which caught Tom off guard.
“I want to marry you, Tom,” you repeat with more confidence.
“Oh, darling. You don’t have to make that decision right now. The doctor said you might be confused and-”
“I’m not confused,” you interrupted, sitting up more straight. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you!” Tom’s eyes glisten with love and excitement.
“Is that what you really want?” Tom asked, making sure it isn’t the drugs or the surgery that’s causing this.
“Yes, is it not what you want?”
“Yes! More than anything. You have no idea; I’ve been waiting for this for weeks,” He responded eagerly.
“Do you have the ring?” you questioned. Of course Tom had the ring. He bought it a year ago and kept it on his person for the last few weeks. He wanted to be prepared for this moment, granted he didn’t think it would be in a hospital. He even had it in his pocket at this very moment, since he was showing off the ring to his mom and brothers moments before.
“I’m not proposing to you in a hospital. You deserve better than that.” He scoffs.
“So, you do have the ring?” You investigate.
“Maybe, but that doesn’t change my answer, silly.” 
“What if that’s what I want? I want it to be official. You could propose to me in a landfill and I would say yes,” you begged. “Please.”
 You gave him the eyes. The eyes he could never resist. He gave you another kiss on your forehead. He slowly got on one knee, pulled the tiny black box out of his pocket, and exclaimed, “Y/N, today, I was terrified I was going to lose you forever. I was scared I wouldn’t get to even tell you goodbye. I never ever want to feel like that again. Now, more than ever, I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you give me the honor of marrying you?”
“Yes! A million yes!!!” You jump on him, forgetting about your IVs. “Ouch. I accidentally pulled one out.” Tom gives you a concerned look. “Oh well, it’s fine.” You lock your lips with his, anticipating becoming his wife.
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explodok1lls · 14 days
-llion Impressions? You're hired! | BKDK | Office AU | Part 1
Over the past five years, Izuku Midoriya has dedicated himself tirelessly, honing his skills in digital marketing with a single goal in mind: securing a position at BKG Co., one of Japan's premier luxury fashion companies. His ultimate dream? To join DYNAMIGHT, a subsidiary renowned for its affordable sports and active wear.
But why DYNAMIGHT specifically? Well, therein lies a reason his friends still tease him about—Katsuki Bakugou, the scion of this vast conglomerate, and the commanding figure at DYNAMIGHT. It was Bakugou who ignited Midoriya's interest in marketing, shaping his career trajectory. Yet, commendably, what began as a pursuit driven by admiration evolved into a genuine passion.
Midoriya adamantly denies any claims of being a stalker; rather, he simply yearns for the opportunity to collaborate closely with Bakugou, whose business acumen he greatly admires. They're peers in age, which Midoriya can't help but find unfair. But his motivations remain pure: professional admiration, and perhaps, just maybe, a slight crush.
Contrary to common perception, Katsuki Bakugou could easily be mistaken for the embodiment of Lucifer himself. If his personality were depicted on a pie chart, it would consist of 50% anger, 40% fury, and a mere 10% annoyance, with variations depending on the stupidity of the ideas presented to him.
Despite his formidable persona (bolstered by his impeccable appearance), Bakugou is fortunate that his company's key employees are his college comrades. Without them, resignation letters would flood in, spelling doom for him. His brainchild, DYNAMIGHT, is his pride and joy, a venture he fiercely contested with his mother. He desired a company aligned with his vision, passions, and hobbies. Though he admits to being born into privilege, Bakugou defends his involvement in DYNAMIGHT; he micromanages every aspect and credits its success not to his parents' wealth, but to the collective genius of those who endure his abrasive demeanor, including himself.
Keen on maintaining their upward trajectory in sales, Bakugou currently grapples with his mother's attempt to poach a valuable member of his marketing team, someone exceptionally adept at their role. With a resigned sigh, he dials Mina, one of his college confidants and head of the Marketing Department.
Barely concealing his exasperation, he greets her, "What took you so long to pick up?"
