#lerning magic
writers-potion · 19 days
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𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫
Like many other fields, magic comes from a combianation of natural talent, determination, study and practice. Here are some ways that your character can learn, either to develop throughout the story or as a part of their backstory.
School of Magic
It may ba a school of magic for children, a college of magic, a mage academy, or even a university offering postgraduate degrees in comparative magic and magical anthropology.
Students sign up for full-time study, often on tuition-bed-and-board basis.
Depending on the type of school and level of education, students will be taught subjects that address various aspects of their magic system, sometimes even non-magical subjects.
This is where a senior magician takes one or several trainees to lern under them. The terms of the contract would vary, but the basics of it would be that the student is indentured for certain years of service in return for an education.
There may or may not be payment involved, and the appentices may live with the master.
A magician can plausibly teach themselves through research, reading, trial and error.
This is reclusive, organized, studious characters who have self-discipline and intense curiosity.
Part-Time Study
It is also practical to study magic as a hobby, and to devote only a few hours every week to training.
Many organizations offer part-time courses: community colleges, pagan religious groups, New Age societies. There may or may not be an examination/certification requirement.
Informal Learning
Non-professional magicians can pick up some skills that are passed down from mother to daughter, or a few lines of magic that goes viral among teenagers.
Candidate Selection
A magical academy's entrance exam or a master choosing an apprentice may look at the following: ability to concentrate, memory, creativity and imagination, motivation moral integrity, ability to control thoughts, patience, health, sensory awareness, natural affinity for magic, existing skills in related fields, faith and piety, etc.
When the student has passed the probationary period, he is initiated into the craft. This ritual often takes place during a solstice or equinox, or an annual event like a festival.
Some systems of magic may have several levels of initiations or degrees.
Some systems may have lethal consequences for candidates who fail to pass the test.
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sunshadow-kitten · 1 year
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traveling family <3
There's a new member in the lone wanderer AU family; Mango, the rich son of a noble joins as One's aprentice. He's lerning to fight to take revenge on the saboteur that caused the acident in witch his little brother died. One has very little expirence with people younger than him so really just treats Mango like another adopted kid.
Also LW! Purple has super long hair. (She's also been learning magic!!!)
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jaliensims · 5 months
Stardust Legacy: Generation Three
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The Sulani trip
Nyx and his boyfriend Benjamin with his two best friends Callie and Broderick decide to take a time out at the beach before they head up to college.
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The four of them enjoys their vacation with no worries at all. Just practicing their magic or lerning how to control their fury.
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Nyx and Ben took the best of that. Talking about the future, enjoying the moment.
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At the end of the trip they got a little surprise. Callie and Broderick decide to drop the idea of college to move together and raise their future baby.
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thisblogisblank · 1 year
Random question inspierd from a random idea i had.and u seam to like the celestials or atleast attmoz a lot so id like to hear ur thoughts on this
Do u think where ever gonna get a magical equibalent too celestials? When i first found out about the psychic element i was jet to get into the game but i had lerned some things regarding the lore and the such.and details like how the natural elements had a ethereal equibalent,and i saw psychic as the one for fire.and sense i have this instant intrest in anything that has to do with the idea of a entety being the enbodiment of a form of energy or element i started to think of how the celestial for psychic would look and be.and then i lerned that the celeshials where each alined to a certain month and 4 extra celestials woulnt really work.so maybe somthing like a sub category like dreamthicals and mythicals or the such would work
Yeah, you caught me lmao, I'm a huge Celestial fan :'] tho fun fact!! My favorite is actually Loodvigg, I just don't post about him as much hdhd
Anyways, yeah, I've had pretty much the exact same idea!! I've actually got a couple OCs that are essentially what you described, but I've found a workaround in AUs where the natural elements don't exist or something along the lines. But if we're talking in-game lore, maybe they wouldn't be Celestials per sé, but something very very close? And work in a similar fashion? Kinda like the Colossals and the Titans? And maybe they can correspond to something other than months, like. Planets or something idk.
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eldrichseabunny · 2 years
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I have seen some jrwi oc and saw cute jelly fish designs. I wanted to do both so I just combined them!>:3
(I sadly don’t have much pirate theme for her sad)
Her name is zoya, she is a witch that saw a pirate ship one day whit a magic user and thought that could be a fun way to lern and explore. //she just jumps on someone’s ship now and be like “I’m part of the crew now hi”
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alexhatesfire · 11 months
I just want an excuse to write about Castelo Bruxo and my excuse is: Ariana Dumbledore lives in ✨️Brazil✨️
Or Abeforth Dumbledore gave one look to Albus's new boyfriend and said "Nope" and took his little sister to Brazil.
Please be patient with my broken English, it's not my first language (since u know... Brazilian) and I should be sleeping. If something doesn't make any sense at all, feel free to call my attention to it.
This is just a setting scene and there isn't a lot being mentioned but a little of the character's backstory, if you don't wanna read about child abuse, you can ignore this and wait until I come around to write more :/
Warning: child abuse.
