#jealous izuku
red-sneakers · 1 year
Izuku has a problem. The cat he just adopted loves Katsuki. She likes Izuku well enough, but not like how she loves Katsuki. She’s completely attached — crying when he’s gone, rubbing all over him and purring when he’s there. Katsuki complains, but he clearly loves her back.
And Izuku’s never been more jealous, of both Katsuki and of his cat.
One day, Izuku’s cat is being particularly affectionate in the common room, and class 1A’s cooing about how cute Katsuki and the cat are, and Izuku is visibly huffy. Kaminari asks him what’s wrong, and Izuku says, “it’s just.. It’s not fair. He’s mine.”
Everyone stares at him. ‘Cause, you see, Izuku’s cat is female.
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truly-glasixx · 9 months
Jealous! ProHero Deku who loves his job solely because he gets to see you on a daily basis. Your enthralling personality and alluring looks to match have him absolutely smitten.
Jealous! ProHero Deku whose heart suffers from palpitations every time you smile at him, and he's vowed to protect it till the day he dies.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's been pinning after you since your first year at U.A., but never had the courage to confess to you. Being Japan's number-one hero doesn't make it any easier.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's been your best friend instead of your boyfriend, because he knows you're dating Bakugo. It started off rocky, but you two somehow managed to persevere through high school, and that irks him.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who notices your signature sweet smile somewhat falter at any mention of Pro Hero Dynamight. But you're quick to hide it in front of others, so he doesn't mention it.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who, for the past few weeks, has been the ear of multiple rants regarding your boyfriend's lackluster attitude toward your relationship.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who hears about how you used stay up for hours on end waiting for Katsuki to walk through the door, but would pass out around 1. And how you've had to get used to going to sleep at a decent time without a warm body laying next to you.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's told about all of your meaningless attempts at conversation with the blond, and how every time he blows you off, you can't decide whether to get mad and yell, continue to pester him, cry, or give up altogether.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who brings up the idea of you 'taking a break'. He's secretly hoping your troubles continue so he can finally get the chance to give you everything his explosive rival couldn't.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who notices you fidget and squirm around in your seat as you do everything possible to avoid eye contact. He wants to pry more, but you don't give him the chance. "We're just going through a rough patch, I promise."
Jealous! ProHero Deku who knows the smile you're giving him isn't genuine. In fact, he's named it 'The Fool's Smile,' on page 16 of the notebook he has on you. There's something you're not telling him, but he'll find out on his own time.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who finds himself in the position of your sole advisor when you attempt to mend what's long been damaged. He refrains from asking why, but his face says it all, so you elaborate and mention how he once told the class about their childhood friendship. "I figured since you've known him for so long, you'd be able to help me most," you sheepishly explain.
Jealous! ProHero Deku Who's irritated at first, but realizes he can use this to his advantage.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gives you the vaguest advice and tells you to take it one day at a time. Try to reason with your boyfriend, he says, knowing damn well Bakugo wouldn't bat an eye to your pleas.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gets into Katsuki's head by making sly comments every time they work together. He holds his number 1 ranking over the blond in the most passive-aggressive way possible.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who knows that his taunting and surge of media attention are the only reasons why Katsuki uses up any and all free time to be at his job or training, leaving you unloved at home.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's secretly elated when you come into his office during your lunchtime the following week to report that, of the three days you were able to catch your boyfriend at home, Katsuki never listened to your attempts to reason with him.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gives you a pity smile-one he's practiced many times just for you-and tells you to sit so you can rant his ear off. He finds out that when Bakugo came home, it was around 11. He was weary, but still had enough energy to eat the dinner you were going to put away.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who notices your slight smile and starts to get fed up with that hopeful attitude toward fixing your relationship, but reminds himself that, within due time, you'd realize what he could see clear as day.
Jealous! ProHero Deku that can only say "I'm happy for you,"
Jealous! ProHero Deku that asks after a moment, "But are you sure he's the one you want a future with?" in the most innocent voice known to man. It catches you off guard. Was he insinuating something? Why did he seem so adamant?
Jealous! ProHero Deku knows you can't argue with him because all the proof is laid out before you, bare on the table. You find it difficult to make such a big decision, but he feels it should be the easiest one you'll make in your life.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who goes back to his supportive friend facade after realizing you won't do it. Not now, at least. You still need persuading.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who starts inviting you out on nights he knows Bakugo isn't coming home. The two of you have eaten out and seen countless movies at this point. He savors every minute of it.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's on cloud 9 during patrol nearly every morning after you thank him endlessly for taking you out the night prior.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who switches it up after a few months and invites you to high-end restaurants 'as friends.' He compliments your outfit choices every time and gives you his full attention. You start finding it hard to deny that spending time with the number one pro hero has been more enjoyable than the rare occasions of seeing your boyfriend's face.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who plans nights out at bars and private, Heroes-Only clubs on weekends you can afford to get drunk.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who drives you to his place one night while slowed music plays through the speakers, only to be turned down when he notices you passed out in the passenger's seat.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who takes off your shoes and carries you to his king-sized bed and tucks you under his duvet covers. Some of his clothes are placed beside you for the next morning
Jealous! ProHero Deku who unknowingly murmurs his love to your sleeping form before collecting a few blankets and setting up in the guest room on the first floor.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's up at 7am, making breakfast. He's been brushing up on his culinary skills every now and then and hopes the morning meal is to your liking.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gives a bright smile when he sees you padding down the steps once the smell of waffles and pancakes starts wafting through the house.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who makes sure your needs are met before he sits beside you and eats as well.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's suddenly more confident now that you're in his house, comfortable, and enjoying the food he had prepared; lessons from his mother as a teen really paid off.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's observant and notices you leaning into him more when you talk. "Last night was the warmest I've been in a while," you trail off, subconsciously moving your head towards his broad shoulder. He's so close to winning you over...