But Mina, seasoned by years of friendship and shared trials during DYNAMIGHT's inception, responds with a laugh, "Hey there, hot shot! You know I can't resist a Slack huddle call. Gets me grooving!"
"This is serious, Mina!" Bakugou retorts sharply. "Mom's trying to snatch Shinsou for her team. Shinsou!"
Undeterred, Mina quips, "Relax, she just needs him for three months. Besides, I've been thinking we could use an extra pair of hands. We're swamped."
Frustrated, Bakugou presses on, "This is news to me, Mina."
With a sigh, Mina explains, "Your mom's sudden request for Shinsou got me thinking. We've needed more help since the start of the year."
Grudgingly, Bakugou relents, "Fine, find someone as good as Shinsou, if not better."
"Got it, boss," Mina replies, before ending the call.
Being nearly online 24/7, Izuku maintains a religious habit of checking both his personal and work emails. So, when he opened his personal inbox, he noticed an unread email labeled "DYNAMIGHT." He had set up this filter to ensure that all alerts from DYNAMIGHT Careers would be directed there automatically.
His heart raced as he glimpsed the subject line:
DYNAMIGHT Careers | Hiring: Social Media Manager
Always staying a step, or even two steps, ahead, Izuku ensured his resume was consistently up-to-date. Without hesitation, he clicked on the email and promptly submitted his resume through the provided link.
Clasping his hands together, he whispered fervently, "This is it! Oh, please, let this be my chance. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. Consider me as a candidate. THIS is the company I've always dreamed of working for!"
This moment had been eagerly anticipated; he was prepared. He had the experience to back it up, ready to showcase the campaigns he'd spearheaded throughout his career. Manifesting that they would choose him, he yearned for the opportunity to finally meet his idol.
In just 12 hours, DYNAMIGHT's hiring team wasted no time in extending an interview invitation to Izuku. He couldn't contain his joy, almost on the verge of tears. After all, he was the mastermind behind the highly successful social media campaign for a cola featuring none other than Yagi Toshinori, the legendary actor renowned for his portrayal of All Might. It was a significant achievement, collaborating with his idol, and now, he had the opportunity to join the company he'd always dreamed of working for.
The company boasted excellent reviews, gathered meticulously over the years from platforms like Indeed and Glassdoor. A competitive salary package, paid time off, generous employee benefits, and a commitment to work-life balance were among the perks. However, a recurring complaint caught Izuku's attention in every review: "the salary and benefits compensate for the unpleasant demeanor of our boss." It raised a slight concern, but Izuku reasoned that he could endure any tirades if the compensation was right. Money was his primary motivator.
Upon receiving the interview invitation, Izuku promptly replied, confirming his availability for the scheduled interview slot, intending to request time off from his current job. Speaking of which, he hoped his colleagues Hatsume and Kendo would understand his decision to resign if he secured the position at DYNAMIGHT.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 5 months
This is what my blog has become, just brozone and trolls. Have a fanfic. this is part one of Please for God's sake, rest
Normality had fallen over the band of brozone. Hanging out and catching up. Ever since coming back to Pop Village, Clay, Floyd and John Dory were all staying in Rhonda until they finished moving all of Branchs survival supplies and such out of the rooms that he had made for them. That's what they were currently doing, moving the boxes of stuff. John Dory went to lift a box of stone spear heads, he got part way up when his back gave out. John let out a yell and fell to his knees, dropping the box. The other bros came rushing in to see what was wrong. They saw John Dory knelt down on the floor, shaking slightly. "John, you ok buddy?" Bruce asked, slowly reaching his hand towards his brother to check on him. "Please don't touch me right now." John said quietly while gritting his teeth. They could hear the pain in John's voice. Bruce sat next to John Dory, placing his hand next to JD's in case he wanted the comfort. "JD, what happened? Are you ok?" Clay asked as he sat down near John as well. Branch and Floyd looked on, concerned and wanting to help. "I finally blew out my back." John mumbled grumpily. At first none of them caught what he had said, so they asked him to repeat it. "I blew out my back, ok?!" John said, frustrated. "Oh John." Bruce said softly, gently placing his hand on JD's back. John let out a little yelp, his hair flaring out like he had been electrocuted, Bruce removed his hand immediately. "John Dory, I understand that you don't wanna be touched right now but it can't be good for your back to stay in the position you're in. Let us help you get to bed or at least the couch." Floyd suggested, gently taking John's hand, ready to help him when he needed it. "Nah, I'm good. I should be fine in a little while." John Dory responded, shifting so he was fully laying on his stomach. "I'll go get Dr. Moonbloom." Branch said, exasperated as he walked out the door and to the elevator. Branch took the elevator to the surface in search of the doctor.