"...and so, I'll leave him with you," Dumbledore said at the end of his rant, making her eyes snap back at him, and before Ariana could react approximately (A.K.A. hysterics and insults), her older brother disappeared with a port key.
Her eyes came back to the little boy quietly playing with some plastic soldiers. Now (that Albus wasn't talking her ear out of pure nonsense about saviors or whatnot) she noticed his back against the corner of the room as he constantly looked up from his toys, never quite locking on her but always checking. He was little, too small if he was nearly five years old, Again she asked herself where Albus had taken him from and why he had come directly to her for this ".... I hate this family," she whispered in defeat as she got up noisily and once the child was directly looking at Ariana she made her way to him, sitting herself with some breathing room.
"Do you know how old you are?" she asked in a low soothing voice. The boy showed four fingers to her. Now closer to him, Ariana looked at his too-large, battered clothes and thin wrists. "When was the last time you ate?" This time he took longer, making a confused face before shrugging. "This morning?" he shook his head. "Yesterday before bedtime?" he shook again and Ariana had the distinct feeling she wouldn't like the answer. "Yesterday morning?" he shook again and she decided to quit before she got mad and nodded. "Does that happen often? Going a day without food? " he nodded. She breathed in the information. This child was magical, by the little of her brother's rant she heard. Abused in a bad way and her hopes of it not being critical were quickly dying. There weren't a lot of reasons for Albus to come to Brazil to look for her.
"I will get some food to you." she said in no uncertain terms, smile forced but still reaching her eyes like she lerned from years of experience. "You can stay here with your toys..." she said with a small pause, getting no reaction but two round green eyes analyzing every movement. "or you can eat at the table." the reaction was immediate with some violent shaking of his head. The woman waited for him to stop and look at her through his lashes. Ariana nodded with a smile still in place and slowly stood up. The little green eyes didn't leave her until she was out of view and inside the small kitchen.
It wasn't the appropriate time for a full meal and she doubted that would be good for the child anyway. So she cut a banana and the peanut paste she made for this kinds of situations. Again Ariana made sure to make some noise before entering his bubble and sat again on the ground with some fruits for herself. "Here it is honey, you can eat as much as you want." he looked skeptical, but when she didn't do much but watch the telly and eat her own food he started to eat quickly. Only when he finished and had some tima to breath she looked back at him. "What is your name, honey?"
"Freak." God she wanted to cry but she kept on smiling even if a little sadly. "That can't be it, honey. Im sure your name is as beatiful as your eyes." He looked at her strangely. As if somehow she was touched in the head and somewhere inside Ariana felt like laughing hysterically.
"Anyway." she continued. "What do you think of a bath?" it was obvious he wasn't confortable with the idea, but the climate was hot and he was obviously uncomfortable with the sweating. Again she got up and this time offered him her hand. He looked hesitant but accepted anyway, looking longinlly at his toys. "You can take them with you." she offered kindly and he smiled a little at her, quickly gathering his little soldiers.
The bath was difficult and not because the boy was troublesome, that would definitely be the better option. Under the oversided old clothes were inumerus injuries old and new that almost made her unravel at the seems. She was used to abused children, her healing training being focused on that, but that didn't make it any easy to see this small child flinch at every movement and relish in every soft touch to his hair. She was quick to put some salve on his injuries and she could have cried in relief when a diagnostic spell showed the abuse didn't go to a sexual side of things.
By the end of it, the child seemed to trust her enough to shyly ask to be held and Ariana used to opportunity to take him close to her chest in the most tender hug she ever gave someone. "Bedtime, honey," she said softly into his hair, getting out of her bathroom and towards the bedroom beside hers. It might be early, but the boy was tired. She tucked him in, careful of allI just want an excuse to write about castelo bruxo and my excuse is: Ariana Dumbledore lives in ✨️Brazil✨️
Or Abeforth Dumbledore gave one look to Albus's new boyfriend and said "Nope" and took his little sister to Brazil.
Please be patient of my broken english, I should be sleeping and my grammarly isn't working. If something dosen't make any sense at all, feel free to call my attention to it.
This is just a settling scene and there isnt a lot being mentioned but a little of the caracters backstory, if you don't wanna read about child abuse, you can ignore this and wait until i come around to write more :/
Warning: child abuse.
"...and so, ill leave him with you." Dumbledore said at the end of his rant, making her eyes snap back at him and before Ariana could react approximately (A.K.A. histerics and insults), her older brother disapeared with a port key.
Her eyes came back to the little boy quietly playing with some plastic soldiers. Again she noticed his back against the corner of the room as he constantly looked up from his toys. He was small, too small if he really was almost five years old. ".... I hate this family." she whispered in defeat. She got up noisily and once the child was directly looking at Ariana she made her way to him, sitting herself with some breathing room.