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gives a light chuckle when you ask why he hasn't gone to work yet. "It's actually my day off, just like you."
Jealous! ProHero Deku who suggests you two spend the day together since you both have nothing else planned
Jealous! ProHero Deku who masks his disappointment with a slight chuckle when you say you'd rather go home because today was Katsuki's supposed day off too.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's entire world stops when you mention what he said to you last night. He doesn't even remember confessing his love, much less muttering it under his breath.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who changes the subject after hearing your rejection. "I'm sorry...but It wouldn't feel right to do that to Katsuki. He's been through so much stress and I'm sure he'll be home today to rest. I'd like to comfort him in any way I can."
Jealous! ProHero Deku who sees you off after you've properly showered and gathered your things. His spirits are low, but you insisted on taking his clothes and washing them at your place as a form of thanks for his kindness.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who goes back to the drawing board once you're gone, trying to understand why, despite everything that's happened, you're still grasping at straws.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who overworks himself for the next four hours fueled by his frustration alone. What did he do wrong? Why couldn't he win?
Jealous! ProHero Deku who spends the rest of his Saturday afternoon passed out on the ground after over-exerting himself. Adrenaline sure had its side effects.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's woken up at 7:45 by a phone call. He lets it ring twice before pulling himself off the ground to answer. It's you. You're crying.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who knows Bakugo had something to do with it, but acts oblivious. "Y/N? What happened? What's wrong?" you sniffle a few times while trying to find your voice. "W...we had a f...fight. And...I kinda, really need a place to stay tonight," you stutter out in between sniffles.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who can hear you rummaging around and wonders if you somehow hurt yourself. You tell him you're packing some clothes because you can't stay home tonight.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who accepts when you ask to stay with him. He comforts you over the phone as you're getting into your car and straightens out his home once you've hung up
Jealous! ProHero Deku who waits for you at the door and holds you tight to his chest when you run into his arms; face buried into his pecks and angry tears soaking through his t-shirt. You're too shattered to notice his heart skip a beat upon embrace.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who, by now has already pieced things together, but he asks anyway: “...Are you alright?" you're silent for a moment. "No," you respond, voice cracking. "We broke up. I'm so stupid for thinking we'd work out."
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's unsure how to feel now that Bakugou has finally broken you and you've run to him to help pick up the pieces. "Let's go inside, alright?" he says, letting you go to bring your bag inside the house.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who tells you to take a shower and freshen up. Take as long as you want and he'll prepare your comfort drink and meal.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's lovestruck when you confess how he makes you feel more loved than your now-ex. He lets you cling to him for the rest of the night, vowing to make sure you're treated like nothing less than royalty.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who succumbs to the temptation of cupping your face and kissing you after he's received a peck on the cheek. The rest of the night is spent making sure you're loved and know your worth.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's realizes that he's finally won.
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bkdk-art · 4 months
I'm sorry but HOW did I not know about this art?!
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Like?? The art style is gorgeous, obviously, but bkdk and Rody chilling with a big ass tiger and the tiger growling at Rody while Katsuki is gently rubbing its neck and smirking at it?!
And with having this offical art in mind:
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I might read too much into this but this is wild (pun not intended)
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izuku-stuff · 1 year
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✘ izuku’s jealousy ✘
You were liked by everyone that met you. You were smart, kind, pretty. Really what’s not to like? And Izuku loved that about you. Knowing that you had so many who cared about you and your wellbeing was great especially since he’s a pro hero.
Yet there were some moments where Izuku didn’t want anyone, more specifically, men around you. He would notice the little things. How a guy would quickly glance at your breast or butt. Things that belonged to him.
Knowing this it irritated him to a point were he wanted to quit being a hero and be by your side just to be close to you telling the world you were taken by a man who could easily beat them up. Yet he wasn’t going to quit he loved his job as a hero. So what he did was the next best thing he proposed. You and him were engaged and everyone knew it.
Izuku sighed as he sat in the living room bored out of his mind. It was his day off and he had nothing to do. The house was clean, no dirty clothes that needed washing, his friends were on the job or on missions, and you were at work.
He eventually decided to go for a walk. As he walked through the city he saw your favorite bakery. And a sweet idea came to mind. He bought you your favorite sweets and a small bouquet of your favorite flowers and headed to your workplace. He was going to surprise you.
As he walked in and had gotten a visitors pass he went up to the floor level you worked at. Once he got there he walked out of the elevator and stood there his eyes wandering around trying to find you. He heard laughter and he looked and there you were.
You were holding a coffee mug laughing along with a fellow coworker, but it was a male coworker. Izuku glared his eyes at the man and noticed it quickly he was looking at your breast instead of looking at your face.
Izuku dropped the flowers and the bag of sweets and walked over to you. Strong arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a hard chest, coffee mug now broken on the floor. You knew the scent of this person all to well, the arms and hard chest. You looked up, your eyes wide not believing Izuku was here.
“Get the hell away from her!” His beautiful green eyes dark and his voice deep and warning.
“And who are you supposed to be?” Your coworker, who was brand new, asked.
