#free style poetry
ruckis--rookie · 6 months
Sometimes I feel as though I don't belong to this world. It's hard to find someone who thinks alike. I find myself thinking, "Why think about yourself? Think with kindness. Think with your heart, and common sense. Think with laughter and joy, not hatred and greed." But nobody seems to agree.
So I think further. Am I the issue? This world belongs to people much "stronger" than I. But our definition of "strength" is not the same.
I often wish I was smaller, so that they would be quicker to sympathize with me. So that someone could hold me forever and I would never want for more.
I often wish I was taller so that I wouldn't have to carried by anyone, and so that I feel as if I have a voice.
I remember the days where I was smaller. I remember when nobody listened when I so desperately tried to grab for something just out of reach.
They had better things to do.
I remember when I was taller. I remember when nobody listened to me, but would instead flee. I was too intense.
They were afraid of me.
Nowadays I find myself stuck in the middle. You would think it gets easier, seeing eye to eye.
But it isn't.
You deal with the chaos of both sides. it never seems to level itself out. You start to wish again that you could become small, so you can hide and nobody would pay you any mind. You wish again that you could grow, so that everyone would avoid your explosive passion.
But instead you become... tired.
I think back to myself. "Why think about yourself? Think with kindness. Think with your heart, and common sense. Think with laughter and joy, not hatred and greed." And realize, that maybe nobody has to agree with me. It gives me peace of mind.
Sometimes, I feel this world is not for me.
And maybe that's okay.
I get to experience all it has to offer before I hope to move onto the next.
Maybe, I do not belong anywhere. But if I do not belong anywhere, I can make anywhere my home.
If I cannot pave the road myself...
I'll find my own way eventually. Treading pathways that only I can see.
A path made with time that I will walk until my form fades.
To a world that was meant for me.
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inkedtales · 1 year
I’m a skeptic, always weary of everyone
But when I die, cross the Styx with the ferryman
I know I’ll be punished alongside them
Condemned - with the rest of humanity
Cause it doesn’t matter if you were benign
Your punishment won’t be divine
By design, our fates are entwined
Soon, Atropos will cut the twine
Unfortunate souls, the lot of us
The worlds burning, but no one makes a fuss
They discuss, and discuss, and discuss
The unwilling bastards will not adjust
They’ll continue to reside in mansions
They’ll dress in silk, laugh with their companions
Reap Earth of its treasures for their grandsons
Until the world only knows of pain and famine
Tied to strings that hold us above a fire
Beneath us is an ever growing pyre
Why are we here and not the liars?
Why was this wood even acquired?
I’ll tell you why. It's because we’re selfish
The acquisition of resources, its relished
For decades, nothing was cherished
Even now, wasteful beings make the world hellish
Is there any point playing this blame game?
Tt won’t bring back the maimed
Earth will still be aflame
Pick your poison: it's all the same
The rich get richer. The poor get poorer.
But when Gaia breathes her last, we’ll all be rotting corpses.
Will you resign to that fate?
Or are you going to go down swinging?
Spit in the fates’ faces and steal their string
Start treating nature with the reverence of a king
Treat life like it's more than a fling
Lets redeem humanity, you and I
Because I’m not ready to say goodbye
Earth will need every ally
So gather round cause’ our time is nigh
I’m a skeptic, I think our chances are slim
But when I die, go to the Styx for a swim
I hope to see the Fates giving us all a grin
Because we chose not to be helpless or follow others whims
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erisscribbles · 8 months
As I look into a mirror at 7.30am in the morning
I tell myself the following words
I am happy
I am peaceful
I am currently teetring off a cliff of anxiety and internal panic
Barely stopping myself from falling into an ocean of suicidal thoughts
And drowning myself in them ,till I am in the merciful quiet deep that is death
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mrnotsosilent · 11 months
How do I know it is real? I only know love that is not reciprocated.