"Do you know how old you are?" she asked in a low soothing voice. The boy showed four fingers to her. Now closer to him, Ariana looked at his too large, battered clothes and thin wrists. "When was the last time you ate?" this time he took longer, making a confused face before shrugging. "This morning?" he shook his head. "Yesterday before bedtime?" he shook again and Ariana had the distinct feeling she wouldn't like the answer. "Yesterday morning?" he shook again and she decided to quit before she got mad nodded. "Does that happen often? Going a day without food? " he nodded. She breathed in the information. This child was magical, by the little of her brother's rant she actually heard. Definetly abused in a bad way and her hopes of it not being critical were quickly dying. There wasn't a lot of reasons for Albus to come all the way to Brazil to come looking for her.
"I will get some food to you." she said in no uncertain terms, smile forced but still reaching her eyes like she lerned from years of experience. "You can stay here with your toys..." she said with a small pause, getting no reaction but two round green eyes analyzing every movement. "or you can eat at the table." the reaction was immediate with some violent shaking of his head. The woman waited for him to stop and look at her through his lashes. Ariana nodded with a smile still in place and slowly stood up. The little green eyes didn't leave her until she was out of view and inside the small kitchen.
It wasn't the appropriate time for a full meal and she doubted that would be good for the child anyway. So she cut a banana and the peanut paste she made for this kinds of situations. Again Ariana made sure to make some noise before entering his bubble and sat again on the ground with some fruits for herself. "Here it is honey, you can eat as much as you want." he looked skeptical, but when she didn't do much but watch the telly and eat her own food he started to eat quickly. Only when he finished and had some tima to breath she looked back at him. "What is your name, honey?"
"Freak." God she wanted to cry but she kept on smiling even if a little sadly. "That can't be it, honey. Im sure your name is as beatiful as your eyes." He looked at her strangely. As if somehow she was touched in the head and somewhere inside Ariana felt like laughing hysterically.
"Anyway." she continued. "What do you think of a bath?" it was obvious he wasn't confortable with the idea, but the climate was hot and he was obviously uncomfortable with the sweating. Again she got up and this time offered him her hand. He looked hesitant but accepted anyway, looking longinlly at his toys. "You can take them with you." she offered kindly and he smiled a little at her, quickly gathering his little soldiers.
The bath was difficult and not because the boy was troublesome, that would definitely be the better option. Under the oversided old clothes were inumerus injuries old and new that almost made her unravel at the seems. She was used to abused children, her healing training being focused on that, but that didn't make it any easy to see this small child flinch at every movement and relish in every soft touch to his hair. She was quick to put some salve on his injuries and she could have cried in relief when a diagnostic spell showed the abuse didn't go to a sexual side of things.
By the end of it, the child seamed to trust her enough to shyly ask to be held and Ariana used to opportunity to take him close to her chest in the most tender hug she ever gave someone. "Bedtime, honey." she said softly into his hair, getting out of her bathroom towards the bedroom beside hers. It might be early, but the boy was obviously tired. She tucked him in, careful of all the injuries she remembered. "Stowy?" he asked, that hopeful shine in his eyes again that she could never refuse even if the only childrens book she had was a portuguese version of Alice in wonderland.
For that night, Harry Potter slept soundly.
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thiamaty · 1 year
Idea N° 3
When Harry is 4 he runs away from the Dursley's and their cruelty by acidentaly aparreting to a forest where he meet it's inhabitants, the forest folk(like the ones from celtic lore). They decide to raise and turn him into a female to hide her from the likes of Dumbles, and activate the magiks of her bloodline (Ashryver, Black, Peverell) and she change to her fae heritage with the Ashryver eyes(but on this story they don't need to be turquise, but they have the gold ring and the peculiar caracteristc of being anusual colors, like eletric blue, icy blue, silver, purple, violet, avada green, vivid green, toxic green, and other if you want). She lerns with them for years until she decided to travel at the age of 8 or 9 around the word, living with nomade wizards in the desert, in Mexico with the wiccan, in Egypt, Japan, Brazil, China, India, France, Spain, for 2 years learning their culture and magic ways. At the age of 10 she begins to spend 1 yers at diferent magical schools(10: Mahoutokoro, 11: CasteloBruxo, 12: Uagadou:, 13: Durmstrang, 14: Beauxbatonx). She continuos to travel during her breaks and meet Bill Weasley in Egypt, considering him a good candidat for her harem, caus she needs to revive the Ashryver clan and provide heirs to the other houses to, hers and her husbands, I like to think the Ashryver as a matriarcal clan where she needs strong, inteligent, loyal, and magicaly powerfull husbands with magic compatible to hers. At Durmstrang she meets Vikto and explaind to him that the simbol Grindewald chose is actualy the Peverell family coat of arms, he ends up geting interrested in her. She goes to Beauxbatonx after that and Madam Maxime kind of adopts her. She and Viktor meet again in the word Cup, where she met Bill's family and has a confrontation with Ron but is very polyte to the rest of the family. She and Viktor talk. After the Tri Wizand begins and she goes to Hogwarts where during the year she met Cassius, Blaise and Graham (and why not bring Regulus back at Samhain), she also met Hermione and Ginny, thoug if its in the cup or in Hogwarts it' up to you just like their interaction. The boys are good candidates to and very compatible with her magic. During Halloween when the champions are selected Harry Potter name still comes out of the goblet, Dumbles said that since he nerver atended Hogwarts someone, maibe him or Crouch Jr., is traing to find him, cause when he didnt answerd the letter Hagrid went to find him but Petunia said he disappeared ages ago, they searched for him but never found anything. The rest is up to whoever chose to use this. Harry's new name: Alina, Rhianon, Etoile or some star/contelation name folowing the Black family tradition with ashryver as surname. Aperence: tanned skin(for the time in the desert), green eyes with the gold ring, black hair, very beautifull, like can compete with Fleur, but kind of a wild beauty. Personality: like the sea, she can be gentle and loving and warm, but alsou changing and harsh and untamable as the sea. She is a suporter of the old ways but with a few changes.