“I’m her lover. So back the fuck off.”
A shiver went down your spine and your legs couldn’t help but close themselves at hearing the possessive words coming from Izuku. Izuku was definitely going to be rewarded later tonight.
“Baby.” You called for Izuku’s attention. Yet he didn’t budge keeping his dark eyes on your fellow coworker. “What?”
“He’s new. He doesn’t know that I’m taken.”
Izuku spun you around, “He must have seen the engagement ring you have on.” Izuku looked down at you.
“I actually don’t have it on today. I was in a rush and forgot to put it on.” You lifted your hand to show that you were saying the truth. “Sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t going to cut it.”
You grinned and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I love when you get jealous. So protective. So mean. I love you so much Izuku Midoriya.” You leaned in and gave him a kiss. “My sweet cute jealous hero.”
Izuku picked you up bride style. “You’re getting off early today.”
“You can’t just decide that. So put me down.”
“Skipping a day won’t hurt besides I highly doubt your boss would say no to me.”
You laughed and nodded your head. “Ok you big jealous baby, you win. Let’s go home.”
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missyaess · 2 months
Maybe Meant to be - Fake Dating pt.6
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5
divider credit :@muruffin
tag list 🏷️: @jasmixs @cybertimetravelstranger @tenmaabnesti @luleck @lovra974 @just-your-emo-sensei @lookingforlia @cinnamonroll4ever @just-some-random-simp-lol @chrissyfishywissy @aizawasgirl @jonggunismysneakylink @liaaa-1 @velvet-spider @4evahevah @chixkadee @haleyms @katsuberries @laurenzitaa @chaoticstrawberryland
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-Hi Midoriya.No,not really.
As Midoriya sat down next to you,you sighed.You felt relieved all of a sudden,at this moment you wouldn’t want to be around anyone else.You didn’t know why.
-What happened between you two,if you don’t mind me asking?
You explained everything to him and how you felt,as you got to the end you didn’t notice tears coming out of your eyes.
-Hey Y/N,sshh.
He hushed you and laid your head on his shoulders,calming you down.
-I get how you feel.But I just have to ask you,do you think Kacchan is the right person for you?
-I don’t know anymore Midoriya…I thought he was but I am just so tired.
-I get that.I’m sorry you have to feel this way.You are an amazing person,and you’re the only one I could trust with something like this.Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.
He smiled at you and it warmed your heart.You were glad he was your friend.
After you two sat there for some time you decided to go back to your dorm rooms.Midoriya walked you to your dorm room where Mina was waiting for you.
-Alright I can leave now.Goodnight Y/N.
As you two waved at each other Mina looked between the both of you with suspicious eyes.
You turned back to Mina and saw everybody has already left.Mina noticed your looks into your room so she explained.
-I sent everybody away so that we could talk.
You stepped into your room and Mina followed you.You sat down on your bed looking at your feet.Mina sat on the floor,facing you.
-What’s going on between you two?
You rolled you eyes at this.
-It wasn’t what it looked like,Bakugo was just being a hater to Midoriya,he doesn’t like me.So,nothing is going on between us.
-No I don’t mean him!I mean Midoriya!
You stood up by the shock of what she was asking you.
-Look,I just noticed how you two act together and it might be more than a fake relationship for you.
-Literally what made you think that?
-The way Midoriya got worried today after you and Bakugo went out the room,so much so that he went after you two immediately! How you look at him has changed and I can see that as your best friend.
-He’s my friend,and he knows what an ass Bakugo can be,that’s probably why!And also nothing has changed with the way I look at him.
Mina sighed as you looked at her like she was crazy.
-Look,all I’m saying is be careful,okay?I don’t want you get hurt because of another boy again.
-I assure you there’s nothing to worry about.
-Whatever you say,goodnight Y/N.
After Mina left you were alone with your thoughts.
Could it be possible it was more for him,for you?
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A few weeks has passed since the last time you spoke with Bakugo.He would stare at you in class but you wouldn’t look back.You had spent the last weeks with Midoriya,still going on with the plan even if it hadn’t worked out for you,it was going to work out for Midoriya and Uraraka.
As you were at the lunch table ,laughing at something Midoriya had said,Uraraka came over.
-Deku,can we talk in private?
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-I like you!
You knew you shouldn’t have but you and Mina were watching afar from where uraraka was confessing to Midoriya.
-What did she say??(M)
-SSH I can’t hear them with you screaming !
You two were hiding in a bush,not too far away from the two.If Mina kept on whisper screaming you were sure they would hear you.So with one hand you closed her mouth and continued to listen.
-I have liked you for a long time actually…And after seeing you with Y/N,I just had to let you know.(U)
You couldn’t quite understand yourself right now.It made you so mad she was confessing to him.I mean,she knew Midoriya was your boyfriend.Even if it wasn’t actually real and a plan,it still made you mad.
Uraraka got closer to Midoriya and reached out for his hand.
-Please say something.
You couldn’t help the jealousy you were feeling.Why were you jealous of Midoriya?
Mina started biting your hand so you let her go.
-Ouch!What are you doing?!
-SSH,be quiet!(M)
You rolled your eyes at this and continued watching them as the uncomfortable feeling took you over.You just wanted to go over there and…
-I’m sorry,I love Y/N.
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
A post about the time Hawks made Kacchan really, really jealous.