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khaotunq · 2 years
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wherein ayan and akk are squished, and first and khaotung react
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mywordsflowlikewater · 3 months
I got the flow, I got the rhymes.  I got the New York, I got the Times.   I have a windshield, I have a wiper. I slither like a snake, I am a viper.  Influential, call me the pied piper.   So many babies, I will buy them all diapers.   Keeping it real all of the feels.  For nothing else matters, my heart shatters.   This is it the next hit, the very next chapter.
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stoxxgaleriaderte · 6 months
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namelesspoett · 11 months
I hate this pestering itch,
Provoking another
Bitter lie on my skin
I hate the dark brown
Eyes of mine.
The way they have no
Glint of the sky
Or a pinch of earths creations
I hate my smile.
Written distaste,
Across my rustic teeth.
Why couldn’t it be tamed?
Why must I be a wild beast?
I’m not as flawless,
As the sunrise or sunset.
Every imperfection is another
Ugly thunderstorm of mine
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Some things I’ve been working on….
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dropthedemiurge · 8 months
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when i was born, my mother gave a gift to me called Grief, for many years unwanted kid like me read fairy tales and foolishly mistook that gift with Care because the vinyl records in our living room were playing gentle lullabies into my ears they drowned out man's yelling and the woman's cries i didn't know the mother's hands should not be cold i didn't know the bitter drinks in glasses smell like death not knowing any better, i grew up her perfect copy – the same dead look, dramatic outbursts and mourning of life i longed for love but how can one discover something never seen? it only grazed my heart in bathtubs, drawn by a path of pills the actress passed a cursed theatric play to only child – the ghost of one, who danced with Death more often than with other people; her hugs were cold, awaited and familiar
tonight i take a cigarette and put it in between my bleeding lips unknown singer lights it up for me, and suddenly i breathe – your flame feels warm your eyes see me your touch is nothing but a gift of Care so maybe if you sing the lullabies for me the Death will never interrupt us she won't dare
[Ray, Only Friends Series]
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louderrthanwords · 1 year
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napowrimo day 2 — transcription under the cut
what is a ghost?
a girl who sleepwalks in the fog of her mind
what is fog?
faintly heard bird calls floating down from a pine
what is elusive?
teardrops on a pillow, dried off by morning
what is longing?
one odd sock in a drawer (it never belonged there)
what is resilience?
the child who hid behind bushes and yet somehow grew up
what is a miracle?
my heart that stutters and still pumps blood
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erisscribbles · 8 months
How long must I apologize for my mistakes?
Until my tongue grows tired from all the sorrys I utter
Until my knees ached from kneeling
Or Until I feel I need to be punished
For the mistake that is my existence
- An Anxious Broken Girl
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battleangel · 8 months
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Life Is a Dark Ballet
Reject societal conditioning
Kill your own ego thats an ego death
Ascend and awaken to the spiritual limitless energetic being you are
Open your third eye & see this virtual reality as the video game simulation it is
Bills rent mortgage jobs work 9 to 5s emails Slack Teams meetings agendas promotions performance reviews succession planning unpaid overtime salaried benefits 401k "job security" executive golden handcuffs misery drudgery HR new hire orientation employee slave working to live working to die
Corporate induced death corporate zombie slave to the machine chained to your desk work from home work from anywhere but your own mind instead of asking how much time is left ask how much of your own mind cause in this life things are much harder than the afterlife in this life youre own your own and when the elevator tries to bring you down go crazy
Shut off closed off shut down work through lunch never get up from your desk i dont have time to go to the bathroom no time to think
No worries ill get that done for you right away i need this done like yesterday please advise reply all cc bcc blind copy do you copy she dropped dead at her desk yesterday and they filled her role thr next day working on the corporate amerikkka plantation modern day slavery everybodys working for the weekend we didnt start the fire subliminal suicides corporate deicides
CEO as god as the father as your priest as the principal as the ultimate male authority figure and symbol
Brazzers gonzo girls gone wild thats gross i liked it onlyfans im your only fan how much for anal degradation desecration dessication problematize the sacred kill your parents god is a woman god is dead radiohead hail to the thief all hail the king i used to rule the world i hear terrorists and the bells are ringing for some reason i cant explain i know st peter will call my name
Northrop grumman and raytheon stock is way up just a couple of dead babies in israel and raped grandmas in palestine stocks are up war is good
War is slavery strength is peace oceania big brother aldous huxley brave new world brave new girl i live for the applause pornify my pussy shake yo dreads sexyy red usher will be performing at the superbowl halftime show man as machine man in the machine ghost in the shell im talking to the man in the mirror stranger in moscow kgb was stalking me how does it feel when youre alone and its cold inside
Marcus garvey murdered prophets my angel warned me that i would be the black sheep in my family more than my brother memorial day 2021 and i told my father on my parents deck my angel warned me that i would stand alone life is a mystery everyone must stand alone i hear you call my name and it feels like home
Its a beautiful life but im not concerned its a beautiful dream but a dream is earned people tell me to shut my mouth that i must conform i will not renounce the things that i have said i was meant to fight the english i am not afraid to die dont you know to doubt him is a sin i wont give in you can cut my hair and say that im a witch and burn me at the stake its all a big mistake...