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sim-jaeyun · 2 years
Ich interessiere mich viel für koreanische Musik. Wie ich schon am Anfang des Blogs geschrieben habe, beeinflusst auch dies meine Entscheidungen und Gedanken.
Erst mal kommt eine kleine Einführung in das Thema.
K-Pop. K steht für Koreanisch, P steht für Pop-Musik. Logisch ist dann, dass der gesungene Text auf Koreanisch ist, trotzdem stecken ein paar englische Wörter und Sätze drin. Es gibt mehrere Genre: Rap, Soul, R&B und Pop. Diese Musik ist sowas wie eine kulturelle Bewegung die das Leben der Jugend in Südkorea möglich stand beim Fluss. Die erfolgreichste südkoreanischen Boygroup BTS hat es 2018 geschafft als erste koreanische Band jemals den ersten Platz der Album Charts in den USA zu belegen.BTS ist die erste Gruppe dich kennen kennen gelernt habe und ich bin da auch froh drüber. BTS hat 2013 ihr Debüt gehabt und sind jetzt schon seit neun Jahren gemeinsam. Eine Sache, die BTS so berühmt macht, ist ihre Nachricht an die Fans, die sie Army nennen. Love Yourself. Und diese Nachricht kommt erfolgreich bei jedem Army an. Das einer der vielen Gründe, warum sie über 40 Millionen Fans haben. Sie haben so viele Lieder, und in jedem dieser Lieder ist immer eine Nachricht an Anni zu finden. Zwar sind die Nachrichten indirekt, aber wenn man sich den Text anschaut, kann man sich öfters mit ihm identifizieren. Das ist auch bei mir der Fall. Die Lieder, die ich mir für diesen Blog ausgesucht habe, sind einmal "Lost", "Path", "Love myself" und "Magic Shop".
"This is too hard, is this path right for me" ("Nan neomu euryeoun geol i giri manneunji") sowie "Because I know this path is mine to take, even if I go back, I will reach this path eventually, I will never lose my dream" ("i giri bunmyeong naui girinkka, doragado eunjenga daheul tenikka") sind aus Lost. Diese paar Zeilen verdeutlichen mir immer wieder, dass, egal was kommt, ich trotzdem auf irgendeine Art und Weise meine Träume verwirklichen kann bzw. mein Ziel erreichen kann.
"Would I have changed? If I had chosen a different path. If I had stopped and looked back. What will I get to see at the end of this road" ("nan dallajyeosseulkka dareun gireul taekhaessdamyeon, meonchwoseo dwidorabwassdamyeon, nan mwol boge doelkja i gire kkeuteseo") sind auf Path. Das hier hat die gleiche Bedeutung für mich so wie in dem Lied davor. Auch wenn ich den falschen Weg wähle, lerne ich immer wieder dazu, ich wachse aus meinen Fehlern und bin in der Lage, mich nächstes Mal besser vorzubereiten beziehungsweise nächstes Mal eine bessere Entscheidung zu wählen.
"The me from yesterday, the me from today, the meat for tomorrow" ("eojeui na oneurui na naeirui na") ist aus Love Yourself. Dieser Text sagt mir, dass, egal wie ich mich entscheide, dass ich in einer Art immer noch gleich bin. Die Person, die ich gestern war, ist auch die Person, die ich heute bin und die ich morgen sein werde. Egal, welche Entscheidung ich treffe, man lernt zwar aus den Fehlern, trotzdem bleibt man in jener Hinsicht gleich.
"When I hate being myself when I just want to disappear forever, I open one door and there I was in your heart. If you open the door and come in I'll be ready for you there. It's okay to believe, I'll comfort you Magic Shop" ("naega nain ge silh-eun nal yeong-yeong salsjogo si-peun nal, mun-eul hana mandeulja neoui mam sog-eda, geu mun-eul yeolgo deul-eogamyeon i gos-i gidalil yeoya, mid-eodp gwaenchanh-s meol wilohaejul Magic shop") ist aus Magic Shop. Nicht nur für mich ist BTS ein comfort place, also ein safe place, in dem man all seinen Sorgen freien Lauf lassen kann. Dieses Lied macht mich, auch wenn ich den Text nicht immer verstehe, wirklich sehr glücklich. Es zeigt mir, dass, wenn ich das Gefühl habe, dass niemand für mich da ist, sie trotzdem für mich da sind.