When I watched this scene in the anime I found it amusing as hell. Kacchan’s behaviour felt kind of strange/off though, but after I saw the panelling of the scene in the manga recently, it only seems even more funny and bkdk driven. His behaviour also made more sense. I’ll breakdown the scene and go into some of Kacchan’s deeper issues after.
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They meet with Hawks after he helps them bring down villains. Izuku is star struck from the get-go and nervously greets the rank #2, who likewise recognises him from the sports festival.
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Hawks tells Izuku he's heard about him from Tokoyami... then backtracks and says, "No, actually... (even without that) I would have liked to have worked with you, too, but..."
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However, before he can finish explaining himself... he feels a "sakki", meaning bad feeling or literally "killing intent." (But the anime didn't show this part of their interaction! or how noticing the sakki interrupted Hawks' speech. So this is another one of those little flavourful nuances anime watchers(me) missed out on)
sakki (殺気  The individual kanji are pronounced satsu and ki, respectively, but due to Japanese grammar rules, the -tsu in the former is dropped and the consonant in ki is geminated, turning it into sa- + -kki.), which is primarily used by practitioners of Ninjutsu; "Killing Intent" is the most literal translation, with "Bloodlust" as a close second. The Chinese equivalent is sha qi - x
Which is kind of funny, considering Katsuki's soon to be revealed hero name which also had “Satsu” in it. Dai Baku Sasshin Dynamight. (Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight)
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Hawks turns to the source of the "sakki"... and it's Kacchan staring bloody murder at him, challenging him! After the stuff Hawks said, it feels like Kacchan is even more annoyed at Hawks for taking a special interest in Izuku, by saying he wanted to work with him (despite being so busy he left Tokoyami in the care of his sidekicks). I think in Kacchan's mind this means a scenario where Izuku would have been with Hawks at his hero nest instead of with Kacchan at Endeavour's agency... 👀 How territorial! I think Hawks also noticed something was off and taunts him, just for fun. 🤭
Also, this is only a funny coincidence, but after Hawks says something that feels like he's wanting to 'take Izuku away,' Kacchan just happens to say “About before, I got in faster than you." It could mean absolutely nothing, or it could be the slightest nuance for "I was here first. Deku's already been mine since childhood, so back off.” Like an inside joke Hori made for himself, knowing he was writing bkdk to become the main canon couple in the series.
I'm /hj ofc but… you never know! It's wild that Kacchan is even this hung up on what Hawks did in the first place, so I might be trying to make it make more sense! understandably, right?
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When Hawks leaves, not only is Izuku swooning over him again... now Shouto is too! Kacchan can't stand it! I don't know about you, but if Kacchan's intense reaction is only that Hawks showed them up, it’s a severe case of the punishment not fitting the crime. Not to mention, it began when Hawks started chatting up Izuku about getting him to intern with him and got even worse because Izuku went full fanboy mode LOL
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Later at the agency he’s still filled with rage from their meeting, making up an insulting nickname for Hawks that can loosely be translated as “smiling birdbrain” (Hawks wears a carefree smile on his face and Katsuki doesn’t like it. He thinks he’s being smug - which he was, but only just a little… so again… punishment ≠ crime which is why we can theorise there was something more to his jealousy.)
Lmaooo listen. Think of a really possessive boyfriend who can’t stand their lover checking out other people and commenting on how attractive they are. And you've literally got how Kacchan feels about being a hero in front of Izuku.
Kacchan's gotten jealous like this before, when Shouto declared war on Izuku at the start of BNHA. That's how he got involved with the Todoroki family drama, because his jealousy drove him to follow them sneaking off alone together. And again in the third movie, at the very end, when Kacchan's boyfriend stayed back to say goodbye to Rody, and he glared at them the whole way going up the escalator lmao
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Jealous Katsuki "needs Izuku's attention on him always" Bakugou has three modes: “Why aren’t you looking only my way you shitty nerd.” “Forget this other bastard, what about me??? I’m ‘sugoi’ right?!!” and our fave (😂) “Just keep your eyes on me, shitty Deku!”
He responded with SO MUCH irritation at Hawks simply because Izuku’s fanboying over somebody that’s not him.
Poor Kacchan has to compete with all other heroes for Izuku’s affection because he’s an otaku that grew up worshipping all quirks. 😂
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Meet Katsuki Bakugou: From the age of four, he was told by family, doctors, teachers, hero loving society and the next door neighbour's cat that his quirk is the embodiment of excellence. What a guy! He will go far in life so we should let him do whatever he wants, it’s fine! He can be my sidekick! In a world where a person's character and value are measured by the power and usefulness of their quirk, Katsuki was the king.
Then there’s Kacchan: Grew up alongside this shiny doe eyed shitnerd who was always watching him, walking behind him, telling him stuff like he's sugoi and his quirk is so cool and he is so cool and wouldn’t it be cool if he also got a quirk as strong as his... And years later, Kacchan is (unsurprisingly) triggered that his Deku is reacting to everyone else and their ‘inferior’ quirks in almost the exact same way that he does with him. He has the biggest LOVE (ONLY!) ME DAMNIT vibes with Izuku! good lordt
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The main issue Katsuki encountered after entering U.A and the world of pro heroes, was suddenly not being the obvious choice for best anymore. His usual status of being society’s king was completely upended after his world opened up to people like Iida, Shoto, Enji and Hawks. Something that was so effortless to him before, now required a lot of hard work, if he was going to rise above even the outstanding.