Branch returned with Dr. Moonbloom, explaining the situation the best he could. Dr. Moonbloom examined John, giving him a routine check up before getting to the root of his problem. The doctor pulled out a portable x-ray machine (cartoon logic) and further examined John Dory's back. "Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is I finally get to try out my new sedative. The bad news is he's going to have to be on bed rest for at least a month, maybe more. He pulled the muscles in his lower back pretty badly." Dr. Moonbloom said, excited to use the new sedative. "But wouldn't moving his cause him more pain and hurt his back even more." Clay asked as the doctor readied her syringe with the sedative. "That's what the sedative is for. It's going to take away all his pain for a few hours and make him feel pretty good. As for moving him, I brought my portable gurney. That way moving him won't hurt his back even more." The doctor said, pulling a portable cloth gurney out of her bag (again cartoon logic). Dr. Moonbloom stuck John with the needle, injecting him with the sedative. After a few minutes, she instructed them to move him on to the gurney. A little apprehensive at first, Clay and Bruce started to move John Dory. They moved John Dory to the nearest bed, by that point he had started to doze off. Dr. Moonbloom handed Branch a prescription for pain killers and instructions on how often he can take them and side effects and such before heading off. The brothers looked at John Dory, he was barely awake and singing some intelligible tune. "Are we sure he's gonna be ok?" Floyd asked, just as worried as the rest of them. "I'm sure he'll be fine. Dr. Moonbloom is a very good doctor. But I think her sedative might be a little strong." Branch said as he set the pain killers on the nightstand.
The brothers decided to take turns watching over John Dory, making sure he doesn't need anything when the sedative wears off. Bruce goes first watching John, looking at him in a similar way to when they were little. The way he'd look at JD before bouncing on him to wake him up on Christmas morning or on one of their birthdays. Bruce got up from the chair he sat in next to the bed and reached over to remove John's goggles. They slipped off with ease. As Bruce removed John Dory's jacket, he was reminded of when they were younger and John would help Clay and Floyd take off their jackets after playing in the snow or rain. John Dory would always take theirs off first then his own, Bruce was simply returning the favor all these years later. He unbuckled John's fingerless glove and tucked it into one of the pockets on his jacket, taking note of the tan lines on his hand. His brother almost looked naked without all that on him, Bruce couldn't remember ever seeing John Dory without those silly goggles. Bruce chuckled to himself as he made himself comfortable in the chair and pulled a book out of his hair. The book was an old trollings book that he managed to find, he had read to his kids last night, remembering when their grandma had read it to them when they were little ones. "Guess I forgot to put it back in the kids' bookcase." Bruce said quietly to himself before deciding to read the story aloud to his sleeping brother.
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evanseeinbetween · 23 days
I had an idea.
Imagine being a person with a terminal disease, stuck in a dull room until your final days, until you meet a desesperate person, crying and begging them to let them talk to you, or even just look at you, but the thing is, you never have ever saw this person in all your life.
But then, somehow, you and that person end up getting close, even starting to have deeper feelings (you for them), them showing you the world you never saw, making you feel like living is worth again and that even if you go, everything gonna be okay, because now you feel like you have lived.
Only to discover the a painful true.
The person you loved, the person who gave you a meaning in life…
…it's the same bastand who once took your life in another life. The same selfsh dammed fool who once let their obssession and selfshness get to them and ended your life.
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