Es gibt nicht nur BTS. Exo, TXT, Enhypen, Ateez, StrayKids, Got7, SF9, Treasure, Seventeen, Tempest, P1harmony, Astro, BtoB, TNX, TheBoyz, iKon, Victon, Cravity, Pentagon, MonstaX, BigBang, NCT, Shinee, The Rose und noch viele mehr. Dies hier sind jetzt alles koreanische Boygroups. Sie entstehen beispielsweise aus einer Survival-Show. Es gibt aber auch Gruppen, die aus Mädchen bestehen. Da kenne ich auch ein paar. Black Pink, Red Velvet, Itzy, IVE, Twice, Kep1er, (G)I-DLE, Everglow, Girls Generation, Aespa und noch viele mehr. Logischerweise gibt es auch Solisten, zum Beispiel Eric Nam, IU, Hyuna, Jessi, etc. Der Hype um K-Pop wird momentan immer größer.
Es ist kein Spaziergang, ein K-Pop Idol zu werden. Zuerst ist man ein Training, man hat ein starkes strenges Training dass man über sich ergehen lassen muss, um es in die Gruppen zu schaffen. Es ist typisch in Korea, dass sich die Männer schminken. Vor allem die K-Pop Idols. Es kommen immer wieder Kommentare von den Leuten, die sich noch nie mit dem Thema befasst haben, weswegen diese dann den ganzen Hate der Fans kriegen.
Man findet am Anfang in den Gruppen seine Lieblingsperson, seinen "Bias". Der Bias repräsentiert die Person. In BTS hat mich zuerst Park Jimin sehr stark angesprochen, mit der Zeit jedoch Kim Taehyung. Irgendwann findet man in jedem Member der Gruppe einen Teil von sich wieder. Das gleiche gilt für Enhypen, TXT, StrayKids und Ateez. Man kauft die Alben der Lieblingsgruppen, sammelt ihre Photocards, Poster, Sticker und man wacht sogar um sechs Uhr in der Frühe auf, wenn sie ein Comeback haben.
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flfnd · 3 months
16. März. Heller und blauer Tag draußen. Dicke Schicht von Regenflecken auf den Fenstern; werde sie bald saubermachen müssen und freue mich auf die Aussicht, die sie dann bieten werden. Brunch im Dagon. Später geübt. Fühle in letzter Zeit stärker, dass alles zusammenkommt, dass die Geschwindigkeit, mit der ich neue Dinge lerne, zunimmt. Und überhaupt, die schiere Menge der Dinge, auf die man seine Aufmerksamkeit richten kann. Später Gym. Später die neuen Magic Fallout Decks gespielt, die J. fieberhaft gleich beim Erscheinen gekauft hat. So glücklich über die neuen Spielmechaniken, so glücklich, dass ich einem Commanderspiel von vorne bis hinten einigermaßen folgen konnte.
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mrskillingjoke · 1 year
OK so a friend of Mine made me do Look "the owlhouse" with her.
Here is my conclusion 'till season 2 Episode 5 (I guess):
It's nice to watch.
Nothing I really need but for a lazy day it's a perfect series.
Yes, it's full of clichés. But also you have nice Messages all over and the characters are cute and worth it.
Also it's gay and I Love it!
The series also kinda reminded me of a Harry Potter fanfic: A "normal human being" coming in a total new world full of new Things and Magic. They wanna lern everything about it.
- Luz is Like Harry → she gets a teacher and a "pet". Found two new Friends who are also outsided Like her, she gets Special treats (Like being the only one in every magic class), have an opponent, which Turns Out to be good and have a crush on her.
- Amity would be Draco → I have Seen this in drarry fanfiction... Literally the Same plotline.
- Em and Ed are the Weasley twins.
By the way, my favourite Characters are: King, Emira&Edric and the Principal.
I mean King is literally an reinforcement of Bill cipher but with Amnesia and without His Powers and less insane. And yes I know I kinda think this Thing because of His voice, but it's Impossible for me to Not think about Bill cipher whenever I hear him speak. Also He loves death and Violence and is still anxious about it, which is literally me.
As I already Said Ed&Em are the Weasley twins. They Joke around, literally adopted the maincharacter and annoy their Younger sibling. They are Just great and I Love every Scene they're into.
And the Principal is also fantastic. He is relatable, sassy, have dry Humor, got attached to His students, Likes to have harmless Revenge, He can lose when He gets defeated and He is logical. Also I Like His demon-hat-palisman, it's really fancy.
So my conclusion: it's a good series, Worth to watch, when you have this Sense of Humor and Not being annoyed by clichés etc. The Characters being written good and relatable and it's cute.