And I think a big reason he feels insecure around other talented people is because a part of him will always want to stay the coolest and strongest in Izuku’s eyes! That’s why Izuku acknowledging others sets him off a little. He knows what Izuku’s like… but he still wants to be the coolest to him, unquestionably sugoi and stay Izuku’s #1.
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And sometimes it’s almost like, unless Izuku is the one doing the praising and fanboying Katsuki and only Katsuki, there's just no meaning to any of it for him.
** .•° ✿ °•. ❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ೋღ
It was only ever Izuku.
Growing up, surrounded by admiration from people who never dared to stand up to Katsuki... ultimately, it was only ever Izuku who valued his own set of principles and stood up to him when he was wrong. Because Izuku... was always honest with him, about everything. He let Katsuki know when he didn't approve of his behaviour, which meant the times Izuku did praise him was something that could be trusted. It didn't feel like the empty praise from everyone around him who only saw him for his quirk. It didn't feel like a lie.
Katsuki eventually realised the reason Izuku faced him was because Izuku genuinely cares. He saw all of him and despite intimately knowing his weaknesses and flaws not once did Izuku stop believing in him... so before Katsuki knew it, Izuku became the only person whose attention and approval actually meant something to him.
Can you blame him, though? Izuku’s the one who has been faithfully at Katsuki's side his entire life, sharing his dreams, believing in the best of him, gently encouraging him to do better than his worst, teaching him kindness of the heart and heroic sacrifice and finally… what it means to love someone so fiercely, you could give your everything and call it by their name.
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Katsuki’s forever hero who always comes running to save him, no matter what. His one and only constant. How could he not become completely intertwined with him and fall hopelessly in love?
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stardust-sprinkler · 1 year
Jealous Baku x Deku x Reader
I’m currently obsessed with the idea of Bakugo and Deku both harboring a major crush on you while all three of you are at UA.
They’re each still working up the courage to tell you, when you suddenly confess your feelings for Bakugo—and you two start dating on the spot.
Fast forward past graduation, you three are all pro heroes now, and you’re still with Bakugo. Deku never says a word about it, silently resigned to just being friends… Sure, he pines a bit, but you’re all adults now and Bakugo seems to make you happy, so what else could he really ask for? …nothing, right?
The thing is, Bakugo knew that Deku had had a simultaneous crush on you in UA.
So, even now, he hates you being around Deku because the man is clearly carrying the MOTHER OF ALL TORCHES for you. But for the life of you, you can’t see that, which makes him even madder because he doesn’t want to tell you… In case you’ll change your mind. So, he gets severely bent out of shape if you pay attention to Izuku for (what he deems) any extended period of time. In turn, you’re frustrated that Bakugo won’t give you a straight reason why Deku is so off limits for friendship??
This is bound to boil over inevitably, right??
My asks are open, so hmu with some prompts for this, my brain won’t let this one go lol
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aimeramie · 9 months
I've seen discussions about why Ochako's face is covered on page 7 of chapter 394 when she says that she fell in love with Izuku, and I don't think it's because there should be any doubt about how she feels.
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I think she is in love with Izuku, but her eyes are not shown because she is simply not declaring her love to the person she is in love with. She is talking to Toga right now, not Izuku. I think Ochako's full face will be shown when she finally tells Izuku how she feels about him.
( As the panel at the bottom of page 13, chapter 393 suggests she wants to do. )
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Ochako is jealous of the smile Toga wears when she declares her love. I think we will see Ochako's smile when she ultimately does the same. When the time comes for Ochako to actually confess her love ( and she most likely will before the manga ends ), it is more satisfying if her whole face—smile and all—is shown to the person she is actually in love with, and that person is Izuku.
edit: I kind of went off in the tags. I am not going to move the tags into the actual post, so if you are interested in more thoughts ↓
#boku no hero academia#midoriya izuku#uraraka ochako#toga himiko#izuocha#i think toga will be happy for ochako when she confesses. if toga lives of course.#it would be silly to have a big moment about ochako's love for izuku here in her fight with toga.#it is important for ochako as a character to reach the conclusion that she shouldn't hold her feelings back because they are part of her.#understanding of self through the other: literally why toga was created for ochako and they were developed to match each other.#basic narrative foil business.#but there is more to this confrontation than ochako loving izuku.#ochako is facing toga because she wants to save her and talking at length about how she loves izuku would never accomplish that goal.#her love for him is a point of connection between her and toga yes.#a starting point really since it leads to a realization that ochako is jealous of toga.#*insert page 14 of chapter 393*#see how that gets a whole page of its own?#see how ochako's whole face is shown?#ochako expressing her jealousy of toga's candid nature when it comes to love is more significant here...#because that feeling is something between her and toga.#it is reciprocated.#jealousy is more significant here because toga is jealous too. of ochako. of other people being able to love and smile while she could not.#she says this on page 10 of chapter 394 and page 13 of chapter 395.#ochako becomes toga's hero by doing more than confirm she is in love with izuku.#she goes to extreme lengths to save toga and everyone around her and that is given greater importance in this moment than a confession.#as it should.#an emotional moment about ochako's love for izuku would happen between her and izuku.#not between her and toga.#basically ochako's full face is shown when her thoughts and feelings are about toga.#when she extends her hand to help her. when she tries to connect with her heart.#i am barely in the bnha fandom at this point 😂 but i do still enjoy thinking about my faves.