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mywordsflowlikewater · 5 months
Juicy Fruit
Gum, stuck, as I drum.  Try to run from the sun, its hiding in the sky.  Above the clouds, no wonder it looks down.   It tries to lift us up, yet we try to block it out.  I cast no shade, I am no lamp, stamp that on your passport, as you export different experiences.  Seasonings, reasoning, "it's the time of the season for loving", keep my head above it all.   Wish everyone well, we all have our personal hell.  Try not to dwell on the past.  Clean slate, blast pass.  I hold no grudge, removing the sludge, this plastic I am made out of is nontoxic.   I don't listen to Logic.   Unlike Britney, I don't rock bad habits.   Glad she could escape her havoc.   I am not even remotely a fan yet; I keep a cool air flow.   As I reach low, from the get-go, zip codes, scripts wrote.   Disc mode, hard copy, Tamagotchi, thanks for listening to my Ted Talk, as I bend these words like origami. 
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jeanmoreaux · 7 months
Hi! I’ve been getting into poetry more these days and I wanted to ask you about a recent post of yours by the poet Najwan Darwish on ‘who remembers the Armenians’ ?
I wanted to know more context about this cz I was confused (as I tend to be at first) with the message of the poem ?
so i feel for this one you need a little historical context and be aware that the poet is palestinian (the poem is from 2014). the poem’s title references something hitler reportedly said about no one remembering the armenian genocide during world war one (you can read up on that if you want).
i read this poem as an acknowledgement and an expression of sympathy for the struggle of the armenian people that relate it back to the palestinian genocide under isreali occupation. to me it speaks to the cyclic nature of history and how some patterns of violence repeat themselves/are reproduced. i think there is also an element of not being able to forget the genocide of other people when you’re suffering in an apartheid regime yourself because your understanding of that reality is just so altered by your lived experience. and ofc there is an aspect of remembering the armenian genocide and contradicting hitler’s words that the armenian people’s suffering is entirely forgotten. because people remember. the poet remembers. and he’s not gonna forget and most importantly he’s not going to let the reader forget. which also makes you keenly aware that what is happening to the palestinian people can still be stopped and history does not have to repeat itself. should not repeat itself. the fate of the armenians is connected to the palestinian genocide (related to on a personal level by the poet).
and ofc najwan darwish names the armenians and focuses on them (their fate) instead of giving the perpetrators of the genocide the time of the day. he humanises them and drags their history into the present (they ride the nightbus with him, they drink coffee with him, they are with him/with us in the here and now because he is talking about them/remembering them). he shifts the narrative focus that is usually granted by history book and points it onto the armenians (bc history books etc tend to focus more on the perpetrators than the victims when it comes to these atrocities). the overall statement being: if someone should be forgot it’s you (perpetrators/oppressors) while the memory of the victims being ethnically cleansed must be kept alive and breathing and is, tragically, still “kept alive” by ethnic cleansings that are happening to other people in this world right now (including palestine) under the watchful eyes of the world.
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