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thaiamulets-co · 2 years
[ad_1] :This amulet is for wealth,Lucky,Protection, rich and good luck attraction.Full Magic Power for Good luck, More acquisition, More wealthy,High protection against all evil, High protection against all dangerous from Accident and Weapon,and Other as requested. ::::Power Of Buddha : Life protection, Power, Wealth, Prevent Dark Magic and Evil Spirits, Danger Obstacle cease, Attraction lucky and money, Give merciful, without poor, Triumphantly, Loving Kindness, Harm proof, Avoid from danger, Change Bad Luck to Good Luck, Bring Prosper to Business, Bring Lucky and Happiness, Wishes be Fulfilled. :::Thai Buddhist Amulet Power Can Help And Improve More Better Your Life To Do Anything Smoother And Easy . Help The Owner More Get Better Anything That Your Wish And Hope . Help And Protection Owner Change Bad Situation To Good. Department ‏ : ‎ Thai amulets Date First Available ‏ : ‎ July 17, 2014 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Luang Phor Tuad Amulets Collection ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00LVUGF8O Phra Luang Phor Thuad Phim Lern Samanasaak made & blessed by Thai Famous Monk at Waat Noi Nopakoon Temple, Be 2557 Phra Luang Phor Thuad Be 2557 by at Waat Noi Nopakoon Temple Bantkok,Thailand Primary Material:Nawa & Mixed Magic Materials Come with Original Box Set [ad_2] https://thaiamulets.co/lucky-for-life-and-protection-amulets-thai-amulet-phra-luang-phor-thuadtuadtwadwaat-chaang-hai-temple-phim-lern-samansaak/?feed_id=6050&_unique_id=63680ad0d2562
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tarithenurse · 4 years
God of Sarcasm - Challenge
Pairing: Loki x reader Content: Cussing, negative criticism/demeaning, violence/fighting, death, fluff. Maybe some innuendos and hinting towards sex but nothing explicit. A/N: I’m rolling around in wonderful challenges and this is a one-shot to a brilliant challenge by @serpienten​. Due March, sure, but I once I got the idea (based on a dialogue prompt which is highlighted in the text) I just had to write.​
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The blue sparkles flare from your fingertips to condense into a blossom. So pretty. The light flickers as soon as your mind gets distracted by the appearance of the magic. Desperately summoning the Focus within, you try to re-establish the flow and sustain the illusion, but in your rush, you cause the blossom to flare up in an explosion that sends you hurling backwards into the mound of pillows strewn about for just this reason.
“Tsk,” the cold voice utters beyond your closed eyes.
Gods, you hate that sound. Day in and day out you have been training under the condescending yet watchful eyes of Loki at this cottage far from anyone and anything. Ever since your parents realized your skills, they have pestered the Avengers to take you in, train you. Well, Superheroes are busy. Rather than have Wanda or Doctor Strange become your mentor, you are stuck with a pompous bastard on parole.
“Get up!”
At least he can’t see your eyes roll behind the lids, but you know delaying the inevitable will only make him worse to be around, so you get onto your feet. How much longer today? It feels like you have been stuck in the barren room for ages…unfortunately the clock on the wall claims it’s only been a few hours.
“I expect more of you,” Loki sneers, “a simple Illusion yet you manage to mess it up? At this rate you will never even master Projection!”
You bite your tongue, not wanting to say anything he could take the wrong way. Sure, the others claim that he is good now…better safe than sorry, though.
Okay, calm down. A slow inhalation to fill your lungs before exhaling through your mouth in a carefully controlled pace which you follow with your arm as you stretch it in front of you with a bent wrist, fingers delicately pointing to the floor. Flower from earth. As if stirring slowly, you imagine holding a seed between you fingers to soak up the energy around it needed to grow (here, you flip you palm up to present the still invisible seed). Grow and glow. The words aren’t an incantation but simply a way to remember the movements, and again you feel the tingle of magic connect each outstretched finger and condense into the flower from your dreams. You do not dare to look at the result.
“Finally. Keep holding it,” Loki hisses.
You can hear your own breathing and the soft whistling from the air conditioning. There’s no hint of what the greasy-haired maniac is doing. Probably about to scare the shit out of me. You have half a mind to drop the magic and look for him…problem is it would make him insult you for the millionth time and you really aren’t sure how much more of it you can take. The only option is to keep calm and allow the Focus to survive anything Loki will throw at you.
Despite stalwart resolution, the Illusion falters and fades when the building shakes from an explosion and something heavy barrels into you. You try to get your bearings amidst scattered pillows, dust, and the green cape Loki insists on wearing. The Asgardian has thrown himself at you to shield you from the blast without a care for the shrapnel.
“Why did you do that?!” Your voice is shrill with anger and shock. “There’s a billion ways to test my Focus but tha-?!”
A cold hand clamps your mouth shut. Green eyes with a hint of red give you a onceover before scanning the surroundings. “This was not my doing, pet.”
You nod demurely. “Mm.” Wait, pet??
“Now be quiet.”