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marunalu · 8 months
In chapter 403 AFO tells All Might that he will pay for passing his dreams on to children and the strange thing is that his anger with All Might for pass his dream to children doesn't fit with AFO's dream of being Demon Lord so he must have a very personal reason to say that to All Might because no Demon Lord would care about children and AFO could have complained about the loss of his criminal empire but he only complains that All Might has inspired children to be heroes like him.
Yep instead of ranting how all might destroyed his criminal empire, blowing his head off and beating him again in kamino live on tv, he mentions NOTHING of that and instead is pissed about all might passing down his dreams on children. It sounds as if he is angry that all might puts children in harms way with his "unrealistic and dangerous" dreams and encourages them to become heroes, just like 2th and 3th encouraged yoichi to rebell against his brother even more which resultet in his death, but yoichi wasnt a child anymore. Afo is talking and angry about all might putting children in harms way and that doesnt make any sense, because afo doesnt care about children AT ALL!
Look what he did to little tomura, what he planned to do with touya and all the children in the orphanage as back up vessels if something happend to tomura, what was done to little tsubasa and hori confirmed will be fully revealed later in the story. Afo gives a fuck about children, so why is he pissed that all mights dreams put children in danger? He didnt say "because of you passing down your stupid dreams on children, more and more of them become heroes and get on my nerves just like you", he simply stated "I will make you regret passing down your dreams on children."
And it reminds me of what he told all might in kamino "while I killed your mentor, you took something away from me too. Thats why I want you to die in the most pathetic way possible." All might "stole" something from him, but he already told spinner that all might destroying his criminal empire was only A SMALL LOSE to him! So thats NOT what all might took from him. He mentioned nana, a person all might LOVED, so it makes sense if afo also talkes about a person that is important to him. But WHO is it? It isnt yoichi, since he died long before all might was even born and all might didnt steal ofa from afo!
And what do we know about our protagonist? That he wanted to become a hero since an early age after he watched all mights debut video, because all might "passed his dreams on to him" with his heroics. A child that is declared quirkless suspicious not long afterwards, by no one else but afos own doctor and most trusted follower, dr. Garaki.
A protagonist whos father is suspicious out of the picture for a long enough time that our protagonist NEVER mentions or even thinks about him. A father, we were told by the author himself, will play a bigger part in the story before the manga ends (and we are in the end fights).
And afo being angry about all might passing down his dreams also makes me think about that one scene in vigilantes when we see afo in his lair in which he keeps TOYS FOR TODDLERS (they dont belong to tomura, because he is already to old for them)! After he is told that all might again interfered with his plans, afo gets angry and says "HIM! Him, him him! The only constant thorn in my side." And if he doesnt sound here like someone who has to hear on a daily basis how awsome all might is and was just reminded of that again, I dont know!
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thenarator · 11 months
izuku: "this is my girlfriend ochako, and that's her girlfriend himiko, and that's their girlfriend tsu, and that's tsu's girlfriend habuko mongoose."
ochako: "this is my boyfriend izuku, and his boyfriend tenya, and their boyfriend shouto, and their other boyfriend hitoshi, and hitoshi's boyfriend neito monoma (who is not in our class but we love him anyway)."
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seagreenstardust · 5 months
I will never understand why everyone in canon calls Izuku plain. Never. He can be goofy-looking sometimes, sure, but so can everyone else. Look at him:
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He’s gorgeous. People would kill for those huge eyes, and his lashes? Plus the freckles and curly hair? This kid is anything but plain?????
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku ft. Jealous Midoriya
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All are SFW … still read AO3 tags.
Credit to @spatziline for the art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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His by sister_elric
Summary: Izuku would like to consider himself a pretty level headed individual. Sure, he had the occasional tunnel vision, especially when it came to training. And hero work. And Kacchan. But, overall, Midoriya felt as though he typically kept his cool. Well, maybe that was a stretch. But, at the very least he could understand his own emotions.
So, it surprised even him when an unfamiliar emotion coursed through him as a first year approached his boyfriend, Katsuki.
What did she want?
One Shot | Second Year au
The Way You Make Me Feel by lostintheclouds321
Summary: Izuku doesn't understand how Kirishima befriended Kacchan so easily when Izuku has always been pushed to the side. What was so different between the two of them such that Kacchan will never let him get close?
{One Shot}
Wildfire by RunningInRoses
Summary: A wildfire rages inside Izuku's head, taking his functioning brain cells with it.
He knows he shouldn't be so irrationally angry. He knows.
- - -
A fic in which Izuku is jealous over how touchy Bakugo lets Kirishima get with him. They duke it out because that's the only way they've ever known.
One Shot | SFW
dry your smoke-stung eyes by gravitates
Summary: And then one day, Shimizu cracks a joke, and Kacchan is laughing. It’s a beautiful sound, cutting through the atmosphere like something wild and carefree, accompanied by the feral grin curling his mouth. But Izuku hears it like the shattering of glass, or maybe that’s the sound of his heart breaking.
Where his body used to turn away, Kacchan is now leaning closer to her, the distance between them collapsing centimetre by centimetre as the weeks stretch. And all Izuku can think is, I want to sit with you during lunch too. I want to make you laugh like that in front of everyone too.
There's a new girl who keeps following Kacchan around. Jealous doesn't seem quite enough to describe what Izuku feels.
{One Shot}
Quirkless & Support Course Deku
keep you like an oath by gravitates
Summary: Because once upon a time, he’d dreamed of becoming Kacchan’s hero partner too, saving the world together as a wonder duo. And doesn’t everything boil down to this, the fact that he could never be that person? Camie—dazzling, beautiful, who has an illusion quirk. Izuku—plain, invisible, quirkless. It’s this line between them that determines who gets to hold Kacchan’s hand in the open, and who gets to be kept as a secret.