It’s not like you have much of a choice with his hand still covering almost half your face. That’s when you realize just how the two of your are positioned, chest to chest as he sort of straddles you, but because he still has worried about covering your legs…well, pelvis to pelvis is also a way to get to know someone.
You don’t have time to worry about it, though. A creaking, groaning noise of tree splintering makes both of you look up to see the ceiling caving in. Without thinking, you grab hold of Loki in the hopes of rolling both of you out of the way. With a crash a mass of debris and limbs lands where you just were, and the god is off of you with his daggers magically appearing together with his full armour.
He deflects the spear flung from the dust cloud, returning the greeting with a steely weapon of his own. You see what he does next only because he has shown you each part of the gesture that calls forth a host of clones of him and you perched on any surface of the place. Why not just…lock them up with magic? In the heat of the moment your brain forgets what class of magic Loki excels at until the laughter of the intruder makes your skin crawl.
“Trickery won’t help you, snake,” the voice cackles, “I see through your lights and smokescreens.”
You can make out the shape of a man most pro wrestlers would be envious of.
“Then make a move,” all the Loki’s in the room cajole.
The ground shudders by the weight as the enemy leaps into action, lunging to the left at the last moment. Steel meets steel, proving that he faultlessly has picked out the real Asgardian even though you were fooled (which in reality isn’t unheard of because the asshole loves to mock your lack of skills by showing off).
The man is partially naked, the broad chest exposed to display a blond patch of hair and a few scars from injuries that with any fairness should have killed him. His trousers are not unlike those harem pants that were all the rage (again) a few summers back but tied together around the calves before disappearing in a pair of heavy boots. Whoever this guy is, he has faith in his own abilities. Regardless, the attack is a glancing blow, allowing Loki to slip sideways in an attempt to skirt the attacker.
“Impressive.” Of course Loki still sounds mocking but he drops half of the Illusion, leaving only the copies of you milling around.
You get the hint. Leaping into action, you mimic the imagined crowd in the hopes of being harder to target.
Too bad it doesn’t work.
As if in slow motion, the attacker grabs the horn on Loki’s helmet, yanking it harshly backwards and causing the normally slippery guy to go flying into a wall that absolutely isn’t an Illusion. Meanwhile the intruder has continued the spin to his advantage – using the momentum he hurls the spear towards you. It’s only a perfectly aimed knife that saves you even if the larger weapon skewers your sweater and pins you to the floor. Heart frozen in your throat, but speed back to normal, you try to get free by yanking at the oversized “nail” with sweaty hands. No good.
The men are in each others’ faces again, both formidable fighters using the surroundings to their advantages. Still, it’s an unbalanced match because the slimmer of them keeps trying to draw the opponent away from you, forcing the enemy to have his back towards you. The enemy has no one to protect. His jabs and sweeps are methodical, each step countering the effort Loki makes to keep you out of the danger zone.
He can’t keep going like that! Bitter realization sears your stomach.
Wiggling and twisting, you crawl out of the sweater and onto the knees where instinct takes over and brandishes your hands in a flurry of weaving movements. Blue sparks shoot from the fingers, forming a rope as they speed towards the unidentified enemy and snake around his wrists. You feel the pull from him through the conjured restraint and have to use physical strength to hold him back.
Focus! Squeezing your eyes shut, you fight to follow all the instructions Loki has been drilling you with. There’s a grunt of surprise.
Must…use my…Focus! But the magic breaks, leaving you tumbling backwards once more.
“No!” Shooting back up, your breath stops at the sight of the two men apparently embracing each other. “No…no…”
Only a fool would think they actually are hugging. Did he…? If the attacker has managed to kill Loki, then you are done for too, and your heart screams with a million fears as the naked arms let go of the smaller man. Crap. But the man goes limp, sliding to his knee with the groan of the dying. Loki, now visible, pulls out a blade from between the ribs.
“A Conjuration…” Unreadable eyes study your face and hands before returning to the situation before him. “I’m impressed.”
As if. Turning to find an intact pillow, you feel the bitterness well up. Loki doesn’t give compliments. Loki doesn’t praise efforts, only perfection, and the attempt to bind the attacker had not lasted.
Yeah, well…I’m proud. “Even though that’s dripping with sarcasm, and definitely isn’t genuine, I’m gonna take it.”
“[Y/N]…I push you because I know what your potential is, and I have faith in you.” Somehow, he’s come to stand right in front of you, hands clasping your shoulders gently. “I mean it. You are amazing and it’s because of your magic that I could strike him down.” Oh. “Thank you, my dear.”
First pet and now dear? And he…?
Nothing makes sense, least of all when the Asgardian tilts your face up by your chin and kisses you hesitantly. No logic. Only a warm tingle, but this time it’s in your chest and has nothing to do with magic and you find yourself giving in to it.
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platypusplayhere · 3 years
i really hope you learn to care and love for your natural hair
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yuhi-san · 2 years
I really meant to write something about darius and hunter meeting again before the next episode (but of course i didn't) do i just want to put this out there before the episode airs tomorrow.