Whose love gets celebrated, and whose love gets condemned.
— — —
Kacchan and Izuku get caught together on a tabloid. To divert the rumours, Kacchan's agency makes him fake date Camie.
{One Shot}
Aged Up AU | Quirkless Midoriya
No Longer His (Was He Ever?) by Inkspill7
Summary: Izuku overhears Katsuki confessing his feelings to Kirishima.
Complete | 5 Chapters | Second Yr au
You belong with me by KTDKJ0LYNE
Summary: So no, Izuku wasn't usually prone to jealousy, but in this moment he felt a very ugly feeling shoot down his spine.
— — —
Or: Izuku has anxiety, Katsuki is an idiot, and Shinsou is a lifesaver.
{One Shot}
Just Friends by KittKatt420
Summary: A new hero has transferred into the agency and much to Izuku’s dismay, she's an old friend of Kacchan's: Camie Utsushimi! And she has replaced Izuku as Kacchan’s partner for not only their usual patrols, but for their summer PR event too. And when rumors begin to circulate that Kacchan is dating his new partner, Izuku can’t understand why she begins to feel so jealous- or why Kacchan begins to invade her thoughts the way he does. But the more she sees them together the more she feels like this.
Is Kacchan really dating Camie? And will Izuku be able to confront her own feelings for Bakugo and confess?
Complete | 3 Chapters
Pro Hero au | Female Midoriya
Rated - Teen & Up
Kacchan by Eternal_writes
Summary: It’s one thing for Midoriya to call Bakugou, Kacchan. It's another thing entirely for Denki to call Bakugou, Kacchan. And what shocked him the most was that he got away with it. He expected to die on the spot. He expected to explode. And then everyone else started calling him Kacchan too, and nothing comes of it. So they keep doing it, and something unexpected happens. They realize it’s not Bakugou they should’ve been afraid of. Not by a long shot.
— — —
Or the 5 times that Class 3-A got away with calling him Kacchan, and the one time they didn’t.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
"Ugly, Ugly Jealousy" by the_fanfic_addict2423
Summary: He didn’t get it.Izuku just couldn’t wrap his head around it.It wasn’t anything strange about today, another Saturday afternoon, another day of Class 2A piling into the common room of UA’s dorms for their weekend off. They could watch movies, play games, but the majority of the time they simply chose to chat about nothing and everything all the same. They’ve been together for nearly two years now and they were family. They were his family. Especially after all they’ve faced together. So, why did this strange feeling bubble in his chest whenever he was around them?
Complete | 3 Chapters | Second Yr au
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angstydisaster02 · 2 years
Shoto : Midoriya why Bakugo is glancing at me as if he wanted to kill me ?
Izuku : nothing to worry about, just kacchan being kacchan
Shoto : why does he keep staring at you and doesn’t even blinked once ?
Izuku : because yesterday he told me he’s having eyes only for me and no one should look at me, it was a joke at first then he took it way too seriously
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fawn-eyed-girl · 7 months
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Hello everyone! I'm so pleased to share my latest BKDK story: "Mine, You're Mine, and Only Mine" (Rated E) is now live on Ao3, and features art from the amazing @kalcia 🧡💚
I always love a good "Katsuki gets jealous of Izuku and someone else at a party and has to remind everyone that Izuku belongs to him." This is my take on it, and I hope you enjoy! I've included a little (vevry slightly spicy) preview for you below the cut 💖
Katsuki leaned up against the wall, sipping his whiskey, watching the crowds filter by. The music was loud, the bass causing the walls to vibrate. People paused to flash him a smile here and there, but Katsuki paid them no mind.
He had his eye on someone, across the room, who was currently laughing and being very cozy with a particularly annoying-looking hero whose dark hair stuck out every which way and whose smirk was much too smug for Katsuki’s liking. He saw the person lean into the fucking extra, and Katsuki’s instincts flared.
Mine. Mine.
But, of course, the person wasn’t his. The person was just…another person, after all.
Except that he wasn’t.
As he watched that extra loop an arm around the person who was not his, Katsuki was inundated with images: 
Of green curls, tousled and tugged under his fingers. Of emerald eyes, glassy and shining just for him. Of freckles that Katsuki traced with his tongue.
It had been a quickie, just in the bathroom at the last hero event. He’d been more than a little tipsy, and Izuku had been more than a little cute. 
Tight little body, pert little ass. Just his type.
Katsuki groaned, and took a long, languid drink. He shouldn’t be repeating himself. He shouldn’t be thinking about that night.
But now, when he looked at Midoriya Izuku out of his hero gear, and especially in a sharp, light gray plaid three-piece suit, he couldn’t help but also think about those pants around Izuku’s ankles, Katsuki’s hand rubbing over the supple flesh of that perfect ass, and then…
Katsuki groaned, downed his drink, and shifted in his pants. 
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missyaess · 1 year
Maybe Meant To Be - Fake Dating - pt.1
pt.2 pt.3
Katsuki bakugo x Jealous Reader x Midoriya Izuku
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You were all training together when the familiar uncomfortable feeling made its way in your stomach.Uraraka was a great friend of yours,always has been.Still,you couldn’t help but get angry at the way she was standing so close to your crush during sparring.Especially with the way you knew she used to have a crush on him for a few months at the start of the year.You knew it was childish so you never said it out loud,but you didn’t need to with the way you were staring daggers at the poor girl.Noticing this,Mina put a hand on your shoulder.
-Uh oh, we might find a certain floaty girl murdered tonight in her bed.
At this you scoffed and removed her hand from your shoulder.
-Stop it.
You weren’t mad at Mina,she was just trying to help.But you were so on edge you could just blow up any minute.You’ve been staring too long that Uraraka noticed you and she smiled nervously with a hand on her neck.You smiled back but dropped it instantly as she removed her gaze from yours.You honestly felt horrible but still couldn’t help it.
-I honestly don’t get you two.
Mina said as she gestured between you and Bakugo who was uncharacteristically laughing at something Uraraka said.You huffed and averted your gaze to Mina.
-What do you mean?
She laughed and pulled you closer as you two started walking away from the scene to somewhere more secluded.
-You two are always competing yet somehow you have a soft spot for each other.
You blushed and smiled at her comment.That was true and you loved your relationship the way it was.You both challenged and brought out the best in each other.You studied and fought harder just to beat Bakugo.
You were smiling to yourself when you heard a laughter and you found yourself brought back to reality.Uraraka was laughing at something Bakugo said like he was the funniest guy alive.A scowl started to form on your face.
-Hey Y/N!
You didn’t even notice Midoriya approach you two.He waved a hand in front of your face to break you out of your trance and smiled kindly.That’s what you loved about Izuku Midoriya,he had the kindest smile.
-Hi Izuku.You done for the day?
-Yeah, i was wondering if you guys wanted to study together for the test coming up.
As you talked about the upcoming tests and exams and more school stuff,you forgot all about Bakugo and Uraraka.You were thankful to Midoriya for the distraction.
-Okay,I’ll see you later then.
As Midoriya left with that,Aizawa announced that the training session was over.You all went to your dorms and after you took a shower you lied down on your bed,scrolling through your phone.That’s when you saw it.
Uraraka had posted a picture of your crush with the caption ‘best teammate!!’and he was smiling in the picture.He was smiling?He didn’t usually smile to his friends.You couldn’t help the growing feeling of jealousy in your stomach.Your heart dropped when you saw Bakugo liked it.This was it.They were going to date and you would die alone.Oh god,why was this happening to you?Tears started forming in your eyes but you blinked them away.You weren’t going to cry because of something like this.You just needed a distraction.As you were about to call Mina she called you first.
-Yeah I did,don’t remind me please.
-Girl are you okay?I can come over if you want.
-Actually that would be great,thanks.
You hung up and as you waited for Mina,you opened up the post again.Were they dating?Did Uraraka confess and he returned his feelings?You hoped this was just their way of showing their friendship and nothing more.As you were lost in thought someone knocked on your door.Thank god Mina’s finally here.
You jumped out your bed and went to open the door.When you opened the door it was not who you were expecting.
-Midoriya?What are you doing here?
The shy boy scratched his neck.
-I needed to talk to you.
-Oh,is there something wrong?
He mumbled something’s to himself while you invited him by stepping away.Sitting on your bed you invited him near you.
-Look,I kinda noticed the way you look at and act around Kacchan and I think you like him.
You were full on panicking mode.If the most oblivious boy ever knew,everybody could figure it out!Were you that obvious?
-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t-
-It’s fine!I like Uraraka-chan.
He cut you off uncharacteristically.You were shocked at his confession.Of course you noticed,but why was he saying these things to you?
-Oh…I’m confused Midoriya.
-I’m sure you saw the post she posted…With Kacchan.
-Yeah…Are you okay?
-Same as you I guess…No.
You both stayed in awkward silence for a while before there was another knock on your door.
-Oh,were you expecting someone?
-It’s just Mina.You can stay if you want.
-If it’s not a problem I’d like to stay.
He smiled and your heart warmed at his smile.He was such a sweet boy.
As you both filled Mina in on everything,she had this mischievous smirk on her face.
-Why are you so happy about our tragedy again?
You asked as Mina put her arm around you.
-Because, my dear friend, I have an idea.That involves the both of you,Uraraka-Chan And Bakugo.
Midoriya and you looked at each other before looking back at Mina.
-What is it?
-You two should date each other.
You both said in unison,Midoriya getting redder by the second.You were not much better.
-Not like that dummies!Fake dating,to get Bakugo and Uraraka jealous!
-But…would that work?
Midoriya’s question surprised you.Was he really willing to do this?Then again,weren’t you?What did you have to lose?
-Look,I think they both have a thing for you but I don’t know what’s going on between them either.Let’s try this and find out,plus wouldn’t it be fun?
You talked about the plan for an hour before Mina decided it was time for her to leave and you were left alone with Midoriya.
-So…we’re really doing this huh?
You asked to break the silence.
-Yeah…You want to right?
-Of course!Even if it fails we won’t lose anything.Right?
-Yes,of course.
Midoriya got up slowly clearing his throat.
-I better leave too.See you tomorrow.
-Yeah,see you.
You knew what Midoriya said meant more than I’ll see you tomorrow in class.It meant we’ll be dating from now on.And you were really excited to see how things would play out.
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bakugoutohell · 2 years
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Day 2 of posting my fav manga panels.
Not Setsuna Tokage in a skintight scale suit holy shitttt. And Bakugou being jealous?? And midoriya only thinking about Kacchan??? I’m weak over this one pageee
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