I like to think that darius knows hunter is a grimwalker. Like, maybe darius mentor figured out some things and let darius know before he was killed (so he knows what is going on & to maybe help him stay safe) or darius started digging after the likely suspicious death of his mentor.
Grimwalker are stuff of legends or straight up extinct accotding to hunters books in labrynt runners. So belos comment on how hunter 'looks the most like him' also implies that they are not actually identical.
So with that obviously the thought that there could be a grimwalker among them would never occur to anyone. But if you know what to look for, its easy to mark hunter as one.
So with knowing darius is a rebel, was close to the previous golden guard and with what hunter lernt in hollow mind he might try to subtly gauge just how much darius knows. Naturally without giving himself away.
Of course darius sees right through him and goes: "trying to figure out if i know you are a grimwalker?"
Hunter probably wont know how to react besides being shocked. Darius is rather unimpressed with the whole thing. He knew for years how hunter (as well as his mentor) came to be.
They are not carbon copies. Hunter very much does not have the kind of personality his mentor had. He is clearly scared and rattled after his trip to belos mind. And while the way he was raised made him blind for what was really going on, it took a mere day of being at hexside and making friends to go against what belos likely wanted.
Even after lerning his life was a lie and that he was artifically created, hunter wants to live (on that note i love that this was his reaction rather than losing his will to live). And then he finds it in himself to fight for others and against the emperors coven even though he is clearly still afraid.
Hunter makes choices of his very own, he is not a puppet controlled by belos. He has a distinct personality and strong emotions. Hr wants to do good and the right thing. He had a strong moral compas (and belos did everything to make said compas useless by denying hunter any chance to know how to use it/understand it).
That's choice and agency and feelings and character traits. That is what makes a person a person. Not wheter they were born, hatched from an egg or made from magic.
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merlinsmushrooms · 6 years
{{omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg omgomgomgomg}}
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Darksiders and Slavic Mitology
War:  His first meeting with this culture must be start from friend or S/O who is slavian. He is not much interested in Slavic music, unless It’s something like Wild hunt (Dzikaje Palavańne) or Agressive/Ttrap Slav music. Wait till he learn about mitology and monsters/demons in it. He want to fight them all and asks for a locations. The only one who can be spared being a demon is Leszy, because he is neutral for human and everyone- not hurt you if you be treat forest with respect. 
Death: He is old and know little about Slavic Culture , but from his slavian friend or S/O he can learn much and being constantly suprised from how much they have demons ( Leszy the neutral demon,  WTF?!). He found himself asking more and more questions about tradicions, folclore, dances, tradicional meals ect. Sometimes his slavic companion can niclnaming him Veles ( the God of Underword in Slavic Mitology) and playfully asking “ So hov things are going in the land of Gods?” to Dust whenever bird is sitting near them ( We believe that birds are messengers between Gods and Humans). 
Strife: He spend more time between humans as one of them but not enough time to learn about salvians. What mean that when his friend of S/O from Slaviic country start randomly talking about their culture Strife must asks questions, especially about mitology. Of course when he learn about some of Slavic celebrations his slavian could randomly wake up 31 september with Strife saying “ Happy Dziady Y/N!” with a big smile on his face of in the first day of Spiring he come to them with the big Marzanna doll made from hay and saying something like this “ Come Y/N let’s burn this winter bitch and say hello to Spring” . In contrast to War he be looking for Leszy and try to bestfriend him. Absolutly adore the nickname you give him- Yarylo ( God of Spring)
Fury: Same to War she be looking forward to kill of this demons from slavic folclore but in opposite to her young brother not let even Leszy alive( shame on you Fury). When it comes to cuuture she be absolutly losing her mind over slavic outfits and when her friend os S/O show her some of dances she try to lern them on their own. She be looking for a books about Slavic magic and try to learn them on her own ( if her friend of S/O is  engaging in magic they could learn her). 
Ulthane: He is fascinated in humanity but learning about slavic culture can  make him even more in ave than ever. Every free time than he have with slavian he spend at learning about something new about Slavic culture. When he learn about all of this demons in mitology he be even more shocked- slavs have so many demons everywhere: in their homes, in their yards, in water, air... Be absolutly losin their mind in some sytuiation. Example: Y/N want to go for a walk but it’s noon and Ulthane grab you and saying “ No! Are you crazy?! What if Poludnica got you?!” ( Poludnica- female demon who is in noon at the yards and killing everyone with her hook who is in yard in that moment)
Azrael: He is fascinated with Slavic culture and making notes and asking so many questions. Don’t blame him, because he had never a chance to meet someone from Slavic culture before, and thinks that humans have only one culture. Shoving him some of Slavic tradicional outfits he be in ave examining every part, when slavian show him some of tradicional dances he try learn some and when it comes to folklore well after that part when he find himself i the forest he try to be as silent at it is possibke and try not to  step on any of herbs to not making Leszy angry.   
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